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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1903)
Tnn (WAHA. DATIY BEK: TntrnSDAY, nECEMBETI 10, 1003. Tel. 4Xt-M. WE CLOSB SATC EDA "TmtUnuetei It wrml 1 nj..deat erf t riln.11 ' AH A gift worth giving and a present Avortb having. The best haliday gifts are useful gifts and one of the most useful Is a pair oLhoHeV Our Staple lines comprise excellent Tallies both in lisle and cotton, ) ' ' " : ' VT hav a splendid wnrlni cottoo hoM with maco split exile, mads with extra splicing, pat. tip three pair In a bo for ft. OB. -jChir fancy lined .were never mors complete-black lisle or clocked lnstepe prices frojn Wo to $. a pfr. ' ' , B1IJC IIOSlKHT W carry both Imported and dbrnestlo llnea, plain Mar thread Ilk In tke sheerVrt qualities, -frota R.5 to $50 a pair. ' , . ' " te 2.M a faii', f ; ;.'. . - ' .' . . . ErabroidVred ' thread aJlk hos In most fctcnlng designs, entirely new, from H71 -to $.00 palf. ' - "'1 "ViMek't fclacVidolton hose with fancy embroidered Sauree, verynsat and new. at ' o apalr. i-. : ? r - . ... .. ' .'''.- -i , v ', ., V Men's fancy blrfek Ilsles. beautiful de Igns and quality, too a pair '.. r.i ,;-4e black silavhose, at $1.00 and ILI 9a pain - . r I "jft :Mt'k:MWn Corner C.i j LL,'.'.i. .i'.j'LLL-LJ-iLi-' L with the Panarnaarr ' troop la likely to ocftoft.' In all havaliiperations. It may o stated on authority;) the department ' la atlll guided by ,tn treaty of 1814.' under which the United ' States guarantee to keep t tranelt across., the Isthmus .openA A broader. Interpretation; of the duties and responsibilities of the irovemment In this reaped hua hew been siren to .this treaty, by whiah the protection of the United States' will not alone be confined to' the canal strip, but to any part of the terri tory of Panama Where an opportunity la afforded Colombian, troops to- encounter those of Panama nn4 thereby, temporarily a least,. endanger' free and unobstructed trafflo acroes the Isthmus, In this Indirect way the United States Is carrying; out Its pledges to protect the independence of the new Repabllc of 'Panama pending the rati fication of the nyBunau-VaiilIa treaty, now before the senate. War Department is Ready. When seen today Lieutenant General Young, chief ef staff, authorised the state ment to be made that the War department was ready to dlspatoh troops to the Isth mus on short notk-ey should their presence be demanded, .Although, the statement here tofore has been denied. It Is learned that the department has' taken notice of the repeated reports that Colombian ;troops' were assembling at different points with the arowel purpose of making a hostile demonstration agalnt Panama and had perfected, all military plsns to repel such an Invasion. - General Young said that should he be 'called upon to asfrist the naVy it would not be necessei'y to 'send to the isthmus more than' a -regiment or. two. Although none of the members of the joint army and navy board, which met today, would admit that the Ixthmlan situation was un der discussion. It Is knuwrt that such was the case and" that both tne 'army and the navy are "now In "a state of preparedness for any conflict wtth Colombia which might arise. v Te Cere- cola ta Oat Day Take Laat1ve"Bfd'mo Quinine Tablets. All " druggists refund tit money if It falls to care. E. AW Grove's slghature ts On aack. ' box.' 'Kc I DEATH flECORD. ' - v : ... .. . Mrs. J. W. BetterOeld. ' -inntOW; 6." o:. t)es. . (Special.) Mrs. Butterfleld, wife 6f i. W. Butterflold, a ' welt known commercial traveler, died at the family home In this city early. Monday morning, follpwtng a long and painful Ill ness. A brief funeral service at the home was conducted by Key. H. D. Wlard, of tho . Congregational church and -the body waa then sent to Tomah, Wis., where the deceased formerly resided. Mrs. Butter field was favorably ihown over this part of the state and she and her family re sided In Sioux Falls prior to removing to this city some four years since. - Btra- fc'- Batler. BSjIf Bic'fc. Sb.', Dec!' .-(Secial.-l.lrmi It B. Iluller died yesterday morning at , her, -iiyrne oii .'West Court street after a prolonged illness, of cancer. She waa 40 years of age and Is survived by her hus band and seven children. The body waa taken to DeWItt, Saline county, this after-noon--jfer burial, , . . , SAtT IAKE .CCTY. Deo. ,a private i announces the death at Hot Springs, Ark., of K. D. Williams, assistant to the general superintendent of the Denver c ,Rlo Grande railroad, from ' paralysis, kit. Williams was 38 years old. When you get run down and awake pers piring begin to tak Piso's Consumption Cure ' Farm flense le Robbed. DAKOTA CITY, Neb.i Deo. .