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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY WV.V.x TUESDAY, DECEMREH 20. 100.T SPECIAL NOTICES Ad vertlsenseata for these rolaann will be lake aatH IX as. tor the rmlif edition aad antll SiOO p. aa. for norilgg sad Snnday eilltloB, Rates, 1 1-Se a word Brit Insertion. Is a word thereafter, ftothlag takca tar leea than 20n for the first laser tlon. These adTertleemeata anaat be ran ronsecatlvely. Advertisers, by reqaeatlas; a a lim bered check, can iiti aaenera ad rlreaacd to a a a sabered letter la care of The Bee. Aaawera to addreaaed will be delivered on prrscnlallna of the check only. MISCELLANICOl 9. ' J 904 MIDWINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE OPENS MONDAY, JANUARY 4. Day and Night. CALL. WRITE OK TELEPHONES FOR Information Address, H. B. BOYLES. President Nw York Life bldg. Omaha, Neb. RM40J SPECIAL For a limited time we will tit you wlin a guaranteed pair ot spectacles lor i. t'on t miss this chance. L. a. isjnic.aiis, . N. 161U St H 89. tBHJ'lELUS Cut-Price Fluno Co., Bee Bldg., Koom 7. Tel. .01. .Weber, btory Clark, l.udwig Schiller. R ! EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all busirtcss confidential. 1301 Douglas. R aio tX PRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage, zii N. llith. Tel. 1195. R-Jil HEKK ia a cunnca to get a pair ot aboea which are unexreled at any price. Onl mod. $3.f0 and $2.60. Regent Shoe Co., M b. lath St R 37 MONEY loaned on all valuables. 418 N. 16th R 373 ChirOnflHv .re,lef; corn removed. llUOJNJUy ur. Hoyi r 2-a, iMa Enrnam. TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY, If you don't, we both lose. Good work; prompt attention. U4 N. llith. Tel. 206. H-3,6 C9t'RfKAY COMPANY. UNDERTAK ERS, Jul? Capitol uve., tel. 454. Hli READ! H EED1 ( HAVE ROOT PRINT IT. SUCCFFD! I A- 1 w OUULCCUl I 414-16 8. 12th. F T. Inc. Phone 1604, R M24 Bread ?tr,l,ctly Homemade; potato yeast uit-ui Delicatessen, lut Farnam street R 748 jvjl.u crowns rrom $3; fillings from 25c; Bet ff " A. ,eetn extracted free. Union Dental Co., 1522 Douglas, room 4, It 378 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. O. Mark, 17th and Douglas. R-M380 P. MELCHIOR, macnlnlst 13th A Howard. . R 381 THE GRAND PANTS CO., A thoroughly relluulu tailoring iiieiit carrying a ful line of pure woolens. Maks up any suit In the house for II. 6o; P',1 J Patierna. $3.50. No more, no less! P N. llith. R MttlU 'STRONGEST In the World." The Equlta- ble Lite Assurance society, its policies are a.ght drutts at maturity. H. D N,ely. manager, Merchants National Bank bldg.. Omaha. Neb. R M6.3 Poultry bu pPLiEs-uiiery & Co., iai Howard. Tel. US. R-ll43 HOLY BMOKfi! Waahlngton. 6c. Beck ruins. 16u7 Farnam. lt-Muai OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 N. 16th St. . R aw 6K3N painting. 8. U. Cole, 1302 Douglas. . ; . tt 61 ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ociilureif M'.h una Lake sts. H-itta rOH SOMETHINO In the bakery line fresh anl sweet stop at Bradboft's. 1606 -N iiib at. h M973 ' JACKDAW WHISKEY PURE HKli, U lliARb Oj-U: BEST FOR MKD1C1NAL PURPOBKaT CACKLK? BROS.. BOLE OWNKRB, 121 N lhTrf A D CAPITOL AVE. H-UU9 dA A. MarUu. Tailor, removed to tS04 Douglas. , R-&6 1 BREAD, pies and cakes. 2914 Farnam St i R-M641 2 ' HEFLIN, locksmith, We N. 16th. Tel. 2974. . R ii'ibH 6HOETORI UM-Shoes repaired by ma. chlnery; beat stock used; solas. 40c Z. aewed 76c; ladles'. 35c; sewed, Mc; heels' ioc. J6c; rubber heels. 4uc, JOB N lath Tel. y74. Bhoee called for and deUvered work guaranteed. R-S06 J7 MEDLAR PRINTING CO.-K.4 8. 16th St . R SH Jig PHOTOS, latest mountings, finest work Bpeclal rate of $3 on cabinet pictures Sli North 84th SU R-4M Jii NEW barber shop at Merchants hotel. , - Rm n H. O. SMITH, successor to McVea A Smith, plumbing and heating, Ug N lfith Tel. 31)32. Prompt attention given all "fr Tt-M7-n rtHMIUEU HOOKS AND HOARD. Furnished Rooms, steam heat, with or with. out board. Midland hotel, 16th Chicago. F-74J THB ROSB. 308 Harney; warm 100ms. good board. F M4 XJPTOPL1, steam heat, 1721 Davenport . V-73 ROOMS with board: modern, steam heat also table board. The Dreaber, u g. wilT ir-nux j 10 SUITE rooms, 1st floor, single rooms; hot wtwwtu A&tHiuiiu, Mia ana uouge. , r-Mnw ROC KA WAY, 131 Douglas. Meals. 16c. " F i!20 THE U. a RESTAURANT, Ulu Dodge, . " uun iuv wMiiagemeni 01 vi m BAUEliMElSTkiR. Open aU night F-629 I TOR RENT Large well-furnlsaed front room, all modern, with board: alao good table board by day or week. The Dresiier. COMFORTABlK steam heated rooms, with 4 .,ilaa 6.. ... 'W 1 d a si a-vUM UVIUi sFJlf f (AriWln. A FEW nicely furnished rooms, with good wmu, luuunn ueuu-neu nouse; steam ncawiwui,, uio r arnam or. - F MHS7 x WASTED TO BIT. 1 WANT TO BUY a small tract of grouix wltti amall house on it, In the suoui ua muni u reusoiiauie in price; can pay part , cusn, ia ia nee 111 mortgage. Address Y su. Dee. N M!i48 31 BECOXD-HAND books. Crane. 