4 TUB OMAHA DAILY REE: FKIDAY, PECEMHEK 4, 1903. Ti ie Omaha Daily Bee E. ROHEWATER. EDITOR. Pl'BUSItliD EVKRY MOR.VINO. TERMS OF Bt'HSCRT PTION. Dally P.ee (without Stindav). One Year. .WOO Dully i.ee and Htindnv, One er Illustrated Bee, One Year 300 Sunday Hee, One YfHr 2.W Hntiirdsv Kee. 0,1 Yenr 1 60 TmeotiFth Century Farmer, One Year.. 1.00 df.livkhed by carrier. Dally Re (without Sunday), per copy.... tr Jlly Hee (without 8tinrtv. per week...12o Daily Bee (Including Sunday), per week. 17c Sunday l'.ee, per copy 6c Kvenlng Bee (without Himday). per week tic Kvenlng Bee (Including Sunday), per week 10a Complaints of Irregularities In delivery should be addressed to City Circulation De partmcnt. I OFFICES. Omahs-The Bee Building'. South Om.ihn-Clty Hull Building, Twen ft fth and M Bt'wts. Council Bluffs 10 Penfl Street. Chicago I'll" I'nlty Building. New Vork-:S; Perk Row building. Washington-li'l Fourteenth Street. CURIiKSPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and edi torial mutter should be uddressed: Omaha Bee, Edlturlul Department. REMITTANCES. Remit bv draft. express or postal order payable to The Bee Puhl'shing Company Only i-cent stamps nccepted In payment of mall account. Personal checks, except on Omnha or extern exchanges, not accepted. THIS BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss.: Ueorge B. Tischuck, secretary of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, aaya that Ihe actual numter of full and complete copies of The Dally Morning, Evening nnd Sunday Wee printed during the. month of November, 19U3, was aa fol lows: 1 ,OTO 10 2O.740 t .10,040 17 80,160 t 04XMt .... .80,040 4 87,400 19 30,2.TO 6 30,080 20 444B 6 41.1HO 21 3O.0HO 7 81.7BO . 22 7,1TO I !, 23 30,030 zo.iao 24.... so.izo 10 30,it0 2S :io,ooo 11 2,t 24. 81,130 12 3t1,40 27 81,020 13 40,053 ffl 80,100 14 2,10 29....; JI7,02S n ae,no M 8o,8oo Tolal .'.). 032.085 Iesa unsold and returned copies.... lo.aoa Net total aales 022.H73 Net average sales 80,765 GEO. B. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and aworn to before me thla JOth day of November, A. l 113. M. B. HUNGATE, (Seal.) Notary Public A bale of cotton Is worth almost Its weight la gold In the New York cotton exchange. It will be noted that 111 luck never Overtook Prophet Dowle until he dis paraged reporters. Option gambling In cotton futures Is If anything more hazardous than buy ing tickets In the new Havana lottery. In the absence of any press cable grams to the contrary, we w!U assume that Mr. Bryan Is still taking bis meals out. The rumor that a rate war between i the "Rock Island" and the Burlington la Imminent, Is only a, rumor. There are wars atnd rumors of wars. As a presidential candidate, Judge Gray baa just been assured the unanl j mouB support of the democracy of rottarllle, Pa, And that ought to settle Minister Powell Is quite willing the ijiew provisional government shall man 'age Ran Domingo, but Insists that the sew manager honor the old one'a con tracts.. The mayor told the poundmaster bis methods constituted grafting and the poundmaster received the reprimand quite doggedly, as became one of his occupation. From the promptness with which Former Lieutenant Governor Steele was dismissed) from the grand jury room, we Infer that be declined to tell what he did not know. The supreme court of Nebraska has decided that the testimony of blood hounds Is not competent to convict a man charged with murder even If they bear the names of Columbia and Beaure gard. One of Chicago's car barn robbers pro poses to plead that another hypnotized bin). The public rejoices,, as It has grown so mortally weary of the insanity dodge as to make any newer" absurdity Welcome. . a Challenger, the prise steer of the Chi cago show this week, bos cost, all told, $120; has won $450 In prises and prob ably will be sold today for $700. This news can amaze only those who didn't know Challeugcr Is a Nebraska n. I ! S If City Treasurer Uenulngs can put $35,000 a. year into the city treasury by the enforcement of the scavenger law upon real estate on which no taxes have been collected for many years, he ought to be given an opportunity. - ., .i Now prepare for the millennium. A South Omaha statesman, who banker after a city job, makes this startling i declaration: "The time when the cor porations of this city were actively en gaged In the making and unmaking of political men bus passed." It is anuouueed with a grand nourish of trumpets that professional fixers of juries still haunt the halls of the Lan caster court botwe, but we fall to per ceive anything new or startling In that report. It la even suspected that pro- ft-Ksloual fixers of juries haunt the cor ridors of the Ikuglas county court house periodically. According to Prof. Jeremiah V. Jen kins of the International Kxthange com uiUsloii the gold natulan! Is making good progrew lu China. In the mean time round dlitcs of copper with square holes lu the middle called cash continues to be the prlncliuil medium of exchange lu commercial circles of the Chinese em plre and gold circulates only in the form of mandarin Jewelry and Joss orua