.-JTIIE OMAHA DAILY IiEE: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1003. FOR iALFJ REAL F.1TATB. R. C PETERS. F. J. FITZGERALD. R. C. PETERS & CO., GROUND FLOOR, BEE BLDG. To close out non-resident holdings in vacant property, we offer the following lots at prices to sell fhem in the next tew days. No. fOxl44, at INth and Upward street. $175. No. 99S 60x1, 8. 10. rorntr lsih and La.'rd, X0. No. m-fmxlit, on!-!mlf b.oek west 431 and Charles street; north front, $228. No. in ixi w, N E. comer of 4Bih and Hamilton, ?&.. No. 214 UftxHit, B. W. corner 45th iind I hnrlts, .'f.r-0. No. 14-N. W. corner SJ.1 and Rugg es, 6J4132. $o0. No. JM-5il87, 176 feet aouth of Bhl.lev, east front on 27th treet, $5M. No. 9H9 7!) Iota In Certhase, 60 to f IK) each. Ho. IS 310 lot In Dundee, from I'.tO up; call for plat showing location. YOUR CHOICE OF A HOME CHEAPER THAN TO BUILD. No. 124 S-room cottage, 33d and Howard; wnlklnr? distance, 11,000. No. K.'4 -ronm. ;th and Chicago, near High school; a bargain; $1,350. No. t9 6-rooin cottage, NI W, corner 4lst ana l ake street, $1.4iX. No. 441 7-room, illy water and aewer, 1810 Decatur. $l,to0. No. 269 7-room, modern except ftiriiar-o, li-ih and Corby, $2,000. No. 775 7-room, modern except furnucd, eaat front, full lot, 27th and Woolworth, 12.600. No. H0 7-room, modern except furnace; barn; 17th and Center atreet, R.5&0. No- 979 fl-room, thoioughly modern, built Hi yeai. 'M and Charles atreet, 12,600. No. 936 Two houses, 4 Iota, Slat and Vinton street, fK0. No. 7!H S-room, modern, lot 75x14!), 6S4 South iXtii atreet, very cheap, $4,000. No. 278 8-room, thoroughly modern, flist-claes repair; eaat front, 4th aha Howard; owner leaving city; $4,5uO, Wo. 978 s-room, modern, hardwood finish, rood barn, 30th avenue, north of Poppleton avenue, $5,250. No. 88 10-room, modern, food barn, paved atreet, 22d and Blnney atreet", $6,600. No. 1648 Two 6-room cottage, two l-room modern houses, corner lot 76x154, fronting; two paved etreeta; yearly rental $l.uO: flrst-claat repair; alwaya ranted; near High echool. For quick aa'e, $14,000. WTtrTE US FOR M8T OF FARM LANDS. WE HAVE CALIFORNIA FRUIT AND FARM LANDS FOR BALE. ASK FOR PARTICULARS. I LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US FOR QUICK BALE. WE HAVE THE BUYERS. R. C. PETERS & CO.. GROUND FLOOR, BEE BLDG. 'PHONE 898. RE H THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN NEBRASKA LANDS. H 71 seres of fine land lying 9 miles north of Miller. Neb. In liuft.ilo county, 27S acres under cultivation. 125 acres of fine meadow, 240 actes of this land Is In the valley and the hulanca Is rolling land of good quality of clay land, all fenced and cross fenced, a large lot of Ann timber, consisting of aah, elm and boxelder; the timber on the place will last for a life time and will furnish all the posts unJ building material for the place for all time to come. The pasture Is fine blue stem grans, with plenty of living spring water for stock, two tins tubular wells, windmills and tanks; bu'ldlngs consist of a first class frame house of 7 rooms, frame barn for 14 head of hprses, frame chicken house, cattle barn, hay acales and feed yards, corn crib and granary. Prlo $12.50 per acre. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 810, 611 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 867 BARGAINS. 9-room modern house, Hanscom district Barn, lawn, nice trees, lot 50x116, for $2,350, worth $3,000. 7-room, new, modern, not far out, good location, paving and permanent sidewalk paid in full, for $2,500. Don't delay on this. S-room cottage, new, modern, lot 42x132, good location, north, for $1,775. VACANT SNAPS. 40x4, near 87th and Dwy, pv. pd., $1,150. 60x150. E. frcnt, ahade, Hanacom Pic,, $700. 60x131. near 24th and Ames, sewer pd., $350. 00x140, nour 46th and Hamilton, $300. 60x124, E. front, Kountse Flo., pv. pd., $900. 60x124, on 24th near A, Bo. Om., pv. pd., $750. THKBH LOTS ARE SURE) MONEY MAK ERS AT THE ABOVE FIGURES. YOUR OPPORTUNITY-CJON T PABB IT. ERNEST SWEET, 1 N. T. L. TEL, 1472. RE T52 FARM AND RANCH. LANDS. Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. 50c to 2 per acre for ranches. $3 to 112 for good farm lands. One-tenth cash. Write for particulars to B. A. McALLASTER, Land Commissioner, Union Pacific R, R. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. RE- T-ROOM strictly modern house near Park ave, and Jackson St., price $3,000. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. KO-t7l WE HAVE THE BUYERS IT YOU DOUBT UB TRY U81 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. RE-769 40, 50 or 100 ACRES lust oft Dodge St macadam, 8 miles from p, o. 10 and $100.00 an acre. Hastings & Heyden 610-611 N. Y. Life. RE-52 I MUST GO QUICK Five-room, new modern nouse, built by owner for home, Ltectiie ligiiL, gas bain; block irorn best car line. lei. u-.tuu. RE-W tiX NEW 6-room, modern except furnace, la sightly locution, price $2,ouo; $50) down and balance monthly. BEAllei. PAXTON BLOCK. RE 877 ENGLISH & CO., Paxton Blk In West Farnam district; 9 room modern residence, the last'one I have for quick sale at 51,800. RE M 124 UARR1BON MORTON, TRACKAGE, ita-vij iH BALK, iweive-acre fruit farm at t'.ialdeutown, Florida; water