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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1903)
.2 TITR OMAHA DAILY IWAZ: SUNDAY. OVKMItKR 22, 190.T TOR SALE REAL KSTATE. FOR RF.T HOI ES. FOR SALtll! EI LANF.Ot S. rKRXOAI.. WASTED MILK HELP. WASTED KAI.KME, MOSEY TO I.O AS -CHATTEL. SIMMER CHAPE. Htillder of Modern Mouses. Th "Omaha Nfwn" of (iitniwr 2Mb. -ld: " tt Chase nrp, perhaps, the heav Itst huild-rs nt present. ' Why not build for you.' We repMsent non-residents; rt a purchasing agents for vacant nv Improved property; lo a general real es tate buslnos 1-1 KK FINDING $.". Unnscom Park '.-room, new, modern house, food neighborhood; another fine house gntng up on adjoining In:; no use multi plying weds. Let us f liow ymi the ImuK. ftHr-$J.: .ti; good terms. AXXIIIIH T(t SELL. Leaving city for mrmpr climate; hnuc built for home Mill u good one; new room, moilrrn; snap for ome one $2,4'0. (KountZ" Place. ( LEAVING FOR EAST. Ownir ozy E-room otiage, pipercd through . white enamel plumbing In bath, two blocks from cir, growing trim money vei y 1 1 ;i y : leaving for eist oftcrs ' home for quick sale, $2.n. cheap 1.1 nn HOME. fl,5oo for n eney six-room rottag", eornrr lot, g;m and city wter, convenient to car, renl bargain at H.2i. RIGHT ON CAR LINK. II, son New fi-room rottaee, south front, bnth with enamel plumbing, hot Hml cold water, cemented cellar, car passes floor, easy terms, $1,100. RE-S11 22 FOR PALE, fine WO-nore river bottom nnch on the Middle Loup river nnd 1: f M. R. K. Very close to town; Hi miles of the river; good Improvements; plenty of hay and range; good reason for rehing. A 'splendid ranch for the raising of stock and la certainly a bargain; price. $7 per ere. Leon C. Crandall, Lincoln, Nch. RE SMi Z.x FIVE-ROOM eottagn nnd eaat front lot; rice fence and lawn; barn and hennery; Ambler I'laee, wet of Hansenm Park; price, ll.OJO. F. D. WE A D. 1S24 DOUGLAS. KE-3.'.l 22 FARMS. We have aeveral good farma near Omaha and South Omaha that we can aell at very reasonable prices. Call and Investigate. Hernia. Paxton Hlock. RE-919 22 NINETY-SIX acre farm at East Omaha for lease; also sotnc smaller tracts with houses for farming nnd gardening Aptlv to J. A. Hcott, ril5 Omaha Nat. Hank build in g. Forenoons on I y. TT'l 22 for REiT-iiyi si:s. FOR RENT, "-room house, city water, gas, furnace, all modern, on Park uve. $30. 4-ruum house, city wfiter, 3124 Mason at. C. M. Uaclimann, 430-37 Paxlou Block. D MMIo FOR RENT Sjven-room cot USe. large yard, In good condition. Win. K. Potter, rec, o03 brown block. D-1IU1 HOI IQPQ In ull part of the city. Th UUUOLJ 0. i,aV Co.. 608 Bee Bldg. D 41 lini lnTllarts"of the city. R. HUUOtO c. Peter A Co., Bee Bldg. D 49i TO MOVE right get Omnh.a Van Storage Co., office lfillH Furnarn, or Tela. 16ult-stU. D-00 2C PAVENPORT. 10 roome, modern except lurnace, barn, (IG. $12 Parke Ave., 7 rooms, modern except furnace, $32.60. W. Farnam Bmith & Co., 1320 Karnam St. D M313 -ROOM modern house, nicely furnished, two blocks north of Hitjh School; louse till next June $;5.00 per month. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. D-M342 FOR RENT, S-room house, 2&6S Woolworth Ave., $J per month; possesion riven Oc tober 17. Apply, to Mel L'hl, care Dally News office. L-M:SJ WALLACE. Brown Block. 135 2011 Sherman ave., 8 large rooms, all conveniences, laundry, barn, good repair, pleasant home. D 660 MODERN house, west part of city. In ex cellent condition. For good tenant nt one an extra low rate will be made. Willlnm K. Potter, receiver, $J3 Brown block. D-S FOR RENT 3012 Marcy at., rooms, mod ern, $6; 4101 Dodge st 6 room, modern, new, $22.60. The O. F. Da via Co., tw Bldt. D M5S3 23 fT;.60 633 Park ave., 7 rooms, modern. t'X 2T33 Spencer, 6 rnnms, modern. t'0 3316 Myrtle, 8 rooms, modem. 7 1202 Hamilton, 6 rooms, modern. Inquire R. C, PETERS & CO. Ground Floor Bee Building. D ojo 23 FURNISHED aevon room house strictly modern, everything new. 3216 Cuming two car lines. D Moot PATNE-B08TWICK & CO., choice houses. ol-6uj Now York Life Bldg. 'Phone lulii. D iZ SEVERAL good houses, $10 to $18. Chris li iyvr. 22U and Cuming. 'Phone 2040. D MHO FOR RENT, 7 roaiu house. 1827 N7l8th! D-i WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co., Tel. 14tL Olllce. 1713 Webster ml D-60J HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker B.k. l--lai FOR RENT, 4-room cottage, 2804 Blondo St., $8. Apply nt 007 N. 10th at. D Mtt7 23 (33 Park ave., 8 rooms, mode rn $32.60. 123 S. 36th ave., 7-r., mod Hu. ir.:.l Spruce, 8 rooms, batli 22.M. west Franklin, 7 rooms $16. iu!4 Ames ave., 6-room Mat $10. Choice I't-rooni, modern house $45, OARV1N BROS., 1604 FAUNA M ST. D-Mj-7 T-room flat, modern. 142S N. 2"th D MC75 23x COTTAQE for rent, modern except furifs. 1E11 N. Vth St. D 710 22 , $7. For S room:, new; water, sewer, gas, at 2103 N. 27th it. SNAP. $16. For C rooms, good shape; corner house, city water, sewer, gas. 2ilh and Patrick ave. SNAP. ERNEST 8WEET, 61S N. T. L-, Tel. 1472. D MiJit FOR RENT Fight-room modern house No. 114 8. th st. Enquire 43 Karbacrf Block. D M731 23 eVROOM modern brick house, opposite lianscom Park 6-rooin bouse, 21st and Clark St. $6 00. Thomas Brennan, 3u'J South 13th St. D 784 22 HOUSES FOR RENT. 4?4 Dorcas, 6' rooms, good well, $t. 313 So. Sbth. 6 rooms, city wuter, gaa. newly papered ajid painted throughout, $!6. oiv LiciiisAii ftwiiuo, e rooina, ctty wter, Kood yard, fenced, for Jli. Silt! CalKornia. 7 rooma, porcelain bath, closet, gas. city water and sewer, every thing In tlrat class shape, $.'7.&n. 72,1 So. lih, 6 rooms, porcelain bath, closet, city water and sewer, $iH. 40.3 Famam, st, 8 rooms, buth, gas, city water, etc.; splendid yard, first class barn. $32.60. 