THE 'OMAHA DAILY BEE:- WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16. 100.T. 10 i I 41 s I Li SPECIAL NOTICES Advertleeaaeata far these relasana will be taken aatll IX a, for taa "realaar edHlea and aatll SiOO . for caeralae; r adltlaa. Hates, 1 1-Z m nu flrat faaertl.ta. la a ward thereafter. Ratklac takaa for leas tkaa ) fo tUa Bret fnaer flea. Tbese adTertlaaamaata aaaat fca raa (TCa(lrl; Advertleere, mr raejaaatlagf m mnm hered rhpk, aaa bar aaawara ad. mi Tha Bee. Aaawara aa aaaresaea will ba delivered aa pmtaUlloa mt tba check, aalf. misckla-aneois. . . 1904 . MIDWINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLECE OPENS MONDAY, JANUARY 4 CALL. WRITE OR TELEPHONE FOR Information. Address, H. B. BOYLES.. President. New Tork LI fa bldg. Omaha, Neb. R M403 cpprUI For a limited time we will vl A-VlrAL. ?u you with a guaranteed PAIR JD' SHiCiACLbB FOH W.W. Don l mlsa turn chance. U. fcl. OPTICIANS, 308 N. 18TH ST. R M218 PER FIELD'S Cut-Price PUno Co , . Bee Bldg., Room 7. i Tel. 701. .Weinr, biory St Clark, Ludwig Bcliulor. EAOLE Lean oOlcs. Reliable, accommodat ing; ull bualneos confidential. luOlDouKlaa R-W HIGH SPEED GOLD MOULDED X P RECORDS 25c EACH. Ws ara manufacturers und sell you direct fi-om the factory. Talking Machines of at' kinds repaired. Columbia Phonograph Co. Id fcai'u&u ov., tiuvmuiv wkiiu (eUtil. tXPREBSMAN'S DeUvery Co., moving and storage. 1U U. Iblh. 'ial. !!. R-a BTATlIARx" direct from factory; special low price until Xmaa. Uonneila Bros., Mia t arnaav MutiS Dl HERE is a chance to get a pair of shoes which srs unexcelled ut snv urlo. uni. mod, $3.50 and U.ou. Regent Buoe Co., ajo MONEY leaned on all valuables. 418 N. liitli U-tU nhirnrWIV 9et .fsf; corna removed. 1 ur uoy, r i-i, 1Mb Farsain. TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. U you uon l, wo both loae. Uood work; ftw.l' IIWUUU. 11 . xy til. ASl. XUQ. H ilia COLE-M'KAY COMPANY. UNDERTAK ERS, 1517 Capitol ave., tel. tH. H3U READ!' HAVE ROOT rl E E Dl " PKiNT IT. SUCCEED 1 I L 1 "OOT. Inc.. iJUUVl-tUI I -l 8.1UU1, 'Phono 1904 ' ... li Mt RrpJirl Sflotiy Homemade; LHCau Deilcateasan, laue Fi potato yeast. arnam btrset. R 74 ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of goods sold by on roan tha day befora Christmas, lnu2, at our store. This means that you can get anything you want of us In fine pipes, Humidors and cigars tor tha holidays. Our line this year will eclipse anything of the kind in Omaha. Come and see us. o. I), Klulluaers I Cigar Store, ma Farnam st, K-tof 2i GOLD crowns from $3; fillings from 25c: set o teeth M; tenth, .extracted free. Union Jjentul Co.. 164S Douglaa, room 4 . K 37$ ACCORDION pleatln chuapest, best. Mark, ifth anj R M3S0 guicKxiit. Mrs. A. Douglus. t. MELCUOIR. machinist, 13th tc Howard , R 381 ' THE GRAND PANTS CO., a thoioughly lailab.e tailoring esiaoi.Hh. meut carrlng a full line of pra wooiena. Makes up any suit In the house for 817 uO any pant patterns. U.50. No more, no less! N. 'jth. R M610 U VEA A SMITH 1Pl!lun!.b.ln; "d Heating, Tel. tim. Prompt atuoi i i i i irompt ttttu. s.." . nepuiring a sue- calty. , U M8 D17 "STRomiicbi in the World,", the Equita ble Ufe Assurance aoolety. Its policies are sight drafts at maturity, ll i, iLy,..,m',n?'crV M'r"ts National vcxsiM wu.a vuwua, - 1BU, t M6-3 POULTRY BUPPLIES-Ullery Co 1811 Howard. TeL 8327. ifcliia HOLT 8MOKB! Washington. 60.' Beck, nuyf. 1W7 Farnam. H-SuSi LMAHA Hay Bala Tia Co.. 811 N. lth at, Rr-3 n. vcyic,iCA CO., tailors, have inoved to 3il b. 14th St.. In tha New Krug Theater Bldg. Would be pirated to hivi tunurani can, and also new vur an arrivals or mid-win. r auiunaa. inn-ciaB tailoring at me dium prices. Don t forget th number - - n amws Jl SIGN painting. S. II. Cole, 13U8 Douglaa . K-678 ....... v. i ii.iiiir wora and repairing , . iu, j. x, ictuitrea via uiii vase bis. . H t0 DEL PR A DO WINE CO. '8 Finest California Wines and Brandies. Purest and best for medicinal purposes. CACKLE X BROS.. Buls Distributers, faUxtseath aud Capitol Av. lt-l Dae 31 FOR SOMETHING in the bakery Una fresh mm ini, stop at uraunoii a, l .N tn st. R MSI73 NEW barber shop at Merchants hotel. K o4 Jl WE HAVE solved on of the most difficult problems In tha retail tobacco business aud that is to suit all kinds of Pastes in cigars vve ciaun mat our stock is tli 'null perfectly assorted both in auulit and shades iu tha city. Another thing imi can 1 powioiy oeat our line of plpoi end smoking tobacco cigarettes, too. V . Ktoe-ker, 1404 Douglas. R Kg Martin, Tailor, removed to 1304 DauUa 4-4 1 BREAD, plea, cakes, for Xmas. Ti Fr nam. J' Moll it iiEKLlN. locksmith, 809 N. 16th. Tel YAK. R Mtus DON'T MISS A GOOD THING Uet your meala a ad business luncheon r.t the KARBACll Ki-Sl ALKAN'l. . a. UT11. lu price, service and rook'ng our meala are Uiitictlled. Board by week to i ll:KC'.a, a. JOtSi.1'11 SIRAt'B. CHEF AND PROP. H 4 VJi SEASON FOR HOLIDAYS WE offer 28 little Bar-rimers, fancy pack' se and WORTHY CHIP OK THE OLD bixx K. The Famous Barrister luc Clar i r lluo. Drop in at 14o4 Douglas ur 2.8 Paxton Uutk. W. F. btoevsrr C'l.jr Co. K-M124 HHOETORIUM Uhoea repaired by ma chinery; brat atuck usoo; soles. 