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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1903)
10 STREETS OF OMAHA CONTEST BpWiJ Work Dro br The- Bin's Hon of Want Ad K.eadr. ; tEAOING WINNERS HAVE PERFECT SCORE Oar More the Tent of Karl? Illalna; llffonri a I'otf nf Factor In Determining the l'rltrs Anarilril, What we know nb'iut Hip streets of Omaha Wm chaiminKly -told In the. mountain of answers thut ime muring In Ht I lie c.o-ie. much bearing lis neatly iusterl rows nf want sfls. AVhat we krmw iilmi:t hilciry, bi ography anl a thousand other thing also prominently In evidence, causing the Want ad editor to swell up beyond his ordi nary corporoKlty with a new pride In tho durational effects his work dinplayed. The participants of the contest are par ticularly to be coiiKratuluted on the fact tWt out of the 2u0 winners more than three-fourths missed only one name, thirty six were perfect and a mere dozen failed M two anw rs. In passing upon the questions put two Vera ruled out owing to the failure to placa the correct answer In the ads of the day. The following Is the award of prizes: flRST I'HIZE-JW GOLD PIKCE. ' I Q. Jaeohson, 1000 North Twenty-first ti't, Omaha. BfiCOND AND THIRD PRIZES EACH ONE i0 JjiNXEH tiliT. Howard Werlgul, ltt'4 Corby street, Omaha. P. 1.. Forgan, 806 North Eighteenth street, Omaha. yOt'HTlt PRIZE $8 INTERNATIONAL, ENCYCIXiPEDlA DICTIONARY'. Dennis Dunn l!u0 South Sixteenth street, Omaha. VI FT H AND SIXTH PRIZES-16 BET OF "LIFE OF NAPOLEON," (3 Vol). F. A. Atuw, South Omaha National Bank build I UK, botith Oinahu. James Klchurdsun, Jr., 41S North Twenty- , fifth street, Omaha. SEVENTH TO TENTH PRIZES-41 60 yEARX,y HUHSCUIPTION TO "THE MiOTROPOLlTAN MAGAZINE." Btuart Oould, HM1 Davenport street, Omaha. Donald J. Hall, 118 North Thirty-ninth atrttet, Omaha. ... O. IL liock, 8420 North Twonty-fourth treat, Omaha. IP, VV. Koetler, 802 Dorcns street, Omaha. JBIJSVBNTK AND TWELFTH PHIZEU LM -LiFa OF JOHN bllEKilAN." 1. D. Denlson, 2511) Rues Htreot, Omaha. Donald J. Hull, 111 North Thlrty-iunth treat, Omaha THIRTEENTH, FOURTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH PKJZfciS (Lie "ilOTHER OOObiO PAINT BOOK." Burton Nash, S06 Capitol avenue, Omaha. Vlrglula auiiford, 31i North buventetith atrewt, Omaha, ' Mrs. B. A. MUier. 1802 Corby street, Omaha. S1XTE10NTH T O TWENTY - FIFTH 1'iUK.Ett U.26 NOVELS AND BOOKS. Raynold Peterson, itfll Lea venworth -trnvt, Omaha. Oraoa L. Murphy, 1H29 South Tenth street. Omaha. Clarence Forbes, 114 South Twenty-ninth treat, omalio, Coia M. Overton, 1018 North Twenty fourth street. Oinahu. Ethel M. Woods, Hastings. Ia. V. Lucas, 4Z21 Hunlette street, Omaha, j Mary A. Wlgton, 18W K.ynr avenue, Otnahiu D. P. Beard, 017 North Nineteenth street, Omnha. Oraee Huntley, 2833 Davenport street, Oniriha, Mlgnon Meredith, lull North Twenty-ninth Wreet, Omaha. SPWBNTY-BIXTH TO THIRTY-FIFTH PRIZES ILJf "ORKAT PICTURES BY GREAT PAINTERS." Jeanette Kracht, W. B- Bennett oom lxiny's, Omaha. Mrs. J. E. Morse, 4216 Orant street, Omaha. . . L. II. lUieplng. Twentieth street and Un feoln avenue Omnha. 10. W. Stone, 1U Corby street, Omaha. Mrs. R. A. Templeton, Tekanuih, Neb. Mildred Bervlss, kul2 Chicago street, Omaha, Mrs. E. J. Updegi-afr, 829 Pine street, Omaha, Helen II. Woodward, 1701 Park a venus Omaha. Kred Wedemeyer, 4408 North Twenty aighth street,. Omaha. W. D. HadclUI, a2t South Twenty-second afreet, Omaha. 