163 Sewurd, i rooms, all modern, first class shape. $30. v 2tvj6 Davnport, ( rooms, strictly all modern, larse yard, mantel and grate, only H. 1307 So. 2iih, 8 rooms, sliictlv all modern, paved atreet, good barn, $27. 1210 N. 241 It, 8 rooms, luith, closet, city water, etc., at special price, ICOi ' Farnam, choice 9 rooms, strictly all wiKlern home on Weft Farnam, close In, 0 PAYNE, BOSTW1CK & CO. Phono 1016. 601-3 N. Y. Life Bldg. D SI3 22 DESIRABLE HOCSK FOR RENT. tii. N. UMh ave.. In S ext h amain street district, one of the be.t I c it tuns in city, 11 roo'ns .tri't'v modern, $U. IKU'lll.K FLAT Fv'jR RENT. 1611-13 Howard St., 13 rooms. In first-rtiss repair, t"' t'ath rooms, new plumbing, Sf per month. Bl'lLDlNO Ki'R RENT VnH WHOLE SALE Pl'RFOSKS. 14H Harney st., 4-t'tory and lavement I rick building. 33xi2 feet in rise, elevator and strain heat; will be put in suitable repair; t oo per month. 3EORUK COMPANY. 1H FARNAM FT. D M37 29 Sear 21st snd Leavenworth sis., bvroom. modern house. Urge ro..m, good condi tion; large lawn splendid home. See us for particulars. CHARLES E. WILLIAMSON CO., Room U V. 8. Nat I Bank Bldg D W3 a BIX BOOMS, first floor. 1121 N. 17th st. 14' KtnmM st.. R-ronm, strl.itly molern honsv, with barn; prlc reduced to 123. 512.; N. 2tth nt., n-room cottage, modern ex cept furnace; a t-plenill l ta.igaln for $1H. 2ln:i N. 27 1 It t., -ro m. new cottage; city water, tui!et, gas $16. 2: m .n. 27th at., 3 large rwm' on second llofir; fink, city water, gas. To a young m.itripti eoul $7. 7! 7 H. 3"il ft., houae, city water In yard 112. 3 17 8ew.irl st., 7-room house, bath, toilet, elc, g;od repair $14. PA YN h INVESTMENT CO., Main 1'ioor N. Y. Life Hide;. Tel. 17S1. I-7OT 22 FOR RENT O ol 6-room houre, at 14C9 fl. 7th ave. $:o. Oarvin Bros.. lfilM Farnam ft., or Mrs. Sundbland. 1.117H P. th at. D (-02 12 K24 Clark, 6 nvims, $15.M. John N. Frenfcr, Opp. old postolTlce. D Mt 22. FOR RALE MiftCKLLASKOl's. GENERAL CLOSING OUT SALE Of all grand, square and old style up rights. These instruments were taken in exchange for our own hand-made SCHMOLLLR & MUbLLtR piano, fully guaranteed for twenty years, and will be disposed of regardless of cost. We need room. Square pianos from $ 25 up; uprights from f 75 up. bvery one cf these Instruments have been thoroughly repaired at our factory and will be fouud fully as represented. The following makes ate included: Steinway, Knabe, Vose, Emerson, Chick rling, Kimball, Hardman, Hallet & Davis, evers cv.Pond and others. Every piano will be marked in plain figures. Terms $10 Down and $5 a Month. Credit freely given to all. Wft ah In nlanrM r vpnvhAnt rf"V,, spondence promptly answered. Schmoller & Mueller, MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE PIANOS, v 1313 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. 502 Broadway, Council Bluffs. 136 South Eleventh, Lincoln. P. 8. Any piano bought at this sale may bo exchanged within two yeara nt full pur chase price toward a new SCHMOLLER & ivil.ELLEK piano an absolutely reliable hand-made piano fully guaranteed for twenty years. Q- Second-Hand Sewing Machines We have the following second-hand box-top machines that have been thoroughly over tiKUlcd and are In condition to do good work, at the following prices, ana com plele with attachments: White 4 .00 Household 6.00 Household 11.00 Singer 6.14 Singer 10.00 Singer 12.00 New Home 8.00 Standard (dressmaker's, good aa new) 10.00 Wilcox & Glbbs (good as new) 25.00 Singer (tailoring; In good con dition) 10.00 Standard (tayioring; almost new) 15.00 DROP-HEAD MACHINES That have been slightly used, but are In perfect condition. The latest thing the different factories produce, from $li.50 to $Lo.uO. These are exceptional bargains. We tent machines for 70c per week, and sell and repair parts of any machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co., Corner 15ih and Harney 'Phone 16t3 334 ijrautiway, Council Bluffs... 'Phone Bbls tU3 N. iith bU, bouttt Omaha.. ..'Phone tin m Q-31 a SECOND-HAND VEHICLES.. 2 six pass, roc'kuways, 1 coupe, it landaus, bus. wuuuiis. A. J. Slmpbon, 14U0 Dodge. U-438-D14 60 SQUARE PIANOS $i EACH. Ml CENTS PER WEEK. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, Largest Painu Dealers In the Wtst. 131J Farnam. Q M344 CIGAR store, fixtures; finest In city; must be sold; for particulars address U 43, Bee. U M2S5 Dli INDIAN goods and relics. lit Farnam. W-61T IRON & wire fences, tree guards, trellies. 'Western Anchor Fence Co., 2UC N. 17th sU U olK CATELOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man & McConnell inug Co., Omaha. W 520 FOR SALE, several scholarships In a tirsi t class standard school In Omaha, compris ing compiele course la buslresa, snort-h-nd and typewriting. lu-julro at Bee otlico. M 2D11A.ND safe cheap. Derigbt, lilt Farnam. (J 622 CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BiNU. Long flr Umbers. ul Douglas. 4 FOR SALE, Knabs concert grand piano; condition good. Address Lock Box 66, Glltner, Neo. Q 185 TWO line depot wagons, 1 rockaways. 1 coupe, t lisps, -1 wagonette, drays. Drummond Carriage Co., lain and Har. ney. Q 231 C1XJ81NO out hard coal stoves at less than ' price from $6 up. Furniture cheap. hlcago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. TeL 2020. Q-374 SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: billiard tables repaired; a large stock of cheap bar fixtures, cigar counter), etc The Brunswlck-Balko Cullender Co , 407-1 8. 10th st. Q-M2K2 FOR SALE One new station wagon, tne second-hand rockaway; great sacrifice. H. L. Frederlckson, lilh and Capitol ave. Q M73 23 China Cabinets Mahogany nnd Antwerp Oak for Christmas. 114 oj to $:i5 . BAKER FURNITURE CO. 2 MM1 22 STAMP photos. 