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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1903)
I THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY, DECEMI1ER 15, 1003. liRAiNAND PRODUCE MARKET Bat Adrtn: la Wheat After lay of 0a lettled Condiuooj. CORN SHOWS SOMt CHANGE OF PRICE Haht Loss la Oats Kelloertaaj Htroaaj Oaealaa, While Prevleloas Re , celre Setback Bale lor Ferelga Accoaat. CHICAGO, Dec. 14. A reduction In Wona s snipmenis, compared wuh genera expt-ctatioiie, small jectipia anu n-p.jrts of lam in Argentine, caueu a net tdviuc in iooajr, aithnugn the maraet was quite unsullied. Closing ptlces were ado. is, with May c hlgiier. miii corn c.oai Hu higher, oata wore a shade lower, Wlil.e p.o- noons inni4 a silgut decline. W heat exhibited rapid changes In valuea anu irom a strung start toe maraet Bud denly deveinpeu weakness, only to again become strong. 'in opening wan strong on the falling off tn Inn world's shipments and higher price at Liverpool. Bmail re ceipts in the northweat auout hait wnat they were a year ago also contrloutcd to the bulilah sentiment and May opened Ho to Va1" higner at ilttc to M'.-. Cum tnlaaion nouses had Uncial ulTenngs and there waa Borne liquidation. While there was a good general demand at me Matt, the selling became ao urgent that the mar ; ket waa unable to withstand inn prewiure - and prlcea declined. May selling off to !. Kepcrts of rains In Argentine ami tears of damage to the winter wheat crop by the cold wave brougnt out a good cummlsitun bouse demand later In the nay. Evidence of support irom the big bull operator waj a-so a factor in tne latter iwn or the session. Offerings, too, were much lighter than Cash, Nr.. I mlaed, c; No. i white, c; No. 3. c OATS No. 2 white 2fi328c; No. i mixed, J4Vytj c. HAY-Cholre timothy, I9.OO09.SO; choice prairie. S. K V K No I 47c. EtMiR Firm: Missouri and Kansas, cases relumed, 17c per dos.; No. 3, whltewood cases Included. i"e. BUTTh.K Creamery, 2122c; dairy, fancy, 30c Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu llsi.OHi Corn, bu . 1.H"0 Oats, bu 15.000 ,000 OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. r Coadltloa of Trad aa Qoetatloas aa ' Staple od Faaey rrodoee. EGOS Fresh stock. 2 29c LIVE POCLTRY-HenB. 77e; spring chickens. TVfaSc. roosters, according to age, 4'fi6e; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 9tie. geese. I 4ihV4c. DRESSER POULTRY Turkeye, lfrl7c; ducks, KKallc; geese, 410c; chickens, iViW 8c; hens, 7?iAc. BUTTKR Packing stock, 13e; choice to fancy dairy, In tubs, liiQlSc; separator. He FRESH FISH Trout, iec: pickerel, 7C, pike, 8c; perch, 7c. blueftsh, 15c; whltetlsh. 9c; salmon, lie; haddock, 10c; codfish, 12c: redsnspper, 11c; lobsters, boiled, per lb.. Me; lobsters, green, per lb., 'JXc; bullheads. 11c; catfish. 14c; black bans. 2XnJ&c; halibut, 13c; crspples, 12c; herring, tic; while bass, 13c; bluenns, to. OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 43c, per gal., $2.00: extra selects, per can, !i'c. per gal., 11.76; standard, per can, ii, per gal., S1.3S. BRAN Per ton, $14.50. UAY Prices o noted b Omaha Whole sale Meniere' aasoclation. Choice No.i 1 up- Und 87. 60: No. 2. 17.00: medium, Won; coarse. $6.00. Rye straw, $6.60. These prices are for hay of good color and Quality, re mand fair and recelpta light. CORN 44o. OATH S7c. RY K No. I. 60e "w"" lV.T.""y-lV" "r,Lln 1? ('HHISTMAfl TREKS Four to five feet, rj"i "'W1' '" " ti tk. ... ... ..v. tt ner dos- en. $2.6l; eight to nine feet, per dosen, $3.50; half a cent. Clearances ot wneat and flour war equal to 22,6o bushels. Primary reoelpts were 999,000 bushels. The vIMoie supply showed sn increase of 1.3b2,urm. which was about the amount expected, and the amount on passage decreased 44n,0m) bushels. Minneapolis, Ouluth and Chicago reported receipts of ft" cars, against 1,166 last week and 1.2.S7 cars a year ago. Corn opened strong In sympathy with wheat and on continued small recelpta. 1'here were free offerings from local spec ulators on the advance, the opinion among sellers being that the cold weather would Improve the condition of the grain and alio . Increase receipt. As a result of this sell ing the market became easier, Lnto buy ing on the strength In wheat caused a raily. May opened "40 higher at 4;VMHc and artar aelllnsj between 4i'V8,43c and 4343H' . closed at 4.)4av. I .oral receipts were ivH " cars, 1 of contract, grade. . Oats were aundy at the opening In sym pathy with ths strength In other grains, but as the session advanced an. easier tone de veloped and closing prlcea showed slight ( losses. Influential houses were heavy sell ers during the day and the demand was only light and from scattered eources. After opening a shade to fco lower May ranged between 8VO'36c and 7Mo and , Closed at 8640. IxH-al receipts were m cars. , Provisions were steady early In the day, Influenced by a strong hog market, but prices received a setback under selling of lard by several commission houses for for eign aocount. There was also some evi dence of packers selling ribs. The lata weakness In prlcea at the yards was a bear factor during the latter part of the sei-sion. May pork closed a ahari lower ut in i , . May lard was down IHWSc at $6.82V4 and Estimated receipts for tomorrow: 'Wheat, I'LPV"00"1! 35 cri; Oat". 1 cars; hoga, 1,200 head. The loading futurea ranged aa follows: Artlo!es. Open. Hlgh.l I aw. dose.l Safy. Wheat y May r July Corn- . JJeo. ' May July , Oats ' , - lec. '.I May , July. , J'ork . trd Jan. ' May Ribs Jan. May . I I 7an'HI 7W 78 79 - 78 (H7Vii77ilSl76WH6'),ia77 iU'vfc 41S(- 41Ttl 41V.f . aiszf iivi 4S4(43Hi-flv44r!t,J!4543'4''c;43Uii .... . r37M, 7,36Va-l iMil Ml 3 It K 1 42U a2'.sl f 10 IS I: 11 55 U 86 11 87H H87V4 62m BlVal. 67i,i 6 tn 7tt 10 3tTr35 3BU 4 S44 11 46 11 82Vs 6 60 67Vk 17H 36 11 60 11 80 47V 621 e 15 32Vi No. t TNew. , FLOUR Steady; . winter patents,'- H.Mxft ilO-. straights, -$8.7094.10; spring patent. $4 0004.80; straights. $2.ai03.7b; bakers, $2.40 63.25. WHTCAT No. 1 Spring, 8Jo; No. , 7680c; No. t red, tlltiaV. CORM-No. t, 42o; No. J yellow, 44c. OATS No. i. She; No. I white. $4y,i&37c. 2 YE No. J 61Vc. A R LEY Good feeding, JVi(g36Hc; fair r to choice malting, 4367c. 8EEU8N0. 1 flax. Whict No. 1 north western, $1.U0H; prime timothy, $2.96; clover, contract grade, $11. PROVimoNSMesa pork, per bbl, $11.60 (jll.KVs. l.ard, per 100 lbs.. $s.47Vi'itl.50. ' Short ribs sldoa (loose), $6.12V.i3.37. Short , clear sides (boxed), .12Va8-2o. Following wore the receipts and ship ments of flour arid grain; Kecetpta. Shipments, Flour, bbls... Wheat, bu... Corn, cut..... Oats, bu Rye. bu......i Uarley, bu.. 17.800 ... e.ts ...SO6.400 ...264.000 ... t,W .120.2U0 11.100 14.400 8i,7tW 107.7110 22,90 27.6)10 On the Produce exchange today the but' ter market waa firm: creameries. l&ir4oc: dallies. 