Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 15, Image 15

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BFAJOND-H AND top nuggy with rubber
tlrrs. wo,, :j t,i)J 11a. Andnr.
n-Mlllrd Co.. lSi&lla Capitol An, Tel.
Mi. V Z7&DU
NEW and 2d hand vehicle for sale; re.
pair. 1L Frost, 14th and Leavenworth.
MIT-K WAOON and bugiry; a Mg snap.
A. W. Johnson, with John Doer
How co. '-ms: du
FOR snlc. a pair of Mgh bred Shetland
ponies, doulilo harnr!! and hand-mnda
rnnabo'it. Original tost complete outfit,
$TM. Will poll for W6. Inciulr Mr. A. 1),
Brandein. Ilnsion Htore. P Mia 28
Johnson institute, 611 N. Y. Lift Bldg. T. lo&i
' -il
The Hunt Infirmary. McCeruo Sl(?g. T. 2i"l
Atsen Farwull, Pnxtoa BIJc.. C04-7. T. 11C3.
Vn GRACK DEEGAN, 802 N. T7ufe7TeT
Fayetto Cole, Osteopath, 609 Paxton block
when cuid: no hyijodrmlrs. Wrlta for
book'et. Uatlln Institute, 816 S. lth St.
) Dl 4
6 TILLMAN A PRICE. 410 1st Nat. Ilk. bldg.
NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. T.
Life old., attorney and collectors every
where CG4
Arthur L. Warrick. 401 Ware blk. Tel. l'Si.
DON'T give your furniture and carpets
way, J. Irvine pays the higher cash
pries. Telephone 771. N MJU
BOOKB bought and sold. Room F,2? N. V.
Life Tilde Shonfeld, the AnUTiJirton
t N-S03 DU
O. R. RATHBUK, room 13, Com I Nat l
bank. Private letsons In bookkeeping;,
ete. -671
"X'UT RATE railroad tickets everywh
P. M. Phllbln, 1506 Farnam. 'Phone 7
Theatrical end maaq. XJebert, 10U Far.
COSTUME8 for rent. Back, ISIS B. 20th St.
II-MM Decl
WANTED, to borrow 11,250, home money,
at 6 per cnt, on Inside city residence
Srnperty, renting for MH per annum. Ad.
ros W 10, Bei MS81
A. C. VAN SA-NT'8 school. 71T N. T. Life.
NEB. Business St Shorthand College. Boyd's
.WANTED, salesman wt'.a an established
trade In the liquor line In Iowa. Apply
to Ferdinand Westhelmer k Hons, 8t. Jo
seph, Mo. M152 Dl
WANTED, a commercial traveler who
thoroughly understands the glove trade
and can furnish unquestionable references
to sell a large and up-to-date line of
California gloves and mltteno on a com
mission basis, In Kansas, Nebraska, Mis
souri and the Dakotaa. Addresa C, 124
Bensome St.. San Francisco. Cal.
M208 80x
AN experienced traveling man; must give
reference. Call Sunday,. 403 Iiard aL,
Omaha. R. F. Fry. M190 28x
Peterson A Lundberg, US 8. 17th. Tel. L-236S,
ALL k'nds of carpenter work and repairing
promptly attended to. J. T. Oohl.'tre,
Soth and Lake st. 870
CURED.. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bidg.
CM. Van Btor. Co., Ull Farn. Tela. 1669 mi
I ' JTY PEW RIT ER8 Clears noe sale; great
iVj sacrifice: we are selling at less than cost
7' our surplus stock of new and aeoond-hand
typewriters; Remingtons, lis up; Munhat
Uns, brand new, 136 to M, and all others
In proportion. F. S. Webster Co., "De
partment O." 1S Madison St., Chicago.
Mist h
When You Writs
To Advertisers
remember it only take an extra stroke er
two of the pen to mention the fact that you
saw the ad In The Bee. .
(Should be read DAILY by ail I nt ties ted,
as chauarea may oocur at any time.)
Foieiga mulls for the week e.iamg No
vember M, 1WJ, will close (fHOMl'lLi in
all oaee) at too Oenerel as fol
lows; PAKCELS-I'OHT MAILS close i).n
Hour earlier than cioeiua llmu ehown be
low. Parcels-Post MaIU for Germany doe
i p. m. Monaay.
Regular and supplementary mails close
at foreign Station half hour later than
dosing time shown below (excopl that sup
plamentary Malls for Europe and Central
America, via Colon, close one hour later at
f oreign Biauonj.
