THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: FRIDAY. DECEMDEK 23. 1003. t ! i 1 i i 1 SPECIAL NOTICES AdvertlseaBeats for these eolsmea will fce take antll 19 . to ta vealac edition mm antll SiOO g. Rales, 1 1-Ne a ward Int laaertlo. la a word thereafter. Natala taken for Iran thaa SMa far taa Brat lar. tlaa. The advertlsesaente snast ka raa roaseeatlvely. Advertiser, my resjaeetlaai a aam elreaeeel ta a btrct latter la eare ml Tha Baa. Aaevrere aa arMa will ka delivered a. ,r...t..l.. ml tk. rkrek aalr. MIMCF.LLANEOUS. 1904 MIDWINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE OPENS MONDAY, JANUARY 4. Day and Night. CALL. - WRITE OR TELEPHONB FOR Information Address, H. B. BOYLE 8, President New York Ufa bldg. Omasa, Neb. R M403 CppplAt For a limited Uma wa will 31 LVIAU nt you wan a guaranteed VAIH (JC e rKUTAC Loo 1TUH 1W. Don't mlM this chance. U. 8. OPTICIANS, 806 N. lflU ST. R-M218 PERFIELD'S Cut-price Piano Co., Bee Bldg., Room 7. Tel. 01. .Weber, btory at Clark, Ludwlg Schiller. it M EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. R 70 HIGH SPEED GOLD MOULDED X P RECORDS 25 c EACH. We are manufacturers and sell you direct from tne factory. Talking Machines of all kinds repaired. Columbia Phonograph Co. IO Farnam St. Wholesale and Retail. ' ' U 14 tXPHESSMKN'g Delivery Co., moving and storage, 214 N. 16th. Tel. llo. R 34 HERE Is a chance to get a pair of shoes wnlcli are unexcelled at any prtoe. Oni inod, 13.00 and Regent Shoe Co., A a. lath bu KiTu MONEY loaned on all valuables, ill N. 16th i r ; fhirnnnz-Jtr Oet relief; corns removed. VnirOpOUy iP. Roy, r M, iw6 Fnrnam. H-Mt TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. ' If you don't, we both lose. Good work; prompt attention. 214 N. Uth. Tel. 205. R-a.t COLE-MKAY COMPANY. UNDERTAK ERS. 1617 Capitol ave., tel. tbt. R-37 READ! (HAVE ROOT H EED1 1 PRINT IT. rr.FFni I a. i. root. inc. 414-14 8. 12th. 'Phone 1604. Strictly Homemade: rmtato v,uL I utcau Delioalessan. lkua IVrnam kir.i. I R 74 I v"" THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of goods sold by one man tne day before Christmas, lvu2, at our store. This means that you can gel anything you want of us In . fine pipes, Humidors and cigars u m iiuiiuujn, viur una wis year will eclipse anything of the kind In Omaha. Cpnie and see us. o. D. Klplinger s -'nt m farnam D u n 06 a GOLD crowns from $3; fillings from 26o: set oc teeth. U; teeth extracted free. Union, vww v.u.( aid Aougiaa. room 4. . R-171 ACCORDION pleaUng, cheapest, best. Quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, i7th and Douglas. K Miau P. MELCHIOR, macmnlst. 13th 4k Howard. b m THE GRAND PANTS CO., A thoroughly reliaiue tailoring eslaotuih ment carrying a tul line of pure woolens. Makes up any suit In the house for ai.ou; any pant patterns, 1X60. No more, no lens. 0a N. loth. K Main STRONGEST In the World." The Eaulta- ble Life Assurance society. Its policies are sight drafts at maturity. 11. u. Neely, manager, MeruhanW National on utug., uiuaua, iseo. HrU.ii POULTRY SUPPLIES Ullerr Howard. TeL 3X!7. Co., 1011 It 1 HOLr bmokei Washington, to. Beck- man , iwi e arnam. iv MMJ OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 8U N. loth St. H SiU KIQN painting. B. IL Cole, 1302 Douglas. K671 AprAmSt FOR SOMETHING In the baker in. ,-v. .. , . . . .'..uimnu iw ivncnu nousewora. l.u tinwara "w " MM N.l H.tx u R-M971 WE HAVE solve na of the most difficult problems In the retail tobacco buainess and that Is to suit all kind of tastes In - clears. We claim that our stock la the moat perfectly assorted both In oualitv and shades In the city. Another thing- , r tines 01 pipe and smoking tobacco clgaruttea. too w V. Stoecker. 1404 Douglas. jhl-1 JACKDAW WHISKEY rURS RYE. 12 YEARS OLD; BE8T VOH MKUICINAL PURPOSEa. CACKLE? AND CAPITOL AVE. n auu uai A. Martin, Tailor, removed to 1J04 Dougla. t ; R-eJt 1 BREAD, plea, cakes, for Xscas. rai4 Far- R M641 J3 tlEFLIN. locksmith, to f. loth. Tel. 2971 rrri tti ntlTlf i . tnvciuiuuw-cnm repaired by ma- """!' "T.?lur;..u"1" o'es, 40c, 6uc, sewed 75c; ladles. Kc; sewed. 60c; heels wo, . ruooer nsaia, 400, 308 N. liith Tel. 74. Shoes called forand delivered; ' work guaranteed. It 064 jj SEASON FOR HOLIDAYS WE offer 26 little BarrUttera, fancy nark. age and a WuKTHU CHli- OF THE OLD BLOC1C The Famous Barrister loo Claar for $100. Drop In at. 1404 Douglas or z-8 paxton block. W.' F. Stoecker Cigar Co. R Mi.4 ' "BPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS. Latest style. 6x1 oval photographs; regu lar price $5 do.; this wetik U for x, R-204 PROCTOR. 