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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1903)
TITE OMAHA DAILY liEtf: 'iTTOPAV, IIECDinER 15. 100.1. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA KdHrotdi Will Enlarg. Tarda Soon m Weattv Will Permit. liUCH WORK IS PLANNED FOR TRACKAGE laloa rarlfte Will Halla Daahle Track . Caaaeet la Omaha aaa gaata Omaha, Braid Kin. her ol gldetrack. contractor. Vpon Inspection. Jailer Fowler m a ... . 1 an i ft . . , ThlS louna mil iim im - - I . . . . a a ... . r la not tho first tlma that prisoner have Attornejs of B6 VT6T AGliOII 91 fl.w complained about the food. I Tork Lii Company. Jede MattOK limn BalltaT. It ws riven out lut nlRht on what to Qa ,NJUNCT0N eUT NQT SATISFACTION rnnrqupsrru reuaui ' - Mutton, recently elected ona of the Judge of the district court, had appointed Eira U I Ahalltloa of tkt Ll Llkrarr May AT TEE PLAYHCUSEJ. ' Jut aa noon aa the weather will permit the railroad wSl begin enlarging- the yards her and ' making room for mora tracka. The track now In use are con stantly crowded, due t the rapid Increase In business' at this point. On of the big Improvementa contemplated la the grading down of the stub ends of streets In the northern portion of tha city. These stub ends of Streets, which In reality are high bluffs were only recently vacated by the city council and turned over to tha Union raclflo for trackage purposes. A railroad offlclal stated yesterday that a portion of the" grading machinery to be used In leveling these bluffs waa now In the Union Pacific shops undergoing' repairs In order to be ready-to begin work as eoon aa the weather will permit. The -movement of this dirt will take a large force of men the better part of a year to clear fhe ground down to the level of tha present tracka. Of tha dirt to ba taken from these stub enda of streets tha Union Pacific propones to use about 100,000 yards at tba west and of the Union Pacific bridge. Where the balance will to has not been decided on yet When this ground Is cleared a double track from Omaha to South Omaha will be laid, besides a number of sidetracks. A new depot la to be built as well aa a viaduct across the tracks. It la understood that the- Union Stock Tarda company will proceed with the construction of the via duct at once and complete It aa soon as pomlble. Whett the bridge Is built and tho additional tracka are laid along Railroad avenue the east Una of the Union Pacific right-of-way will be fenced and no one will be permitted on tha tracks except railroad employes. , When the O street viaduct waa first planned the estimated cost was 180.000. Now that material has Increased In price the cost of this bridge will hardly be loss than 1110,000. Chief Engineer King of the tock Tarda company baa the plans and blue prints completed and proposes getting to work on the viaduct as soon as ne can get material on hand. , ,.. ' Aasasl Stockholder' Meeting;. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Union Btoek Tards company will be held at tha company's office in this city today. The usual number of eastern stockholder! Is expected. General Man agar Kenyon and Secretary J. C. Sharp will make their annual reports for the fiscal year ending November 30. Directors will be chosen at this meeting and the officers named. Those Interested In the yard assert that there will be no change either In the directory or In the present officers, The , fiscal . year of the company has been a prosperous ona, aa the total receipt of live stock show a large Increase as compared with last year. It Is expected that appropriations will Be mad for the Improvements General .Manager Kenyon haa In mind for the coming year. Talking A boot Bnlldlnsj. Several property owners on N street are talking about erecting substantial buildings between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-sixth streets the coming year. Al ready three heavy property . owners have called architects Into consultation with a view to getting estimates for ateamheated flats and office buildings. Such a move means the tearing down of a number of the old frame buildings which have been stand ing for the latt fifteen years. A business man said last night that In another year there would be few If any of the old frame buildings loft on N street within the limit of the two blocks mentioned. '( Relief Assoetatloa Ball. Arrangements have been completed by the Stock Yards Relief association for the holding of the annual ball at the exchange on the night of January . The proceeds, as usual, will go Into the treasury of the association. This organisation la only about Ave years old and haa a membership of about 200, all . being employes of the yards. Sick or disabled members are paid benefits at the rate Of HO per week. It is atated that vhe association la on a sound financial basis. ; ' : ' Michael Fancy lalaeed. While returning from church yesterday Michael Fahey stepped on a loose board In the sidewalk at Twenty-fifth and F atreets and waa thrown to the ground with con siderable force. lit addition to a general shaking up Mr. Fahey sustained a