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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1904)
TOE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JANUAKY 3. lfOI. 16 SPECIAL NOTICES AaHrliirmruii lor ! itilnBini rill e taken audi 13 m. for the Tea I a edltloa and natll "KH p. ns. far Borilit a ad Soudar edltloa. Rates, 1 l-Jie a word Aril iaaertloa. la a ward thereafter, ftotalns tabea far lesa taaa tor tlia flrat laser. tlan. These advcrtUementa moat he rum eoaaeraltTel). Advertlsere, by rrqgftllnf a aam. bared check, can amneri ad. stressed to a nambered letler In care f The Bee. Aasvrers ao addressed will he delivered oa presentation of the heck only. MISCELLA. KOI S. WINTFR TFRM MORAND'S dancing school Begin. nt t week t.i January. Adults Tueauay and Friuay K p. in. 'ilcket good ., i; iauie . iy, nth, i p. m.i for 12 lessons, uentlcmen Children b, turners Baturuay advance, i p. in.; ai lessons $lu; 12 lessons Two dollars will bu deducted trum above prices un ail tickets sold on or before Januaiy . Call Ijtu unu llailiey, or tele pnone i(Ml. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL, OK SHORT HAND ANO '1 ft. HI 1 1 NO. 716-7W-71S NbW lOitlv Lif e. HL.DQ. A specialty school ot siiorliiauu, type writing and office practice. This is a, se lect school and aonuts only Uiose whose character, education and iiuip.h (or oiiico Work make it probable that iney cull suc ceed aa stenographers, its students are tilling the pest positions In the country trom amanuenses to court reporters. The darns nd for its stuuenls is tar beyond tho supply, making positions certain to all who are Qualified for them A free trial week Is given, at the end of Which. If satisfied with the school, and sat- XZiSF.ZtilSSSi vKr",ior probaWa If lor any reason students wish to leave the school money for unexpired time will be refundod. Payments may be made by the montn. Please call before tying up your money Where you can neither get li back nor se cure satisfactory instruction. t .WANTED Inventors, patenters and Me chanics, and everyone Interested in pat ents ana inventions to send lor our in ventors Uulde; I his i.0-puge hook sent free: contains full information imout pat ents; how to obtain a patent; what to In vent for profit and how to sell a patent; this elegantly printed book sent iree to any adores. O'Meara & Brock, Patent Attorneys, t:u inn si. N. W., Washing ton, D. C. R S41 Sx SPECIAL For a limited time we will lit you with a guaranteed pair or. spectacles lor ii. Don't miff this chance. C d. opticians, US JN. lttin HI It iM PERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; Weber, cstorey at Clara, cuuwlg, Schiller. R-M349 EAGLU Loan ollice. Kellatiie. accommodat- lug, all business couiiuuiiUui. 1MI Douglas. sit) EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 4i M. loth. 'lei. Uu. It dil HERE is a' i nance to get a pair of shoes which ure unexceled at any price. Onl mod. $350 iu.a Z.UI. Kegtiil Shoe Co., 2U6 b. loth ciu Hii'U MONEY loaned on all valuables. 418 N. 18th 11 173 fh mrrAr Get relief; corns removed. niivywy ur. Itov r M ltl05 Farnam. R 244 TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lose. Good work; p.uiupi attention. ;at . loin. lei. it. H-8,6 COLE-M'KAY COMPANY, UNDERTAK- no, nut wnpitoi ave., tel. Vi. K aid READ! H EEDl SUCCEED! ( HAVE ROOT PRINT IT. I A. 1. ROOT. Inc. V a 12th, 'Phone 1604. K M2J4 RrpaH Strictly Homemade; potato yeast. u,tu Delicatessen. 1806 Farnam street. COLD crowns from 13: nilinza from fttn- t of teeth, V, teeth extracted free. Onion wuwu wo., uu uougias, room 4. R-378 ACCORDION plcstlng, cheapest, best, Quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th Douglas. Hum P. MELCHIOR, machinist. 13th & Howard. R 381 CARPENTER work wanted In exchange for new buggy, surrey or carpenter wagon 1KV) fur.!.. I A ..A .,,)..... ' STRONGEST in the World." The Eaulta- able Life Assurance society. Its policies are sight drafts at maturity. 11. D. Neely, manager. Merchants National oans, oiug., vinana, 4eu. H MM POULTRY SUPPLIES UUery & Co.. 1011 OMAHA. Hay Bale Tie Co.. 811 N. 16th SL R 3&1 H1QN iialnUng. B. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. K-t73 aVLIi kinds of carpenter work and repairing vwwifii Miwum iu, i, uchtnrce, CVUft UU UILW sts. R SI70 JACKDAW WHISKEY PURE RYE, lil YEARS OLD; BEST FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. CACKLE Y csswa.. wuoi vnnj AND CAPITOL AVE. Ovy WERa, 121 N. 16TH M31S D31 KEF LIN. locksmith, $0 N. 16th. Tel. 2974. U M4S6 tiuiiiiuniun Dnr reparrecs by ma- ciupBrjri ui siuca usea; soles, 40c, 60c, sewed 75c; ladles', 5c; sewed. 60c; heels. , bjc. zoo: rubber neeis, 40c, 809 N. 16th Tel. 2974. Shoes called for and delivered; MEDLAR PRINTING CO.