Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Citiient Induct Bo&rd to Cnt $3,000 fron
' Bill for Reorirt of ftkj.
Joseph Haras, Coatrartar aad Fell'
(Irian. Perloasly HI with a Car
haarle Hit) Seek at .
Baa af la Brala.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dee. J. (8peclal.) The nwi.
piper of Kearney are Just now oonsider
ably agitated because of a story In thla
column several days ago In retard to the
new normal achool to be located at that
place. The story told In effect of com
mittee of Kearney cltlsena which appeared
before the Normal board and eecured modi
ncatlon. of the old plana adopted by lhe
board for the repair of the Oreeu Terrace
flata to be uaed aa a dormitory, which modi
fication will aave the people of Kearney
about S3.0O0. The atory told aleo thit thla
waa not done without a proteat from mem-
bars of the board, who objected to Kearney
"gigging- back. The newapapera of that
city atated that the facta had been mlarep-
in oroer mat ne newspapers 01 Kearney
may be put right with the recorda and that
they may know that only facts were
pnn ana prin.ea a new ine recoros 01
mm particular iranMciiun ioiiow.
When Kearney flrat aubmttted Its proposi
tion to the board there was In Its subsidy,1
among other thing, a donation, of 11.000
to be uaed In repairing the flats In question.
This the board said waa not aufflcient and
the enterprising cltlsena of the successful
town at once filed a bond with the board
for 110,004 to cover any expense Incident to
the repairs that the board might direct.
This portion of the contract ehowe what the
citliens agreed to do:
The condition of thla obligation la such
that If the aforesaid princlpala, being the
committee representing the city of Kearney,
and their aucceaaora, aliall, under the direc
tion of the aalrt honorable Board of figura
tion of the Btate Normal achool -of the
atate of Nebraska, and their duly appointed
ng'nts, mnke all needed repalre on ld
building, auoh aa repairing and painting
the roof, repolntlng fire wall 'on top of
building; cementing or pointing north walls
aa desired by the board; overhauling and
placing In proper condition ateam plant and
heating apparatua; replumblng the building;
reiilAjUerina1 where needed and calciminlns
iAnd papering; repairing all Defective noora;
trtna- for electric light and any other
needed repairs In order to place the build
ing ready for occupancy, and to make auch
alteration In the interior of the building
as the board mar direct in order to make
It convenient and economical In manage
ment; then and In that event thl obliga
tion is to become null and void, otherwise
to he and remain in full force and effect.
On November T the board' adopted plans
orawn ny yc.nieci r.,...
were sent to Kearney for approval that I
work could at once begin on the fiats. It
was estimated that the coat would be $8,000.
Instead of beginning on the work at that
lime tne cmsens oi jvearney nau air. r-
linghof prepare a new set of plana, which
were euDmiiiea at me isai meeting oi ine i
board, held several days ago. The minutes
of the meeting show this: ' ..
Actios of Board.
Messrs. C. II. Oregg and A. O. Thome,
reDreaentlna the Kearney cltlsena' commit- I
tee, were then given a hearing. They sub- I
mi lira uians ana apeonoationa oi repairs
.i,rr.,inn. k. n .. A7rr.i. I
tory building at Kearney, commonly known
aa tne oreen Terrace nata, in conformity i
wim tneir interpretation or ine oona oi j.
II. Oregg et el. of Kearney, which bond
hound them to the Board of Education lit
the aum of $10.0n to make all needed re-
pairs on the building In order to make It
ready for occupancy and auch Interior at
teratlnna aa the board may direct In order
to make It convenient in arrangement and
ovonomtoal In - vnenwgeinent: - The- board
agreed to the following Itema and changes
, from the dormintory plana adopted Novem
tier 7: Omit the ateel alrdera over laundrr I
ana Kiicnen ana leave inaceaa me retain- I
UK wniw Willi UlA-KMIl titmiiiiiH It! Blliuvn
and the aame In the laundry; make no
changea In basement of end flat except one
window In each at end of corridor; the
plana ahould Inrlude alx bathtubs only.
four on the flrat floor and two on the aeo
ond floor; make no chanarea In plana of
aecona noor rrom tne titiuaing aa it now ex
Inta. The architect. Mr. George A. Ber
linghof, wa Instructed to draft new clans
in accordance with the above recommenda
tion, to re-wrlte the xpeclflratlona ao aa to
make them agree with the amended plana
and with other verbal euKgeatlona of the
board, and to mall copies of ail. when com-
rlrted. to the Kearney cUiaens' commit
tee tor their acceptance and approval.