Tvaataatlanfle Mall.
BATVB'DAY-At 6 a. m. for Ki ROPE, per
a. a. St. Paul, vli Suuthunn tnii i .....1 lor
Ireland and letter mail for l.ti;.o-.i .Tijt
tm duecieu per a. a. bt. i au. , m . .n u.
m. (tupplcmentary t a. m.) lur l.v.liOl'f:
per a, a. Lucaula, via QuFnon; at 1:0
a. m. tor b&iajh.m direct, per a s. v
land (mall nut te directed ' per s. s. i
Una"); at l :J0 a. m. for bCO't'LANl di
rect, per a. a. furnemu (mall must be ill
reeled "per e. s. Furneeala"): at 11 a. in.
for DEN M ARK dlrooi. pc j. a. Oscar It
(moll must be directed, "per s. a, Oscar
ii ).
After the clr.alng of the Supplementary
TrmnaaiUntlc Malls named auove. addi
tional Suppiemrntary Mult are otened
on the piers of the American. English,
French and Grrmaii'. kiiU re-
malu open until within Ten Minutes of
um hour ol sailing oi steau er.
Vaila foe Sah mmd Central Aaaeriea,
west IBtJICB. I'.iC.
ATCRDAY At I JO a. m. tsupplementary
. n.) for PUK'IO M1CO. CCKAUAO
and Vt.N::.i.El.A, per a. a Philadelphia
(uuuU lor taviknilld and Cartuaena must
oe iurecea ir s. a. rtuiaaeiphia ); at
a. m. let C.KF.NADA. TRINIDAD on
CTl DAD BoI-UAK, pr a. a Maraval;
at t .Mi a. m. iui ijlera. mary 10:V) a. in.i
VaNlLI-A and CAhiAGtNA. per a. a.
Ami i:iiull fur Costa llica must be Cl-
re:ici -pit a s. Alne-); at .J0 a. ni.
(supplement try 10. JO a. m. for BT.
Dt'TCH ai.d FRH.NC11 tjl IANA, pr a. s.
Munoa; at 10 a. m. fur CUBA, per a. a.
Moiru Castle, via Havana; at 10:30 a. lib
(supplcuiei.tsry 11 Su a. m for INAGL'A,
.-ertAlll mi .1 SANTA MART A, pc s. a.
A(ilroud. k, at 11 M a. tu. for AHQE.S.
TlNki, IKUil'Af snd PARAGUAY, por
a. s. Cauioeiut, al li.J p. m f,- CL'ilA.
per a. a. Cyntj La, via Havana.
Mails Forvtariie Overland, Cte K.
eept Transpaclfla.
CUBA Vte Florida, rloeea at this office
dttJiy, eepi 1l.ui.1, at 90 to a m uiie
a ' iy r - : t , - , . v .
days and Hjturrlnys via Tampa, and on
'Mondays via Miami .
MEXICO C1TT Overland, unlms specially
addressed for dlipatra by steamer, closes
at thin office dally, except 8unday, at 1 80
p. m. and lt:?0 p. m. Sundays at 1:00 p.
m. end 11 : p. m.
NEWFOUNILAND-F.y rail to North Syd
ney, and thence by stea.ner, closes at this
office dally at s;30 p. m. (connecting mulls
close here every Monday, Wednesday and
JAMAICA By rait to Boston, and thence
by steamer, closes at tnlu office at 6:30 p.
m. every Tuesdnr
By rull to Phlladr Irhla end thenro by
steamer closes at this office at 11:30 p. m.
every Wednesdsv.
MIQUEI.ON By rail to Boston, and thence
by steamer, clores at this office dolly at
so n. m.
GUATEMALA By Mil to New Orleans,
nnd thence by stcsmfr, clones nt this of
fice dally, exoetit Sundnv, at l:30 p. m.
nnd and f11:a0 p. m , Sundays at 1:01
p. m. nnd ?11: p. m. 'connecting- mall
clocs here Mondavs at 11:Sn p. m ).
COSTA ItlC'A liy mil to New Orleans, end
thence by steamer, closes nt this offl"
dsllv, except Hiipdny. nt I1:S0 p. m. and
111:30 p. m , Sundnvs nt M "0 p. m. and
fll JO p. m. (connecting mall closes here
Tiied-v of ?H:30 p. m.).
IRKO'STFRED MAIL closes at p. m.
previous day.
