Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Tifteei thimnd in Tri-Oitiei, Biti Dr.
J. M. Aikia ii Lectors.
Telia (inir(atl at lxw Areas
Freskrterlaa (hirrk Ipne "tart-
lla Thlags from Vlewpnlat
af Phrslrlaa.
Arrordins to Informatiort which has bwn
furnished Ir. I M. Alkln, South Omaha.
Council Bluffs and Omaha have 16,000 people
who une cocaine. By this la not meant
that all of these are what are known aa
cocaine "flenda." hut that they use the
drug In some form or other.
Thia startling declaration wan made last
nlnht by Dr. Alkln In a lecture at tho Lowe
Avenue Presbyterian church, upon the
theme: ''Ine.mperance Among Temperance
People As Been From a Physician's View
point." And not only was the statement
made that the above number of users of
cocaine were to be found In South Omaha,
Council Bluffs and Omaha, but the state
ment also wss made that the number of
persons who are twins; the drug Is Increas
ing at an alarming rate. And to prove and
mphaKlse this assertion, Dr. Alkln related
a conversation which he had recently with
a Clerk In one of the Omaha drug stores,
in ' which the clerk stated that the first
thing he did each morning, the year round,
was to wrap np a large number of 6 and
10 cent packages of cocaine for each day's
supply. The statement also was made that
one of the local drug stores had recently
placed an order for tS.Ono worth of thia
Dr. Alkln's address consisted largely of
a protest against the use of patent proprie
tary medicines. .It was held that many a
Godly father and mother used these articles
which all contain from 10 to 60 per cent of
alcohol and then they wonder how It la
that their boya have acquired the taste
for liquor. Alcoholism was defined as a
chronic poisoning resulting from the use of
alcohol, and that alcohol Is of use to no
ona and harmful to everyone. It was also
declared to be a fact that persons af
flicted with erysipelas, scarlet fever and
other well-known diaeases, have the bet
ter chance of recovery by two to one If
they have not been addicted to the use of
alcohol, than that class of people who
nave used alcohol In any of its multitudin
ous forms.
Pateat Medlclae Gives Taste.
During his lecture Dr. Alkln gave the
names, of many well-known patent medi
cines which are sold In this country and
also Indicated the amount of alcohol which
each contained, and these amounts ranged
from 10 to as high aa 70 per cent. The uni
versality with which cocaine Is used In
these, medicines was held to be largely re
sponsible for the Increasing number of
those who are addicted to the use of co
caine, which is superseding morphine.
In this connection it was held that Ine
briety is as much a dlaease as any other,
and among these tubercolosls was named.
Thia dread disease was numbering Its vic
tims by the thousands among the black
people of the south and If the present ratio
of Increase In this disease was maintained.
It would do more towards solving the race
Question than anything which might be
named or devised.
It was held that the liquor interests of the
country are largely responsible for the ex
tensive use of alcohol In patent and pro-
prletary medicines, since the desire for
liquor must be created and maintained In
on way or another and the uae of alco
hol In medicines Is conceded to be on of
the best' subterfuges that could be thought
of. ,
IMppnjALisM or tub christian.
Mr. W. P. Harford, MlssUnary. talks
Tata 'abject.
. Mrs. W. P, Harford, who spent several
years as the - private secretary of a mis
sionary, delivered an address yesterday
forenoon at Kountse Memorial church on
tha subject of "Christian Imperialism."
Mrs. Harford told of the rapid strides
made by Christian missionaries In all parts
f ths world In the aiding In tho conversion
of the heathen. In support of her belief
that the evangelisation of the entire world
la near at hand ah cited the Immense
concourse of missionaries who were pres
ent at the . conference of foreign missions
In New York three years ago and the mes
sages of good work accomplished which
they brought with them. She said thia
wss the largest conference ever held In the
history cf the world and that the next
would be still larger,
. The. speaker produced soma strong argu
ment to prove that Christianity must tri
umph In the end as It is tight and all
other' beliefs, ' Including agnosticism, ra
tionalism and pantheism, are wrong. She
sa!t that- tha missionary is the hand which
Is extended to the heathen and the church
only help to reach out that hand. She
believes that every effort ahould be made
by the 'people who stay at home to help
xtend the hand a little farther so that It
may . reach the uttermost parts of tha
In the freeing of Cuba by the United
States Mra.. Harford saw a good aign of
the progress of Christianity. - She com
pared thla act f a great government with
the acta of governments under, similar
conditions In the past and left her hearers
to draw their own inference, which she
thought so plala a' child could under
Them of Serasaa br Rev. g. 1),
Dateher of Oklahoma, City.
