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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1903)
Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAUA, TUESDAY MOUSING,' DECEMHEIt 15, 1903 TEN PAGES. SI SOLE COPY TIIKEE CENTS. Omaha . .. 1 1 JE LOOKS LIKE FIGUThNG United Etatei Vai'i'i Are Landed at Colon and Will Be 8ent West. II AY MEET THE SOLDIERS OF COl ''CT ,u ,11tory' 'j. vbe college commencement was held to- Latter Are Reported to Be on Way to the Hew fiepnblio. t SIGNIFICANT SHRUG OF GENERAL REYES Colombian Kinister Bayi He War Till Ee 8-oei Back. WILL NOT TALK OF LATER PROBABILITY Admiral Coghlan Sends Two Mmui Iron Coloa Stating That Colons fclnn Ships Hara Take a Troops to Coast. COLON, Dec. 14. A company of marines from the I'nltcd States cruiser Fraliie wai landed here thla morning, under the com mand of Captain Smedley D. Butler, and immediately started by train for Panama. The destination ot the marines Is said to be Yaviza, up the Ban Miguel gulf and Tulra rlvor. It Is believed that the decision of the naval authorities Is to station marines at Yavlaa may possibly be owing to the re ports that Colombian troops have been sent in that direction, but up to the present time there is no reason to believe I hat any large force is under eiders to march on Panama from Cauca. ' The opinion seems to prevail that the few Colombian soldiers seen were probably scouts who were endesvorlng to learn what preventive and protective meas ures were being taken by the Republic of ranama, and that It was their presence which gave rise te ths exaggerated rumors speedy attack by Colombia on the isthmus. It is more likely that the movement of marines to Tavlxa Is In conformity with the policy of the naval authorities to con centrate forces at points which offer the best facilities for getting Immediate Infor mation of any movement by Colombian troops toward Panama and at the same time of affording the marines some relief from their confinement to the ships. The marines carried with them all requisites for camp life, and also a number of machine guns. No War at Present. WASHINGTON, Dec. 14,-If elected to the presidency of Colombia by the overwhelm ing majority which Bogota dispatches in dicate, General Rafael Reyes, Colombian minister to ths United States, would regard the call of his country as a command which It would be difficult for him to refuse to obey. . It la learned that General Reyes is still undecided as to the nature of his note to the Slate department formally setting forth Colombia's views on the Panama situation, ; It can be stated, however, that Colombia will first express Its protest against the events of the isthmus, but fur ther Jhan .thlH "Qcnerar Reyes has not de cided what form his statement shall take. General Reyes called at the State depart ment today and was closeted with Assistant Secretary Lnoml for nearly an hour. - In reply to a question the general said he had given assurances to this government that, pending his diplomatic mission to Wash ington, there would be no hostilities upon ths part cf the Colombian troops. As to what would be done after that the general would make no statement, but significantly shrugged his shoulders. He would not dis close ths nature of the paper which he is preparing for presentation to the Btate de partment, but wanted it said that Colombia In that statement did not make and demand for a part of the tl0.0d0.000 to be paid to Panama In consideration of the .canal treaty. General Reyes expressed the hope that thre would be no war between the United States and Colombia. Message frosa Coghlan, Two cablegrams were received today from Admiral Coghlan, both dated Colon, the 13th, as follows: ' Mayflower todav reports Cartagena and Plnson were at Turbo with 4U0 to MO men. Took in some supplies. Balled tth, and bud noaad to have landed the trooos at Ganill. Atlanta, however, was at Ganril tth and got opposite Information, and t'nlted States consul Oartawrna reports Cartagena re turned there th. No doubt trie vessels ana troops were at Turbo the 8th; that Infor mation reliable. Atlanta returns today to gulf for further search. The second dispatch reads: Atlanta arrived yesterday. Started Ban Bias Point to Port Gandl. not having seen or heard anything of troops or vessels, Communication with shore at the point suspended. Indians suspicious of strangers. Found trails Bun Bias Point to Porto Bi llo TxiaaMri for small parties, but none lead Ing Inland. Atlanta loaves today to cruise to Cape Tlburon and Uulf of Darlen. Waats rastma to Assasao Debt. LONDON, Dec. U. The correspondent of the Morning Leader at The Hague says It Is reported there that both Holland and Great Britain Insist that the Republic of Panama shall assume liability for luVOOO.OOO of the Colombian debt. FOR A SPENCER LECTURESHIP Admirer of the Philosopher Osiers ' Sasa to Maintain Oao at . Oxford. LONDON. Dee. K-Tae body of Herbert Spencer was ore ma ted at Hampstead to day, Leonard Courtney, M. P., made a brief address on the Ufe and work of the dead philosopher. A gentleman who was present offered to donate 16,000 for a Spen cer lectureship at Oxford university. Recording. Telephoao Talk. LONDON. Deo. M.