18 TITE OMAHA DAILY PEE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12. 190.1. r SPECIAL NOTICES A4rtrlliriali for these enlamn will be likra aalll 13 nt. for the fvlif edition and until SiOO p. a, for moraine; nail enrinr edition. Ratea, 1 l-2e m word Mrat Inaertlon. la m word thereafter. Roth Ins; taken for leaa than SO, for the 11 rat tnaer tloa. Theae adTertlaemeata ma at ha ran eoaernlvely. Advertlsrra,. y reqaeatln ft Bam. bered eheck, can hare aaawera ad. Ireaaed to m naathered letter la eare of The Bee. Aaawera ao addressed will ha delivered ea presentation of the eheck only MISCELLANEOUS. Actual Business From the Start. Btsdents In BOYLES COLLEGE are introduced to practical routine. From the day of their entrance everything la made to converge upon the one central thought thorough business training. Such capital is Invaluable and assures profitable mployment Business Is always In demand. Apply for catalogue. Address H. ' B. Boylea, president. New York Life Bldg., Omaha Neb HORSES wintered. 43d and Center. Tel. Black-1123. R S46 Dili PHOTOGRAPHS .-.,!i5uK price $6 per dos. Choice of 4 styles of at 2 mounting, special for holiday only lb fotiP' PROCTOR, 616 South 16th St. K 204 PFPIAl For Umltad Urns we will Jl LVinL nt ycu wlUl a guaranteed PAIR OK SPECTACLES POn $l.t. Don't mine this chance. U. 8. OPTICIANS, $08 N. 18TJ1 ST. R-M216 PERFIELD'S Cut-Prlce Piano Co.. Bee Bldg.. Room 7. Tel. 701. Weber, Story & Clark, Ludwlg Schiller. Hm EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Dooglaa R-870 HIGH SPEED GOLD MOULDED X P RECORDS 25c EACH. are manufacturers and sell you direct fi-om the factory. Talking Machines of all kinds repaired. Columbia Phonograph Co. 1621 iaruam tx.. Vuuiit and Retail. R IMDai EXPRESSMAN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. 16th. TeL U95. R 3.1 STATUARY direct from factory; special low prlcet. unta Xiau. Uonnella Bros 02C Far nam. , Mu66 D19 HERB Is a chance to get a pair of shoes which are unexcelled at any price. Onl- 2,?1J.i3-2. anJ tiMt Shoe Co.. 206 a. Utn St R 172 MONEY loaned on all valuables. 418 N. nth R 87S irrrrJ-t r Get relief: corns rmnmd R kt ... TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don t, we both lose. Good work: prompt attention. 214 N. 16ta. TeL sue . . ' R-471 C2."MSAT COMPANY. UNDERTAK ERB. 1517 Capitol ave., teU 454. . Ha:t A:R.CAN Gen Employment Bureau, 1624 Dodge. R 282 Dll READl ( HAVE ROOT PRINT IT. H E E Dl SUCCEED A H9PTL.Ino.. 'v. 1. nuox inc. 414-M S02UJ. 'Phono 104 . Bread P.11?.0"? Homemade; potato yeast. LMCau Delicatessen, lbutt Farnain Street! . R 74 ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of goods sold by one man the day before Christmas, lSuJ, at our store. This means that you can get anything you want of J1., ft fl"',, P' Humldo d cljars for the holidays. Our Una this year will - - e w M.iiu in vmana. Come and see us. O. D. KlnUnaera - -x.mu mi. r OAJJ GOLD crowns from 3; fillings from 26c; set of teeth U; teeth extracted free. Union Dental Co.. 1622 Douglas, room 4 " R S7S Henry He AoMn't ....1 He sells It at im tarnam aL R 334 Dll , , JJ1J': Pirating, cheapest. beat r It aUSU LT TOU WISH TO GET Holiday Sweater " S'P" " Early ' . ; 4f BIIS the Knitter. 22 S. X6th. ' ' R-MMJD1I DentUt r'Se,ntthi2 "" before Jan. 1st and get 1-3 off on r":i' all filings. rrmvnanli,M 0411167-: work. 3d floor Paxton Blk . ' R-M473 D14 TmnlC AND BAGS AT REDIinTIrW . . ww Alfred Cornish. 1210 Farnirn: i cents Aak H. E. Fredrlokaon. 15th and Capitol ave., Omaha. R M32J D18 J. MBLCHOIR. machinist. 13th A Howard. THF HRANn PAMTC rr A thoroughly tellable tailoring establish, merit carrying a lull line of pJre woolen" Makes up any suit In the houa for i?i: H'.YE'V SMITH. Plumbing and HeatlnJ tS .t ompt atteu: w.iiv epiriiig a ane . 'ty. R-6is 1X7 "STRONGEST In the World," the Equlta f. ll.r."?-"' Policies r; . uiaiur iy, 11 1 1 National bank bldg., Omaha, Neb. POULTRY BUPPI-lES-UUery A Co lmT R-14J MOLY BMOKEI - Washington. Be Beck. man's. 14U7 tarn am. " H-uSo OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. IU N. lth st. , n-sia JTKANK. vuwcka CO.. tailors have i.u trt nvi a ink :r nave ;:.'' v,,r;",'. ".,".,'i u n " Kru ' ""uio db pleased to have All niir ft I ! I'll.lnm... .. I f . . W ?nr":.a, ??.! xV,r Lut rrJvl of mid-w?" ... ......-. ...(u-vun laiioring at me. WZI. lIJ.'P,t.,'0.ret the "number, SIGN painting. & H. Cole. 1308 Douglas R-673 i.r: ji.r':.? " "cmitree DEL PRADO WINE CO.'S Finest California Wines and Brandies. " Pureat and beat for medicinal puruoaaa. CACKI.KY BROS.. Bole Diatrlbuteri Sixteenth and Capitol Av. R-U Dee 11 NEW barber shop at Merchants hotel. It 4o4 Jl WE HAVE solved one of the mnat 4imA.,i problems In the retail tobacco business ana mat is 10 suii au Kinoa or tastes In cigars. We claim thru our stock ts the most perfectly cuwtWl both in nnoiiiv and shades lu tUe city, mother thing you can't poaalbly beat our Una of pipes and smoking t.iixo cigarette, too. W. F. Btuwcker. 