2t7 N. lfith. K Hal Ji IriN'T give your furniture and rarpeta away. J. Levine pays the highest cash price. Telephone 771. N Mi A OR 7-RM. HOUSE, centrally located , 1 ,1,11 it, u 1 1 inibiurn- . . u . . . . . . . cash; would prefer lo deal with owner uire'i. .uuitm 1 iM-e. rMM? 31 T)BACtX5 tags, coupons, bought. Siyu s. i;uh. .s May7 J RrvLr bought, aold. Antluue Book Con DUCm tr, 213 Karbach blk. Tel. SM4 14. N 6 1 WANT TO Bl'Y a vacant lot cheap CKxh, on grade, with city water, ae for iiu i'ltri, wuuhi preier n, tng lth owner direct. -so as to buy it r-asonable as losible. AddreKH V leal- ss ii' N-M!i 31 MI9C F.M,AROI . WINTER TERM OF THB Commercial Omalia College 17th and Douglas. Openn next Monday, January 4. It wtl! pay you to attend. It means much to you. I.or.k the matter up quickly. Catalogue free. Address, ROHRBOUGM BROS., Omaha, Neb HAISTK.l)-MAI.K HELP, MKN to learn baroer trade; free railroad la.e urn our fal.ure to convince you ot tola me', largest snu only re. table, inoM p...rtl::al lia.ier rolieRe In this serilon ot the country; write for catalogue today. Western Barbers ln-tlJ tute, oiual, a, iVeb. B 152 WANTED Two agents at once; snU ary; city work. C F. Adams v!o., ihiit Howard st. B WANTED For I'. 8. army, al.le-bo.lled, unmarried mtn. between anes of 21 and io, cl.lsen.4 of nl.eci States, of good cnarac ter and nahlts, who can speak, rean and write Enali'li. For Information apply to recriiiiiiiK offtVer, 18th and Ioiae Flu.. Oniuhu, and Lincoln. Nen. B M154 WANTEIi Men to learn barber trade; start now and rompiele for spring rush; top wages paid giaduatcs; tliplotnHs granted; can earn nearly all expenses i.efore tlnlshlng. Call tor particulars, taoler Barber culltg, 130i Douglas St. B M834 Jlx WANTED First-class sausage maker and meat cutter, one-half Interest in marset for sale. C W. Letcliford, 6"7 S. Main St.. Council Bluffs, la. B-MS81 WANTED Good ad. and Job printer: one wno can aa lofal worK ir necessary, married man pref, rred. No drinking man wanted. A four-year Job for the right man. State wae;ps; give references. Ad dress, "Pica," care Omaha Bee. ' H M!1? 31 WATKD-KKMAI.E HF.I.P. WANTED Indies lo learn halrdresslng, mHnlcuiing or electric facial treatment; best paying work lady can do; graduates earn S12 to 1-0 weekly; some wages from start; four weeks completes. Call or write Moler College, 13U2 Douglas St. C-MS35 Jlx WANTED Competent young lady for office work. Must be good at figures and Home knowledge of bookkeeping. State age, ex perience nnd salary expected. Good posi tion to the right party. Address, Y 57, Bee. C M860 31 x HI, for general housework. Mrs. . J. i'hlllips. 1326 S. 22d St. C-MH45 29x WANTED CompeiPnt girl for general nousewom; rererences required; good waffos; only two in family. 313 North aith St. C M770 WANTED, girl for general housework. l&io B. 32d St. C M834 30 WANTED Competent young lady for office worn. Must lie good at ngures nnd some knowledge of hookeeplng. State age, ex perience and aalary expected. Good posi tion to the right party. Address. Y 57, Bee. C-M50-'J9x WANTED, a neat and experienced houso- ninin. Mrs. t.. A. Cudahy, nnd Dewey ave. C MiKff 31 FOR REN'T FURNISHED ROOMS. Room at the Dellone Large, i.giii. auu taiy . biu, h-.m and up per; toa ai.u up per uay; steam Iieatea, electric llghteu, private and gen eial b..u.a; ursi-v ana Buivlce. Htn and Capitoi ave. E M7U ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. Mil DEWEY European houL 13th and Farnam. NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha bieuia uiunury, itw ieavenwurtn. 'Phone A-17H. t m O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone GIL ELKO ANT front roon; steam heat lvut -upuoi ave. hitiui NICE south room, modern, toa S. Wth. STATS HOTEL European. 112 Douglas sb 31.26 PER WEEK. Doran Houso, 4i: 6. 1Mb. ROOMS, furnace heat 316 N. 16th. 'tel. 144. It-JIWJ J FURNISHED rooms La cola, 1611 Howard. NICELY furnished double parlors, single 01 cuauiie, is, uain, steam lieat, lei. 16J3 Douglas. kdtdlil COZY front room. $2 per week. 1717 Web- sier su E 466-J1 VIENNA European Hotel, 1011-16 Farnam St. vine rooms; lauies care; private dining rooms. Optn all night. E out NICE furnlthed rooms. 324 N. 15tn. E M607 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeD- , It'jn . .va a. will. E M844 29x THE FARNAM. ISth and Farnam sts. E 763 NICELY furnished rooms, steam heat; riiumiieii pi eierreo; reierence. zzh t ar nam, 'phone 2203. E MhW 29x WARM desirable rooms; first class loca tion, zs r arnam. E M879 29x FOR RENT A nicely furnished south room an inouern; private family. 261 Jonrs st E-MM17 B18IKK8S CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or business yulck. see J. H. 4. 1: Yt3S4 rfoanson, u xm. x. xaie. EXCHANGES of all kinds. To buy or sell m uusiiivaa ur v&cuange raeieoanaise lor a land or city property, call or arilis Bhotea Aimstioug Co.. 721-3 N. Y. Lilla. Tel. it. Y-M7IM FINE Business for Sale Annual sales 125.. i. yri ueiii; capital re quired. tS.wxi; It's a snap. Address Y 11, Bee office. i" 161 U0, to Invest In legitimate money making business. What have you to offer? Address Y E3. Bee. Y MS3S AN ANTED A business partner with from l.f0 to J2.EOI; would like to negotiate with a good honest hustler; will pay the right party to Investigate. Address K. Bee office. Council Bluffs. Ia. Y-MS14 SI WASTED TO RET. WANTED For light housekeeping, fur- 1 .. uiuurnisneu upper noor with family, or second-story flat of three to five rooms; modern conveniences; In good locality; references exchanged. Address Y 61. this office. K sits 2 V, ANTED to rent. 