23c per dot. The ear. 62S So. ltith. Q-Mti(i7 3 FINE New York apples. Fruit store. N. E. corner 20th and Farnam. Q M6t'0 22x FOR SALE White Wyandotte chick'na. 316 N. 41st s. Q 093 tlx 40 Square pianos, $4) each, 40 cents per week. PerneM l'lmo Co., Hea bldg. Tel. 701. O'd reliable house. Q 593 23 A FURORE IN THE PIANO MARKET. Clearing, out of lo new and slightly unod grand, square and uu:U1uh at prices that mean a substantial slux to the snrewdest bi.yer. It the piat.o opp ; tui.lty of u life time. Cost and prohte aie not considered. We need the room for ho I lay stock and to move about 1j0 pianos Quick. y we offer the following unprecedented baigaln.4: 3 squares, odd styles, $15, J2. $25. Kmerson square, wo. th double the money, $3S. Vose square, round corners, $45. Knabe sqimre, ,".ne condition, $06. Kteinway .qu.ire, good as new, $. Ebony I'prlgiit, fully repaired. $'"0. Mahogany up.'lfht. ulmost new, $luo. Oak up.ltiht returned from rental, $135. Wulnut, used only at two con ceit. I l'S. STORY AND CURK, TAKEN IN EX CHANGE FOR ONE OF OUR HAND MAI'K MUELLER PIANOS, $147. H.iilet & Davis, large else. $15. Krenirh ft U.ieh. parlor grand. $275. Kimball Bal y grand, golden oak cite. 1323. Kuai'e Concert grand, excellent condi tion. $426 The above bargains will be sold on , lerms or $10 CASH AINU 13 PER MONTH. Credit freely given to all and a child can buv from us as cheaply aa an adult. SCHMOLLFR & MUELLER. THE GREATEST PIANO BARGAIN tilVKKS IN THE WORLD. 1313 Farnam St., Omaha. 52 Broadwav, Council Bluffs. IJ6 feouth 11 IB St., Uueolu, Neb. A NO. 1 Radiant Home atove, revolving grate, rhesp. 2629 Davenport st. 23x RF1ISTERED pointer pup, 4 months old. 700 So. Hith. W Jln6 28 FSTET onran, low top $10.00 Klmhall walnut case 22.00 Rurdelte, fine tone 28 00 Kimball, very flen. high top XiO) Kstey, good aa new 41. o Beautiful Vose square piano DO.OO I'ayments to suit the bnver. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, The Big Piano Houae, 1313 Farnam at. Q-S27 22 CAUTION! Look out for stencil plnnoa. We are fac tory agents lor genuine Story A Clark pianos. All are hand-made by day labor no contract work. Why buy tenth grade factory work offered In Omaha? Prrfteld Piano Co., Bee bldg. Q flt;4 22 FOR SAIL, hard cole stove. 2704 Lake st. Q-M!;7 23x S FRESH cows for sale. 2565 Amea ave. Q-M970 24 I'LltSO.XAL. PRpC FACIAL TllEATMENlS Hii-NO- VK RENT sewing machines at 7.c per weeK, H per month; we repair and sell parts lor every machine manufactured; becond-hand machines troin $1 to $lo. Neb. Cycle Co., luih and Harney. U o30 "VIAV1" way to health. 346 Bee building, Omaha. U PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladies before and during coutinemeni. Dr. and Mrs. Uor son, Vi (.a.ilurniu su iernis reasonable. U--i2i PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies ndopteu. Mrs. Uardela, tM Lake, i el. Rta IsM. U tt26 THE OMAHA PlaUng Co. has moved to 1608 Harney st. U M440 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopied. The Good b.imaillait banitatium, 2 lt ave.. Council Bluffs, la. U i26 l'RIVATE hospital before and during con finement. Mis. L. Fisher, liwl Vinton. Tel. 1SS. U 529 MAGNET PILbIcILLEII. IT CURES. t druggists, $1. - U-A31 DR. PRIES treats sucfesxfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Vol Dodge St., Anlng,on olock, Otnuha. U 532 COSTUMES for rent. 3318 8. 2Uh. 8ack. U MH69 Dec 1 W HAT'S nicer than accordion plentln?-? We do nothing but the finest. Goldman Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. U M256 W!n the dinner set and the Baker Furniture -o win sen you a $25.00 Sideboard For $15.00. U-M563 22 PERSONAL An Englishman, aged 32. would like to make the acquaintance of a young woman, view early marriage. Write, stating age, height, etc. All let ters will be treated with atrlkt confidence; no general delivery answered. Address U 61. Bee. U M684 PERSONAL A gentleman of means would like to make the acquaintance of a thor oughly refined and dlscreat lady. Address In confidence, W 8, Bee. U 5S5 BOND or policy holders In the Northwest ern Life & Savings Co. of Dea Moinea. Ia., will hear of something to their advantage by addressing W 9, Bee office. U-W 23 GENTLEMAN of large means, matrimoni ally Inclined, desires acquaintance of cul tured young lady. 'Must be good-looking. Address W 17, Bee. U-MG45 22x MAN'S BEST FRIEND Dr. Mutter's quick cure for lost manhood; acts Immediately; "It does the buslneas;" sample free. Kralgco, Chemist Dept. 71, Milwaukee, Wis. U M734 22x ANTI-MONO POLT GARBAGE CO., cleans cessporla and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1778. U-653 EVERYBODY Invited to Inspect the bar gains In furniture, carpets and curtain during our November special "ale. Or chard & Wllhelm Carpet Co. U-755 22 AFTER Nov. 80th the regular prices will prevail. We cannot sell at such sacrifice rices continually; our reductions are all ona fide. It's a stock-reducing sale on a broad plan of furniture, carpets and draperies. Orchard & Wllhelm Carpet Co. U 756 22 YOUR LIFE READING Many typewritten pages concerning business, love, health, etc., free. Send date of birth, & x, Ad dreaa Astrnpathlc Institute, Auditorium Bldg.. Chicago. Reason, your recom mendation wanted. U 018 22x WANTkJuTo eychange Mnlta-VItt cou pons for the letters N K, P. H. Address Miss Fannie Hunter, Boone, Iowa. U THE Photo Fan, the neweat thing out for decorating the home; It Is the most beau tiful and artistic article ever offered; It holds five photon and gives them a set ting which a costly frame cannot produce. It can be hung on the wall, placed In an empty corner on the piano or mantel. This Is not a hot weithcr fan, but an orna ment, the prettiest you ever saw; Just the thing for a Christmas present. Sent postpaid ior .w cents or inree ror i. Agenta wanted. Catalogue of novelty free. J. w. wayland, R. I. 806 Oak st Qulncy. III. U WILL start matrimonial bureau and want name of everybody of either sex who has matrimonial alma, send name and deicrto tlon and addresa. Confidential. No charges. Address W SO, Bee nhVe. U-M797 2Kx HANNAH If train Is on time look for me before dusk today. Keep quiet; will sur prise fokes. Jim. U 7S9 22x MATRIMONIAL ASSOCIATION Incor porated under Colorado laws; 500 nettcrip tlons Including ladles and gentlemen worth $100,000, 10 cents. R. L. Love, Denver, Colorado. U873 22x ELDERLY lady desires elderly gentleman with 8 or 10 thousand dollars to assist with a Colorado stock farm; matrimony. 