THE OMAHA DAILY J1EE: PATTHDA V. DECEMBER T. 100?,. '1 I Tls. I18M. WE C LOS 15 SATURDAYS AT IN "nt rh la fall to area. M ilnl .W.ka. Iw a at A p Ik loom aad will til eay MoT tmrgmttm lla Hait." Will be found a great many new will very much interest ladies at we sell is choice and new. FINE FL'RS All made of extra rhelc selected skins of the very finest qual ity. FOX SC A n Ffl 1C x t r a fine Russian foxes at' 115.00. lid (10, J20.00. $3.00, 125.00, $10.00 and $10.00. We are showing a large and select va riety of the new flnt scarfs. In fiutural marten fox, beaver and squirrel. MISSES' FtRS In Krlmmer seta, at $10.00, Stone Marten Opossum, at $9. Sahl Opoaaum, IS.50. LADIES' WAISTS Made of fine Hack mohalr brllllantlttra, at $1.S0. TlHIBl?lKI.IiElIfi)EInI $Cq Y. M. C. A. Building, Coiur Sixteenth and Douglas Sfo In the snow for over two hours awaiting the coming of the labor chief. Mr. Mitchell was escorted by the local union official to a stand, where he addressed the minora. President Mitchell departed for Denver at t o'clock thla nftcrnon. John Mitchell will be the guest of the Denver Chamber of Commerce tomorrow at noen. He will deliver a ihort address, touching not oirly on the coal strike situa tlon In Colorado, but on the relations of the men and employers In general. Rostoa rubble Make Trouble, BOSTON", Dec. 4.-Bome of the dirge hotels which have been aerved by the Bos ton Cab company, whoso drivers are on a strike, today took a hand In the trouble by securing; new nonunion help to man car riage. Objection to this waa made by the teamsters who deliver coal at the various hotels. The strikers will endeavor to bring about a sympathetic movement among the drivers of other companies to prevent the employment of nonunion men. The coal men will hold a meeting to consider the ad visability of refusing to work In the pres ence of "strike breakers." MR. BROWN HASTENS TO OBEY Just a Saaaeatlun from draft lave. Ilcatlns Committee Coaxes Chi. caaoaa Ont ef O trice. CHICAGO. Dec. 4.-John J. Brown, for mer secretary of the Chicago Police Pen sion board, but later connected with the city clerk's office, was today asked to re sign from the public service. He promptly, acceded to the request. The resignation re sulted from Investigation by the aider mania "graft" committee regarding charges of extortion by widows who were applk cants for pensions. To Care a Cold fa On Day Take Laxatlv Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the morey If it foils to rure. K. W. Drove's signature Is on each tox. Kc. The Season of ; Good Cheer Is soon at hund. The season of v cheerfulness lasts alt the year round at A cheerful atmosphere prevails cheerful, people to wait upon you cheerful looking goorts. Stylish apparel for boys and girls of all ages to 17 years. New Suits and Overcoats fqr the boys New Dresses and Coats for the Qlrls Boys' and girls' gloves and mittens ic Children's fur trimmed bonnets. 9-4c Writ for catalogue. If You Are a Judge of candy you want to try ours you'll never, know what good candy tastes like till you have tried our candy. Five Sticks Candy lo Salted Peanuts, pound lOo Maple Leaves, pound 10a Champion Mixed Candy, pound 10c Cream Caramels, Kund , IV& Cream Mixed, pound 12Hc . Peanut Taffy, pound, 16c 'Yankee Peanut, pound 18c Novelty Boxes Coal Scuttles. 6c. Dinner Palls, J0e. Trunks. 10c. Mandolins, 15c and 26c. Suit Cases, J8o and S6c. Large line Fsncy Boxes. a mmm rem (Si Be, Dec. 4. 1M. Ol lt I P. M. Cloak Dept Saturday, ready-to-wear garments, which this season. Everything which LADIES' WAI8TS-In fine lace effects, In plain white and plain black, at $10.00. $1100 and $16.00. FKTTICOATS In extra fine taffeta silk. In black and all the new colore, at $S.0O. $.