The repairs as described In the new
p'ana will coat. It Is estimated, about $S.O0O.
That there was considerable argument In
the matter la not dlaputed by the board
members. , who say that the time given
the committee. C. H. Oregg and A. O.
Thomas, who, by ths way, had prevloualy
signed the $10,000 bond, occupied the entire
attention of ths board and there was
nothing elae accomplished except a little
routine msttsr.
; - Delays tko Bolldlaa;
Incidentally that committee has saved
'the people of Kearney who slgnsd that
bond $3,000. but It has also delayed the
building of the normal school. It waa ths
intention of the board, as voiced by ons
of the members, to take up the normal
school matter at the last .meeting and rash
tne plans and get things In shape to begin I
work on the bul.dtng aa soon aa possible. I
. it in. rpwMt di mo near-
ney committee, this waa delayed and the
next meeting of the board ja set for April I
s. '
It Is a matter of common knowledge that
all the members of the normal board are
not In favor of the school going to Kearney
and never have nor never will be. and
every question thajt la raised by Kearney
' "" Ju,i ihi miico rope
to string out the matter, with the hope.
nowever roriorn, that the appropriation
will be allowsal to lapse. "If the people
of Kearney will take some advice offered
In all aeriouaneea," a f riead of that town
said, "they will put such pressure to bear
on that Doara that an extra meeting will
be called soon to rush the matter and aton
delaying progress by trying to have the
repairs on ths Oat mad at a coat less HUMBOLDT. Neb., Dec. .- Special. -than
that eatlmated by the board. . Every The case which waa recently Inatltuted
tiuestlon raised hurts Kearney In that it againt Ike pollard, a well known cttisea
win aeiay the .erection of the school."
rhrstsaas at Capital.
Today waa an M..I rh,i..m.. i- i-
coin, only In that ths church organisations
held apeclal services In taatefully decorated
edifice and th. memher. f .h-
Army , gave their annual dinner to about
0 persons and made donations to about
100 families. All the stores were closed
for th entire day. A high wind that began
to blow rally In the day kept It up, which
occasioned many persons receiving their
Christmas presents at a late hour, sa the
lied authorities bow ooaoedo that
nnorr the STairm ot treatment iutreduoad
by Ot. Ifrau V, betas! t Uiicago,
Dr.L. D. knot. Labaaoa. Kyj lr. R,
,pri'"V Ii It. J. C. Curryar,
bt. l-aul. kiuuK M. L. Craft.r. feu
Loaia. H04 Vft. P. hard. So. rr.mii.r-.-
wttoeaa the souscy
olhi Iraatmaot sad Ux paruanracy of
tneaara Umt ea csm. Dr. t baoels
" f" " rdi4Ll oepartius from
i,? ''l4oKl " Po-a.. tprsys.
sis. wank num bt da sot cure.
prepared tor say one (ivtn a abort asa
eriiotua of the ow, aud sending aaaae of
'mm mm ttl UHMS Cured.
Dee, jy k,mmm . f nialga.
wind was so strong It waa Impossible for
messenger boys to nae their wheels. To
night special programa were held at the
churrhe. the "Bleepy King" waa trren at
the Oliver and an entertainment waa given
at the state penitentiary by the convict
at which many cttlaene were preeent. In
the morning a program of leas proportion
waa carrted out at which only the conrlcta
and penitentiary offlrtala were present.
Joseph Itaras Hick.
Joseph Burn the well known contractor
and politician, la sick at hie borne with a
carbuncle am the back of hla neck, that
phyalclana conatder very aerloua. The busl
nea la located at the baae of the brain and
It la feared b'.ood poisoning will aet In.
lYof. Lang-worthy Taylor and Mr. Tay
lor will depart for New Orteana Saturday,
where they will participate In the meeting
of the American Economic aaaoclatlon.