616 SO. 16TH ST. K 804 MEDLAR PRINTING CO.-224 8 16th 8t. R tH Jil BACK COPIES THIS WEEK'S ISSUES. ' containing ads ot "Nebraska Town Contest," Way be obtained at The Be buainess offlca 2G PER COPT. WANTED, some man to furnish farm teams. Implements and seed. 1 nsve ex- 1erlcnie and executive ability end am a mistier, J. W. Allbery. cor. Elliott and h aay. Council Bluffs. Ia. R 18 26 PHOTOS, latest mountings, finest work. 8ih'U.1 rat of $8 on cabinet pli-turee. 918 Konh S4ib at. K 49e J18 Special Sale of GRAPE WINE. MIKE KRACHER. 1319 WILLIAM ST. R-6M-27 ViW barber Chop at Merchant hotel. R-4J4 Jl MISCELLANEOUS. WINTER TERM OPENS MONDAY. JANUARY 4 Omaha Commercial College By learning particular at once you will be able to mike a wise choice of school to attend. Ben.l at one for frea adver- titling literature. Address Rohrbough Bros., - 17th and Douglas Streets. Omaha or Telephone 1289. . B Henry & Santa Claus Both Handle Stationery. HENRY SELLS IT Sarita Glaus Don't Santa Gives it Away. . See Henry About This TODAY 1615 FARNAM. R-M729 24 Don't Forget XMAS CANDIES XMAS PERFUMES XMAS CIGARS A Complete Line At H. J. MERCHANT'S DRUG STORE, COK. 16TH AND HOWARD. R M728 24 THE Interstate Exhibition. Sale and Stock judging bcnool will ue Held at (superior. J0., January Zl and tl, 1MJ4. V. a. l-e men- bury, manager. . ieison, Meb. ; R M347 2Sx II. O. SMITH, successor to McVea & Smith, Plumbing and heating, lis N. loth. Tel. imz. Prompt attention given all work. t MrJs POULTRY SUPPLIES Nebraska Fertilizer Company, Kearney, Neb. R M275 27x WAM'I'aiU xtALB HELP. WANTED Industrious person In each suae 10 travel tor house esiabllaheu eleven years and with a ige opiUkl, 10 call upon mercnania and aaents tor suc cessful ana prontabie line; eruianent eu gageraent; weekly casn saiiy 01 aU and ait traveling expenses ana note! bins ad vanced in casn eaun week; experience uot eesentiai; mention retereuce una etialuse self-audressea envelope. Ths National, M uearuom si., cnicago. B M743 20s MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon our laliure to convince you of this being tne bbUX, largest ana only reliable, most practical barber college in this section of me country; write for catalogue today. Western ilarbers Insti tute. Omaha. Neb. B Lu WANTED, two agenU at once: good gel- ary, ciiy wora. u. jr. Auams w, isi at. x toe THE -well know Moler System of Barber Colleses, located In reven largest cities of America, are making special induce ments for men to learn barber trade nt the Omaha Branch, 1303 Douglas at. The advantages offered are wortn investigat ing. Board and tools provided to distant applicants. Can earn expenses. Few weeks complete. Cull or write for par ticular. B M6H2 26x WANTED, for U. 8. iruv. aL.-nirild tin. married men, between ages of 21 and Ij. ci mens 01 cimiea stales, or good cuarac ter and tern Derate habits, who -an soeak. read and write English. For information apply to recruiting officer, 16th and Dodg ais., umana. ana iincom, nan, B-M154 WANTED Practical painter and paper hanger to locate In good Nebraska (own; must be sober; married man preferred; aieaay wra assurea. Jtaaress x 44, tiee. B M718 25 FOREMAN wanted In small woodworking piani, aqu real 1 to, care omana uee. B M742 27 WASTED-FEMALE HELP. 100 girls. Call Canadian office, Uth 1 t Dodge. J k4 WANTED Girl for general housework at no. mm uooge st o-Mjs WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresalnir. manicuring or facial massage. The ad vantages of our well known method are worth Investigating. More actual expe rience In one month than by aoura' tlce- shlp in years. Can earn expenaes iefore completing, (jail or writ Moler college. UUi IMUgiaS DC C M681 ZjX m 'or houework. In small S. 87th st. C M670 26 : street. C-736 26 FOR RENT PCRHISHED ROOMS. Room at the Dellone Large, light anu airy toouia, ili.oJ and up per iniwui; too euu uy ier aay; sieaiu heated, electno llgutea, private and gen eral batiis; seivloe. Htli and capitoi ave. . jt Mil ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16lh fc Chicago. lb J6. DEWEY European hotel, Uth and Faraaia. NICELY furnished room. Inquire Omaha ktteam Launory, lit) Lcavenwurio. 