$0, $7.60. Up to $10.00. VELVET COATB-In the Loula the 14th style at $25.00 and $40.00. DRESS SKIRTS Made correctly and fitted with car and attention to detalta at $10.00. $12.00 and $16.00. NEW COATS-Yesterday we received aome new and atyllah coats, In else for atout ladlea' 40, 42 and 41 at $20 and $25 00. . WORE OF HEROIC BOATSWAIN Bwimi One Hundred Yard in Utnj 8m to Bars Submarine Boat' CREW OF TUG POWERLESS TO ASSIST When Tows Break Away It I Com pelted to see One Go Ashore While Other I SaVed. NORFOLK. Va Dec. 4. The naval tug Peoria towing the submarine torpedo boat Adder, has arrived at the navy 'yard here. The Adder was saved by th heroism of Boatswain Derry, who responded to a call for volunteers and Swam 100 yards with a hawser after him. The Moccasin Is ashore at Currituck and appears to be only slightly damaged. The Adder Is leaking badly. The Peoria left tonight for Currituck to aid the Tankton and Vixen In floating the Moc casin, which is now high and dry upon the beach. When Boatswain Derry responded to the call for a volunteer to swim to the Adder a thirty-four mile gale, with mountainous seas, was crashing over the Peoria and burying the drifting submarine boats be neath tons of water. Derry, with slen der line fustened around his waist, plunged Into the ocean and battled with wind and tide for a full 100 yards, finally reaching the Adder and gaining its deck. There he hauled a thick hawser aboard by means of the life lino and made It fast. At this time the Adder was being toased about like a cork one minute, and driven far beneath the surface the next. rolling and walloping in such a manner as to make It almost Impossible to .retain a position upon Its scanty decking, but Derry held on and accomplished his work. Then he went back to the tug hand over hand on the hawser. Moeeaala la Baa Shape. Oreat confusion was caused here today by conflicting reports regarding the where abouts of the Peoria, Adder and Tankton. The navy yard was without any Informa tion whatever and th weather bureau re ported the tug and the Adder as going direct to Annapolis. In naval circles these circumstances, together with the Inability of the life savers to enter th stranded vessel, .caused some uneasiness, especially over the condition of the Moccasin. The Currituck life saving station reports the Moccasin in good condition, without any water In it. From the reports received, however. It Is not thought any headway can be made to ward floating the vessel without the aid of wreckers, as It is high and dry upon the beach at low water and directly In a steady surf and high tide. It was said at the navy yard today that Boatswain Derry will be commended at once to the president for bravery. ' The Adder is leaking and Its electrical machinery Is badly damaged. Lieutenant English, commanding the Peoria, ays the little boat atowed very well. Indeed, until th-y wer Juat off the Virginia capea. Trowllae Break la Heavy Hea There the heavy seat running at the time proved too much for th frail towing bits of th Adder, which waa towing first, follow ing th tug. They snapped short and two submarine vessels went adrift. The Peoria sought to catch them, but they drifted southward before the wind rapidly. There wer only the broken bits on which to get a hold, so the tug could only run lit between them and keep them from bumping together. The seaa were running ntlrely too high, the lieutenant said, tor the tug to run alongside the boats, and it would have been suicidal to have lowered a boat. All the Peoria could do, therefore, was to keep the boats apart. AH Wednesday night this continued, and then the line between the boats snapped. It was then that Boatswain Derry. who comes from Brooklyn, performed his herolo act in a last attempt to save th boats. After he had made fast his line to the Adder enit'aueceeded at the risk of his life In regaining the tug. consideration was given to anchoring the Moccasin, but It was seen that It would be Impossible to anchor it. Th tug. It was found, could handle only one of the boats in the heavy seaa The Tankton appeared and the Moc casln was left to It, while the Peoria fought Its way up the coast with the Adder. FUGITIVE BERLIN MAY REMAIN Governor of .1 olorado Refuses to Per mit Arrest Man Wanted x la Kehraeka. 