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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1903)
TOM 9At.K ESTATE. SR. C. PETERS. F. J. FITZGERALD, R. C. Peters & Company GROUND FLOOR, BEE BUILDING. We Have Choice Building Sites in All Parts of the City. 814 Three lots N. E. cor. 4:th and Ham r.twi st.. fcnO. 214 Two lom N. W. ror. 4Mh and Charles eta., v 12U 60 fee east front on jMh street, sn'ith of Shirley, $VA W Wt feet fronting on Hanscom park and Shirley st.. STfxi 7 60 f-et soulh fronts gA, 2ft th nnd B. South Omaha, 1 200. 898 8. W cor. of 4"th and Harney eta., eai"t front, paved at., $2,900. CHOICE HOMES AT BARGAIN PRICES ta t-room house, large tot. 23d and Burt ate, $1,200. 918 -room house, nonresident says sacrifice at $1,36. 7Wt 6-room cottage 24th and Krvkln st.. $1,600. 2,t--rrK'rn- modern except furnace, 2th aand Amen avenue, tfvion. 25 6-ronm cottage., good liarn, cistern 11th and Center eta.. tM0. 9r-7-room cottage, east front. 31t and Mason. 12 Mo. if 8-room, modern, hardwood finish 4th and Seward, $.7.0(10. J?' ?-room" tnnlJ'rn- """1 '"mi, VO ft. so frontage. In Dundee; a bargain at $3,100. irT-? m' moorrn except furnace, house bulit 3 years, Hemls park, $3,0pO. 54 7-room, modern, east front, 2Xth, north of Poppleton at., 83.SO0. FARM LANDS AND RANCHES 806 45acres 4A mites K. W. of Florence, well Improved, 25 acres In cultivation. 10 fST" ln n"t1,a'1 nder fence, spring In pasture. per acre. irnT"' WC lrni'roved ,and 1,1 Washington county 4 mllea from Blair, $25 per M acres, well Improved, nearly all under cultivation. Cedar county, $13,600. 293 33) acres, good house, barn, sheds and other out uldgs., good black loam soil, with clay subsoil, Stanton county, $.15 j)er acre. 46 Ten quarter sections good hay land and pasture land. Holt county, $000 per quar ter section. 73 W hava n very well Improved ranch In Holt county which we can offer at a spe clal barKaln. Write for particulars. 1,240 acres of tine deeded bottom land. 1 .000 acres leased land, 15,300 acres of range land, the best of Improvements, consls ting of two (food houses, all modern Im provements, large barns, granary, sheds, mill, storage tank. We can sell this for the value of tho deeded land and throw 1 n the balance.. prl-e for a short time, $26, 0"rt. This la located 7 miles from Hot Springs and 6 mllea from Buffalo Gap, South Dakota. Have you considered the opportunities the south is , offering in cheap lands. We have large tracts of the most fertile farm, fruit, cotton and rice lands in eastern Kansas, Tenessee, Mississippi Louisana, Oklahoma and Texas. If you are contemplating a trip to the south or southwest, do not fail to write or call on us for descriptive pamphlets of this wonderful southwest country. CJimate excellent and soil unsurpassed. Investigate while vou can purchase at first price. Very low rates on excursion dates We have California fruit and farm lands for sale. Ask for particulars List your property with us for quick sale. We have the buyers. R. C PETERS & CO., GROUND FLOOR, BEE BU1LD1NC. TEL. 898 BUT NOW. Real Estate la going- up ln value very day. The wise man will buy now, and then be In a position to re alize a handsome profit later on. An elegant 12-room house ln Han oom Park district, steam heat, etc. ' Cost originally over $12,0u0 to build. Iarge barn 24x50. Lot Is 60x167, facing the new Park Boulevard. Owner will sell for $9,0o0.oo. A double Building at 1M4-1816 N. 18th at., 8 rooms each, all modern, eteam heat, tine plumbing, etc. Lot 90x140. Rents for $720.00 per year. ' Thla belongs to a nonresident, who ' wants us to get him an otter. His price is $6,000.00. What are you will ing to giveT ' A good rental property at 2710-2712 Parker st., o rooms each, partly mod ern, street paved and paid for. Owners price Is $3,oro.oo, but wanta ua to get an offer of some kind. We have a nice little all-modern cottage of 6 rooms, just being built on Poppleton ave., east of 24th st. Owner says you can have It for ; $3,000.00. Street la paved and paid for. very neat little (-room cottage On Franklin et. Has mantel, nice yard, eta. Price $1,250.00. VACANT. 44x133. On Harney St., just west of 14lh at. Oowner says he will aell for $12,000.00. . 44x133. On Tenth at, with 133 ft trackage. Owner will aell for S8.6O0.00. 60x127. On South 26th at., near Poppleton Paved street. $1,000.00. 42x100. On Poppleton ave., near STth at. Paving and permanent walk paid for. Only $900.00. 60x100. On Poppleton ave.. near 28th st. $1,300.00. " 60xlM On southwest corner 24th and Fop yieton ave. ' $1,200.00. 474x100. On South mth st. Paving and per tnanent wallc paid. - Just the place for one of those Oreat Western houses. $600.00. 