front, young orange and banana grove, and good 1iuuj. AdaieM Lock iiux o. Otiiur, Neb. KK-'S4 RKAL, K8TATE bargain. Full lot and three house la K. V. Brauh sddltion, only. $2,260.' Thonu Llrsunau, bo. lHh treat. Bti-Mboe J51J.00OWILL BUY IT! One of th Bnet quarter sections in Barpy county: IT nill from Omaha; all under a high stale of cultivation; lauccd and cross fvueed: good house, large barbs, cube, grauailoa, Ihrre acres in young bearing orchard; wind nil! and oihvr Improve m.tiit. gll. am wlU buy this lcgnt farm if taken VdTEnrtKLD HILL Ble Agents, tu Fust Ndtloual Bank. RE-M5M FOR MLK REAL ESTATE. M. D. CAMERON. SOME GOOD BARGAINS Dwelling Houses Three 6-r houses, renting for $640 per an num, with city water, sewer connection, gas, nice lurg living rooms, with nar row hard pine flooring, nicely papered, with good front and rear porches, good front and back yards, with nne shade -jd soma fruit, one block from Farnam car, In good neighborhood. Owner must move this property at once. Bee us for price, etc. lout Georgia ave., S-r. all modern house, renting for $30 per month; must be sold quick. ' Near the Ames ave. car barn, 6-r story-and-one-half house, oil finish, gas in kitchen, large corner lot, 64x126; house Is planned for bath room, ready to install fixtures; Immediate possession, house va cant. Price, $1,400. Might be shaded. 424 Dorcas St., 4-r. bouse 50-foot lot. Want offer. 29th and Farnam sts., close in, S-r., all mod ern house, rents for $25. Price $2,400. Owner anxious to sell. 2601 South Tenth St., 7-r., hard oil finish, gas In kitchen, bath, closet, washbowl, , cemented cellar, sewer connection, rent ing for $18. Owner'a price, $1,600. He wants an offer. 81st and Franklin St., 6-r. house, for $510. $872 Beward St., 8-r., all modern except furnace, 60-foot lot, $2,060. Splendid investment, only four block from court house, two good houses of five to seven rooms each, at 721-23 S. 18th St.. bath rooms and gas, and rent at $41 per month. A modest sum expenciea in re pairs and Improvements would put the rentals on a basis of $50 per month. Thev must be sold at once. Price ridicu lously low. It will ray you to investigate and see ua about mem. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 601- 8 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. OMAHA. Sixth Floor. RE . W. H. GATES, B17 Ttf. T. TJfa. 'Phone 1204 1006 room cottage, good erder, city built nouse and very cheap, at &Oi Burdette. ' . 9006 room house and lot, 30x100 oa Lake nAar 18th at. 11,300 Small cottage and ground UOxlov at 3212 Webster: lays nne. $1,600 -room house and lot 38x140, on 13th and urace. $1,6B0 New 6-room cottage and lot, 80x140, 8"M N. 17th at. $1,875 10-room, 3-story house and large Darn, lot tixui, east ironi on nu tvi.. near (?umlnsr. $l,S0O 6-room cottage at 934 N. 23d, rents at $15; eaet front. ' $4,000 10-room modern house at 1906 Blnney, narawooa ntiiBn aownmairn, wu ar ranged and extra well built. . South front lot on Chicago at., Just eaat ot th, l,oou. 7-ROOM houee In Walnut Hill, bath, city water, etc., price iii.i i,o"u. BEMI8. PAXTON BLOCK. RE 878 I CHBA9- Williamson Co.. g.&SfdV FOR HALE Large house, 13 rooms, 8 Iota; house cost 122.000; ii.suu ram; west yarj of city; will Mil for $15,000. Address W 38. Use office. RB-M738 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? jf mu want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about 1L The best way to reach them la 'through THE' TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Thla arrlfiilturnl weekly eoea to 48.000 homes ot farmer and stock raisers, so It you have a good place of land to sell at a reasonable price you will llnd a buyer among them, in cosi oi an novermtmiui I small cams per woru in iuu iyw v. $2.o per Inch It set In large type. THETWfcNTlETH CENTURY FARMER, OMAHA, NEB. R&V-428 HARRISON MORTON. ACRKAUE. Bl-U4 DRAFTSMAN' Plan, detail, etc., drawn for all kinds of building. Addrce C. Z. Staub, t04 B llh t.. City Ri-M54! 3x 8-ROOM houae on Franklin near 40th at, full lot, mouern, price i,'j. BEiiltf. i'AATON jj, Fine Alfalfa Farm In the Platte valley, or US acre at $-2 0 per acre. Thla Is a anap. owner will take $l,5u0 to $2,UW ccttuge In Omaha a part pu n.ent. Se ua quick. I AtNE i.w fc.br jit.vr co., N. Y. Lit lildg., Oumba, Neb. RE-MKI I $2.400 New six-room house at 3716 Leaven- 70 IveX trout, car Une passe door; $4ov cash, balance easy payment at per cwnU ieiepnoue iia, itc c RANCH and farm land for sal by the In ion iacino itallroad company, a. A. McAllaaler, land commiiuloner, Uuiou Pacltio littj.dquartera, Omaha, Neb. Ufc-410 COTTAGE Built only tao year, would coat more to build today; four nice rooms on the first, three rooms and tain on the second; lo cated in BEM1S PARK Nlre lot, 44x142 ft. halt block from Harney car; nice hade trees, brick walk; owner built thie cottage fur a home, but oflsr 11 at a sacrifice for quick sale at 52,000 Be us or look at th property. No. 3317 Myrtle ave. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. RE 677 Buy fine bulUlirg lot on Manderaou street just west oi ..in. bower aud water on irtcl. i ma is a snap. H. H. LANljIIRroU. 