TnR OMAHA1 DAILY BEK: MONDAY, .PCTEMRKR 7, 1903. SPECIAL NOTICES Adl will t taken III It aa. tmw the ! edition aa til .sTH . aa. fr saeralag; lr eHIw. flstes, 1 1-Se nsril Srst laserttua. 2a ward thereafter. fttala takea for leas tkaa an tar taa first laser, tlaa. Thes sSvertteesaeat aaast ri esaeeeatlvely. Advertlsera, $y reatlaa- a ere check, eaa hare aaawera ad. rtr eased te a aabered letter la ear f The He. Annan aa addressed will he delivered preaeatatlea af the eheek aly. M IICfeLl 4 EO US. WHEN Should a Course Be commented? The sooner you make the start the longer time you wilt have to enjoy the fruits of your effects, la getting an education, very day you postpone you are taking a dangerous risk. 'lime, tide and op portunity wait for no man. To this rule there are no exception no appeal. Students are being enrolled in BOYLES COLLfcGE, dally. ' Apply for catalogue. Address H. B. Boy lee, president. New York life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. HORSES wintered. 414 and Center. Tel. Black-Ua. R-846 D13x PHOTOGRAPHS llKl'JVr price $& per aos. choice of 4 styles of C2 mounting, special tor holiday Only 16 for' PROCTOR, 616 South 16th St. , Mr io4 Cpppi A I For a limited time we will " i-slrtl. nt you witu a guaranteed I Am o g U l At'ucd t tjn ai.M;.. Don t miss inls chance. U. , ol'UClANS, 803 N. 1ITH 8T. K-MZ18 PERlFlETD'B"uTrlce YiituTc'oZ Bee Bldg., Room I. Tel. 701. ,Webr, biory Clark, Ludwlg bchuter. EAGLE Ioan office. Reliable,- accommodat ing; ull business connuential. 1301 Douglas. R-70 HIGH SPEED GOLD MOULDED X P RECORDS 25c EACH. We are manufacturers unii sell you direct Irora the factory. Talking Machines of all kinds repaired. Columbia Phonograph Co. 121 Puritan, si., v. i.i.. . itetatl. EXPRKflSMAN'fl Delivery Co., moving and storage. H14 N. 16th. ial. U9. R 8U STATUARY direct from factory; special low prices until Xmas. Oouneila liroa., ton i arnam. MwiO D19 MERE la a chance to get a pair of shoes which are unexcelled at any price, onl mod. 3.h0 and $2.60. Regent Bnoe Co., 206 a. loth at. H 872 MONEY loaned on all valuables. 418 N. 16th . R-SU ChimnnHv JT,,tef: corns removed. V-i 111 UpUUy rr Roy, r .;,, l6ll6 Karnaiii. R 24 TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lose. Good work: prompt attention. 214 N. ltith. Tel. 2o6. Hiia TOO BUSY making clothes to close even ings. Come any time. Suits, tM to $. Trousers, $6 to tlO. Dreaher, 1515 Farnam. R 24i D10 C?.I"S?AJ COMPANY. UNDERTAK ERS. 1617 Capitol ave.. tel. 464. R-3(6 Boles, 40c; with rubber heels 76c. 217 N. 16th R M207 Dil AMERICAN. German Employment Bureau, 1624 Dodge. R 282 DU READ1 H RED! (HAVE ROOT PRINT IT. SUCrFFn! f A 1 HOOT, Inc.. OUUCCUI 414-16 8.12th, 'Phone 1601 R M.Ik RrPfld 5,trActlj" Homemade; potato yeast. UJCflu Delicatessen, 1W6 Farnam fitreet. R 719 ONE THOUSAND' DOLLARS worth of goods sold by one man the day before Chrlstmaa, 1902, at our tore. This means that you can get anything you want of us In fine pipes. Humidors and cigars for the holidays. Our Hue this year will eclipse anything of the kind in Omaha, come and are ua. o. D. Kipllnger Cigar Btor. 1223 Farnam at. R 6s a OMAHA Mirror Mfg., 70S N 16th St R-Mm D12 GOLD, crowns from S3; ni:ing!i from 25c: set T,!fe,U,a: ,,.,tlUextI.acted fr- Union Dental Co.. 1IU2 Douglas, room -4. R-37S Henry He doesn't u.. Ke sella itat lila ! ai nam sj. R-304 Dl'.' ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best Ml C- MarkTlfol and IF YOU WI8H TO GET a Holiday Sweater , Order it Early , Of B11.Z the Knitter. 22 8. Mth. - ' . R-M312 D1S Dpntkt -e"nthi "ad" be'ow Jan. 1st and get 1-3 off on R o i law -a11 f,lin8. fown and bridge Daliey work. 3d floor Paxton Blk R-M47KD14. Trunks AND bags at reduction I ninKb Xitrti cornlsh. 1210 FarnaS; R Man uu COLUMBIA RECORDS. . Aak H. E. Fredi ickxou. ? CdltS 1Mb. and Capitol ave., Omaha. R-MJ23 D13 P. MELCHOIR, machinist, 13th A Howard R 381 THE GRAND PANTS CO.; a thoioughly ie.lab.t- taiioilng mailt carrying a lull Una of pure woo ens Makea up any suit In the houae for 17 any pant pattern. l-50. No more, no io-' 2iA N. lth. R-M6I9 ki'VEA ft SMITH. Plumbing and Heatln 118 N. 16th at. Tel 3j. tr, ...".?' tlon given all work. Repairing a ape- "BTRONGBST In the World." the i.v,.,i. ble Ut Aaaurauce aoclety. lte pvlicies are alght drafta at maturity, t D Neely. manager. Merchants Natlonui , U.ll. UIU., V'lll. I-- H t)3 POULTRY SUPPLIES-Ullery ft Co.. lil - J . HOLY SMOKE! Washington. 6c. Beck- 1111 iWI fClllBUl, it AlWU OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., Ill N. 16th sr. K 3 FRANK VODICKA ft CO.. tailors. "hav moved to S21 8. Mth St.. In the New Krus Theater Bldg. Would he pleased to hav all our eld customers tall, and also new ones, and see our late arrivals of mid-winter suitings, lllgh-ciusa tailoring at me dlum prices. Don't forget the number Xil . 