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms for housekeeping, ground noor plenty of shade: strictly modern: refer ences exchanged; close In or Hanscom park district. Addreaa Y 63 Bee. K M90 WASTED TO BORROW. WANTED 33..UD at 6 per cent on two new modern houses having a rental value of tbauo per month: private loan pre ferred; no commission. Address Y 62 bee. mi ax ' M10. will give per cent for 3 to 6 years upon brand new full 2-story 8-room house With furiia.-e. porcelain bath, gas and electric lights: property nicely. Iocate.1. Address Y 5.i H,-e. V!ni9 si . FOR 3ALE HOHSES, WAUO.XS. ETC. NEW and 2d-haad vehicles for sale; re pairs. 11. Froat, 14lh and Leavenworth. P 17 FOR BALE Cd-hand. handmade, rubber tired phaeton. In good shape; sell ihrau 417 8. Hth St. r-ssa J,,, ZD-HAND Concord, leather top. hand made .li, 4 new wheels. 417 S. 14th 8t. !' V Jx W AMTkD-SITlATIdX. BCKiKKtEPlCR-lood references, wants po sltiup. Address Y 43. Bee. A 7u7 2lix YOUNG man desires place to work for board while going tj school. Boyles Coi lt ge. Tel. Is4. A-4&3 What Do You Know About Spelling? Prizes Joy finding the most mis-spelled words in our want-ads. For details sec advertisement page S. FOR SALE M(A ELLAMiOt S, FOR SALE, several schnlarmlps in a flrat cluss standard school in Omana, compris ing complete cour-o In business, short hand nnd typewriting. Inquire at Bee ollice. W SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: billiard tables repaired: a largo stcck of cneep bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. 'i he Brunswick-Balke Coiienuer Co., 4u7-t S. 10th Bt O "4 IROW ft Wire fences, tree guaroj, treilises. Western Anchor Fencs Co., 2U6 N. 17th st. Q-3S CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. U-3S9 . INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. t-37 ZD-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. v W w CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir timbers. 901 Douglas. y 41.1 TWO fine depot wagons. Z rocknways. 1 coupe, 3 traps, 1 wagonette. 2 drays. Drummond Carriage Co., lbth and llnr ney. U-403 TRADING stamps, Boston Market. 113 N. 16. Q-S79 J8 CLOSING out hard coal stoves at less than Vi price from 15 up. Furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. M20. Q-403 AM AUTHORIZED to sell at bargain diamond stud, ring ond pair earrings left In pawn. Diamond Loan OlHce, 1401 Doug las. g-4 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Apply at Bee pres.i room. Q 138 FOR SALE Four No. 1 Brunswick bow-ling alleys. Address Box 394, David City, Neu. , Q 4i J16 BUILDING FOR BALK. Bid wanted for sale of frame building, "th ana Karnara, on H. & AI. tracks, t about 40x1.0. port two stories. Submit to D. V. Sholes Co.. 722 New York Life building. Tel. 49. Q-M 54 J3 1,000 pure-bred land and wnter fowls for sale, write for prices, ueorge H. Mpyl, Washington. III. Q M3S2 29x MOVING PICTURK machine, stereoptlcon films, slides; very cheap. R. C. Taylor. 809 8. 19th st. Q-MS96 29x SWEET CIDER, home grown eeerv, freh vegetables, oysters direct from Baltimore. We have the best line of figs, date nnd nuts In Omaha. Buffett & Son, Fourteenth and Harney Sts. Q M691 FOR RE.VT STOHKS ASD OFFICES. FOR RENT building suitable for whole sa.s purposes at K16 Furnam, 22x90, four stsries and lirst-class cemented basement, elevator, lire nnd burglar proof vault, of II je counter and Uxlures. For price and particulars iiuiulre C. C. Rosewater, sec retary Beo Building Co., room luu, hl.e builOing. I M607 FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show loom and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements', power furnished if required. R. C. Peters U Co.. rental agents, ground floor. Bee building. 1-JI7M 3-STORY nnd basement, 22x100; 1006 Farnam Bl. Inquire 314 First Nat l Bank Bldg. I-4u5 FOR RENT, three upper stories in four story building at 916 Farnam t. two stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water. Sec'y., Room 100. Bee bldg. I-M3S0 Building for Wholesale or Warehouse Purposes. 1414 Harney St., 33x1-0 feet, lour stories and basement, electric elevator, steam iicau 1250.00 per month. GHOKGK & COMPANY, 1001 Farnam Bt I-M628 J3 BACK COPIES ot THIS WEEK'S ISSUES. containing, ads of The Mis-Spelled Words, If ay be obtained at The Bee business ofD;a 20 PER COPT. For Rent At a Bargain The large double store In Bee Building, formerly occupied by MacCurthy Tuiloring Co. W feet plate glass front, the only one of lis kind In Omaha. . Excellent location fcr men's furnishing store, shoe store, jeweler, milliner, etc. Every tenant of the Immense Bee Build ing, City Hall, Court flouse and J.'ew York IJU Building a pos sible patron. For further particulars, see MacCarthy .'Tailoring Company 304-306 So 16th St FOR RENT Store room 15x120 feet; best location in the liveliest county seat in southern Nebratki. Address 41R 6th St., Falrbury, Neb. . I M36 J4x MO.VEY TO LOAS-HL'AL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. 