rue omaiia daily dee: Saturday. January 2. mi. 5 TEACHERS' SESSIONS E5D orptira t rnar CLmos'iot 0-r.fielu lb FnacipiJ Iear.i af the Dj. K.MKY PUT ill Thl DAY SIGHUUINS rinlml r"awler K i ifi n wit Isrle fart af tkr Dr wad Rwvtlae Oevwpt-a h Hmtaiff. From KtBfl iCnrresiiotident ) LINCOLN. Jan. 1. tRpecial. With the address of Ir. Juira H. Cn!i.--ld of Colum bia university, formerly tlnrj"elloT of th abrssse mat university, at St. Paula church toniglit. the thirty-eighth annual lata teachers' meetrog rani to an end. 11 in considered hy all to have been one f the best, the most harmonious and the moat enjoyable In the history of the as sociation. Tbe enrolment lam night mi 1.ST7 iM late today we 1I. hut thoM who will enroll this evening In urder to xiear Chancellor Canfield and those h w-IH enroll even after the session Js over la order la ret their names on the record. St la bettered '"111 be of sufficient number le make lite attendance reach that of last 2 ear, 1.NH0. The meeting u remarkable. If lor no thrr reason, because of the elisence of tuylhlng tike strife and conflict insofar sls the election of officers was concerned The matter of cutting down etjiensee w-a accomplished with Uttle trouble and left rancor ao far a heard from The lam day was noticeable for the particularly eurnng Jirue-rama arranged and the rooej tluna. one liald In the office of the rtale .ujffrintenuent and the -other In honor of Chancellor Cantleld. Tula Inst ws given 1 r the teaclicra of the public schools and the univereliy faculty lrom 4:n to 0:' e clock In Memorial hall and hundred took advantage of the Oceanian to jiey their re fjwia to a former Kebrasfcun. , BWB-crlmeaSeat fm lcr iteHm. The "at home" given by Superintendent Towler attracted a croud from early In lbs morning until late lu the afternoon, lur. Fowler was ajmlfited In. receiving by ilra. Foaler-ani these: Mr. and airs. J. 1 JricBrlen. Mr. and Jars. 1 C. Harnly. Mis Jui.nis 1. A dame, Miss Edna I. Bullock Anu Mica Daisy L. lutx. The rooms of the superintendent were taatefully decorated with cut flowers and Americas flags Punch waa served by Mis Llama. iJown the hall from the superintendent's emus the office of Adjutant General Culver a lavorlte visiting plaue for the teach ers. On of the lntereacing war relics that Attracted Uiuch wttentlor waa a flag that t at on time wcved over the American aauouuia in me xnuijipuies. i nn, wun other liaga, had been aent to the lalanda by the Uraiid Array of the KeouhUc and had been Jiresented by Captain Culver te the natlvea. he ragueatad l. L pua lb return of Cap tain CuKer to the United Btatea th na uvea re-i.reentd the fine u him. In It liad baen worked try tha women of tha lalanda tha name of Oia prtnrtnce 1a which Ilia achoola war looatad and tha date of the presentation, Deoembar O. U00. Nearly mM of tha stbor ofhoes In tha atate house War closed. Tba tutylum. tha jenltentlary and the tata turm were 4bjecta of aa much In ter eat aa the state bouae and matt' teachers visited aiu (X thme. At the penitentiary tha prisoners again gave an entertainment la tha Afternoon and evening. Governor .Mlosey waa prewenl at the afteriioun en tertainment and taok dinner at the priauu. Ba-attaw ( (.),. Xotwithatandliig the record of the unlvei auCf" Ijut iuui i.tsum uruig the uuil Maoon ind tba further fact that thia ia the home f the team M ILLuun K. fichell uf 1 ort took ' tha .f&nuaUve In a debute on the subject Xuat 'The Uvila of lnterculloglate Athletl Outa elglui the Beactlta." 3. i. Wyr uf u, L'ujvemlty f Kcuraaka took the negative. Mr. Uclmll tin not summarily Ota a with, probably because thla eri.a iew lear day lmrlng the argument theue lok a hand: X It. Memiieid of Uratid Island. WHUb 11. Kerr of Bolieyue collegu, M. P. Xtowllng of Oelghtuu, 1.' A. Hunj uf I'nlon oulleas, lieorga II. Randala of Uellevue college, Chr.rtca Fordf oc of Weolt yan. All thla wua given for the edification or the coUeee sec tion. . H. K. Wolfe of Lincoln dlacunsed for tlie benefit ol the high .school section. "Normal 'JTork la toe igh aicbnol." and thla wua dJacuaaed by 3. A, Oregnrr of Crtne, C F. Berk of pru and O. W. A. L.ucky of Lin. ' cola. A. H. etaley of Frle&d talked of "The Promaiiciuns la tha High School." J. v. tlaarson f Wahao and K. L. Bouse of 2la.ttauouta dlscutised the address. Ia tha grammar school section I. TJ. ' Martludale of Crater delivered aa address a "Co-cperatlrm of City and Rural Taarh ra la AawooUxloa Work," and his address fvaajS aUocMiaiil by JCugena How of Eaeter i svnd S. B. ehorama of Schiri ler. C. W. McMfcmal of Arapahoe teok for hi sub ject. Tho Coanpletloa of Common Branches Bafars Sauartag High School. " and Marion Uetngatoa of Lexington and L. E. Mum Sord of Kaatrtos dlacusaad the paper. 'A Cmirao of Study for the "wveuth and Eighth Oradea kept B. A. Beaaoner of Ghelton aiuay. ad Trn amies of Personality la Teachers' did the at ice for W. L. Bte phena. Agnes AleSAnder of Oraad laland again ang for tha primary oectioa at Its meeting this morning. Pearl Mlnick of Pern talked on "Tha JtendlrJon and "Oiacunalon of Song ft Tnung Children." M. Adelaide Holt on of Mlnaeapolia addressed the section on " Beading - R. E. Stewart of the Omaha Cubital for the TCteaX told of "The Prlmary Taaohlng ia the School." lna M. Orrutt of Iiefctrloa and Mary rarquhar of Red Cloud discussed "ClvJcs for the Primary Boom." Mrs. Sarah Brlndley of Columbus gave "Illustrated Science Lessona." end Qraca Orevea of Fremont told of "The Trees of Kehraaka and Their Poema." Ttw solenc teachers oarrled out this pro aTvam: "Tha Teaching of Botaoi.v." Emll A. SeostrnsA. Uacoln; discussion opunrd by John Foaaler, Hartington. "The Teaching of Physiology In the Puhlic Srhools." Miss Eugene Marhin. Omaha; dlacussion opened H. L. Bussnng. Oukdale. "Laboratory Methods la Ph.vsiotogy," R. B. Little, fui veealty of Neraka. "The Makuig of a Planet." E. H Barbour, miveralty of Ke Turaalta. ateeewtira CaiaSead. . At 3B the faculty of the ur.tversrt ; ana teachers of the Lincoln public schools ten dered a reeeiKloa to ormer Chanell.