'pnone A-iias. xt j O. M. K. haul trunk. Telephone C1L E-S ELEGANT front roon; team heat 14 capitoi ave. E Mini NICE Tel. south A-iy.. room, modern. os S. SKh. E Mtoul STATB HOTEL European. UU Dougla at II III. I. $1.25 PER WEEK. Doran Houso, 422 S. Wt JS MUM ROOMS, furnace heat Sit N. 15th. tel. lKa AC Ml'w J FURNISHED room Lacota, 1101 Howard. - E Ui I NICELY furnished double parlors, single ur vuauii, a as vaiu, sieam neat, lei. Aih3 iougias. E M337 COZY front room, $2 per week. 1717 Web ster t E lie-Jib VIENNA European Hotel, 1011-15 Farnam at. Fine rooms; ladles' cafe; private dining rouius- vyn ait uini exa NICE furnUhed room. 824 N. 15tn. E M607 FOR RENT, large first floor front room. nicely furnished snd well heaidd; private family; easy walking distance; rent re. aonaoie. ma ti. 1MB at J& Jtelt ZBx NICELY furnished south room for rent In private lamily; modern conveniences. Apply 311 Jones Bt. 7ol 26 x, OSTEOPATHY. Jeliaaon Institute, 115 N. Y. Ufa. bldg. T. 164 The Hunt Infirmary, McCagu bldg. 4i8 Atgen A Far ell. Pax loo bilk. u4-1. T. 15. DR. GRACE DEEUAN, 831 N. Y. Ufa, Twa tuML sol Fayette Cole. Osteopath, Ut Paxton blkv 14 TICKET BROKERS. CUT-RATE railroad tlck.U everywhere. P. H. PLlibiUt UAt.raraatu. 'Paon n. The Nebraska Towns Contest 1. Oar First Martyred President? 2. A famous agitator who opposed Chinese immigration? 3. What nil priHonere want? 4. A house of the nobility active in the War of the Rotes? 5. The metropolis of the state? WIN ONE OF THE 200 PRIZES. Ir'OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE, barred "Plymouth Rock cock erels; good birds $1.60 down. Adam A. Weir, itoute fo. i, (Jiay (jenier, rito. 14 jiaiDi zox FOK SALE, seversl scholarships In a first- cluss standard s nool in umuu, compris ing complete course la business, soort httnd and typewriting. Inquire at Bee oince. J- SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: billiard tables repaired; a large sttck 01 cneap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick-Balks col lender Co., 407-1 B. 10th Bt U-4o4 (0 SQUARE PIANOS V EACH, bo CENTS PER WEEK. HrHMOI.LKR at MUELLER. Largest Piano Dealers In, the West, 1111 Farnam. w IRON Wire fence tree guard, trellises. Western Anchor Fence co., a . mnii. CATALOOUE cut drug prices free. Sher man atcconneil urug lo., umira. INDIAN goods and relics. 1111 Farnam. ID-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, Ul Famnm V 1WJ CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB- BINO. Long or timbers, nui jL-ougian. TWO fine depot wagons, 1 rockaways, 1 coupe, I trapa, 1 wagoneue, ' urn.jr. Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Har ney, w w TRADING stamps. Boston Market. US N. 18. We' CLOSING out hard eoal stoves at less than U price from S up. urniiure cuek. Chlcsgo Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 1029. Q-403 AM AUTHORIZED to sell at bargain diamond stud, ring ana pair earring; iw In pawn. Diamond Loan Office, X4Ul uoug. Ill , w FOR SALE BARRED AND BtTFK PLY MOUTH ROCKS from tne best biock in the U. S. All ages. Call or write F. R. Joslin, 2610 8. 41st St. Q-458 23x FOR SALE Empty ink barrels. Apply at Q 438 Bee pres.1 room. A DOUBLE comb fib Rejrlna music box In perfect condition for 145. Albert tanoim, 107 N. 16th st Q-r4J7 FOR sale, $xt oak bedroom set. In good 1608 South 25th avenue. Q-M450 condition, lor sjo. Telephone, B2618. FOR SALE Quick, carload of the best rresli family cows ever orougni mm Omaha. Enaulre 2866 Ames ave. Q-t0 FOR SALE Four No. 1 Brunswick bowling alleys. Address box sh, uavia -yi yen. CHRI8TMAS TREES, sweet elder, home grown celerv, rresn veiretaoies, oymers direct from Baltimore. We have the best line of figs, dates ana nuts in iimnna. Buffett & Son. Fourteenth and Harnoy sts. u MS.11 TWO good oak roll top desks for sale. Q 733 2 Room 840 Bee Mng. FOR RENT STORKS AND OFFICES, THE 3 CHOICEST; ' IN THE BUILDING ; I 1- (single or en suite.) I ' U. 8. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING"1 front on Farnam street, near Elevator, nicely decorated (new), high ceilings large, double doors between so that can be all thrown togetner as one immense unio or entirely shut off; chipped plate glas in dwin. One has lariro tile room, and one an Immense bay window handsomely pan elled In hardwood, natural finish. All have Immense windows to display name ana business. Service In perfect keeping with first class buildings. Only stone office building in omana. immediate pouseBjiuu or January 1. Single. $12.60. $17.6u and $24. Altogether, $40.00. See tnem at once. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK. I-M760 25 FOR RENT building suitable for whole- sk.s purposes a( vie r urnam. xw, mur stories and Urst-class cemented basement. elevator, nre ana uurgiar prooi vau i, oi nee counter and fix t urea For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec letary Be Building Co., room 10U, Bee building. I-atWJ FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good location, particularly aaapiea ior a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; power furnished if required. R. C. Peter & Co.. rental agents, ground floor. Bee building. I M794 1-STORY and hasfment,' 22x100: kl inuuire xi irsi Mil mm diok. 1-406 FOR RENT, three upper stories In four- story building ai io rurnim bu, iw stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water. Sec y., Room 100. Bee bldg. Building for Wholesale or . Warehouse Purposes. 