40c, duo, in-wed 75c; ladles, 86c; aewad. &oc; bcei ?c, 2c; rublMM- heels, 4oc 3U9 N. lSiu Tel. 2x4. btitms called fur and delivered; work guarantaed. R-sfei JT MiuDLAK i'RlNT'.:v CO.-224 S 14th St tt-4 ja MICELLANEOt S. LITERARY SOCIETY MmIi avert Hatnrdnv nirht at I P rrt. Proo-roma consisting of debarra. recitations. rmavi. oration, o unrips, music, etc., are riven. F.x-etudenU and the public invited Omaha Commercial College (Hohrbough Bras., Propa.) (Tel. 1289.; nth and Dougiss 8ta. SPECIAL FOR CHRI8TMA8. Intent atyle. 6x9 ovsr pnntosraphs; regu lar price Id per dns. : thla week 14 for W. Positively guaranteed. PROCTOR, 616 SO. 16TH ST. K M wantew-malb help. MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad far upon our failure, to convince you of this being the ttb.tH largeat anu only reliable, moat practical barber college in tola section of. tne country; writs for catalogue today. Western tlarbera' Insti tute, umaha. Neb. B 4il WAN1ED, for U. 8. army, able-bodied, un married men, between ages of m and 3 clllsens of United States, of good charac ter and temporal habits, who can speak, read and writs Eneilsh. For information apply to recruiting otlicer. luth and Dodge sis., umana, ana uacoui, eieu. B M154 im at once: cood Sal ary: cltv work. C. F. Adams Co., 16i Howsrd St. H 464 WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Tou rn n ,jrn nmirlv nil flMreilria before COin- uletlng. if you cannot call and In- veaita..! our method, send for cftir free catalogue explaining how we teach it J quickly, ma! sd tree, rtoler Baroer t.'oi. lege, 1302 Douglas street. B Milt 1X WANTED, reliable man to take charge of a ranch near Mswara, reo. Aaarm X U U B M123 16x WANTED, practical mason with $1,000 to invent in Duiiumg anu uumi ai-img ui neKS. Address X 02, Bee. II Ml.'S 17x WANTED FEMALE HELP. 100 girls. Call Canadian office, lMh ic Dodge. WANTED Girl for general housework at IS 3. 2701 Dodgs St. V WANTED Olrl for general housework. luuO Georgia ave. C-4H7 WANTED A good girl for general house work; three In the family; good whrcs. 30JJ Chicago st. C MliO WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresrlng. mnntumina or electric facial treatment. Host paying work a lady can do. Gradu ates earn m to sal weemy. some wages from start, four weeks completes. Call and investigate or writr, for catalogue. Moler College, liK Douglas street. C-M213 18 QIRL for general housework. 410 N. 23d. C-M3Si 16x GIRL wanted; Bcs office. good writer. Address Y 18, WANTED Olrl for general housework. Mrs. II. C. Brome, 1305 S. Slst st. C M41S 18 GIRL WANTED Experienced girl, must be rood cook for senenal house work An family of two. No washing. Good wages. Apply at 'once 1923 Locust st. C M425 lfix rOR RENT FVRK1SHED ROOMS. Room at the Dellone Large, i.gtu anu airy toum. li. and up Jier montn; Vpo and up per- uay; steam .eaten, eleotno lignteu, private and gen eral bt'.tha; tlrst-o.ass ss.vioe. Htn and Capitot ave. K Mil ROYAL HOTEL, European, luth Chicago. JU 3M FRONT room for two. modern, 218 N. 17th. El Mint DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, 1750 Leavenworth. 'Phone A-1783. E KH M, E. hauls trunks. TeleDhone 11. - '-e e$$- a I, r, r r ELEGANT front roon; . steam heat. 190$ Capitol ave. E-M4W NICE south room, modern. 306 8. 18th. TeL A-la,. E M61.12 STATE HOTEL European. 13U Douglas st. a Slays jx NICE ROOMS, light Housekeeping. 1113 d. uu. iu Aita $1.25 PER WEEK. Doran House, 4?2 S. ISth. B M9M ROOMS, furnace heat 316 N. 15th. tel. 1834. FURNISHED rooms Lacota, 1611 Howard. ' E 133 NICE front parlor rooms. In good brick flat, one on lft floor and one on 2d floor. only 2V4 blocks from P. O.; steam heat. gas anu bath, lhitf Chicago. K 270 17 FOR RENT Large front room, nicely fur- nianea, in pilvate family; easy walking u;aiance; price reasonable, sib n. isth at. -Mm 17x FOR RENT, larga first floor front room. I niceiy lusmsneo a no wen neated; private tamiiy; easy waiKing distance; rent rea sonable, bis is. mia st. E M13a 18x FOR RENT, one nicely furnished, steam- neated room, witn gas and batfi. In good Dricx nat. yuv a. ititn. E 374 18x NICE. MODERN steam-heated room, all modern; gus and bath; rates, $10 fur one or 813 lor two. E 874 18x TWO NICELY furnished rooms, walking in:. , 11 uini unua nm; win rent rea sonable, ea b. ittn. e 878 ux FURNISHED ROOM, hot and cold water. u.u. ai d. .vtu aw . a a,i Aox SUITE of front rodme, nicely furnished and iuuy equippm tor ngni nnuaeaeeplng; In iuw ui iv. nv. jp il u, lua b. join. E IV1 16X NICELY furnished rooms, steam heat, gas hiiu imiii. Auurew X It, QCC. XU XllM furnished room for gentleman. 