-(8peclal.) While Tim Murphy and family, who re elfle about ten miles southwest of this place, t were In attendance at churcll In Hotnr last Sunday their house waa broken Into and robbed. - So far the only thing mlased U a woman's gold watch. Entrace to the house was gained by breaking In a large plate window with an axe. Free Leetares at HeldeUer. BERLIN. Deo. . The university exten sion movement has taken strong hold Ot thelUnivenlty of Heidelberg. Henceforth professors will be allowed to hold lectures cceasiDie 10 any adult person. THREE REASONS Each with V Less aad lO Fingers. A Boston woman who Is a fond mother write an amusing article about her sx pertence In feeding her boye. - Amfng other things she says: "Three ehubby.' r bay -cheeked boys,' Bob, Jack and Dick, aged a, e and' I. years, respectively are three of our reasons for uslnv and refcmmonatBg the food, Grape-Nuts, for those youngster- .have been fed on Grape-Nuts since . Infancy, and often be tween meals when other children would have been given candy. - Ive a package of Grape-Nuts to neiguDor wnose i year old child was a weasened little thing. 111 half the time. The little tot ate the Grape-Nuts and cream greedily and the mother continued the good work and it was not long before a truly wonderful change manifested Itself In the child's faee-and body. The results were remarkable, evert for Q rape-Nuts. "Both wife and I use Grape-Nut every day and keep- strong and well -and have three of the finest, healthiest boys you can find In a day's natrch." 'Name given by t'oetum Ce... battle Creek, Mich. Many mothers Instead of destroying the chlldreu' stomachs with candy and cake give the youngsters a handful of Urape-Nuts when they are begging for something In the way of sweets. Th result Is soon shown In greatly Increased health, strength and mental activity. There's a reason. Look In each parkage for a copy of the fatnoua Uttht book. "The Road to Well Uia, - - T 3 AT I P. M- IW. Cxe. . 13. - Christmas osier y . jtm. I Sixteenth and DougUs jS SPERS HURRIES TO CUBA Qoei ipariDtlj to lel with GeTernmiot ia lilt of Fines Muter.; AMERICAN RESIDENTS. WANT, PRIVILEGES Cabs. Wlllina- to Make Ceaceasloaa and May Give Asststaaoe to Bchoel Katakllshed by Natives ef United States. HAVANA, Dec. .United States Min ister Squlers arrived today from the United States on a flying trip, wher half through with hi vacation. Mr. Bquiers declined to dlsjlose the object of his visit, but he had an Interview with Foreign Minster Zaldo In regard to the Isle of Pines matter. Much . misunderstanding has dsveloped among the Americana on the Isle of Pines concerning the attitude of ' the United State and Mr. Squlers In reference to the safeguarding of the Interests of the Ameri can residents In the treaty ceding the Island. The feeling on this subject is In tensified now that the ratification of the treaty la pending at Washington. The com plaints allege that Mr. Squlers, during-Ills visits to the Isle of Pines specifically promised that clauses conferring certain local advantages would be Incorporated In the treaty. These, mainly, were agree ments that Cuba should establish a court of first laetance and a register of deeds In the Island and that It should also pro vide an American school and a port of entry. Although It waa manifestly Imprac ticable to Include such matters In' an In ternational treaty, these requests have all along been preferred, as requests, toy Mr. Squlers, besides which there was . an In formal exchange of notes .on 'the subject the day the treaty waa signed, -In which Mr. Squlers named these requests, , and the. acting secretary of state assured the United States they would be granted If practicable; -,. ., r ' .The Cuban government baa' shown eordlal wlllinenese to grant the requests',' as was shown yesterday the passage of the house bill, in which provision Is made for a court of first Instances and register ef deeds for the Isle of Pines. Oaba Establishes Caetoms Hoase. The cabinet at a meeting tonight' ordered the establishment of a customs house at Nueva Gerona, the principal port of the Isle of Pines. The government! thus com plies 'with air requests of United States residents of the Isle cf Pines with the exception of that relating to the American school. ' It Is believed, however, that the school already established by the,' Ameri cans on the islands will be given govern ment aid. It Is thought those concessions will dispone of much .of the opposition at Washington to the ratification of tho treaty. Minister Zaldo told the Associated Press tonight that Minister Squlers had all along urged compliance with the reasonable de sires of the American reeldents, and ba added that the? .Cuban, government would willingly supply such publlo convenience as might be found necessary for the re quirements of the new population of the Island, as It realised that the special con dition there required considerate treat ment. ' FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Promise of Fair Tharsdar aad Fri day la Nebraska aad Iewtu-' WASHINGTON Dec i.