Thla meeting will be held In Joint session
with the National Historical . ase-oiat!on.
to the meeting of which Dr. F. M. Fling
and Mra. Fling have already gone. The
subject of "Rent and Intereat" will be
thoroughly . dlua. and In ihls Prof.
if lur arwvKW iv .mm m i . i w..
and Mra. Taylor will return home about
Tract lea Case Lttlgatlea.
The three judges of the district court of
Lancaster county may alt en bane to hear
argument on the motion to vacate the
orar of Jud-e Holmes fixing a time for
the payment of ths amount of the bid of
Charles Frueauff for the property of the
ijmI r, n.iiw.v nin.n. Th. cltv
h - nM ft motum Identical with that of
Mr Fnleauff filed Wednesday, argument on
which has not yet been heard. City Attor
ney Btrode la of the opinion that the point
ralaed covers the city's entire Interest In
the proceedings and also a review of the
court's first order that the money should
be paid Into court before hearing on the
Miss Carrie M. Pennnck of Omaha, who
waa taking medical treatment In Lincoln,
died hero Thursday morning. The body
was taken to Omaha by a brother, H. M
Pennock, and the services will be held
there. Mlas Pennock was 35 years old and
a graduate of the state university. Ehe
waa well known In mualcal circles In both
Omaha and Lincoln.
Visitor to City Mlatakea for Adrer.
Use Crook aad Placed
Coder Arreat. ,
COLUMBUS, Neb., Dee. 26. (Special.
Eben H. Smith has brought suit against
Chief of Police Hagel for $10,000. alleging
raise imprisonment as grounos tor tne ac
tton. According lo the report current here.
Smith was the vlotlm of mlstsken Identity.
Ho has been visiting his brother, A. J. Smith
here and he had received through the mall
m drft p.yable tO the order of bis
.. . ' . ... ,.!, ,
wife, and. as a mean of Identification,
Smith had Conductor Fox of the Norfolk
naaaenrer train miam the Armtt TI a hm.
nUd t he rinit NaUonal n)t but
,. dM.)lnM to vln, tnv
weP ot faninUir wltn th, ,.T,a,UP6 of
mr- Fox
Smith then went to the Commercial bank,
where the draft was caahed. He had only
left the bank a short time when he was
met by Chief Hsget and placed under ar-
rest. The arrest was made on the streng'h
of a circular from Chief Donahue of Omaha
i,iw k .
which has been received some time ago
nd offered a reward of $100 for the appre-
nenslon of one CsrI Anderson, who war
w.nted fne ,. aitk-. hi.t. --
."Vf? ' r ! 1' . , .. ! ' ' d
weight corresponded fairly well with that
of the man wanted, but after two hours he
.ucci.i in nrovtna- to all concerned that
a mistake had been made.
Smith. Is well known here to many of the
old timers. , Ha was freight conductor on
the. Union Pacific . over twenty years ago,
and for many years had a naaaensar run
through hero.
Nebraaka City . Girl Meets with
Berleos lajary la m
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb., Dec. SR. (Specla
Telegram.) Mies Ollie Holbrook was In
Jurel today In Lelbold's bakery In this city,
Mlse Holbrook was paealng the machine
uaed In bread making and In some manner
her hair caught In the belt running to the
machine. In the twinkling of an eye ahe
was jerked forward-against the machine
and her hair and scalp torn from her head.
She Is resting easily at this time, but the
seriousness of her Injuries cannot be as
certained for a day or two.
By rarehaelaa- latorost mt Salahary'a
ftelra Bo Is Proprietor of
, . Wild West.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb., Dee. S.-(Bpe-
ctal.) Word haa been received that W. P.
Cody haa purchased the Interest of the
fcotrs of Nate Salsbury ln the Wild West
show, making him sols owner.
Ths show will exhibit In England and
w area next year.
Attacked by Ferooioae Ball.
Edgar Wood, a fainter llvlna- aome three
miles west of this place, was terribly
bruised and diaflgured Tuesday evening by
an Infuriated bulL He waa discovered by
one of his children In a darned condition and
i utterly una dm io give an account of his
Injuries. Later he waa abls to describe
I bow he waa Injured. He was attacked b
the animal, receiving bad bruises about
I the head and face, but managed to aac-n.
quickly. He la unable to tell just how long
I he had been In hla condition when dla-
I covered,
I llaor. Case Drps4,
1 of this place, alleging some Irregularity
I In the handling of Intoxicating liquor and
which was siatea lor trial Saturday In
Jud" Tbomion P court, has been
l"nl"d' T Pr"' behind
prosecution found that nothing could
" " ' .ur m. reason
,n" ,n' u""" Y"mrln" lvm wlr
of liquor to another person wa not cov
ered by the ordinance.