-The Dally Mall an nounces that successful experiments have been made with the system uf recording conversation over the telephone by com blnaUon of the telephone and phonograph. The system Is the Invention of K. G. Cra ven, an English electrician, who was for merly one of Thomas A. Edison's assist ants. BROKERS CANNOT GET CASH Jadge Holds that Moaoy Paid as la. teraal Revenue Caaaot He Recovered. KANSAS CITY. Dec. H.-Judge Phillips In the United States district court today held that the Christie Street Commission company could not recover tsxes amount ing to close to 16,000. collected by the In ternal revenue collector at Kansas City In use under the war revenue act The eoniiany filed application with the In I sternal revenue department at Washington r asking for a refund of the amount, which 1 It asserted Was Illegally levied. The at- 1 torneys for the government demurred and m fletwioa rwuy equina tha duaurror. CATHOLIC STUDENTS' PRIZES Are Awarded at the American College la RMf, with Grades Well I p. ROME, Dee. 14. The students of the American college thla year ranked the high- was the case with the students of ."ther foreign colleges. In scripture V urice of Philadelphia was the pit 4, y an ln dogmatic theology J. Suppli V 'on. E. Fitxmaurlce and J. Wolfe oi t o,ue were medalists. The sac raments pti. was drawn for by E. Flts- maurlce. D. Tulley of Springfield. P. Turner of Mobile, J. Burtley of Providence and J. Turner of New York. It was awarded to Tulley. In the lotus theology E. Ryan of Boston drew for the first medal and P. Schaeffet of Milwaukee drew for the second medal. In moral theology P. Turner of Mobile got the first medal and the second was awarded to M. O'Gara of New York. In the history prizes P. Doyle of Springfield drew for the second medal. In the canon law prises P. Bchaeffel, J. Boylan of Philadelphia, A. E. Ryan of Boston and M. Ryan of Wilming ton drew for the first medal, which Bchaef fel received. For the same subject J. Kel Hher of Richmond, P. Doyle of Springfield, A. Asfalg of New York and J. Shade of Philadelphia drew for the second medal. In sacred archaeology P. Doyle received the first medal and M. Ryan received the sec ond medal. In logic 8. Cullen of Cleveland drew for the second medal. In higher mathematics Everett of Hartford drew for the medal. The rectors of all the colleges were present Cardinal Oottl, prefect of the propaganda presented the prises and medals. POPE HEARS OF CELEBRATION Given Details of Proposed Festivities Marking; Seml-Ceateaalol of Im mncnlnte Conception Doctrlac. ROME, Dec. 14. The pope received in private audience today the committee hav ing In charge the festivities for the fiftieth anniversary of the proclamation of the doc trine of the Immaculate conception. The committee was headed by Cardinal Zarflno Vannutelli, who gave his holiness the de tails of the program to be followed. The pope expressed himself as greatly pleased with the Information that Catholics of the entire world would Join In celebrat ing the jubilee, and he said he trusted that as a result of thla manifestation God would, through the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, shower more copious benedictions on Christendom. He promised personally to participate in the most Important functions of the celebration, especially that on De cember a, 1904, when there will be placed on the head of the Virgin In the picture of the Immaculate conception, bow In the choir tf the chapel of the . Vatican, a crown of twelve large diamond stars, presented by the faithful throughout the world. RUSSIA MAY SEND WAR SHIP Japanese Marines Landing; in Corea , to ttnell Rioting? May Start . . : Fresh Quarrel, . ,r . ..' .. '. ; . ' SEOUL, Cores, Dec. 14. The' Japanese landed marines at Mokphe yesterday to suppress rioting during a strike among la borers. It Is reported that they fired upon the mob, killing several people. The strike was among Corean coolies em ployed In the foreign concession, which precipitated clashes among the Coreans and Japanese. The affair, It Is thought, may cause local complications, and it is possible Russia may send a warship should the Corean gov ernment resent the landing of marines by Japan. LONDON, Dec. It The terms of the Russian reply to Japan have been communicated to the Japanese minister here. The minister said the negotiations were still Incomplete, but he significantly said he saw no reason to change his pre viously expressed .opinion that a peaceful settlement would result therefrom. LOOKING TO POSSIBILITIES Comnannder-ln-Chlef of Canadian Forces Bees Whero Canada Is . Strong. VICTORIA, B. C. Dec. 11 Lord Dundon ald, commander-in-chief of the Canadian forces, today returned from Port Simpson and vicinity, where he went to look over the situation with respect to the report that the United States intended to fortify Bltka and Kannaganhut Islands. He visited both Islands and also Pearse and Wales Islands, which were both awarded to Canada: Klta- maat and Work canal, In which places the terminus of the Transcanadlan railroad has been suggested. Lord Dundonald declined to talk of his visit, but from others In the party It Is learned he regards Sitka and Kannaganhut Islands as unable to dominate Port Simpson If fortified. Vessels pass dose to these Islands when entering Port Simpson, but Wales island is so much hlghur that a fort there would make any fortifications