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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1903)
1 run omaiia daily TrnsnAY. DrrnMnnn . w. NCHILLO SUCCEEDS MCM EporVr.r; liitcr frcn Cin-r-ali CLewta KS tltCTfjI.' FXSw'LT OF CCEPFCWSE f imii f 1 Wsw. r'nedfJaie f Trbrii rani. Was frWir hf Glvla a f'lrr ts Uimi. CHICAGO. Iw-. 3.-TI club crwners c f the American te ball tmntltUim at tkir arauid rarttr.g brre today snanl roouB'y elned J. E- Oriiia, sporting editor of tlr Comtnei-tial Tribune i.f CUwtr.rjaJl. president of the ijw:7irtlnn la succeed Thomas J. Mickey, the Iaiter hartnr re f'P tr spr.f;ii ( posltKm with a mercan tile nrm in S'J Fnui. The elecloa of Ordo was a o'r,ponise s-3 fit mid? In order to avuiil Ut Ur-e.iTTiod to be come an m:r fccM. Gerwge Lnnon. owner of the fs Faul club, was chairman or the board of tired ora. Ths association wai diriocd into fae ticn. prior la the me-ting, with Lrf-ntion of St. Jaiil and Hr,iT of MBs-ankee "PJ'jatia te Tc!oti of L.uuirviile. lirute of Columbus tea Walking of Minus poila. 1-ertioa was in favor of Hi retention of Bicker n bead of the aawoeiation until lie rum;irnmiw lu made and lpi.tinm was placed at tbe bead of the board of 0ir9an. nirkey lad not fcirmatU handed la nt resigns titTi urt3 today, although he bad m3 kr.c wn his Intention eerw.J months mro of vacti.T.r the presidency. GriTls was the mndHa te of the Tel.e4U faction and by the compromise effected both sides are fr.:!r satisfied and harrooxj will he the result. AM'hmiirh the question was rot flnal'y decided today, ir Vi aaia by the rn "to ots f the so'iation that a schedule o 14 srame wf.1 be adopted for the Perm ing re"1. Heretofore 1' fratneB ha teen the rule. The reason given for the rhatipe In the schedule Ik that tt w;u enable the anaociatlim to afld ToslprlaTly to Kb it mue -) arjr ai'tf-'l-nnJ pipnue. Tlie extra Mondiir diI'ot"T." day for -blah the piayera were paid laat aejiaon be placed irpnn tle erh5u)e of irameji uu BMUan If the t-htuie ir made. 'Will ( ha ice aeiitatloa. Ona i.f the irat offirial arta nf Pn!. Vnt G.-lilo ae the ajiKatitroetit or a cuCTinittne to draft amendment to the cotltntJon. Ttria rommittee atid the Ei bedule e'ur.mJUee Trill mtke their rejitirta at a mecUtr to Ix Leld in Ctiir-airo on J i aurj- 23. amoti tlr aoienawnta that will come up ft tha ewtisideTcUon of the conadtution rcnrjniUee la one -which It in ula rill put a etiv to Ue faptlcmal tight and whifb jirohnt.iy ni pat more power In tha hands of fire of the Wtn wlikb are arid to he ht nfled tcretber. HrTaloftire It liaa been aary. to rrr ajiy tgueriJon, to here a t wv-iuli a crt of the aHiwlatirm. or ! memhera of the oreanlatUtau Aa 1-ut fire f the trnima were In tlie ttlored "aaa:htne" they were unable to rarry tr.y croeaUnn arnJnat the uppoaltion of the other three clubs. The Tina la to Imre an amendment aopted imijilis It neoeaaarr to bTe but a ma jority of the member to ctrry a vote. Tbe offlper nf the aaortatlm for the enautna- year will be: Preeidt'nt. J. EL Ormo; vJie prenidnt. Cbarlea $. Btroliel f Toledo: board of dlreotoni. Girre a Xjennoti of Bt. Paul. C 8. Havenor of Milwauheo. Oeora;e Tebeaa tf LKtuifrrllle, T. J. liryoe of Corumbos and W. Ji. 