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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1903)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY REE: WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 9. 190.1. Big Purohn by Long Interests Earei Beiioni Ereik in Wheat CORN PRICES ARE SOM-WHAT LOWER Oats Follow Other Oral, ".homing Easier Tt and Lower Prices, . Wall Provision Are Neglected. CHICAGO, Dec. 8. Notvstthstandlng a general soluna movement today una bear ish new, both domestic ana foreign, a serious break in wheat was preventeu, the principal factor being big purcnaaes by tne leading longs. May wheat cioeed Wit lower. May corn was on Vfcc, oats wew ouwn ', whiie May provisions closed from te to lOo lower. v.ommiaslon houses were free sellers of July wheat early In the session and pit trailers sold May. The cause of the sel ling at The start was the lower tone of caolea In the strengtn exhibited here yes terday. May opened a snade to S4-V lower, at tKW&JV and on liberal onwr Ings from, local traders the price quickly dropped to 81CtT',4c. On the decline tiie luaucr or the uulis supported tne marxet, buying heavily and a steadier tone devel oped. The local crowd, however, sold lieely throughout the session, influenced to a great extent by the weaane st Minneapolis. News was of a bearish char acter, receipts In the southwest being ex tremely large and primary receipts show ing a fair increase, over those of a year ago. The Kansas crop report was. also bearish In that It showed a much larger crop than had been estimated and the con dition was but little under that of last year. The buying of the big bull operator was the feature of the day and by to day's trading he Is reported to have added l.tuO.OOO bushels to his holdings. Outside tnarketa showed losses and heipe4 depress prices hare. There was less pressure to sell late In the day and the close was steady at the decline with May off HtTHc, at &io. Clearances of wheat and Hour were equal to 610,700 bushels: Primary re ceipts were 1,219. WO bushels, against 972, 900 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Du luth and Chicago reported receipts of 836 cars, compared with 93 cars laat week and 618 cars a year ago. Corn again had a weak undertone and prices at times showed considerable loss. The continued fine weather, freer coun try offerings from Illinois and the general talk of receipts all weighed upon the mar ket and a bearish sentiment prevailed. The cash market was decidedly weak and Influenced speculative trading. A big pro vision house was supposed to have been the chief seller, while the same interest that were leaders In the wheat Pit were the best buyers. After opening unchanged to Ko lower, at WfrKi'K'MB, may oia oo- ween 42442Ho and -c, closing at 4Zfto. ,ocal receipts were 34 cars, wun oi contract grade. , Oats - traders were guided entirely by the action of the leading grains and as a result the market ruled essler.- . Trading was prlnolpully of a local character, with buying mainly by elevators, although a prominent long took some offerings. The demand was scattered. May opened He lower at 86o. sold between S6Vtf36o and WttC closing at 36c Local receipts were aue cars. ' . , Provisions," were neglected, but in the absence of offerings the market about held Its own. Packers continued to soil In a small way, but there were enough orders from commission houses to absorb the offerings and prices . fuled steady at a small decline. An easier hog-market was the cause of a small loss. May pork closed 7Wtfil0o lower, at 111.27": May lard was off 2o. at M. 47i4. and ribs were down 6c, at 86.05S8.07i4, Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 100 cars: corn, 196 cars; oats, 180 cars; hogs, 41.000 head. . , The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. High. I LowT Close. .Yes ty Wheat a Dec. May July . Corn Deo. May July Oats Dea May July Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. . May Ribs J as. May 82 82 77 I 40 42. ' 42 42HUH; . S4 S4 i .33 w'924 11 17V Woo U 86 40 60 6 90 32HI 8 47 6 87 6 90 10 07V4 12 No. 2. a New.' Cash Quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Steady ; winter patents, 14. 00 4. to; stralgnts, . 71x24 lu; spring patents, 64.0ui04.30; straights, U-bHi'S.T; bakers, $3.40 WHKAT No. L 7tHg3c; No. I red, 6434 86o. rOHN-Ko. J. 41o: No. 1 yellow. 44M.C OATS-No. 2, 8414c; No. 8 white, 34374o. RY No. 2, BOHWttlo. BARLKY Ooou leading, 36a"Tttc; fair to choice malting, UtiSc. - BEKDB No. 1 flax, 90c: No. 1 northwest ern, Vifec; prima timothy, $&86; clover, Con' PROVIHiiiNH Moss cork, per bbl.. 111. 12 aj 11.26. Lard, per 100 lb.. I4.S2i44M.40. Short rib sides (looae), $6.004.; snort clear sides (boxed), i.i2J4.i. , following were . the receipts and ship mania nf tinixr and arraln: . . KecelDts. Bhluments. nour, bbls....... it.tun , 0,8.j0 Wheat, bu ...lftJ.fctw . .. 7MU0 Corn, bu .....100 6J.IW0 OaU, bu..., ,....463,400 161.400 nye, du... ..aii.iw mv parley, pu tin the Produce exebanaa today the but ter market waa steady; creameries, lt0 cases returned, 8426o. Cheese, steady, 10 10HA - XBWKOnii UKNBKAb MAHKE1T. taaetatlaaa - at the Day Varloas . Coaniaodltles. 83,170 bbls.; exports, 1,6M bbls.; salsa. 12,sW bbla The market wa neglected, but firmly held on all grades; winter patents, 64wu'4.S6; winter straights, 84.001 A. 10; Min nesota patents. iti; winter extras, 83 0trfj3.iS; MinneaoU bakers,, 83.11)3.76; winter low grades. I2.8CXS 8.15. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, 83.&4.4o; choice to lanoy, 64.46&3.60. Buckwheat Hour, firm, ii Jt dCM. CORN MCALf-Steady t yellow western, 81. 02; city.. 81.00; kiln dried, 83.003.06. RYEV-Steady; No. 2 western, f. o. b., afloat; standard Jersey, 6ouo8c. BARLY Quiet; feeding, 3o c. I. t. Buf falo; malting, ieirnioc e. 1. f. Buffalo. WHKAT Receipts, 117.000 bu.; exports, 107.127 bu.; sales. 2,360,000 bu. futures. The market for spot was steady; No. 8 red, tuSo In elevator; No, 2 red. 91c, f. o. n., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, too, t. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. Options declined at tlrat rather severely under reKrts vt snow In the Southwest, easy eables and liberal western receipt. Meeting eacellent bull support, however,' the 'market later recovered and closed very steady at "4C'So net decline; May, 86 11-1641 wsvtu, closing at 6c; July, 2SIU83C. cloalng at IL'Vi December, tvWi klo, closing at felte. CORNltecrlpU. M.760 bu.; exports. 63 8)16 bu. ; aalvs, 6t),0u0 bu. futures. The market fur spot waa steady; No. 2, 61Vo In ele vator and 4vV f. o. b., "float; No. 2 yel low, 64o. No. 2 white, iiHc. The option market was dull and easy all day, reepond lng to. poor cables, 'liquidation, good weather and a light export trade, closing W net lower; May, 4-t closing at 46 'c; December. 6ln&lH,o, closing at 61i:. lATb- Heietnta. Ul.euo bu.: extiorta. 6.511 bu. The market for spot was dull; No. 2 stanaara wnite, 2c; o. s. uc; no. t white. ViWsi' No. I. while, tlfcc; track. White, 4141. . HAY-Hteady; shipping, 5g76c; good to choice, suyK.'ljc. MOPft titeaily; state, common to cholie, 103. 