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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1903)
10 TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER !. 1903. i 1 i i . ! ? 1 4 SPECIAL NOTICES , A4-ertlaanea)f far these rolamn-. Ill b taken antll 13 as. for the rnlB( edition and aatll NiOW p. m. for moralaa; Band ay edlttaa. Rate. 1 l-lle a. word first laaerla. le s word thtrnl.or, Nothing takfi for lesa than JUm fa. tta llrat laser tlon. Those alTCfllitiMili aiil b ran ronaeeellvely. Advertisers, hr reqnratlna; a nam l.ered rhrrk, ran have aas era ad dressed to n namhered letter la car f Tha Her. Aaawera ao addroaaad will b delivered on prrecatatloa ol the check aalrv MISCELLANEOUS. Are You Ready? If you and not prepared ou . ..l not be accepted. The buatnesa world has no sympathy with timid and Irresolute person. What In desired la persons of ambition and determination to do well what they undertake. It requires trained rrilnds to perform these services. DOYLES COLLEGE, ' New loin ie iiu g., umuiu, Neb. Prepares young people tor tne pracucal duties of every diy ouslnes life. Appiy for catalogue. HORSES wintered. 43d and' Center. Tel. Black 1123. R-sto Dlix PHOTOGRAPHS Si, !, pnee o per uu. of 4 stlr. of vtf 2 mounting, special lor liolluay only la foiw'' PKOCTOK, 616 boutn 16th &t. v 4 Cpppl A 'or a limited time we will w 1- I r L. :it j,ou Wltu a guaranteed X-ytuw C' SP.C-AC.lO (OA J.uU. Lion i miss tins chance. U. . o-lCIANS. 308 N. 16TH ST. . K M2I6 PERF1ELDB Cut-Prlce Piano Co.. bee uiug., lioora i. Tel. iol. ,Wtiir, laiory Clark, Ltidwtg tJchmer. 4 t4 EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; till business confidential. 1801 Douglas. R-ajo HIGH SPEED GOLD MOULDED X P RECORDS 25c EACH. We are uitmui&viurer and sell you direct from the factory. Talking Aluchj.ies of alt kinds repaired. Columbia Phonograph Co. 1G21 h luiKui ..., ,.... iu -tetail. U-lMUW EXPRESSMAN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. Win. lei. U8o. H Vil BTATUARY direct from factory; special low price until Xroas. Ounneila .ro U2li i arnanx Mo L1 , HERE is a chance to get a pair of shoes which are unexcelled at any price, onl mod, $3.60 aud 8J.6U,. Regent Snoe Co., iuj 6. lulu St. K 372 MONEY loaned on nil valuables. 418 NTTtith - - K 373 dhimnriHv '?et 'He': corns removed. V 111 Ui'UUy Dr Roy. r 2-i. 1605 Farnaiu. U Ms TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lose. Uood work; prompt attention. 14 N. ltitb. Tel. 2u6. H-HtS - POO BUSY making clothes to close even ings. Come any time. Butts,' to tto. Trousers, $6 to 110. ireBher. 1616 Farnam. li 243 D10 C?-M-EAJ COMPANY, UNDERTAK ERS. 1617 Capitol ave.. tel. 464. p. 3V6 Soles, 40c; with rubber heels 76c. 21 N. 16th. R M267 Dll AMERICAN, German Employment Bureau. READ1. H E E DI (HAVE. ROOT T . PRINT IT. S rr.FFni I a, A..rootl mc, : w " 414-16 S.12th, Phone 1604 U M29v Rrpad 8,tr.'.ctly Homemade; potato yeast. "'t.DellinieMen, Farnam Street. R 749 ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of goods sold by one man the day before Christmas 1902, at our store. This means that you can get auythlng you want of us in fine pipes. Humidors and cigars for the holidays. Our line this year will eclipae anything of the kind In Omaha Coma and ee us. o. D. Ktplinger's Cigar Store, l Farnam st. R 6&8 26 GOLD crowns from $3; fillings from 26c: set of teeth. t2 teeth extracted free. Union , Dental Co., 1622 Douglas, room 4. R 378 Henry Ha rioean ltnon ..... He sells it at l&la r axnam at.' R 304 D13 AS?D.I01J, Ptoatins-. cheapest. beat, Douglas. - R M3S0 IF YOU WISH TO GET a Holiday Sweater Order ft Early , of BII.IS the Knitter, v . 822 8. 16th. ' R M312 DlS IVClUlbL Jan. 1st and get 1-3 off on R o II a-.T a11 Wings, crown and bridge Ddliey work. 3d floor Paxton Bik t ; R M47J Dll TrnnlQ and bags at reduction 1 rUnKb Aifred CornUh, law Fainani' R Man ui3 COLUMBIA RECORDS. Ask 11. E. Fredrlckaon. 15th and Capitol ave., Omaha.' i cents R M823 D13' P. MELCHOIR, machlDlat. 13th & Howard - ' ' ' R-3S1 ' THE GRAND PANTS CO A thoioughly- leiiab.e tauuiiug eat&ul.ah inent carrying a lull line of pure wooiena . Hakes up any suit in the house for 817 fru: any pant patterns, tl 60. No more, no less' p .r.. ui. K M610 U VEA SMITH, Plumbing and Heatlnir" .118 3. 16th st. Tel..2. Vrompt itunl ing a ape. ais U17 STRONGEST In the World." the Equita t ble Ufa Assurance society. Ita policies ara sight drafts at maturity. H D J,c,lyV.Jn;4n?vrV Merchants National bank bldg., Omaha, Neb. R M6ii POULTRY SL'PPLIES-Uilery St Co. lsn Howard. Tel. 3327. ' ' R-lij JIOLY SMOKE! Washington. 