'Wat kJna of )lnnutolia. lm1" tT aa reireaontea at the UMffltv by Tbnmaa A. I'arkrr. PEADY AF0RTHE CCfiTEST 11 mmj-Um lm(el for awt Be. ' " ( rW-t aa4 1&4. , le lleahia. FAJf rRAXCISOO. IMC X-EverjO'l" a fin4iniii,itr rharacter ba been iwiuwd for the fiut tuau..rrow xaut Ifiiwn lejti C Urtt yj.u liddie Hat ion. the local ..'inniot ftir ohin;jiuiimtiip houra. Jt whb anuoun-ed at Cortiett a trstlnitic uuanrrt t.b,y that ta lnverlte t iwn to welptot and that Ihtre le no ponaiMUtT of Ixtm ur !u - la. pound at wejjrhltiB-jn tln. ii.n-orrx.w. He pronounced u t per- - y.?u Dl" 'ha cxrunt to offer Hub Unn f lack af malllu Irevenl- 4i:-.-n,.,,i',.IUl,,' Htll,'" unUtlw. a it aic at vhlr j.rt-iuua nptin. At that t raa Urn cihany(l.n put a low eatlmate on InS'V .of " werner. and Ua-htwd J.JB rauiiim to euch an tent thEt be barely pulW out of th enoounter with a Jraw dcrltuon. Hanlun la a lad of ateadv liatijta. and nonmtiimitljr always Hi fair trim, and aa Im Himm in. trainln oonari-n-tlmfljr Lbora are aJways guut rwporta from nie am ii. Tba aketlaa of Gtmo.-t a referee tod liruat out aw dxlerred bettln. and Bunt lf the snouey u putad at 10 to s I -a-'J1 "fiirit favnite met, were on tha road Oria monUni- d an ii4ht work. Die Pop of Punt -s 'Triose wno drink -r 4 'VhO'W tnrr a ax mimmb a vcm watt eamaucT or Tut cnoiattT camera w Twoat w Hm MewkTf crtawaANC "tvtn no wmaT TfY aaf amtwviwr flADC CMLV AMERICAN i'IME COnPAMY Charges Less Thaa t!l Others OR. McCfaEW. SPECIALIST '! aOl tsraaa at T-rrmi a )ear$, e??rienct Li;Meta )eirs li Cxsk . Tba uctur a i asuaraajua aucvaaa baa ''"a cvuaiea. tiai rboounm aaa tcu. a lur u-eaK thj oaw jf ueca 4u iii.aiaiied auo v-i d bru4A nay UUinm r;iurt ut tna vuod fea ai duiaa. 4r ua -Uc: Lmi Ia f -an 01 SriSGS lSlATULNUOa A.U Kuod i vtaiu. Xt -.m k a ltik:,; olT" a tbs .k.iB ut taoc ax4 u caiarnai abs f t?.a Ctaraa til I'r at mh A if. - rnt rura fur Uie funrTnad Van i m nrnc . , . . 111 . l2 30.C0O c cu,- u hri-- III 1 Iuiiit. la -f aViXMia auA UM.IJ r m4L tu , wrma. Bea oaa Uia at, m. .m. a no 4t I aaa tCuua XJ t;3 tve -f'fH-rrio'Tr. wi.e o-vr-t5 t" anrrie r. ir4Bjum 4rt f-ie'-e. Tontftt parti'a t y fl"tfhed the tnut-trs; A re-oro rcvak tt i a 1 1 rtiu tf la looted for by tbe mat t rrt of toe t.fcl.U EVEIiTS CN RUNNING TRACKS bta Make r I'raek ale. Bll la1e EAK rRANClPCO. I4ec. Tbe raritit tt iticleenie touhy wa trhrkefl hy -iee fn'ler toi.r of t'e eeent l""tta ten by ni:Tow niar-pina. rViei'i in, j.te:i a t ti i. w ii ti lourth race, by a k. frm G W. Truherr., a 3I to 1 ahf-1 l!:st h(i. the forlie. made a poor ahowitie. l.i.iMit-. tiu l. i Mo 1 atot, Ifclitira ttie t.'lh mr etttir cieat; truck lam. lie eu : r'irw rare, fatunty roursf. aellmrr Op timo wi.Ti, Nuik aetond, Carcwt-li lUrj. 1i!lie l.ii. ?-fino race, a: furlonjr eIliir: TT.e Kinri.iv won. 7 Hiiti'mt aeoond. Biandard tiuru. Time 1 . Tljrd rc. t utu-'ty curse, twllirr: Fort IVByne won, JHett Hin eerimd, Lr"tiif lVp third. Time 1.11. Tourtb r.r:. nne miit. Belli ria: Foaiti'.n w it, G W. Trvbern eoc ini, turd.ick tlxi:d. Tiie 1: riTtb race, witb furlonc: Mbdred won. I'icrce i. ond. Conrteliator third. Time PtTtti rac'. in mile and a venty yarflp: JoiJtfy dun won. Foreet ILiitf wcond, 6i. lui'vi tMra Time : 4T-V lXf AKGELEB i'i I, Iec "4 Reanlts: Flret rare. Claw-pow ooura-, Jie feet aliort, e; turiiiiC4. Nefcn won. TA lMf-eoa, aec iiod. GiahB Girl third Time 1 ."V eooii(1 race, five fiieinr: G laen pny won. FonckBta aecond, liaupalo third J Tirr.e 1 i riiro rece. one mi' ing one fr!Ttn'ri. eellira: Erne won. Moor aecond, Martin Hr-dy third. Time 1 jtt Fourth race, one mite