Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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A Shield I protection. The
Shield o! Quality ii more
it a guarantee the mantle
it a genuine WeUbach.
Five kinds
15. 20. 25. 30.35c.
All Dealers,"'
pn the B'imff
Simply a ;
Breathe It
k. Frrr Mlaatra I of Hromel Four
Tlmn ttmj Vurrn Catarrh.
The pleasantest, most convenient and the
nlr' scientific method for' the treatment
hud cure of catarrh la , Hyomel. . Bimply
put twenty drop of Hyomel In the Inhaler
that cornea with every pacnte and than
breathe It for a few minutes four, tlmea a
It seems fsrruu-kaiile tbat ao simple a way
pf treating catarrh will effect a cure, but
the most Important dlsooveries of solence
bare always been the slmplost. By breath'
Ins Hyomel In this way every partlole of
Sir that1 enters the air passages of the
throat fchd' head aha" goes Into the lungs
Is charged With a hen ling balsam that kills
the germs, and bacilli of catarrh and
soothes and allays all Irritation. -
The first day's .use of Hyomel will show
a decided Improvement and In a short time
there will be no further trouble from ca
tarrh. Its action Is' rapid and lasting.
You take no risk In buying Hyomel. A
complete outfit costs 1100, and If after
using1 you can say that ft has not helped
you Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Six
teenth and Dodge streets, Omaha, will re
turn your money. What other treatment
for catarrh la sold under a guarantee Ilka
by a method of its own,
what other soap can not do.
If you want a yelvet skin,
don't P U T 6 N , prepay
rations, but TAKE OFF
the dead skin, and let the
new perfect cuticle furnish
its own beauty.
Follow the Flag''
half rate:
Rational L?ajn Ua'tei Season Too Long to
Permit Them.
1'oaamittee Will Kutlemvor to Arrange
rheaale Ho that Postponed flame
Will Xot Be IMurerf oa
Schedule Time.
NEW YORK, Dec. . The National
League of Professional Base Ball Clubs, at
Its secoud day's session at the Hotel Vic
toria today, decided to lengthen the base
ball season. This will not allow the teams
of the two major leagues who win the pen
nants to play for the championship of. the
world. The board decided that each club
shall play 154 games with each other club,
Instead of 140 games, as was called for In
lost season's schedule. Thus the committee
will so try to arrange the schedule that
each club will have enough oil days so that
postponed games willnot be played on the
same day with scheduled gamrs.
The following board of directors was
A. II. Boden of Iloston, James A. Hart of
Chlrago, John T. Brush of New York and
Barney Dreyfus of IMttaburg.
Barney Dreyfus of Pittsburg, James A.
Hart of Chicago and Charles H. Ebbetts of
Brooklyn were chosen as the schedule com
The other committees named arei
Rules Committee James A. Hart of Chi
cago, Max CFlelschmann of Cincinnati,
Edward Ilanlon of Brooklyn.
Committee on Constitution August Herr
mann of Cincinnati, John T. Brush of New
York and James Potter of Philadelphia.
The season will open about April 15 and
continue until October 10.
The uniform contract that was approved
by the national commission was adopted by
the league, and President Pulllam was In'
structed to vote at a meeting of tke na
tional commission for a rule to declare In
eligible any player who jumps a contract
with any league a party to the national
agreement. The league adopted a rule that
clubs of the league must waive claim to the
services of a player before he could be
signed by a club for another club of another
The rumor of consolidation with the
American league was denied tonight with
a vehemence that seemed to settle the ques
tlon for this year at least.v.
'Garry" Herrmann declared that he had
never . given the matter a thought and
added: "It seems to me that the country Is
large enough to support two major leagues."
Harry Von Der Horst declared that there
was absolutely nothing In the consolidation
talk, and the other owners said that It was
Schneider, L. J 13.1 174 132 43
Dennisn 180 182 141 601
Totals 844 801 728 t$73
1st. id. M. Total.
Frltsoher 1H4 174 12 5-'0
Forscutt 199 174 1X9 . fc
Schneider, F. W ill) 242 18 611
Fr.;ldhof 171 2' 140 - Rn
Beseltn 172 200 HW fx
Totals ; 936 1,000 840 2.7S2
I 7 Til TO 20TH
) . ....