Metkodtata to Hold Oaarterly Meetlac.
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb., Dec 2E. (Spe
cial. The MethodNt Episcopal church will
hold quarterly meeting next Sunday and
Monday, tha "quarterly conference will be
held Monday evening. Dr. J. 8. Dean, the
presiding eider of the district, will deliver
a sermon at the church both morning and
evening on Sunday next.
Desire riao Clotblaaj.
SILVER CREEK. Neb.. Dec K (Spe
cial. ) Thieves stole the wedding suit of
Albert Lamp and hla wlfe'a wedding bon
net from their borne. Later they enteral
another bouse near Duncan and took two
grlpa filled wTh dothea, which they later
aes Ha ha se-eead Tlaao.
COLIKBC8. Neb.. Dec. $6. Spedal.
Peter Phillips baa for the second time sued
Louis 11 bn for $1. la the district court.
alleging that be deposited money la a bank
of wblca liana was director. la a prevl ju
ult be recovered $M on a eimtlar state
Hunted FngitiT Etc pet Officm bj Taklnf
Eia Owi L.fa,
Disappears oa OfBeera ArrlTal aad
Body la Hot Discovered tatll
Odor Compels Abaadoa.
teat 'of School.
CREIOHTON. Dee. 25. (Special Tele-
gram.) One of the moat peculiar cases In
ths history of the atate has Just come to
light In the town of Verdigris, north of here.
About three months ago a quiet appearing
man who gave the name of Ernet Johnson
appeared here and secured work on the
Jackson ranch near town. He was steady
and a good worker and was speedily In the
good graces of his employer. He never
said anything about his past but a there
waa nothing mysterious In Ms actions no
one thought anything about Oils.
About three weeks sgo officers from Iowa
camo to ' town and made Inquiries con
cerning Johnson and whers he could be
found. Johnson learned of their presence
and. disappeared as completely as though
the earth had swallowed htm up. The
whole country was searched by the officers
and no trace of the mah could be found and
ths officers finally gave up the hunt and
returned to Iowa. They atated Johnson waa
wanted in his former Iowa home on the
charge of criminal assault and murder
and that they had been on Johnson' trail
for four months before locating him at
The rase wa a seven days wonder In
the town but was gradually being forgotten
until a few days ago. The teachers and
pupils In the public achool building at Ver
digris noticed sn offenalve odor which grew
tronger from day to day until finally it
became neceaaary to dismiss school on ac
cout of It and some of the men started an
Investigation to ascertain the cause. In the
garret of the school building the body of
Johnson was found hanging and from Its
condition It was evident thst he had gone
to the school building and hung himself
on learnjng that the Iowa officers were
after hi in. The body was cut down, the
Iowa people notified and on their request
sent to his former Iowa home for burial.
An effort was made to keep the affair
secret for fear the children would not at
tend school In the building if they knew
the facts but it could not be kept from
the public.
Chrlataaaa Troo with Prcaeats for
Each Iaaaato at Feeble
Mladed Iaatltato.
BEATRICE. Neb., Dec. S.-(8peclal.-Ckristmas
evo was observed by enjoyable
entertainments, together with a distribu
tion of presents to the children at the
Presbyterian. Baptlat, Chrlatlan and Cen
tenary churches and at the state Institu
tion. At the Institute there was a tree at
each of the three cottages and one at the
asaembly halt In the main building. The
celebration began In the afternoon and con
tinued until a late hour In the evening. At
T:$0 about DO children gathered In the as
sembly hall, where a large tree Was hung
with gifts. A musical and literary program
was rendered, which Included a number of
selections by the institute band, and then
came the distribution of presents.
Every 'child received toys, candies, pop
corn, nuts oV some useful present In the
shape of wearing apparel and It waa cer
tainly a happy time for all.. The exercises
were In charge of Superintendent Johnson,
bis estimable wife, Mrs. Armstrong and the
corps of teachers. .