icla, VKMOVRATS ASD TH TRtATT. The treaty with Panama having been signed by the officials of the provision! government of the new republic,' it will be at once returned to the I'nited Str.tt s and It Is said may be sent to the senate before the adjournment of congrcM fr the holiday recess. What will Ik. the position of the democrats In rcnrd to It Is the Interesting question. It is well understood that Senator Morgan and other Nicaragua advocates will be ar ifyed against the treaty, but the strength of, this element Is not tit pres ent definitely known and It may be found not so strong as Is commonly supposed. Tho i (fort made by Senator Gorman to unite bis political associates in opposi tion tj the Panama treaty was unsuc cessful, some of the democratic senators rigorously refusing to take any such po sition. It la well known, also, that the constituents of most of tho southern senators desire the ratlflcatloa of the treaty and this influence will of course have a great effect Then there Is the consideration that the question Is not political and offers no opportunity for party advantage. In reference to this the New York Journal of Commerce remarks: "If Mr. Gorman, or any other democratic sena tor imagines that party capital is to be made out of such tactics be will make one of those characteristic blunders that so often damage the party at critical moments. The evidence that the people of the' country approve of what has been accomplished by the president and the secretary of state in such short time, and of every step that has been taken In achieving it, is overwhelming. There is practically ' no opposition sentiment in either party and democratic senators might as well accept that fact and fall in with the course of events instead of trying to create a disturbance. When the treaty comes up in the senate parti san obstruction by democrats can only mean Injury to their party." If the dem ocrats were to unite' against the treaty they could prevent Its ratification, but aa has already been shown they are not likely to unite. B RITA l ! S HKW AMBASllADUH. The new British ambassador to the United States, Sir Mortimer Durand, comes to his post with an evidently ear nest desire to win American good will and to promote cordial relations between his country and this. ' Ills address la presenting his credentials to the presi dent Is in the very best spirit, with less of the perfunctory character than ordi narily marks such deliverances. The new ambassador was never before In this country, though It is said he had greatly desired a diplomatic appoint ment here, his sympathies being strongly American. He la described as being as brilliant a sportsman, as good a soldier and aa excellent a writer aa he la a good diplomat, all of which Is expected to commend him to Washington society aa a representative of the best type of Englishmen. President Roosevelt's speech receiving the ambassador was exceedingly felici tous, expressing the sentiment that the two nations and peoples, mindful of the ties of friendship and speech and moved by like aspirations of progress In the paths of peace, should arrive to reach a harmonious accord In all that affects their common Interests. A very large majority of the American people, It Is not to be doubted, will heartily approve the cordial terms In which the president received the British ambassador and will sincerely hope that Sir Mortimer Durand will be able to contribute to the maintenance of the very friendly rela tions between England and the United States. MI3JUDQ1RO AMERICA POLICY. It la not surprising to find American policy misjudged abroad and a disposi tion there, in some quarters, to see In every step of progress made by thla country a purpose menacing to the in tegrity of other countries la this beml sphere. Thus the Panama episode has furnished the text for an expression of opinion by one of the leading papers of Germany that the Central American states will be absorbed by this republic and It wonders if Mexico and South America will escape. It is not very difficult to conjure up visionary condi tions In support of such a' view, but no one familiar with the sentiment of our people can seriously think that there is the remotest danger of the United States absorbing any of the southern countries, not one of which would be of any advantage to this na tlon as a part of its territory. This country has always shown a most earnest desire for the maintenance of the independence of its sister republics and for their progress in all respects, As an eastern paper, commenting upon the utterance of the German journal. says, what we desire Is an enlightened sisterhood of American nations, each In dependent and sovereign in Its own sphere and capable of self-government and progress which shall be for the benefit of commerce ' and civilization "We desire these countries to be Inde pendent and self-governing, but we wlwh to see them progressing out of the stage of political anarchy and industrial barbarism, for their own sake aa well as ours, and for the sake of the world's advancement. We should have In the part of the continent south of us a