cut over the left "eye and a physician had to be called to stop the- flow of blood and aew up the wound. After the accident Mr. Fahey was removed to his home at Twentieth and , I streets. , The Injured man la the father of Mrs. P. 3. Martin, Twenty-third and N street. . ' Clah Thanks CoenelL. A meeting of the South Omaha Improve- ment club, . of tba Third ward was held In "the club, hall at Thirty-fourth and U streets, gunctay afternoon, the prime object of which ' was to thank the city council for the Installation ,of fire plugs In that ' district, In pursuance to tha expressed wish t Hi Cub membership. Resolutions were passed, unanimously, thanking the council . for Its foresight In helping to protect the ward from Ore. The club predicts that the Int. action of the council will tend, more than anything else, to help bull up that portion of the city, whlch-liad long been . ' neglected in the matter of adequate Are protection - , .'''-;' Prisoners Retae Faaa, Field of the Fifth wsrd, Omaha, to the pn. itinn r halllff In his court. When this rumor had been confirmed by a number of South Omaha candidates for the position expressions of regret were heard that the position had not been given to a Omaha man. Made City Geeeln. Lean o Restoration of tha Ola Ona la tha Pnxton Block, South Vaadevllle at tha Crelnhtan-Orphenm. Howard Thurston may or may not have mystlfljd Herrmann, the Great, but he certainly mystified two large audiences at the Orpheum yesterday. Ills tricks are his own, and his feats are. most marvelous, both In point of accomplishment and re sult. For example: He take a square of colored allk, probably four feet each way, shake It well, turns It over and over, and while still shaking) It, removes a large brasler flaming with fire; again he shakes It and discloses tha kneeling figure of a I LOUISIANA GIVES AS BALM Emperor of Franca Makes a Trifling Preient to En Cousin of if tin. TRIED FIRST T0 GIVE IT TO ENGLAND That Coantry Did Not Appreciate Its Valae la Tlma at Laals XV aad Refaeed a Taha tha Territory. Omaha will find itself the only large city In the country without a complete and up- I ..... , ,.r.ri... .vain ami a fm.ntntn to-data law library should the plans of thai ,,.. . . , A ti,... Tonight the cavalry troops will give a k8W york tjfe company go through and I . . . i Aifrrn mw. v,. A - . .1,. .,mnrr I . ... . 1 V- - l.lthfl lh cltv POUI ......... - - - - - ' - (haf nam. h. il inMM .T I ... . . . .. . or me woman rises irom a Kneeling to a PARIS, Dec. 14. -Under the authority of M. Delcasse. minister, of foreign affairs, K. Spencer Pratt, former United Statea min ister to Persia who Is now residing here, I making extensive researches In the ar chives of the foreign office relative to the transfer of the province of Louisiana by France to the United States. The Inves'tt- Then he I gation has brought to light all the circuit. that name ba disposed of. Low prices on useful holiday present. This library, which U the finest In Ne- andlna; pcturc, the bratler still biasing oma Vurniture Company. I hraaka. mart from that owned by the state I m .... .... , ' - : . . . I . - i inu intj muniun ami uiayina. l ii utj m nn n a nrnusht ia Harm Mil ina r rrurn. "a rtTCiT of Cnaries AUen as" police IJncoln' Include. tweenJTOOO and .0W half fc ,heUi ,n(, alp. trom ,tant,M of tran8acllon, ,nclud. lurt bailiff on January 1. volume, and U valued at lo.wo. a pail of water three times, pouring the ling the confidential lettera of the French water Into an urn. He raise the shell lowly out of the tint, and a stream of take Snprlnl low oriees on watches and ring for Christmas. Sandwlll, MO ,N street. I Umt ag.0 th New Tork Ufe company re- Following the policy Inaugurated some James Thornton, a cook In an N "treet centJy ,,vl orders that tesavta of the ten ""or beTng Knd 'flshln'. a story office building be Informed that th. Volver. I uurarx wuum uui Mflglo City council No. V Knight and i other cUlea al Ladles of Kecurlty will give a calico ball at ' - .Bd Modern Woodmen of American hall this been removed, ana u EMrt-1jia work at Oooden's anthaeptle barber shop, under South Omaha National bank, 2510 N street. Scalp and face massage specialty. In answering an alarm f fire Saturday night one of the wheels on tne wagon useti Dy wo. ft company ecu ,w yicvcn was injured library would not exist after th. first of the similar libraries hay. wag decided that Omaha' time had eome. The new of thla proceeding brought forth tlm. t14. hr.., MM ,h ,,., . - ... L t.v.r. -IK I ............. - office In the New Tork Llfs building. They called a meeting and declared formally minister at Washington, advising his gov ernment as to the various stages of the negotiation, and the letters by President Jefferson and Secretary Madison. These have hitherto been unavailable, owing to the rules of the foreign office, which have prevented the copying of documents In th. archives. In speaking of hi. Investigations to th and th. Statue stands In a classic pose, and Associated Press Mr. Pratt said: "On. of from the finger tip. of the extended left I th. most curious documents found 1 an water Is aeen rushing forth, the full slse of th. shell, Soon the urn overflows, and a larger one 1 filled. In turn this over flows and fills a third, still larger. Alto gether, about two barrels of water gushes from that Cocoanut shell. In tha mean- that one of the chief reaaona why they went to the building In the first place wag Th. h.