8AL1DA. Colo., Dec. 4- Governor Pea body haa refuaed to grant extradition pa pers for Sherman Berlin, who was arrested at Whtle Horae last Sunday, charged with a bank robbery, committed on August a, last, at Lebanon, Neb. Friends on Berlin produced evidence, which, it is claimed, exonerates him and he will be released. Children will take Plso'a Cur without objection, because It taste Is pleasant. f rr rT W m Ullnarma U I tt WATCHES It Is seldom we lone a watch customer. Maybe it Is the price we ask that makes the tale. Why not look Into this? $1.00 to $125. "jTTCsxni v a i rn . win rm m isa.we.wrr ' smas' Mia. SECRETARY MOODY'S REPORT Httd of Nary Tl!a or Work of tbnt Department, REFORMS ARE DESIRED IN THE SERVICE While a Xnmber Are Mentioned peclne Recommend lose Are Mane for the Adoption of Any. WASHINGTON, Dee. 4-Srcretary of th Navy Moody In his annual report refers at length to the Organization of the Navy de partment: As the naval establishment grows In Im portance and the amount of public money devoted to Its maintenance is Increased Its proper administration Justly becomes an object of solicitude. There has been, there fore, much discussion concerning the or ganisation of the department. It is as serted by many, both within and without the naval service, that alterations in the organic law governing the administration of the naval affnlrs would result In an In creased efficiency and economy. The agi tation for a change comes from so many and such respectable quarters thnt It cannot he denied consideration. It has been pointed out with truth that In the civil war, and In a very much less degree In the wsr witlj Spain the organisation proved Inadequate. The practices prevailing In times of peace were modified and additional agencies of mllltarv administration were adopted, and It is claimed that a fcrm of military ad ministration that is not adapted alike to war and to peace is not a sunmue one. There cannot be said to be an agreement upon the exact measure of the reform de sired, nor, Indeed, an universal agreement that any reform at all is neenea. The proposals for changes muy be classi fied ss follows: ... 1. Alterations In the naval yarns wnicn will Increase the power and responsibility of officers stationed there over and for work progressing therein. 2. The conso idatlon of the bureaus In the department. s . 3. The creation of a general stnrr which shall be responsible for the efficiency of the vessels afloat and the personnel of the navy, collect and dlaest military In formation upon wnien piaus ir ru operations may be mnde and act sa the miiiturv iidvlxors of the secretary, having no authority save such as may be conferred on it from time to time by the secretary. Does ot Recommend Changes. Tt Is nnt mr nurniss to revommend tspe- cldcally at this time any of these proposals, but to bring them forward for the earnest consideration which their Importance de serves. Mere change Is not reform and none should be attempted until It uvpenrs clearly that conditions oould bo bettered thereby. It is gritlfying to note that the percent age of citizenship In the enlisted force of the navy is steadHy growing. The number of enlisted men In the service June 8). 1003, including petty officers, seamen ana oiner ratings, lamlsmen for trHlnlng and appren tices 97 2 B Of this number 7118 ncr cent were native born and 10.9 unnaturalized clilrens, the total percentage ot citisensnip being 80.1 per cefit as compared with 1(9 per cent at the beginning of the fiscal year. The expenditures for the support of the navy have Increased considerably during the last fiscal year, larger than in any year of our hlsto y except 14 and 1866. and sre certain to trcr nse still runner, me ioibi In 1SU8 was S2,18.1R4. Careful consideration during the past year to the consideration of naval construe, tlon confirms me in the views expressed In my last annual report tnat tne snip building of the navy should be continued by the annual authorisation of new Teasels. Work of Life-Saving Crews. 8. I. Kimball, the general superintendent of the life saving service, In his annual report says: The number of disasters to vessels within the scope of the operations of the service during the year, while not so great as In the last two preceding years, was still considerably above the average and the percentage or loss ot lire to tne num ber of lives involved was practically the same, showing that the high standard of efficiency attained by the service has been maintained. The number or lives lost waa twenty-four, one less than last vear, while the number of persons Involved, 4,339, was greater by 119. Colonel Cook Uets Place. The board