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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1903)
TITE OMAITA, DAILY REE TUESDAY, DECEMBER IS. 100.1. f J i. E r o s n LB i." -9 a T. APPORTIONS SCUOUL MONEY State SnptrinUodtDt Fowlv Notifies Conn lie of Amount Do Each. FUND IS OYER A QUARTER OF A MILLION tae Hoard ef Eiillitloi te Mtfl Tatar O't RaJr (r Baal, a I'nlraa rme Ceart ' Kaorka It Oat. (Prom a fits ft Correspondent) TNCOL.Tt, Dsc. 14. (Sppelal.) State Sup erintendent fowler today snaee hi report f the apportionment of achool moneys. It being six days over due, owlrta; to tha nee ligcnce of sorrie rounty superintendents In tailing to get In their reports. The laat of these waa received from Flllmora county after It had been atated In the preaa that that atate superintendent Intended to atart mandamus proceedings to compel a com. pllance with the law. ' The counties have divided among; them V. 48 "which la el m cents per pupil for a total numbar: of .The money waa derived front, these sources: state tax, 168, 771. M; Intel eat on rehool and saline landa old, t42.791.t7; Interest on achool and aallne landa leaned, t06.S48.48; Intereat on United gtates bonds, county bonds, and school dis trict bonds. 887,882.82; Interest on stats war rants, $18,038.84; fth and cams licenses, $1,847.00; embalmers' balance, $8; less war rant No. $626 ' for $4.17. Dougias county landa flrat with the largest number of pupils, 42,002, tmonf which la apportioned t28.US.42. Following la tha report In detail:' County, Adams ntelnpe Jtanner Wame .. Boone .. 1 ' Baho'lHrs. Am't l"ue, J.L0 6.8S3.92 I.20J.9U 4,722 4 171 4.4H4 1.IKJ lift) l.Hoa I 171.77 Ud.lO S.U1038 l.l'i.M 2.24.44 Hos Butte Iloyd ...... Urown .... Buffalo 7i & Burt 4,f.itf 8.07.1 6.629 7,4 1 8 fc.UM 27 1.6"3 6.6 It) 4,334 6, u 7, 49 t,2L70 e.V7.l4 . 8,484.08 U29.87 1,232.28 1.08.88 1.740 91 2,942.48 8.8U8.12 6,824.92 1,661.22 1.846 84 8,09.67 4i8.a4 2,'lM.M iS.tM , Wtt.71 tluo.47 141.90 1,761.4 4.0K1.4 It.ioi.Sl ,1)M.U 6 lOM l.OM.iU 8,2644 107.27 I. 88.91 t,o.?a 8.774.11 8, 431.24 448.09 7M.20 1M.M 8.979.89 14.986.84 II. 870.23 234.23 395.14 . 4,270.47 76.04 2.123.02 1.978.40 1.427.92 2.912.17 ..... J.O.W 4.4,7 m M 4,ui iwusiaa 4,vu4 Jjuruiy ..,,,.,,,,,,.,',.,,, MU 'Uinura 'k,W 3 ranaiin -, ir'ionuer ; k,iy 'urna ,. .ooi tiage hi.iu Oarneld .... Uusper .... (irant Greeley .. . liell litunlltoa . llartan .... Iiayes Hitchcock ltoll 878 I,su6 ........... : - Ifie S.tMtO 0. KB 4.M6 I.1S6 ' eW 1. h4 i ltJ4 4.233 6.833 4,084 8,t81 61 Hooker , Howard , Jefferson Johnson j... Kearney' Keith i Key a Paha l.lfis . jviiuoaai . , Knox fee 287 B.862 ... I2,U72 ... 3,9-13 I.lncoln 345 6X2 J-oun . Madison ,29u.. Mcl'h arson k 112 Merrick $.127 2.914 S.U49 4,383 iaiM- ...a....... JNemahik Vt I n l4tHll(MMM aVlUUaWlla iiiMMM4tfiu uioe 4.80.16 1,886. 74 J PerhlnaJ P-, a ; j ee . , 844.22 2.81 ' 2,338 24 . . 4.438.86 2,734.06 2.S17.87 4.641.88 778.05 4,634.67 2,12801 6.4X3. 72 774.86 ,831.24 1.2(8 08 1.K2021 482 . 1.W4.19 t,6!)2.22 140 64 1.429.83 1.9A61S 1. 114. 44 2.600 92 2,732 fiS 827.92 4.266.71 jrnrupa Pierre Platte Polk ., I.&46 t.444 e,&.'8 4.027 ' 8.414 8,89 1.148 . ,79 8.127 8.077 1.141 8 BIS . l.RAS S.8H1 ' 697 f t.TA 8.291 3o7 tlo8 , R98 4.802 8.77t 4.028 4 S3 (.283 Red Willow ... Richardson .... Hock .. Hallne ., Harpy Baunders ....... . - VlUlfc ....... nwaro . Pheiidan fherrnan Hloux ... e -e a fit an ton Thayer Tfc. Thurston ai ir W ashington . Wavna Webster ....!.." whaler ...j..!nnt".i; ork " Total v .., .,176.101 $266,481.48 . " Bamr Kaaallsattoa. Tha SUta . Board of EquaHsatlon will tneet tomorrow afternoon and formally or anisa and pass on tha schedules prepared In advance toy Secretary Bennett Auditor "Weston, who waa 'a member of the old board and perhaps knew mora of Ita work ings than any of the other members, will -tiMjt bs present at this meeting. In a letter .rCrlttan to friends here he stated that he would in ail probability reach home the latter part of tha week but not before. Ha raa then In Casper and had not started bome aa It had been reported here oa sev eral ooeasloas during the laat few days. In the letter Mr, Weston stated that ha was endeavoring to make a aatlafaotor settle. nent of the .affairs of the bank. Tha supreme court opinion In ths revenue taw,' 4ipon which tha Ufa or death of the board depends. Is not dua until Wednesday, based , on tha usual procedure of the court, though It may ' come down tomorrow In order that the board members may feel free to get down