Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1903, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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4 s
To Komrwhat reduce our otork of Drup Mrh In now larger than ever before and Irt ordVr to still further Increase
'if Trii) buwlnpi during the month of 1) Kt 'KM RKI1-1W and make thl the HE8T MONTH br far of our MKST TEAR In
JU'BINKSW we aha II. on MONDAY MORN I NO, December 7th at 8 o'clock. Inaugurate auch a sale of Drug and Medlclnea as
ha never before been attempted In Omnhn and at price that will have no reference to coat but nlmply are made with a
NOTICE MAIL ORDKRa will be Tilled at price (riven below-but WE DO NOT PAY FREIGHT OR EXPRESS.
Vrug price cut In two parti, we ra t about one-half, purchaser aavea ono hhlf.
RO Aaaew'a Catarrh Punier (or Stfte
SHe Allcork' I'oroaa I'laatrr.... 1)p
9 Aml-tierm we aril 7Bp
( atl-tierm la a powerful 4llafrrt
ant lid dedorn.
tutf) AntlphlorUtlne we aril 4e Ayer'a Hair Vigor we aell tific (
25c Ayer'a Tectornl l'lnstera we sell.... I!'lc I
L'iSc Ayer'a I'llla we aell "flc
frc Armotir'a Extract Heef we aell.... :fc
II on Armour's Extract Heef we aell.... HOc
11.00 Athlopliorua we aell Mk;
Ararat Complexion Wafer with
Iron, the n;reat blond . en richer and
akin whltrner, flftera dir' treat
meat BOp, .la dafi' treatment ft. Br
mall anon receipt of price,
f 1 Baker' Barley. Malt Whlakey
ire aell Tile
Per da.. h.(K
Thla la tkc flne-at Malt Whjaaey
HOe Rar-Rea we aell 4ite
CVi Pnllard'a Hoarhound Fyrup we sell 4)c
Ilio Beecham'a Cough Pllla we aell ?nc
1 Beef. Wine and Iron we aell Roc
Bird ed, German Mixed, per 1
poand package wa aril 4e
Write for oar Catalosae eontaln-Ina-
ten tlioaaand drag ntore article
at ent price. Parties llvlnar aaialite
f Omaha ahonld elan together and
aend aa their Hat.
80c Plrney'a Catarrh Powder we aell.. 34c
8fo Witter Water (Imported) we aell..,. 5o
Wo Hlackberry Cordlnl we aell ?c
lrc Rlack Draught we aell c
Me Horolyptol we aell 4c
25o Boachee'a German Syrup we aell.... tOc
bc UoxHnko'a Cough and Lung Hyrup
We aell 40c
Wc Rovlnlne we aell Mo
11.00 Rotanlc Blood Balm we aell Wic
ifSe Brandreth'a Pllla we aell.... lite
Small Bromo-Caffclne we sell l"c
Bo Bromo-geltxer we aell . . 2itc
I5c L row 11 Camphorated Tuoth Pow
der we aell 20c
Site Brown'a Bronchial Troche
we aell 11
tl.M BrimliHa (But I lent we aell Xoc
2Sc Bticklln'a Arnica Salvo we aell 2to
2&c Bull'a Cough Syrup we aell 2Uc
too Burkhart'a Vegetable Compound
we aell 40c
$1.00 Rurnlmm'a SaraHparllla we aell.. 4c
Kite laxative Bromo Ualnlae for 11c
fl.OO White Ribbon Mqaor Care
for RHc
fl.OO Derma Royale ever ait It f fine
, We aell over forty atylea of At
. omlaera and Keballaera.