Transpuplflo Malls,
HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here
daily at :3w p. m. up to November
Inclusive, for dispatch per . . Alameda
CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and
Victoria. T. C, close here dnlly at :30 p
in. up to November t?4, Inclulv 'or dis
patch per s. s Emnrn of Utnn. tMer
chsndlso fo' Cnttcd htates Postal
agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded
vn Crfnndn.i
CHINA and JAPAN, via Peit'le, close here
dBily nt C:30 p. m. up to November iTj,
Inclusive, tor dlKpatch per h. s. Rioiuii
cisco, close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to
November :6, Inclusive, for dispatch per
lr. S. transpi rt,
San Francisco close nere dllv at :30 p
m up to November 26. Inclusive, for
dlpntch pe" . Mariposa.
riNE ISTANDS. via San Francisco, c'oe
here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to November
?3, Inclusive, for dispatch per . s. Hung
Corg Mini.
SAMOA nnd HAWAII, via Sti rnncl co.
close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. un to De
cember IV lncliislve. for dispatch per a.
s. Venturn. (If 'he C'inard e'eimer carrv
Ine? the Br. !h msll for Nw Zealirid
does not nrtiv n time i . onnect wltr:
this dispatch, extra mails closlna at 5:30
a. m. nnd (.30 a. m. and 6:30 p m : nun
days at 4:30 a. m., a. m. snd 6:30 p. m.
will be made up snd forwarded until the
arrival of the Cunard steamer.)
addressed ony. via Vancouver and Vic
toria, B. C, close here dally nt 6:30 p. m.
up to December 5, Inclusive, for dispatch
per s. s. Monna.
PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco,
close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to De
cember 7th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s.
. China.
CHINA snd JAPAN, via Tacoma, close
here dally at 6:10 p. m. up to December
VX Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Shaw-
NOTB TJnlesa otherwise addressed, West
Australia In forwarded via Europe, and
New Zealand and Philippines via Bin
Francisco the quickest routes. Phllln
plnes specially addressed "via Canada"
or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at
the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded
via San Francisco exclusively.
Transpacific malls are forwsrded to port of
sailing dally and the schedule of closing
Is arranged on the presumption of their
uninterrupted overlnnd transit. IRegln
tered mall closes at 6 p. m. nrevloua day
PoetnfTlce, New York. N. Y., November 10,
lar Deep Well. Office Chief Quartermas
ter. Omaha, Neb., November 10. 19o3.
Sealed proposals In trlnllcate will be re
ceived at this office until 12 o'clock noon,
central standard -time. December t. Ii03,
and then opened, for sinking one tubular
deep well at Jefferson Barracks. Missouri.
The United States reserves the right to ac
cept or reject any or all proposals, or any
psrt tnereor. iniormation ana blanks fur
nished on application. Envelopes contain
ing proposals should be marked. "Propoaals
for Sinking Tubular Deep Well," and ad
dressed to William B. Horton, Captain nnd
y. ji.. u. u. Army, Acting cnier quarter
master. . N12-13-28-30
umaha, iseo.. . ejetober so, ist)3. Sealed
proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual
conditions, will be received here until II
noon, central standard time, November 30,
13, for construction of a steel tank with
heater room, and Installing a new pump In
pump house at Fort Robinson, Nebraska.
Full Information fiimlshed on application
to this office, where plan and specifications
may be seen, or to the quartermaster. Fort
jiooinson. tToposoin to De mi'.rKoa "pro
posals for Steel Tnrk and Pumo." and ad-
dreesed to WILIAM E. HORTON. Acting
Chief Quartermaster. N4-5--T-rr-28
Sealed bids wtil be received at the offlca
of secretary of state up until l'i o'clock
noon of December 4. 1!HU. for boiler house
and steam main, water main and tunnel.
water supply and electric ninng tor 8, &
8. Home ut Milloid, bids on each to be
separato as per plana and specifications on
iii- in inis omce.
The board leserves the right to reject any
and ull bid.
Ketrotnry of Board.
ING COMPANY. Notice is hereby given
that a special meeting of the Board of
Directors of The Electric Spark Gold Min
ing Company will be hold on Friday, De
cember 11, 1903, at 8 o'clock p. m., at the
omce or tne aeoretary, at 444 yarns m
street, in the city of Omaha, Neb., for
the following purpose: First, to increase
the selling price of stock. Second, to de
termine whether It will be advisable to
take tho alock off the market. Third, to
tranract such other business as may come
before the meeting.