43c; iC tia'Jbe: olds. ut2o. Pa cific coast. 1KU3. Iu21c; 1902. 21&; olds, al2c. lilDRK--teadv; Oalveston, SO to 26 lts., 18c; California, tl to 26 lbs., lc; Texas dry, 14 to SO lbs . 13Vc. I.KATH KH Hteady : scld. Cff26V40. PKOVl810Nb-Beef. dull; family, ro.00 nieas. a cuya.UO; beef hams, X.60Ui2, i cket 8V.UWI1U 00; city extra India meas. 2160otri7i, Cut meats. Irregular; pickled venire, fi. ptcklea alioulders. H ud i.Kied,lu.iua. liabll. Lard, dull; weetara t aimed, st w; rehned, stidy; conUnent, ': routh Anieri.'. 7.l: compotind. 14 3f.n.-. Pork. Mir: famUy, 16.60i 16.76; euurt ciear,; meaa, IU.AIU. HICiir Klnu; duiueeUc, fair to extra, t tjc; JapaiL 'lautXJVN rirm: dtv. 4.c: rountrv. 41 BUTTER Receipts. I.IU pkga. Market flrrp. creamery, li. j 4c. CHEtiiv-Rerelpta, ( 940 pkga. Markrt quirt; Hale, large and small, colored and wtiite, bepteaioer. lie; late made. lo tir18JUKa.iiiia f.-3 pkge. Market Ira extern erroiiila to extra. atuiU-. Pol f.TK' -Ji live, s'eUy; atrn chick lH4(B,81V(t1i 11l 42ttO"ttW . W4 ,84 S4Jl S8'4 85' ' 83ft ' 83 33 n oo" IT ob ioV 1180 U82H 11 26 40 40 KH 60 ( 60 46 I 6 90 ' B 86 SUM 05 I IirwwJ, weak; wwlfrn chicken, lH4gl2c; fowls, liyuc; turkeys. 14al7c. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coadllloa ( Trade a ad Qaetatloas o taple aad Fanry Produce. v EOOH-Fresh stock. 27c. UlVaJ POULTRY Hens, 77ic; spring chickens, 7HiShc. rooster, according to age, 4oc; turkes, 12c; ducks, (jKc; geese, 9 DKESSED POULTRY Turkeys, 1316e: ducks, allr; geese, WjlOc; chickens, kfj 9c; hens, Ca&vic. HL M t'jk t acklng stock, llHc; choice to fancy dairy, In tubs, Wuitr; sepnrator, 22c. FRESli FIBH Trout. 10c; pickerel, 7ci pike, 9c; perci., tic; buffalo, 1; Olue flsh, 16c; whlteflsh, 9c; salmon, 11c; had dock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, 11c; lobsters, bollil, per lb., 30c; lobsters, green, fer lb., 2)c; bullheads. 11c; catflsh, 14c; black bass, 20326c; halibut, 9c; cmpples, lie; herring, ec: white bass, 18c; bluellna, c. OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 43c, per gal., 82.00; extra selects, per can, 86c, per gal., 81.76; standard, per can 27c; per gnl., 11.35. BHAN Per ton 114.50. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land. 87 6U: No. 2. 87.00; medium. 8H.60: coarse, 26.00. Rye straw, 27.09. These prlcea are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair and receipts light. CORN 44c. OAT8-37C . RYE No. 2. tnfl. CHRISTMAS TREES Four to five feet per doxen, 81.76; five to seven feet, per dos en, 82.50; eight to nine feet, per dozsa, 83.60; nine to ten feet, per doten, 84.60; large school and church purposes, twelve to ourteen feet, each 21(61. W: extra large, fif teen to twenty feet, each 82.0W84.00. EVEROREEN WREATHlNti In cons oi twenty yards, per coll, HOctoSl.OO. REATHS-Slagnolla and galax wreaths, per . doxen, 21251.50; evergreen wreaths, per dozen, 81.2651 160; holly wreaths, per dozen. 21.2ot51.60. These designs are twelvu Inches' In diameter. . . . . HOLLY BRANCHES Per case of 2X4 feet, about tiftv Dounds. 84.0044.50; per barrel, 81.60. '. . 1-ONQ NEEDLE PINES Per doxen, SZ.W O2.60. ... w,n,t 1 f .1 .."J?rrt. ISllelOe Oraera I M UsTLETOE Branches, pi box. II. 2o! ner nnunrf AOn. Ml will be filled about December 20 and ship ped by express only. VKUb-TABLKU. POTATOES Colorado. 86c: Dakota, per bu.. 70W76c; native, SVSTOe. . SWEET POTATOES ill nols. per bbl., 83. 2S. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 12.36. -CELERY -Bmali. ner dux.. 26fi36c: large California, 4676c. ONIONS New home arnwn. dry. per lb.. Uc; Spanish, per crate, 11.50; Colorado yel low ana red. lvtc. CABBAGE Wisconsin Holland, 2c. TURNIPS Canada rutabagas, per lb.. lhic'i white, per bu., SOc. ' uAHituiB-wr bu., eoe. PARSNIPS-Per bu., 60c. . BEETS Per bu., 60c. CAULIFLOWER California, per crate. 2.78. . i tomatoes California, per 4-Dasxei crate. 82.602.76. CUCUMBERS-Per dox.. 81.00. , FRUITS. APPLES California Rail flowers, ner box. fl .00; New York Greenings, 83.60; Baldwins, 83.25: eating varieties. 83.6U. UKAra Pony Cfc.awbas, Z20; importaa Malagas, per keg, 86.0vt6.60. UKAKiiitiiitRiK.'S Jersey, per oni., .w; per box. 82.76; Wisconsin Bell Bugle, 89.50. vjLirvct.s cajitornia, per dox, xi.zt. TROPICAL ii;UlTd. ORANQEd lorlua bilehta and russet. all sixes, 83.60; navels, large size, 83.004f3.60; smaller sizes, (3.76i4.00. 1H.MUN8-California fancy, oo tu size.', 6.6V; choice 840 to 270 sizes. $i.W$i.Jb, KIG8 California per 1u-Im cartona, 66o; imported Bmyrna, -orown, 14c; t-crown, 16c; 7crown, it, COCOAN UTS Per sack. 24.00; per doi., 60c. DATES-Perafan. rter hn nf SO narkaves. 22.00; per lb., in 60-lb. boxes, to; Oriental stuftea date, per bos, 82.40. cAHiinu rer me. itim tea ouncn, .w 02.6o; Jumbo, S2.7EiB3.26. JulHCELLANEO US. CHEEBE W Mconaln iwina full cream. 12 He; Wisconsin oung Americas, 13Vjc; block Swiss, : 16c; Wisconsin brick, 12 o; Wlscortkln Umberger, 12o. noniti-xseoraaka, per t frames, uw; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, 83.60. MAPLE J3UQ AR Ohio, per lb., lOo, CIDER Ter bol.. 66.76; per -ubl.. 8S.2S, 1-OlCORN-Por lb., 8c; shened, ima. HOR6E RADISH Per case of I dux.. packed. 60c, i NUTS Watnuts. No. 1 soft-shell, per lb., 16c; hard-shell, per lb.,, 14c: No. 2 soft-shell, per lb.," 18c;-' No. 2 a?d-sheil. per lb.. 12o; Bruzlla, per lb., llHV4c; rtlberts, per lb., U a 11 He; almonds, solt-shell, per la, 16o; nara-sneii, per id., ik: pecans, large, per lb.f lOtgllc; small, per lb., 6S44;10c; peanuts, per lb., 6V4c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; 'Kill ... 1 ... 1 1 . I.. V. I . U ... M.A per bu., 21.76; sheil-barks, per bu., 21. vB J. 00; black walnuts, per bu., 81.26; eastern cnesmuia, per id., no. HIDES No. 1 gieen, cj No 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. t salted, 6o No. 1 veal calf. 6 to 12 lbs.. 8U,c: No. 2 vea calf, 12 to 16 lbs., DVic; dry salted hides. b'o lie; aneep peita, aifitc; uorse nidev, It. Loals Grata aad Provlsloas, BT. LOUIS. Dec. 8. WHEAT Lower: No 2 red, cash, elevator, nominal; track, 90y Vic, juocein oer, nuc; may, wvlVi July, ittj7Sio; No. 2 hard, 'iMViCaauc. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 40V4: track, t(aS4c; uecemDer, 4cmc; May, 40o, OATS Weak; No. 2 cash, 8Ho; track, 27e: December, 34c; May, a7Hu; No. i white, 8Uc FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, 24.250; extra runcy ana straignt,; dlear, 83.40S.60. . SEED Timothy, steady, 22.262.W; prime. higher. IADVUII11 nt... HM BRAN Easy; sacked", east track,' 760780. HAY Hteady; timothy, 6i.bO19tf.oo; prai rte, 8S.00tgp9.6O. IRON COTTON TIES 81.05. BAGGING 6wv4C. HEMP TWINE 60. ' PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, 811.86. Lard, lower. 26.20. Bacon, aulet: boxed, extra shorts, 27.76; clear ribs, 2V.12Vi; short clear, 88.S7H. POULTRY Turkeys higher; chickens, 7cj springs, 7Mic; turkeys, 12c; ducks, lOo; aeeae. 