60x140. East front on 40th at, south of Varnam. $700.00. 80x133. start he eat corner lMh and Cuming. $3,260.00. 66x181 J Pi..t. $2,600.00. These are only a few of the many terrains we are offering. If you Want to aell your property, list It with us. We have a great many Inquiries for property, both vacant and Improved. Tills BYRON REKT CO.. 311 S. 14th St. Chi RE 891 23 ROOM. new house, city water, hot and cold; gas. porcelain hath: A No. 1 In every particular: lido; l&no down and long time on balance. Hemls. Paxton Block. RE m 32 INVESTMENT 13,000 We have for sale the three houses, 183S-1M0-1SU North 22d at., between Clark and Grace. They are four, five and itvrn rwora houses and all In good repair. Sity water. Hunts $43X00 per year aud can be made $400.00. N. P. DODGE & CO., 16.4FarnaroSt RE 807 a On Easy Payments $460.00-Double house, lot 50x128, 2017 Martha. lb.M1-rooia house, S721 Ohio st $.'b0.uo 4 room, lot SOxltiS, 2v35 Pierce. $0.0O 6-room oottage, U21 ilason. $)O.0O 4 rootua, I t 60x134, 15 Charles. $ --room oottage, U1A Burdette. fcUSaW 1 ruoma. full 0l jmj n. j7tn , OAitVIN bltOJ.7lw Karnam st KK- M470 U-ROOM HOl-BB near 41et at. and Chl eaco, uak fiQlsh oo parlor Moor, double Elora. furnace, fine cellar and laundry. uxiaO: Plica, RJuO. iiaxgsln. Bemia. lUmi BMIi Itii Hi U FOR JU.R-BE U ESTATES. M. D. CAMERON. SOMK REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. Ala., Baldwin Co., LiAl A. lanu; mostly Um ber. Ala., Florence, modern 10-r. res. and lot Ark.., Uariund Co., l&j A. and impis. ; suit able for rtsoit, poultry plant, or goat ranch. Ark., Little Rock, res. plot. 300 ft square. Ark., White Co., 126 A. and impts. Cai., Lake Co., stocked goat ranch, 360 A. Can., N. ti., Annapoiia Co., tine itMl A. farm, stock and tooia, modern 14-r. houae, . eta Can., N. VV. T., nr. carlevale, 480 A. iaim. Cun., N. W. T.. list baekalcliewan, lM A. lJcnver flat bldg. (4 flats), VV. Maple at. 1 ( ' Wujihlnirlnn 11. p mi mt W Fia., on Halifax river, opposite iiaytona, icb. auu aruunus; Dauiiiuiiy lata out. Fla., Lake Co., lmpd., a A. orange grove. Fia., Brevard Co., fine res. and orange grove, 124 A., fronting on lnaian river. Qa., 1 homas Co., tine plantation, 620 A. Ua., Tallapoosa, 0-r. rtsa., 4 lots. Ua., Wayne Co., 26.UO0 A. and impU. ; suit able fur stock raising or colonisation pur poses. Ca., Ullmer Co., 660 A. high-grade Iron ore land, 60 to l5 per cent inutaiilc Iron, 40 A. marble. Qa., Savannah, 21-r. res. and grounds, Drayton st. ; fine location for sanitarium. Chicago, Proviso, 2 bldg. lots, Edgewater Park add. to Klver Forest. III., Warren Co., 116 A. nne farming land. Chicago, add. to W. Englewood, U bldg. lots. Chicago, good bldg. lot, Lincoln ave. III., Morgan Co., well lmpd. farm, 831 A. Ind.. Columbus, 248 -A. suburban land, ault- able for subdlv., 6 houses and lots and 80 vacant bldg. lots; excellent investment Ind., Pike Co., 296 A. and impta la., Davis Co., 320 A. and lmpts. la., Kossuth Co., 160 A. and Impta. Ia., Des Moines, 4 lota, Elmwood Place. la., Audubon, good -r. res. and lot. Church at, also good house and lot, Leroy at, Kan.; Bummer Co., 80 A. and Impta. Me., Cumberland Co., 125 A. and Impta, Me., Weal Bethel, store, tenement and stable. Me., Rockland, fine 14-r. res. and ground. Md., Centerville, 14-r. rea., 1 A.; line loca tion. Md., Hagerstown, ree., creamery and S A. Mass., W orcester Co., 228 A. and Impta Mass., Brldgewater, 8-r. res. and 6 A. Mass., Leomlater, 18-r, rea. and 2 A. Mich., Battle Creek, modern -r. res. Alien., Isabella Co.. excellent eqpd. stock and grain farm. 040 A.; large farmhouse, 2 tenement houses. 6 barns, flowing well. Minneapolis, U-r. brick house, Cechran a add. Minneapolis, bldg. lot, Stevens ave. A 26th. Minn., Aitkin Co., 4S0 A. land, H timber. Mo., Kansas City, 12-r. res., Penn st Neb., Phelps Co., 160 A. and Impta. Neb., Beilevue, good res. and 16 lota. N. II., Littleton, modern 18-r. rea. about 1 A. 5J' i ' Burlington Co., 60 A. and Impta i y- Vnlor. "tore and apartment house. N. J., Morris Co., eqpd. dairy farm, 110 A. N. J., Burlington Co.. good lfcl A. farm. N. J Somerset Co., 138 A. and Impta. S Mex,-vV nlon .Co m A rauch and stock. N. J., Rhlnebeck. 12-r. res. and lot. N. J , Warren Co., eqpd. farm, 850 A. Brooklyn, Sea Gate, 12-r. res., ( lots. N. Y., Cortland Co., 80 A. and Impta, N. Y.. Lyons, bua. bidg. (3-story, double). w Z" .re'w cj?- nnB a&lry arn. 27 A. N. y. Steuben Co.. tine farm, 112 A. .uk,y,, v8-nleveer park, modern res., B. aotn it. X-' 2non,aRa Co 00& 'arm, 165 A. N. C., Roseland, cottage and 4 A. land. 8trk Jr- ,4 raxlng land. Ohio., near Cleveland. 