The beard extend an Invitation to all
the stockholders who wish to bttend this
meeting, snd learn more about this enter
prise In which they nre Interested.
(its A. 8ANDQLL,
E. A. W. SN ELL,
Dnted, Nov. 2K. laoa. Board of Directors
Illinois Central.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Express a 7:36 am ai0:4i pin
Cl I Uo. .UillllttapollS jit
fcl. I'uul LluiiwJ a 7:W pin a 1:14 am
M nni.. puils at Bt Paul
li).ir;s ..b 74S am pn
l'lt-cutie A Kor;liwealt rn.
The Nortkkoa em Line,
fust Chi.axo
.a .14. am
.j-1:j.' am
.a -..0 put
a 7:56 am
Loci I Chituuo
Luoal 4.Uu City....
Ua.i..l bt laul...
Duyliht till-ago .. ClmagJ ...
Irast lh:eaio
lyoval i hlcago
Fast St. Paul
bt. faul Express....
last Mall
a 1:30 am
b : Ai n r
..a 7:60 um alu:0o pm
..a:wain ail:.tpm
..a IS i) pm a :u um
,.a6:aUpm a 4:16 pm
..a 4:-6 pm
. .as.Upui a7:06aai
.. tMu am
. . a 5 J Pu
..b 4:00 uui a 'j:-o am
LtH-al Sioux City.
Norfolk at B'jneitp!.... Liitui alJ:jj am
l.lnooln Ac Long Plne....b i:U am blu:3jam
Dvadwuod. lie I Springs
and Lincoln a 1:30 pm a 6:10 pm
Casper & Wyoming Ex.. d HJ4 put e 1:10 pm
ll.i tngs, nuper.or, and
Abiuu bfMpm b 1:10 pm
luiua 1'nclBe.
Overland Luilud..
Tho Fast Exurea.
.a 6:40 am a 1:0 pm
.ai a .2tf pro
.a 4 3u pm
The Culca&u Portland
special a 1.30 pm
The PortUnd - Chicago
Special a (:S0 pm
Fajttm Exprea a 6:30 pm
The Atlantic Ezpreaa.... a 7 JO am
The Colorado Special.... all :33 pm a 3:4v iu
Chicago Special a 1:40 am
LI iu oh:, l'eatitce ami
Stromrburg tipres...b 4:00 pro biz tt pra
Columbus Local am
8L Louis -Caen on Ball'
Exp.eae a 1:6 pa a I JO ant
Bt Louts Local. Coun
cil Bluffs a 1:11 am alO 30 pa
Cnivnanj keek Island Jb Facine.
Chicago Daylight L t d a I K am a i rQ am
Chicago l'aiisbt Locale am a 6 li pin
(- tilcuKU fc-ipiea bll:liaia n i 06 paa
Im Moines Liuroaa a 4 JO pm bll &u am
( lil-.S Faat k.r-w 6 av 4a t 1 it pas
- ' y ' ' , s ,. , .
A Box of Candy
"Oh, how lovely! What a beautiful box!
Who sent It. mother?" those were my first
words on seeing the bos of beautiful randy
which some one hnd sent to me by my
mother. It was from an admirer, I
Suesned that much from the compliment
sent with It, which mother delivered as
promptly as she did the candy, but my fun
loving mother steadily refused to tell me,
or any of my teasing friends who sent It.
I did not like randy myself, but mother
did, and I know she anticipated the pleas
ure of eating lomo of that, which must
have looked very tempting to anyone who
had r. sweet tooth.
Mother was a general favorite with all
of my young friends; she joined In our
conversations, humored our youthful mls
chlevousnens, and was voted by all to be
ono of the dearest of mothers. She seemed
to enjey my curiosity concerning the gift,
and laughingly refused to throw any light
on the Identity of the sender. She had
spent the day in a neighboring town, where
I was acquainted with many of the young
She snld the box of candy had been
sent by one of my best friends; but beyond
that she refused to answer any questions,
telling me, with a provoking smile, that If
I Kept the gift for one year that she would
then tell me the name of the sender. So,
amid the laughter and jokes of a number of
friends, the box of canny, as fresh and
tempting looking as when It was new, was
carefully wrapped up and placed on the
highest shelf of the wardrobe, where It was
not likely to be disturbed for some time.
So one year passed and the second was
far advanced; my box of candy and Its
still unknown sender had been forgotten
long ago. Then camq a long, serious ill
ness, from which I was many months In
recovering. At l.tst, in the latter part of
June, I was able to be taken out for
drives, little, pale and almost helpless; al
ways accompanied by my mother, who had
been my tender, watchful nurse during all
those months of suffering.