14o4 DougUs. R--. A. Mariln. Talkir. removed to 13A flout; laa, R-S 1 BREAD, plea, cakaa, nam. for W14 Far- P-atMl Jl 11EFUN. locksmith, 303 N. 16th. Tel ;71 R-MU4 "WAS You Ever In Cincinnati T" new popu lar aueuii all the rage. All dealers. H-Mue Ux Mlf F.LI.A5FOI . LITERARY SOCIETY Meets every Saturday night at I p. tn. Program ronilstlng of debates, recitations, essays, orations, queries, mualc. etc., are given. Ex-students and IV public Invited. Omaha Commereial College (Kohrbough Bros., Props ) (Tel. 1289.) lTth and Douglas Bts. DON'T MISS A GOOD THING net your meals ana bunlneis luncheon the HARdACH Itlib'i'ALltAN 1, 4i b. lo'i'H. . in price, sei vice ana cooking our lure is are unexitkli'd. Board by ween la ii tickets, 6. JUSa.fi! SiRAUB, CHEF AND PROP. R 748 D20 SEASON FOR HOLIDAYS WE oier 25 little Barristers, fancy pack age and a WORTHY CHIP OK THE OLD bUt'K. The r amous Barrister 10c Cigar lor II. 0U. Drop In at 14 Douglas or 223 Paxton block. W. F. StoecKer Cigar Co. R-M124 SHOETORIUM Shoes repaired by ma chinery; best slock useu; soles, 40c, owe, sewed V6c; ladles', I5c; an wed, bOc; hcela, 20c, 2fc; rubber heels, 40c. 809 N. Ititn Tel. ar4. Shoe called for and delivered; work guaranteed. R 95i 17 BACK COPIEB of THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing THE QUOTATIONS, May be obtained at The Bee business office. 80 PER COPT. FOR SOMETHING in the bakery line fresh and sweet, stop at Bradhoft's. 1606 N. Z4th St. R M!7 IT pays, does It, to tramp over hundreds of miles of streets In Omaha looking for a house when you can get the name result with Ave minutes' glancing through the for rent advertisements In The Bee? ' R-MS32 12x YOU COULD go further and fare worse than by selecting some of your Christmas gifts from the Immense variety to be seen at Mawhinney et Holiday's, 16th and Douglas st. R M138 12x WAklLU-HALH UULf. MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad tare upon our taiiure 10 convince you of this being tne Jto.aT. largest ana only reliable, inoal practical burner college In this section ot tne country; write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Insti tute, Omaha, Neb. , B -Ui GOOD messengers wanted; first-class pay. a. u. T. CO., XIX B. ma. WANTED, for U. 8. army, able-bodied, un married men, Detween ages ot a. and So, citlsens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to recruiting officer, ltith and Dodge sis., Omaha, and Lincoln, Neb. , B M154 WANTED, two agents at once; good sal ary; city work. u. . Aaaau Co., im Howard at. B 464 WANTED, flrat-class sausage maker and meat cutter, une-nail interest in market for sale. C. W. Letchford. 607 8. Main St., Council Bluffs, la, B M6S9 PARTIES of upright character to repre sent us; salary izi, paid weekly; casn ad vanced, expenses. Colonial Co.. Caxton, Chicago. B M939 14x Salesmen The HaK Nursery Co., Wauwatosa, Wis. B M934 14 WANTED, two boys at East Omaha Box factory. - a Mass u GOOD business man in every eounty In Nebraska to take charge of an estab lished business; good salary; references required. 14. a. Wallace, SOT Brown b'.ock, Omaha. B 130 13 WANTED, men everywhere, good pay, to uiBinuuie circulars, aav. matter, uck signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M146 13z WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing, good pay. Sun Adv. Bureau, Chicago. , B MI41 L2x WANTED A reliable and onergetlo man to represent a large corporation as state agent; good Inducements to the light man. Call or write F. J. Stlglbauer, room BO, Paxton Hotel. B M148 13x WANTED Good vaudeville actor to do a few light stunts; must be musician. Ad drees X 86, Bee office. B M162 12x IT OFTEN becomes too late; do not wait, out go at once ana nave your eyes ex aminedfree. - Huteson'a, 213 So. 16th st, R M165 12x WANTEDFEMALE) HELP. 100 girla. Call Canadian office, th ft Dodge. LJQ WANT RD Girl for general housework at no. ttvi .uoage mi. u m-xjH WANTED Girl for general housework. iudo ueorgia ave. u 47 WANTED Lady with small ' capital to iaae nair interesi in esiaousmng a mag netic Institute In city; must have good education: can learn profession If de sired. Address X 61, Bee. C M870 IS YOUNG GIRL to assist at general house- work, inquire ixi a. zbth st, v M73 WANTED Experienced traveling saleslady ror iNODraaaa. Aaaress, witn rererences, F. E. Case, Corset Manufacturer, Albert Iea, Minn, C M147 14x WANTED TO BOY. PECOND-HAND books. Crane, 207 N. 16th. DON'T give your furniture and carpets away. J. ievine paj price. Telephone "71. Levins pays the highest cash N at 44 BOOKS bought and sold. Room 