8c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 20c; dairy, 19 (J200. tUGS Lower at 26c. Receipts. Shipments, Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu OaU, bu .12.000 14.000 ..88,000 . .24.000 ..64,000 48,000 36.000 84,000 Kazuaaa City Grala and Provisions, KANSAS CITY. Dee. 8.-WHEAT-M0: May. Wc; cash, No. 2 hard, 71Wn7-'e; No. 8. 67c; No. 4. C14ii6; rejected, Botu; no. x red, svic; io, s. r.-'n'ue. CORN December, wwuaic: May. Wie cash. No. 2 mixed. 8Uc; No. 2 white. Sitii OTc; no. , sc. . OATH-Hft 8 wnite, SBftc: no, z mixed. 24VS.C. buttek creamery, ziazso: dairy, fancy. ZUC. RYE No. I, 47C. HAY Choice timothy. 29.60; choice Tra! rle. 88 00. EGGS Weak: Missouri and Kansas stock. rase returned, r7c; new No. 2 white wood cases Included, 27c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 324.800 172, Corn, bu 62.800 ID. Ota) Oats, bu 10,000 9,000 Minneapolis Wheat, Flonr and Bran MINNEAPOLIS. . Dec. 8. WHEAT De cember, Koc; May, t?c; July, 81V. On trark: mo. 1 tiara. No, 1 northern 81V' ; Ko- northern, 79Hc; No. 3 northern, 72ii 7ti ' FLOUR rlrst patents. 14 4Mr-4.: second patents, 8430y4i: first clears, 33.3U&340 second clears. 22 i& 1 40. ' BRAN In bulk. 818.76. Mllwnnkeo Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec. . WHEAT Steady No. 1 northern. 84i84Vc; No. 2 northern, kyl an-; may, tunisac. RYE Steady ; No. 1. 6ftt67c. BARLEY Pull; No. 8. 4Jc; sample. 1ZO 6 Sc. CORN-Steady; No. x. C7HCc; 'May. 2Hc esued. Philadelphia Preaae Market. PHILADELPHIA. Deo. t. BUTTER Firm, fair demand; nearby prints. I7c KOGS Fresh nearby, Sic, loas off; west ern. 81c; southwestern, JLKaJlc; southern, fiSe. CHEESrO Dull, weak: New York full creama fancy, llc; choice. 11 He; fair to good, IQUfrC. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Dec. I WHEAT Spot, steady; No. I red western winter, ia la futures, quiet; December, nominal. March 6s 4Sd. May. is 2d. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed. 4s a; futures, steady; January, 8s USd jaarcn, ia loo. Toledo r4 Market. TOLEDO. Dec. 8. BE ED Clover, cash. St.; uvcemoer, .; January, r b ruary. lo k.'j. prime alaike, 8 50, prime tiniotny, Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. Ic. I CCRN-Old. lower new, Bttmdy: old No. 8. Cc; old tt'a 4 tie new aa a, hc, u n a NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Stocks Cell Rapidly at AdTiooinj Frioei Earlj ia ths Day. . PRICES DECLINE FAST AS ADVANCES Report el Secretary ef tha Treasary taaare Coaslderable CeslliiM Among; Regolar Dealers ta Gxrhaage Floor. NEW YORK, Dec. 8. The bull movement In storks continued In force during tha early stages of today's stock market, but tho precipitate course of the advance over ran the market and carried the average level of prices below last night. The close was eaay and without recovery. There was no news of tha day whose Influence could be perceived on the market. During the bulge of the morning there Was more ap pearance of animation and variety In the dealings than at any time heretofore. Stocks of all classes were transferred In enormous blocks and at rapidly rising prices. This great sctlvity caused skep ticism about tne market and Induced pro fessional traders, watchful for signs of a turn, to put out short lines. When the market paused after the first reaction and then started upwards again, the demand 'from those uncovered shorts helped the new advance. From the outset enormous sales to re alize were manifest In Brooklyn Transit, which was a conspicuous feature In last week's advance. Amalgamated Copper fared better, adding a point to yesterday's-5-point rise before it was seriously affected by realising. The sympathetic effect of strength In copper stocks generally in home and foreign markets and a violent advance In oopper In London helped this slock. It closed at a net loss of 1 with HnplftMl mfftt iinsin the snennlatlvA sentl ' ment generally. The failure of United 1 States Steel preferred to hold Its 1-point advance waa another strong Influence on th reaction. Reports of difficulties made . mrlfw nv.r rAftlintlnns In WftirM u 11 rt over closing down Important mills also ffected this stock. It became known today that gold waa taken In London for account of Chicago nd New Orleans to the extent of 2726,000. he renewal rates for call loans were generally marked down this morning. borne unwary borrowers were spparentiy in hope that still lower rates would pre vail. Late in the day when they at tempted to supply their needs and when the active speculation had already made arse inroads upon tne available money supply, the rate for call loans was bid up to 1 per cent witn tne urgent aemsnas 01 these belated borrowers. This flurry in call money doubtless was a potential in fluence on the reaction in stocks. The optlmlstlo view of stocks and the nances of the country taken by tne sec retary of the treasury was' reassuring. There la no doubt that confidence is greatly Increased In the future financial security of the country by the develop ments In the exchange market. Indicating the accumulation of large reserve credits abroad, beyond those met by the current mports of gold. The immediate future 01 the market Is of course largely depend ent on the character and the resources of those who bought stocks today In the tremendous outpouring to take profits on the previous rise. Buslnees In bonds waa principally in speculative Issues In which the price move ment was Irregular. Total sales, par value, were 84.636,000. United Btatea bonds were unchanged on the last call. f ollowing are the closing quotations on the New lork Stock exchange: rjales.Ulgh.Low.Close. Atchison 7t,176 do pfd 2.323 Baltimore A Ohio 29.070 ) 88 120H do pfd 610 Canadian Pactflo 1,226 Central of N. J Chesapeake ft Ohio.. 6,070 Chicago ft Alton..... "2,200 do pfd Chicago GL Western. 1,050 no u pfd Chicago ft North w'n 1,200 Chio. Ter. ft Trans Tdo pfd..; 400 u., u. k t. Ij.s- ' Colorado Southern.... 1.775 do Ut pfd oo do 2d pfd... 1.410 Delaware A Hudson.. 2.600 159 Del., L. A W.. 100 243V Denver eV Rio Grande (WO 23 2114'v 21H do pfd... - 6w "TO Erie ..-,...: it... .69.156 'l 68Vj 60H 2H r 814 do 1st pfd , ,ooo do 2d Pfd 3,110 7H 4K14 7Vi 6744 4'4 Gt. Northern pfd Hocking Valley ... '160 100 74-4 74H 74V4 8314 .1804 21V4 do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central..... 8.840 200 131 2214 1304 , 22H 20" do pfd C8 20 Si Kansas City South'n 800 204 do pfd.. a a a 1W MVTf , 400 86 Loulev. A Nashville.. 4.700 1074 1&6 1084 Manhattan L 8,860 14U4 141. iaij Metropolitan St. Ry.. 8,120 1224 120 12oH Minn, dk Bt. Louis.... "v n . Missouri Pacific 53.225 9S 9314 93J4 M., K. At T two I'-t Jl do Pfd 64,010 OV Nat. R. R. of M. pfd New York Central.. 8.760 Norfolk A Western.. 6.600 1184 684 "iiii U8 62S4 444 717 1 6tt 2 6114 "ii". 144 83J 1424 l4?5 21 do pfd Ontario A Western.. 6.200 Pennsylvania 103,670 P.. C. C. aV Bt. Li Reading 26,646 do 1st pid a do 2d pfd 200 Rock Island Co 46,zw do pfd .i St. L. 8. F. 1st pfd do 2d pfd . j,? St. Louis South wo.. 600 do pfd 8.BW St. Paul 48,166 do Dfd w Southern Pacific 86.766 Southern Rail way.... 10.080 do Dfd.... 2,600 78V4 Texas & Pacific, 8.M0 1 T.. Bt, L. W w do pfd Union Pacific 76,409 do pfd . Wabash J.6W do pfd e,w Wheel. Aj Lake Erie, l.iw Wisconsin Central.,.. 