Rev. 8. D. Dutcher of Oklahoma City, to
whom the congregation of the First Chris
tlaa church has extended a pastoral call.
(reached before as large an audience as the
temporary quarters at Arcanum hall, 8lx
teenth and Harney,, would hold Kvnday
Morning. The theme of his sermon wis
th necessity, practicability and profitable.
nee of love. ' His idea Is that Individuals
of a congregation should be Servants to
on aotherr assisting In a mat-rial way
Spaulding & Co.
' .. Goldsmiths Silversmiths and Jewelers
'.'V Importers of '
Diamonds Precious Stones'
Watches and Art Goods
; Producers of '
Uich Jewelry and Silverware
' ; We are showing many novelties in
gold and ullver and art things, e.
fc elusive in design.
Our "Suggestion Book mailed on application.
Special and artistic Corm t and latest form
deaigna furnished in Fine Stationery.
fcpauldiug & Co JacUou Dlvd Cor State St Chicago
and exhibiting genuine proof of Iotj and
"Jesus triumphed hers une of love." ssid
the preacher. "It Is the bsslo quality that
maintained Christianity down the ages.
JrAus, as Ood's magnet, draws people to
Him from the summit of the uplifted cross,
puts Ills kindly arm about them and prom
lees and gives everlasting shelter.
"To my mind, Jrsus was never greater
than when He bent and bathed the feet
of Ills disciples. The church has never st
talned greater power or 'lone me good
than when It cloaked Itself With service,
did away with kings and ecclesiastical
princes and ministered with the sole Idea
of 'contributing to one snother's happiness.
"I believe In -every large city such as
Omaha, or In any community, that church
people ought to look after each ither's In
terests and become the servants to each
other, meanwhile doing good to all men as
opportunity presents."
rhrlatlaa Kalghts of Grip Close Their
Convention Series. .
The Oldeons, the Christian Travellngmen's
association, held a meeting last night at the
First Methodist church. W. J. Hill, state
superintendent, presided. Mr. Hill resides
In Lincoln. .
After Rev. E. Comhle Smith, pastor of
First church, announced that It was a
pleasure that the regular services were dis
pensed with and the church placed at the
service of the Gideon delegates, who have
been holding convention In this city at the
Young Men's Christian association rooms,
Mr. Hill read resolutions thanking the
press, the clergy and the Young Men's
Christian association for favors and kind
nesses shown and then Introduced J. H.
Nichols of Lincoln, who has all data per
taining to the Oldeon movement at his
finger tips.
Mr. Nichols told how the movement be
gun in the year 1892 In the dingy little office
of a hotel In Boscobel, Wis. Three men
who had grown weary of the devil and his
ways, and traveling men at that, conceived
the Idea of organizing a clan pledged to
Ood and the cause of Christianity. The
growth of the movement, he declared, had
been so marvelous that reference to It bad
become proverbial. The Gideons were' now
4,000 strong and Invaded Canada and had
seventy local camps In large r.ities and
twelve state camps.
With characteristic real and fervor
Charles Palmer told his hearers of the
work the Gideons had accomplished and
of the good they Intend doing in the future.
"We are an egotistical lot," he declared.
"We believe In ourselves, and what travel
ing man Is a success who does not believe
In himself, his house and his line? The
Gideon movement Is a means to an end
and we are not after a multitude an en
ormous membership but we are after every
knight of the grip who Is Inclined to array
himself on the side of Christianity. Give
us the gospef divested of rhetoric, free'
from verbiage, clothed not In high sound
ing and meaningless phraseology, but sim
ply and lovingly spoken, and we will be
content. I stand today with Brother Budd
Robinson, whose one ambition Is to land
safely beside the Jordan river and to sit on
the bank and lot his feet hang down Into its
waters for 400 or 600 years. I am like the
old woman who, though short on logic, was
long on faith, when cornered by an agnos
tic on the Jonah whale story, said: 'When
I get to heaven I'll ask Jonah.' 'But sup
pose he isn't there?' suggested her agnostic
friend, and she replied, 'Well, then 1 11 let
you ask htm.' " f .