- ASTHMA Medical emthnrklea aow eonosde that wa toe arab-Ta oc tTeatvent by 1. icm&a at haual at Cluuaga. ASTHMA CAN BE CURES. Dr.L. DJtneat, Lsba. k, I. F K. fnvwa. rrtmtrnar. Iowa U.J C ( arryer. fL ai.ua4 lj. M. L. Cxaftey. fct. Lealfc, Mfcj Ix. C r. Mara, iw rramtog- a1"- bmar u urn elhivr ol hw iihisu and ui snanerr ol toe cam ia amm tn cues. Le Vi xihI i w im bud u a radii al drnartnf tram tne od lUiim.s amiike puvasrs ataava. s&u, wuick aauvvs but am aut cam. rEE TEST TREATMENT aveuaiad tor any aaw gnmx a abort dea ortpuua of tae ca. sad swti 'iiaj. siarnes mi lw asitimatic anftsrara. Am It W E7T a7aT'P,7l-T Csrfteld of the cnlverslty. at which Mr. Carfelfl spoke a fMlewa. T-ry age has a p'wu'iar character f otiHlfy nt its mh i;verr epoturv enis ow'liied tn be rrri-meTefl baiiee of srme tmlqiie fnrm of life or mmimnt. In the d-A -I'nnwni of nniiiin we li-Br of :h r of rhivslr-y. the feudal ere. the perii-d of reftrms1im. tb rwiiKl f1 cfmpt'tc-l nisi r"ertinwtit. the gfidn ap-. the ase of et'-em tid b lir. The present c-ntu y Ithnurh still rn the beclnnlng. seeme d-e-tined tt lie known the Kce of tlon. lis peculiar feetur-. thue lar st leti't. le that f rr'-FStlin is writ large " EveT'vttiinc is In mnax fnrm Cum ltitlon. w-hirh wse en bmg oeented ewei n tla.1 to dweloprm irt. has lurgelv, tf not rn-tir-lv. given sv tc comics; Ion The standard ptrmae i thst of community of Interest." Ccmibinstion. aeeociation or gnniatlmi th'se form the socicl ard d mttiiirtrstive trinity of today riome find rcaum for fear In ttvee ccndl tions. The vssinees nf all undertskii.g macie rHwrllile It a inrre and gr rjl mai.i teeistMin of this 1-mier. the pier m hb-li m uie 1o pnes in the nnnuee miiien pnntrni of romiiBtativelv few men. tle fKbulunits money relume ecctirr.psTiy tng these enterprises end the tpr-renewl at tention and r"epeit enown to mere h all theee and more affright some tin Id soule. That there la some ground for far ruee without nsylna All natural orc- have hi them elements of cin rarer as well as elements of servir-e. Electric. ty S'-t free If frrlitftillv Oeetruciive. rteam uncontrolled leaves Oielrie-tlun and deeth !t: i'r pEth. dj-namrte In the herea- "f the Ipnorant or raretese is lonetant source of both anaiety and disairter. Hut nn sane man proposes for s mnmrnt to deprive h" world of the tneetlmhlile liepefitp of ths rreat natural forces hen projierly spp led Hi.mHn selfishness end snortBighiecnees are sure tn use harmfully any crem move ment of the human rare but the race moves on. always. Wwere" Rest Itaaaer There is a real danger, however, in all thla. and thai is that the itrrneae of it all. the noisy clamor of the rwift tevil. ing wheels, the light reflected from a thous and facet of human purpose slid human endvrr a here once there were hut lew. and thoet rather dull that nil these may blind us end confuse us and set our Judg ment so awry that we center all our atten tion end Inter st and hopes upon a few fis ueea. made unduly prominent In cause tfty happen to be in the focus Just tins- ana are therefore thrown out upon the canvas fur larger than life: and ihst e.e lorget the rana and flie. thet pow-rfiil aci:r(tB tlon uf Individual life which lies aionF the gi-eni average lines of dsllv existence. J here Is danger thst we to sec thst this period or organisation demunds mors imperatively than ever lieforr the dev. h.p ment of individual character. Hid virtual purpose and individual strength: not only onmsnd it. hut must have H Indeed, sl reaay possesses It or the greiit unOf rt k itics ol the day would already have failed. In the minor sffalrs of life It Is quite pos slhle that a single mind may lie dominant and all others subservient ; but any un dertaking of niKgnitude must rest back upon ttie sure and breed foundation of clime as: ociatlon in large equality. Con sciously or nnconsclniislv the trend of our daily life is admitting the first preposition; thnt only by Intelligent easnclatinn. co operation may we hope for success. Th s Is true because only Intelligent co-operation sets free and quickens all intellectual powers, gives new breadth and stronger color to all npirituBl life. Exclusion ai.d seclusion are not only unworthy of the age bin nieke this ere impossible. A striking pni of this is found In the tre mendous rapidity with which f cur-comers see becoming villages and villages ere becoming towns and towns sre becoming cities and each of a doaen or our cities are rapidly taking on metropolitan life, 'j h old gregarious Instinct in man. refined by the passing centuries and Itself largr'y both the cause end efTct of modern civ IliEHthm. Is surely In full play J: is siife that It shall have this freedom of ar'Jnn Wattee as never before we have msstr'ed both time and space and It is now possible j, 'r 1 -rsTcgutlons cf people to exist tinder sanitary and economic cord'tlous which .ire upbuilding and pe-petuatlr g rather than destructive. Wen are not com ing together in this cenmrv In lhi wav to take -each other by the throat. Tbey are assembling bees line eonsrious'v or tincTi scioualy they seek the Item-fit to be de rived from suth association. EajoaUty fer All Esae-Bilal. As to equtUty, There te no other form of common hue which dors not tatf Intellec tual power and individual effort In trultlet-s struggle ur in bitter strite. Equalitv in choke of way. equal'ty tn right of 'war uner the way hus lieen cho.