on the United States Islands untenable. SOCIALISTS CARRY FOINT After Straggle and Change la Minis ' try tho Italian Navy Will Bo Investigated. ROME. Dec. 14. After a long struggle for a naval parliamentary Inquiry the social lata at last have gained a victory. Thla was opposed by former premier Zanardelli and his cabinet and rejected by the chamber of deputies. It has now been decided by the committee on the navy of the chamber of deputies that this Inquiry shall be nek with the sanction of the cabinet snd a bill authoiix Ing it soon will be presented In Parlia ment KAISER INTERESTED IN COTTON Allades to Its Importance While El. tertalalag Officiate of tho Releasing. BERLIN, Dec. 14. Emperor William at the castle today received In audience the president and vice presidents of the Reich' stag. In the course of conversation the env peror emphasised the necessity for Ger many concerning Itself with over-sea poll- tics. He alluded to the Importance of the cultivation of cotton In the Oennan colonies and the completion of the railroads In the African colonies. Finnish Schools to Bo Disciplined, ST. PETERSBURG. Iec. It Oovern or General Bobrlkoff has ordered the with drawal of state aid from schools In Flu Und, where the decree requiring the teach ing, ot lUa JRmtaUa la&cuag la &ui obeeivtjd. LET BIG POWER CONTRACT John F. Kelly Engineering- Company tl Gonitruct Fremont Canal NVOLYES EXPENDITURE OF MILLIONS Statement Is Made That Work Will Bo Commenced In Spring; and Bo la Operation Within Two Years. . NEW YORK, Dec. 14. (Special Tele gram.) The board of arbitration consist ing of T. W. Klowman of the John F. Kelly Engineering company. New York, and George II. Kimball, the well known western engineering expert, met here today and decided to make an award In favor of the Fremont 'Canal and Power ' company, which concern will build a large hydraullo plant for the purpose of generating electric energy for light, traction and general power purposes in and around Omaha, Lincoln, Council Bluffs, Columbus, Fre mont and several other cities in Nebraska. The Fremont proposition was considered more feasible than the one submitted by the Nebraska Central Irrigation company, which concern proposed to build a big plant at Columbus. The Fremont Canal and Poorer company was recently Incorporated under the laws of the state of Nebraska with a capital of $4,000,000. The president of the company is W. J. C. Ken yon, general manager of the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha. The company has awarded the contract for the construction and equipment Of its plant to the John F. Kelly Engineering company. The Initial capacity of the plant will be 16,000 horse power every twenty-four hours. The site selected Is on the plateau some hundred feet east of Elm creek on the south bank of the couth branch of the Platte river. A canal will be built from the head gate located at the confluence of the Platte and Loup rivers about thirteen miles east of Colum bus, to a huge reservoir at Elm bank, about twenty-five miles away. Construc tion work will begin early next spring. The entire system, which will cost some 13.500,000. Is expected to be in active opera tion within two years. PREDICTS WAGE REDUCTION Said that ISO, (XX) Employes of Steal Company Are to ' Have Lower Pay. NEW YORK, Dec. 14. The statement was made today by a leading official of the United States Steel corporation that be ginning January, 1901, about 90 per cent of the employes of the corporation will suffer wage reductions, ranging from S to 20 per cent This reduction will affect about 150,000 workmen In the various grades of the sub sidiary companies. The remaining 10 per cent of employee are members of the Amal gamated association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers, whose wage schedule runs to July 1, 1904. ' The finance committee of the steel cor poration has. It 4s understood, la consid eration the dismissal of many high salaried employe. In addition to tnose also dis charged, but no statement On this polht was forthcoming today. It was asserted that, barring some unfor seen technicalities employes of the corpora tion which participated In tho profit shar ing plan, will In the coming month, re ceive a IS dividend on the preferred stock to which they subscribed at 182.50. JOLIET. 111., Dec. 14. All three rod mills at the Jollet plant of the Illinois Steel company closed today for an Indefinite per iod, throwing 600 men out of employment. The converter and billet mill will close next Saturday for repairs. Employes ex pect a general wage reduction averaging 10 per cent on January 1. GIVES UP NEW JERUSALEM Toler Bows to Mrs. Eddy's Wishes In Fa mo as Salt for Harlem Property. NEW YORK, Deo. 14. Henry Pennington Toler, leader in a movement to sue for the recovery of Harlem property, claimed by descendants of early settlers, has given up his efforts In that direction, so far aa the founding of a New Jerusalem there Is con. cerned, because it Is assured of the opposi tion of Mrs. Mary Baker Q. Eddy, who. It Is ssld, did not want Christian Science -affaire mixed In the contest of the party. Direction of the litigation has been turned over by Toler to a law firm, which he has supplied with funds to prosecute the cases. Toler recently sold his seat ori the stock exchange In order to devote all his time to the restoration of Harlem real estate to Its alleged rightful heirs. CONTINUES THE FARRIS CASE Mlssoarl Senator Charged with Tak ing; Brihe Goes Over Until March. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Dee. 14. Judge Graves today continued the cases of Sena tors Frank II. Farrls and Charles A. Bmlth, who were to be tried this week on charges of bribery on application of the defendants. The continuance was asked on account of the Illness of Senator Smith, who la a witness In the Farrls case. It is ststed that Judge Graves will tomorrow set they Farrls case for March 21 and the Smith case for March 23. KANSAS WHISKY IS RIOTOUS After Drinking-,, a Bow Is Started, In Which Mnn Is Fatally Injnred. CHANUTE. Kan.. Dec U-Durlng a drunken riot on the streets here a police man shot Ed McLaln through the chest McLaln and El Is ha Wells then made a stand and fired Into a crowd of 200 per sons who pursued them. A policeman re turned the shots, but none were hurt McLaln will probably die. CHILDREN CAUSE BAD WRECK Three Trainmen Injnred as Besnlt of Placing; Bolt an Rock Island Track. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., De. 14.- School children placed a bolt on the track before the Incoming Rock Island passenger train from the east at a point ten miles esst of here today, and the locomotive, baggage car and drat coach were derailed. Three JxaUuuea were badljs hurt, SUPPOSED TO TALK PENSIONS Iloase In Committee of the Whole Hears Members' Opinions aa Varleaa Bnhjects. WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. The house upon convening today adopted a concerted reso lution providing for a recess adjournment from December IS to January 4. The speaker by unanimous consent appointed Delegate Kalaulano of Hawaii as a member of the committee on territories. Mr. Llnd, dent. (Minn.), speaking on the tariff, said that two of the greatest manu facturing nations of the earth had reached the highest points In their greatness, one under a protective policy, the other under free trade, therefore the right could not be claimed for protection nor wrong for free trade. In his opinion there would be no free trade In this country. Mr. Llnd argued 'for freer trade relations, saying that we received raw material from them and sell them Industrial products. , Mr. Beall, dem. (Tex.), said that while the democrats wsnt a canal they want it In an honorable way. He asserted that It was known to the representatives of the United States on the Isthmus that the revolt waa to occur, and it also was known In Wash ington. Mr. Adams, explaining the dispatch to Consul Ehrman sent by Secretary Hay and quoted by Mr. Beall, In which Information was asked concerning a "reported upris ing," said the secretary had sent the mes sage In view of the Information contained In- an Associated Press dispatch.. A joint resolution adopted providing that the last naval appropriation M". shall not be so constructed as to deprive midship men at sea of commutation of rations. Mr. Adams, rep. (Pa.), spoke on the Pan ama situation. He defended the course pursued by this government In connection with the canal question and the policy of the administration in dealing with the Cen tral American situation. Mr. Gaines, dem. (Tenn., spoke on the bacco interests, asserting the need of leg islation In favor of the grower. Mr. Baker, dem. (N. Y.), speaking on the subject of labor, contended that compensa ting wages are not paid. He cited the teatlmony as to wages taken before the an thracite coal commission and said it showed "conditions ot slavery." He said the United States Steel company sold stock to Its employes at a figure thirty points higher than present quotations. In New York, he said, the trusts squeesed the laboring man until he was willing to work at low wages. He referred to the Shipbuilding trust, con necting It with the Steel trust and de clared that the stock of both concerns was watered. Without reaching a conclusion ot the pension appropriation bill the house at 4:15 adjourned until tomorrow. . ' NEW PRESIDENTIAL OFFICES Postofllce Department Will Raise Eight In Nebraska, aad Sin 'In lawn. WASHINGTON." Dee. 14. The PostofBce department announced today that among others the following named fourth class postofflces will bo advanced to the presi dential trade January J next: Nebraska Arlington. BUwr Springs. Pur wn rnllnwav. t:iu.rka- Colleae View. Mil- ford. Stella. jowa Hiiynton.- central uny, cmuwr land. Ollmore City. Dussel, Wyoming. AIHBHB VBian. r'nior.rto- xnmimi. La Fayette. New Windsor, Wray. ' . nope. Indian Territory Fort Gibson, Mounds. Kansas Burr Oak, Leroy, Mollne, To ronto. wi mm... nivfilM. Hiinittnn Cabool, Hale. Hlgbee, Jasper. MontroSjj, riramoni, oneiuy vine, dkiuihuic, North Dakota Anamoose, Bowden, Es mond, New Salem. New Mexlco-rorraies. Oklahoma Foss, Leger, Pawhuska, Wells Oregon Coqullle Jacksonville, Junction City, Wasco. Bouth Dakota Hlghmore. Utah American Fork. Spanish Ford. Washington Kelso. Linda, Bunnyslde. CONFIRMS' WESTERN OFFICERS Five lows Postmasters laclnded la Names Passed Upon by Senate. WASHINGTON, Dec 14. The senate to day in, executive session, confirmed the following nominations: t. . . . Taws BlmAii T"k TlrAlinlntf- Ackley; Benjamin C. Wise. Cascade; Ed ward A. Bnyaer, v;eaur r a.n, r.uwmu m-u-igan, ClaiVsvil.e; Charles F. Lecompte, Cm7bsouVi William U. Oodt. New Haven; Charles Casper, Belton. Kansas Jacob A. Boyer, Baxter Springs; Robert V'. Kelllnon, Belleville: A. L. Utter back, Caney; Harry C. Achenbach, Clay Center; Henry W. Conrad, Independence. Indian Territory Frederick Galer, Ne wata. WOULD AMEND THE LAND LAWS Senator Warren Desires to Give States More Time to Select Desert Lands. WASHINGTON, Dec 14. Senator War ren today Introduced a bill extending for ten years from August 18. 