44$ Board v Hade. Tel. 1131 FOILIALE-REAL ESTATE. OMAHA REAL ESTATE VALUES Are lower than they will ever be ngain. Persons seeking small homes find values gradually increasing. Property purchased now will show a fair profit in a year. Uelow is a lisf that on account of location and price will prove profitable either as on investment or speculation. Look them over carefully and isee us about then C693 Thla la a t-room cottage with city water, gaa and sewer, In a good location ar. close to good car line. $1,060 Is very reaMnmible for this property. 1C3 ThH Is a splendid 7-room house In good repair, full lot, porcelain bath, toilet, good closets and pantry, cellar, reins lor $16 per month. We can sell you this place for $1,600 on very easy terms. 1591 This is a splendid 6-room, new cottage, with hot and cold water, porcelain bath, toilet, marble washstand, sewer, cellar. In fact, everything exoept the furnace, surrounded by very pretty homes. I'llce Is $2,000. IBS This Is a 6-room cottage, practically new, modern except furnace, In a good lo cation, two blocks from tne Farnam car ;lne, for $2,500. 6117 A 7-room house, two blocks from the Harney car line or within walking distance of the pnstofflce, has four bed rooms on the second floor, buth, toilet, electric light, elegant location, which we ca.i Bell for $2,600 on easy terms, , This house rents for $J5 per month. 6685 cie Is a new 6-room modern house in Hemis Park, within a half block of the Harney oar line, surrounded by beautiful home. Price $2,8no. 1911 This Is an 8-room house on a lot 45xlS Oct, located ne:ir 25th nnd Pierce, whloh has both, city water In kitchen, fui naco, clatern, pump In the house nnd In good condition, new sidewalks, etc. This Is a genuine bargain at fi,oo. We have a great many more real bargains in improved and vacant properties, and we would be very glad to have you call and see us in' regard to them and we will take pleasure in showing them to you when it will suit your convenience. .' PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Ark., Btuttgart, house and 10 A. land. , Cun.. Alueria, N. W. T., Impd. ranch, 10, 1 ouw A., with 11 ml. ilvei- iroiiiuge; aa nnrabiy auapted to puro-bred stock lam ina. Cuu, La Gloria, Prov. Puorto Principe, 10 A. orange and fruit land, and Z good lots. Cal., 'aiiorouk, Han JJ.tKO Co., -r. adobe house and lot, 40 A. iruit ranch. Cal., Appifgatu, house and hi A, Cel., m. Pomona, 6 A. trult ranch. bun F rancisco, well locatea blog. plot. (Jul., Coronado, i well located lots. tn., xs. 8. Hydney, hue hotel property. Can., Assimboia, N. W. T., A. fine larullna land: rauidly Increasing in value. Col., jL-aeriton Co., 100 A. mineral lund; liiiuts. Denver, MontclaJr, 2 lota, Hyde Park ave. Del., Sussex Co., 81 A. and Impts. t la., Putnam Co., 10 A. orchard. Flu., nr. ormond, res. alte, tki0x2,000 feet, borders on Halifax river and ocean. Fla., nr. fcUnfurd, i A. truck farm. Fla., Marlon Co., 40 A. fruit and truck land. Fla., Marlon Co., 67 A. fruit and truck land, Oa.. nr. Macon, fine 80 A. truck farm. Oa., Twiggs Co., 340 A. land, well tlmoered; targe uupoeus oi Kaolin, also clay. Idaho, Moscow, 7-r. res. and 144 A. Chicago, 2 bldg. lots, tipauldlngs ave. Chicago, Oroftsdale, 3 good bldg. lots. Chicago, Cicero, 3 good bldg. lots. 111., Oardner, 17-r. res. and 6 A. 111., nr. Frankfort Bta., 117 A. and impts. . 111., Arthur, 1-story store and implement bldg. Iud., Jefferson Co., 45 A. and Impts. Ind., Parke Co.. 67 A. and impts. la., Hamburg, brick res. and 4 lot, la., Adams Co., 290 A. and impts. Kan., Rook Co., 240 A. and impts, Kan., Lone Co., 160 A. of land. Kan., Cowley Co., 340 A. and Irapta., Ky., Erlanger, nr. Cincinnati, 2 lot. Ky., Todd Co., good farm, 235 A. Ky., Burnslde, 8 mod. res. and grounds. Me., Androscoggin Co., 20o A. and impts. Me., Penobscot Co., excellent 226-A. lurm. Mass., Welitleet, 8-r. res., near lleach. Mass., Norfolk Co., eqpd. tarm, 60 A. Mass., Wakefield and Btoneham, tti tine lots, valuable lor either building or Investment. Idas., Taunton, good house and lot. Kicb., nr. Monroe, good 6&-A. farm. Mich., Jackson Co., 222 A. and impts. Mich., Saginaw Co., complete dairy farm. 1;'6 A. Detroit, 10-r. re., 18th and Sycamore sts. Mich., Petoskey, good rs. and lot. Mich., Berrien Co., B4-A. fruit farm. Minn., Murray Co., 100 A. and lirt. Minn., Murray Co., fine 320-A. farm. Minn., W. Concord, tjre ar.d ofllue bldg. Minn., Wabasha Co., 2A. stock tarm. Minn., Todd Co.. so A. and imp'.. Minn., Kandiyohi Co., 16) A. and implf. Mo., Stoddard Co., W A. line timber land. Mo., Harrison Co., god 24o-iL faim. Mo., Howell Co., HO A. and lmpta. Neb., nr. Slcux City, 33-A. truck tarm. Neb., Keith Co., 4h0 A. and lmpttl. N. J., Bradley Beach, modern lo-r. re. N. J., Warren Co., 225 A. and impia. N Y., Rochester, 12-r. res., Clinton ave., N. nrooiciyn, uugoy, i aajoining iota ta. 94 th at. N. Y., Uulllvan Co., 178 A. and Impts.; beau tiful fake: tine location for hotel. N. Y., Allegany Co., mz A. and impta. N. Y., Orange Co., good 125-A farm in x., Mt. vernon, i re., lot iuo tt. square. N. Y., Niagara Co., 100 A. and lmpus. . . . a., auubv -wt aiiu iiiiyia. Brooklyn, double lot, K. Bdy. and K. 4Dth St. N. Y.. Columbia Co.. 303 A. and lmota N. x.a uneiua, gooa tenement house ana lot. N. C, Polk Co., 110 A. mineral (gold) land. N. P., Ransom Co., 330 A. and impts. N. D., Lamoure Co., 640 A. land. Ohio, nr. Medina, 7-r. res. and 2 A. Ohio, Cleveland, 14-r. res.. Franklin ave. Ohio. nr. Toronto. 