-Forcat rnr neDraske Fair , Thursday, wanner In northwest portion; Friday fair, warmer In east portion. - . . - For Iowa Fair Thursday; Friday fair and warmer. For Missouri Fair Thursday and Friday, For Kansas Fair Thursday and Friday, For Colorado, Wyoming and Montana- Fair Thursday and Friday. For Bouth Dakota Fair Thursday and warmer In central , and eastern portions: rrlday fair. Leeal fceeora. omen of the weatttew tmwioATT OMAHA, Deo, . Official record of tem- erature ana precipitation compared with h corresponding day of th last three! years: i - 1J. 1901 1901. IMP Va!raum temperature..,.. JV 1 7 t I ilrilmum temperature.... li II 23 10 Man temperature,.. !l U . it Precipitation . ............. ..1L. .00 .00 .CO Record ot temperature and precipitation at Omaha for, this day since March 1. Normal temperatures.,.... to rerltloRoy fur the day Total excess since March i t Excese for the day -.Winch Precipitation s'nee March 1 12 tl Inches JTscesa March 1 t.67 Inches I)efl l-ncy for e-r. period. 19"!... 1 Iti lnoh toflclenry for cor. period, 14... I.Mlnohe Heaort from Statloas at T P. at. Ml! I Onaha. clear.... Valentine, clear Frrth Plaite, clear t'hiMrnie, claar PU Lake City, clear Jj-e'lCltv, cloudy.,. .4... I'u-n. rlear...,. M I I itu, e oudvw Chlo.. snowing.. Bt, Jula, snowing fit. Paul, eloudv .... rvrnp-rt, snowing Kunaus l it, claar (.. liavre, el"udy Helena, eletis.,..-, b emaiek, c ear Qalvealon, clear..... aoi .oo 411 .00 14 Hi .ft) 111 .00 ! .0) M .04 1" ft 14 .09 CI U tl ti 2 si" .0 ,01 .41 tot M 3H .04 .01 te! 121 d .00 (I Ml trace of preflnltatl U A. VN t-Usii, ' urecaater. CALtBC EACH OTHER NAMES IttOTBSyl la Eh'pbnilding Hearing QfJlr 7tfT WTJthi UNTERMYER SEES DYSPEPTIC BEHAVIOR Guthrie, La Tarn, Hears Statements that Are'Almoet Indecent ana Both Are Shocked by Each Other's Deliberate falsehoods. NEW YORK, Dec .-A sharp tilt be tween' counsel enlivened the opening ox the United States Shipbuilding receivership hearing today. Mr. Guthrie characterised a statement by Mr. Untermyer as "almost indecent," and the latter retorted In warm terms. ' Oeorge W. Perkins of the firm of 1. P. Morgan A Co., resumed his teetlmony, his presence on the stand renewing the inter est In the case, which had slightly lapsed during the lung drawn out testimony of Lewis Nixon. It waa expected that Mr Perkins would be dismissed today. Max Pam and Mr. Bchwab are two Important witnesses remaining to be heard, but coun sel for the complainants announced that they would not be reached today. Mr. Pam was present, as he has been nearly every day of he hearing. At the opening. .Mr. Guthrie restored to the flies In the case the copy of the Mor gan, Harges sc . Co. letter,, which he took away with him yesterday, thereby pre venting Its publication, and Counsel Un termyer resumed the examination on this subject The first question showed that this letter enclosed a copy pt a letter sent by C B. Alexander of. Alexander ft Green to Morgan, Harges . A Co., and over the Identification and admission of this copy another . protest was made by Counsel Guthrie. Tears aad Dyspevela. Mr. Guthrie repeated his protest s gainst this letter boli.g furnished to the press, evoking a warm reply from Counsel Unter myer, who declared that he did not pro- 1 pose to submit to any more "dyspeptlo be havior" - on the part of counsel, and said that Mr. Guthrie had himself given out unlntroduced teetlmony- for publication and made a formal statement before the examiner in regard to Mr. Guthrie s pro tests about' publicity. Mr, Guthrie charac terlaed 'this - statement as "almost , Inde cent" and. the lie waa passed on both sides, Mr. Guthrie speaking of "deliberate false hood" 'on the part ot Untermyer, who re torted In terms equally strong, Mr. Perkins was asked to tell in detail how he' came to cable to Paris the message Introduced -yesterday,' referring to the In terests of "Mr. Schwab and his friends" In the shipbuilding company. He told of three requests made by Colonel McCook of Alexander ft Green, the first time asking that Morgan A Co. cable to their Paris house an endorsement of the shipbuilding company. This was