6 Broadway, room 5, Denver, Colo. U-870 22x I PEEK huabmrt for lady, ape fO. worth $20,000; widow. 33. 150.0W) and xft.oun yearlv Income; lady. 2?. $8.0ao. orphan and beauti ful horn'. Address Jessie, 19 S. Brondvay, St. Louis. Mo. U 808 22x SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed Py eicctricltv; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Mica Allender, 422 N. Y. L. U 787 22x LILLIE Needn't expect me tomorrow. Sorrv to disappoint you. Jennie nss made up. Goodby. T. B. J. U-786 22x I DRINK and I emoke. but not to excess. Am 41 and tired or ample lire. nave permanent position, $W a month snd have something saved up. Don't care for looks, but want a refined won-sn who under stands housekeeping. Address W 4. Bee office. U-T93 22x WH'LE looking for M 'Sa-SPEL r',r WORD? don't fo'gt thet I will nay TEN DOILARS fA"" " ''"I -e-nre e rvi rhr for mv REMINGTON STANDARD TYPFWRITFn w- 1 '-nor ch-ice t" rn-Ve ftn, CHRISTMAS MI'NVEY. A1 dltifnal Information and nurtlcuWra on am'loetlor. C026 South ISth F . -."Vi. Ncbraf key. l'-872 2?x MARRIAGE Directory Vt" To AM. Pay when married. New plan: send o "wv. For particulars, address II. A. HORTON, Dept. 297. Tekor.sha. Mich. U-1S 22x BI8TFRS In de-n-'lr: Fpe--dv r?llef; eb normat auo'esslon, any rau: wl'e 'or ri'mf'1' : safe, rure. Dr. Marf'i ii'i't'f Co.. 1K3 State. Chicago. U S.6 22 BEAUTIFUL ebony uprlpht plnno; 1, birgal": easv payments If des'"ed ". dress W 37. Bee. U-924 .2 Look For Valuable prizes SQUARE PIANO FREE. On December 12th, 19'tt. we will give abso lutely free to the person who guesses nearest to Its numlor, a very good Grov ersteen Co. Pqusre I'lano, valued nt $.'0. The number of this piano Is lietween 3.K0 and 6.'0. The nearest guess to Its cor rect number will take the piano free. The only conditions are that the sender of a guess: must leave their correct name and addresa and only one guess will be allowed to an addrcas. Each guess is registered In rotation as on aa received, and In case of a tie the one coming first on the register will take the instrument. This piano la now on display at our piano ware rooms, 1313 Farnam street. Send In or leave your gtiesa at once, aa the time la short and you may win the Instrument by prompt ness. The name of the lucky winner and the number guessed, also the correct number of the piano, will nppcnr In this column December 13th. Another fine square piano will be given away free be fore Christmas. Call or uddress at once, SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, 1313 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. u CAUTION! To Plnno Buyers: We are factory agents for Story & Clark pianos. Don't be faked bv fake, piano dcalera. We sell no atencll pianos. Fcrtte'.d Plnno Co., Bee blJr Tel. VOL U-5 22 FOR SALE, apparatus for reducing flesh one Inch per week. Mrs. M. A. Rloeflel, 1720 Capitol ave. U-S15 22x CAUTION Beware of bnirus Instruments offered as genuine STEINWAY pianos. A complete stock of Pteinwiiya at lowert prices cun be seen at the warerooms of the SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO., 1313 Farnam St.. and they are the only au thorized Steinway representatives In Omaha and tributury territory. TT--926 22 WANTED MALE HELP. NEBRASKA BUSINESS AND SHORT HAND COLLEGE, BOYD BUILDING, CORNER. 17TH & HARNEY, OMAHA, NEB. A. C. ONG, A. M., President. A. J. LOWRY, Principal. COLLEGE NOTES. A large number of atudenta hnve taken positions during the last fortnight, three within the last ten days. We had three calls from the Standard Oil Co., and all were filled. The records being made by the students in attendance this year are the finest ever attained. The following letter from Mr. Currle speaks for Itself: WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov. 17. 1903. Pro feaaor A. C. Ong. Omaha, Nebraska. Dear Sir: I take pleasure In Faying that befoie 1 entered the N. B. C. I thoroughly Investigated the merits of the different schools of Omaha, as my time was most limited In which to qunllfy myself for the position of private stenographer and secretary to Congressman Klnkald, Wash ington, D. C. To state that I am more than pleased with what I have achieved would be putting it mildly. When I began I knew not a letter of short hand. I entered school September 17th last and quit October 30th. By dint of hard work on the part of my Instructors and myself and by reason of the excel lent methods, fine discipline and n'cnd'd system of the Institution I nm today en abled to hold a position that ordinarily would have required one from six to nine months. I know I have reason to con gratulate myself In the selection of a school where every possible attention Is given students and where no failures are allowed. Thanking you for your most excellent In struction and the deen Interest taken In me, I remain, with best wishes for the N. B. C. Yours very truly. W. R. CURRTE. The Nebraska Business College has