Belling: Prircen TuiHT.f won. Kaviland egnond. Chub third. Tiroe 1:C Fifth rce. Clawaon ronrwe, ail fur)on-r: Red Iuufl won Toto Gratiot eeeoii!, Lrfifly Tk third Time 1:T!H Sixth race, owe mile a-JI f. Filrer Till won. Srto Lution eacond, i'latomua thud. T ree I V NEW r.pLExp Iwr ;t, R,n: T"trat ruf. i-rer-olda. frmr and one-half furHitr. Kt.k'-nib'i won Tronaai b Beud. e third. Time 1 :S-iV Second or mil Tr1he Hill wort. N' 4it eerond. ktajir Manrtr third. Time 14V Tl frd rape, one mile: I,oul Kraft won, !ho-tptike aeeona, Pt. Jolly third. Time 1 Fourth rape, benjifip. aeren furloncf: Itl M(KTtna won, Kthlca aemd, dele L. third. Time 1 :r?H Fifth m. acvn furlotif:. aelltna: 6arah Mxm won. burring GltBB aecind, I-c("-atlrin thlWI. Time 1 flxth rice. iw8 furlonn: Bn Mot w on. Hands ARroaa e-cond, Churbe Thomp eon Unrd. Time 1J!SV WITH THE BOWLERS. At the Bellec.k Marble aHera laat r.ifrht three of the tnamn in the two-men tonrna ment roiled their Bri-a. boUi hiah elnple -me and total were made by G O. Fran-ri-ico. with ffi and 1.0M. which rive him eeoona piaoe tn the indtrtdua! totals. "With tiBl.t teiun yet to bowL Enctll and Marble r lti the lead. R"ed and GreenltHuf aecond. Hnrtl'irton and Hirte' h third, and Potttr and GilchriW fourth. Score: T. I. 8. 4 I Tot. Prancltipn. G. C Tfii; ! j!T .' I'i 1.14 Franclaoo, C. J....liiii 3 TP 1st- lCij K I Totula gr. 3pC i THi l.e 1. Z S 4 f. Tot Hrntlnglon 1" IM 1W 2m 2K Bertach 1H1 tt& 1M i'uS 2( 1.W4 SEES 50 SOSEY FOR RIVER Ei-cbck TelU lCawuri IxrpTTTeiattt It Delation CLwoe Lt Tom. SAYS APPROPRIATIiji R HARD TO 6ET Deelares Pfwaker (44144. C awaa Bartaai til Mr. Cllbwale HiM a tke War ( erarlaa Faada. M4 SK7 1. I. 372 176 1! 17V Total Wlrms n Kmeri Totala 170 4 Lnet clfiit on the Weetei lowtna- aooree were made tournament : 1 I. AhmausoD 3 37 Grde JM i(a IT! 414 4ni 3 PIS 4. u Toi J7ti 3-; '4 eXi as im 1:4 Ti5 SO K40 3!W n al)'y the fol- ln the two-men 1 1 4 B Tot 37? 3K 3tn am 1CT 34S 3.' X Totala...... Tinpen . Marble ...3C E S45 XU6 Sl l.Hn4 1. 2. t 4. Tol. 3fi 3HS 3CS It 34S Nta ...l-3ffi IS 171 US 7 Totals xft aa aui aa ssc iuj GMt Deeleloa Orrr Cwsllaau FT. JOFEril. Mo.. Iec. . .Bjclal Tele pram. Kattlinr Nelaon of Chicago wbk Ci-ven the decifcion over Clarence EuFli-h of tlot; City tur.lpht after fifteen rounds of faet m!l!lnit Th lerlplr)n of Referee Iave Porter.e of Karaaa 'iTy wa unati fartory to a larre crrr iier of Enplinh s bocke-s. It wa an even roTitert from the firt. In tbe third round Nelson, with a eri of abort arm irppen-uts. rtarted the claret from KnpllHfc'F noee. Nelson kept the stream o:"n until the close of the fipht linth men wre strotia; Bt the finish. In the fifth, ihtrteentb and last rounds Nelson bad a shade the bet of It Ttobby Yonn f Atchlstm defeated Kid Iorln of l'iiver In three rounds. Iaterellerla ITateas TwwrweT. KEW TCiRK. IX-c. M Tlie twelfth an t,ual in tertw il ex;ia te clieMS loumey was le prun liere KKlay. I lie etntesunfr teamB le Inc Columbia. Harvard. Tale and XTinoeton. Thouaands will read your want ad, word for word, if run tbii week during tha ml-l-elled word rontest. FIRE RECORD. Tea ' TkaaatBi ftfeeeBu BVTTAXiO. Dec. 2a. Ten tbouaand sheer were burned to dath at the East Buffalo MwcJiyarda tonlcbt. Tbs lone abeds In which they were confined were rwept by the flamea before any of the animals could be released. Tha Iwa la catimated at rV ixt. It la stated by Superintendent