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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1903)
12 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 100.1. BIG TOY OPENING SATURDAY B G TOY OPENING posi "3Q;satlrday Splendid 60c Waistings at 29c Yard Hero are lntJtlfnl French-I'lnnools In the pretty amall effects iind the larKT attractive patterns, for house wrappers ami klmonus also Printed Henriettas, l-'any Al- bulroHMOH in fact, all the hlrlieft Hass Imported walntl'itfs that rejrularly sell at tKtc a yard on barKaln counter at it yard 29 Holiday Handkerchief Sale ISc and 20c Handkerchief at 31c aid 5c -Men's and ladles' white and fancy color bordered Handkerchief a, Including large slaes, suitable for piiiow tops amo ladies' lace edged and embroid ered cornered Handkerchiefs in hundreds of styles bargain counter at a yard.... 25c Handkerchiefs at 12ic Ladles' and men's nil pure linen Hand- KPrcmeis ana lames' Mwisa embroidered and French revered Handkerchiefs also all linen with lace edges grent va riety of stylos at each All Linan Handkerchiefs at 10c Ladies' linen hand smbrol dered Initial lianduerohUfs at each . 3c-5c e linen Hand- 12c 10c Great Sale of Black Silks Hundreds of bolts of high claas Black Bilks, including fine Taffetas and Peau de Boles secured from a Paterson, N. J., maufacturer, on sals at about half price. , Pine black 27-lnch Taffeta at a yard Black Sterling and Phoenix Mill Taffeta a yard Black Ironclad 27-lnoh Taffeta worth $1.25 at 44c 59c 83c Splendid quality of Taf fetaworth 12.00 at ' at yard Black double-faced Peau de Sole a yard Very fine black Peau de Sole a yard , 97c 57c 1.29 Closing Out Our' Basement Goods To Make Room for Christmas Stock 5c 3c 10c Outing Flannel, one big table of dainty pink and blue stripes, ? gipaVayard '. .. All Our Imitation French Flannel we have been selling at 12to, - closing out, goes at Canton Flannel, one big 1 Fleece Back Wrapper Flan table,, closing out at OjC nel, -closing out at ... ..... Ready, ilade Outing FUnnel Skirts with embroidered edge, go Off-, at, each v AOC Hundreds of other, bargains of whloh the quantity is not large enough (or advertising will be olosed out today. Watch for Our Bl Toy Opening Next Saturday. Watch our JrapIMOELS... Watch our windows LLss3C?!fc9'6iBriS Windows One of the Finest Gifts for a lady or gentleman would be an umbrella. For ladle we have handsome pearl handles mounted with liver and gold filled for $4.00 and $6.00 some beauties for 9v-w ana noouy one ror gents, $5.00 to $".; Look them over spend a few minute tn our store. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1116 ateagta Street. Satisfaction Guaranteed FRANK VODICKA & CO.. MERCHANT TAILORS Moved to 321 South Fourteenth St, Krur Theater Bid;. Repairing and Pressing Neatly done. TeU 3182. SCBLLER h MUELLER THE DIG PIANO HOUSE 1313 Farnam St. in , .- r".' 'ii urn i i.iastw a Extraordinary Cut of 10 Per Gent to December Cash Buyers off Steinway Pianos TVB ARB reducing; our prices on all the finest, artlstlo, high grade pianos, and nothing reserved. Btelnway AV Bons, Stegnr A Sons, Emerson, Voee A Bons, A. B. Chaae, Steele, Hardman. etc., the very beat money can buy, all share In' this re duction. DISCOUNTS OF FROM 10 TO 50 PER CENT A number of used and new sample up right pianos In oak, walnut and mahogany cases, at prices as follows: $72.00, $85.00, $106.00. $128.00. $14300 and up. In this lot are Btelnway ft Bons, Emer son, Stager A Bons, Hallet A Davis, Standard, Hardman, Bradbury, Baua, Hale, Arlon, etc. TERMS, $5.00 A MONTH. Ask to see the Omaha hand-made pianos we are manufacturing. They are a revela tion to those not familiar with this branch of our business price $S26.00 to $400.00. Comparison Is earnestly Invited. Ouf-of-Town 1 Customers should write at once for our new, handsome. Illustrated catalogue and our special proposition to first buyers. SCHM0UER a MUELLER (INCOHPOPATIO) MANUFACTURE-WHOLESALE-RETAIL PIANO S MAIN -MOUSC AND OFFICi; lata FA R N A M factory: isie farnam TKLCPHONK tatS OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB tea a. hth t. ' TSL. TSS CO. BLUFFS. IA aoa BROADWA ' . Ttt. rhe Art Student Enjoys a treat In going through our Art Rooms. Beauti ful pieces from Rusela, Austria, Finland, Arabia, Sweden t Oermany, England, Denmark, France, Italy and America. You are always welcome. 