vast field for trade and the most potent rea son why we do not have it is the char acter of the people and their failure to develop and advance, politically, Indus trially and commercially. We cannot cure this by taking possession of them at huge trouble and, vxpeuse, and we cauuot colonize them, for we have neither the people nor the capital to spare. Nothing is farther from our de sire than mere conquest and the taking up of great burdens of government be yond our present limits." This reflects the practically unanimous feeling of the Auin people today. If foreign opinion is inteuded to create sentiment against the I'nited States among the people of South and Central America, perhaps with a view to In juring our commercial relations with those people, It Is possible that it will have some effect, but It is hardly con ceivable that any great number of in telligent persons In the southern repub lics can be Induced to believe that it Is the purpose of the United States to absorb any of, their territory or In the least degree change its long-maintained policy In respect to them, so far as re lates to their Independence and tbelr protection against foreign aggression. They have at no time been more abso lutely secure In the friendship and good will of the United States than they are at present and there Is very good reason to believe that most of them, and partic ularly the more advanced and pro gressive, fully understand this. PL At ISO A VOSFWKSCK OAMK. Ever since the federal grand Jury now In session in this city entered upon the investigation of the alleged Dietrich postofflce bribery charges the Omaha World-Herald has published from day to day not only the forecast of the sub jects for Inquiry to be presented to the grand Jury, but also large fragmenta of testimony given before the grand jury and the conclusions of that body before they had been presented to the court. At the very outset of their session the grand jurors were admonished by Judge Munger not to reveal to any person any of the testimony taken or any of the proceedings inside of the grand Jury room. There must be a leak somewhere. Manifestly members of the grand jury have either disregarded the instructions of the Judge or somebody who takes part in the proceedings of the grand Jury has been talking out of school. That any member of the grand Jury has In. violation of his oath and In de fiance of the instructions of the court divulged the secrets of the grand Jury room is highly Improbable. The only person to whom the leak could be nat urally traced la the district attorney. The bond of sympathy between District Attorney Summers and the World-Herald has been their mutual attachment to and sympathy with Bartley, whose in timate relations to District Attorney Summers have been almost of as great a scandal as the pardon of the embezzler procured at his Instance. It Is still fresh in the memory of the people of Ne braska that at the pardon of Bartley the World-Herald not only sought to glorify Bartley aa a martyr, but eulogized Gov ernor Savage in the most fulsome terms for liberating the great embezzler. In all actions there must be a motive and the palpable object of the publicity of grand Jury proceedings before the conclusions are reached and the fore casts made of the probable findings of the grand jury is part of the dramatic grandstand play that haa characterized the brass band still hunt now in progress In the federal building. The leakagea from the grand Jury room are by no means accidental, They are designed to create, popular sentiment favorable to District Attorney, Summers as a con scientious and efficient public prosecutor, when aa a matter of fact the contrary is true and he has simply been playing a clever confidence game upon the public and the Department of Justice. Judge Slabangh'a vision of Greater Omaha of 1910 is decidedly inspiring. In his radiant perspective the Omaha of 1910 appears supplied with a great power system adequate to the needs of 750,000 people, a municipal heating plant, Farnam street paved with as phalt, a boulevard running up hill and down dale a Ion? the bluffs that skirt the river from Pierce street to Rlvervlew park, a number of small parka In places centrally located, trees planted for miles along the thoroughfares at small ex pense to the property owners because done by the city at wholesale rates, church spires and towering sky scrapers piercing the sky line, palatial residences looming up on the hilltops and beautiful cottages covering suburban lands now utilised as cow pastures. Before that exhilarating vision Is realized, however. there will have to be a few funerals. an Infusion of public spirit and civic pride, a more general cultivation of the artistic taste and the popularization of the things that make a city beautiful. The favorable Impression made upon the municipal authorities by the suggestion of The Bee that the families of Omaha firemen be given protection from want by taking out lite Insurance policies for all the firemen is gratifying. The proposition made by an accident Insurance company not only to insure the lives of the members . of the