707 8. ii n a:. E 369 16X 111 a laujia, mooem rooms, day or weea. inn nowaro. K 370 16x NICELY furnished double parlors, single rn.uiu', an. iwiu, ateam rueat, tel. 1628 Douglas. E M337 HOUSEKEEPING, two or more, 1712 Jack son. E M411 I7x FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in ?irlvate family. modern conveniences tTte reasonable to right partv. 712 North 16th street. E M426 !0x TWO nice furnlHhed rooms for llht hnn. Keeping lor married couple. "2 8. Kth st. li-Mtll 1SX DF.8IRABLE rooms for tight hPMsckeep- iiia. mooem; nve minutes want ,rom P.O. im,i wpiir St. r; M4.M !k WANTED SALESMEN. WANTED Specialty salesman of ability to sell Box Ball Alleys on commission: , out less thnn two years; over l.OuO now la use; excluilvn territory. American not nui v-o.. naianapoiis, ind. Mill 17 SALESMEN wanted to represent Lindsay Chemical C., Winona, Minn., In a spe cial (me. , si mi l,x MEN to travel In Iowa, Nebraska and Da kota; salary and expenses; experience Dot necessary; refereucea; permanent. Ad dress X zi, Bea. M409 17 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. ST1LLMAN ft PRICE. 410 1st Nat. bk. bldg. NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. ute biag., attorneys, ana collectors ery. wnere. I Artlrur L. Warrick. 401 Ware blk. Tel. 184. ' U2 W. F. WAPPICH. AVDICK free. Blk. Creirht o STOKAGI OM. Van Stor. Co., 1411 Faro. Tela 156 SSi. 471 s- , . . rCR DBESaiNta. J. E. WALLACE. Taxidermist, aoi & 13th. Who Knows the Streets of Omaha? 260 Valuable Prizes. , 1 The name of a noted Iowa humorist? , 2 The name of one of the presidents of a great transcontinental railway? 3 The name of one of the surveyors of the famous war boundary line between the north and south? x , 4 The name of a great Irish patriot? ! 5 The name of a French general who fought with the Americans in the revolution? SEE. ADVEKTI8EMENT ON PAGE 11. FURNISHED HOOliS AND bOAHD. Furnished Rooms, steam heat, with or with out boara. Miuiana noiei, lum at nicuH. ii THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; warm looms. good board. r aim UFTOPlAj steam beat. 1721 Davenport. r m ROOMS with, board: modern, steam heat. also table bcil. a. i as urtsner, w a. torn. -iai jiu SUITE rooms, list floor, single rooms; hot and cold water, luerriam. iuia ana l'uuku. DE8IR ABLE front room with alcove. 211 8. iMh St. t ws ROCKA WAT,. 1310 Douglas. Meals, 15c. K MS00 THE U. B. RESTAURANT. 1510 Dodge. again under the management or win. BAUKKMEISTUK. open au nigni ROOMS and board. :il So. 17tn st. F 134 ONE elegant room, all modern; excellent board. Kenwood, ztus tirnniu, F 3S3 18 FOR BALE MISCELLA.VEOLS. FOR SALE, several scholarships in a first- class standard :nooi in umauu, compris ing complete courfo In UuamuSb, short hund and typowrltlug. lnyuire at Bes oltlcc. W 1 SECOND-HAND billiard aud pool tables; billiard tables repalted; a large (tick or cneap oar nxiures, cigar counters, etc. j lie urunswicK-iiuiKe conenoer v o.. 8. 10th Bt. W 4u4 SECOND-HAND VEHICLES. 1 six pass, ruckaways, 1 coupe. 1 landaus, 6 dub. wagons. A. j. aimpson, i iont;e. Q 13S D14 W SQUARE PIANOS $50 EACH, ou CENTS PER WEEK. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER. Largtst Piano Dealers in tho West. 181 J Farnam. w s ClOAR store, fixtures; finest In city: must 19 sold; tot particulars aouress u , nee. IRON & Wire fences tree guardi. trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co.. iOo N. iTtn su Q-SBs CATALOGUE cut drug prices fres. Shsr- man ft Mcconneu Lrug Co., cmana. INDIAN goods and relics. lilt Farnam. t-397 2D-HAND iaf cheap. Derlght, 111 Farnam. W vm CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB- BINO. Long nr timbers, wji uougius. Q 401 TWO fine depot wagons, S rockaways. 1 courts, l trans. 1 wagonette, i a ray a Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Hr- ney. w jj CLOSINO out hard coal stoves at less than ft prlce-rrom 75 up. mirntfjre cneap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. TeU 3024. Q-403 AM AUTHORIZED to sell at bargain diamond stud, ring nnd pair earrings leu in pawn. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Doug. las. Q-s TRADING stamps. Boston Market. 