823 N. Y. I4ie oiug. Btionieia, tne Anuiiuaxlan. N-i3 13 TOBACCO, tags, coupons, bought, 20u a um. man I Jl RrrtlVc' bought, sold. Antique Book Con UUUtVi cern iu Karbach blk. Tel. 34. N 4o WANTED Second-hand, about SO-horse Dower uories encina ana about ho-hnru power horixontai, tubular boiler. Address A. oi, uee. N 161 14 CLOSED bookcase In good condition; state " vhu aiyiv euu price. Auaress A. 64, Bee office. N 975 llx SHOW CASE and counter; must be good. Frediickaca, 16th and Capitol ave. N-M992 16 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN PRICE, 410 1st Nat. bk. bldg. NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. lat floor N. Y, Life bldg., attorneys and collectors every, where. 163 ArUrur L. Warrick. 401 Ware blk. Tel. 13.4. Ill W. F. WAPP1CH. AVD1CE free. CrelirMon MIX. M24 roil SALIC HOU9K9, WAUONS, ETC. SECOND-HAND top buggy, with rubber tli as, Ml; ruua.bouta. In and U. Aiular- wii-Allilara t,u., u1a-U1 Capitol Ave. TeL u. Zli 11 NEW and 2d-hand vehicles for sales re- paira, it. srvai, iia ana Lwiqorta P 167 uilil n aiiuh ana cuirr: a lu anan. kiem A. W. Johtuon, with John Deere COSTVMCS. Theatrical and masq, litben. 1013 Farnam, SHORTHAND AND TY PHWRITINU. A. C VAN 8 A NTS school TIT N. Y. Life. S1 NEB. Business Shorthand College theater. Boyd Tlt'KET BROKKBIS. CUT- FA TIC railroad tickets every Vhr P. U. Phllkln, lu Farnam. 'Phone NEW QUOTATION CONTEST 17 "This was the noblest Roman of them all." 18 "Who does his best acts nobly; angels could do no more." 19 "Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears." A $50 suit of clothes and 199 other prizes. For details see advertisement on page 16. FOR nqiVT FinJISHED ROOMS. Room at the Dellone Large, nght anu ulry rooms, lU.o and up per month; 7oo and up per uay; steam heated, electric llgiitea, private and gen eral btitlis; firBt-c.ass service. 14tn and Capitol ave. E M71 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. E aw FRONT room for two. modern, 218 N. 17th. E M3&7 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnatn. E SM NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Htenm Laundry, l.TbO Leavenworth. 'Phone A-1783. E m O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. K 3S ELEGANT front roon; steam heat. 19ut Capitol ave. E M4D1 NICE south room, moiern. 306 B. 2Cth. Tel. A-ltf.D. E MtWJ STATE HOTEL European. 1313 Douglas st, K Mailfl Jl 3 NICE ROOMS, light Housekeeping. 1112 8. 11th. E MC37 FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; rent reasonable; no children. 1049 S. 20th. E M76S 12 NICELY furnished rooms, well heated, three minutes' walk from P. O. 324 North 16th street. E MW2 13x TWO rooms for light housekeeplne. 1814 Webster. E MDiiS 13x tl.26 PER WEEK. Doran Houso, 422 H. lMh. K M96i ROOMS, furnace heat, 816 N. 15th. tel. 1S34. E M90 Jg LARGE, nicely furnished room for gentle man; gas, bath and well lighted and heated; board next door. 2321 Harney. E 105 12x TWO elegant rooms; modern, gas, bath: board next door. 3011 Harney. Tel. Red 2952. E M119 13 X FRONT parlor, newly furnished; south and west exposure; heat, gas, bath; gen tlemen preferred. Tel. 242S. 1922 Dodge. E Mils lax NICELY furnished room with board; all modern Improvements. 1919 Dodge. E M117 13 ROOMS for transients or quiet couples; close In. Address Y 8, Bee. E M106 13 FURNISHED rooms Lacota, 1611 Howard. E 133 FURNISHED rooms; gas. bath. 403 S. 26th ave. BACK parlor, partly furnished; also single rooms; all modern. 1427 N. 17th st. E M138 lSx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Furnished Rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th & Chicago, F-J47 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; warm looms, good board. F MGttt UPTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport 728 ROOMS with board; modern, steam heat. also tahie ooaro. ins Dresner, cuz B. lgth. F MSI J10 SUITS rooms, 1st floor, single rooms; hot and ooia water. Merriam, tola ana Dodge. F M994 DESIRABLE front room with alcove, 213 8. 26th st. F 131 ROC KA WAY, 1316 Douglas. Meals, 16c. Maw THE U. S. RESTAURANT, 1510 Dodge, again under the management of W m. BAUERMEISTER. Open all night. F-21 MODERN well-heated rooms, good private board, zuis wirt st. tr 13S ux ROOMS and board. Ill So. 17th st F 184 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. For Rent At a Bargain The large double store In Bee Building, formerly occupied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co. it feet plate glass front, the only one ot , Its kind In Omaha. Present ' monthly rental, $176. Will rent to single tenant for 3133 per month. Or will remodel Into two stores and rent each store for $75. Excellent location tcr men's furnishing store, shoe store, jeweler, milliner, etc. Evry tenant of the Immense Bee Build ing. City Hall, Court House and New York Life Building a pos sible patron. For further particulars, see MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 304-306 So 16th St FOR RENT building suitable for whole sale purposes at 916 arnam, 22x90, four sorles and first-class cemented basement, elevator, tire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C, C. Rosewater, sec retary Bee Building Co., room 100, Bee building. I-MM7 FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; power furnished If required. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents, ground floor, Hee building. 1-M794 8-STORY and basement, 21x100- 1006 Farnam bU inquire 3J4 jnrst r-at i uank biq FOR RENT, three upper stories In four- story DUliainK Kl vio rariiani dl, iwu stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water. Secy., Room 100. Bee bldg. I U0S6 FOR RENT Two-story brick store build ing, suitable for dry goods, at York, Neb. Address E. O. Wright, York, Neb Box 421 I MI14 14x LOST. A REWARD will be paid for the recovery and delivery of a package of promissory notes that were lost December 2 in Council Bluffs or Omaha, otherwise on a Burlington passenger train between Coun cil lilufls and York, Neb. Address the Weatinghouae Co., Council Bluffs. Ia. Lost M102 13x LOST Will the party who got aygray sllk llned overcoat by mistake at Chambers' Dancing Academy Monday eve.. lec. 7, please call up L-24A2. or leave It at the academy and get their own In return. Lust 125 lis PAIR gold spectacles in rase In or between Be bldg. and the Utopia. Reward if left at 511 So. 36th ave. Lost 128 llx FOUND. FOUND Lady's pwketbook. 3400 Florida. Found lu llx STOKAGIs, OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1621 Far a. Tela labs-SC .-471 rost I4I.K rkil k st ane. ENGLISH & CO., Paxton Blk have just one more) well-built, 9-room resi dence In West Farnam district for $1,300, If you want this one -yourself, see us to day. RE M124 HARRISON MORTON. TRACK-AGE. ltl 64i FOR SALE, twelve-acre fruit farm at Braldentown, Florida; water front, young orange and banana grove, and gooU house. Address Lock Box M, Uiltner, Neb. RE 196 REAL ESTATE bargains. Full lot and three houses in E. V. Smith's addition, only, 32,260. Thomas Brennan, 809 So. 13th street RE M6U6 CHEA9- Williamson Co., RE-&49 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about It. The best way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 46,000 homes ot farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. Tiie cost of an advertisement la small 3 cents per word In small type or I til Ini.h it ma In In rir. ItM 1 THETWtNTlETH CENTURY FARMER, j UMAHA, IN tH. RE 329 HARRISON & MORTON, ACREAGE. RE 644 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Paclflo Railroad company. B. A. McAliaster, land commissioner, Union Paclflo headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 410 COTTAGE Built only two years, would cost more to build today; four nice rooms on the first, three rooms and bath on the second; lo cated In BEMIS PARK Nice lot, 44x143 ft. half block from Harney car; nice shade trees, brick walk; owner built this cottage tor a home, but offers It at a sacrifice for quick sale at $2,000 See us or look at the property, No. 3317 Myrtle ave. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. RE 677 SEE Spencer's bargains, 62s N. T. Life. RE bit Jl On Easy Payments 3660.00 4-r. cottage, 2213 N. 27th. tt60.b0 Double house, lot 60x128. 2017 Martha, touO. 00 7-room house, 8721 Ohio. i860 00 4-r. bouse, lot 60x160, 8117 Marey. 11,260.00-6 rooma, lot 60x168, 2247 Pierce. 12,760.00 10-r., modern. 3 lots, near Dundee. 63.760.00 Double house, modern, near de pots. $5,000.00 KounUe Place, 10-r., modern, i lota GARVIN BROS., Com'l Nat Bank Bldg., 1604 Farnam Bt RE MtJtis FOR SALE Business block In good Kan sas town, paying 6 per cent net on Invest ment; Investigate. Cash for your real es tate or business, no matter where lo cated; if you desire a quick sale, send price and description. I. N. Wells it Son. Emporia, Kansas. RE 913 13 x BIG SNAP. $850 for 8504 Hamilton, 4 rooms, city water, Saa and fixtures, brick walks, nice repair; on't delay. D. V. SHOLES CO. 723 N. Y. life. Tel. 49. RE MtS SEE Chris Boyer before buying. tM and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. RE M464 14 LIST your city property with us for quick sale. We have the buyers. The Abbott Cowan Co., 312-314-315 Brown Blk. RE MHO HARRISON MORTON, BUSINESS PROPERTY. RB 643 Two acres on paved street In Benson for $650; on easy payments. I acres in Benson for $1,000; 10 per cent cash; balance easy payments. 