8-r. res.. 8 A. land. Ohio, Cleveland, 18 A. suburban land: suuaoi tor sud-oiv. or irucKinv. Ohio, Portage Co.. fine farm. 22s A. Cincinnati, lo3 fine bldg. lota, averaging BOX 1MJ II.. excellent lor Did if. or investment. unio, norwooo, gooa lot, niaen ave. Okla., Hennessey, 9 lots, Oliver add. 8kU, Orant Co., 160 A. land, re.. HUlsboro. f-r. res. and lot. la., nr. rittsDurg, i a. ana impts.; gooa location ror poultry piant. Pa., Armstrong Co., 43 A. and impts. Pa., Tioga Co., eqpd. farm, 110 A. Pa., Lehigh Co., 14 A. and Impts, Pa., Bootnwyn, 10-r. res. and 3Vk A. Pa., Clearheid Co., 1,154 A. coal land. pa,, uaaen, tivt A. plot; suitable tor real' dence lot or mfg. site. Pa,. Arabridge. fine lot. Maolewood ave. Pa., Ulaaaport, finely located lot. S. C, Abbeyvllle Co., 61 A., containing two or more goia-Dearing quarts veins. S. D., Marshall Co, 160 A. grain land. 8. D., McPherson Co., good farm, 8o4 A. 8 D.. McPherson Co.. 160 A. Brain land. Tenn.. Morgan Co., SO A. and irnpu. Bait Lake City, 4 lots. Folsom'a add. Va., Henrico Co., plantation, 1,312 A., 60 A. orchard, 1,000 A. cult., stock and Imple ment. Wash., Steven Co., 160 A., placer gold land. vt asn., tuuuti uo.. coai rignt on laj A.- W. Va., Mineral Co., 1,300 A. land; well aaaDtea to grazing or farming:. Wis., Marinette Co., 100 A. land. Wis.. Eau Claire Co.. K0 A. and ImDts. Wyo., nr. Jackson, excellent eqpd. ranch, 4o0 A. deeded land: well watered. W. M. OSTRANDKR, N. A, bldg., Phlla, Kld-817 6x 6-ROOM cottage In excellent condition near 23ct and Mason eta., 11,000; fJOO down and balance same as rent. BlOllB. PAXTON BLOCK. KE-S80 I HAVE TOU $8,600? We offer till sold 32 feet on Farnam be tween 10th and Uth at $3,500. We think It very cheap. HARRISON MORTON, 112 813 N. T. Life. Tel. 214. RE-446 BEK Spencer bargain. 626 N. T. Life.. FOH 8 ALK Warehouse, U.OoO square- feet noor Ipaoe, gooa iracauge inciiiues ana rixht in wbolenale district. L. U. opaid lug, agent, blag. lei. Jft. vmana nai i oana Ri3 m HARRISON MORTON, Bl'SINESS ritOr&nTI. K-6U LltT your city property with us for aulck sa.e. W have the buyers. The Abbott- Cowan Co., 312-311-215 Brown Klk. RK-M100 BETK Chris Boyer before buying. 22d and Cuming. t-non zwt. ntr-Mru it More Quotations Beginning Monday More Ptizes Too, For details see advertisement page II, FOR 8 A LB REAL ESTATE. Tel. 1781. RE H. & H. Special Bargains. A great many Omaha people are investing in Omaha prop erty and are getting big interest on their investment Why don't you look up some of the bargains we are offering? HOUSES. $1,400 for a good 6-room house on South 14th near Castellar; has city water, sewer, gaa ana snaae; nouse in nne repair. Another pood six-room house on South 11th near Castellar. $2,600 buys a brand new, U modern 6-room south front cottage In Beml park; only one block from two car line. $2,600 for a well built 7-room cottage, all modern except furnace, on Oeorgia ave. near Woolworth, on paved atreet, car lino, In good neighborhood. $1,600 for 6-room house on 18th street near Grace; another for $1,850. $3,600 buy a new 7-room all modern house at 31st and Marey, has four bed rooms upstairs, three large rooms and reception hall on first floor. This Is In a fine neigh borhood. $2,100 for a good t-room modern house at 27th and Ames avenue; nearly new. LOTS. $1,300 for two full lots at SSth and Dcdgw. $1,000 for a full east front lot on Lowe ave nue. $sw for a full south front lot on Maple near Twenty lot near r.ew proposed elevator el tea, $300 to $100 each. $150 for a An lot In Me!roee Hill addition. ACRES. Ten acres near Benson, $1,500. Seven and one-half acres one mile from Florenoe; has good house, two acres In fruit, two acres In alfalfa, nice chicken house, for 3200 an acre. Twenty acre two mile from Flornce for 5oo an acre; naa about three arre :n tim ber. Riven and one-third acres near Ruser's park for 3120 an acre. 1 These are only a few of what we have. Hastings & Heyden. H0-511 N. Y. L. 'Phone r-2nl RU-765 9-ROOM house, cement cellar under whole nouse, Da tn, gas. city water hot and cold east front, full lot. good barn and carriage house, In good locality only one block from car, price only $3,150. Would consider trade for smaller hoime. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. RE 881 f 160 ACRES, fine Improvements, orchard. for sale; nice home. Houuley & Gibbons, Elkhorn, Neb. RE M708 7x $250 Buy fine corner lot on Vanderson and Bun otreet; aewer ana water on atreet; lot 60x150. Easy term. R. H. LANDER YOU. 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 2151. RE M707 7 NEW MODERN HOME Seven room with reception hall; porcelain tub, nlckle plated plumbing, turnace, ce mented cellar, cement walk, ahade tree, fruit treea, nne location. Price $3,360.00. Benson & Carmichael, . 642 Paxton Block. RE M638 T 10 ACRB3 west of Dundee, 6-room cottage, etc, bargain, $2,500. 