11. Tboinaa. First Nut 1 Bank Bldg. TeL lots. W L' PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. Life. 4mU 4 TO 6 P. C. money, Bemla, Paxton block, W 434 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglas. W 4d6 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Bmiih A Co.. 1320 Farnam St W 4J6 FIVE per cent loans. Garvin Bros.. 1604 Farnam. W 437 WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters A Co.. Bee Bldg. W-43 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. V Zli 6. form loans. R. C. Patterson. 14 Far nam. .1 w. AGKXT3 WASTE IX WANTED Z solicitors; salary or com. "07 8. 16th. J 375 Janl WANTED Canvassing agents in every county to solicit subscriptions to THti TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good in come. Agents in the country with horse and buggy eapeclally dealred. Canvassers make easily t' to tlou per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, liee building. Omaha. J 213 LOT. LOST Package of white taffeta alls. Re. turn to the Her Grand and receive re ward. Lost tsM9 la I.OST Dark brown horse, M0 lbs. weight, white stnpe down face, one white hind foot. Sbjii Leavenworth St.. phone black 1611 Loot-MUl i'x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE, TWO acres on paved street In Benson for $.,50; on easy pay tnents. seres In Benson for $1,000: 10 per cent cash; balance easy pay ments. 5 acres three blocks from car, $1.2f0. 2 nice residence lots near car line for $3tifl; $30 cash; balance $10 per month. Benson & Carmichael 612 PAXTON BLOCK. RE -734 29 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about lt The best way to reach then is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 46.00 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement is small t cents per word in small type or $2.60 per inch if set in large type. THb TWhN TIUTH CbNI L'KY FARMER, OMAHA, NtB. RE 329 TRADING STAMPS Are No Better Than These Bargains. 1506- Ohio St., 6 rooms, water, omy $1,350. Or 2112 Grant St., 3 rooms, modern, barn, l,b.:M Or 4iil2 N. 25th 8t. water, barn, big lot, $1,2,6. Or i'i4 .Decatur St., 6 rooms, good location, $1,060. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Building. RE 720-29 B1G SNAP! $S60 for 3504 Hami.ton, 4 rooms, city water, gas and fixtures, brick walks, nice repair; uou't delay. , D. V. SHOLES CO. 722 N. Y. Lite. lei. 49. RE M9tt2 SNAP FOR SOMEBODY. Pottawattamie county, Iowa, 160-acre Mis souri bottom farm, onb mile trom ela tion and three miles from river, $56 per acre, half cash, or can take well-iocattd good Omaha residence In part payment. J. B. Piper, 611 Bee Building, Omana, Neb. RE Ms52 at FIVE ACRES For sale at low price of Jl.9t0.0u Located on North Twenty-fourth street near Fort. A very desirable loca tion to improve. George & Co., 16 il Far jiam street. RE M751 Jl BEST bargains In farms and ranches. Write Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow, Neb., for list and Illustrated pamphlet. RE M731 J23 FOR SALE, twnive-acre fruit farm at Braldentown, Florldt; water front, young orange and banana grove, and good bouse. Address Lock Box 66, Ulltner. Neb. RE 196 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Paciflo Railroad company. B. A. McAllaster, laud commissioner. Union Pacific headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 410 6EE Spencer's bargains, 626 N. T. life. RB 623 Jl REAL ESTATE bargains. Full lot and three houses In E. V. Smith's addition, only, $2,260. Thomus Brcunun, 309 80. J3th street. RE M606 C3- Williamson Ca, &kiX! RE-649 $2,000 for one of the prettiest lots on Far nam hill, 50x125. east front, near Mr. Joslyn's residence. Harrison & Morton, 912 New Yorg Life. RE M866 English & Co., Paxton Block, For Quick Sale Nine-room residence, large east front lot, on grade, walking distance, 31,600; reason able terms. Large lot, on grade, facing two streets, walking distance. $460. RE WS93 A COTTAGE HOME New 5-room cottage; pever occupied; well built; all on one floor; bath closet, gool cellar; east front lot. 42x120; half block from car; four blocks from good school; 1916 N. 34th, between Parker and Blondo, oil easy terms, at less than Its rel value. One of the best bargains offered this sea , son, only $1.600 $1,600 $1,600 $1,600. (Less for cash.) GEORGE G. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. RE 900 28 CHEAP On 19th north of Leavenworth, cottage of 5 rooms and 60-foot lot; a big snap, at $2,4ii0. On South 10th st., good "-room house, mod ern except furnace; rents for $18; price, $l,7u0; figure out the income. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam street. RE-M904 30 H ,100 H FOR 9-ROOM HOUSE. 2914 N. 25th street, near Binney. fine large 9-room home, 4 rooms on ground floor and 5 on second fl'-or; has gas, city water, bath, cistern In house, under whole house, piped for furnace, east front, flue lawn, shade treeB and good barn. Owner would trade for 6 or 6-room cottage. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 510-511 N. Y. Life Build'ng. RE M913 CLAIRVOYANTS. BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th St. 8 131 GYLMEH, palmist, 715 N. 23d; 'phone B 3245. S-423 M ItS. CARRIE SMITH, , SOVEREIGN 1 ADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every, thing told, past, present and future. Sat lsfactlon or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 8424 PROF. HARRY removed to 1816 Dodge st. 8 M 9116 LAW AND COLLECTION'S, 8T1LLMAN & PRICE. 410 1st Nat. bk. bldg. 462 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Life bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. 