TnE OMAFIA DAILY DEE: MONDAY, DECEMKER 29. 1905. 3 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL SECRO SUSPECTS IS JAIL Thongbtto Bs Oaei Who Erttbad and Ai itultcd Mr j. Starts ani lira, Saiisrs. IDENTIFIED BY ONE OF THE VICTIMS ltrnf f Irrnmatantial F.vldenee and Admissions of Their Female Com panion Point to Them aa ftallty Parties. In George Williams, alias Burk, and Neely Zimmerman, arrested yesterday afternoon, tho police feel confident they have the two negror who robbed and attempted to criminally assault Mrs. Mary Btarks and her daughter, Mrs. Harry Ban ders, late Christmas night. In addition to being Identified by Mrs. Sanders as the men who assaulted here and her mother, the actions of the two negroes when taken Into custody, the police say, Indicate their guilt. They were arrested at 160S Third avenue, where they were found With the two colored women said to have been their companions on the street car Friday night. The women, who gave the names of Emma Eubanks and Delia Burk, the latter said to be the wife of George Williams, alias Burk, were also taken Into custody. The men were later taken to the county Jail for better pro tection, but the women are being held at the city jail. The two negroes who assaulted Mrs. Btarks and Mrs. Banders after they left the car at Sixteenth street and Avenue A were accompanied by two colored women who left the car at Fourteenth street, and It was working pn this clew that led the police to arrest Williams and Zimmerman. It was learned that Williams and Zim merman and the two colored women went to Omaha early Christmas evening to visit friends. Later In the evening tho four went to the Colored Walters' club rooms In tha basement at Fourteenth and Douglas streets, where they stayed for some time. Ilartender Furnishes Tine. While waiting for a Council Bluffs car at Twelfth and Douglas streets, the four tried to get' drinks at Moran'a saloon, but the bartender refused to serve the colored women. The men drank a glass of beer each and thn with the women boarded tho car. The men took seats , opposite Mrs. Btarks and Mrs. Banders, while the women stood up In the aisle. The bartender at Moranin saloon has not been over yet to Identify the negroes, but the description by him to the police of the two who Visited the saloon answers that ' of the men under arrest. In fact, the description given by the bartender of the two negroes was the first clew which the police say led them to arrest Williams and Zimmerman. The ne&roes and their women compan ions asked for and received transfers to the Fifth avenue line, but when the car reached Sixteenth atreet on Avenue A, and Mrs. Btarks and Mrs. Banders got off, the two negroes followed, saying to their companions, "Guess we'll get off here," at the same time handing them their transfer- slips. The women asked to be let oft tA fifteenth- street, but the con ductor was unable to signal the motor man to stop until the car reached Four teenth street, when the two colored Women alighted. These facts gave the police a direct clew to where the men and women lived. Seek to Elude Officers. Detectives Murphy and Harding and Offi cers Hayes and Loranaen were detailed to make the arrest yesterday afternoon and they reached the frame cottage at laUS Third avenue shortly after 1 o'clock. Zim merman, who answers the description of the big negro who assaulted Mrs. Banders, was in bed and to the officers he said he had been suffering from rheumatism for two weeks, during which Urns he had been unable to leave his bed. One of the officers pulled down tho bed clothing and Zimmer man waa found to be fully dressed except as to his trousers. He was even wearing his coat and vest and it Is supposed that when lie saw the police nearlng the houae he attempted to undress and only suc ceeded in getting his trousers off before they entered. At first nothing was to be seen of Wil liams, the smaller of the two negroes, who Is said to have been the one who assaulted Mrs. Btarks, but a search of the house re sulted In finding him curled up In corner behind a piano. The men were taken to Twelfth street and Broadway, where the nearest police patrol box is and a call aent for the patrol wagon. By the time the wagon arrived quite a crowd had gathered and had the wagen been drluyed any longer It might have gone hard with the riegroea under ar rest. Hardly had they been placed In the wagon when the crowd made a rush for them and several men attempted to climb