1 acre near 50th and Leavenworth at.. 4- room house, cow barn for 10 head, hog house, chicken coop, good well, 26 appe trees, cherries, plums and plenty small fruit, only $1,700 ; 6jou down and balance $24 per month. BEMid. PAXTON BLOCK. I IE 8S5 I On Easy Payments $050.00 4-r. couaac. 2212 N. ith. ' $t0.oo Double huuae, lot poll-, 2017 Martha. VxO.OO 7-room house. 3.21 Onlo. tooo.oo 4-r. house, lot ooxiao, 8117 Marcy. Jl,i6o.oo t rooms, lot ooxlok, 2.47 Pierce. 2,iii0.oo 10-r.. modern, 3 lots, near Dundee. d.Iuu.uo Double house, modern, near de pots. $r,wo.OO Kountxe Place, 10-r., modern, 2 lota. GARVIN BROS., Cora'l Nat. Bank Bldg.. 10o4 Farnam SL RE Muut $2,1004207 Cuming at., 7 rooms bath, water, gaa, barn, 3oxl40. tins p. $2.ihai lvi b. lua t., s-room cottage, choice location, 50x140. Close to Hanacom park. Lt. V. bUoLEU CO.. N. X. Ule. Tel. 41. KJk-Mkl4 $1400 Buy ft fin brand-new 6-room cottage oa North ioih at., Just north el 01 ana ave. Easy term. R. H. LANDSRYOU. 442 Board of Trade, Tel. 2LL RE M7ot 1 INVESTMENT PROPOSITION. If you have $ouu cash and will aaaume a mortgage fur $l,5uv you can buy lot . block S. Marvhea' aduUlon, 1022 and. 1024 Ko. atiih at. This Drouurty coimlui of one 10 anil one 3-room house and large barn and has a rental value 01 K per annum. Thl will pay 12 per cent oker taxes, re pair anu insurance, uwner is now u. Inn In t.'allturnla and. thla being the only piece ot properly he has In Omaha, will sell at a sacrliice. Walter Riccn. ol agent, room, 4lt Earbach block. RE 61)3 $ I OWN 3,000-acre improved northern Illinois farm, adapted to stock or corn: want $100.0CO eash or good pioperty. L. M. Coy, Unity Bldg., Chicago. RE FOR IAI.R.RRA1, ERTATE. The Abbott-Cowan Co. Telephone A3S37.' 312-314-81$ Brown Block. Weekly Bulletin of Real Estate Bargains. CITY REAL ESTATE $3,500 10-room mrdern residence, Wst Far nam street; laigu lot. I'eims. $2,400 7-room, Hs nolle. i,ih and tinlo; lot 4nU2; modem; very deblmbie. Tinio on pari. $2,100 rooms, 2-kior, oth and Bpnuld.ng; modem exctpt turnace. icinis to suit. 00-Lots 18, It and JO, block 0, Crclghton Heights, l.lg bargain. uO Threo modern hoiii-s; illne. six nl Ave rooms, in ouih Dinahs, to trade for land, 'ihtse rent for per month. FARMS AND ACREAGE -a acres, well Improved. K rnlle from Mo dale, la., to tiaua for cliy property. F.ne Improvements; all new in past 6 years. .i ncres In city limits of city of 6.0o.i, with I moot) worth of improvements. Price t6,ii0 fur quick sale, tins Includes one of lh two ico businesses In that city. 100 aires near Atwood, Kan., $io per acre. 2tw aciwi i miles from Batiurutt; svery fcot cultivated and line. Price $:,7.50. 40 acres 3 miles from Sloan, la., $1,6J0. Teruu. 1E3 icili 0 mile fiom Countll Bluff P. O. High bottom land well Improved; $00 per ncre. An ideal farm. " U0 acres 3 miles from Orleans; well Im proved; $2,6o0. Writ for description. iGo acres Fremont county, Iowa; price $55. Fine Improvements. SIX BARGAINS lfX) acres 44 mile from Alma, Neb.; fine toil, good Improvement. Price $4,200. tSO acre 1 mile from Stanford, Harlan county; very line. Price M7.G0 per ncre. 100 acres lVfc miles from Alma, $4.20). Of this 120 acres is In wheat. 110 acres 6 miles from Alma. Frloe (5.160. 4(0 acrrs llarland county, f',4j miles from town; 250 ncres In cultivation; raises fine ninir.T. Price $32.50 per acre. iij i:rrfs .icainn roumy; an cultivate:!; very finn; near llnstiugs. Price $35 per ncre. Time on part. Write us lor full description of any of these. RANCHES WE ARE THE RANCH MEN 1,040 acre, deeded: SCO acre fre range; Holt county. Rest of water; fenced and cross-fenced; house, barn and good Im provements. Price JS.Of.O. l.uiO acres; .deeded; clay poll; considerable timber; fine water, creek and spring?; fenced and good Improvements. An Ideal sheep or entile ranch. Price $10 ppr acre. 620 acres. Franklin county. Neb.; DO acres In cultivation; nicely Improved; CO hid cattle, 12 horse and farm implement go with thla. Price $ti,500 for nil; worth $10,000. 7,500 acren ; deeded; aa much more freo range; land controls water upply; near Ituehvllle, Nb. ; all fenced; thorough equipped for cattle business. Price $4 fe acre for deeded land. Thla ranch will carry 8.500 entile the veer round. TO TOU WANT A RANCH? 3,300 acres, deeded; about 4,000 acres school and government land; valueless to anvone but owner of this, aa deeded land controls water supply. This is one of the famous ranches of tthls state, located 8 miles frem Chadron, Neb. Owner will tnke ' good fnrm land In part payment. Write or call for full particular. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL OR TRADE, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS, WHERE LOCATED, OR WHAT IT IS WORTH, LIST WITH US FOR QUICK SALE. , THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO.. 313 Brown Block. RE 754 6 CHOICE lot In Bemls park, onlv $000. , BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. ' BR 882 6 Tukey & Son LAND ON MILITARY ROAD W have never offered any property that pleased the people more than the land we are offering 'on the Military Road, cast of th Country Club. For homes the location 1 unsurpassed. We are asking an aver age of $101 per lot, but are not selling les than three or five lots to any one party. From present Indications this property will all be sold within a vory short time. Get off the Benson car at Froom' Cor ner and go wet one block, when you can get a good view of the whole 6y acres. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 444-446 Board ot Trade PI dir. RE-772 6 ALL about North Dakota and where to buy good lands cheap: descriptive folder and list aent free: reliable resnresentatlvea wanted. Whitney ft Whcelock, 13 Broad way. Fargo, N. D. RE B. R. BALL, (26 N. T. Life. 'Phone B-1229. $1,8002418 Blondo St.. l-r. house. $2,400 8-r. house, modern except furnace, on w 11:1s ave., paved street, permanent sidewalk, house ha been refitted In fine condition. $3,600-2109 80. 84th t, 7-r. bouse, partly modern. $2,100-2015 A me ave., new S-r. house, mod em except furnace. rtiu iw BARGAINS. ACRE LOTS NEAR RUBER PARK. $190. ACRE LOT NEAR KRUG PARK, 3200. 6 ACRES WITHIN ONE BLOCK BENSON CAR LINE. 11.400. 10 ACRES SOUTHWEST, $1,200. 10 ACRES EAST OF BENSON, $1,700. I ACRES EAST OLD FORT OMAHA, WITHIN THREE! BLOCKS OF CAR, 81250. 100 ACRTC8 GOOD SARPT COUNTY, $7,600. 120 ACRES 12 M1I.ES WKHT, 110.000. tHO ACRES SARPY COUNTY, $14 H0. 60-FOOT LOTS, N. 23th AND FORT. $100. 60-FOOT LOTS, 27th AND SPRAOl'E, 1300. 83x60. N. 11th AND CAPITOL AVE.. $700. LEAVENWORTH AND N. 8tith ST., 65x 124 FEET, $750. 60-FOOT LOT, N. 26th AND DECATUR, H50. CHICAGO AND N. 81st, PA VINO PAID, $1,000. 2S18 BAHLER ST., $100. 1210 N- 25th STREET, $1,100. 2247 PIERCE ST., $1,260. 8425 CHARLES ST., $1,350. . BRICK HOUSE NEAR 23d AND LEAV ENWORTH. $1,850. HANSCOM PLACE, I ROOM8, MODERN. $2,600. 672 S. 27th ST., $2,700. TiniTOK-a TITS FLATS. STORES. ACRE AGE. ALL PARTS OF CITY, AT LOW PRICES JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P, O. RE 870 6 TO BUILDERS. Nine lots, near Farnam and 42d; owner leaving city; will take $2.5o0 thla week for whole punch; will divide. Address X 49, Bee. RE o 6x I AM AUTHORIZED to aocept $6,600 for a f ood old-fashioned residence, with ground 00x416, on which present owner loaned F.DWaad, 1524 Dougla St. RE 746 ( 170-ACRE farm in Sherman county, Ne braska, two mile from county seat Union Pacific and B. M. railroad runs Into county seat. Good improvements; oil, timber, water and Just the farm for a man to make some money on. Posses sion March 1. T. L. PUger. Loup City, jseb RE MK33 7 FOR SALE, two fine Improved grain and atuck farm near Schuyler, Neb. on of 320 and one of 4u0 acres. Beat of soli. W. T. Howard, Schuyler, Neb. RE M6 tx U ACRE of ground near 30th and Lake t., pnly $550. Term If danlred. Large lot facing east, near 2ath and Frank lin at-, only $5Xi. BEMIS. PAXTON' BLOCK. RE 54 1 FOR AI.F. RF1 Al, KSTATW. D. V. SHOLES CO. 713 N. T. Life Tel. DON'T PASS THESE t'P. GET UNO HARDER ALL TliK T1MK TO 1 ICK L P IMhd.AINB. THL8B ARK THK REAL THIN (J 8: H,iai ui44 Castellar, 4 rooms, sewer, water and gas; Nk.vv; lot iexl-s, will be graded in back, aoilded aim inude aa cosy a tan i; house has ouubie lioors anil it i a tiNiti'-im down ana monthly payment iMive. it. one icit oui o three. Ji .ViiJ quick, k biuiK i,eo. ave. tar. $l.oo-i.,U fuike.r, is lory, 7-rooin houte, lino iot. A hiU tiNAi'. 12,'iuo-iutK Piert si., an ELEGANT NEW s-iooin cottage with pore, hath, lewir, mater and ga complete. THIS i8 A KlMJ HOL'teii-WKLL BC1LT. $2. li)o 40? Cumin t., 7-rooin house, bath, uas, water, etc. U1U HAKUA1N. (2.U..O :t Miami at., tt rooms, modern but t urnai e. JS.tKio Hamilton St., large, 3-slory house. rooms, modern but furnnce. TMiS li ONK OF THE REST PROPERTIES FOR THE MONEY WE HAVE HAD. $7,00011.12 Georgia ave., near Woolworth nve., an EXCELLENT E. front home, M rooms, very best of plumbing and HOT WATER heater, hue brick basement under entire house. A FINE HOME. WANT Tt) SELL QUICK. scant and inn be shown any day. BEE this and make a proposition. $7 .WW 10-room ELEGANT modern home, near Farnam und 3t!th it.; fine paruuet U flnf.tltio ,tnl, nlLt. fit, a hl.pnrv with oak book cnea, (wo baths, good barn, large lot. THE BEST HOL'SB ON THIS MARKET at the price, without QUrS TlUN WE KNOW THIS TO MK TRUK. $U.0ui-THE DICKINSON HOUBR, 1003 I'ark ave.; an KLKGANT, modern, de sli able 10-room houae, with fine grounds and barn. A IUO BARGAIN. INVESTMENTS. $4.600 For two large t-room, mod. oottages, 8019 at.d 21 Chicago St.. with fine base ment under entire house, easy to et furnace; rent now for $432 per year, but bv putting In heat will bring $540 sy. Will consider cash offer Ihls week. See us. ll.iOO For 6 houses on 100x180 feet of ground. z 1. locks from Armours, on aim nna 1 sis., renting for f.'t&0 per year. MLBT BE SOLD. ALT, CLEAR, good title. $7.0t'O 12-room stone house, 415 N. 25th St, HOT WATER HEAT. Two lioors fine oak flnleh. house cost $10,000; Is ELE GANT. EASTERN owner wants tis to make quick sale. Will submit ii,2C0. Rents for $00o per year. VACANT. $2T,ft-60xl2S ft., N. W. cor." 83d and Miami. SNAP. $250- 50x128 ft., 29th and Dupont, half block from ear and paved street. SNAP. $350-3.1x23 ft., 2oo4 Pierce, FINE and a SNAP. $5oo4iixlGO ft., 38th ave and Jonea. SNAP. KOUNTZE PLACE. WE ARE OFFERING ABOUT 20 LOTS IN THIS ADDITION AT THE GREAT EST BARGAIN OF ANY VACANT LOTS ON THE MARKET. ASK FOR OUR PRINTED LIST. YOU WILL BUY SURE. WEST FARNAM. $l,000On Slat near CASS an ELEGANT w-foot lot right on top or the hill, lying tine, witn aewer, water anu gaa. very choice. $3,auoS. W. cor. 36th and Jackson, 66x137, all special paid, CHOICE. $5.0itOS. W. cor. 38th and Jackson, opp. Kirkendau, uallagner ana Manaerion, 67x165 feet. VERY CHOICE. Or will sell more ground If wanted, or will sett 60xlG5 for $3,750 Inside. FARM BARGAIN. . 