31 A. Farm; lake frontage, fine location for summer rea P.',-;.u'ry house and lot. Pa., Monroe Co., 113 A. and Impts. Pa., Naiareth. well located bldg. lot Pa.. Chester Co.. 17 A. and Impts. Uf"ston- m,'1J,rn l,r,ck re- .nd lot Porto R co. Toa Alto, 176 A. fruit land. leaV. onZnAC0i, 21? A. and ,mnt pd " 2 AA m"M from Bard. T-C n-"ck8n Co. 163 A. and Impta. Tex., Colorado bldg. plot 6 xl40 ft, Tex., near Dallas 15 A. and Impts "I:.'.'! ""jwicn. i A. and Impts.. 40 A. pasture and woodland; fine location Va.. Prince William Co.. fine 160 A? i farm. Wl. wu.t h.,.-n,l-" t,r 'mpts. Wis. near Darllnglon? fine farn,Pt A. wet, adapted to dairying and stock rJ W. M. OSTRANDER, N. A. fcldg.. Phlla. , KE- 22x FARM AND RANCH. LANDS. Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. JOc to 2 per acre for ranches. 53 to $12 for good farm lands. One-tenth cash. Write for particulars to B. A. McALLASTER, Land Commissioner, Union Pacific R. R. OMAHA, NEBRASKA RE MCK, high level lot, near 20th and boule vard; oiily iju; terms if desired Pen"' Paxtun Block. RH-iia 60-foot Iota near 26th and Fort $ io 50-fHit ots nar :'7th and Sprugue ' Suo 62-foot ot near 27th and Cuming T 71 JO-foot lot near 2itli and Decatur.... fcoO Z-t-H ft., 13th, near Chicago.. ti, w-foot lot Mouth Uth st..." ""'louo WI Decatur. 7-room tiointe i iZ !-! North 26th st 2t Charles. 6 rooms ". ' Nej High School, ;6 ft., with bouse'.! 2 iZ Hanscon, Place. . rooms, modern... 1.1 5 J Bouih 27th St., fcixiaj 2 Juo uEVTrFLVrEs-Xc JOHN N. FKKNZER, OPP. OLD P O. KB-H17 FOR a ALE. house and lot. southeast front flue st.ade, ruaaonabla If taken at once 3Ju4 Marcy st RE MO 32x A SNAP IF SOLO AT ONCa (-room ii modern house, east front full lot, ou grade; eaajr Wrius. 'Phone R-2wo, iUft-Jasm U wi a. 1 1 m Iipr land Vi. I yrdvl,Ver-.Tor,. house "and 2 A. taB,L Wah. Whatcom Co.. 40 A. land near lake. TITE OMAITA DAILY 1VE: SUNDAY, NOVEMHER 22, 100.T FOR HILK-REAL ESTATE, Payne Investment Company, FIRST FLOOR N. Now is the time to buy Omaha property. You never will get an opportunity to buy It any cheaper. The following are a few selected from a large list. Don't fall to come and e.e us It you want to buy. 6364 On So. 12th St., not far from Vinton st. car line, a one and a half story 6-room house, enst front, city water, small stable; Price, litoii. It Is a great bargain. 6225 7-room two-story house, gas, sewer and city water; two lots; price only S1.8U0. 5428 A well built, 6-room cottage with bath, tol'et. hut and cold water, cistern, pump In houxa. gas, cemented cellar, coal bin, etc.; good barn, chicken yard, full lot, nice shade trees, 4 blocks north of Ames ave. on the Florence car line. It's a beauty If you want to go out north; price, 12,000. 6611 On fflth nonr Woolworth, 6-room mod ern house, with the exception of the fur nace, south front, nice shade trees, large lot; price onlv $2,3T0. 1310 In the West Farnam district near Hid and Jackson, 7-room house, all modern; price, 12.600. 61 1 2 A beautiful new, modern, 6-room cot tngn In Uemls park, only 12,500; just fin ished. In Orchard Hill, two blocks from car !lne, - full lot, south front 7-room, two-story house, with gaa, bath, city water and sewer; has 4 rooms on the second floor and three rooms on the first floor; well built; price, 12.700. It would make a nice home for someone. 1911 On Pierce st. near 26th, large two-story house with 9 rooms, south front, lot 4ux 1H0; price only 1411 In Avondale park, two blocks west of Crelghton college, on car line, we have a 7-room, all modern house; price, -13,400. If you want to buy the choicest corner in the West Farnam District for less money than it is worth, come and see us, we have it. "South and east front, lays beautifully and in fine surroundings. If you are interested in that kind of ground come and see us. Payne Investment Company, Telephone 1781. D. V. SHOLES CO. 721-2 N. T. LIFE. TEL 49. $1,0U0-2H40 Arbor St., 60x13 ft.. 4 rooms, new, sewer, water and gas; $100 cash, bal ance monthly. Decided SNAP. $1,300 3S12 Psrker st., 50x130 ft.. 7 rooms, 2 etory, water and gas. CHEAP. $1,000-24:7 Ersklne St., 4!'xl20 ft, 7 rooms, J story; $100 cash, balance monthly. $2.000-202 Pierce St., 30x193 ft, NEW 5-room house, sewer, water and gas, nickel plumbing, porcelain bath. Very choice. . $1,730-3330 S. 19th st.. 60x127 ft., 6 rooms, sewer, water and gas. CHOICE. $2,3503019 Chicago St., 6 rooms, modern ex cept furnace. CHEAP. $2,1004207 Cuming, 7 rooms, bath, city water and gas. $2,600 2006 Miami, 6 rooms, modern except furnace. $2,500-l18 S. 83d, 60x140, rooms, clock from car. beautiful lot specials paid. CHOICE. $2,5003715 Leavenworth. 