refused. Mr. McCook then asked that the Paris branch be In formed that Messrs. Bchwab, . Nixon and others were Interested In the company, that the properties were valuable and that the men Interested were recommended. What Perkins Promised. Mr. Perkins consented to send a cable gram on July 80 to the purport that Mr. Schwab and his friends were Interested In the new shipbuilding plant and would be very glad "to have the Paris house take as cordial Interest In It as Is consistent. Mr. Perklna did not recall that Colonel MoCook told hint anything or the condition of the French underwriting -at' why the reoommendatton was deeiredr-' Mr,, Perklna .waa asked, what ha knew of the shipbuilding; company at the time of the sale of the Bethlehem plant, and he re. piled lie knew very little about It, bVt the contract for the sale provided that Morgan ft Co. would receive the actual amount ot cash advanced for the. Bethlehem company, the tS.000,000 stock being taken in lieu of all profits and Interest on the Investment. Morgan eV Co. were also by this contract to have a legal option on the organization of the shipbuilding company. "But what information did you or Mor gan at Co. have ot the value oi tne stoca ydu were taking in part payment or of the value of the plants Included In the com bination T" Mft untermyer asked. Mr, Perkins replied that so far as he knew "no investigation on this point was mad by Morgan A Co.," but Mr. Unter myer was not satisfied with the word, "In vestigation" and insisted ' on an answer in regard to any" Information or knowledge of the shipbuilding plants or their values. Mr. Perkins insisted that be had no knowledge on July JO, when the cable was sent, ot the plants, their values or their earnings and had no concerto with the ship building transaction, nor did he on August 11, when the sale of the Bethlehem plant was closed, have any such knowledge to give him an Idea of the value of the se curities taken in part - payment. I Perkins Man itraoraai.- Asked about .Messrs. Dresser, Nixon and Pam, Mr. Perkins declared that he had known them only In a general way up to the time of the sale of the Bethlehem plant and that he did not know that Pam waa representing Schwab. Mr. Dreiser In asking for the loan was speaking as presi dent of the Republic company. Mr. Per kins had considered, but he had not inter ested himself In tbe-questlon of whether that trust company was responsible to the extent of tl.000,000. , - Mr. Perkins professed Ignorance on many points, stating that th negotiations had been In the hands of Mr. Steele, another ot the partners. The Harris, Gates A Co. ' " Have you ever tried Scott's Emulsion for a thin, weak child, one backward in growth and slow in development? Those who have know the pleasure of seeing their delicate child erow strong and become well-develope 4 I , . . ,. . . . rr under the centle but eitective influence of Scott's Emulsion. For the weak growth of the bones, Scott's Emulsion sup plies those powerful tonics, the hypophosphites. For the lack of proper, healthy flesh Scott's Emulsion provides the nourishing cod liver oil in an easily digested and palatable iorm.. Any child that needs more and better nourishment Effective nourishment will ?:t it'jn Scott's Emulsion, here is no other remedy or. food that combines so much that is necessary in maintain ing good health and right 'growth in childrenj : ; Well scad yoa s esaaple free apoa request. -SCOTT . BOWWaC " Fcarl Stmt, t X, T T o MfmnfM. of Ana-mt It 'bat the aale of the Mnrgmn and Srhwes stock should precede the sale of the rest was mentioned but Mr. Perkins said that be bad never seen the aerreement. Mr. Steele had told him that there was an agreement, but he (Perkins) find not discussed It with others, tine hail ha anvlhln ta do With lie nesTO tlatlon. J. P. Morgan, he testified, knew j nothing, to witness' knowledge, of the I shipbuilding deal during Its progress and waa not lnfrfrmed during his stay In Europe of the negotiations. - After a number .of other professions of Ignorance Mr. Perkins was turned over to Mr. Guthrie for cross-examination. Mr. Guthrie asked two questions about the Sheldon syndicate- and on Mr. Perkins stating his lack of Information the witness was excused and pie hearing closed until Thursday of . next week, when. Mr. Steele probably will be. called In for further In formation of Morgan 6 Co. 