144r$Cc. Ease, decidedly strong: at mark, casea Included, 2ttHST2!c. Cheese, 10 eitttfra. MatW YORK GKNCMAL MARKET. Mne to ten feet, per dosen, $4.60; large school and church purposes, twelve to fourteen feet, each, lliiil 60; extra large, fit teen tn twentv feet earh. t"1 (HV7'4.(K). EVERGREEN WRKAThlNU-in cons Ol twenty yards, per coll, $1.00. YVKhiATllB Maanolia ana KRiax wreains. per dosen, $l.f; evergreen wreatns, per dosen, $1 60; holly wreaths, per dosen. i.w. These designs are twelve Inches In di ameter. HOLLY BRANCHES Per case or ZX2X4 reel, auuui niiy vounue. s.w, wji wmivi. 11 M ijt'NO NEEDL.E PINEB per dosen, sa w 62.w. MISTLETOE Branches, per five-pound box, $1.26: per pound. 30c. Mistletoe orders will be niled about December 2 ana snip ped by express only. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorauo. t6c; Dakota, per bu., 7ti't76c; native, tS670c. SWEET POTATOES-llllnols. per bbl.. NAVY BKANU Per DU.. 82. CELERY Small, per dos., 26H36o; large canrornia, luw.oo. ONIONS New home grown, dry, per lb, Vic; Spanish, per crate, $1.60; Colorado yel low ana red, ivc. CABBAGE Wisconsin Holland. VAc. TURNIPS Canada rutabaga, per lb., IVic; white, per bu., 60c, CARROTS Per bu.. 60c. PARSNIPS Per bu., 60o. BEETS Per bi.. 60c. CALL1FLOWER California, per crata. $2.75. TOMATOES - California, per 4-baaket crate, li.?6. CUCUMBERS Per dos., $1. fruits: APPLES California Bellflowera. per box, V.MJ; New York Greenings, Baldwins and other varieties, $1.60. URA PES Pony Catawbas, 30c; Imported Malagas, pr keg, $5.0ou.00. CRaNBEHRIKS Jersey, per bbl.. $7.60 per box, $2.76; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, $ Ben ana Cherry, $8. VfUlNCES California, per box, $1.26. TROPICAL. FRUITS. ORANGES Florida Brlghts and Russeta, all sixes. $3 26: navels, large else, $3.00(3-60. LEMONS California .ancy, 300 to KM sizes. 84: choice. 240 lo 270 sixes. $3.60. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons. 85c Imported Smyrna, 3-crown, 14c; 6 -crown, 16c l-crown, inc. t'OCOANUTS Per sack. $4; per dos., SOA DATES Persian. Der box of 80 Dkas.. $2: per lb., in fcO-lb. boXee, 6c; Oriental stuffed tiates, per box. $2.40. t ' BANANAS Per medium-slsed bunch, $2 00 2.60; J Umbo, Vt. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12Vac; Wisconsin Young Americas, 13c block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, lifec Wisconsin limberger, 12c. HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames, u. Utah and Colorado, per 24 rramea, $3.60. MAPLE Bt UAK onio, per lb., IOC. CIDER Por bbl., $6.75; per Vi-bbl., $3.25. POPCORN Per lb., 2Hc; shelled, 3fe3Vic. HORSE RADISH Per ckse , of 2 dos NI TS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, tier lb 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. I. soft shell Ber id., uc; ino. a, nara uneii, per id., ix raxils. Der lb.. 11c; Alberts, per lb., lie almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell per lo., uc; pecans, large, per id., 12c small, per lb.. 10c: peanuts, per lb.. $Vc roasted peanuts, per lb.. 7c; (Jniu walnuts. 12'13c; large hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.60; shell barks, per tu., xz; discs, walnuts, per bu., $1.26; Italian chestnuts, per lb., 12c. HIDES No. 1 green, ttc; jno. 2 green, ec; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. t salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, ( to 11 lbs., 8'c; No. I vesl calf, 12 to 15 lbs., tiVtc; dry salted hides, Hafl2c; sheep pelts, SU 76c; horse bides. tl.W4(2.60. St. Loals Grata aad Provlsloas. ST. LOUIS, Dec 14 WHEAT Higher; w 1 red. cash, elevator, nominal: track. HfiOlc; December, 91Vc; May, SlVsC; July, 7tsc; no. 1 nara, iodise. CORN Firm; No. 1 cash, 42e; track, 4SV4e; December, 42c May, 41Vfc41Ho; July, 41-c. OATS Easy; No. I casn, .c; track, 8IV4 i:oic; December, 16Vc; May, B7To; No. I SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Shirp Dcclini in Volume of Bunnell Trio 8 ted Oompared ulta Lt,it Week. MARKET SHOWS CONSIDERABLE STRENGTH Rlemeat la Market Saya Farther Ie- cllae la Stock Is la Prassiect, Tflth Little Shaw (or Oplalaa. NEW TORK. Dec. 14 Trsdlna In stocks looay reu snarpiy below last week a aver- ige or activity, tne day s total hardly ex eedlng 600.0ft0 shares. The msrket. how ever, showed well sustained strength and closed firm at the top level of the day, or nesr It. There was considerable early hesl- atlon, but the aradual advance met with new setbacks snd the occasional Intervals of dullness, when the buying waa Inter mittent, were innowed Dy no important re actions. The action of the market was a disappointment to Ihe bear element and heir buying to cover furnlahed one of the mnortant sustalnina Influences. In ITnited States preferred particularly there was a repetition of the reaction, which kept the maraet unsettled during- the latter part or last week and which waa believed by the bears to herald a renewed decline. There Is a speculative party on the market which avowa the conviction that the recent con siderable recovery In stocks hss simply represented a normal reaction from the prolonged decline, and with Its culmination a decline 01 sun greater lores is in pros pect. The short duration of last week's resrtlon was In Itself a discouragement to the followers of this opinion, and they were Inclined to reverse their position when prices stsrted tipwsrd sgaln. l he more cheerful tone ot tna ixmfion market was a helpful factor here and buy ing orders for I-ondon account gave It a substantial backing. London took a more hopeful view again of the outlook for peace In Ihe far east and the discount market there worked easier. Sterllna exchanse here was verv fl with a good demand for remittance. ' But aold -was again secured in the uonuou market for shipment to New York to the amount of upward or 82.ouo.nm. 1 ne an nouncement had the usual stimulating er feet upon the stock market. The beginning of the argument In the Northern Securities case at Washington seemed to have aome early repressive effect on activity, but traders seemed to come to the conclusion that the possibility of a considerable delay Still In the decision, and the extent to which a nnsslble unfavorable decision had already been discounted, leu it unavanaoie for immediate runner speculative committ ments. The dividend on the Standard OH stock payable tomorrow, will be the occasion for the disbursement of 112.000,000 and a num ber of other dividend paymenta, Including that of the Consolidated Gas company, will tie made at the same time. The Impression was created that buying of stocks was going on to some extent In anticipation or tna re- relnta of these funds. The strengtn OI tne market was pretty evenly diffused, but Amaliramated Conner. Union Pacific and Southern Paclflo were notably strong, their Sains exceeding the t-potnt mark. A strong emand for raw copper helped tha Amalga mated stock. The cold weatner was sup- sed to be of advantage to tne coai-carry- OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET tual business In bsnVerB bills at $4n4.V) for demand and at 84.7VC 4 ) for sixty-day bills; posted ratra, $4. SoSySH 81 ; commercial BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Steady. .Tiows- ' quo,a"on, on Don" " OttUa Run Fairly Liberal nd Trading follows V. t. ref. H. ref. 4s coupon So Is. rg do rousos de sew 4a, rag. So coupon to SIS 4. I.... do coupon Jo M. r( do coupon Atrtalsnn sea. 4s.. do sdj. 4a Atlnntlo C. L. 4 t. N on! ...1"S ...101 ...1T4 1MW 1H Manhnttut r. s. Km. O.tml 4a...... T1H do 1st inc 14 Mian. St. U 4s.... ...l.i4 M . K. A T. 4a H ...10 do ta T?H ...lis IN. R. R. ot M. r. 4s. " ...lH4lf. Y, r. . 