-224 8. 16th St. . K 394 J13 f HOTU8, latest mountings, finest work. special rate or $3 on cabinet pictures. lg iNurm flta bu xt 499 Jig It. O. smith, successor to McVea A diiim, uiuuiuius aim nesting, lis N. loth Tel. 8092. Prompt attention given nil wora. R M728 Henry Be doesn't keep stationary, at 1616 Farnam st. He sells It R-241 I'CU KXCHANGU. ALL OR PART of valuable U. B. patent to ezciisngv tor uiiuuig luutn. a JUiner, all N. 16th. Z1U .WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. Hchmoiler at Jducuer. tar nam tit. Z-4KJS roR EXCHANGE Fresh cows for dry ones, at &iw junea ave. z, i FOR EXCHANGE $20,000.00 equity In fine 640-acre farm, two miles from good rull- road town. In Becker county. Minnesota. to exchange for good clear city income property mat win near investigation; im provements on farm cost over $li.00u.O0. Box 170. Lake Park, Minn. K 254 3x I HAVE TO EXCHANGE for property In Omana ana council mum; 1000 acres In Kearney county, Kan., unlnv provea rancn. 10 acres In Mitchell county, Kan., im- tiroved farm. 160 acres In Taney county. Mo., Improved farm. ICO acres Cheyenne county. Neb., unlm proved rancn. 160 acres In Antelope county. Neb., unlm n roved farm. G0 acres In Knox county. Neb., Improved r. h jml farm. 160 arres In Mtrrlck county. Neb., Improved farm. 160 acres tn Valley county. Neb., Improved rtrm. $,f acres In Buffalo county. Neb., Im proved rancn. 120 acres In Brown county, 8. D.. unim proved farm ana rancn. Half Interest In small wholesale business, bis oronts Bome are clear, some will assume. List v.iur exchanges with me for results. II. 8 GATES. 131$ Howard St., Omaha. rieo. I HAVE In Omaha and Council Bluffs, to exchange for land $ houses, 8 rooms; $ houaes, 7 rooms;- 1 houses, 8 rooms; house, t rooms, all close to car line. rna-ihlrd Intsreat in $30,000 ranch, all atockad. mostly rattle. Three-fourths In terest in mfg. busim-Hs: big profits; staple article; Investigate. Home are clear. wm - will assume. List your exchanges with me for results. U. B- GATES, 1311 Howai St., Omaha, WASTED MALE HELP. , 1904 MIDWINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Opens Tomorrow, Jan. 4. BUSINESS COURSE Bookkeeping, rapid calculation, business arithmetic, pen- mansmP spelling, office drill and aence, Dusiness practice, Dusiness customs, commercial law, practical grammar. SHORTHAND PITMAN, GRAHAM, REVISED GREGG SHORTHAND' TOUCH TYPEWRITING, mimeographing, indexing, letter fil ing, spelling, penmanship, letter business correspondence, punctuation, language lessons, NIGHT Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. H. B. BOYLES. President. MEN to learn barber trade; frte railroad late upon our failure to convince you oi this being tne HET, largest and only reliable, most practical barber college in this sec-lion ot the country: write for catalogue today. Western Barber's Insti tute, uiuaha, neo. nv4 WANTJiD Two agents at once; good sal- ary; city work. c. . Adams Co., ihm llowaid st. B 464 WANTED For U. S. army, able-bodied, unmarried men. between axes of ill and 8o, citizens of United States, of good charac ter ana temperate habits, vno can speaa, read find write Enalish. For information apply to recruiting officer, 161 h and Dodge fcts., Omaha, and Lincoln, Neb. a Mit AVANTED First-class sausage maker and meat cutter. One-half Interest in mantel for sale. C. W. Letchford. 607 S. Main St., Council Bluffs, la. B-M881 WANTED, men everywhere, good pay, to aistrioute circulars, aav. matter, iaca signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M194 3x WANTED, experienced grocery clerk In every town in Nebraska to handle our business. Fine proposition. Good pay. No capital required. Address Grand Union lea Co., omana, iseb. o ziu i WANTED, a good all around harness maker. W rite Babson-Dlckman Implement Co., Beward, Neb. aM3Ui tt YOUNG men to prepare for firing locomo tives on an railroads. f iremen average $t5 monthly and become engineers, aver aging 116. Good health, sight and hearing required. Bend stamp lor particulars. Railway Association, station B 40, Brook lyn, N. Y. B 236 ax WANTED Industrious person In each state to travel Tor house established eleven venrs and with a lame cabltal. to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profitable line; permanent engage ment; weekly casn salary oi 2 ana an traveling expenxes and hotel bills ad vanced In cash each week; experience not essential; mention reference and enclose self-addressed envelope. The national, 334 Dearborn St., Chicago. B WANTED, at once, experienced office help and skilled men of all trades and profei- i sions. irooa pu&mona uurn. unnea bureaus, xsew iora iire iag., Minne apolis, Minn. B DETECTIVES Every locality; good sal ary; experience unnecessary: permanent positnn. American Detective Bureau, Cincinnati. O. B 237 3x DETECTIVE8 Every locality; good sal ary; experience unnecessary. interna tional Detective Agency, Milwaukee. Wis. B-236 3x WANTED Everywhere Men willing to dls tribute samples, tnck signs, etc., at $3.00 dailv; permpnent; no canvassing. Conti nental Distributing Service, Chicago. B-266 tx WANTED Men to learn barber trade. We have the best opportunity ever offered; can earn expenses before completing. Start now and finish for spring rush. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas st. B M278 8x MEN to sell the Dollar Diamond Rasor Hone and Strop combined; something new; send'IOc (stamnfrt for anmple hone and stron.' Diamond Dick, 1843 O St.. Lin coln. Neb. B-240 3x $10 WEEKLY copying letters home; sta tionery and Instructions free, rcnterprise Co., 60 Broadway, N. Y. B-261 3x WANTED White porter on private car "Haverlv." Apply w. sr. miey at noya s theater Sunday. B 266 8x WANTED Two traveling men advertising and collecting for Nebraska; salary hj monthly from the start and all expenses; steady position to right party. Address Mirr. Travelers, 202 Pontlac Bldg.. Chi cago. B 300 3x $18 PER WEEK and expenses to a hustler to distribute samples ana couect ior migr. In Nebraska; expenses advanced; salary paid weekly. Advertising Dept.. 702 Star Bldg., Chicago. B 301 Sx WANTED Manager for branch office for Chicago nrm; 81. sou yearly, inciuaing com mission, also all office expenses; $200 se curity required. Address W. Langton, Sec, 858 Dearborn St., Chicago. B 291 tx AT ONCE We can recommend a position; salary, $1,000 $6,000. Address Musiness oppor tunity Company, 1 Union Square New York. B-3il 3x WANTED, a practical manager for job printing house; give references; state ex perience and salary expected. Address Box 506, city. B 310 8 EARN a better salary and position; study electricity, mecnanicai engineering, tei erraphy, at home, by correspondence. Thousands successful. Thomas A. Edi son Indorses Institute. Book "Can I He come an Electrical Ens-lnepr?" mMled free. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER INSTI TUTE. New York. B wavtrtv salesman who calls on depart mont nnrl notion stores, to carry a siue lin- reurtv sellers: arond commission: stMe territory covered. Address Room 69. 1118 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. B 843 Sx WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED A second girl; apply at once, loai d. aotn ave. -i GIRL WANTED for general housework. 2217 Douglas. c Ma f. (A J, 1 I , a11 , m. 11.1 . J avuovwu.n. ' 1 WTl'H nl.l tnm bah -a I knn...rl. Uerman or American preferred; good wages. Apply at 2010 Blnney st. C-M176 S WANTED, a girl to do plain cooking. The CT.che, 19th and Harney. C M19Z 4x WOMEN and men to raise mushrooms In cellars and barns; spare time; good pay Send addressed envelope for year's con- tract. Combined Growers, Temple Court, iNcw xork. c ax EXPERIENCED girt for general house work, ii.j liurt st. t Mils bx GIR1 Housework. Mrs. Pritchard. 21 S. 31tt ave. C M203 LADIES Most profitable home work. $9 to 816 weekly. Material free. No canvassing. HteHdy work. Send stamped envelope. surety to., i. nicago. c 2M fx LADIES to do piece work at their homes we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Bend stamped envelope to ru.jai tjo., 34 tu. Monroe St., Chicago. C 282 Ix WANTED Traveler for South Dakota ter. rltory; salary $xo per month. Address WAJITKD-MA1.E HELP. banking, business correspon- COURSE - press copying, manifolding, SCHOOL New York Life Building, Omaha, Neb. RE- WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or electrical facial treatment. We have the best opportunity ever of fered; can earn expense before complet ing; four weeks average time. Call or wrlttt today. Moler Barber Coller. 1302 Douglas St. C M267 8x LADIES iH to 115 paid weekly, doing plain sewing at home; experience unnecessary: material sent free everywhere. Send stamped, addressed envelope for particu lars. Weber Manufacturing Co., 1135 Broadway, New York. C 268 3x LADIES $30 rr inn writing letters from copy; stamped, addressed envelope. Occi dental Wholesale Co., 182 State nt.. Dept. 65, Chicago. C-273 3x LADIES to make simple lace work at home; unnecessary to purchase outfit; frood pay! send addressed envelope for icautlful sample and Instructions. Palma Mfg. Co., 126 Liberty, New York. C 259 3x $9.60 WEEKLY Plain sewing; experience unnecessary; outfit free. Oriental Co., 375 Broadway, New York. C 260 3x ACTIVE Catholic lady work at home; $36.00 frnld for 12 days' trial; permanent If sat nfnetory. John Engwall, Lakeside Bldg., Chicago. C 205 3x WANTED Lady representatives In every county In Nebraska; good salary; stendy position. Address with reference, Man ager, 925 S. 14th St., Lincoln, Neb. C-339 3x WANTED SALESMEN. SALESMEN on road with established trade among restaurants, druggists, saloons, etc., to sell our beer, ale, porter and tem perance beer ' on commission. Keeley Brewing Co.'s Branch, Kansas City, Mo. i!4 i CAPABLE SALESMAN to cover Nebraska with staple line: high commissions, with advance of $100.00 monthly; permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. 