THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. DECEMBEB 4. mo.t. 10 EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Sample Pieces of Blacks from the Customs House worth up to $1.75 a yd, at 69c and 98c Piece Here are pieces of fine black silks, running from 1 1-8 to 4 14 yards, many would 'match up for pra IT? illlll vjr j 19c skirt linings, etc this exceptiona fine lot, today, at, per piece SOc and 75c VELVETS AT 19c YARD Corduroys, silk velvets, plush and velveteens,Jn all colors, 50c and 75c quality, on sale on main floor, at, a yard REMNANTS Or SILK VtlVETS AT 49c YD-Fancy panne velvets, black and colored paon velvets, worth up to A Qri 11.50 a yard, at, a yard - , r -7 w FINE DRESS GOODS REMNANTS $1.50 dress goods at 69c yd The highest class cloths, 69c street costume cloths, also etamines, cheviots, silk voiles, crepes, etc., taken from our main stock, 3 to 7 yard lengths, a yard $1 dress goods at 49c yd 54-in. kerseys, skirt inter. eassimeres and every style and color of drees goods, 3 to 7 yard lcrmUut , For 50f dross goods. Thousands f o d 1 IcnirthH. nounU t o 49c irp vi nn For r,0c and ,ir'c albi1 Intrs. French flannels etc., in dainty shades. FamouH traveller's seta of finest cloths, at 15c YARD match for wnlntn and small diess, light and street colors. IN BASEMENT SECTION Manufacturers lot of sampled and part of waists, embroidered frontB In French!"deach.5c-10c-15c-25c 54-lnch cheviots and the finest all wool , rlntha .... Shorter namples pieces, at, apiece., 15c 39c 10c Fancy Wash Laces, all widths. 2'C 111 d 5te .......Uc Fancy Pearl Buttons, assorted sizes, a dozen Special Remnants Sale, Basement Ul 111 DEES WONDERFUL COUPON SALE ITI1D aVC-l ISDI EP TAHbC Coupons Free With Every Purchase. Tha most liberal and valuatl. tickets ever ftren free. Here are some un mistakable opportunities. Qrasp them. V Big Friday is Remnant Day in the Linen and Domestic Copts. 23c Sheeting long mill ends yard 15e 18c Pillow Casing long mill enda yard 10c SJc Heavy Indian Head Brand, yard wide Muslin long mill ends yard 5c 10c Snow While Cambric full piece yard 6jC 5c Cotton Toweling full piece yard ' 2C 12Jc White Goods, Leno Stripe and Check Nainsooks full piece at, yard . 5C 500 BEMNANTS OF TABLE LINEN, FROM 1 TO 3 YARD LENGTHS, AT LESS THAN HALF REGULAR TRICES Great Holiday Clearance Sale of Remnants. COMMENCING FRIDAY MORNING. WE WILL CIOSK OlT ALL FLANNEL ETTES, PERCALES. OUTINGS. WOOL PRESS GOODS, ETC.. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE LARGEST DISPLAY OF HOLIDAY GOODS EVER BROUGHT INTO THE CITY. READ CAR KFULLY THE FOLLOW ING PRICES AND SEfcJ IF THEY WILL NOT MAKE 1A8T WORK OF THIS STOCK. $1.50 VALUES Hundreds of remnant of high grade novelty dress goods AQc worth up to ILK), per yard 9Sc VAl.f'RS-Hundred of remnants of astrnkhan, all wool slbellnes, Scotcli mix tures, all wool voiles and French nnd German plaldsworth. lOo up to Sc per yard JW 19o VALUES Thounands of remnants of the best French and German fleece lined flannels. In cotton, fleece lined piques, Venetian arnl madras waistlngs, Scotch zephyrs and apron ginghams, and the best 36-Inch percales. In light and dark colors worth up . ICin to Iftc per yard IVW Km VALUES-Thousands of remnant of Imported percales and madrasses, KR In. wide, all medium light colors, etru heavy fancy sephyr walatlngs, double fold percales In medium and IlKht colors mercerised skirt linings, black salines and Eclipse and Uenore flunnelettes worth ui to 15c 7 Ac per yard 12'ic VALUES Tluusands of remnants of wllver gray rephyrs. seersucker and Scotch plaid ginghams. Royal piciues, In stripes and figurm. Pacific waistliiKs. robe prlntn. 