to work or free to quit work. It Is Impossible to say with any degree of accuracy what the decision will ba. It la told on good authority today that Commissioner Duffle, who with Com. Kick Headache sad relieve all the troubles fnoV Cant to a bkUoae atataef the aislaa.saah aa 1UV , saaa aa uia i af tar wuiiif , aiowa, fsjiM, Uroweuw. rata n tba Ski, so. hiie la or resmar able aaccesa aas beta aliowa la curing C5 Li 4 BcadKlie,yeii:arter'aUltiaUTarIultareaqBaIly vaiitabla la Couaiiptuoa, enriag and pniveuung this aMeyief coaaplaiBl, walla loey aUeeerract all Swunirra of la eusaeh. eilaialata the liver aa4 nguiaia the eoaala. Kiea If ttuy ealy aund Aefce they veald bail moat priceless to these waa evflr fruia Hue dturaMUig complaint; bat forta aaialy tbeir gooocsa dura sot eu4 boa, aa4 tboae wha aaea try laaot will 8d4 tacaa lull. iiiie vale ablaut aoaiaajrwaja titat tbey wulaot be aOliag tsaeaUboaiUkasa. but aiuf all ski bead ! the baa of so stan j lira tbol ara te where ve nuke atr (rest await. Our uie care at a hue aware 4 But IVW I LnOe Ltoer fllle in vary aatall aa4 I Ty eaj be taka. 4a or two lulls Boaa a Sua. (aTky are atrxtlj ag. table ana so aut grip or purg. but br ibnr praile actum pl-aa ail arba ! Butler Case Cedar Chase ........ Cherry Cheyenne .... Clay .,...... Colfax , Cuming ...... Custer ....... I I'RKOia j 1 IM f JJawaon CARTERS . tia taaaa, la iua at aa caata; Ba lor at. eS hf 4uaiaU evwyvbOT, at aaal by aiX CXCTXl MEDICINE CO., Haw YarH CI tab mlealoners Ittton and Klrkpatrick sat with the court In hearing the final arguments, would have an opinion, which baed on his first one would naturally be opposed to the law. Commissioners Ittnn and Klrk patrick will have no opinion. Ftom the fart that these two both upheld the law aa a whole and the further fact that Attorney Oeneral Front, who assisted In the defense of the law before the court, filed no brief. It may be an Indication that the court will uphold the law. Nothing dflnlt, however, can be said In the matter because another rumor from the consultation room was that at least one of the Judges would endorse the opinion written by Commissioner Duffle. t'spld and Dollars Mix. D. Frank Rice, an energetic farmer. Is a prisoner at the city jail because Mrs. Franklin Ready charged him with using Cupid and much hot air to separate her from almost $1,000 during the past two yeara. She brought the charge because after their wedding day had been repeatedly postponed, e the woman said, D. Frank announced that what was Intended would never be and that henceforth a stone wall Would rise tip between them when they met on the streets. Before the stone wall got a start, however, Mrs. Ready ssw that I9J0 and some odd rise ud Immediately she told her troubles to the police. The man In ths case said hb never at any time said he In tended to marry the woman nor had he ever thought of auch a thing. According to the woman she and Frank became lovers about two years sgo, when she first struck the town, and had been such ever since. One day ahe said Frank mired up a lot of love words with a tale of woe that he needed a little money to pay off a little bill and he got It. Then the stories became more frequent until finally all the alimony she had secured from her first husband had vanished, then she asked Frank to cany out his promise Vj marry her and Frank balked. The woman is the mother of two children for which she pro vides. Rice Is 24 years of an and is at present husking corn on a farm near here. He was formerly a bartender. Police Loral Girl. Carrie Norton, daughter of a Parkers berg, Is,, minister, for whom the police asd her parents had been looking for some weeks, wss located today In a rooming house here, where she was working aa a domestic. Her discovery revealed the fact that she was the, victim of a too trusting nature. She will be cared for here by chari table people and In all probability will not return to her home. She was located by Police Matron Doyle, who now has her In charge. Ths girl stated that she was surprised that her father had asked tha police to locate her, aa aha had written home two weeks ago and, and since coming to Un join about the beginning of tha state fair, she had been in communication with her family. She la 22 yeara of age. Cosaplala ( Iaaaraace Agent. ' Deputy Pierce of the Insurance depart ment of the auditor's office Is In receipt of several letters from a number of Insurance companies and policyholders to the effect that' one J. Forest Marston recently