reason to be proud of the record made by Mr. Currle, aa It clearly demonstrates what is being done for the students who enter this Institution. We would not have It understood that every one can make such a record, as It requires the average stu dents from three to six months to com plete the course, yet the above state ments show the possibilities In a school where every advantage Is offered. Apply for catalogue, bound In alligator finest ever published by a business col lege. B-S33 21 MEN to learn barbe.' trade; free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the tin. 31', largest and only reliable, most practical barber college In thla section of tiie country: write lot catalogue today. Western Barbers' Insti tute, Omaha, Neb. B MOW GOOD messengers wanted; Orst-ciass pay. A. D. T. Co., m B. 14th. B 4M WANTED, foi U. S. army, able-bodied, un married men, between ages of 21 and 36, citizens of United Suites, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who caji speak, read and write English. For Information apply to recruiting officer, loth and Dodge cU., Omaha, and Grand Island, Neb. B-M154 WANTED, two agenta at once; good sal ary; city work. C. F. Adams Co.. 1019 Howard at. B 41 WANTED, neat, bright young man; willing to work and learn optical grinding. The II. J. Penfold Co., 1408 Farnam St. B-M21S WANTED, a boy with a horse to deliver The Evening Bee In Eaat Omaha. Call at The Bee office, circulation department, 3 p. m. B M030 MAN Under 35, fair education, to prepare for Gov't Position. . Begin with $800 salary. Box 570, Cedar Rapids, la. B 445 D2X RELIABLE man In every county to rep resent eastern corporation as general manager; exclusive; very profitable; per manent. Address "International,'' 131 Broadway. New York li Mtiu2 22x WANTED, first-class tubular well man to operate Dtmock machine; will pay good wages. Write or telegraph J. G. HUbery, Lacombe, Alberta Province, Canada. B6i9 22x FOLIXJWINO musicians are needed In tho Fifth Cavalry Band at Fort Login, Colo rado: One flute and picolo, two B-flat cornets, two E-flat clarinets, two altos, one buss drummer, two trombones, one baritone, twy tubas, one snare drummer. Apply to recruiting rfllcer. Omaha, Neb., who will give full Information with refer ence to pay, etc. B 656 22 WANTED, flrst-class sausage maker and meat cutter One-half interest in market for sale. C. W. Letchford, 607 8. Main St.. Council Bluffs, Ia. B M6M WANTED Steady man to travel on salary and expenses: small cash security re quired, and good references. Address Co lumbia, room 3"6 Insurance Kx-hmge Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. B M733 22x WANTED Men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulate, adv. ttiHtter, tnck signs, etc.; no canvassing. Nallonnl Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M730 S2x WANTED Young mun for wholesale house who Is willing to work; must be good penman. Address W 34, Bee. B 709 22 WANTED An experienced traveling man must give reference; call Sunuay. 4i Ixard St., Omaha. R. F. Fry. B 7i9 22x WANTED Buyers for snaps In furniture, carpets and draperies during our Novem ber special Bile. Orchard & Wllhelm Carpet Co. B-754 22 WANTED, one each clothing stlesman nnd giocervman. Address W. D. Burner. Alli ance, Neb. B M746 22 SALESMEN Rubber footwear and spe ciality shoe: Kansas snd Nebraska: state experience and territory; old houre; old lines. Address W 29, Bee. M745 D4 WANTER Every where, hustlers to tack signs, distribute rlroular, samples, etc.; no cinvRssine: rod pay. Sun Adve-tla-icg Bureau. Chicigo. B 911 22x V ANTED Man to work In dairy. Call, 12 to 1, at 2llh end Cuming. C. C. Wt ird. B 908 22x the Mis-spelled Words. for finding them. Another contest this week beginning Monday. Read the Omaha Business University Ad on Page 3 of this Issue. B $12 TO $20 weekly easily earned knitting seamless hosiery for us to aell New York market; machines furnished trustworthy families on trial; easy payments; simple to operate; knits pair socks In 30 min utes; write today; start making money: distance no hindrance. Home Industrial Knitting Machine Co., Detroit, M ch. B 906 22x MEN Splendid opportunity to learn barber trade; our Instructions, free clinic, mod ern conveniences makes course most com plete possible; If Interested in a profes sion that will make you Independent write Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas st. B MOO 27X AT ONCE we can recommend a position; salary, $1.000-$5.000. Call or write Business Opportunity Company, " 1 Union Square, N. Y. B-!ti 22x A RELIABLE, capable representative la desired In your locality by a corporation manufacturing a standard attachment without which no window shade canbe hung In an efficient manner; state age, experience and references In first Vttrr. Knapp Shade Adjuster Co., ChlcsKO. III. B-S4 22x WANTED Men and women to learn to write advertisements; full Instructions given; no previous experience necessnrv; $25 to $100 a week salary. Bernard Rich ardson, 169 Jackson St., Chicago. 883 22x WANTED Everywhere, men willing to dis tribute samples, circulars, tack algna, etc., at $3.00 dally: permanent: no canvassing. Continental Distributing Service. Chicago. B-8S1 22x BRXnCH office manager by Chicago 'Job bing house; experience unnecessary; fT5 month and office expenses; small capital required. Address General Manager, 16ti3 Manhattan Bldg., Chicago, HI. B-919 2?x ANY Intelligent person may earn good In come corresponding for newspapers; expe rience unnecessary. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate, Lockport, N. Y. B-913 22x CLERKS and others with common achool educations only, who wish to qualify for ready positions at $25 a week and over, to write for free copy of my new pros pectua and endorsements from leading concerns everywhere. One graduate tills $8,000 place, another $6,000. and any num ber earn $1,500. The best clothing ad writer In New York owes his success within a few months to my teachings. Demand exceeds supply. George H. Pow ell, Advertising and Business Expert. 1156 Temple Court, New York. B WANTED, a competent man with lady as sistant to manage a salesofflce In Omaha. Must have a good standing to dignify a clean, gilt-edge opportunity. No canvass ing. Address The Elertrus Company, 2d6 '209 E. Jefferson St., Syracuse, N. Y. B AN opportunity for educated persons. D? talls taught by Home Correspondence School, Philadelphia. B YOUNG men with only a common achool education may secure good civil service government positions. Full informit'on free. Columbian Correspondence Col'ege, Washington, D. C. B A POSITION IS OPEN Do you know where It Is? We do. We have openings for high grade men of nil kinds Esecutive, Technical and Clerical paying from $1,001 to $10,000 a year. Write for plan and booklet. Offices in twelve cities. HAPGOODS (lncorporated Suite 629, Monadnock Building, Chlcaro. B $1R PER WEEK and expenses to a hustler to distribute samples and collect for Mfgr. In Nebraska; expenses advanced; salary paid weekly. Advertising Dent., 702 Star Bldg., Chicago. B-S51 22x We WILL pay any man $85 per month and all traveling expenses such as horse hire. R. R. fare, hotel bills, etc., to take orders for the greatest portrait house in the world. Your salary will be guaranteed and paid to you weekly if preferred. Ad dress R. D. Curry, Dept. 7B2, Chlcairo. 111. B-S52 22x $13 TO $25 per week growing mushrooms fo rus In cellars', boxes, rooms at home; grow llko magic; no capital needed; we pay express charges; addressed envelope for free particulars. Combined Growers, Temple Court, N. Y. . B 36 22x DETECTIVES Every locality, pood salary, experience unnecessary. International Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B 809 22x WANTED Man with rig to Introduce our poultrv and stock remedies; straight sal ary, $30 weekly and all expenses: aend for contract: we mean business and fur nish best of reference. Dept. 30, Royal Co-Op. Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. B 8(3 22x WE HAVE solved one of the most difficult problems In the retail tobacco business and that Is to suit all kinds of tastes in cigars. We claim that our stock Is the most perfectly assorted both In quality and shades In the city. Another thing you can't possibly beat our Hue of pipes nnd smoking tobacco cigarettes, too. W. F. SToecker, 1404 Douglas. R 928 THE SMITH-PREMIER EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT furnishes stenographers without charge. Tel. 1284 or call at office, corner 17th and Farnam sts. B M134 DT WANTED Bees, under 14. send the tiimM and addresses of six boys and get a pocket toilet set. Western Pnnplv Co., Coffevvllb-. Kan. B '67 22x YOUNG MEN everywhere, copy letters, home evening; $9.50 week;' send nddes-ed envelope for particulars. Manager Dept., 8. 104, Box 1411, Philadelphia, Pa. B-813 22x LADY WANTED Money earned at home gilding tickets; good work, good pay; for particulars send stamped, addressed en velone. L. J. Noel, 129 W. 125th s. New Tork. B 838 22 x MEN to distribute samples, circulars, for 4 dille; no canvassing. National Union. 233 E. sotb at.. New York. B S2 ??r WRITE to us for the best proposition ever offered to barber students. American Barber College. B-98 22x WASTED SAI.KSMEX. SALESMAN to carry Bldo line fancy Im ported biscuits. Address with references, B 1533 6tith H., Brooklyn, N. Y. !w7 22 WANTED Experienced men to sell our pat ent majtque fars. calendars and other ad vertising novelties. Outfits Dec. 25. Write quick for liberal proportions; prompt set tlements: steady work at home or travel ing. United Slates Novelty Co., Cincin nati. O. 917 22.x WANTED, specialty salesmen for K4. Re liable, temperapa men whose earning ca pacity la 3.0"0 or better. Address Dept. P, Box 470. Kansas City, Mo. 13 22x TRAVELING SALESMAN for Nebraska; no technical knowledge, but active, all around bustler; established, well-rated house. F. R. Jennings. Detroit, Mich. -44 22x WANTED, salesman; $'10 monthly and ex- i lenses; permanent. Brown Bros. Co., tochrster, N. Y. 8ALESMRN WANTKIM can place you with r well established responsible manu facturer placing on the market a high grnde. quick selling specialty line who will pay good salary to first classa sales man. No commission. Write m to day. Address W 7, Bee. 874-22x EXCEPTIONALLY attractive line to both salesmen nnd dealers. Very large com missions: paid weekly. Staple, easy seller; vest pocket sample. Address B. K. L Vert, Roe Building, St. Louis, Mo. -50 22 x SALUSM EN One salesman made $342.75 In one month selling our lead on commis sion: exceptionally good side line; best terms to buyers. Merchants White Lead Co., St. Lo.ils. Mo. -Ml 22x WANTED A live and energetic traveling salesman to represent us and look after our trade In northern Nebraska. Addresa with references. Buckley Shirt Co.. St. Louis. Mo. 816 22 SALESMEN To aell Royal Prussian White Lead. Commissions paid weekly. Induce ments to the trade In liberal discounts and d.itings. Fine side line. 11. O. Beedle. St. Louis, Mo. 805 22x SALESMAN-Speclaltv to sell staple line under special contract for 1904. Advertis ing or grocers' specialty man preferred. Remuneration no object to rlRht. man. Full particulars or no attention. Address W 24. care of Bee. 802 22 X WANTED Additional salesmen. Best trade now on. Direct from factory. Best sell ing honest lino in the United States. Ad dress W 25, care of Bee. 859 22x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line. High commissions with advance of $100 monthly; permanent posi tion to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. 