'a podtlon In the negotiations. Mr. Guthrie asked that Mr. Pam be sum moned next on account of a contemplated absence of three weeks after next week, but Mr. Untermyer declared that there were a number of witnesses, Including Mr. Schwab, he Wished to hear first. At the close of the hearing the Morgan- Harges letter and enclosures were refused to the press, until the court should have passed upon their'' admissibility, Mr. Guth rie's protest against publicity being effect ive to this extent LINEUP ON MARSHALSMP (Continued from First Page.) Woodbury -county, two routes; area, thirty six equate mlies; population, 1,026. Selma, Van Burep county,,, one additional route; area, twenty-two square miles; population, 103. ' ' ", , ' I Rural, carriers appointed: Nebraska Deshler, Andrew II. Meier, regular; Ernest Koerwlts, ' substitute. Iowa Charlotte, August M. Peterson, regular; Gust Maltke, substitute. Mclntyre, James G. B. Chase, regular; William Adams, substitute. Mo vllle, Elmer O. Day and' Ike O. Thompson, regular: Florence, L. Day and Julia A. Thompson, substitutes. Postmasters appointed : Nebraska Cooley. ton, Loup county; William Erlckson, vice A. B. Cooley, resigned; McKlnley, Custer county, Jacob H. Wajburn, vice I. H. Rus sell, resigned. Wyoming Mlddleton, Dig Horn county; Henry P. Rothwell. vice I McCoy, resigned. ', MORE , ABOUT THE JAI A LAI Colonel Dudley .'Testifies to Havlnc- Fn ml shed Wood ' aa Oplnloa Aa-alnst the Concession, WASHINGTON, Dec. f.-When the Wood Investigation case was resumed today more than an hour was. consumed In discussing home of the evldenoe submitted yesterday and also the question of summoning wit nesses asked, for by opponents of General Wdod. Colonel Edgar 8. Dudley, professor of law and history at West Point military academy, who was Judge advocate general at Havana during General Wood's ad ministration, rendered in Havana at the request of General Wood, concern lng the application ef the Jal Alal company for a concession to operate an amusement amphitheater. This opinion declared that-the concession should not be granted on the. ground that It would be a violation of. the Foraker amendment. The committee - decided - that Colonel Dudley . would, rnot be needed again, and General Tseker H. Bliss waa recalled. General Bliss said, In reply to questions. that . he stringier opposed i the admission without paymeht. of duty of the silver er . W. wr a I purchased. .In Mew . York . by the Jal Alal. He received, mandatory Instructions from General Wood, to admit the silver ervlco, however, and obeyed them. Alexander'Fry, who was commissioner of education In Cuba under General Wood, has been summoned to testify befor th committee. Senator Tillman has prepared a resolu tlort directing the judiciary committee lo Inquire aa to the status of nominations that failed In the last session and were re newed at the beginning of th present ses sion of congress. The inquiry Is for th purpose of developing the present position of General Wood In the army, arid Dr. Crum aa collector of the port of Charles ton, B. C. . NOMINATIONS BY PRESIDENT James Mellally Massed a' Postmaster at Eda-a with Other Post- ' -master. WASHINGTON, Deo. .-The president today sent . to the senate the . following nominations: Postmasters: Nebraska James McNally, Edgar. California Harry E. Meyers, Yuba City. Colorado Charles T. Wade, Buena Vista. Illinois David F. Wilcox, Qulncy j Putnam Beckwlth, Wenona. Iowa Simon D. Breunlng, Ackler; Ben jamin G. Wlee. . Cascade: Kdward N. Sny der, Cedar Falls; Edward Madlgan. Clarks vllle: Charles F. Lecompte, Corydon. Indiana Territory Frederick W. Galer, Nowata. Kansas Henry W. Conrad, Independence; Harry C. Arhenbach, Clay Center. Missouri Charles Casper, Belton. Montana J. K. Sheridan, Big Timber. Washington Hurry C. Ullger, Klum; Wil liam P. Ward. Rosalia. Oklahoma W. It. Judklns, Mountain Park. ...... Agent, for ths Indians: Ira A. Hatch of South Dakota, at the Cheyenne Kiver agency, Sauth Dakota. Register o land office: Le Stover of Bouth Dakota, at Watertown, S. D. Also several promotions in the navy. SECRETARY HAY IS IN BED Feels Borne Better Today, bat Teaacloas' Cold Still ttaya vtlta Hlsa. His WASHINQTON, Dec .Secretary Hay, who has been confined to his home for the past two days by a cold. Is reported today to be much better. He, still Is con fined to bis bed. , Ways aad Means Subcommittees. WASHINGTON, Deo. I.