In after them. Patrol Driver L. Carlson, however, whipped up his homes and the crowd was soon left behind. There waa no demonstration at the city Jail and after the men had been searched and booked they were taken to te county Jail. Chief Tlb blts believing they would be safer there In rate there should be any attempt to deal summarily with them. The patrol wagon then returned to the cottage on Third avenue and 'the two col ored women were taken to the city Jail. They are charged with secreting stolen property. The officers. In searching the house, found a quantity of clothing, part t which was Identified by William Holder as having been stolen from his ynrd at lt'rt! Second avenue as late as Friday night. Ideatlged by Victim. The news of the arrest soon spread and by the time the patrol wagon reached the house the second time, to convey the women to the jail there were at least S00 men. women and children gathered In front of It. No demonstration, however, was made against the women, although many In the crowd were heard to say that the negroes ought to be lynched. Before the two negroes ere taken from the house Mrs. Banders was brought there by Detective Murphy and she at once, on seeing Zimmerman, said he was the man who assaulted her. Bhe said that after he had taken her pocketbook the big negro seized her by the throat and told her he Intended to commit a worse crime and than CLEANING AND DYEING lAtllea' and QcntL-men's Cto'hlng Cleaned, Dysd. Pressvj and Repaired; also Dry Cleaning. No shrinkage or rubbing off guaranteed. Work done on short notice COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS Tel. SIM). ; loiT Wat Brnadwar. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. C CsmbcU fcatffa. BLUFFS. kill her. Mrs. Baunders. also without hes itation, identified Williams ss the negro who assaulted her mother. Mrs. Banders also Identified the light colored hat which Zimmerman wore that night and which waa found in the house. Mrs. Btarks Is still confined to her bed from the Injuries which shs received while struggling with her as sailant At the city Jail Mrs. Eubanks admitted to the ofTlcers that she recognized Mrs. Bandera as being one of the white women on the car' Friday night. Zimmerman, it Is sntd, has been working for Cetitractor Wlckham all the summer and Williams had recently been working as a concrete mixer for the Great Western railroad. Both are laborers and both are known to the police. The police think It possible that the ne groes tinder arrest are tho two who at tempted to hold up and rob Mrs. P. II. Clark of 1106 Fifth avenue last Tuesday evening on Third avenue, between Elgh'.h and Ninth streets, but were frightened away by the cries of the children accom panying her. At o'clock last night a number of men began to congregate on Pearl street. In the vlelnlty of the county jail, and for awhile It looked as If there might be trouble. The crowd, which half an hour later numbered possibly 100 men, was dispersed by the po lice. Zimmerman and Williams were placed In separate cells on the second tier of the cylinder, and even If a crowd had gotten Into the Jail the negroes could not have been taken out unless by sawing through the steel bars In front of the cylinder. Plumbing and heating. Blxby & Bon. , Takes "hot at Holiber. A sneak thief, who had climbed to the top of tits porch of the resilience of An drew Norene, at 27 Avenue E, was de tected In the set of attempting to break Into the house through . a second story window, Saturday night, by John H. Bchlcketanz, a neighbor, who took a shot at 'he fellow, but missed him. ' Mr. Bchlcketanz lives at 823 Avenue E, and was going home when he saw the fel- , .. . ., - i low on the top of the front porch. Think- I bchlcketanz called to him. The fellow, however, did not wait to answer, but jumped to the ground and started on tho dead run down the atreet. Mr. Bchlcko tana took a shot at the fleeing form with his revolver, but tho bullet went wide of the mark, and the fellow disappeared In the darkness.