has been doing a land office business out In the stats selling policies that were no good to people who wanted them because they were cheap. Among the companies complaining is tna union Casualty and Surety company of St. Louis and the Aetna Life Insurance company of Hartford. Ths man haa no license from the state to transact buslneea. The complaints reached the office of the auditor about a month after the man had ceased to be heard of. Mara a Caaflran Bala. The motion of the city attorney for con firmation of tha recent, sale of the atreet railway will- come up tomorrow In district court... Tha motion contemplates the coa flrmatlon of tha sale Immediately" upon the filing of the report of the sheriff. ' It Is understood that the sheriff, in mak ing his report, must show -payment of the money, usually several daya elapse after payment and tha report of the sheriff be fore a heating Is had on the matter of con firmation. Tha city attorney's motion is designed to avoid tha necessity of allowing so larre a sum as the purchase price, $1,160,000, to be several daya exposed to tha risk of loss awaiting the confirmation. Mr. Strode says that the money will be on hand when Its presence may ba required to make the sale effective. It la not under stood that Charlea A. Frueauff, who bid In tha property, It la suspected for the McMil lan syndicate, la carrying the money around In his clothing since his arrival yesterday, but an intimation Is given that It Is now here and safely deposited where thieves may not break In and steal. Lieateaaat Calver la Tawa. Lieutenant Clarence C. Culver of ths Fifteenth cavalry arrived In the city yester day from Ban Francisco on a thirty daya' leave of absence from his regiment, which will be stationed at Forts Ethan Allen and Myer. Lieutenant Culver is In splendid health. - notwithstanding - his long sojourn In the Philippines. Vhile there he wss for a time health offlctt at Jolo In the Bulu archipelago, and had experience In coping with ths Asiatic cholem which prevailed there for some time. It Is four and a half years sines hs went to the Oriental islands. He' Is stopping with his father. Adjutant Oeneral Culver, at the family residence, 710 South Seventeenth street. THIRD ATTEMPT AT SUICIDE A. A. Laaaretaa Falls to Ead Ufa by CattlacHis Threat or Hhoot. lag; Hlaaaetf. FREMONT. Neb.. Dee. 14.-(8peclal.) A. A. Langston. who tried to . commit aulclde about three montha ago by cutting his throat with a piece .of glass, made another unsuccessful attempt hls morn ing. He first tried to cur his throat with a pocketknife, but the knife was dull and his knowledge of anatomy rather defi cient, and Instead of severing an artery he only made several Jagged wounds be low his right esr, which bled profusely and were painful. He then decided to try the gunshot route, on account of Its being a little more sure In its results. He sat down on the side of the bed. placed a target rifle between his knees, with the mussle against his forehead and dis charged the gun with his foot. Instead of the bullet crashing through his skull, ow ing to tho gun slipping a little. It simply scratched the top of his forehead. The report of the gun aroused his family, who found him sitting on the edge of the bed. the rifle at hla side, blood trickling from the wounds In his neck, and thor oughly disgusted at the failure of hla third attempt to make away with him self. His friends and formpr business associates think he Is mentally unbalanced and haa been so much of the time elnca hla retirement from the Fremont Cider company, or which firm he waa a member. BONAPARTE TO VISIT INDIANS aaaotai Atloraay tor tha lalted i atatea Will Hear Caaaplalats ct Maekegee. "JMjlllUMA CITY, Dec. 14.-Charles J. Bonaparte and Clinton Woodruff, spe- c.aujr appointea oy ins prealdent to eon ' investigation of affairs In the inaian Territory for the Interior depart ment have notified complains nta that the.- will hear evidence at Muakogee. Decem ber 18. The chargea Involve a number of federal odOaJa and lha Dawes commission. PASSING SO PLUM PUDDING Iowa Delegation Unable to Beach Agree ent on Judgeship. GOES OVER NOW UNTIL AFTER HOLIDAYS Bill for Comblaed Railroad, Wagaa and Foot Brldae Over the Mleeoarl at Taaktoa Is Favorably Recoranaeaded, (From a Staff Correspondent.) WA8HINC1TON, Dec. 14.