Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1903, Page 15, Image 43

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    December 6, 1903.
The biff est book store In Omaha
The moit complete book tore to Omaha.
Any book advertised or reviewed in tills Issue of The Sunday Bee may be pur
chased at our store or will be promptly procured and sent at advertised price,
A Book at Xmas Always Pleases
Of course it does and one of the beauties of it is that it lasts a long time and brings the giver to mind so often
listen to what the folks hare to say about this book or that book reviewed in the paper and make a memorandum to
give it to them for Xmas.
Here is a list of a number of books good. for Xmas gifts cut out this advertisement and save it as a reminder
and you will be glad later on that you did.
Books for Father, Mother and the Youngsters
"The Bondage of Bellinger," f tn
by Roswell Field
by Roswell Field
Uttle Rivera,"
Dyke m.jt,
by Henry Van
The Call of The Wild," t 7 f
by Jack London "W
The Ultimate Moment," ri
by W. R. LJghton
"The Red-Keffsrers," 1 in
by Eugene Theving AVP
The Little Shepherd of Kingdom fg
Come." by John Fox, Jr
"Darrel of the Blessed Isles," "g
by Irving Bacheller leV
The Edge of Things," g r
by Ella W. PealUe
"Gordon Keith," -yr
by Thomas Nelson Page "
"Letters From a Self Made Mer
chant To His Bon," by Geo. f 9f
Horace Lo rimer levF
"The Life and Adventure of Santa
Claus," by L. Frank Baum
"Adventures of The Mn In The
Moon," by Ray M. Steward
'The Little Colonel at Boarding
School." by Annie Fellows Johnson
The Country Boy,"
by Forest CrlBsey
"A Little Brother To The Bear," f Bf
by Wro. J. Long I.OU
A Word to the Club Women
So many of the subjects you have up for discussion call for special reading and study. There never is a time that
we can't furnish you with the books you need our stock is so complete but if we shouldn't happen to have what
you want in stock we can always get it for you, and glad to do it. Try us next time and see how cheerfully we will
serve you.
Some Xmas Hints
We carry a beautiful line of Xmas Calendars all the latest designs in Pocketbooks a Fountain Ten is a con
tinual source of delight you surely know someone who would appreciate some beautiful engraved cards or some
nice stationery.
Our Catalogues Have More Hints
We have a beautiful catalogue full of interesting information about books also one about Xmas novelties
send for one or both of them a postal will do and we will send it to you with pleasure and absolutely free of cost.
We carry a full line of
Oxford Bibles. Prayer
and Hymnals.
Omaha, Neb.
Make a present of a sub
serlptlon to one of the
popular magazines.
Wv tak subscrl rttcrti
Modern Tales of Travel
HE LETTERS describing the Holy
Land, written by William Elroy
Curtis, correspondent of the Chi
cago Record-Herald, during his
tour of that country two years
ago, have been revised and reproduced In
enduring form In a large volume under
the title 'Today in Syria and Palestine."
Mr. Curtis needs no Introduction to west
ern readers. As a newspaper man Indtntl
fied with the press of Chicago for twenty
years his name may properly be classed
aa "a household word." As an author he
has produced several meritorious volumes
of biography and travel and is now abroad
accumulating material for more.
Mr. Curtis says In a foreword that "a
Journey through Palestine destroys many
Illusions and disturbs one's confidence In
mankind, and especially In many of the
professional teachers of Christianity; but It
confirms the faith of conscientious and
thoughtful readers In the Bible and Its ,
teachings; for every spot fully described .
In its pages can be Immediately and dis
tinctly Identified. This is an extraordinary
(act. I know of no other book of which
the same can be said."
Maps and numerous illustrations from
photographs taken by Miss Elsie Evans
Curtis, daughter of the author, add mate
rially to the reader's appreciation and
knowledge of the country described.
Published by Fleming II. Russell Com
pany , Chicago and New York.
A nw edition of "Castillan Days," by
Hon. John Hay. with Illustrations by
Joseph Pennell, comes from the press of
Houghton, Mifflin Jfc Company, Boston.
Long before the author of "Castillan Days"
achieved eminence as secretary of state of
the United States this volume had won for
him an enduring place in the world of
Secretary Hay's account of his travels
In Spain Is descriptive of the natural scen
ery, the manners and customs of the peo
ple, the public buildings and the works
of art, and has a wonderful charm for the
reader. Mr. Hay excels In description,
whether of nature or humanity, and this
book abounds in enthusiasm and vigor.
Such is the conservatism of Spain, that,
though written some years ago, the text
covers practically everything a traveler
sees today.
Admirers of Charles Dickens, and they
aro legions, ere afforded a supplementary
treat by a volume entitled "Dickens' Lon
don," compiled by Francis Mlltoun. The
author presents in an informal manner
such facts of historical topographical and
literary moment as surrounded the locali
ties associated with the life and labors of
Dickens in London. Characters typical of
the great metropolis of the world char
acters such as Dickens drew and who ex
ist today are redrawn by pen and picture.
'The typical Londoner ot today, as In the
early Victorian period of which Dickens
wrote, is a species quite apart from the
resident of any other urban community
throughout the world," say the author.