11 ...n! N. 1. C. . na ISO No. Pariac 4a 1?H ... do In S In. a w. e. 4n as Baltimore A O. 4a. ..inn't 'o. S. U. 4a par.... M4 do ls as4 Pmis ron. m SS' Central ot On. M....1U Rnadlns sen 4a M do lrt Inr aa 1st. 1 aV I. M. r. H 111 Chea. A Ohio 4Ha...liHi 1st. 1,. a, a. r. f. 4a. MS rntraio A. IWa... Tn4ist. 1 8. W. la C, B. a Q. A. 4a... 1 Mri A. U 4a.... TJVt So. Pn-IBc 4 sc So. s.nllwar 6a IDS T.,. a. p. i nr. T.. St. Ia. W. 4a.. iS C. St. A St. .P. (. 4a.. 110 C. N. W. c. TS....131 , R. I. A P. 4a.... m do enl. it 74 r.C.C. A St. L. I. 4a. KS .Union Farlnc 4a. ChlcMfn Ter. 4a Con. Tobacoo 4a., 'olo. A 8o. 4 1. A It. O. Blio prior lien 4a do sen. 4a P. W. aV P. C. la Hocklns Val. 4Sa....l06S Offered. Ml lug roads and to the demand for seaaonabla mshanitld In all hranches. Bonds were not very active and about steady. Total sales, par value, si.siu.uuu. United States bonus uncnangea on can. Following are tne closing quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Hales. man. j-iow.v-io-n. .13,1)00 68H 67 68 696 K SiTVi 2" .8nl ,79Vfc 78V 79 2H0 ' 88 88 87H 1.600 lla4 118 165 82 2H &SL SA - S6 .' SM. 16 16N lftn !.... Zi"4 8U0 163 I63H 164 o 610 no !00 1,200 100 8fW 560 loo 18 75 U 64 23H Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio.... do pfd Canadian Pacific Cent, of N. Jersey... Ches. A Ohio Chicago & Alton do pfd Chi. Oreat Western. do B pfd Chi. A Northwestern. Chi. Term. & Trans. do pfd Big Four Colorado Southern.... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Dels. A Hudson Dels., Lack. & West.. Denver & Rio Grande do pfd , Erie i, do 1st pfd.,..,... do id prd Great North, pfd. Hocking Valley... An nfa . Illinois Central 11.071 129 128 Iowa Central...... 1H do pfd .... .... 88 Kan. City Southern 18 do pfd...:...; 84 Ixiuls. ft Naahvllla.... 1.8V) 107 106 107 Manhattan 1 2.810 141 1Z 140 Metro. St. Ry 2.810 122 ia 1H Minne. A St. Ixuila.... ion 0 m tx 1 " 75 14 64 22 168 200 22 22 600 72'4 72 V.. 76.370 i!0 .29 . S.141 6NSi-. ...1,4)20 60.. 49 800 168 22 "17 75 14 64 23 168 242W 22 72 804 "4 I do ron. 4n.. 1111'. S. gteel M a. MS ,Wabah 1 MS1 do drb. B A V. K. 4a... :S Wit. Central 4a.. 1ft!S Colo. rul a 4a.. ..ires . MS . 4S .113 . 40Vt . ST . 71 Wu Bather Slow. HOGS GENERALLY FIVE CENTS LOWER Better Grades of Both Fat Sheea aad Feeders Met with Ready Sale at. Aboat Steady Prices t'oanssea Klads Wry Dall. SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 14. Recelnts were: Cattle. llox. Sheep. Ottt.lal Monday 4.4oJ 8.8V 121 aine nay last weca 4.tu uni Same week before ,.. 4,!Uo 6.4-6 17.0.W 8ame three weeks sgo.... i.!i 6.6l bt4l Same four weeks sgo 6.484 6.'i9 19 Oi Same day last year 8.081 6.470 8 24u Averuso l rices Daid for boss at South Omaha for tha last several daya with com parisons: Data. 1190$. 1902.1901. 11900. 1W9.113.18S7. wethers, ft, l3.; feeder ewes. 2 ffQl.tO; culls, $l.X)fi.0w. Representative sales: No. Ar. Tr. 1 buck 1) I M 85 western ewes 1H0 $ 00 140 western yearling wethers.... 71 $26 61 western yearling wethers f8 $ 25 1 ewe 1 $ 26 western lambs 98 4 "0 668 Colorado yearling wethers... 76 4 10 7 western yearling wethers.... 137 4 !J 60 western lambs .' 160 15 western ewes 107 2 76 Wyoming fed ewes 10! 1 BO 49 western ewes 119 t 80 $ western ewes 110 I 80 12i; Wyoming fed awes W t f 123 western ewes , 81 $ an 3 western ewes 110 $ 10 1 western ewe 130 $ 10 6M Wyoming fed yearlings 93 $ 15 M VvMln fMutM vettrllna-s. . . lit 8 35 i 4"4 Wyoming feeder yearlings... 8-1 $25 I 417 western wethers 117 $ 26 121 western wethers lJ 1 western wethers 1-T a MJ i 140 Wyoming feeder lambs M 8 46 western yearlings a in 19S western wethers " $ '? 10 cull lambs 71 4 uu nstlve lnmbs n" o 90 nstlve lambs 72 5 W 148 Idsho ewes 92 S 60 104 western ewes I1" r m 1S2 western ewes 93 $ 31 291 Idaho lambs ; 3 '5 63 western lambs i Bostoa Stock (kaotattoaa. BOSTON. Dec. 14-Call loans, ft! per cent; time loans, 5"!r per cent. Offlclal closing prices on stocks and bonds; Atfhlano 4a Mnilran Central .. Atchison do pfd SfHrtnn A Albany.. Bnaton A Mains.... Poatoa Klavated N. Y., N. H. Fitch burs pfd In Ion Parlflfl ... Mev. Central .... Amar. Sugar .... do prd Iner. T. A T... Dots. I. A a Otnaral Elect rio Maaa. Kln-trlo .. Amslramat4 . . as iHlnahara '4 Cat. Hacla. SS t'antenntal ... 244 'Copper Ranse 1 -Dominion Coal 140 Franklin , ilxla Royals Mohawk 7 old Dominion .., S Oreola lt.1'4 Parrot ...l.12Vj Uulni-r 124i gnnta Pa Copper h 'Tamarack ....1(8 iTrtnlty 20 Unitod Btstas .... A H..1M 1S4 Mass. Electric pfd.. 74 t'tah Vnltsd Fruit 1C1S Vl.torla V. 8. Steal.. Went Ins. common. . . Adventure Allouaa Asked. 1"S . 7 Winona Wolverine , Daly Went 4S 434 15S 46S 74 t S 17 ..... M tl . IS . 4S 1 . iSS . ts i 7S , 47 Dec 1... Dec. Dec. $... Kec. 4... ec. 6... Iec. 6... Dec. 7... Dec. $... Kec. 9... Dec. 10.. Dec. 11... Dec. 12.. Dec. 14.. Dec. 14.. 4 34 VI 091 I 4 3 4 $11 01 5 95 4 40': 4 4.; 4 8. 13 I 88 ii 9 VI 241 6 05 161 4 8.; 4 UK, I 07 4 3.ISI $ 06 4 4-;S $ 12 09 04 ( 11 13 4 64 4 , 4 7' 4 Ml 4 81 4 781 4 85 4 47U 081 6 141 4 82 4 48- 6 Kl 181 4 77 I 6 8,1 6 21 4 81 4 44 I 31 4 86 $ 74 $ 26 3 21 $76 $28 tH S IS $ 18 $ 81 $ 21 $ 90 $ 37 $ 8o I 36 $ 26 $81 $ IS $ tM $63 $ 80 $ 17 3 90 I W $ 13 S $1 $ 13 $ 92 $ 16 $ 9." $ 87 3 9 8 !8 t 20 $ 96 $ Uj $ U Indicates Sunday. The official number cf rara of stock brought In today by each road was: cattle, flogs, oneep. Not- York Mining 4notatloas. NEW YORK. Dec. 14. The following are the cloning quotations on mining stocks: C. M. A St P. Ry. .. I'nton Pacific system .... 66 C. A N. W. Ry 2 F.. K. A M. V. R. R.... 28 C, SL P., M. & O. Ry.... U H. ft M. HI' 4 C. B. & g. Ry C, R. I. & P. Ky., east.. 10 . t;.. it. i. at f. uy., wesi. .. Illinois Central Chicago Oreat Western.. .. ....177 41 10 21 16 13 ' 17 139 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Fair Recelpta of Cattle aad Hogs, with Light ot Sheen. rmOAOO. Dec. 14 CATTLE Receipts. 14.000 head. The market was steady; good to prime steers. 