10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. NOVEMHEK SPECIAL NOTICES A4?trllMiiifali for tkese rnlimna lll be Ukfa nlil 13 m. for Ibe evening edition and nod! 8u10 p. m. for moraine nnd Seeder edition. Rates, 1 1.2c a word Urst Insertion. In a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lea than 2'le for the Urst Inner tlon. Tbete sulerl Isements mast be ran eanseeadveljr. Advertisers, by requesting- a aos. bered rherk, enn have answers ad dressed to a numbered letter In rare ( The Hee. Answers so addressed will be delivered on presentation ( the eberk on). MISCELMNKOl'S. What Can You Do? Go Into a business house today and nrply (or a position of any kind, and you will not Le asked. "What (Jo you KNOW?" but, "WHAT CAN YOU DO?" . BOYLES COLLEGE New York Life Building, Omaha, N b. Prepares young people for the practical work of every day business lite. DAY A ND NIGHT SESSIONS. Apply for catalogue. PHOTOGRAPHS ."iuK? prlco $5 per dox. Choke of 4 t-tyles of i mounting, special for holiday only 1! four' PROCTOR, 616 South 16th St. II 4 CppJAI It you with a guaranteed J L,Vlttl yor a jimiied time we will PAIR OF SPECTACLES FUH $100. Don t miss this chance. C 8. OPTICIANS, NO. 1TH ST. R-M216 PERFIELD'S Cut-Price Piano Co.. Hco Blrig., Kooni 7. Tel. 7(il. Weber, biory 6c Chirk, Lodwig Hchllor. H 211 EAGLE I.oan ofnoo. Reliable, accomodat ing; all bunlnes confidential. 13 jl Douga. R 666 DON'T MISS A GOOD THING Get your meals and business luncheon at the KARBACli KES'lAtKANT, 418 S. iuTII. Jn price, service and cooKlng our meals are unexcelled. Boh id by weeK 56 $'l tickets, J5. JOSEPH STKAL'B, CHEF AND PROP. K 748 D20 EXPRESSMAN'8 Delivery Co., moving and storage. 1114 N. ltith. Tel. litlj. R MZA STATUARY direct from factory; special low prices until Xmas. Gonnella Urns., 20i5 Farnam. M665 Dill LCCKYIST numbers In town In our win dow. They are equivalent to a pair Onlraodes. Regent Shoe Company. SOft 8. ltith. R-1.30 HONEY loaned on all valuables. 418 N. USth R M236 C-hirnnnri V . ' relief; corns removed. -....v(,v-; ur Koy, r z-s, 1505 Farnam. R-246 TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lose. Good work: prompt attention, 214 N. Kith. Tel. 205. R-260 TOO BUSY making clothes to close even ings. Come any time. Suits, $20 to $40. Trowsers, $6 to $10. Dresner, 115 Farnam. R-243 D-10 C.-M,,SAY COMPANY, UNDERTAK ERS, lol7 Capitol ave., tel. 454. R-M205 Soles, 40c; with rubber heels 75c. 217 N. Ifith v R-M267 Dll DON'T STRAIN YOUR EYES lth a poor light when you can get the best for the least money; the leader gaso line lamp 100-candle power soft and mel- !?WA e"y ,on th" ycm' onl 250 month; lighted with one match, burning In full force within 20 seconds; absolutely safe; guaranteed for one year; will repair free of chnrge. LOUIS FLESCHER, 1622 Capitol Ave. R M26S AMERICAN, German Employment Bureau. 15:14 Dodge. R 282 Dll READ1 HAVE ROOT HEED! PRINT IT. SUCCFFD! I A 1 ROOT, Inc.. OUULCCUI I 414-16 S.12th, 'Phone 1604 R M294 Bread ?tr'rtIr Homemade; potato yeast. Ulcau Delicatessen, 18mj Farnam Street. . R 749 OMAHA Mirror Mfg., 708 N. 16th St. , R M28J D12 GOLD crowns from $3: fillings from 25c; set of teetn $2; teeth extracted free. Union Dental Co., 1622 Douglas, room 4. R-M2R7 TRUNKS, traveling hags. suit oases: trunk repaired. Om. Trunk Factory. U'09 Farnum. R M290 Henry He doesn't keep stationery. He sells It at 1615 Farnam St. R 304 D13 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest. best, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark" 17th and Douglas. R M745 IF YOU WISH TO GET a Holiday Sweater Order It Early of Bll.Z the Knitter ' 322 8. loth. R M312 D13 Hz-ntier Present this "ad" before -JClIllbl Jan. 1st and get 1-3 off on Bailey fillings, crown and bridge wum. 34 iioor raxton elk R-M173 D14 Trunks W PAas AT reduction. IIU1I1- Alfred Cornish, 1210 Farnam . R M3U D1S COLUMBIA RECORDS. Ask H. E. Fredricknon. 1 CentS 15th and Capitol ave., Omaha. R-M32J D13 -JACKDAW WHISKEY PURE RTF, 11 YEARS OLD; BEST FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES." CACKLE Y BROS.. SOLE OWNERS, 1CTH AND CAPITOL A VIS. "R-M:il9 D31 P. MELCHOlR, machinist, 13th & H vwnrd" R 5HS ' THE GRAND PANTS CO., thoroughly reliable tailoring establish ment rarrytng a full line of pure woolens. Make up any suit tu the house for $i7 5tr any pant pattern, $3.50. No more, no less. 2i6 N. 16th. H MtilO HORSES wintered. 40d and Center. Tel Plack-1123. RK45 jOx M'VKA SMITH Plumbing and Heating. 