-(Speclal Tele gram.) The Iowa delegation met this morn ing in Senator Allison's committee room for the purpose of reaching a conclusion on Judge Shiran' successor. All efforts, how ever, were unavailing and at 11:30 the meet ing adjourned to convene again at the call of the chairman of the delegation. Senator Allison said the delegation Interested In selecting successor to Judge Shiran con vened at 10:30, two members of the delega tion being absent on the hour of convening. Representatives Cousin and Blrdeall. Later Judge Blrdsall appeared, but Representa tive Cousin was absent during the whole time of the conference. In view of his ab sence it was decided to postpone any fur ther action and without a ballot being taken today the meeting adjourned. It Is understood no further meeting will be held until after the Christmas holidays. It had been hoped the Judgeship would be placed In some Iowa man's stocking for a Christ mas present, but as the members of ths northern half of the state are tenaciously sticking" to their candidates the new year will have come and gone before any decisive action Is taken. Jepreeentatlve Klnkaid today recom mended John Melahaw for postmaster at Rlege. Cherry county. In the place of M. F. Murphy, resigned. Congressman Burkett spent Sunday at the Naval academy In Annapolis, the guest of Cadet Reed M. Fawell of Lincoln, who will graduate with the clasa of 1906. Senator Millard Introduced a bill to pay Nye 4 Schneider the sum of $61 for fuel fur- nlahed a Nebraska postoftlce some years sgo. Protest oa Transfer to Cuba. Citizens of Iowa are sending a petition to their senators protesting against cessation of the Isle of Pines to the Cuban republic. Senator Dolllvar has received a long peti tion from cltlsens of Spencer and Stacey- vllle reciting the reasons leading up to tha purchase of lands In that Island by Amerl' can cltlsens. Favorable Report oa Bridge. The committee on commerce today made a favorable report on a bill Introduced by Senator Gamble authorising the Winnipeg, Tankton A Gulf railroad to construct a combined railroad, wagon and foot passen ger bridge across the Missouri river at or near Yankton. v Balldlaa; for Grand lalaad. Representative Norris today introduced a bill appropriating $128,000 for the erec tion of a public building at Grand Island, Hall county. Neb., upon a sits already MifphiM hv tha arnvernmenf. Representative Lacey has Introduced a bill to set apart certain lands In the ter ritory of New Mexico as a public park, to be known as "Ths Parajarlto Cliff Dwel lers National Park," for the purpose of preserving the prehistoric caves and ruins and other works and relics therein. 6aa to Both Seaatars. ' : "Newspapers and Individuals in Ne braska have a misunderstanding regarding my appointment to a place on tha senate payroll, said Crawford : Kennedy today, "The appointment came to ma as tha Joint efforts of Senators Dietrich and Millard. Both labored to bring the appointment about and aa patronage is divided equally between the two senators, which was an understanding had with Sergeant-at-arms Kansdell, and is charged to Nebraska, It seems to me thst both senators should have the credit for ths appointment and 1 feel deeply grateful to them for what they have done." ' Rural carriers appointed; . Nebraska- South Auburn, regular, James M. Hanna ford; substitute, Mrs. Ltllte Hsnnaford; Wilber. regular. Gardner Clark. Iowa Rolfe, regular, Hnrry L. Jordan; sub stltute. Clarence H. Jordan. Postmasters appointed: Iowa Nelson, Guthrie county, T. A. Clark, vice R. E. Gillespie, resigned; Sattre, 'Winneshiek county, Neleus Hendrlckson, vice Julius Hanson, resigned. South Dakota Fell, Faulk county, Mathias Mullenberg, vice Henry A. Fangman, resigned. TO TALK POULTRY AND CATTLE oath Dakotaas Are to Meet at Mitchell First Week la Febraary. MITCHELL, S. D.. Dee. 14.-(8peclal.)- The Joint meeting of the South Dakota poultry association and the South Dakota Live Stock Breeders' association, which will be In this city from February to , prom ises to be one of the biggest events in that line of induatry ever held In the state and tho local committees having In charge the arrangements have commenced to make their plans for the coming affairs. The poultry show will be held In the Col- vln Implement warehouse, a building that will furnish all the room needed to display ths entries properly. The president of the show Is J. F. Relnelt of Tripp and Will Scallln of Mitchell la secretary. This will be the fifth exhibition under the state eus pices, having graduated from a county ex hibition started about nine years ago. Good cash prises will be offered In all the entases. while the business men have put up a