848 22x SALESMEN, $00 a month and expenses. Immediate and permanent. No trlflera need apply. We mean biudncss. First National Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. -4 22x TRAVELING 8ALESMAN. for Nebraska, capable of producing results with staple line to country merchants, uona requtrea. Box 608,. St. Louis, Mo. 822 WANTED, at once, experienced traveling . salesman for Nebraska. We want a sales man, none other need apply. Address Drawer 8., Chicago. 820 22 x WANTED FEMALE HELP. 100 girls. Call Canadian office, 15th & Dodge. C-904 WANTED A good cook. Mr. T. J. P.og. ers, 1120 Park ave. C 25 THE SMITH PREMIER EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT furnishes stenographers without charge. Tel. 12M or call at office, corner 17th and Farnam Sts. C-M131 DT A COMPETENT GIRL for general house work. In family of three. 2906 Mason. C-MS33 Dining Chairs Mahogany or Golden Oak, well made and strong, $1.10 to $4.75. BAKER FURNITURE CO. C-M562 23 WANTED Girl for general housework at No. 2701 Dodge St. C M 669 W'XnTEP, cash girls and boys. Must be 15 years or over. J. L. Brandela & Sons. C-M633 22 WANTED, girl lor general housework. Mrs. A. P. Tukey, 2541 Chicago. C 055 GOOD GIRL for general housework. 2123 Douglas. C MOSj 23 x WANTED Competent lady stenographer; must operate Remington nnd be able to do billing; one who has had experience In wholesale house preferred. Applv W 27, Dee offlc.t. C M729 22 WANTED Cook, where second girl Is em ployed. 2225 Farnam. C 752 22 LADIES We teach halrdresslng, manicur ing or facial massage In short time; flee clinic, expert Instructions; small wages from start; tools donated, diplomas granted, positions furnished. Call or write particulars. Moler CoTlege. 13u2 Douglaa st. C M&89 27 x $.,0.00 PER thousand paid for copying let ters; several other lines of work to give out $8 weekly, working evenings; enclose stamp for reply. Parisian Supply Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. C-882 22x $12 TO Tit weekly easily earned knitting seamless hosiery for us to sell New York market; machines furnished trustworthy families on trial; easy payments; simple to operate; knits pair socks In 30 min utes; write todav; start making money: distance no hindrance. Home Industrial Knitting Machine Co.. Detroit, Mich. 43-907 22x LADIES made $3.00 a day. We want nctlve lady workers everywhere to take orders for our made-to-order skirts and corsets. Write for particulars. American Skirt Corset Co., 96 Woodward Ave.. Detroit, Mich. C M9 K 2Sx LADIES $28 per 100 paid weekly writing lettera for Azoic Chemical Co.. Mgr.. W. Marine Bldg., Chicago. Stamned addressed envelope. C 915 22x AN opportunity for educated persona. De taila taught by Home Correspondence School, Philadelphia. C A GOOD position awaits every woman who will sell our beautiful petticoats and solid comfort walking skirts; exclusive terri tory; big profits; no exnerlence necessary; send for catalogues and particulars. Paris Skirt Co., 117 Viaduct, Cleveland, Ohio. C FREE TO LADIES We are giving away absolutely free one pair of kid gloves In anv slie or color to every lady ordering one 26 cent bottle of our celebrated Princess Tooth Powder. No money re quired In advance. We send gloves and tooth powder together so you can see what you are getting before paying. The most liberal offer ever made to Introduce an article. Send name and address at once. Roscoe Townsend & Co.. Dep't. C. Qulncy. 111. C-875-22X LADIES do plain sewing at home; $8 to $15 paid weekly; experience unnecessary: material sent free everywhere; send stamped envelope for particulars. Weber Mfg. Co., 1135 Broadway. New York. C--S0 2x WANTED, energetic ladv to travel for music houae; $xo monthly to start with and all expenses; steady ponltlon to right partv. Addresa Manager Chanmsn, 358 Iearborn St.. Chicago. C 849 22x YOIT can make $12 to $15 per week If you have small space at home: no capital, no canvassing; goods ent prepaid; send ad dressed envelope. United Product Co.. 200 Broadway. N. Y. C-S36 22 x $12 to $25 per week growing mushrooms for us. In cellars, boxes, rooms, at homii grow like mairlc; no capital needed; we pay express cuurges; auurehseu envelope for free circulars. Combined Growers, Temple Court, N. Y. C-839 22x LADIES wanted everywhere, copying let ters at home, evenings or spare time, and return to us; no mailing or canvass ing: !9 weekly earned; materla'a free; enc'os self-addressed envelone for Par ticular. Guarantee Co., No. S. 104 Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. C 842 22x LADY WANTED Money earned at home gil.'lng tickets; good work, grod pay; for particulars send stamped, addresaed en velope. L. J. Noel, 129 W. 125; h st . New York. C 840 22x LADIES, something new: $10 to $15 per week: no canvasslnr: steadv work; send stamped envelope. Surety Mfg Cq . Chi cago. 111. I C-825 22x LADIES having- fancv work to sell, dollies, centerpieces batlenlierg and drawnwork, send stamped envelope. Ladles' Exchange, 34 D, Monroe St.. Chicago. C 823 22x LADIES to do piecework at their homes; wo furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weeklv. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago. C-M819 22 x WANTED Good cook, also second girl, ref erences required. Mrs. L. T. Sunderland, 1329 So. 32d St. C-815 22. MIDDLE-AOED lady for housekeeper; small familv: good home. Address, with reference, Box 44, Nehawka, Neb. WANTED A cook. Apply 21 Farnam Street f-MW ?4 !i AMTOHIIM. OMAHA Florence Sanatorium. 