4.90sift.70; poor to medium. $3.0Oe4.76: storkers snd feeders. $1.764.00; cows. $!.5n3.90; heifers. $1.7b5.00; csnners, $1.60;: 35; bulls. fl.754M.O0; cslves. $2.0Oiu6.26. HOOS Receipts, 48.ono hesrt; csllmsted to morrow. 30,000 head. The market was stesdy to Rc lower: mixed snd butchers. it.4iTi4.n.i; good to choice heavy, 14 vM TO; rough heavy, $4 4014 58: light, $4.35-64 65; bulk of sales. $4.46ffi4.m. . SHEEP AND LAMMS rteceipis. head. The market for Bheep wss steady to 10c hlaher. for lambs steady; good to choice wethers. $3 50fl4O0; fair to choice mixed, $2.6OW3.40: western sheep, $2.764J4.; native lambs, $1.00.75; western lam, j iu'u Adams .-on Alice Breacs , Brunawlck Con Comatork Tunnsl.. Con. Cal. A Vs... Horn Silver Iron Bllvar Laadvllla Con ..... 11 ILIttle Chief 90 aontarlo Ophlr Phoanlx Potoal Savase fllarra Navads bmall HoMra .. Standard ...... 1 .. 8 ... t ,...110 ...1V5 ...lit .... 8 4 ..400 .too . I . to . Ill . M . .1X1 8. C 613 l,7o 2,072 2.07-' 2,8tJ 4 l.tKiH I.1H9 2.1U9 Baak Clearings. OMAHA, Dec. 14.-Bank clearings for today were $1,428,593.14. an Increase of r;8. SZi.M over tha corresponding day last year. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. Deo. 14. The cotton mar- ket opened steady at an advance of lift 3 points, notwithstanding lower cables, full receipts and generally favorable weather for marketing the crop, as a result of re newed duii support, and covering which Im mediately falling the call. Imparted a firm tone to the market, and advanced prices another few points. The strength seemed partly due to strong advloea from aouthern sources regarding the spot situation and Tatal receipts The dlsDosition of the day's recelpta waa aa follows, eacn buyer purcn&sing me num ber of ueaa indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company Cuduhy Packing Co. Armour Co. . Armour & Co., aasant ft Co. Carey ft Benton I. obman ft Lo W. I. Stephen II. K. Hamilton I,. F. Huns Wolf & Murnan Hubblrk ft 11 Sam Werlhclmer M. K. Haggerty ft Co Olher buyers $.365 4.694 9.293 10,164 Kevr York l.lro Stork Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 14. FKKVfcct-ne- eelpts, 4.041 hesd; steers. ln(Uc higher, some sales of cattle 30c higher: bulls firm to 15o higher; cows 10W15o higher: steers, at ctvnf, fin- hn'ls. 82. 60tii3. 80: cows, $1.lOffi3.26; cables quoted cattle steady at llS12o per lb., dressed weigni; sneep at uiiti nivnio H m n.t wetirrit. "CALVES-Recelpts. 786 head; market 60c i,i.k. nn veal snrt rmrnvBrd calves; west ern, steady; all sold; veals. $4.00So.60; barn- , .... L. -.jjrtw mi common wwin n" $2.60ir2.66: city dressed veals, firmer at 7jy 12c per lb.; country aressen, wo-iu-. AND LAMBS Receipts, 11.440 head; good sheep strong, others steady, lnmbs, 15yl5o hlerher; sheep. $2.28.90. choice. 14: lambs. $5.2r.T.36; one car $6.40; cu'.ls. $4.0nff.i.00 Canada lamha, $5.75tJ.00. HOa8-Recelpts, 8,748 head; market 2-jO higher; atate and Pennaylvanla hoga, $6.U 45:0- . . i tn aViaen r.xporrs Tomorrow, i.of iwi r and -3,800 quartera of beef. Kansas City Lira Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 14. CATTLE Re- T-lQa 1 rirri.PTli. week onena with a fair run celpts, lo000 head, Including 200 head of of corn stock on sale, i ! ,8f "l ' .f ':t.l.3r.rn, rf'' bvi nJUZmf W' WUn n s er. 7e7dy. 4: fair to good, $3,21 . .. . . . .v. i... ;,. .tro itainv. is.wxo; . e. fl?-n?L on cormea -teer. .no ""-l" -V.- .Teadv. $2.6tX&3.90; rather more optimistic view of the far .,.i,i., ,h mri of the hovers to lm- I southern steers, strong, $2.80''a3.6o: soutnern eastern situation, apprehensions of appre- prove tn D'lcea today. Tralne wera late cows, strong. $1..0ijr2.4O; native cows. weaa. hertsions as to which had been a depressing fn arriving and at a late hour only a email $1.504.25; native helfere, weak. 3-0BJ ""i Influence In the Saturday's market, but the art of the buddIv wss out of first hands. bulls, steady, $2.00S3.1&; calvea, ateady. $2.50 ins mantel jor cows anu imiun PREACHER HANDY WITH FISTS Former Missionary Uvqutri Footpads tnl Fights Pilioercso. LATTER FINALLY LANDS HIM IN JAIL Mlalater la Released oa Bead and Threateas o Sao for Dam ages Becaase of 4r- ' rest by OBUcer. It doe not always follow that becauaa a man weaia a ministerial toga he la easy prey for footpads and confidence sharks. Rev. Edward Mathews, late minister of tha gospel In South America, has demonsl rated that ha, at least, is fortified with a strong right arm. Mr. Mathewa saya he waa accosted Sun day night by two colored men aa ha neared the corner of leavenworth and Eighteenth streets, on his way home. The colored chaps, thinking they lisd singled out a rata prtxe and noting Mr. Mathews' ministerial garb, became very Insolent. Fearing an assault, or an attempt to hold him up, tha mlnlater Instituted proceedings which soon routed his would-be assailants,-. Detective McCarthy happened to be hov ering In the vicinity and heard the noise of the altercation. Hurrying to the" scene, he found the minister holding the fort alone, the attacking party having fied. but not before Mr. Mathewa had landed several straight arm Jabs on tha anatomy of both men. Mixes lp -with Officer. The officer, feeling It hla duty to arrest someone, took the minister In tow and had started for a nearby drug store to call tha patrol wagon, when Mr. Mathewa resisted and a lively tussle between the athlatlo minister and the minion of the law ensued. Officer McCarthy then became more deter mined than ever to land hla man In Jail and . In due time the officer and the minister showed up at the station, where Mr. Math ews waa booked aa a suspicious character. "I could tell you my veralon of the affair In a very few moments, were I allowed to do so," Mr. Mathews told Judge Berks, but the Judge waa not In a receptive mood. To a Toung Men'a Christian association man Mathewa aald: "It is now my plan to get the name and number of tMeJ officer who arreated me and bring ault for damages." You had better reserve that talk for soma other place," aald the young friend of the Young Men'a Christian association. Continuing, Mr. Mathewa remarked ao all In police court could hear: I am now working for the Davis Real Estate company. Aa you notice, my hear ing la Impaired. I want Mr. Davis here; he Is my ears," Judge Berka decided that the ease should be heard Wednesday, and ao Informed Mn Mathewa and hla Young Men'a Christian association friends, and they went away. the minister having furnlahed bonda. snaae popular connaence in tne gov- tloally unchanged on the nt s crop report, caus?d considerable Toppy feeders are sel'lng t. snd shortly .after the call prices week's quotations, while oi een depressed T to 11 points from the common stock is more or 1 60 ..... 15 , .... 