243 3x WANTED, salesmen; $10 monthly and ex penses; permanent. Herrick Seed Co., Rochester, N. Y. 218 3x SALESMEN Automatic Copying Books, Business Records, Loose-leaf Ledgers and many other specialties. Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend, Ind. SALESMEN Side line; small sample; stan dard article; liberal commission. Trojan Mfg. Co., Sta, V, South Bend, Ind. 238 3x WANTED Experienced specialty salesman for Omaha to sell special line to dry goods, millinery and department store trade. J. W. Breen, Cotton Exchange Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 246 Sx WANTED Experienced dry goods and gen eral mercnanaise salesman; muxi u a hustler and furnish best of references. Apply In person. 301 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 199 SALESMEN side line; can make $25 to $50 per week handling our up-to-date line of Advertising Fans, special and exclu sive designs no one else can offer them; samples ready, light and easy to carry; apply at once. The Kemper-Thomas Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio. -ao ax SALESMAN wanted, to carry as side line corsets and waists, extensively advertised; liberal commissions. The Sahlln Co.. 41 Fulton St., Chicago. 277 3x SALESMAN capable of earning $5,000 a year, staple line. High commission con tract. Expenses advanced. Plan Insures large sales. Box 608, St. Louis, Mo. 279 Sx WANTED, experienced traveling salesman ror i)4; position permanent to rigni party; references and bond required. Ad dress Drawer S, Chicago. 280 3x HAVE best high-grade staple side Una an market: out-chased extensively by depart ment, dry goods, furniture and general stores; samples weign l 10. ; Tree to reg ular salesmen only. Standard Mfg. Co., 62 State st, Chicago. 270 3x TRAVELING salesman for to sell all clases retail trade; business fully established; high-priced men Investigate. F. R. Jen nings, Sales Mgr., Detroit, Mich. -264 Sx SALESMEN WANTED Stocking season Just opened; liberal listings; exclusive or unnecessary; a six months' harvest for good men. Klnloch Point Co.. St Louis. 302 3x CIGAR SALESMAN WANTED Cigar salesman In your locality for city and country trade: exnerlence unnecessary: $i0 per month and expenses; Inclose stamp for particulars. Pioneer CltsaT Co.. Dept. 74. Toledo, O. 298 Sx SALESMANSHIP A monthly magailne In- d snensable to salesmen and employers; $1.00 year, sample 16c; January number Just out; representatives wanted. Aa dress Salesmanship, Meadvllle, Pa. 299 Sx WANTED Two more salesmen for 1904; direct from factory to merchant: no scheme. Address A 17. Bee. 297 Sx SALESMEN WANTED By well rated con cern: poriular staple; new man averaged $90 weekly this fall: season now opening and liberal datlngs: no samples neces sary exclusive or side line. Mgr. Lander, 610 Pine. St. Louis. 292 Sx SALESMEN calling; on dealers and manu facturers can make 828 to per week earning our goods on the side; samples can be carried In the coat pocket. Fair fax Refining Co., Cleveland, Ohio. !03 Sx FARMS. FOR RENT. 20 ACRES FRUIT AND GARDEN. WELL IMPROVED. 7 Mil. EH WEST. JOHN N. FRENZEH. OPP. OLD P. O. 2223 What Do Yoa Know About Spelling? Prices Joy finding the most mis- spelled words in our want-ads, BEE ADVERTISEMENT ON PAGE 7. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WINTER OF THE Omaha Commercial College BEGINS MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4. . NEW CLASSES IN BUSINESS DEPARTMENT. We start now classes In all Business Branches tomorrow to students. We can locate you nicely. NEW CLASSES IN SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING This wlM be a splendid time to begin this course. We can give you the finest system of Shorthand obtainable and aseure you of a good position when you become competent. NEW CLASSES IN TELEGRAPHY. There Is a gTeat demand for telegraph operators. Our graduates are placed rendlly and at good salaries. You can learn tele graphy In a few months. Begin with us next Monday. NEW CLASSES JN PENMANSHIP AND PEN ART. w employ the only professional penman In Omaha and It will pay you to bo un der his tuition. NEW CLASSES IN OUR NIGHT SCHOOL. Monday night, January 4, we start new classes In our Night School In Bookkeep ing, Arithmetic, Penmanship, Grammar, Spelling, Shorthand, Typewriting and Tele graphy. We will give you three months for $12 If you enter next Monday and you can take any branch desired. WINTER TERM OPENS MONDAY, JAN. 4. Next Monday we open our Winter Ter m. A large number have already enrolled. It will pay you to spend a few months wit h us. Call at College or write for free catalogue and full particulars. Address: ROHRBOUGH BROS. Telephone 12S9. FOR KENT FCHK1SHED ROOMS. Room at the Dellone Large, light and airy tuoma, and up tier mouth; too and up per day; steam leated, electric lighten, private and gen eial baths; tlrat-ciass servioe. 