111 N. lf.th st. Tel. 3t-. Yrompt att." tlon given all work. Repairing a sue. rlRlty. R-51S I17 HOLY SMOKE! Washington, 60. H,.,l. man's, 10U7 Farnam. R M620 'STRONG EST In the World," the Equitable life AKSurance wn-lety. Its policies ,re siKht dral'is at maturity. H. i Nci lv nixnaser. lr hiiua National bank I1. Ik ' Omaha. Neb. R M623 OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 811 N. 1th st R-6J7 ' SAVAGE, IS22 Farnam. furnm-e work cor. lilces, rldgei oil gultrrs, vki lights. 1' 2111 R-Msu3 D6 ' Poronrc f'tw,'," No fee unless siir-ce--I aieilli ful. 318 8. mh. Omaha. Tel. 17!. OSTKOPATUV. Johnson institute, bli N. Y. LIU Bldg. T. lw4 5q The Hunt Ir.flrm.iry. McCaeue Bldg. T. 2J52. Atsen A Farwell. Paxton Blk.. 404-7. T. 1 !A 6 J tK GRACES PGAN, t31 K. T. Ufa. TsL niftIM? tHM'EI. RATIO AND PROPORTION A write up Pi the Omaha Dally News of t toln-r on the live business colleges of Omahii. the names of thirty ex-students who now ofcupy prominent positions In the liuslm'ps hoiise of Omaha were com men ted upon. Twenty-two of this number were trained at the Onisha Commercial College and eight at the ether four schools mentioned. ly and Evening Sessions. Catalogue free. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE ltohrbomth Bros., 17th and Douglas Sts., Omahn, Neb. Tel. 1289. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchanga any property or business quick, see J. 11. Johnson. 813 N. V. Life. Y 647 EXCHANGES of all kinds: to buy or sell a business or exrhnnge merchandise for a Imxl or cliy properlty, call or write Sholes Aimstrong Co., 721-2 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Y-M791 CAPH for dry goods, rlothlng and general merchandise slocks. Slfl.liOil to toO.OOJ. Ad- iLifKS, with full particulars, 3yl First int'l Bunk. Omaha, Neb. Y 333 WATCH for our Sunday bulletin of busl ncss chancrs. farms and ranches. It will be In The Bee every Sunday. The Abbott- Cowan Company, 312-314-315 Brown Block. Y M574 FIRST-CLAPS meat market for sale In country town; population, 3.6"0; good rea son lor selling. Address w zo, care nee. Y M737 25x FOR SALE Whole or half Interest In good liot"l, doing good business, Sioux City, Address W 31, Boe. Y 760 D4 FOR SALE M.noo to 110.000 stock In an old and well established manufacturing busi ness, paying 10 per cent dividends; carries with It first-class official position at nign snliiry; satisfactory reasons for selling. Address W 32, Bee. Y 701 26x BOWLING ALLEYS for sale; three flrst CiHSs sectional Brunswick alleys, balls, pins, everything complete. Address J. E. Button, Fort Dodge. Ia. Y M901 24x A HOTEL, clearing 1150 monthly; only ho tel in division town of 500 people; com pletely furnished, at a bargain. Lock Box 187. Orchurd, Neb. Y-MS77 28 For quick trade or sale, list your property with the Sholes Armstrong Co. For exchange. This week. $!M10 Prosperous livery business and stock In good eastern Nebraska town. $5.000 Omaha wholesale business. Profits ?2,5oo per annum. $4,Kio Drug store tn eastern Nebraska; good trade, Handsome profits. Store building in Creston, Neb., to trade for shoe or general mose. stock. Store building In Bennington, Neb., to trade for small farm. 5-ronm cottage on asphalt street In Omaha. Trade for small farm near town. 150x125 on S. 17th at., 9-room frame house. To trade for smaller Rouses. 1 125-acre farm i mile from Modale, la. Trade for Omahn property. Splendid 060-acre Irrigated farm In Dawson Co.. Nebraska; well Improved and very fertile; $20,014), will take $5,000. In eastern Nebraska property. 320-acre farm In Rock Co., Nebraska. Trade for stock general mdse. 100-acre farm Fillmore Co., $7,000. Trade for city property. 140-ncre farm 3 miles from Grand Island. Trade for city property. Furniture and lease ls-room hotel In good Burt Co. town. Trade for small business In Omaha and pay some cash. 100 acres good land In Hayes Co.. $500; or will trade for small grocery and pay cash. 320 acres land In Brown Co., South Dakota. Trade for stock groceries or mdse. Price, $15.50 per acre. A SECTION of good land In Holt Co., $3,000. Will trade for city property. 8,200-acre ranch Wheeler Co.. $18,000. Will trade for cltv nronertv or small farms. 3,600-acre ranch In Custer Co., $28,000. Splen did Improvements, win iraae ior easier Nebraska farm or general mdse. $6,000 stock general mdse., Seward Co, Trade for farm near good eastern Ne- . ...... 1. . ,nwn $3,000 drug stock; new and good; will Invoice $2,600. $7,000 stock general mdse. Butler Co. Trade for farm. . $3,500 stock general mdse. Harlan Co. Trade for land and pay some cash. $2,800 stock general mdse., Fillmore Co. Trade for land and pay some cash. $850 grocery' and noda fountain In Omaha. A BARGAIN. Cleared $600 on fountain alone last summer. SHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO., m-l N. Y. LIFE BLDG. TEL 49. Y 977 24x Farmers' and Investors' Ex cursion to Gal veston, Hous ton and other points in Texas Nov. 24 ; to investigate the grow ing of rice by irrigation. Fare for round trip, $18 85. Good for 21 days. See me. C. R- Glover, First Floor N. V. Life Phone 133. Y WANTED A partner by an old estab lished Chlcigo Importing ten and coffee lu.use, with not less than $100.0jO.OO. Will ber the closest Investigation. Address B-28, cure of lord & liiomaa, Chicago, 111. Y M9S3 24x IOR REST FIRM ISHED ROOMS. LARGE. LIGHT. AIRY ROOMS. $12.UJ and up pr month. 