74 100 MV4 - 83 " 83 advance was attended by very feverish privste cables from Mverpool, in some instances alleging that the mis were con Bldertng the question of cloning down for a period, eucn rumors as this, though def inite together with fers that the continued heavy movement of cotton Into sight would shake popular confidence In the gov ernment fee'lng, had been active positions with January luling around Saturday'a finals. In the afternoon the market again ral lied coming up to the best prices of the day or net $ to 10 points higher. Towsrd the close a renewal of liquidation and bear pressure caused a, partial reaction, but the market was finally culet and steady with December net S'lrXdnts hiaher: January unchanged and thar other positions $ to 6 points net lo wet .gales were estimated at 250.000. representing the least active, full NEW ORLEANS. Dec. ' 14. COTTON Quiet and easy; sales, 2,526 bales; ordin- ood ordinary, loo; low nn Letter than the market for beef Bteers. The better grades sold fairly steady, but there waa little life to the market. Inferior atuff aold Irregularly and weakneee was noted all along the line, in th fMiivr division trade also waa prac tically unchana-ed on the .desirable kinds. g wen up iu iai on tne otner nana less of a drug on the market and are quotably no better. If aa good, aa mat ween. XSHillHABlVA. 6.00. $.845 ino ' 400 -. Qaotatloas ot the Day oa Varloas Commodities. NRW YORK. Deo. 14.-FIX1UR RecelDts. . B0.6IU bbls l er ports, t.itt Lbla The market waa fairly active and steady; winter pat ' ems, winter straights, S4.umJjt.lo; , Minnesota iialents, $4 56&4.76; winter extras. . (MaWua.eB Minnesota bakers,; win ' ter low grades, $2.stKi8.Ui. Rye Hour, dull: - fair ta good, $12(4l'X40i choice to fancy. f.l 4&4j a.66, Hue wheat flour, firm at fci.Juitf . B.2U, CORNMKAL-Dulli yellow western, $102: 'city. $1,001 klln-drled, t3.IMi3.06. HYki-ljull; No. 2 western, 6$c, f. o. b.. afloat; etste and jereey, auisc. HAlOJiiV Steady i. seeding, ao; malting, esarniic. c. I. I., nurtaio. WHEAT-Receipts, 63,400 bu.; exports to.) du. -i na nutraei lor spot was nrm Nw. 1 red, 900 In elevator; No. 3 red. fcic. , f. o. b,, afloat I No. 1 northern Duluth, Klc. f. o. to., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba - northern, nominal, t. o. b., afloat. OpUuna opened active and firmer on bullish statia ' tics, including small northwestern recelpta. Reacting an the unexpectedly big vlxlble supply, it later recovered on good commis sion house support and. closed tirm at o net advance; May, toVc. closing at 6c; July, 81itfvC!eic, closing at Uc; December, to.juc. cloelng at 0c. CORN Recelpta, 16,6uv bu. The market ' for spot was steady; No. 2, 6S,c lu ele vator and Uo afloat; No. $ yellow. &&o: No. I white, tCc. Option market opened -firmer, with wheat, sold off on fine weather news snd local Belling, but finally recovered on a demand from shorts, closing suady at net, unchanged prices to Wo net ad vance; May. 49 1-1&&49HC. closing at 49c; December, 6'J(U&2c, closing at 62c. OAl't4 Receipts, laXoou bu. The uiarket for spot waa quiet; No. 2. 41c; standard white, 42o No. 8. 40o; No. 2 white, 42W; No. S white. 41c: track, white, 41(u46c. HAY steady; shipping, iKU-.&c; good to Choice, 6t.KlKlVrO. . HOP! Klrm; state, osmmon I to choice. 190$. aVu-Ac) lWi, 21('J;.o; old, 9-tflXc. Paclflo coaat, ), ivqiio; lui, iiyi,v; old, UUo, HIDKa-Flrml Oaiveaton. fu to 26 Iba. Ino: California, a ta 14 lbs., Dc; Texas dry. 24 to V 111., iot-. - l.KAl HLK-rlrm; acid. ej26c. R1CIS Viuleti domestic, fair to extra, $0 tVe; Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS Reef, ateady; family. $10.00 ii.w; mesa, a vuais.uv; beer liama. UW.(1 Uuw; packet. MiuuvlO.u; city extra India moaa, iio.vuirif.w. t Ml meats, unsettled pickled bellies, $8 639.87; pickled shoul- oers. s; pu-Bleu riauia. lut.Uon U.uo. Dard ateady; western atramed, to .90; refined, steady confluent. $Mu; Swulh America, Si.smi compound, $oii.u50. Pork, steady; lajiiny, i muia so; snort clears, iis.wouu.10 leas, Sli.TbwUW. TAlXow-4teedy; city ($3 per pkg ), 4c; ovuntry Itiksa. flea I. 4tl4;c. XrTTaUi-KM-vjluts. 6 44a ukars.: market ateadi oreaiaary, lijiv; etale, dairy, It SI -2c. CUBES B Receipts, 1,074 pkgs ! market muii; siaie, lull cream, fancy, urte and email, colored and whita, September, lie; laiv niiWi iw.'. KiHldRevelpte. 4 08$ pkgs ; market Btnig: western, anjaig. POl DTK Y DresMttd. steady: western chickens, Uc; fowls, liUc; turkeys. ikvivu. white. 3AC. PlAtK Steady; red winter patents, $425 64.36; extra fancy and straight. $3.90a4.2o; clear, $3.4txu3.60. SEED TlMOTUT-Bteady At . 2.3581.I0; prime, higher. COKN MKAL Steady at $2 JO. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 7&78o. HAY Steady; timothy, $6.5Wij 12.60; prai rie, 5.00'ii9&0. ' IRON COTTON TIES $1.06. HAIKU NO 66c. HKMP TWINK-fa. PROVISIONS Pork, ateady: Jobbing. 811.90. Dard, steady at $6.40. bacon, ateady; boxed extra shorts, 17. i6; clear ribs, $7.60; short clear. $7.75. KU'L'l'HY-Turkeys, strong; chickens, 7c; springs. 7c; turkeys, ltc; ducks, 10c; geese. 9c. Bl'TTER Steady; creamery, 1826c; dait-. law-tic. KOOS Steady, 27c, casea out. . xieceipts. Dnipmenis r lour, onis Wheat, bu. Corn, bu... Oata, bu..., Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts. NKW YORK. Dec. 14 EVAPORATED APPIEJI The market Is quiet with de mand light, but supplies are not being pressed and the tone la firm; common are quoted at 44(4c: prime, 6(g61c; choice,, 6 (oc; fancy, Wi&70. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are quiet and ateady with quotations rang ing from ssc to 6c. Apricots are in lim ited demand at afUc for choice, lic for extra choice and 11 ft 16c for fancy. Peaches are quiet; choice are quoted at 74r7Ve; extra choice, 73ijjtic, and fancy, 9iijl0Uc. Kaaaaa City tteata aad rroslsloas. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 14 WHKAT-De- eeinuer. StftC4,o; May. BVc. Cash, No. hard. Tl a .'-, No, I, kra.'ii,-: No. 4 8!riaaV looted, 6a. No. 3 red. 64c; No. J, 14.0o0 .lei.tto . 32.0110 . 64.OU0 li.oro 65.00 23.000 Su.Ouv 85,787 117V Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan, & Texas.. do pfd Nat. R. R. Max. pfd. New York Central... Norfolk ft Western.. do pfd...'. Ontario St Western.. Pennsylvania Pitts.. C. C. ft St. L. Reading ..27.4X0 do 1st pi a itf do 2d Pfd 100 Rock Island 11,326 do nfd 410 St. l. ft S. Fran, pfd .... . do zd pro . aw St. L. A Southwestern do pfd 300 93 91 92 17 17 17 $S $8 r8 l'.cOO lift 117 118 1,420 57 67 67 87 21 21 115 117 BO 1.7i0 21 44 7fi 69 6 1 St. Paul do pfd Southern Pacific 41 36 Southern Railway 6,0X0 do pfd 500 Texaa ft Pacific 700 Toledo, St. U ft Weat. 100 do pfd 100 Unon Pacific ...61.100 do pfd Wabash 200 do pfd 2,900 Wheel, ft Lake Erie Wisconsin Central do pfd 411 Adama Express American , United States Wells-Fsrgo . Amal. Cooper. Am. Car ft Foundry do pfd Am. Unseed Oil.... do pfd Am. Locomotive do nfd Am. Smelt, ft Refln. do prd S3 44 32 18.800 142 140 14! ..66,190 620 25 77 88 47 18 T I 800 14 14 1,21)0 3-5 o. 9H4 SVi 121 Visible Bapply of Grala. NEW YORK. Dec. 14 The visible suddIv of grain Saturday, December 12, aa com- Riled by the New York Produce exchange, i aa follows: WHEAT 34,804,000 bu.; Increase, $.205,000 bu. ("ORN 4.693. ono bu.; Increase, 1 000 pu. OATS S.i.noo bu.; Increase, ItC.onO bu. RYE 1.169,000 bu.: decrease. lto.Ouo bu.. BARLEY 5.932.00O bu.; increase, 99,000 bu. Philadelphia Prodae Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 14. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, UiJbStc nearby prints, 37c. KtlGS Strong, 2c higher; western, S4c, loss off; southwestern, XUoUc; southern, 31 ai :t!c. CHEESE Steady but dull; New York full creams, fancy, Ufcc; choice, llc; fair to good. 10jUV - Mtlwaakee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec. 14. WHEAT Firm ; No. 1 northern, sarctc; ro. i noriasra, eT: May. 81Sl-c. RYE Firm: No. 1. 7c. UAnl.EK-Dull. No. X 2c; sample, 320 6xc. CORN-Sleady; No. $, 4644c; May, 43 43o. Dalatb Grala Market. DULUTH. Dec 14-WHEAT-On track, v .. ...... u l. ii . tiA ...... v. . n "ni .. . . J . II VM 1 ,,. v-.-v, v. HUl iiir, u, Bvi No. S spring, 77c, December 79c; May, Ii'c. OATS On track and to arrive, $4c Toledo Seed Market. TOT. EDO. Deo. 14 -HEEDS Clover, cash and I wwint'r, KM; Jstuinry, (tf1: Feb ruary, $d Manh. M s:-i Priu.a Uu- oil, l.4ki, i-rla.s alsike, K Am. Sugar Refining.. 15.210 124 125 Anaconda Mln. co.. boo 7'i 7 j Brook Rapid Tran.. 26,330 49 48 f'olox Fuel ft Iron 400 2x 27 2 Colum. ft Hock. Coal. 200 12 1? 1 Consolidated Oaa 73 18 18 1 General Electric 700 166 164 16 Inter. Paper : l do pfd (ex-div.l e Inter. Pump 2 do pfd .... 7 National Biscuit ' . $ National Lesd .... 1 North American 7 Pacific Mali 1 J People's Oss .t, 98 97 I Pressed Steel Car... A 200 26 26 5 do Dfd Pullman Pal. Car 21 Republic Steel do pfd 1.400 4" 39 I Rubber Goods SuO 18 17 1 do pfd 'i Tenn. Coal A Iron 1.120 J $ 1 U. 8. leather 2 0 7 74 do pfd 600 76tt 7fH i U. 8. Rubber do p'rt !ri w ; V. S. Sttel 4 o a K 1 do Dfd I.... 89.034 64 aihk I Western Union .... I Nor'hern Securities I Total aales for the day. 696,700 shares. ....117 .... l .... M .... 12 .... 40 .... T4 .... tl .... 15 .... M :::: S3 Ms, .... 1IH .... U .... 81 .... 44 . I.oadoa Stock MarWet. LONDON. Deo. 14 Closing: Con tola, ssosay... W 14-14, M. T. Caetral.... 4s aocessi v., ai noriois a w Anaconda 4 I do pfd Atchison, TO Ontario A W ... do Pfd Mi Possavlvasla .... Balttmor A Ohio... liS Raud Ml ass Canadian PacISi! It keadlns Choa. Ohio U do 1st pfd.... falcate Ot W 14 de d pld..... c. M. 4k at. I lts-a, so. aauwsy DaBaers ' de pld D. ft It. O t'Jti 8& PaclSc , do Bid 74 Lnioa Paclta .... Brla im do pfd ....... do lat pfd to U. 8. Stael de d pfd II de pld Illtaola Central ISIS Wahsah Levis A Naah. 11 de pfd St.. a. T liv,- B AR SILVER Firm. 86 13-ltd per ounce. MONEY SnW per rent: the rate of dis count in the open market for short bills la ssti3ls-is per cent; fur three months bills, 3 11-16 37 twr out. LONDON. Dec. 14 Bar silver closed firm at o74t per ounce.. Now York Hsstr Market, NEW YORK. Doc. It. MONEY On call. a n - . L.i ..r miI- , .n. I..n . .. . . . .. . u. v. 1" ' J , sixty das, per cent; ninety days, bi 4 per rent; six mcntns. scs per cent; I nme mercantile paper, s per ten I. Ills. $4 794. ftlLVbH-ttar. 66c; Mexican dollars. tlc. ary. 9 7 46c middling, llc; .middling, 12c; good miaaiing, n o-ioc; midanng fair, iz ti-iac. Receipts, 16,924 bales, stock, 818.912 hales. Futures were t-ttwdy. December. 12. If 12 22c: January. J2.27W12 29": February. 12.43 4712.45c; March. 12.6ftfl2.69o: April, 12 64(9 lZBHc; M-v.; June, 12.72S12.74c; J Uiv. ti. IKOU. IC. BT. IXIUIH. Dec. 14. COTTON Sfeadv, Middling. - 134c. Sales, none, recelnts YI bsie: rhipments, -none; stock. in,S99 bales. LIVKRPOOI. Dec. 14. COTTON The msrket for spot wss quiet st prices ( points lower. Amcrin tr Id Ulnar f lr. Td: gooa miaaon. b.siki; minniinK. s. oq; low middling. 64d: good ordlnarv. 6.5-ld; or dinary, .44d. The sales of the day were 6,000 bales, all American. Futures opened quiet end closed quiet and steady. Amer. can middling g. o. c. Dcembr. t58d: De cember and Janurv. K53jj6 6td: January end Febrnarv. 6.49S6 5ftd; February and March .48d: March and April. 6 47d; April and May, 6.40d: May snd June. 8.45d; June and July. 8.43'r.44i; July snd August, C41d; August ana eeptemner, o.-f-a. Forelcn Financial. LONDON. Dec. '14. Money wss in fair aemshd in the market today, but tha sup ply was- not anunoant. uiscounts were easy, owing to the rumors that an addl. tlnnal $2,500,000 In gold was coming from India. Business on the stock exchange was quiet, but the tone was tolerably cheerful, a hopeful view being taken of tne outcome ot tne far eaatern events. Con sols and home rails were generally firm. Americans opened dull, grew firm snd ad vanced to parity, became inactive, with tha movements Irregular and closed firm. Rus sians and japaneae were In good demand. The failure was announced of E. Q. Ever est, a small broker. The amount of bul lion tsken Into the Hsnk of England on balance today was C8.0W. PARIS, Dec. 14. Trading nn the bourse was qui! and featureless and closed calm. The private rate of discount waa 2 13-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, 98f 75o for the account: exchange on London, af'io mr cnetss, HERUN. Dec. boerse today London, count rates. 8 per cent NEW YORK. Dec. 14 METALS The London tin market was firm and substan tially hleher c'oslng at an advance of 12s 6d to 124 2a d for spot and 125 7a M for futures: locally tin waa quiet but higher, aoot closing st $27 25. Copper was un changed at 6C 12s 6d for spot and 5s higher at 5 0e for futures; loenllv Conner was firmer; lake Is minted st 812.5ni12 82V.: elec trolytic, I12.2rxfi.12. 50; castlnsr. 813.12VjiS12.37. Lead advanced 2s 6d to 11 9d In I-on- don and was also hla-her locally with smal' lots quoted at $4-37 and flftv-n lots at M.2S. Speter waa 6a hlsher at 21 7s d In IOndnn: locsllv root wss nominally un changed at xS.SK, white' December dallvesy Is quoted about 60 notnta lower at 84. 23. Iron closed at 48s 9d In Olase-ow and at 41a 9d in Mldd'esborough: locally Iron was unchanged: No. 1 northern foundry is ouote at; No. t northern foun dry. 814.0ftiQ15.on; No. 1 southern fpinrirv snd No. 1 soft aouthern foundry, $13.60 14 00. OT. I -Tin 8 Dee. 14 MFALS Lead. firm, $4.04. Spelter, dull. $4.60. a i. . -. fill tsit Roala. NEW YORK. Dee. 14 -OILS-Cottonseed. nrm: prlm crude, nominal; prime vel'ow. SMISSic. Petenlnam. firm: refined New Yoek, t 60: PhlledeivMa and Baltimore. $3 an: rielme In hulk $6 55. TrHPv;NTlNB Stesdy. 6960c. ROBIN Stesdy common to rood. ? M. SAVANNAH. Dec. 13. TURPENTINE fXo POSTN-Ftrtr; A. B, C, Tt. K, V, 84 90; O. W 76: M $2 6: I. T-5; K U.80: M. $2.90: N. $3 liar wr 88 25; WW, $3.50. OIL ClTT, Dee. 14. OI1 Tredlt bel-ancea.