14th and Capitoi ave. K M71 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th Chicago. K cDMi DEWEY European hotel. Uta and Farnam. NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha bteam -Laundry, 17W Leavenworth. 'Phone A-1710. K am O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. E-3S9 ELEGANT front roon; steam beat. lu( Capitol ave. K Um NICE south room, modern. Tel. A-1U78. $06 8. 26 th. E M6U2 $1.26 PER WEEK. Doran Houso, 422 S. 16th. K MS64 ROOMS, furnace heat 316 N. 15th. tel. 1834. E MD GO J 8 FURNISHED rooms Lacota, 1611 Howard, K 143 NICELY furnished double parlors, single or ensuite, gas bath, steam heat, tel. 1623 Douglas. E M337 COZY front room, $2 per week. 1717 Web ster st, E 456-J16 VIENNA European Hotel, 1011-15 Farnam St. Fine rooms; ladles' cafe; private dining rooms. Open all night. E out NICE furnished rooms. $24 N, 16 tn. E M607 THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam sts. E 763 FOR RENT A nicely furnished south room all modern; private family. 2519 Jones st. E-M867 WARM, desirable rooms; first class loca- ' tlon. 24 .f arnam. e aii4 jax NICE furnished, warm, south room, with board, for gentleman; private family; references. 1105 Park ave. E 208 8x THREE elegant furnished rooms, single or ensuite; all modern; steam heat Tel. B-21U9. 2234 Farnam st, 2d floor. E M328 4 FURNISHED rooms, steam heat. S213V4 N. 15th st Flat L. E M346 6x TWO nicely furnished rooms, Bteam heat. 2234 Farnam St. Tel. 2203. E-M344 9 FURNISHED Douglas st. rooms. steam heat. 1615 E M346 6x 3 CHOICE rooms, light housekeeping, 1201 Douglas. E 219 3 FINE room, hot water heat. 1616 Web ster st. E M 307 4 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Furnished Rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th & Chicago. F 74 J THE ROSE, good board. 2020 Harney; warm looms, F M664 UPTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport F-728 ROOMS with board; modern, steam heat, also table board. The Dresher. 602 B. 16 ih. F MAI J 10 8UITF rooms, lBt floor, single rooms; hot and cold water. M err lam, 26th and Dodge. F-M994 ROC KA WAY, 1316 Douglas. Meals, Uo. F M200 FOR RENT Large well-furnished front room, all modern, with board: also good table board by day or week. The Dresher, 602 So. 16th st F 443 LARGE front, south room suitable for two and good board. 2406 Cass. Tel A2593. F-945 8 FOR RENT, steam-heated rooms with board and use of telephone. "The Hill side." 102 N. 18th St. F 959 13x LARGE front room, steam heated, In most desirable part of the city; excellent board. 2616 Farnam St. F M 825 6 MODERN room, gTOund floor; suitable for two; furnished or unfurnished; with the best of board, In strictly private home. 627 Park Ave. F M217 WANTED ROOM AND BOARD. YOUNG man with good references desires room and board, private family, walking distance; state price. Address A 30 Bee K223 Sx DANCINU ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' New Academy, 2424 Farnam, Adult beginners, Mondays and Saturdays, 8 p. m.; assemblies. Wednesdays, 8:30 p. m.; children beginners, Wednesdays. 4 p. m., Saturdays, 2 p. m advanced, Satur days only, 4 p. m. 'Phone, F-1871; res., A-1871. -7M MORAND'S, 16th and Harney; adult begin ners, Tues. & FrL. 8 p. m.; children, bat.; assemblies. Wed. Tickets for lessons sold at a reduced price this month, good until used; private lessons daily. Tel. 104L 64 J7 DRESSMAKING. MRS. CABB, dressmaking, 1910 Dodge jrt. M906 J28 IN families. Mis Sturdy, $09 N. 23d. M-308 F2 WASTED FEMALE HELP. TERM accommodate new 17th and Douglas 6ts. FOR RENT STORKS AND OFFICES. FOR RENT building suitable for whole sa.e purposes at 916 Farnam, 22x90, four stories and llrst-class cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C, C. Rosewater, sec retary Bee Building Co., room lOu, Bee building. I-M667 FOR RENT, storeroom and basement in good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; power furnished if required. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents, ground floor, Bee building. 