Special rates on sale daily to
.. s.U Winter Resorts. The
shortest, quickest and best
line to Bt. Louis, the Soutn
and Southeast. The only line
passing the World's Fair
grounds giving full view of
ail iiuldij.s.
ATI I information at City Ticket
Offlue, .
1601'; Faroam Street
Harry E. Moores, imUik
mr -
Full lafoRsatioe cheerfully
I urautasa oa aviilioatloa to
,ry Ticket OIBc-a
laXa FARM 411 ST.
'Phone Sa
Tonlaht the Nationals and Colts finish
the week's Ifbkup bowling.
In the Commercial leasue on the Oate
City allrys last night the Hlacli Kats won
two from the W. O. W. Hcore:
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Lsndon 143 16J 201 foXI
llelf 134 1S1 2J4 53
Button 151 135 171 467
Bush 127 , 148 . 191 . 7
Brinon 149 14 170 . 468
Totals 704 776 867 2,437
w. o. w. .
1st. - 2d. Sd. Total.
Smyth 12 147 147 423
Ptlles i'-'4 165 156 436
Johnson 169 177 184 . 4K0
MoKelvey W 133 143 . Wi
Foley .138 t 147 136 421
Totals 746 759 716 2,221
Daniels Will Head Ames.
AMES. Ia.. Dec. 9 The Iowa State col
lege foot ball team has elected C. H. Dan
Iris of Marlon, la., to the captlancy of
the team for next sonRon. At the atnletlo
council meeting A. W. Rlstlne, who has
coached the squad for two years, was en
gaged bs coach for next season, and A. D.
Klwood was elected manager for next fall.
Row Between Two Cowboys Sot
tied In the Time-Honored
RUSHVIIiLB, Neb., Deo. 9 (Special.)
flherlft Housh yesterday went down to ar
rent a young man named Dennis Walker at
Ellsworth. Late last night ha returned with
Walker who Is charged with killing a
companion named Cummins, on the Spado
ranch, where they both worked. The kil
ling was done with a club with which
Walker struck Cummins over the head.
Cummins was removed to Alliance, where
he died, and Walker rode away, but was
secured by Sheriff Housh and is now In
the oounty jail, awaiting trial.
Jockeys Shaken Up Severely tn Accl
' dent a New Orleans
NEW ORLEAN8. Dee. 9. Lampoon and
Dan McKenna, both well supported, were
the winning favorites today. George
Thompson, who has Jut returned to this
country with a long and good record on
foreign tracks, had his first mount on Dan
McKenna today. Rounding the first turn
in the last race Barkelmore fell and Will
Shelly and Shotgun fell over him. Willard,
the mount on Barkelmore, was severe'
bruised, .but the others escaped unhurt
First race, five furlongs: Sly Boots won,
Sid Silver second. Spec third. Time: 1:04.
Second race, one mile and a quarter:
Little Elkln won. Trocadero second, Joe
Doughty third. Time: 2:14Ji.
Third race, one mile: Lampoon won,
Tlnga second, Royal Pirate third. Time:
1:47. ' -
Fourth race, one mile and seventy yards t
Dan McKenna won, Potheen second, Ben
Chance third. Time: 1:60.
Fifth race, six furlongs: J. P. Mayberry
won. Josette second, Bengal third. Time:
Elxth race, one mile: Klwasa won, Cal
cutta eeoond, Reckless third. Time: 1:47.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 9. Results:
First race, thlrteen-slxteenths of a mile,
selling: Sterling Towers won, IMtruda
second, Bwarxwaid intra. Time:
Second race, six furlongs: Captain Forsee
won. Otto Steltel second, Atlantlco' third.
Time: 1:13H.
Third race, seven furlongs selling: Mn
relo won. The Miller second, Tom Slavln
third. Time: 1:27.
Fourth race, one mile and fifty yards,
selling: Ignaclus won, Coronal second,
lllowaho third. Time: 1:43.
Fifth race, thlrteen-slxteenths of a mile,
selling: Mocorlto won. Aunt Polly second,
Puks tn Boots third. Time: liOV.
Sixth race, one mile and sn eighth, sell
ing: Cambaceres won. I. O. U. second.
lime: i:m.
Lodfre Elections.
BEATRICE, Neb., Deo. 9. -(L pedal.)