- $1 90: reetificstea. aales. 6 ono at !: shipments 191411 bbls.: average 7 i7 1Mb ; runs. 133.743 bbls.: avers ee. 74.440 bbls Shlnments, Lima. 122, H hr-'s : average. W.. 6:t hhls.: runs, Lima, 115.620 bbls.; average $7,066 bbls. 2 cows 1248 $ 60 2 feeders.. 840 $ 00 t feeders. ,1110 8 00 1 heifer... wi 1 bull 1230 2 26 2 cows 890 1 85 1 bull 76J 2 10 6 feeders.. 662 1 80 21 feeders..' 980 i 80 44 steer).. ..1075 8 30 steers.. ..1148 8 30 16 heifers... 0 2 15 41 cows 936 I 60 2 feeders. .11 ;0 S 30 12 cows..... 80S Z 15 WYOMINO. 1 cow 980 2 10 cows 10H8 2 75. 26 feelers.. 982 3 05 9 feeders.. 1094 3 26 $ feeders.. 1225 S 26 2 heifers... 600 2 20 14 feeders.. 1233 3 26 2 feeders. .!.& Z 26 1 feeder.. 1070 3 00 1 cow 1290 $ 26 1 cow....:.1090 2 60 I cows..... 1080 2 15 $ cowa 1126 8 00 1 cow 940 2 35 1 cow. .....1180 1 66 $ cowa 780 I 66 1 foeriers . (W0 $00 feeders.. 1033 2 00 42 cows 1024 2 60 : steer 1020 S 30 7 cows 8X6 2 16 :0 heifers... 616 i 16 U cows 1000 2 60 20 cowa., i cowa.. 901 169 ..1150 t 10 Wood River Live Stock Co. Idaho. 12 ateera....l267 2 00 138 steers.. ..1264 $ 26 66 feeders. .1170 $26 feeders.. 1170 175 $3 ateers.... 833 2 65 .a steers... .uot BEEF STEERS. Ns. A. Pr. No. - At. Ft. If 104 a so lM ao U 1171 4 06 17 124 4 44 3o a so - ja nwa a ao 44.... 1141 4 4 100 ..1M0 4 40 I., 1086 a w u 11a s 10 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 82 11H4 4 80 34 971 S 00 COWS. 1 1S66 3 0 . -. 4 Ml 8 14 tl... t 181 I 14 II.. 4 Ml 1 IS It... tvt I 80 I... 1 1100 t W 10... 1 ..1123 t U ' COWBi JVND HEIFERS. 14 151 I k DUUA 1 .171 8 86 CALVES. 1 110 t K nun Eita 11 Til 3 90 T 1 . 194 1 Ml TD STUUatna akiu r ccucna. I , 440 8 04 40 761 IS a& lis 1 14 ' HOGH The run of hogs this morning wss the largest for a Monday for some time; however, about 2.6"0 arrived billed direct to a local packer. Heivy receipts and weak markets elsewhere exerted a bearish Influ ence here ami sales were largely a nickel lower than Saturday, the bulk selling right around 14 45. l ops reacneo 44.00. a nickel HOGS-Receipts. $.000 head. .The market waa weak to 5o lower; top. .io; ouia 01 Zl.?. wiJ TiLiim" hw 14.66474.75: Pack era. $4.55f!4 2; pigs and llg hts, $4 .6(i4 .70. auirtrti v Xvn iJkMBS-RecelptS, S.OOO head. The market was strong to 10c higherl native lamba. M-2W6.26; weatern lamba. 4 04 f5.15; fed ewes, u.w(JJi - feeders, $2.003.66. St. I.onls Llvo Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Dee. 14.-CATTLEReoelpts, a aaa W . 1 I x r iirtlnar 1 fWU fl $ DI ICAKIial, The market was ateady: native ahlpplng irid export steera. $4 004i5,40; oressedWf and butcher steers, $3 .torn .; steer; r J. ,u. n omik i itnckari snd feeders, $2 TOOCI 90; cows and heifers, $2.264 .26; can !. ti 7ki in: hulls. 82.6OM4.O0; calves. $2.50 I;,, -ri. tvu and Indian ateers, $2.204.oo; OOWB anu nv..irj --. . v.t HOGH Receipts, o.ow n. "T, "IT woe ateady to strong riu, i"-- r.-Z. .Tli.i.1. ti 5iifi4 0: nackers. 14.409 TS! rTutchera and best heavy, $4 60 4.70. n.'.iJi-o a ten 1. A MH8 Recelpta. $.000 head. The market waa stesdy; native mut P. ,1k. ur. i.mia .14 on5.35: culls and ions, 1 ' "i-" ' - bucks, $2.0lXtj4.00; stocaers, a.w.v. t. Joseph Live Stock Market., st JOSEPH. Dec. 14.-CATTLK Re .?V. XV,?. L.'i- .,..v to 10c hlaher: na ,7vVT-$3i40i5T'cow -ndj heifer.. $1.504.25; 1 feeder. ..ll&O S so stocaers awiu "7"'-i' tjaniLn lower- 2 cows 1175 2 65 I HOGS Receipts, $.995 head, WFIW ,ow5l .cowaV..'.llil 1W lliht. WW.; medium and" heavy. $4.60 4.6'' : . una,ta ! SOS head; steady to lOo higher; wethera, $4.10. aioas Cllr Llva Stock Market. amtTv niTV To Tw 14. (Speolal Tele gram.) -CATT1 J1". Receipts, 800 head; mar- , ket higher; Rlliera sieao. , fc.ou: row, ouiib una nuAru, ."i , - . j b O rLA..-) 4A no laraaa anil Val at To ert ana ippufis, .ivtu-4.-vv, "RcelDts. 6.000 head;' market steady at $4.JO4.W; bulk, KK4.40, Stock la Btajkt. ore the recelnts of live stock at the els, principal western . tThi.n ; , vea. vv tov obi Omaha 4.463 Chicago Kansas City W.00O St. Louis J.0"0 St. Joseph B-lOU Sioux City aw 2 feeders.. 810 2 60 7 feeders.. 1060 $ 26 $ feeders.. 1063 $ 06 2 feeders.. 1080 $ 00 $8 feeders.. 1113 $ 36 1 feeder. ..1150 $ 35 ...IMS 8 44 ... M0 8 44 ...1AS4 8 44 ... 478 8 44 ...1111 8 It ...1171 8 It . , 846 8 44 v.l 8 10 8.8.6 48,000 8,000 6.500 $.9!S 6,000 12,31 2,000 $.000 S.OnO tool Totals .46,86$ 69,371 22,886 Wool Market NE'tV YORK, Dec 14. WOOL Firm ; do- miTokCTOrber4-WOpTr i-on. jar.: T..tory Idaho, "fctfc ommg. u m, i. v 1 . laujfrtX. fTtah and Nevada, fine, 14wJil6c: fltVeT medium. l17cj medium. 190. Dakota, fine. 15Woc; tins, medium, tlrf, 17- mMl HI. llSO'OU. JB-Jlllll, ,.w um it. 'lusina nn inn in. than Ratuidav. and most of tha Bales I waa quiet. Exchange on lu. . correaoondlna decline. The market cnulce' ,f,'o ,di -u llinraa w vik lor cnerKs: OIB- I , .. - n,,,.. gr Uu ril-uaa na aiut Mull nt I li I . - . a tier vent, mree montna Diua. I nunlt anit clnaed slow anit weak I ? . . ... v... nrmr a , , . , , ,v.., - -- o r iiijiB, a ,t .j . y In. Av. SB. rr. Me. Av. Eh. Pr. I 5..' nn,i,in- and clothing. IT7 M. Mssaa,: iS:::::::.VU ::: W S::::::::S .40 lit I IVC; tuo wasnou, avJuu. AWAIT M0NEYFR0M HOME Two Iowa Persons Ask for Stay at Keren Hon Until Parents Are Heard From. Say, 'Judge, could you fix It so we could stay here until we receive money from home?" The overgrown chap who wanted to be committed until hla parents cashed up gave hla name aa John Gangloff and hla home aa Clinton, la. He waa accompanied by Frank Donnolley, who waa alao lanky and very desirous that he be locked up until a maiden auntie should relent- and forward hla regular allowance, which he Intimated was long over due. "We Just want to atop here a little while. and we can't face thla cold weather without a cent," pleaded Donnoley. The kind-hearted 'judge gave them each five daya In the city Jail. , REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEED8 filed for record yesterday, as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and T"-t comnnny, bonded abstracter, 1614 T"amam street: Rosalie Shipley and hueband to Sarah oaiiup, lot 4, block 4, Florence.. .,...$ 300 Omaha National bank to William K. Potter, receiver, lota 1 and 2, block S, Jerome park . 