6 rooms, modern but furnace, lot 70x112. Bargain. $ 25th. near Cnss, 12 rooms, stone and brick, hot water heat, oak finish first and second floors. VERY FINE. Price $7,000, but would submit offer of $6,250. House cost over $10,000. $7,000 36th, near Farnam, 10 rooms, strictly modern, oak parquet floors, oak finish, with line bookcases In library. Interior beautifully arranged, good barn. Ahaolutely the best West rar nnm bargain on the market $11000 The DICKENSON HOUSE, 1002 Park v., 10 rms.. elegant oak parquet floors, finely arranged, 6 wash bowls, rooms large and airy, with elegant barn, fine grounds. This Is an exceptional i bargain. VACANT. t 250 V. W. corner 83d and Miami. 60x127. Will be on the car line when extended soon. $60 caah. balance monthly. $ 25060x127 on Dunont. just west of Georgia ave. HIU SNAP. 86080x90. 2604 Pierce. Lies fine. Just the . place to move a chicaho ukeat WESTERN house. For this purpose rare chance. t 60040x160, east front on SSth ave., op posite scnooi. ttm bin At". KOUNTZE PLACE, t 60060x124. north front on Pinckney and 18th. t 75060x124, north front on Spencer, be tween latn ana zotn. $ 700-60x124. east front on 16th, 60 ft. south of Lothrop. $ 90060x124, south front on Blnney, be tween Jfth and 20th. SNAP, $1,86074x124. N. E. comer 20th (boulevard) and Emmet. OREAT BIO SNAP. SOUTH SIDE. t 60050x140, west front 16th, north of Hickory. BNAP. $3,600 100x128 on loth st. opposite St. John's church, between two elegant brick homes. A HUMMER. Will divide. WEST FARNAM. $1,00060x120, north front on Cass, just west nf 31st beautiful, high sightly lot. Very cheap and choice location. $5,00067x166, opposite Kirkendall, Gallagher and Manderson, east front. VERY CHOICE. IS 7So 6niKiK tntnlnr above. $3,600 S. W. corner S6th and Jackson. 65x137, opposite fJucim Martin s. tnr.flr. $2.500 60x135. east front 35th. Just off Far nam. VERT CHOICE. Want to sell quick. Consider cash offer. INVESTMENT. Six houses on 100x130 feet of ground, two blocks from entrance Armour's on Q street Rent, $30 per month. Want quick offer. Pries, $1,760. FARMS. 891 acres Stanton Co., highly Improved, very nne tana, exceptional siock ana grain farm. Price, $46 per acre. 225 acrea Lancaster Co., 16 miles east of Lincoln, joining good town, highly Im proved, elegant farm. Price, $i6 per acre. 153 acres, 4 miles from Council Bluffs, fine bottom land, well Improved, good orchard. For quick sale $00 per acre. RANCH. . 4,500 acres Lincoln Co.. Nebraska, all under Tence, l.a aeeoea ianu, uaium-a lewwi from private parties; nominal rent; fair Improvements, three wells and windmills; cut about 1,000 tons of hay. Price, 13.60 per acre for deeded land. RE 46 ACRES, about four miles north of Flor ence; good four-room house, barn, etc.; some fruit; $75 per acre. Bemis. Paxton Block. RE-440 22 BARGAIN FOR $1,100 Owner going to Seattle. Brand new five room nouse with room for two more above. A very neat place, with good well and cistern. Young fruit trees. Within half block of Fort street car line. No. 6317 No. 26th. Full lot. N. P. DODGE !i CO., 1614 Farnam 8t RE 80S 23 H New Houses. H We are now building two all modern 6 room houses on 241 ti St, between Locust and Blnney, east front, on paved street, close to school and stores. We will sell on easy terms. Look at the houses while they are being built. We also have one for sale Bemis Park all modern, for $2,600. 27th ave. and I-ake for $2,000, and others In different parts of the city . Hastings & Heyden. 610-611 N. Y. LIFE. 'Phone F2658. RE 704 22 FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at ttis arnam, ciau, lour stories and first-class cemented basement tlevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C Rosewater, sec retary tin Uoe Building Co., room 100, Bee building. 1-MSt.I Williamson Co., REV-4V4S OMAHA AS A GRAIN MARKET ' Is an assured fact. If you intend building in the spring, now is the time to buy. FOB SAI.F-BEAL RSTATB. Y. LIFE BLDG. The owner Is anxious to se'.l and It la a nice home for somebody. Joining Kountze Place on the Roulevard we have X new. strictly modern 6 and 7-room houses which we can sell for i3.5un to It.OfiO. They are bargains, and If you want anything near Kountze Place it will pay you to see them. 63JS In Hanscom Place between Pacific and Woolworth we have a new, strictly mod ern, 6-room house, heated by hot water, which we can sell for M.OOO. 6445 Joining Kountze Place, south arrd east front, two latge lots with 7-room house, all modern; price, J4.500. 15 On South 12th st. near porcas. two strictly modern new 6-room houses, full lot; price. 5.0"O. 6425 On J-lth near Seward, a fine piece of business property consisting of a two story frame building In which there are 3 stores with 3 flats above which rent for 164 a month and can be purchased for Vi.500. All special taxes paid. It Is a great bargain. 