1 M794 S-STORY and basement, 22x100; 1006 Farnam St Inquire 314 First Nat 1 Bank lildg. I 40J FOR RENT, three upper stories In four story building at 916 Farnam Bt, two stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water. Bec'y., Room 100. Bee bldg. I M9SJ Building for Wholesale or Warehouse Purposes. 1414 Harney St., 33x120 feet, four stories and basement, electric elevator, steam heat $250.00 per month, GEOKGb & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam tit I-M62S J3 BACK COPIES of THIS WEEK'S ISSUES. containing ads of The Mis-Spelled Words, May be obtained at The Bee business offlca 2C PER COPY. For 'Rent At a Bargain The large double store In Bee Building, formerly occupied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co. 46 feet plate glass front, the only one of Its kind in Omaha, Excellent location fcr men's furnishing store, shos store, Jeweler, milliner, eto. Every tenant of the Immense Bee Build ing, City Hall, Court House and New York Life Building a pos sible patron. For further particulars, sea MacCarthy Tailoring Company 304-306 So 16th St FOR RENT Store room 26x120 feet; best location In the liveliest countv seat In southern Nebraska. Address 415 6th St., Falrbury, Neb. I Mi36 J4x 8TORE ROOM FOR RENT. 1C15 Howard st, temporary location H. J. Hughej, grocer, $d0 per month. GEORGE tk. COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St. I Ml 85 15 WANTfaiD SITUATION1. YOUNG man desires place to work for board while going to school. Boyles Col lege. Tel. 1984. A 889 PLACES for students to work for board while attending Nebraska Business col lege, Boyd theater. Tel. 2435. A M174 4 WANTED By young man of good and steady habits, position as clerk or book keeper In wholesale house or bank; five years' experience, good penman, accurate accountant and capable of doing all kinds of office work; wish services to be In line for advancement. Address A 18, Bee. A-200 Sx WANTED Position by an experienced dry goods traveling salesman; position in city as city salesman for dry goods or notion house; beet of references. Address A 21, Bee. A 320 3x ALL-AROUND printer wants position; would lease; write stating terms. Austin Baughman, Ellston, Ia. A M220 4x BUSINESS CHANCES. PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS secured or fee returned. Bend model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability. Send for illustrated GUIDE BOOK and list of inventions wanted; fin est publication Issued for free distribu tion. Contains valuable Information re garding natenta. trade marks and conv- rlghts; how to obtain and sell them; 10) mecnanicai movements, etc. ratents se cured by us advertised free In the Patent Record. Sample copies free. Address Evans. Wllklns ft Co.. Registered Attor nays, 603 F St.. Washington. D. C. Y WANTED Partner wltf fw hundred dol lars; advertising proposition in the World s fair, tieorge Ureen, Room 8, Hotel Dellone, city. Y 321 3x When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes sn extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw tne a a in id nee. nilES CHANCES. SHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO.. 723 N. Y. Life Pldg., Tel. 49. LTPT YOUR PROPERTY WITH I S AND WHITE FOR OI H NEW JANUARY BULLETIN OF BUSINESS CHANCES AND EXCHANGE LIST. $14,000 Dairy farm, 125 cows and milk de pot In large western town; sn.ip. $ $.000 Hrlck store, Omaha; trade for small fnrm near city. $ 1,600 l-'niine store. South Omaha; rent $J2.u0; trade for general merchandise. $ 8,000 -room modern dwelling; trade for furm. $ 8,000 Two cottapes, rent $29.50; trade for furm $ 1,800 Two small cottages Cuming st, trade for merchandise. $ 3,600 Three cnttnges, South Omaha, rent $K; trade for Improved farm. $ 8,200 I'in acres In Antelope county; trade for merchandise. $ 9.600 40 acres Rock and Brown coun ties; trade for e. Neb. land. $12,800 320 acres Howard county; trade for elevator or coal business and some cash. $ 6,400 160-acre farm Royd county; trade for merchandise or city rental prop ertv. $ 6,720 IfiO-acre farm Republic county, Kan.. trade for city property. 320-ncre farm York co., trade for small farm nnd cnh or city property. 6.T0-nc-re farm Platle co.. Neb., S miles or Omaha rental property. north CnltimhUM, splendidly im proved; will trade for gen. mdse. 650 Furniture 20-room hotel, Washing ton counly Neb. 1,000 acres Buffalo county land; trade for TTlflHP- $ 8,000 Gen. mdse., Ciign co. ; trade for land or timana retu.u property. $ 6,000 Rook and stationery stock, Oska- loosa. la ; irane tor city resiaencr. $10,000 Hen. mdse.. (lulhrle co., Ia., take V. value In So. Dak land. $ $,500 Stock of hardware. Valley CO., Neb., business; sen cneap. $ 6,000 Stock of mdse Fillmore co., sales per montn; traue it nrm m Fillmore or Thaver counties. $ 4,750 30-room brick hotel, electric lights, city water, oatn, witn new lunuimo In good lunctlon town on main line H. & M. R. R., about 100 miles west of Omaha; fine opening for hotel man or would take good house and lot In Omaha. 