1414 Harney Bu. 83x120 feet, four stories and basement, electric eievaior, steam uwt, $260.00 per month. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St I-Mfi-jS JS BUSINESS CHANCES. WHEN you wnt to buy, sell or exchange any property or business quits, ave 4. n. EXCHANGES of ll kinds. To buy or sell a ouslness 0 excuunge meicnanuise iw m land or city properly, can or i tie enoiea- juotrong Lv., iAi- . . 7aa FINE Business for Sale Annual sales $Jo,- 0U0: protus, u per oeni; capital re . quired, $6,000; It's a snap. Addreus Y 11, Be omce. i FOR SALE Millinery stock In northeast Nebraska. A bargain it (axen at once. Party going west Address, Yy45j2e'X POST KXCHANOB BUILDING AT FORT CKOOK mere w.u in , auction to the highest responsible bidder on the premises st (on umo. ntir inn m January 13. IjOI. the ,hi.nn bulldina. Terms cash, within three days of rale. Building must be re moved from the reservation and all de bris cleared up by the purchaser within m. month. Further information can be obtained at Quartermaster's Office, Fort Crook. Charles V. Caatle, Capt 4t Q. M loth Infantry. SACK COPIES Of THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing ad of "Nebraska Town Contest" Mar be obtained at The Be business offlT. JO PER OOTY FCR EXCHANGE. ALL OR PART of valuable U. 0. patent to exchange for mining stocks. A Miner, 811 N. leih, . Z 162 WILL trad beautiful piano for horse. Bchmoller A Mueller, 1313 Faruam Bt. Z 6S FATBITS. H. J COWGILL No fee unless successful, $18 B. 15lh st.. Omaha, lei. 17W. fci PATENT8-8um A Co., Omaha, Neh. II- lustra ted patent book fr. TyL 128. M 4.0 DZ8X FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. F. D. WEAD Four 8-room, all modern houses and barn; No. 1 repair; rents at H,3"U per yeir; owner moved to California and gone Into bUHlnens; needs the money; think he will accept I11.0U0. 1&!4 Douglas. RE-M738 27 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLK. FOR QUICK SALE Nine-roon residence, large eat front lot, on grade, walking distance, .1,600; reason able terms. Large lot, on grade, facing two streets. walking distance, 1430. RE M34 BIG SNAP. 1360 for 3304 Hamilton, 4 rooms, city water, gas and fixtures, brick wslks, nice repair; don't delay. D. V. SHOLES CO. T22 N. Y. Ufa, Tel. 49. RK-M1KJ F. D.WEAD Southeast cor. 20th and Douglas, with ground to build three modern flats that would rent at 140 each; property now ' rents $50 per month. 1524 Douglax. RE M741 XI JUST LISTED. We have just gotten for quick sale a mod ern cottage of 0 rooms, with porcelain bath, toilet, gas and electric light, new hard wood floors, nicely papered and painted, lot 60x116 ft., located at 3106 Marcy st.good neighborhood, near car, price PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 601-1 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Sole Agents. RE 0S7 24 F. D. WEAD t-r. new modern cottage, full lot. In Bemls park; must sell before Jan. 1, $2,075. . 1624 Douglas. RE 696 24 FARM FOR RENT. ONE of the finest farms In Douglas county, 830 acres; 160 acres cultivated land, bal ance In hay and pasture good Improve ments; will lease lor three or five years to tirst-class man; rent $800. N. P. DO DOE & CO., 1614 FARNAM ST. RE M716 26 REAL ESTATE bargains. Full lot and three houses In E. V. Smith's addition, only, $2,260. Thomas Brsnnan, 309 80. 13th street. HE M 606 a- Williamson Co., RE 649 F. D.WEAD Six-room house and barn, with ten lots, on N. 16th; paved .street and paid; If you wish small body land where you can work In city at same time, see me at once; price, $1,500; $300 cash, balance monthly. 1624 Douglas. ' RE M740 27 FOR SALE, twelve acre fruit farm at . Braldentown, Florldx.; water front, young orange and banana grove, and good house. Address Lock Box 60, OUtner. Neb. RE '98 RANCH and farmlands for sale by the Union Paciflo . Railroad company. B. A. McAUaster, land. ' commissioner. Union Pacltlo headquarters, Omaha. Neb. ... 