6425 On 24th and Cnldwell sts., a two-story brick building with 3 stores on the ground floor and 3 fiats above, 2 frame cottages ln the rear. This whole property can be purchased for I12.noo, which Is a great deal less than the buildings coet. to say noth ing of the ground on a paved street with all special taxes paid. Vacant Property. The choicest lot In Bemis park, 0-foot frontage by 200 feet deep, on 34th and Lincoln bou'.evnrd; fine surroundings; the lot Is worth 1 1.400, but thev are deter mined to sell and want an offer. First Floor N. Y. Life Bid?. RE 800 22 N. P. DODGE & CO. Eastern owner instructs us to close out all hi $ holdings at our own figures. The prices below are made to sell at once, no lower offers will be considered. $900,000 3208 Pinckney street, six-room story and a half cottage. South front on Plnkney, near 82d St Lot 60x128. $1,200 401 N. 80th St., six-room cottage with deep basement The northeast corner 30th and Chicago. Lot 30x100. $1,400 1606 Elm street five-room cottage, large two-story barn and wagon shed, hand some shade trees, south front on Elm street, one block from Vinton. Lot on grade. This Is the best bargain ln the south part of the city. Lot and barn alone is worth $1,000. Lot 60x130, with alley in rear. $900 v 2922 Castellar St., six-room story and a half house, south front on Castellar, one block from Hunscom car. Full lot, 60x126, ua graue. $1,400 3314-3318 South 20th St.. three-room cottage and large atory and a half eight-room house oft lot 60 feet east front on 2oth, iuat south of Boulevard; good neighbor ood, splendid location for renting or for men working In South Omaha. Will earn $20 per month. We can recommend this for Investment. Both houses recently re paired, shingled, painted and papered. $1,100 2320 Franklin street, six-room cottage. In good condition, except roof. Splendid south front lot and good neighborhood. Wo can recommend this property- for an attractive home ln the Walnut Hill dis trict, if painted and repaired. ' '' $1,300 2604 Burdette Bt, seven-room story and a half cottage, modern except furnace, lot 30x100. . .. $1,000 8337 Boyd street, six-room one story cot tage, well built, good location, two blocks from car line, full lot $1,000 , . 4519 Parker St., seven-room story and a half cottage, with full lot. North front on Parker, near 46th. House alone cau not be built for $1,300. In good condition. $4,500 914-916 N. 24th and 2411 Charles St. Three good houses on southwest corner of 24th and Charles. Lot 63x120. Rents $540 a year. A good permanent Investment. $2,500 914 N. 42d St, a seven-room story and a half house, east front on 42d, just north of Cuming, with full lot. House is all modern, with gus and furnace. N. P. Dodge 6k , Co., 1614 FARNAM ST. TEL 829 RE H Vacant Lots. H 16th and Blnney. full lot $476. 84th and Webster, large lot $400. 27th Ave. and Lake, east front lot $350. 1Mb, and Grace, full lot, east front $1,000. Bomls Park lots $400. $500, $700. 31st and Pad tie, full lot $2,100. 24th and Locust, east front lot $760. And many others all over the city. Hastings & Heyden, 10-511 N. Y. LJFE. 'Phone F2G55. RE 763 22 10 ACRES, 8-room house, ln Bellatr, Just west of Dundee; $2,6u0. Bemis. Paxton Block. ' KG 941 22 DO IT NOW Get In on the GROUND FLOOR Nice corner office, with about 650 feet floor space quarttr-sawed oak partition; plenty of light, plenty of heat in winter and cool air in summer; Janitor service. Several other nice offices from $12.60 up. Bus CHARLES E. WILLIAMSON CO., In Room No. Zi, U. 8. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. l-432 28 84. nw4, 12-85-44, Monona oounty, Iowa, will, a. .-lufMIl liuunr, IU1CK luuna&lioilj barn, buggyehed, rorncrib, toolhouse, we l and fenced. The land is rich black bo.1, with clay subaoll and good pasture land. It was sold a few years ago before the raise ln land for J2.6UO. Would Ilk to trade this for a good residence in the city. R. C. PETERS & CO.. GROUND FLOOR. BEE BUILDING. RE KiO 83 H 52,000 H Will buy a good 6-room house at 27th and Hamilton, jias large lot ana shade; has city water, sewer and gas. 610-611 N. Y. LIFE. Phone F2665. Hastings & Heyden, RE 766 22 GARDEN. FRUIT and POULTRY ACRES. Ail sixes and all prices and terms, near Omaha. South Omaha. Florence and Tien. Son. Bemla, Paxton Block. RE S60 Zi FOR SA1.K RRAI, F.STATK. BARGAIN 278x160. AN ACRE OK GROUND ON ASPHALT PAVED STREET. FASHIONABLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT, 1 5.000. 60x120. EIGHT-ROOM DWELLING, SOUTH FRONT. PAVED 8TREET, 3012 CHICAGO ST., $4,200. . 75x124. TEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, HOT WATER HEAT. BARN, 1921 WIRT STREET, $5,500. 