Ura la the Pal pit.
W. M. Swain, who Is the oldest trustee
of the Kountse Memorial church, preached
a sermon In that edifice last night upon
the text: "She hath don what ahe could."
The singing was enjoyable. Miss Macey
Staplehorst rendered a solo, and the work
of the male quartet at both morning and
evening service was fine. Dr. Porter also
rendered several solos upon th cornet.
Sergeant Stops Farther Sale af
Tickets at Theater to Pre
vent Stampede,
Somebody In the crowd Jostling about
Manager Gonden in the lobby cf the Krug
theater yesterday afternoon shortly after
I o'clock said, very distinctly:
"You're full. Don't take any more."
Mr. Gonden was reared In the prohibition
precincts of Iowa and was as dry and
sober as a crop bulletin. Se he felt piqued
and turned to tell the man to go hence.
The man proved to be Police Sergeant
Cook. Therefore Mr, Gonden hesitated,
and while he was hesitating the officer ex
plained that the remark referred only to
the theater, saying:
"I've been through the house and Its got
all It can comfortably accommodate. You'll
have to stop selling tickets, as we have
had orders to prevent Jams hereafter In
all the theaters. Some woman or child
might get hurt If .your aisles get choked,"
The manager gased dubiously at the Jong
Ineup still trailing from the box office and
said: .
"We've got room for some up In the
balcony. I don't like to turn 'era away.'
Aa he spoke he toyed suggestively with
a cigar that looked to be about the kind
the sergeant would smoke If he didn't have
anything, else to do with his money. But
the officer stood pat.
"No, I've been up there," he said, "and
you've got all that'a coming tu you. You'll
have to shut m off." ...
Accordingly the gate closed and the wait,
ing patrons with the. ready money had to
go away or play the future openings.
It Is perhaps the first Instance of the
police stopping a sale of theater tickets in
Omaha, and It Is worthy of note Just at
this time, because It shows what a "show
town" this is becoming, or, indeed, has
become.- From the east and aouth reports
are frequent of poor business. Omaha
wants the fun, has the money and Is will
ing to spend It.
Beats All Its Rivals. .
No salve, lotion, balm or oil can compare
with Bucklen's Arnica Salve for healing.
It kills pain. Chips or no pay. 26c. For
sale Jjy Kuhn & Co.
President Tith Believes In Patriotic Idea
ia BnsineM, Tea,,
Ills Notion KiempllSed la His Own
Career and that af the Com
panies He Is Associated
When President Stuyvesant Fish of the
Illinois Central railroad told a body of em
ployes, some years bsck, that "big concen
trators of capital re not evils, "-and that
"when - the era of such combinations is
trttlons of capital are not evils," and that
better off than ever it was under the old
order of things," he was not merely voicing
a "capitalist" argument.
Ever since May, 1887 when he became
chief executive of the road, Mr. Fish haa
souaht to Identify with his own Interests
not only those of the shareholders, but
those of the men under htm. He has
learned to understand the problem facing
those who obey as well as those who
The age of 20 found him a clerk in the
road's New York office. At a recent gath
ering of financial mnguutes he naively said
thst, during this period of clerkship, he
fed and clothed himself entirely on the
allowance of $50 a month, to which Ms
father confined him. And the outcome of
this schooling was that, becoming a di
rector within five years, he was the com
pany's moving spirit long before the fifteen
years had elapsed which it took hlin to gain
the presidency.
Later-day remarks, traceable to these
early experiences, are many.