113 N. 16. THERE are so many suggest-ons In our furnltura department or pieces most mltable for gifts Inexpensive, too us well as the better ones. Orchard & Wil helra Carpet Co. Q-100 24 FOR SALE A good second-hand Acorn baseburner; cheap, inquire at uranu ve. ' Q M408 21x FOR sale, aid manuscript letter written by Roger unerman, niso a iew umer curios. Address X 91 Bee. Q M122 17x A CARLOAD of Chr!"t-"ae trees just re ceived. C. Hansen, roi n. jomMr FOR RENT STOCKS AND OFFICES. For Rent At a Bargain The large double store in Bes Building, formerly occupied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co. 46 feet plate glass front, the only ona of its kind lo Omaha. Present monthly rental, $176. Will rent to single tenani. for $133 per month. Or will remodel Into two stores and rent each store for $76. Excellent location fcr men's furnishing store, shoe store. Jeweler, milliner, , etc. Every tenant of the immense Bee Build ing, City Hall, Court House and New York . Life Building a pos alble patron. For further particulars, see MacCarthy Tailoring Company. 304306 So 16th St FOR RENT building suitable for whole sale purposes at Via t arnam, Z2x0, four stories and first-class cemented basement. levator, nre ano burglar proor vault, of fice counter aud fixtures. For price and particulars inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary Bea Building Co., room lou, Kc buUding. I-M56I FOR RENT, storeroom snd basement In good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; power furnished If required. R. C. Peters A Co., rental agents, ground floor, hee building. 1 M7U4 3-STORr and bnsement. 22x100: 1006 Farnam bU inquire 114 First jval I Bias. I 4US FOR RENT, three upper stories in four- story building at vis r arnam tst., two stories if preterred. Address C. C. Rose water. Seo'y., Room 100. Bee bldg. I M.986 1207 HOWARD BT 8 stories and cemented basement; will put In eleetnc elevator; vacant December 15. F. D. Wead. 1624 IXiuglas St. 1-308 20 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED. 3 solocltors; salary nr com. 707 8. 16lh. J 875 J ull r . WTirn PanvMiinr ..nil In ,v.i v county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Hteadv emoloymnnt with assured good In come. Agents in the country with horsa and bunny especially deal red. Canvaaaera muka easily K to $luo Per month. Ad dress Century Fsrmer Solicitors' Bureau, w building, umana. j ;i AGENTS wanted to sell I gum; finest ever put on aeller. Addreas Hulchlns fayette, Ind. i new chewing market; ready ft Darling. La. J Mil? lSx FLORISTS. HESS ft 8WOBODA, 1418 Farnam. 439 L. HENDERSON, florist. Ial Farnam HL. FARM FOR RENT. FARM for rent, in the southeastern part of Frsnktlii county. Address for far ticuUis, Y it Lee. iiE-Ml26 lii FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. H H 80x120 Feet. East front Bemls Park lot on S2nd street near Cun.lng. 1H bloi'R trom two car lines tor t'iM If sold by January 1. Hastings & Heyden. MO-ell Nliv 1UMK Li Fa, DOlLDINO. RE Mi2l 17 HARRISON MORTON. TRACKAGE. REo4j FOR BALE, tweive-acrs fruit farm at Braidentown. Florldr.; water front, young orange and banana grove, and goou houae. Aidless Lock iiox he, Oiltner. eb. RE '86 ALFALFA LANDS in the great Platte Valley, Bend for Illustrated pamphlet with valuable Information. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha, Neb. RE M338 19 HARRISON & MORTON, ACREAGE. RE-541 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Paclflo Railroad company. B. A. McAllister, land oror.ildsloner. Union l'acliio headquarters, Omaha, Neb.- RiV"-410 GEE Spencer bargalno, 6S8 N. Y. tAto, , RE U Jl : REAL ESTATE bargains. 7ull lot and three houses In E. V. Smith's addition, 01 ly, $2,260. 'ihomua Brcnnan. 3C9 80. 13lh street. RE MuOB CHEA8 Williamson Co., &&Bfd x V E-54 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about it.. The beat way to reach the'n Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 4ti,008 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you havs a good piece cf land to sell at a reasonable price you will And a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small t cents per. word in small type or $2.50 per inch it aet In larga type. THETWfcNTIETH CENTURY FARMER, OMAHA, NEB. ". .. RE BIG SNAP. $850 for S04 Hamilton, 4 rooms, city water, gas and fixtures, brick walks, nice repair ; . aon't delay. D. V. SHOLES CO. 723 N. Y. Ufe. '7 Tel. 49. RE MOM TWO acres on paved street In Benson for $56o; on easy payments. . -. t acres in Bnjui ' f jr jl.000; 10 per cent cash; balance payments. t acres three bKx'k fronr'car, $1,250. i riles residenoo.