80x140. EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. EAST FRONT. PAVED STREET, BARN. 1526 NORTH 17TH ST., $3,500. 100x135. FINE SEVEN-KoOM HOUSE, ELECTRIC LIGHT, FRUIT AND SHADE TREES. SOUTH FRONT. BARN. 8830 FRANKLIN STREET. S3.000. Howard Kennedv & Son, 209 First National Bank Bldg. Tukey & Son. A BARGAIN. 7-Room House in Clifton Hill. We have nt 4208 Grant st a 7-room house, newly painted and In verv rood ihnu' fine south-front lot, 60x120 feet; two blocks from Walnut Hill car line; tlty water and gas in This is one of the best bar gains we have had in Clifton 11,1 , but w uaiiuui uutr our lamous ruaey s terms On thlS Place, as WA milHt Iiiiva anma r.oK down: the balance, however, may be paid by small monthly payments. This ynu T, is now vacant ana we do not cars to rent It. The price Is only $1,800. ACRES AND LOTS ON "TUKEY'S TERMS." We always have some of the best acrea and vacant lots In all parts of the city that we can sell on straight monthly payments. ... A. P. TUKEY & SON. 444-446 Board of Trade Bldg. RE-& a H Florence Lots H We have 4 large lots near Florence Park which we can sell for $1,000 for the four. 6 acres In timber, two miles north of Flor ence, for $200. Hastings & Heyden, 810-611 N. Y. LIFE. 'Phone F365S. RE-766 23 ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Small cottage, stable, full lot, one block from car line; only $400: $50 down and bal ance $10.00 per mouth. Bemis, Paxton Block. - RE 043 22 Hastings Heyden, 610 N. Y. Life Bldg. will build a new house for you in any part of the city and sell oo ety terma RE 611 a SEE Chris Boyer before buying 22d and Cuming. 'Phone $049. RE M464 D14 EVERYONE of the following BIG VALUE for the money Ah (-room, modern house, oak interior, ex cellent repair, east front, near Stfth and Burt; choice location $4,250. In the West Farnam location, new and modorn, g rooms, oak-interior; can be bought at a bargain. ' On Locust near utih, 7 rooms, good as new and a nice property $3,000. On 27th near Parker, 7 rooms, gas and city water $1,650. On 10th near Hickory, cottage sf 6 rooms, fine east front lot, nice trees; a cosy home $1,750. On 22d near Mason, nearly new cottage, rents for $14; price. $1,650. On 9th near Hickory, amall house, lot 20 by 160 ft $700. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Street RE-MS74 H H Burt St Home 11600. rif you want a good little home look at 8103 . ' " " rooms, targe joi, nice shade trees, city water and sewer. Can be had on easy terms. Hastings & Heyden, 610-611 N. Y. LIFE. 'Phone F2666. j RE 767 23 A Handsome Home Facing Park Avenue Not built to rent, but one of those well built homes designed for comfort. Pleasant rooms, a big shady yard and a splendid neighborhood. Nine rooms, modern plumb ing and heating, porceialu bath, just newly painted, easy to heat, cool and shady In summer. BEAUTIFUL SHADE TREES. A DELIGHTFUL NEIGHBORHOOD. 75 feet, east front, on Park Avenue, and west front on 80th st Lot 140 teet deep a splendid, shady play ground for ihildren. EASY TERMS A BARGAIN AT THE PRICE This beautiful home will be sold for $6,500 on the following terms. Cash $3.S0u.00 and $46.00 per month until paid. As easy as paying rent and you own your own home. It Is seldom that as attractive a home Is put on the market. The tlrst offer gets It. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST. RE-647-21 7-ROOM HOUSE and full lot In Orchard Hill, bath, city water; a good home tor some onp; price only $l,60u. Bemla, Pax ton Block. RE 944 23 $2150.00 tlOOO CASH 514 per month For the 8-room modern house (except furnace). No. 1111 North 18th street. Good lot. shade trees, handy to U. P. shops and within walking distance of business. RENTAL, 5240.00 PER YEAR. GEORGE COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St. RE-646-23 PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will offer for sale a de sirable frame building on Tuesday after noon, November 24th, at 4 o'clock p. m. on the grounds at 4Dth and California Sts. Sale to remain open one hour. JOHN H. HARTE. RE M "S3 23 FOR SAI.B RRAL F.STATK. BULLETIN lnoxlTA MODERN TWELVE-ROOM HOUSE. HOT WATER MEAT, ELECTRIC LIGHT, BARN. 1321 SOUTH 29TH STREET, $14,000. Box ISO. NINE-ROOM MODERN HOfPE, CORNER lT, PAVED ST RET, 1501 SOUTH 29TII STREET, $4,200. imxl2S. BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE CORNER, DES1RARI.E BUILDING SITE, a E. CORNER 318T AND CAS3 STS., $3,000. 66x1.12. MASON ST., THIRD LOT WEST OF BURLINGTON DEPOT. A BARGAIN AT $5,000. 150x120. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, CITY WATER, OAS. CISTERN. BARN. CHICKEN HOUSE, FRUIT AND SHADE TREES, 1723 VAN CAMP AVE., $2,000. RE! 81221 HARRISON A MORTON, 912-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. ?. In our column ad of Wednesday evening, November 18, we omitted some of our best bargains for lack of space, and also lack of time to prepare the copy. We submit here some Items we think bargains. We have others we would tell you about if you called at our office. . FIVE BARGAINS. 12808 Woolworth. You can't huild the house for the price asked $2,600; a less offer might get It. You can move Into it at once. I Brick warehouse at 46th and Dodge, on Mo. Pac. R. R. Improvements worth the money asked $1,200. Other parties are figuring on building a mill near this. Trackage Is a good thing to buy Just now. . . I i 6-room nouse, zzx30, lH-atory, good barn, at 1137 S. 29th Ave.; good pavement on both streets and ln the alley, all paid up. The lot easily worth ths money asked for the whole thing. 4 Small building lot near Mason St. school, $300; $26 cash, balance monthly. V 660x150, choice east front lot In Hanscom' Place, new asphalt pavement, paid for in full; $1,600. HARRISON tt MORTON. J' 912-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 814. , KB TTJ H H Hanscom Park District. We have a number of 6 and 8-room houses near Hanscom Park from $2,500 to $6,000. Call and let us show you some. ' Hastings & Heyden, : 610-611 N. Y. LIFE. 'Phone F2668. RE 768 23 SPECIAL BARGAINS. $2,500. New 7-r. house, modern except furnace, paving and permanent sidewalk paid ln full. 35750 for cottage of 3 rooms and lot 25x188, near 20th ana Dorcas. 51250 for 6-room .cottage, bath, closet, gas, etc Manderson, east of 24th. 5150 cash and $16 per mo. for 3-r. oottage and lotbuxlSJ, near 34lh and Ames; price. FINE BUILDING LOTS IN FIRST-CLASS LOCATIONS AT ROCK - BOTTOM PRICES. BE SURE TO CALL IN BE FORE BUY1NO. ERNEST SWEET 61$ N. Y. L. Tel. 1472. RE M922 23 A STRICTLY MODERN 7-room house near Park ave. and Jackson st, bath, furnace, gas, hot and cold water, etc.. etc: price only $3,000. Bemis, Paxton Block. RE-946 23 BARGAINS FOR SALE. $jo N' mt t' "room moaern house, init Wirt St., modern house, large barn. cost $11,000; price. $o.2u0. Two . 9-room modern houses on Blnney st, $3,6oo each; best residence location in city. Double brick, right down town, paying 13 per cent net; price. $6,600. Large 10-room modern house, lot 74x124, corner on boulevard, cost $!),000; price, $4,o00. 614 No. 14th St., 6-room house, $1,600. 908 and 910 Hickory st, double house: rents for $30 per month: prl $1 sw Some splendid cottages at $1,000 to $1,500. 1203 Douglas St., 2-story brick, $8,5tX; only $3,5u0 cash required, fine investment; pays 15 per cent. I have $i0,000 Investment, prominent down town corner, that pays 15 per cent; If you have money, investigate this. These are only samples; we hava houses and business buildings all over city at fifty cents on the dollar of cost to build, lots thrown la. R. W. HOMAN, 8 AND 10 FRENZER BLK. RE-826 23 NORTH CF FLORENCE I acres on Calhoun road, well improved: $ acres In fruit, $1,000. y ' 6 acres $ lulled north. In timber, only $200 for the piece. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 610-611 N. Y. Life. RE 555 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city: slse acre property and farm lands. The O F Davis Cu.. Room 6u8 Bee bldg. RK-ioo 82.400 New six-room house at 8715 Leaven. S-tti ttt? cTKo. Va...; XT S3 FOR BALE, twelvt-acre fruit farm Braldentown. Florida; water front, you orange and banana grove, and gooJ fcousi Addicss Lock Boa 66, Giltnsr. Neb. RK-.t9 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Paoiflo Railroad company. j A McAllaater, land commissioner. Union Pacing headquarters. Omaha, Neb. KV-6U , WHY PAY RENTT , hv Mveral small houses and lots In different parts of the city that we can sell on monthly payments, with small pHyment down. Bviuls, Pa ton Block. RE 94 22 21 FOR I K RRAI, KSTATR. W. H. GATES, 17 N. Y. Life. Phone 1291. $1,060 7-room. lV4-ftory house, on 27th near Corby. 1.100 Small cottage and nice south-front lot, ii'lS Spruce. 1.200 6-room, 2-siory house and barn, 3M8 lxrcas. 1.800 Small cottage and lot, 110x1.'; 3311 Webster. 1,500 6-room house and lot, 83x140; 1813 N. isih, near Grace. l,6007-ruiwn house. In good order, lot loO ft., front on West Emmet. 1.750 6-ronm, new cottage, 3C3 N. 17th, lot 80x140. 1.750 ;-rooin house, lot 33x140, and barn; east front; one of the best locatonB on 8. 10th st. 2,000 10-room house, bath, large barn, east front, lot 62x127. 3, 6C0 7-room house, modern except fur- nuce, on Locust near 19. h; a nloe home. 4.60i 7-room house, modern, up to data, east front, in west end; full lot. 3,i;0 .x-roonia. fully modern, hard-wood finish; corner lot, paved street In Kountue Place. 