4"HIRTY-PIXTH TO FIFTIETH PRIZES U STATU MAP. Charles A. WhiUnarsh, Id Corby street, Dmatta. James Forsythe, 126 South Twenty-fifth treet, Omaha. 11. S. Mann, 17 Commercial National Bank building, Omaha. . C. Y. Blackburn, 71J South Thirty-first treet, Omaha. Mrs. J. W. Conley, 1135 Park avenue, Omaha. Mrs. E. D. Evans, 2S24 North Nineteenth Street, Omaha. Harlod Swain. 613 South Twenty-eighth treet, Omaha. Fannie P. Adams, 314 North Twenty-third treet, Omnha. Lilian M. Wilbur, 4117 Far nam street Omaha. Martin W. Bush, 4404 Farnam street, Omaha, Mrs. A. F. Bradford, 1000 North Twenty ninth street, Omaha. Mrs. E. K. Stanneld, 2024 St. Mary's ave nue Omaha. Kdgur H. Zabrlskle, 3524 Hawthorne ave nue, Omaha. Mrs. M. J. Reed, 313 Bristol street, Omaha, Mabel Walworth, 1119 Burdette street, Omaha. tlBT TO J0OTH PRTZR9 ART PICTURES, Ixmlae B. Copelund, 1923 Wirt street, Otoaha. ttnae 0"Cnnoi 7219 North Twenty-sev en' n avenue, umaiia. Mrs. . A. Klenk, 2706 South Twentieth atreet, Omaha. H S. Kohn. 3011 Mason street, Omaha. Mm. Maria C. Pyko, 40 Wetmter street, innina. 1' A. Bmlth. SfK Ames svenue. Omaha tlss Ruth K, Dolan, I'M Houth Eleventh treet, Oraahn. Mr. A. W. McTsiuvMln. 1335 South TmWy-wTentn etreet, t'mh, Mrs, Chsrles CMand, Tte'levue, Neb. R. L. Iela Vere. (Iretne. NeK Mrs. I. A. Ilsrmon, 371? North Nlne- Crentn street omana, Ifenjsn'tn F. Stevens, 917. North Twenty. llrt street. Omahs. V'.. H. Hanen, Fremont. Neb. Mrs. OerK B. Hrewsier, 4714 North Tnlrtv-nlnth street, omnia. Fre1 Copeland, WJi Farnam street, Omshs. WIHam 8. Ierbyllere, t Orsnt street, Onaha. He'en Beth Egan, 234 Parker street, Omaha. Vanstona Fullaway, inoi Park avenue, '"ih. W. It. Cnngdnn, SSTS Mandersnn street. iKnans. M. V. McBride, 1814 Charles street, Omnha. Alii A- Mcintosh, Vntnn Paclflc head, qnanters. J. A. .I.ihnmn, 406 South Twenty-seventh venue, Omaha. Amies N. "-, 2S18 North Twenty-flrst tre. t, dmntia. Mx A. ktarble. Table Rock. Neb. IVIllard f'ataugh, K4 North Fortieth treet, Omsha. M"x W. W. Watson. Falrbnrv. NeH. . John F. Flynn, 1'ostoWce, Mouth Omihs. H. .1. Wtrelsht, PoHtoffloe Box 426, Piatt tnooth. Neb. Elisabeth 'iokena. 111 North Thlrty-ntnth Street, Omnha. Miss ltura A, Brown, 42-19 Cuming street rmaha. Mrs. C. Westerdabl. 1303 North Tfii! ItvrntH avenue Omaha.- O. C Tlminaf, B 10 North Seventeenth atiet, Omnha. Ur-ee Heraer. 230i South Fifteenth street, Owaha. Fli"e"e Jones, S20 North Seventeenth tret. Omnha. Fr-nk J S'avln, 1107 South Kleventh Stee. tena. David T Reel, 4R Tjike street, Omaha Augi'M Wr". Cory steeet. Omh Jeonle V iv Mole, 21S South Twenty-ninth avenue, Omaha. E. r. KMd . 9 North Twenty-aeeond tret, foutn umitia. Mrs. IX K. Armstronr, Mlwiourt' Valley, la. Mm. Sarah IT. Barber. S43 St. Mary's avenue. 1'teona. Rov C Hnr. lo Corv street. Omnh 1 W. Tll'otxon, ?723 Ohio tret. fmih f'lar' ci '""wr, mis Pouth' Twenty inn stret. Omaha. re .Ion. 1RJ1 North Nineteenth teeef t'msna. P. V.. wlrh. 1S CUM srt. Ounhs K. ". lew North TMrty-sljth eve . omana. Me V l.V Fulrmnunt avenue, Conrwil HIOTT". is. , Ve-a Tv...lda.n. IT.H f street. South klra. Ciuulaa Baxnett, Vi North Seventh v tut y; m m WINTER CLOTilliiG KIUST GO CUT PRICE CLEARING SALE Men's Winter Overcoats and Suits Going at Extraordinary Reductions Five Dollars buys a warm well made suit or overcoat. This clothing; must be cleared away with all possible haste. Our glo;antlo purchases throughout the early season has left us with a gTent stork of well made clothing. It Is all new and up-to-date, but