5 acres three blocks from car, $1,250. t nice residence lots near car line for $300; $30 csh; balance $10 per month. Benson & Carmichael, 643 PAXTON BLOCK. RE MUM LOOK AT THIS! A fine east front house, one block from Farnam car, south of Union depot, with six large rooms, city water, sewer con nection, gas tor cooking and lighting, r.llu F cm. i.l tiorft ulna nnrrn. ftimt-t .... nice yard, all fenced, with beautiful shade, alley In rear, some fruit, has rental value of $17.60 per month. You can have Immediate possession. See us quick If you w(-nt to buy this property at $1,600. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sole Agents, 601-3 New York Life Bldg. RE 99413 FOR SALE A lot and a half, 69x155 feet, east front, on tilth st., just north of Far nam, for $1,700. Hicks, 439 Board of Trade Bldg. RE 133 11 EQUITY In 160 acres land In Fremont countv, la.; M trees fine orchard; good Improvements; will sell at a bargain. Address K, Bee office, Council Bluff. RE M 149 FIGURES may "never lie." but facts are always true, especially tne tact mat i no Hee Is the best advertising medium for any kind of wants. RE M168 12x AGENTS WANTED. WANTED CanvasBlng agents Iri every county to aollult subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $ to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau. Bte building. Omaha. J 21S THIS old established society pays for loss of time by accident, sickness or death and wants new agents; write for terms, eto. National Benevolent Society, New York Life Bldg., Kansas City. Mo J M109 13 WE WANT a good man to canvass and sell our new electric lamp in Omaha; any Sood agent can make from 87 to $10 per ay; only agents who can give good se curity for goods need answer; Inclose 3 cent stamp for full particulars to Paclflo Eleotrlo Co., LaCroase, Wis. J M144 14 KIR DRKSSIftta. JT. E. WALLACE. Taxidermist V S. 13th. When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the tact that you saw the a4 la The Be. FOR Hfc.ft.T-HOUSES. KOR RENT 7-room house, city water, gas, furnace, all niode.n, on Park ave., $3o. 4-room houso, city water, 3124 Maaon. C. M. Bachmaun, 43d -37 l'axtun Block. D MC93 FOR RENT Large front room, nicely fur nUhed, In p. lvute family; easy walking uistance; price reasonable. 618 N. 18th st. D Mlm li'x HOI I9Pn ,n U Prt" ot the city. The I1UUOW 0, y. Davis Co., 6u8 Bee Bldg. D 4UJ HOI 19 FQ In all parU of the city. R. 11UUOCO c Meters & Co., Bee Bldg. D 49i TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co., office lail4 Farnam. or Tela. loi9-'3. D 416 WALLACE. Brown Block. 3S 2011 Hherman ave., 8 large rooms, all conveniences, laundry, barn, good repair, pleasant home. D 418 PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO.. choice houses. 601-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D 420 SKVERAL good houses, $10 to 118. Chris Boyer. 22d and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. D MHO WE MOVE pianos. Mnpgard Vnn Stor age Co.. Tel. 1494. Office. 1711 Webster st. D 421 HOUSES, Insurance. RIngwalt, Barker Blk. D 422 FOR RENT, 6-room house. 2563 Woolworth ave.; porcelain bath, gas, hot and cold water; newly painted and papered throughout 1:0. J. 11. Sherwood, New York Life Bldg. D M681 1126 S. 36th st, 6-room house, city water $12.00. 2S18 8. 19th st, 8-room house. .$20.00. li25 S. ISth st., 6-room house; well $10.00. 2418 8. th st, b room flat; bath; city water $12.50. 3215 Burt St., 8-room Cottage $6.50. 8817 N. 19th st, 6-room house; well, cistern 2924 Grant st, 8-room cottage; city water 819 N. 17th st, 5 rooms upstairs $12.00. 3213 Clark St., 5-room cottage $12.00. m tAUUB 1IM HiBlMtNI UtJ., 1606 Dodge St. D S94 No. 138 North 38th ave., very attractive mim urnirauia reninence OI 11 TOOmS, moa- No. 8504 South 20th St., 8-room modern house wv uim-nB nuuin or ieuin ana vinton streets; car line $26.00 per month. No. 1811 Howard St., 2 flats consisting of 13 rooms. In best of repair $54.00 per month. GEOROB COMPANY, -1601 Farnam St DM9S7 29 FLAT 8 rooms, modern. Inquire 1618 N. 24th St D M969 14X 2221 SPRUCE ST. 8-r., modern except fur nace. Dam, near Z4tn Bt. cars, $23.00. w. T. Nelson. 1015 N. Y. Life. D-977 13x HOUSES. 17T7& 9th st $10.00 4180 Nicholas st 16.00 8886 Parker at 10.00 853Burt St., modern, with barn 36.00 8304 Davenport St., modern, with barn. Low rental to right party if taken soon. WM. K. POTTER, Receiver, 303 Brown Blk. D M981 -ROOM cottage,' fine shape, city water, gas; very cheap to good tenant 613 N. Y. L. Tel. 1472. D 997 7-ROOM house; modern Improvements. 1316 Capitol ave. D Mil 13x 106 S. 28th St., t rooms. $8; 2608 Hamilton, 8 rooms, inside closet, $15; others. Ring wait Bros., Barker Blk. D MU6 13 9-ROOM completely furnished house; all modern conveniences; good barn. 614 8. 28th st D M122 T3x FOR RENT, 7-room cottage, all modern ex cept furnace. 2010 Poppleton ave. D-M142 14x FOR RENT, large first floor front room, nicely furnished nnd well heated; private family; easy walking distance; rent rea sonable. 