"When 1 first went to work, my country
men ownefl only one-seventh of the com
pany's stock. Now they own three-quarters
of It," he told a stockholders' meeting last
year, and then "I believe In American sup
port of American concerns." '
"The real wealth of a people Is Its brawn
and muscle, Its brain and wit, the land It
Uvea on and makes fruitful," Is another
His private life has the sturdy ring of
his speech. Although his wife is accorded
by common consent one of the highest
places in American social life, the appear
ance of his name In the society columns of
the newspapers Is as perfunctory as is his
presence at the functions thus chronicled.
Member of a score of clubs, a "clubman"
he most essentially Is not. It has even
been whimsically questioned whetber the
functionaries of these Institutions see him
with sufficient frequency to know who he Is.
His Interests lie entirely in the responsi
bilities intrusted to his charge. For the
welfare of the great concerns representing
the people's Investments, some 'one must
labor; and among the few prominent men
who prefer to do this themselves' Instead
of paying others to do It for them, Stuy
vesant Fish Is foremost. Mr. Fish is a
director In various railroads, bank and
trust companies, and is also a trustee of
The Mutual Life Insurance company of
New York, whose meetings he attends reg
ularly, and enjoys the consciousness of
having contributed In some degree to the
welfare of its hundreds of thousands of
policy-holders. The vast slse and great
reputation of The Mutual Life,' oldest In
America and largest In the vorld; draw to
Its service -the most conspicuous men in
the country, who feel complimented upon
being asked to Join its Voard of trustees.
and this company, as well as the others
upon whose boards he serves, are fortunate
In having the advice of such a man - as
Etuyvesant Fish. From Washington (D. C.)
Post, November 20.
Considerable Warm Atmosphere E
capss la Corridors af the
Local Hotels.
"There waa a versatile old fellow In our
town In Minnesota named White," said
Charley Eckert. a St. Paul drummer, "who
had saved enough money to make a trip
to Europe, and what he didn't see there
wasn't on the map. He waa always telling
of )t, and one night at a theater he waa
sitting next to me and lost no opportunity
between acts of telllna me of the lnr.,i.,t.
of his trip. The curtain of the theater
was supposed to represent Lake Como,
T ta 1 V or uimnwhtn tknM ' . j
' .. ..w. w vwu. IIIDIC, alJU Jl
the center of the picture Was a' nolo, used
aa a peephole for those behind ' the cur
tain. It was a dirtv. nnuv htnth n
the picture, and Incidentally, I asked White
n ne naa ever been at Lake Como, and
what that blotch represented.
Oh. yes.' said White eaaerlv. 'I anent
week there.'
" 'What does that blotch represent?' I
" That' said White, is ths nnnin
a cave and I put In two days exploring It.'. "
i i
"I had a similar experience once at a
production of 'Othello' In a southern Ne
braska town," remarked Ed Saunders from
Kansas City. "Tom Keene was playing the
title role, and right In front of me sat a
couple that In the intervals of the play
were discussing It. When it came to the
last act, in the death scene of Drjdcmnm.
the young woman, waa much wrought up
over Othello's murder of his wife, and
she asked her escort If Othello really killed
" 'ph, no.' said her escort, 'I have read
the play frequently, she cornea to life
again, and they kisa In the last scene and
make up.' "
"That reminds me of an occurrence that
took place lrt my old home several years
ago," broke In James Cole of St. Louis.
"There was a family there by the name of
Bhedd of the newly-rich order. They had
their) house equipped elegantly and among
other things a fine library, fine more In
the covers and bindings of the books than
in their literary merit. One day Mrs. Shedd
was visiting at a neighbor's house and
saw on their parlor table a handsomely
bound Illble. She asked the name of It
and If it was Interesting, stating that she
would like to borrow It to read. The loan
was granted her. Sbs kept It for about
a week and returned It.
" 'Did you read it?' asked her friend,
'and how did you like It?'
" Oh, very well,' replied Mra Shedd,
'but it Is like all them love stories. I
see they got married In the last chapter.' "
Will Makes Habg Lips.
The pure, rich blood made by Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They promote beauty, give
clear skin, rosy cheeka 26c. Fur sale by
Kuhn & Co.
Ta Oklahoma, ladlaa Territory and
Teaaa Deeessber U Via Rack
Island System.