LciaTh, that tha fire wlil la n way Interfere with tbe haDdUna of live Block. Plenty of apace la avallahle In tbe catXie and bkv aheds for the sheep to arrive. The aherp wer con fined tn two lone abeda, ion feet in width, poverttia' a total area, of flu square feet. Running parallel with tbcta were the b( and cattle abeda. Tbe fire tanned by a brisk wind dt-rtrcyed tbe two buildins In an In credibly short time. The sheep destroyed were "exports" and were In cbarcre of federal off cere. Ill-Fatew f-eri Ele-ratr. PEORIA. 111., Zmic Pire, presumably of incendiary orisjln. totally destroyed the cram elevator at tbe Corn in f distillery this momini. with a lnes aoj-roximatln 411WK1. covered by Insurance. Fifty thou sand bushels of malt and corn were de stroyed For a time the entire distillery was threatened and the entire department was called out to flfrbt the flainee. Tlie dis tillery was prejartii to resume after a shutdown of several weeks caused by the explosion of a cooker, which killed seven of tbe workmen and injured several tnore. (.eweral Sre ait ftwldtev. CXAWA, la, Iec S iSidal Tele srram'i Tbe eieml store of Hiu Brothers at Boldier, la., burned this munutix, yery tew iif tbe foods leir.s saved. Tlie stock was ralusd at lout tlC.MlP and there was between tM4i and tV.uiai tnauranoe. Tbe ' p jilditiS: was owned by K. ThoreeoB and was Insured for Tbause of the fire Is unknown. Blue Broth4?rs are also owners of a large store at Redfield. B. D. Ban 44 Csstesti. CREIGHTOX. Neb, Iec Jk (BpeelaJ TeJearraJsi The larre new na4''"bern creeled by G oarr: Rcl-y eleven mllea eajtt of bere, was totally destroyed by Are at I e cluck last lUsht. Mr. F.ol y s lum was finy bead of oows and caJves. also six burst A teijn tlonnn to Bert Clem enta was alao burnd- Tbe presumably started Iron aa overturned lAniero. la sura nor, C ". lows, tt sw. HYMENEAL . Tsrsrr-ilWa BaSDuel t Turner and all mi Corn Allen, both of Valley, were anamed Sunday by Ke 1. W. CutiWy. li. It., pastor of the Plrst liaixist cburch. Itun't be suiOed by tlua prejudices. Ordtc CbaanpasTae ee-nordms; to your own good lm ttien st'U be Cok's lmjrlaX Mure tma-spelied wuroa LUa wUk im the Conarreasman Gilbert M. Hltrhcork ap peared at the meeting of the MInsoutI River Improvement association jesterday in the CotnmerpiaJ club and allowed tbe dele arates te InwpexA a larcre sum pie of the good teriirjcaTy known as wet blanket. "1 have meant to do possible In Washington fen- the appropriation." began Mr. Hitchcock, "but I don't know that 1 come bere very well prepared t? g!ve von a thorough review of tbe situation. I am afraid, beweter, that yon will encounter very serious obstacles In this movement, as I know your senators and rejresentatlves have In the work they already have done. Speaker Cannon watt te cut every appro priation to the bunt. He had that rep uta tion before, and now on the eve cf the pres idential campaign wishes ta make a rood record for economy. It is next to irapossl ble even to get an appropriation before the house when he is opposed to It. so strict is tbe rule. "M:. Eurton. chairman of the river sod harbor committee, also has strong lies 4 oa rivers. 