1904, the period within which any state may apply ' for selection and segregation of public lands under the Carey desert land act He also Introduced a bill granting to railroads and water companies the right-of-way through publlo lands and reservations and reser voirs and pipe lines. Appointments by President. WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.-The president today sent to the senate the following nom inations: Receivers of Public Moneys Daniel J. Foley, at Eureka, Cal.; Fred Butler, at Leadville, Colo. Puatmaotera: Alaska William R. Samp son, fctkagway. Idaho George E. Hovey, Burke. Montana Lawrence Hauck. phlllpsburg. Oklahoma Ella N. Jayne, Edmund; Thomas J. Palmer, Medford. South Dakota O. H. Lacraft, Clark; Wil liam E. Kills, Salem. Texas Henry T. Vaughan, Mart Wyoming William ii. Dobsoa. New Castle. Mitfsouri-l-j. W. 8. Dillon. Grand City. lo-a Chatles A. Reynolds. Harlan; Cor nelius C. Platter, Red Oak; Lovett E. Sherwood. Shell Rock. Kansas Joseph 8. Stone, Burrtou. COLLIDE ON JUPPERY RAILS Two St. Lonls Street Cnrs Ceo Te. -ether, Iatnrlngr Ten Pi- 8T. LOUIS. Deo. 14. Slippery raOe today caused a collision between Olive strM and Grand avenue ears. Ten persona were In jured. Those most seriously hurt aro; William Taylor, motorman, face and arms cut by flying glass. William Bhannon, conductor, bruised about body. Bert Burke, right leg and hip bruised. Peter Gallagher, left arm dislocated. John Efhe, Internally Injured. Five others who refused to give their naaane, Its VUc sy( were slightly fcurt. TO TRY DIETRICH IN OMAHA Government, Baji Mr. finsh, Will Be Beady to Proceed in Janaary. WILL NOT TAKE TRANSFER TO LINCOLN New Jary to Bo Impaneled, as Pres ent One Is Snld to Bo Too Familiar with Case. Assistant United States District Attorney Rush is authority for the statement that the government will be ready to try the Dietrich case In Omaha In January and that the hearing will not be had at Lincoln as hitherto reported. He said: "A special jury, will be drawn to try the case, aa It would bo fair neither to Mr. Dietrich or the government to try the caae with a jury that la familiar practically with all of the evidence In the case as well aa the particulars of the Indictment" The federal grand jury resumed lta work again yesterday. The first witness ex amined wae Edward Rosewater In the In dian land leasing cases. Mr. Rosewater wae before the jury nearly two hours and the Investigation gave place to the Inquiry Into the Hastings postofflce removal matter with Deputy Postmaster Francis of that city and Leopold Hahn of Omaha, former postmaster at Hastings, as witnesses. Deputy Marshal James Allan returned from the Indian reservations, bringing with him several witnesses who are yet to testify in the bootlegging cases. The case against General Colby la appar ently not completed, as other witnesses are to testify. Loon-Ins; for Wlndop. It Is the hope of many of the grand jurors that they may be enabled to com plete their work this week in order to get home In time to prepare for the holidaye. One Juror stated Saturday that no further report would be submitted by the Jury until It had completed its labors. "I have not talked with Senator Dietrich abaut it, but I imagine this news will please him. It does me, personally," said Harry Lindsay, when Informed of what Mr. Rush had said. Ex-State Senator Frank M. Currle of Sar gent, Custer county, arrived In Omaha yes terday. He said: "The object of my visit here Ja to get the right of this matter, and I ought to get after you newspaper fellows for Indict ing me. The first I knew of It was the newspaper reports, and I was satisfied at the time that there was some mistake about it I have no government lands un der lease or under fence. But then I did not know what might have happened, so I thought I had better come down here and get the right of It I learn at the district clerk's office that the Indictment Is not against me, so I will return home again this evening." Postmaster Mitchell Indicted. Among the other Indictments returned by the federal grand Jury, it Is understood, is one against Postmaster Mitchell of Alma. The charges in this case are to the effect that Mitchell sold postage stamps outside his office with ths view to increasing the revenues' t)fl his office to sustain its rating. The Indictment of Postmaster Mitchell was not wholly unexpected by that gentleman, as he entertained the Impression before he left the city Saturday that a bill had been found against him, though no publlo an nouncement had been made of It then. Capiases have not yet been Issued In the cases of Bartlett Richards and others re cently indicted by the grand Jury In the land fencing cases. Representatives of Mr. Richards In this city asked Saturday that his bond be fixed In order that It could be given. The bond was not fixed then, and It could not be learned last evening whether Mr. Richards had been served with a formal notice of his indictment at his win ter home In California or not In any event his representatives In this city stand ready to meet any requirement of the law or the execution of his bond when wanted. WOMEN LINE UP FOR OFFICE Graaddnngrhter of Former Mlssoarl Governor Wenld Snceeed Mrs. James ' I. Blair. 