Small Caldwell'a Syrup of Pepsin,
our price 10c
TRo Camphor Ice we aell K'c
2&c CHrter'a Uttle IJver Pills we aell. 11c,
'. Caacaretta we aell i!"c
fio Caacarettk we aell "c
3rc Caatorla (genuine) we aell 21c
2fe Chamberlain's Cough Syrup we aell
' 12.00 Chlsholm'a French; pennyroyal
Pllla we aell $1.00
fa Chlrheater Enallah Penny
royal Pllla Diamond Brand ... .ft. 74
11.00 Crystal Tonic for fiOc
11.00 Crumer'a Kldnev Cure we aell.,.. 59c
fiV Coke a Dandruff Cure we sell 4c
$1.00 Coke'a Dandruff Cure we aell Wo
25ci Colgate's Talcum Powder we aell.. 15c
t'oldolda qulckeat and aafeat
eare for colds Slftc
Coleman's Carbolated Ointment.. ROe
For horaea, cattle and other ani
mal. A arreat healer.
Cryatal Eye Water Dr. Scot ra
the quick care for aore eye.. 2fic
By mall J aoe
2Tc Cutlcura Soap we sell 17c
Vic Da via' Pain Killer we aell , Site
EOc Danderlns we aell e
lio Davis' Headache Powdera, ws sell.. 20c
ll.fO PeMlracle Hnlr Renewer we aell 64c
25c Hewitt 'a Witch Huael Salve we aell 2"c
fric Dlx'a Tonic Tablets we aell 400
Uc Donn's Kidney Pills we sell 40c
11.00 Duffv a Malt Whiskey we sell S-'c
D. I). II. Kcsema Care, per hottle.fl.4Mt
This remedy Is sold and guaranteed by ua
for skin illsensoa.
2.V- Eagle Brand Condensed MIHc we aell 2c
Roe Hind's Honey and Almond
Cream we aell................. 2fte
fl.OO Hoatetter'a Blttera we aell.. tlfta
Z!fe Howell's Antl-Knwf we sell. ZOc
Er.e Hydrogen Peroxide we sell.. ZOc
fl.OO Iter's Mnlt Whisky we aell 4e
fl.SS Imperial tlrannm we sell., ftftc
P)c Jnyne's Expectorant we sell. 4 Op
""e Jayae'a Vermlfnae we sell.. 34e
ROp Johnson's I)lgetlTe Tableta
we sell . . . .' 40p
R- Jo-He OH for 40e
Sne Kay's Long Balsam Hnald)
we aell 20
Stc Kay's Renovator Tablets, we
aell 3e
nop Kemp's CouKh Balaam we
sell 40e
flMi Kendall's gpavln Care we
aell Trte
ROC Klnac's Caetns Oil we sell.... 40c
nee Kilmer's Swamp-Root we ell.Jte
fl Kilmer Swamp-Hoot we sell.. OOe
f 1 Kirk's Dandrnff Care the ten
days dandrnff rare we aell.... TRc
ROC l.ablani'he Face Powder we
sell 30e
2r.c Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne we
aell He
l.lthla Tableta. five strain ench
per bottle we aell 2.1c
nop I.leblK'a Extract Beef (Penn
ine) we aell 40c
noe l.liiuoaone we sell 40c
I I I.lquoioue we sell Op
fl Materlne Lambert's we sell.. T4c
2Sc LUterlne Lambert's we sell lfe
fl.OO Dr. Miles' Nervine for.... fl.OO
2.1c Malt Katrine we sell, hot., 10c,
doa f2.2S
fl Mnltlne Preparntlona we aell
SOp Malted Milk (Horllek'sl we
aell .... 40c
ROe Malvina Cream or Lotion we
aell 8Ke
f.' Mnrvel Whirllna; Spray
Syrlnaes ave sell f2.1H
RCc Mecca Compound we sell.,,. 4 Op
rnp Mpllln's Food we aell UOe
2.1c Mennen'a Talram Powder we
sell .i 11c
25c Mentholatam we sell........ 20c
ROc Mexican Matting Liniment
we sell 40c
S"ip Mistletoe Cream we aell lOc
Moeller'a orwen;lan Cod Liver.