"The Sound of Bow Bells is the only true
and harmonious ring which, to the ears
of the real cockney, recalls all that is most
loved tn the gamut of his sentiments."
L. C. Page & Co., publishers, Boston.
To those who appreciate the history, art
and antiquities of European cities and have
not the means or Inclination to make a
personal inspection. Grant Allen supplies
in part the means to gratify their desires.
"Belgium its cities," in two volumes,
comes from his pen. Mr. Allen's books on
foreign travel are too well known to need
introduction. Having devoted the greater
part of thirty-five years to travel in the
highways and byways of the old world he
has experience and ripened Judgment, and
the skill to convey his observations and
impressions to the reader. Tlie present
volumes are pot In the class of guidebooks.
The object of the author is to supply such
historical and antiquarian information as
will enable the reader to understand and
enjoy the architecture, sculpture, paintings
and minor arts of the cities of Belgium.
Published by L. C. Page & Co., Boston.
"A Handbook of Modern Japan," by
Ernest W. Clement, gives the reader a com
prehensive insight into the life and char
acter of the Yankees of the Orient, their
political, religious, educational and social
institutions. The author endeavors to por
tray Japan in all its features as a modern
world power, giving sufficient detail to
satisfy the general reader and furnish a
blrd'seye view of the empire by pea and pic
ture. The transformation of Japan in the
last quarter of a century is one of the
marvels of modern progress. How It was
brought about and the extent to which
western civilisation permeates publlo and
private life, Is a fascinating chapter of
world history, and Mr. Clement tells it con
cisely and interestingly, illuminating the
story with maps, portraits, city and coun
try scenes. Published by A. C. McClurg &
Co., Chicago.
' 'The Land of Little Rain," by Mary
Austin. Mr. K. Boyd Smith, who is per
fectly familiar with the region, Is the illus
trator and Interpreter of Mrs. Austin's
charming sketches. The author, in her
beautiful descriptions, truly . makes the
"desert to bloem." She says: "For one
thing there is the dtvlnest, clearest air
to be breathed anywhere In God's world.
Some day the world will understand that
and the oases on the windy tops of hills
will harbor for healing its ailing, house
weary broods. . For all the toll the desert
takes of a mat: it gives compensations, deep
breaths, deep ' sleep Mid the communion
pf the stars." One can almost feel the
quietude, breathe the fresh air and enjoy
the starlight from the author's word paint
ing. But there is another side of desert
life that is not so inspiring and pleasing,
and that la the tragedies tragedies of man
and beast in which the dreadful scaven
gers take part There is an interesting
chapter on "The Pocket Hunter," who not
only takes up his bed and walks, but his
. kitchen and larder as welL Speaking of
"Jlmvllle," a Bret Harte town, the author
says: "Any way you go at it Jlmvllle la about
three days from anywhere in particu
lar. When Jim Jenkins opened an eating
house in his tent he chalked up on his
flap, 'Best Meals in Jlmvllle, $1.00,' and
the name stuck." The author confesses
to 300 inhabitants in Jlmvllle and four
bars, but it is "The Land of Little Rain."
you know, and there must be "wet" of
some kind. Houghton, Mifflin & Company,
A Stand-Off
Conductor Did you pay your fare?
Fly Passenger Did you collect 11 T
Conductor I don't remember.
Fly Passenger Why don't you remember?
Conductor Because you are w total
tranger to me, and
Fly Passenger My ease exacUy, my
young frteud. You are Just as much of a
stranger to me as I to you. If you can't
remember business transactions with a
stranger when you are nsed to it every day,
bow should I, when I'm unaccustomed to
ttt Good day, sir. Baltimore American.
Gibson & Gilbert's
Art Books
Riley's Books in 5
1903 Webster's Un
abridged Diction
ary with Stand $7,
All the Late SL50
Copyrights at Cut
Book Novelties of
All Description
The largest and best selected line of
Holiday Books west of the Mississippi
Any book mentioned in The Bee at
any time we can furnish.
If you do not see what you wanf.
write us for suggestions and quota
tions. Barkalow Bros.
1612 Farnam St
TeL B-Z3C TLrld door west of 16th St
la the aldaat and moot atiooeaaful Spiritual pbjalclaa
now la prastlca. Hla cum are
of thla aca. Hla laminations ara corractlf aiada,
and frea to all who aend bim name, aca. acx aad lock
of hair, and all eanta la atampa. Ha doeant aak tor
any Indlnc aymplora. A flatrroyaiit doeant uaod
an. Ha poaltlTaljr caraa waak man. Addreaa,
J. S. LOUCKS. M. D..
Write tmr sMaa efhaMlroa W delicate JfJVj I
am ra, Maka la e JVTWV J
weekly. Da buaiaaea o home fn if j- 7" TrTt 1
a toHas, ail or epare Um a. 1 Vi J VUH.' I
aalllas oatnia and dotos La1 " '''- - J
saautaa sold, atlTar, alokie aadnetal "r t i
la(U en Wahdiea, JaawlrrTTebWar. I
BlovaUa, all metal saoda. iUh, ex. 1 1
eerleawe, ejotoair Uonaou 4m urU. I f
lie tare erfe.anaa Omnia all ataee. Kveryililua:
yaaraatead. Lee aeaiaHl yea. Wataar ... IrluJC.