7KI acres near Huron, S. D., fine Im provements, 200 head cattle and horses, land valued at $25 per acre, being market price at which land Is selling, owner wants to move to the cltv. Will consider exchange for good Omaha rental property; land Is all Hear and If necessary will nut In additional Hear land If prop erty requires additional land or money for difference. Four ncres ground on Belt line R. R Omaha to exchange clear for ele vator In eastern Nebraska or west ern Iowa. .... .... 127 500 A large 3-story pressed brick bulld- tnir consisting of stores and flats. nil clear, to exchange for good clear nrv tiYvk MORE EXCHANGE TROPO S1TIONS THAN WOULD FILL A NEWS oni WBITH US DEffTRIPTION OF WHAT YOTT HAVE TO EXCHANGE AND ASK FOR OL ll TKAIJU ""gijg g A Genuine BARGAIN If taken at once. One of the lead ing family hotels of Omaha, modern in every particular. Full of first-class guests; best of reasons for selling; strictly cash proposition, no trade considered. Address A 14 Bee. Y-962 s FOR QUICK sale or trade. In CotinrJl Bluffs, best located, best assorted, clean drug stock; modern fountain and fixtures; ehenn rent, lona: lease, or can be moved; want land or Income city property at cash value. Address A. B. isooie, nomourg, la. Y-847 x FTTCHANOES of all Kinds. To buy or sell a business or exchange metchandise for a land or city property, call or write enoies Armstrong Co.. 721-8 N. Y. Life. Tel. 41. Y M793 WHEN you wsnt to buy, sell or exchange any property or business quick, see J. It Johnson. 843 N. Y. Life. Y-384 For Quick Sale. In Omaha. A good, substantial business with a well established trade, in splendid location, which has never paid less than 25 per cent on investment; worth $2,000; will reduce stock to suit purchaser, or will sell the different departments separate at from $4,000 to $8,000. This will bear the closest investigation. Address, A-2, Bee Office FINE Business for Sale Annual sales $25,. 000; net pronts, is per rani, eavui la quired, $000; it's a snap. Address Y 1L Bee office. Y-161 tSO.OOO.OO to Invest In legitimate money making business. What have you to offer? Address, Y 63, Bee. Y-MStf-Sx FOR SALE, a good confectionery and sta tionery store, small expenses, big profits, growing city of 5,0u0. Address AUBee. SEND NO MONEY, hut nrrtta in for full Information regarding an absolutely safe Investment that is now paying 24 P-T cent niviaenus anu win pay more. A. L. Wlsner & Co.. 82 Broad way. New York. Y 23j dx "I Trust You" $20.00 earned $200.00 a month for a year; no margins; only $20 required; something out of the ordinary; can Invest in your own city, handling money yourself; after prof its are realized I trust to your honor to remit small percentage; write me. M. S. Howard, ll0 Monroe st., C hlcago I CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS, no matter where it is or what It is worth; send de scrltitlon state price and learn how. omces "and spsclil representatives In 6 cities W. M. OSTRANDER. Home Offlte' 148 N. A. Bldg.. Philadelphia. FOR SALE Meat market, boarding house and confectionery combined for $3,6uO. either caah or on time with good banka ble note. This business Is for sale, not for rent This Includes stock and all. En quire of Julius Bchroeder, Gretna, Neb. iv,d .dir t.? on R E NT 16-room hotel In town of 1.200; good location; building In excellent condition. Address Burlington Hotel, Fairmont, Neb. Y 250 3x FOR SALE $12,000.00 stock of general mer chandise In town of about l.tXO popula tion; rich farming country; people mostly fierman; good established trade; stock a rA In first -elms condition: will sell right; would consider an exchange for good NenraKa lanu i opportunity to secure a first-class busi ness in fine location. J. A. Smith, Hum phrey, Neb. V-249 3x YOU can earn an average of $ per cent ....iiu r.n vour monev. For full Par ticulars address Green, Room, 64, 128$ Broadway, New York. Y-42 Ix BUSINESS CHANCES, V) CO c I o 3 C o c o I CO W L () c u C 15 h CQ rt a JZ H 0) o o 3 o fcSb a L S e..S co r oo to CO C 'co 3 X5 00 CO CO C 3 . co 03 txC T3 r 03 U U 03 13 15 2 Y-S38 SX BUSINESS BARGAINS. H Int In gold mining claim and large Int in ro. owning othor half, Laurenua Co, Patent on lmpd. portable door securer. $2,609. Established dental practice," outfit and of fice furniture, Sefnia, Ala. $i,W0. Pat on Improved bicycle lever. $.'0,800. Patent on imnd. vine mmnnrt tiiiO Finely furnished hotel, yuajiah, Tex; $15,000. i'mihj practice ana ollice lurn,, Bowie, Tex. Bicycle, sale and repair bus. and stock. ppnngneia, mass.; est bus.; big profits. $1,200. Sanitarium property, 8-r. house, J fine min eral springs ana lots, Colorado Springs. $J6,000. Dental practice and mod res.. St Louis. Bakery and confectionery bus., fixt, horse, wagons, eta, Jbasuiampion, Mass.; est trade. Finely furnished hotel and lot, Iehanon, Mo.; well patronized; splendid location. $40,000. Restaurant property and bus., Mtn. Lake, Minn. $1,600. Complete mfg. plant South Ploux City, Neb.: est. mfg. bus. on royalty. $a).