1 duct know whether you are ware of tbe government's position, but It ha so far been against appropriations for rivers unless to lienefit navigation, or sup posedly for that purpose. It never La marts any appropriation to protect property and land along the banks and It Is claimed that this could not be done. Members of the committee say that a great deal has been done unaer tbe name of navigation when In reality It was only to protect tlie property of some railroad or other corpora nan. Gillespie Ospwees It. "General Gillespie, the engineer, also Is against It. He aaid to me that under the present law no work could lie done except to lenefrt navigation. B(th he and Mr. Burton say there Is no navigation on the Missouri, but It is alwurd for the govern ment to control the river as navigab e and then say It Is not navigable, 'Our only hold will be to mass sufficient votes we can go almost to the northern boundary and also to the southern get a combination of congressmen, s that by mun strength we can get a river and har bor ap;irojrlaLlon this yetr there may not be any en5 get money for the Missouri along with tbe other streams. The Missouri delegation Is very anxious for ft. Another hope which we have Is to introduce the bill in the senste If we caD't In the house, with some sort of rider that will .pass the house. I suggest that whatever delegation you mean to send to 'Wasb.IhgtoB thnuld go aa ee.rly as possible. Ton then can find sn opportunity to appear befn-e the river and hbrbor committee.. 7 The meetjr.g of 'the Missouri F.rver Im provement association was called to oroer at 30:i oV.ock by President H. T. Clarke. Among those present were: T. VT. Max well, commissioner of the Pt Joseph Com mercial club; T. C. Fhull of Bloux City, J. 8. Hewell of Missouri Valley. "W. A. Smith of California Junction, C..E. Deen .of Glenwood. J. R. Webster of Omaha. C. D. Sebastian of Columbia. Mo.; D. G. Mor gan, mayor of Council Bluffs; C. E. Deb land of Pierre. B. D.; Victor Bender of Council Bluffs and F. M. C as Letter of Eiair. H. F. Kellmer. Omaha; A. M. Munn, Nebranka City, and E. J. Sullivan of thla city, secretary of tlie association, fowl tbe Daauce, J. B. Dewell said that If a table tf the property destroyed by the river should be prepared It would have surprising weight A loss of Cflno.ono was noticeable In one place, as at Kansas Citr. but the aame loss distributed along the rivet was not noticed. Dykes, be said, were needed largely in the lower Mississippi because ot dirt washed Cown which raised the bottom of the river. TV. A. Bmlth said that during the year l.ew acres of land had been cut away in Harri son county. P. VT. Maxwell urged haste and T. C. Bhull moved the appointment of three com miners one to furnish data, one on co-operation wit the Mississippi river workers and the Kansas City association and a third on l)l and means. Messrs Shall. Dewell ana Maxwell were named for the first; Delland. Morgan and Sebastian for the second, and Webster, Deen and Bmlth for the third. (wawsaltteew Make Bcfkwrt. At the afternoon session the committees appointed In tbe morning made their re ports and these were accepted and action taken tn compliance with the sunt The committee on data reported: Tbe committee believes that the collection " piiupucii snowing value of properties along the Missouri river, the extent of the uffu-woun m sue n properties ny th river anu me oepreciauon or other proierty caused by the possibility of destruction from the river aie verv irmurtunt should e diligently gathered by the aaso- nauon anoaruaae pur.iic tor the information the gom-nment and those in authority, and for craaLUiar a strong