1.000 do pfd Adama American United States 200 186 Wella-Fargo Amalg .copper Amer. Car At Fdry.. .73,435 . 900 . ' 800 . 100 do pfd Amer. Unseed oil. do pfd Amer. Locomotive.. 200 860 Amer. 8m. & Rerg..H." do Pfd . Amer. Sugar .Rerg....l7.4'"' Anaconda Min. i-o . a.ow Bklyn Rapid Transit. 28.070 Colo. Fuel cfc iron... Col. & Hock. Coal.. 1,160 JflO , 1.900 1,460 Consol. Oas General Electric Internet. Paper 100 5 "lOO 'T6 i'700 "iTV 760 T7 820 K'J .10 971 4 27 U 1i0 flTVi 100 217V 600 7i 900 4. 4,740 1RV 20 7?. i.m 84' 1 S0 7 1,000 78 do pfd Internat. Paper do pfd National Biscuit...;. National Lead North American Pacific Mail-.-. People s uas Pressed Steel Car... do pto ' Pullman Palace car. Republic Steel do pto Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal At iron., V. 8. leather do DM ' V. 8. Rubber.. do pfd iii! , V. 8. Steel iT 17 i- do pfd...... s;-- 1,47 I Western TTnlon w . Northern Becurltles ..... Total sales tor iue nj. Boston StoVk Qaotattons. BOSTON. Pec. 8. Call loans. 6W per Official cent; time loans. mji closing price oa stocks and bonds Atr-hti ataxic at iAuoua 44 Central .... at Amalga mated .... alvt'Buiakaai .... MVCalumet A Hael. ....Ma'a (aalaanial .... .44 l aapw Baase ...10 apoaitaloa Caal . M..1M rranklla ....1J6 lala Rsrale .... T atohavk .... M4 Old Posdaiaa .... ....114 Oaoaola ....IXi'a rarrat ....IT! IQulacr e It 444 1 Atrhlaoa do ptd ' Poatoa A Albany tooetoa A Maine Beaton BlaTaUd N. Y . N. H A ia riUhharx pld .... l aiaa Ptkclao Vu. Oatial Amar. Sutar ..... da pfd Amer. T. A T.. . "umlaloa I. A UMral Etenrtc Maaa. glsxu-le ... da ptd rmtod gTatt H!. A Steal da ptd Waattn(. naau . IT , , et , it . .. I rtaata Fa Copper.. ..laa Ttainck .. 9 Trtaltr . 14 . pa . 6 Tl t'nilad .. M t lak .. u victoria .. l7..WUiena ... .. ft Welvar1B ... I Half a eat !a . a . 7 . aa "Adrautura Asked. Ex -dividend. Foreign FlannelaL LONDON. Dec. 8 Money was tn active demand and scarcer in the market, owing lo U e traoater or upward et ill 0W) too the bank of KkUdiI owu g to tlie Tra vaaU Iwaa csuk XUe tJutai Jalfcetc Ivi OS' 61sj -" 92 n 79(4 88 84 118 11814 166 33 8? 82 8&H ' 344 84 71V4 71 71 1H 16 18 ' 2 28 , 119 118 166 "is 'iSH 1714 ; 74 14 1414 14i 66V4 66 v 66 23V4 23 . 23 X 168 169 2424 243 exchange strengthened discounts. It la feared that more gold will be taken from the Bank of England for shipment to America, perhaps necessitating an early In crease In the hank's rates. Business on the Stork exchange was dull, owing to the re newed fear of dearer money and the un certainty regarding the far eastern situa tion and closed quiet. Consols were weak In the absence of support end the demand for gold from America, but they partially rallied at the close. Home rails were flat. Americans opened well above parity. Erie and Louisville ft Nashville were prominent. Prices strengthened later, trading became fairly active and stocks'Closed firm. Copper waa strong snd nctlve on bear covering, caused by the sharp rise in Amalgamated. The market closed at fH. The amount of bullion taken into the Bank of England was 500.000, and 213.0no was withdrawn for shipment to the United 8tates. PARIS. Deo. 8. Trading on the bourse today waa quiet, but the time Improve J owing to the condition of Spanish 4s and Rio Tlntos. At the oloee prices were firm. Three per cent rentes, 98f 460 fof the ac count. BERLIN, Dec. 8. rrlces on the bourse today wera firm owing to the favorable ad vices from New York. Exchange on Lon don, 20m 4ti4pfg for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, i per cent; three months' bills, 8Vi per cent. , New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Dec. S. MONEY On call, strong, 4iil per cent; closing bid, 6 per cent; offered at .7 per cent; time loans, nominal; sixty and ninety days, ( per cent; six months. 6V6 per cent; prime mercantile papor, ftiit4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, with actual business In bankers' bll'.s at 84.02 for demand and at 84 O740Q4.0756 for sixty day bills; posted rates, 24.80H&4.61 and 84.84: commercial bills, 84.79i4. SILVER Bar, 63Sc; Mexican dollars, 41c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, lr- regular. . The closing quotation on bonds are it follows: V. 8. ret. ts. res.. do coupon do ta, rex do coupon do new 4a, res-.. do coupon do old 4a, ( . do coupon do 6a. re do coupon Atchlaon gen 4a.... do ad. 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a.. Baltimore A O. 4a.. do aa Central of Oa. 6a.. Chea. A Oil to 4a.. Chicago A. IVia. C. B. Q. a. 4a. C. M. at a. p. g. 4 C. A N. W. e. ta. C, S. I. A P. 4a.. do col. la .mm .10 .107 .107 .m .1934 .10 .110 I,. A It. uni. 4a r'4 Manhattan c. a. 4a..lt2 M. ("antral 4a Tl do lat trie 1 Minn. A St. I 4b.... e at.. K. A T. 4s 14 do la T4 N. R. R. of M. c. 4a. 76't .10114 N. y. C. I IV4a I9V 1. C. . 6a 130 .101 UN. .loov . ns . ft .101 . K .104 .10J'4 . No. Pacific 4a 1024 do la T0 Norfolk A W. e. 4s.. 7 ir. 8. L. 4a A par... US Psnn. conr. it H14 Reading gen. 4a St. L. A I. M. c. 6.. 11014 m. L. A e. v. ig. 4a. at St.. L. 8. W. la.. 91 i.. Ill ..110 ..TO .. T7 4a IS I ..74 .. 17 .. 144 ..100 .. M. .. 116 8 -aboard A. L. 4s. So. Haclflo 4a. Sir. Railway 6a.... Texaa A P. la T.. St. L, A W. 4 Union Pacl&c 4a... do ennv. 4a IT. 8. Steal Id la. Wabaih la do dab. B...... .. W. A K E. 4a... Wla. Central 4a... Col. Fuel con. 6a. .. M4 .. n ..HI ..111 .. TO ..10J .. M .. T014 ..1UH .. o4 .. 87A .. B9 .. I C.C.C. A St. L. Chlcaxo Tar. 4a. Con. Tobacco 4a Colo. A Bo. 4a D. A R. O. 4a rta prior nan 4a. . . o zan. aa Ft. W. A D. C. lat. Hocking Val. 101 104 Offered. London Stock Market. LONDON, Dec 8. Closing: Conaola, money ... 1814 N. Y. Central .123H . 4244 do account - U4 Norfolk A Weatam, , 4l do Pfd 71 S4 Ontario A Waatern fili' PannajrlTanla Anaconda Atchlaon . IV . il do pfd . 41V4 Baltlmora A Ohio. Canadian Pacific .. Chea. A Ohio S6H Kaaa Mlnea . 10 .113 Kaadlng . 23H . 40 do lat ptd do Id pfd Southern Hallway do pfd Southern Paclflo . Union Pacific .... do pfd U. . steal do pld Wabaih do ptd Chlcazo Gt. W . l .lit . II . its . 72( . 3"4 . T014 . IIS, .13&a .11114 . Ill ft St. 1.... DeBeara . 13 Dearer A R. O.... . 404 do pfd . II . to rla do lat pfd do M pfd . 12 . 0 Illinois Central ... Louta. A Naah . tl V4 K. A T. 1"4 BAR SILVER Uncertain, 26d per ounce. MONEY 2H4l'8 per cent; rate of discount in the open mantel tor snort duib u a per cent; for three months puis, s ib-itw Der cent. . ' Bar silver was quoted today at Xd per ounce, a loss of X4d from yesterday, me decline was due to an absence of buyers and pome realizing . How Vork Mining 4)aotntlohs. NEW YORK. Deo. 8. The following are the closing quotation on mining stocks Adama con H ' Alice II , Utile Chief t Oaurio, . Ophlr .... Pnoanix .. Petnal . Savaae .. .to .lit . 1 . to . 40 Broac vv 10 Brunawlck Con....... t Comatock Tunnal... .. 