fire department, but also to grant to their families weekly indemnity in case of accidental injury, merits serious consid eration. If it were possible to carry out the original suggestion to have the Uvea of the firemen insured so that tbelr families will be provided for in case of death, whether caused by accident or disease, it would be still more advanta geous, although it would require a heavier draft upon the city treasury besides a monthly premium from the members Insured. A delegation of Sioux Indians from the Pine Ridge reservation proposes to Interpolate the great father at Washing ton aa to the meaning of the treaty ne gotiated by General Sherman in 1850. The Indians profess to have discovered that certain portions of the Black Hills district in South Dakota Were only loaned and not ceded to the government. If this version proves correct we shall not be snrplsed if enterprising land spec ulators shall band together and offer to lease half a million acres at 2 cents an acre. Omaha, like other cities, is blessed with visionaries who entertain schemes of beneficent reform that are absolutely impracticable. One of these "men with an Idea" baa discovered that Omaha is confronted with a paving problem that can only be solved by an organization of real estate owners and horse owners to put through a program of paving reform that will bring about the aban donment of granite, asphalt and brick as paving materials and the substitution of macadam, cinders and ashes. Special paving taxes are to be tabooed Und all pavements to be paid for out of the general fund. If the proposition was not preposterous on its face it could not In any event be entertained seriously without a complete revision of the city charter, which is out of question be fore the winter of 1905. " The alarm sounded by Irrigation Com missioner Mux well that the Hanshrough amendment to the present land laws will work great Injury to homeseekers on the public domain , may not be pre mature, providing always that it is made in good faith and does not mask some scheme equally as Injurious to those who seek free homes. It Is a matter of grave doubt whether it wVs necessary to pound the Maxwell tomtom quite so vigorously to fix the eyes of congress on the proposed amendment of the timber and stone act Introduced by Senator Hansbrougb, in view of the fact that Congressman Lacey, chairman of the committee on public lands of the house, has cut his eye teeth several years ago. - Railroad freight rates are to be in creased on many classifications through out the southern states in the course of the next few weeks. The reason given by the traffic managers for levying this compulsory tribute upon the producers and shippers of the southern states is that in Virginia, Georgia and other southern states railroad taxes have been largely increased and it is necessary to raise money to meet this new demand. Railroad traffic managers in Nebraska are shrewd enough not to excuse the raising of freight rates on such flimsy pretexts. They know what everybody else knows, that railroad taxes in Ne braska have been out of all proportion below the taxes paid by other taxpayers. The Sttmi Will Stick. Detroit Free Press. Don't be too despondent about the Post office department. Tou can still put a 1 cent stamp on a letter, and be reasonably sure that nobody will soak It off and steal It. Marked Improveaneat note. Washington Pest. A decided improvement is noticed la the Commoner since Mr. Bryan went to Eu rope. His understudy Is using plate matter liberally Instead of filling the columns with original matter. A Problem In Economics. Brooklyn Eagle. Several paper mills have shut down in New England becauae the water that drove them has failed. The failure of the water Is due to the cutting of the woods which made - the paper. Here, then, Is a problem in economics that any body may- solve, who will. 1 The Canal Ceatury. New Torle Tribune. With a 1100.000,000 canal acroas the state f New York, with the stupendous water way over the Isthmus, of Panama, with the prodigious expenditures upon Inland chan nels in other parts of America, in Europe, Asia and Africa, may this not be consid ered the canal century above every ctherT Raanor Moagere at Work. Springfield Republican. Disquieting reports continue te pursue the kaiser, but so far as can be ciscerned there la nothing of an authoritative nature to baae the rumors upon. Naturally his voice la still husky, and there Is no sense In thinking that he Is a doomed man sim ply because he is going to the Mediterra nean to recuperate. A Dassllaa Prospect. Springfield Republican. It Is a welcome announcement which the United States secretary of agriculture makes in his annual report, that "the physiologists of the bureau of plant in dustry have now developed a cheap and effective method of exterminating algae" which contaminates the water supply of so many cities. Extensive teats are being made with extremely satisfactory result so far and when they are ended the method will be disclosed. The prospect which Is here opened up is a dastllng one. Let la Hear ,frona Wood. Indianapolis News. By all means let Wood eome home and testify In his own behalf. Many things need clearing up. Fortunately, the sen ate committee seems determined to go te the bottom of the business. It Is of the greatest Importance to know whether Wood is really deserving such rapid pro motion. In a few short years aa army surgeon, practically without military ex perience In the field, has been Jumped over the heads of scores of able and faithful officers who have grown gray In the serv ice. And now It Is proposed to make him a major general. The question la Impor tant. It should not be answered hurriedly. Let us hear from Wood. BOOZERS Ml ST BRACK I P. Aaother Railroad Tells Drlakera "Dry l or Go." Portland Oregonlan. 'Further evidence of the efficacy of modern transportation methods In the promotion of temperance Is formulated by the order of the Northern Paclflo railway managers, to take effect on the first of the coming year, which requires all employes of the com pany to abstain from liquor as a condition necessary to a continuance In Its service. Not only la drinking to exceas Interdicted, but the social glass, the forerunner of ex ceas In thouaands of Instances, Is forbid den upon pain of dismissal. Thla Is a plain buatneas proposition, devoid of a single element of what la called "temper ance reform." It will, no doubt, be more efficacious in promoting temperance, which in the caae of a vast multitude of men means total abstinence, than 'all of the temperance lectures that emotional re formers have delivered In half a century. Men unable to observe Its requirements are already too far gone In Intemperance to be safe handlers of trafflo that la carried on at a high rate of apeed, while those who have not reached that point in the In dulgence of appetite will be saved to them selves, their families and the requirements of buaineas before (as the orthodox preach ers of a past generation were wont to declare)- "It Is everlastingly too late." Operating officials of the Northern Pacific are Justified In the opinion that the order will result In great good 'to the company and lu operatives, while It will certainly relieve the traveling public from a long standing menace of disaster. As before said, there la no sentiment In this order. It Is purely a matter of business, and for that reason Is likely to be effective. FARMING A fiRKAT InCSTRV. Saastaatlally the thief Rnslaess of the People of tho I alteil Stales. Kansas City Journal. The annual report of the secretary of agriculture shows that farming Is st'll the chief business of the people of the Inlted States. Fast as our other Industries have grown, especially within recent years, ag riculture still far surpasses any of them In the amount of its capital. In the value of Its products and In the number of peo ple engaged In It. We have been boasting of the rapidity with which our exports of manufactured goods have Increased, of our "conquests of the markets of the world," but Secretary Wilson shows that the balance of trade In all products except those of agriculture ran against us $86.00O,60O during the last four teen years. The balance of trade In agri cultural products was $4.RO6,C0n,000 In our favor, howeer, so that the total balance In our favor, thanka to the farmer, was 13,940.000,000. While we have not been able to turn out or, at least, have not turned out enough of other commodities to sup ply our wants, we have raised enough farm produce not only to meet our own demands, but to feed a large part of the rest of the world; and the agricultural lands of the country still possess large reaources that never have been exploited. In the course of time the country's Industrial population no doubt will become so great as to con sume all the food that the land can be forced to produce. But that day Is still far distant. England, Germany and other Industrial nations can continue for a long time yet to rely upon us as their principal base of supplies. The construction by the government of extensive Irrigation works In the arid west will enable that section within no very long time to make an Im mense addition to the annual American production of grain and live stock. The bill to create a department of agri culture met with strong opposition when on Its passage, being denounced as exces sively paternalistic, and the department Itself has been a good deal ridiculed since It was established. But results have vin dicated both the establishment of the de partment and the work It haa done. It has distributed many pamphlets contain ing worthless advice from theoretical farm era. But, on the whole, the good seeds It has distributed, the investigations and ex periments it has made, the statistics It has collected and the forestry work It has done have Instructed and stimulated the ener gies of the farmera of the country and have been worth a great deal more than they have cost. Nor have they benefited the farmera alone. Whatever helps the farmers helps the whole country. From now on It will be necessary for our agri culturists to apply themselves more dili gently than In the past to devising sys tems of culture adapted to getting the