There were many visitors during th day.
among them being relatives of the children
from various parts of the state.
Last evening Rev. J. W. Merrill delivered
a lecture at the Institute for the benefit of
the children, his subject being, "The Life
of Christ." illustrated by stereoptlcon
At Salvation Army hall about 200 baskets
were filled with provisions and distributed
among the por families of the city yester
day. '
All Ready for Ba4 Weather.
WEST POINT. Neb., Dec. J6. (Special.)
The fine, balmy weather of the past two
weeks gave place this morning to a dust
and sandstorm with occasional flurries of
snow. The wind is very atrong from the
northwest, with Indications of a storm
In (he near future. The fine weather of
late has enabled farmers to finish their
cornhusklng and prepare shelter for the
stock, and leaves them In splendid ghape
to stand whatever comes In the shape of
Labor Valoa Elects Officers.
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. Dec. .-Bpo-
clal.) The American Federal union has
elected the following officers for the en
suing year: Oeorge Bell, president; Wil
liam Cooney, vice president; Charles Han-
baw. financial secretary; 8. C. Elliott,
treasurer; John Burk. recording secretary;
John Blmma, corresponding secretary; John
M. Bell, gulds; Dlok Roberson, sergeant
at arms; S. C. Sanders, guard; Prank Short,
William Scboonover, Fred Rodenhouse,
Free Library (or West Polat.
WEST POINT, Neb., Dec. $6. (Special.)
A movement Is on foot In this city looking
to the establishment of a free library and
reading room. A number of persons of In
fluence are back of the movement and sat
isfactory result is assured.
Chrlataaaa at ladaatrlal school.
KEARNET, Neb.. Deo. J5. (Special.) A
program of mualc, literary, exercises, etc.,
of exceptional merit was carried out at
the Industrial school today. A special
Christmas menu was slso provided for the
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. Dec. 2V (Sre-
claL) Miss Halite Bruce last night won
the $300 piano In a voting contest conducted
by a local newspaper. Miss Edna Koonta,
the second in the contest, received $25 la
They I'll atop Their Hair Pallia Oat
with Herplcldo.
Ladies who have thin hair and whose
hair, la falling out, can prevent the haJr
falling out. aiid thicken the growth with
Newbro's "Herplcide. Besides, Herpt
clde is one of the moot agreeable hair
dressing there is. Hsrplddo. kills ths
dandruff germ that eats ths hair off
the root. After the germ la destroysd.
the root will shoot up, snd ths hair grow
long as ever. Even a sample will ccn
vine any lady that Newbro's Hsrplctds
Is an Indispensable toilet requisite. It
contains no oil or greaae. It will not atiln
or dye. Sold by leading druggists. Send
too tn stamps for. sampls to The Herpt'
clde Co.. Detroit, Mich. Sherman Mc-
Connell Drug Co., special aganta.
In all direct Ions via
Drcember 24-ZS-tI. Oood till January 4.
"Only Double-track Line to Chicago."
City Offlcei. lU-luS Farnam Bu
Woaaaa Who Weal Have Married
Vletlaa of Wreck Rearkea
Rew Tork.
NEW TORK. Dec. JS.-Lllllan Bennett,
who waa to have met here and married
Ambrose Good of Newcastle, Pa., who lost
hla life In the railroad wreck at Cornell
vllle. Pa.. Wednesday night. arrlVed today
on the ateamshlp Cedrlo from Liverpool
and waa Informed at Quarantine of her
lover's death
Mlas Bennett, who hsd been worrying be
cause the delay of a day In the vessel's
arrival would cause a postponement of the
weddipg until tomorrow, was grief-stricken
over the news. As she csme over In. the
steerage and haa neither friend nor rela
tives hero to take charge of her she must,
under the law,1 return to England.
Bo 4alch.
Not a minute ahould be loat when a child
shows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy given aa aoon as the child
becomes hosrse, or even after the rroupy
cough sppesrs, will prevent the attack. It
never falls, and Is plessant and safe to
BEATRICE. Neb.. Dee. . (Special.)
Thursday evening st the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Brown. 702 North Eighth street,
occurred the marriage of their daughter.
Miss Nellie, to Mr. Jacob S. Meyers of
Plckrell,' Rev.- D. L. Thomas officiating.