14tb St. Tel. S1K2. K-M i Jl ION painting 8. it. Cole. UU2 Douglas. R fcW ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly atientiea io. J. t. UcliMtree J(b and lae els. R-SAi DEL PR A DO WINE CO.'S Finest California Wines and Brandies. Purest and beat for medicinal purposes. CACKLE Y BROS.. Bole Diali ibulara. Sixteenth and Capitol Av. R-S19DeeU A NEW rooking utensil Juvl Inventrd; adapted to various uses; every house keeper should have one. Addrex H t8 Bee. - H-M23 7x KINO BRAND weather strina protects againat wlud and cold. It MM2 7 KiW barbae abca a Marrh&iita hotel K A Jl MlSf KI.I.AXKOt A Diamond Ring Worth $75, or a Life Scholarship in Business Depart ment. Will he given anyone for a solution of the following problem: "Find exact length of one side of a square, the area of which la equal to one acre of land." OftVr good to January 1, Omaha Commercial College (Rohrbough Bros., Props) -(Tel. 129.) 17th and Douglas BLs. WE HAVE solved one of the most difficult problems In the retail tobacco business and that is to suit sll kinds of tastes In cigars We claim that our stock Is the moot perfectly assorted both In quality and shades In the city. Another thing you can't possibly beat our line of pip and smoking tobacco cigarettes, too. w. F. Stoecker, 1404 Douglas. R ftJS BREAD, pies, cakes, for Xmas 2S14 Fsr nam. P-M641 J2 A. Martin. Tailor, removed to W4 oujlaa. BACK COPIES i of . .'.'., THI8 WEEK'S 183UE8, containing - THE QUOTATIONS, Can be obtained at The Bee business office, . 2C PER. COPT. OPINION In dlror-e cases free. Bmlth ft Smith. Sioux Falls, So. Dakota. R-MS39TX WAHTIfilt MA1.K HELP. MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of this being tne HK8T, largest ana only reliable, most practical barotr college In this section of tne country; write for utalogue today. Western tiarbers' Insti tute, omaha. Neb. Htai GOtill messengers wanted; flrsi-clsss pay. A. . T. Co., m 8. Uth. . . H4a WANTED, for V. S. army, ahle-bodied, un married men, between ages of 21 and 3o, cltlxens of United Plates, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can spenk, read and write English. For information apply to recruiting otbeer, ISth and Dodge His., Omaha, and Dinooln, Neb. . . , - . ,B M1T4 WANTED, two agents at once: good sal ary; city work. V. F. Auams .Co., IHJ3 Howard at Br-4i4 WANTED, first-class sausage maker and meat cutter. One-half Interest In market for sale. C. ,W. Detchford. 607 8. Main at.. Council Bluff, la. B M39 THK SMITH-PREMIER EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT furnishes stenographers without charge. Tel. 14 or call at oftlce, corner 17th and Farnam sts. . B-M134 7 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; short time completes by our method of constant practice and expert Instructions; toola donated, diplomas granted, board provided, pox t Ions furnished. Call or write Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas t. B M776 llx FOR RENT A good 3-story and basement brick building. 131A Howard street, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing pur poses; fine skylight; building 26x132 feet. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat l Bank building. . B M763 7s BOOKKEEPER wanted, one who has had practical experience; advise where last employed, why left and salary expected. Address X 43, Bee office. . . . B M76C ' WASHINO by the day or taken home, by competent women. J514 . Webster, rear. . R-M767 x ' WANTED FEMALE HELP. 100 girls. Call Canadian office, ISth ft Dodge. . ....... C fc THE SMITH-PREMIER EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT furnishes stenographers without charge. Tel. 1284 or call at office, corner 17th and Farnam Sts. C-M134 1 WANTED- -Qirl for general housework at N 3. 2701 rodeo St. C Mi69 WANTED, men and women everywhere to do writing for us at home. 110.00 a week made easily. Bend stampea envel ope for particulars. American Advertis ing Co., !1 N. Y. Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. t- mmo x WANTED, girl for general housework; good Wkgea. 2541 Chicago. C M708 I WANTED Competent woman or married coup e to lane cnarge oi aining room ana kitchen and board inmily; must be good cook. 22t5 Farnam. C 724 7x WANTED Young lady assistant In office must be craduate of oatacpathy or will ing to learn the profession; will pay good sMarv to rignt party; rererencea required Addreea X 36. Bee. C 721 7 WANTED Ladies to learn hairdresslnc. manicuring or facial massage; short time completes: toots donated. tllolomas granted positions furnished; call (T write for particulars. Moler College. 