Third City lodge No. 8L Degree of Honor,
met last night and elected the following
officers: Mrs. Elda Tread well, chief of
honor; Mrs. Ella De Spain, lady of honor;
Mrs. Louise Koons, chief of ceremonies!
Mrs. S. E. Gould, financier! Charles Tread-
well, receiver: Miss Anna Thompson, re
corder; Mrs. Lltile Bogtnskl, usher! Mrs.
Amelia Bchultx, Inside watch; Mrs. Helen
Lucks, outside watch; J. W. Ashenfelter,
trustee for, three years.
OSCEOLA, Neb., Dec. 9. (8pecial.)-J. F.
Reynolds lodge No. 88 has just held election
of officers and the following women will
hold the ribbons for the ensuing year: Jes
sie Shore, president; Susan Byers, senior
vice; Lucie Brown, Junior vice; Mary E.
Saunders, treasurer; Welthy Rhodes, chap
lntn; Mary Bense, conductor; Anna Locke,
guard; Mary J. Conklyn, secretary I Welthy
Rhodes, delegate to the state meeting, with
Maiy Pulver alternate. Welthy Rhod
was elected Installing officer.
Cougar third.
Does Not Get Pay Technically
the Cash Will Go to
If you want a quick and pleasant
trip, select the Union Pacific,
lu trains .from Omaha reaching
thfl Paclflo Coast ttttlltll
16 Hours Quicker
"The Overland Route"
all the way.
i turt your Ticket reads ovtr tJU
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec. 9. A discus
sion having arisen on the question
whether F. Ii. Colson of Cornell, who Is to
coach the Harvard 'varsity crew next year,
is to receive remuneration for his services.
Prof. H. 8. White, chairman of the Har
vard athletic committee, published a let
ter today in the Harvard Bulletin. Prof.
White says that while Colson Is not tech
nically to receive any pay for his Services
ss coach, the committee considers it suit
able to make good to him any loss of in
come Incurred by the temporary surrender
of nis worn at Cornell,, as well as any ex
tra expense Involved In the trln.
In an editorial the Bulletin declares the
appointment Is really the employment of
professional. "All that the Bulletin has to
say, announces the paper, "la that. In Its
judgment It is a step In the wrong direC'
tlon. it oeneves mat stnciir amateur
coaching should be the pnly kind used.
' Telephone Lines In Banner.
HARRISBURG, Neb.. Deo. 8. (Special.)
Several telephone lines will be constructed
tn Banner county tn the near future, - J. W.
Hoke and W. A. Grubbs have ordered wire
and 'phones and will be connected with
Harrisburg, their plan being to utilize the
top wires of the fences as far as possible,
bridging the gates and Supplying the. va
cancies, This plan Is said to work success
fully where It has been tried. Another
contemplated line extends... as . far as the
ranch or A. II. Pelrson, taking In the
ranches of B. M. White, K. F, Barfoot,
Ben Cross and others. This will probably
bo a high line, and the promoters are men
who will rush the matter to an early com
pletion. Freeport and Redlngton will be
connected by 'phone during the next year.
Then there Is the line to Kimball, Viking
in Heath and Kirk, which will undoubtedly
be built In the spring, to connect (wlth
line running east to Sidney.
. New Dnnlc at Homer.
DAKOTA CITT. Neb., Dec. 9,-(Speclal.)
The Security State bank of Homer, In
corporated for $10.000, . will open Its doors
for buflness In Homer on next Monday
morning, with W. H. Ryan as cashier,
George W. Ash ford assistant cashier,
Thomas W. Aehford president and Dr. C
H. Maxwell, John Ashford and Thomas
Ashford, jr., directors. The above named
persons are also the Incorporators of the
new institution. MesBrs. Ryan and Max
well are residents of this place and the
Ashford brothers are of Homer. This will
make the second bank in Homer, the other
one being run by C. J. O'Connor. The
cashier, W. H. Ryan, was formerly cashier
In the Bank of Dakota City of this place,
resigning about two months ago. The new
bunk will occupy a portion of the new
building reoently erected by Ashford Bros.,
adjoining their store on the south.
Many Ehoti -EioWped Between Gnardi
and Unidentified Ken.