2tJVW'T3:X2fltE,'Y-& Ttyji? CO.i XmiKHtiti of the Theaters. "Mrs. Wlggs of ths Cabbage Patch" will be repeated at a matinee and evening per formance at the Boyd today. On tomorrow evening Melbourne MacDowell and Flor ence Stone will be seen in the rqmantlo play, "A Captain of Navarre." This piece Is oae that gives Mr. MacDowell a splendid opportunity for his strong style of acting, . while Miss Stone has In It a better chance than anything she was ever seen In by an Omaha audience. The bill on at the Orpheum this week is not only serving to draw big audiences, but, Judging from ths comment and plau Alts. It Is of the kind people like. Cole man's dogs anl cats create a good Impres sion. They are unusually fine-looking ani mals, and perform their clever "stunts" without being urged by their trainer, and )lke it was an agreeable task. Blanko. the large white collie. Is handsome, and at tracts enough attention to create envy in a real matinee hero. This act appeals very strongly to the women, aa does also Kelly and Vlolette, for In addition to their entertainment Miss Vlolette displays some stunning gowns, that make a resistless subject for the admiration of the gentle ex. A, matinee will be given Thursday. Sam'l Burns la selling U thin-blown tum blers, to cents. Here They Are Fear Fast Trains. Chicago to New Tork over Pennsylvania Short Lines. Keystone Express leaves 10:05 a. ra.f the Manhattan Limited, 1 p. m.; the Atlantic ExDress. 1:00 n. m th Ponnaui- vanla Limited, :00 p. m. All have sleep ing ana dining car equipment. For special information address C. U Kimball. A. O. P. Agent, No. I Sherman street, Chicago'. Ilaasea Agala Owns Calnnaet. The Calumet Coffee House at 1411-13 Douglas street is again under the manage ment of Tolf Hansen he having purchased the same from W. g. Balduff and Rome Miller, to whom the restaurant was sold last spring when Mr. Hansen went on a pleasure trip to his old home in Sweden. He has Just returned, and took possession on Monday, ( Degree of Honor Basaar. North Omaha lodge No. 2S, Degree 6f Honor, will hold Its annual baxaar at H. K. Fredrlcksen's, Fifteenth and Capitol ave nue, Friday and Saturday, December 11 and 11. Open from r a. m. to ! p. m. ' DIED. UHL-Charles A., aged 7J years and 10 months, father of Milt R. and Mel UhL Funeral services 299 Paclflo street at 1:80 p. m. Thursday. Interment private at For. est Lawn cemetery. MRS. J. BENSON Iressing Sacques In eiderdown, lamb'a wool, chally and out Jug flannel, plain or fancy colors,. prettily trim med prices from 1.15 to $ 8.50. Lounging Kobes from J1.00 ud. Don't forget, we carry all the good things in ladies' and chil dren's hose, from a low price to the best. Our largo and handsome line of Christma's handkerchiefs are in. We are making a big cut in the price of Children's 3, 4 and 5 year old coats. , All wool cxat3 from f 1.87 up. Winter Weather Cold weather calls for warm shoes. ft Shoes that are better than the ordinary rootwear. Onlmodb meet every re quirement and If once worn they wjll be tried again. We pride ourselves on the fit of our shoes. The Shoe For Entlro Satisfaction. Always $3.50s S2.50 Regent Shoo Go. 295 So. 15th St. A furnace set properly with Just the right amount of cold air and with pipes covered with asbestos and body of furnace covered (we don't mean covered so that you cannot see the tin), but covered In the way we cover :hem. Such a furnace will be a E'urce of comfort and economy. We know by experience that the same furnace poorly set and poorly covered will cost you from t-tt to 150 more for fuel each year and give from 40 to (0 per cent lens heat than the same fur nace properly protected. We have ex amined many furnaces and candidly told the people that their furnace men did them a good Job. We have reset and recovered many furnaces put in by Inexperienced men and our customers ,oould hardly believe that they were still using their old furnace. It costs you nothing for us to look into the matter for you. OMAHA 1 STOVE REPAIR WORKS, Telephone 960. 