OH we sell ROc
fl.CO Mother's Friend we aell..,.. NOc
Mnll'a fSrape Tonic we aell 3.1c
2R Manyon's Remedies we sell.. SiOe
2Ho M. L. Florida Water we sell 20e
OOc Krai's Dyspepala Tablets we
sell 4le
FOo Omega OH xve sell 4te
Ontario Port, pints, 40c, quarts Oiie
This Is a very pare and palatable
ft. 00 Oranare Blossom we sell., ROc
2.1c Orann-elne we sell 20e
f l.RO Orlentftl Cream (Gonraad's)
we aell fl.lS
fl.OO Oaomnlalon we sell..,,,,., Rt)
rop Palmo Tablets we aell...... 4 Op
2Re Pain Killer (Perry Davl) we
sell lc
Ron Parker'a Hair Balsam we sell 40o
ROc Plso Pile Olatmeat we sell.. 40c
2.1e Pear's Glycerine Soap we sell 15c
noe Prptosrente Milk Powder we
sell 40c
fl.OO Peruna we sell '. Hp
6c Rock Candy, Rye Whlaky and
tllycerlne we sell 35c
Rough on Rats (small) we aell 15c
25c Rough on Rata we aell 2"c
25c Rullfoim we aell 20c
25c ShradiT'a Headache Powdera we aell 2"c
25c Shrader's Fig Powder we sell 2o
75c Soiodont (liquid and powder) we sell 60c
f 1 Sqalbh'a Saraaparllla, with red
plover and dandelion, we sell TRc
This la the beat blood purifier.
t5c St. Jacob's Oil we aell 20c
25c Stearns' Elect' lc Rat and Roach
Paste we aell 2fc
fl Staart's CatKrfc Tablets we
sell r. . . . TOc
fl Swift's Syphilitic Specific,
we ' sell 64e
fl.7S Swift's Syphilitic Speclfe
we sell fl.14
ROc Syrap of FIT we sell S4o
MENT Is model one. employlnar
doable the number of Pharma
cists of any other drag store In
these parts.
Dr. Scott's Crystal Eye Water
we sell 2Rc
By mall ,.. , .. itOe
The best eye water made.
11.00 Scott's Emulsion we aell ROc
$1 Seven Sisters' Hair Grower we aell Kc.
11.00 Sexine Pllla we aell SCc
$1.00 Sherry Wine (good), quart bot
tle, we aell BOc
50c Shlloh'a Consumption Cure we aell "c
26c Tetlow's Swan Down we sell 14c
25c Trask's Magnetic Ointment we sell 20c
$1.00 Vln Mariana we aell K'c
Vlnol the srreat nutritive tonic
and reconstructive. If you are weak,
debilitated and "run down," try a
bottle. Sold la square packages for
Victor's Arserlc Complexion Wafers make
clear, white akin 50c and $1.00 per box.
Our prices canot be duplicated In the
ROc Warner's Sodium Phosphate,
effervescent, we sell .......... 33c
Westmal'a Coldolds a sure cure for
colda 26c
W'eMtmal's Little Senna Pllla the liver
pill without a pain 25o
HOo Williams' pink Pllla we aell.34c
fl Wine of Cnrdal McElrec'a,
we sell T4e
25c Woodbury's Facia! Soap we sell... 14o
$1.00 Wyeth'a Beef, Wine and Iron we
Bell ROc
SOo Xema Care we aell , ,Oc
Our stock of Trusses and supporters for
men, women and children la a most com
prehensive one and embraces all the styles
which have any acknowledged value among
competent authorities. We have a room
for fitting trusses, with men and women
Write for Catalogue and Send Us Your Mail Orders.
Sherman Is RlcConnell Drug Co.
Wholesale and Retail Druggists-
Corner 16th and Dodge Streets, OMAHA
J lulls l)U5
To Our Patrons
We introduced the 'Sp'erry & Hutchinson green trading
ttamp system in good faith, believing that we were offering to
our customers an advantage that meant much to them and which
at the same time was of advantage to us. Experience has proven
that we were correct in our action, and we wish herewith to say
that we are under contract with the Sperry & ITutchinson Co., .
and their store is bound to be maintained in Omaha whether it
is agreeable to certain local business organizations or not, and
by that same contract we are bound to give trading stamps
whether it is agreeable to opposition or not, but further than
this and beyond all, we are under an implied obligation to our
customers to make good their trailing stamp collection, and we ,
shall hold this obligation first and foremost all the time.