75c and up a day. AT THE DELLONE 14th St. and Capitol Ave. Steam heated; electric lighted; private and general baths; all conveniences; flrst clas service. E:it where you please. ROOM AT THE DELlAXN'E. U-M1J8 N30x NICELY furnished room In private family; house new and modern. 2519 Jones St. E M910 P.OYAL HOTEL, European, 16th A Chicago E-6116 FRONT room for two, modern, 218 N. 17th E-M235 THREE nice rooms, light housekeeping 111; S, 11th St. E-M261 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam E bfi O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. I WVl I NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha St oa tn lttun dry, 1 730 vu worth. Jfhonc A-13- E 607 DESIRABLE rooms and Farnam Sts. at The Farnam. 19th E-M'i64 NICE south room, modern; steam heat. Tel. A17S E 280 2$ TWO furnished and cne unfurnished room for housekeeping. 20!S Ieaven worth. E-77 21 TWO nice rooms, modern. Tel. Jm3. E-771 $3 FINELY furnished rooms. 224 N. lth St.; rates reasonable; centrally located Er-.tt 24 Look For Valuable prizes FOR RENT Fl RSI SHED ROOMS. COMFORTABLE room two beds, for two gentlemen who appreciate a homelike pisce, is minutes rrom 1'. O. 2S71 St. Mary's ave. E 777 23 X DESIRABLE rooms, 1224 Farnam. E 775 23 LARGE front room. 1817 Capitol Ave. E M967 24 NICELY furnished front rooms at 1712 .oi'iiui ave. jv msue it ROOMS, with or without board; modern. 2118 Chicago. E 9fi8 27x ROOMS, board; room with others for gen tleman, $1. Phone 2499.. E M9!9 26x NICELY furnished room with board for two gentlemen. Tel. B-22K2. E M9tr 26 FVRMSHED ROOMS AXD BOARD. Furnished Rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th & Chicago. F 747 THE ROSE. 2020 Harney; warm rooms, good board. F M'i04 UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport F 728 ROOMS with board: modern, steam heat; also table board. The Dresher, 6i2 S. nth. F M231 D10 FRONT room and board. 62R P 1lth t NICELY furnished steam-heated rooms, 1S21 Leavenworth. E 774 23x ROOM and board; small room, $1 with rest; modern. 2234 Farnam. F 776 23x ROOM upstairs, steam heat and bath, $2 50 week. 2217 Howard. F 773 23 ELEGANT, modern room, furnished or un furnished, with board, In a private fam ily, close in; bath. 118 8. 19th st. Refer ences required. F 962 26 SUITE rooms, 1st floor, single rooms; hot and cold water. Merrlam, 25th and Dodge. ' F-M994 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SQUARE PIANO FREE , On December 12th 1903, we will give abso lutely free to the person who guesses nearest to Its number a very good Orov ersteen & Co. Square Piano, valued at $50. The number of this piano Is between 3,0iW and 6,000. The nearest guess to Its cor rect number will take the piano free. The only conditions are that the sender of a guess must leave their correct name and address and only one guess will be allowed to an address. Each guess Is registered In rotation as soon as received, and In case of a tie the one coming first on the register will take the Instrument. This piano Is now on display at our piano warerooms, 1313 Farnam street. Send In or leave your guess at once, as the time Is short and you may win the Instrument bv prompt ness. The name of the lucky winner and the number guessed, also the correct number of the piano, will appear In this column December 13th. Another fine square piano will be given awav free be fore Christmas. Call or address at once. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, 1313 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. Q-M973 BRPAvrt-H a wn vpuirr po J six pass, rockaways, 1 coupe. 2 landaus, t . suin. a. .i. cumpson, itu uouge. Q 438 D14 60 SQUARE PIANOS $50 EACH. 50 CENTS PER WEEK. 8CHMOLLER & MUELLER. Largest Piano Dealers In the West. 1313 Farnam. Q-rM344 CIGAR store, fixtures; finest In city; must be sold; for particulars address V 43 Bee, Q M285 D13 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. Q-17 IRON A Wire fences, tree guards, trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co., 206 N. 17th St. Q-519 CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man at jct,anneu jurug co., umana. Q-520 FOR SALE, several scholarships In a first class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Hee office. Q 863 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght. 1119 Farnam. O 622 CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir timbers. 