1207 Douglas Street. mm THE RELIABLE STOHK. M Wednesday's LCLtviS Holiday Specials aw j Have you made your holiday purchases? Now is the time to do so. Lines unbroken, prices the lowest what better oppor tunity can you ask? Valuable coupons free with every purchase. Extra Special Shoo Salo We have Just received a large line of warm shoes and slippers from an over stocked eastern factory. They had to raise the cash. Ilayden Bros, bought the entire lot at a fraction of their value and will give you the benefit. AVomen's fl.50 felt foxed bals pair..9Sc Women's fl satin quilted, fur. trim med slippers, per pair . ..'...69c .Women's 75c all felt Nullifeirs, pair. 48c .Women's and men's 40c best quality , carpet slippers, per pair ... 25c Men's 00c all felt Nullifiers, pair... 59c Men's 75c imitation alligator and embroidered slippers, per pair. . . .48c Women's ?2 fine beaver fur trimmed slippers, , per pair fl.25 Child's 60c all felt fur trimmed slip pers, sizes 8 to. 11 years, pair.... 39c Child's $1 vici kid, lace or button shoes, sizes 5 to 8 yrs, pair, ,69c Boys,' youths' and little men's fl.50 satin calf lace shoes, pair 98c Women's flne $2.50 vici kid lace, per pair $1.59 Women's fine $2.00 dongola kid lace, per pair $1.29 Men's Bakers Corona colt, Blucher $4.00 value, per pair j. .$2.98 Men's and women's fine $3.00 and $3.50 sample shoes, in patent leather, patent colt and finest vici kid, per pair. . .$1.96 Brooks Brothers' $5 patent calf French heel shoes, per pair. $3.48 We are sole agents for the celebrated Stetson and Crossett shoes for men and the Ultra and Orover shoes for women. See our 16th street window. One Hundred Dozen Men's Caps on sale today, J worth 75c, for HtiJK Made of kerseys, beaver cloths and fine cheviots, your choice of 73 different styles to choose from These, are the greatest cap values we hv? ver o!fered. 75c values for 45c Men's Fur and Seal Caps Make a nice Christmas Present. We are now offering a complete line. GENUINE ALASKA SEAL CArS la the newest ahapeg-43.50, S4.5a $7.) and $8.75. "GENUINE CONEY FUR-fLBO-Muskrat, fl.OO-Electrtc Seal, $2.50. EXTRA SPECIAL, FOR GIRLS-4omorrow we will sell fifty dosen jrirls ..45c angora Tarn O'Sbantera wnrth 75c eate price tWmtm Am SB OP To Hotel and Restaurant Trade GET OUR PRICES ON K. T. K. IIOTEL CHINA. One load just received from pottery. STRICTLY FIRST GRADE GOODS ONLY. Ml 0) 10 Peposils Made on or before the tenth of the month draw Interest for the entire month. UNION PACIFIC PAY CHECKS and all other railway pay checks cashed at our frank. J. L Brandeis & Sons, . " BANKERS. ..DIAMONDS.. Nofhlns; la more'appropriats as an Xmi'i gift than a nlca Diamond. Wa hara them in Brooches from 110 to 200. and In Kings from $10 to 260, also a fine assortment of loose Diamonds that wo can males up In anything- desirable. Prices right. P. E. FL0DA1AN & CO., Jewelers, l5ffflS' Tnrrcj iV' J "SHOW in rai iir an ii Consult (ho Now Philadelphia Professor Free. Work will be examine and- everything v.n flrat claa under th a noted specialist. We sre lu re to stay. It was a COMF1.BTB VIC". UKI cu Tim UNION. Bet of teeth from 2. Bridge teeth from 13. Crowns from Sl.CO. Teeth extracted, free. Work guaranteed 10 yt-ers. No students to experiment. ' , UNION DENTAL COLLEGE, Open dally till 8. Sunday, I to 4. 123 DOUGLAS ST. One of the largest, and rertalnly the choicest collection of diamonds In ths city to be seen opposite the pontofflce. Holltalres as low as 116.00 and up to $1,000.00. Gem, diamond and ruby combinations, $46.00 to $C00.00. Beautiful opals, surrounded with diamonds JO.O0 to $K).00. Turquoises, set with diamonds, $30.00 to $375.00. Bapphlres and diamonds $00.00 to $160.00. Spend a few moments of your tlma Inspecting the above, even If you're not ready to spend your dollars to possess them. , ALBERT EDHOLM, Jeweler. 