618 N. 18th st. D Ml 36 lSx BUSINESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or business quick, see J. It Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y 3S4 EXCHANGES of all kinds. To buy or sell a business or exchange merchandise for a land or city property, call or write 8 holes Armstrong Co., 721-3 N. Y. Lire. Tel. 49. Y M793 MUST sell a pool hall, bowling alley and cigar store, clearing $100 monthly, all In same building; good terms; lively town. Chas. E. Hall, Orchard, Neb. Y M860 13 FOR SALE, rood harness and Implement business In Northeastern Nebraska. Ad dress X 66. Bee. Y M933 14 FOR SALE Second-hand furniture busi ness in Omaha; doing good businexs. Ad. dress X 62 Bee. Y-M971 12x HAND laundry and good route for sale. Address X 60. Bee. Y MHO 13 TO PRINTERS For sale, newspaper and job plant in growing town, with three railroads, In central Iowa; one-half In terest If preferred; rare chance; write for particulars. Address Y 2, Bee. Y M148 14 WANTED SALESMEN. WANTED Specialty salesman of ability to sell Box Ball Alleys on commission; out less than two years; over 1,000 now In use; exclusive territory. American Box Ball Co., Indianapolis, Ind. M113 17 SALESMEN wanted to represent Lindsay Chemical Co., Winona, Minn., In a spe cial line. M-672 17x BACK COPIES of THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing THE QUOTATIONS. May be obtained at The Bee business office. tC FER COPY. WANTED, traveling salesman, thoroughly posted on tinware and enameled ware, to rover northwest Missouri, Nebraska and Kansas: none need apply who have not an established trade. Address Y 4. Roe. M137 14 OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute. 515 N. Y. Life, bldg. T. 1(64 4 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. T.235Z. 459 Atsen Farwell. Paxton Ma, 404-7. T. i:&. I4U DR. GRACE DIE KG AN, 833 N. Y. Life. TeU 8t&l 401 Fayette Cole, Osteopath, 50$ Pax I on blcrlc. -143 MUSICAL. THOa J. KELLY, vole. Dbvtdge block. -i$ LETOVdKY'S ORCHESTRA. Tel. L-SUM. BECHTOLD'S union orchestra. 211 8. 13Ut st M60O-J1 EXPERT Dlano tunlnar and action res-u latlng: reasonable price; satisfaction guar anteed Cowna Piano 4JO., us B. 1 no. Tel S4. rVKNlTUBB rACaUNO. Peterson Lund berg, 116 S. 17th. Tel. L-K4 FOR SAI.K MISCRLLaNBiOt'S. SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: billiard tables repaired; a targe atcck of cneap bar fixtures, cigar counters, eta The Rrunswlck-Balke collonder Co., 4o;-$ S. 10th St. W M 16 CHOICE Duroe-Jersey boars at farmer prices: also gilts. W. W. Wheeler, Har lan, Iowa. J-Mi24 12 SECOND-HAND VEHICLES. 3 six pass, rockawaya, 1 coupe, 3 landaus, $ bus. wagons. A. J. Simpson, 14i Donne. (J 433 D14 50 SQUARE PIANOS $rfl EACH. 6o CENTS PER WliEK. 8CHMOLLER ML'KLLER, Largest Piano Dealers In the West, 1313 Farnam. J 394 CIGAR store, fixtures; finest In city; must be sold; foi particulars address U 43, Kee. Q M2Si D13 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. 0-J97 IRON & Wire fences, tree guard, trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co., 206 N. 17th st Q CSS CATALOGUE cut drug prices free, finer man tt McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. y-399 FOR SALE, several scholarships In a flrft clasa standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course in business, short hnnd and typewriting. Inquire st Bee office. Q 853 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. Q 4uo CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir timbers. 901 Douglas. Q 401 FOR BALE, Knabe concert grand piano; condition good. Address Lock Box 66, Glltner. Neb. Q 195 TWO fine depot wagons, I rocks ways. 1 coupe, 3 trans, 1 wagonette, 3 drays. Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Hnr ney. Q 403 CLOSING out hard coal stoves at less than 4 price from $5 up. Furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Q 403 BLACK HILLS POTATOES, New York ap ples, home-grown celery. Special atten tion to 'phone orders. Prompt delivery. Buffett 4fc Son. 14th and Harney. Q-M6G8 1$ WOOD 8.000 cords of Cottonwood for sale. Inquire 608 28th St., East Omnhs. Q-M561 llx LIMONITE Must have money. Make me an offer for a block of Llmonlte Tunnel Mining stock. Address X 63, Bee. Q-931 18 AM AUTHORIZED to sell at bargain diamond stud, ring and pair earrings left In pawn. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Doug las. Q-KM TRADING stamps. Boston Market, US N. 18. Q-979 J8 FOR SALE, second-band nlsno. In good condition. Inquire at 1608 S. 25th ave. Tel. B2613. Q M584 OLIVER typewriter for sale cheap for cash; must sell quick. Address X W, Bee. Q-M983 1 2x $15.00 buys a neirly new solar oak heater. Address Y 1, Bee office. Q 104 THERE are so many suggestions In our furniture department of pieces most suitable for gifts Inexpensive, too as well as the better ones. Orchard A Wll helm Carpet Co. Q 100 24 FURNITURE, with six-room flat; steam heat 410 No. 16th st, second floor. Q 129 18 CASHIER'S counter, oak, with marble slah ano rancy copper railing, at a bargain. 