Expected that Services Will Attract
Urs Kumher of strikers to City'
antl Demonstration Will
Be Made.
TRINIDAD, Colo.. Dec. 9. While a num
ber of deputies and Jlerks' were driving j
from Berwlnd to Tobasco at 1 o'clock this i
afternoon they were fired upon by several J
men hid behind rocks and brush. The dep
uties and clerks jumped from' the wagon
and returned the Are. The shooting con
tinued at Intervals for thirty, minutes,
though no one was lnjared.,rr ' -
Sheriff Clark and posso were preparing to
leave for the scene on a special train when
word was received that reinforcements of
the guards had arrived from Tobacco, half !
mile away, and the ambush party fled. ,
No arrests were made; The trouble is said
to have originated this morning when a
miner came Into the mine office at Horn In
and became very abusive. He was kicked
out by a deputy and It is thought that ho
stirred up his friends to start the diffl- ;
culty, ' .
The double. funeral of Velano and Band,
the miners killed by guards In the battle
at Segundo, Monday night, will bo held in I
Trinidad from the Catholic church tomor- i
row afternoon under the auspices of the '
miners' union. This being the first blood i
shed since the strike began, ' great prepara- i
Uona are being made for a demonstration. 1
Over LOCO union miners are expected to I
march In the funeral parade. The rela-
tlons between the miners and guards at ,
Segundo are still strained and trouble is !
expected there at any time.
Rednre Force nt Cripple Creek. I
DENVER, Dec. 9. Orders were Issued at
the capitol today for the withdrawal of .
160 soldiers from Cripple Creek, reducing
the military force there to 600 men.
JT Jr Jftr "ray eafre as
yf ff feel se geed."
aht.ual sale-ten niLLiorj boxes
Greatest In the World
A MILLION HEALTHY, MANLY AMERICAN MEN, fathers of families, busineaa
men, statesmen, mechanic, farmers, lawyers, ministers, doctors, bookkeepers,
bankers, sailors, soldiers, traveling salesmen, railroaders, laboring men. men In
every walk of life, in every JJne of activity, keep thelr bowels rer.iuw with OAS
CARETS Candy Cnthartlo. Thev tell other men about the wonderful merit of thui
wonderful little tablet. They take CA8CARET3 borne to their wives and families.
The conmuence Is a sale of OVER A MILLION BOXES A MONTH made by
merit and ariDreclatlon. A man who keets his bowels recrular with CASCAKBT8.
can keep strong and healthy even without much exercise, for when the bowels
ara reg-uiar ana the digestion strong toe system is Bare ana ine muscles. Drain
and nervea will have Inexhaustible elasticity and life. AH drutrglsta. 1 Oo, alio, fVOo.
never aoia in dvujc. -ine genuine taDiet statu pea v u u. oampi ana, Dooaiet tree.
Address Sterling Remedy Oo, Chicago or New York. 816
One More Homeseekers Excursion.
Oklahoma is southern In point of geo
graphical position. The people are western
In their aggressiveness and untiring en
ergy; they are eastern in their, educational
facilities and lines of , thought; they are
northern In their methods of farming.
The territory possesses the happy medium
In Its kindly climate and the ability to
bring forth the produots that are native
to the north, east, south and west of the
United States. Cotton,' the Btaple of "the
south, Is a leading produot. Tobacco is
raised with as, much success as In Ken-
tucy and Tennessee. Wheat and corn,
the grain of the north and western states,
are raised mors extensively than any pther
commodity. The wheat crop of Oklahoma
for 1902 aggregated 80,000,000 bushels. Ths
corn crop for the same year exceeded 86,
000,000 bushels. Potatoes, fruits and all
manner of grasses, vegetables and other
grains yield proltflcally.
The raising of live stock Is one of the
most profitable pursuits. The pasturage la
rich In verdant grasses and wholesome
water, while the mild, dry . winters make
it possible to turn the cattle Into the grow
ing wheat fields. Hores,; mules, Angora
Boats, sheep and hogs are raised as cheaply
as In any other state In the union. ;
There is much walnut and oak, hickory,
pine, and the lumber production runs Into
millions of feet annually. vV'k:'.'