In pursuance of our policy to sell all winter stocks in season, we price this clothing for rapid clear ance. An overcoat or suit bought now will look fresh and neat throughout the en tire season. The price is ab surdly low. There is not a feature about this clothing that does not suggest a regu lar $10 and $15 winter garment. All are well made, regular 1904 styles, In good, durable materials and correct colors and mixture They are exaotly the same suits that were priced a little earlier In the season, at $8.60, $10, $12.60 and $16. During This Cut Price Clearing Sale at Kyis mr Men's $3 59 and $5 Winter Pants at $1.98 Here Is a big stock of men's winter pants, In the best goods and colors for business wear rn tweeds, cashmeres, cheviots, mixed roods, etc. all up-to-date cuts and patterns made for general winter wear and actually worth three dollars and a half to five dollars a pair. Uurlng this great cut price clearing sale at per pair Watch Our J Windows treet. Council Bluffs, la. Mrx. diaries MatUils. 3u6 East Broadway. Council BlulTs, la. Isabella Williams. 2S21 Blondo street. Om aha. Mrs. J. w. French, bll Washington ave nue. Council BlultR. Mrs. Emma tinner, 218 North Nineteenth street, Omaha. William Mats, 302S Dewey avenue, Omaha, i Charles Thlousen. iMlS Lecutur street. Omaha. Mrs. S. O. Fisher. 606 South Twenty-sixth street, Omaha. A. IL Whldden. 420 Lafayette avenue. Omaha. G. C. Fleming, 160$ North Twenty-fourth street, Omaha. Anna M. Morrell. 202 South Twenty-rourtn street, Omaha. Mrs. F. Reynolds. 2611 Fierce street. Omaha. Mrs. Bessie Dawes. 1037 South Twenty- third street, Omaha. N. J. Slpherd, 315 Gold street, Omaha. Lillian Dibble. 2026 Sherman avenue. Omaha. Jacob Weber. Jr.. P. O. Box 8Z. Florence. Neb. Joseph S. Davis, 3524 Jones street, Omaha. Minnie G. l'ratt. 2712 Decatur street. Omaha. Mrs. W. F. Kassebaum. 2163 St. Mary a avenue, Omaha. Mrs. A. K. Bradley. 3811 Charles street. Omaha. Frank Daugherty, 28X5 Ohio street, Omaha. Albert Moody, HOiiC Burt Ktreet. Omaha. Frank Heavey. 3528 North Twenty-ninth street, Omaha. Mrs. F. W. Miller. 300 Oakland avenue. Council Bluffs. Herrlck Weeden, 2103 Maple street, Omaha. Alexander M. Charlton, '13 Miami street. Omaha. H. C. Williams. 33(16 Lincoln boulevard. Omaha. Jeanette Jessop, 315 South Twenty-elxth street, Omaha. Wilson lienor. 119 North Thirty-third street, Omaha. Mrs. C H. Gerber. Z17 South Twenty-nrth etrwet, Omaha. Mrs. II. A. Sander, Papllllon, Neb. K. A. Parker. 1710 North Twenty-fourth street, Omaha. S. H. Cole 1302 Douglas street, Omaha. Frank K. Morton. 47iM Boulevard avenue. Omaha- Clara Boyle, 1114 Brlggs street, Omaha. Florwm-o B. Nason. 2062 Manderson street. Omaha. Mrs. C. H. Carey. 2531 HDencer street. Omaha. Carl Burnett 821 South Twenty-ninth street, Omaha. . O. T. Whitney. 2014 Kmmet street. Omaha. Mrs. C. A. Corliss. 4i7 North Twenty-first street, South Omaha. Mrs. C. K. Munn, 818 North Fiftieth ave nue. Omaha. Henry C. T Timer. 1415 Missouri avenue. South Omaha. Mrs. Annie Nurse. 1126 North Twentv- nlnth street. Omsha. Mrs. C. M. Wherry. 2419 Snencer street. Omaha. M:hel C. Leaehey. 825 Georgia avenue. Omaha. Ijiura CrandalL 2433 Mandersnn street. Omnha. . Mrs. M. Woodward. 266S Mandersnn street. Omaha. Mary K Murray. 2H33 South Tenth street Omaha. G. K. Hatcher. 4417 North Twentv-elhth avenue, Omaha Verna Hayes. 3JWI Franklin stret. Omnha. Carl Renel. Hi South Twenty-seventh street, Omaha. Maud M. Omlesbv. 