6e. Beck man's, 1607 Farnam. R lliiiO OMAHA Hsy Bale Tie Co.. 811 N. 16th at, . R-SM FRANK VODICKA CO., tailors, have moved to 3-1 S. 14th at,. In the New Kraa Theater Bldg. Would be pleased to have a. wi v. imnuiuci. mi, anu also new onea. and aee our Ute arrivals of mld-wln-ler auitinga. High-claaa tailoring at me dium prices. Dou't forgot the number 21 S.tl4th at. Tel. 3183. R-Mi!iJl BIGN painting. S. H. Coie, 13U2 Douglas R-673 ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended o. J. T. Ochiltree 20th and Lake 8U. R 70 , DEL PRADO WINE CO8 Finest California Wines and Brandies, Purest and beat for medicinal purpuaea. CACK1.EY BROS., Sols Distributers. Sixteenth and Capitol A v. R 31 Dee II NEW" barber shop, a: Merchants hotel. , to-! WIT HAVE solved on of the most difficult problems in the retail tobacco business and that la to suit all kinds of tastes in ciSHis We claim that our stock Is the mot perfectly aajrted both in quality and shades In the city. Another thing you ran t poablbly Peat our line or piins ind smoking tokuux'u cigarelies. too. w F. Sluecker, 14u4 Douglas. R."J JL. WarUn, Tailor, removed to 13u4 roulaa. M1C EM.ANF.Ot S. LIT -. SOCIETY Meets iverv Ralurday night at p. m. Programs consisting of debates, recitations, essays, orations. queries, music, etc., are given. Ex-student and, the public Invited. O ..una oinmereial College (Rohrbough Braa., Props.) (Tel. 1.) 17th and Douglas 8ts. DON'T MISS A GOOD THING et your mean and buaines luncheon at the. KAKUACH MEBlAUKAM, 418 . loTH. In price, service and cooking our meals are unexcelled. Board by week $ $ tickets, 16. JOSEPH BlRAL'B. CHEF AND PROP. R 748 DM SHOETORll'M 8hoe repaired by ma chinery; beat stock uteo; aoles. 40c, ooc, sewed 76c; ladles', 3fc; sewed, 6Jc; heels, Wc. tfc; rubber heels, 4oc. 309 N. 16th Tel. i;4. Shoes called for and delivered; work guaranteed. R 965 J7 BREAD, pies, cakes, for Xmaa. 2914 Far nam. P M641 J2 WASHING by the day or token home, by competent women. i814 Webster, rear. R-M;57 9x HEFL1N, locksmith, 309 N. 16th. Tel 974. B M456 BACK COPIES of THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing THE QUOTATIONS, May be obtained at The Bee business office. 20 PER COPY. RANDOM shafts hit no mark. Aim for a pair of Onlmods. Regent Shoe Co., J06 S. 16th at. R M822 9x "THE Language Lexicon" contains every Inngruage spoken by civilised nations. Write for circular. World Publishing Co., New Orleans, La. R M813 9x FOR SOMETHING In the bakery line freah and sweet, stop at Bradhoffs I N. 24th St. R M978 DETERMINED to meet competition, Stoecker's cigars are made- to lead. Try them. R MS33 tx "HOME AGAIN," new song; popular; all dealer?. It M'J.B X THE DEFENSE OF LADYSMITH." new book, handsomely Illustrated; many new stories of the Boer war; big seller; agents wanted. R M839 x "PAYING THE TRIBUTE." a famous painting by Rembrant. will soon be on exhibition in Omaha; look out for it. R M932 9x EYESIGHT Is precious; many wait until too late; have your eyes examined free at Huteson's, 213 Sot. 16th st - R M933 8x WAJiXlfilk MALK HELP. MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad tare upon our t ami re to convince you of this being tne tikuoi, largest ana only renabie, most pracucal baiber college iu this section of tne country; write for catalogue today. Western liarbers' Insti tute, omaha. Neb. B 4ai GOOD messengers wanted; flrsl-claas pay. A. 1). T. Co.. M S. 13th. , B 453 WANTED, for U. S. army, able-bodied, un married men,, between ages of 21 and Ha, citizens of L nlted States, of good charac ter and temperat nabits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to recruiting utlicer, itith and Dodge at., Omaha, and Lincoln, Neb. B-M154 WANTED, two agents at once; good sal ary; city work. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard at. B 464 WANTED, flrst-class sausage maker and meat cutter. One-half Interest in market for sale. C. W. Letchford, 607 & Main at.. Council Bluffs, la, B M699 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; fchort time completes by our method of constant practice and expert instructions; tools donated, diplomas granted, board provided, positions furnished. Call or write Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas t. B M77 llx BOOKKEEPER wanted, one who haa had practical experience; advlae where last employed, why left and salary expected. Address X 43, Bee office. B M768 PARTIES of Upright character to repre sent us; salary paid weekly; cash ad vanced, expenses. Colonial Co., Caxton, Chicago. B M939 14x WANTED, vouna man. 18 or 19 years old. wno nas- naa aDouc two years experience in setting type. Apply Uii f arnam m. B M935 9x Salesmen , The Hawks Nursery Co.. Wauwatosa, Wis. B M934 14 WANTED Mechanics, shopmen, engineers. structural workers, plumbers, railroad men, steamfltters, linemen, bridge build ers, carpenters, auaitors, collectors, man. agers, bookkeepera, telegraph operators stenographera. salesmen; also, technical profeaalonal, commercial employes to reg ister for opportunities everywhere; send 26 cents for application blank and plan; money positively returned to those not accepted for reglatratlon. J. H. Living ston, room 316. Continental National Bank building, 218 La Salle St., Chicago. BM96T 