-tinar In the city ha because the library was held out as an In building was on a vaoatlon yesterday ana i flucarnent. In the second and third places tne cur jau buiaoiwvi the cold. the prisoners In slderaoiy irom Mortality Statistics. Tha following births and death have been reported to th. Board of Health: they had calmly submitted to raises In ren tals becanse of the convenience afforded by th. unmatched collection of legal books. Valaa af Thla Library. hand of the necromancer a stream of fire putters out which 1 only squelched when he thrusts his left hand Into the urn and stops tne flow of water from the shell held In the right When It Is recalled that all this I done without apparent connection with anything off the stage, that the time I not over two minute from th. begin ning until all la In full evidence, th. aense- Vard. airl worth, glr It waa Dolnted out that when the building I Amtvinmr mami r h ro. w. Births Clarenc Cannon, 90 South Twen- MBM ODned about fourteen years ago, clr- Thllr,nn A,. ,h, w.v. .n .... t?nn?.W.?0lM d some decidedly mystifying. (.narit's aiaiiamun. "V"; 1 01 vv " 1 witn -easy grace ana charming skill. return they would receive from free ao- Aiae frorn Mr- Thurston act, the bill cess to thla library. Not only wa this In- contjn- mucn of m.Ht. Tha anh.ti- ducement held out In the beginning, but ftur. Is rather limited, although th. Jack repeatedly, they asserted, and It resulted fheo trio la pleasing In what It doe. Mr. In making the New Tork Ufe building pre- an(, Mra. Murphy have a really funny eminently the place of the attorney's ,ketch- why Dooran Swora Off." .n.i shingle in Omaha. Ther. ar. a few doctors present It with decided finish. Fost.r and and real estate and land firms and a bust-. roettr ao a ,tunt that combin., .q-,. Carl Straub. S0 Hickory, girl; John W. O'Nell, WIS Ieavenwortn, doj ; John Jacobsen, Twenty-eighth and Maple, girl; Frank M. Haller, u oomn iw.. Ueth, boy; Lewie H. Schueser, 1H9H North Seventeenth, girl. Deaths Harry Henderson, KM Cuming, 82. George L. pennls, 1602 South Twenty ninth, 70; May Elllngwood. 1848 North Sev enteenth. 87; Merwln Msynard, filiO Burt. 60- W. it. Tenle. 25C3 Marcy, S6; Joseph Strouble, key hosplt jub'le, county hospital, 12; Joseph Kous- neg, college In the structure, but the great fooi music with a Httl. comedy and Craw. ban th county hospital. Loul. Tate, count, I JorUy Qf offlce, . d b th. . JgJJ, piiai, m. nnnanti nf Rlackstone. Tha meeting con-I oi.-i .... . . I necessai ponenta of Blackstone. Th. meeting con cluded with the appointment of a commit tee, of which F. A. Brogan I th chair man, to take the matter up and insist upon the retention of the library. Mr. Brogan' committee appealed to the a...- rr wiiiim fttiWer of I ic'nt of the building In vain. He. for- West Point 1e a guest of the Millard. I warded th. remonstrance to New Tork and Omesja Oil for Kearalajla, Headache. earache, toothache. Quick relief. Bottle 10c PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. fischer and Wacker, tyrolean singers. cause much laughter. The laughing hit of th. bill Is th. Deaves marionettes, an automatic! music hall show of uncommon merit. 'One little turn not announced on th. program occasioned considerable hi larity last night. It was when Councilman autograph letter of Louis XV. giving away th. vast Louisiana territory to his cousin then king of Spain, a a present. The facta of this gift have heretofore been known only in a general way, but th. text of th. letter discloses th. casual nature of the gift and the fact that Louie XV prey lously offered Louisiana to Great Britain, which refused to acoept it." The text of the letter relating to the gift Is as follows I have caused the Marquis da Grlmaldt subject to your mnjesty's pleasure, to sign a cession of New Orleans and Louisiana to Spain. I had offered It to the English in nlare of Florida, but they refused It. I would have ceded them other possessions to have spared Spain having to cede this latter one but I fear that any cession In the gulf of Mexico might lead to serious rnnsauuences. I feel that Louisiana but poorly compensates your majesty for the losses you have sustained, but In ceding you this colony I consider less Its value me goon accompnsnea in uniting mo sh anil French nations, in ion is aime necessary for our subjects and our house. "The letter of the king of Spain, accept ing the present." said Mr. Pratt, "refers to the further strengthening of th. union of the two nations by royal Intermarriages. Later documents show the recession of Louisiana by Spain to France and give minute details of the eaje by Napoleon of GETS INTO WR0NG PLACES B. . M. Maxwell, Aaeamnnaledi hy a J as;, Makes Twt Mistake la Oaa Right. B. M. Maxwell, living, at tffi) Erskln. street, has been arrested, with the charge of drunk and suspicious charaoter placed against his nam. on th. police station register. It Is stated that Maxwell cam. horn. about 1 oclock Sunday morning and In stead of going Into his apartments on the first floor he went on upstairs and into the rooms of J. F. Baroda, where h. struck som. matches and began to prowl aroond. Baroda heard the noise and thinking that robbers were ransacking his home took seversl shots at Maxwell without effect Maxwell then lighted some more matches and Baroda recognised his downstairs neighbor and notified the police station. Maxwell had left when Detectives Hudson and Stryker arrived. About an hour afterward a carriage stopped at the police station. -Two men walked Into the office. On. of the men was Maxwell and the other D. A. Smith of 2118 Grace street. The story then told was that Maxwell had been trying to gain an entrance at the Smith house and had been received by Mr. Smith, who fired two blank cartridges at Maxwell. Mr. Smith waa called, a car riage summoned and the unwelcome caller taken to the police station. Maxwell was In a high state of Intoxica tion while making his early morning calls. FEVER CONDITIONS UNCHANGED Bead af Red . Cress Society on tha Groaad and Addresses Large Aadleae. i 1 ' BUTLER, Pa., Dec 14. There Is little change In the fever situation. Five hew cases and one death were reported for the day. This raise th. death total to fifty- six. Mis Clara Barton, president of the Red Cross, addressed an audience of 1,000 to night and tomorrow she with Dr. Beers and Dr. Hubbell, her aides, will consult the executive committee regarding work to be done. v est Point ! a guest 01 tne muiaro. warded tn. remonstrance to new ion ana D j O'Brien went arter and onr . 1 Z 7 , ,, a . V nih w nr.rkBnride and General 3. C. , 1 . ,iiu- ..iv Than rr nnr. ur en went after and captured one th. province to the United State. Cowl eft for St. Loul. Sunday evening. " n,t;d u " " ,," .ubJect th lawyer. . a"n' Thurston liberated from 8. E. Babson of Seward and Thomas Mur- I " f.7 I " Prr t was cruelly remarked nncc-ID mi rnMlfCinM VfWkl ray of Dunbar are both guests of the rax- carnea ioe m.n- .niu iw. ... .... ...... bJP a broth E,k who watcned th, fea, UUOOir wis wviiiliiivyJivn nut! ton. of County Attorney James r. mngusn, wno W. F. Black, Central City; J. H. i-arnis-1 neld a jeaM expiring January, M06, and se- General Manager Lane of the Nebraska movai 01 m. num., .... ,uuu. ..... - Telephone company, haa returned from a business trip to Deadwood, 8. D. H. 8. Wiggins. Lincoln; w. A. wagner. that O'Brien rarely got left when there wa anything doing tn th. hot air line. contract was about to be broken. Goes ta Federal Coart. Mistletoe Comes High Thla Tear, hat Strikes a t'snnlly Popular Gnlt. Beatrice, and Julian Lever. Chadron, are all registered at the Her Grand. H. B. Preeton of Chicago, promoter of the Gunning system of billboard advertla Ing. is In the city for a few days. William Rohlfing of Lewellyn, Dr. P. O. Grimm of Arlington and George F. Burr of Lincoln are guests OI tne aiercnaniB, Mistletoe will be high this Christmas "Tha Maa Who Dared" at tha Kiag, Mr. Howard Hall la presenting th. pat rona of tha Knur ml rinnhl. ant l. Now th. Insurance company has carried I It la a melodrama constructed on legitl- I time'. It will be over the heads of at least the suit Into the federal court, showing that I m.t. lines; one in, which the Incidents M11' ne people of Omaha the feminine It means business, whUs many of the law- flow tjaturally. In which tha action 1. half. A to price, it was said of the con- yer quartered In the New Tork Life I necutiv. and th. conversation rational, and 'mment of If-you-dare twigs which ar building have looked about for other office, j yet Whlch afford climaxes a thrilling a r,ved ln Omaha yesterday that they secured options and some have prepared I any could wish. On. t ...mi. would sell at about tha figure which mad. . -it ir.nrinaer Georare W. Caig. I to move the first of the year, regardless of I anda witn ranliir,n n ri.h tr,,... I them so Justly popular last Christmas. who haa been sick with grip, Is better and tne outCom. of th. suit Th. latter Is 0f th ia,-y who tossed her glove into the Tn mistletoe la very pretty this year and expects to be back at the city nail mis fought out on the theory that the n of tlons for her lover to recover. Mr. wlu n harmoniously with almost any wiiii. m KVnattrr. Stuart: L. L. weaver. -"". 1 nan icniowa a glove. .tossed Into a den of ' """"" i""""' uli"' Ehelton; Mrs. E. V. Capps. Blair; A. L. damaged, because they signed the contract vtng Ha,, and a(Up driving the beaats ments ln state paper please copy.) . McLauchln. Lincoln, and Bird Cr tc hfleld. wUn tha mpiled understanding that the ground the cage, secures, the glove and Philanthropy beata warm and true In Tulnom I" w b.P-t of th. the u-ea U Th.'t act ',. American turkey, A . ..r". i ?rmh. mnA stavlna at the celved, and that they will be Injured be- ,ndll wf,w .,,,m , .. 4V better feeling has come ln place of th. Her Grand. Mr.. Paige Is general auoiwr 1 auae they cant get out or in ouuaing at 1 OB1 wltfc a dralnatic r6mlse of venaeance- grasping desire for profit which marked the of the Northwestern Telephone company. ,., u "" I Thanksalvina business. It seems to ba tha &hnUHh " " "at the dossed tur- SEASOXABLE FASHIOKS A DOCTOR'S ADVICE ' Merrninii iiuitn 111 1111a vnn . - ... . w -- . now running the Lt. James notei in wnw, 1 ment 01 oeing ten the death, and yet all Is done artlsttonllv I wnolesaie ror the Christmas trado 1- i . v, . . riav. Ha la ataylna I .... ... xj-. v.i. nr. I ' . I ' "iucaiy 1 . hi .... v.. - - - . cutis, .u. uii. in .11. - 11 weu aa Taiaii.Hn.irv .n .. a 1 at not more man 10 oema. 1 ne wou-at will not . M able to keep the . . . . Lm v . r. n . . . . I . . , uv ..... 1 1 1 n " ' , ' ... ling waa Installed. Had it never oeen put tlplrI.r- ,nr thm ....... .... , the-door 1 no xoiiowing Aooraiiiui jjui. .. m . , ,fc .......,. u.u.v ii - tered at the Murray: 1. L. liaekett, Louis- In. as a means of drawing patronage, tney their feelings are not especially out- ucl(,d b,r ron many home at th yllle; 1 Talbert. Hatlng;Wllliam Smith. would now have as good a library as can raged, for the probabUitlea ar. in no aen culmination of th. year. All th. w,inPfv,M.tS;a.Btt"OUr Cral d R" ' b Procured. It I not th. only semi-public .. at po.T"" " " market. In th. country-even New Tork- Stewart. Hasting. W. O. Denman, C. B. Modlsett and Mra. Louise Modisott of Grand island; D. C. McNeil, Mrs. McNeil and a sister of Mr. McNeil, are all stopping at th. Merchants. They reside in Chadron. Frederick Sudman and daughter are stay ing at the Merchants. Mr. Sudman la a merchant of Chappell. He says the crops were ndt very good in that locality this year on account of an early frost. Miss Millie1 Dorn, secretary to uuperin Yesterday morning ' the halt score of law library in Omaha. There Is another Bvrt what , than anv nth., e..t. were glutted at Thanksgiving time by the in the Paxton block, known aa the Bar nr of the performance, Mr. Hall la an ,ate rrlval ot birds, which it was then 1m- Assoclatlon library, but It ia sadly run aetor of ability and has surrounded himself Pcas'b'e to send to the smaller market, down and Incomplete. Before th. induction witB a weI, balanced , company of capable Th Prlc broke an1 never ha been able of th. New Tork Life collection It wa mva ana womMli ao that tn9 peca ren to look the turkey In the face alnce. The better taken care of and nearly every at- ar.a with great effect. It 1 by far th ruIln" flure now ar U and 18 cent, torney In town subscribed a amall amount (trooevst acting company that has ap- Oysters ar. positively coming to Omaha annually for th. maintenance of the Pax- p.ared at the Krug this season and as aurln th holidays at a loss. Think ot Inn llhr.rv. filnnA tha Other Collection WSJ . .. .a . l . . . . ... tha liiBi.lmi. mnA allrtn.rv hlualva. ......I . llnClntuJMl lnUlled the old .upporter. gradually hav. , gaml ,IceUencet th, performanc. (a all th. way to this metropolis and not Hhe Is Sttia to ue inreaieneu witn n.i vuu. prostration. Her place Is being filled, tem porarily, by Miss Mae Maynard. Ritward Dickinson, vice president and general manager of the Orient railway, with headquarters In Kansas City, and who haa been tn Omaha over Sunday, left for hia home today. Sherman Canfleld, connected with the Millard hotel, went with htm. Mr. Canheld win return noma anor spending a few days In Kansas City. dropped away. Only eleven are left. I w,u worthy th. enthusiastic) applause that cletrin enough to pay for the shucker and 'Railway Kotes and Perseaals. 1 v. Vamav local aarint of the Missouri Pacific at Falls City. Neb., was a caller at the otficea of the company in this city. Harry Hackett, who manages the news department for Barkalow Bros, at the I'nlon atation, la confined to hi room by sickness. Krastua Toung. who has been traveling In the west with the Harrtman party, and who ia auditor of the Harrtman system. baa returned to his unlet, Whereas, th. New Tork Life library con tains the statute and reports vrom every tat and some foreign countries, com plete, ' a great many Volumes ar. missing from th. other collection. May Restock Old Shelves. Should the Life library go, th. lawyer aay they will restock th. old library, sub scribe $1,000 or so, to get It In shape, a It I regarded aa a great deal mora than 4 first-class nucleus, and maintain. It In fu ture regardless of other libraries, tba ajne aa lawyers In other cities have dati. It I said to b. Impracticable tor th. or dinary lawyer, or legal firm, for that mat ter, to purchase all the reports aa they come out. Text book and treatise were waa testewed on it yesterday by two audi- the dredger. The trouble Is that at Christ- eases that jammed the theater. If we are ma thera a tremendous demand for th. to hav. th. melodrama at all, It la by far eea taP'e and this gives the employe a a returnea to ni onic. "year ago discarded in th. Lit. library and General Passenger Agent Elmer of the ' , ,K. .,, ,. to be preferred in the guise ln which Mr. Van and his associates present it. Ths place will