901 Douglas. Q-926 FOR SALE. Knabe concert grand piano; condition good. Address Lock Box 66, Olltner, Neb. Q 196 TWO fine depot wagons, 2 rockaways, 1 coupe, 2 traps, 1 wagonette, 2 drays. Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Har ney. Q 221 CLOSING out hard anal stoves at less than prlce from $5 up. Furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Q 274 SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; billiard tables repaired; a large stock of cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick-Balke Collender Co., 407-9 S. 10th St. Q M292 FOR SALE White Wyandotte chickens. 816 N. 41st st. Q 692 23x 40 Square pianos, $40 each, 40 cent per week. Perfleld Piano Co., Bee bldg. Tel. 701. Old reliable house. Q 693 23 A NO. 1 Radiant Home stove, revolving grate, cheap. 2529 Davenport st. Q--MS06 23x REGISTERED pointer pup, 4 months old. 700 8. 16th. Q-MS06 2X 8 FRESH cows for sale. 2565 Ames sve. Q-M970 24 SOME household furniture for sale, almost new; reasonable prices. Inquire 2?1S Chi cago St. Q-M376 26 THANKSGIVING pies and cakes. Lunch all hours. Home-made bread. 2914 Far nam. Q M997 27X TYPEWRITERS Clearance sale. Great siicvlrtce. W- are selling at less than cost our surplus stock of new and eeeoml hand typewriters. Re'rlnrtons 1R 03 up. Manhattans brand-new, $36.00 to $50 00. and all others In proportion. F. 8. Webster companv. "Department G," 139 Midlson street, Chicago. M99S 14 AGEST9 WASTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In everv county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good in- come. Agents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $ to $100 per month. Ad dress Centurv Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 213 FOR RENT Desk room In office with vault. Apply M5 Bee Bldg. or Tel. Wot. J M792 OUR men make $3 to $10 a dsv fitting glasses. Our 24-nage Free Eye Book tells ail about It. Write Jscksonlan Optical College. 104 M street, Jackson. Mich. J-2 24x EXPERIENCED men wanted In New De Luxe proposition. Apply for choice of ferltory and particulars. Address W 40, Bee. J-MW1 FOR RKST I SFI RIIHE ROOMS. TWO rooms, $7. 628 B. 21st ave. Csll In t,Hr ent G 7"1 2sx EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. U R. RATHBUN. room 15, Com I Nat l buak. Private lessons in bookkeeping, .u. 7l t.OI.D AD SILVKR PLATIG. THE OMAHA Plating Co., 150 Harney st Tl titii. the Mis-spelled Words. for finding them. Another contest this week beginning Monday. FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. The Great Western Railroad Sale of Houses, Outbuildings, Etc. , The McCague Investment Company, Ag ents, will offer at public sale at 10 A. M. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, at the McCague Investment Company Salvage Yard, 20th and Mason streets, houses numbered as follows: Our No. 11912 Pierce street. 41126 S. 19th street. 61124 S. 19th street. 61122 8. mh street. 211908 Mason street. 201910 Mason street. 26 848 8. 19th street (rear). S2 833 8. 19th street. Also outbuildings, barns, sheds, closets, etc., commencing at 19th and Pierce streets and ending at the 16th street viaduct at Marcy street, and numbered from .1 to 78, In elusive. We also have for sale all kinds of building material, fcldewalk and building brick, stone, sheeting and dimension lumber, doors with frames, windows and frames, screens, sidewalks, fences, hydrants, cistern covers, etc. Terms of sale CASH. t SALVAGE YARD, 20th AND PIERCE STREETS. Telephone 2471. McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO., Agents. RE-979 23 FOR RENT Building suitable for whole, sain purposes at 916 Farnam, 22x90, four stories and tlrst-class cemented oasement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room 100, Bee building. i JUbtii CH8' Williamson Co., &nSkte RE-649 FOR SALE Large house, 12 rooms, t lots; house ccst $22,000; $l,oo barn; west part of city; will sell for $15,000. Address W 28, Bee office. RE M738 EVERY ONE of the following BIG VALUE . for the money An 8-room, modern house, oak Interior, ex cellent repair, east front, near 4nn ana Burt: choice location S4.260. In the West Farnam location, new and modern, 8 rooms, oak-lnterlor; can De botlirht At a hrffnJn. ' On Locust near I8t, 7 rooms, good as new and a nice property $3,000. On 27th near Parker, 7 rooms, gas and city water $1,660. On 10th near Hickory, cottage of 5 rooms, nne east front lot, nice trees; a cray home $1,750. On 22d near Mason, nearly new cottage, rents for $14; price, $1,550. On 9th near Hickory, small house, lot 20 by W. FARN AM SMITH & CO. 1320 Frnai Street RE M674 HARRISON & MORTON, 912-91$ K. T. X Life. Tel. 814. In our column ad of Wednesday evening, November 18, we omitted some ef our best bargains for lack of space, and also lack of time to prepare the copy. We submit here some Items wo think bargains. We have others we would tell you about if you called at our office. FIVE BARGAIN8. 