1 ST. LOUIS, Deo. 14. Mrs. Daniel Man ning of Albany, N. Y. ; Mrs. John Miller Horton of Buffalo and Mrs. Mary Phelps Montgomery, granddaughter of a former Missouri governor, living in Portland, Ore., are the three prominent candidates for the presidency of the board of lady managers of the World's fair to succeed Mrs. James L. ElAlr, now In the city. The board will meet tomorrow. Mre. John T. Davis is the only St. Louis woman mentioned for the place. In her be half strong pressure Is being used by World's fair directors and prominent St. Loulsans to Induce the national commis sion to suspend the ru'ea and appoint ber a member of the board, with a view to electing her president. Miss Helen M. Gould, who has been asked to accept the presidency, and who. It Is said, would have no opposition for the place, Informed members of the national commission today that she could not con sider an offer of the office, as her other duties and health would not permit her taking it. In order to make Mrs. Davis eligible the national commission would have to suspend the rule which provides that no more mem bers of the ladies' board shall be appointed until the number In It fails below twenty one. Mrs. Blair's resignation will leave twenty-two members. If the rules should be suspended it would then fall to the na tional commission to name Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Edward L. Buchwalter of Spring field, O.. first vice president of the board, will preside at Tuesday's meeting. BURGLAR BRUISES HER BADLY Miss Nnrbonne, Salem Antlqnarlan, Ronghly Hnndled When She v Bites Intrnder's Fingers. SALEM, Mass., Dec 14. Miss Mary A. J-'bom"'.. widely known among' antiqua rians, and whose home at 71 Essex street, built previous to 180 and preserved on Its original lines, is of great historic Interest, hss been attacked by a housebreaker and badly beaten. Her condition Is critical. Miss Narbonne la tv years old and lives alone. She is pospevaed of considerable Wealth and her home U tilled with valuable antiquities and curl.xi. She was awakened by a flush of light and a rough hand was placed upon her ftce and the fingers crowded Into her mouth. In a freuy of fear Miss Nsrbonne bit the fingers until the blood spattered upon ber face and the clotblr.. With his free hand the Intruder t'ibb pounded the woman's faee into a mass of bru'ses. Then ths woman lost con sclousness and the man fled without pro curing any plunder. Miss Narbonns's only relative, Gardner Narboone, a nephew, Uvea la Nevada - NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair and Warmer Tneaday, Wednes day Rain or Snow. Honr. Dear. Honr. Den. Bn. m S) 1 p. ra ...... 1 ft n. na It S p. m ...... k T n. m...... a ft p. m 80 tan 4 p. an SS 9 m. in ...... SI Bp. m ...... 8 1 10 n. as Ki p. m...... lt 11 n. ne 13 T p. m in 13 nt IB 8 p. m 19 p. m. . . . . . 10 TO LOOK FOR DUMPING PLACE Health Commissioner nnd City En gineer Will Tone Omaha for Snltable Location. ' Health Commissioner Ralph has asked City Engineer Rosewater to make a tour of Investigation with him this week for the purpose of determining whether or not a suitable dumping place for garbage can be secured along the river bsnk. Such points as are available are said to be pro hibited by Injunctions, while the City Oar bage company has control Of the one now used at the foot of Jonee street. The city owns some property along the river, but from Information at hand Dr. Ralph thinks It will cost from $2,000 to 11,600 to build trestle work for a sanitary dump, provided such operations are not blocked by court orders. The expiration of the garbage monopoly under which the city has labored for ten years, on December 21, puts the city up against the problem of garbage collection and disposal, and to complicate matters the municipality has an empty pocketbook. However, from tha statements of the health commissioner. It does not appear thst the city would suffer much Incon venience or danger If nothing was done until the 1904 levy Is made and an oppor tunity afforded for the appropriation of money for the building ot Incinerators or dumps. City Engineer Rosewater la continuing his Investigations along the garbage problem line and promises to formulate his findings and conclusions In his annual report He Is a firm advocate of municipal operation and control and declares this method will be the most economical and satisfactory from all points of view. IMPROVERS GET CONCESSION West Lenvenworth Clnh Is Grnnted Better ScrTlco by Street Chr Compnny. The West Leavenworth street improvers have won part of the concessions they aet out to secure front the street railway com pany and are correspondingly happy. More favors have been promised with the spring and after all this organisation may not make the "determined fight" It assured for a I-cent