19T4 Doug ! st. C M77T11X FOR RENT -STORES AND OFFICE". For Rent : At a Bargain The large double store In Bee Building, formerly occupied" by MacCarthy Tailoring Co. 48 - feet plate glass front, the only ona of Its kind In Omaha. Present -monthly rental, $17$. Will rent to single tenant for $133 per month. Or will remu-del Into two store and rant each store for $7$. ' ' Excellent location for men's furnlsMng store, shoe atore, , Jeweler, milliner, etc. Every tenant of the Immense Bee Build ing, City Hall. Court House and. New York Life Building a pos sible patron. s For further particulats. see MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 304-306 So 16th St. FOR RENT building suitable for-whole-aala purposes at HI6 Farnam, 22x90. four at riea and ftrat-claiui cemented baaement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of Are counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, ec retary Bee Building Co., room 100. Bee buililng. I MM! FOR RENT, storeroom and baaement in good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; power furnished if required. R. C. Peters Co.. rental agents, ground floor. Hee building. I M794 3-STORY and basement, 22x100; 1006 Farnam St. Inquire 314 First Nat l Bank Bldg. 1 FOR RENT, three upper stories In four lory building at 0,6 Farnam St., two stories if preferred. Adore C. C Rose-wale.-. Sec')'., Room 100. Bee bldg. 1-M9M PATENTS. H. J. CO WO ILL No fee unless succeaeful, 8 8. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 1798. 3S3 PATENTB-Sues V Co.. Omaha. Neb. II lustrated patent book free. Tel. li. M S? D28x COKKIf'B MAKERS AND TINNERS. SAVAGE, $H2S Farnam. furnace work. cor. i. let a, rldgcioll guttera, akyllghta. Te'. ML M"J I FIRNITIRE PACKING. Peterson Luudberg. 11$ 8. 17th. Tel L-t$. H COSTIMES. Theatrical act reeeq. Llsbea, 193 ram am. ew Quotation Contest Starts Today 1- "Sweet are the uses of adversity." 2 "Be It ever so humble, there's no place like home." 3 "Me that complies against his will, is .of the same opinion still." , A $50 suit of clothes and 199 other prizes. For details see advertisement on page 8. FOR RENT FCRXIS.I1ED ROOM. Room at the Dellone Large, light and airy room. 14.o0 and up per month; 7oc and up per day; steam heated, electric lighted, private and gen eial baths; service. 14th snd Capitol ave. E M718 ROYAL, HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. K 3M FRONT room for two. modern, as N. Uth. . e Mm DEWEY European hotel, 3lh and Farrmra. E 3S8 NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Stenm Laundry, 1750 Deavenworth. 'Phone A-17S3. E 94 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, steam heat, housekeeping. :')4 Farnara. Tel. 2208. E-M125 O. H. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. E 889 ELEGANT front roon; Capitol ave. team beat 1909 E M4l AT S21H N. 15th St. Nicely furnished room, steam heat, well lighted; nice, cosy place for winter for one or two gentlemen. ' E-Mtill 8x AN ELEGANTLY furnished southesat cor ner front rocm, modern; a nice home. IE3 N. 19th. E-MfiU-Kx NICE south room, modern. 306 8. Tel. A-li9. E him TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern, only two blocics from postofflce. SIS N. 16th. K M609 8x STATE HOTEL European. 1212 Dotiatas at. i . E-M509 Jl DESIRABLE rooms at The Farnam. 19th and Farnam Sis. E M395 3 NICE ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th. E M637 TWO nicely furnished rooms, well heated; gas, bath; S minutes from P. O. 1806 Chi cago. E M703 7 FURNISHED room for rent. Gentlemen preferred, urn i-i. 23d St. E M7&8 8 A LARGE, elegsntly furnished room, with cloove and large closet, furnace heat, gas, bath, 10 minutes from P. O. Tel. 3083. m 8. mil. E M747 7 NICE, well heated room. 2203 Farnam. E M746 8x FOUR ' nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; rent reasonable; no children. 1049 S. 20th. E M763 12 NEATLY furnished rooms, with or without board, at tne Scandinavian Y. W. C A., 3010 Davenport St. E M906 8x THREE or four rooms; housekeeping; partly modern. Inquire 1712 Jackmn. ' . E M'.KM 7x FURNISHED ROOMS AKD BOARD. Furnished Rooms steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th ft Chicago. 0 F-747 THE ROSE. 2020 Harney; warm rooms,! goou uumru. . r iwotyl UPTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. F 728 ROOMS with board; modern, steam heat, also table board. The Dresner, 602 8. 16th. F MSI J10 SUITE rooms, 1st floor, single rooms; hot and cold water, Merrlam, 25th and Dodge. 11. mqiii . ..i j' , DESIRABLE front room with alcove, 213 8.. 2&th at F-133 . aOCKAWAY. 1318 Douglas. Meals, 16c. . . F M200 THE U. 8. RE8TAURANT. 1510 Dodge, again under the management of Win. BAUERMEISTER. Open all night. F-29 DON'T MISS A GOOD THING Get your meals and business luncheon at the KARBACH RESTAURANT. 418 S. l&TH. In-price, service and cooking our meals are unexcelled. Board by week $& $6 tickets, $5. JOSEPH STRAUB. CHEF AND PROP. R 748 D20 ROOM with board, on or two persons. 1001 , Park ave. F M759 8x ROOMS, with or without board. 2224 Far nam. F-M749 7x PLEASANT front room with south expo sure to rent to one or two gentlemen; will lv hreakfast Is desired: Drlvate famllv: good neighborhood; house strictly mod ern. Address X 71, Bee. F 727 ix ROOM and board at the Dresher, 02 8. 