891 acre In STANTON county, mostly rich isLKiioKN uuiTUM land, wnicn is tne finest land on earth, balance fine pasture, always used as stock feeding farm, soil rich; very fine Improvements, one of the best barns in the entire county. Thl land Is cheap at $45 per acre, but for quick sale owner will take $t2.f0 per acre. INVESTIGATE THIS QUICKJf you want th finest stock farm In NE BRASKA. RE FINE lot on paved street near 20th and Vinton sts., $750. , BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. , ' . RE MS WYMAN, SHRIVER CO. 1003 N. Y. Life Bldg. One of the finest residence In West Far nam district, comer, all modern. Price, $12,500. Btan new B-room cottages, just completed, 4ii-foot Int. 26th and Spencer stri. prloe, $1,000, terms to suit. 10 acres, 3 mile southwest of postofflc, vacant, $2,000. 40-acre fruit tarm, 6 miles northwest from Glenwood, la. will trade for residence In Omaha. Price $2,300. Drug store In north part of Omaha, good business, will sell or trade for residence In Omaha. Invoice about $3,600. 22 feet on Farnum at., 4-stury building, $10,000. 60-foot lot, 6-room dwelling, $lst and Mason, Fine building lot on 38th avenue and Dodge, $1,600. Corner on 26th and Parker. 67x60 feet, pav ing paid for, sewer r.d water on lot, room for two house. $800. .We have 400 houses on our list for sale, ranging In trice from $500 to $15,000, on terma to Suit purchaser, and located In all parts of the city. You will save money by seeing our list before buying elsewhere. RE FOR SALE Business block tn good Kan sas town, paying 6 per cent net on Invest ment; Investigate. Cash for your real ea tate or business, no r.atter where lo cated; If you desire- a aulck sale, send rlce and description. I. N. Wells Bon, mporla. Kansas. RE 913 13x MODERN HOUSE SACRIFICED. T rooms, hot water heat, electric and ga light, enamel bath tuba, latet aanltary nickel plumbing, marble lavatory, brick and cement baemnt; paved tret; one half block from car line; walking dlBtanc postofflc ; built last year; must be old thl week. Come early If you want It at $2,600. R. C. Peters & Co., Ground Floor, Be Building. RE-914 $ FOH MavNT UOISEI. FOR RENT 7-room house, city water, gal, furnace, all modem, on Park av., $Jo. t-room house, city Mater. 3124 Mason. C. M. Uachniann, 4M-27 Paxton l'0,0,11- D Mate FOR RENT Seven-room cottage, large yard, in good conultlon. Win. JC Potter, rec, $04 Brown block. D 414 UA QFC, in aU part of the city. The nUUOLO o. F. Davl Co., fro Bee Bldg. D 4MJ Uni ICCC in all part of th city. . ft. twutJio c. reUr 4k CO., Bee Bldg. TO MOVE right cut Omaha Van Storug Co., bfiloe LulV Farnam, or Tela. JjJj ' 36o6 DAVENPORT. 10 rooms, modern xocpt .unlace. Darn, $00. 13 Park ave. J rooms, modern except fVnuoe, $3250. W. Farnam bmith aV Co., 1320 Farnam St. D Mils NINE-ROOM modern houae, nicely fur- nlalied, centrally located. W. Farnam bmith 4k Co., 1324) Tar"a"!.?1ti JJ M417 WALLACE, Brown Block. $2t 2011 Btiennan ave., large rooms, all conveniences, laundry, barn, good repair, pleasant home. D 414 MODERN house, west part of city. In ex cellent condition. For good tenant at once an extra low rate will be mad. William K. Potter, receiver, $ui Brown block. D-419 PAYNE-BOBTWICK CO.. choice houses. eol-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone lli n D 420 SEVERAL good houses, $10 to $18. Chris Boycr, 22d and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. D MHO WE MOVE pianos. M-.(tgsrd V.n & t:or- g co., lei. it'Jt. oinue, nit waosior si. u 4.1 HOU8E8, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk D 422 2130-2131 NORTH 2th St. with furr.se, end bath; newly rtfttted; low price iur tsluler. F. D. Wead. 1524 Uipi. i AM I FOR RENT, 6-room house, W Woolworth ave.; porcelain bath, gas, hot and eold water; newly painted and ' taperei throughout $i0. J. H. Sherwood, Nw York Life Bldg. D Mi'4i 1126 8. 361 h t 6-room house, city water $12.00. PUN 8. 19th St., 8-room house.. I!'?5 8. ISth St., 6-room houe; well $10.C. 2418 8. 14th St., l-room flat; bath; city water 113 60. Purt St., S-rnom cottage $6.60. SHI 7 N. 19th t., 6 room house; well, cistern -$11.00. f?24 Grant St., t-room cottags; city water $7.00. Si N. 17th st I rooms tiptalr $1100. 2213 Clark st., 6-room cot t n fre $13.00. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge at. D C98 9-ROOM. completely furnished, house; all mortem convenlencea; good barn; 3rA 814 B. 2ith St. D-M723 fx DESIRABLE large 8-room house, good con dition, modern: 833 S. 21st. Inquire I'M? S. ISth. . D-M722 COTT AG E 818 N. 24th. Inquire at 318 N. 24th. D TS1-6X , HOUSES FOR RENT! Ten rooms, modern and ftrat-ola. In eholce location, $50 (WJ Psrh ave., 8-r., modern. $8? ffi. rvn Snruce. 8 rooms, modern, 12150. 859 Franklin, 7 rooms, good. $15. 4128 Decatur. 6 rooms, new, $10. 207 Bouth Snth. rooms. $7. K24 S 23d. 3-room flat. $6. 