of managers of the Natloriul Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers to day tendered the tppolntment ot governor of the home at Leavenworth, Kan., to Colonel Sidney O. Cook of Herrlngton, Kan., to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Colonel J. O. Rowland. Colonel Cook Is a member of the board and It is said will accept the appointment Approximately 32,000 men are now under th jurisdiction of the rational home. Suspect Ordered Sent Home. The State department has issued a war rant for the surrender to the British au thorltlea ot David Jones, who is held under arrest In New York on a charge of per verting the sum of $00,000 while acting as trustee of the town ot Llanrwst, Wales. The Stat department has also Issued a warrant for the surrender to the Mexican authorities of Rufael Flores, charged with murder committed In Chihuahua and held under arrest at Los Angeles, Cal. V I Panama, Precede Tnrkey. ' In th diplomatic list for December, Is sued today at the state department, ap pears the name of Phllllpe Bunau-Varilla, envoy extraordinary and minister plentl potentiary of Panama to the United States. The legation of Panama preceres that, of Turkey in the diplomatic list, as the Turk Ish minister - has never presented his let ters. War department officials are encouraged in their efforts to develop a coal mine on the Island of Batan, on the east coast of Luson. This mine is located near deep water and promises to give a fair quality of coal. Army engineers have been at work on the mine for aome time wSth drills, etc., and as a result ot their observations Oeneral Wade, commanding the division of the Philippines, has been authorised to expend $17,000 in the further explanation of the mine. It Is said the army in the Phil Ipplnes depends mainly on Australia and Japan for its coal supply. Woald Help Rami Carrier. Senator Mitchell introduced a bill today providing that every carrier In I he rural free delivery mail service. In addition to his salary, fixed by law, shall receive 1-50 a year for subsistence. May Establish "Martyr's Day," Representative Watcher of Maryland to night Introduced a bill, making April 14 of every year a legal holiday to be known as "Martyr's Day," In commemoration of the death of Abraham Lincoln. HYMENEAL Seaank-Koalorrskl. BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. 4.-(8peclal.)-Yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, in the presence of about 150 guests, the marriage of Mr. Peter Schank and Miss Ignore Kos lowskl waa solemnised In the German Lu theran church, Rev. Mr. Poeverlln officiat ing. After the ceremony a wedding supper was served at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schank. The young couple will make their home in West Beatrice, where the groom hat re sided for many years. Hndglns-Hnnseker. HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Dec. 4.-(Speclal.) Wedneaday afternoon at the German Re formed church the pastor. Rev. Lehrer, performed the rereniony which united the lives ot Mia Mollle. daughter of John U. Hunseker. and Mr. Robe Hudglna of Lin coln. Beat-Parker. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Dec. 4-iSpeclal)-Jo Bent and Lucy Parker, two young peo ple of thla city, drov to Auburn today and wr married by the county Judge. They will make their home near thla city. ONAWA. la.. Dec- 4. (Special Telegram.) Nw was received In Onawa today 'that PA1L1S .- Indicate That Your Kidneys are DUeased. Warner' Safe Cure Absolutely and Permanently Cures Backache, the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder, WARNER'S We publish two of the many thousand patient who hHve been rescued from lives FORKMAN. 8TREKT DKPAKT.Vh.Nl, ALBANY, CCRED OF TERRIBLE BACK ACHE. He says: I used Warner's Safe Cure for kidney complaint with first-class results. My hav ing to be on my feet all day gave me ter rible backache in the region of the kidneys, but Safe Cure alleviates all pain and has cured my, kidney trouble. Must say It strikes the right spot." AC1IEL1S JOHNSON. 