16th st.; steam heat; modern conveniences; meals by day or week. F 726 Sx FOR RENT I NFtRNISUED ROOMS. 1 .. .i , , FIVE ROOMS for rent. 825 South Twenty-third st. . G-M716 llx TWO and kitchen to small, quiet family. 1( N. 21st. Q-M743 8x FtR DRESSING. J. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, 605 8. 18th. -407 WANTEDSALESMEN. WANTED, two good men on M. Walter Dunne's greatest success; exclusive ter ritory and liberal arrangement to right man. Absolutely new and exclusive. Men accustomed to large aalary especially wanted Addreas W 40. Bee. M122 8ALKSMEN wanted to represent Lindsay Chemical Co., Winona, Minn., in a spe cial Una. M 672 I7x . BACK COPIES of THIS WEEK'S ISSCE3, containing THE QUOTATIONS, Can ba obtained at The Bee buainess office. IC PER COPY. . WANTED, traveling salesman thoroughly posted on tinware ano enameieu ware i rover northwest Mlssoui'l. Nebraska and Kansas. None need apply who have not an established trade. Address X 37. thla offloe. MS 8 WANTED SALESMEN and agents to call on grocers wim store nnun-. r...u... territory: big money. Call aftemoona. W. C. Norton, general agent. Midland hotel. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED-Canvasshig agente in every county to aunciv -... .... TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with axaured good in come. Agenta in the country with horse and buggy espe.islly desired. Canvassers make easily $ to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building. Omaha. J.13 MAGAZINE subscriptions; wholesale price list free. Agenta wanted. F. H- Walker, 1923 B 15th. J-M. $ MONEY in mail order bualneaa: write for our free proa pectus, advertising, etc.; very email capital will etart you Na tional Mall Order Inatltute, Box 42 n clnnatl. O. J-a01 9x DANCING ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' New Academy. 2424 Farnam. Adult beginnera, Mondu ya and Saturdays. p. m ; assemblies. Wednrsdaya. 8:80 p. m. ; children beglmtera, edueadaya. 4 p. in.. Katurdaya, I p. m : advanced, Satur- daya only, 4 p. m. 'Phune, F-ta71; r., . A-17L 1j FOR RALE RF.AL ETAT15. ENGLISH & CO., Paxton Blk n West Farnam district; 9 room modern residence, the last one I have for quick sale at $1,800. RE M 124 HARRISON ft MORTON, TRACKAGE. RE 645 FOR SALE, twelve-acre rrult farm at Braldeiitown, Florldf.; water front, young orange and banana grove, and good house. Address Lock Box 66, tJiltner, Neb. RE 1M REAL ESTATE bargains. Full lot and three houses in E. V. Smith's addition, only, $2,250. Thomaa Brennan, 809 So. ISth atreet! RE-MW $1J,000 WILL BUY IT! Ona of the finest quarter sections In Sarpy county; IT miles from Omaha; all under a high state of cultivation; fenced and cross fenced; good house, large barns, cribs, granaries, three acres In young bearing orchard; windmill and other Improve ments. .... S13.JQ0 will buy this elegant farm if taken WESTERFIELD ft HILL Sole Agents. 615 First National Bank. RE-M55 7-ROOM house In Walnut Hill, bath, city water, etc., price ONLY 81.600. , BEM1S. PAXTON BLOCK. RE 871 CEA8- Williamson Co., M. RE-649 FOR SALE Large house, 12 roome, lota; house cost $22,000; $1,800 barn; west part of city; will sell for $16,000. Address W 28, Be office. RE M738 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about it The best way to reach them la through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 46,000 , homes ot larmers ana biock. u . you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will tlnd a buyer among them. The coat of an advertlaement Is small 2 cents per word in small type or $2.00 per Inch If set In large type. THE TWtNTlETH CENTURY FARMER, OMAHA, NEB. RS 329 HARRISON ft MORTON. ACREAGE. RB 54 . . DRAFTSMAN. Plans, details, etc., drawn for all kind of buildings. Address O. Z. Staub, 604 S. Uth St., city RE M549 7s Fine Alfalfa Farm In tho Platte valley, ot 228 acres at $22.60 per acre. This Is a snap. Owner will take $1,600 to $2. 001 ccttage In Omaha, as part . , payment. Bee us' quick. ' PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., N. Y. Life, Bldg., Omaha, Neb. RE MB59 7 $2.400 New six-room house at 371S Leaven worth; modern except furnace; corner lot; 'i0 feet front, car line passes door; $400 cash, balance easy payments at 6 per cent. Telephone 2725. RE 409 RANCH' and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUastcr, land commissioner, Union Paclno headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 419 COTTAGE Built only two years, Would cost more to build today: four nice rooms on the first, three rooms and bath on the second; lo cated In . BEMIS PARK Nice lot, 44x142 ft.', half block from Hamay car; nice shade trees, brick walk; owner built this cottage for a home, but offers it at a sacrifice for quick sale at . $2,000 Bee us or look at the property. No. 3317 Myrtle ave. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. RE-77 ' $)5Q Buya fine building lot on Mauderaon street, just west of 27th. Sewer and water an street. This Is a snap. . R. H. LANDERYOU, . 44$ Board of Trade. Tel. ill. RE M7051 HAVE TOU $3,600! . W offer till sold 23 feet on Farnam be tween 10th and Uth at $3,509. We think It very cheap. HARRISON aV MORTON, 912-913 N. T. Life. Tat. 314. RE-646 SEE Spencer's bargains, 624 N. T. Ufa, RE-W Jl HARRISON 7c. MORTON, BUSINESS PROPERTY. RE 64$ LIST your city property with us for quick sale. -We have the buyers. The Abbott Cowan Co., 312-314-316 Brown Blk. RE M 160 SEE Chris Boyer before buying. 224 and Cuming. 'Phono 2049. RE-M464 14 160 ACRES, line Improvements, orchard, for sale; nice home Housley A Olbbons, Elkhorn, Neb. RE M709 7x $250 Buys fine corner lot on Manderaon and 2Htn atreet; sewer ana wiw wit mw, I lot 60x160. Eaay terms. I H u LAN jffiYOl. 442 Board of Trade. Tel. iaai. RE M707 7 NEW MODERN HOME Seven rooma with reception hall; porcelain tub. nickle plated plumbing, furnace, ce mented cellar, cement walk, shade trees, fruit trees, fine location. Price $3,250.00. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. RE U 439 7 On Easy Payments K'.OO 4-r. cottage, 2213 N. 27th. $ti60 0o Double house, lot 60x128, 2017 Martha. V'iO.00 7-room houae, 3721 Ohio. IS60 00 4-r. houae, lot 6oxl0. 3117 Marey. H.iOoOO rooma, lot 60x168. 3247 pierce. $?,7d0.ou 10-r.. modern. 2 lota, near Dundee. H,76o.oo Double houae, modern, bear de pots. $'i,0uo 00 Kountse Place, 10-r., modern, I lota. GARVIN BROS., Com'l Nat. Bank Bldg., 1604 Farnam St RE MtsA 11400 Buya a line brand-new 5-roora cottage on North 2bih at., Juai aorta of Oraad ave. Easy terms. R. H. LANDERYOU, 442 Board of Trade. Tel. ZttL RB-M70 7 WRITE ma for bargain Hat Buffalo count lands; there la money In It. Orasameyer tiiuiiu, Kearney, t-uw im. FOR .41, F REAL ESTATE. $2.100 (207 Cuming at., 7 rooms bath, water, gas, barn, 30x140. Snap. $2,6001918 8. 33d St.. t-room cottage, choice location, 50x140. Close to Hsnscom park. D. V. BUOLES CO., N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. RE M634 170-ACRE farm In Sherman county, Ne braska, two miles from county seat. Union Pacific and B. ft M. railroad runs Into county seat. Good Improvements; soil, timber, water and Just the farm for a man to make some money on. Posses sion March 1. T. L. Pllger, Loup City. ' Neb. RE MS33 7x FOR SALE Riisliieas block In good Kan sas town, paying 6 per cent net on Invest ment; Investigate. Cash for your real es tate or business, no matter where Io cs ted ; f you rietlre quick sale, send price and description. I. N. Wells ft Bon, Emporia, Kansas. RE 9U 13s The Abbott-Cowan Co. Telephone A3337. 312-314-815 Brown Block. Weekly Bulletin of Real Estate . Bargains. CITY REAL ESTATE $3,500 10-room modern residence. West Far nam street; large lot. Terms. $2,400 7-room. 1V4 stories, 20th and Ohio; lot 40x122; modern; . very , desirable. Time on part. $2,6009 rooms, 2-story, 26th and Spauldlng; modern except furnace. Urmi to suit. f 400-Lots 18, 19 and 20. block , Crelghton Heights. Big bargain. $6,500 Three modern houses; nine, six and five rooms. In South Omaha, to trade for land. These rent for $5 per month. FARMS AND ACREAGE 126 acres, well Improved, mile from Mo dale, la., to trade for city property. Fine Improvements; nil new In put 6 years. 28 acrea In city limits of city of 5,000, with $10,000 worth of improvements. Price $4,000 for quick sale. This Includes one of the two ice businesses In that city. 160 acres near Atwood, Kan,, $20 per acre. 800 acre 2 miles from Bancroft; every foot cultivated and fine. Price $57.50. 40 acres 3 miles from Sloan, la., $1,500. Terms. 153 acrea miles from Council Bluffs P. O. High bottom land well Improved; $60 par acre. An Ideal farm. 120 acrea S miles from Orleans; well Im proved; $2,500. Write for description. 160 acres Fremont county, Iowa; price $55. r ine improvements. BIX BARQAINS-160 acres 4H miles from Alma, Neb.; fine soil, good Improvement. Price $4,200. 280 acrea 1 mile from Stanford, Harlan county; very fine. Price $37.50 per acre. 160 acres m miles from Alma, $4,200. Of thla 120 acres la In wheat. 160 acres 6'4 miles from Alms. Price $5,150. 400 acres Harland county, 2V4 miles from town; 250 acres In cultivation; raisea fine alfalfa. Price $32.50 per acre. 240 acres Adama county; all cultivated; very fine; near Hastings. - Price $35 par acre. Time en part Write ua for full description of any of these. RE-M923 7z H THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN NEBRASKA LANDS. H 973 acrea of tine land lying 9 miles north of Miller. Neb.. In Buffalo county, 275 acres under cultivation, 12s acrea of fine meadow, 240 tu'iea of this land is in- the valley and the b'nce is rolling land of a good quality of clay land, all fenced and cross fenced, a large lot of fine timber, consisting of ash, elm and boxelder; the timber on the place will last for a life time and will furnish all the posts and building material for the place for all time to come. Tho pasture Is fine blue ' stem grass, with plenty of living spring ' water for stock, two fine tubular wells, windmills and tanks; buildings consist of a first class frame house of 7 rooms, frame barn for 14 head of horses, frame chicken house, cattle barn, hay soalea and feed yards, corn crib and granary. Price $12.50 per acre. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 510, 611 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE MS2ox A Christmas, Gift For ' your boy or girl, or your wife or yourHelf, that would be profitable, is ona of those WALLACE'S SUBDIVI SIONS. Ave., well located, cheap. Bee me about them. aweetheart, or suitable, useful, choice lota In MOORE'S OR Lake and 27th on eaay terms. GEORGE O. W ALLACE, BROWN BLK. RE M922 9 LEAVING city, must sell my home In Hatiscom park vicinity within two weeks; a big snap for cash. Address R M, Bee. RE MSJ2 7x A LOT In Amber, $100. X 90, Bee. . RE-M922 fx BUILD In Dundee; you are cure to Ilka it. RE-M932 7x FOR BALE. 1012 Marcy at., 8 rooma, modern, at a bar gain. 2417 Dodge at., 10 rooma, partially modern, $,ono. - 4101 Dodga at., new. 4 rooma, modern, $2,800. $300 cash, balance easy terma. 1619 Center at., 7 rooma, modern, $1,800. 2014 Bancroft St., rooms, $W0. 237 Francis St.. 6 rooms, $100 cash, balance eaty payments. 2", 80 So. 9th St., rooms, flfiO cash, balance easy navments. . 3333 Emmet at., 6 rooms, $100 cash, balance easv payments. 4o08 Hamilton St., 7 rooms, $1,150; easy pay ments. And many others In all parts of city. THE O. F. DAVIS UU., 508 Bee Building. RE-694 6 LIST your properties with Ernest Sweet, sis r.ew i one i.ire. ik.-m ix CLAIR VOY NTS. QTI.MER, palmist,, 716 N. 23d; 'phona B- sn. a tzi MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY UCEEN of clairvoyants: every, thing told, past, present and future. Sat lafactlon or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 8424 MADAM MOYN1HAN, graduate School of Occult science, mew lora. Kxpert palm ist, clairvoyant, physiognomist; traces and describes thieves or friends; locates minerals. 1 will guarantee my readings and the charges will ba nothing If I can not aeo your friends aa thev are or do. ecribe your home. I have read for the lata President McKlnley, Mra. Potter Palmer, Mmc. Patti and many other prominent people. Will accept engage ments to real ana entertain In homes. 1616 DOUGLAS ST. S-M103 BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th St. s -in PROP. HARRY, clairvoyant and nalml.t: no difference what trouble you may have consult mm, ne can ana win help you; reakaings wm s, svrug ineater. S 177 28 OST950PATH Y. Johnson Institute. 616 N. T. Ufa, bldg. T. 1464 The Hunt Infirmary, McCagua bldg. T.22, Atsen A Farwall. Paxton blk., 904-7. T. 1866. DR. GRACE DEEGAN, 83$ N. Y. Life. Tai. SOU. H Fayette Cola. Oeuopath, Paxton blcck. 143 MAGNETIC TREATMENT. UllB. HMITH. batlaa, i N. 16, 2d floor, r 1 FOR Ha-NT HOUSES. FOR RENT 7-room house, city water, gas, furnace, all modern, on Psrk ave., $3o. 4-rooni house, city water. 3124 Mason. C. M. Bachmann, 4.16-87 Paxton Block. D Mii FOR RENT Seven-room cottage, large yard. In good condition. Wm. K. Potter, rec.. 3U3 Brown block. D 412 HOI IQPQ "'I Prls of the city. The ..wwwl O. F. Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg. 11 HOIKP9 'n P ot the city. R. nUUOW c. Vetera Co.. Bee Bldg. D ti TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co., offlca 1511b Farnam, or Tela. 15o-8t8. D 41$ 2608 DAVENPORT, 10 rooms, modern except furnace, barn, $18. 812 Park ave., 7 rooms, modern except furnace, $32.60. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St. D 64411 NINE-ROOM modern house, n.'.-w'jr fur. nlshed, centrally located. W. Farnam Smith A 0, 1320 Farnam St. D-M41'. .-e o WALLACE. Brown Block. $362011 Bherman ave., 8 large rooms, all conveniences, laundry, barn, good repair, pleasant home. D 418 MODERN house, west part of city. In ex cellent condition. For good tenant at once an extra low rate will be made. William K, Potter, receiver, $03 Brown block. D 419 PAYNE-BOBTWIOK A CO.. choice houses. 601-803 New York Ufa B'lg. Phone 1018. D 410 SEVERAL good houses. $10 to $1$. Chlis Boyer, 22d and Cuming. 'Phone 2049 D-MtlO WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Vsn A Btor. ge Co., Tel. 14. Office, 1713 Webster at. D 421 HOUSES. Insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. 1 D 422 2180-2132 NORTH ZRth St.. with furnace, gas and bath: newly refitted; low price for winter. F. D. Weed. 1524 Douglas. D M 701 7 FOR RENT, 6-room house, 256.1 Woolworth ave.; porcelain bath, gas, hot and cold water; newly painted and papered throughout $20. J. 11. Sherwood, Now York Life Bldg. D M661 1126 8. 36th St., 6-room house, city water $12.00. 218 8. IPth St., 8-room house.. $20. 00. 1925 S. 18th st., 6-room house; well $10.00. 