largest and beat returns from their land; and in this work the Department of agri culture will no doubt prove a great help. LOW MORALS IN HIGH LIFE. Divorce Travesty Among- the Leaders of tho Foar Hnndred. Springfield (Mass.) Republican. The climax of the divorce monstrosity or absurdity, as you may happen to view the matter came In the singular wedding at Newport Friday of two members of the highest circle of society, Mrs. Mary Isabelle Nellson Kemp of New Tork and Hollts H. Hunnewell, jr., of Massachu setts. There was a certain Impudence In the indecorous flouting of social and domes tic proprieties that cannot be overlooked nor even laughed away. It -Is true that the audacity of the per formance possesses a certain radnesa that will appeal to one's sense .of the gro tesque., Mrs. Kemp, whose sister lately married a Vanderbilt, did not sue for a divorce until last May. Meanwhile, In the summer just past, and before the de cree was received, she and the contem plated husband No. 2 were constantly In each ether's company, and In the yellow papers their very open courtship figured not a little. The time limit before the divorce could operate, under the Rhode Island law, expired Friday, and within two hours the divorced woman was joined to No. S by the judge, who had handed down the decree. The groom, Mr. Hunne well, had been divorced once himself, and his first wife had already married again. Both bride and groom had had children. There were eleven persons present at the ceremony, and of these five, or nearly 60 per cent, had been through the divorce courts. The bride was attended by her "near friend," a woman who had been divorced; and she was given away by her uncle, a prominent society man, who also had been divorced. So remarkable a col lection of divorced persons at a wedding was evidently no accident, but an Incident perfectly natural to their circle of so ciety. These essentially vulgar people, because of their wealth and social status, become very demoralising to public Ideas of domes tic relations when they gallop through the divorce courts in this gay yet scandalous fashion. But apparently they are entirely indifferent to what sober-minded folks may think of them. In a senae they are social anarchists, and are a peril to Amer ican civilisation. PERSONAL NOTES. The Georgia Baptist congress proposes to make fl the minimum price of a drink and 2S the price of a revolver. This would put drunkenness and shooting among the luxuries. General Reyes is not touching off the same fireworks In Washington that he startled the country with on his trip across It. Having found the man who struck Billy Patterson, his pugnacity was sud denly chilled. The Cubans profeaa to be very eager to pay the money demanded by the late In surgent army, and yet they bitterly resent the Imposition of a tax for that purpose. The Cubans are not the first people to want the cake and the penny, too. The letters of Mrs. Stevenson, the mother of the novelist, have lately been published In London and have been highly praised. They seem to confirm the view which has often been expressed that Stevenson In herited much of his literary talent from his mother. Marks Nathan of Chicago, the "scrap Iron king." whose will has just been filed, left provision for the erection of a syna gogue In Jerusalem. He also left Instruc tions that land be purchased in the Holy City and dwellings erected for the free housing of the families of poor and de serving Jews. The Lynn (Mass.) Historical society Is soon to commemorate the memory of John Adam Dagyr. the first shoemaker In Lynn and the founder of the clty'a great Indu try. A tablet haa been completed and next spring will be erected In the western burial ground In the shoe city. Dagyr fought In the American revolution with the patriots. "Dick" Haistead, a popular member of the New Tork Stock exchange. Is a student of human nature and La used to quick ac tion. A few days ago while on his way to Wall street be got caught In a ahower and dodged In a doorway. In a few moments a man emerged from the building and be gan trying to open an umbrella. It was evident that be did not underatand the fastening on the raln-shedder and Mr. Hal stead concluded It was not the stranger's property. 'Here, that's my umbrella." The mand banded it ever without a word and hurried away. ROln AROIT NEW YORK. Rlpplea on the (arrest of Life la the Metropolis. One by one the obstacles reared y th fusion administration against Tammany's complete control of municipal affairs next year are vanishing. The New York corre spondent of the Pittsburg Dispatch men tions a few. First It was feared thst To llce Commissioner Green would refuse to resign. This fear wss dispelled by the em phatic declaration of the commissioner that he would not hold office tinder a Tammany mayor. Then Jerome loomed up wit IT a threat that he would not permit an "open town." The next day he learned that his appropriation waj so small that he could not hope to conduct the office on the old scale of prodigal expenditure In raid ng and hiring special detectives. With (his came the announcement that all the depart ment