-n : equnlltv o'r ojiimrtunity thlf . tl.e onl eouuliiv which any a It-rtsx cttng A-nericm wi I csk. mart lie eecured for all. mum be gran'.ed to all. All urtificikl diHlinctiiTts mut ie laid i'Sitic There Is in .-Him wl'h us tn this day nr.d nge for cliff , renthitlon rank and stii" tios. The or. y u.sumtinn which we muv tiones ly un-crtaav t inablh between lnuiviuuals or wlrcli we may si:toly permit is that wl'lcn ail-es f ra condu-t. Ail elir is eccKlenutl Bnd vnecMiL The rewavnn and the umtlnctiors of this lite mum in tlietr (U.firloutlon follow c.o elv the oid fo-mu'.x: For each ai-curriing to'his ability anC to each sucorclng to his de-wrta. treed. with its cure companion, short riglited selliHhnosi: fear ever wulkmg huurt In hand with undue compliance or ehjeot servility; trickery, chicanery, fraud and the wiiole iimhkJ of olflmneAt racticeH; f or 'e, a:ways and everywhere sti-rlng to strite thew. have never founded nnr reesed imr saved a state; because these strite for mastery in the bands of I lie tew and against tl.e many. We need tn time our attenrbin constantlv recalled m the place end va tie of the inrti vtduul ant', to give ini full recognition, beeauee we need the individual so much a cd liecuuee he so much needs the stimulus which con e from reTOTiiltion anil apprer-lu-tbin. I-Hire has always l-een tlu- ma!n Bjirlng oi human progress, lut deMire nn s'tlFiied. desire whi-p. in coii-tantlv robiiee; of enpo-tuntrv. w-aVens etui fle. Th mlv ecmomlr efhclncv that the world has ever known has aJwava followed Intelligent ef fort p"cmipied by enlarged oesire and re sulting in at least reasonable satisfaction We nmil expect those whom we appar ently regard as playing an untmpurlutit part In the great Arams of the age to play tb -tr part very wp. Only as we appreciate and ofienlv recognire the ImtMirtam-e of all. e h in his place, and t'-e hope and opiair tunlty of all for larger . e. can the geiMwnl resu.t be en'lerlv euilsfaclorv. Vhiilesome hces and strength alwavs He wltn the wbnie peopie and not with any seTment of uuclety We aliall alaaya have leaders, but a leader to be suc:-cssful must have an intelligent following. , ladivldaality la broul As a mattr of fact, theie was never such oemand lor ludnlduuiity as at that mo ment, in the midst of tne grea-teet oemand lor urganistion. The auccess f vacn uf t lie gieat movements of the day. in what ever heto, l to lie ooler ruined by the inlelll genoe and the taUhfuuieas ol the lui-ny i. tin r ttian by ihe liri.linncy of the few. in the day if small tiuims ;wjKj!isitilluy wus far less evenly dlwtr. Luted than no, over siKhi was more constant and more easilv enettlve. and the dominance of a single mind lar more universal than today. 11 iuetiatione may be multiplied on every hand which piove a ith tiicoiitestaiile forot the truth of Una statttoeiil. The development if this Individual power betns with the child is ttie hfciiu uf the teacher. You are to give him or help him secure for himself the tKmer to act and the tendency ti sea. That which makes him Oilier f"o:n e-ry other individual u. to he o-icIoikb or Is te find ti.e hfguiilnga of lis Development while be In tinucr your cure. Cif mind and spirit, of temiier. of Jucgment of will power, tie is to lay the founaations under yotuf guidance., his stay with you 111 Im? all to sho-t. the five years' who, .ling of tits average ehlid lu this country t a -ery narrow portal through which to enier upon the lite beyond but all the more necessary therefore Is It that your work is d ine wisely and well. Aguinst the cramp of vnifrn.ity. egainst machine work f ary kind, agatnat metlious and formulae lor universal application, you are to set your faces like flint. His own sacred Indl viuuul self is that which you are to pro mole and strengthen, la that to s-hich vou are to g ve breadth of horizon and newness and largencsF of life. Mickey wewaa jwasaMht. Gai-Weor Mickey thia muming expressed the sympathy of the people of Nebraska fur thus afflicted by the raoent theater tire there in this telegram; LIKCOLX. Keb., Jan. 1 Ts Hon. Carter Harrison. Major of Chluago, Chicago. 111.: The people ol Ketireaka are ineKpraaa.Lly shucked id eoouuiil uf toe terrible calamity aiach naa beZaiitm your rlt; . 