- ' N. T. Plumbing Co, Tel. 250; night. F 867. else Drag Si ore Liquor. A barrel of whisky, several bottles of the same liquor, and five cases of bottled beer were seized by Deputy Sheriffs Baker and Groneweg last night at George 8. Da vis" drug store, on Broadway and North Second street. The seizure was made un der a search warrant Issued from the court of Justice Carson, supposedly at the In stance of County Attorney Killpack, as he handed the warrant to the deputy sher iffs to serve. It is charged that Mr. Davis had been dispensing liquid refreshments to his customers on Sundays. Ogden Hotel Booms with or without board; steam heat; free bath; public par lor. . i MINOR MKJTIOX. v Davis sells drugs. Leffert's glasses fit Brockert sells carpets. A atore for men "Beno'a.M ' Diamond betrothal rings at Leffert's, 400 Broadway. JJ'S- 11 ,8"K wedding rings at Leffert's. 409 Broadway. ,f'?,turframlnj. c' R- Alexander & Co., S3J Broadway. Tel. 808. Iost, old fashioned squirrel cape, De cember 22; reward; 736 Madison avenue. Harmony chapter. Order of the Eastern Btar, will install its newly elected oillcers New Year's night. Thero will be a special meeting this evening of Fidelity council, Itoyal Ar canum for initiation of candidates. The Union Christian church, 360 Broad-, way, will give a free entertainment Mon day evening, December 28. All cordially Invited. ' Miss Cool and Miss Avery, teachers at the Iowa School for the Deaf, will go to pea Moines Wednesday to attend the meet ing of the State Teachers' association. .Asks for Bids On or before December K. 1W3, I will sell to highest and best, either or both, 3 and 447 Park ave., Coun cil Bluffs, la. V. W. Oils. Agent, Council Bluffs, la Mrs. Fenlon of Waterloo, la.. Miss Fcn lon of Des Molnea, Miss Edna Hunt of Har lan and Howard Corthell of Chicago are guests at the home of u. P. Wlckham and lamily. Word hr.a been received hero nf tha death at Ban Ha fuel, Cal., of Mrs. Edith Birkhlmer Palmer, wife vt Captain Charles Day Palmer, a former resident of Coun cil BluiTs. Btar chapter, No. 47. Royal Arch Masons, will hold a special meeting this evening for work in the moat excellent muster's degree. Work will begin promptly at 7:3u o'cicck. The friends of Joe Needham, a resident of the western part of the city, who had not been homo since Christmas day. be came anxious at Ills absence und sought the assistance of the police last evening to locato him. Later word was received from the Oinaha police tout they had him In chirge. s Articles of Incorporation of the J. Hastier Mercantile company have been filed In the office of the county recorder. Tha Incorpo rators are J. Knsner of Avoea and Andrew F. Anderson of Hancock. The capital stock Is placed at $10,00 and the Arm will engiige in the general mercantile business at lfcnl ley, one of the new towns on the line of the Great Westorn railroad. The annual Ctihriatmas entertainment for the children and grandchildren of the veterans of the civil war, provided for by the generosity of General Dodge, will te held Wednusuay evening in Grand Armv hall. All children who are en titled to tickets can obtain them any time after 1:S0 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from George T. Miller at his oil Ice In the county court house. George D. Riggs, fortman of the com posing room of the Nonpareil for the fast eiKht years, left yesterday for lies Molnea, where he has accepted u similar position on the Register-Leader. Ills family will remain in Council Bluffs for the present In order that the children may complete the school term. Mr. KlKg has leen a president of the Bluff City Typographical union for the last year. Hafer sells lumber. Catch tha IdeaT Grand Army and C'orpa Klect. LOGAN, la.. Dec. 17. (Special. )-The Grand Army of the Republic has elected the following officers: W. Humphrey, com mander; C. N. Cadwell. senior vice com mander; Lowery Wilson, junior vice com mander; P. C. Stlre, chaplain; Lee Dakan, quartermaster; William Brayton, surgeon The Fuller Relief corps has elected the following officers: Emma Huntley, presi dent; Llllie Topping, senior vice president; Emetine Wyatt, junior vice president Margaret Stewart, treasurer; Harriet Creuger. rhtiplaln; I-ettle I,os, conductor Lydla Logan, guard. A joint Installation of officers will occur January 1 at 1 p. m. Tags for l.oaaa Doss. ., uec. .i. (special.) At 3 apeclal meeting of the town council yester day morning the city attorney was directed to draw up an ordinance requiring all dogs to be tagged. All dugs found after a cer tain date without a tug will be thut. The taga are registered and sold at a flxad price. WANT THE SCHOOL FOR DEAF Number of Panoni in Des Moines Will Ask for Iti EemovaL OBJECT TO THE. PRESENT LOCATION Those fflgntna; Petition to Legislature Bay that Coaarll Bluffs Is Too Far from Center of State. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES, Dec. 27. (Special.) A numler of the deaf persons residing in Des Moines have started a movement to Induce the legislature to remove the state school for the deaf and dumb which Is now near Council Bluffs to a new site at Des Moines. The petition to the members of the legislature to this effect is signed by David O. Watson, J. O. Harris, Walter C. DeArmond, Lyman K. Glenn and Will M. Wright. They represent to the legislature that there has been a petition freely circu lated In the eastern part of the state for the establishment of a separate school for the deaf in the eastern part of the state, the sole reason assigned being that the school at Council Bluffs Is too far removed from a large portion of the state for tha convenience of the students. Efforts have been, made In the past to secure establishment of a school at Du buque or In some other part of the state not far removed from there. But a school located near the center of the State would serve the purpose 'quite as well. It is stated that the parents of deuf children refuse to send their children to the school, because It Is so far from their homes, and in tho case of many children It Involves more than an all-day ride on the cars. The Btate Board of Control has recommended that the school be located on a better site than at present before rebuilding la com menced. The board does not Indicate a desire to have the school removed, to an other city, but might be satisfied with a better location near Council Bluffs. The deaf people living In the central and east ern part of tho state appeal for removal tr a rltv more nearly r.ccessimo 10 uu ,c L ., t. Th. HMf neonle of Des city more nearly r.ccessimo to an Is the right place for the school. The busi ness men of Des Moines have taken no In terest In thejtiatter, but may make some offer to Induce the removal. Material for a Museum. The beautiful monument to the memory of the Iowa soldiers and sullors which stands near the state cupltol may be In part duplicated In a museum in Copen hagen, Denmark. Carl Kohl-Bmlth, the aculptor to whom was entrusted the work of finishing the general design of Harriet Ketcham and who worked out the statuary which adrona the monument, was born Itn Copenhagen, and after atudylng In Paris and working In various cities of Europe he established a studio In Chicago. He was working there when the monument commis sion employed him to finish the work of the soldiers' monument for Iowa. His work is greatly ndmlred and some have aald that his best work was done on thta monument. There are four great equestrian statues, representing four Iowa command ers, on horseback, namely, General Gren vllle M. Dodge, General John M. Corse, General Marcelhn M. Crocker and General Samuel R. Curtis. Besides, thla there are medallions and figures representing the artillery, the cavalry, the lnfantryand the navy. It la now proposed by the old neigh bors of the sculptor that duplicatea of his a-1 works shall be placed In a museum In Copenhagen, and a representative of the family has been lit Des Moines trying to find the original plaster casts from which the bronses were made. They have not all been found, but some of them have been located. 3ome of the larger and finer pieces have gone to state Institutions und some are In parks. It Is believed that nearly all will be found and duplicates wl'.l be aent to Denmark. Mr. Rohl-Bmlth died a few years ago. , School Exhibit of Iowa. In connection with the State Teachers' association meeting this week there haa been arranged In one of the school build ings of the city a fine exhibit of school work from all parts of tho state. This haa been gathered under tha direction of tha educational committee of the atate exposi tion commission, acting In conjunction with the State department of education. All the schools of the state have been aiiked to contribute and especially he rural schools. The exhibit has -been carefully arranged here so that it may be inspected by the teachers and others, and a committee will make selection of the material to be saved and made uae of at St. Louis next year. The selection of the committee will not be final, but other contributions are to bo sought to add to the exhibit from time to time. The work embraces all kinds of school work, and It will fairly represent what Is being done in tha schools of the atata. Moilna; Into Ken Warehouse. Tho work of- moving the books and rec ords from the storerooms In tho basement of the state eapltol to the new rooms