Rates as follows: To Oklahoma and In
dian Territory points. $18 To nearly all
points In southern Texas. S1I.H6. To points
on Rock Island System El Paso division
in Texas and New Mexico, M 86. To points
on 1 I'aso northeastern system aouth of
Alamogordo,' New j Mexico, Including
Deming and El Pa, Texas. HO..
Send for Rock Itnd publication. "Okla
homa." A postal yard will bring It free.
For further Infonation call or write Y.
P. Rutherford. U P, A, la Farnaa
street, Omaha, JVsb,
rennell Ring Tonne Man Aeanltted
t Mnrderlna- 1avld llonaer
In September.
The Jury In Judge Kstelle's court which
had In hand the case of Charlea Ellsworth,
charged with the murder of David Houser
last September, after being out over
twnty-four hours. Saturday returned a
verdict of not guilty. The vote stood nine
for acquittal and three for manslaughter
during most of the time the Jury wns de
liberating on the enso.
Ellsworth lives In Council niufls. Ho has
alwsys resided with his parents, who stand
high In the community, and this was the
first trouble In which he has been con
cerned. Ellsworth's reputation hsd always
been fair. Houser and Ellsworth met st
a dance at Hill's roadhouse on the night
the murder occurred. They had been
known to each other before, and Houser,
like Ellsworth, resided. In Council Bluffs.
Houser took offense at Ellsworth dancing
with a woman with whom he was ac
quainted, and threatened Ellsworth. Ells
worth left the roadhouse shortly after
Houser, who had stopped by the roadside
and waited for Ellsworth's team to come
up. When the horses came alongside of
where he was . standing, Houser stepped
out Slid grabbed them by the heads. Ells
worth leaped out of the buggy and stabbed
him In the shoulder, severing an artery.
Houser was placed In a single buggy by
Charles Fosdlck, who was .with him at the
time the stabbing occurred, and sent on
with Irmtructlons to secure medical attend
ance aa soon as possible. The reason Fos
dlck did not accompany his friend wss
that he was with a woman who fainted
when the stabbing' occurred, and he re
mained by. the roadside to try and revive
her. After the woman came to, she and
Fosdlck started on . foot to Omaha. When
they reached the Missouri Pacific viaduct
on Sherman avenue they saw the buggy,
with Houser lying In the bottom, standing
by the side of the road. Fosdlck ran for
ward and found that Houser was uncon
scious from the Iobs of blood. He Jumped
in and drove the rig to the office of Dr.
Hobbs, on Sherman avenue. Houser died
about two minutes after being carried into
the office.
Ellsworth never denied that he delivered
the blow which killed Houser. but said
that he did It In self-defense. He was ar
rested in Council Bluffs when he drove Into
the livery barn where he had hired the rig,
about three hours after the stabbing oc
curred;' and while coming to Omnha with
Captain Mostyn told the whole story of
the affair.
After the verdict was rendered Ellsworth
thanked each member of the Jury and
passed out of the Court room.
Desirable Location for Rent or Lease.
The newly decorated office (34x24 lcet) on
ground, floor 'at No. 203 South 14th street.
Rent only $45 per month, including steam
heat and water. See 'Frisco agent.
Subject Is Treated la Address Before
Philosophical Society by G. IS.
At the meeting of the Philosophical so
ciety, held at the Paxton hotel parlors yes
terday afternoon, George E. Prltchett de
livered a very Interesting address on the
"Property Rights of Women."
The general trend of Mr. Prltchett's -address
was to the effect that women en
Joy greater property rights In these mod
ern days than under the old common law
system, this ' being particularly true of
Nebraska, where Woman has absolute con
trol of her individual prbperty and a dower
right In the property of her husband, and
really stands In 'a' 'more Independent po
sition In that regard than her husband,
who cannot alienate any of his property
without the consent of his wife.
Owing to the lateness of the hour when
the meeting began, and considerable time
being taken up by Mr. Prltchett's address,
the paper was only briefly discussed. There
was a general de'slre that the paper, ' or
at least a digest of It. be published In the
near future. The political phases .of the
question were not treated upon nor did
the question of universal suffrage enter
Into It.