2418 8. lth st., 6-room flat; bath; city water-$12.60. 8215 Burt st., 8-room cottage $.S0. Mm x. iam st., s-room nouse; well, cistern $11.00. 2924 Grant st S-room cottage; city water $7.00. .119 N. 17th St., S rooms upstairs $12.90. ' 2212 Clsrk St., 6-room cott ajte $1100. MUAUUB INVESTMENT CO.. 150$ Dodge st. D 696 9-ROOM, completely furnished, house; all inuutM-ii conveniences; good Dam; 150. 614 fl. 28th St. D M723 7r FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; Diuiara Diea repairea; a targe atcca of cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick-Balke Collender Co., 407-9 8. 10th St. Q 404 16 CHOICE Duroc-Jersey boars at farmer fir ices; also gilts, w. W. Wheeler. Har an, Iowa. Q-M526 13 SECOND-HAND VEHICLES. 2 six pass, rockaways, 1 coupe, 2 landaus, I ous. wagons, a. j. Simpson, iw uoat. Q-438 D14 60 SQUARE PIANOS $50 EACH. 50 CENTS PER WEEK. BCH MOLLER A MUELLER. Largest Piano Dealera In tha Weet, Ult farnam. tj aw CIOAR atore, fixtures; flneat In city; must ba aoia; tor particulars aaoreaa u , juae. Q M286 D12 INDIAN gcoda and relics. U19 Farnam. IRON le Wire fences, tree guardt. trelllaas. western Ancnor r enoe io.,.o in. uin su CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man a Mcconneu urug to., umana. Q-899 FOR SALE, several scholarahlpa In a ftrst- ciasa atanoaru bntiiooi in yraana. compris ing complete course In buainess, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee jfllce. Q-53 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, U19 Farnam. VI too CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir tlmDera. VUl Douglas. SV-401 FOR SALE, Knabe concert grand piano; condition good. Aoaresa uock bvx so. otltner, rxarx. vh-m TWO fin depot wagons, t raokawaj's, 1 coupe, Z traps, i wagonette, z araya. Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Har ney, vi a CLOSING out bard coal atovea at leas than A price rrom v up. furniture cneap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Q--403 HT.ACK HILLS POTATOES. New York an pies, home-grown celery, tipeciai atten tion to pnone oraera. rrompt oeuvery. Buffett A Son, 14th and Harney. Q-M6S8 1$ WOOD 6,000 cords of Cottonwood for sale. Inquire 506 nth-St., East Omaha. Q-M551 14x FOR SALE Pair of diamond earrings. enniit avfc carat eacn: soia sinsie or to gether, reasonable, private party. Ad dress X 44, Bee office. Q 725 7 ON account of adversities I am offering my office outnt at aoout one-rouitn its present value. Address Jl wu Bee. Q-M827 7x FOR SALE, chemist's still; good as new. Addreas u u, uee. u-bib yx BUSINESS CHANCES, FOR BALE Clean 89.000.00 stock of general merchandise in lowa town, aoing w.ww business annuully. Best business In the town. Comer store Bldg. Rent $20.00 unr month. Thla la an exceptional chance for any one wanting a good paying busi ness. If Interested, Investigate at once. Will aell reasonable for cash or part cash, with approved aecurtty Tor balance, Address X 3 Bee oftlce. T M7M 7 WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange any property or Dullness quicg, see . 11 Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y-3S4 EXCHANGES of all kinds. To buy or sell a business or exenange mercnanaise tor a land or city property, call or write Sholes- Armstrong to., tii-i x. ui. jei. 1. Y-M7S3 FOR SALE or trade, sixteen-room hotel. furnished complete. Two lots, fenced A atable. A first-class patronage. 81.60 per aay. I2 per month, terms fair. 1,000.00. sirs. jr. u. (aj, tiunalo, wyo, Y-M647 7 FOR SALE. 4 Interest In a Central Ne braska National bank: stock Days annual dividends of 8 per cent. Will aell at book vaiue. a oar eaa .v so, uee. i-unn iu a T lovnnv eA ..u, - ku.Im le 1 at once. For particulars addreas tha Avoca jaunary, Avoca, la. T-MS71 lOx OOOD Bi;SINE88 CHANCE Implement business for sale. In a good southeastern Nebraska town; tha only Implement dealer In town; good reasons for aeliing. Addreas x 86. Bee. . X Mill i CASH for dry goods, clothing and general merchandise atocka. $10,060 to $60,000. Ad dress, with full particulars, 301 First Mationai Banc, omana, jseo. iia MUST sell a pool hall, bowling allay and cigar atore, clearing $100 monthly, all la same Dunning; gooa terms; uveiy town. Cliaa. ltsli, orcnara, nao. T M860 U FOR SALE, a good paying drug atore In county aeat town of 3.6u0, In Iowa; In voice about $3,600; hot water beat, electrlo light and a poaltlva clean stock. Part cash, balance io sun purcnaarr. n Pharmaciat, X 41, care Bee. Y M83 7 FOR SALE CHEAP, timber claim In Hon. tana; title complies witn in taw. ao dreaa X 97. Bee. Y-M:- 7x SHORTHAND AID TYPEWRITING. C. VAN SANTB gchool. 