9x NEAT, energetic office boy, age 16, wanted at once; good chance it satisfactory Write with references X 69, Bee. B M966 11 WANTED At once, three salesmen who can hold exclusive territory on our new edition Reversible Man of the United Statea and World; slse 66x46 inches; sells everywhere because value is big and price right: gives county map of United States and Inaet maps of poaseaFion on one tide and map of world on reverse; necessity In office or home: salesmen are making from 118 to $40 a week on It: you can do as well; write at once for territory and terms. Address Rand, McNally & Co., mcago, iir . x WANTED FEMALE HELP. 100 girls. Call Canadian office, 16th & Dodge C 4f WANTED Girl for general housework at NO. Z7U1 Dodge St. C Mj69 WANTED Ladies to learn halrdreaalna. manicuring or facial massage; short time completes; tools donated, diplomas ? ranted positions furnished ; call or write or particulars. Moler College, l.i2 Doug las st. u i iix WANTED Girl for general hwisewo-k. 8640 Harney. C 28 9 WANTED Girl for general housework. 1UU) Georgia ave. C 947 WANTED Two lady agents at once; good salary, tM a month guaranteed. Call at room ci, iier urana. Mrs. J. uamraitn K7 8x WANTED Lady with small capital to take half Interest in establishing a mag netic Institute In city; must have good education; can learn profeaalon If d- sirea. Aaaress a. i, live. c aiy.u 11 YOUNG GIRL to aaslxt at general house wora. inquire izt B. th at. v M72 AGEXTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured aood in come. Agents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers muaa eaaiiy v to iuu per monin. Aa drets Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureai B'e building, Omaha. J 213 MONEY In mail order business; write for our free urosDectua. advertising, etc. veiy small capital will start you. Na tlonal Mall order Institute, Box 42. inn WAMKD-TO MEKT. WANTED Flrat clasa board with warm front room for man and two boys. Ad dress X bS. Bee. K M96S 9x FOR EXC'HAXUB. WILL exchnnae beautiful upright piano In good condition fjr horse. For particulars aoaieaa A uee. WILL TRADE a good farm for Hidden Fortune. Ilorseshow or some other go,id Ulniiig stoca. Aaurea A M, lire omre. ftV-tUO II NEW QUOTATION CONTEST "When shalhwe threo meet again." -Millions for defense but not one cent for tribute,' "Many a word at random spoken, may soothe' or wound a heart that's broken." " 7. A, $50 suit of clothes and 199 othqr prizes. For details see advertisement on page 4. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. Room at the Dellone Large, light and airy rooma, and up per moatn; loo and up per aay; steam heated,"electric lighted, private and gen eral batha; flrst-ciass service. 14th and Capitol ave. E M719 ROYAL. HOTEL, European, 16th ft Chicago. FRONT room for two, modern, 218 N. 17th. DEWEY European hotel, 11th and Farnam. rj cos NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry,-1750 Leavenwortn. 'Phone A-1783. E 3S4 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. m at a ELEGANT front roon; steam heat. 1909 capitoi ave. , is-mi AN ELEGANTLY furnished southeast cor ner front room, modern; a nice horn. 623 N. 19th. E M613 8x NICE south room, modern. 306 8. 2Sth. lei. tLxivji STATE HOTEL European. 1312 Douglas sU NICE ROOMS, light Housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th. E M637 FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; rent reasonable; no cntioren. 1U4 S. 20th. E M765 12 NICELY furnished rooms, well heated. three minutes walk rrora P. o. rxortn loth street. E M932 13x TWO rooms for light housekeeping. 1814 vveoster. m Msnso ui 11.26 PER WEEK. Doran House, 422 P. IMh. tU MUM ROOMS, furnace heat. 316 N. 15th. tel. 1834. IS M9B0 JH FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Furnished Rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland Hotel, ltitn at Chicago. F 74 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; warm looms,. gooa Doara. -mwn UPTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. r 728 P.OOMS with board: modern, steam heat. also taDie Doara. ine uresuer. auz a. mm. F-M231 J10 SUITE rooms,- 1st floor, single rooms; hot and com water. Merriam, ioio. ana uoage. F-M994 DESIRABLE front room with alcove, 211 8. 26th at. F 1.13 ROCKAWAY. 1316 Douglas. Meals. 16c. , t-MZMJ THE U. 8.- RESTAURANT, 1510 Dodge, again under tne management or vvm. BAUERMEISTER. Open all night. - F-2 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FIVE ROOMS, for rent 826 South Twen ty-third at. U M716 11 x or 4 Unfurnished rooms, heat. light, bath; close In; reference. 