1 extend ts you and to all the tHsreaved and sjftar Int ones the heartfelt sinpainy of tba ciu aena of this state. JOHN.H. MiCKET. Ctevernor. rteseer sf 1 isirola IMew. Jacob Schmidt, a plonoer dtlaaa of Lin coln, died at wis boaas tn this city early this morning, aged It years, of paralysis of the heart. Dsoeased sum ts the t'niled Statas from Oermany In lest. Hs rime ts Li&oula Hi lata and sines then th'-s hai beaa bis boms. lis was a widower, hit wife having died ever two ywars ago. Six children. aU grown, survive him. They are Mrs. M. L. Mann. Mrs. L. Ismma and Mrs Petsr Grass of this city; Mrs. Soph a Fusler. Iuraugo, Colo.; Louis Schmidt of Lineula and W. E. A. Smith of Ben: d Every on of lbs rfalldrca wlB be tiers te attsod the funeral. wrhP-h will bs oa Sun day at X p. aa. Wboa Mr. aW-haitflt arrlvsC bora what la new Lincoln was then knew a aa Lancaster and had not advanced beyond the dignity of a village. H spent many years as a stone contractor, engaging In the business until a tout, eighteen Years ago. when he retired front active Itfe. He owned a couple of good houses on N street and from tbe income be and his wife lived comfortably during their declining years. In his capacity of a builder he erected tba first state penitentiary and was em ployed on the first state capttol. He was one of the charter members of the Lan caster County Pioneers' association. Hs has been one of the leading Odd Follows of the city, and rms htld all the import ant offices rn the gift of tbe focal order. His fealty to Odd FmI lows hip dates back for nearly half a century. C H. Mao a Kills Htaseelf. C. H. Mann, at one time a prominent factor In the financial affairs of Lincoln, but In recent months Blightly demented be cause of business reverses, late this after noon took his own life by cutting a gash in hi neck with k raB:ir. The body was found about o'clock, ly ing on the floor of a workshop in the rear of his residence. Til J street, by Walter Mann, a son and a licit; h h"t. Tli tasur Was olulclied tightly in the right hand, which was covered with blood. No inquest will be held. The dead man wa only recently released from the asylum, where he had been placed last January, bis mind having become af fected through financial reverses. The first his family and friends knew of hi mental disability wa when he suddenly begun to buy nearly everything he saw at most ex orbitant prtciB At that time he was en gaged in the oil business, but had been loning heavily la money Invested in toal estate. A guardian wa placed In charge of hi affairs and he wa sent to tbe asylum. Early this afternoon he went to town to buy medicine for his wife, returned about 4 o'clock, passed through the house and was not seen again alive. A fcllure to re turn to supper occasioned a search for htm. Mr. Mann was about K years old and leave a wife and a .son and dnughter. John D. Rockefeller has extended the t!me le which friends of the Vnlverslty uf Nebraska may take advantage of hi offer to donate Ko.OflO for the construction of a SiW.fl00 building for the university. Today waa the original ttm limit, but or. account of local opposition to the gift the university ha thu far been unable to raise the 32.ib) conditioned In Mr. Rockefeller's ofler. The extension of time la indefinite, and ths uni versity authorities are hopeTul of being able to mart the req ulrcm-mta. COURTS 61RL UNDER DURESS Cworrts A p wealed to to Release Her frwss Atte-atttoa wf Prrslston Hot. HASTINGS, Neh.. Jan. 1 (Special.) When County Judge Imnpnn Issued a writ of habeas corpus yesterday afternoon at the request of Mrs. G. M. Wilcox of this dry and empowered the deputy sheriff to tiring back to yie complaining woman If-year-old Lillian Lee, whom is was al leged was being detained against her win at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, who live six miles northeast of Hustings, a phase of the life of Charles E. Richards was suddenly revealed. Rloliards is an un married man, a school teacher and preacher. Ming Lee. who. alnoe the separation of bar parents In Michigan ten year ago, has bsen a ward of Mrs. Wilcox, was Invited to for a time at the Fuller farm, where she met Richards, who boarded there, '.Though he leacher-preaclwr is 40 yours old lie was much enamored tif the comely girl and alie alleges sonsumtly bothered her with fond attentions, though she says she gave him no encouragement arid promptly refused his offer of marriage. It was not until she was reedy to return to Hastings, however, she alleged, that she learned that she wa a captive, Richard having tucceeded In securing the con nivance of the Fullers in detaining her while he pressed his suit. After a few days she seised an opportunity to apprise her foster mother of the state of affairs, which resulted In her being brought back to the city last night by the deputy sheriff. Miss Lee wept for Joy ou regaining her liberty, vetiwlly berat;ng Richarda. but not blam ing the Fullars, a they treated her kindly, she nay a. and meant no harm. Nothing will lie dune with Richards. FOUND DEAD BESIDE TRACK . i Awl king. Bnrrer, to Indicate Tralas Had AaytBtBST ts Do with Maa's Death, PLATTSMOXTH, Neb., Jan. 1 (Spe cial. I Coroner Henry Boerk of this city received word late yesterday afternoon In forming him .that a dead man had been found near the Burlington depot at Cedar Creek. An Inquest was held last evening, from which the fallowing facts were learned: His oaroe wa Frank Holmes, a Swede, about rears of age, who bad Been working in the stou quarries of Newell at At wood for a short time. He had not bono seen altior last Tuesday, at which time he was drinking very liard. and was I under the influence uf liquor. The body I waa found near the railroad track, in a j small ditch, with his face down, in which piaUUon it Is supposed he as era nt bored by the sand and was frotceu to death. A Jug partially fllied with liquor was near him. He bad previously told the men working in the quarry with him that hs had a brother living In Minneapolis, Minn., and that be was wealthy, and also had S4 of his money. He also clalmod to havs rel ative in