public setttment to influence conjrres in uerlorminr iia duir of granting pro- ectiiin te tbe large Interests involved. e suggest thai there are available sur veys of the Missouri river made by tbe reoeirai government in 11 snfl laob Bute sequent surveys under the. War depart 4ad Missouri nvr oosnuiiasioa will show great changes in the river. Tbe committee on ways and means pro vided n scheme of finance which was accepted The committee on co-operation reported that because of needed action from con gress tn saving property along rivers, co operation was desirable with associations ef Kansas City. Bt lxiuis. the upper and lower Mississippi tbe Ohio and all others working In this direction. Tbe Missouri association pledged its support to these and asked aid from the others This renort will be printed and sent to other associa tions J. B Newell was authorised to rep resent the assortatlnsi at the eotning ses sion of tbe Iowa legislature. Representa tives ging to Washington are to meet at the Willard hotel tn that dry, January 34 Arrangements for credentials was made. Delegates' will go from Kansas City. Bt, Joseph and prolmbly from Sioux City and Omaha, Great' Clearance Sale arrios Diamonds Twi bstrei (wsl I Safe. FFLiFFOrRCHE. S. D.. Dec. cil Tbe Ancient O-der of T"nited Work men of Fieliefourohe and Minnesela have conslrfaieA. sdopting the name and num ber ef the Minnesels lodge. Protection No. 11. Blf nrcbe ln4ge consequently sur-rene-B Its charter Bellefuurrlie win lie th borne cf th new lodg". It has a mem bership of 13 and the officers are as fol low: U lli't. master workman; William Mttnews. f"r-mar; William D. Rhyde. pyerseer; Tobia Rranderherg guide: Clarlea Berr. recorder; Burt I. Mouhon, fnatwier; T. 8. Barntt, receiver; Bui R-we in'. watch. Oierlei Sreeyer. oc slV watch; J p C.s-. r-presenrstlve i the grand kdre; ft W. P. Rellara. nVter-nativa. or B ,., , t 1 .. Vflf 'fit ... Xa I HAY D E N JUI' iniisffsswijlia-iBJisiiil.Bii a ej-s'iiis.isi jsuis 1 m. m l iiisii.ishu 1 jiswswsai IT ' Afev 1 The same goods that have been sold in your midst for 4. o commencing to-morrow for . Our Object Has Been Attained. We placed our goods on sale in this city for the purpose of introducing them to the people in this vicinity. We have actually shown you that Barrios Dia monds are the finest imitations on earth and positively defy detection. After the close of this sale these famous stones will be sold only by the leading jewelers at so much a karat and at a price far in excess of the prices we are now asking for entire pieces. TMa magrilf icatnt ttttxft rovst pwaJtlTvlv t4 Id fct nc. WViilso Thpv T ncr WW AAA AW A. A S Wy S444WI. 1 $4.50 Ring s your choice $4.50 Brooches " wj $4.50 Pins $4.50 Studs $4.50 Earrings $4.50 Lockets Eterp Harrios Diamond is guaranteed to retain its britiiancp forever and the mcffctinzs for fifteen pears. Take advantage of this ss!c at once. Come early and select the brightest and pret tiest goods. . TWh n HIGH WIND DOES MUCH HARM Knocks Mas from Er.ffoH:.n! a,r,d CansM Errioni IsicnuJ I-jariei. BREAKS GLASSES AKD TEARS DOWN SIGNS WsiBtuasi Hwrled late Mre-c4 by Fslllaa: , Plate Glass at Pew.le'B iere ait Mxtecnth sal Far aawi t Be Qwieb.. Not a anlcute should be lot when a chad shows srsrptoms of croup. Chamberlain's Cough Kennedy give a as snaa as the child becnaaves boarse. or after tbe rroury osugh sp?ars. will prevent the attack. It never