The young couple are among the prominent
reaidents of this vicinity. They will make
their home at Plckrell, this county.
WEST POINT, Neb., Dec. 25. (Special.)
A pretty wedding was celebrated at the
congregational parsonage yesterday by Rev.
C. A. Gleason, pastor. Alfred H. Burling
and Miss Nina E. Jones of Scrlbner were
united In marriage. The parties are both
well known and popular In thla community.
Chrlataaaa Weddlaga.
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., Dec. 25. (Spe
cial.) Marriage licenses were issued yes
terday aa follows: Edgar Bell and Nellie
Tyson, both of this county; -Wllmer Bell
and Anna Conn, both of Nemeha county.
All of the parties were married In this city
Actors and singers must prevent sors
throats. They have uaed Piso's Cure 40
Jtealdeace at Elba.
ST. PAUL, Neb.. Dec. 25, (Special.) A
destructive fire occurred yesterday morning
at Elba, eight miles northwest of this city
on the Union Pacific railroad. The large
residence of M. A. Fugate was completely
destroyed, but most of the contents were
saved. The property wss worth from $2,500
to $3,000. The origin of the fire Is not
known, but la supposed to be duo to a de
fective flue, ae the fire stated In the parti.
Mesaphls Dry Goods Store.'
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Dec. 28. Fire early thla
morning In the dry good store of Lowen
thai Brothers caused damage approximated
at $160,000. fully Insured. B. Lowenthal dt
Co. conduct both a wholesale and retail
business, being the oldest dry goods deal
ers In Memphis or West Tennessee. The
fire was In the retail branch of the concern,
where a stock of goods of approximately
$500,000 is carried. The chief damage was
from water. The origin, of the fire is un
known. c'
' ' ' v ' ;
Bolls, gores ill Feloaa ,
Find prompt, sure cure In Bticklen's Arnica
Salve, also eczema, salt rheum, burns.
bruises and piles, or no pay. 26c For aale
by Kuhn tCo. '
In all directions via
December 24-25-S1. Good till January 4.
"Only Double-track Line to Chicago."
City Office. 1401-1403 Farnam St.
Chaaao of Tlaao.
Consult these columns for change of time.
effective December 13th.
Fair la East aad Baow la Weet Pr.
tloa of Nebraoka for
"WASHINGTON, Dec' 25.-Forecast:
For Nebraaka Fair In east, snow In west
portion, Saturday; Sunday, fair and not so
For South Dakota Fair in east, snow In
th west portions Saturday; not so cold In
central and eaatern port lone; Sunday, fair
and warmer In east portion. '
For Illinois Fair Saturday with a cold
wave; colder In extreme south portion;
high north winds; Sunday, fair and not so
For Missouri Fair and continued cold
Saturday; colder tn aouth portion; Bunday
fair and not ao .cold. 1
For Colorado Fair in west, snow and
colder in east portion Saturday; Sunday,
For Wyoming Fair Saturday, except
snow and colder in the southeast portion;
Bunday. lilr.
For Montana Fair Saturday, colder in
northeast portion; Sunday, fair.
For Kansas Fair Saturday and colder in
aouth portion; Sunday, fair and not so cold.
For Iowa Fair and continued cold Sat
urday; Sunday, fair and not so cold.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Dec. 26. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the oorreauonuing day of the laat three
yr' , 103. 10S. 101. 1300,
Maximum temperature.... (7 4 43
Minimum temperature.... 4 1 ;n n
Mean temperature 18 .0 36 S
rreclpltalion i -V .u .us
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day aince March J.
Normal temperature 20
DeAi'tency lor the day 4
Total excess-since March I. liMi 22
Normi.l precipitation US inch
Uenelency lor tne ouy uj inch
Total rainfall aince March 1....IC -'4 laches
Exctoa since March 1, liul 2.21 Inches
1. fW-lrncv for cur. period. 1902.. 42 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 19ul... i.Hi Inchra
Report (rose Staaloas at T P. M.
3 a-
; s
Omaha clear.
Valentine, cloudy
North Platte, partly cloudy,.
Cheyenne, cloudy
Bait Lake, clear.
Rapid C'liy, cloudy
Huron, clear
Wiliiscon. cloudy
Chicago, clear
Bl. Iouls, clear ..
Kt. Paul, clear........