8317 Csllfnrnls. stroet Omiha. ' Miss ITermntne Rolerts, 8114 Corby street, Omaha. Harry Smith. 822 South Twenty-fifth street. Omaha. Msrv W. Rule. 818 North Tenth street. Omaha. M. L. Ramlrk, A30 North Twenty-seventh 8 Proctor ?4l TarVer street, Omaha. Mrs. W. T. Mullen. 04 North Twenty thl'1 street. fMnaha. Allan L. Bartlett. 2213 Teavenworth street. pmiiba. T. -. Mills. m North Nineteenth street, v 'in I'M. I - I.vnn T.lovd. 11V Park svenoe, Omaha, Mary F. 2,29 California street, Omaha. Vettle Beeson. ptattsmooth. Neb. Mrs. C. A. Woodland. 1622 Yates street 0-h. Miss Bnhler. 617 South Twenty-fourth r-Ur-' Rothman: S04 Klllott street. Red Oak. Ta. Alnh-1 Hndosnn 1t?5 North Twrnty-sev ei-th trot. Omh tl K Vtr.r im ptnekr-ev street Amihi Chsrle. I. Oowe 410 North Seventeenth Smith Omaha. Fred Poi.n. 1002 North Twenty-ninth Stet, rTRhs v". r. H White. ITsrlan. Ia. Mrs P T v,0ir. . ,003 Norn Twenty. Sford sreet. Omnha Irnv 9wr..m. Wl South Twenty-aev- Winiam H Btril.llng, 18 Charles streot w-.r ;tes. 1J4 South rVventeenth BieT. i '-n nn gres Wtissell fis prrey street Omsha, V H. Cdv. 9I Krkli'e street Omhs nr rmwk-y, H2 Bouth liluhteenth TIIR OMATTA uj im l.'V. J. W. Barrett, 1006 North Twenty-fourth street, Omaha. Mrs. Wirt Thompson, 2327 Bouth Six teenth street, Omaha. Mrs. C. E. Perkins, 1312 South Thirty fifth avenue, Omaha. Fred P. Strllller. 102 North Fourteenth street, Omaha. Mrs. George Dyball, 2514 Poppleton ave nue, omana. Ethel Uulnerlckaon. 2827 Franklin street. Omaha, Hose Rohrbough. 2416 Sherman avenue. Omaha, . Maria la. Wilson. ZI25 Spencer street. Omaha. Merle Dake, 38GB Hamilton street, Omaha, Mrs. Leon B. Smith, 016 Second avenue. Council Bluffs, la. Hi lwr II. Harney. First National bank. Omaha. ' Anna Nlckerson, 2112 Capitol avenue. Omatia. Emma Neston. 1234 Park Wild avenue. Omaha. Frank P. Hart. 824 North Twelfth street. Omaha. A. L. Dunbaugh, 2601 Manderson street. Omaha. otta vancura. 113 isortn Twentieth Btreet. Omaha. Harriet Merrlam. 1214 Bouth Seventeenth street, Omaha. Klla P. Beal, 309 North Eleventh street, Omaha. Emily Cleve. Z424 Burt street, omana Andrew Ellegurd, 2621 Cuming Btreet, Omaha. Mark W. Crocker. Z7U9 Charles street. Omaha. illv Mitchell. Plattsmoutn. Neb. Genevieve Tylee. Twenty-fourth and M RAILROAD HOLIDAT BATES In all directions vt "THE NORTHWESTERN L.INB, December 24-25-31. Good till January 1 'Only Double-track Line to Chicago." City Offices, 1401-1403 Famajn St. M1CHIUAM CKXTRAIi Cblcaaro-Oraad Rapids Line. The Michigan Central has put on a new and convenient aervlce of three solid through trains each way, between Chicago and Orand Rapids, with sleepers on night trains and parlor and dining cars on day trains. The equipment is first-class In every particular, and the schedule has bean carefully arranged with a view to the accommodation of business men. City ticket office, 11 Adams street, depot, 12th street and Park Row, Chicago. Illinois Central Changes Time. Effective Monday, December 21, the Fort Dodge local train No. 83, via Illinois Cen tral railroad, will leave Council Bluffs at 4:00 p. m. and arrive at Fort Dodge at t$0 p. m. Tniln No. si, rrom iron uoagt io Council Bluffs,, will leave Fort Dodge at (:30 a. m. and arrive at Council Bluffs at 10:30 a. m. W. H. Brill, Dlst Pass. Agent, Omnha, Neb. The New Short Line of the Chicago Great Western Railway. offers two finely equipped trains dally from Omaha and Council Bluffs to St Paul and Minneapolis. The Flyer running every