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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1903)
20 TITE OMAITA DANA" BEE: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1D03. SPECIAL NOTICES Arrllirmrili far these columns will be . takes) Mill 12 an. for tbe evealaa; edition a ad antll Mi30 p. m. for anemia a ad Sanitar edltloo. Rates. 1 1-lte a rrard flrat Insertion, la a ward thereafter. Kelblx takea for less thaa SO for the first laser tloa. These adt ert isemccts mast be raa onirrn'.ltrl, Advertisers, br resjorsilnsj a inn. Iered. cheek, caa have answers ad dressed to a aambered letter In pare "I The Mee. Aiaittn so adilresseil mill delivered oa presentation af the cheek oaly. MJSCfc.Ll.A,fc.OLN. TELEGRAPHY Ureut denianu lor uperatoi. Wo At you lor h position In a Maori time ana tiien kive you onrt at a goou Mury. Ni.w Is tne ume to begin, bend today tor par.iculaik. - ....v. .j ...oni.. ui inn deia. We can i.en jay and Evening bes. Ions. Address: Uniaua Commercial College lilu and Duugius bis., o.u.i. . Tel. 139. PHOT OGRAPHSV-Y i'1.", x3 liar i r.ce u per uu. tuo:.e of t styles of J ...oumlnt, special toi Holiday oiuy 15 foi i'KOClOK, 616 soutn loth St. S P F C I A I For limited time wo will fit ' L"lnL you with a guaranteed t-Airt of spECAACi.ii.a fo si.qj. Liou i miss tins ciiaiius. U. OPUC1AN8. 08 NO. 16TH b'X. - R-M218 PERFIELD'B Cul-Prlce Piano Co., Bee bldg., Room 7. Tel. 7ol. WeDer, fciury at Clark, Lodwlg scnilor. K .Ul DON'T MISS A GOOD THING wui our me.ii and busltieaa luncheon ,.t i..e ivAhBAtil hcoTAl ni.M, in a. u,ii. in price, scrvica ana cooking uui o.eais srj unexcelled, i.oaru by t.een o i uceh , JooEPti oTnAOii, Citar" A.D riiur H-HJ-U-il LXPRESSMAN'8 DeUvery Co.. moving uiid storage, at K. 16th. 'i'ei. luw. .-.a2, oTATUARY direct from factory; aueclol low prices until Xiims. Uoi.iK..a uru... 202 Farnam lij AUCKil8T numbers In tov. n In our w.n Oow. '1 ney u,e equ.vai..., t. a puir onimoaea. Ittgen. i. v.oinpaiiy, i a lUi. K .10 dONEY loaned on all valuables, tlfc li. 16th. It- aiJuu ChironoHv 061 relief; corns removed. it Mti TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we boiu lose. Uood work; Hompi attention, 214 N. lBtn. Tel. auu. R-260 TOO BUSY making clothes to o1osb Open evenings. Come any time. Suits, 20 to Hi), frowsers. $6 to $10. Droslier, 1616 Farnam, K Ms U-10 COU-M'KAY COMPANY, UNUKRTAK fcKB, lol7 Capitol ave., tel. 464. It M2j5 boles, 40c; wltli rubber heels 75o. 7 N. 10th. U-M367 li DON'T STRAIN YOUR EYES Willi a. poor lifcin Uuuii ua i.aii al tbo uoat ioi' too .uaiH uiunuy, tna leader gaso line lamp iuo-caiiuls puwer soit anu inui-ivV.-, easy ou lue eyes, only toe a inoiuii; lighted with one match; burning In lull nut wkhln au aeconun; aosoiutely sate; guaanteeu lor one year; win repair free of ensrge. L.OUlb i'LKSCHER. 1622 Capitol ave. rt Hi-mi AMERICAN, Uerm?n Kmployment Bureau, Hil4 Dodge. H 242 Dli READ 1 ) HAVE ROOT HEED! mm it. - SI CCFFm I a- koot, m, . . ,t. J 4i-l H. mh'i-'hone 1604 R-MJS Bread Ptr,nt)y Homemade, potato yeast. at4 Delicatessen, im r'arnam btreet. R-74K OMAHA Mirror Mfg., fus N. ltfthst. . K-M3 D13 ? ,ffh,l; ,ee,h tred free. Union Dental Co., im Douglaa, loom 4. H-M2S7 TRUNKS, traveling bags, lult cases' trunks repaired, Oin. Trunk Factorv. liui farnam, lt-M-W Henry Ha doesn't keep stationery, lie sehs it-at liia Fdinaui K-3ut Dli ACCORDION plea tin, cheepest, bsst, Murk, 17th snrt R-M74H quicuest Mrs. A. Douglas IP YOU WISH TO GET a Holiday fw eater order It Karly f B1LZ the Knitter. 323 8. 