(.mn. Foundry and machine shop, Everett, Wash., lor mrg. saw mill, mining and marine equipment. Complete printing plant and bldgs., Park rburg, Pa. ; in good condition; est bus. $9,500. General mdse. bus., stock and fixt., hldg. and lot, Waterloo. N. Y.; splendid loca tion, $7,000 bldg., stock 60 per cent of cost. Bakery, confectionery and restaurant bus. and outfit, Lake Providence, La.; est. bus. $1,200. Grocery bus., stock, fixt., Belle riolnn. Ia. Resort property (46 a., with 8-yr. lease), near Provldenoe, H. I., overlooking Nar- rogansett bay. $25,000. Complete flouring mill, Kansas City, Knn. Hotel and H a., Joneshoro, Tenn. $4,600. Copyright, plates, copies on hand of hook on hair treatment; est. reputation. $r,oo. Sanitarium, bath house and 6 lots, iinlin lshed hotl and 6 lots; 40 a., containing 6 large mineral springs. Cascade Springs, S. D. $36,000. Valuable gold mining claim, abt. i a.. Bold Mountain, Gilpin Co,. Colo.; shaft 763 ft. deep. Meat market bus, slaughter house and 3 a. land, Ida Grove, Ia. $1,600. Clfcar and tobacco bus., Vancouver, Can. $3,600. General mdse. bus. and stock, Conneaut, O. Grocery and meat market bus., stock, fixt, etc.; good Ia. town. $5,000. General mdse. bus. store, 2 lots, stock and fixt. Joneedale, Ia. $8,000. Undertaking bus. and outfit. Black Run, O. Photo bus. and outfit, Humboldt Ia. $1,000. Physician and surgeon's practice and res., Caddo, Tex. $2,600. Flour and grist mill, brick dwlg., office bldg., etc., Wllllamsport, Md. $H.0OO. Planer mill, carpenter shop and lumber yard, GlfTord, Idaho. $5,000. Int In established medical practice (Elec- tro-Hydropathlo Institute), Indianapolis, Ind. Patent on lmpd. drawer attachment. $5,000. 73-a.. farm and Int. In flour mill, near Gladesprlng, Va. '$7,000. W. M. OSTRANDER. N. A. Bldg., Phila delphia, Y-248 3x MERCHANTS, do you want to reduce your stock? Do you need money? My sales system conducted on premises by myself Is big success. Ralph Strauss, care Despres & Co., 193 and 196 Van Ruren st., Chicago, I1L Y 304 3x T- FOR SALE First-class Brunswick-Balks bowling alleys In thriving western town of So.Ouu, paying well. Address A 19, Bee. Y 206 3x CLOSE CORPORATION-Composed of De- iron ana naginaw capitalists, manufac turing staple article, with English and Amerioan trade established, desires con nection with competent man to superin tend force of travelers and manage state, department; compensation, $3,0uo; refer ences required. Address Secretary, Box 644, Detroit Mich. Y INVEST $26 or more In $5,000 syndicate oil wen; 14.000 subscribed, pronts l,000 dally. Bank reference. Willis Whltaker, Sour Lake, Tex. Y-287 3x WE NEED a business associate with $1,000 to invest in a good opening. write or call. Klllen-Wamer-Stewart company, Herman building, Milwaukee, Wis. Y-283 Sx FOR SALE Drug store In eastern Ne braska town 2,0o0; only two other stores; no saloon; Invoice shout $J6,"), paying over $200 profit per month. Address A 16, Bee. Y-265 8x FOR SALE OR TRADE Jewelry stock and fixtures best town southeastern nn. ; low rent, good location. Address for particu lars, H. VV. Howe, Humboldt, Neb. Y-263 Sx INCREASE your Income profit on each $100 Invested during month of December: send for annual statement. J. H. Ward & Co., Suite 40, 169 Broadway, New York. Y 262 Sx BUSINESS CHANCES. List your exchanges to get results with H. 8 GATES, 1313 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. Y 316 3 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY-Retall sales men In clothing or gents' furnishing goods who have a large personal ac quaintance and ambition to start for themselves need not be handicapped on account of lack of capital If first-class references can be furnished. We started successfully ninety last year. Address Lock Box 270. Chicago. 111. Y FOR SALE First-class dairy. Address T. F. Olllan, South Omaha. Y-M&4 6x THE BEST opportunity In existence for the Investment of small and large sums of ldl money where It will produce a larsa and steady monthly revenue without rlsifV or loss and principal beck on demand. ' For full particulars address W. H. Lat imer, 413 Walnut Bt, Philadelphia. Pa. Y-242 Sx Manager, o. 14th sc. Lincoln, Neb. tX fie, Xr-eis