6 . Con. Cat. A Va at Horn Hilrar lot tttl"Nevada . 41 Iron 8llr ..,..,....10' aVraaltlHouaa.. II LaadTiila Con ...... I ftuudArd tot onered '''"'"I -' Cotton. Market. , NEW YORK. Dec.'-8. COTTON-The market opened weak at a decline of llt 18 points, following Liverpool cables that were 1416 points lower at the time of the local opening, after having reported a de cline of 192j20 points, while spot cotton in that maiket waa down about c. In addi tion to tne cables as influence tending to encourage expectations of further reaction. the movement for the day was expected to make a heavy showing, and reports from southern textile manufacturers show a pos sible curtailment of production. The local leader started Duying neaviiy and there seemed a good chance for taking' profit on the decline, while outside operator sent orders with brokers representing New Eng land customers, pievr orieuns also snowed firmness, a report coming from tnere to the effect that the bull leader was bidding for ltO.OOO July at 12.68c, and soon the market here had rallied to about the closing price ut me previous aay. ino laat nour realising was arun at traded and most of the, gain was lost with the market steady 20 points lower for De cember and from 2 to 6 points higher on other positions. Port receipts for the day turned out well over last years figures, but the estimates for tomorrow's move. ment was rather smaller and exports were fair. Houtnern spot markets were gener ally easy and unchanged' to Ao lower. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. h. COTTON Wulet; sales, 1,000 bales; ordinary, 9 9-lfc low middling, ll74o; middling, 12Hc; aoo middling. 1234c: middling fair. 12 18 -16c. Re ceipts. 24,864 bales: stock. 291.200 bales. Fu tures steady; December, iz.iyg'lZ.Zlc; Jan uary. 12.82c: February. 12.4712.49c; March 12 6112. 62c; April, 12.67a 12.89c; May, 12.71gy ;.iac; june, iz.(ini;i.ic; juiy. iz.t'KiiMi.." ST. LOUIS.. Dec. 8. COTTON Steat middling, 12 Ve: sales, none: receipts. 782 bales; shipments, 738 bales; stock, 13,660 Dates. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 8. COTTON-In In creased demand; prices 28 points lotver American middling fair, 6.72.1; good mid. dling. 6 66d: middling. 4Gd: low middling 6400; good ordinary. .3ed: ordinary. 6.l0d The sules of the day were 7.000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation and export and included 6,700 American. Receipt, 0,. vw uiea, inciuuiiiK ?,ow uaiea American ruturea opened easier and closed firm American middling, g. o. C, December, 6 bid; December-January, l.47d: January February. 6.43d: Kehruary-March. 6.41(3; aiarcn-Apni, t.wi; Aprn-niMv, .;i:ia May-june. .3i; june-ouly, July August, 6.34&6.35(1; August-geptemb?r, ti,2ud, Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec.' 8. METAIJ4 There was an advance in the London tin market spot closing 7a 6d higher at 120 2s6d. while futures advanced lue to 12l76d. locally tin was firm at 226.37V426.62I4. Coouer niaae a Dig gain in uinaun, as a remit. It was said, of . speculative operations, and cloned at a net advance of 112s6d. with siot quoted at A.66 12s 6d and futures a auoos. Locally copper was steady and tin changed. Lake Is quoted at 812.0041 12 STW electrolytic at 312.124 and casting at 213 00. Lieao was unchanged at hu locally and at 11 Is 3d in London. Spelter was nom inally unchanged at 85.26 In New York and at azuiaea in lxmuon. iron closed at 4ss lOd In Olasgow and at 41s 8d In Middles borough. Locally Iron IS quiet; No. 1 foun dry northern, 216.004 16.00; No. 2 foundry northern, I14.00i lft.00: No. 1 foundrv south ern and No. 1 foundry southern soft. 13.60 4jl4 00. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 8. METAIJs Tead firm at 24.02ft. Spelter, firmer at 4 6ta4 6a. Evaporated Apples anal Dried Krnlts. NEW YORK. Dec. I.-EVAPOH ixpn APPLES Stock la in light demand and rather easy, particularly as to the lower grades. Common are quoted at 44jttc: prime. 64j6Vc: choice. bKta&MC. and tun. v at elttc. CALJFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prune! are coming In In small quantities, but the absence of Important offerings- prices are steadily held, ranging from 2VtOW for all grades. Apricots are in fair demand with choice quoted at 9a39c. extra choice at 94i'1014c, and fancy at 11916c. Peaches are quiet, with choice quoted at 7Viti7r-, extra choice at T14umc, and fancy at ftri0Sc Dry Ooadi Market. NEW TORK. Deo. t. DRY OCaODS Buy ing has shown Utile enlargement and yet Inquiries to secure goods at the old price are frequent, but met by stubborn opposi tion on the part of the sellers. Advance have been made all along the line, and while price Hals are not generally quoted each individual order waa baaed unon Ita own merits and a profit obtained If pee- Biuie. Wklaky Market. CKICAOO, Dec. 8.-WH ISKY-Staaay on basis of 21 27 fer finished goods. BT. LOUIS. Dec. 8. WHISKY Steady at PtORIA. Dec. .-WHISKT-On basis of 61 T7 for nnlened goods. CINCINNATI. Doc 1 WHISKT-D'ttU tar riuULtJ. e,wia quiet, oa basis et ILXU OMAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Corn fed Eteeri Ver? Slow and Lower, with Oowi and Btockeri About Bteadj. HOGS GENERALLY A NICKEL LOWER Best Grades of Fat Sheep anal La wi k s AAomt Steady, others Slow aad Lower, with Feeders la Limited Demand and Prlres Weak. f SOUTH OMAHA, Dec, 8. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 4,002 6,246 13.U7 6,400 10,000 14.000 Official Monday . umclaj l-ueeday Two days this week.... Bame days last week.. Same week before Same three weeks ago Same tour weeks ago. rami oays laat year., Rt.CEl-iS FOR Irll;; VhAK To DATE. The tollowlng table ahowa the recilDls of cattle, hogs aud aheep at bouth Omaha for the ear to date anu curapanauiu wl.u laat year: lOTit 1009. In, IImv Cattle 1.025.63; 9,"2.163 73.384 Hogs 2.tM4.40b 14.8.3 Bheep l.iJW. L63ii,i82 142,677 Average prices paid lur lioga at South Omaha lor the laai several days with com- IfKrisuai; Date. ( 1803. 11902. 1901. 11900. 11899. 11S93. 1897. Nov. 16... Nov. 16... Nov. 17... 6 21, 4 6414 4 44, 6 29. 5 671 4 8t 3 87 J 86 8 81 3 31 2 81 6 Hit 4 90 4 8 a 64i a I 86 8 86 6 68 8 29 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. IS K.l 6 81 6 631 6 63 3 26i 3 3 19... 22... 4 447,1 29 4 78 4 76 3 Si 3 34 t 7 ill C 84 6 78 I 88 3 84 44V4 6 81 4 78 89 8 21 Nov. Nov. tt 2 6 76 6 6 a 6 76 t 76 8 bo 8 3 3 29 23 4 "31 a 4 78 6 86 IB 1 a a 3 S2 3 fc 8 27 2 771 2 SH 3 80 Nov. 24.. 4 20V4i 4 lUSs 15 03 Nov. 86... Nov. 26... Nov. 27... a 4 87 ia I 02 6 78! 6 73 ao 8 23i 8 ". 3 28 4 4 24ts 4V 4 33 4 76 8 76 Nov, 28... 4 71 t 73 3 20 3 30 3 27 8 23 3 2. 3 19 3 21 Nov. 23... 6 66 6 Ooi 4 74 3 A 4 71 4 If Nov. 80 4 3 21 Dec. 1.... 2.... 8.... 4.... .... 7.... 8.... 4 34V t 09 4 63 8 74 3 26 3 2S 2 iS Dec. 4 811, 6 IW 6 96 8 7t( Dec. 4 401 6 I81 6 S 4 64 Dec. Deo. 4 4St4 6 221 6 92i 4 b8l 4 371 6 241 6 05 4 77 6 16 6 09 i 4 84 4 864 I 04 4 81 4 321,1 07 I 4 78 8 81 3 60 8 37 Dec. 3 8ii 3 36 8 25 Deo. 8 81 3 18 8 23 Dec. 3 83) 8 80 8 i; Indicates Sunday. "Indicate holiday. The official numhee nf mn nt utnrlt brought in today by each road was: Cattlm 1 1 o-- HI. 