16th. R-M313 D13 FjPntkt-Presnt this "ad" before LCML1M Jan 1st and get I-3offon Bailey all and bridge nvm. ,u uoor, raxton nlK K-M473 D14 TninW; AND BAC.8 at reduction. ItUiina Alrred Cornish, laiu Farnara. . R--M311 DlJ COLUMBIA RECORDS! . Ak H. E. FredrlcUaon. Irpntc . 15th and Capitol Ave. Omaha. --Clllb ll-M;li Dli JACKDAW WHISKEY PURE RYE. li YEARS OLD, BEST FOR MEDICINAL PL KrOdfc.8. fAfKLEY BROS., BOLE OWNERS, lei' H AND CAPITOL AVE. R-M319 Dal Win the dinner set and we will sell 'you a $30.00 Dining Table For $13 50. BAKER FURNITURE CO. R M644 22 P. MELCHOIR, machinist. 13th it Howard R 6w THE GRAND PANTS cb7 thoroughly re.lub.e tal.oiing e,abl.s'i rr.rnt carrjir.s a full line of p.. WUuiens. Makes up an suit In the hoase for $1, 5,1 any pant p, $3.5('. No nior no lss J05 N.- 16ih. R MAIO HORSES winters !. 43d and Center. Tel U)ack-U23. R SO JX KAULE Loan office. Reliable, accomodaT tng; all business cor.fld 13 1 Loug u. R 559 M'VKA SMITH. Plumhlng and Heating 118 N. 15th at. Tel. S(2. Prompt atteu llon given all work. Reoairing a specialty. .t 61S D17 HOLY SMOKE! Washington. 6c. BecU raaa'g. Ioo7 Farnam. R M620 'fJTRONOKST In the World." the KqiiitabTe' Life Asaurence aociety. Its policies are sight drafts at muturlty. II. D. Neely. manager. Merchants' National bunk hbig., Omaha, Neb. ' K MS23 CUT this ad out. bring with you; it Is gooj for 6oc on 1 dos. $3 oval tab. photo at Stutsman's Studio, V N. 16th opn. P. ()., Crounaa block. R MA5I 22 OMAHA FURNI1 I'RE REPAIR WORKS. Xiul Farnam St. Tel. 241. R MJCJ 22 OMAHA Hay Bale Tlo Co.. TnT'S'" R--JC7 IAVAUE. 2822 Farnam. furnace work, cor nicea, ridgeroll gutters, skylights "f niL R-MlrJS Ds Pitatite Coajaill. No fee unless success rdlCllli fu!. g isth, Omaha. Tel. IX R-6- TASf MEKIXO 4RD TITTEH1M.. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Range Bldg. FIR DltUSSInO. i. W. WALLACJS. Tasidericlat . auCavVlMn. IttKi -v V ., Bl'fUtESS CHASCES. it Poor Richard" Says: "No Morning Sun Lasts All the Day." 'J'liin Ih 1ml nnottipr wn.v f aa.vinir tlint you should do wlidt you're going to do. lon't (l'ioii(l on tomorrow. You'll never get nlienil you'll never get .1 better rtosttMn tlinn your present one until you inrtke n stiirt. The HrMt Mow of n mnul doettn't drive n "take Into the earth. Neither does the second nor the third. But you ean never take the second Mow until you strike the first. It really Inn't half ns Important to us that you enter our college ns It la to you that you enter It. Yet we are doing the talking. Vhat Is a mere ft!2..V for books rtnd tuition for a six months' course com pared with the sound, gvre, thorough BUSINESS EDUCATION you will re ceive here? ' If you cannot attend the day school, the next best thine to do Is to take n scholarship In the NIGHT SCHOOL. Make Application for Catalogue NOW. BOYLES COLLEGE, NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING, OMAHA, NEB. For quick trade or' sale, list your property with the Sholes Armstrong Co. For exchange. This week. fftio Prosperous livery business and stock In good cistern Nebrnska town. Sil.miO Omaha wholesale business. Profits ir.Soo ior nnnum. $4.100 Drug stoie In eastern Nebraska; good tradp. Hnndsome profits. Store building In Crston. Neb., to trade for thoe or general mdse. stock. Btoie Li.lliltig In Rennlngton, Neb., to trade for mall f..rm. 5-room cottage n asphalt street In Omaha. Trade for smnll farm near town. loOxliu on S. lilh St., 9-room frame house. To trade for smaller houses. liC-nrre farm mile from Modale, la. Trade for Omaha property. Splendid BiVi-acre Irrigated farm In Dawson Co., Nebraska; well Improved and very fertile; S.O.