tOm. and Is ilmiil avnd safa to taka. One casualty which may prove fatal and numerous accidents of less Import are re sults of the wind w hich swept OAer Omaha Monday at n velocity cf forty-three nul'es an ht ur, arising at 3f: and continuing, un abated, until after noon, with subsequent periodic spells. The gale came from the northwest and was fierce while it tasted. Fortunately the mercury waa not low, else suffering would have been more serious. The most general evidence of he wind's visitation was the multiplicity of stricken tiens and sicn- I .cards which were hurled from lofty puci- tlona and the many windows shattered. Martin GelKler, a mason tender, fell tws stories with a scaffolding which was blown down at the new power house. Fifth and Jones streets, being constructed by the Omaha A- Council fluffs Street Railway company. Geiner wac rolling a wheel barrow full of brick alone the scaffolding on f"je west side of tlie building when a heavy gust cr-wlnd lure It loose from Its moorings and broke the brace timbers, let ting Geisler and the wheelbarrow Ik1 to tbe ground. Giibler sustair.ed a fracture at the left side of the head and also intem;il injuries, Drs. MacDairmid and Rustin were summoned to the power house, and on ar riving ordered the injured man removed to St- Joseph's hospital, where be was ttken. and a trepanning operation performed1 on bis skull His condition is said to be very critical. 'Oeisler Bred at 111 South Seventh street and la a man of family. Falliaar Glass strike wsua. Two large plate glass in the Sixteenth street display winduas of the i'eople's store. Sixteenth and Famtjn. were badly shattered. A woman was passing Jusi as the glass gave way and was caught by glass, which struck her with such force that the was knocked several feet out into the street. Officer Junn. who happened te be near, picked tbe woman up and carried her icio the Br can A lioraheim Jewtlry sture. ZAi Sixteenth street. He then stejip-d out te warn pedestrians away from the window, and w hile he waa doiiig this th woman revived sufficiently to proceed on her way and left tbe Jewelry store with out git ing her ntnc The lues eniailtsl by tbe breaking of tbe glass is approximately HM. covered by Insurance. As Pttrol Conductor "Tony" Vanous waa burryu.g h ime at 11 a. tn. and Just aa be waa crossing Tenth street at Farnara hs was caught tn a sw irling cioud of dust. 1 which blinded htm for a moment and 1 caused turn to take us a little alaUi in his burry." While standing this and trying ta keep his fort under him, be says be aaw seven trucks, two V-shaped signs snd th- rucking (ttiri go sailing past, beaded fur the rixer, uii Famarn street. Mr Vanous is positive about tne nuntier of truLka et aa. but says be waa too busy keeniu himself on terra ttrma tij aeceruOa whtnee they came. Weather Forecaster Welsh says the bugh wind pertrttda 1.0 material etiange in tem-peraiurw. 