348 Bee bldg. Q-M146 14x FOR SALE, largest sise hard coal burner. practically new; reasonnnle. inquire aus Bristol St., or 'phone 3200. Q M139 18 ONE of the noblest virtues Is to eare for your future self. Have your eyes examined free at Huteson's, 213 So. 16th st Q M831 12x A LITTLE forethought about your eyes may save oceans or tears in later years. Have Huteson examine your eves. 213 S. 16th st. Q M163 12x FOR BALE Pianola, cheap; must sell at once. You cannot writ too soon. Address X 93. Bee. Q M169 12x LARGE, beautiful oil painting, "Angels of the Desert, ror sale cheap. Aflires X 88. Bee. Q-M137 12x CXAIRVOYNTS. QYLMER, palmist 715 N. 23d; 'phone B- 8246. O 4Z MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN . tw . . I 'I.- i - XT .1.. i . . . thing told, past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 841 MADAM MOYNIHAN, graduate School cf Occult Science. New York. Expert palm ist, clairvoyant physiognomist; traces and describes thieves or friends; locates minerals. I will guarantee my readings and the charge will be nothing It I can not see your friends as they are or de scribe your home. I have read for the late President MoKlnley, Mrs. Potter Palmer, Mme. Pattl and many other prominent people. Will accept engage ments to read and entertain In homes. 1615 DOUGLAS ST. B-M103 BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th St. 8131 PROF. HARRY, clairvoyant and palmist; no difference what trouble you may have consult him, he can and will help you; readings. It Room C, Krug theater. 8 in 2$ SPECIAL FOR TWO DAYS PROF. HARRY'S 1.00 READINGS 50c any lady presenting this ad. within two days will be given a complete reading for duc. rtoora , urug tneater, entrance on 14th st S 131 llx PSYCHO, the wonder of the twentieth century, who possesses the most mystic powers, defying at once science, reason and even occult wisdom the transcen dental reader and promulgator of events, whether past or future. He gives ad vice free and deals both liberally and nobly with hi clients. Confidence guar anteed. Write Psycho, transcendentallst 12 Yorkshire st., Harrlsburg, Pa. 8 M156 12x NO MYSTERY too dep for Psycho, the Aim ceniury prognoaiicator ano transcen dentallst. Consultations by mail free. Address Psycho, 13 Yorkshire st.. Harrls burg, Pa 8 M15U 12x MONEY TO LOAN REAL K STATIC FARM and city loans, low ratea. W. H. Thomas, First Nal'i Bank Bldg. Tel. 1044. PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. 441 4 TO ( P. C. money, Bemle, Paxton block. W 434 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Douglas. W 4J4 WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith & Co 1330 Farnam St W-436 FIVE per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W 437 WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters at Co.. Be Bldg. W 438 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 317 6 farm loans R. C. Patterson, 1224 Far nam. W-MtW WANTED SITUATION. WANTED Situation as housekeeper in well ordered home, competent and re liable. Address X&4. Bee. A MSH2 13x POSITION by a young man as bookkeeper In mercantile house or bank; good refer ences. Address X 18. Bee. A 994 18x FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange beautiful upright piano In good condition fxr horse. For partluulars adores x a), uee. ev WILL TRADE a good farm for Hidden Fortune, lioraeahu or sum otbar good stock. AOdreae) X a. omce. PERSONAL. I'E RENT srwlr.g machines at 70 per week, $2 per month; we repair and sell psrta for every machine manufactured: second ha,id machines from $1 to $10. N b. Cycle Co.. 15th and Harney. U 448 VI AVI" way to health. 846 Be building. Omaha. r U 444 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and . JlnP confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Uorlsch, 8t California st Terms reasonable. U-445 GOLD ELECTRO PLATING. CM T7 r Old metallic ariicieeinau j new, SILVER OMAHA PLATING CO. MlffUt REMOVED TO lo HAllNtl. lMlrCL, TELEPHONE 6. U 139-D-34 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; uaoies aaopteu. xars. uarucie, . Tel. Red-IUM. U-44S PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Bameriian Mninni. 