Davenport, clear..
Kansao City, clear
Havre, clear L
Helena, dear
fiiamarck. clear
Qalveaton. clear
11 42
-f' indicates trees of precipltaboa.
U A. WEL&ii. Fureoaster.
-A Christmas Reverie'
by Bliss Carman
' Love Story of Mary, Queen
of Scots"
by Maurice Hewlett
"The Real Parsifal"
by James Hukekeh
160 Pages
of reading. Really a 35-oint
Magazine for 15 cents. .
!(c 40
Ifenoavneg Forod lo Retiaoo Courts to
, Falmouth Beotuw of Disaster.
Three Others Seriously Injarea While
Trylag to Malta Repairs to
Shattered Steerlaa- "Gear
Daring Stores. .
NEW YORK. Dec 25. A number of pas
sengers who were on the Atlantic transport
steamer Menominee, bound for thla port,
when It was struck by a hurricane, Decem
ber 7. and disabled so that it drifted at the
mercy of the storm for five days, arrived
here todsy on the Cedrlc. They told a
thrilling story of their experiences.
Following the striking of the huge wave
the utmost confusion ensued and the offi
cers had difficulty In quieting them. When
the ship righted Itself It was seen that lta
rudder post had been snapped off, leaving
the steering gear disabled and the ship
helpless. . 1
One sailor was caught In the back wash
of the wave and dashed against ths bul
warks, receiving Injuries from which he
died an hour later. Three other seamen
were seriously Injured 'by waves ; which
broke over the ship while they were trying
to make repairs to the shattered steering
gear and It became necessary to lock the
passengers In tho cabin. '
OH was used to still the waves, but with
little effect. For Ave days the ship rolled
In the trough of the sea, Captain Lueis
and his officers remaining -on the bridge
night and day without sleep.' Finally, at
noon on the fifth day, a temporary storing
gear wa rigged and the ship limped back
to Falmouth, where, the passengers were
sent to Liverpool and such of them as
choose were sent to New York on the Ceil
rlc. Among the passengers was Joshua Lev
erlng of Baltimore, who waa the prohi
bition candidate for president with McKln
ley and Bryan and who la returning here
from a tour of the world accompanied by
hla wife and daughter. - '
Another arrival waa Dr. W. J. Arnold
of Cambridge university, who has come
Come to my office and I will make a
thorough and sclentino examination ot
your ailments. An examination that
will diet-loae your true physical condi
tion, without a knowledge ot which
you are groping in the dark. If you
have taken treatment without suc
cess, I will show you why It failed. We
want all ailing men to feel that they
can come tn our office freely for an
explanation of their condition without
being bound by any obligation to take
treatment unless tney so desire.
Every man. whether taking treatment
or contemplating same, should take
advantage of this opportunity to learn
his true condition, as 1 will advise him
how best to regain his health and
etrength. and preserve the Dowers of
manhood unto ripe old age.
TATEMKMTS or.-aahaalaraa like
BroBoaltloas to tho asaleted,
aril her do we aroaalso a rare (
their patroBagre, hat wo araaraatee a PEBFKCT, SAFE AID LASTING
(IBB Is ts ttllt'KEIT ruilllLB TIME, wlthaat learlac lajarloas
af (er-eaTeeta la the syatesa, aad at the lowest east aosalhlo for
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Blood Poison,
(Syphilis,) Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
and all diseases and weaknesses dus
mMCf'lTaTinU FrfFmc
1V.ULt-inilUi. I Hi.. OIlly
The strongest, most appealing, most
engaging snort story that has come
from the hand of this undisputed
master of fiction is his contribution,
"The Christmas Peace"
Mr. Page is undoubtedly one of the
foremost short story writers of the day,
and this delightful Christmas tale, in
which he has woven the, charm and
, pathos ot which he is master, will ap
peal to hundreds of thousands of
readers. This story, beautifully
illustrated with drawings by Blendon
Campbell, appears in the
over to deliver a lecture on fuberculosls
before the medical faculty of Henry Phlpp
college on January at Philadelphia.
The White Star steamer- Cedrlc .arrived
today from IJverpool and Queenatown. XJie
steamer encountered fresh to atrong west
erly winds, but no rough weather worthy
of note, she brought 2,277 aacks of mall and
sixty-eight packages of parcels post. 1
Aaaoaaceiacata of the Theaters. .