-aHi iMear car line for $300; $30 cash; balunc li per month. Benson &tCarmichael, 042 PAX.l'ON clock. RE M10$ EQUITY in 160 acres land . In . Fremont county, la.; so. ues line orcnaru; goou Iirpiovements; 'will, well at a bargain. Address K, Bea office, Cou icil Bluffs. ,. y. RE M149 H New 6-Room House. ,300. H on Kpencer street M, block from 24th street car line; house has been built this year; has city water, sewer, gas, bath; tsood lo cation; house Is piped for iurnace heat. Possession given junuary 1.. Hastings & Heyden. 610-511 NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING. RE M428 17 - WALLACE'S MEDIUM-PRICED , HOME BARGAINS. lAuuO New. modern, -r., 2ilh ta venue and Grant. $2,0002620 Charles, 49 ft. lot, 7-r. bouse; fine trees; paved street. $2,200 (i-r. cottage, bath, closet, rod cellar. staDie; id minutes waiK west oi 1'. O. ; nice neighborhood; worth the money. $2,600- New, -nodern, 6-r., ava. and Grant. $3,000 Fine, new, modern, Bemla park house. $3,500 New, modern, 7-r. house, 80-ft. lot, nesr Leavenworth and Park ave. GEORGE O. WALLACE, Brown block. RE M31I8 16 LIST bargains In real estats with F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas St.; he has customers. RE 391 20 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLK. FOR QUICK SALE Nine-room residence; large east frqnt; lot' on grade, walk ing distance. $,500; reason able terms, , - RE M350 50-FOOT LOT ON 40TH ST., SOUTH , r r AKIN A M, JWO. THE BYRON REED CO. RE M 407 21 Buy a Lot On Monthly Payments SIO Down and $10 Per Month. I have several nice building lots at 25th and Grand ave. r i d on 2sth and Pratt street, sewer on street. I list tan be bought on the above terms $15o to $3u0 each. R. H. LANDt'RYOU, 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 2151. RE-M406 17 -IN BEMIS PARK A beautiful, new, modern home to be sold quick; owner leaving city reason for sell ing; six large llvliuj rooms, with nice re rminn hall, hard-oil finish, narrow floor ing, three large bed rooms, wiih nlcs closetx, bath, porcelain tub toliet, wa.b bantu, gas, fufii-ce-; good cellar, good lot, with nice sliade; some fruit. .This home will have to be aeon to be appreciated. If you want to take advanta of this opportunity see us at once, aa the uwnur has put the price down to rock bottom. It is your bargain. PAYNE, BOSTW1CK & CO. Sixth Floor. 01-3 N. VeR LIST your city proaerty with us for quick aale. We have the bayera. The ALbult Cowan Co.. 812-3i4-a5 Brown Blk. eKlVaUlW H H Florence Bargains. 4 room liyw houae and 3 lots 8 blocks from car line, $75o. H block 24x13: feet on the corner of the city park, block from car line, $780. 1 acre a few blocks from car Una laya nice and high for $4U. Hastings & Heyden. 110-611 NEW YORK LlFi. BUILDING. RE M4?9 17 HArtm'N ft IT. kluRTuN, FOR BALK REAL ESTATE. HOW'S THIS? We have cut the price from $3,250 to $150) on i ft. east front on 25th t. by S3 ft. on Davenpnrt st. This Is realiy tho greatest snap In Omaha for Improvement. WHERE Can you find a cheaper lot thnn one we offer on iiith ave. Just south of All Saints church? tKili feet west front; street paved; lot on grade; rwrelvers of Insolvent bank tell us to sell It for $2,500. CHICKEN FARM, Splendid house, S room four lots, large ehrrls for cattle or chickens; big snap at $1,500; on 51st St., iouth of Leavenworth. PUZZLE. Its a puzzle to know what to do with a large 2-ntory building and acre of ground on Missouri Pae. track, near Center St.; give us $l,6u0 and solve It. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 FARNAM ST. RE M43J17 FOR SALE, several fine lots In different locations near Burdette and 24th sts. F. D. Wead, luth and Douglas sts. RE M17J 18x When You Write to Advertisers remomber It only takes un extra stroke or twb of the pen to mention the fact that you saw tne ao in rne idles. 'OH HK.KT UOLSttS. FOR RENT 7- room house, city wster,, furnace, all modem, on Park ave., $3o. 4 room liouso, city water, 3121 Mason. C- M. i.tchniann, 444-37 paxtuti Block. D M9j HOI iCPC In all parts of the city. The w woitj 0. F. wavis Co., 508 Bee Bldg. D ti 11VJUOCO c. ietoiTi & Co., Jee Bldg. D 497 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage '..o., efflce loilVt Farnam, or Tela. li9-8u$. D 414 PAYNE-DOSTVVICK CO., chrcee nouses. Wl-603 New Tork Life Bldg. 'Phone IMS, D 420 SFVERALi good houses. $10 to $18. Chris Boyer, Z2d and Cuming. 'Phone 204P. D-M110 WE MOVE pianos, age Co., Tel. 1491 MnRgard Van- & Stor. omce, lil3 Webster sl u 421 HOUSES, rhsurance. ltlngwalt. Barker B1U. 1 2J FOR RENT, 6-room house, 3563 Woolworth ave ; porcelain bath, gas, hot and cold water; newly painted and papered throughout-$20. J. II. Sherwood. Now iora-uie Bldg. D M6C1 2818 8. 