2408 Cass SU l O 4)27 8 FOB RENT STORES AND OFFICES. For Rent At. a Bargain The large double store in Bee Building, formerly occupied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co. 46 feet plate glass front, the only on of it kind in Omaha. Present monthly rental, $175. Will rent to single tenant for $133 per month. - Or will remodel Into two stores and rent each store for $76. , Excellent location fcr men' furnishing store, shoe store, jeweler, milliner, eta Every, tenant of the Immense Bee Build ing, City Hall, Court House and New York Life Building a pos sible patron. For further particular, ae MacCarthy Tailoring Company, ' 304-306 So 16th St FOR RENT building suitable for whole- sals purposes at 8l Farnam, 22x90, four st3rlea and flrst-class cemented basement, 6levator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixture. For price and particular Inquire U. C. RoaeWater, sec retary Bee Building Co., room loo, Bee building. I M667 FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; power furnlKhed If required. R. C. Peters at Co.. rental agents, ground floor. Ilea building. I M7K4 3-STORY and Basement, 22x100; 1006 Farnam St. Inquire- 814 First Hari Bank Bldg. 1405 FOR RENT, three upper stories In four- story bunding at io rarnam ex., two sloriea if preferred. Address C. C. Rose water. Sec y., Room 1U0. Bee bldg. I-M986 WANTED SALESMEN. WANTED, two good men on M. Walter Dunne s greatest success; exclusive ter ritory and liberal arrangements to right man. ' Absolutely new and exclusive. Men accustomed to large salary especially wanted. Addresa W 40. Be. Mi22 SALESMEN wanted to represent Lindsay Chemical CO., winoua, suiu., m a y -dial line. M-672 lix BACK COPIES of THIS WEEK S ISSUES. . containing THE QUOTATIONS. May be obtained at The Bee business office. , tC PER COPY. FIR DRESSING. J. E. WALLACE. Taxldermuit, 0a 8. 13th. MlklCAL, THOS. 1. KELLY, vole. Davldge block. LETOViiKY'8 ORCHE8TRA. Tel. L-2b84. BECHTOLD'8 union orchestra. 211 S. l?'h at. M600 Jl EXPERT piano tuning and action regu lating; reasonable vrice; satisfaction guar anteed. Collins Piano Co., 11$ 8. 17th. Tel 2334. DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK, 617 Karbach block. Tel. A-2832. 406 THE BEBOUT DFTECTIVE AGENCY ft N. T. LIFE. TELEPHONE Si40. 7u FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ENGLISH & CO., Paxton Blk In West Farnam district; 9 room modern residence, the last one I have for quick sale at 1,800. RE M 124 HARRISON aV MORTON. TRACKAGE. RE 64i FOR SALE, twelve-acre rrult farm at Braldentown, Florida; water front, young orange and banana grove, and good bouaa. Address Lock liox 66. Clltner. Neb. RE IBS REAL ESTATE bargains. Full lot and three houses In E. V. Smith's addition, only, $2,360. Thomas Brennan, 809 So. 13tu street. RE Mu5 $13,000 WILL BUY 1T1 One of the finest quarter sections In Sarpy county; 17 miles from Omaha; all under a high state of cultivation; fenced and crosa fenced; good house, large barns, cribs, granaries, three acres In young bearing orchard; windmill and other improve ments. - ....... 13,0 will buy this elegant farm if taken soon WESTERFIELD St HILL Sole Agent. 61 First National Dank. RE M6CC CHEAS- Williamson Co., gift M RE 49 FOR SALE Large house, 12 room. lot; house cot 22,U0; $1,800 barn; west part of city; will sell for $16,000. Address W 28. Bee office. RE M738 DO YOU WANT TO . SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm, iir ranch tell the farmer and tock raisers about It. The best way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 46,000 homes ot farmers and stock raisers, so if you have a good piece of land to sell at a ruinnihlii nrli-n vou will lind a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement la small 2 cents per word in small type or $2.60 per Inch if set In large type. THE TWbNTlETH CENTURY FARMER, OMAHA, NEB.. Rj&-32 HARRISON & MORTON, ACREAGE. RE 644 $2,400 New six-room house at 8716 Leaven worth; modern except furnace; corner lot; 70 feet front, car line passes door; $400 cash, balance easy payments at 6 per cent. Telephone 2736. KE 408 RANCH and farm lands for site by the 1 TJnloa Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllaster, land commissioner. Union facltto headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 410 COTTAGF, Built only two year, would cost more to build today; .four nice rooms on the first, three room and 'bath on the second; lo cated In 'i uH ' BEMIS PARK Nice lot, 44x142 ft..' half block from Harney car; nice shade trees, brlek walk; owner built this cottage, for a home, but offer it at a sacrifice tor quick sale at $2,000 See us or took at; (he property. No. 3317 Myrtle ave. . ,, W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. RE 677 SEE Spencer's bargain. O N. Y. Ufa. RE 61 Jl I J ST your city property with us for quick eale. We have the buyers. The Abbott Cowan Co., $12-314-316 Brown Blk. RE M160 On Easy Payments $fl&0.00-4-r. cottage, 2212 N. 27th. $a60.00 Double houe, lot 50x128, 2017 Martha, itiuO.OO 7-room house, 3721 Ohio. $860.00 4-r. house, lot 60x160, 8117 Marcy. $1,60.006 rooms, lot 60x168, 2247 Pierce. $2,7bO.OO 10-r.. modern. 3 lots, near Dundee. $3,750.00 Double house, modern, near da pots. . ' $'5,000.00 KounUe Place, 10-r., modern. 