463 Arthur L. Warrick, 401 Ware blk. Tel. 134. 112 W. V. WAPPICH. ADVICE free. Creighton Blk. M-fc4 WASTED IALKisE.1, WAVTED Competent, energetic, experi enced salesmen to sell a new article In Omaha, South Omaha, Council blurts and vicinity. Jobbers." manufacturers and wholesale trade only to be called on. The Brunswick-Baike-Collendr Co.. 4t7 and 4u S. loth St.. city. U 471 10 MEDICAL. LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Plils are the best Safe, reliable. Take ne other. Bend 4c.. stumps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter, by return mail. Ask your drupulst. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. for tm.iT-uoisi;3. HOI IQFC. in all parts of the city. The " w w o. F. Davis Co. sun Bee Bldg. D 4 HOI 19 ln Prts of the city. R. IIVJUOCO c. l eters A Co.. Bee Bldg. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co., office 1611 Vi Farnam, or Tela. 166-8o4. D 116 FAYNE-BOBTWICK Ac CO., choice house". tkll-6i New York Life Bldg. 'Phone mm. D 420 SEVERAL good houses, $10 to $18. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. Phone 2049. D-M110 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Stor age Co., Tel. 1496. Orilce, 1713 Webster St. D 421 ' HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. D 422 FOR RENT, 6-room house, 2503 Wool worth ave.; porcelain bath. gas. hot and cold water; newly painted and papereJ throughout $-U J. H. Sherwood. New York Life Bldg. D M667 2818 S. 19th St., 8-room house $20.00. 1925 8. 18th St., 6-room house, well $10.00. 3215 Burt St., S-room cottage $6.60. 319 N. 17th St., 6 rooms upstairs $12.00. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1606 Dodge St. D 696 2716 BRISTOL. 7-room house; bath, gas, city water, $20.00. McCague Investment Co., 1506 Dodge St. D-M478 7-ROOM, all modern lioue. hot and cold water. 2010 Poppleton Ave, D 496 6-ROOM modern flat. 1112 S. 11th. D 495 FOR RENT 7-room house, city water and largo yard. 24,11 Emmet St.. $15. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. DM616 29 TO RENT New, flnrlv furr.'hed 9-room house. West Farnam district, for few months, to flrst-cl iss party without chil dren. W. Farnnm Smith Co., 1320 Psr- nam St. D 677 FOR RENT Modern Ix-room house on West Farnam car U.. The O.F. Davis Co., 60S Bee B:dg. D-704 2S FOR RENT. No. 2112 locust St.. K-room modern house, verv attractive place, in convenient loca tion. Rent, $25.00 per month. One of the best and most attractive 7-room houses In Hsnscom Park district, nil mod ern; will lense for one year or longer, $50 per month. No. 138 N. 3Sth ave., very attractive and desirable residence of 11 rooms, modern throughout. $60 per month. No. 3604 S. 20th St., 8-room modern house two blccks south of 20th and Vinton sts., car line, $26 per month. . No. 1011 Howard St.. 2 flats, consisting of 12 rooms. In het of renslr. $55 rr month. N. W. corner 28th nnd J ickson st., 9-nnm modern house; convenient location; $30.00 per month. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 FARNAM ST. D-M672 J3 7-room cottage, modern Improvements. 2687 Parker. $25. Inquire Carpenter Paper Co., 12th and Howard. D M865 iti FOR RENT 7-room cottage In good repair, 2635 Parker St., $18. Inquire Carpenter Paper Co., 12th and Howard. D-M866 2$ HOUSES TO RENT, t .A 78 8. 17th avenue, 2 rooms. 16.00, 2504 Burdette st, 8 rooms. 12.00, 34)3 Jackson St., 5 rooms. 10.00. H837 Decitur st, 7 rooms. 7 00 1(8 8. llith st, 3 rooms. 2000, 819 N. 4?rd st., 9 rooms. 12.C0. 1840 N. 22nd st, 4 rooms. 6.00, 3314 8 . 2:ith St., 6 rooms. 10.00. 2?10 Pierce St.. 4 rooms. N. P. Dodge & Co.. 1614 Farnam st. nMn i MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. LOANS It will pay you to deal with an old and reliable firm and establish a credit where you can secure money when you need It. CHATTEL LOANS on Furniture, Pianos. Horses, Warehouse Receipts, etc., the property always re maining In your possession. SALARY LOANS on your own agreement to repay, if you hold a salurled position. AN INTERVIEW will convince you that the conditions of our contracts are the most liberal In all respects of any obtainable In the city, and our service Is quick und without any pub licity. When you tlnd it necessary .to bor row GIVE US A TRIAL and we will by fair treatment attempt to retain your patronage. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Beard of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. established 1S92 306 bo. 16th St. X-M715 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, SALARIES, ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try us if you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton Block, 16tn and Farnam Sts. X 427 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others with security; easy payments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman, room 440 Chamber of Commerce B'dg. X 416 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. tJ4 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-4tf MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, hcrars, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 319 8. II. X-420 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., R. 8, Barker Block. X 431 LOANS 8ALARY OR CHATTEL. OUR PLAN IS THE CHEAPEST. BEST AND MOKT PRIVATE IN OMAHA: PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVEN IENCE AND INCOME. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. ROOMS 307-308 PAXTON BLOCK. , XSKS DANCINU ACADEMY, CHAMBERS' Ne Academy. -2424 Farnam. Adult beginners, Mondays and Saturdays, p. m.; assemblies, Wednesdays. 8:30 p. in.; children beginners, Wednesdays, 4 p. m., Saturdays, 2 p. m ; advanced, Satur days orly, 4 p. m. 'Phone, F-1871; res., A-1871. -706 MORAND'B, 15th and Harney; adult begin ners, Tues. A Frl.. 8 p. m.; children, Kat.: assemblies. Wed. Tickets for lessons sold at a reduced price this month, good until used; private lesons doily. Tel. li4L. , -ifo4 Jl OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, 516 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1664 468 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. T. 2352. 469 Aten A Farweil, Paxton blk., 604-7. T. 1345. 460 PR GRACE DEEGAN, 832 N. Y. Life. Tel. 2WW. Fayette Cole. Osteopath. 6"t Paxton block. 143 URES8M AKJNQ. MRS. CABB, dressmaking, 1910 Dodge st M9.) J28 PATKSTI. H J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. 118 S. 16th st, Omaha. Tel. 1798. 4 PERSONAL".. ANY poor girl In need of a friend can ctill or write to the matron of the Sal vsiIot Armv Home for Women, 3.vj N. 24th St., Omaha. Neb. V M5Jt. Maxlx Stammering Cured. J. Vaughn, Ramgc l'ld. L 676 CAL1TZO Meet me at Huteson's. expert Optlcsn, 213 8. 16th St.; going v ' a pair ol' his "Patent Slip Not'" eye glasses. He tests free. U 60 J I ROBINSON S Shining las St. rarlors, l.l?o Doug. U-MS69 Ji M A tiNIPTir" treatment A baths. Mme I'"' Na Smith, 118 N. 15. 2 fit'. R. 2. U M944 rnx ELITE parlors. 616 S. 16th, 2d floor. U-M961 MONEY loaned on valuables. 1315 Douglas. U M90 J SMOKE the best Blnderup Cigars. U M968 J8 SHOP MADE SHOES Lang's, 718 8. 16th St. USDu F13 BARTON Printing Co., 12-16 Barker Blk. U M400 J 14 Broadfleld Printing Co. We print almost everything. 1609 Jackson St.; 'phone 3.(52. U M3U9 J 14 Strong A Varley, stamping dies. 13ft Dodge. U-M398 Ji4 SMOKE Oipt Freer's Greenlander. ' 410 8. 13th. U-419 J14 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13th st. U 430 J15 TEL. 3'Jffi. that's the Gate City Steam Dye ing and Cleaning Works. 618 8. 16th st. U-M4I. DR. GSANTNER, dentist. 309 Ramge blk. U 7o J17x THE REGENT Ladles' toilet rarlors and bathery, needle spray, electrical and In ternal; manicuring and hair dressing. 2n6 Ramge bldg. Tel. 2079. Ladies only. J 601 WE RENT sewing machines at Too per week, $2 per month; we repair and sell parts tor every machine manufactured; second-hand machines from $1 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. U 443 "VI A VI" way to health. 346 Bte building. U 444 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during continement. Dr. Rnd Mrs. Gerlsch, 3626 California ,st Terms reasonable. U 445 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities of women from any cause; experienced find reliable. 1513 Dodge st, Arlington block, Omaha. U 448 PR1 ATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Gardcls, 2234 Lake. Tel. Hed-1884. U 446 PR1 ATE home during confinement; babies ndopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, TJH 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la. U 626 WATER'S PRINTING CO.. 1212 Douglas L U M669 If BACK COPIES ot THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing ads of The Mls-Spelled Words, May be obtained at The Bee business office. 2C PER COPT. PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement. Mrs. L. Fisher, 2615 H. 11th. Tel. 1889. u-447 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. AT druggists, $1. U 443 WHAT'S nicer than accordion pleating? We do nothing but the finest. Goldman Pleating Co., 20 Douglas block. P 450 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE- CO.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. U-451 OMAHA DYE WORKS, 1615 HOWARD, fashionable cleaners; dresses, suits cloaks, draperies, rugs, lace curtains; we dye carpets. . U M727 J23 J. E. WALLACE. TAXIDERMIST. W5 S. "th. U-M407 SIX magazines for 1 year for $2; cut rates on 3,500 publications; catalogue free; good solicitors wantel; salary and commission paid. R. B. Wallace. 307 Brown Block. U-M783 J26 nni r ELECTRO PLATING. 911 VFR OMAHA PLATING CO. ' 01L,VCI REMOVED TO 1508 HARNEY. TELEPHONE 2535. U-129 lis; When You Write to Advertisers remember lt only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad ln The Bee. 1IIS1CAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge block. LETOVSKY'8 ORCHESTRA. Tel. L-2681 1 -441 BKCHTOLD'S union orchestra. 11 S. 13th st , M-4WC Jl OMAHA Piano and Musical Instrument Re pair shop. Tel 3452, Pianos bought and sold. 115 N. 15th. U4 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT 6 Behoof" 7rTN. T. Life. 467 NEB. Business A Shorthand College. Boyd'g inwier. When You Write to Advertisers remember lt orly takea an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the faot that you saw the ad ln The Bee. FCR EXCHANGE. ALL OR PART of valuable U. & patent to exchange for mining stocks. A Miner. 