'n t-7'a..a c, m. st. p. Ry...::;: 4"" 38 Wabash 1 3 Missouri Pacltlc Ry 12 .. 4 Union Pacltlc system 62 16 19 .. C. A N. W. Ry 6 16 1 V., E. & M. V. R. R 46 20 17 1 C St. P., M. & O. Ry....21 12 4 B. A M. Ry 44 18 16 .. C. , B. & Q. Ry 7 10 .4 it.. C a at. J 4 C., R. I. & P. Ry., east.. 19 20 Illinois Central 2 8.. Chicago Gt. Western 3 4 Total receipts 224 156 71 The disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hoars. Sheen. umHnt racking uo t13 Swift and Company 1,606 1,290 2.611 1.200 2,602 ftiO S,8ri7 1.831 2,965 Cudahy Packing Co 833 Armour ac tjo : Omaha Pack. Co.. Bt. J... Armour A Co., Sioux City 649 77 64 SO 200 fttr 49 262 2 78 109 . 1 144 861 2,240 vansam oc 1.0 Carey & Benton W. I. Stephen Huston & Co H. F. Hamilton L. F. Hus Wolf tc Muman Hobblck Ac B Lee Rothschild Morton & i v 640 Hagerty 6x Co . Other buyers 2,890 Totals .6,063 10,443 11,608 nA'rTI.IC'r'her. waa tha heavMt run of cattle here today that has arrived In some lliue time. Xradlng waa not yery active, but, with the exception of corn-red steers, about everything waa sold without much ohange in prlot. , , Receipts lnclubed about thirty-five cars of corn-ted steers, but most of them were suort-fed stuff, tor which the demand' has been very limited all the season, in fact, buyers would hardly look at the commoner kinds and aa a result trading waa very slow, with prices uneveuly lower. Some thing right uiolce 'jnignt have sold to good advantage, but there was nothing here an swering to that description with which to make a test of the market. It waa very evident that packers did not want the warmed up and short-fed cattle and tho prlcea they effered were certainly discour aging to the oelllng interest. There was not much change In the cow market. There were about seventy-flvo cars on sale and, considering the liberal re ceipts of yesterday, as well aa today, the neia up in very satisfactory man ner. There waa more or less tendenoy to bear the market, but the situation could best be described by quitting the market steady to a little lower. The bulk of the arrivals was disposed of In fairly good season. i Bulls, veal calves and stags commanded about steady prices, with the possible ex ception of snort corn-fed bulls, which were slow and lower, the same aa steera There were not very many etockers and feeders In the yards this morning and the market could safely be quoted steady to strong on an aeairaoie grades, common stuff could not be quoted any more than steady. The demand from the country so tar mis weea nas oeen ramer light and confined mostly to the better arradea. The few bunchee of western range steers mat wouio ao tor Killers sola at about steady prlcea Trading even on those, how ever, was not very briak. Range cows were steady 10 a snaoe easier and western stock- ere and feeder steady to strong. Repre- eenubuv auci; BEEF STEERS. No. it.... Tl..., 41... II.... II.... II... II.... Av. Pr. ... nt in ... Ml IN ...1!6 4 It ...1241 4 10 ...lim 4 40 No. Av. Pr. 11 1 IT II . tl ....loot I Tt ....1411 4 Tl .1114 4 40 ..1141 ..lltl 4 t 41 4 Tt 14 4 60 II. 1411 STEERS AND HEIFERS, ..1144 I M II. m 4 60 COWB. ... its ...1000 ... 140 ... 40 ...1080 ...1070 .. .10117 ... 19 ...1011 ... Wl ... 141 ...10SO ...1074 ...1065 ... 0 1 l 11. .1010 .. m ..1040 ..11M ..110 . .1X14 . . Ut ..lit! ..1004 .. Ill ..1101 .. 114 ..16H .. tut 8 to I M I at I M I 00 8 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I It I II 1 11 I II I K I at 1 M 1 to I 00 1 OS 2 I 8 tt I u 1 41 t 46 I 10 1 40 I 41 17... 1... II... 4... tt... I... 10... f... T... II... 44... T... 1... 14 W II I......... H 14 10 3 76 17. HEIFERS. 477 t 40 1 110 I It ' 1000 1 to 1 lao 1 u BULLS. .......14M I M 1 14T0 I 00 laat I 00 CALVES. nt I 00 1 170 4 Tl lis I to 4 110 I tt TO I 40 STOCK CALVES. 211 I IS STOCK LRU AND FEEDERS. 714 I lo 1. NEBRASKA. 9 cows. ....1036 1 cow 910 2 feeders.. UM) 1 steer 8S0 1 cow 11.10 1 calf...... 170 I cows 97 1 feeder... 640 1 70 8 cows 9OT 2 8.' 8 cows 1213 2 60 2 steers.... 935 2 26 2 cows S0 2 25 1 bull 12' 2 76 a 23 cows 6H8 2 75 1 cow lO-'O 2 00 11 cows 673 2C0 4 W t t t-ows 1017 J la 1 cow 1040 3 00 7 oows 1102 2 66 1 cow 1030 2 60 8 cows 1132 8 1 2 cows 1010 3 00 14 feeders.. 875 16 t 80 2 81 3 60 1 90 1 NO 2 45 2 75 2 06 2 40 2 10 2 76 2 26 2 80 2 40 2 10 24 rows 963 2 calves... IJo 10 heifers. . tfl 14 heifers... 700 1 bull 1640 1 bull Ho0 1 1 bull.. 1 bull.. .1270 960 COLORADO. Ill feeders. M Ito 3 feeders. . 90S 2 35 J. McDowell Neb. 2 feeders.. 46 3 60 1 heifer... 640 2 40 2 H6 1 75 2 calves... 170 4 60 2 cows 1120 2 cows 646 2 40 1 cow 960 Fuller e D Neb. 1 cow .1310 860 21 cows 1166 2 80 a. Grayblli-Neb. S cows..... 967 2 60 Dave Oorley Neb. 1 cow 1220 2 46 13 cows 1004 I 45 2 coa....JU0 2 46 J. J. McCarthy-Neb. rows 793 2 06 14 feeders.. 979 1 cow 1100 2 OS 1 cow 800 2 36 2 86 3 36 2 5 19 cows 6-2 115 1 cow 90 1 cow...... 910 2 86 2 COW 1160 1 cows Tsu 3 86 tfsran Lena ana Cattle Co. vryo. 31 egtrt.... 774 1 86 3 steers... 970 3 M 2 76 8 25 t 80 4 S 1 75 2 40 3 40 1 M i H 61 cowl.... FX Z ac 1 steer... 12 cuv-.. 606 2 S 1 steer... ! ,12k0 . r , 130 , ! . 560 O. W. Dawson Mont. 2 cowl.... T4t 1 96 8 calves. 1 cow... 8tH) I cowl.... 818 1 cow 800 3 cow, TV) 2 crars. T10 2 in" Sal 1 heifer '0 2 13 2 16 1 96 1 96 1 96 1 W. 1 calf.... 2 calves. 4 calves. i calves. 1 heifer. . (40 1 heifers.. 6.r3 to ftM-wtnta em a ait a Lberal this aTWdUxgr aii'l out fuuu tut OJiMwaat OUWUh 9.402 16,216 27.327 9,9 13.44o 82,6t4 II. J st lo,l4 io.ut 8,914 13,2t'7 M9 14, Hl.itio 69,7i4 li.SUt 16,o21 29.270 The market here opened generally a nickel lower, with trading quite active at the de cline, packers seemer" to want the hoga and In view of th. tl ne nt other points salesmen saw no chut . .f iircvntlng the break and took the pili-re offered. The bulk of the hogs sl1 mm .Z to 3136, with a top at 84.40, which was pnld for butcher weights. This decline takes the market bark to about where It was on Wednesday of last week. The bulk of the hogs was sold In good season. The later market waa fully aa good ns the opening, and, In fart, for a time trad ing waa very brisk, with prices a little stronger. On the extreme close, however, the prices paid were about the same as at the opening. itepresentauve sales: Ko. At. fr No. At. h. Pr. 41... 10... II... II... II... 14... II... 17... 10... 17... 41... II... 41... 14... 41... II... II... M... II... 41... 44... 14..., 04... 1... It... II... H... S4... 42... 44... 61... 41... tl... to... l... IS... M... 59... f.7... 14... 44... 10... f.5... 17... 44... :... l... !... f.4 . .. 64... 74... ."... 44... 13... (I... 49... 49... to... IS... 14... ....141 ...10 ...11 ...173 ...111 ... ...9(1 ...m ...lit! ...I7T ...1S4 ...111 ... ll ..114 ...171 ...20 ...144 ...141 ...T ...141 ...9T ...ISO ...S4I ...141 ...100 ...0t ...911 ...ISO ....let ...948 ...Ml ... IftO ...Ml ...921 .. n ...111 ... .314 ....;s7 ...1! ....114 ...141 ....121 . . . . ?P4 ...! ...til ,...! ...171 , ...m ...lit M I ITUj 4 M 4 It 4 It 4 10 4 10 4 4 It 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 It 4 M 4 Kl 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 M 4 4 M 4 in 4 10 4 M 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 in 4 to 4 91) 4 90 4 to 4 no 4 It 4 90 4 W 4 JJ 4 90 4 10 4 90 4 10 . 