2 lota. GARVIN BROS., Com'l Nat. Bank Bldg.. 1604 Farnam St. RE M8 HOUSES FOR SALE ' - GEORGE AND COMPANY, ItiOl FARNAM ST. AN OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A DESIR ABLE MODERN HOUSE AT A LOW PRICE. , . We are offering for sale No. 610 Park ave., 9-room house that cost to build over $8,000. Has furnace heat, modern open plumbing throughout and is In flrst-class repair. Property has an east frontage of 75 feet on Park ave. by 140 ft. deep fronting on 30th st. The ground alone is worth almost the price asked for the property $6,5u0.00. ' $3 9fl0 00 For No. 1117 South 30lh ave., 8-room modern house, built three years ago, oak finish, hardwood floors; very desirable location. $2,i0.00 For No. 1614 South 2iih St., 8-room modern house, hot water heat, with good barn, permanent sidewalks. Immediate posses sion can be given. . $2,800.00 For No 718 South Hath -St., 8-room house, modern except furnace, good repair. Thl Is Just north of Leavenworth at. East front. ' $2,SUOOO For No. 3008 South (:0th t., 6-room new cottage, with bath room, gas, water and ewer, and in fac I modern except fur-i-.c-e. Ia a very attractive place and well worth the price aaked. This la on 2oth street pne-half block north of Vin ton. 12.1&0.OO No. 1111' North 18th t.. 8-room house, mod ern except furnace, lot 83x140 ft., place ia In flrst-class repair and is now renting for $20.00 per month. , 12,100.00 No. 2604 St. Mary's ave., C-room cottage, good neighborhood, easy walking distance from city, place haa juat been put In flrt-claa repair. RE M 938 10 EQUITY in 160-acre farm, well Improved, Fremont county. Iowa; will trade for Council Bluffs residence property; bot tling works to trade. Addrtss K. Bee Of fice, Council Bluffs. Ia. Rfc M 9(5 FOR SALE Business block In good Kan sas town, paying 6 per cent net on invest ment; Investigate, Cau lor your real es tate or business, no matter where lo cated; If you desire quick sale, aend price and deacrlption. I. N. Wells A Bon, Emporia, Kansas. RE 912 13x BIG SNAP. $860 for 3504 Hamilton, 4 rootis, city water, gas and fixtures, brick walkt, nl repair; don't delay. D. V. SHOLESXO. T22 N. Y. Life. HS450 and 550 U For Lots on So. 32nd. S blocks from end or car line, near Hans, com park. Theae are nice bullolng lots acd convenient to Bouth Omaha. Hastings & Heyden, iio tu n. Y. Uf. T,lrJ 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BEE Chris Ro'yor before buying. 22d and Cuming. 'Phono 2048. RE M461 14 HARR18GN & PROPERTY. MORTON, BISINESS RE-543 A Christmas Gift For your boy or girl, or your wife or sweetheart, or yourself, that would be suitable, useful, profitable, is one of thoae choice lots In MOOREB OR WALLACE'S SUBDIVI SIONS. Lake and 27th 'Ave., well located, cheap, on easy terms. See me about them. GEORGE O. WALLACE, BROWN BLK. RE MM . SMALL HOl'SE for sale, three blocks north of Cuming, near 43d St. Address X, 82, Bee. RE MS42 9x FOR HHNT HOISES. FOR-RENT 7-room house, city water, gas, furnace, ail modern, on Park ave., $4v. 4-room houae, city water, UM Mhsoii. C. M. Bachmann, 434-37 Paxton Block. D MsMi FOR RENT Seven-room cottage, large yard. In good condition. Wm. K. Potter, rec. 303 Brown block. D 412 Uni 1CPC In all parts of the city. The 11UUOCO u.-h Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg. D 4W HDFKPQ m all parU of the city. R. HUUOE3 c, fetors & Co.. Bee Bldg. D 4 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Slorag-J Co., office LulVi Farnam, or Tels. I5u-8i3. D-415 2608 DAVENPORT, 10 rooms, modern oxespt furn"0'. barn, $06. 813 Park ave., v rooms, modorn except furnace, $32.60. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1S20 Farnam St. D M41U NINE-ROOM modern house, nicely fur nished, centrally located. W. Farnam Smltn &. Co., 1320 Farnam St. D M417 . WALLACE, Brawn Block. $362011 Sherman ave., 8 large rooms, all convenience, laundry, bara, good repair, pleasant home. D 418 MODERN house, west part of city. In ex cellent condition. For good tenant at once an extra low rate will be made. William K. Potter, receiver, 803 Brown block. D 419 PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO.. choice housa. 601-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1(116. D 420 SEVERAL good houses, $10 to $18. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. D MHO WE MOVE pianos. Mnegard Van & Stor. age Co., Tel. 1496. Cfflce, 1713 Webator st. D 421 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D 423 FOR RENT, 6-room house, 25G3 Wool worth ave.; porcelain 4 bath, gas,, hot and cold water; newly painted and papered . throughout $M. J. H. Sherwood, New York Life Bldg. D M66i 1126 S. 86th st, 6-room house, city! water $12.00. 2818 S. 19th t., 8-room house.. $20.00. 1925 fl. 38th St., 6-room house; well $10.00.. 2418 8. 10th at., 6-room flat; bath; city water 112.60. ' 8216 Burt t l-room cottage $6J0. 