How delighted all my friends seemed to
see me at last able to be outl It was.
something Which they had never expected
to see, and they showed their joy In every
way possible; I was waited on, pelted and
complimented by all. One day my mother
and I were asked to Join a party of young
folks who were going to a picnic; we ac
cepted the Invitation, and after a very
pleasant drive of three miles we arrived
at the little town where the plcnicers had
already gathered. Tliey all came to shake
hands with me and inquire after my health.
Many of them brought friends of theirs
who were strangers to mo. and Introduced
them. My comfort and happiness seemed
to be part of every one's care.
(ow happy I was! I never knew that I
had eo many friends, or that the world
was such a pleasant place to live In before
my Illness. I had grown almost tired of
watching the merriment, in which I could
take no part beyond a few words and a
smile, when I was surprised to see Ralph
Morrill, an old friend whom I had not met
for several years, coming toward the little
corner In which I had been established, and
every arrangement for my comfort had
been mado.
"I am glad to see you able to be out"
were his first words, epoken In a tone of
sincerity that was almost pathetic-
He had been absent for three years,
which time he had devoted to the study i t
law. He bad many questions to ask con
cerning relatives and friends, and In
answering them I mentioned my cousin.
Adda Mayne. who had stayed with us dur
ing my Illness.
"Is ah not married yet?" he asked
"No," I answered, smiling at his sober
ness. "I thought at cne time I should
have you for a cousin some day."
"I thought that is, I hoped so too," ho
stammered, never lifting his eyes, "but
fondest dreams, 'Us raid, are rldom real
ised." I wondered what had come between he
and my Cousin Adda, for I, as everyone
else who knew them well, had thought that
they would moke a match; but I caw that
the subject was a painful one to him, so we
talked of other things for some time, when
he said:
"It has been a long time since you and I
spent an afternoon as we are doing now; It
has been three years, has It notT"
I studied a few minutes and answered
that I thought It had been about that
length of time.
"Yes, I know It has been three years,'
he said, "because I sent you a box of c&ndy
by your mother just before ! left for col
lege, and I know I have never met you
"A box of candy!" X echoed in surprise.
"I do not remember of receiving such a
gift from you."
He looked puzxlcd, then In an Instant I
remembered my hoc of candy, whloh had
been placed on the wardrobe shelt and for
gotten, and laughingly I told him of the
joko mother hod played on ma, and how I
to get even with her, would not allow the
candy to be eaten until' she told me who
gave It He smiled faintly, but I could see
that his thoughts were still of my cousin.
Presently he said:
"Speaking of that candy reminds me of
Lincoln, Colo. Bprlnas
Denver, Pueblo and
West A 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm
1 rxii I, LauiuruuK ai.u
Oklahoma Flyer a 6 :U pm a!2 : 10 pm
thlcago Grant Western U. Co,
21 Ft. faul A, Minnu.
spoils Limited a 68 am
104 Ft. Dodb'e Kxpie..a 7:36 am
K2 Ft. Dodge Express.. a I:
;X pm
V Dl, , H Li 1 JUUIUV-
auulls l.lmlied a 7:66 pm
T Ft. Dodge Expiess.. all:10 am
1C3 Ft. Dodge Express.. a I Jo pro
MUsonrl PnciSc.
fit. Louis Express al0:00 am a 6:23 pm
K. C. et 8L U Expieas..alu.6j pm a :li am
riilvnMO. M St. VaaL
Chicago Daylight a 7:43 am all 15 pm
Chtcutjo Faat r.xpie..a 6:45 pm a 1:40 pm
imcHKO uiniioa i:it im a i.Miein
We Moines n.xpresa....a 7;tt iun a 3:40 put
C lil can-. Bnrllnglen At tAnlaey.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Sprcial a 7. wo am a 1:66 am
C!itc4o Veatlbuled ex.. a 4:' pm a 7:4i am
Chicago Local a am all:u0 pm
t laxu la nlted a tun a 7:4 pm
Font MaU 1:40 tym
BsiUsgtea h Mlasonrt Hive).