Any customer receiving trading stamps from the Bennett
Company may positively rest assured that their books will be
The Sperry & Hutchinson Co. are a business organization of
the highest character, with ample capital to-carry out all con
tracts, and have ailvis4d us that no amount of opposition will
induce them to even consider withdrawing from Omaha. ,
We trust that our patrons will accept this as a final and
definite statement as to the trading stamp proposition in Omaha
and that the stamp collectors or ourselves will not be further
annoyed by untrue and nmlicious reports as to the uncertainty of
fetamp collections. v. ..
Double the usual number of
Green Trading Stamps in all de
partments on the second floor.
Hoit of Nebruka Wheat Crop CtpriTed of
Etxknej'i Lowtit Schedule,
Esaaalaatloa Shows What Mr. Stick
er's 'Isanltealmal Part Mar
Mesa to Shippers of Urala
la This State.
Instead of an "Infinitesimal" portion of
wheat, ss President Sllckney said, being
raised In that part of Nebraska deprived
Of his lowest rate, statistics show that two
thirds of the total crop la raised there and
one-third In that part taking the lowest
Notice of the filing of tho new grain
tariff by the Chicago Great Western rail
road with the Interstate Commerce com
miaalon has been received In Omaha. The
new tariff shows the district which will
take the ll-cent rate on wheat and the
13-cent rate on corn to the northern mar
kets and also the district which will take
the and 8-cent rate.
President Btlckney stated to the execu
tivo committee of the Commercial club
that an "Infinitesimal" part of the state of
Nebraska would take the higher rate and
Intimated In his address to that body that
this district was hardly worth considera
tion. When a close examination of this district
and the crop reports from the couitlea
therein Is made It appears that thla par
ticular portion of the state is not so "in
finitesimal" as it might seem from a wheat
production standpoint.
What Tariff Says.
.The tariff filed with the Interstate Com
merce commission outlines the district tak
ing up the S and 8-cent rates as follows:
All of the state north of a line west from
Plattsmouth to Inland Via Louisville. Lin
coln, Crete, Fairmont and Harvard; thence
via an imaginary line to the Platte river.
Including all points In the state north of
the Platte river. All aouth of thla line
takes the 14 and 13-cent rates, and conse
quently, on account of the discrimination
In local rates, all of the wheat ralaed In
this district will be forced to Kansas City.
By an examination of the annual crop
report Issued by the Union Pacific Rail
way company It will be seen that there was
raised In Nebraska during the year 1903,
32,346,627 bushels of winter wheat. There
was also ralaed 6,786,738 bushels of spring
wheat, but thla latter Item does not enter
Into the question of rates, aa very little of
it goes to the northern markets, there
being sale there for only the hard winter
The Union Pacific crop report states the
yield by counties, consequently It Is a very
easy matter to arrive at the approximate
amount of wheat raised In the two dis
tricts one taking the 9-cent rate on wheat
and the other the 14-cent rate to Minne
apolis and St. Paul. The following coun
ties are In the district taking the 14-cent
rate, and following each Is the number of
bushels produced In the county during
1903. Eight of tho counties are divided by
the line In President Stlckney's tariff, and
of course the yield In these counties Is
estimated by the portion of the county
north and south of the line:
Where Balk is Raised.
Cass, 232.M6; Otoe, 342.170; Johnson, 255.