19th St., 8-room hot-se.. $20.(0. 125 8. 18th st. (-room house: well-$10.0Q. 418 8. 16th st., fc-roora; bath; city water ij.ou. S215 Burt at,. 8-room cottsre t6.Ho. 3817 N. 19th St., 6-room house; well, cistern $11.00. 2924 Grant St., 3-room cottage; city water f.W. 319 N. 17th St., S rooms upstairs $12.00. 2213 Clark St., 5-room eottare $12.00. M'CAOUE INVESTMENT CO., ' jovj iwaiv sc. I 98 FOR RENT. 1 No. 138 North S8th ave., very attractive uesirauie resiqence or ll rooms, mod ern throughmt $iX).m ner month. No. J504 South ;0th St., 8-room modern house two diocks soutn or ?n and Vinton streets; car line $25.00 per month. No. 1011 Howard St., 2 flats consisting of 12 rooms, in best -of repair iofi.OJ per GEORGE A COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. D-M937 20 HOUSES. l7?-.h st ..$10.00 4130 Nicholas sl ; 15 00 136 Parker st I0.0O J!jss nun st.. modern, with bam 35.00 3304 Davenport St., modern, with barn. Low ..rf.nt?J to r,6nt party If taken soon. WM. K. POTTER. Receiver, 803 Brown Blk. D M981 6-ROOM rottnge, fine sWpe, city water, gas: 'cry cheap to good tenant. 613 N. Y. L. Tel. UT.. D 997 7-ftOOM. HOtTSK Furnace, gns and bath, east front, $16.00; and several others; wln , ter prices. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas St. D 189 16 8-ROOM house, and Sprugue. cellar, well, full lot, 21st Apply 2707 Hamilton. D-M318 -ROOM modern, except furnace; blocks from depots. $20. 1317H Bo. 6th st. - D-418 16x BUSINESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or business quick, fee J. kL Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y-884 , EXCHANGES of all kinds. To buy or seU a business or exchange merchandise for a land or city property, call or write Sholea. Aimstrong Co.. Yil-t N. Y. Lile. Tel. 41. Y-M793T FINE Business for Sale Annual sales $28, OiiO: net profits, 12 per cent; capital re quired. $6,000; it's a snap. Address Y 11, See office. T 151 HALF ' Interest In paying contract busi " ncss; must have good man, able to manage home office while I look after interests at the capital; a snap. Address X 70 Bee. Y-M124 17x FOR SALE, rent or trade for farming outfit, one of the fine-it equipped meat markets In the atate, central locution and good established trade. Address Y Bee, Y M421 22x FOR SALE, fine two-chair barber Shop In guod town In Burt county. Address y 73, Bee. Y M183 18x WANTED to rent a large 8-room house; must be modern and have a good lot; within four blocks of 20th snd Kmmet. Address Bee. Y-M179 19x MEDICAL. - Piles Cured without pain Ev W. C. Maxwell. M. D.. Graduate of Bellovue Hospital Medical Co!- lese or isew tora city. v 624-8 Bee Building. Omaha, Neb. ' Private Koceptlun Room for Ladles. BACK COPIES THIS WEEK'S ISSUES. containing "Streets of Omaha," May be obtained at The Bee bualness offlca. 3CPER COPT. UtSICAL. THUS. J. KELLY, voice. Davidge block. LETOVKY'S ORCHESTRA. TeL L-2U4. B ECHTOLD' S union orchestra. st. 211 8. 13tH M6U0 Jl EXPERT piano tuning and action regu lating; reasonable price; satisfaction guar- snteed. Collins riano Co., lis ). inn Tel 2334. OMAHA Piano and Musical Inatrument Re pair shop. Tel. Pianoa bought and acid. 118 N. UtO. U FKRSONAI. WK RENT sewlrg ' machines at 75c per week, (2 per month; we repair and aril porta for every machine manufactured; machines from SI to 10. Neb. Cycle Co., loth and Harney. L- VIAVI" Omaha. way to health. 346 Bee building, U 444 PRIVATE Bsnltarlum for ladlea before and during confinement. Dr. and Mr a. Oorlsch, 8b- California at. Term raaaouable. J 46 GOLD ELECTRO P LATINO. i t r n Old metalllo articles made haw, SILVER OMAHA rUIIWCU rVll"lL'l Rlvjau h,U '1U 1 HAHNM. PRIVATE hospital during connnaiuoiii. babies adopteu. Mrs. uaiuete.. Tel. Red-1M4. PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Bamaruan dmh.--728 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la. BACK COPIES THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing "Streets of Omaha." May be obtained at Tho Bes business office. 2C PER COPT. WATER'S PRINTING CO., 1212 Douglaa U M608 if at. 1 PRIVATE hospital before and during eon- nnem-nt. Mrs. L. rlaner, zuia bo. niit. Tel. 1888. U 447 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At U 448 druggists, $1. DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities ol women rrom any cause; experienced and reliable. 1U Dodge st., Arlington block, Omaha. WHAT'S nicer than accordion pleating? We do nothing but the nnest. Goldman Pleating Co, M0 Douglas block. 