(JM), will take (5.000 in eastern Nebraska property. 310-acre farm In Rock Co., Nebraska. Trade fo:- stock general mdse. lfin-acre farm Fillmore Co.. 17.000. Trade for city property. 240-acre tiirm 3 miles from Orand Island. Trade for city property. Furniture and lease 18-room hotel In good Hurt Co. town. Trade for small business In Omaha and pay some cash, lot) acres good land In Hayes Cb.. $600; or will trade for small grocery and pay cash. 320 acres land In Urown Co., South Dakota. TTndo for stock groceries or mdse. Price, $15.50 per acre. A SECTION of good land In Holt Co., $3,000. Will trade for city property. 3,2iiO-acre ranch Wheeler Co., $16,000. Will trsde for city property or smell farms. 3,500-acre ranch In Custer Co., $28,000. Splen did Improvements. Will trade for eastern Nebraska farm or general mdse. $ stock general mdse., Seward Co. Trndo for farm near good eastern Ne braska town. $3 00 drug stock; new and good; will Invoice $:.Eoo. $7.ii00 stock general mdse. Butler Co. Trade for farm. , $3.6j0 stock general mdse. Harlan Co. Trade f,tr (uml nnri nnv some cash. $2.M0 stock general mdse., Fillmore Co. Trade for land and pay some cash. ssbu grocery ana soaa louniaui in uuwim. A BAROA1N Cleared $600 on fountain alone last summer. SHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO. 721-2 N. Y. LIFE BLDQ. TEL 49. Y . HEN you want to buy. sell or exchange any property or business quick, see J. H. JohnLon; fcU N- Life. Y-&47 EXCHANGES of all kinds; to buy or sell n buslnohs of exchange merchandise for i land or cay property, call or write Bholes Armstrong Co., UUi N. . Life. lei. . Y Mi93 100 LOTS FREE -First applicants :enclng Ftamp will receive ueeo ot u ioi. sue 2bx ioi leel, to adverliio Westminster Park, Miburb Ne York, tt th Ceniury R any Co., 6 Wall St., N. Y. y CAS1I for dry goods, clothing and general merchandise s.ocks, $10.0.0 to $&o,0uu. Ad dress, wim lull pariltularj, JJl First Nat 1 Bank, Omaha, Neb. Y -33 HOTEL BARGAINS. TWO hotels In western Iowa and one In centrul Missouri for trade or sale. These hotels all have line trade, two of them at railroad Junctions and $3 day houses. Write the ar.derslgned for particulars and terms. Bartholomew & Ballantyne, Moor Lead. Ia. V-M 56S 23x WATCH for our Sunday bulletin of busi ness chances, farn-s and ranches. It will be in The Bee every Sunday. The Abbott Cowan Company, 312-314-315 Brown Block. Y M571 FIRST-CLASS meat market for aale. In country town of 3.5'.k) population; good reason for selling. Address ;W ), Bee. T M8 0 lit I'lnaT.riJtPS meat market for stle country town; popu:non, ktou rr.i- son for selling. Add.ess W j1 FOR SALE Whole or half Interest lu good hotel, doing good business, fcloux City. Adlress W 31, Bee. Y 760 Dl FOR PALE $X.0Oi to $10,0iO stock 111 an old and well established manufacturing bu-1-iir.n. paving 10 per cent dlv dnds; canls with it llrst-class official petition at Ugh salorv, setlefactory reasons for selling. Adilrejfl W S2. Bee. Y-761 25x WANTED A partner by on old established Clii"nro Impor' Ing ten end coffee houw, with not len-4 than 'lOl.OOi. Will bear the c'ose t Invest'g-tlo'-. Address B-'JS, c ire nf lord & Thorn ye, Chicago. 