remain until after Wednesday night . . "Lost River" at the Boyd. Another excellent melodrama that was en Joyed by two large Omaha audlencea yes terday waa "Lost River" at the Boyd. In this Joseph Arthur has furnished an un commonly good example of how an old situation can be wedded to a new locality and made Into a really pleasing play. The company that presented it yesterday Is stronger In many way. than th. one which chance to ask a high figure for handling them. Consequently the price Is raised to the Omaha dealer. But th. retailers. It is' now. said, will have their oysters at practically the present figure. That Is, If no storm devastate the Chespeake, TWO MEN KILLED BY ROBBERS Offered Resistance When Tald ta Give Vp and Pay Pcaalty with Lite. ' CHICAGO, Dec. 14. Anton Nlesseler was shot and Instantly killed and John Tcmpel was severely wounded In the tatter's saloon Great Western Is expected In Omaha this week to decide upon matters conneciea with the appointment of several positions 111 vacant In the local offlce and for whloh there have been many applicants. The new Interchangeable coupon ticket to be used by all the lines west of the Mis souri river waa adopted at the meeting of th Tranamlaaourl f aaaenger association at Kansas City last week. Owing to the short time left to prepare the tickets and place them in the hands of agents between this and the first of the year, It waa decided to postpone placing them on sale until Feb ruary 1. The new parlor and buffet cars have been Dut on the Chicaao Great Western Minne apolis trains. They have Just been turned out of the Pullman shops and are the finest of their kind ln the west. It 1 believed thj entire new passenger equipment to sold. The owners of the building claim ave u here last year, and the performance at jai Princeton avenue by one of two that th. library coat them about $2,600 a year. They calculate the refit of the rooms occupied on the top floor at flOO a month, services of a librarian at HO and the re mainder for the purchase of new book and reblnding old ones. Whatever th. outcome of th. litigation will be, th. result and present discussion doubtleaa will revivify the old association library. A number of lawyers (ought to went off smoothly. The engagement was for the two performances only. RECTOR OF ST. LCKE'S, r laced on all ureal western train will be it readiness within the next two weeks. There are about thirty up-to-date cars in an to be delivered to mat roaa by tne pun man factory. Ashharahaaa, Ontario, Testlnee ta the Gaod Qaalltle of Chamber, lala'a Coach Remedy. ASHBURNHAM. Ont. April U. 133.-1 interest a prominent real estate owner in think It is only right that I should tell you the project of erecting an offio building what a wonderful effect Chamberlain' solely for. them, and John F, Coad was Cough Remedy has produced. The day he re ported as saying that he would do this for Easter I was so distressed with a cold b. I provided a sufficient number of attorneys I and cough that I did not think to be able highwaymen who attempted to hold up the place, Nlesseler, who had Just stepped into the saloon a minute before th. robbers, waa shot while going to the asslsunce of Tempel, who had been ordered to hand over the money in the cash register. A Nlesseler fell to the floor shot through th. heart Tempel sprang for the robbers, but be too was shot and It Is thought will die. The robbers, becoming frightened, fled without taking any of th. money and are still at large. 4Bt Lady Doll's Walking Costume, 14, II, 11 inches. Lady Doll's Walking Costume, Consist ing of Tucked Shirt Waist and Skirt, Coat and Hat, 4S9-The up-to-date doll ia aa carefully dressed aa la her little owner and must have proper equipment for the various occasions of dally life. Thla very stylish costume Includes one of the latest hort waist gowns with a long tailored coat and flaring hat. As illustrated the coat and skirt ar. mad. of dark blu. Sicilian mohair and th. shirt waiat and hat of taffeta, but the waist and skirt can be ot one material and the coat of another If preferred and various changes can be mnde. In the case of the model th. hat Is trimmed with fur and a pompom, but fancy braid or ruchlng of any sort can be made to take Its place. Bo long as the style of garments Is retained the little mother will be quite sure to b. content. The shirt waist Is tucked at the front to yoke depth, with a wide box plaited effect at the oenter, but includes a plain back. Its sleeves are full and are tucked above! the elbows in conformity with th. lateat style. The skirt is circular and la laid in backward turning plaits , which are stitched flat with silk to flounce depth, below which point they fall free to produce th. fashionable flare. Th. coat la th. ao oepted one of the season, la plain and severe In cut, but lnoludes the full sleeves that can be drawn over those of th. shirt waist without difficulty. Th. quantity of material required for the medium six. is for skirt and cost yard 27 or yard 44 inches wide, for waist yard a or, tt yard Z7 inchea wide, or yard 44 inches wide, with yard allk for th hat The pattern 4f Is cut in slse for dolls 14. 