270; Nemaha. 305,484; Pawnee, 256,576; Rich
ardson, 256,130; Lancaster, one-half the
county, 235.060; Gage, 808,308; Saline, four
fifths of the county, 871,200; Jefferson, 650,-
420; Fillmore, two-thirds of the county,
924,000; Thayer, C01.601; Clay, two-thirds of 1
the county, 810,608; Nuckolls, 631,592; Adams, j
two-thirds of the county, 710,528; Webstef,
686 450; Kearney, 1.061,946; Franklin, 812,254;
Phelps, 1,683,080; Harlan, 1,473,076; Gosper
1,094,750; Furnas, 1,475,784; Dawann, one-
third of the county, 331,289; Frontier, 1,658,-
680; Red Willow, 1,604.640; Lincoln, one-half
of the county, 138,615; Hayes, 62,685; Hitch
cock, 402,300; Perkins, no report; Chase,
29,850; Dundy, 13,087; Keith, one-third of
the county, 28,500.
t By adding the above amounts the total
amount of wheat raised In the district tak
ing the 14-cent rate Is found to be 20,340,
700 bushels, which it Is thought safe to
figure on going to the Kansas City mar
ket under the conditions of the new Chi
cago Gerat Western tariff. This leaves a
balance of 12,005,927 bushels of winter wheat
raised in the district taking the 9-cent
Consequently it may be seen that the
'Infinitesimal" portion of the state on
which the 14-cent rate under the new tariff
Issued by President Btlckney raises almost
two-thirds of the entire wheat crop of Nebraska.
Ionic Feel Dabloas.
President Wattles of the Grain exchange,
when shown the above figures, said:
'I knew the amount of wheat raised In
the district taking the 14-cent rate was
large, but I did not think the percentage
was so great. But there is a story back
of all this rate matter which at this time
cannot be made public. You can say that
the executive committee of the Grain ex
change is perfectly satisfied with present
conditions and has no complaint to make,
notwithstanding the figures as shown.
"While President. Btlckney probably has
not done a great deal for Omaha he has
done something, and with the start made
we hope to ultimately build up a great
grain market. We have to start somewhere
and Mr. Btlckney has given us the chance."
Other grain men are not so optimistic.
One of them said that he was not sur
prised at the showing, and had believed
that since Kansas City raised such a hue
and cry Omaha was bound to get the short
end of the bargain. It was his Impression
that Prealdent Btlckney had no Intention of
overlooking his interests In Kansas City,
and when the people down there raised a
cry H was bound to be heard and heeded
in the headquarters of the Chicago Great
Weatern Several others talked In the
same strain. s
At Least That la What Dr. Carl
Pelers Thlaks of the rant
ers! t'oantrr.
Dr. Peters affirms that thla country east
of the 7-ambesl was originally conquered
by the ancient Phoenlclana and he has also
brought with him stones bearing Inscrip
tions which are preseumrd to be In old
Semitic characters. Furthermore, he has
had access to some newly discovered native
paintings which In form and color are ab
solutely Egyptian In character, while the
Hottentot language has revealed to the ex
plorer undoubted traces of the ancient
Egyptian character. He has In his pos
session a statuette, undoubtedly Egyptian,
which was found near the Zambesi, and
which Is supposed to be quite 6,000 years of
age, and thla Is perhaps the moat striking
proof of the explorer's contention, for It Is
quite clear the statuette cannot have rome
overland from the Nile to the Zambesi.
The doctor states:
"I had supposed at first that this land
of Ophlr was discovered by the Egyptians,
but I now believe It was In possession of
the Punic tribes when the Egyptians went
down there to levy tribute and afterward
apparently to establish colonics. It looks
to me as If the Egyptians had gone up the
Zambesi river and later on King Solomon
approached the district from Sofala, though
I can't prove this.
"Long after the Egyptian Invasion the
queen of Sheba, whose country is what we
now call Yemen in Arabia, was the mis
tress of the whole east coaat of Africa.
Her Babaens had annexed this land of
Ophlr and made It a tributary colony, and
then came all the great wealth that she
had, and that made the gold of Arabia so
much talked about. As a matter of fact
there wasn't any gold In Arabia except
what the Arabian traders brought over
from Ophlr.
"When the queen went up overland to
see King Solomon apparently most of the
gifts she took with her came from this
treasure land of hers. Now, from my own
rendering of the Hebrew and from the out
side facts, I should soy that there is a
lapse of time between the tenth and elev
enth verses of I Kings x, for It appears
that It was the queen of Sheba who told
Solomon and bis naval ally Hiram about
the Land of Ophlr and that she granted
them a concession for working the mines,
and provided them with pilots to lead them
to this place.