8817 N. 19th St., 6-room house; well, cistern -11.00. - " ' 2924 Grant St., t-room cottage; eltjr water $7.00. Sl N. 17th St., 6 rooms upstairs $12.00. 2212 Clark St., 6-room cottage $12.00. MCAOUE INVESTMENT CO., 1606 Dodge st. D696 FOR RENT. No. 138 North 38th ave., very attractive and desirable residence of U rooms, mod ern throughout $ti0.00 per month. No. 8504 South 20th st., 8-room modern house . two blocks south of 20th and Vinton streets; car line $25.00 per month. No. 1611 Howard St., 2 flat consisting of 13 rooms. In best of repair $66.00 per month. GEORGE A COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St. ' D-M937 20 FLAT 6 rooms, modern. Inquire 1516 N. 24th t. D M9C9 14x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WB TRUST THE PEOPLE. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE. MONEY TO LOAN ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE, WITHOUT SECURITY. WITHOUT PUBLICITY. We ' alao loan money on FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES, etc., without removal of goods LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS. DON'T pay a high rate of interest for money, but call and get our rate befoi going elsewhere. Our plan Is the CHEAPEST, BEST and MOST PRIVATE In the city. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room -3U7-3W Paxton' Block. X-M425 EASY IS Best tApiauis our raelhoua. We loan uu turniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, eto. Or 11 you have a permaneul yoMluon wa can maao yuu a SALAKSf LOAN without aecuray, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is quick uud coundentlai, and we always try to please. All that we ask Is that you give us a call before you borrow eljewhere. OMAHA MORTGAOt; LOAN CO., U3 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 22!fe. vEstaollshed tei. Ju6 d. 16m bt. X M426 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. L1V1S STOCK. SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy term, atusiuess conttdenUal. Try us it yuu want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 63$ Paxton Block, 16lh aud Farnam st. X 427 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO .SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team ster, boarding hounta, etc., without se curity, easiest terms; 40 oltlces In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade iiliig. X Mi MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried veopie; Dusiness connuentlnl; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 429 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew. elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13. X 430 CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., R. 6. Barker Block. X til MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. U. Thomas, First Nat'l Bauk Bldg. Tel. IMa. Wiii PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 N. Y. Life. 433 6 TO C P. C. money, Bemla, Paxton block. W 434 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas. W-4J6 WANTED City loan and warrant. W Farnam Smith & La, 1320 Faruam St. W 4J0 FIVE per cent loan. Garvin Bros., Ii04 farnam. v iji WANTED Real eatate loan and warranta. R. C. Peter A Co.. Bee Bldg. W 4Ja MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. 6S farm loans. R. C. Patterson, 1224 Far nam. v saw.' WANT I or 3 Jl.OOfc and $2 000 loan for ouatomar. . L. weaa, w ioui 01. W AlVOt IV FOR BALE MISCELLANKOl 6. SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; billiard tables repaired; a large ttica ot cheap bar tlx I urea, cigar counters, eto. The Brunswick-Balke Collender Co.. 4o7- 8. 10th St. y 4ti 16 CHOICE Duroc-Jersey boars i t farmer prices; also gilts. W. W. Wheeler. Har lan, Iowa. y M626 13 SECOND-HAND VEHICLES. 1 six pass rockaways, 1 coupe, 1 Iniidaua, $ bus. wagon. A. J. Simpson, lfctt Douk. , -438 D14 80 SQUARE PIANOS $M EACH. 6u CENTS PER WEEK. SCHMOLLER A MUELLER, Largest Piano Dealers in the West. 1313 Farnam. - U 39v CIGAR store, dxturea; finest In city; must be sold; tot particulars address U 43, He. Q M&i D13 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. Q-397 IRON &. Wire fencea, tree guard.', trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co., iOo N. 17th st. Q "8 CATALOGUE cut drug price free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FOR SALE, seversl scholarships In a flrst class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete rourae In business, short hand und typewriting. Inquire at Be olDce. Q 853 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnnm. y-ou CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long Mr timbers. 901 Douglas. Q 401 FOR SALE, Knabo concert grand piano; condition good. Address Lock Box 86, Glltner, Neb. Q !$ TWO fine depot wagons. 3 rockaways, 1 cmipe, 2 trap. 1 wagonette, 2 drays. Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Hr- , ney. Qm CLOSING out hard coal stoves at less than 14 price from 15 tip. Furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 20M. Q 403 BLACK HILLS POTATOES. New York ap ples, home-grown celery. Special atten tion to 'phone orders. Prompt delivery. , liuffett & Son, 14th and Harney. Q-M6J8 II WOOD 6,00ft cords of cottonwood for eale. Inquire 606 28th St., East Omahn. Q-MD61 14x LIMONITE Mual have money. Make me an offer for a block of Llmonlte Tunnel Mining stock. Address X 63, Be. Q 931 13 AM AUTHORIZED to sell at bargain diamond stud, ring and pair earring left In pawn. Diamond Loan OtTlce, 1401 Doug lasV 1 Q.-950 FOR SALE Smith-Premier typewriter. In good condition. 429 Omaha Nat'l bank. Q-618 FOR SALE Furniture of 10 rooma; house modern and well filled with good room ers nnd boarder. For Information call at 619 South 20th st. Q 953 8x A WORD about shoes. Onlmods are great est value, $3.60, $2.60. Regent Shoe Co., 205 S. Kith at. Q MTO6 9x BUSINESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange ony property or business quick, see J. H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y-3S4 EXCHANGES of all kinds. To buy or sell a business or exchange merchandise for a land or city property, call or write Sholes Armstrong Co., '.21-2 N. Y. "life. Tel. 49. Y MT93 FOR SALE. Interest in a Central Ne braska National bank; stock pays annual dividends of 8 per cent. Will sell at book value. Address X 30, Bee Y M670 10 A LAUNDRY for sale: a oargaln If taken at once, ror particulars aaaresa tn Avoca Laundry, Avoca, Ia. T-M67S lOx CASH for dry goods, clothing and general mercnanaiae siocks, tiu.uvu to tsu.iuu. Ad dress, with full particulars, 301 First National Bank, Omaha, Neb. Y 729 MUST sell a pool hall, bowling alley and cigar store, clearing ihiu mommy, an tn nme building: good terms: lively town. Chas. E. Hall, Orchard, Neb. X MOW U FOR SALE, good harness and Implement business in Nortneaatern rseoraasa. Ad dress X 66. Bee. Y M933 14 FOR BALE Second-hand furniture bual- naas In Omaha; doing good Duaineaa. ao. dress X 62 Bee. Y M971 12x 'NEW GALENA" mining stock Is boom ing. I would stake my last cent on this oonservatlve paper; particulars. Address Hugo Brown, Cripple Creek, Colo. Y-MK37 9x CLAIRVOYNTS. OYLMER, palmist. 715 N. 23d; 'phone B- 3246. - Bii MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN thing told, past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 844 MADAM MOYNIHAN.graduat School of Oooult Science, New lora. export palm ist, clairvoyant, physiognomist; traces and describes thieves or friends; locates minerals. I will guarantee my readings and the charges will be nothing If I can not see your friend as they are or de scribe your home. I have read for the late President McKlnley, Mrs. Potter Palmer, Mme. Pattl and many other prominent people. Will accept engage ment to read and entertain in home. 1616 DOUGLAS 8T. S-M103 BUSINESS MEDIUM. 773 N. 17th st. 8-131 PROF. HARRY, clairvoyant and palmlat; no oinerence wnai irouoie you may nav consult him, ha can and will help you; readings. $1. Room 6, Krug theater. 8-177 26 FREE reading to all person born tn the montn 01 june, ena exact day and year of birth. Address Mm. Mlxel. Atlanta, Oa. 8 Ma34 8x KNOWLEDGE I the key to succea. Con sult iror. firo. 'ree. Address Prof. Plro, 1843 Hamilton St., Peoria, 111. S-MF27 8x WHO shall be your future husband, what investments will pay, and other vital question answered. Write to Execuro, Palmist, Dea Moines, la. 8 Ms43 9x OSTEOPATHY, Johnson Institute, 615 N. Y. Life. bldg. T. 1664 Th Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. T.2362. 4W Ataen A Far well. Paxton blk., 604-7. T. 136S. lau DR. GRACE DEEGAN, 831 N. Y. Life. TU zu. 4il Fayette Cole, (Osteopath, 6Ct Paxton block. -143 DANCING ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' New Academy, 2424 Farnam. Adult beginner, Monday and Saturdays, $ p. m.; assemblies, Wednesdays. 8:80 p. m.j children beginners, Wednesdays, 4 p. m., Saturdays, 2 p. m.; advanced, Satur days only, 4 p. m. I 'Phone, F-1871; res., A-1871. 70S MORAND'S, 15th and Harney; adult begin ners, Tues. & Frl., 8 p. m.; children, Sat.: assemblies. Wed. Tickets for lessons sold at a reduced price this month, good until used; private lesson dally. Tel. 1 41. -954 J7 1 PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. 318 8. 16th St.. Omaha. Tel. 1798. 383 PATENTS-Sues A Co.. Omaha. Neb. Il lustrated patent book free. Tel. l'i?3. M-70 D"x FIRNITIRB PACKING. Peterson A Lund berg. 115 8. 17th. Tel. L-S35& H 469 FLORISTS. HESS A 8WOBODA. 141$ Farnam. 419 L HENDERSON, florist. 