tinder. the city government had re ceived a big Increase. This amounted to a tlo.000.0t0 gift to Tammany. Then ths Greater New Tork Democracy, which gave the fusion movement whatever strength It possessed, went out of business and the headquarters are for rent. Nothing now stands in the way of making the city a real capital of fun. Those New Yorkers who are not really- pleased are at least reconciled. The city Is a ahow place and Its population Is made up of hard-working and pleasure-loving folk, who are hungry for toll and thirsty for relaxation. They want to go to the theater evenlnga and enjoy themselves. If they . feel inclined for sup per after the play they want to feel that harmless dissipation Is theirs without the risk of being locked out or locked into the reaturnnt or dragged to a police court as witnesses against the landlord. They love Broadway, the highway of lightness and brightness, abounding human Interest. The site for the new court house, which will be erected by the county at the total cost of about U5.000.000, has been practi cally selected. The commission which has charge of the matter recommends In a report submitted to Mayor Low that the structure be placed on Mulberry Betid park, which is near the Criminal Court building, on Center street. The site will be near the city hall and midway between the Brooklyn and Wllllamsburah bridges. According to the present plans of thej commissioners, the building will be an en ormous affair, planned and built with an Idea of furnishing sufficient court space for a city three times the slxe of the present one. The city authorities author ised the widening of Park Row by nfty feet, from Chambers to Pearl street. This, with tho establishment of the county court house In the Mulberry Bend locality, Is believed by city officials to forecast a gen eral redemption of the section and the erection of many Important , large office buildings In the locality within the next few years. He was from the cotuitry and so was his wife, reports the Times. They were taking In the city under the escort of a city man who evidently enjoyed their astonishment and comments. "This Is St. Paul's chapel," explained the escort as they stood in front of that ancient edifice. "It la one of the oldest churches In New York, if not the oldest." "Re-mark-a-ble," exclaimed the vialtor. "That Is what you have said f every church building we have looked at What Is so remarkable about all of the New York churches?" asked the escort. "It Is remarkable," answered the visitor, looking at the little sign on the wall sn nounclng the sexton's name and address, "that every blamed sexton la an under taker and that he is permitted to adver tise his undertaking butlneaa on the church door. It strikes me as being the most remarkable thing in New York." On a drlsaly morning when the heads of well-ordered households were sitting com fortably down to their morning rolls aril ooffee a young man with a aquare, earnest face wandered up and oown Amsterdam avenue, relates the Post. Kla new brown clothes were not covered with an over coat. He looked with unhappy eyes at the green grocers' shoos. To him came a brisk young man who shook his hand vio lently and said, "You're looking bully. What in the world are you roaming about here In the rain for?" "Pity the sorrows of a poor roung bridegroom. I have had na breakfast r1-- , you tell me where I can buy a can of miia, some eggs, a morning paper, a box of rolls, and a lot of butter? That maid I hired did a vanishing trick last night, and neither of us know how to light the gas range. See, I have burned all the hair off my hands. Believe me, mine is a hard lot. The missis is in tears, and we'll be lucky if we don't have to sustain life on a delicates sen diet until some one comes to our rescue." The publication recently of figures show ing that laat year there were 458 persons killed In the streets of New York, whereas there were only 13S deaths from trafflo ac cidents In London during the same period, has resulted In a campaign for legislation to control the reckless driving that pre vails in New York City. The facts gath ered by the newspapers show that beside the hundreds killed outright fui:y 1,000 per sons are disabled every year, more than twice the number killed or wounded In all of the railroad aocldenta throughout the country, by the almost criminal careless ness of drivers. The average driver is ap parently utterly Indifferent as to whether or not he runs down pedestrians, and it is an outrage to see helpless women have to rush to get out of the way of these ruffians on the box. In London the drivers have a wholesome respect for the policeman, who regulates trafflo In effective fashion, but the police here seem to be powerless. 1 Waltham Watches Lasting in quality. 