night to the Twin Cities la unexcelled for speed and comfort. The Day Express Is the best train for Fort Dodge, Mason City and Austin. For further Information apply tJ GEORGE F. THOMAS. Qeneral Agent, 1612 Famajn St., Omaha, Neb. RAILROAD HOLIDAY RATES In all directions via "THE NORTHWESTERN LINE." December 24-25-31. Good till January 1 "Only Double-track Llna to Chicago." City Omoes, 1401-1403 Farnam St. More mis-spelled words this week In the want ads. 1JIKII. SMITH George W., Sunday. December 27, lwtf. aged 44 years 10 months 23 dava. rV-r vices at hie late residence. 2234 North Eighteenth street, 1 uenday, December 2H. at 2 o'clock p. m. Deceased was a mem twr of Capitol lodge No. 3. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Omnha tent No. 76, Knltihts of the Maccatn-e;' Omaha In dependent Order of Odd Fellows. Funeral at Weeping Water, Neb. E PEN ETE It Naomi, December 27, 1903, axed 3 years 4 days. f'Litieral from tha residence of her mother, Mrs. John Eiwneter. kC Izard street. Tues day mornliiK. December Jit. at 10 o'clock. Interment iairvldW cemetery lu Council bluOa. 1 hR .. a i p w g Emm -ssttj u uisiimiiu iii Miaroi.ip..ii,j.a...jejiuiiii sggmsssaBsaaaa DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20. 100.1. pM' an lili THM RIEMf IILB ITOHR Thursday, December free coupon distribution. $10.00 ticket before that my GREAT PRE-ltlVENTORY SALE ON TABLE LINENS AND MUSLINS 6 l-9o IX Moulin, 4 8-4c. Extra heavy 1A, muslin, yard 1). wide. fiHo value fC H l-3o nieacbed Mnalln, 6 l-2c. Soft finish bleached muslin, recommended especially for family use, fit- 84o value, at Q$C lBo KnilUh Lona; Cloth, lOc. English long cloth. Improved finish, vnrd f?..r.:..... 10c 8So Seamless Sheetlnr. 10 l-2 Soft finish seamless sheeting, 81 Inches wlds, full bleached, 2So value, Ifil for. per yard I33C GREAT CLEARING SALE OF MEN'S AND . BOYS' WINTER CAPS We have left over about 65 dmen men's and boys winter caps that sold up to 85c. Will close them out at a price which does not represent the cost of the cloth. Yours while they last, at, 2C VALISES AND DRESS SUIT GASES 24 Inch suit case, made on steel frame. coverea witn enameled rubber cloth, linen lined, brass spring lock and I Cft side oatches I.3U Leather suit cases, with shirt A nn loia, ior , w3U BEFORE INVENTORY Thousands of pairs of shoes in this sale. Men's, women's and children's shoes at a fraction of their value. You can save al most 60 per cent on all winter goods by buying here. We must reduce stock be fore time to invoice, and take this means of doing so. Men's and wombn's $3.50 and $8.00 shoes, this Includes nil leathers and I fJC late styleB liSlU Boys' and youth's $1.50 shoes; Misses' shoes worth up to $1.75, QQ. per pair 30G rhtld's $1.00 hand turned button RO or lace shoe UJw HAYDEW Thirty Cents Will Rent Your Vacant Room ' Isn't It pretty poor economy to let your roooa gtay vacant? Every day It might be earning; for you two or hreo times the coat of renting It through a Bee Want Ad. There are thousands who read tho want pages dally as a matter of habit who look there bet ore they go room hunting. But Just now, during The Bee Quotation Contest, almost everyone Is reading the want pages word by word. cn words three times for 30 cents. Tel. 238. Bee Want Ad Dept. NORTHWESTERN DEALS BLOW Issues Through .Gram Bats to Kill Move for Omaha Market. PLAN TO HAUL THROUGH TO CHICAGO Grain Men Fear This Will Force Other Roads to Follow and rot Damper on the