1619 Farnam 8u 440 TICKET BROKBMS. CUT-RATE railroad tlcketa everywhere. P. H. PhliDln, m arnana. rnouei. PERSONAL.. WE RENT eewlrg machines at 7Rc week. 12 tier month; we repair and TRc nd self part for every machine manufactured second machines from $1 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co.. 16lh and Harney. U 44 "VI A VI" way to health. $W Bt building. Omaha. U 444 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladle before and during confinement. Dr. and Mr. GorUch, 3t;J5 California it. Term reasonable. U-448 GOLD ELECTRO PLATING. C 1 1 VCD Old metallto articles made new. oILVbK OMAHA FLAU.NG CO. Mir' It' CI REMOVED TO listo HARNEY. ImLKCL TELEPHONE 3o6. U 138-D-24 PRIVATE hoapltal durlruj connnement; nnoies auopteu. Mrs. veiuei, Tel. Ked-18M. PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium. 728 1st ave., Council Bluffs, Ia. U 6- BACK COPIES Of THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing THE QUOTATIONS, May be obtained at The Bee business office. 2C PER COPT. WATER'S PRINTING CO.. J Dougla at. U M tf WANTED, to meet stylish and good look. Ing young lady; object pastime. Address X 76. Bee. U-M907 $x PRIVATE hospital before and during con. flnemt'tit. Mrs. L. Fisher, 2616 80. Htn. Tel. 1889. U 447 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists, $1. U 448 DR. PRIES treat successfully all dlsoaac and irregularities of women from sny cause; experienced nnd reliable. 1613 Dodge st., Arlington block, Omaha. . U-449 WHAT'S nicer than accordion pleating? Wa do nothing but the finest. Goldman Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. U-450 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools 1 and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced price. 6-1 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. U 461 EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT DK. WILKINSON, CRE1GHTON BLOCK. Treatment and operation for catarrh; catarrhal deafness, enlarged ' tunslla, chrnnlo sore throat, cross eyes, ete. Free from 2 tc 6 o'clock. Examination fr-e. 15th and Dougla. U-884 82 LIKE the bell cow,-we lead Dresher the Tailor 1615 Farnam; open evenings. Too busy making clothe to close. U-6 B Stammering Cured. J. Vaughn, Ramgo bid. . U-576 CALITZO Meet me at Huteson's, expert Optician, 213 8. Will St.; going to get a pair of hi "Patent Slip Not", eyt glafgca. He test free. U 63a Jl ROBINSON'S Shining Parlor, 1320 Doug lu t. ' U MSt9 Ji M A flMPTTi"" treatment A bathe. Mme. I'lrtVJl 1 C I It-. Bmitll, 118 N. 16, 8 fir. r. 2 , U M944 F8x ISA BELLE I will be at the depot when you arrive. HENRY. - . U-3I832 9x ELITE parlor. 15 8. 16th, 2d floor. . . U M98j MONEY loaned on valuables. 1316 Douglas. U M960 J8 SMOKE the best Blnderup Cigar. ... U M958 J8 BOOTH 1NE will sooths wounds, ,ores or unrasiona. Try it. ah aruggists. , . . .. U M146 9x THAT heart pin, George, will suit. Bo sure to get it wnue jcu can. . h;mma. .U AT136 9x WE HAVE the best $3.60 ho that' to b found wet of Chicago. Regent Bhoe Co., 205 8. 15th at. U M137 9x MEDICAL. LIQUOR HABIT CURED In I day pay when cured; no nypoaermic. write mr tooklet. Gatlln Institute, 216 & 14th at. -341 14 3ACK COPIES of THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing THIC QUOTATIONS, May be obtained at The Be buln9 cfflce. 2CPER COPT. CUROQflK I the best healer for any open wouna. Try 11. ah aruggists. . -M147 x Piles Cured WITHOUT PAIN Bv W. C. Maxwell. M. D.. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical Col lege or New york city. 624-6 Pee Building. Omaha, Neb. Private Heceptlon Room for Ladle. WANTED TO BIY. SECOND-HAND book. Crane, 207 N. 16th. DON'T give your furniture and carpet away. J. ievine pays tne nignest casn price. Telephone 77L N-M1C4 BOOKS bought and sold. Room 822 N. Y. Lite bldg. Shonfeld, the Antiquarian. N-sui n TOBACCO tags, coupons, bought. 20914 8. ..... V. rrn-, T , um. .-iji j 1 Dnnlc bought, sold. Antique Bonk Con DOOKb oern, 213 Karbach blk. Tel. 801. v N 6L9 WANTED, to buy. Interest In a country bank that Includes a position by man of experience with best reference. Address X 42, care Bee. N MSth 10 WANTED Second-hand, about fVhorse pewer Corless engine and about tO-liorsa power horizontal, tubular boiler. Address jx W.Bae. N 96114 WANTED SITUATION, YOUNG roan wants rlac to work for roard. Tel. 1984. Boyle College. A 730 $ WANTED Situation a housekeeper in well ordered home, competent and re liable. Address X64, Bee. A M942 13x COSTIMES. Theatrical and raaaq. Lie ben. 1013 Farrmm. FOR BALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. SECOND-HAND top buggy, with rubber tliea,. $30; runabouts, llz and I La. Ander- s. n-Mlllard Co., 1616-1618 Capitol Ave. 't el. Bt P-275 U NEW and 2d-hand vehicle for salef re- . . . n. . ..... . , T pairs. x&. rniii, iu iu una. v . P 167 MILK WAGON and buggy; a big snap. Bee A. W. jonnson, witu John Deer plow Co. P 13J6 13 THREE-YEAR-OLD broncho, broken to saddle, sound, weight fcuO. Address X 89. Bee. P MJ38 9x LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN A PRICE. 410 1st Nat bk. bldg. NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. T. Lite bldg., attorney and collector ry wher. uj Arttrur L. Warrick, 40$ War blk. TaU 1$ t Ul W V. WAPPICH, AVDICE free. Creljthto. Blk. MM TORAOBi. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1611 ram. Tela. lirv-U . . -471 1