1 William K. Potter, receiver, to George Forgan, same 700 Claua Jess and wife to Johann D. Neumann; Vi wH lot 22, Kountsea 2d add, except 10 feet for alley 1,534 Executors of estate of Camilla F. Byrne to T. L. Rlngwait. lot 1, block 1, Armstrong's - 2d add, and other land 800 Lewis C. Sholes and wife to Lena , Thompson, lota avnd 6, block 2. Arbor Place 700 Emma Von Wasmer and husband to Annie L. M. Kimball, w 26 feet lota 19 and 20, ThorneU'a add, except n 10 feet lot 19, city of Omaha 1,650 Same to same, alley and strip adjoin ing lota 19 and 20, Thornell'a; also land In 21-16-1$ ' 1 W. W. Mcllvains to Clayton A. Pratt, Hanscom Place - 1.400 M A. Donahne to the O. F. Davis Co., lot 18, Barker's subdlv 900 National Bank of Commerca to Jamea H. Grade. sVfc U lot 6. block .20. Credit Fonder , 830 Omsha National bank to Julius Trelt- . schke, lots and 8, block 2, Kenfa add 75 Michigan Mutual Life Insurance com- -pnny to John E. Erickaon, lot , block 16. Wilcox add.... i ' W 900 First National bank to A. F. Bwlck ard, lot 10, block 20. Wilcox's 2d add $50 Peter Jensen and wife to Ilermen Hchunke. w lot $, block t. Camp- ' bell's add 1.02J John C. Havemeyer and wife to Frank H. uarvin, 101 a. suooiv ot oiwca , Dupont Place I CesTee Market NEW -YORK. Deo. 14.-4X)FFEE Spot Rio, steady; No. 1 invoice, 6c: ailld: firm. The market for futures opened .leady st a decline or iu points under liquidation following lower European snd primary rabies, but ruled fairly steady ar the de cline, st ons time showing a partial re rovery en covering and moderate support from bullish Interests. Toward the close. however, the market again eased off under continued realising and the market was finally steady at a decline-of 6-alS points with sales of 131.01a) bags. Including De cember at 6 2fic: Jannsrv. 8 35c: February. 8 4fvd4 c:- Aortl, 6.5uYiA$nr; June, 4 6c; Julv 71 Ut; August, f loc; eeuletuber, l.' OcuUr, J l-,j7.a. 40.., 47.. 44.. u.. ti.. 41.. 41.. 44.. 74.. 44.. 71.. M. . 44.. 11.. 44.. 44.. 11.. 41.. 44. .Kit IN 4 40 ...174 44 4 414, ...144 ... 4 41s, ...174 120 4 41 ...174 40 4 41 ...106 40 4 41 ...131' 140 4 42 ...171 40 4 42 80 4 ,t .. .147 100 4 41 ... 4 42 ...1-J1 '14 4 41 ...14 140 '4 42 ... 4 U ... 4 42 80 4 41 M 4 4l ... 4 44 44 4 44 1" 4 6 840 4 44 44 4 44 ... 4 44 ... 4 44 8u4 110 4 44 141 40 4 44 40 4 44 SO 4 44 110 4 44 44 4 44 40 4 44 140 4 4 44 4 46 120 4 aa 40 4 44 a) IK .in m i i If 40 4 46 IMS 810 4 44 1D6 44 4 44 114 ... 4 44 Ml ... 4 44 lal 10 4 44 r4 144 ......HM ......1H tnl 14 H 174 144 ......144 m 41 tl 44 83 4, m tl... ... 44... 41... 44... tl... 44... 41... 41... 4U... 47... 41... 44... 44... 74... 11... 47... 141 840 4 44 ...940 ... 4 44 ...114 140 4 a 134 44 4 44 4 a ....S4 ....ins ....! ....Ill ....J4 ....MS ....111 ....Ml '.... ....171 40... 47... 41... 41... 41... 41... 44... 44.., 4.1... 44.. Tl... 41.. 14. . 41.. 71... 74.. 11!. 44.. (7.. 7, 1S1 1M 4 46 . ..147 40 4 46 ...174 SO 4 44 ...Ml 44 4 44 ...240 804 4 44 ...144 ... 4 44 ...164 1M 4 44 ...114 410 4 44 ...lf.1 40 4 U ...1M ... 4 44 ...141 ... 4 a ...171 44 4 44 ...Ml 120 4 44 ...K4 40 4 a ...1(4 ... 4 44 ...416 ... 4 41 ...147 129 4 46 ...19 ... Ill ...164 144) 4 44 ,...141 40 4 44 , . . !S 44 4 a ....144 40 4 44 ,...1X4 40 4 46 ,...14 120 4 46 ,...404 44 4 44 ....!!! 40 4 49 1 l 44 4 46 .114 .174 .114 .14 .164 HI .116 .141 ,.378 ..174 .104 84 4 44 40 4 44 84 4 44 ... 4 41 ... 4 44 ... 4 47 ... 4 47 ... 4 47 40 4 47 44 4 40 4 44 SHEEP The week starts out with a fair run of theeD. about half of the arrivals being killers, the balance being made up of range feeders, ine great irouuie was mat there were very few of the killers that were really -desirable. The country insists on sending In half fat eturr in spue of ail that hua been ald attains! it. There was a better feeling on killers this mornina- and Dacktsra a1! seamed to want a few. The result waa that desirable stuff sold st good, strong prices. Some were quoting handy weights ss quite a little his-har than last week. Some good Colo rado yearlings aold up to $4 10. - Borne small lols of lambs went at $5.CS and range lambs so'd arhlgh ss $4T6, There was a fulr demand for feeders and the market on that kind did not snow any muterttfl chanse In any direction. Quotations for corn-fed slock; Choice western lambs. f6 0o4j-.25; fair to good lambs. $4.6o4P.t4; good te choice Vearllnss. ... -: . . . . , . . . . .. A UAHriinu n b.i,i 7;- choice wethers. $3 Vu'at .65; fair to good wetliers. 13 Atii 36; good to choice wes, 43 UwiS 26: fair to 'Kk1 ewes. 82 Srti3 W i-hoics feeder limbs. MotrSitlli: fair to hh1 feeler latnbs, tS &nl; bhv lsmbs, $2 0id) Sograr mm Molasses. NEW YORK. Dec. 14 .-SUOAP. -R.w, steady; fair refining, $cj centrifugal, 96 test. $4c; molasses sugar. 2c; refined ateady; No. . 4.06c; No. 7. 4.00c: No. S, $9ac; No 9. $ 90c: No. 10. $.8Ec; No. 11. 8 $0c; No. 12, $.7Ec; No. 1$. $.70c: No. 14. S66c; confectioners a, 4.30c: mould, A, 4.70c; cut loaf. 1.05c; cruahed, 6.06c: powdered. 4.56c; granulated. 4.46c; cubes, 4.70c. MOLASSES Firm. New Orleans open kettle, good to choice. SI'S Sc. !. tjiavo OHIV.ANS. Dec. 14 SUGAR Quiet: open kettle. 2c; centrifugal, $ $-W, centnfuaul white. 8.13 13-16c; yellows. SVfiS 11-lOc: seconds, 230. MOLABBfcB aVO. , Whisky Market. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 14 WHISKT-Bteady, on basis of $1.31. ,., .... ., CHICAUU. Una. 14. VTiliork. bwui 'l-T'. . . j xiTtnaw Bimii k t PcjOrllA. uea it. tt i ?!.. on baa, of high u,,.,.--. tlNunNAll, UKV. 11-illn.i. tlllera' finished goods, quiet, on basis of $1.27. Dry Goods Market. vv-trw vnnif Dee. 14. DRT GOODS Ruvers are not Interested st the advancing character of the market, and yet no con cessions are being maas in any instance. Certain high prices srs being named, but these are largely wun ine iun vi uwrai rather than forcing bualnesa. Klgla Batter Market. v.IjMU III.. Dec. 14 BUTTER Ruled firm on the Board of Trade today, selling at 25c per lb., the same ss last week. Salt a In the region lor ine weea were wu.vuv iiw.- Mlaaeaoolls Wheat, Floor aad Bras. MINNEAPOLIS. Deo. 14. WHEAT Close December. 7V; May, $lc; July, SIVtiMSc. FLOUR First patents, $4.40dj4.65: second patents, $4 3il4.40: first clears, $3 fWi.iu; second clears, $lJfr&2.40. Peoria Grala Market. PEORIA, Dec. 14. CORN Firm; Decem ber, 43c 1 new No. $. $8Wc; new No. 4. 37c. Jadare Fletcher 1-aAal. , BOSTON. Dec. 11 The death of Judse Fletcher Idd. for three years a aupreme justice tn the Philippines, at a private hos pital ta this city wag announced today. CHICAGO MlKJKAI'OLIaV. Dooi! Mala Ulcg flanhatUo Building;, ST. PAUL, fUNN. rv..$.a flasa Stocks, Grain, Provisions Bought and aold for cash ov oa rsaso "- b!a Margin. Meaabera Isaportaat Exchaages, Private Wires. Write for our dally market letter and prt vat telegraph cipher mailed free. Ship Your Grain to Us BR VNCII OFFICES! OMAHA-109 bee Bid. 'Phone $511 SOUTH OMAHA-83 and $25 Exchange Bldg. 'Phone 72. COUNCIL BLUFFS 4u5 ai-d 40$ lapp Bldg. 'Phone 6.4. I.IXCOLW. -. f DICS MOISEM, C0ECHf STOCKS AND DOND8 ORAIN AND PROVISIONS We have over 160 offlcos. Keferecioae; 11 State and Nat 1 Baaka, OIK SVICB Ig TU88 BC8T. Out ef Twem Buslnasa Solloltsd. OeaaAs DraacAf' ItltFar aaa 4H- Tsa.47 . TUOt. M. WADDiCL UrmpMdatit , fcX-tPvUXa EXCUANaS-nrm. with m- lv, f.Usr ,yea4Usig R&; (csaor