Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1903, Image 40

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What Eugene Field
Thought of Books
"J thank Ocd continually that it h th
bun my at in life to fouvl un empire In
my hart no era np d w 'uml boron j
wherein onvj'. iliut mis r $t ha'h tx retted
her fatty tyranny, but nn rxp tuivt etnU -nent.dieidil
in ( nu't-d v'.did i? dunin
one, Jaridic!lon, caliph ttee, ihiefdmi,
Bene chaUtlpj and 'pre.clurit ichzrA
telr rci, burjrac:, m ih ir j i'w. p Valine,
uiyuotreixljin, n i')a, tni m, nizatm
and nau ibf hoUt bvo ty'j tn led toji hir bj
the eoneilatiny epiril of ptlybibliopUUij."
When in Doubt
aa to what to buy for a Chiiatmas gift far
man, woman or child, it la always a safe
proposition to turn your attention to books.
. Books each year are made more attract
Ive for this very purpose, for the publshers
know that all over the country the month
of December Is the great time for telling
their productions. We have made extra
preparations this year, with a larger stock,
a better pssorled stock, and a stock es
pecially adapted to the holiday season.
In this space we can only direct attention
to a very small portion, more with a view
to attracting your attention to this section
of our store than the thought of placing
before you a representation of our stock.
Attractive Books
for Adults
In sets: Wood row Wilson's History of
the American People, In S vols.. Illustrated.
Old Court Life In France, by Frances Elli
ott, a beautifully illustrated work In two
The Life of Abraham Lincoln, by Ida M.
Tarblll, one of the most Interesting his-
Books for Children
(Continued from Page Eight.)
father was dead and whose mother was
in one of the city hospitals. The author
tells how the kind hearted firemen cared
for him and found Mm a good home; how
his mother was located; and how an oper
ation on his eyes made him to see. We
are told very many other strange and In
teresting things about Jack. Finally,
through a grievous misunderstanding, the
fire chief compelled Jack's removal from
his beloved firemen and engine. He was
given a home in an engine house of a
suburban town, but Jack was sad and ha
would not i-un to any mora fires. He, how
aver, made friends with everyone and
went to church all by himself, regularly,
Visiting the different churches and de
nominations. Mrs. Wesselhoeft's previous
animal and nature stories have been much
appreciated and we hope we shall hear
mora of Jack and his friends. Little,
Brown A Co.
The Surprising Adventures of the Mag
ical Monarch of Mo and His People." This
la a book of "surprises," and the merry
monarch and his merry people have a
merry time from cover to cover. The king
had a favorite cow, with golden horns, and
he gave Urge quantities of Ice cream at a'
milking. The king kept this cow for him
self and the queen. Prince Zlngle was
angry because his father, the king, would
not allow him to milk the cow. The prince
was very naughty and to punish him the
king sent him to Fruit Cake Island In Root
Beer river. What a dreadful time he had
there and how he recovered wa are told In
thla book.
"The Enchanted Island of Tew," whereon
Prince Marvel encountered the high ki of
Twl, and other surprising people, and "The
New Wlsard of Os." a modernised fairy
tale In which the wonderment and Joy of a
fairy tale are retulned and the nightmares
left out. A story of a great Jonrney to "The
Wonderful Emrrnld City of Os" and finally
the discovery of "Os the Terrible." L. Frank
rraun la the author of the above books.
The profufe, bright pictures portray the
merry contents, and the bindings are as
brlgth and gny as the Interior. Published
by Bobbs-Merrlll company.
The Star Fairies and Other Fairy
Tales" Is the second contribution of Mrs,
Edith- Ogden Harrison to elfin lore, her In
troduction having been made by ' Prince
Ellverning," to whose readers she has
dedicated her book of fairy tales. The
tars or "fairy candles." are always a
ouroa of great Interest to the children,
ana thoae who have not yet made the a-
tories of the emancipator ever written, in
two volumes. Illustrated.
The Memoirs of Du Barry, In t volumes
edition de luxe, translated by Riley; one
of the handsomest editions of there me
moirs ever published.
A number of different editions of the
works of William Shakespearo, In cloth,
leather, half calf; morocco, etc. Among
these are the Temple, Ooi:anc and other
Balsac, In cloth, 30 volumes, tiannlited
by Kstharlne Frescott Wornr.ely. A splen
did edition of the Comedie Humalne of this
brilliant writer.
Temple edition of Dickens, in 40 volumes,
full leather binding.
Tennyson, in leather, 13 volume), mikes
a delightful holiday gift.
