THE OMAHA DAILY REE: EUIDAY. JANUAKY 1. 1904. 21 REAL rr BRENNA : BARGA THOMAS N S O. f r" I S IS THIS DAY REMOVED TO L" J uoom I New York Life Buildin Representing Eastern Owners of Omaha Real Estate He Is Offering the Greatest Bargains in the City 3 HERE ARE A FEW OF THEM biiisWTiTiV Xliiiil Brick Block, 4 stores and 4 flats overhead. Cleared 7 per cent on this price last year. Three IJousph on 8. 25th Avenue. JJent, $90.00 a month. Price Elegant Modern Kesidence on Binney St. Steam Heat. Pavement paid for Brick House and full lot on 44th street, near Dodce Brick Hotel on a leading street, for $4,000 a year. Price Leased S.0,000 $8,000 $3,600 $1,500 842,500 Full Corner Lot and Frame residence near 24th and Lake streets. Price $1,300 $750 S6,Q00 Cottages for sale in all parts of the ' City, up from Brick Modern Besidence in West Fa rnam Street District. Two Brick Stores, two Flats and one Frame House near Union Depot. Bent, $100.00 a month. n QQQ Brick Block, 3 Stores and 32 Booms. Bent, $150 a month. Price (rood Modern House and Barn on Toppleton OQ flRf! Avenue. Paving tax all paid UUU U U Full Lot and Three Houses in E. V. Smith's CO ORfl Addition VsCi bull Unimproved Lot on Farnam Street, between QIC 111111 18th and 19th streets Mill tUUU Northeast Corner 19th and Wirt streets, Elegant Large House and (lood Barn, with two lots OO flflfl 124x124 dUjUUlr Several Elegant Houses for sale in Hansconi Place. Several Fine Lots in Carthage Addition at from $50 to $100 each. If You Want to Make an Investment $15,000 If You Want to Buy a Home. If You Want a Lot on Which to Build. CALL AND GET FULL LIST. EDWARD STRINGER, Salesman. 1 HU lVIAb bHLIN IN AIM, Room I, New York Life Bldg. f4 TELEPHONE 1264. WHAT THE TEACHERS WANT BeTsnl-Thtagt Ths -Dtiir at the Hands of ths Oomin j Let-is'atnre. (.AW FOR MINIMUM SALARY AMONG THEM O. P. Wood, Cashier of a Private Bank t it. Char!, Commit Suicide ad Reaaem for II la Act a Mystery. (From a Staff Correspondent.) PES MOINES. Dec Jl.-(Speelal.)-The State Teachers' association closed today with election of officers, aa follow: Presi dent, prof. p. 8. Wright of Cedar Falls, of the faculty of the State Normal acliool; Vice presidents, 8. K. Btevenson of Iowa City. Mattie Stahl of Indlanola and t E. Lrk of Ottawa; secretary, Ailam rickett o Mount Ayr; treasurer, CI. W. Sampson of Cedar Kails; educational council mem bers, A. B. Storms of Amos; Anna White of Jefferson. Resolutions were adopted by the SBHOola- tlon, which Included the following; as the .lef .matters recommended or endorsed : Appreciation of. the efforts of the Iowa commission for an exhibit at the tit. Louis exposition and approval of the plans made, atlsiragg Supply the missing; link to comfort by Brooking the L Florae 1-anRadorf. It takes a trial to be convinced of Its superior uallty. lOo cigar, put up In fancy boxes tor presents. SMOKERS' NOVELTIES Our Own Importation. See Our Line of Cigars, 1 Tobacco and Pipes. W. F. 8TOECKER CIGAR CO., MOi POCQUAS ST. OMAHA, NEB. with recommendation to the legislature that It should provlilo a larger appropriation for the. Iowa exhibit at the expoHltloiv. Commending the compulsory attendance law and recommending an extension of the limn of attendance, at school, also an ex tension of the age limit and some dellnlte time fixed near the middle of the school year before which the attendance should begin. That the state of Iowa has reached that stage of progress where It can and should make possible the common privilege of advanced study, as Is furnished by the high schools of the commonwealth, by pro viding a system of state aid for all high schools maintaining a satisfactory course of study and granting free and euual privi leges to all who may apply for admission from the rural as well aa from the city dis tricts. Thut the teachers should receive higher salaries and a campaign of education should ho Instituted to achieve that result, and while In favor of' legislative enactment for minimum salaries there should be an In crease of professionally prepared teachers, in short the elevation of the profession In all ways. Enlargement of the powers of the Board of Educational Examiners so that there can be recognition of the certificates from other states and reciprocity, in