7 U 460 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans ovspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 6-1 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. U 451 MINNIE TEMPLE Furnished room. 60S N. lth. 3d floor. U 11 EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT uH. NVHlfculN, CREiGH'i'ON BLOCK. Treatment and operations lor catarrh; catarrhal deafness, enlargod tonsils, chronic sore tbrost, cross eyes, etc. Free from i tc 6 o'clock. Examination free. 15th and Douglas. U-984 32 LIKE the bell cow. we lead Dresner tba Tailor 1515 Farnam; open evenings. . Too busy making clothes to close. U-8S8 r Stammering Cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge bid. C 676 CALITZO Meet me at Iluteson's, expert Optician, 318 S. 16th el: going to get a pair of tie "Patent 8U Not' eye glargos. lie 'esta free. U aW Jl ROBINSON'S Shining Parlors, 1320 Doug las st, U-M869J5 MAGNETIC treatment baths. Mme. bmith, 118 N. it. 3 fir. r. 3 U M944 F8x ELITE parlors. CIS 8. 16th 3d floor. U M961 MONEY loaned on valuables. 1315 Douglaa U M860 J8 SMOKE the best Binderup Cigars. U M958 J8 THE greatest showing of novel, new and really instructive toys are to be found at Orchard, & WUhelm Carpet Co. U 999 24 DR. OSANTNER, dentist, 319 Ramge blk. U M420J 15x SPECIAL FOR THE Holidays We offer a French briar pipe, with 7 lnA amber mouthpiece, for $1.00. Ktoocker Cigar Co., 1404 Douglas, and at 221 B. I6ta, Paxton Block Cigar Store. U M123 FOR Christmas get him a genuine briar pipe, 25c up; box of cigars, 60c up. Tracy's, f tps, 2oc up; ii Douglas. u uiw n SHOP MADE SHOES Lang's, 718 8. 16th St. U -336 F13 BARTON Printing C;, 12-H Barker blk. . U M400 J14 Broadfield Printing Co. We print almost everything. 1309 Jackson St.; 'phone 3352. U-M399 J14 Strong ft Varley, stamping dies. 1208 Dodge. U JUUJS3 4X4 SMOKE Capt. Frcer'i Grecnlander. 410 8. U 419 Jll 13tn. .TUB, vapor and alcohol baths, 7 8. 13th st. u .-vi. HI jib MONEY TO LOAN CHATTliLS. WE; TRUST THE PEOPLE. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERB, MONEY TO liOAN ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE, WITHOUT SECURITY. WITHOUT PUBLICITY. Ws also loan money on FURNITURE. PIANOS, horses, etc, witnout removal of goods LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS. DON'T pay a high rate of lntereet for money, out can una get our rates oetore -going elsewheie. Our plan is the CHEAPEST, BEST and ALOOX rnlVAin in mv ciiy. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Rooms 807-308 Paxton Block. X-M426 easy ism Heal apiaius out methods. V e loa.ii ou furniture, pbuios, warehouse receipts, etc ur If you nave a peinuuiaul posiuua we can maae you a BAUtni iiuan without security, except your own agree ment to reuay. Our servica la oulck and coiiildentiul, and we alwaya try to plaaaa. All tnu,i o aaa w uini you give US a call beiole you burrow elsewhere. UMA11A AIGKTUAGE LOAN CO.. 114 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 229J. tEstabllahed Iciu). M S. Isln bl. X-M424 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. l.IVsi STOCK, SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try us it yuu waul to savs money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton Block, 16th aud Farnam sta, X 427 MONEY. LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE aud others with secu.ii; easy payment; largest nuslncBd in 4tf principal cities. Tin man, room 440 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. X 416 , L . MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people :-buslncss conliUeutlitl; lowest rstea 614 Paxtuu block. The i. A. iiulion Co, X-429 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, elo. C F. Reed. 819 U. 18. , X 430 CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans. Foley LOH n t. o.. it. o. narsar riioca. . Jl MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat I Bank Bldg. Tel. 164a. W 433 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 N. Y. Life. 4 TO I P. C. money, Bemla, Paxton block. W 44 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Douglas. W4Je WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co.. 1420 aria. in Bt. W Oil FIVE per cent loans. Farnam. Garvin Bros., 1H04 W 437 WANTED Resl eststa loans and warrants. R. C. 1 elers dk v.o., xea uiug. w ui MONEY TO LOAN Pay aa InveaUnant C b farm loans nam. R. C. Pattarsoo, 1224 Fsr- W Mi2 COSTl MES. Theatrical and masi, Liebea, 101$ Farnam. CLAfRVOYANT. Astonishes Manyl Prof. Harrv CELEBRATED CLAIRVOYANT Surprises Astounds Predicts Coming Events With Unerring Accuracy Busi-. ness Woman Makes $1,000 by Following . His Advice. Special Notice 50c READINGS THIS WEEK 50c Hours. 