2619 Marry, t reoms, $5. GARVlN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM ST. D M740 FOR RENT 9-rootn modern residence 8156 Farnam 8t $26.00 8-room modern residence 80fi0 Woolworth Ave $30.00 8-room modern reeldenoe 8202 PoppWnn Av $30.00 THOMAS BRENNAN, 808 S. Uth St. D 748 ( MODERN cottage, with bam. 1 block off Farnam car. 32.000; easy tesm. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas Bt. D 744 t 11th and Archer 4 moms R.efl 21s- and Porea 2 rooms 8.00 "9'h nnd Cuming 7 rooms pver store.. 12. M 2Sth and Maple 5 room 10 no T acres near Glbnon-2 room house...,. 8. 00 See CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., Room No, 23. t. 8. National Hank Bldg. D-770 8 6-ROOM COTTAGE ALMOST NEW sewer, enamel sink, water, ga nnd fixtures, brick walka, near 24th car line. Very cheap to desirable tenant: Lock it up. 013 N. T. L. TEL. 1471 rvrv s r-- r rr?M"T" rut icm. 2116 North 2flth t., J-r., city water, first class condition, 311 2532 Burdens St., 6-r., dty water, first-class condition, $13. 717 Bo. 83d t, 7-r. houae, olty water In yard, 813. $617 Beward tt, 7-r. houae, bath, toilet, etc., nice repair, $18. 6t23 North 24th st., hava a look. 1554 North 16th St., $ rm, modern except furnace. $30. We have some good I and 4-room flats on 28th and Dewey ave. with bath, toilet, waahstand, for $9 and $10. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Flrt Floor N. Y. I Bldg. Tel. 1711. D 761 S $222218 N. 19th 8L, room, modern. $30-633 Park Av., T room, modern. $202533 Spencer, 6 room, modern. 816 37th and Mason, 9 rooms, modern. $123003 Jackson, 6 rooms, modern. $ 3416 Tratt, 8 room, modern. R. C. PETERS & CO. - GROUND FLOOR, iEE BUILDING. D-767 6 .... PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO. 4124 N. 28th ave., nloe 6-r. cottage, nearly .01,, 7 unjieiBu, large lot, city 2312 Michigan' ave., good 6-r, cottage, city W.l.l aln tIK " 8200 Lincoln blvd.. choice new 8-r. modern ", m nemi parx, never been occu pied, only $i2.50. il8 S. llth, tlce 6-r. cottage, In good order, rltw utap i(ii4 1 ) " man, LUI 4? ID. BO N. 37th, 6-r.. city water lnalde, good oellar, barn, $lt. 1208 N. 24th. good 7-r. house, right on th iiii bi, car line, only 424 Dorcas, 6-r. cottage, with good well, '$5. 816 8 30th, nice 6-r. cottage, In choice lo- iis" '"- . oy water ana 724 8.' 18th, t-r. cottage, cloaa In, porcelain bath, closet, city water, etc., $18. 2024 Wirt, elegant 8-r. house, etriotly all ...w,.t, itt vi iiivra vireet, ana every thing In first-clans shape, good barn, etc, 402J Farnam, good 8-r. house, bath, closet. ir .wnier, tic, spienaia yara, nn 1 1 :i m t it R1 2635 Davenport, splendid 9-r. house, strictly .. iiivuci ii, .iiaiiiri aiiu Krai, in parlor, ' ;i"jw.i " v iu uhui party. 13f 1. 26th. 9-r.. all modern, good barn, rtO Vakil a aaA t 1 tfYT I 1210 N. 24th. i-r., city 'water, bath, cloet. etc., at reuuoea price. 144 N. S7th, 8-r., good well, clatern, good i1". iiu iiuuh is in nne order 262S Beward, good U-r trlctly all modern iivuw, hui witue ivr i wo lamnie. kiu. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO Sixth floor, 601-8 N. X. Llf Bldg D-474 I 10-ROOM brick houe, furnace, hot and wviu waiur, guuu location, SJU. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. D-S3 4 I WOULD Ilk to borrow $1,000 on my South vi.uub iivciij, nulla ,uuv; win give first mortgage and pay 7 Interest semi annually. Auaresa x. 46, Be. D J y m 26CT POPPLETON AVE., 6 ROOMS, $. 2N23 HARNEY. 9 ROOMfl m ' 1424 N. 19th. MODERN BRICK, 9 ROOMS. .oj.su. junii n. r JlCiNiiitt. Off. ULU P. O. D-871 FOR RENT 814 8. 30th 6 room, modern. nearly new, cnoice, jo. 2108 Miami, 4 room, upstairs, for' light housekeeping; $16. 1623 8. 29th st., 9 room, modern, hot water heat: $50. 2919 Pacific, 6 room, city water; $16. 659 8. 26th av., 9 room, strictly modern; $36. 620 8. 16th St., store room; $26. Ith and Jones, large barn; $26. D. V. SHOLES CO., 723 N. T. Life. Tel. 49. D-G8 FOR RENT Very close In, 9-roora, all modern. 620 8 ZOtn St.. 833. 60. 1807 Lake St., I rooms, toroelaln. bath, gaa, 8116 Franklin, 6-room cottage, barn, $10.00.' Cor. Poppleton ave. and 29th at., 6-roon mourn nouse. ju uo. J. H. Sherwood, UJ7 N. T. Life. Phone 388. D 864 I YTAHTED--SITUATION. TOUNO man wants place to work for board. Tel. 1H4. Boyle college. A-780-g POSITION by young man stenopapher; can give nrat-cias reierence. jt , He office - A 7C2 8x WANTED, position aa collector for busi ness house; can furnish reference and bond. Address J. O., Postofflc Box 93, Bouth Omaha. A-M854 8x HELP WANTED. WANTED Lady or gentleman to travel for large manufacturing company; aaiary bald weekly; axpenses advanced; must nave fair education, good appearance and energy. Address with stamp, J. H. Moore, Omaha. Neb. 833 Ix LOgT. LOST. In Dodge car. Wednesday evening, a purse containing $ ring; $10 reward tor return 1116 N. 2uth St. Lost 736 (X FOUND, small locket; will be returned If ldentlnd by aendlng name of the giver en graved lnlda lo K 79, Be. , Lest 1J (x DETECTIVE!. CAPT. T. CORMACK, I1T Karbaco block. Tel. A-2K32. -406 THH BEBOUT DETECTIVE AGENCY To N Y. LIFE. TELEPHONE 8540. 700 DBEIIMAKIKO. IN famUie. Mia Sturdy, 30$ N. 33d. -M x4 D27 JOT Tailor Bououl. 308 8. th. Tel L2IB7. -M7W D41X