the recogni tion of such certificates. Appreciation of ihe work of R. C. rtarrett as state superintendent arid hope that he will continue In educational work In the Btate. Expressing confidence in the new state superintendent1. On the general program there were1 a number of papers, the most conspicuous being that of President Seerley of the State Normal school, on the public school curriculum. In general, he scouted the Idea of a need of uniformity In the curri culum, and pointed out that there should be as much elasticity aa possible. II. J. Sessions of Cedar Rapids told what was being done for the Iowa educational exhibit at the St. Iouls exposition. The sessions were harmonious In every way and the program carried out In full, all matters being ably discussed. The tight for presi dency left no bad feeling anywhere. Private Banker Kills Himself. C. F. Wood, cashier of the Cltisens bank at St. Charles, a small town in Madison county, south of here, shot and killed him self last night. Mr. Wood was about 35 years old and leaves a wife and five chil dren. Ills wife Mas the daughter of a pioneer resident of Des Moines. Mr. Wood was almost sole manager of the bank and of a general store at St. Charles, the presi dent, D. R. Mlnard. being a retired farmer. Tliero was about $.10,000 of deposits In the bank. Nothing could be found as to the condition of the bank, but all who are in terested believed It to be In good condition. Another bank had recently been started in the town, but Wood had his share of the business and there was a new private bank at Truro, a town In the same territory. Sndian Territory and Oklahoma ''Lands of opportunity" newest, richest and most promising sections of the west. Our booklets, "business Openings" and "Oklahoma," tell all about this wonderful country. Don't fail to wcure a copy. Honieseekers' Exruision rates, Jauuary 5 ami 10, one fare plus $2 for the round trip. 1323 Farnam Street, OMAHA, - NEB. Nothing was left to indicate the reason fur Mr. Wood killing himself. Mayoralty Candidate Is Oat. Announcement -was mmle today of the withdrawal from the race for mayor of James M. Brenton, the present mayor, who was seeking a renomlnatlon. At the same time It was announced that Oeorge W. Mattern, the present sheriff of the county, will enter the rare as candidate of the elements that would have otherwise 'sup ported Brenton for a second term. Ex Mayor John McVlcker is still in the race, and It was' regarded as certain he would beat Brenton for the nomination, which will be made in three weeks. LOCAL MERCHANTS TO FIGHT Have Canvassers for Chicago Hooso Arrested aad Court Assesses a Fine. ATLANTIC, la.. Dec. 81. (Special Tele gram.) A novel and most Interesting case was tried before Justice Pressnall here to day. For some time past a gang of men has been canvassing the county represent ing what they call the Chicago Supply company. The canvassers take orders for all manner of merchandise, such as cloth ing, dry goods, shoes, etc., and have been doing such an extensive business from their headquarters in this city, where a cutter was kept cutting and fitting the suits and . overcoats they sold, that ths local merchants have become hostile and today Frank Nebe of Nebe Bros.' shoe house, as a representative of the various local concerns Interested.' had the agents or canvassers arrested under the Iowa statute which provides that a license must be paid for such work, charging them with peddling without a license. The strangers employed good counsel to defend them, while County Attorney Bryant prosecuted. The defense claimed they were not ped dlers, but were simply agents of a for eign house and were under the protection of the Interstate commerce act A great legal battle was fought on both sides, but Justice Pressnall held for the state and fined the defendants 850 each and cests The defense put up ball in the sum of J 100 and w ill appeal to the supreme court, their attorney from Chlcsgo coming, so they say, to assist their local counsel in the trial. This case will be pushed by the local merchants, who have all combined In bearing the expense and If necessary the matter will be taken to the, supreme court, as the taxpaylng business men are anxious to kill off this clsa of non-taxpaying competition. IOWA WINS SPOOR TROPHY Ames College Takes Prises for Third Time aad Now Owaa It. the CHICAGO, Dee. SI The Bpoor trophy was today awarded to Iowa, the different agricultural colleges competing as follows: Iowa first, J75V. points; Ohio second, S5U4 points; Minnesota third, 348 points; Kansas fourth. 