'Ml State street, Albany, N. Y. QUICKLY RESTORED TO PERFECT HEALTH BY SAFE CURE. "For several years I have been troubled with pains in the head and back and have w t aTh sT f had an extremely aV -1 I r weary and ex- ' hausted feellnc. so much so that I have had to He dnwn tho greater part of the day. I supposed that there was no relief to be found, as the medlcinea I had tried did not help me. Reading what a wonderful cure Warner's Pafo Cure Is for women with kidney trou ble, I decided to give it a tr:, and I am flad that I did, (or It helped mo at once, got better and atronger daily and waa quickly restored to perfect health. I am, therefore, glad to recommend Safe Cure to women who are run-down and In need of a tonic, for I know It will help them." MRS. ADELK CARRON. 18 Spring Gar den Road, Halifax, Canada. KIDNEY DISEASE. ' Sir. it Is your kidneys." said the family physician, "that causes that pain In your back, that has cast, you down, given you that worn-out, flabby leellng, de pressed your spirits, destroyed your digest Ion, mined your appetite and thrown you Into despondency. The result of my test I s shown In thla testing tube." You might have made the same test y urine undisturbed for twenty-four hours In find a reddish brown sediment like "brlckd urine Is cloudy or milky, or there sre parti kidneys have been diseased for a long ttm More ooTerlnar and death reanlt f from all other dlaeaaea, and principal time. " Than la no tltna n waste. If von would i.iMi. iiMn.v. tnr .uan a Aav tnke'Sufe Cure, doctors for the pat thirty years, and is used in all prominent hospitals exclusively, as the only absolutely safe, certain and permanent euro for diseuaes of the kidneys. Bright s disease, gravel, liver compiaini, uiaaoer irouoies, pains in wiu in-ii-matlc pains and swellings, uric acid poison, dropsy, eczema, rcrofu'a. blood diseases, stone in the bladder, painful passing of urine; and, If a woman, bearing down sen sation, painful periods, or so-called "female weakness. ' ..,.., , , nure cure sooines iniiamniaiion auu iiriiawoo, icjiin u"nio , the organs, restores energy and vigor, and builds up a strong, healthy body. AftJAIVCIC f DFF 'f, nfter you have made this test, you have any oouDi as 10 me nilftLlolO I HLL development of the disease In your system, send a sample of your urine to the medical department, Warner's Safe Cure Co., Rochester. N. Y and our doctors will analyze it and send you a report with advice and an interesting medical booklet without cnarge. Safe Cure la made entirely or nems, sediment, and pleasant to take. Sold at all A BOTTLK. REFISE 81 BSTITtTKS. They are worthless and verr olten esceeu Ingly dana-erous. Ask for Warner' Safe Cnrei It will core yon. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS move the bowels gently end aid a speedy cure. Rev. J. E. McNamara, formerly pastor of the Onawa Congregational church, was married Saturday to Miss Edith Hatha way, a' itudent at Orlnnell college, and daughter of Ex-Representative J. M. Hath- ; away of Kennebec township. SECRETARY WILSON IS HELPED Tells Michigan Sagar Beet Urovrer He Ha Profited by HI Toar. SAC1INAW, Mich., Dec. 4. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson and those who are ac companying him on his irrpectlon tour ot the Michigan beet sugai factories, left to day for Owosso, on tho last day's Inspec tion of the trip. Hefore leaving Secretary Wilson said that he had been treafly Im pressed with the magnitude of the Indus try and highly instructed in Its .needs for the future. Secretary W llson will leav Owosso this afternoon for Washington. FIRE RECORD. Siaalaavr Car Shops. SAGINAW. Mich., Dec. 4. Fir today de stroyed the brick building occupied by the wood working r'.epartment of the Fere Marquette car slfops. Two freight cars in process of construction and a quantity of lumber were lost. One hundred and fifty men are thrown out of employment. The property loss is $50,000. Parlln Orendorff Damaged. CANTON. 111., Dec. 4 The blacksmlth ing department of the Parlln tt Orendorff Plow Manufacturing company was de stroyed by fire today. Loss, $30,000, fully Insured. The fire will cause no delay in the operation of the plant. CAN "QO" NOW Was Formerly Robbed of Her Cueray By Coffee. The wife of a Virginia clergyman tells her coffee story thus: "One year ugo I was a wreck, only able to be up a prt of the time and dragging myself around th he use. "My skin looked like a dead hickory leaf no appetite, weight 112 pounds, no energy and I suffered most of the time with most dreadful headucties or nervous chills or tpasms and could net bear the least excite ment. "At one time in left hanJ was drawn to my ehoulder and for nine oaya could not be moved away and 1 hai olten tuid for six to eight weeks under tho care of our best physicians. 