111. Y 9(9 22x MANAGER WANTED Income $2.W ui wr1; i unin-lB Ion basin; ) per cent profit: energv. mall csnttil necess-rv; recent'y Pt nt-d F're Ext neu'sher; pr-, t-cted territory. Hopper Co.. Box 9. Highland. N. Y. Y-'3 2x IF YOU wlfch to make an Investment, Duy or sell real estate. Mocks, bonds, bank Mock, telephone plants. Btores. restau rant, loan or Insurance business, call on or write th Southwestern Business Agency, Eureka. Kansas. T S85 22x INVEST YOUR IDLE CAPITAL In "Cereal Mutuals." Where It Is better than Bank Deposits. Where the earnings are always large nnd vvhjr it cun l.e withdrawn at any time Through anv bank In the V. 8. or Canada. Wtlte for "Cereal Mutual" booklet, also Bulletin showing actual results for psst six ininihs. absolutely rree; tun ni iiiierc-iii'B fa is and may be the menus of ttutklng you a fortune. Address Isbell & Co.. 4 Sherman 8t.. Chicago, ill. V-914 2ix BOWI.1NU ALLEY8 for s!e: three flrst ciess sectional Brunswick sl'evs. ball". tlns, everything complete. Address J. E Button, Fort Dodge, la. Y M1W1 I4x MONEY placed wth cs earns a rle'dv weekly Income. Write todsy for our booklet on Modern Speculation. Custo mer, batik and financial references. Mack commission Co.. Mack Block, Milwpukee, Wis. Y 9u0 22x FOR SALE or trade, the only set of ab stract books In county of southeast Nebraska with real estate and Insurance. Addreea Box 45. Humboldt, Neb. Y 898 22x "I Trust You" A $-t' Invettnient ha averaged over $2o) a month; no msrglns; not more thn $J i.qulred: can handle your own money: something out of the ordinary; no t haigrs mill profits are realised, then I trust to y ur honor to remit small per- rentage. Vnte me. At, o. Howard, i , Muurus St., v U...,r... Y-.1 : BUHKM MIASt KS. R FOR SALE Coal and leed business In Omaha; tine location; good opening for homo man. Address U a. Bee. Y-M2S8 22x A REGULAR INCOME GUARANTEED by JOHN R. PEARSON & CO. (Incorporated). Capital Stock, $250,000. 5 to 7 per cent weekly on accounts of $3 nnd upward has been earned and paid by this company since January 1, 19u3. Our grand success is undoubtedly the result of our strict adherence to conservative methods. PERCENTAGE PERCENTAGE Is our aim and the secret of our success. Positively no stock, oil, mining or betting system, but an absolutely safe and sound business proposition. Immune from the vicissitudes of the speculator, yet earn ing for our patrons more actual net profit each week thnn thev ever believed po sl ble. WE RECOGNIZE NO RIVALS NnR COMPETITORS IN OUR LINE OF BUS INESS. Reckoned from the average profit we have earned In the past. $ 25 earns you $ 6 44 per month. 60 earns you 12.W per month. 100 earns you 25.75 per month. I'50 nrns you M ?,S per month. FfK earns you 1.75 per month. 1,000 earns you 257.50 tier month. ALL DIVIDENDS PAYABLE WEEKLY. Every dollar sent us is subject to with drawal upon demand and It Is with p'lde that we can say we have never lost a dollar for any subscriber nor failed to re turn In full upon request all of a sub scriber's original Investment. If you have Idle capital and desire to Increase your Income, do not delay In remitting to us. You cun easily verify the truth of our statement by corresponding with anv or all of the BONA FIDE Investors, whose nam eh and addresses will he sent to you upon renuest, together with unquestiona ble banking references end handsome free booklet, explaining ou methods. Address all communications to ' JOHN R. PEARSON A CO.. 225 Dearborn St.. Chicago. III. Y S!2 22x FOR SALE Meat market, bofirdir.