107 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. OPP. P03TOFFIOE f ft -Effi V UMBRELLAS Only the Fine Kind t $7 to $15 . Full Set Teeth $5.00 Best Set $7.50 - $3.60 up. $1 60 Up. , 6oc uu. CAILCY, THE DENTIST. (EalablUhed 18SS.) trd FLOOK. fAXTON BTiOCiC t2K Gold Crowns.. Guld Kllllnga Sliver killings Deputy tiate TeierinarUA.' vod Ins pert of n.L.RlMACClDTTI, D. V. 5. CITT VETBRINABIAK. Of&oa and Infirmary, lata and ataaoa Bta Take Off 2 Cents from ths lowest price Quoted by any OTHER drug Arm In either OMAHA or SOUTH OMAIIA and you have the price at which wet will sell yoa DHUOH, PA TENT MEDICINES. ETC. This gives us the advantage of the fancy prices they are paying for newspaper udvertlalng Bee? HOW DOES THAT CATALOG lvOuK NOW? IS IT, UP TO DATE? Don't you suppose the' Arm which lusued It, are BORKY, -BORRlfi SORRY T POOR MANI Of course, we are nuw selling many pa tent medicines for leas than BEST WHOLESALE PRICE and would rather have the goods thau the money, so In stead of trying to fool the people by claiming this Is a CLEARING SALE WM RESERVE the- right TO LIMIT THE NUMBER of all patent medicines quoted, which are followed by a star, thus () to one to a customer. ' Now, If YOU, who ever you are, tlttnk this a fske, dodge or anything else but tbe TRUTH, you Just buy all the-patent' medicines which ws quote followed by a star, thus () for OUR prloe, and we will give you 2C more for them, each,- than OCR price, IF they are In saleable condition. Good way to MAKE MONEY 1 . : $1 00 Peruna. ...... 66o 11.(0 Bromo Seltser 66c $1 U0 Liaterlne iLambert'a) 660 o Liateiine (Lambert's) Via Can't cut the price on Dr. Miles' goods 'cauae we told tlieio we wouldn't. Burnham's Sola WE DON'T MAKE THAT. $1.00 Duffy's Malt Whiskey 67e 26o Allcock's Plasters , 80 $1.00 B. S. B all you want C7c 60c Mull's Grape Tonic To 6uc Hays' Hair and Health 27a 60o Hind's Honey and Almond Cream Ylo CAN'T CUT THE PRICE ON MILEd' ANTI-PAIN PILLS THEY HAVE A SYSTEM. 26c Mennen's Taleum Powder.., fte $1.00 Kilmer's Swamp Root 6c $1.00 Wine Cardui 6lo $200 Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 $l uO liar's Malt Whisky, ALL YOU WANT f2o $100 Coke's Dandruff Cure-all you want SOo MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. SCHAEFER'S' a E. T. YATES. Prop. llh and Chicago 0ts.,- Omaha. 'Phones T47 and 77. Mih and N 8U.. txuih Osanha. '1 hone No. L Ail gooda dUvace4 any Bics la alUiW olty. Ws are selling aa extra good $1.60 shoe for women; a shoe that gives splendid satisfac tion in both Its fitting and wear ing qualities. Vamps of kid or box calf. Boles of high grade leather. heels of low or medium height. Tops of dull or bright kid. Counters of solid sols leather. Seams doubls stitched with best thread. Genuine welt sewed soles. Stock or patent leather tips. And latest swell styles. And latest swell lasts. Wa don't believe you can equal this shoe value anywhere else. n?Y ;tioe ca 1 in d) 9 -J L EARLY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Only fourteen clear shopping days till Christmas-r-only six more days in which to get double Green Trading Stamps with all purchases on the second floor. Make your Christmas purchases before the 15th you will save yourself much jostle and impatience you will get double Green Trading Stamps (on the second floqr) you will make better selections you will have the entire world of Christmas novelties to drav upon you will have more leisure, more room, more desirable conditions you will make it easier for the clerks for ourselves for everybody and there will be a complete satisfaction all through. Green Trading Stamps with all purchases. Double Green Trading Stamps on the Second floer. Christmas Goods in the Women's and Children's Ready to Wear Dep t. . WOMEN'S DRESSING SACKS AND KIMONAS-Ws are showing nearly fifty styles In fleece flannel, eiderdown, French ohalllea, and Jap r -v silk, In plain and fancy colors. Prices, up rllC from ' w HOUSE ROBES In eiderdown. Dresden, slbellnes, chaUles, Terry cloth, and plain and fancy Jap silk. tV i "a i;roi..!'