1 had been liko thla for six years and it seemed a cure could not be effected and I could get only temporary re lief. My case was pronounced nervousness, but that was as far as we could get. "All this time I had been a slave to coffee, thought I oould not live without drinking three to five cup a day although my husband used to beg me to give it up and give postum a trial. But 1 always put him off with 'O, 1 don t think l II like it, It will do me no good.' 1 "He was co ierltent I Dually decided to try Postuin, aliuuugh I thought the vary idea of a good coffee mad Horn cereals was absurd. "At first I did not like It so very well, but soon tuund it was not boiied long enough to make it good; alter a few days th terrible. hcudarhea cisappeared and i felt tn lu.l of energy I waa aetonished. 1 grew to love l'ostum and have used It continually s.nce then and worde can never express the god it has done me. "I never know what It is to hive a head ache, have not had a nervous attack tor eleven months, now welgo 14JH, my com plexion is clear and my fi lends say I never looked so well. I do not suer a day's sickness and can do all my housework. Just think that for six years I spent more than half my time in bed. nver abU fi keep up more than a Kw daa at a time and all that sude.lng tame from toffee. "My restored hea oh setms to me almost miraculous, but i know there I nothing miraculous about it, just common sense from giving up coffee and giving Postum a fair trial and I don't hesitate to teli my friends all about It. "I have a baby girl I years old who for the past year haa used Poatum In her bottle Instead of nflik. She la a large healthy child and if we give her milk she will hand It back and cry for Poatum. My husband alao haa been greatly benefited by Postum and nowadays we never hav coffe In our house, but you will always find plenty ot Postum in th pantry." Nsms given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, MUh. ljok In each package for a copy of th famous little fcoek. The Read to W ivlll. 1 back Rheumatism and All Diseases ol Blood and Urinary Organs. SAFE CURE letters we have received from grateful of misery by Safe Cure. ourself at home by leaving some morning an ordinary glasa or bottlo. Then, it you ust" in tho bottom ot the glass, or tho cles or germs floating about In It, your e. rom affection of tho kidney than ly because they are not discovered In tie cured. It Is dangerous to neglect which hnB been prescribed by leading contains no narmiui nnms, 'i...' drug stores or direct; 60 Uf-MJB L1 "UNCLE "JOE" GETS ANGRY EeieoU Imult Offered by BeprssenUtivs of Knights of Labor. NSISTENT VISITOR SENT FROM ROOM Chairman of National Legislative Committee ot Knlsbt of Labor Intimates One Honse Com mlttee la "Packed." WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 4.-Speaker Cannon, resenting what he deemed an In sult from Herman J..flchultis, chairman of the national legislative committee of the Knights of Labor, summarily ordered richultels from the upeaker's room at the capltol today, with the parting injunction to the labor leader never to darken his door again. Mr. Schultels made his first call upon the speaker several days ago with the de mand that Representative Llvernash of San Francisco bo made chairman ot the committee on labor, and that Representa tive Winn of the same city be made a member of that committee. As both these men. are members of the minority, Mr. Cannon explained to Mr. Schultels that their committee assignments would depend cn the recommendation of Representative Williams, the minority Hour leader, but that tt would be impossible to make Mr. Llvernash chairman of the committee, as the chairmanships would go to the ma jority. When Mr. Schultels appeared before the speaker today he announced in what was taken by that official to be an offensive manner