Omaha. The body was shipped to Dr. Carr In Lincoln thla afternoon, and will be turned over to a medical college. PUTS PRICE 0N AFFECTIONS leiai In Brlaaa Breach af Praamls alt Against a C'laabaa Ctrl. COLl'MBt'S. Neh, Jan. L (Special ) John Klaus, who ts employed as foreman at ths Burlington roundhouse In this city, has brought suit in tbe district court and aakt Camtgeo la ths sum of COW from a young woman named Bronislawa K nan Ik j fur breach of promise. Klaus alleges in his petition that the fair Brouislawa prom ised and agreed ts marry him, and that No vember bad been set for ths wedding oay. That relying and depending on said promise be expended bis good money ts tha amount of U.2(i m making prep rat! una tor the event. Ho further charges that after aatd promise and before tba data chosen bor father, Ooorgs Knaplk, and ber uncle. Andrew Propotaki. consul rad together and circulated and published statements eoa eerulng ths plalnafTa character and that the girl refused and still refuses to marry him, (hough bo Is willing and rsafy to per form bis part of the agreement. He iti ths father and uncle cxt-dafnadanls to toe action. He aaya hs suffered naantaJly and has been trifled with .040 worth. Ths de fendants are well to do and ail reside la this county. laas Katie aa iBUgSBkt. ALLEX. Neb.. Jan. 1 (Hpeclal. August Bates, living A lew miles urtbwest ef Al: lee, got Into a fight with bis hired saaa uamed Chariaa Snyder tha morning. Botea Is a small ma a and was getting tbe worst of it. whan be puliad a knife and stabbed Snyder several tlmse. making serious wounds, but nut considered fatal. Botea baa bean arrested and the Injured ansa Is beinS Cared tor ta Aiaee. PATH STATS 15 HER CAR Dnat EiicTf friends Fart sf Krw Ttj ii Tli U City. BARON A.P!SIS EARLY AND TAKES VAIK se- Pajtul Iswew 11 km e ta emt ber, wwt ste c tvee FTiess la Her Utile Hwswe wa W ke-rl. Madame Adclina 10411. Baroness Ceder strom. with her husband, the baron, spent part of New Tear's day in Omaha, but did not leave her oar. Tbe reason, how ever, lay hi the very great care she Is taking of her health and tbe variable weather, which seems pregnant with ths cold germ. For this reason she declined r.Il entertainment from tie time when her ear and that of the company were cut off at ZO Hi o'clock from the Northwestern train, which brought them from Minneap o!!s. until t'liion Parlflc No. t pulled them out for Sail Lake City. I hiring the day E. RosewBter and members uf his family puld their New Tear respect to the diva. Madame Patti -seemed In the best of health and spirit and expressed herself well satisfied with the present tour of this country. Imring the concert al Minne apolis, wrrtch lest preceded her arrival here, tbe new of the Chicago disaster was received and caused ronaidc-able ex citement and horror among tbe singers as well en the audience, but the concert pro ceeded without any apparent disturbance. Madame Patti has appeared twenty-two times during ttie tour and has yet thirty eight concerts to give. The party arrives In Bait Lake City Sunday night and the concert 1 given the following evening. From there the itinerary takes the great singer to California and back again to Omaha during the second week tn March. Whether she sings here or not has not liern arranged. Pattl's Pr4-ae Car. Th personal party of the singer travel In a luxuriant car specialty built and bear ing ihe name of the baroness' castle in Wales. Craig-T-Nos. which means Rock of the Xight and is near Tstradginloa, Wales, or sixteen miles from Swansea, th great tin center. Madame Patti has not left this car exoept to drive to tbe theaters since she left New Tork. where she consented to a single drive. The car is as well arranged for a Wring place as any steamer. With the diva i, of course. Baron Cederstrom. and her maid, Caroline, who has tieen In her service twenty-eight years. There Is also an English companion. A piano bear ing Craig-T-Nos castle In oil 1 one of the luxuries. The concert company has a second car. Madame Patti tawr one rec ollection of Omaha always in mind and one which is not usually thought of it Is the bluebirds. New Tear's evs, en route from Minne apolis, the baron and Madame Patti had the entire company in their private car for a watch party, and thus sad not retire until about " a. m Madame Patti slept until late, but the barrm, as is his cus tom, arose early and took a brisk walk of several mile alone. He admired that part of the city be saw and nn hi return asked many questions about Omaha In general and the state, its resources and conditions. The baron Is a tan. man. has dark blue eras, light hair and wears a closely trimmed moustache, and speak very fluently. He la very observing. He appeared to be deeply Interested In the af fairs .of the far oast and wanted to know the opinion of others a lo the likelihood of war between Ruas1aand Jupun. The private car of the baron and baroness bore striking evidence of a watch party, with Its fragments of greens, mistletoe and others scattered about. GIRL DROWNS IN PLATTE RIVER retki Tbroaah lew awe Is Swept away Befsre lay asslstaace C'bub Be Beadere. FREMONT. Neh., Jan. 1. (Special Tele-granv- Corlnne Jarmnn, tbe lv-year-old daughter of W. G. Jarmon -ot this city, waa drowned In the Platte river near Hurmel'B Island this afternoon. About 1 o'clock she started from Mr. Estep's house near the river, where she was visiting, to go across to the south side of the Island, where