36-Inch percales, heavy French flannelettes worth 5Lf up to J24o per yard 0,4 VALUES Thousands of remnants of prints, in light nnd medium colors, in Rklrtlng and dress de- flic Blgns worth 6Vtc per yard "I" Groceries. Gift Coupons with Every Purchase. ....2c .1100 . 2i".C To make room for Holiday Goods. Wide all wool faced eider down flan nel, a yard . . 10c Chambray gingham, the 12 I kind, at- Ilercerized fancy tjket weave waist- ine i tir I I Intra, worth nnir. to 85c yd, at Yard wide com fort calico, at per Cp yard . ... Jw Mercerized black dress sateen and Farmer's sat In, the 40c kind, flRr Ul; per yard. Wool dress goods, lonr mill remnants. per yard, at.... , I2JC Comfort Sateens, worth 1 5c p t, per. yard U3V Imitation French Sfr.!1" ioc Table linen remnants, bleached, unbleached , turkey red, etc, at big bargain prices. Outing Flannel, the 10c kind. fC per yard Fleeced Back Wrap per Flannel, Q I p for it yard carpet sam pies, velvet, Brussels etc., worth to RQr I. SO, at each J J 11 : ..WATCHES.. 7.;' ' : , ' Our stock of watches comprlxes a very fine, and complete assortment in all sites and grades. Anyone's taste can easily be s ulted. And we guarantee tna prices as well aa the quality will be made right. S ee our goods before buying. "H e might save you money. K E. FLODMAN & CO., Jewelers, fffftif' fPEt-IAI KXt t HMO T Oklahomn, Indian Territory nnd ' Teaaa Itereraber 8 Via Hock Island Nyaent. - Ttatea as follows: To Oklahoma and In dian Territory points, lls.85. To nearly all points In.soutlioriv Texan.' $18.86. To points on Rock, inland Bystem Kl Taso division In Te:a and New Mexico, $23.R5. To points on El I'aso northeastern system sooth of Alamogordo, New Mexico, Including Demlng and El Taso, Texas, $30.36. Bend for Rock Island publication, "Okla homa." A postal curd will bring It free. For further Information call or write F. P. Rutherford. P. P. A., 1E3 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. v mm WARM, EASY SHOES., Announcements of the Theaters. Johnstone Bennett Is scoring well In her sketch. "A Quiet Kvenlng at Home" at the. Orpheum thla week. There will be Just three more performances of the present bill, tonight and Saturday matinee and night. The next attraction at the Boyd theater will be Herrmann the Great, who will open n engagement of thrse-performancea with a matinee on Sunday afternoon. "The Chaperons," the big musical comedy that oens at the Krug theater next Bun day matinee, la assured of large audiences, for the advance sale of seats la very heavy. About sixty people. Including a big beauty chorus, axe engaged In "The Chaperons," but the Krug theater regular , scale of prloes will prevail. Great Annual Book Knntner. The First Annual Book of The Bee will be Issued Runday, iMcember 8. To Insure rwelvlng a copy order now. Five cents a copy. Card ef Thanks. ' V?e desire to extend our heartfelt thanks to the friends and neighbors who, by their ympalhy and act of kindness,, helped us through the suxpense and sorrow of the udden death of our beloved son and brother. MR. AND MR8. W. 8. MISTER AND 818 TER8. Horse covers miiit to nt your horse. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., 11th and Harney atresia. For cold, tired feet, at J T.B. Norris 1517 Douglas St. fl.OO 75c 2.00 Men's tfh Women's Hew Mfl MM "ew Styles, UmKjKJ styles, New CI! nE6 New Leathers. Ui.Ut-U. leather Women's Kelt Shoes Lined, and wnrm lined Hlilinera Children's fur trimmed Itouieo Hllppers 5 to 8Vj... Men's high top pressed felt aole Mhoes rul)lMr UntHl ' 1 pnekuge corn starch 21 lbs. Oranulati-d Hugnr for... W bars Best I.a.indry Soap for 20 !1. cack Pure iJruham Hour for Tic I arge sack White or Yellow Corn Meal 6 lbs. Mood Japan Rice l!c 6 lbs. Hand Picked Navy Beans 19c B :bs. Tnpioca, Sago, Barley or Farina lc li lbs. Breakfast Rolled Oafs.. , IHc 4 bs. Uried IJma i Beans 19c 4 gallon can Fancy Table Syrup 19c 2 11. package Oclf-Rlping Pancake Flour T'aC 1 lb. package Condensed Mince Meat Vic 1 lb. tackage Imported Macaroni TVfcc Force, Visor. Vim. Nutritla. Malta Vita, etc., per package IVgC I -ir,. T I , H ii n Prims, irti I- IV. Fancy Mulr Peaches, per lb 8 l-3o I New York Evnporated Apples, per lb I l-3o Fancy Cleaned Currants, per lb 9c 1 lb. cans Assorted Roups 6o Fruit Puddlne. Bromungelon or Jelly con, per package 70 8 lb. can Boston Baked Beans 8 l-3c 3 lb. can Solid Packed Tomatoes 10c 2 lb. can Karly June Pens 7'4u 2 lb. can Wax or $,r,ng Beans 7tjO I. X. U. Celluloid, Elastic or Electric Starch, per package FRESH FRUIT SPECIALS mo loc 6C HC In 5o Fancy Bweet Florida Oranges per dox Fancy Bellflower Apples, per dox Choice Hallowe'en Dates, per lb.... Fancy Virginia' Peanuts, per measure Large, Juicy lemons, each California Figs, per package mm A l)ja(S)i Leathers . Best Three Dollar Specials in the West -AT- v T. B. Worris? 1517 DOUOLAS ST. Wo (lv Oreen Tradlne Stamps. The CHRISTMAS METROPOLITAN 160 Pag-es of Text 32 In Color 100 Illustrations 12 Short Stories M.IX F1WS-STAIDS. PKICI IS Ceats TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Write for a lanpU Copy." JV JV trie Clothing Ob parfment. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEWS SUITS AND OVERCOATS We purchased 200 Suits and Oyetv coats from the well known house of L, Abt & Sons, Chicago, "Hand Finished Clothes," "Union Made' WE PLAGE OH SALE FRIDAY AMD SATURDAY v Suits that were made to retail up to $22.00 and $25,00, ifj XSLC QUICK SALE price li.xJJ Have you Suit or Overcoat buying in mind? Here's your opportunity. SEE THEM, Dutchess Trousers, 10c a button $1.00 a rip, "Pure Worsted Trousers, "Ofc worth S5, Quick Sale Price, A WATCH FREE with boys' Suits, Overcoats, $3.45 and upwards. New Line of Boys' Overcoats Just Received. -ui inM.ii.i.s...i-i. it.svni'.A'A-1'iiiasi StylisK Winter Clothing for Boys,. FIVE HUNDRED STURDY SUITS FOR BOYS, AT $1.85. There Is a savins; of one-third to one-fourth on evsry one In the lot. We bought thsm much under price, from a maker who needed the cash more than the clothes. We live you the benefit of the saving;. Bplendld pattern double breasted and Norfolk styles, at the low pgure of $1.85 Overcoats for the Boys. At 13.00 We are showing a strong line of overcoats made of high-grade kerseys, cheviots, Irish frleaes and fancy Scotch overcoatings. Thfy are cut In medium and long lengths eome with belt back and others ith full box. These coats ar. considered by clothing ex perts aa the greatest values of the season at $3.00 Overcoats for the Largest Boys, 15 to 19 Years, ai rpa.uu Made of kerseys, cheviots, meltons, Scotch overcoatings and neat fancy mixtures belt or without -Just as