125 points. In the students' contests (as Individuals) for the Clay Sanders specials the standing of the first three was as follows: C. E Howard. 80; C. G. Elling. Kansas. SO'; W. A. Tener, Iowa. "V Iowa 8tate college having won the trophy three times In succession. It now becomes its permanent property. A report wss current that an unfair effort was being made to keep Iowa from winning, but the dlay In announcing the winner waa be cause the papers had to be sent to Canada to secure the signature of one Judge. Red Ho fraa te Caa Was the ball that caused horrible ulcers on O. B. 8t-adman, Newark. Mich., Buck ten's Arnica ftUlve soon cured blm. K. For sale by Kuhn A Co. . Thousands will read jeur want ad. word for word. If run this wtk duruag the mis spelled werdoaleab COMPANIES' LEVY WAR RATES Moscow Concerns Consicter"Eiski of War When Insuring Shipjninta. MUKDEN RE0CCUPIED AS WAR MEASURE Manchuria Correspondent of Russian Paper Says Fear of Chinese Hos tility Caused Occupation of Town by Troops. MOSCOW. Dec. 31. -The imposition of war risks today by the insurance companies on shipments hence to the far eust was the first local Intimation that Ituaao-Japanese hostilities were considered within the bounds of possibility. There Is no war talk, however, nor ex citement. The Manchurian correspondent of the Moscow Gazette says the Chinese plan in the light of a campaign is to con centrate 50,0u0 picked troops along the line of the Sinmlntun branch of the Manchurian railroad and cut the communications, thus Isolating New Chwang and Port Arthur. He adds that the reoccuputlon of Mukden by the Russians was effected chiefly for the purpose of checking this movement. I.IBAU, Russia. Dec. 31. The Russian second-class cruiser Atmaz has sailed for the far east. ST. PETERSBCnO. Dee. 31.-The Foreign office declares nothing has yet been decided regarding Russia's reply to Japan. M. Kurlno, the Japanese minister here, has been conferring actively with Foreign Minister I.amsdorfT, notwithstanding ths fact that the Japanese official Is suffering severely from a cold and from lumbago. TOKIO. Japan, Dec. 31 The completion of all the necessary preparations for even tualities has been followed by a temporary lull, pending the receipt of Russia's reply. It Is reported at Seoul that the Russian minister Is trying by every means to Induce the Corean court to grant Russia a lease of Maaamphn as a naval station. The un rest In southern Corea continues. ST. LOT.'IS. Dec. 31 Lieutenant General Nelson A. Miles, U. S. A., retired, who stopped here today enroute east, said In an interview: "If war Is declared between Russia and Japan It will probably Involve all the nations of Europe." Asked If he meant that all the nations in Europe would come to the aid of either Russia or Japan, he said: "Yes, they would become Involved in that way." He declined to say whether he thought this country would become Involved or not. General Miles stated that he had been In both Russia and Japan in the last few years nnd Is familiar with the armies of both countries. "Both are in fine condition for war," he said, "but I. will not say what I think of their relative strength and condi tion. The war will be decidedly military, as well as naval, and in my opinion there will be battles on land of considerable magnitude." Known ine Wor'd Over For Its wonderful cures Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Coldd. It cures or nu pay. For ale by Kuhn & Co. WITH T1IK HUWI.KnS. Results of the one man tournament last night on the (late City alleys, only part of loose oowiing mai were io piny 1st. .. 1K7 .. 2 7 .. 113 .. 1M .. 