Elliott, Carlyle, Thackeray, Hug, Out tot,
Micaulay, Reade, Cooler, Dumas and
other seta at a very marie J reduc.lon from
publishers' prices.
The new Gibson drawing, Inrluilng "The
Weaker Eex," "The Social Ladder."
In the Palace of the Sultan, by Ann
Bowman DoJU.
The Courtship of Ml Blandish, this
year's new book, Illustrated by Cinlsty.
William Morris, Poet, Craftsman and So
cialist, by Ca-y.
Famous Singers and Composers, In two
volumes, by Eljon, charmingly lil jstrt?d.
Love Affairs of Great Musicians, by
Hughes, two volumes, illustrated.
The new Japanese story, The Heart of
Hyanclnth, by Onoto Watanna, illustrated
in colors by ICq.kchi Sano a ur.Uaa
Japanese love story with most attractive
A Checked Love Affair, by Paul Leicester
In Arcady, by Hamilton Mable.
The Story of a Young Man.
The Life of Christ, by Clifford Howard.
Interestingly told.
A series of enticing gift books, li:ut
trated, includes: Historic Building', Won-:
ders of Nature, Great Pictures, Famous
Paintings, Romantic Castles and Palaces,
by great writers.
A College Record, for men and girls,
specially attractive, with pagoj for the
record of interesting happenings of college
life, quaintly Illustrated.
quaintance of the sky fairies will be de
lighted to make their acquaintance through
the six entirely new Stories that Mrs. Har
rison has given them. The book Is taste
fully illustrated by Lucy Fitch Perkins.
Besides "The Star Fairies" the book con
tains "The Gift of the Birds," "The Forest
of Rainbow Colors," "The Land of the
Polar 8tar," "The Lost City of the Sea."
and "The White Palace." This book will
ba warmly welcomed by the admirers of
"Prince Sllverwlngs," which has been very
popular. A. C. McClurg ft Co. are ths
"Rhymes of Real Children." by. Betty
Sage, a child's book. Is gotten up in attrac
tive style. There are children, "real chll
Oren." galore. Children on hobby-horses;
children In wheelbarrows; In wagons, with
drums; elephants, dolls and blocks and tn
every conceivable way, and there are cun
ning little rhymes about each and every
thing. The pages are gaily decorated, and.
there are also large full-page Illustrations
in color. Published by Fox, Duflield & Co.
"The Outlook Fairy Book for Little Peo
ple" Is an Interesting collection of famous
old fairy stories by Laura Wlnnlngton. A
few of them like "Beauty and the Beast,"
"Pups In Boots" and "Ooldlelocks" are al
ready old acquaintances with many, but
there are a great many from the German
and some from the French that are quite
new. The stories are very tastefully illus
trated and the binding la very pleasing. It
Oar Humorous
Counter Contains "
The. Cynic's Calendar," "The Limerick
Up to Date Book." "Widows, Grave an!
Otherwise;" "Bachelor Bigotries," Book of
Toasts." "Rip Raps." "French Wit and
Humor." "The Real Diary of a Real Boy,"
"The Wisdom of the Foollfh and the Folly
of the Wise."
American, English, Irish, Scotch, French
and German wit and humor.-
Little Masterpieces
In leather and cloth, correctly named,
make a gift suitable for boys or gliH, me.i
or women.
All the modern novels fit to read.
All at less than publisher's price.
Inclined Persons
will find Devotional Books, Hymnals and
Prayer Books and Bll-les. A full line of
Catholic Prayer Books, etc.
A large assortment of dainty books of a
religious character, In pretty bindings, in-
expensive and attractive, such as What li
Worth While, Love and Friendship, Gold
Dust, Addresses by Phillips Brooks, Words
of Comfort and Cheer and brilliants from
the pen of our greatest writers.
For thu Children
We have thousands of books for the little
tot who Imagines he can read and loves
pictures, to works that are the delight of
boys and girls, and also entertaining for
children of larger growth history,' fiction,
Invention, thrilling tales by land and tex,
fables, essays, poems, for wee ones and
for the little men and women.
Dictionaries, atlases, reference books,
books full of fun, books full of pathos.
The Little Colonel Series, the Children's
Friend Series, Including such authors as
Annie Fellows Johnston, Louise Alcott,
Laura E. Richards, Harriett Chever, Mar
shall Saunders, Kipling and others.
Is published by the Outlook company. New
"Games and Songs of American Children"
is a collection of the games of American
children made by William Wells Newell.