.p JpO.asiD Children's little coats, little hoods, little sacks, and all kinds of under wear, hose and leagins. little bonnets. i FlIRt The completest assortment and largest stock of! furs aver put on sale run in Omaha. CHILDREN'S FUR SETS, , OHr up, from.... , WOMEN'S NECK SCARFS, 0r up, from WOMEN'S COLLARETTES, . StO AS. up, from ... psS.0 MUFFS, Or up, from VOW. COATS AND CAPES, from the lowest to ths best. ' BARGAIN TABLES OF HOLIDAY GOODS Tabled at 10c Tables at 25c Tables at 48c On these tables In our dry goods section will be found thousands of fancy little things to delight the eye and fill a want of every kind. Most of them are single pieoes of Imported samples, and it's only the early i hunters that ever see them. WOMEN'S OPERA BAGS Over five hundred made from the finest silks and many other elegant fabrics. Worth ' A O from T6o to ti.Won sals Wednesday 4rtG morning, at. v- w Nice Wool Blankets and Fine Comforts for Christmas Presents Extra heavy, all wool blankets, In grays, worth tTt Vv p $tl.?.?.:." $2.95 Extra flne and heavy all wool blankets In grays and tans, sf - m very pretty borders, full 11x4 slse, wortl) 16.00, 2)0y0 60 pu'ir'extra fine all wool blankets In a pretty shads rtt f"f A mm of light tans, worth t.00 per pair, 3)Di4tc) BEd'cOMFO RT8 Fu H ' bed'slse" com'fortB.''flIled with ths' 'best' white cotton, covered with sllkollne, knotted, UMp worth $1.36 each, at , -"JW Extra flne full slsed bed comfort, In a handsome sti 4 sT elot of patterns, worth 13.00 each, kDIsajO Very flne bed comforts, feels and looks like down comfort, mads of ths finest sllkollne, filled. with the best purs white cotton, -p 4 mm eTcS 00, $1.95 EXTRA SPECIAL ON PILLOWS 28 dosen flne sofa and den cushions, cov ered with pretty denims, fancy crepes and fine sateens, mm f all nicely ruffled, full 20-tncn size, worth $1.26 each, nC !tlC In two lots, at, each -at.ajw UVW . BARGAINS III HARDWARE - ' A great sale in good stoves. We hare yet too many stoves. We do not want and won't carry them over next season. We will compel selling by chopping prices. ; ; MERC ARE SOME SPECIALS! ' No. 14 Betls Oak heator fk M C No. 14 Reliable Oak Heater Q Afl this .sale Us'rS Oils salo ..9i9W No. 16 Belle Oak Heater II nfl No. 18 Reliable Oak Heater 1 1 rfl this sale llsUU this sale 1IDU Ws offer extraordinary bargains In Base Burners everyone of them are high grade, perfectly designed and manufactured stove, is - highly nickeled, has a gemlike appearance is a credit and a compliment to the manufacturer. Tou WU 'w. haveloppe off about one-third th. right prlc. for this clean-up sal. REMARKABLE PRICES FOR BASE BURNERS ' No.'l46 Charm Base Burner AO rfl No. 188 Brilliant Peoria Bass 44 Cf) this sale ftUlOU Burner this sale MfcawU No. 10 Charm Base Burner QO Cfl No 160 Brilliant Peeria Base 07 Cfl this sale UWs3U Burner-thls sale WllUU ' Mall orders for these stoves must reach us Friday a. m. at latest, and must be subject to condition of stock. . GROGERY GROCERY GROCERY Special sales every day in our popular up-to-date Grocery Department. BEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES WEDNESDAY MONEY SAVERS Best Laundry Boap. I bars 25o ' Grape-Nuts, pkg...... JOo Corn Btarch, 1-lb. pkg &o Aaparasua. new, l-lb. can 16o Pancake Flour, a-lb. pkg luo Seeded Ralalns, 1-lb. pkg 12W Breakfast Coca. 4-lb. can Ho Currants, cleaned, per lb llo Imported Sardines, can loo Preeervd Blackberries, can 60 Worcester Sauce, bottle luo Parlor Matches, 60 la boa 4o HEADQUARTERS FOR BUTTER Fresli Country Butter, per lb 16c Bulk Pickles at lowest prices. Onions, pint - Mo Medium ttour Pickles, pint , to Chow Chow, pint . luo PIcallUl, pint ISO COFFEES ROASTED DAILY Imperial Japan Tea, per lb 26a Bennett's Capitol Coffee, beet. Tea Billings, per lb... 160 . P ,b,K""iiV 180 Santos Coffee, good drink, per lb., 11 - CANDY DEPARTMENT Special salea daily all ths new holiday novelties on display, up front... o Green Trading Stamps Vlih Every Purchase FREE POSTAL CARDS TELEPHONE 137