' Infanta Thrive
on cow's milk that Is not subject to any
change of composition. Borden's Eagle
Brand Condensed Milk is always the same
in all climate and at all seasons. As a
general household milk It is superior and Is
always available.
Line Completed from Chicago to Red
Oak and Being; Vsed Every'
Only about fifty miles remain of single
track between the Missouri river and Chi
cago on the Burlington system. The dou
ble track which haa been under construc
tion for some time has been completed aa
far as Red Oak, la. The Chicago-Omaha
I 7 T H TO 20TH
Special rates on sale dally to
all Winter Kenorta The
shortest, quickest and best
line to St. Louis, tha South
and Southeast. Ths only Une
pawing the Worlds r'alr
grounds giving full view of
. all Uiiildluti.
All Information at City Ticket
1601 Farnam Street
Harry E. Moores,
a. r. a.,
Ni, Hit-
"follow the Flag"
trains ars now running over the double I
tracks from Chicago to Red Oak, and It Is
expected thst the track will be completed
to the Missouri river early In the spring. ;
Part of the work on this section Is already
The trains running between Red Oak and
Chicago are being operated by the block
system and without train orders, the Bur
lington being the first road In the west to
install this system, which goes a long way
towards preventing wrecks.
By the building of the double tracks
grades and curves have been eliminated
so far as possible. It is thought that when
tho system Is entirely double tracked be
tween Chicago and the river It will be the
cause of quite a reduction In the running
time of passenger trains. The trains will
be able to run at much greater speed when
the danger of collisions is eliminated by
the block system and the added safety of
having all trains on the same track run
ning in the same direct loa. The first re
duction In time will be made In the mall
train service and gradually tho running
time of other trains will be reduced.
The Peril af Oar Time
Is lung disease. Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds cures
lung trouble or no pay. 50c, $1.00. For sale
by Kuhn 4. Co.
Kew Katne for Fast Trnla Chicago to
New York.
The Manhattan Limited leaving Chicago
1 p. m. over Pennsylvania Short Lines
takes the place of the Seashore Limited
heretofore leaving at 10:30 a. m. t'nder new
schedule It Is due at Washington 1:15 p. m..
New York 3 p. m. Apply to H. R. Derlng,
A. O. P. Agt., No. 2 Sherman street, Chi
cago, for Information about train service to
the east.
There Will Be Ads Galore-
Plenty of them In this paper. "CUTT1NO
PHOKITS," etc., snd also spontaneous
outbursts from WOULD-BE PHILAN
(ALL AT ONCE) help out the dear people
by dividing the profits with them!
Now WHAT Is the cause of all this hi
larity? What would you think of the CHAIRMAN
CALLED UPON YOU; In the Interest of
the retail drug trade, askinf 11 druggists
HTAMPS, then come snd ask -you to use
YOU, he had asked you, In his OFFICIAL
CAPACITY, not to use them. MAN, MAN
JUST REMEMBER' THIS regnrdless of
the price of nil OTHER OMAHA DRUG
'Cause we busted up the combine again
3rd time.
B. T. YATES, Prop,
ISth and Chicago EU., Omaha, 'Phones
(47 and 797.. Mth. and N fits., South Omaha
'Phone No. 1. All goods delivered any place
In either city.
During the week beginning Monday, December 7th, and ending ' Sunday, De
cember 13th, The Bee will publish each day, well known quotations--twnty-flve In
all which will be printed from day to day at the top of its Want Ad Page; the
names of the authors will not be printed. Prizes as given below will be awarded
to the winners, of the Quotation Contest, on the following conditions: '
At the top of a sheet of paper, write your name and address. Then write
out the quotation, as it appears in the paper and give the author, or source of the
quotation. Then look through the Want Ads and cut out any advertisements ap
pearing in these columns on that day, from whichwords may be taken to make up
, the quotation; paste hem underneath the quotation in regular order and under
line the. words constituting the words of the quotation. Do the same with the sec
ond quotation, and so on, until you have completed, the twenty-five quotations, the
last of which will appear in The Bee of Huuday, December 13th.