18 and 23 inchea In height. For the accommodation of Th Be. reader these patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to M cent, will b. furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which cover all expense. In order to get a pattern enclose 10 cents, give number and nam. of pattern. To men who ar. weak Mentally, Morally and Physically. Whose systems nave ai some time been polluted with Poisonous Private Distases, those whose depleted manhood forbids any advance toward matrimony and those who nave mane tne mistake of marrying while there lurked In their systems eome frightful weaknewa or poisonous taint of Private Disease, and who now find themselves on th verge of social ruin. To all such men con scientious and experienced doctor would advise you to consult witnout aeiay im best specialist. One who haa mad a lit. long study of Just such, cases. One who can qulcklv and fully understand your troubles. One who will not deceive you with false promise, or unousinamsnaw propositions. One who can and will cure you In the shortest poss4bl. time and ft the least expense to you. Any man In need of auch medical advice or treat ment should come t one. to the TATte EiECTRO-WEPICAl, 1S9TI- Tl'TE, 130N Karnam St., Bet. 13h aad 14th te., Omaha, Be. Com. to our office ana l win thorough and scientific EXAMINATION of your ailments, an examination tnat will disclose your true pnysicm conumun, un cut a knowledge of which you are groping In the dark. If you have taken treatment elsewhere without auccess I will show you why It failed. I want all ailing men to i.ei that they can come to my office freely for ...nin.iinn .tin nynlsnntlon of their con dition without being bound by any obliga tion to take treatment unlese they eo de sire. Every man, whether taking treatment or contemplating same, snouia i r nu..i tage of this opportunity to learn his true condition, as I will advise him how to best ' regain his healtn ana sirengin., serve th. powers ot manhood unto rip. old age. Avoid Dangerous or Uncertain Treatment DON'T WAIT until your whole eystem Is polluted with disease, or until your nervous system Is tottering under the strain and you become a physical vnd mental wreck unfit for work, study, business or marriage. With special diseases and weaknesses you can make no compromise. You must con quer them now by the right treatment, or . they will fill your whole life with failure, misery and woe. Uncertain. Improper or half-way treatment can only do harm. The worst cases I have treated were those thnt had been improperly treated before coming to me, eome having been maimed for life by bungling surgical procedure. I cure by restoring and preserving Important organs. I do not advocate their mutilation or de struction in an effort to make a quick cure. Fvery afflicted man ewes it to hlmseir, ni family and to the future generatlona to get, cured BAFELT and thoroughly. IIERVO-VITAL 7EMtiESS Above all Other thing. I strive 'to sari the thousands of young and middle agea men who ere plunging iowara u '" tortured by the woes ot nervous debility, where success was before by other doctor deemed Impossible It does not stimulate temporarily, out """"" 5. .11... .h. irritation of the delicate tis sues surrounding the lax and unduly ex panded seminal glands contracting them In their normal condition, which stops night emisHlons. dries up day drains and prevents premaiur. a. , .,;. V.T; Strengthens the blood vessels that carry nourishment to the w eakenM par ta re storing them to full le, strength and vi gor. W. cure Stricture. Varicocele. Might Losses, Cay Drains. Nenous Debility, Hi pot sac y, ttioca oison. (Venereal), sores, Rectal, woney, Urinary and Private Diseases. and all diseases and weaknesses due to evil habits of youth, excesses or the re sults of specific diseases. Writ. If you cannot call. Consultation free. Office Hours s a. m. w y. day 10 to 1 only. Electro-Medical : Institute laOS Farnasa St.. Det. 18th aad' 14th agreed to office "In the structure. Later Mr. Coad was quoted aa saying that h did not car. tc Invest hi money In an office building. Christmas at the Booklovers , A good book I a comforting kind of Christmas present; and a good book Which you can exchange fur another good book as often as you like keeps the pleasure of the gift revolving from week to wetk. We shall take ear of your order ln a pleaslug way. Here are a few ot our special Christmas offers: $1.50. ' A new Tabard Inn b;ok .icbaosreaM. for viver ; fl.OO. BookJovcra Meinbot .ulp (on. year) also litxAUHxrt Magatin (ona , . year).' 8.75. Booklov.rg Membership and two Maraxinet: BookUven and 1U- kittan. 