The taxable valuation of the territorial
books show more 'than SS6.000.000 taxable
and $178,000,000 of real waalth.' There are
now about 107,000 children attending the
publlo schools of Oklahoma and the popu
lation Is 96 per cent of American birth and
97 per cent are under the. age of 60. More
than 80 per cent of the population owns Its
own homes and 90 per cent of the settled
farms are now endowed with quick assets
above the. value of the land in the shape of
live stock, farming Implements, forage
stocks and dairy supplies.
One more Homeseekers' exourslon via
Rock Island System to polnta In the south
west December 16.
Full Information at this office.
F. P. Rutherford, D. P. A., 1323 Famam
street, Omaha, Neb.
Beginning Monday, Dec. 7
Another Quotation Contest
Ending Sunday, Dec, 13
Town Peace Ofllcer Locks In Dr.
Klinceman for Abastfag,
J. C.
PAPILLION, Neb., Deo. I. (Special Tele
gram.)Last night while on a spree, Dr.
J, C, Kllngomun, proprietor of the Wilcox
hotel bocame so abusive to his family dur
ing the supper hour that a complaint was
made and the doctor was jailed. The affair
taused much excitement. ' -
At the Selleck A Marble alleys last night
the St. Charles team took three straight
games from the Armours, which brlnirs
the two Into a tie for first place. The St.
Charls' total was within one pin of the
highest rolled this season. Their men are
striking the gait predicted by ths wise ones
and from now on they will be hard to
pass. Score:
' 1st. !d. Sd. Total.
Ollehrtst V 1-W HI 453
Potter 149 lf3 147 448
Brunke S16 146 107 63)
This family remedy . will
put the stomach in condi
tion to receive the food and
enable it to perform its di
gestive functions properly.
Then you'll not Bluffer any
more from Heartburn,.
Belching, Nausea, In
digestion, Dyspepsia,
Constipation or Liver
Trouble.' Don't fail to
try it At all druggists.
Trouble by Sunday Opening;.
FREMONT, Neb., Dec. 9. (Special.) The
retail grocers of this city ars considerably
agitated over the Sunday closing question.
Several places on Main street are open for
business Sundays. The proprietors assert
that they have many calls from restaurants
and some regular customers who come in
to church In the morning and buy their
week's supply of groceries before going
horns. No particular complaint Is made of
one merchant who is a Seventh Day Ad
ventlst and closes on Saturday, but Is
0.en for business on Sunday. Unless all
but the Adventlst can be pursuaded to
close their doors Sundays prosecutions may
follow, though no one seems anxious to
make a complaint.
a . v -w i
Gets Divorce by Defanlt.
FREMONT, Neb., Dec. 9. -(Special.) The
divorce care of Mrs. M Hoffman against
Joseph ' Hoffman, which It was expected
would be fought to a finish, came up In
the dlsirlct court this morning with a
goodly number of witnesses present. The
defendant failed to show up and bis at
torney announcing that he would do noth
ing more In the case, left ths court room.
Mrs. Hoffman was given a decree on ac
count of cruelty and the custody of their
two children. The parties live at North
Fremont to liave at Banal.
FREMONT. Neb.. Dec . (Special.)
Fremont Is to have a band. At a meeting
last evening a permanent organisation was
effected and Prof. Joseph Hocke employed
to take charge of It. There are thirty
members on the rol'.s, many of whom have
had some musical experience and others
who are anxious to learn, At present the
land will meet for practice In two m
lions. A small membership fee will bs
charged, the players giving their services
free on account of the Instruction they will
receive from the leader.
Girls Start to See World.
WEEPING WATER. Neb.. Dee. .-(Special.)
Two girls about IS years old, from
Avoca, Instead of going to school one day
last week, oontfluUod to leave home and
parents and see a little high life. They
braved the rijrora of a snowstorm and
pulled lute Engle In the evening to stop
with a friend over night. Ths town mar
shal placud them under arrest until their
parents arrived La. next day soul teuk
The housekeeper
or the cook who
does or doesn't
keep a. jar of the
OP BEEP always at band both for fla
voring soups and sauces laa well as for
making that handy cup or. not neei tea,
will oblige by aendlng ber address to
Corneille Dovid ft Co., 105 Hudson St.,
New York, N. Y. Bhe will receive free.
a useful cook book."