In the new state warehouse has commenced. For several days workmen have been busy re moving the stored books. A carload or two of Iowa codes was first to go into the new building and then a number of, dray loads of old session laws went over. The latter were found In the garret beneath one of the smaller domes of the eapltol at the aouth end. The old reporta will be taken over to' the warehouse next week and grad ually the eapltol building will be cleared of a vast nmqunt of material that has made the corridors and extra rooms unsightly for many days. The warehouse Is prac tically finished now. Btate lalveralty Attendance. The attendance at the Btate university for the iwra Just closed was not aa large as It haa been In some other terms, but was re garded aa generally aatisfactory. There were about 4oo atudents to go to their homes In various states of the union for the holidays. Registration records at the university thla year show the university draws atudenta from twenty-two different states, five foreign countries and the Dis trict of Columbia. The foreign countries sending students to Iowa for education are Germany, Mexico, Japan, Turkey and Can ada. Despite the fact that Illinois has so many universities and colleges within her own borders she leads all the other states but Iowa In number of students sent to Iowa university City and Conareaslonal Caranalajua. The city commltteo of the republican party haa called the republican city prima ries for the nomination of a candidate for mayor for January 18. tho earliest ever known. This means that the campaign will be pushed vigorously the next 'two weeks. There are two active candidate for mayor th present mayor. James M. Brenton, and Former Msyor John MeVicar. The ronsrresslonal campaign has also started and In two weeks Judge grouty will start cut to do some campaign speaking In the district, going first to Madison county. KILLS HARRISON COUNTY MAN " Team Raas Away, Throning Orley Bales Vnder Waann ear Mis snarl Valley, MISSOURI VALLEY, la., Dec. 27.-Sp-clal.) Orley Bales met a tragic death hero yesterday afteri.oon. In company with his brother ho was returning to his home south of town and when Just below the railroad track the singletree broke and the-tongue of the wagon fell. The team ran away and the wagon box was overturned, pitching him out on his head, crushing his forehead. He was picked up unconscious and taken to Dr. Gnsson's office, but nothing could be done to save his life and he died two hours later without regaining consciousness. His brother was uninjured. The young man was U years of age and wns the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sales, pioneer residents. Who live three miles southwest of town. Regret Jones Depnrtnre. DUNLAP. la., Dec. .-(Special.) L'ntll yesterday Thomas J. Jones sported as one of the most progressive and wideawake young men in Dunlap, and had tha entire confidence of the people here. But It la different now, for It developed last evening that tho aforesaid Thomas J. Jones was not all he represented. About six months ago lie opened a music store here and se- , cured a loan on several pianos from one of the banks, representing that his father-in-law was very wenlthy, and would shortly advance him 110,000 for his busi ness. About three months ago he made a sudden trip to Chicago and returned with a wife, a very estimable young woman, whom he had persuaded to elope with him, It Is said. 'It was known that her family connections were good, and that her grand father was the president of an Illlnolu bank. Jones succeeded In obtaining credit In various amounts of the Dunlap business men. It Is also alleged that he disposed of one of the mortgaged pianos to a farmer. While In Chicago in -search of a wife Jones made a visit to the wholesale jewelry house of Lapp & Florshem, and secured from them on credit Jewelry to the amount of $210, which he placed on sale In the Dun-lap-' music house. This Jewelry he took with him to Le Mars, where he has a store of some kind. Larp & Flershem were no tified by wire, and they now have the mat ter In the hnnda of their attorney. Monona County Grand Jury. ONAWA, la., Dec. 27. (Speclal.)-The Monona county district court will convene January 4. There are seventy equity.- 150 law, two criminal and twenty-five probate cases. Judge Gay nor will 'preside. The grand jurors are Thoinns J. Perrln, Frank Taylor, S. W. Byrd, J. S. Carhurt, Peter Baker, A. O. Good, W. J. Brooks, L" A. Morly, C. C. Ferslnger. I. H. Bnkke, E. S. Crow and F. G. Dugdale. Thirty-six pefit Jurors are summoned. LIST OF DEAD CROWS (Continued from First Page.) domes of each boiler blew off, releasing their contents, else there would have been added horrors from the blistering steam. How Cars Telescoped. No. 6, tastbound, was composed of a mall and baggage car, combination smoker, buf fet parlor car. day conch and diner., The baggage coach caught between tho engina and heavy train, crumpled up like pasteboard,- only the roof remaining partially unbroken. The Wg blind mail cur, heavily bulkheaded, look the brunt pf the blow, but withstood tho crash and communicated it to the ' smoker next In thij lead. The smoker was swept clean as the mall car telescoped its entire length and turned over at the north side of the track. The smoker In turn crashed several feet Into the parlor car and It was at the rear end of the smoker and forward end of the cafe car where the passengers were killed and Injured. From a space Hlx feet square the bodies of two women, a boy and a man were taken out. The westbound flyer, with Its heavy bulk- headed cars, stayed on tho rails back of the baggage and mall cars and the passengers In this train escaped serious Injury. Aa one man they rushed out of the trnln to assist the less fortunate ones on the train from this city. 1 Many stripped warm overcoats from their backs and covered the injured as they were borne to the less shattered cars of No. 6 and the remains of the parlor car of No. 8. N,enrhy farmers, hearing the crash, came with blankets and did valiant service. Trains Meet on Carve. According to statements made by officials of the Fere Marquette, the westbound train was traveling dowu grade at the rate of sixty miles fin hour. The eastbound train was climbing the hill at a speed of forty miles. The former carried probably seventy-five passengers, while the latter la believed to have been carrying at' least 125 passengers. The two trains collided at about the middle of a long, sweeping curve, three-quarters of a mile west of East Paris. On tho Inner side of the curve Is a high embankment, preventing a view of tha track ahead. When the engines met, one turned com pletely over and lay with Its nose In a direction opposite to that In which it had been traveling.. The other climbed the wreckage of the first.. Its boiler torn from the trucks, standing erect In the center of the debris. In 'the cafe coach of the Ill-fated east- bound train, which wns demolished ns far back as the rear of the forward trucks, one of the most shocking of the many tragedies of the wreck was enacted. Section Foreman Linden J. Baldwin, 'wife and son, had spent Christmas In Grand naplds and were returning , to their home at Mulllken. Between the man and wife, sitting on the top of the car aeat and playing: with a bank received as a Christmas gift, was their little son. The crash cams and all three met death. A beam flying through the air struck the ch!!d, beheading h.lm. Mother and son were found together on the floor of the cafe car by the wrecking crew when they penetrated Into the wreck. Dead Bodies Frertr. The first relief train sent from here brought in the Injured and those of the dead who could be recovered without tho aid of the wrecking outfit. The injured rushed to the hospitals, where everything was In readiness for their reception. The second relief train, with the tool car and staum crane, waa aent to the wreck aa soon as the temporary ' hospital train had orrlved here. Within twenty mlnutea the wrecking crew had taken out eight bodies, each one of thera frosen stiff. These wero brought here and sent to the morgue. Shortly after noon a third truln from the wreck arrived with the last of the bodies, those of Engineer Stoddard and Fireman Burns, which had been found beneath the wreckage of the engines. Burns' body was burned Into shapelessness. General Superintendent Smith interviewed Oper ator Booth at McCorda last night and said today: I have no reason to doubt the statement of tu.oth that his light was burtiii.g two minutes before No. ft passed Mct'orus, and thai the wind extinguished it. He Is an HH: Tho Men's suspenders, me dium, Jlnht and heavy, value lie. JVt 71-2o Ixdles' and gentle men's four-fly linen collars, latest styles, all fli-'s, value 15c. ult GOo Men's red flannel un derwear, value 11.26. Price that st employed to motf It. The following are a fenr sample prices, tlionaanda of articles too namerons to mention at proportionately low FURS! , Don't Buy Furs Until You See What We Have to Offer Collnrottes wore lunde to our ordrr from Klfcirlc Soul, Jnpanlsp, Mink, fufloon, TAilbot, Benver, Hear, Etc. Prices are cut to fit) cent on ttn dollar Como niul aeo for yoursolf. C1I1LDUEN S SETS AT VEUV LOW I'KICES. 350 Jit Go Fair children's double-knee hose, value 15c. Jit ISo Pair extra heavy hose for bad boys, regular price :5c. It lG12o Pair extra heavy men's wool half hose, regular 26c. Jit 17o Pair men's extra fine cashmere hoae, regular 25c. At lOo Pnlr ladles' all wool cushmere hose, regulur price i.5o and 35c. At JOo Pair ladles' heavy fleeced hose, value 15c. At 2Go Four pairs men's Rockford half-hose, value luc pair. At 23o Mis."' and children's unlop suits, value u5c. At 23c Boys' heavy fleeced underwear, value 35c. Tapestry Portiers, Newest Designs and Colors, Value Up to $10, THE NOVELTY old operator nnd has been In the employ of the road for several years. Superintendent Smith said further: This Is the first wreok In which the road ever killed a passenger on' Its own train. .The road has killed passengers on other roads, persons st crosBlUKS, and employes, but never before has it killed outright or fatally Injured a passenger of Its own. Coroner Hilllker Impaneled a Jury today nnd the remains of the dead were viewed. The coroner said the Jury will not sit before January 1, and In fact, he Is un nblo to state the day when It will be gin the Investigation of the accident. HYMENEAL. Panama Oltlelal Marries. PANAMA, Dec. 27. Ernest Lefevre. di rector of telegraphs of the Republic of Panama, was married lust night to Miss Oderay Arango, duughter of Senor Jose Aujustln . Arango, president of the pro visional government. The sponsors were Senor Arango and Mrs, Amador, wife of Mr. Manuel Amndor, the minister of finance. The wedding was attended by several prominent persons, Including United States Minister Buchunan, ofTlcers of the United States navy and members of the consular corps. McKelr le-l'eckenpanli, LOO A N, la., Dec. 27. -(Special.)-Chrlst-mas eve, at the homo of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Peckenpaugh, oc curred the wedding of Viola A. Peckenpaugh- to O. McKelvle, usslstant cashier of the State Savings bank. They left 'the same evening for Lincoln1, but will return to reside at Logan. (Mil n ell-Cad y. LOO AN, In., Dec. 27. (Speclal.)-Chrlst-niaH day occurred the marriage of Clara Cadwell to O. Cady at the home of the bride's father, C. N. Cadwell, who Is the secretary of the Harrison County Mutual Insurance company. Mr, Cady la a mer chant of Fort Dodge. FIRE RECORD. Farm lloase Rear I.oreland. LOOAN. Ia.. Dee. 17.-(Special.)-The farm residence of A. H. Jones, tour miles east of Lovelnnd, was totally destroyed by fire Christmas day. The family 1 were all away at dinner, and on returning found their home wrapped In flames. The losi Is $1,500, with Insurance amounting to $ti50. The barn, five yards distant, was saved only by a heavy northeast wind. Bourdlna; House at Fremont. FREMONT, Neb.. Doc. 7.-(Speclal.)-The boarding house of Mrs. Oordon on East Ninth street caught fire last night from the decoratlona on a Christmas tree. The tree and trimmings were burned and the furniture considerably damaged. The Injury to the house was small. Jollet Wire Works. JOL1ET, III.. Deo 27.-Fire today de stroyed the Adam Steel and Wire works, entailing a loss estimated at $36,000, with Insurance of $13,000. The plant will be re bnjlt. o id) Any form of dyspepsia may transform a clean, white tkin into a mass of pimples and black spots, all due to bad nourishment. To live we must eat; to be beautiful we must eat properly prepared food. Is scientifically prepared by a physician and chemist with years of experience In the manufacture of pure food products. Palatable nutritious Easy of Digestion and Ready to" Eat Mr Dr. Price, tha creator of Dr. P.