1. ' 1 . v RE 410 EEE Spencer's bargains, 62C N. Y. life. 2Jli W. dl INVESTIGATE Lots 1, 2. U and t2, block 14, $1,450 each, west end, between natn et. ana atn Ave, on Dodge. hree lots fronting north on California St., between 32d and 33d Sts., $600 each, Uftx30) feet, extending to Cass St. 1838-40-42 North 22d St., three cottages, $3,200. $S,otio 8-room brk'k house, between 15th and 16tlt Sts., on iavenport Bt. N. P. DODGE A CO.. Tel. 2. t 1614 farnam St. RE 721 25 TRADING STAMPS Are No Better Than These Bargain. 1506 Ohio St., 6 rooms, water, only $1,350. Or 2112 urant Bt., rooms, modern. Darn, $1.65". Or 4t)13 .N. 25th St.,' water, barn, big lot, $1,275. Or 2Ku4 Decatur St., 6 rooms, good location. ' V7. T. GRAHAM, Bee Building. RE 72029 F. D. WEAD This would be a merry Xms If you would wind up the year and buy 1922 8. Shtn ave.; 7-room house and barn; has coat the owner over $3,000; has left Omaha; say offer my home $1,750. 1524 Douglas. RE M7S9 27 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If vou want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmer and stock raisers about It Til best way to reacn tnem is tnrougn THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes ta 46,008 homes of farmer and stock raisers, o If you bavs a good pleca of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 8 cents per word in small type or $2.60 per Inch if set In large type. THHTWKNTIETH CENTURY FARMER, OMAHA, NEB. RK-X9 BEST bargains In farms and ranches. Write Willis i.aaweu, tsronen now, reo.. for list arid Illustrated pamphlet. it E M731 J23 F. D. WEAD Five-room cottage home, with barn, within walking distance; 13 blocks west of post office; this is a snap, as owner needs money; $1,675. 1&24 Douglas. RE M737 27 1,000-acre well equipped ranch, with never falling running water entire length from springs; good houses snd fine barns, stock yards and scales; 116 acres alfalfa; on Beaver; price, $11,000; owned by woman who might take home In Omaha or Lin coln la part payment and give time on part F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas at RE M738 17 IMPROVED FARM For sale at a bargain, a fin Nebraska farm of lbO acres; well Improved; some good timhnr: runnlni water: 40 miles from Omulia and within one mile of a large county seat town; or will trade lor tin proved property in Omaha, or acreage near the city. JOHN W, ROBB1NS, Sole Agent, 1803 FARNAM STREET. RE M758 27 FIVE ACRES For sale at low price ef 31 9-jO OU Located on North Twenty-fourth atreet near Fort A very desirable loca tion to Improve. Ueorg at t o., jo'i r ar nam street. RE M16I Jl HALF SECTION Extra good land In Gage county, near town or uoerty. neat sou. improvements, timber, water, blue grass. -About tuo per acre. Would take half cash. A. C. Dunlap, Liberty Neb. RE M27S S5l nwvs-R CRIPPLED, can't work, must sell heavily mortgaged 818-acre Improved farm near Ulna stlioui, wituia miiee i it, Box 4, York, NeU. l iil FOR SALE RKAI. ESTATES. FOR SALE Real estate. See our display ad., this page. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. U. S. NATL BANK BLDG. RK M74T 25 rOH MtLXTWUGLSKS. Um ICCC In all parts of the city. The - -' o. V. Davis 1 Co., 601 Bee Bldg. nJJOCO c. Peters Co., Bee Bldg. t wi K1 Co., office fellfe Farnam, or Tela. 1659-.ii. u ut PATNE-EnsTWIfK a i"fi.. .rnrree fcou. 6V1-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1011 1 420 SEVERAL good houses. 110 to $13. Chris Boyer. 22d and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. D MHO WE MOVE nlanrm. Maard Van & Stor. age Co., TeL 14S1 Office. 1711 Webstar st. HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. FOR RENT, (-room house, 2668 Woolworth ove ; porcelain bath, gas, hot and cold water; newly painted and papered throughout 10. j. H. Sherwood. New York Lite Bldg. D M6 2818 S. 19th St., 8-room house.. $20.00. 19:56 8. 18th St., 6-room house; well $10.00. 8215 Burt St., 8-roora cottage $6.60. lit N. 17th St., 6 rooms upotalrs $12.0. M'CAOUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1608 Dodge at. D 694 2716 BRISTOL 7-room house; bath, gas, city water, xai.oo. McCague Investment 1:0, VH Dodge st D-M 478 7-ROOM all modern house, hot and cold water. 201 0 Poppleton ave. l-4t 8-ROOM modern flat. 1112 S. Uth. D 413 FIVE rooms for rent 231 N. 15th at. D Man 26x lrnw nrvT 1 ,. v, . .,, .lM -t its Wrtf'a?e!,,,tSt-fcVAt RT. L MBlll & TO pfNT fvi.,,rt s-rnnm TO' 5?NT.7TN.ewA I lr",."hea-VrSn! house. West Farnam district, for few months, to first-class party without chll' -dren. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Far nam St. D 677 FOR RENT Modern elx-room house on West Farnam car line. The O. F. Davis . Co., 608 Bee Bldg. D 704 28 . ' . . I . iNUiw s-room modern nouse, e dio-ks irom deoot Inauire 1409 Park ivild ave. D 693 tlx FOR RENT. $6.00, 708 S. 17th avenue, 2 room. $20.00, 2604 Burdette st, 8 rooms. $12 00, 4313 Jackson St., 8 rooms. $25.00, 1B09 8. lfith St., rooms. $10.00 3S37 Decatur St., 7 rooms. $30 00. 