Wymure. iieatnee and
Llnoo.n a 8.60 am bl2K pm
Neoiasaa iixpre-ia a 6 am a 7:46 la
utLitr LUiuted a 4 .IK pm a t.e am
ijina ir.i ruin
Sound JCxprca aUUO pm a 1:16 pm
Colottai Vestibule-;
Fiver n 1:1ft rim
Lincoln Fast Mall j 11 pm a Iju6 am
uri crook and platta-
mouth b 1:15 pm blt:35 am
Belles ua Pacing Jet. .a 7:60 pm a l;-7 am
tieuavue as rauu jci..a iau am
Kstut City, St. Jnnensi Conn ell
Kansas City Day Ex.. ..a UJ am a 66 pm
ni. louii aiyer t.t pm ail m am
Kaaaa City Night Ex..Ov.,4 pm a C M am
Mlasonrt Paelfle.
Nebraska Local, via
Wnrplng Water. .....! 4:10 pm alO:Mam
CMeago, St. I' ami, Mlnnennolls
Leave. Arri vn.
Twin City Paseenrer....a Sj am a 1:10 pm
Sioux City FajLMugr...a 1 OA pin all JOaia
Ltuilan4 l-rfK-al o t 4b pm D I vitui
a Dally, b Dally except Bundav. d Dally
and a Wedding
something which I believe I will tell you
"Do," I aald coaxlngly.
He waa quiet for a few minutes.
nervously toying with my fan; then he
began :
You see, the same evening which I
gave your mother that box of candy to
give to you I wrote a letter to Adda asking
her to be my wife." Here his voice fal
tered slightly, but he continued: "I never
received an answer, and I suppose that ahe
thought It would bo kinder to neglect to
reply than to write a refusal. I do not
know why I told you this; pethars It Is
because I want your sympathy."
"You have my sympathy," I answered
kindly, "but I think there Is some mistake;
I do not believe Adda ever received your
letter. Bhe will be at home this evening
when we get there, and I am going to tell
her who sent the candy and tell her about
meeting you today."
Our conversation waa then Interrupted by
a party of friends who had come to bid me
farewell. It waa getting late and they
were preparing to start home; so, Indeed,
were all the others. The time had passed
so pleasantly that I had not noticed how
late it waa. So baskets were gathered up
and farefells exchanged and we all started
for home. When we reached home I per
suaded the friends whom mother and I had
accompanied to the picnic to stay and take
tea with Us, telling them that ' I had a
surprise In etore for them.
After tea had been served I asked them
if they remembered the box of candy
which I had agreed to keep for one year
ror the sake-of finding out who sent It to
me. This question was greeted first by ex
clamations of surprise, and then by laugh
ter. Yes, they all remembered It now.
since I had mentioned It. Adda was sent
to find the box, and after a great deal of
searching It was found. They had all, ex
cept Adda, met Ralph Morrill that day.
Many were the Jokes made at my ex
pense, when I told them that he was the
friend who sent the candy. While the pa
per was being removed from the box some
thing dropped out of Its folds and fell to
the floor.
"It Is a letter," said some one.
"Yes," said my mother, "it la a letter
addressed to Adda," and handed the letter
to my cousin as she spoke.
Adda said she remembered, now, of plac
ing a letter which she did not then have
tlmo to read among the papers on the
stand table, and she had forgotten It from
that day to this. The candy was passed
around and my friends ate it with a great
show of relish, saying between exclama
tions of satisfaction that they were going
to teach me that selfishness did not pay.
At last It was time to say goodnight and
they all left for home.
Adda then got the scissor and very de
liberately cut open the envelope of her let
ter. She unfolded It, glanced once at the
written page before her and turned deathly
pale. ,
I, guessing who it was from, glanced
over her shoulder and saw that my surmise
was correct.
It was the letter which Ralph Morrill had
received no answer from. He had fancied
himself a rejected lover for three years,
and his offer of marriage was just being
read by his lady love tonight. I told Adda
what be had said to me about her at the
picnic, and tho wrote him an Invitation ti
spend the next evening at our home. He
sa mo promptly, you may be sure; and now
Adda wears a pretty gold ring on- the third
finger of her left hand end I am to be first
bridesmaid at her wedding, which vlll oo
cur next month. My box of randy caused
Ralph three years of sorrow; but the clouds
have all vanished now and he appears to
be dne of the happiest of men.
Oregon Set of Fanatics Destroy All
Property Received from
Cnrnal Fnnds.
Corvallis, Oregen, Is agog with the do
ings of members of a religious sect who
call themselves "God's Anointed." In the
fanaticism of their services the religionists
have burned furniture, carpets, clothing
and many other articles and have destroyed
or burled cooking utensils. Musical Instru
ments of all kinds, without regard to value
fas u n . u n o
mom mi
K I '
win a
V ' fS -S
or cost, have been delivered to the flames.