728 1st ave., Council Bluffs, la. U - BACK COPIES of THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing THE QUOTATIONS, Muy be obtained at The Be business office. IC PER COPT. WATER'S PRINTING CO., 1213 Douglas l. U ! l( PRIVATE hospital before and during con iiMciii-m. iie. aj. r laner, ois oo. imu Tel. 18X9. U 441 MAGNET PILE KILLER, IT CURES. At OTUggUHB, 41. U 448 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases nu irregularities ot women Irom sny cause; experienced and reliable. Iil3 Dodge St., Arlington block, Omaha. U-449 WHAT'S nicer than accordion pleating? tyw tin iimning; dui int nnesi. uoiaman Pleating Co., '0 Douglas block. ' U-4M ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspooiB and vaults, removes gnrbnge and dead animals at reduced prices. 6.1 N. 16th. Tel. 1779... U 151 EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT DR. WILKINSON, CRE1GHTON BLOCK.. iresiment ano operations tor caiarrn; catarrhal deafness, enlarged tonsils, chronic sore throat cross eyes, eto. Free from $ to 6 o'clock. Examination free. 15th and Douglas. U-984 3i LIKE the bell cow, we lead Dreaher th jaiior ibis rarnam; open evenings., Too busy making clothes to close. U-9S8 22 A Stammering Cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge bid. u iS CALITZO Meet me at Huteson's, expert uptician, us b. im st.; going to get a pair of his "Patent Slip Not" eye glasses, tie teats tree. U 630 Jl ROBINSON'S Shining Parlors. 1320 Doug las st U M869 J5 M Af"lNP"rii" treatment baths. Mme. Smith, 118 N. 16. 2 fir. r. 3 U M944 r bx ELITE parlors. 615 S. 16th, 2d floor. U M961 MONEY loaned on valuables. 1315 Douglas. U M960 JS SMOKE the best Blnderup Cigars. U M9a J8 THE greatest showing of novel, new and really Instructive toys are to be found at Orchard. Wllhelm Carpet Co. U 999 24 SPECIAL FOR THE Holidays We offer a French briar pipe, with l-lnch traimr moutnpioce, tor ji.uu. etoecicer Cigar Co., 1404 Douglas, and at 221 8. 1'Jtb, Paxton Block Cigar Store. U Mia FOR Christmas get him a genuine briar pipe, Z6o up; t 16i3 Douglas. pipe, 26o up; box of cigars, 60o up. Tracy's, U M14U 21 IF you are interested in Roman curios - write to iietro uurseiio, 114 ttona st., Brooklyn, N. Y. U M829 12x A MAN Is often judged by his cigars. Buy yours of Stoecker and secure the good opinion of everybody. U M833 12x ANY time will sometimes do, but for good time rely upon a watch from Copley's, 215 So, 16th st. U M147 12x CHRISTMAS will cause everybody's 1 1. hi i nli I. I r. M v , rt Pniilav'. An lnni.l rif display; go also there. 215 So. 16th st U M163 12x WANTED A light comedy In four acts; will pay good price tor same. Address X 89, Bee office. U M163 12x MONEY TO IX) AN CHATTELS. WE TRUST THE PEOPLE. TOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERB. MONEY TO LOAN ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE, WITHOUT SECURITY. WITHOUT PUBLICITY. We also loan money on FURNITURB PIANOS, HORSUS, etc., without removal ot goods LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. DON'T pay a high rate of Interest for money, but call and get our rates befor going ehiewhere. Our plan la the CHEAPEST, BEST and MOST PRIVATE in the city. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Rooma 307-308 Paxton Block. X-M425 EASY fS?A Best explains our methods. We loau on furniture, puuios, warehouse receipts, etc. Or it you have a permanent position we can make you a SALARY LOAN without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is quick au4 confidential, and we always try to plea, All that w ask ia that you give us a call before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. LU Board ot Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. lEsiabllahed li2j. ju S. lsib bu X-M428 ; MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANUS, L1VH STOCK. SALARIES. ETO. , Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try us if you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 38 Paxton Block, 16lh and Farnam ats, X 4. LARGE8T BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchant, team, sters, boarding houses, tc, without se curity, easiest terms; 40 offices in prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-&8 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest ratea 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Uutton Co! X49 . MONEY loaned op pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cowi. eto. C F. Reed. 811 fi. 1$. X 430 CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., R. 8. Barker Block. X431 DRESSMAKINU. IN families. Mis Sturdy. MS N. 33d. Mj4 D27 JOY Tailor School, 308 8. 30th. Tel. L2187. M78B D&i FLORISTS. HESS at SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 439 L. HENDERSON, florist 1618 Farnam St WANTED SALESMEN. BAIJDBMEN make $800 a mmth Belling only perfect concrete building block machine. Maokay, Chamber of Commerce, Chicago. 1241 llx PATENTS. H. 1. COWGILL No fe unleee aucc 318 a IstA st. Omaha. TeL 17S8. sful. ha. n- luatralea patent booei freav TeL lte3. M-frO DT v L, t f 1 , S m W W W-a.-