fare. The club was organised to get better service on the Leavenworth street stub line, which runs from Park avenue west. Fri day night It held a meeting at Fortieth and Leavenworth streets after Inviting the council to be present and to be sure to come over the stub line. Four councilmen, Dy ball, Huntington, Back and O'Brien, and about 150 Interested, clUsens attended. .'The quality of the oratory was somewhat dulled, however, by ,the fact that the night before the railway company had placed on an Improved night service, the lack of which was the club's grievance. The day servicer on the stub had been every twelve minutes, two cars being used. At o'clock one car was taken oft and the trip made every half hour, ceasing altogether at 11 o'clock. Thursday night, however, the full two-car equipment waa kept on late enough to connect with the last car from down town. Representatives of the company as sured the club that a better roadbed would be put In next spring. TALK OF CITY ELECTRICIAN Caoncllmen Dlscnsa Mntter nnd Mnyor Mny Send In Nomination TonleTht. An executive session of the council ae a committee was held yesterday afternoon, the members refusing to give out any In formation when It closed. Secrecy wae re quested by Councilman Zimman. who said that he had some "matters" that he wlehed to bring up for discussion. Just previous to that time the council had been talking about the appointment of a city electrician, this position having been vacant for a month and a half, tha duties being cared for by Inspector McGough, who Is not under bond. After some talk Council man Nicholson remarked that a certain offi cer of the electric light company would be a good man for the place. Other members of the council scouted the Idea that the em ploye. Superintendent R. j A. McLaughlin, could be Induced to take the position at the salary It pays. 1150 a month. . "Then let this thing lay over as long as possible," ssld Nicholson, and his two con freres assented. Mayor Moorea some days ago stated that his reason for holding off In appointing a suoceesor to former Electrician Patton was because he waa not wholly satisfied with any of the applicants for ths place. He In timated, however, that he would probably reach a decision this week and send ths name of a nominee to the council tonight HARRISON BARS UNIONISM Chicago Mayor Declares It Mast Not Invade Departments of City Service. MM CHICAGO, Dee. 14. The invasion of the municipal service by labor unions was to day ordered brought to a halt by Mayor Harrison. "In the mechanical branches of tho city's service," said the mayor, "whero the em ploye is simply a working man. It is all right for him to belong to a union, but where the man belongs to a department, like the firemen or policemen, he has no right to have a divided allegiance. He must owe allegiance to only one master the city of Chicago." The voicing of the mayor's sentiments along this line was occasioned by the re ceipt of an appeal from the engineers ot the fire department for Increased wages. The men seeking the increase ere members of ths union. flale Will Be Chaplain. WASHINGTON, Dec 14. Ths republican senatora In caucus today decided upon Rer. Edward Everett Hale of Boston for chaplain of the senate, beginning January 1. He Is a Congregatlonalist and Is now U years old. The subjects discussed at the democratic caucus were party discipline, the force of caucus action and generul policy. The Panama situation also was talked over, the policy of the party re garding the new republic and the treaty being the Question at Usue. It is said that ths isthmian situation will engage the at tention of the caucus, which, adjourned U&U1 tomorrow, ------v HEAR MERCER CASE United Etatea Etpreme Conrt Liiteni to Arguments of BailroadV Ci tinsel. SAY THAT TRADE IS NOT RESTRAINED Allege That tha Consolidation Wai to Ifaka Through Bnnaen Certain. ATTORNEY GENERAL FILES HIS BRIEF In That it ia Alleged Competition ia frao tioally Impossible. CONTENTION FOR DEFENSE IS UPSET Emphaalaee the Abanrdlty of Parallel Lines Lnder One Ownership Maintaining tho Relation., ship of Rivals. WASIUNGTON, Dec H.-The brief of tho government In the case of the Northern Securities company and others against the United States, on sppeal from the decision of the circuit court of the United States for the district of Minnesota, waa filed in the supreme court today. The document wae prepared by Attorney General Knox and Assistant Attorney Genoral Day, and covers ISO printed pages. After stating that the bill In the case waa originally brought by the government to restrain the violation ot tha anti-trust law by the Securities company in tho consolation of the Northern Psclflo and the Great Northern railroads and that tho decision of the court below was favorable to the contention of the United States, the brief enters into the following speclflca tlons aa to the reasona for the action: L The lines of railway operated by the defendants, the Great Northern Railway company and the Northern Paclfio Rail way company, are parallel and competing. 