large number of special premiums for the ex hibltors. Several atlver loving cups will be put up by the association for sweep stakes. W. 8. Russell of Ottumwa. Ia., his been secured aa Judge of the show. The meeting of the. live stock breeders will be an Important one among the stock men of the State. The association was or ganlsed one year ago, the president being J. M. Erlon of Mitchell, with Prof. J. W. Wilson of the Brookings Agricultural col lege aa aecretary. Mr. Wilson has written to the poultry men that there will be over 400 represents tlve breeders of the state In attendance at the meeting. Atlde from the literary featurea of the breeders' meeting will be a public sale of thoroughbred cattle and considerable room haa been aak;d for the stock while the tale la In progress. similar sale under the auspices of the asso ciation was held at Huron last spring snd It was a msrked success, and it la betlevrd that the coming one will be even larger, owing to the association's greater prom! nence In the state. The premium Hut snd program for each meeting of the association will be Issued In the course of a few wee!:s. Oae-Man Jery Awards Jadgmrat, SIOCX FALLS, 8. D.. Dec. 14.-M8peclal The State circuit court In this city late Saturday afternoon presented a novelty in the form of a Jury of one man returning a verdict in a case. Some of the testimony in the case had been offered before a Jury of twelve men. when Judge Jones decided to direct a verdict In favor of the pUin tiff. Just at this Juncture It waa necessary ror a number cf the Jurors to catch a out going train or remain In tha city over Sunday. George A. Knott, a Sioux Fa I la Juror, wss haeiily eelevtcd oa foreman an the oihee. eleven Juryjnea were excused. A verdict In accordance with the Inatruo tlons of the court was prepared and signed by Mr. Knott, after which It wss read by the clerk. "Gentlemen, Is this your ver dict T" asked Judaw Jones, and the lone Juror replied that It waa. The verdict was ror 83. in favor or the plaintiff. GOOD CHANCE FOR IRRIGATION Artealaa Well Haa Flow KaeanV to Water a Qaarter Section. 8TCROIS, a. D.. Dec. M.-(8pecial.)-The work of drilling on Spring creek has been at a, standstill since the flow of artesian water waa obtained. The bad weather has prevented the continuation of the work. It Is the opinion of those versed on the subject that the explosion of a charge of dynamite would greatly increase the flow. The discovery of the possibility of securing artesian water means much of benefit In an Irrigating way to the land owners In thst vicinity In particular, and Mede county In general. There would seem to be no question but this same strata of sandstone would yield like results wherever tapped. It Is estimated that the flow from this well. If conserved, would be amply suf ficient to Irrigate 100 acres. The well as It now stands, has cost about $1,600, or $10 per acre, for Its Irrigating capacity. Farm ers in the vicinity of this well are more than pleased with tha outlook. , Held Far Rebbery. BIOUX FALLS, S. D.. Dec. 14.-(Speclal.) Samuel Thompson of Montrose was ar rested and brought to Sioux Falls on the charge of having been Implicated In the robbery of William ' Ellson, who for a month or more has been engaged In husk ing corn north of Montrose. As a result of his preliminary examination, Thompson was held to the circuit court, his bonds being fixed at $600. Ellson, after receiving pay for his fall's work, went to Montrose. where he alleges he met Thompson and another man, for whom he purchased a number of drinks, after which they knocked him down and took from him. Orient to Have Workmen Temple. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., Dec. ll.-(Speclal.) 'Work has commenced st Orient nn th construction of a new Workmen lodge hstl building. At a meeting of Orient Work men, a committee consisting of T. N. Mc Clure, J. W. Henneberry and J. W. Thomas was appointed to superintend the work of construction. The new building will be $4x48 feet In else and will be fitted specially for lodge and opera house purposes. The other fraternal orders will also occupy the building and the audience room win nn.. as an opera house, place for political meet ings, rallies and similar gatherings. Flaadrean Teachers' Date. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D.. Dec. 14. (Hn.imi L-January 7 next has been fixed as the time ror a meeting at Flandreau of the school officers of the Flandreau district. Among the prominent educators who will be present will be Geara-e W. Nh . superintendent of public Instruction. Two asys later, on January , a meeting of the Moody County Teachers' association will also be held at Flandreau. tri.K.i. preparatlona will be made for the enter tainment or those who attend the meet ings. , Bads Ball Career. KEMMERER. Wyo.. Dee. 14 'fltwl.l "Indian" MacAndrew. the ball and foot ball nlaver. well known throughout the west, haa aavarxt hla re flection With the Oreann flhnrt T.lna at iv,l. place and haa gone to Salt Lake City. Mac- Anarew nas never fully recovered from the effects of tnturlaa w,itf ' f .m.. . , a switch engine- in the .fards here a year ago, and it la believed his, loot ball days are over. ,'. -,.'. ,;i Bank Will Pay la Fall. , , NEWCASTLE. Wyo., Den. 14. (Special. ) It Is announced that the assets of the Bank of Newcastle, which failed last week, are ample to settle In full all Indebtedness, there being something like $50,000 available at. this tlms. W. H. Kllpatrlck of the rail road contracting firm of Kllpatrlck Bros, a Collins will establish a national bank here to tako the place of the defunct Bank of Newcastle. Too Stock (Jnaalae;. ABERDEEN, 8. D., Dec. 14. (Special.) C. R. Dolan of Verden Is under arrest, charged with having shot at Guy Fetterly. Dolan has the reputation of being quarrel some and waa arrested several years ago for shooting a man and Injuring him quite seriously. He escaped with a light sen tence or fine on tha t occasion. Medical Examiners' Date. ABERDEEN, 8. D., Dec. 14.-(8rxclal.)- Secretary McNutt announces that the State Board of Medical Examiners will meet In Sioux Falls January 1$ and 14, where they will hold an examination of applicants te practice medicine in this state. Mlelghlagr at Stargls. STL'RGIS. S. D.. Dee. . 14. (Special.) About aix Inchea of snow haa fallen here during the last twenty-four hours. It Is quite cool and frosty. Sleighing, the first of the season, has been exceptionally good. FIRE RECORD. Factory at Waterloo. ' WATERLOO, la., Dec. 14.-(Speclal Tele gram.) The Cascaden factory was burned to the ground today, starting from an over flow of gasoline. The loss will reach $50,- 000. with $24,000 Insurance. The factory will be rebuilt. Mother's don't wait until rrnnn. Wnm.. dangeroua, They give Piso's Cure at once. SHORTEST LINE TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY Handsomely Equipped wttK Free Raellnlai Chair Cart, Dining Cart, Heals a la carta, Pullmaa Palace Sleepleg Cart, BuBet Smoking t4 Library Cart, TaurlM Sleeping Can a Specialty. Finises LightSteam Heat, ate. DAYLIGHT RIDS OF 200 HIDES ALONQ THE BEAVTtTVL ' COLVMBIA RIVER. fall utWMnnioa ahaae fully fnraisbed oa application to . City Tkket Office, im FtrMmSt ASK FOR AN INVESTIGATION DaoTtr OitisW Allianoe, While Dsnouc oing FatteMon, Join with Him in Flea, UTAH MINE OWNER BARS UNION MEN Hereafter All Peraoaa Applying for Work with Itah Fael Cpmpaay Ma at Sarrender lalea Cards or Remain Idle. DENVER. Dec. 14. The executive com mittee of the Denver Cltlsens' alliance to day adopted the following resolutions: Whereas, Senator Patterson last Friday offered a resolution In the senate of the lnlted States suthorlslng the appointment of a committee to investigate all matters connected with the existing labor strikes In the stste of Colorado and the conduct of the state official In reference thereto, and In his recital of the alleged farts either Ignorantly tnlststed the earns or wilfully and purposely misrepresented them and at tacked the motives of the slats officials snd reflected upon the good, name of the people of this state; and, W hernia, the appointment of said com mittee Is dexirahle to the end thst the true facts connected with the same mat ters be published to the world, and the Incorrect, partisan and misleading state menta of Senator Patteraon be refuted, now therefore be It, Resolved. That while we deprecate the manner snd metlxtd In which Senator Pat terson presented the subject to the sen ate In hla revolutions, yet we Join with him In rquentlng the wnpolntment of said committee and. be It further Resolved, That the secretary of the Cltlsenn' alliance of Denver be Instructed to send a copy of this resolution to the president of the United States senate." (Signed.) CITIZENS' ALLIANCE OF DENVER. Pea bod r Releases, Miner. VICTOR, Colo., Dee. 11. D. C. Copley, member of the executive board of the Western Federation of Miners, who was arrested here yesterday by the militia, was released today on an order from Governor Peabody. He Is one of twenty-three men charged with dynamiting the Bun and Moon property at Idaho Springs, whose case Is set for trial at Georgetown tomor row. Will Contlaee the Ceateet. TELLURIDE, Colo., Dec. 14.