Grain Center Scheme. The Chicago & Northwestern Is the latest railroad to cause commotion by issuing a new grain tariff, quoting through rates from points on Its line In Nebraska to Chicago on an average of about I cents lower than the sum of the two locals. In speaking of the action of the North western a grain man said: "Just as we get everything settled down comfortably and are preparing to make a grain market here the Northwestern Jumps In and makes a rate which undoubtedly will have the effect of oarrylng all the grain which originates on that line In this state right by us to Chicago. The bulk of It will not 'even pass through this city, but very likely will be hauled by way of Mis souri Valley. The effect of the new tariff can very readily be seen by taking a single station for example. The rates from Hast ings to Omaha are 16 and 14 cents on heat and corn, and the proportional rates which these grains would take to Chicago are 14 and 13 cents, consequently the sum of the two rates, making the through rate from Hastings to . Chicago via Omaha, would be 80 cents on wheat and 27 cents on corn. Now the new Northwestern tariff quotes rates from Hastings directly through to Chicago of 23 cents on wheat and 26 cents on corn, so it can be readily seen that grain destined for the Chicago market would not stop In Omaha and pay I cents additions for the privilege." A question has arisen In connection with the new tariff, and that Is as to whether it reduces the through rate from Nebraska points to the Mississippi river. The new schedule is Issued, as an amendment to the former through grain tariff, and the old tariff carried a differential of 6 cents less on wheat and corn than the through Chicago rate. In the amendmest nothing Is said as to whether this differential Is to be maintained or whether the old rates to the river are to stand. It Is the general .opinion that the new rate is to give the Northwestern a cinch on the long haul, which, of late. It Is stated, It has not been getting. It Is said that the Northwestern has been hauling very little grain east since the low pro portional rates were put into effect, al though It "has been bringing a large amount of it Into Omaha. In one cane recently a rival road hauled out about ninety cars from the elevator of Holmqulst & Mer rlam, which had been brought In from off the Northwestern lines In Nebraska. The cause of the loss of eastern business Is said to be that that line will not absorb the switching charges, which amount to ft per car, although It la willing to and has met the proportional rates made by other companies. It Is believed that In view of the fact that It can not secure the grain for the out haul aftor it has brought it In the officials of the North western have com to the conclusion that they will play safe, and after getting the grain loaded Into their cars, will tske rt directly through, and thereby run no chance of having It picked up by rival lines as soon as It Is dropped In Omaha, Th general opinion Is, however, thai la Tuesday's Pre- in wuiiiui j opcuiaio 01st, is tho last day of the Be sure to secure that date. tor- Turkey Red Damask, S3 l-2e. Turkey rod table damask, 60 Inches OOla, wide, 40o value, at, per yard LCH (fKi Table Iltmuk, B1c. Extra heavy homespun cream table OQm linen, fcoc value, at, per yard awG Tdc Table l.laen, -44c. Heavy German silver bleached table linen, guaranteed pure linen, 76c in. value, for ljC 1.K Table Linen. tOc. 7i Inch full bleached Irish table fffi linen, i.oo value, at, yard UfC l.StA Table I.lnen, DNo. Extra heavy double satin damask, pretty patterns, wide 'open bordem, regu- flfl. lar $1.26 value, yard 90C Men's and boys' fine plush and cloth cans. ooo quality, to De closed out OC, at Z5I IC Men's and boys' $1.00 cajis, clearance price 50c Cowhide suit 'cases, with shirt fold, reg- ular $7.00 quality, for Vallsea, from 4.98 40c to 15.00 SALE OF SHOES Men's $1.25 and $1.60 Afi. slippers . 