2. The combination Is in restraint ot the interests of oommerce and a monopoly. . I'ses Crier's Decision, Ths concluding paragraph of Judge Grler'e decision In the circuit court ia quoted, -summing up the argument bear, tzg upon the facta ot the case, aa follows: At the present time the Securities com pany Is the owner of about Wi per cent of all the stock of the Northern Pacific and thel owner of about 7 per cent ot all the stock pf the Great Northern coir.pany, 1 tie scheme which was thus devised and consummated led ine vuab.y to the follow ing results: First It placed the control of the two roads In the hands cf a suigle parson, to wll, the Securities compor.y, by virtue of its ownership of a large majority ot the stock of both companies. Second It destroyed every motive for competition between two roads engaged In Interstate traffic, which were natural com- -pernors for business, by pooling the earn ings of the two roads for ths common benefit of the stockholders it both. The attorney general's own eumjnary of the results is as follows: To sum up ths result of the afore- mentioned exchanges ot Great Northern and Northern Pacific stock for the stork of the Securities unmnanv. the latter (com pany, on December ii, IWU. had acquired ' and paid for sao.000 shares (In round fig- . ures) of Great Northern stock, the total ! cip."I 8t0ck of that company consisting of 1,600.000 shares, of which 1,220,000 hares . had been issued by January 1, 1902, the Securities company had acquired virtually all pf the common stock-of the Northern Paclfio (the preferred stock was retired on that date, the retolutlon to retire it having been eased in tMe preceding November). . ' What tho Result Is, The final result of the transactions Is that one and the same set uf men, Mr. Hill and Mr. Morgan and their associates being the ruling spirits among them, entered Into ( charter agreement among them, and be came invented with complete power of con- trol over two paral.el and competing sys-' terns of interstate '.i'.way. In place of the two distinct sets oi stockholders with rival and competing Interests, namoly, the stock holders of the Great Northern and Northern 1'aclflo, there has been substituted by means of interchange of stocks a corpora tion directed by Uie one set ot stockholders with the common and noncompetitive In terests, namely, the stockholders ot the Securities company. Thus identically the same persons who controlled the Great Northern and Northern Paclfio before the Securities came into poasesHion of a ma jority of their shares control them now, only now these perrons have a common 'In terest a community of Interest in the earnings of both roads, while formerly the Interests of the two seta of persons the two sets of stockholders were In most re. specta dl'-ergent and competitive. It bor ders on absurdity to say that two railway corporations, which under normal condi tions are competitive, can continue to be competitive under tho same control. They have a common interest in both and they receive their dividends from a fund created by pooling the earnings of both. s Conldnt Bo Worse. , ! A more effective method for combining . competitive Interests for suppressing com petition between rival and naturally com peting corporations It would hardly be pos sible to conceive The questions of law growing out of the statements are as follows: 1. Has combination been accomplished by means of the Securities company In viola tion of section I of an act of congress, ap- f. roved July t. 1890, entitled "An act to nro ect trade and commerce against an Unlaw ful restriction and unlawful restraints snd monopolies," hereafter called ths atitl-trust actT . Have the defendants monopolised or attempted to monopolise any part of the Interstate or foreign commerce of the United States in violation ot section 1 of the anti-trust actT J. Wss the relief granted by the circuit court authorised by lawT The government maintains that each of these questions should be answered In the) affirmative. Argnmenta Aro Henrd. The supreme court today began hearing arguments In the case of the Northern Se curities company, James J, Hill, J. 'PleP pont Morgan, Daniel .8. Lamont and oth ers, against the United States, coming to this court on appeal from the decision of ths circuit court for the district ot Minne sota. The decision there was to the effect that the purchase of the greater share of stock of the two companies constituted a merger and was contrary to the Sherman anti-trust law. The case involves the community of In terest principle. The court room was crowded both l.iside and outside the bar. Attorney General ICnox was present with an array of assistants from his office, while the opposition alao was represented by a long list of distinguished counsel, Includ- Ing former Attorney General Griggs, John G. Johnson of Philadelphia, C. W; Bunn and Charles 11. Young. Justice Brown was the only member of the court not present. Argsments Begin. John G. Johnson, representing the North ern Securities company, made the first argument He announced thgt the three railways and the Securities company would desire to be beard by their oo unset, while It was stated also that for the government only the attorney general would speak. After stating the case, Mr. Johnson said that the purpose of the Securities company In acquiring the stock of the railroad companies had been not to prevent compe tition, but the Injury of Its own property. Mr. Johnson admitted that the company hell Aearljc ail tiia sUxeK, ii eoaic&ded