Katherlne Wlllard. In "The Power Behind
the Throne," wllr close her engagement at
ths Krug with performances this afternoon
and tonight. 1
Kathryn Osterman, assisted by an excep
tionally good company. In an elaborate pro
duction of the new comedy-drama, "Mlai
Petticoats," will be the offering at the
Krug, beginning with a matinee, Sunday.
Miaa Osterman is well known tn Omaha
and her vehicle, which will Introduce her
aa a star, I one that demands and wl',1
doubtless attract the attrptlon of a wide
circle pf theater goers. . The title, "Mist
Petticoats." Is not an ordinary one, and
the heroine lives up to air fxp&tatlons.
For the week commencing Sunday the
Orpheum preacnta a Its freadllner Valerie
Bergere and company in a new. p'ayette
entitled "Jlmmle's Experiment." Miss Ber
gere has wqA distinction as a loading
woman in the'legitlmate," one of her pro
nounced successes being "Madam Butter-,
fly" The other seven features are new and.
varied. Stanley 'and Wilson will appear In
a skit called "Before the Ball." ' Sensa
tional .acrobatic comedy will be tbe'tpe
clalty of the three Znlass. Serra add Bella
Rosa show cannon ball Juggling and other
remarkable feata of strength. Mr,' Ollvtr
T. Holden, tenor, and Mlas Winifred Flor
ence.' soprano, will preaent an operetta en
titled "The Fairy of Klllarney." A comedy
sketch will be the offering pf Duffy, Saw
telle and Duffy. The two Roars will fur
nish vocal and Instrumental music. . En
tirely new ktnodrome pictures wilt bo pro
jected by the klnodrome. , .
DAILEY William, in Chicago, aged 15
yeara. eon of Mra. J. Dalley aud brother
of John, Jamea and Stephen Dalley.
Funeral from residence of mother, 1610
Hurt atreet. Omaha, at a. m. Saturday,
December 26, to Holy Family church. In
terment in - Holy Be pule her cemetery.
Friends Invited.
A FEW Dili lo order to area re
to evil habits, excess, or the result of
hours. I a. m. to p. m. 8undays. 10 to 1
if you cannot call write for eyroptom blank.
IJOA Farnam St.,
Bat. Uthand Mfh Sta.
y4 "1 fjPf
r !
Uhe Best of
The Only Double
Track IVaillway
.to Chicago
i The Omaha
j Chicago Train
rr Excellence
I 1 Ao. 6 a nolid train vxti'
j up in Oraia daily Q.
TIME ( fi;50 fx. ., orrif
ing Cliictrjo 7:30 ne.r,t morn-
in'j. Library, Buffet 'Car,
lirbr, new Utamlmnl Sirup-
' rrs, VliirVaiiJoirs(hiwf.'
Clty OffiCCsV:
14011403 FARNAM ST,
TtU B24-S61
Charges Less Than all Others
0 v .
V V ,. JL -j
BlsslUsIssjilWIIOilssUslB a.U W"l-i J
( XX
Treats all form ol luaeanea ul .
M Kit UXL.
Twenty-eioht years' experience '
tighteen ears in Oman
The d'-tor's rcmarkkltiv auccsaa ta
hever been euuaU.'U. ins resources ana'
tadlltlea for treating this ciuas t diseajtca
ar unlimited and every day brines many
nattering report of the gubd he i doing,
or th relief h haa gien.
Ml Blood Pcimiu. No "BHEAKlNQ OUT"
ou the akin or lace and all external signs,
of the dteeuae uixappear at ouca A ps
manent cure fur life guaranteed.
VADI(VrFIF C'urra Kuarunteed in
1f t((cm' cured of Hydrocele,
lL'1" JU.UUU btrlcture, Gleet, Nervous
Debility, bos of Strength and Vitality
and all forma ot chronic Slssa.
Treatment by mail. Call or Witt. Bog
let. Office zli South 14th at. Omaha. M.b.
For Menstrual Suppreisitn
tzrzzr, PEN-TAN-GOT
gtatiilWm.g. SU la Oowa ty IWnuii h
aw mi .n Don ca. aUUMs aiM. Tim mutu
Writs for a Saaapto Caay.