4 10 4 90 44... 14... ... It... To... 14... to... ST... II... 74... IS... St... ..117 120 ..177 10 4 91 4 I2 4 SI1 4 14 4 124 4 i;t 4 I2tt 4 ll4 4 I24 4 Itv, 4 9t 4 mt 4 l4 4 I24 4 ll4 4 I2l 4 114 4 lit 4 1214 4 Itv 4 ll4j 4 131 4 91 4 91H 4 111 4 93-4 4 92 '4 4 924j 4 11', 4 i: 4 s 4 sr. 4 9 4 3S 4 as 4 M 4 :is ,.ltl ,.17 .lit .114 240 .III .141 111 .lT III 400 100 140 l0 M 0 S4fl 190 190 240 10 40 40 in 120 !"!.20 144 201 K4 int tit 2 IS 174 ...17l 14 141 Il 104 124 171 290 24 1... IS... IS... to... 64... 61 .. 11... II... 1... II... 41... ... II .. ... 611... 10... 6... to... 44. .. II. .. 17... 90. . . 14... It... ... It... 41... IS... ... ... 91... 40... 61.. III. . 43... II... 14... 14... 46.. 7.. tl.. 101. !.. It.. .., ... 10 10 to 1M 40 110 to 120 40 40 10 140 120 2l0 1?0 140 1C0 40 40 10 110 M 40 0 10 40 140 140 Ito 2tS 174 175 11 161 207 COO SI ; 1 rr, r.T ?:-7 ?! ;t4'i 1:4 5.1 Tt'T ji;, ...... J7 ...... 2J7 2M 117 IIS 1M , 190 4 SS 4 fl". 4 .1.-. 4 y. 4 i 4 ir. 4 ii 4 5". 4 IS 4 Sa 4 Sr. 4 : 4 3A 4 9S 4 SS 4 It 4 95 4 971-t 4 37 4 9TV 10- 4 90 110 4 90 loo 4 10 o 4 S?"4 4 S24 ' 4 4 S3 '4 4 II 4 4 s:t 4 82 i 4 I2t 4 It -4 4 .i:4 4 4 13 '4 4 ll4 4 92a 4;l 4" :co 140 .271 .171 J00 ISO 40 10 140 1W 140 120 .901 .935 .!H .174 m 4 ! 4 12V, 4 0 4 40 10 17. .211 1M SHEEP Receipts were fairly liberal, ua the table above. The will be seen from bulk of the offering consisted or fed stuff, though there were quite a few western rangers. The market could be quoted about steady on the best grades, but when It came to the part fat kinds of both western graasers a well as corn-feds the market waa extremely dull and lower. In fact, salesmen found It a difficult matter to get packers to even bid on the short fed atock. very evident that they are not anxious for that kind, and aa a reault salesmen have a hard time to dispose of It. At a late hour there was still considerable short- fed stock In first hands. The demand fer feeder was also rather limited this morning. Choice bunches quoted, about steady, but the tendency was to buy all kinds a little lower. uuoiauons lor corn-tea stoca: vnoice western lambs, o.00i&6.26; fair to good umbs, 24.6-i6.00; good to choice yearllncs. 3.aet.uu; imr to good yearnngs, u.ova. to: holes wethers, u.&a'a.oo: fair to good wethers. 83.26fi3.36: good to choice ewes, 83. 003. 26; fair to good ewea, 32.862 8.00; choice feeder lambs, 33 60(iT4.10: fair to good feeder lambs. 33.26ifr3.60: baby lambs. (; feeder yearlings, J3.2rU3,60; feeder wet tiers, i:(T.j. teener ewes, iwxuij.du; culls, 61.0WtfZ.0U. itepresentauve sales Av. Pr. 1 buck 4 western ewes 1 western ewe . 200 . 96 , 70 . 106 . 106 . 129 . Iu9 . 106 . 100 . 140 . 166 . 132 x 80 . 107 .. 96 .. 80 .. 91 ... 63 ... 77 .. 68 .. 64 .. 70 .1033 . Ill . 115 . 67 . 45 . . 120 . 68 . U 2 00 3 00 3 06 3 06 3 25 8 80 8 46 8 60 8 60 8 60 4 00 4 00 6 26 6 60 3 75 8 00 2 00 , 8 76 . 3 78 V 4 60 4 00 ' 4 12 4 60 2 86 - 3 06 8 06 3 25 8 26 8 60 4 60 26 432 western ewe 916 western ewes and wethers 80 native ewes 966 western wethers 337 western wethers 224 western wether 16 native ewes 21 native wethers I... 8 native wether 19 native lamb 4,4 native lambs 1428 Wyoming ewes 3 western 4 res 679 wtstern yearlings 820 feeder lambs...,.,...,.,,.,.., 820 feeder lambs ISO western wetners 37 Wyoming feeder lambs 649 Wyoming feeder Iambs 4 western lamor... 748 South Dakota ewes 800 wee tern ewes 266 western ewea IL Idaho feeder lambs 46? Idaho feeder lambs 23 native ewes , 140 western lamb 7, western lamb CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Light Receipts of Cattle, Fair of Hogs a4 Sheep. CHICAGO. Dec. 8. CATTLE Receipts, C.OOO head. The market was steady; good to prime steers, 85.2Ot.O0; poor to medium, 88.6ot34.70; stockers and feeder, 821004.16; cows, 31-60()4.10; heifers. 33.O0tip4.76; cannera, ll.60iQi3.6O; bulls, 32.00if4 35; calves, 82.60tQi6.00. HUUB-Receipts, 83.000 nead; estimated to morrow, 88.000 head. The marxei wss steady to 6u lower; mixed and butchers, 35.26(14.60; good to cholre heavy, 84.3634.60; rough heavy, I4.ztrgi4.30; light, M-U04-lo; bulk of sales, M SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 18,000 head. The sheep market was strong; lamha iruftiir.. higher, irond tr, rhnlee weth ers, 84.001&4.25; fair to choice mixed, 83.4Xiy 2.75; western aheep, 8.1 ; native lambs, 84.00(26.75, western lamba. (4.006.40. Kansas City Live Stock Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. rDec. 8. CATTLE Re ceipts. 13.000 head, including 126 head of southern. The market was steady to lOo higher; export and dressed beef steers. steady to loc higher at 84.3006.26: fair to good. tS.ZDUI.ZD western tea steers, juo higher at UOO'1,4.60; stockers and feeders, atrone- at 11. 764) 4.00: southern steer, steady at 32.00(ri3.16; southern cows, steady at 81.60 tt 2.40; native cows, strong at ii.otKia.ou; na tive heifers, strong at 82.60&a.66: bulls, steady at S2.2S&3.00; calves, steady at 13.00 B 00. HOQS Receipts, 10,600 head. Tha market closed 6e hlarher: top. 84 674: bulk of sales 34.45'a4.67H; heavy, 64. 4&-(i 4.6714. packers, 11.46 iilil: n as and llirhte. I4.404i4.4i. Slifc-rLl' A. IN L) l.A M tin rteceipta. o.uuu head. The market wna steady to 10c higher; native lambs. 84.60416.25: western lamua, I4.1.VU6.00; fed ewea, 83.0otij3.40; Blockers and feeders, 6?.Vv4.7b. "Jew York Live Stock Market VEW VflHlf Deo. 8 BEEVES Receipts. 126 head; no sales reported; aresieo. oeei, v : eltv driMued native side. $6.00419.00. Cul.i nunlad American steers at 311.6J 12.26, dressed weignt; reingeraior iw, tup price, so per id. fAl.vp.ft Reeeinta. 47 head: market alow and aenerallv uulte stagnant for went rni Hneea rateo uuiei. lower un vraip, weak on barnyard calves. Including some lat arrival, about 700 head unsold. Haxn yard calves, 32.26ji'2 50; no western told; eltv dresaad veal. 74T120 per ID. HOOiJ Keceipt. neaa; wraa; aiate hogs. H.804V4 66. . HHt-b-t AISU UAMDS neceipia, i, n head: euiet and steady for both sheep and lambs. Sheep sold at ri.2SitJ.76; lamba, $5.26 ti6 to; dressed mutton, generul sales, 6 er.n ner lb.: dressed lambs. .WiflOo. Exports for today, 840 beeves, 1.247 ghaep, 4,400 quarter of beef. , - SI. Loals Live Block Market. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 8. -CATTLE Receipts. 7,50 head. Including 4,000 head of Texan. Thj market waa active and steady; native shipping and export steers. $4.004i5.26; dreaaed beef and butcher steers, $3.765.00; steer under 1,000 pounds, $3.504j4.76; Block ers and feeder, $2.0Ofr3.6O: cow and heifers, $2.26414 00; ranners. $1 76f2.16; bulla, $2 26'(f 35-1; calve. 