'Phone Red 224; 1 blk. w. of car line. City 'phone, 1U2. City bain and massage parlors, 2l 'l Lake. j N2 WK TRUST ... TUB PEOPLE. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE. MONEY TO LOAN ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE. WITHOUT SECURITY. WITHOUT PUBLICITY. We also loan money on FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES, etc., without removal of goods. LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS. DON T pay a high rate of Interest for money, but call and get our rates before going elsewhere. Our plan Is the CHEAPEST. BEST and MOST PRIVATE In the city. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Rooms 307-308 1'axton Block. X-M,:: C A C V TO GET LAJ 1 lO PAY Xlfst exnlaltiM our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. Or if you nave a permanent position we enn maxe you a SALARY LOAN without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our eervlce la quirk and confidential and we alwavs try to please. All that we nk Is that you give us a vail kef ore you bortow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Hoard of Trade Bldg. Tel. 22W5. (Established 18921. Sott S. 1611) St. X-MMS MONEY IXJANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. 633 Paxton block. 16th and Farnam sts. X 640 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LttANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc.. without se curity, easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade P'da-- X-vMl MONEY lor.ned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-611 MONET loanded on pianos, furniture, lew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 310 R 1.1. X-543 CHATTEL salary and Jetvelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. R 8, Barker Blosk. X 644 MONEY To salaried employes and wage earners. Get our system of loans that gets you out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, ma chinist or engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get, lust on his note: Half Monthly.. Monthly. Weekly. $ 00 Return to us..$26.Srt or $13.35 or $.5 $ 50 Return to us.. 13.33 or 6.S5 or 3.35 $ 25 Return to us.. 6.66 or S.33 or 10 $ 15 Return to us.. 4.00 or 2.00 or 1.00 Easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential. No Inquiries. Quick service. Courteous treat meat. THE STAR LOAN CO., 624 PAXTON BLIC.' ' FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICKS. For Rent At a Bargain. The large double store In Be Building, formerly occupied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co. 46 feet plate glass front, the only one of. Its kind In Omaha. Present monthly rental, $176. Will rent to Ingle tenant for $133 per month. Or will remodel Into two stores nd rent each store for 176. excellent location Icr men's furnishing store, shoe store, Jeweler, milliner, etc. Every tenant of th Immense Bee Build Ing, City Hall, Court House and New York Life Building; a pos sible patron. For further particulars, see MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 304-306 So. 16th St FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; power furnished if required. R. C. Peter i Co., rental agents, ground floor Bee building. I-M794 t-STORY and basement, 22x100: 1005 Furnam 1 Jll FOR RENT, three upper stories In four, story building at 914 Farnam St., two stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water, Sec'y., Boom 100, Be bldg. I ftlWFl . CLAIRVOYANTS. GYLMER, palmist. 715 N. 23d; 'phone B Wi. B-623 MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVERK.GN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; evei thing told, past, present ana future, rt Isfactlon or no pay. 807 N. 18th. n MADAM MOYNIHAN, traduate Schoo. o.' Occult Science, New York. Expert palm ist, clairvoyant, physiognomist; traces and describes thieves or friends; locates minerals. I will guarantee my readings nd the charge will be nothing if I can not see your friends as they are or de scribe your home. I have read for the late President McKlnley, Mrs. Potter Palmer. Mme. I'atti and many other prominent people. Will accept engage ments to read and entertain In homes. 1615 DOLGLA8 ST. 8-923 23x MME. GYLMER. SCIENTIFIC PALMIST. The mo-t scientific palmist of the asre; 7 yean !' Omaha. Thla wonderful woman has tor vears been conceded to he the leading "life rei.ler" of ih worll. If vou are In need of advice see this remark, able lady. Parlors, 712 N. 2ld St. 8 pin , PROF. ZAN7.1C. the Kgptlan Wliard and Clairvoyant. All revealed nothing con cealed. If In trouble of any kind or If In terested In love, courtship, marrlige. changes, travel or business, CALL AT ONCE. He reunites lovers, brlrgs good Lick, causes happy and speedy manlaes, removes evil influences, etc. In fart, ha does for you all that others have tailed to do. Personal magnet'sm and clairvoy ance quickly developed to the highest de gree. Call today, as he will positively be here but a short time. Parlor. 17'j9 Iode; hours. to 9 B 14 2? MONEY TO LOAN ItLAL EMAIL. FARM and city loan, tow rate. W. 1L Thomas, First Nat l Lank bldg. Tel. 14HS. PRIVATE money. Blierwood. 937 N. Y. Life. W-531 4 TO t P. C. money. Bemla, Paxton block. W-37 PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, 1429 DouUs. WANTED City loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith tt Co., J3J0 Farnam st. W-i33 WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peter A Co., Be bldg. V FIVE per cent loan. Garvin Bros., IfcH Farnam. W 536 $1.000.oo0 to loan on Improved rul estntn In Omaha, South Omaha and Coun Bluffs. Loans for building purpoxe. V. 11. Thomas, 1st Nal'l Bank l-lldv W Mt ? FLORISTS. HESS & 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam. 57 L. HENDEK80N. florist. 1519 Fxmm S'. i.4