6.23, 4 Membership and threw Magazine.: Two above and (.'omMopotttm. Mariiioci may b teat U diffirest addresses. Call er tea. for clrc.tars, OMAHA LIBRARY: 1614 Farnarn Street. BRAKEMAN SERIOUSLY HURT track an Head While taadlaac aa High Car Paaala I'ader V tad act. C. Q. Bowerln. of Linooln, head brake man of B. ft M. freight train No. 78. aaa atruck on the left temple while riding on the top of a furniture car under the Tenth treet viaduct at a late hour last even ing. Bowerln fell unconscious on top ct the ear and waa found by th. fireman of westbound train No. 11 Th. wound wa. temporarily dreaaed at th. depot and th. injured man taken to Wise Memorial hos pital In the police ambulance. . Blood wa flowing from Sowerine'a ear and nostril when he waa found on top of th ear. Th full axtent of his Injuries could not be determined at an early hour this morn ing. to tax. any auue tne next aay, a my voloe waa almost choked by the cough. Th same day I received an order from you for a bottle of your Cough Remedy. I at ence procured a sample bottle, and took about three doses of the medicine. To my great relief the cough and cold had completely disappeared and I was able to preach three time, on Easter Day. I know that this rapid and effective cure wa du to your Cough Remedy. I make this test!- monial without solicitation, being thankful to have found such a Ood-aent remedy. Respectfully yours, B. -V LANOFEIaDT, M. A.. Rector of Bt., Luke's Church. lavement at Oeeaa Vessel Dan. IS. At New Tork Arrived: New Tork. from Southampton and Cherbourg. At raimoutn Arrived: aleuomlnee, from London, (or New Tork. At The I.lsard Passed: Nekar. from Naa I Tork for Bremen; r'lukind, trout New York tor Antwerp. At Uvervool Billed: Buenoa Avrean from Olaagow, tor felt. Johns and Phila delphia. i At Rotterdam Balled: Rotterdam, via Boulogne Bur War and passed Prawle Point. AC Movllle Hulled: A Dehor la. from Olaa. gow. for New York. At tueenatown bulled: l.ucanla front Llff!C-"f N-tt York, aVcoiaiiit, trvut KcDeaela Waata Mora Money. A motion for a new trial haa been filed In the district court In the rase of William McDonald avalnst the city of Omaha. Me- lo-iald waa Injured by a fall on Fifteenth street two Yeurs ago and Instituted an action for 3.uc0 damages. The case wus trtd by a jury before Judge ruckinson and the jury n-turneu a verdict lor stuj. LOCAL BREVITIES. William Wardlaw of Omaha, laborer, filed hla voluntary uetltlon in baukruutcy with the I'nlted States district court. Liabili ties. Km. 11; asset. 170. Discharges In voluntary bankruptcy were granted by Judge Monger to John lleshaltr. Callaway, Custer county; McUlone 4k Bey-I forth. North Platte, and William K. Jack- Son of Randolph. Cednr county, raeb. Four complaints charging larceny from the person Mere hied ia police court by Assistant- County Attorney Magney. Lulu 6tngMterry Is charged with relieving John Tanner of (Jt; Mary K. Brown stole 116 1 rrotn Janice tt. Minaiey. according to the alliaa tlons In hi complaint. Juila Rosa Jot away witn SB Which belonga-a ou to una B. McN'aiuara, be aaaerta. and has filnd romplaint, and Maude Btardslev tons HO fruia William Uvilxufli, fee aas, be- 8B "There, now Ilnowwhat to get Charlie for Chrilms--p If a of "OPTIMO CIGARS" Bold at beat cigar shop everywhere. THE PEREOOY MOORE CO., Mstrlbuters, Council Bluffs, Ia. QEORQE ROOER5, Distributers. UK Par nam Bt.. Omaha. A. BANTAELLA&CO., Makers. Tampa. Florida. Chlcajro Salesroom; 19 Monro Street. the result or youtniui etc I have obtained a pecial treatment for Nervou Debility and spectal weak ... ih.i i. uniformly succestrful In cases STATE ts., Oaaaha, Keb. The Only Double) Trtok Railway between tha Mleaourl River and Chicago. 6 DAILY TRAINS W OMAHA TO CHICAGO 8.25 P THE OVERLAND LIMITED MnaaMVMat solid allr trata ta Okleam. Ooasjr B.nt and draolna-rouia ilwlui eat library, oo Sat, ,ir huh. laUuhona dlnlas oais aaa eMarrauua ra. Kiagtri UaaMd uuoashoot. 8.00 AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS Pal.utorf.fJtln irtaiac era Mat troat CI in torn. 5.50 py THE EASTERN EXPRESS Pullmaa drawlaa-raoa and fcmrtat Simla asra, tn ncilaln shait can, baiia. Ubrarr aad amoalu , 1laiBf i 3 OTHER DAILY TRAINS . FiUlnuwawinfl-ram-ewApiQlM I mokluf u4 Ubrari var. tuid Ir pKiii '.hp to Chleo 3.40 au 1 1 3Q AM 5-ESr-S3ala I llWU Mll , a raVir ra. iltalagaan. 45 5 PU iarlf'r Cuu tokice.' IU a" laaaaraarvl. braaafaai. 2 DAILY TRAINS ST. PAUL:ilEAPOLIS 7 50 AM b,tto oata aara, par lur ears aad 81 C DU Fallataa alaatts eat, hntmt llbtssy a I 9 I M aara aii J Ina taullalas abalr eata, BLAG I HILLS Dli To rramon. Uaaola.Waaoo l)d rilf. ,3U M York. Ilaatluaa, Haoard, (aaaaaa. Hapa rlur. Bortula. Leaa l'iaa, Caapar, liui Swiaaa, Lwadaoed aod Laad. lhroofh faalialu akalt aaja Full a. a a ataspia oar aarvloa. 0 (It. Ill T Fra-oat, Linaals, Wahso. Mortals. 0 U3 AM Lom Plna. Vardmra. Boaaataal aad ILm fiuaabad lndtaa lUaarvatioa eaaatrr- CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1401 and 1403 Fa .nam Street HEN AND WOMEN saalaraa attuaa Irrliaiiuu er alwaiiim ef Ba a c a 8 saaabrauaa. aLLaaa. aad aut aalrtm. sttHM Ull J 0. fast ar aoiaoa kl,.,.S laVl V- MEHAKDWOMI ktiN. I Caaliif aatorsDOal laaaaTaXJ diacbarsas.laaaaiBati 1 aaala hy Ornsatata, j ae aatit ia alala airaapaa kr af araaa, raaald, Um -jTll SIS, or I bottlrasa 7a. w ss tucular aaaa at mush fCfDRUHICARDS alsst I MH1TA DOVK COM A Br !ml: uitleairuy rr. tiic for Lroki aribK. ti i kIKr ua"if uiia rvtntr MkUt6 1tt Lift, ee4 ItJf. itB in Kflf Il'.unf Diy iwr w twt, iuiv aaa van vuu a Ha nniiia