Each correct quotation made up from words appearing in Want Ads, in the
way described above, will be counted as two, and each correct name of the author
as one, on the score, of the contestants. ,
The , person having the highest score will receive the itirst prize, the one hav'
ing the next highest score the ;' second prize, and so. on. . v.- .
:'; f' In 'case of a "tie, the person' sending! in the answer first, as ghowrt. by the
postmark on the envelope, will be given preference.
All answers must be sent by mail.
No , one connected with The Bee Publishing Company will be allowed to com
pete for a prize.
Do not send in your quotations until the end of the week..
Prizes V or iK Winning
Today and Every Day This Week.
Coupons Free With Every Purchase.
' Tk miut llharnl and vatnahla tlcketa Vr rivSII fro. rUf IN
raUUkabl opportunitlea. OrMptlMta.
The garments wo offer you in this sale are strictly honest in
fabric, well made, natty, and have a persuasive look that gives
the wearer satisfaction.
Special on Men's $12.50 and $15 Suits
Monday we will put on Kale the iinest find largest line of
f 12.50 and f 15 suits, ever shown inUhe city. Made by the well
known firm of llart, Hchaffner & Marx. DO not miss this opportunity.
SUITS In all the latest and most up-to-date
styles and fabrics. In fancy cheviots,
blue and black unfinished worsteds, thl
beta, serges, fancy worsteds and Scotch
cheviots In brown and gray mixture
plaids, stripes, fancy mixtures and plain
Hen's $12.50 and $10.00 Overcoats
Mondav we also put on sale the best, and largest assortment of men's overcoats ever
shown at the price In brown mixtures, oxford grsys, blues, blscks and fancy
mixtures In kerseys, vicunas, cheviots and Irish frieze medium and long, all hnml
taliored, and are equal In style, fit and quality to any (23 and V made- f AA
to-order coat Our price for Monday, $12. 50 and I Wall V
Young Hen's Overcoats
Monday we will put on sale over M0 young men's overensts at $5.00 and IT.B'X These
coats come in ail shades snd colors. In cheviots, vicunas, Irish frlese and fsm-y
casstmeres are made to aell at from $7.60 to $10.00. C tf
Special price Monday, $7.60 and 9UV
Ages 15 to 20 vears mads of cheviots, worsteds, serges, cassimrres. unfinished wors
teds, fancv worsteds, thlbets and fancy casslmeres. In brown snd gray mixtures,
blacks, blues, fancy mixtures and plain colors, made In the latest most up-to-dsto
styles, e!l hand-tailored and are any of them worth from $7.M to C flf
$10 Special price for. Monday, $7.60 and WiUU
busihess stimulatoro
Beginning Monday, Dec. 7
Another Quotation Contest
Ending Sunday, Dec. 13
1st One Map's or Woman'! Tailor Made Suit
l'nd-1 Dinner Ket
3rd 1 Dinner Net
4th I International Encyclopaedic Dictionary, worth
Mb 1 Set "Mfe of Napoleoir "three volumes
t b 1 Set "Life of Napoleon." three volumes
7th 1 Year's Subscription to The. Metropolitan Magazine
8th 1 Year's KubBTii)tion to'The MetroiKlltan Magiirlne
Hlh 1 Year's Rubhcriptlon to The Metropolitan Magazine
10th 1 Year's Kubaerlptiou to The Metropolitan Magazine
11th 1 "Life of John Kuennan." worth
12th 1 "Lira of John Kheriuan." worth
13th 1 Copy "Mother Goose's Taint Hook"
4th 1 rpy "Mother (loose's Taint Kook"
.0th 1 Copy "Mother tioose's Taint Hook"
10th to 2Mb New Books and Novels, worth $1.25
20th to 35th Mr. Bunny, His Book, worth$1.2.'i
3Hth to 6oth Htate Mhp, worth $1.00
61st to 200th Art I'ictures, worth 50c
200 prizes
Study the
Want Ad
colore all hand tailored throughout nnd
made In single snd double breasted sll'-
regular variety slim and stout cuts,
ran fit mn of all shapes, equal in style
to any $35 made-to-order suit Our prV
for Monday 14 Cfl
116.00 IiOU
.Ion's Suits
. VAI.T7E.