-The Miners' union has voted to continue the strike In this district until a settlement on an eight hour day basis la reached with mine and mill managers. The managers say they wi:i not recognise the union or grant lis de mands. Jadtte Refasea lajaaetlon. TRINIDAD. Colo., Dec. 14.-Judge North cutt today refused the Injunction sought by . the United Mine Workers to restrain the Victor Fuel company, Its officers and agents from in any way interfering with union organisers who wish to visit the coal campa controlled by that company, I'aloa Men Are Barred. SALT LAKE CITT, Dec. 14. "Any miner who wants to work for the Utah Fuel com pany must choose between the company and the Miners' union," said Vice Presi dent Kramer of the Utah Fuel company. "We will not take back a single one of the strikers so long as they are unwilling to surrender their union cards." The Utah Fuel company controls the mines at Sunnyslde, Winter Quarters, Soo- fleld and Castle Gate, Utah, which have been partly tied up for several weeks as the result of the miners' strike. Mr. Kramer said that the .company would not modify Its attitude with regard to the Miners' union in any particular, and that henceforth union men would not be al lowed to work alongside nonunion men in the mines. Company officials assert that the output of the mines has nearly reached Its normal figures. ' WASHINGTON, , Deo- 14.-rThe executive council of the Federation of Labor met here today. President Reynolds and Secre tary Sayles of the Illinois miners organisa tion appeared before tha council and urged that the coal hoisting engineers be em braced in the United Mine Workers ' of America. Most of the council attended today's ses sion. Including President Mitchell of the Mine Workers, who disclaimed any inten tion of bringing up the Colorado miners' strike question at this meeting of the coun cil. Vice President Morrison, enroute from Denver, Is snowbound at Chicago. Firm for Nlae-Hoar Day. CHICAGO, Dec. 14. Three factories in the Fox river manufacturing district In northern Illinois were shut down today be cause their employes, numbering nearly 1,600, refused to promise In Individual agree ments not to strike. The firms are these: Appleton Manufacturing company. Chal lenge Wind and Feed Mill company, New ton Wagon company. The United States Wind Engine and Pump company is also tied up. All the concerns mentioned are members of the Fox River Valley Manufacturers' associa tion, which recently started a campaign to re-establish the ten-hour work day where factory hands have been getting a full day's pay for nine hours' work." Ia tha Iroa Regleau CONNEL8VILLE. Pa.. Dec. It-Over 80S men resumed work today at the Sllgo Iron and Steel mills, this city. The men have been Idle for aome months and extensive repairs have been made to the plant. It la said tha company has sufficient orders to keep the men working all winter. PITTSBURG. Dec. 14. -The Carnegie Steel company Is taking advantage of the Iron market to take Its big blast furnaces out of blast In Rankin and Duquesne for the purpose of building and repairing. Some of the stacks have been in con tinuous operation from three and a half to more than seven years. Within the past week or ten days three furnaces have been taken out of blast at the Edgsr Thompson plant, and another will go out within the next two or three daya PAGI KJ a- FASTEST TIMB Fheae lie. THOUSANDS HAVE KIDNEY TROUBLE AND DON'T KNOW IT ML, IM W taaaTaiSKKIuanice::.::viii;!::::::i!:: To Prove what Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney Rem edy, Will Do for YOU, Every Reader ol VThe Bee" May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mall. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for more sickness' and suffering; than any other disease, therefore, when through neglect or other causes, kidney trouble Is permitted to contmue, fatal results ' are sure to follow. Your other organs may need attention but your kidneys most, because they do most and need attention first If you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, because as soon as your kidneys begin to get better to health. A trial will convince anyone. The mild - and Immediate effect of Lr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great Mdney and bladder remedy. Is soon realised. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the moot distressing cases. fswamp Root will set your whole system right, and the beat proof of this Is a trial. 14 East 120th St.. New York City Dear Blr: Oct. inth, 113. "1 had been suffering severely from kid ney trouble. All symptoms were on hand my former strength and power had left me; I could hardly drag myself nlong. Even my mental capacity was giving out. and often I wished to die. It was then I saw an advertisement of yours In a New York paper, hut would not huve paid any attention to It. had it not nromlKerl a hwurn Ruaiantee with every bottle of your mndlclne, assorting that your Bwamp-Hoot fs purely vegetablo, snd does not contain any harmful drugs. I am reventy years and four months old, and with a goxl con science I cun reeommnd Swamp-Root to all sufferers from kidney trouble. Four members of my family nave been "dslng Swamp-Root for four different kidney dis eases, with the same good result." With many thar.ks to you. I remain, Very trulv your., ROBERT BURNER. ' You I may have a sample bottle of this famous kidney remedy, Swamp-Root, sent free by mall, postpaid, by which you may test Its vlrtuer. for such disorders aa kid ney, bladder and uric add diseases, poor digestion, being obliged to pass your water prtlTtlDlA 1. mrirp tr vou have der trouble, or If theie la a trace of it in your family history, send at ence to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y who will gladly tend you by mall. Immediately, without cost to you, a sample bottle of Swamp-Root and a book containing many of tha thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women cured. In writing, be sure to say that you read this generous offer In vtliu Omaha Dally Bee. Another llomosGokors' Excursion The Rock Island System will run another home seekers' excursion to the Southwest, Tuesduy, De . cember 15, on which date the following low round trip rates will be in effect: Oklahpma City, O.T.fl 6.25 Ft. Worth, Tex.. ...f 21.20 El Reno, O. T $16.25 Mangum, O. T, f 19.05 Enid, O. T ZUM Chiekasba, I. T f 17.24 Shawnee, O. T $14.25 Lawton, I. T $18.70 Tucumcari, N. JI... $23.35 Santa Rosa, N. M.. .$25.75 More than 10,000 Northerners have one to Okla homa, Indian Territory and Texas within the last sixty days. Lano. values are increasing rapidly. Ilusiness openings are being filled. GO NOW "if you intend going at all. Thirty Cents Will Rent Your Vacant Room Isn't It pretty poor economy to let your room tay vacant? Every day It anlf ht e earning- for you two or three timea the coat ol rant lot It through a Bee Want Ad. There are thousand who read tha want pate dally aa a matter ef habit who look there Del ore they (o room bunting. But Just now, during. The Bee Quotation Contact, almost everyone La reading the want pagan word by word. Tea word three time for JO cent. y Tel. 238. Bee Want Ad Dept. - i:::,.:...,:.""'3- :: Hmm' they will help all the other organs frequently night and day, smarting or irritating in passing, brickdust or sediment In the urine, headache, bachache. In me back, dlsslness, sleeplessness, nervous ness, heart disturbance due to bad kidney trouble, skin eruptions from bad blood, , neuralgia, rheumatism, diabetes, bloating, Irritability, wornout feeling, lack of ambi tion, loas of flesh, sallow complexion, of Ilrlght's disease. If your water, when allowed to remain undisturbed In a glass or bottle for twenty-four hours, forms a sediment or settling or has a cloudy appearance, it Is evident e that your kidneys iind bladder need im mediate attention. Swamp-Root is the great discovery of Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and blad der specialist. Hospitals use It with won derful success in both slight and severe cases. ..Doctors recommend It to their patients and use It In their, QWtt. families, because they recognise in Swamp-Root the greatest and most aucoessful temedV. '.' Swamp-Root Is plfraaant to take and la for sale at drug tlorea the world over In bottles of two sises and two prices fifty cents and one dollar. Remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Hoof, and the address, Bingham. N. Y on every bottle. the slightest symptome of Hdney or blad Galveston, Tex.. . . .$30.10 Dallas, Tex... $21.20 Vernon, Tex $20.50 Brady, Tex. $26.92 Quanah, Tex $20.95 Shamrock, Tex. . . . .$19.85 -Carizozo, X. M $30.90 Alamogordo, X. M.. $33.20 Literature, time tables and full information at this office. 1323 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB.