THK OMAHA DAILY HEE: SATURDAY. DECEMBER -K. 10X Kj.RAIS AND PRODUCE MARKET Exported Critia ia to Evtt Pnrailing rct is tl Grain. PiU WHEAT RULES FIRM ON BK D MARKET o Prowt Taking? Oats Keeps Prleea Back. While Provislona iTmt Fairly Aetlvo .HTCAGO Deo. M The crtsU In the far east waa the almost exclusive factor In grain markets todr. Mar wheat eloeed S higher. Mar corn la up StSc, o&u feo nd provlatone a shade in 7Sc higher. It wm a broad market In wheat and r .rices ruled firm. Hnorta were, utmulttM nto burins br tha possibility that war might M declared between Russia and Japan before trader resumed business on Monday. Outside markets were al ironi. j no rug nun operator waa a mod erate barer openly and tha demand from thta source helped to create continued strength. Opening piicea were ateady, ow ing 10 me nrtnnees in loreigo market and to tha email lo-al receipt. Mar atarted shade lower to Ho higher at Kl't'a-a.'P.o It By. With light offerings prices ad vanced rapidly and Mar aoon aofd at t4S'" en advance of lc over the opening figure. With rood profits In view pit tradera turned active eeller and tha market de clined. No great weakness waa manifested, however, and a firm feeling prevailed at tha cluna, with Mar at 42Sc Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 471 MA buaheK Primary receipts were L119.3no bushels, against itt.tOO bushels last week, against a holiday a rear ago. Exports for the week, according to Bradstreets, were 1JS.00O buahela. Mlnnoepolia, Dulttth and Chicago reported receipts of 87 care, aaalnsl 41 cars last week. Shorts In oorn were anxious to cover be cause of the strength In whant and tha fear of development In the Russo-Japanese situation c-,er the Christmas holidays. Ruylng wu on a liberal scale and offering were rather light, following aome early selling br commission houses. Weather waa unfavorable for the movement, but predictions were for clear and colder. A feature In trading waa moderate buvlng by the eama Interest that la long In wheat, rinsing prices were strong. After opening ' to MP4o higher st 44Ve to 44VWc, May sold between 44itf44a,c. -losing at 41 rc44Hc. I-oml receipts wera it cars, with four of contract grade With other markets strong, oats adr vanced In sympathy. FYee profit taking. however, kept prices back.' The buvlng waa prtnrlnailv bv cash and commission houees and waa brought out to some ex tent by wet weather. A firm tone preralled at the close. After opening a shade to Se higher tt t7vlW7S to XTV.o Mar ranged between I74"i7Hc and cloaed at 3.'r. Lo cal receipts were 12 cars. Provisions showed fair advances on ac- ve buying bv commission houses. A strong hog market was an early Influence and later In the day tha strength- grains Increased the bullishness. There was some selling by English bouses, with some profit 'king, snd part of the advance was loaf. The close was firm, with Mtv pork nd isrn eecn To mener at ii.47 sni s i May rlhs were a shade hither st t 52?,5S, Estimated receints for Saturday: Wheat, a cars: corn, 196 oars; oats. 130 cars; hogs. Zi "in bean. The board will be closed until Monday. The leading futures ranged a follows: Art olea. Open. HTghTTiow. VOwe.! Yes y cash No. I mixed, No. 1 white. KH jj.c; iso. a, wi'j'v. OATH No, wiiiia. 3.37o; No. I mixed, IVd H-irC. HA Choice timothy, p.onOUO; choice prslrte, r H:. Ti. ' I HVi; Ctesuy: Ko. I. 4W. I F.tKlfV- llrm. Missouri and Kanaae aaea returned, 74c, new No. t whltewood eaeea IncJtMleu. ti 'Li Ci earner y, 20f21c; dairy, fancr. Receipts. Shipments. Wht, bu ". 1&4.0 Com, hii......... ......... j.iO u Os-ia, bu.. k,ina sO.UuO OMAHA WIIOLKIALH MARKJCT. ftapl aad raster FCKi a Keceipta mora Uberal; fresh ateck. UVB POULTRT llena. Tc; spring NEW YORE STOCKS AND BONDS Btooki Los Qaiet Get a Vo cn Thm- 1tm in TMtift 8nioa. RUMORS OF INCREASE IN DIVIDENDS Cettesi Rrarkei tha Highest rrle la ftw Tarta llaea Civil War, Af fect lag Wall Stret larest. seat a. Russia. Ijiter there waa an Improvement snd the market closed firm. The private rate of discount was f IVl per cent. Ths weekly statement of the Punk of Trance hna the following changes: Notea In circulation Increased I.T5.f franca, treas ury accounts current Increased l1t.&.ono fnncs. giM In hand Increased 7fi franca. Mils dNconnted decreased ll.TTO.txa frsncs, silver In hsnd decreased t,fiT5 ouO francs. Three per cent rentes. 7f. 6Tv foti the s-ooinl, exchange on lortdon, f, l-'Stu for cnecks. RKRI.IN. Iec. J4 Trading on the bourse today was oulet. but rrli"S were firm. Kx- rhsnge on lndon, SOm 43Spfgs for checks. IMscuunt retes: Short hills. 1 per cent; tkree months' bills, 3S per cent. KEW. TORK. IW U Tr.,1.' msrket ahowed polnta of strength gear Tera. Meaer Market. rr. ivnr, iec. Mu,ir,i-Tjn ei, steady, S' per cent, closing bid and offerel at . lluie loans, eaay, per cent lur bh dates. STKRMNtl EXCHANOK- Weak. Wltn actual buslneaa In bankers' hills at 4.sitVil 41 for demand, and at 4.WP.Vn4M for sixty day bills: posted rates. 4 l"4u4 (C and 4.8TfJ lock Ml. rniraena, sc; roosters, accoraiug to a;, I terea all through It, but tha room traders iffec; turkeys, 12c: ducks, Hite; geese iio. I who had the msrket all to themselves ac- . iinisuMj ruiiLi mi ueceipis, noerai: i cepieo mis as a part of the Chrlstmaa cele- turkeya. litnoo; old lornn. 14--: ducks. lvU I bratlon. almost aa much n the it-i f 1 1 kf u. rommei-riel hills Ii. Uc, geese, rlt)c; chickens, ti9c. I the braaa band that enlivened the proceed-I PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-514 per BU TTER I'ackina stock. Italic: choice I Ings on the floor of the murk I nt to lanry aairy, la lUDa,. ijLc; aeparaior, I auring me last hour or the session. Of the Me. I stocks which moved notably, one or two t RES 1 1 F18H Trout, 10c; pickerel, sc; I only were In the list of usually prominent ensii, I eiocas. in many cases the galna noted time, rv, psren, ic: niuensn, ic. wniiensu, i siocss. in many cases the aal ire : aalmon. 11c: hadtinck. 10c: codrtwh. 12c: I were In stocks t V t nn r,.- i I redsnsi'ir. Ho; lobsters. btlld. per lb , I weeks. Just why It should conduce to the .Hi.-; luomrrs, green, per id., isc; ouiineaas, i gaity or tne holiday celebration to awakwi 11c; ctnli, 14c; blaca bass, I0c; halibut, I these aleeplng securities from a long quiet Mc; crsppiea. lie; herring, 6c; whlta baas, I and rush them up polnta at a time must 1 Uc. blurtins. r OT8TKR8 New Tork counts, ner ran. 43c; per gal., extra selects, per can, per gal., ataudard, per ean, Zci per gal., BKA.-Pr ton, nt.bO. 1IAV Prlcea Quoted br Omaha Whole sale Leaera association. Choice No. 1 up land, $. M; No. 2, ti.uO; medium, laeu; coarse, M .00. Rya straw, $fi.50. These prices are ror ner vor gooi color and tiuallty. Dctnsrd fair hnd receipts light. CORN-Wo. OATS ,17c. RY B No. I, Kc. V EG ETA BLEB. POTATOES Colorado Mc: Dskote. Hf bu , 9bc: native. fiBtoTOc BWEBT PuTATuks Illinois, rmr bbt.. ei.oi. NAVY HEAN8 Per. bu.. tl.K. CELKRT Small, ner dot. 2bS2c: larra ONIONS New home arown. drv Sc; Bpanish, per crate, 11.60; Colorado low nna rea. ivfcc. t aiihai.iv w isconaln Hoi and. Hko. TL'RNIPB Canada rutshasaa. ner lh c; wnne, per du., sue. t. am moth per btl,. H!. PA K rl N 1 18 Per bu.. 60a BEKT8 Per iin . EOc CAL'LIFLOWKR -Allfnrnts ner crate. 12.75. . TOMATOES California, per 4-baaket crate, J za. CUCUMBERS Per doa.. IL FRUITS. Wheat Tier. Mar July Corn Dec. May July Oats Dee. Mar July Pork Jan. . M Lard inn. lay Ribs ' Jan. Mar SBS 44sesi ss 4H 12 00 II 42 W 82H r 67H MS WS! MS SH'a 78S ' kit,! f7S,TS4rtS:,i frrr, KtH 41S 4i n 41S 44 44S44SHS- 44 43S&S 44S .- 43 43S'H gS 3' 1S Vi rs ;s . 7s i: ts S4S MSI 84S S4S 1J07S 109 12 OS. 11 2H U 60 12 40 12 41 12 SO (71 CC7 70 W ( (6 KS J iitt ITS KH t 25 CO f &2SI 55 I i 6iH Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Dull and aaey; winter pat ent, M"04 S0: winter straights, $.1 70fl'1 19: spring patent.' 4.otTt S't;' sprlntf straights. WH RAT No. i Tviwsoc'; No. 2 red. BSC CORN-Nu. 1 43c: No. t yellow. 43Ac. OAiS-No. X Wic; No. I white, HQ RTE-No. t S2Hc. BARIJCT Good feeding, 264J36c; fair t choice malting. 44(?ii6c. SEED No. 1 flax, Mc; No. 1 northwest. em. l: prime timothy, 12.10; clover, con tract grade. 111,25. PROV!810NMeas pork, per bbl , ) il212H. I-srd. per ItSo lbs.. t.t)7H' 70. Short ribs aides (loose). M 12M,rt.27tt- Short ciear siuss tDoxea, t.t Htl t. Following wera the receipts and ehlp ments of flour and grain: Keoe'pro. enipments Sl.ll 36. WW Flour, bbla., Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oata, bu.... Rye. bu barter, bu. 239. r U.ilfW 116 Hr) ra stu 8.2UO ll.fi01 On the Produce exebarge today the hut ter market waa steady. Creameries, 16C23C c-barge y. Cre dallies. 14Wc. Kkks quiet at mark, case inuuieu, ojtz. -Ueese atet.ay. IOUIOc. MtW YORK. UEXGIUL HAKKKT. taetatloas at tha Dsr mm Varlaaa t'aaasaedltlea. NEW TORK, IXws. 4.-FLOUR-Ra ceipis, 73.i uuia.; en porta. aj,; bhls i"Si pacttagea. ins market wa duil but Itrmiy beid. WUilfr patents. tt-uO trtH; winter straights, Mt44.1U; illnne- patents, .,!,, winter extras, H tfwi jainuesuta oanera,; ia ter low grades, li tCun.ju. Di flour, ntudv lair to goou. W.ii.u: cnoioe it. f.ncv J 4fceJU. Buckwheat Hour, dull; IC.2frg2.js. vA.inn.Au uuu; yetiow wesiero, el-tal Kit Normal; No. 2 .western, ttic; t b.. srltisi: stale and Jersey, fr-eu. BARLlir vuiet; feedlcg. tc, c. L BufTaio; malting, 4Ssuc. i. L (.. Buffalo. w iia.Ai neoipl, io.Z7S bu.: exports, Sl.eU bu.: sales, t.-TO.Uu bu. The iuil lor apot -wsa Arm; No. red, S r.e- w iuim Ato i. u. o. aiKiiti; io, i noriA rn iMiiutn, msa t. s. b. arioat; No. bard Manitoba, nominal f. o. b. afloat, 'itiere waa aa advsnve of nearr ia in wheat on a sensational war roioor and h!st:rr cables, but tha m&rkat. li- any yielded lo big receipts and reMllsii.g and close! Irregular at SJ;V n't a'lvance. Malea Inuluded No. t rel, May, WVurt l-lx, closed at oo July iUSAc. clrwed, K.v; December, Me4So, closed, 4hc CORN Receipt. 4s.Xt bu.; exjx.rts. M. 1 bu.; salsa, b.taM bu.; futures. M.iuO bu. 'I he maiket for spot waa lirm; No. 2, sj"o elevator and 4io t o. b. arioat; No. 2 yellow, toe; ungraded cnlxed. uc The option market tiu more active and strong today on higher cabiea. the war scarv, whwt etraiiglh, rain wast and covering. Ths close s J0 net higher. May, SCSc, cloaed, Mc; December closod. tiu. OAT Receipt 7J.000 bu.; exports, 2,W ..Tha market for spot waa firm; No. 2, 42So; ataitdard white. 43c; No. 2. '40Sc; No. 1 white, 4c; No. I white, 4Sc; track white, wealera, 4Ho; trat k white,, 4.';'je. OpUuoa were nominal. HA Quiet; shipping, swj.ic; good to chou-e. kbyrxSo. HOPS Firm: state, common to choice, 14 crop, Helios liad crop, ls-4c: olua, 7i lJc; pacific l4 crop, K-ifjc; IM crop, !ej.-4c; olds, 1ua Htntri Ktrm: Oslvaston, 20 to U lbs., m, CalirortUa, tl to Iba., Ho; Texas dry, 24 to ) It s . UV- LKATIlr R rlrm: acid. SS&e8c PHOVlblON8Beef, Drru: fsmlly. w 08 U 4s be left to the Inscrutable minds of stock brokers oa a frolic. Here and thera the disposition to take profits on the rise seemed to be irrepressible, but this was frowned upon as throwing a dampening spirit upon the occasion. The lingering I Atrklscn sea. 4s. wi ins incresse snnounccn yeeiernsy i ao aaj n ne iise unore niviiena was manirest In movements of a handful nf blah trade , some in ttie railroad and some ia the Industrial list. Rumors of possible dlvl dendV Increases sccomnsnled some ef these aovances and wltn others there went sug gestions of a coming distribution of surplus Known to be in the trensuries of the com panles. There wu obviously a epeculatlve contest In Ocneral Electric and Westtng houae Electric, the price of the latter being bid tin across the former, thue making good predictions current for some time past, but relapsing again to below the parity. in some or tne more onsoure stocks it waa SILVER Rar. RStc: Mexican dollars. 4e BONDS Government, steady: railroad. firm. The closing quotations on bonds arc follows: ...t .1.. 1. as. 4a.,..1Ml ...1 Manhattia ra. f. 4a. lets ...lvr.Mnli-aa r. 4a " ...Ki'Vl Aa lit tne H ...14JM. t. b. 4a.... 7 ...lTtW.M., K T. 4a.... H ...l"a itn Mi 71 ...HOH ;N. ef M. e. 4a.. 1 ...ldlla'M. T. f. smi. la S ...bl4 N. J. C. . aa.-.H" ... " INnr. Pa. 4a 1 ... M do T0 S1'!. ft tr. roe. 4i.... Va It O. n. L 4a aa4 .. n .... t Pean. eoav. s. K4 as..1iu IReacllns sen la it IT. g. ref. Ja. n 4o coupon . . . . so xa. rtc... io ceupon .... Sn saw 4a. r So ronpes . . . Sn old 4a, rag so enupon .... So aa. rag.... 4 a coupon At Untie r. II. O. 4a So IM Central of Ga. 1st lne t ISt U. A 1. M. e. le.ll: 'lias A a 44a Inst . L. 4 A. r l. O u "C. A A. IVtl Tf." SI U S'w. IMS 4 t- . h A O. s. 4a . HSI-J A. L. 4a T! -V., M A M. P. (:Mi:iHaln. P. 4a MH U A N. W. e 7a.. !": VT tm 114 C . R. I. A P. 41. no. roa Ba fH t'.. A it. L. S 4 "hi. Terminal 4a. Con. Tokeees 4s... Col. A So. 4a P A It. O. 7 M n A P. lata HSf4 T., it. L 4 w. It V. r. 4n inrS do eon. 4i rH V. a. ileal M 'is.. 4j Wabaih lata 114'j 4o deb. n 1S Per lb, VZi"1 llJat th ctirrent disfavor of selling tri."pr7or li H!-w A U i ,Vto ; wsil "novements was taken advantage of to bid Br 4, C,wii. c. 4a m iuw Ud tha market without opposition. I r w. a u. r. 'c. r. A I. ia t4, The action of the cotton and wheat msr- keta In response to the war rumors, which tooK on an alarming tone, waa not such aa to auggest harmful reaulta to American lntereeta even In toe event or war. Cotton sold In New Tork at the highest price in December since the civil war and tne price reached by wheat waa toe Highest lor sev eral years past. Call money rates wera heavy In tha face or the requirements to carry over until next Monday, and an tne indications point Hoektnt V. 4t 104H Offered. Bid. a J 1 J I i I aw .4lil., innt fa -1 ti . . : , - . I its umuifU liiiyi UTrmrm i.'l ui vviiuiiivii ti"tPfc Ef",Lfon,,a "ellflowera, per box- tn ,hown byKlhe banks 'In next Satur- 0. V -W .forktenln llldwln " dara bank gtatement by tha time trading 01. n.r.T.r,ur- lis resumed In stocks. Tha movement of on v.iKwua, impvrwi (, per aeg, Jersey, ner bbl . 17 Ko fr box fc.75; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, 29; pen una nerry. so. WUINCE-Csllfornla, per box. 11.25. IROVIt'AI. ITRTTITa ORANGES Florida Hrl.fiis snd Ruwaeta. all sixes. 3.Sfc; navels, laige size. l.fc.1D. California tancy. Joo to ', 4; cnoice, 240 to 170 sizes, 13.60, FIO8 California, per 10-lb. cartons, (too; Imported Smyrna, 2-crvwn. 14c; s-crown, Mc; 1 v 1 own, inc. COCOANUT8-Per sack. 24: per doa.. 0e. liATr'ft P.r,ian n-- K.. Hi. .. L. I per lb., In 0-b. boxes. 5i4c; Oriental stuffed uaies, per uox, 42.4U. currency from the Interior and tha sub- treasury operations are estimated to have yielded .upward or x3.0w.0110 of additional re- aervea to ths banks already since isst Sat urday. This la In spite of the heavy trans fers to New orleana. which nave run up 10 ItTfArrif) since the last bank statement. The tone of the sterling exchange market con tinued heavy today, notwithstanding the reduction of over $10,000,000 for the week In the Bank of England reserve. Discounts In London were also inclined to relax, some what aurprtslnglr- There waa an Irregular reaction late In the day and tha market closed Irregular. The bond market wag firm, but not verr Beaten Stack ttaatattoaa. BOSTON. Dec. 24. -Call loans, 6S0 per cent: time loans, KfTWA per cent, omciai Closing prlcea on stocks and bonds Atehlana 4a ' . I Alloun Mem Central 4a aa I Amalgamated. .. Atrhlaen 47 Blnhm Bfd . ttta ral. A Heekla himtoa A Albany... .844 Cantennlal oetns A Maine let jCosper Range N T.. N. H. A H..1SII "Fttehnnrx afd.. vnhia ractna Max. Ontral ' Arear. Sugar to Bf4 Amar. T. A T. Doe. I. A I Oen. PJIaetrle ... Mass. Electric.... ltd t ilted Fralt ... V. i. Steal r. i. iteal M. Waatlnihsuee aa Advanturs lOnlv Weat (Dominion Coal. .114 Irnnklln . 7IU. lals Royals Asked. Ex-dlvldend. H Mohawk ...l3tTt OM Damlslea .... .. .17714 Osceola ...127 Parrot ... Qnlncy ...ITU Aaata Fa Copper ...14 Taasarnck ... T5V Trinity ...toe t ilted States .... ... ins t'tah ... K. Victoria 1... to Wtnona ... SH.Wnlnrlna , active. Total aales. nar value. 22.015.000. i . k- . . ijniiea miin a b ana oiu a s imve nor ?WW"rXum'Kaea Duncn m vanced V4 per cent and the new 4 a have de- .wuiuu, I .inMi u ner cent on call rinrln the Week. M ISl'Kl.I.A VEOITH IJ 1 IV WISGonun tw n roll eram 12So, UlsconHln Vounj Amerk-as. 13"c; block SwImi. lie: Wisconsin brick. 12ic: tVlst-onsln lirnlieraer. lc tioiMiii r.ebraeka, per 24 frames. $1.26; .lh and Colorado, pev 24 frames, $1.00. MAPLE 8UGAR 5hlo, per lb., 10c. LiutK-m bbl., $&.,; per S-bhl., 2J.2S. POPCORN-Per lb.. 2'Ac: shelled. M3Wi HOK8K RAOISH pr case of 2 au.. packed, aoc. " NliT-Walnuta. No. 1 soft shell, per lb lie; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2. soft shell, per lb.. ISc: No. 2. hard shell, per lb.. 12c; Brazlia, per lb., 11c; filberts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, ner lb.. 12c: hard shell. per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb., 13c; email. per 10., iuc; peantita, per lb.. 5Hc; roaated peanuts, per lb., 7c; Chill walnuts. 12jl2c: Urge hlckorr puts, per bu., $10: shell V" 1 -, uikh iiiurii, per du, 1-nauan cnesinuts, per 10., 12c. II I Ma 1 b t h i-,. K.- a a-. No. 1 suited, 7c; No. 2 salted, Sc: No. 1 veal calf. I to IS lbs., bHc: No. 2 veul calf. 12 to London Staebi Mtrktl. LONDON. Deo. 21,-Cloelng: rensala far sMoey.i 81 Pt. T. Central., Cor.aoli for acooast. 4 .N. A W Following are the closing quotations on the New York stock exchange; , Bales Hlah. Low dose. Atchison 12.7M tWS TW 7S 4.0 2.510 ivi 7S 92 .... iw Koo lies US litti i ibih va 1KZ .. SO 23S US SO0 100 T1S MS 11 Iba.. Hc; drr ealtcd hides, Rtn2c; sheep I Erie do cfd Baltimore 4k Ohio.... do pfd Canadian Pacific Cent, of New Jersey Ches. A Ohio... Chicago 4k Alton do pfd Chi. Great Western... do B cfd Chi. A Northwestern. Chi. Term. sV Trans ... do pfd Big Four Colorado Southern.... 240 do 1st pfd J' do xri ofd ion rlaware A Hudson.. 1579 lWw" 1H7H 1684 . . . . . . - , n 0,-e a-ii '.T 1 7 liei., iack. or wean... i.wj w a Denver ex Rio uranaa do pyi 2.610 16S ioa ss 144 52i 13 71 ira" 14S WS 21 pella, SMiTsc; horse bides, 2l.50tl2.50. St. Loels Grain and Prorlslone. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 24. WHEAT Rtea4 No. 2 red cash, elevator, nominal: track 91fr92c; December. O'-'So; May. KSc; July, ivii , ny, a iisru. lo4ftlc. CORN Hlahor: No. 2 cash. 414c: track 44c; December. 43c, May, 4Ze42jc; July, 4iSc. OA T8 Higher; No. 2 cash. 26Sc: track. 26V?:!7c; December, 26S; May. SSc; No. a wniie, avc. FLOL'R 8teady to firm. Red winter nat. ents, M 2MM.3S: extra fancy and straight. HEED Timothy, steady at 22.2SO2.80; prime, niKfier. CORN MEAXe-Steadr at 22.30. BRAN Firm: Backed, east track TtoWia. HA V Quiet; timothy. 2H.O04jl2.00. prairie. IRON COTTON TIE3 21.06. B AGOING 6 4iCc. HEMP TWINE Sc. PROVIBIONS-Pork. higher: Jobbing. 212.47S. Lard, higher, prime steamed. M C. Bacon, ateady: boxed extra shorts, 17.25; Clear nna (.; snort clear, POULTRY SteBdy: chicken 1. springs. S; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 3tc; geee. 7c. BUTTER reman4 fair; creamery. M9 Ec; oairy, mirua. EGGS Steady at 27c. case count. Keceipts. unipments. K0) 72S 7241 .. 1.735' S 4) .. !, .US M 23i S4 71 lo 27 1C ft T8S 14 52 22H Anaconda Atekleon , da srd A o Casadlaa Paciie . Chea. A O Chi. O. W C. 11. A St. r. PeBeara D. A R. O do sM Brie let era do ad ofd Illlsols Central . A H M.. K. A T. .. 7 .. Si1 .. - ..IIS1 ... i .. It ,.I4 .. tan .. 21.ii ... 14" ... H . TO 4 .. u ...114 ...lion II to Did Ontario A W.... rennaylrantx .... Ran Mloea Keadtnf so lit pfd do Id ptd to. Railway ' do ptd Ao. PirlBo Unloa Pictfta .... do ptd C. g. Btaal ( do sf Wabaah da pfd ..430 .. 444 .. .4 .. Tl -. T .. 14 '4 .. 10 .. i4 .. :i .. .. 1 .. S4 .. is .. BU .. 1H ... a .. 4 ..in4j .. n .. .. I!S .. 41 .. US .. 40 S, .. il .. 1T .. aev, .. 4a .. Stria .. M .. lln .. 47 .. tot .. M UMAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Virj Ligbt . i of Ctt!g nd H d Follj Bteidj. Prioti HOGS SOLO A TRiriC STRONGER There Wera Oely Few Cars af Skeep la Rons! Shape the Market Canla Ba ttnoted Strang. SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. "4. Reeelols were: Official Monday .... Official Tuesday Official Wednesday.. Official Thursday.... Cattle, flog. Sheep I," 1 b. isi 4,ts 1.V70 7 ',J ,:0t 1,774 .? 1.3TS 57S 7.U4 702 Four days this week.... .4! .2?7 1245 Btttw days last week. ...16.5- 41.)t-M 24.V1 Burnt week before 17.17H 24. PH 2.t Same three weeks ago....lH.45 Sl.htt .5.1. 9 Same four weeks ago l.nni M IfO J.l Same dnys last year ,3til 12.7K II.' 1 RKCEIPTS FOR 1 Hli YUAIl TO DATE. The following table ahowa the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep st Pot'lh Otnshi for the year to data and comparisons with last year: IMS 1J0L Inc. Dec. Cattle l.OtO.OTJI W6.910 4.0t Hogs 2.1WI.1X! :.J.2.11 18.1H1 Bhetp 1.SC.60I 1.722,1 lli.JW Average prices paid ror f.cgg at South Omaha for tha last several days with com-parlsons: Date. 1202. 1902. 1M1. 1900. ltw..l'tt.187. De-t. Ieo. 2.... Dec. 2.... Dec. ...., Dec. I.... Dec. .... Iea. f.... Dee. Dec I.... Dec. 10... pec. 11... Dec. 12... Dec. U... Dec. 14... Dec. IS... Dec. 1... Dec. 17... Dec. 1... Deo. 1... lee. 2... Dec. 21... Dec. !2... Dec. 23. Tee. 24. 4 241 sta 4 ., 4 4:Vi, 4JTVk 4B 4 K. 4 4t. 4 47H 4 $S 4 2SS MN 4 2S 4 go a 4 34 4 1S 4 4MZ 4 47SI -J I M 4 f Oil I Wi i 7j 2 W 13 $ W 4 t4 24 ltil 071 nr, 12 f OX ( it: t us 04 4 77 4 4 4 kl 7(tl 111 121 4 n 141 4 i K ( IS 14 77 I t 4 2i 4 81 I 4 SI 4 v 09 14 K4 4 16 f 20 22 24 4 VI 4 14, 4 Ltil 0l 4 12 4 07! 4 04 4 041 4 M M UM a m a ml a 4 2 4 0 4 K 4 73 4 7 4 TO, 2 7t; 2 SSI 2 i 2 ai 2 n 2 to t So 2 41 2 Ml S Ml 2 r I 35 2 1.1 4 2 4 01 2 r 2 is 2 L'l a 2 r 1 2: 2 i; 3 2! It I I 2 211 2 VI I 1 li 2 37 SHIP YOUR HIDES, TALLOW AND WOOL 1 1 anj quantity nnd pet higlirst mnrkot prirrs. Wrilo for Infor .ntion, prices and nhippinp tnfri whirh ore Bent free by oui 1 Inse wbleh is located nonrest to you. . , j. s. siusiTM r& c., WHOLESALE HIDE MERCHANTS IIUH.I. NEB. SiOUX CITY. IOWA. GRAND ISLAND. NEB. better Jone to the trade In generak o Hg to the fat t that the more mo.ier.ile rrc.-ljus this week hsve given packcrn a ennnce lo clean t.p acme nt their surplus sttck. KeeOcrs have been In llgut siipi all iht week antf no quutab e chttnge 111 pile s Iihs taken place. 4ttoiHtl n4 for curn fed stitck: Choice western lambs. Kt.vitifr.M; fair lo good liiitih, tl.B 7&.0t; gtMMi to chu re eirl iik. el.7W4.Sii; fa.r to gtH.d ycarllngn. '23 St 1.71; good to ch-i.ce wethcra, 2a3.!to: fair to good wetliera, 23.U.t3.; good to choice rwet, 14 Fui3.10; Ihit to good ewen, J4'l9:0, choice feeler Inmt s. ,', Isli lo ,3"l f'-cder lambs. ;3'.'.iy2f; I .il y laml a, fi.-it JOt; feeder veering". HiWfftii; feeder wether. .t54ij.K; fcetler cees. 31 7Mt2 M; culls. 31.0P91.7b. Representative ssles: Av Price. 1.2 went rr. ewes 1 3 L'i'S wextern ewes l'rt 1.1 western wethers I'll Im weetwtn yearlings K 4lD nestcrn leanings No 1 3 01 3 40 4 O) 4 ii 2 2 2 ti ihi:i in 2 (Ml 2 Mi 2 !' 2 4 2 ? 4 tii 1 3 r 4 C3 2 34 4 041 3 8 I 2 4' 3 x.' 2 :t 2 271 3 !l 3 : 3 an 3 2a, 2 3'. 2 Jl 2 r, 3 ;t 2 21 2 21 2 24 Indicates Bandar. lbs omdai number of cart of stock brought in by each road waa: lame, tiogs. nneep.n r a. erLVER Bar. firm. 3t 13-1M per ounce. MOKEY-3tt3S per cent. The rata of dis count In the open market for ahort Mils ia 24 per cent; the rate of discount In tha open market for three months' billa Is 2 per cent. . . . . Raw Trk MlntWsj Qnatnttnn. NEW TORK. Dec? S-The following r4 do 1st pfd do Id rM.. Great Northern pfd. Hocking valley s .... .... no nfa itif aa m-s mt Illinois Central; 1,200 U0 1S 1S Iowa Central . 2" itn nrd .... .... .... w Kan. City Bouthern 1H do prd .?" Tt. M. Nashville.... 3.100 10SK 10:4 108 Manhattan D 4.440 144 14SS 14H Met. 8t. Ry. (el-dlv ). 4.300 1S4 1-3 1 Minn. Jk Ht. Ixiula 40 Mlaaourt Pacific U:o.7 S M 4'4 Mo.. Kanaas Sc Texas ITS 17H 1"S do pfd i-.-. !. eaultha cloalng quofatlohs bh mining stocks: 160 Adaavi Ces Altea Braace Brnaivlrk Coa ... Comstotrk TaBoal.. Cos. Cal. Vs. Hors Bllrar Iron It leer LeadilUe Cea .... Kx-dlvldend. ... ti ... l ... u ::: U ... i ...103 ..184 ... t lUttle Cktef ... Otitarla Oshlr . Pboenlm ret eat Bavace ' lUrra Naiaoa Saull btaDoard ..1M .. 11 .. 1 .. U .. 41 .. M ..144 Offered. West aarktt, BOSTON. Dec. 24. The Commercial Bul letin (Saturday will eay: Wool has had a quiet week, with little buying during the 174 17S past two or three days. I-aie last weal: "4 3S I soma good alseci transactions In territory Kt H R. Me. Dfd.. lTO Sfi" s4i 1 wera ciosea . ana itr ine wee. tnererore. New York Central.... 2.7ft0 iaS HM 11S I h buslneaa la fairly satisfactory. Hales Ontario Western... l.28 HS 22 have been 4n small lota. The market la u.iaii, a. Wexern ... 11 110 47V 27 B7V4 I atrong on all good wool, with tha tendencv do Dfd 38 I against the buyers. After the turn of the Pennsylvania 15,400 11374) 118H 21H year a mora active pUMtnees la expected. Pitts.. c c dfc Ol. ii. PHour, -bhls.. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oata, bu 14 0"0 ..163.0CO .. 4I,m0 .. 77.000 4.1.000 50,(11)0 21 .000 till av; mess. M.0Oi.U: beef hama, I2frj 21 uu: city extra India mess, lis Ot.-IT Cut tneata. Irregular; pickled bellies, V tit 171; pi. k led shoulders. o.o"4(0, puk.e-1 naina. muvifiv.n. i.ara. ateeuy; western staauted. 41 In; refined, slsady; oonilnent. naina, llw -oia.7. ltrd. firm; western steamed. ; lo; refined, firm; continent, 37 K; kWuth Ajnetioa, 7 7t; compound, tv 2ij 4 Si. Pork. firm; family, 16 :fttl& iu; "o t-ienr. iu.atr dw; nit aa. xn u.W. RICai gulet; domeeirc. 'iir to 2i CffVc: Jaran. nominal Ta.IJ.Xj V 11 rm ; city, Ic; country. 4HO blTTTta, -Receipts. 2,444 pkgs : quiet creamer v. Unic; slate dairy. lJ30c t lllhBH.,lpu, 2.bui pkgs ; quiet 1 state full creamery fancy lar and sinall colored and white, Nepiember. Uv; lata me a a. ivic fc.ii 1R- Reeslpta, 2.U2 pkgs.; quiet: west ern. pcrSb-. POl Ll'KT AHva, steady; weitem ehltk- t.. ate; lowia, ir; tirkas. i:tiJ ; dresantl quiet; western chickens. llVac; faals, I'.c turkeys, lt(i7a. Ka.s.s Cits Grata and Pr.t.l.a.a. KANBAB CITT. Deo. 22 WHEAT-De- irti!i..r. nv; i.r 7c; ruh tl lard j ! N 3 t.ii. No 4. et-noM; re- iel. JTjin.c; hio. 3 r.J. 4.-4,1(31; 7j CORN -December. .c; May. VUr-,e: Evasrate4 Apples anal Dried Kralta. NFW TORK. Dec St. EVAPORATED APPLE8 The msrket Is quieter now thtt December contracts have been pretty well arrangea ror, and prices are ratner easy. Common are quoted at 4wc. prima at bUi bc. clmlce at fttyHic and fancy st 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED KRCITS-Prunea appear to he attracting a air jobbing and some export demand, ruling firm at prlcea ranging rrotn to 4Vc for various grades. Apricots are In mtxlerate demnn.l ami steady. Choice are quoted at Sr0Sc. ex tra choice at M,4ilt4C and fancy at llaiv. Peaches are in light etttmly and Arm. with rholca quoted at 7K,f7c extra choice at TtrSo "d rancy st sTrio'ic Phltaaleiphin Predaee Market. PHILADELPHIA, Quiet :3c: K0O8 D 22c at freuli aout , -II l.'fc'rtF' Veav Tori full m.m fancy, llc: New Tork full cream a. choice! 11'Vc: New York full creams, fuir to good. Reading do 1st pra do 2d pfd Rock Island 10.770 do pfd l.iw St. U t B. T. 1st pfd .... do 2d Pfd l.11 8t. L, Booth western... 120 do pfd St. Paul do ptd Roiithern Pacific Southern Railway l.ono do pfd " Texas A- Pacific 3t0 Toledo. 8t. L. tt West 500 do pld i-" Union Pacific 112W do pfd Wabash 100 do pfd 00 Wheel. Lake Krte Wisconsin Central do tfd Adams Express American Kxpresa.,.. iw C B. Express Wells-Fargo Express Amsl. Copper .....z.i Amu Csr Foundry- do pfd 200 Amn. Linseed OH do pfd . Amn. Ixjcomotlve..... do pfa i" Amn. Bmelt. Renn. 4..60 do pfd lex-otv 40 I Foreign advices Arm. A shortage of 7V . 4,100 46S 46S 4fS 000 balea this year aa compared with last 7na I ib reported irom Australia. Buutn American 60 I markets are higher, with Buenoa Avers un 23S H I ,u"v c"1 from recent lowest point. Tha 40Vk 0 !S snipments or wool irom Huston to dale 42 I from December -, 1W2. are 22. 80,053 pounds 40S S! SS I against 270.42S pounds at the same data US -. 13S - 13S I laal' year. The receipts to data are J74,034.- 13 i aw pounas against J'.l.lij.soi pounds tor tne seme pcrioa last yedT. C. M. A St. P.. Wabash Mlttaourt Pacific t nlon Paclflo ay stem C. N. W V., K. M. y C. 8t. P., M. 4k O.... b. at M C. B. Q K. C. at 8t. J C, R. I, at P., east.. C, R. 1. at P., west.. Illinois Central Chicago Uu Wtstern Ji 11 11 21 11 in Total receipts. 1... 22 The disposition of tha day's receipts was aa follows, each buyer purcnaslng tne num ber of head indicated. Cattle, i-iogs. eneep. Omaha Packing Co. Bwlft and t ompany Cudahy Packing Aimour dfc lo Armour, from tSloux City Vansant dV Co Lobmun dfc Co H. F. Hamilton Lea Rothschild Other buyers 173 27 H4 US 27 W 4 4 4 55 1.144 l.toM 1.713 1.1W lltiS 417 7.179 1.107 114?n 144U ICtU. 14:4 ... 170 1744i 174S 17;s NEW YGRK. Dec. Jjfc WOOLe-Flrm; do ...4 370 48I 47V 4iS mestic fleece. 3di32c.! 2t4 aS aS I wobtois. uec. it. wtx)I Among tha 7k 74 74 I current quotations are the following: Ter r.Li tK at; 1 ritorv. Idaho, 'tine ICl'ITe- en a S3S n i3 l'&17c; medium. 18Qlc; Wyoming, rine. la JtiS SS 'j rlCL meatiim. lol.c; medium. 18V(f 7SS 7SSa "7SSJ?-. Utah and Nevada, fine 14Vol5Sc; fine Totals CATTLK There was such a small run of cattle here this morning that a lair teat of the ma.rht was haralv made. All tha buyers though wanted a tew cattle and aa a result ine maraei waa acuvi anu iuu steady on all grades, an early clearance belnar made. There wera a few loads of cornfej eteers on sale and they could safely ba quoted steady to strong with yesterday or '&ti40o higher than a week ago. The receipts have been so light all tha week that packers have had a hard time to get enough to All their Immediate orders anil as a result salesmen have been able to force prices up to quite ill extant. The Improvement haa been general on all gradea, the short reda advancing aa wen as tne goou cat tic. As high aa 44. 36 was paid today for some rattle of pretty good quality. A well fin ished bunch would not bring considerably over 45.00. Tha cow market was very uneven this morning as there wera only A few on sals and buyers all wanted them. It would be safe to Quote the market fully steady an tha average or all o :4VaSc higher than a week ago. Tha greatest advance as noted yesterday has been on the gradea selling around .noira cattie are aio nigner and so are canners but tha advance on those kinds haa rot been as great ss on the fair to good cattle. It will be remem bered, however, that It was the fair to good cattle that tuffered the greatest de cline last week. Bulla could be quoted steady today or Itvffl&c higher than at the close of last week, veal calves cave held about steady all the week. - There were not enough storkera and feeders on sale today to make a market Not many were wanted, though, on tha day before Christmas. For the week all desirable gradea may be quoted strong and active, and vearlinaa of good quality arc pernapa a in tie nigner. Common cattle have shown practically no change. Repre sentative sales: a BEEF STEERS. tlllCAfiO LIVK STOCK MARKET. Fair Recelp.s af Stock, w!!h Lower Prices for Cattle. CHICAGO. Dec 14 -CATTLK Receints. 3oi hesd. The murhet was lower; r.txd to prime steers, tS jlltS. ;b; poor to medium. f.....iiami. stmkers hi.i1 femer, 11 .Ii'iiim; cows, Il.t0ti4.iiu, ;-sittiers. t:.6"l,:.4vt; Lulls. K.Mfut.'is; calves, t. t"t. .i5. HtK58 Rccelnis. K!.i hi ad: lon.i.rrow. lB.Otsj head. The mnrket was s;e!y. M Xtd and butchers, t4.4ntl4.70; gi.od lo choice heavy. 34.u54M.bD: rough heavy. t4 HT-ft 4. 50; light. 14 l(4 4.1. bulk of saiea, i4.4tva4.a6. SHEEP ANIJ 1.AMH8- Kece't til. H.001 heed. The market for sheep waa steady to strong; for Inmlia. stcadv to strong, tlood to cnoice wetners,; fair io cnoice mixed, 32 T;i3 S; western sheep. 271 H"i4.00; nntive lambs. 4.0tW.i.7b. western lambs. 14 0J 6550. riticAfiO MMXfCAPOLI HQ Co. New York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 24.-BEF.VKf4 Re ceipts. 32 head. The market for dressed beef was ateatiy; city dreesed native sides, general aales, H'(t8c per Tb. Cables quoted American sierra at tin 12c creased weigni; refrigerator beef, 84$ Sc. CALVES Receipts. 153 head. The market for veals rated slow and ennler. Reported Bales of veals were 35 0tSf7 87'A ner HX) Iba - city dressed veals, 7'8'12vc per lb. ttiM, Keceipts, 4.034 head. HHEEP AND LAM B8 Recelpta. 4603 head. The market for sheep was weak and very dull; lambs slow with the average of sales slightly below yesterday. Sheep sold at 33.41)03.70 per 100 Iba.; lambs at t&.5tK&6.:; one car at 330; culls, 14 00. Dreased mut ton. &M7c; dressed lamba, SHilOo. Reported exports for today, 200 cattle. St. Loafs Liva Stock Market. BT. LOUIS. Deo. 24. CATTLE Receipts, 4,0(10 head. Including &no head of Texans. The market was strong early, closing steady to easy. Native shipping snd export steers, tl. 2Mio.40; dressed beef and butcher steers. 34 t4i6.15; steers under 1,000 pound, t3.7f(? 4.05; stockers snd feeders, .40; cows and heifers, 32.ft5 00: canners, 41.76(fi2.10; bulls, 32.25fr3.b5; calves. 33.ooit,tX0; 1 exits and .Indlnn steers, 22.404j4.10; cowa and heifers, t2 1"&2.85. HOOS Receipts, 2.500 head. The market was steady to strong and higher. Pigs and lights, 34.30tfj4 45; packers. t4.4OQ4.60; butch ers snd best heavy, t4.464l4.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 200 head. The market was stesrly. Native muttons, 33 2n.fr4.00; lambs. 34.256 50; culls and bucks, 32.0o4f4.00; stockers. t2.0O3.OO. 1 v Ul latafn Uooa Mala Office J J Manhattan nidg. f Am ST. PAII. Ml. - Dealera In Slock. Grain, Provision, Potight snd sold for rash or carried on reasonable margins, upon which a commla rion will be charged of S on grain, S 4 stocks and S on (lax. ' Private Wires. Write for our market letter and private telegraph cipher mailed free. SHIP YOUR GRIH TO US Prompt Returns. Best Facilities. Liberal Advances. Usual Commissions. t)R. ASCII OFFICE 1 OMAHA-1C Bee Bldg. 'Phone 2514. SOUTH OMAHA ,U1 and 225 Kxchafura Blrlg. 'Phone 72. OOUNCIt. BLTJFF-4( and 408 Sapa 2ldg. Pbone 674. LINCOLN. X DEI MOIllEt. , F1HM, MICH and CIUIXS Western Lands along tha line of the Utiles Pacific Railroad are sttracting the attention of Capitalists seeking INVESTMENT The pnrensee ol cheap Western lends (sold lor cash or oa time payments) la fully justified by the present prices and existing conditions for substantial and growing revenue. 8urh opportunities la the West are fait railing, facts, nits and narticulars FREE. " LAND MPT. Dales Pad fit IX. OniHe. ad Kaasaa City Live Stack Market. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 24 CATTLE Re ceipts, 4.000 head. The market was steady. Export auid dressed beef steers, 44.l0to4.ti5; fair to good, gS.SttttH.OS; western fed steers, titfVirt 15. stockers and feeders, tlui4.00; southern steers. Ei.504t3.40; southern cows, 21.5uio3.tta;' native.: cows. l.5tnrf4 00; native heifers, tJ.6uj4.00; bulls, 32.00u3.40; calve., 3i.5ixt46.75; HOUS Receipt, 4,500 head. The market waa ateady, closed weak; top, i.iJ,: bulk of aales. 44.42S4.57S: puckers. M Stlt.Sj; pigs snd light. 44.lu4rr4.47S- HHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.O0O head. The market waa steady. Native lambs, 44.i0fr5 W; western lambs. t4.2f(iS 00; fed ewes, 22.iTxfi3.&0; wester 1 fed yearlings, 3X504)4.00; stockers and feeders, tiUt'tj-S-W, e CEc.uSa STOCKS AND DONDS QRA1N AND PROVISIONS Ws hare aver Ia4 ecTlcea. Rafarancaa: 175 Btata ana Nat 1 BatjjM, OCR gKRYICB It THH 24 EST. Ont of Twwn Buslneaa aW! cited. Oasaaaa Braadkl 1414 Paraaaa , Tk44Tf TB0S M. WADDICK. CormftRiteat mmmmmmmmmmms-ms-LJ..i t. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH. Dec. 24. CATTLE Re ceipts. 347 head. The market waa steady to 15o lower. Natives, M 4.2t); cowa and heifers. 31.2iitif2.75; stockers and feeders, 3i:.4tt? HO m Receipts.- 2,010 hesd. The mar ket was steady to 5c higher. 'Top, 34.40; bulk. t4 4044.50. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none. 37 lf 2t 114 4S htS 8 'i iS 7S 50 2c 1W 102 ' 4S 1!S 44 s 1HS 7 4S I7S I medium. ltVsl7c; medium, 1olMc; Dakota, nue, tiiijioc; nne meoium, istfiic; medium, lu20c, Montana, line choice, l'J0c; fine medium choice, l!(t20c; average, WSliic; staoie, laftLfOc; medium choice, 1'JWJOc. 8T. LOUIS. Dec. 14. WOOL Oulet. Me dium gradea. combing and clothing, 17aac; light line, U?il7So; heavy fine, liAHSc; tub WMIirU, AFUMV, Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 24,-METAIA-Tln waa very firm in London, advancing 1 15s tq 130 for a pot and )'M Is for futures. Lo cally tin was aim firmer with spot quoted at r3.S0O2r.00. Coptwr advanced 7a 4d to a-ui tor spot ana i: 6d for futures In London, but remained uncharged and quiet here at I12.37S12.CS for lake, IU 3fxfil3 50 20 264 1 17 Mi, 1H0 110 210 4H ltS 67 S 1H4 79 4S Dec. 24. BITTTER I - M",:,":"n';;: VI " 'or electrolytic and casting at 12.12Svl2.27 and ateady: extra weatern creamery. I Anaconoa """" oiTvi t- k'nj. titl Ior unl- Lead waa unchanged In Ixn extra nearby prints. I'iWe. Brook. Rapid Trana.. .24.140 M 5- 4 don at il Ra and 5 .00 in the local mar- S-D11II and 2c lower: fresh nearbv. Colo, ruel '' , JITJ ket. Iron closed af H 4d in Olasgow and mark: fresh western. 3:C. loss off; Colum 4c llock Coal.. W 14S 1S Bt 42s luSd In Mlddlcsboro. Locally Iron suttwetrn. SluXc, loss off; fresh I conaoiiaaten , : was oulet. no. t foundry northern is ern atlc loss off. General Llectnc 2.214 172 lb 1.1 quoted at 115 WKu14.00; No. 1 foundry north. Inter. Paper do Pia Inter. Pump do pro. National Btecult. National Lead... North American, pacific Mall peoples ' Minneapolis Wheat, Flonr and Bran, MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 24 WH F.AT De cember. Hoc; May. Si'Sc; July. iSilityir. On track. No. I hard, fti-c; No. 1 northern, pressed Bteel Car 1 - . v-. . a .. -, v. -.. -1,7 ... v . . a . . - 1 . , a uuim.ciii, v u. m uuiuwru. n . . nm ........... . ;ik.i;6V- Pullman Palace Car.. FIAHTK First patents. 44 4MM.55- second Republic Bteel. I'M ten ia. e, t(t . iirai clears, al JtVJ af : rio r, 1(1 sei-onu cirnrs, k ajd w. BRAN-l.N bulk. 113.714 OB. 109 lot) 550 (60 . t.5ofl . 1.20 S 70 14' S 2fS 24 19 i'" 77 wis '4 7 i," ern st tl4.txil I5.ti; No. I foundry southern I m..A V . . 1 M.. . , .1,.... I . - k . .. ..... ,,u,iw,7 n..,.....,, v.. M( ea-utpu. 14 00. The New York Metal exchange will remain cioneii until Aionaay. 8T. firmer Ha. 1 4t 4 At P. ,. 410 I M ..111 I a ..tin 4 t ..1S44 4 at Ve 14.... 34..., SB. . . , 14 ... COWS. ..1! 4 3 ..liat 4 . 4 T'. ..1321 IK .1240 M .1444 t IS M 111 l.lveraeol Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Dee. 24 WHEAT B pot. nrm; rso a rea western winter, ss li: futures steady: Ieceniber, 4a 40 ; March, 4s 4'vl; June, as Iad. CORN Spot, steady. American mixed. til; futures quiet; January and March, niiminial ' . 4tsJ . no .lO.tTS . 150 It 73 s?s 77 1 72 3 -TS 74 Rubber Qooda do pM Tenn. Coal 4V Iron U. 8. leather do pM - 17. B. Rubber do PM U- B. H'eel do pfd evtern I'nlon.... Northern Becurlttee .... Total aales for tha day 271.100 sharea. 27 44 27 14 WS 4S 40 17S 8 on ...14.200 10S k.S 10S 56S tfi't s is 55S s Milwaukee Cral MILWACKKE. Dec. 24 Market -WHEAT- Frm. Farelgn Financial. LOris. Dec. 24. M ETAL8 Lead, at K 17S: sputter, higher at UU. Ceifee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 24. COFFEE Pool Rio. firm: No 7 Invoke. 7c: mild, firm- Cordova. 8'fa.lJc. The market for futures opened firm ou good buying from European and nutaltle sources, whu-fi wss met bv fur ther liquidations on the part of room longs. lauiea were nigner, neiping tne advaiu-4 and primary receipts wera moderate. I'ntll about ml. Way the market continued firm at the opening level, in tne afternoon, how ever, the market' was heavier and, with shorts less, active buyers, prices sagged off with the market finally ateady. nst un chsnged to t points lower. Bales ware 111 . Out bags, Includlag December at 4Soc; Jan uary. 4 tr-vwic; r ebrtiary, AKisidH-V: March. T.utjtil 15c; April. 7 20c; Mv. 7 ? 4Uc: July. 7 4n7.56c; September. 7 lYVflC uo; October. 7.80r7.ICc. and November, 7.20c. . I f 00 1 1171 t T I v 1 1:2s I T 1 e t i 1 mi t ts I Hire t i ' let t n 4 " I it. t4 i4 t an t.. iv t tat a ht t u 4 M 14 ' 1140 4 1 12" I U . t 1175 I H 1 IftO t 40 1... UM 1 It II. ..., IU 1...., 140 4 00 t 441 t 64 BULLS. 1 I is t 1 140 14 t CALVES. 1 so t a t BTOvKEKM AND FEEDERS. 4 Ha 14 HOGS Under tha Influence of a good local demand the market this morning started out a little higher and several loads sold strong to 5c highor. After tha 0:st round, however, trading was nut aa b. Uk and tha bulk of the hoga only sold a shade higher. The bulk of all the hogs went from M 46 to 34 50. Heavy hogs rri largely at 44.47S and M.54 with a top at 44 55. Mixed hogs sold largely at 24 45 and !4.4S with the light stuff from 24 40 dewn. The lighter the hoga the leas they bring and the harder they are to sett, commission men are ad- vising their shippers to look out tor the fiigs as It only tskes a few In a load to njure the sale of It to marked degree. Although trading waa not active toward the clone of the market still a good clear ance was made In fairly good aaaaoa. Rep- Sloax City Llva Stock Market.' SIOUX CITT. Ia.. Dec 24. 8peclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Recelpta. Sou head. Tha market waa ateady; beeves. t3.7tx& .u0; cows, bulls and mixed, 32.(i3.50; stockers and feeders. C60iX40; calves and yearlings. I2.25tf2.26. HOOS Receipts: 6.000 hesd. Tha market was strong, selling at M.40ty4.50; bulk, 11. M. Stock la Sight. Following are the receipts of live stocks at the six principal weatern cities yeMr-day: cattle. nogs. Sheep. ... 57S fl?4 70i ... .0"0 22.0110 4.(00 ... 4.000 t.fiX) 3.' 00 ... 4.0U0 2.504 too ... 347 ... 300 Omaha Chicago Kansas City. Ht. Louis St. Joseph... Blous City.... Totals .. .13.2 43.131 16.1W. resentatlva salee: Av. 4a. rr. -..t ai unvrT IV m m i I n 1 northern 4v,.Hc; No. 3 northern. 42 J holidav demand In the market to- wysl- J,iim,c. . lh. .,1Tle8 exceeded the requlre- KIK-meaay. ivo. j, 9bi.,c. I ,"., hi,,ki len,tli.a freely The trsd- WARLEY-lhill No. 2. 3c: M "' xyVlJ-?l&JZ-Z:-m i--lI?.l . . . - . . m nm nil. . v n mm . - , . - tN.y - . ...... I nMamnll WSTS laiSelV dtlB tO ClOSlllB tOKN-Bteauy. Na. I. HVUKLc: May. 4Sa ,U .n semen U In antUlpstlon of the hollT dava. Attendance waa small. Conaols' were fslriy steadv aud neglected. They cloaed easier. Americana opened with a cheerful tone In reaponse to New York advancea. be came easier and closed weak. Urand Trur.k wsa dull on traffic returns being disappoint ing Oiieratora. however, were dispvaed to await the November revenue etstemenl. Foreigners were steadier and Argentines were the feature, ine weeaiy niu-mrit ui k of r.tigiaita snows ine iiumwi-n r Total reserve decreaaed l BUJ.OO. ,,n I ..c-fca aeo at .so. ouillon oc- reaa.1 AllX.Uai. elher securities Increaaed maua other deuuslts tnt-ressed ;a.ii0. putllc deposits Incresaed 4.l), notes re - htm mA A 1 VM got. attvernnient se- curttlaa um hanged The protHriln of the bank a reserve to liability this in Is par cent, aa cosnpareo wnn a 11 paw ro 1 Uet Week. PAKLS. Tea M prices en the bourse to- dae opened strong snd steady, but later atocks tetania heavy on tne a that J4i---ii Is it:J.auo4d to tiAske ci.n awiiS t-j Ualeth Oraln Market. DVLt'TH. Dec. S4.-WHEAT-On trst-k No. 1 northern. lo; No. 2 northern. 74tc; .. miih. 4. a.v, do, x, sac; ai.-c ; May, i:a OA1 s-On track and to arrive. 2io. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, O.. Deo. 24 -SEEDS Clover. the lWu csah. i xi. Tecetuter, tl U; January ti w0; I chngea: Fvbruarv. $:;': Marh. t.' i'S- Prime ch-culatl stiiaa, aa ao. iTinie iiuioiny,- 41. Si. -. tVkUki :.larket. PEOKTA, Dec M - WllldKY-8teady ca ba-l of t 17 for itiaiiilcra' tlt tshed goods CMIVAijO. Iiec. K4 -W U18K Y-bteady on v. ( i'its'1 atit'ae. 91 i,. CINCINNATI. Dec 24. WHISKY-Distil- jet in,,.) ,; s.-oUe, ip.tet on t,eln of 11X7. f. Ixl id. l'c 4 VS Ul.sKX-SLaJy t 1 .L OH aad Roaln. NEW YORK. Dec. 24. -OILS Cottonseed. firm: prime crude nominal: prime ellow. t;c. Petroleum, ateady; refined New York. 43 30 Philadelphia and Baltimore, t 2j; prime In bulk. KtiSlN-blradp; strained common to good. Tl Rl'KNTifitr-vjuiei at iwtie SAVANNAH. Deo. 24 Tl RPENTINE Firm at 5S3- Bales 1M) bbla.; exports 14J bhls. RoSIN-Ktrm. A, H. C. D E. K. II 2S: O, 11): II, t2 35: I 12 U; K. K n; M. ti to; N. 3i: W. . 43 2S; W. W. 43 f. t)lL CITY. Deo. 24. 11 L Credit balances. tl ; certificates, no hid. fthlpments l.?Ij bbla.. sversge. 77 sit bbl : runs. 10). '9 bbla., average. 7u.4 bbla. tt'ilpments., 74.. 7t bbla. average. 49 -'.-tf btls., runs. Lima, Tl.&al bbla , average, U.2i bbla I)r Ucada "larVrl NEW TORIC. Dec. M -DRY fiOODS-The day waa paitly holuUv in dry good, a aieat many lwu tloelng early a. hi la buyera were coomh-uouj ti-c their abea-n.-o. A nnmher or adituw-fi have tha further hiiih !en re-- lied in ttia i-...tuii llcl a: l.i ts paving -i - Ko. l.l. U . u . 41... TO. . T . 44.. St.. .... ra.. io . ta . aa.. aa . at.. 44 41. n. is. .. b .. 4 ..151 ..174 ..1M ..140 ..lh ..17S. ..167 ..13 . Ut ..tat I Ti I at 4 ta ... 4 a ... 4 4 ... 4 40 4 4 4 ... 4 4 ... 4 4tt ... 4 41V 100 4 44 10 4 44 SI M I U t! 140 4 43 ..4 4 .. 4 4 4 4 4S .. 4 44 ... 4 4S ... 4 4 ... 4 44 44 4 44 4 44 44 .. 4 4 .. 4 4 4 4 45 . 4 41V4 1 t 4 4?S HI av 4 4'vi f t 14D 4 47W a4 14 4 41v( l4 1M 4TvJ e IM 4 4T l.i a 4 47V Ml ae 4 47v, rra a 4 41 v, r 4 :v, Z 4 4Tv, 19 4 41V, .174 ... 4 41v, 144 ... 4 4:v, tU 4 4 41' i K. T4.... 4.... 47.... IT.... M ... 7.... 44 ... It ... a.... 44 ... .... 44... A. Shj. Ft ..7X 4 4 41 .261 ... 4 411, .4.14 if 4 47V, nil 14 4 T-, M4 t.- . m ..ta . ta i .17 ...ftl ..111 ...16 .. 74 ...II ...If ...T ...IM .. IM .Vla4 ...2 ...t-ll (1.. Tt.. 44.. 41 . 41.. (4 . 44.. 41.. 4 T II 44 4 .... 4 41V, 14 4 47v, a 4 47 ... 4"vk 4 4TS, a 4 4TV, M 4 47v, MtW tv to 4 aa , Sa tne 4 4 14 III ra 4 U ... 4 4 Ml 4 III M 4 d ti 4 M t 4H la a 4 4 tan 1JV 4 4 X.4 tl lit. im 4 4 Ml : 4 4 M IS I H ! ia 4 m ... 4 4 4 4 ... 4 4 4 40 4 4 0 4 4 IN IM N I U ... 4 a a 4 a IM 111 4 K 144 4 M t. 14 4 a4 ... Ik .. It ...ii ..liO ,. Si . . tl .. m . , nt .in .. rt ...l SHEEP There were only three care on sal this morning and the market again ruled aullve and fully aleady on anything at all dnsirabie. The reieupta th e writ have been light aa tal.l be awn from tr.a table above and a tlte demand haa ben In goud ahape for tha better . gratlee the mirkal fur the areea may be iiuotml little atrunger Handy walght and lMmte still sell to the lw.1 aavsiitsKu Heavy stieep and lambs as wall as the prt fu-i WhiO. mis rather aid . ii t. nu'ra I'.ii ateHtly with ttia.-ilve. st ..mi 'llicie ta, Hjaovn, a ' 1 1 ,s Cotton Market. ,NEW YORK. Deo. 24,-COTTON-Tha market opened firm at a decline of 3 points to an advanca of 12 polnta and following Oeir call ruled rlrm for a time, selling up to a net gain of lli'iia) points on aagres slve New Orleans buying and covering by psrtlea who sold on the late bresk of the previous day. The advanca was encouraged by csbles that were a shade better than exoected and the outlook for smaller re ceipls on account of unfavorable weather, but on account of the earlv morn Ins; sen sational reports being circulated on the out look In the far east, snu soon after reach Ins the oolnt referred to there was a oar tial reaction tinder realising with some of the room again taking the ahort slue for a turn. Aa prices slipped back, however, the local bull leader began buying agsres slvelv and between hi takings and three of New Orleans the market wan sgaln boosted, and prices for ths third succeed ve day this week were scon beyond all pre- vi. -us tngn murns. January ut this time sola st ls.COc: March. 13N1-C. snd May and July, 13.41c. Then a waa the case yesterday there wns Itavy realising that became more aggres-lve as the e Mi-Ion prog-eased, snd toward the end of the In ft linlf hour prices had been de pressed to nearly lust night a nnata. in the last ten minutes, however, the market whs rallied shsrply bv a renewal of bull aupport and covering by shoi-ls. The clou waa irregular nnd unsettled, hut net 7 to 14 polnta higher. Sulea were estimated at l.nnd vtO bales. ST. LOL'lH. Dec. 14. -COTTON Firm, tin- changed. Middling. 1.1-. ShUs. 14 haVi; receipt. M 1-Aiee: shipments, :47 bales; stock l 5 ha!e LIVEKPOOL. Dec. 24-CrrTTON-Bin.r. oulet: prices 4 points lower. Amcrlon m d ritig fuir. 7 44.1 gootl middling 7d: n l.l dllng. 71d: low middling 7.1T.I; jihmI or dlnary. 7 02d : nrtllntirv. a 'f.'d. The enlea .1 the day were 2.uu0 ha lee. of whl-h wer No. 1. Unreported Steady; open kettle. 2S.1c; open kettle centrifugal, 2 2-lMiSSc; centrifugal whites, 23 t-ltic; yellows, 3S3311-lSc; seconds, 2W3SO- MOlASSES Quiet; open kettle, lS-SMci centrifugal, JlSc; syrup, dull, 2Sc. - . Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA, Dec. Jt-CORN-fiteady ; No. V 37Sc; No. 4. 36Sc - SUPREME COURT SYLLABI' Tha following opinions Will not ba offi cially reported: UKJt. Orxnd Lodge. Ancient Order ol United Workmen, sgainxt Scott. Error from Holt. Former judgment vacatetl; Judg-' ment district court afllrmed. Ktrkpatrlck, C. Division No. 2. Unreported, 1. A member of a beneficiary aasoclatlon In good standing deposited with the finan cier of his local lodge a sum of money sum- dent to pay his assessments and dues for several months In advance. The financier accepted the money, agreeing so to apply It. The member then left the town of his resi dence and during his absence the financier returned tha money so deposited, lees ona assessment, to the beneficiary named In the member's certificate, and thereupon tha member was marked suspended for fulltira to pay the next regular asxessnietit. Held, that the suspension was unauthorised and void. i 2. Where the financier of a lodge has ac cepted on deposit a sum of money from a member to cover anticipated sKseasmcnta. agreeing so to apply It, a forfeiture cannot bs predicsted upon the fulltira of the mem ber personally lo tender the amount of an assessment when due. If the financier hsa money In his hands to meet the assess ment; and It Is immaterial that the duties of hia office did not require him to receive money for assessments before they wera payable. If In doing so he has not contra vened any positive law of the organisation. 3. One who Is illegally suspended from a beneficiary association may treat the bus pension aa Illegal and void, his memnersh! continuing. If he does not acquiesce In and consent to the Illegal suspension, and ha need nnt seek reinstatement. 4. A forfeiture cannot be prec-nttated upog an om lee Ion of one party brought about by the conduct of the other party, ao thai whera a member has bcn illegally us- S ended from a beneficiary association and, lies tendered by him are refused. th grounds for the refusal being continuous IB their nature, his failure thereafter to ten der dues cannot be made the basis of a for feiture until after notice of a readiness t receive the dins has been brgught horn t the suspended member. 5. While a member of a beneftclnry asso cistion who Is Illegally suspended may ac quiesce In and consent to the suspension. so aa to torieii nis rtgnis unurr a certlrtcnte. evidence In this case el ar.H helit not In waraut an Interferes the suspended member acquiesced In or consented to the llleaal Suetienelon. 4 Former decision rendered In this rssn (Grand Udge, A. O. V. W.. sgainst Scott, Neb., ; 23 N. W. Rep., 190) not adhered "irTOJ. County nf Keith against Big T.anl nnd Cattle Company. Appeal from Keith. Reversed, with instructions. Loblngler, C. Division No 1. Unreported. 1. The notice provided by section 3. article Iv, chapter Ixxvll of the Compiled BtHtutes, ta not essential to the vtilltllty of a decree et foreclosure of tha lax lien. t An at-tlun lo foreclose 'such a 'lien la not barred until five years have elapsed from the expiration of the time to redeem. 3. In an sction by a county to forevloee a Ileal repreeented by tax sale certificates purchased by It. filure to allege that the ucliun whs authorised by the county board Is not Jurisdictional, ettiteclslly where tha retltlon Is verlflsd by one who sweats that e is the "duly authorized attorney" and where the answer contains no averment of want of. authority. 4. 1 he decree In such sn action . should nnt Include taxea for which no sale hns been made or certificate lasued to plaintiff. l;ur.. t aratetK against Filer. Appel from Douclas Affirmed. Oldham. C. Division uspension. a benefit examined rence that foe speculation snd expert imd I'm 1-ded 2 Stn American. Receipts, il.tiio ba! In cluding 10 Amerlt-Mii Futures onered steerty- and cloaed steMriy A rrerj -it, n-ht. dllng. g o. e.. December. Tlft7 1't: I'e-cemher-.lanuarv. 7 10.1: .TamiMrv-Ftb-uarv, 7ud: Fel.ruarv-Mnrclv 7 057 Outl : j-r-h-Anrtl. 7 Mil: Aprl.-Mitv. 7 ' : Mav.itine 7fM: June-Juiv. 7xi: Jul -August. 4 H'.'tt 4 I'M: Augn-S..p,etnher. ?.!. NEW Olil.KtNl Dec. ?! -TirTTON'-Btesdy: sales. 5.7ii b, lei. Ortllcsry. In -tu-; simiI tirdlc"- 1P4-: low nl.ldllnr. 17 c: mirlrlting. isatljkir: e""1 ml.t.ll'ii n 7-,: mirttilinc fHlf 13 IJ-ltU-. Re-elpis. V.17I bnles: stock. 4.7 574 bales Ftttlll'.s were eteady December It ?" hid: January. 114' Til 44c: March. 11 4li IS S?c; April '3 "il m4c; Mv. 14 tmn 01c. June. 14 04J14 utf; July. 14 131 14 Hit ease anal lliieaes. NEW YOI1K. Dec ?4 -8COA ft-Ra w. nuk-t: fair rrflnlng. 3 l-Pv3v.c: cetilrl'iisal. tM t. at. 3 It-: moliiases sugar. J 11 l'l '.'Sc: refined, quiet; No 4, .4 tt-V: No. 7. 4c; No. g. 3 !V; No. 3V; No in. SV; No. 11. 3.)V; No. 11. 3 75c: No i:i. 2 7'te: No. 14. 3 4.-C: confectioners' A. 4 Sl ; mould A, 4 TtV: rut loaf. 5'i.V; ir-iehed. S'Hh-; tmiw dereif. 4J-V-- sraoulated 4 4th-: cohea. 4.7ic. Ml I.ASKK!-Ku in. New Orleans open ,e'lt.- sood lo i-li'-l. a. 3 II tc. NtW "I EANd. D. rt-St'UAR-. i ' T'rtoe in the act of 1W7 the Institution of a Htilt to forecloe n mortgaa" and for i-ersoiial Jiiilatnenf against the makers of Ids notes secured by the morlguge. lolls the slatuts of limitation on tlte llubllif of the linkers of II. notes. 1 Only such defeneea as accrus after Judgment on the notes In such foreclosure proceeding cn t.e Interposed agslnst r deficiency Juditrai nt entered after the cot log in of the renorl of the aule ut 14 . mor'auP'cd premlaea. . 1TIMI Hay "gainst Cc'l-y A- Tein'-v. A n peil from .iiicol'. P-rsed ml ttia. mlaaed Oldham. C. litvtsliHi Nq 1- U,n recoeted 1. A private Individual caenot mlnl-t'1 an eetlnn t- nret-ynt r-ta m"'n re-lug lal la the at reel a of a cllv unlH' he plcd snd tirov" ha; some aiitiil Injury wilt reu1' io blm. 2 It la Ibe duly of a cite o nroleef Its streets end "llrvs from unlawful nceupanrv eed mleet-tln. snd In 'hs rtls'b-" "f Into iliity It my netn-ln an act lull in er the ley'lllv Ihefr occupancy and e-e'e. linn by -n'"". 3 I'ndee lh" rro t.,na nf eril.-l II , chat. ' r V. f.imn'tec: H tea. . ..,-itri"oTi v . Vn.-wn a Itf Initiative antl ref-rendum 1-4W. t retiiires h ivetttion eistieil by at least If. ir cent tif 'he voters of tbe rl'v au "iil 'he mwrtttun ut an ulJlliaua Of th til) duly pasew