135 147 2d. 1S9 i:.7 11 1K4 12 3d. m li9 no 16? Total. M3 576 UX 615 468 4W Chandler Ahmanson GJcrde Tracy Benson Cochran Ixivers of howling were treated to the finest exhibition of steady work ever seen in Omaha at the Sclleck & Marble alleys last evening. Three teams rolled their series in the finish of the two-men tourna ment, and two of them came Inside the money. The final standing shows Encell and Marble 8.141), Mockett and Thomas 1.971. Heed and Greenlpaf 1,969 and Hprague and Reynolds l,9t7. King I)enmah was nigh for the night with 1.037, leading Sprague by only four pins, and Mockett 2fiH was the top Individual score. J .ant night's scores: 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. 5th. Total. Thomas 171 218 23 215 12 Mockett ltf 266 24 170 1!9 1.006 pin tournament will attract the crack bowl ers. Tomorrow night a match Is scheduled between the lightweights snd heavyweights of the league one team below 13a pounds and the other above 200 pounds. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Promise of Mech Colder Weather Friday for Nebraska and love. WASHINGTON. Dec. 31. Weather Fore cast: For Nebraska and South Dakota Partly cloudy and much colder Friday; Saturday fair. For Iowa Fair, much colder Friday; Sat urday fair. For Wyoming Fair, colder Friday; Sat urday fair. Loral Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER Bl'REAt', OMAHA. Dec. 30. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corrcbponulng day of the last three years: 1!W3. I!l2. 11)01. 1!KK). Maximum temperature... 51 46 39 V. Minimum temperature.... 26 29 27 2 Mean temperature........ SS :H Xi D Precipitation 00 .00 .W) .06 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day since March ). 1803: Normal temperature 21 Excess for the day 17 Total excess since March 1 78 Normal precipitation 03 Inch Deficiency for the day M Inch Precipitation since March 1 S2. 24 Inches Excess since March 1 8.03 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1902 57 Inch Deficiency for cor. period. 1901.. ..6.10 Inches Totals Pprague Reynold J Totals Brunke Deii'nan 817 44 407 SS6 361 1,974 1st. 2d. 8i. 4th. 5th. Total. 201 2'fl 13 196 222 1,033 305 187 137 210 196 934 40 418 SCO 408 417 1.967 lt. 2d. 3d. 4th. 6th. Totil. 1H5 W I'M 195 178 9"8 205 1(1 214 214 213 1.037 Totals 390 875 8X0 409 391 ' 1.915 Prom 10 a. m. until 10 p. m. today a head- FIRE RECORD. Mrs. Ida Itowan. ATCHISON. Kan.. Dec. Sl.-Mrs. Ida Rowan, wife of Captain A. S. Rowan, who "carried the message to Garcia" In the Spanish American war, died at her home here today. Will Make You Feel Young. Electrio Bitters are a marvelous tonle, and work wonders for a weak, run-down system. Try them. Only 60c. For sale by Kuhn & Co. Everybody reads the want ad pago these days. Now Is ths time to put your ad thsre. The Traveler iCert&ntjLof a Good Smoke is jjsaasi1jfJn'1'- sVsmiss" n iv vj-t is? 1. Wherever you go on any road, in every town you're sure of a frt Bmnlr 4rv C nta 14 rsx, l. A A 1 kivii siuunv ui J Vkiiu ll dsn lut UlC V J- Crcmo. The only cigar for sale every whcie, and everywhere the same. LARGEST SELLER IN THE WORLD. Ths 'Band is the Smoker's Protection. UNION PACIFIC SHORTEST LINE FASTEST TIME . TO Oregon AND Washington Daylight Rid of 200 Miles along the beautiful Columbia River. Two Through Trains Daily Accommodation for all Classes ot Passengers. . Steam Heat Plntscb Light. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS A SPECIALTY. V Full Information ?hrfaHy rumlihe, on application m CITY TICKET OFFICR 1324 Farnam fMreel. 'Fhono 311 Charges Less Than all Others OR. McGREW, SPECIALIST Treats all forms of Diseases at MCN ONLY. Twenty-eight years' experience tighteen years in Oman The doctor's remarkable success bat never been equaled. His resources anil facilities for treating this ctass l are unlimited and every day brings many . nattering reports of the good he la doing, er the relief hs has given. HOT SPRINGS .REATMENTfOR All Blood lJoiauns. No "BKKAK1NG OUT" on the skin or face and all external slgius of the disrase disappear at one. A p manent cure for life guaranteed. URICOCtlE J&JS TfiUArN"sleeDJA fVFAD 111 llc''e crta ot Hydrocele. I!lrl JUUUU (Stricture. Gleet. Nervous iJehillty, I -os ot Utrengtb and YlUtiJiy nd all forms ol chionio dmeaxei. Treatment by mall. Call er write. Bos) TM. Office US Boutb 14th st.. Omaha. Neb, fcPDRUMICARDS MHITL DO. F. CUff ft eer .'a.ta iu d nur cir . Ibtf fo trout drlLli. iif pfntm for vtiU lt cuuf , I I 9iU ftfirr isiug iiti rvniebV. tiein iu ''if Mu4 VILA 4X fllia.Ui Vua.iU Uf JksVJsUDU flstf