811 N. 16th. Z 162 WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. Schmoller A Mueller, 1313 Farnam St. Z 660 FOR EXCHANGE Fresh cows for dry ones, at 2566 Ames ave. Z 887 DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbach block. Tel. A-2S32. -406 THE EEPOITT DETECTIVE AGENCY 7o N Y. LIFE. TELEPHONE 3640 7u UNFURNISHED ROOMS. ON brand new 8-room full two-story mod ern house, has tine furnuce, open plumb ing, both gas and electric lights; property nicely located; $600. Will give 6 per cent for 8 years to 6 years. Address. Y36 Bee. M Mil 29 COSTUMES. Theatrical and masq. Lleben, 1011 Farnam, COSTUMES for rent. Sack. 3311 8. 20th at. M744 J2lx FOR RENT FARMS. lrtu acres rich bottom, adapted to corn and grain. J. B. Piper, 611 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. . tt-M7f. TICKET BROKERS. CUT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 15c6 Farnam. 'Phone 7M. 460 FLORISTS. HEHS A HWOHODA. 1416 Farnam. L. HENDERSON, florist, 1619 Farnam ML FURNITURE PArhVINO. Peterson A Lund berg. 116 8. 17th. Tel. L-2358, STOUAUBj. OM. Van Btor. Co.. lillVi Faro. Tela. 1569-Ki 471 I.KtiAL NOTICR. ' STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. OFFICE OK I.EE-GLASS-A.NDRLESEN HARDWARE COMPANY, OMAHA, Neb. Dec. 12. is-..). Notice is hereby given to the stockholders of the Lee-C.lass-Andreesen Hardwsre company thit the annual meet ing of the stockholders cf ths company wl'l lie held at the office of th said com puny, corner of Ninth and Harnev streets. In the city of Omaha. In the state of N. brusKa. on Tues.lay. January 12. A. D. 1M, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of elect Ing a board of director for the company to serve during the ensuing car, and Vt transact such other business as may be presented at .uch meeting. H. J. LEE. ... . President. Attest: W. M. GLASS. Secretary. roSTOFFUU NOTIL1.;. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as chuuges may occur at any time.) Foreign mails fur the week ending Janu ary 2. 1W4, win ,.,BP (PHoMl'il.Y In an csesi at the Gencial l'ostoin.e as fo. I'ZV ;AHCELB-Po.sT MAILS close on hour (Bi ll, r than closing time shown below. 1 arcels-post malls fur Germany close at 5 p. m. Monday, per s. s. Main. neguiar aim supplemental v malls close at nlf hour filter than clos ing time shown below (except that Supp e- A'.!,'lVly 'V""".fo1' Ku"'l'e "nd Central America, via t . Ion, close one hour later st r orelan Statiom. Transatlantic Malls. TUESDAY At 8 30 a. m. fur ITALY direct, 'IT1- "' ".' Florin imall must lo -'L'.wV! !!.'!., '"'J " Vi'.cenio I'lurla " Y'a1v,K?,I.,AY-M 7 :,l'rt- '" f"r NETHER. LAN OA direct, per s. s. Rotterdam (mnll ! J J'e llreclel "lT s. s. Kotierdum 1; at :. a. ni. (suppiementarv 11:,(o . mi for Europe, p,.r v,),,, Ul4 ju,,.,. town (mall for France. Swlt.crl.i nd. Italy. 'T.V'V. 1,"r.l"RHl' 'lutkey. Egypt. Gree.-e. British India and lAirento Iinr.iicx mast .!,.e..d""ec,J'1 "l,r Ce.lrlc 1. TIU RS1A-At 7 a. 111. tr I'HANCK. SWIiy.EHl.ANl, ITALY. SPAIN It ( 1 1 GAL, TURKEY. EGYPT. GRKl't K. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAH Ql KZ, per s. s. La Touramc, via Harre 111111II for Mher parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Tournitic' 1. SATURDAY -At 6 a. ni. fur EUROPE, per s. s. rhlladelihl 1, via Soiillntiniton tmiill for Ireland be direct it ,r s s. Philadelphia' ); at 8:i a. in. fur BEL GIUM direct, per s. s. Finland email nusl be directed "per s. s. Finland"); at 9 ju a. ni. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. An chorla, (mall must be directed "per 1. s. Anchorla "); at 1(.:.H a. m. isppleinertarv 12 m I for EUROPE, per s. s. Ktrurla. via Wueenstown; at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Island (mail must be di rected "per s. s. island"). After the closing of the SupplemJntary Trans-Atlantic Mulls namod afiov-. aiiili tlonal Supplementary Malls are op:Kd en th piers of the American, Ennliii, French and Ge.m in steamers and remain open until 1 1 1 1 in Ten Minutes of the huur of nailing ot steamer Malls for South and Central America, Weat Indiea, Etc. TUESDAY' At 7 a. m. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Horace: at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO (or dinary mall only), per s. s. Pathfinder, via Mayagucs; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 u. 111.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Seguranca. via Colon (mall for Guatemala must he di rected "per s. a. Seguranca"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary ln:3n a. m.) for 1NA GUA. HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per s. 8 Adirondack; at 10 11. m. for GRENADA, TRINIDAD and C1UDAD BOLIVAR, per s. s. Maraval. WEDNESDAY At 9:30 a.' m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per s. s. Silvia; nt 12 m. for BA RUADOB and NORTHERN BRA ZIL, per s. b. Flumlnense, via l'ra, Mar anham and Ceara. THURSDAY At 8 n. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Vlgllanclu (mall for Mexico, via Pro greso, Campeche and Veru Cni must lie directed "per b. b. Vlgllancla") ; at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.l fur TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. B. New Y'ork. SATURDAY At 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZ UELA, per s. s. Maracalho (mall for Savanllla and Cartegena must be directed "per s. s. Maracalbo"); nt A a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Ponce, via San Juan; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SAVANILLA and CARTAGENA, per s. s. Valencia (mall for Costa Rica must l directed "per s. a. Valencia"!; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for INAGT'A and HAITI, per s. s. Flandrla: at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; lit 2 p. m. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY nd PARAGUAY, per s. s. Sailor Prince. Malls Forwarffed Overland, Etc., Ex. cept Transpacific. Cl'BA Via Port Tampa, Fla., closes at thla j oftice daily, except Thursday, at J5:30 f a. m. (tho connecting malls olose here ; on Monduys, Wednesdays and Satur- days. i MEXICO CITY Overland, unless speclnlly 1 addresxed for dispatch by steamer, clnsjs J at this office dully, except Sunday, at 1.3') 5 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Sun. lavs at 1 0. in. ) und 11:30 p. m. ) NEW FoUNDLAND By rail to North Pyd. ? ney, and thence by st.amcr. closes st this 1 office daily at 6:30 p. m. (conm cling r-iul:s f close here every Monday. Wednesday snd I Haturdav). J JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and th-noo J by steamer, closes at this office at 6:80 p. t ni. everv Tuesday. By rail to Philadelphia. I and thence by steamer closes at this ollico j at ll:3u ji. m. every Wednesday. M1QUE1X)N By rati to Boston, and thence t bv steamer, closes at tils office daily at j 6:30 p. m I BEU.E PUERTO COB""EZ and GUATE- t MALA By rail to ?ew Orleans, and thence bv steamer, cioaes st this office I dally, except Sunday, at 1:80 p. m. and f ll:30 p. 111.. Sundays at 1 p. m. and 111:20 ji. m. (connecting mail closes here Mor.- days at 511:30 D- -n. j COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and ( thence oy steamer, hi 1111s nmce dilly, except Sunday, at Jl:3o p. m un.l 111:30 p. m., Sundays at II p. m. and I'll: .10 p m. (connecilng mall closes hern Tuna days at ll:30 p. m.) BAHAMAS (Excejit Parcels-Post Malls.) By rail to Miami, Fla., and thence by steamer, cioaes at 11:S0 p. m. every Tues day. REGISTERED MAIL closes at p. m. previous day. ' Transpacific Malls. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Sm Finn Cisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. '" "P to December 27. inclicive, for despatch per United States 'I'raiiBiort. CHINA AND JAPAN, via Tacoma, closes here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to DtcenibT j2xth. Inclusive, for despatch per a. s. Olympla. TAHl'il and MARQUESAS ISHND.4, via San Francisco, close here dally it 8:30 p. m. up to January II, Inclusive, for des patch per s. a. Marlis-sa. HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via ban Franc'e.i, r. here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to January I d. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s Siberls. HAWAII, via San riaucbci, close t.era dally 6.30 p. ni. up to January Jl, incu slve, for despatch per s. s. Alain -0.1. CHINA und JAPAN, via BeaUl. ci.-w here dally at 6:30 p. m. up tu January loth. In clusive, for despatch ar s. s. bhlnano Maru. AUSTRALIA (exci,t wesll, FIJI IE!,. ANDH and NEW CALEliONIA. via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, cl. sj here dally at 6 30 p. in. up to January 9th, inclusive, fur desjiiiteh n-r s. s. Aloano. HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA und PHILIP PINE lSLANDri. via Bun Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. ni. to Jamlary l(:th, Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Coptic. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA isxeept Westl NEW CALEDt N I A. FIJI. SA MOA ani HAWAII. vU Sun Francisco, close here dally st 6:30 p. ni. up to Janu ary 16th, Inclusive, for dehputch per a. s. Sonoma. (If the Cunard stcainer carrying the lliliish mall !or New ..untii'l d'ie not arrive In time to conn-ct wall this despatch, extra mulls closing at 6:30 a. m 9:30 u. m. and t 30 . m. ; Sundays ,.t I 30 a. in.. 9 a. in and 6:3l p. .n. will be r.iade up ai.d forwur.led until tile arrival of the Cunard steaaie-.) CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, H. C., close here daily at k.Jj p. m. up to January l9:h, incli:sive, for despatch per s. s. Empress of Japan. (Mer chandise lor U. b. Postal Asem.y at Shanghai cannot be lorwardt-'d vU Cun- NoTK Unless otherwise addressed. West Austra'la le foiward.d via Kurort, nod New y.eiland and Philippines via run Francisco the quickest routes. Philip, clues epeeiiilly addressed "via Can.. da" or "via Europe" must tie fully at the rorclKii rates, iiawun .s lorwarueii j via Hn Francisco exclusively. j Transpacific malls are lorwar.led o port of t selling dally and the schedule nt cloeing ( Is arranged on the presumption of their j uninterrupted overland transit Regi.. I tered mall loses at p. m. previous .lay. 1 CORNELIUS VAN CTT. Poteinsster. ! Post 1, fllcc, Ne York, N. Y., December U. f 19UX ; f Tags Released froaa lee. CLEVELAND. Dec. 28 Two tugs will , h were Imprlamied In heavy Ice two miles from shore in Lake Erie all yesterday, Willi twelve men. have have been release-d. The poweiful hblsr tug Frank W., after many hours of ramming through the thick Ice, finally cut a channel through to the boats and brought them safely Into port. I