717 N. Y. Life. N KB Business A Shorthand Cellage. Boyd'g theater. PERSONAL. PRCp FACIAL TREETMENT8. riL.L Ke-No-May Co., 6U tt Bldg. u i WE RENT sewing machines at Tftc r'' week wwn, j per montn; we repair mm e u iwii lor every macnino nitnuii'iirrn second haud machines from $1 to $10. N"b Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. U 443 VIAVI" way to health. $4S Bea building. omana. u 444 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladle before and curing confinement. Dr. and Mrs. (JorlscU, 3626 California st. Terma reasonable. U 446 GOLD ELECTRO PLATING, c-it urn Old matalUo articlea made new, SILVER OMAHA PLATING CO. Mrtn REMOVED TO 1508 HARNKX. lllVrvCL. TELEPHONE t. 4J 1W-LI-J1 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; bablaa eilnnai- Mra. Ilsrdela. r4 LSK4 m.1 n . ' , . , 1 T AAA PRIVATE heme during confinement; bablei eaoptea. The (.food Bamarltan Mnunrium. Ti lat ave.. Council Bluffs. Ia. l -t-4 WATER'S PRINTING CO., 1213 Douglas ax. u mvt, u BACK COPIES THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing THIS QUOTATIONS, Can ba obtained at Tha Be business office. IC PER COPT. WANTED, to meet stylish and good look- nil vvuiif laajr, oojec pasiime. stnorens -- , , -w. lj sarvi Jk PRIVATE hospital before and during eon- rnemenu aara. x. cianer, ! bo. inn. Tel. 1889. V- 447 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT-CURES. At arusgiaia, 41. u 448 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases ana irreguiarluaa of women from any cause; experienced and reliable, lull Dodge st,, Arlington block. Omaha. U-449 WHAT'S nicer than accordion pleating? Tv no noining Dut tna nnest. uoiamun Pleating Co., 2u0 Douglas block. U-460 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 61 N. Mth. Tel. 1779. - U 151 EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT DR. WILKINSON, CRE1GHTON BIX3CK. treatment and operations for catarrh; catarrhal deafness, enlarged tonsl'.s. chronic aor throat, cross eyes, etc. Free from 2 to o'clock. Examination free. 16th and Douglas. U 984 22 ' LIKE the bell cow, w lead Dresher the lanor tut jcarnam; open evenlnga. Too busy making clothe to cloa. U-9S6 23 Stammering Cured. J. Vaughn, Ramg bid. U 676 OALITZO Meat me at Huteson'a, expert optician, xix . ietn st: going 'o get a. EJr of his "Patent Slip Not" eya glaeves. e testa free. U 630 Jl ROBINSON'S Shining Parlors, 1320 Doug las St. . u MS Jo DID you rr try Stoeckar'a 6o cigars? VM.HXI 7X ANNIE: Tuesday night; aame place. S. M. X. U MSI7 TX MCSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, vole. Davldg block. I 869 UCTOVSKY'S ORCHESTRA. TeL L-26S4. 441 BECHTOLD'S union orchestra, Sll S. 13th at. MBOO Jl EXPERT piano tuning and action regu lating; reasonauie price; aauaracuon guar anteed. Collins Piano Co., 113 8. 17th. Tel. 2334. 6! LAW AND COLUCCTIOKS. 8TILLMAN It PRICE, 410 1st Nat. bk. bldg. NEW 8NOW-CH URCH CO., lat floor N. Y. Ufa bldg., attoroeya ana collector every where. - Arthur L. Warrick, 401 War blk. TaU lSH, W. T. WAPPICH, AVDICE free. Crslghton Blk. LOST, between 23d and Davenport and 16th and IJOUgias, taaies orvocn. rei. wiiu pearls, with diamond In center. Return to Cashier Calumet restaurant and gat reward. Loab-656 6 MEDICAL. LIQUOR HABIT CURED In ( days pay booklet. Oatlla InsUlut. 31 8. 14tb St. Am i BACK COPIES of ,; THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, oectslplng THE QUOTATIONS, Cab b btalnd at Thai Bee businasa oflaoa. SO PER COPT. WANTED SITUATION. YOUNG man wanta pike to work fr board, lei. iw. ioyie oueg. , A 730 8 WANTED, poaitlon aa collector for busi ness house; can lurnisn reierencru am Iwnd. Addreaa J. G., Postofflce Box 93, South Omaha. A M8&4 8x WIIK)W in humble circumstances would like a position aa nouwir n rnwi In western Nebraska, Address' D 87. Bee. A M737 7x WANTED Work evenings, so I can go to school day times, Aauresa a st, n. A MH32 x FOR SALE HORSES, WAUONH, ETC. SECOND-HAND top buggy, with rubber tire. $30; runabouts, 112 and $16. Ander- aen-Mlilai'd Co.. 1615-1518 Capitol Avo. 'I'l l. 921, 11 NEW snd 2d-haad Tehlclea for sale; ic- PH Ira. Xt. ITVII, lH mil mcuuuu. MILK WAGON and buggy; a Mg map. Has A W, John Mo, with John D'-era -.r u li ia flow v. - PONT FOR SALE Bay pony, perfectl: gentle, for riding and driving; weigh .hnui 650 lbs. Apply Immediately. Jh k- aon's barns, 28th and Harney. P-Mh8 8 WANTED To buy horses and mules; all classes, big and little; will be at Jones' barn. U14 Dodga at., Dec. 7 and '. u FOR SALE, good horse; h can h driven by laoy. oaxgain. saurni p ilM67 WANTED TO BUY. SECOND-HAND books. Crane, JJJj71,Jh- DON'T give your furnltur and carpels . way - j. Lavlns pays tha highest raalt nrtc. TeJephon. 77L N-MI61 BOOKS bought and sold. Room 83 N. Y. Life bids, fettiamleld, th Antiquarian. " N-9o3 U TOBACCO tags, coupons, bought. lu g. Uth. N M97 31 , BOOKS bought and sold. Antique Book Concern. 113-14 Karbach block. Tel. SM4. (guooeseor to anUquarUn.i N 6i9 WANTED, to buy, Interest In a country bank that Includes a position by man of exoerisnc with best refereur. Addreas X 42. oar be. N-M4 10 WANT TO BUY a Id h&i4 guitar, standard make; must b cbeep. Addreaa X 76, Jhe si MiXi A