that the labor committee had been "packeH." Threatens to Beat Cannon. - He renewed bis demand that Mr. Liver be assigned to this committee, an nouncing that he had defeated Mr. Can non for election to the Fifty-second con gress, and that unless his request in this Instance was accorded, he would go Into tlie speaker's district In the next cam paign. Mr. Schultels did not have time to finish telling the speaker what he would do to him, as Mr. Caimou at this point gave his peremptory order for i lie man's ejection from the room, stating as he did so thst there was no chance of the com mittee being "packed" by Mr. Schultels. Just aa Mr. Schultels went out, Sidney Rieber, the fire marshal of the District of Columbia, entered, bearing a miniature brass cannon. he pluced tho cannon on the speaker's desk, he remarked: "Mr. Speaker, it sometimes takes a little can non to protect a big cannon." Dr. Banter Seated. The house wus in session but five min utes today. Mr. Hunter (Ky.) and Mr. Nevln (O.) were sworn in aa members. Adjourned until tomorrow. Representative Llvernash of California introduced a joint resolution "defining the Intention of the United States concerning the Isthmus of Punaina." It disclaims on the part of the United States any Intention to impair Colombian sovereignty or tS sup port the Republic of Panama against Co lombia, or to Interfer In the relations be tween Colombia and Panama. The senate was In session today only fif teen minutes. The business transacted mss purely of a routine character. Ad journed until tomorrow. ' Representative Llvernash tonight denied that Mr. Schultels had any authority from him to make any reuueata for commltte assignments. Mr. llvernash aald that he had no knowledge whatever of the Incident nor of BchultelH not t e ng acquainted with the latter ao far aa he could recall. AGAINST SUGAR BOUNTY LAW Sapreme t'oart af Mlaaeaota Reader Advers Jatanaeat aa It CaaatltatloaaMtr, BT. PAl'L. Minn., Dec. 4 The auprerue court today declared that the state was under no moral obligation to pay sugar bounty under the law enacted in 189 and declare the law unconstitutional. The Minnesota Sugar company sued the state and secured a writ of certiorari to compel the state auditor to pay a bounty of f-O.OoO. which it claimed under the sugar Munty, act of 186. 4 Hart avr Hart After Porter Antlseptlo Healing Oil la ap plied. Relieve pain Instantly and heala at th same Urn, fur man or beast. Price, 2&o. Hi? ft Final Reductions ti , V . I IT : Tr Iffifi -ffa-Mfi Garland Base Burners up from. Chafing Dishes al now designs OR ID to. bcauilf (14 down r Skates Slods Wagons Hilton Rogers & Sons Co., Hth and Farnam street t. a haa f? 2L Hot Carriage Heaters ANDERSEN - MILLARD GO., 1516-10 Capitol Ave. GIFTS EXTRA ORDINARY! White lisard traveling hugs. Sea elephant suit cases. Ttusset calf ault cases. These leather goods, made by the Uorhnin Co., are equipped with beautiful sots cf sterling silver toilet articles. Nothing so fine in this tlassct goods has ever been shown In Omaha. Just the thing for a bridal or Christmas gift when you are Womlerlna: what on earth to buy, that iic or she is not slrcndy supplied wit. I'rlcea, wi.oo to v. ALBERT EDHOLM, Jeweler. 107 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. OPP. POSTOFFICE CROWNS FROM $1.50 Work Ounranteed-Hpetlal Trices Until Jun. T5 We "e .'.ere to stay. Con sult the Profcsor9 at once. Sliver Killings from i'Sc... 7 T.'.ith C leaned Jc. Bn of Teeth from I3.C0... Half fiom UNION DtNTAL COLLEGE, FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Promise of Fair nad 'Warmer for Ne braska Saturday and' !aad. WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. forecast: For Nebraska Fair Haturday, warmer In northwest portion; Bunday, fair nd warmer. For Iowa and Missouri Fair Saturday; Sunday, fair and warmer. Fir Illinois Fair Saturday, colder In ex treme southern portion: Sunday, fair and warmer; fresh northwest to northerly winds. For Colorado and Wyoming Fair and warmer Saturday and Sunday. For Montana and Noith Dakota Fair and warmer Saturday: Sunday, fair. For ..outh Dakota Fair and warmer Saturday and Sunday. For Kansas Fair Saturduy; Sunday, fair and warmer. ' , Local Kecord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Dec. 4. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three 1903. W02. 1901. 1900 Minimum temperature... 20 18 3n 60 Minimum toniierature.... 1 0 ' 2X 31 Mean temperature 18 9 8 40 Precipitation T .00 .01 .VP Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day since March 1. Wi: Normal temperaluro ft Deficiency for the day .-. 12 'I ntel excess lnce March 1 "9 preclpitatloi 04 Inch Deficiency fur the day IH Inch Total rainfall since March 1 82.09 Inches Kxcess since March 1 ..2.74 Inches Ieficlency for cur. iei lod, IhoJ... 1.47 Inches Deflcieucy for cor. ieiiol. IWJl... 6.OT Inches Meort from Statloaa at T P. M. -! at S gF THB P i : g 2 R. c : 8 C : "i m a e : e a I : : - ? : : :? i Omaha, cloudy Valentine, ileur North Platte, clear Cheyenne, clear Salt Ijike City, clear Rapid City, clear Huron, clear Wllliston, cioudy Chicago, cloudy St, Iouis, clear St. Paul, cloudy Davenport, cioudy Kansas City, clear Havre, clear , Helena, clear Plsmarck, clear Oalveston, cloudy 18 201 T 12 m . 24 Si! .00 22 2M .01) 34' .00 2?! J! .(HI ' 14 .( 11 1 .00 2 W T 21 Ml T 1 20 .02 18i 221 T 24, T 32! 3s) .Oil 2tl .00 '! a, Mi .( 60' 641 t,4 T Indicates trace of precipitation. U A. WELSH. Forecaster. Anti-Pain Pills (Dr. Miles') prevent well aa cor headache, tha com mo neat affliction of mankind. Carry in your pocket. No opiate. Non-laxative. There ar no Sub stitute Bold and guaranteed by all drug gitta. at do oanu. Never sold la VSL MILES MEDICAL. OO, Elkhart. Ia4 AMI.ICMKVrs. Y. M. C A. COURSE THIRD NUMBER -PICTURE PLAY -Seat sale Saturday, December t lie, 30c and S5c. Elngl admission. Sec, We. 76c. To close out the balance of our Garland And Radiant Homo Burners and Oak Stoves tin 1tAAir1 C V i ma r a t n .hese celebrated stoves and ranges Vulcan Oaks S nn It bony, tine nickel trim- II nc M-w yXws'u'iW For Christmas Handsome, Nickel I'latc;! T.a.... T.. aJ ... ,,0JI 109 a5lu fUHBU Pots and Baking Dishes A For Cold People Small marges ir Material Incorporated College, 1522 ougl 8 1. Boom 4. Opp. Boston Store.- AMI'S KIMEUTa, TEI.KPHOIVE 1S31. Every Is'lcht, Matinees Thursday, Saturday, and bunday. MODERN VAUDEVILLE. Johnstone, Bennett A co., Rsppo Sisters. J a Lies and Sadie Leonard, Thre Rlcharda, A. P. Koktow, iiauuhl. ftoksl Bros., Kin-.drome. Pr;cea 10c, ac, Me. BOYD'S VV0,,,,WMradnfclk.r.BUr', Baaday Matinee aad Klgnt aad Mon day Mht "HERRMANN THE GREAT" In a Wonderful Magical 1 trformance. ' Tuesday and Tied. Mat. and Night, " "Mrs. Wlgg of the Cabbage Patch." t laRUG Theater 15 25 50 75c im - M tTl TONIGHT AT 8:1 7hPV AlMartlnV7enNlhts fcWUSAl. In a Far ) oom" Sunday Matinee "THE CHAPmHONS" The laat night will be great. Tonight will be the end cf ttie DAZAAR AT METROPOLITAN HALL, HARNEY AND d STREETS. IN AID of the WISE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. ic admlanlon to all. If you want a rollicking good time, eome Saturday night to Metropolitan Hall. Its the lust nlKht and fraud wind up. There will be something doing the whole eveniig. There won't bo a dull minute in It. AI CTiON! AUCTION! ALCTION! In addition to the other great i.ttractiona, hundreds of valuable a1 ttclea vf Jewelry, Furniture, Art Joods, Books, Hric-a-brac, Laces, Cloaks, Hulls, Hats, Shoes, Dolls. Fancy Uooda. Stationery, etc., will be disposed of. Tt-ese goods are the gifts of literal hearted merchants of Omaha, New York and other eastern cities, snd must be turned Into money. TUKV WILL UK SOLD FOR WHATEVER THEY WILL hlKINU. The Kuzuur vlll close tonight and lon't want to ml"' It. Every booth will have a new sensation. Th German village nus got In a doubl fctock, no oho can no thirsty or hungry. The tellers! store :n ihI go out of busi ness. You can get a osraaln there, and Tli Auctioneer loaea his Job Saturday flight, to hu don't care v hit he rella the jcods for. OUR PRICES are alwaji the lowest --'alwajfk lias and alwaj-H will b?. Wine of Canlui k!c Pinkham'H ConiHuul .. ;.67c Carter' Liver I'ills 12c Urouio-Keltiter .... 64c Ayer'u Hair Vigor 64c Kilmer's Hwamp-Hoot . . . .64c Hyrup of Figs ' 34c Castorta .22c Peruua 61c No matter what you want in patent medicines--conic to um. TWENTIETH CENTURt FARMER Make Mt Vefal Preat. cons 1