-f bouse and confectionery combined for 1 500. either cash or on time with good banka ble note. This business Is for sale, not for rent. This Includes stock and all. En quire of Julius Schroeder, Gretna, Neb. Y FIRST-CLASS bank outfit for sale cheap, or will exchange for luwa, Kansas or Nebraska real estate. Safe made by Diebold & Keinsle Manutucturlng Co. of Cincinnati. Largest i-lze; double front doors, each with combination locks, made by Vale Lock Manufactui ing Co. of Stamford, Conn., together witn f25C time lock attached; vault with casing and double doors Inside; outside door, larre, single, with combination locks, made by the Diebold Canton Safe Co., Canton, O.. with steel lining for roof; 60 deposit boxes, suitable to rent; ccehier desk, money counter, with mirrors and drawers, Rrai estate men, brokers or fiersons contemplating going In the bank ng t mini ps can do no better than to call on the owner and see property, or write J. C. Boone, Snlem. Col. Cj., Ohio. Y CASH for your teal estate or buslnes?, no matter where located. If you desire a quick sale rend us description and prire. Northwestern Business Agency, D 31.'. Bntik .of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. y I CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS, no matter where it Is or what It is worth; send de scription, state price and learn how. Offices and special representatives In it cities. W. M. OSTRANDEK. Home Office 148 N. A. Bldg., Philadelphia. Y PROVEN BY U. 8. MINT RECEIPTS that this company producod over sfio.00) gold bullion from one year's development work on one claim. It paid over $23,000 tn dividends last year. The Nevada -Keystone Mining Co. owns seven additional claims and It Is for the purpose of push ing development work on thece lhat a limited amount of stock la offered for nit Such development work as has been done on the seven claims has demons rated that they ere r'cher than the developed claim, the "Keystone," which gvei the namo to the whole group. Ten per cent per annum In dividends on your Invest ment is certain because of the earning power of the developed mine, with a magnificent opportunity of Increasing the value of your holdings by the develop ment of the seven additional claims. The company courts the closest Investigation of both large ind small capital. Dun and Bradstreet mercantile agencies have In telligent reports on the company. High est bank references. We recommend thli as a rare opportunity for a safe and re munerative Investment Write at once for booklet containing facsimiles of U. 8. mint receipts and "what others have to say." Ltcledo Investment Company. St. Louis, Mo. ' X DOCTOR-ir you wish to buy or sell a med ical practice or nrocure a nartner ri,ir giving particulars, Dr. W. o. Dver, West I tield. Wis. v FOR SALE Stock about $3,000 of genera merchandise, fine himiness point in cen tral Nebranks. Address "Merchandise" l 6i, Omaha Bee. y cjuncf'OFetime TOR A GOOD BUSINESS MAN For Sale, bst general merchandise busi ness In best town and richest territory In northeast Nebraska. Established 20 v ears Modern equipment and methods. Yearly eulee. $So.i. Lurge at or.', rent low Best of reasons for ' ii:.g. Good business man with capital can never Hnd a better loca tion. Cash, or would trade for good Iowa or eastern Nebraska land. Address C. H 8 allow. Humphrey, Neb. Y kit 22 15 PER CENT WEEKLY. You can handle your own money and re alize an nverape income at the above rate; send for our free booklet, which explains our method In full. Ceorge F Reynolds & Co.. 50 Broadway, New York cJy- Y-855 2.x IF YOU HAVE MONEY end would like to have It EARN MORE MONEY Write us today for particulars of an Investment that will nuv over ) PER CENT PROFIT In 30 days MORTON A THOMAS. BANKERS. Bourse Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Y More More prizes too. fUSISEM CHANCE. THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY, 312-314-315 BROWN BLOCK. PHONE A-S337. WEEKLY BULLETIN OF BUSINESS CHANCES