you choose the best part of the ctory Is, they are $7.50 values for ' $5.00 . . i i iiiiiiiiiiiii i iiihiiwsiii miiiii mi i i urmi nun " h ) . ' B SPECIAL VALUES A new, thoroughly reliable (350.00 1 Upright Piano, of the latest model, large size, Is now flrst offered for $190 This Instrument insures years of sat isfactory use, as the Schmo'ler & Mueller guarantee, as well as the maker's goes with it. Another new model. In mahogany case, parlor sle, fully warranted, goes for only $148 A neat, attractive case. In walnut, la offered for Just one-half Its usual cost price $125 A, small upright, mahogany case, brand new, $.00 All will be sold on our easy terms 35.00 A MONTH In addition to these spe cials wo have a whole floor full of used squares at $10, $18, $27, up to $50, and used uprights at $33, $70, $105, up to $148. Out of town purchasers should write at once our guarantee is, "Money back if you are not satisfied." (I NCORPODATtO) MANUFACTURE-WHOLESALE-RETAIL PIANO S MAIN HOUSC AND OFriCI! 1313 fARNAM FACTORY! FARNAM TELEPHONE 126 OMAHA !T9 LINCOLN, NEB ! S. 11TH T; TIL. T CO. BLUFFS, I SOI VROADWA TCU Mrs. J. Benson SILK PETTICOATS i We are showing the best line of Silk I'etticoats for the money that is made. ! Colored Silk Petticoats, wide, with deep, full flounce, tucked, drop and dust ruftle. Price, $G.87, $7.50, $S.73, $0,75, $10.75, $12.50, $15.50, $17.50. j Silk Moiven Petticoats, very popular, Mack $2.87, $0.73, $1.23. $3.25. .Colored, $4.23 ' Iteautlfu! Skirts, merceri zed and pretty as silk, $2.25 up; extra wide, $2.87. Mercerized Skirts, $1.00 up.. Thirty Cents Will Rent Your Vacant Room Ua't It pretty poor economy to let your room stay vacant?. Every day It might be earning for you two or three times the cost of renting It through a Bee Want Ad. s There are thousands who read the want pages dally as a matter of habit Tho look there beiore they go room hunting. But Just now, during The Bee Quotation Contest, almost everyone Is reading the want pages word by word. Ten words three times for 30 cents. Tel. 238. Bee Want Ad Dept. BUSTED AGAIN The OMAHA-SOUTH OMAHA drug com bine is busted once more; the leader. (T) In the retail trade are again DISAP-I-OINTKD. very much DiSAPPOINTKD because wo WON'T DO AS THKY SAY. W. think we will run our two store, our way-so! This list of NKW, DECIDEDLY NEW riUCEB, are good until Fl'RTHEK NOTICE. Of courso. we anticipate some of the WOULD-BE CUT-PRICE drug stores will attempt to follow suit, but we have JUST THIS TO SAY WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. $1.00 Peruna 61c J1.00 Pierce'. Remedies 63c 35c Caatoria genuine tic 5oo Syrug of Klgs genuine SM 35c Mennen's Talcum Powdrr lUc $1.00 Newbro's lierpkide 64c $1.00 Kilmer's Swamp-Root Mc $1.00 Ayer's Hair Vigor We Sue Doan's Kidney Pills 38c $1.00 Llsterine Mu $1.00 Uromo-Seltirr 64c Of course, these will be lower BOON. VRY SOON, but why? 'Cause we busted up the bunch see? 26o Carter's Little Liver Pills 12c lie Cutlcura Soap 17c $1.00 Plnkham'. Vegetable Compound STc $1.00 Wine of Curdui Oc $J.u0 Succua Alterans $1.38 tl.SO Fellows' Syrup Hypophosphltes St&c $1.00 Orrlne want it? 7c 2cc Westmal'a Coldoids 15c $1 .00 Her s Mult Whisky 83c $1.00 pure Canadian Mult Whisky 75c $1 if) Duffy'. Malt Whisky 75c jiint watch 'em bounce now w. told you they would, and didn't they? Thl. is only th. third drug combine we b.ive busted. ... CUT PRICE DRUQ STOKE E. T. YATES. Prop. SGIIAEFER'S HI T V ATFfl l(h and Chicago (U., Omaha. 