205 N. 2Jd St., 9 rooms. $14.00, 401 N. 30th St., t rooms. $20 00. 819 N. 43d st., 8 or 9 rooms. $26.00, 1636 8. 7th st, 6 rooms. N. P. Dodire A Co.. 1614 Farnam st. D-M717 25 ) FOR RENT. No. 2112 Locust st., 8-room modern house, very attractive place, in convenient loca tion. Rent $26.00 per month. One of the best and most attractive 7- i oora houses in Hsnscom Park district. all . modern; will lease for one year , or lonaer. IjO per month. No. 138 N. 38thave.. verv attractive and denlrahle residence of 11 rooms, modern throughout. 160 per month. No. 8504 S. 20th st, 8-rnom modern house two blocks routh of 2Hh and Vinton sts., car line. 825 per month. No. 1611 Howard St.. 2 flnts, "nit!ns: of iz rooms, in best or renatr. xro Tier montn. in w. comer tn ana jackson sts., t- room modern house; convenient loca tlon; 1:10.00 per month. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 FARNAM ST. D M672 JS 1 nuuM-wtw nouse, strictly modern, on car line, Sherman avenue and Ohio streets. Enquire Jo. Honska'n mst mar- net. D M752 85 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. LOANS It will pay you to deal with an old and reliable firm and establish a credit where you can secure money when you need it, CHATTEL LOANS on Furniture, Pianos, Horses. Warehouse Kerelpts, etc., the property Uiaining In your possession. always re- SALARY LOANS on your own agreement to repay, if you iiutu a salaried position, AN INTERVIEW will convince you that the condition of our contracta are the most i.oeial In all respects of any obtainable in the city, and our service is quick and without any pub licity. When you tlnd it necessary to- bor row , GIVE US A TRIAL and we wlil by fair treatment attempt to retain your patronage. OHAHA MOK ioAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 22116. tEalabllshed 18921 808 bo. ltith Sl X-M716 MONEY MOisn.1 t'oit 'IliK 11ULIUAYS. Yoblt CREDIT if Uikju il.iUa, MONEY 't'U 1.UAN ON lOUh A-IAIN NOTE, WITHOUT fcECUKlTY, W11HOUT PUBLICITY. W also loan money on FURNITURE, PIANOS. UORoEB, etc., without removal of gooua LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS. DON'T pay a high rate of Interest for money, but call ana get our rate before Kolnif elsuwheie. Our plan 1 the CHEAPEST, BEST and atool rnivAiu iu tne city. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Rouuia Jui-ju I'aalou Block. X-M-454 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANud. LIV? STOCK. Low rale and easy terms. Business conlldentlal. Try us it you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 131 Paxton, Block, lsiu and Farnam sis. A. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others with aecuiliy; easy payiiienle; c,avi uuamvM ii, principal cities. toniiau, ruottt w cuRiuucr 01 commer Bldg. X 11 MONEY loaned on plain not to salaried eopie: -msiness connaential; lowest ratea 14 Paxton block. Th J. A. Huttou Co. A 429 MONEY loaned o piano, furniture, lew- elry, horses, cows, etc. c. r . iteed, 19 B. 13, X 430 CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loan. Foley lxian Co.. K. s. riamer mocn. x 431 DANCINU ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' Nw Academy. 1424 Farnam. Adult beginners, Mondays and Saturdays, 8 p. m.; assemblies, Wednesdays. M p. m. ; children beginner. Wedneedsys, 4 p. ni.. Saturday. 3 p. m : advancea. Satur days only, 4 p. ta. 'Phone, F-1871; res.. A-187L -r' MOHAND'8, 15th and Harney; adult begin- nera, -i ues. ar r n.. r p. m.; ciuiur, assemblies. Wed. Tli kets for leeaon sold at a reduced prtoe this month, good until used: private lessons aaiiy. let. tou. -604 J7 WANTED SITU ATIOKT, BOOK KEEPKR Good reference, wants po- aiuou. Aaoias x u, ue. . a ivi PERSONAL. ANT poof girl In need of a friend can can on or writs to tne matron or in cv- vatlon Army Home for Women, !tx N. I4th st., Omaha. Neb. U M526 Maylx CHRISTMAS toys In Immense variety at ercnara Wilhelma, 1414-141 I'ougms t IT-M276 2n Stammering Cured. J. Vaughn. Ramg bM. CAL1TZO Meet me at Huteeon's, export Optician, til 8. lth st: going to get a pair of bis "Patent Blip Not" era giarsea lis tests free. U-J Jl ROBINSON'S. 8hlnlng Par lore, 1320 Doug- tea lb u moo MAnNPTIP treatment ft bathe. Mm. lUtttjnD 1 IV- Smith, 118 N. 16. Hr. r. J U U44 F8X ELITE parlors. Cl( 8. 16th, Id floor. u aaroi MONEY loanca on valuables. 