a lot of young iienple were skating. Near the river she met Irving Beisley. a boy about her own age. and Will Nelter. an older man, who wanted 1o go over lo the Island, and the three started across. Cor lnne and young Betsley carrying their skates. When they were within ten or fifteen feet from the north shore of the island the ice suddenly broke and the three Immediately sank. Nelter, who was a few feet from the others, wa unable to render them any assistance and pulled himself out onto the thicker ice with difficulty. Betsley grabbed for the thicker Ice and got out. The girl dropped out of sight at once without a struggle or cry. The current, which la very strong at this point, swept ber away and under the thicker ice below. An effort is being made to recover the body by out ting the ire and stretching nets across the river at some distunes below, but there ts little hope of sucness. Miss Jarmon was an only daughter and her parenic are pros trated over the terrible affair. Baetal Wtrae a relaaaaa. COLCMB1B. Neb., Jan. 1. (Special. ) Teeteiday evening at t 'clock Foreman Howard, who has had charge of the con struction of the Postal Telegraph-Cable company's new lines connected tbe cable with a temporary office In the First Na tional bank and called up Omaha. Con gratulations were exchanged and It waa found that each of the five wires worked perfectly and were b first-class condition. The company will not start business here for proliabty three weeks yet, and tt Is (xpected by that time te have tha line working through to Denver. There are eight gangs working on stringing the wires and they can make about twenty miles a day to the gang. ! Tear far ralrhary. FAIRBTRT. Keb.. Jaa. 1. (Special. Fan-bury closes Us year's work In building construction with an expenditure of (UlG,rB(l. Of thia amount fTVioC was for rebuilding buildings destroyed In ths fire of last April. Forty-seven new dwelling houses have bees erected at an average cost of tL.480. or a total of Ku.X0. Tbe new high aohoul build big and Methodist church are In oourse of construction and about ST.UUG have bees expended on foundations, but ths build ing will not be nomplete d until next year and are not Included m this e tiniest.. BEATRICE. Keh, Jan. 1. (Special -Tne burning of tbe Baptist eburoh mort guge occurred last night at 12 s clock, and was witness ad by a large crowd. Brerloua ts tbe destruotma of ths xoartgaas an In teresting asusleal and literary program was rendered. Tbe church is now free trum dtbt and starts la with the new year under the must favorable drouoistanoea. leasy ta tnaad Gaftty. DAKOTA f TTT. Neh, Jan. I Bpscial.J Aa adjourned term uf district eourt for this county will he aonswaed la this plaoa an Monday Burning af Dsn week by Judge Guy T. Qraeee of Baader. A number of equity cases are set for trial at this awv swn. Jena MoCnol and Miks fsniaii. whs are cue fined ia the bounty J-n charged with horse stealing, bare signified thetr wltV IngtMSBB ts plead guilty ts the charge agamst them and wIU receive thetr sen tence at this terra of court On the night of Iiecember 4 McCool and Kennry stole a team and harness from Christ O tester and a wagon from Robert Lapsley, tw farm ers residing west of this plane. Tbey were spotted at Xtecatur. where the property was recovered, but the thieves gave tbe uffhT i s th slip, but two days later they were captured at Oakland on top ol a boxcar by Sheriffs Sides of this county and Lusk of Burt county, and brought to this place and lodged in Jail The men proved to be farmer cornhuskers employed by Mr. G teeter. CarBSBten' t ales ICle-rt. EEATRICE. Neh.. Jan. 1. (Special ) Local union No. IJK. Carpentera and Join ers of America, met last night and elected tbe following officer: C. H. Thompson, president; J. Q. Overman, tier president; A, J. Marsh, recording secretary. B. F. Oumey. financial secretary; A. J. Skinner, treasurer; H. 11. Wilson, warden; O. C. Blyhoff. trustee. CalaBSBMBs Ce-levratee sew l ear. COLl'MBt'S, Neb, Jan. L (Special. The new year waa ushered In at midnight here by tbe blowing of whistles and th ringing or bells. Some of the churches held watch meetings. Business was prac tically suspended today, the bank, county and city offices being closed. A grand ball will be given tonight by the Orpheus so ciety. IS e ft gage geesrl la Gage. BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 1 8pectal. ) -Following is the mortgage report for Gage county for the month of December: Num ber of farm mortgages filed 3, amount X.S3; number of farm mortgages released IK, amount tCTSS; number of city mort gages filed in. amount H1Jb7; number of city mortgages released IE. amount .950. Bey Dies at Olpblberla. EDGAR, Neb.. Jan. 1 Epeclal A little son t years old of Mr. and Mrs. William Downs died last evening of diphtheria, the only case known to have been In the city this fall. Pleaty af Water at Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. 