'MORE BAD SPELLING IX The Want Ads ANOTHER -mis-spelled- word contest: C0 MANY requests have been received for aiiotbT icis-fpellod word contest that this wet-k The Bee'e proof readers will get a vacation as far aa the Want Ad pages are concerned. The ctmtest begins with Mondaj, IXvtm ber 2Sth, and eDds with the issue of January 3rd. You will find it interesting to see how much you know about spelling and there are good rewards for those who are best- THE CONDITIONS 200 PRIZES. You Ought To Get One. lew Hyde-smile Ewartwee-r. It was announced yesterday by the Viu compare ttist a new onar' ter , Mr. Fiuili-. bad bwa eApijwd 4. auper Saod ii.vai.uir oi Us ""-'' "t g and Tbe iiersxin finding tbe p-ratest dtj raber of mis-firieliVd words win b warded tbe first lrtic In case of a -tie," tbe person mailing a newer trt kecordihg to Uie jiosuaabk, w ill ls fit en tbe preference. All answer must tie ent by runU. ; - Cut ont tbe advertisement nud pu Kte them on sheet cf paiier. Under line the mis-ielled words with a pencil or ink, and write your name and atUrcKS at the top of. each aheet. At the lop of the trst Bhert state the num ber cf mis-spelled words you elaim to hare found. Sit jierttou ttmnexled with The Bee f'nhliiiliiiie Coiijpurrj- will be tiermitted to enter tiif contest. No abbrrYiiitkmB will tie counted at mia-tipelled 'words. The lti3 edition of WetiMer dictionary will be taken aa authority. Cat ont the ads eiacb day. 01a rk tLe niis-iie!led words, iKTe Lliein ail on a S1N;LE sheet of paper and end the whole thing la complete after yon bare sTudied tbe Sunday. January Srd edition. Inint send In your anssrer nutil the end f the week or they won't be counted. If a mlsHnpelied word occur in an advertisement which appear nor t'.n nce, -jmt only one ccpy of the "ad" on your list. THE prizes PRIZE. 1st f 10.00 2ud- linier Set , Jtrd 1 i'lnner 8et th 1 feet "Urine; Ablmaia of the World" ITh 1 Set "Life of Napoleon," three volumes.... tilh 1 tset "Life of Napoleon." three volume. "th 1 Copy -Great Iltlarea by iret raluterw". rth 1 Copy jreat J'"ture by Great Painters". Kb 1 Copy "Great Ilrtnrea by Great Palntera". l(th 1 Copy "iJreat Ilcture by Great I'ainten". 11th 1 Copy "Mother Gote I'aict Book" llTh 1 Coif "kisther Gooke Paint Book" , 13th 1 Copy "Mother Goose I'aint Book" , 14th 1 Copy "Mother Goose Paint Book" , litb 1 Copy -Mother Goose Paint Book" li;h to S"th New BKks and Novels, worth iuth to Stub tate Map, w cirth f l.(X) , ilait ta 'JiMiiXrt Picture, worth 50c , 200 PRIZES 4 VALT-E. 1 10.K f I0.IK4 . ...HO.tet f.(t (4l .(J x ....fl . -$li0 ..l..Vi . .1 . . $ 1.2'. ,.15 M.25 ..VI .Ok '5.00 Send all answers by MAIL address "Want Ad' De- j. j J r 7. 7i r y parimcm jmana isauy &ee, Umaha, twergruund ssu-ms required by the ap jiratattfbetit iur niuriicipai ownership. .ti (Tiowr I cut, origuial.y em4oed lvir lui tMfA couic ntt n v it the iiwrtumr) rime. Mr Fiiulips reaiaes tn Kew York, and ar- street-maker oa file when it oowaes up lontgnt. abepresentativas iif Hefcl ILetaie ui haiiat again protastas against tlie measura. anytng the ordinance bad Uca rhaLgod la eaJy l we lavrtM-uiars, rued in Omaha yesterday is ini. suii . that lur ongiruJ otjwtions suli ob- He will i stcad.'y fcM;p!..ed ac...rdu.g 10, uuued At U luM roeeui.g of tbe oounxll ii the Uiteniury is ' 1 -iMjoe uuwupw rwi iiie Bupeni. ten dent ti unt, ui-Lu tbe completed. j hr st 11,4 second times and laid ever UQUor tlie Tw rat Sr41aur mm riba. CouiiL-ii bmsi Viciolsoa. Eimmaa, IlbalL Evai.a aW tjwdVr and H Lntuisui voted tn lorn.. 1 jf J e-'.ti a aJicrnouti ts pica u. Thousands WIB read your want ad. word for ward, af run thai weeat during tbs amis yelied word ot ail est. 'Strsasi Gmuhm. t V 111. . . mr mi s KCMlJISttClatl. l a lif 4U fnr fu4wtar lVT0saafcstW,J,tlJtas4fc arrsi t iiaaja , f rttt bT sl-li-snB Nl'ni ibsbI . a Bf. fMfttk J.-nm, I kf rM rrmm4 ta J il ' f ML. m. 4 -f-ttBf rai 1 LT "Tt- 1