12803 Woolworth. Tou can't build the house for the price asked $2,600; a less offer might get it. Tou can move into it at onoe. J Brick warehouse at 46th and Dodge, on Mo. Pac. It R. Improvements worth the money asked $X 200. Other parties are figuring on building a mill near this. Trackage ia a good thing to buy just now. 8 fl-room house,' 22x30, 14-story, good barn, at 1137 8. 29th ve.; good pavement on both streets and in the alley, all paid up. The lot 'easily worth the money asked for Uie whole thing. Small building lot near Mason St. school, $?00; $25 cash, balance monthly. 660x150, choice east front lot In Hanscom Place, new asphalt pavement paid for in full; $1,600. HARRISON & MORTON, 912-91$ N. T.. Life. Tel. $14. RE 771 $2.400 New six-room house at $715 Leaven, worth; modern except furnace; corner lot' 70 feet front; car line passes door; $400 cash, balance eay payments at 6 per cent. Telephone 2735. RE W0 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Paclno Railroad company. B. A. McAllaster, land commissioner. Union Pacific headquarters, Omaha, Neb. KB-651 $l,0u0 2S40 Arbor, 4 rms., new, sewer, water 5oxl40 lot. $luO down.. 8nap. $750 S. E. cor. 41st and California, 6 rooms full lot and barn. Snap. ' D. V. HOLES CO.. N. Y. Life. TEL 49 RE M6W REAL ESTATE bargains. Full lot and three houses in K. V. Smith's addition, only, $2.2U. Thomas Brennan. Soy Bo 13th street. RE M6u6 ' HOU8E8 and lots tn an parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. K Davis Co.. Room 608 Bee bldg. RE fiio SEE Chris Boyer before buvlng 22d and ' Cuming, 'Phone 2049. RE M464 D14 GENTLEMAN, who has removed to Eng- giana, will lake lor what be paid $3,000. WE HAVE a man with $7.50,1 dry ginJs stock who win trade ror aesirabi? omalia property. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglaa St. RE 98 24 Great Sacrifice SALE OF LOTS NEAR FARNAM CAR LINK. Two full east front lots, 3Mii street, north or Karnam. These lots are partly graded: surrounding lots held at $-'.5oo to $3,600 each. Owner must sell and offers both I lots for $1,160 eacU. HE-9SS 23x I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Our No. 36-S.16 8. IRth street. 46833 8 18th street (rear). 47 S3 S. isth street. 52 S10 S. 18th street. 69-822 S. 17th street. 67839 8 17th street. 75- 821 8. 17th street. 81831 8. 16th street. Shimer & Chase, BUILDKRS OF MODERN HOUUES. The "Omaha News" of October 26th said: "Shimer & Chase are, perhaps, the heav iest builders at present." Why not build for you? We represent non-residents; act as purchasing agents for vacant or Improved property; do a general real es tate business. Like Finding $500 Hanscom Park 6-room, new, modern house, good neighborhood; another fine house going up on adjoining lot; no use multi plying words. Let us show you the house. Special figure $2,350; good terms. Anxious to Sell Leaving city for warmer climate; house built for home and a good one, new 6- room, mouern; snap ror some one $-,400. (Kountxe Place.) Leaving for East Owner cosy 6-room cottage, papered throughout, white enamel nlumolng In bath, two blocks from car, growing Into , money every aay; leaving ior east oners home for quick sale, $2,0u0. Cheap Little Home $1,200 for a cozy six-room cottage, corner iot, gas and city water, convenient to car, real bargain at $1,200. Right on Car Line $1,800 New 6-room cottage, south front, bath with enamel plumbing, hot and cold water cemented cellar, car passes door, easy terms, $1,800. . RE-978 23 NORTH OF FLORENCE t acres on Calhoun road, well improved; 2 acres In fruit, $1,000. ( acres 8 miles north, in timber, only $200 for the piece. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 610-511 IX. Y. Life. RE 565 HAVE TOU $60,000 T We offer a choice piece ot business property for $50,000. Pays 6Vi per cent net and is not improved to the limit something you have been look ing for. HARRISON & MORTON. 912-913 N. Y. Ufa. Tel. 811 RE 771 Cheap Building Lots. I have several tnaps In fine lots between 27th and 29th on Mandrson. sewer and water on street; these are genuine bar gains. 52S0 to $m Each. Can be bought on Easy Terms. R. H. LANDER YOU, 442 Board of Trade. RE-MS94 24 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If vou want to sell a farm or ranch tail the farmers and stock raisers about It Tim Di way 10 reucn inrm is inrougn THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to Mftnn homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you nave a goou piei-a oi iami to sell at a reasonable urlce you will find a huv.r among them. The cost of an advertisement in smaii i cems per wuiu in Ismail iyp or $2.50 per Inch If Bet in large type. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, UfflAtlA, ie. RE 32 SV. nwU, 12-85-44, Monona county, Iowa with a 4-room house, brick foundation' barn, buggyshed, corncrlb, toolhouse, well and fencea. The land Is rich bUck soil with clay subsoil and good pasture Und' It was sold a few yeiirB ago before the raise in land for $2,600. Would like to trade this for a good residence In the tltv R. C. PETERS CO., GROUND FLOOR, BEij BUILDING RE 63J 23 FOR SALE, twelve-acre fruit farm at Braldentown, Florida; water from, young orange and banana grove, and good house Address Lock Box 66, Uiltner, Neb RE '94 IMPROVED 40 sfies, 10 miles from Omaha $75 rer acre. No agents. B x 41. Irving tun. Neb. RE M 100 25x A BARG AIN If sold qui. k, H or more cash payment. 6 room all modern well built e front. Phone K.-eO. RE M9) 2ox 2,7S0.00.T noon house and two lots. One Muck from Dundee car line. Ten room houxe, porcelain bath, modern except heat, corner lotn, bargain. GARVIN BROS., PY KARNrtV vrp.KKT. RE M99 FARMS FOR SALE. 2W Hcres M nines siutli of H .uth OmhH. near II'lnlte, 150 acre In cultivation, small Improvements. $3n.M per acre. 86 acres nine nil'es west of the city, near Do'lge street road, good l provenr-nts Price $12"v00 per acre. GEORGE & COM PANY, lrit'l Farnam street. RE M9S trtsHKHIXG (Ml sTl TTKRlVti. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Rarage Bldg. i'li FOR REST HOI SKS. FOR RENT, 7-room house, city water, gas, furnace, all mtxtern. on I'srk ave, $:W. 4-roum house, city WHter, 3K4 Mason St. C. M. Buchmunn. 43t JJ I'axtun Block. D-MNI6 FOR RENT Seven-room cottage, large yard. In good condition. Win. K. Toner, rec, 308 Brown block. D-M.14 HnilF ' H Port of the city. The "UUJW O. F. Davla Co., 60s Bee Bldg. D 4M HOI KPQ In all rerts of the city. R. IIWUOCO c. iele Co u.e Bldg. D 4K, TO MOVE right get Oma Co.. office lid!, I'arnam, ha Van Storage or Tela. l5o-M3. D-00 -W, davenport. 10 rooms, modern except ftlmn,... I... Pn p. 812 Parke Avn 7 rrni, a .nriern evcent furnace, $J2.50. W. Fiirnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. D-M343 -ROOM modern house, nicely furnished, two blocks north of High School; lease till next June $45.00 per month. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. D-M342 FOR RENT. 6-room house. 2668 Woolworth Ave., $jo per month; possession given Oc tober 17. Apply to Mel Uhl, care Dally News office. D M997 ... WALLACE. Riown Block. $3.t .011 Sherman ave., 8 large rooms, all conveniences, laundry, barni good repnlr, pleasant home. D 660 MODERN house, west part of city, in ex cellent condition'. For good tenant at once an extr?i low rate will be made. William K. Potter, receiver, f3 Brown block. D 649 $32.6063.1 Park ave., 7 rooms, modern. $20 2KB Spencer, 6 rooms, modern. L'0.-W15 Myrtle. 8 rooms, modern. $7 4202 Hamilton, 6 rooms, modern. Inquire R. C, PETERS & CO. . Ground Floor Bee Building. D o5 23 PAYNE-BOSTWICK & CO.. choice houses. 601-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. 1 603 SEVERAL good houses, $10 to $18. Chris myer, su and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. D-MllO FOR RENT. 7 room bouse. 1827 N. 18th. U 695 WE MOVE pianos. Mngcard Van & Stor age Co., Tel. 1496. Office, 1713 Webster sU HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. 633 Park ave., 8 rooms, modern $32.60. 123 S. 35th ave., 7-r mod. $30. 2221 Spruce, 8 rooms, bath $22.50. 3X5!! Franklin, 7 rooms $16. 3014 Ames ave., 6-room flat $10. Choice lo-room, modern house $45. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. D M077 DESIRARI.E HfirSU l.'On TIEVT. No. 13N N. 3Nh ave.. In West Farnam street district, one of the best locations in city, xi rooms, siriciiy moaern, ho. DOC RLE FLAT FOR RENT. 1611-13 Howard St., 12 rooms, In first-clnss repair, two bath rooms, new iilumbing, $55 per month, BUILDING FOR RENT FOR WHOLE SALE PURPOSES. 1414 Harney St., 4-storv and basement brick building. 33x120 feet In size, elevator and steam heat; will be put In suitable repair; $250 por month. GEORUE & COMPANY, 3601 FARNAM KT. D M337 29 1317H S. 6th st.. 6-room houe, modern ex cept furnace $20. UARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam St. or 13174 S. 0th st. D 9s2 25 MONEY TO I.OAX -CHATTELS. WE TRUST THE PEOPLE. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERB. MONEY TO LOAN ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE, WITHOUT SECURITY, WITHOUT PUBLICITY. We also loan money on FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES, etc., without removal of goods. LOW RATE8 EASY PAYMENTS. DON'T pay a high rate of Interest for money, but call and get our rates before going elsewhere. Our plan Is the CHEAPEST, BEST and MOST PRIVATE In the city. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Rooms 307-308 Paxton Block. X-M679 EASY I8?AV ' Best explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. Or if you have a permanent position we enn make you a SALARY LOAN without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is quick and confidential and we always try to please. All that we afck Is that you give us a call before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296. (Established 92. 806 8. 16th St X VU MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, P1AN08, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. (33 Paxton block. 16th and Farnam sts. X-640 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc.. without se curity: easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-641 MONEY lor.ned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-64 MONEY loanded on pianos, furniture, Jew. elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 819 S. 11 X-648 CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. R 8. Barker Bloek. X 644 CLAIRVOYANTS. GYLMER, palmist. 713 N. 23d; 'phone B- MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told, past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. ko7 N. 18th. 8424 MADAM MOYN1HAN, graduate School of Occult Science New 1 ork. Expert palm ist, clairvoyant, physiognomist; traces and describes, thieves or friends; locates minerals. I will guarantee my readings auu ma courses Hlu ue noining lr x can not see your friends as they are or de scribe your home. I have read for ti,m late President Mckinley, Mrs. Potter rainier, Mine, lam ana many other prominent people. Will accept engage mtnls to read and entertain In homes. 1615 DOUGLAS ST. S-M10S- MME. GYLMER. SCIENTIFIC PALMIST. The most scientific palmist of the age; 7 years In Omaha. This wonderful woman has for years been conceded to be the leading "life reader" of ih world. If you are in need of advice see this remark able lady. Parlors, 713 N. 23d st. W-M974 MONEY TO l.OAS REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loons, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank bldg. Tel. 16U W-531 PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. Life. W-624 $ TO 6 P. C. money Bemls, Paxton block. W 637 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas. W o3l WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam st. W-633 FIVE per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam W 636 WANTEDHeal estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. W &I5 $l,wai,OM) TO UiAN on Improved residence or bu.iiirtHS piojrty in Omaha or South Omaha. Loans made for building pur t.es. W. 11. Thomas, First Nat I Bank Bldg. - W Mi6 At DRESSMAKING. STANDARD Garment Cutting College, $311 Farnam. -U N- IN families. Miss Bturdv. $u$ N 2:.1 M-786-D2U Second-Hand Sewing Machines We have the following second-hand, bo--top mm limes that have been thorough overhauled nnd are In condition to io good work, at the following prices, and complete with attachments; DROP-HEAD MACHINES White $ 4.00 Household 600 Hoin-chold 11.00 Slnaer 5.00 SIiik.t M.iM linger 12011 New Home 9.00 Standard (dressmaker's, good bk newl 10.00 Wilcox ft (Jibbs (good as new 25.00 finger (tailoring. In good con dition) 10.00 Standard (tailoring, almost new I 16 00 that have been sllaht!y used, but are In perfect condition; the latest thing the dif ferent factories produce, from $17.60 to $25.11'. These are exceptional bargains. We rent machine- f,,r 7&c per week nnd sell and repair parts of any machine man ufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co., Comer liih and llarne) 'Phone 16l 4wM ltroauway, council itiulTs. . .'I'bone B-tiis t Xs. -mi hi, eotiiu OiuaJia.... I'none 4.4w L .MK.O 24 FRFF FACIAL TREATMENTS RE-NO- MAif CU" 6U ae I"ug- U WE KENT sewing machines at 75c per week, $- per mouth; we repair and sell parts lor every machine manufactured; second-hand machines irom $1 to $10. Neo. CycleJJu., 15iu and Harney. U-630 "VIAVl" way to health. 314 Bee building, Omaha. U 68s PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and outing connnutuent. Dr. and Mrs. Ueriach. Caiilurula si. Terms reasonable. L-626 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. UaiUela, Lake. 1L Ked-lbk. - U 636 THE OMAHA Plating Co. has moved to - niirney SU U M440 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopied. The Good ba mar I tan Sanitarium. 