-The ways and means committee today appointed the fol lowing subcommittees: On Customs, Customs District and Cus toms . Officials Messrs. Payne, Dalsell. Oroavenor, Tawney, McCall, Williams and Huherteon. On Administration of Customs Laws Messrs. Orosvenor, Payne, Babcock, Wat sun, Curtis, Uwanaon and Copper. On Internal Revenue Mensrs. Dal sell, Tawney. Mctcaif, Hill. Boutel', Copper and Clark. On the Public Debt the Preeervatlon of the Public Credit and Redemption of Gov ernment Notes Messrs. Tswney, Payne, HnOcock. Williams and Robertson. i On Reciprocity and Commercial Treaties Messrs. Mofall, Orosvenor, Metealf, Hill, , Watson and Swanson. I On Revenue from Other Sources Than I Customs and Excises, and on Miscellaneous ; Subjects Messrs. ltahcork, MoCall, Hill, Boutell. Curtis and Clark. i Representative McClelian was left oft th subcommittees at his own request. Flada Hla Mather Lifeless. EBP.ASKA CITT. Neb., Dec. Sp- ctal.) Mrs. Amanda Chars!!, living la Kearney addition, was found dead tVls morning by her son. She was In usual health last night when retiring. World's Beet Pile Care. wny enaure tortur rrom piles till you contract a fatal disease when Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures, or ne pT too. For sal by Kuhn i. Co. mm TO END OF ITS WORK Federal Grand Jor; Mt Enbmit Iti Tintl Beport This Week. ' STILL DELVING INTO NUMEROUS CASES Senator Dietrich Renadlates Alleged latervlew with Illm Pabllehed la the Lincoln Joarnnl Yesterday Morales. ' '" The federal grand Jury Is expected to complete its labors this week. Yesterday was a busy day before the Jury and a host of witnesses were examined, many of them being Omaha parties. There Is a llkellhooj of two or three Omaha liquor dealers being Indicted for selling liquor to Indians sum moned here as witnesses In the reserva tion easel It Is apparent that "Hop Sam" la not th only guilty party, and these other cases are being Investigated. Th testimony In the case In the adju tant general's office was again resumed last evening and ts about finished. The postofflce cases will occupy much of th time today and they probably will be finished early tomorrow. All the evidence I In relation ta the land fencing and home stead case and It was stated seml-su thorttively last evening that an Indictment had been found against Bartlett Richards. la Colby Case. George D. Bennett of Lincoln, a clerk In the offloe of the auditor of state, waa summoned before the Jury Tuesday evening to testify In regard to Issuing a warrant for 13,800 or more during General Colby's Incumbency of the office of adjutant gen eral. A. Q. Smith was before the grand Jury again yesterday on the same case. State Representative D. B. Cropsey of Falrbury was examined Tuesday evening In th Falrbury case and was discharged. It Is told about the federal building cor ridors that the Falrbury Incident Is closed and that nothing further will come of it. it having proved a futile endeavor on the part of those who stirred It up. Witnesses are still detained her In th Alma, Orleans and Oxford cases and are still chafing under their restraint and th delay In calling upon them to testify be. fore the grand Jury. t To Reopea Haatlaae .Case. I j. b. Williams of Hastings was sum moned before th grand Jury this morning to tell what he knew about the expense of removing the' Hastings postofflce from th Grand Army building to Its present location. Several other witnesses , hav been summoned from Hastings to testify on the same matter. This Is taken as evi dence that the Hasting matter la to be re opened. The investigation has assumed this phase as a result of ths report of As. slstant Postmaster General Bristow, whloh characterises the charge of $700 for the removal of th postofflce as excessive. Diotrleh Repudiate latervlew. Th Lincoln .Vournal yesterday printed quite a lengthy statement purporting to come from Senator Dietrich, giving alleged details of the Hastings postofflce case. Th Be haa word from Senator Dietrich, who la In Lincoln, repudiating In toto th Journal's alleged Interview. A tor never Matters After Porter' Antiseptic Healing Oil Is ap plied. ' Relieves pain Instantly and heals at th same time. For man or beast. Price, Kc JUDGE CARLAND STANDS PAT Allows Ho Saaplesaeatary Hearlasr la Aatl-Conapact JL'aw Test, Fore,-1 -.-..'Appeal.. . SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Deo. t (Special Telegram.) Th application of a number of leading insurance companies for permis sion to 111 a supplementary bill In United States court of this city In the case Insti tuted by them to test the validity of the anti-compact law enacted by the last legis lature has been denied by Judge Carland. In view of this action th Insurance com panies now hav no alternative but to ap peal from Judge Carland's recent decision K .. B . I . .... . ... 1 u-.tltfllA.! Tne companies aocoraingiy win appeal the case directly to the United State supreme oourt Estimate aa Meat Pleat. YANKTON, 8. D., Dec. 9. -(Special.)