AND REAL ESTATE. One of the beet grocery and queensware stores In Fremont at Invoice, about $3.ft. Location b st In cltv. doing fine business. Investigate If you wish a fine grocery store. FURNISHED FLATS AND HOUSES We have a large '.1st of deelrable properties. Call and see us before buying. Sherman ave. grocery, old stand, fine fix tures and good business. Price about $1,700. Grocery one block of postofllce; fixtures $250; stock Invoices about $7,000; steam heated room, rent $30; basement. Every thing new and fine business. Cigar store at almost your own price; make fair offer; owner must go east first of month and will sacrifice. The time to buy Is when you can buy right. Business will average 130 per day. This Is very deelr able. Horses, rigs, hacks, busses and everything connected with llverv nnd bus line in city of 9.01KI. About $4,OW will buy this. Will clar about $2j0 per month. Newsstand, confectionery and cigar store In South Omaha; best fixtures; doing good business: price $300. Investigate this. First-class stock of hardware In good Ne braska town; Invoice about $5,000; will take flrs-l-claM land In trade for one half value, balance rash. Furniture of 60-room hotel In city of 10.000; near all depots; clearing from $200 to $300 per month; price, $1,600; $1,000 down, bal ance on time. ' $600 will purchase a very desirable business in downtown district; will easily clear $luO per month; very suitable for man and woman. Call for particulars. $150 for furniture In 11-room boarding house near Burlington station. $M) for well-located restaurant feeding over 400 per day; good prices and making money; good fixtures. l'arty with $5,000 to $10,000 can secure stock In well known established wholesale busi ness In Omaha; Incorporated for $30,000 paid up capital; will bear closest Investi gation; purchaser of stock to take posi tion; business pays good dividends. This Is a first-class proposition. See us. $600 for saloon and restaurant combined, In good location; business from $30 to $60 per day; best reasons for selling. Store retailing glsss and chlnaware. crock ery, lamps, kitchen furnishings, novelties, books, stationery, toys, etc., in town of 15,000; large business; will take about $2,400 to handle this place; good location and desirable. LIST YOUR CITY PROPERTY WITH YOUR BUSINESS WITH US. WE GET THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY. Farmers. and Investors You Are Invited To join Mr. C. R. Glover on an excursion to Houston, Beau mont and other points in Texas The party starting from Omaha leaves over the Burlington at 10:45 p. m., Tuesday, November 24, arriving In Kansas City early Wednesday morning, November 25, where they will be met by and Joined with a large party leaving at 9:45 a. m. over the Santa Fe direct for Houston, Beaumont, etc. From Kansas City the entire party will have the use FREE OF CHARGE, of a private buffet and sleeping car. The object of the trip is to Inspect the wonderful RICE FIELDS OF TEXA8. Enormous profits can be made from the cultivation of rice. The man with a small amount of money to Invest can become wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice. I want you to take this trip with lue and see what I have to show you. DON'T MISS IT such a chance is not offered every day. For the occasion, the extremely low rate of $18.86 has been made me for the round trip from Omaha to Beaumont and return. The tickets are good for twenty-one days. You don't have to come back with the party unless you want to. This is the only expense outside of your sleeping car fare from