90C Men's genuine horse hide enamel shoes. regular $4.00 0 0 quality Men's imitation alligator or em- JQ- broldered slippers, per pair 401 Women's felt sole slippers; Misses' and children's felt sole slippers; AQ per pair (9G Women's 75o all felt AQu milliners 40 C Women's $2.00 viol kid 10 0 shoes P C9 Women's $2.60 viol kid ICO shoes 39 BROS. THE MAN AND THE flRNACE fflometlmea it'm the man-more J I Ul LCT 1 1 a I D kalTJ WaM, aV Vla T ' no trouble with either If you buy BONANZA Semi-Anthracite Gives more heat with less trouble than any other coal Saves money too 18.00 a ton. We pride ourselves on careful attention to orders and prompt service. la" W- TTft,, will fsVA Central Coal and Coke Company, 402 S. 1 5th St. Phones SUPPOSE we would tell the BEE, NEWS, WORLD HERALD and all the other papers In which we advertise to put our ads In some remote corner where no one could find them. Of there is such a place), (?) they would think just about what half the druggists of this country think, OR THAT WE ARE CRAZY I Still, there would be Just as much sense In the above request as there Is In the fact that THE GREAT MAJORITY OF OMAHA MERCHANTS WHO ARE 1HINO TRADING STAMPS, HIDE THEM UNDER THE COl'NTER. and don't give them out UNLESS THE t'Ln'4'OMER INSISTS! We say what good Is an ad unless It U used? We respect fully call the attention of EVERY ONE TO OUH method of dealing with truHts and combines this week. JUST. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR FUN. SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICB DRU4J STORE E. T. TATEH. Ptod.. 16th and ChlC'igo Sts., Omaha. 'Phones 147 and TW. 24th and N Bu , South Omaha. 'Phone No, 1. All goods delivered any p:ae Sitei 80 Per Cent la GsiTWl The Kern Burner Special Library and Dining room Light. 100 Candles, J Hours, I Cent More light than six electric bulbs at 1-lSth the cost. "Outlights All Other Light." Kern Incandescent Gas Light Co. CHICAGO D. W. DUDGEON. Afent, PLUMBER AND OAS FITTER, Phone I96i 2910 Farnam St Northwestern will not withdraw the new through rate, but will force other lines to meet it, thus putting a quietus, it la be lieved, an Omaha aa a graia market. W.. P--1TT DCCX 8 sZM Year's End Sale Every department in our entire store will have specials to offer tomorrow at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. For the remaining days of the year we are putting stocks in shape for our annual inventory. In order to take up as little stock as possible, we have gone through every department and selected such ar tides which we do not wish to carry over. It is our object to close them out at greatly reduced prices. PROMPT ACTION INSURES the BEST SELECTION. o)qWf Our Christmas Aftermath and Annua! Pre-lnventory Sale Has Begun. Prices are shot to pieces. Heavy stocks of odds and ends fine holiday left-overs must be closed out in three days New Years Eve. Every purchase you make at Bennett's is a bargain every time. This pre-inventory sale means double bargains. Green Trading Stamps In All Dep'fs. AM ths Tine. Bargains advertised in Sunday's pi pore will hold good while the goods last. Mail orders will be filled promptly from Sunday's ad, if goods are still Jn stock. Call Dhone, or mail NOW. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! In the front the very front good goods, honest weights, freshness and low prices keep our grocery ahead of all other. TUESDAY'S SPECIALS. ANOTHER BIO SUPPLY OF FINE CLOVER FRAME HONEY PEK Tomatoes f-lb. can Cr.tsup ,10c ...8c 10c 10c 10c 5c UUlllO ....... . Chocolatlna per oan - Rolled Oats best 2-lb. pkg Wheat for breakfast 2-lb. pkg . Oil Sardines can : I Headquarters for Butters TEAS AND Imperial Japan Tea 25c rer nound w Kfl LI CHRISTMAS OVER The rush Is past and we will have time now '.o put your watch in order. We can give it closer attention than we could during the Christmas rush. Vou know t '1'ive the best watch and olock makers In the city bring t In cr call up 1997 and we will send for It. LOOK FOR THE NAME. S. W. LINDSAY, The JcWclcr, 1516 Douffla Street. Omaha. Women's Gymnasium Shoes. There has been a great scarcity of the 11.00 gymnasium shoes but we have Just received a complete Una of alses In oxford style soft kid stock- rough turn soles very flexible can't slip with these shoes. This Is the very shoe you have been looking for and at last we have been able to get plenty of them. The gymnasium girl will appreciate this (1.00 shoe. DREXEL SHOE GO. 1419 Farnam Street. Up-to-Dt Shoa Houe fODRUHKARDS WHIT OOVF. CUNIn.ier.'.u.tuurMiuy ti In. for rucv rii,k. U.o nppnUu lot niin h cnunoj nlrt slur u.i us 1I1U romtdr lu ir lluul of iUmuiuu t pui.nli luux.i eherauaa At MuCocumiU Ctt, Untaha. N U Omabi VA Wew i ;TraBllng F ; ; J) COLLAR , leases 1 fiTTI millllf Tll'llliPr WHITE FRAME. 124, Macaroni 1-1 b. pkg Golden yrup S-lb. can Gelatlne-r pkr....T Car. He Soap cake California Prunes per pound Neutrlta with spoon pkg 10c 24c 10c 24c 5c 8c 1 Fresh Country Butter, pound 16c COFFEES Tea Bitting 15c per pou und The Only Doubl 7 Missouri Kiver r$Mj. and Chicago. A DAILY TRAINS OMAHA TO CHICAGO 8.2S FM THE OVERLAND LIMITED Uutn!ft".nt nlld d.llf to Chtewj. 0P" viwil Slid lrwln-rooa .Wins oat llhrnr. but, butMt, bth., dlnlns or. ai obwrntluo, hu ElKtrlo ImhieJ ihrouehoul. ' 8.00 AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS olltn.n toariot .lw.plii ean and oowhM. Pining Mn mm hois Clinton. 5.50 PM THE EASTERN EXPRESS Pullman dr.wtn-roonl swl tonrlnt .ImpIbi ws. tr. reli-ilnu cllr out, bullet UbrwT end unoking asm. lrtniiiK ok. ...... 3 OTHER DAILY TRAINS 3fl Pallnisndrnwtns-roomslesptnsenrj.hBUM AM IM.moklny snd li!jr7 r.r. win1 f r ncllv i .. . t,.f. Mr. u iJinlns Mm. 11.30 am Throafh mitIm to Chlonga. N.irth W.irn itandnrd a.r aosoliM .nd IiM Mr.. Junius i tr nil FrM htr MB to Ohtsuo llm.n B. iS PM i'hiIdi cr from Ann toCulMsa. lt " inf ol Mirlns blMM. 2 DAILY TRAINS ST. PAU Lr M ltl EAPOLIS 7 50 am hMrtioa prior 8 7 C nil P.llm.a l.rto mis. holfrt Ubnrj .13 I M hi ud tra nolinins cbalf cum. BLACK HILLS O CO DU To Fmrnont. 1 -4.DU M 1'ork. Hullo fTor, iKtnt Tin l'Mdsood imA. llir , Llnooln.W.hoo, D.rtd 0tr, nw.ra, lien.Tn. bui uiih rMiitnlns sbnu: ouu s .lMilns ul Mr ion. 8 05 am i,;,n' UUmA ll.rltsia t Framont. Mil, Who. Borfolk, ns 1 in. oraisro. Vol KM.rr.tlon oonntrr. tnsl nnd u.. CITY TICKET urrlCC) 1401 and 1403 Farnam Street Discount f Omaha Trunk Factory TM1 tnilM t....l-al.. Tcfcpnofii I0SS 1209 Farnain Street Wa