3,500 H-room, modern; ground 100x124, on Stiencer and 17th. 400-for 55x1411. vacant, on Webster, lust west of 33l. RE S01 28 1750.00 buys tho northeast corner of JMh snd Blondo, with 6-room cottage, having good Jvell water, cistern, barn, chicken house large shade trees; lot 6uxll2 feet- onlv three blocks from Franklin school and 33d St. car line. A sightly location. This property is a good hHrgan and will be sold on reasonable terms. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM. . RK-726-23 HASTINGS & HEYDEN .... . . . S1 N- T- 1Je hildlng W in bild a new house for you In any part of the City and Sel on eiy terms. RE-M6S8 23 " WANTED- customer who means business, N STRICTLY MODERN 8 or 9-room house toward Hanscom park, for quick deliver)-; . rio run-down property wanted; will pay $4,000 to 5.0v0; must buy before Thanks giving. Tel. 1950. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK RE M733 23 HAVE YOU $50,000 T We offer a choice piece of business V: property for $50,000. rays 6'a per cent net and Is not Improved to ths limit something you havs been look ing for. HARRISON & MORTON, 912-813 N. Y. Ufe. Tel. 814. ' RE 771 81,000 2940 Arbor, 4 rms.. new, sewer, water. 50x140 lot $100 down. Snap $,50-S. E. cor. 41st and Calllornla, t rooms. full lot and barn. Snap. D. V. SHOLES CO.. N. Y. Life. TEL. 49. . RE M63 ALL about North Dakota and whers to buy f;ood lands cheap; descriptive folder and 1st sent free; reliable representatives wanted. Whitney & Wheelock. H Broad way. Fargo, N. D. RE-4tai HOMES FOR THE PEOPLE. Lots on grade, on new car line, near Mll- . r..PJ?rk. and 2,11,1 a,,d Fort ' only $90 to $2u0; $5.00 down and $0 per month. Bemis. Paxton Block. RE-46 22 Cheap Building Lots. Be,v'rBl naps ln fine lots between Z7tn and 2th on Manderson, sewer and water on street; these are genuine bar gains. :S2S0to$3S0Each. : Can be bought on Easy Terms. R. H.' LANDERYOU, 442 Board of Trade. . ' RE M894 24 When You Write , to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you aw the ad in The Bee. FOR BALE 150-ACRE APPLE ORCHARD. Adjoins Glenwood. Iowa. Has 16.C00 healthy.' bear ing 12-year-old trees. Best commercial varieties. Finest orchard In state. 310,000 yearly Income. Price $125 per acre. Ten years and 6 nr cent on deferred pay ments. RICHARD C. PATTERSON, 1224 Farnam St., Omaha. . RF 904 23 ' ' DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about it The) best way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER , : This agricultural weekly goes to 46.000 homes of farmers and stock raiser, so If vou h&ve a u r w ul r. I t t I .... .1 ... f. . reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement UK., - vBiiia pr woru in small ty dm ar $2.50 per inch if set in large type. I HE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. ' RE $28 REAL ESTATE bargains. Full lot and OSS" ft;'"' -don. Hth stTeeT " RE M6U6 FOR SALE-Large house, 12 rooms, 3 lots house cost $22,000; $i,jMK) barn; west part KE-M738 We have a large number of first-class n-lde brick blocks for sale at way-down irlces and on enav i.nn. it H-.i-.i .JVI El!Lp,i ".,lenV,d percentage on outlay; Bemla, Paxton Rloclt pe FREE LAND In Southern California. The last excursion at the cheap rate Mon- iT a L-I i" me tropics of the V. S. &0.UUO acres of land just opened for settlement on completion of the bia Irrigation system that now covers the lund. All the land belongs to ths govern ment snd la to be given away to rich and poor alike. You can take 160 acres homestead and 160 acres of desert land, or 320 acres desert land only. Water rlgoJ Is sold on easy terms. Six to eight crois of alfalfa a year. Climate the very best snd healthiest in the world. 1.000 people have already taken claims and bought water right and that many o- more taken desert land with water right, on which they can settle at pleasure. CHA8. BLIXT LAND CO., 701 SOUTH ltiTH ST., OMAHA. RE 160 acres Improved, in Jefferson county . W yvi BUT. 40 acres in Mill eountv, Iowa, near Olen. wuua; unuer cultivation; good orchard Slou oer Mere 20 acres In Mills county, lows, near Olen- 160 acres in Frontier county, Nebraska 4 per acre. $ao acr-s in Custer county, Nebraska $8 60 per acre. CITY PROPERTY. 4-room house, lot 3(1127, Charles st, be- tween t!d and 3d 1.50. 4-room houe th ave. and Ruggles; good lied lot-$1.400. 6-room house, Charles street, between 324 and 83d; lot 23xi:'7 $760. 10-room modern house, lot 100x160 $4,000. VACANT IjOTS. 2sth snd Burt sts., f.xir,o 11 100. 27th and Saratoga. VvxYSI -0u. Several other piece of desirable property. CHRlal BOlffcK. 22d and Cuming. T 'Phone tra, V RB-871 U