In many Instances the songs are accom
panied by the musical melodies. For those
whose work brings them in touch with
children the book will furnish many Inter
esting suggestions for their amusement, and
It will also form a very Interesting part of
juvenile American history. Harper & Bros,
are the publishers.
"Home Songs for Little Darlings" Is a
collection of poems for the little folks, some
old and some new. by Amy Brooks. The
book contains numerous Illustrations that
will be both pleasing and Interesting for the
children. H. M. Caldwell & Co. are the
"Circus Day," by George Ade, very prop
erly opens with "The Night Before."
"Sam." "Joe" and "Shaver" and the rest
of the boys are taking a last look at the
many colored show pictures and speculat
ing on the else of the snakes, but It finally
simmers down that "we can see tomorrow
for ourselves." Ths boys coultf not aleep
' 'vrr; -----
A -
L .
December 0, 1903.
Henty books, in new bindings and lllua
, tratlons, at 25c per volume.
Little Men. and Women Series, The Little
,. Crown Series, .Elsie Books, Polly Peppers,
Emmy Lou, Kate Douglas Wiggins' book.
Ten Boys and Girls, from Dickens; Just
So Stories, by Kipling; Star Falrler, by
Mrs. Carter Harrison of Chicago; the r.ew
Baum book, 'The Enchanted Island of
Tew;" the Ramblllcus Book, by Waiter
McDougall, tens of the Trees.
Billy Whiskers and Billy Whiskers' Kids;
Children of the Arctic, by the Snow Baby
and Her Mother; ErneBt Seton Thompson's
famous books always delight young and
Ths Riley Books .
In new dies. Love Lync, Farm Rhymes,
Joyous Children, Home Folks. His Fa's
Romance. A beautifully Illustrated edi
tion of An Old Sweetheart of Mine.
Sketches In prose and thousands of others
specially designed for Christmas giving.
Two Large Counters
will be covered with hundreds of books
which are slightly shopworn, to be sold at
about one-fourth usual price.
oluti HTV
By the pound, in packages and fancy
Christmas Cards and Calendars styles
confined to us
We do any kind of monogram work, en
grave cards, prepare invitations for recep
tions, weddings, etc.
We warn you to come early If you would
have good attention and plenty pf time to
make proper selection.
Two important new sections
demand your attention.
First, the Bric-a-Brae, near en
trance. Second, the China Depart
ment in basement.
You - cannot afford to miss
very well that night and were up before
the sun and at the circus grounds before
the circus arrived. Of course, there was
a parade, side shows and all those other
things, without which a circus would not
amount to much. Tho boys had saved
their money for a long time to go and they
went and spent all the money they Lad.
When night came they wanted so much to
go again, but they were bankrupt. They
all met there, ' though. "How did you get
.In?" "Saw my father." "So did I." Tha
8aalfleld Publishing company.
'Tlx Giants and a Griffin" r.nd other
stories, six In all, by Birdsall Otis Edey,
illustrated by Beatrice Baxter Ruyl. In
the frontispiece 'The Giants all woke up
and each one rushed to a window," and
little Teddy stands looking at them. An
other one of the stories tells all about
"Gertrude's Visit to the Moon," another
one about something that is very impor
. tant Just at this season, "The Christmas
Trees," and still another about "Mother
Goose's Party." Robert Howard Russell,
"LT1 Verses for Ll'l Fellers," by George
Vera Hobart, illustrated by E. Mars and
M. H. Squire, with the frontispiece a por
trait of "Ll'l Feller" himself. Most every
thing the "Ll'l Feller" wishes or thinks
about are told about In tha cunnihgest of
rhymes and shown in the brightest of pic
tures. His first wish la that he might be
"a drate'blg King,
The blggea' ever seen!
En nlitht 'at wai-n't Trihmas Eva
I'd make 'em Hallow E'en.
Probably all good children will think that
Is about the best wish ever . was. R. 1L
RumoII, publisher.
"Five Little Peppers at School," by Mar
garet Sidney. The story of young people's
lives is not complete without many and
broad glimpses of their schooldays. It was
Impossible to devote the space to this re
cital of the Five Little Peppers' school Ufa
In the books that showed their growing up.
So tho author packed it away in her mind
to tell to those young people who also loved
the Peppers, when they clamored for mora
stories about them. Now we have Just
what Polly and Joel and David did in their
merry school days. Ben never got as much
schooling as the others, for ha Insisted on
getting Into a business life as soon as pos
sible. In order the sooner to begin to pay
Grandpapa King back for all his kindness.
But Jasper and Percy and Van Joined tha
Peppers at school, and a right merry time
(Continued on Page Sixteen.)