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. Dally. POSITIVELY GUARANTEES SUCCESS WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE . FAILED. Prof. Harry Rooms 5 and 6, Krug Theater Bldg. Entrance on 14th Su OYLMER. palmist. 718 N. 83d; 'phone B $245. 8428 MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every, thing told, past, present and future. Nat Ufaotlon of no pay. 307 N. 18th. s 424 MADAM MOYNIHAN, graduate School cf Occult Bclonce. New xora. u.xpert palm ist, clairvoyant, ' physiognomist; traces and describes thieves or friends; locates minerals. I will guarantee my readings and the charges will bo nothing if 1 can not see your friends as they are or de scribe your honte. I havo read for ths late President McKlnley, Mrs.- PotU, Palmer, Mme. Pattl and many other prominent people. Will accept engage ments to read and entertain In homes. - 1616 DOUGLAS ST. B-M103 BUSINEBS MEDIUM. 71$ N. irth st 8-131 PROF. HARRY, clairvoyant and palmist; no difference what trouble you may have consult him, he can and will help you; readings, L Room &, Krug theater. - S-177 28 PROF. Psycho predicted the eruption of Pelee, the Galveston disaster, the victory of Admiral Dewey and many other his torlo events. He can read your future in your handwriting. Try him. .One reading free. Address Prof. Psyche, Harrlsburg. Pa. 8 M126 Ux CLAIRVOYANT I tell your psst, present and future; rive you names of hunhand, v;ves and l.-iends. ir you are in troume or doubt over love or business affairs, lion't fail to consult me. I give perfect satisfaction to all. Mrs. Kate Brown. 412 N. 16th st. S 416 WANTED TO BUT. SECOND-HAND books. Crane. 207 N. 18th. N i&l J2 DON'T away, price. rive your furniture and carpets j. ievine pays m uigiieai Telephone 771. N-M6i TOBACCO tags, coupons, boxaht. 2"9i4 B.. 13th. N M597 jr nvrtl-o bought, sold. Antique Book Con. I300KS cern, 213 Karbach blk. Tel. 3S31 N- SHOW CASE end counter; must be good. Fredrickiicn, J5th and Capitol ave. - N MS93 18 WANTED Fairly good electrician with $2 COO or more to take Interest in building a 'tew electrlo ilght plant In a good town of 1,872 population In eastern part of Neb.; franchise already secured and machinery al-uary on hand. Address Box 211 8w an'.. Neb. N M166 19x WANTED To buy a pet deer or antelope, and some live quail and prarlrle chickens, AdOrei Gentle Bchroeder, fare J. L. Sraudsls & Sons. N M3i3 19 OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, 61$ N. T. Lit, bide 4u8 Tha Hunt Infirmary, MoCague bldg. T .ttsi. Atsen ft Farwell, Paxton blk.. 04-T. TIMJ. DR. GRACE DEEOAN. 833 N. Y, Ufe. Tel. -461 20M. Fayette Cole, Osteopath, K Paxton block. DANCINU ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' New Academy. 2424 Farrtam. , Adult beginners, monaays sna biuiuj., 8 p. m. ; assemblies, Wednesdsys. $.80 p. m.; children beginners, Wednesdays. 4 p. m.. Saturdays, 3 p. m.; advanced, Satur days only, 4 p. m. - 'Phone, F-1871; res., A-1871. MORAND'S, 16th and Harney: adolt betrta- ners, rues, oc rn., p. m, , u"""i V1 assemblies. Wed. TlckeU for lessons sold at a reduced price this month, good until used; private lessons daily. Tel. 141. FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ' ETC. NEW and Jd-hand vehicles for salej re pairs. H. roat, itu anu JJ 167 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANTS school. 717 N. T. Llfa. NEB. Business ft Shorthand Coljege. Boyd's (neater. DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy. $0$ N. 2Sd. JOY Jailor 8chool. 208 8. 30th. Jffijjgffi TICKET BHOKBHS. CUT-RATE railroad tlcgets everywnere. P. 11.' f nUDin. - ww ; LOST. LOST Sunday, either at mstlnee In Or pheum. oi on Harney, between 16th and 16th a am;t)i stickpin In unflulnlied gold, had' amall stone. Reward Vf returned to Mr. Kennedy, Advertising Manager The Bennett Conipauy xst 3ir2 16 X LOST, pooketbook contslnlng monsy. check on Omaha National bank, and club ticket; r.un to Mrs. J. F. Dale: reward; 1383 ei ri-WBra, i.j Lost M412 17 Bo. 31at st. k : i . ....... : LOST A physician's satcnei containing in struments; reward If returned to Dr. II. U. McCianah.n,131,N. 'ttM4 1. LOST November f. black pckatbook. Re turn Miss Will. 8402 Burt st, and get re ward. Lost 117 16x LOST PIPE A Vslusble pipe was, by mlstske, placed ro the wrong overcoat P'N-ket at Haiisnsw s aaturauy evening. Kinder please noiuy clerk HenahBT Hotel. I FOR KXCHAKUB. ALL OR PART of valuable U. to exchange for mining, stocks. 811 N. lath. 8, patent A Miner, Z-162 I OFFER to exchange two choice places of land tor other property; what have you? C'has. K. Hall. Orchard, Neb. Z M3.9 8v WILL trade beautiful tUpo for horse. Svbmullar ft Mu.ller. tiij Kama! Hi u ! 3