'Phone. 747 and 77. Uih and N fits., tkiuth Oiaaha. 'Phoo No. L Ail goods Uiiver4 any la aaiaer eiij. For Menstrual Suppression- rr.ri:i pen-tan-got MlMil ksua. I. HMIi Oouhi br Unau 4.95 i 8.50 fl 4.98 .1.98 A Mammoth Purchase of Women's Goats, Suits and Children's Cloaks We have just made a clean-up purchase of the Chicago Novelty Cloak aud Suit Co.; one of the largest manufac turers in the country of riiedium high class cloaks and suits. This purchase includes over three hundred suits and over live hundred children's and ciisses' and women's cloaks. There is not one rubbish garment in this lot; every one is perfectly made of good material and this sea son's styles. We can't give all prices, but here is one of each class; judge by these what the rest must be and come Friday morning and see them. Women's Coats, fine kersey or zibeline, all col ors, worth $7.50, for Women's Suits, all colors, line serges and chev iots and Venetians, cheap at $13.50, only . . .Misses' Coats, noby rtyles of line zibeline, ages 12, 14 and Hi, worth $7.75, for. Child's Coats, fine boucie cloth and braid trim ming, v.orth $3.75. it t r. This sale commences Friday morning and continues until the stock is sold. . , ' To make thin gale sharp, short and effective e give DOUBLE OREEN TRADING STAHPS Mlth each sale. EXTRA BARGAINS FOR FRIDAY A UK! TAHLK FULL OF FINK MtiKCEHlZKD WHITE WAlSTIXGtJ in short lengths, worth to H '-SZr per yard while they last, only, per yard wOL A -MO TABLE FULL OF FINE FLEECED WKAITEK, KIMONA AND WALSTINO FLANNELS, also Danish Cloth, worth up to U5e er yard, at, yard. . . O w A HIU TABLE, FULL OF VERY FINE WOOL D1JESS GOODS, lengths for waists, skirts and children's dresses will be sold for less than one-half the manufacturer's cost. A BIO TABLE FULL OF BEMNANTS of line silks, suita ble for waists, linings and trimmings, will be sold at less than one-half price. A BIG TABLE FULL OF FINE ALL LINEN TABLE NAPKINS all hemmed ready for use, small Ol red striped borders, only, each , . . . 3 FBOM 8 to 9 IIOUBLY SALE FRIDAY We will sell 10c and 15c outing flannels, plain and striped, Or for, per yanl , FliOM 9 to 10 IIOUBLY SALE FBI DAY We will sell worsted plaid dress goods, double fold, worth 15c per yard, at, per yard , FBOM 10 to 11.IIOUBLY SALE FRIDAY We will s. H a Very heavy all linen table napkin, in the dice "t "t f patterns, worth $1.50 per dozen, for, per dozen. . V FBOM 11 to 12 IIOUBLY SALE FBIDAY An extra heavy .Turkish bath towel, extra size, worth 35c, 1 7f a A V for i 5 A Diamond of Quality Is a continual source of pleumira to the owner nml the priri'S wo mime leave no Inducement for anyono to buy an imperfect gem. Inspection Invited. Mji-rMXrwEV&KYATX Co.; A FOUNTAIN PEN r a (tentleman or lady makfs a mors acceptable t'lirlHtinua Kill thmi you would flrst think. A nwn hIv ays uses his fountain pen and we -1tnd. as a rule, .l,..m . anw nthitr 1IH thftV Mm ulWkVH ready for use II. II. Si. 1 1 60. A Waterman. tlM. 3.o. if 6.-;Bold mounted S to 110 Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician. lS16UKUs5treec W tdUim 5llver- The kind that will last we have lor hum Wliitlim Towle LlurKlil . and ot her makes I At. L US HhoW it tli OLL i 7 22 K Gold Crowns. !IJ Killings silver r'lliliigs V Set Teeth $5.00 Best Set $7.50 U 50 up. 1 50 up. SfK up. BAILEY, THE DENTIST. K (KatablUhi-d IkXn.) Ird FIAMJK. 1' AX TON BljOCK.