During the week beginning Jlonday, December 7th, and ending Sunday, De
ceinber 33th, The Bee w ill publish each day, well known quotations twenty-five in '
all-r-wbich will be printed from day to day at the top of ita Want Ad Page; the
names of the authors will not be printed. Prizes as given below . will be awarded :
, to the winners of the Quotation Contest, on the following conditions:
.At the top of a sheet of paper, write your name and address. Then write
out the quotation, as it appears in the paper and give the author, or source of the
quotation. Then look through the Want Ads and cut out any advertisements ap- ...
pearing in these columns on that day, from which words may be taken to make up
the quotation; paste them underneath the quotation in regular order and under
line the words constituting the . words of the quotation. Do the same with the sec-
ond quotation, and so on, until you have completed the, twenty-five quotations, the
last of which will appear in The Boe of Sunday, December 13th.
Each correct quotation made up from words appearing' in Want Ads, in the
way described above, counted as two, and each correct name of the author
as one, on the score of the contestants.
, The person having the highest score will receive the first prize, the one hav
ing the next highest score the second prize, and so on.
In case of a "tie," the person sending in the answer first, as shown by the
postmark on the envelope, will be given preference.
Ailjanswers must be sent by mail.
No one connected with The Bee Publishing Company will be allowed to com
pete for a prize. -Do
not .send In your quotations until the end of the week. '
... . ; . .
Prizes WortK Winning -
1st One Man's or Woman's Tailor Made Suit 50.00
2nd 1 Dinner Rot 10.00
8rd 1 Dinner Set : 10.00
4th 1 International Encyclopaedic Dictionary, worth 8.00
6th 1 Bet "Life of Napoleon "three volumes .' 0.00
6th 1 Set "Life of Napoleon," three volumes 0.00
7th 1 Year's Subscription to The Metropolitan Magazine 1.50
8th 1 Year's Subscription to The Metropolitan Magazine 1.50
0th 1 Year's Subscription to The Metropolitan Magazine1 1.50.
10th 1 Year's Subscription to The Metropolitan Magazine 1.50
11th 1 "Life of John Sherman," worth , 1.50
12th 1 "Life of John Sherman." worth 1.50
13th 1 Copy "Mother Goose's Taint Book" 1.25
14th 1' Copy "Mother Goose's Paint Book" 1.25
loth 1 Copy "Mother Goose's Point Book" 1.25
16th to 25th New Books and Novels, worth $1.25 12.50
26th to 85th Mf. Bunny. His Book, worth $ 1.25 12.50
80th to 50th State Map. worth $1.00 15.00
61st to 200th Art Pictures, worth 60c 75.00
200 prizes
Study the
Bee Want Ad
Today and Every
This Week.
Tba Shakespeare,
Phojmix, Aau. May 22, 1903. ,
I had bean suffering with inflammation of the womb far mora than four years. I wished a hundred times to
die rather than endura the pain. I spent my money on medicine only to find that it was time and money wasted.
When 1 noticed the testimonials of Wine of Cardui I decided that I would try it, little dreaming what a blessing
it would prove.
Little by little the pains disappeared, so slowly and gradually that I hardly noticed the improvement at first.
Bat within seven weeks I was able to go out as usual, could eat heartily and n Q a
sleep soundly. But I kept up the treatment three weeks longer and then I ' If n f U
was entirely cured. I have been in good health now for several months Av . lKs OJ t--
thaou to your pceparation.
Pbohbtsss os Whits Fast Comca No. IS,
Daumss or rooAaosru.
That Wine of Cardui brought Mrs. Smith relief and permanent health when she was in such
a terrible tndition shows it is the right cure even in the worst cases of female trouble.
Even when the doctors give up hope there is always some relief in "Wine of Cardui. And this
relief has come to women who wished for death as Mrs. Smith did to women who did not
have any tolerance for Wine of Cardui and took it in order to satisfy their friends to women who
had gone through operations one after another for severe chronic troubles.
Wine of Cardui is a medicine which cures all the ailments peculiar to women no matter now
simple or how severe. It is the medicine for daughters, mothers and grandmothers in any
I trouble peculiar to their sex. Can you refuse to give this medicine a trial?
You can secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui from any druggist.
I Xnpwiiw mm iiiia puai wwisw www jw-whjmw wnutji mmvmim iimiitsh ipsi, sj " s WWW
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