1. (Special. I The total precipitation for the year IMS for this vicinity, as furnished by Miss Hat tie Zimmerman, weather observer. Is SI Inches, MR. CLARK WILL PROSECUTE Banker far Braadeta at seat tee!des a Brlag Allesred Farger ta Are-east. N. J. Irin, lata advertising solicitor for tbe Daily News, who got Into bad repute, it I alleged, by attempting to cash a forged check in the sum of tson at the bank of Brandei ac Sons, which bore the alleged signature of Mel T"bl. man er of the News, t to be prosecuted by Frank ?t. Clark, cashier for the Brandei hank, 1s whom Lewis presented the check for pay ment. He was bound over tn police court under bond of SJKK). At the time Levin made his unsuccessful attempt to obtain tbe money on the check he was arrested and held over night at thf police station. The next day Mr. T"hl called to see htm and finally decided not to prosecute. KO MORE DllDBlTT. Kesrbrw's HerplclSe Deatrsy-s bmf ret tiferaaa Cawae af Aaaarlag Daalraf. Doe your head Itch? Is your coat or dress full of white flakes after dressing your hair? That's the effect of dandruff. Is your hair thinning? Are yon beginning to get bald In spot? Are you already. In fact, rnpldly becoming bald? If go. that Is the effect of a measly little parasite that iiurrows In at the root of the balr, and throws up the scalp in dandruff and eats off the hair at the root. Science's latest discovery Is a destroyer of that pestiferoua germ. That destroyer is contained in no other hair preparation on earth but New bro's Herplctde. Try it and be convinced. A delightful dressing. Bold by leading druggicts. fiend lttc In stamps for sample to The Herpiclde Co., rJetrott, Mich. Sher man at McConnell Drug Co., special agents. Thousands will read your want ad. word for word. If run this week during the spelled word contest. FORECAST CF THE WEATHER Praanlee af KehraaauB WASHINGTON. Jan. 1 Forecast: For Nebraska - Fair In west and snow In east portion Saturday. Sunday, tan- and warmer. For Iowa Snow Saturday. Sunday, fair. For Indiana and Illinois Snow Saturday; colder In extreme south portion. Sunday, fair; fresh northeast to north winds. For Missouri Snow Saturday: colder In south portion. Sunday, fair. For North Dakota Falr and wa i uiei Saturday. Sunday, fair. For South Dakota Snow Saturday. Sun day, fair and warmer. For Montana and Wyoming -lr and warmer Saturday. Sunday, fair. For Colorado Fair Saturday and Bun day. For Kansas Fstr in west, snow In east portion Saturday; Sunrtsy, fair. 1-eral KVeoaraU OFFICE OF THE WEATHEB BlTtEAT". OMAHA, Jan. 1. Official record af tem perature and preoipitatlon compared wun the oorreapomiliig day of the last three years: lftM. UOt. 1S02 1101 Maximum temperature... 3k 41 45 a Minimum temperature... 14 I X7 A Xlaan temperature. . a S& M 10 iTecipliatlon uD .au .u .au Beoord of temperature and precipitation t Omaha fur tut day sines March 1. 1S0B: Normal temperature 1 &xoaas for tie day 1 Total exoass slnos March 1, lsul K0 Normal precipitation. (r inch Deficiency toi ths nay m inch Freclpltstlon elnoe Murcb 1 C 4 Inches Excess slnos March 1. 1Mb 2 M inchec Iannciency for cor. period 1DUS inch Deficiency tar cur. period lfcX i ll inches aar (reaa atatsame at f F. M. sasw Two ay la Essrers 1 lawa, Wararr aadar. n i : s : s S : s : c : i ' I j ij: 14 21 .on 141 T 1 l T IB fci T let .K W .0 .as I l .16 Bb hr ii' .st e 1 M SS .an JB K .in) -: -io 14 . . r 4 .4 , 3; K. .aj COKTTTIO?C OT THU WEATHER. Omaha, cloudy ........... Valentine, cloud v North Platte. dar Cheyenne, clear ............ rta.ll Lake, ciear riaptd City, snowing Huron, snowing ............ VI Huston, snowing ... Chliwge. cloudy ............ sit. Lrfiula. cloudy ... ... rit. Paul cloudy iMtveuport partly oioody Kansas City., steet ......... Havre, partly cloudy ...... Hetena. clear , ...... riiamarch. cloudy .. . CeaivsetOB, Clear .. T lndleauas trane af araripltatlaa. Ins ma las brauw Bern. X A- W'aX&B. Fa IIIIXE WAN WAS KILLED Biti ieT end Attornry iUn- V. J. Christy Cmpaot Ton! nT. wtu iake thorough" ikvestiwATiok Aooert that Harks ml Rlewa W) ere Pobb aa asaiB't Bead s hew he w a Ilrriwl far Bart el. Attorney Fitch and George Good enough, a brother of Mrs. W. J. Christy, who wa found dead In her room at HEW Burt street the morning of Iiecemlier IK now allege tliat the circumstances surrounding her death lead to conclusions other than thai of suicide by Inhsllng chloroform, which wns the cause assigned for her deeth. They suspect foul play. Mrs. Christy was said to have had seri ous trouble with her buBlanJ prior to com ing to Omaha: tbe home ties had lieen bro ken and the family, consisting of herself, huslauid and two children, scattered. After coming to Omaha Mrs. Christy engaged in the rooming hnise business at 20?ft Burt atreet, but the venture never paid and Mrs. Christy was said to have committed the act which ended her life in a fit ot despond ency .- Just s few day lief ore she was found deed she Jtad sent a trusted boarder, Dan McCann. to Council Bluffs to collect SiMC due Mrs. Christy from a sale of furniture. MoC'ann got tbe money and skipped out. Thl wa believed to have hastened the inevitable. aspect Fwal riar. Messrs. Fitch and Goodenough cite cir cumsUmtial evidence in support of their theory that Mrs. Christy met with foul ply. They allege that the woman who dressed Mrs. Chrinry" hair for burial found a mark on her forehead which might have been mude by a blunt Instrument; also they say that Mrs. Christy wrote a most cheerful letter to ber brother Just a few hours before Rhe wa found dead and they conclude that this letter tends to show the condition of her mind. Attorney Fitch and Mr. Goodenough have preferred no charge have no proof. In fact, bryond what 1 merwly circumstantial, on which to liese their belief of foul play; but Mr. Goodenough declares he will sift the matter to the bottom. The coroner and pollne do not coincide with the suspicions entertained by the at torney and relative of ths dead woman, but adhere to the theory of suicide, as the dead woman was found lying across her bed with her face burled b a towel which had but a few hours previously been sat urated with chloroform. NEWSBOYS PAUSE AND EAT Oae Cararre C'hirmge Paper Market, be I He sad Others Aead Feast. Notwithstanding the Chicago fire busi ness. -h!eh has Ktarted almost rvery tiews ly selling en the road toward affluence, the Omaha members of the paper vending fraternity were not above gorging them-reh-os at the noonday New Tear's dinner In the Newsboys' home. Tbe delectable dinner was laid about the table in Individ ual claims which were quickly stakod out by eager little boys who sat on their bundles of paper. Mrs. W. J. Broatch, Miss Cook, Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Pinto, assisted by Mogy Bernstein, waited on the boys. After two tables of newsies bad been filled with food for 3H. the bootblacks came In for a turn and the tables were not left alone tir.til nearly 4 o'clock. A theater party la planned for the immediate future at the Boyd's. The sale of addi-lonal papers due to th. Chicago fire has born very profitct.U Thursday evening tbe entire crop or Chi cago pspers was cornered and the price Bjplsed from two to five cents. This was due to the operations of Meyer Com, some times referred to among his compatriot ii "Bowlegs." This 17-.v nr-c;fl financier met the Chloacf trains and ttiok the entire cargo of papers, paying zhe price with stipulation that thare thnuld be no return papers. Aa' a result of this the news stands could get no papers at all from Chicago and Meyer cleaned up ri for the evening. LoqK atlhBBrand ! WalterBakers Cocoa and Chocolate i'XfSXJUIke OJfcar-XAii. w'J bs A. axtsr" - : Z. Ia. jaT 7 ' Ls L."raTj ff-A Tli . TTt rw fc- TAI rv. T a" vv-v ' B-wes The FIKEST la the WorSd Ccsts Leu than Ona Cent a Cup Fcrtj Elgfcsst Anr-s h Empe End rOssria Waller Baker&Co.Ud. EtiitMa. i7so Dossier, Uzii. O rAI. HO. ST AIM. O eTTKlCTUstC. rati STbTI.CC. ant as aaw HI in far KlMl BatBtBlAS 4k BsaCOahCLA, For McBstrna! SgpreihiBn PEN-TAN-GOT M' III w". L.'-- L i T a" YO c N I wTfJL I UliA lOTION JirfN SKIN AND BLOOD PURIFICATION Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pilis Cleanse the Skin, Scalp and Blood Of Tcrtcring, Disfinpg, lia ccsrs with less cf Hair COMPLETE TREATKEKT SI.C3 Thousand of tbe world's hct peo ple ha found instant relief and speefr enre by the use of Cuticura Soap, Oint ment and Pills In tbf mft tortcriii; hod flisfirtninj; of It ruin j bnrninj: and scaly fcnmonrs, ectcman, rashes, itcb lcjrs and icCarnmaUoiia. Thousand of tired, fretted motlieni, of (.kin-tortured and diKlirorcd babies., of all ares and conditions, have certi fied to almost miractiloc cure by tlte Cuticura reniodies. w ben tbe liest "roeil IcsJ skill liad failed lo it-berr, much Jess cure.. Cuticura Treatment is loon and con stitutional complete and perfect, pure., sweet and w iKilusdme. Bathe the affected surfaces wltb Cctirura (Soar and hot water to cleanse tbe skin of crusts aodjHcale and noften the thick ened cuticle, dry without bard rabblnp;, gnd npp'y Coticora Ointment fnt!y to Uty ltcliin", Irritation god inflamma tion, and soothe and tical. and lastly take Cotircra Itesolrrnt Tills to coJ nd cleanse the blood, end rut every function in a state if be Jtby ptlrlrr. More great core of Biii.p'ie, scrofulous and hereditary hnmonrs are dairy made by Coticora remedies than by all ntber blood and ski remedies combined, single set heios often sufficient to cure tbe most dlstrcsslcs cases when til rise falls, tsxfsaWaHMsV frW eT"T'lal. tfrtswTffsi atsMetrVntt, aVs. ft ftw CktsenHltr Cmv1 rUeV tx twr wl Xli, insmiaant, aWC.. fsasBB SC. lisp Saw : lvSlidtsTl ZT Cm tt-- tq t fmr Hare i SB Pui: Bsatn V CfjtafBb twa. FrxMa I Prut and ('rfm C-tt-V.. ajt- rfsa. mr aVana tm " Skip wmC Himm rmHJkmtkm" She Best of Everything The Only Double Track R-ailway .to Chicago The Omaha- Chicago Train t Far HxcelUncs Is JCo. Cm Hvliil train tii'Jii" tr i ts Onmlim daily O.V TIME f t::.o v tp C'utfwyo :30 nex! nirim- Library, Huflcl Cur, jinrlirr, iteir ,:am7erj Slccp rx, i.irVartEv?rytkinj. City orncc I 101-1 AO 3 TARNAM ST. OMAHA TEL. C24-PB1 swMSSSMisairwwae III 111 TllllllHII' SIBSMnn Charges LessThzn all ethers rsiew' DR. iYlcCREW. SPECIALIST Trrals all fi.raii .f il'.aease af Una (IMI. Tuenty-riglit years' eiptricnct Llghtttn years in Oroeh lie diciui' a niuark.liic auueevs 1.U liever lieen euua.icU. ilu reaojrees lacilitleB for u-eauug this out A oiaeaeea ara ui.. milled and every day brings many or the Tt lief he l.a gi'n HOT SPJllSOS lRUMi:Mf02 Ail Plood I'clauua. Ho "iil;i.AKLMi OUT" ou the i.kiu or luce uiu ail txicrijil mnum cf the disease liiaafipar al ones. A im manent cure for life guurantsed. Il'firfF turex ruiJ-unteed ln KTAD ( nf!k)c cured of Hydrocele. 1L" JUfVUV hLncture. Gleet, Nervous Iiebillty, Loss ff Strength and VlUilliy fcliu al! forms ol chronic dlsaasm, Irtktmmi hy mull. Can or wiftg. Bog Vi Cifhcs lt South 14th at- Omaha. Jweb. Dr.Soarlos&Seafles SFECUUSTS Care All Bpactel cm. of m ni rifiii rtciir m f w u rn rrmrr.iif urs ' l tk, ItLblWUs B.LI ..VtlSkEr HID ELU5DE& ACy DISUSES BiiwTiaiTrT'iaaaasMjera tsi'nl m it iimai 1 1'rsBlBwet aad Medlefae ss.oo per imm aimina4joiis and amira fra at ultirt or wy mail. V. rltia coi.truits glvan lo all aurahla dlsaases .ir refund paid fo treatment. Treatment hy snuii 14 yasxfl la Omaha. tth wad Pwwjrtaa, ajalAmA. SC. wra-w r.