28 1st ave.. Council BluKe, la. joii TRIVATE hospital before and during con Jlnement. Mrs. L. Fisher, 1601 lnton. Tel. 1S89. U-639 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists, $1. U 631 DR. PRIES treats suceessfully sll diseases and Irregularities of women from ny cause; experienced and reliable, loll Dodge St., Arlington block, Omaha. U-638 COSTUMES for rent. 8818 8. 'th. Bact U-M669 Deo 1 e ' W HAT 8 nicer than accordion rleatlngT We do nothing but the finest. Goldman Pleating Co., 200 Douglaa block. U-M26S PERSONA L-An Englishman, aged 82. would like to make the acquaintance of a young woman, view early marriage. W rite, stating age. height, etc All let ters will be treated with strikt confidence; no general delivery answered. Address U 61, Bee. , , . U M684 PERSONAL A gentleman of means would like to make the acquaintance of a thor oughly refined and dlscreat lady. Address In confidence, W 8, Bee. U 685 BOND or policy holders In the Northwest 'm? "'e Savings co, Cf Dra Moines, Ia., will hear of something to their advantaae by addressing W 9, Bee office. U-697 23 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspocls and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. J6th. Tel. 1779. U 663 WILL start matrimonial bureau and want name of everybody of either sex who has matrimonial alms, send name and descrip tion and address. Confidential. No charges. Address W 30. Bee office. U-M797 28x EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT DR. WILKINSON, CREIGHTON BLOCK. i reatment ana operations lor catarrhal deafness, enlarged tonsils, chroma sore throat,, cross eyes, etc. Free from 2 to ( o'clock. Examination free. lbth and Douglas. U U84 D22 LIKE the bell oow we load Dresher the 'j auor ibi6 Farnam; open evenings. Too busy making clothes to close. U 966 D22 WANTED MALE! HELP. MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon our failure to oonvlaoe you of this being the BUST, largest end only reliable, most practical barber college in this section of the country: write (or catalogue today. Western Barbers' Insti tute, Omaha, Neb. B MutKi GOOD messengers wanted; first-class pay. A. D. T. Co.. 211 ft. 13th. H ii WANTED, for U. 8. army, able-bodied, un- marriea men, oeiween ages of zj. ana j, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to recruiting officer, 16th and Dodge lis., Omaha, and Grand Island, Neb. B-M154 WANTED, two agents at once; good sal- ..... 1 . i-, .r. . . . it .. .. Howard St. ' B iJb WANTED, neat, bright young man; willing io wora ana learn optical grinaing. ine H. J. Penfold Co., 1408 Farnam St. B-M218 WANTED, a boy with a horse to deliver i oa .vouaiK dcb in jasi umana. lkii ac The Bee office, circulation department. 8 P. m. B M630 MAN Under 85, fair education, to prepare ior vrov i fosiiion. Drgm wan ouu salary. Box 670, Cedar Rapids, Ia. B 445 D.x WANTED, first-class sausage maker and meat cutter ona-nair interest In market for sale. C. W. Letchford, 607 8. Main St., Council Bluffs, la. B M6U9 8ALESM EN Rubber footwear and spe ciality anoe; Kansas sna rtenrasKa; slate I experience and territory; old hoime; old lines. Address W 29, Bee. M745 D4 I . I MEN Splendid opportunity to learn barber I trad.' one Instructions rrA clinic mnri. ern conveniences makes course most com plete possible; If Interested In a profes sion that will make you Independent write Muler Barber College, 1302 Douglas at. B M&90 27x WE HAVE solved one of the most difficult problems In the retail tobacco builnew and that Is tn suit all kinds of tastes In cigars. We claim that our stock Is the most perfectly assorted both In quality and shades in the city. Another thing you cun t possibly beat our line of pipes and smoking tobacco cigarettes, too. W, F. BToecker, 1404 Douglas. R 928 THE SMITH-PREMIER EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT furnishes stenographers without charge. Tel. 1284 or call at office, corner 17th and Farnam sts. B M134 D7 WANTED Sign painter and window card writer. Applv at onoe. Sol First National Bank building. B M991 WANTED Two trustworthy boys to wo'k nights Good salary. W. U. Tel, Co., 21J South Thirteenth street. B Si 102 26 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 674 NEB. Business Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. 76 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN A PRICE, 410 1st Nat. Bk. bldg. 66a NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. J.1TA Diag., eiioilicrya vuiivLiuiv rT j " where. 656 WASTED TO RENT. ROOM, for $8. or board and room for about $2n. P. O. box 4!i9. K 91 25 x FIR DRESSING. J. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, 6ot 8. 18th. 701 FOR EXCHANGE. 10-ROOM house, modern, with tarn. Call 44 Farnam. Z MilO 24. t it;