The scene of their dsvotlon Is the house
of Mr. and Mrs. Hurt, In the south end of
town. The sidewalks about the premises
have been torn up and burned, and floors,
shrubbery and fruit trees dug up and de
stroyed. Reports In circulation aver that
'dogs and cats have been burned on a sacri
ficial fire.'
A feature that has added materially to
the public. Interest in prevailing conditions
Is that O. V. Hurt, ex-chairman of the re
publican county committee and at present
state committeeman, has Joined the sect.
Members of his family, fotmer members of
the Salvation Army, have for several
months been devoted worshippers In the
new sect.
The other morning Mr. Hurt, who has
been employed for a long time In a leading
mercantile establishment, sent his keys to
the store, with the announcement that he
was hereafter to devote himself to the work
of God. Mr. Hurt took part In the destruc
tion of furniture and other household ef
fects and In digging up and destroying the
walks and shrubbery about his house.
All day about twenty of the sect were In
the house. The destruction of the furni
ture la done, the members say, beoause God
wills it They claim to have direct com
munication with the Almighty at all times
and they say He directs them what to de
stroy and what to preserve. It is such
things as they receive from carnal hands
that are given to tho fames.
Friday afternoon two of the high priests
of the sect were tried before the county
judge for Insanity. They had been arrested
and spent the forenoon in Jail. Their hear
ing occurred at 1 o'clock, and after a rigid
examination, lasting until 6, they were re
leased. The men are J. Creffleld, a Swede,
who went there about a year ago, and Cap
tain Brooks, formerly of the Salvation
Army. The men were leaders in the move
ment, and the common opinion la that It
they were out of the community the move
ment would either collupse or be confined
within reasonable bounds.
It in probable that during the afternoon
and evening 1,600 or 2.000 people visited the
Hurt house. At night boys and others
stoned the building and nearly all the win
dow panes were broken. In the early part
of the evening the place was lighted up,
but by 9 o'clock the lights were all out and
everything was quiet. '
During worship members roll about on
thA floor nnd mun scream aliAiit anA tri
various other ways give vent to bodily and !
mental agitation. The noise Is such that
neighbors complain to the authorities and (
ass ror tne abatement of tne nuisance. At
one time the place of worship was In the
city limits, but the authorities took the
matter up and required a removal.
At the Hurt house admission In denied to
all callers. Many of "his friends applied
thre to see Mr. Hurt, but In every Instance
but one he wae Inaccessible. Either Cref
fleld or Brooks met callers at the door and
refused them admittance or refused to call
Mr. Hurt. With respect to the latter the
Invariable answer waa that Mr. Hurt was
seeking Qod and could not be disturbed.
When a reporter Inquired why the wor
ship was conducted with such secrecy,
Brooks referred him to a passage li the
Psalms which says: "The socret of the
Lord Is with them that fear him." Ho
added that If the reporter desired to know
the secrets of their worship he should seek
to learn of the Lord.
Later Brooks excused himself to the re
porter, saying that "they were about to
receive a message from the Holy Ghost in
side, end that he had to be present." He
retired, closing the door behind him and
leaving the reporter ntanilng on the stoop.
They claim that the world Is coming to an
end In the Immediate future.
When Officer Henderson made the arrest
of Creffleld and Brooks no resistance was
Offered. He was ushered into a room where
a number of rersons were lying abojt on
the floor, on mats, blankets and other tude
places of rest. The room was wholly bare
of furniture and the worshippers reclined
In various poeltionn. One young girl wan ;
apparently In a spasm. There was a c:oth 1
over her face, and the officer stepped up
to remove the cloth, when several of tho
worshippers rhouted, "Don't touch her!"
He removed the cloth, however, in spite of
the resistance offered.
A sister and mother in a Corvallis family
are unong those at the Hurt house. A son
I In the family Is at the home. The former
are enthusiastic worshippers, and the son
went to the Hurt house In an endeavor to
persuado them to return home. He failed
in his purpose, and wired to his father,
who is In the Bohemia mines. As a result
of the devotion of the mother and daugh
s-s'Delled Words
Last week's contest excited so much interest that
200 more prizes are offered this week to those, who
find the greatest number of mis-spelled words in
our Want-Ad Pages. The contest starts with the
issue of Monday, November 23 and ends with that
of Sunday, November 29th. Read every want-ad
carefully and get one of the 200 prizes.