"One reaaon for her doing this may have
been that she had to keep fighting the na
tives all the time In order to hold the
I quote also from Dr. Peters' book, "The
Eldorado of the Ancients," as follows:
"One can guess at the tremendous amount
of gold Solomon and Hiram got from these
mines from the estimate, baaed on Bible
figures, that on one trip alone they took
33.000,000, estimating tho value by weight.
And. apparently they made an expedition
every three years."
Dr. Peters says that 75,000 ancient gold
workings have been found In this marvel
ous district which Is l tun ted on the Zam
besiand that the ruins of 500 cities, dating
back as far as 2000 B. C, have been found
by him in the course of his explorations.
He now proposes to explore the whole of
the Makombe country, which he says Is
full of silver, copper, diamonds, In fact,
any precious metal Imaginable.
It will be remembered that Dr. Peters
was at one time the German Imperial high
commissioner of the Kllllmangaro district.
On his return to Germany he became a
great figure in the Reichstag, where his
opponents brought some old charges of
cruelty to natives against h.'ru, with the
result that he was officially censured and
he left Germany for good. Brooklyn-Eagle.
John Bailer Is Boaad Over on TeatU
snoar of Witness Who laeatl
es Illaa.
John Bailey, after vainly attempting to
prove an alibi, was bound over In the sum
of If.OOO in police court on the charge of
highway robbery. Bailey was charged with
snatching a purse containing $5.50 from
Miss Llssle Delts, at the alley on Nine
teenth street between Caas and California,
Wednesday forenoon. In his defense he at
tempted to prove that he was out of the
city, but failed, and ' witness 'Charles
Barnea, for the state, positively Identified
him aa Miss Deiti's assailant, Barnes
having been attracted by her screams when
the act was committed.
. Stork Yards Report.
The monthly report of the Union Stock
Yards company at South Omaha shows
that the Cliiugn & Northwestern railway
hauled to that market during November
Z Ml cars of live Block. I O from the west,
37K from Iowa and A from the Omaha
road. The Burllnmon was a close aecoiid.
bringing in 2,2m' cars. Theae shipments
were out of a total of 7.4cO cars received
during the month.
Philadelphia Paint Work.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec t.-The paint
works of N. Z. Graves Co., at Broad
street and Geary avenue, were destroyed
by fire today. Loss, 11,000, fully Insured.
Chicago Girls Spnra the Marriage
Certificates as Evidence of
"We are not asking for husbands, but
those who want us must be on our eligible
list, and only union men need apply."
With this decree the Girls' Union League
club has started out to solve the problem
of whether marriage is a failure. Two of
Its twenty members are making the test,
have declared themselves well satisfied, and
have advised the others to "go and do like
wise, but be sure and get a man who car
ries a union card."
The league started Its eligible list on
Thanksgiving eve at its annual ball. The
places of honor In the grand march were
given to the two brides, Mrs. Addle Ahlgrln
and Mrs. Mae Burns.
The younger labor leaders have been
watching the league with Jealous eyes.
Sofia of them are believed to have signed
the eligible list, but Just who they are
neither Miss Nellie Mahoney, the club
president, nor any of the members will say.
The league was organized primarily to
advocate the union label. Its members have
refused to buy material which has not the
stamp of organisation on It. They have
visited the principal stores In the Interest
of their scheme and have been successful.
The members are picked from a long list of
applicants and all are considered belles of
their respective unions. Chicago Inter
Flossie, aged 3, wanted more rake, but
was told that It would make her aick. She
was silent for a moment and then ex
claimed: "Well, mamma, dest dive me an
nuier piece an' send for xa doctor."
Small Bobby had met with a slight mis
hap and was crying bitterly.
'Come here," said his mother, "and let
me kiss away the tears."
"W-walt a m-minute," sobbed the little
fellow. "I a-ain't done c-cryln" yet."