-Th report of Expert John J. Fletcher was pre sented to the city council last night. Mr. Fletcher was called her to examine th electric lighting plant, which th city may buy. . Mr. Fletcher reports that the value of the plant aa It stands Is $14,768. Tke price of the present holder is 110,000 without office fixtures. Mr. Fletcher puts but a small value on these and recommends the pur chase of the plant without them. Repair and changes In the plant which are neces sary would cost the city $1,600, but with th plant in good order fifty aro lights can be operated. Mr. Flatcher mad an extended report on the cost and possibility of obtain ing Missouri river water or water from a battery of wells south of the city. For fir protection Mr. Flatcher recommends a stand pipe of steel, slxty-flvs feet In height, with a capacity of 141,000 gallons. Tha electrlo plant can-be used for a pumping station and ths total cost of Instslllng river water with a filtering system, including stsnd pipe and new mains to replace the present ones, would be 177,000. Heights et Cslaakai Orgaalae. DEADWOOD. S. D., Deo. .-(Speclal.) Black Hills council No. 701, Knights ot Co lumbus, haa been Instituted at Deadwood with fifty-four members by M. W. Qleason of Chicago, national organiser; T. J. Ma honey of Omaha, territorial organiser, and by working teams from CNelll and Omaha. Tha following officer were Installed: Grand knight, F. M. Brooder; deputy grand knight, Thomaa E. Harvey; chancellor, John R. Russell; advocate, Edward J. Frawleyl Warden, Martin McDonough; trustees, J. E. Corcoran, J. J. Cornwall, B. Mullen; physician. Dr. J. B. Roblllard; out side guard, J. L. Marcoul; Inside guard. Matt Plunkett: chaplain, M. 3. Noesen; lecturer, J. E. Sullivan; financial secretary, Neil McDonough; recording secretary, Thomas J. Laffey; treasurer, John M. Hur ley. Prominent among the members er Bishop J. N. Starlha of this Roman Cath olic diocese and Vicar General M. J. Noesen of Deadwood. - Jary Cats Dew a Claim. SIOUX FALLS, B. D., Deo. . (Special Telegram.) A Jury In tha state circuit court, now In session here, today returned a verdict awarding F. H. Glllett dam age In th sum of $500 against th Mil waukee Railroad company for Injuries received-while on a train pf the eompany. He Sued for il.tOO. aetata Peddler Law. PIERRE, S. D., Dec. l.-SrcteI Tele gram.) In the supreme oourt today an opinion was handed down by Justice Honey sustaining the peddler license law. The Can't Sleep? Ifa ytmr nerve. Dr. Miles' Kervtn win Btrwncthen them gad bring sweet sleep and health. Delay is danreroua, AU drugsneU sell and guarantee, postal for book on nervous diseases. JvH. UUJUr MkUDlCAXi CO, Klabart, case was on the application of James Wat son for a writ of habeas corpus and cam up from Minnehaha county, reversing th lower court. The contention was that th law waa unconstitutional because It ex empts dealt rs In country produce, which waa declared to make It special legislation. The court holds that the legislature haa power to divide dealers Into classes for the I purpose of po'lee inspection and holds the law to be good. Japs to Work oa Seeiloa. RAWLINS. Wyo.. Dec. .-(SpecIal.)-A large number of Japs arrived her today and are being placed on all sections of th Union Padflo In this vicinity. It Is im possible to get enoagh whit men to do th section work in winter. CUR Slek Baadsehe sad relieve all tU troubles ! dent to a bllloas ' ot the srstem. snrh es Die ilneu, Nausea, Drewelnnas, Distress after ",, Psln l ths am. e. While their aiost reauuk ebl success ha beea shows In caring SICK Beadaehe.yn Ctrter'sLHU Llrer Ptllsare equally valDsbl In Couttlpstlon, eiirlsf snd preventing thi asooTinc enmplslnt, while ther i Biso corm.1 all disorders of ths stomach, stlmolste the I It and tegnlat the bowels. Uvea if ttuy only cur etch they would b?lmoii prlcelm to tbc w tan from ai aimrmwiiiE toiuuibiiii, w 'V " AGUE ! th bane of so many lire that here is where w stake oar great boast. Oar tUs cars It Wall others oo not. . Carter 's Little Liver Pills are very email sal very esay to take. One or two pills make s does. 1 ., mdiUi and do not srine or pnrge, but by their senile action pljaseaif who nee (hem. In vials at 25 cents; five for II. Sold by aragf lets ererywD!re, er sesi oy soaik CARTER MEDICINE CO., , New York CltJ FREE TO YOU This beautiful decanter and six glasaei match, worth double th money, to you li no S To every' customer purchasing one of these sets we will fill the decanter with a high-grade California wine, FKEE. DELIQHTFUL ClfRISITiAS GIFT Our wines are the finest quality, fully matured, absolutely pure and the best California vlneyarde.- , oai from 11ILLER LIQUOR GO 1309 Famam Street. 'Phone 1241. 622 N. l&th Street. 