-icV Cream Baling Powder and Delicious Flaroring Extracts. ' Pripirisi by PEICE CEREAL FCC3 CO., Feed EOs, BATTLE CREEK, KICK., Uih Officii, CKICACO. lonhrupt Stocli Of tho NOVELTY BARGAIN STORE Must and Will Be Closed At Onco is the liglify Lever FURS!! At eViO Men's extra heavy wool fleeced ahlrts, silver strips, value 50c. At 4Do Men's extra fleeced ahlrts, double front and buck. At S5o Men's camel's hair underwear, regular $1.25. At 7 Go Ladles' brocaded dress skirts, lined and bound with waterproof. At $UtO Ladles' brocaded dr. ss skirts our own make, In colors only, full width, well made nnd lined, value ttM. At 7.08 Ladles' walking skirts, made of good qualltv cloth, oark pr.iv only, trimmed with 1H buttons, value $3.00. Indies' clonks and suits at prices to pleaso most economical shoppersj A swell line of capes nnd skirts ut astonishing low prices. At 7o Hoys' all wool and corduroy pants, value 6oc and 75c. kneo BARGAIN STORE COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. Winter Term, January 4. This is one of the LARGEST and BEST BUSINESS and NORMAL schools in the WEST. All of our graduates now occupying respo:?8ille position Places for studeuts to work for board and room. Send for fine catalogue. . . R. E. WIATT, President. BARBER MURDERS HIS WIFE Notifisi Police of Grime and Surrenders at Bait Lake. FINDS CHILD WITH ARMS AROUND MOTHER When Police Arrive Two-Year-Old Boy is Discovered Without Food or Clothlnir for Two Days. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Dee. 87. Frank Rose, a barber, surrendered himself at police headquartera today. He aald that he had killed his wife Christmas afternoon and that the body waa still lying In tha bedroom where the woman had died after lingering for two hours with a pistol bullet In her brain. The police found, lying on a bed In a mis erably furnished shuck, the body of Mrs. Rose, clad only in her undergarments, 'and by her aide waa the woman's, 2-year-old son, thex baby's clothes being saturated with his mother's blood. It was first thought the child was dead, but when un officer attempted to release the little arms from around the dead woman's neck the boy began to cry and plaintively told the policeman that something wus the matter with his mamma and that "she won't wakn up." For almost two duys the child haa been lucked In the cold room with Its murdered mother, without food or attention of any kind. The child la In a serious condition, but probably will recover. The family came to this city from Bt. Louis. The husband was II WEI 1 WHEAT FLAKE CELERV JtOt)o Bet Rogers' triple plated tea spoons, regular price Si hi. Bet Rogers' triple plnted table spoons. value i At &2.&P Pot Rogers triplo plnted knives and forks, regular price I4.M) and t5.oo. but bear la mind that thera are prices. FURS!!! At DSo Boys' heavy long pants, well made and of good quality cjolh, value LW. At GOo Men's good working pants, value $1.00. At 2.GO Men's extra heavy pants, valua $2.50. At Men's ulster coats, made of good quality cloth and good lining, value $7.50. At .00 Men's overcoats, made of good quality Melton, value $10.00. At &G.GO Men's overcoats, made of gray kersey, vulua $12.00. At 91.30 Children's chinchilla reefers, well made und lined, value $2.50. At 4.08 Men's suits, late make of very good cloth, In stripes and checks, value $10. At G.OO Men's suits, made of bt casslmere, tlist-clasB make, a variety of styles, regulur price $12.50. Going at 82.98. 17 and 19 Main Street Council Bluffs. Ia. ' without employment and the couple are said to have quarreled freauently. DEATH RECORD. V. K. R. Mj-lnes. NEW YORK, Deo. 27.-F. N. R. Martlne the musical and art critic of tha World, died today after a month's illness, resulting from paralysis. Mr. Marlines waa bort In Ban Francisco In 1849. lie was for manj years the dramatic and Musical crltio ol the Ban Francisco Newa Letter. Widow of William it. Evarts. WINDSOR, Vt., Dec. S7.-Helen W. Ev wrU, relict of tha late William M. Kvarta of New York, died at her country homo here today. In her 84th year. , . Had Illase In Troy. TROY, ' N. Y., Dec. 27.-Troy' fifth big Are within a few weeks broke out today in the business portion of the city and did damage to the extent of $300,000. The fia s originated In the bake room of A. W. Ilol lister'a wholesale and retail grocery on river atreet and apread to Flupatrlck ft Draper's tobacco factory and the Troy Fur niture company building. All three build Inge were destroyed. Cnitchley tt Co., fur niture dealers; W. J. Alexander, crockery and china depot, and the Troy Belting and Supply company Buffered extensively from water. Losses Included Fitspatrtck A Draper, stock and building, $125,000; A. W. IIollls ter, stock. $3,000. Be Quirk. Not a minute should be. lost when a child ahowa symptoms of croup. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy given aa soon aa the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appeara, will prevent the attack. It never fills, and la pleaaant and safe to tak mil