A master in Eton who had had a dis
tressing day with his pupils drew an ape
on the blackboard and said he would de
scribe some of the peculiarities of this
creature to his brilliant form. There were
thirty-one boys present, and the first sen
tence of the master was: "Now there are
thirty-one of the species present" "Ex
cuse me, sir," exclaimed one of the boys,
Interrupting, "but there are thirty-two."
"Keep the feet warm and head cool" Is
a household saying that, carried out, no
doubt saves many an illness.
It In addition to this, you will carry and
take "77" at the first chill or shiver, you
will keep free from Colds and Grip.
1 for Fevers, Congestions.
3 " Teething, Colic, Crying.
t " Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache.
10 " Dyspepsia, Indigestion.
14 " Bait Rheum. Kryaipelas.
15 " Rheumatism. Lumbago.
27 " Kidney Diseases.
M '" Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.
In small bottle of pleasant pellets that
fit the vest pocket. At Druggists, 25 cents.
(-Medical Guide mailed free.
Humphreya' Med. Co., Cor. William &
John fcltreeta. New York.
Piano Buying
UKdINMNO TOMORROW, and rontimiing through
Dccpinbt'i', wo will olTer our rutin htbt k of srvrral hundred
new pianos ami organ at positive reductions, ranging from
10 per cent to T0 per cent.
It is a Well Known Fact
THAT WK show a stock many times the largest west of
Chicago, and of a variety ami high quality not exceeded by
any piano stock in America.
Therefore, Nothing is Reserved.
THE NEW YORK prices of the famous Steiuway & Sons'
upright ami grand pianos are so well known and so firmly
established that a reduction of ten per cent to December
cash buyers will without doubt take our entin assortment
There are other '-Standard make'' pianos, like the A. H.
Chase, Hardnian, Kteger & Sous, Emerson, Vose & Sons,
Mason & Hamlin, Geo. Steck, Hradburry, Kroll, French and
a dozen more pianos of the highest class, in large variety
of casings and sizes pianos that are made to retail at
$375 to $630 will be offered on terms, or for cash with actual
discounts ranging from 20 per cent to as high as 50 per cent.
Just think of it a NEW ?300 standard make piano, Wes
sel, Nickle & Gross action, imported hammers and wire, fin
est ivory keys, copper wound strings in the bass, finished
throughout, in side and back, with bird's eye maple, fancy
design walnut we have it for sale at $230.
IT IS our desire to reduce this immense investment one
half, previous to our annual inventory January 1st. The
surest way to attain this result is to let the
Prices Drop to the Bottom
WE ALSO show a number of used pianos, in a wide se
lection of makes, Steinway & Sons, Emerson, Steger, J. P.
Hale, Arion, llallett & Davis, Knabe, Poole, Baus, Singer,
'Chickering, etc at $76.00, $85.00, $105, $125, $135, $155,
$160 arid up.
Terms $100 Per Week
SQUARE PIANOS AND ORGANS $10, $18, $22, $30,
$38 to $50 terms, 50c aweek. , , (
The ..
of Music
trelles Pianola Pianos
- Pianola Musi
We are sole agents and cordial
ly invite inspection.
New and
arid grands
for $3.00,
$3.50, $4.00,
to $5.00 a
month and
six months
rent allowed
if you
S. 1tTM T. I 0t aaoADWA
i ra I TtL.
Our Omaha
hand made
i pianos
appeal to
imoney sav
ing motives
and local
pride, ask
to see them
or write for
Union Pacific
Ak0 ria Omaha nack dtinatioi alxUtn houn
quicktf than an othtr lint.
Handsomaly Equipped with
Pullman Filaca Sloping Cart. Fr Reclining Chair Cars.
Buffet Smoking and Library Cart. Turlt Heaping Cart a Specialty.
Dining Cart, Mealt a la carl. Pinltch Light Steam Heal, elc.
lull Information Cheerfully FurnUbed on Application to
city 'in-wet utile
1.U4 FAR tl IT.
v'lione a.
"ru XYfi .mAi ilwU"
-Tf':T .nrn :r vf:i; 4f;r n