The Prizes
2 ad
1 Dinner Set.
1 Dinner Set
1 Bet "Living Animals of the
1 Het "LJfe of Napoleon" ,
throe .vwlutnrs , M
1 feet "Ufa of Napoleon''
lores volumes
1 Copy "Ureal flctures
Great iPalnlara"
1 Copy "ai oat Pictures
Great Pain tare"
I Cupr 'Ureat pictures
Oreat Painters"
I Copy 'Groat Pictures
Great Painters"
1 Copy "author Goose
Mother Goose Paint
'Mother Oooee'paliit
nth ispr.::?0
15 th iep.'
i6th to a ur&irti
26th to 35th ZTrTito
36th to 60th roVt'hW
5 let to 200th tSithV
800 prize L
Bead evil answers
S ?s 2
ter to the sect much of the family furni
ture and other effects has been burned.
Corvallis has not been so stirred la years
as It has been by the Incidents related
above. Tacoma Ledger.
Diphtheria A mens; Indiana. .
SIOUX FALIifl, B. D., Nov. 17. (Special )
Those In charge of the education of Indian
children on the Rosebud reservation have
become alarmod by the appearance of
diphtheria among some of the little Indian
pupils at a reservation day school at Iron
wood Creek. The school has been closed
and the government physicians on the
reservation are doing everything within
their power to prevent the disease being
communicated to Indian children on other
parts of the reservation. This will prove
a difficult task, as Indians generally are
strongly opposed to quarantino regulations,
which can usually be enforced among them
only by the most drastlo measures, some
what on the order of the "shot gun" quar
antines of the south.
Retorns to Henrnskn.
EDGAR, Neb., Nov. 17. (Special.) F. M.
Thompson, a former business man of
Edgar, but who sold out about two years
ago and went to Idaho Falls, Idaho, and
engaged In business there, has sold his
business and all his interests there and
returned to Edgar, He finds no fault with
Idaho, but says Nebraska Is good enough
for him.
Mertallty Statistics.
The following births and death have
been reported to the Board of Health!
Births-Charles Church. 411 William,
filri; Charles Kasparek, 1470 South Slx
eenth, gorl; George Roberts, 704 South
Seventeenth, boy; John A. Cummtngs, 1416
Hamilton, girl.
Death Mrs. Nanoy Rice, 133214 South
Thirteenth. 66.
surrtaare lalecnsea.
The following marriage licenses wars Is
sued yesterday:
Name. Age.
Morgan Strickland, Niobrara, Neb........ 21
Flossie Fay, Omaha 18
Fred Ochs, South Omaha 23
Eva Forman, South Omaha It
Uhe Bos of
The Only Double
Track Railway
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Clty Offices:
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iiiiM8T sjlHissisiwisiii iiim nans- nfll-Hinsjanl UmtT
y la I to n I
TvmU IwiUftee-
V-rinmNWn,!f,T anlel by Jnsglsta,
V ca. Z I" sett la !t In wrp,
V "Z-fPm Sl.e. or b'.iiSJ.T.
n",v " tiTulnr mi s M.Msi.
Tr-o pe'son finding the gran test number
of mis-spelled words wll I be awarded th Are
prize. Id case of a "ti 9", the person mail
ing answer "first, according to the poptrrark
on the envelope, will bo given preference.
All answers must be sent by mall.
Cut out the advertise menta and paste them'
on a sheet of paper. Underline the mis-spelled
word with a pencil or lnk( and write your
name snd address at th s top of the sheet.
No person connected with The Bee Pub
lishing Company will be permitted to enter
this contest.
Ho abbreviations will be counted as mis
spelled words.
The IKS) edition of Webster's dictionary will
be taJten as authority.
Cut out the ads each day. mark the mis
spelled words, paate the m all on a BIKGLJS
sheet of paper and send the whole thing In
compute after you hava studied the Sunday.
November tttti edition. Ion't send to your
answer until the end f the week or they
won't bo oounted. '
If a mis-spelled word occurs In aa adver
' Faint
. 7. 50
tise mam which
put only ono
by mail, addressed 'Want Ada
Omaha Daily B ee, Omaha.
honor the man with a Black
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jfjpd benjamin .5 (?
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ur an an forma
Tmatm.nt ft m
luiriuiio . mif
Call or
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ne evar SU S.
MU St.. Oatana,
appears more thaa once,
oopy mi tho "ad" ns your Use
!tbarge Im
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