'The Perfected American Witch," n tiustrJeJ book of Interesting infornutlon about vtches, nvttl Be tent free opon request. j AmertcM WUhm Witch Compny. WiHfum, Mas, C : WlTO)) 1 Bfr.W,lco &2ttCf A Decatur wearer is a walking advertisement for this new leading line ol men's tine shoes. The "Hobo" and the "Banker" are two of our owa orlflaal shapes. S3.SO and SS.OO though conditions hsve somewhat Improved of late by new regulation fashioned after those used In London. Among the reme dial suggestions la that an ordinance be passed by which every driver shall be re quired to be licensed after he has given evidence of his ability to handle a team of horses, A little while ago there appeared In one of the solid New York papers a declded y plaintive, not to say pathetic, letter from a young woman, the gist of which was that she was longing to meet a companionable woman or two. She stated that she was a stenographer and typewriter, who had come to New York about half a year before from a little town In Pennsylvania; that she boarded In a house In which all of the men and women guests possessed and de voted themselves strictly to Interests of their own, and that she had not a solitary friend, man or woman, In all New York to whose counsel or society i-he could re vert In a blue moment and of these she declared she had many. The young woman's tter was simply a voice given to the well-nigh Intolerable lonesomeness of Mew York, it would be simply trite to Say that there la no lone eimeness like that of a great city were not the thing so bitterly true that It merltt the perpetual iteration It receives. At th! hour there are perhaps more men auc women suffering from the grievous nos talgia of the great city than from anj other dlseare on the Island of Manhnttim The virtual Impossibility of mnklnt friends tn New York In something helthel contemplated nor understood by persoiu who go there to make their home. It It a simple fact, however, that nine-tenths of the New Yorkers move in a vastly more contracted social orbit than the resident of any of the interior cities of the country. To the young man or woman comlrlg tc New York to make a atari the kniesoim conditions are little short of appalling. Such a one walks 'alone among thousand! of chatterers. Imagining them all to b happy and contented and provided with scores of friends, Whereas, If the truth wert known, even the majority of the chattereri are suffering In their spirits from a loin somenees that Is oppressive and abiding. Particularly do those who come to the big town from the smaller, neighborly places, where everybody knows everybody else, suffer 'from what might be called the In voluntary ostracism of New York. POINTED REFLECTIONS. Tmmm U WSS Illr-ttSftf tO IIV f Wntt HkS a biro. Jess I heard him tay that to you and just after that he began to talk to me about owls and their hablta. Philadelphia Press. "Some mighty smaht folks." said Uncle Kben, "aln' amaht enough not to waste delr time paradln' delr knowledge befo folks dat can't 'predate it." Washington Star. "There comes our car. Let's go over to ihe corner. "Don't walk so fast. If the motormftn sees we are not In a hurry he Is more likely to stop for us." Kansas City Journal. "This," said Deacon Hammer, holding up a glass of Ice water. "Is the drink for me. I can't get too much of this." "That's right," replied Hardase, "you can drink an awful lot of it on the morning after, .can't you?" Chicago Tribune. "Americans," said the man of many alarms, "are a ration of dyspeptics." "Well." answered the Chicago beef mag nate, "we are doing our best to keep them from eating so much." Washington Star. Cltv Editor (to new reporter) If a ten story building would fall down, what would you do? New Reporter Write It up, of course. Philadelphia Press. '-Look at that man with 'the high hat and .ack coat." "Yes. By the way, that reminds me that I've got to get eome castor oil." ''vteji. say, now gori mat nminu yvu. ui castor oil?' . "Oh. Just the bad taste of It." Detroit Free Presa. Willie Say, ma, what's a "counterlrrl tant?" Mrs. Schopper (snapplly) Most any ssles person nowsdays Is a counterlrritant. In dianapolis News. Section Boss What la all that arguing down the road? Foreman Why.' the man operating the steam roller Insists that we should call him a chauffeur. Philadelphia Record. SIGNS OF THE TIMES. W. D. Nesblt In Chicago Tribune. The janitor smiles In the friendliest way And asks If there's anything else he can do; The postman was pleasant when he came said: "I am glad when I have mall for you." The cook says she doesn't want after noons out, And "What are your favorite dishes?" she'll say. It's hard to decide what they're thinking about But Christmas is something Ilk three weeks away. The boy with the papers comes early at last. And tucks them securely against the front door; The grocer's boy brings us our orders so ' fast Wo cannot believe It was at him we swore; The officer, too, who is watch of our street Assures ua he's eyeing our house night and day And never a burglar can work his beat Well. Christmas is something like three weeks away. The office boy begs for some errands to ' run. Old friends writ us letters from places afar; The waiter Inquires If our steak is well done. And "If It's not right, then th chef gets a Jar." The grim elevator boy O, what a eh.nge! TIs we who give orders, 'tis he must obey ! Yes, everyone's rleaaant and !sn t It strange Whtn Christmas is something Ilk three weeks away?