83 00-ij6.60; Texas and Indlaii steers. $2.2uu3.90; cows and heifers, $2.06ui 170. HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head. Tha market waa steady; pigs and lights, $4.uVH.60; lui kers. $4.204.50; butchers and best heavy, 14. Sirs 4 60. SHEKP AND LAMPS-Receipts. 3.600 head. The market was steady; native mut tons. 13 2f3 66. lamba. $4.01X115 25: culls and bucks, $2.00ii4.&0; stockers, $l.&o4j3.00. , Stnck la klght. Following are the receipts of live stock at the sla principal western cities yester day: Cattle. . 6 .400 . 6.000 .13,000 . 7.6(rt . 2.434 . 6u0 Hogs. 10O4) 82.000 10.600 .(.! 4.XI Bheep. 14 0.W 18.UU0 6t4) ;.rio 3.24 Omaha Chicago Kanaa City fit. IxjuIs .... Bt. Joaeph .. Kloux City .. Total ... ..83.834 73,903 ' 42.814 t. Jnaeph Utf Hack Aferket. 8T. JOHEPH. to. 8. CATTI.E Be cipta. t4J4 bead. The market waa steady to Hie hiarlier: native. $3.4tiiS !R: cows and lilfitm. ti -Si J 4.411; stockers and feeder. tLUl 4I4.1U. XiXXiS-RecaTotg, LtA haaU. Tia uukat. wna weak to he lower: light, 34 2" l.SI'i; me dium and heavy, f 4 3c4 4 wi. nilKEP AND l-Ml rWneoclpts, 8,8:4 hfMid The market was sternly to 1ic lower; latnlis, I.VW; wethers, 84; cars, 8.1.60. lona City Live Mock Market. SIOl'X CITY. Is.. Doc. 8 .-(Special Tele, gram ) CATTLE Rpcrtpt, 61 head. Mar ket steady; beeves, 8.i.i'1i 1.90; vows, lull's and mixed, 21 6"13."0j ntovkers atnl feeders, $2.6t3.60; calves and yratllngs, U .26ft:i.a. HOOS Receipts, AifO head. Market fo lower, selling at l4.llxH4.3u; bulk, l..'6. Coffee Jrlarket. . J NEW TORK, Dr-a 8 COFFEE- Spot Rio, firm; mild, firm. The mnrket fur lu turns opened firm at unchanged inters t an advance of 10 points on a good demand from scattering sources, wlilclt was a It 1 1 lo more than sufficient, apparently. In absorb free realising sales that resulted fmm in different European cables. The buying wits encouraged by continued Rmall prltnnry r--celpts and at one time the mnrket J 5'n ;0 points higher. lAter. however the trail ing became somewhat lesr active and shortly after midday realizing es.-ert prlcea off until the market was alvuit uttchanKe-1 to I points lower. Toward the close It was rallied again by a renewal of bullish sin -port and was finally firm, net um-linngd to 6 points higher. Bales were 17t.7'0 bags. Including December at 63.Vu6.45t-: Jantiai), 6 466.6oc; Me.rch, 6,ff.j Hie; April, rttnn-; Mnv, 6.90S7.10c; July, 7.oor7.25c; StptemCer, 7.20Vn 7.40c; October, 7.30Hj7.4c; November, 7.4tV?7.50c lugar Mnrket, NEW: YORK, Dec 1,-SrOAH- Raw. weak; fair refining, 3c; centrifugal, 94 test, 2c; molassea sugar, 274c; refined, dull; No. 6, &46o; No. 7. 4.00c: No. . 3 95c: No. , 2 90c; No. 10, 3 8f-; No. 11. 8 80c; No. 12. tT5c; No. 13, S.70c; No. 14, 8.6fto; confectioner A, 4 80c: mould A. 4.70c; cut loaf, 6.0Tm:; crushed, 5 05c: powdered, 4.66c: granulnted, 4 4c; cubes, 4.70c. MOLABBES Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 8Sfi8c. NEW ORLJ5ANS. Deo. 8. BUflAR Steady; open kettle, 244J3o; open kettle, centrifugal, 8S-16c; centrifugal white, 81 3 18-1 lie; yellows, SV40 ll-ltto; seconds, 2V, MOLA88E8 fltrady; centrifugal, 8fiS3c; syrup, stealy, 3729o. Dnlnth Uraln Market. DVLT7TH. Den. 8. WHEAT On track: No. 1 northern. 8014c; No. 2 northern, 77e; No. 8 spring, 741tc; December, 79ic; May, 81c. OATS On track and to arrive. 34c. JEWELS VANISH FROM SAFE Mrs. Dor Caaner of St. Loals Is Wondering- How It Hart -pened. BT. LOUIS. Dec. 8. After twenty-four hours of investigation the police depart ment Is still without a clue to aid In solv ing the mystery surrounding the disap pearance of Mrs. Dora Casner' Jewels, worth 15,000, from a safe In her home. The Jewels disappeared between 8 and 11 o'clock Sunday night, when Mrs. Casner was absent from the house. The only evidence of burglary was an open kitchen window with one pane of glass .imashed. The safe In which Mrs. Casner says aha left the Jewels when she went down town Sunday night was closed and locked when she returned, but ' the Jewels, she says, were not In It. Drives All Before It. Achej and pains fly before , Bucklen'g Arnica Salve. So do sore, pimples, bolls. corn and piles, or no pay. 26c. For sal by Kuhn & Co. ' REAL E STATS TRAN9KERS. Deed filed for record yesterday at fur nished by the Midland . Guarantee anil Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 i-arnam street: ' Jere H. Chamberlain and wife to Wil liam K. Harding, und. Vfe lot 4, block 6. ti. K. Rogers' add .' $ la Wiluani K. Harding and wife to the Commeiclal National bank of Omaha, lot 4. block 6. B. E. Roaora' add 1 James 3. fcltxgerald et al to Thoma Ollleiple, lot 1, block 266, Bouth Omaha 1,000 Thoma Vlnan Allison, Jf.''enil wife . to same, west H lota 14 and 16, block 2, Burlington Center add L6041 United State National bank to Nels . Madsen, lot 6, block 8, Matthew' sub. of Albright's Choice 150 Harvey j. Grove snd wife to John Noble, lot 12, block 25. Benson 600 Oeorg F. Nile to Malon A. Dickson, und. tV4 lot 8,. block 6, Beleveder.... 1 Walter Molse & Co. to John Kubat, lot 19. block 14, Brown Park add 1 Thomas Breen and wife to Walter . Breen, s28 feet lpt 11, block 1, Mayna Place 1 Helen A. Frederick, executor, to W. H., lots l, 6 and t. .Frederick's add 30 , W. H. Oates and wife to Oeorge F. Ollmore, lot 1, same , 1 Fred Krug Brewing Co. to Cassel Realty Co., part lot 1, block 8, city and other lota , Charles S. Huntington et al, executors, to Thomaa B. Price, lot 1, block 67, Florence 0 Bame to same, all block 20, Morse St Ilrunner's add. and sV lot 6, block 25, Florence 806 Charles C. Rose water to Bennett W. Shanqueat. e48 feet lot 28, block 10, Kountze Ruth' add v 1 Patrick Sheridan and wife to Bridget Sheridan, lot 1 and 2. Hawee' add.... S Oeorge Nichols to Jennie Nichols, e40 feet. W240 feet lot 1. liartlett'a add.... 1 Jennie Nichols Bowlby and husband to Mary Ann Flyer, tame..,. 704 Mury Ann Byers to Axel E. Olson et al, sam fM CHICAGO. MINNEAPOLIS. wards, AUIn (fico ftanbatttut Bulldlnjr, ST. PAIJ. iHNS. Ed m Go Dealers fit Stocks, Grab, Provisions Sought aad sold for cash or oa reaaorr big .Margin. Members laapartant Eirkaaira, Private Wires, Writ far otir daTly -market letter and prV vat talegrakph cipher n ailed fre. Ship Your Grain to Us BR INCH OFFICES: OMAHA Ut Be Bldg. Them 2514." SOUTH OMilU-rj and 3S xcliaag iiidg. phmt "2. COC29CH. BLUFFS Hi and AOS xrp liid. 1'haE 674. LI COL!. IVE g JBOUtraL The Merchants National Bank of Omaha. Nob. U. 2. 8)ailMy . Capital and Sarptus, $600,000 PIAW MUtWir, r-a. - H I . WOOD, V. rra. urTiEiwua. cuaitr. PIAW T. lUMILTOM, Aut Csafekw. ItaealT aoooaota ef baoaa. aankara. ooroor. alios, time aa4 UAIaklaala so (avoraSle tarma. roral Kickanxa bou6t aad aold. Latura at Crr4it lasuad. avalUbla la all parts of ta world, lnuraat paid so Tina Certificates of Coliactloua anada promptlr ao4 ocvnouiUail . Wa reaaeel oeiraaveodaaos. COE C3HMISSIQN COLaPAMY STOCKS AND BONOS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS W kare aver 19 Aee. Itefarencee: 178 Btata aad Nat l Baqfca. ova axaiaicta ig t-mk bk.7. Oat ef Twarm wama SoUolteA. Oaaka 8akAi MaAPnrnaaa . Tat. 8-447 TflOS M. WADOtCt Cerrrtptwdtit