1316 Douglas. SMOKE the best Binderup Cigars. SPECIAL FOR THE Holidays We offer a Frencn briar pipe, with 2-lnca mwir moumpiece, tor i.uu. nioecser Cigar Co., 1404 Douglas, and at 221 8. lute. Pax ton Block Cigar Store. U Mia SHOP MADE SHOES Lang's, 71S 8. ltith BARTON Printing Cw.. 12-16 Barker blk. u aatuv ,111 BrosdAeld Printing Co. We print almost everything. 1M Jackson St.; "phone SSai u u J 14 Strong ex Varley, stamping dies. 1201 Dodga u atjss J i SMOKE Capt Freer' Qreenlander. 410 S. 13 tn. u 41 J 14 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 73) S. :sth st U-MMI JIB TEL. 326, that's the Gate City Steam Dye ing and Cleaning Works. 618 Bo. ltjtn et. U 1U41I DR. GSANTNER. dentist, 309 Ramge blk. LI 4i0 JliX THE REGENT Ladies' toilet nnrlors and bathery, needle spray, electrical ana in ternal; manicuring and lialr dressing. 2ui Ramge bldg. Tel. 2078. Ladles only. DECORATED ch'ns for sale. 1208 N. 26th. U-602 tfx WE RENT sewing mactnnes at 75c per week, 82 per month; we repair ana sen pari ror every mactune manuiaciureu. second hand machines from $1 to $10. Nen. Cycle Co.. 16th and Harney. u "VIAVI" way to health. 846 Bee building, omana. . 444 PRIVATE SanlUrlum for ladles before and during contlnement. Dr. and Mrs. Gotlach. I Calitcrma ,u Term, reasonable. U 148 PRIE8 treats successfully all diseases end irregularities of women from any cuuse; exterienced and- reliable. UiU Dodge st., Arlington block. Omaha. L 449 GOLD ELECTRO PLAriNO. biLVtK OMAiiA PLATING CO. MU'IL'I HHiiuuvli,U 1U u nAnniki liiVIt,L, 'i .io,f iioi a m. U 13S-D-24 PRIVATE hospital Curing confinement; babies adopleu. iura. uaiuwa, ii. itea-ifcM. PRIVATE home during confinement; bubles adopted. Tne uooa Bamaman bsiulu ium. J2S 1st avs.. Council BluIIa, la. u a WATER'S PRINTING CO4 1212 Douglas t U MUUK It PRIVATE hospital before and during eon linement. Air. 1 jiwner. am bu. uiu. Tel. 181. U-44? MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At drggiaU, $1. j m WHAT'S nicer than accordion pleating T We do limning but the nueat. uoionun PiegUug Co., ioO Dougla blooa. ANTI-MONflPOt.Y GARBAGE CO.. clean cesspools and vaults, remove garouga and dead animal at reduced price, a N. 16th. Tel. 1778. 1; aoi MINNIE TEMPLE Furnished room, 606 N 16th, 3d floor. ' u mi OMAHA DYE WORKS. 1516 HOWARD, fashionable cleaners; dresses, suits, cloaks, draperits, rugs, lace curtains; we dye carpets. U M727 J23 J. E. WALLACE, TAXIDERMIST, 606 8 13th. U M407 AM WIDOWER with two children, 11 and Jo years of age; have nice home on farm near Omaha; desire to communicate with respectable woman, not over 38, who would marry; reference required. Aa dress X 88, Bee. U 701 2tix W ANTED To meet stylish ;oung lady not over 26. am s'.'unger in city ana lone some. Address X 93, Bee. U 708 24x When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or I two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw ins aa in ins w CLAIRVOYANT. BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th at, 8 U! PROF. HARRY, clairvoyant and palmist; no clileience wnat trouuie ou luay nave consult hiin, he can and will help you; readings, H- Room 6, Krug theater. fcV-177 21 OYLMKR, palmist Y16 N. 23d; 'phone B- 8246. m 4W MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN UAl'I wuaftn ui clairvoyants; every thing told, past present and future. Sat. tsfucUon or no pay. &07 N. lMh. 81:4 MADAM MOYNIHAN, graduate School. of Occult Science. New York. Expert palm ist, clairvoyant, pnyalognomiat; trace aud describes thieves or friends; locate mineral. I will guarantee my readings and the charges will be nothing If 1 can not see your friend a they art or de scribe youi home. I have read for toe late Pretitdent McKlniey, Airs. Potter Palmer, Mme. Patti and- many other prominent people. Will accept engage ment to read and entertain In homes. 1615 DOUGLAS ST. S-M108 When You Write to Advertisers remember it orly take an extra stroke or 10 of the pen to mention the fact that you saw th ad In The Bee. WANTED SALESMEN. WANTED Competent, energetic, experi enced salesmen to sell a new artlci In Omaha, buuth Omaha, Council Blurt and vicinity. Jobber, manufacturer and wholesale trade only to be called on. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co.. 407 and 40 8. loth st. city. M 4.1 10 ONE of the largest and best established wholesale manufacturing shoe nouses In Bt. Louis wants salesmen who have es tablished trade and tiiat are now selling not less than $40,000 per year. One for south Minnesota, one for South Dakota, one for northwest Iowa, one for north Nebraska, one for south Michigan and north IndUna and on for west Ohio. To representative men an attractive con tract will be made. Address at once Y 40. Bee. 675 24 MUSICAL, THOS. S. KELLY, vole. Davldg block. I LETOVaKY'S ORCHESTRA. TL L-2684, BKCHTOLD'S union orchestra. t 211 S. Uth M8U0 Jl nMlHi Piano And Mualcal Instrument Re pair shop. Tel. Jiii Pianos bought snd sold. 116 N. 15th. 64 FLORISTS. Iltsfl A 8WOHOOA. 