'Phone ITS. , OMAHA, NEB. A, $kin of betiary it a frx forretr, DI.T. FELIX COUEAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM. OK MAGICAL BEAUTIfIEK . flaaieTae Taa, rraokl las. Moth Pause. Rasa aa fsia Dia- 1 y-, v "4 . II aas ato4 Ua last 5 ef any-Sra yaan. aae Is aa aanali 9 tasU N sure tl Is eroserlf ula. Aoeapt ae ai etau- lar aaaia. Dr. a. A. aajrrs saU te laey et ta kaat- lea (a aiwiu l As re ladles I ess Must, 1 I" sa the laeai will ! .s' ell tba skis rrmrations." Per sale as , aa erasstets sas taaer aeao eamlm la the Osae caa am aulas an awos. rsan, t. opkirs, rry. St araat'esass au K. . tf"'. laiurre Pars, Soft, WhlUSkia jytt Bsaatlfal Cempltxlea, enrae Beascna aad Tstter. Ab anlnlalv and PermaaenllV j nwitN blackheads, free- klcs, Vlsnslcs, BedDsea. Ban- , aiwita mnA Taa. Caad Vila Darroa-BoTale Boa Fs laot akin u lasareo. SeM by Ornnkd. r Mf bserdersa Mrant. Baa ma Btsjal. SI aer bettla, napsee aedaV Dereaa-ateyal seap, aa eeata, ay BartBi ta sas sasaaaa ma TMB DERMA-ROYALE CO., Craclsnatl, a SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORE, Omaha, Nebr., and South Omaha, Nebr. Chsrges Lest Than all Others OR. McCREW, SPECIALIST TreaU all forms of diseases ot taea aaly. Twenty-eight years experience Eighteen years in omana Th doctor' remarkable eucces has never been equaled. Ilia resources and facilities for treating this' Class of disease are unlimited and every day bring many nattering reports of the good be is doing, or . the relief he haa given. HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT TOR All Blood Poisons. No "BREAKINO OUT" on the skin or face and all external signs of the disease disappear at once. A per manent cure for life guaranteed.. VARICOCELE ESS t!uS1''s,i?at k fan Irt Anfi eases cured of Hydrocele, l(AH jUaUUv Stricture. Oloet. Nervous Debility, Loss of Strength and Vitality and all forms et chronic diseases Treatment by mail. Call or writ. Bos 74. otttce til South 14th sC, Omaha. Neb. Hgnve raAMa soteairnr SarvvvaaoM. an rwliuul a'tuaa. f.tMna uuuutxL dramt. iwm.. ktarnaa aiau and ai.a latcodiug ia S4r-I UiUU.d I.XU S Do"; aaiuisiiina Sherman As MvConnell Irug Co., Omaha. CARTERS . rirmc Fv3n I IVER feJ ME AW Dstslr their cooanesa ocuoina orr, rm " ho ones try them will Bnd these little pills ! sbls la so msnv watl that thfy will not be wUUag to do without them. ' But after all lira hoed I! sf ir-TWs-Tsaaaaa'srira 1 Srta IM I ' ' " MEN Auction! Auction! $40,000 Stock of Choicest ORIENTAL RUGS To Be Glossd at PUBLIC AUCTION Bee Building. I Daily 10 a. m. and 2 p. n. Last Sale Saturday Night. Th9 Chance tjf a Ufa Tims. Th Only Doubt .Track Railway batween tha Missouri River and Chicago. AILY TRAINS ASSAM TO ' CHICAGO 8.25 PU TKE OVERLAND LIMITED barlmr. bth, tlthrB, din inn o b-Uo-. 8.00 AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS AstM IT I i na. 1 a llasktaall tnrDIUUUIHs, rllmsatoritlirlnsearBSBB soaw eara east treat Ollntou. 5.50 PM THE EASTERN EXPRESS Pullman srewine-roes ana "iIS m nolinlas chair aan, buBrt Ubrarr ai issslitiia sToYher DAIlt trains . . 3lt 1 PnmsaajrttooBiptBe.n"rf.r All ASJ soklns mat llbrart eara and t(s rIUv II Aft kU SortrWra sUaiar dar omo-s m am ir mmmwimm limn, w vjn I CIW. a a. ww tad ni a ooalr eara. Irtnlus eara. M Me ... sw chair ears te Ohlesant, raws tl I S PU alaadiaa car troa Aowa la Obleus. - vtaw iggcuecrriaelrreaktaat. 2 DAILY TRAINS OMAHA TO ST. FAUL-HIHNEAPOLIS I 1 CD III Obaerratl eats ears, SMai as ea ,0U AM aoavhss. ft I C Oil Pallmaa alaartos ears, m llbrasf BLAGli E1BL.E.U In., .lunl.. u&v aarvioa. (It 111 Te imaU X.lseala. Wahen. Forfols, .U9 AM lass Una.Tardiara. Boaaalel sail IJua MSSaS InStaa Koaarvatlaa eountrr- , CITY TICKET OFFlwtt UOTand 1403 Farnam StrceL Th CHRISTMAS METROPOLITAN 10 Hg-es of Text 33 In Color 100 nitt$trtloni-l3 Short Stories all nWI-TATD. HICX IS Cents AHilKMBNTe, BOYD'S Woedwsrd Burgess, Managers. FRIDAY AND 1ATURDAY MATINEE 8ATURDAT . MELBOLRNt MACDOWLLL AIMS) FLORENCE STONE A CAPTAIN Of NAVARRE Sunday Matins at Night "LOBT RIVER" oajaiaHroH, Telephone, 1SS1. ' MODERN VAIDBV1LLB. MATINEE 0?Jt OKn TODAY.... HOUSE Ama f HILDItBR lOe. TOINIOIIT 8:15., Prices-10c. 160. too. . Theater I5-25-0O-75O TONIGHT AT AU W. flARTlN'S UNCLE TOU S CABIN Sunday Matinee "Th Man Who Dared." CALUMET COFFEE HOUSE TflflAY IAK10 DOMItTIO 10011 WITH 1411-13 DOUGLAS STREET, OMAHA RCiuaTI, V HOT SPRIINGS. ARKANSAS. . H.aliS, aaeraalloa and riaaaur. Ort Boal. THE PARK. HOTfcL. Mtajh Claar- American and European Plan. Finest Cafes and Grill Kooma west of N T. Marble bath House. Complete Oymnaslume Ojn I)r- 1st to May ltih. J. R riATiS Latx. and Manager. i. C. WALKiR, Aaavciale Manaasr. 25CMJ ! t i i t i I .1,