1416 Farnam. U HENDERSON, floruit, 1519 Farnam 8t DRESSMAKINU. IN lamllle. Mis Sturdy, 801 . B4 sa-v i.i MONEY TO LOAN-REAL BSTATSC FAttM and city loans, low rate. W. 11 S i nomas, oral i ai i utui oiog. i ei. i'4 W C2 . ' PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 N. Y. Lira 43 4 TO I P. C. money, Bemla, raxton block. tv J4 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wsad. 15J0 Douglu W 4JS WANTED City loan and warrant. W, Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam Ft W 434 FIVE per cent loan. Qarvln Brs., 1604 W 437 rarnam. WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peter & Co., Bee Bldg. - W 4,8 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. w ail . 8 farm loans. R. C Patterson, 1224 Fur- W M4S1 nam. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Furnished Rooms, steam heat, with or with- , out boara. Midland hotel. 16th Chicago. F-747 ' THE ROSE. 1020 Harney; warm looms, F Miit,4 good board. UPTOPIA. steam heat, 1721 Davenport .j ROOMS with board: modern, stenm hent. also table board. Tk Dreaher, a. 3 g. Uth. if M M J10 SUITE rooms, 1st floor, single rooms; hot and cold water. Merrlam, Xita and Dodge. F MUSI ROC KA WAY, 1116 Dougla Meals. 15c. , . F-M200 THE.U. S. RESTAURANT, lilo Dolge. sgaln under the managemnnl ot Wuu BAUERMEISTER. Open all night F-629 1 FOR RENT Large well-furnlshed front room, all modern, with board: also gow table bosrd by day or week. The Drejlier, ' 01 80. 16'. h F-442 WA.NTBD TO Bt' Y, SECOND-HAND book. Crane. 207 N. 14th. N-60T J8 DON'T give your furniture and carpets sway. j. l-evine pays tne nigneet oan price. Telephone "7L - N M464 TOBACCO tags, coupons, bought. StVi a, n-m;7 ji utn. . Books bought sold. Antique Book Con.' cern, 13 Karbach blk. Tel 3:44. N-468 LAW A.n COLLECTIONS. BTILLMAN & PRICK. 410 11 Nat bl' bldg, NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor M. Y Lira bldg., attorney and collector ery. where. - lu Artkrur L. Warrick, 401 Ware blk. Tel.. it.4. 111 W. F. WAPPICH. AVDICS free. Cislghtoa Blk. . MUl ACENTS WANTED. .1 WANTED, 2 solocltors; salary r cm. W WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $H to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Rur-au, Bee building, Oinsha. J 211 MEDICAL. Piles Cured WITHOUT PAIN By W. C. Maxwell. M. D. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical Col lege of New York City. 624-6 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. Private Reception Room for Ladlea . SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANTS choot T17 N. V, Life. 467 ' NEB. Business ft Shorthand College. Bvd's theater. 't DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK, 817 Karbach block. Tel. A-2S32. -l06 THE BEBOUT DETFCTIVT? AGENCY 708 N Y. LIFE. TELEPHONE 8540. 7tg FOR SAiJC HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. HEW snd 2d-hand rehlc'.e for sle; re pair. H. Frot, 14th and Leaveiiworth. HOUSES For rant. See our dlaplay ad this) page. CHAS. E, WILLIAMSON CO. U. a NATL BANK BLDG. F-M748 2 LOST. LOST Delta Gamma fraternity j-Jn; sap . phi re and diamond setting; reward. 825 Pine St.. opposlto Brownell hall. LOST-M745 2fix FOR RENT FARMS. lt!0 acre rich bottom, adapted to Corn and grain. J. H. Piper, Oil ite uii::iimg. Omaha, Neb. U-M726 FARMS For salo. See our display ad., this page. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. U. a NATL BANK .BLDG. M749 25 COSTUMES. Theatrical and raasq. Lleben, 1011 F am urn. COSTUMES for rent Back. S318 S th "t. in,' . j.iz ITOKAOk, OM. Van Btor. Co., 151H Farn. Tcl..1569-sU, iii FURNITURE rACUINO. Peterson Lundberg, Hi S. 17th. Tel. L-2358, 1 1 . FUR DRESSIN4S. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, 606 & 13th. - 407 1003 -19.04 To oar old-time customers! man thanks. To our customers to be. thanks In advaoca. TO BOTH A Most Merry Christmas Chas. E Williamson Co., U. S. Nat'lBank Bldj.. Omaha. Neb. LEUAL NOTICE. NOTICE. Nolle I hereby given that th annual meeting of the atot knolders of ths Omaha (las company will be held at the offire of the company. Merchants National Bank building, at 10 a. ia. Monday, January 4, luu4, lor the election of director for the : emtulng year and for the transaction of other buaiuess aa uiy . cuius iiefot the meeting. FRANK MURPHY, President, " GEORGE W. ('LAB Al'OH, Secretary, Omaha, December U. 14. s ll Us ii Jf