Omaha to Kansas City, except your meals and whatever you desire to spend personally. All other expenses are paid after you leave Kansaa City. WRITE ME AT ONCE, signifying your desire to Join the party and I will make all arrangements for you. Address, C, R. GLOVER, ROOM 3 NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING, 'Phone 133. Omaha. Y PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RE TURNED. Send model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability. Send for illus trated GUIDE BOOK and list of inven tions wanted; finest publication issued for free distribution. Contains valuable in formation regarding patents, trade marks and copyrights; how to obtain and sell them; 100 mechanical movements, etc. Patents secured bv us advertised free In the PATENT RECORD. SAMPLE COPIES FREE. Address, EVANS. WILKINS & CO.. Registered Attorneys, 6i3 F St.. Washing ton. D. C. Y THE C. E. RAND COMPANY CO-OPERATIVE RACING STABLE AND TURF ENTERPRISES. On October 1, 1903, paid all investors a quarterly dividend of 9 per cent on all moneys invested In addition to the reKUlar 3 cent weekly dividend which Is fur- warded to all Investors on Wednesday of each week. This extra quarterly dividend has varied In amount according to tne lesults. QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS PAID. For tne ouarter endlns: July 1. 12 71 per cent i For the quarter ending (k tuber l, 192 11 per cent For the quarter ending January 1. 1S 8 per cent For the quarter ending April 1, 1!03 64 per cent For the quarter ending July 1, 1W 8 per cent For the quarter (now ended) October 1, litt3 9 per cent Our aim is to pay Investors the full earn ing on money invested by them, as the atiove ftatement will show and our en terprise is such a wonderful and growing success that we are confident the next quarterly dividend, payable January 1, 19t4. will reach much higher than the present dividend Juat paia. Full particulars and beautifully illustrated book mailed free upon application. THE C. E RAND COMPANY. 32 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. Y-837-22X FOR SALE, a nice business for $500 cash, paying a profit $1.6uu per year and ex penses now, with greater possibilities In abort time. Reasons for selling, health. Address, Business Box 353, Grand Island, Neb. Y-645 22x Mis-spelled Words This Week. Read details in advertisement on page 17, HI SHUSH C HUCKS. REAL ESTATE. GREAT BARGAIN IN RANCH. J.3fl0 acres deeded land, perfect title; RSO acres school land; over acres free range; deeded land controlling water sup ply; located t miles from Chadron, Neb.; watered by Chadron creek, springs, one mile private ditch and city water; Im provements consist of good 7-room house with r.llar m-lth hnt utwl r-nlA walse hirn for 10 horses. 4iM feet new cattle sheds. I hay sheds and other cnitbiillrtlngs. ranch I fenced and cross-fenced; ranch has shun-j dance of ash, boxelder. elm, com on Wood ' and pine timber; 5n acres fine alfalfa, acres rye; perfectly adapted for success ful handling of cattle or sheep; price for all $23,500 cash: will take good farm land in part payment at Its cash value. 120 acres S miles from Orleans, Neb.; has 7-room house with cellar and two porches, good barn 24x36, new cow stable, hen house, two wells, two Ash ponds, good timber: price for, nil $2,500; Improvements alone worth this amount. This Is a bar sain. 1 26 acres In city limits of Iowa city of 6.00O; $10,000 worth of Improvements; property well worth $12,000; will take $6,(K for quick sale. A bargain like this is worth Investigating. 40-acre tract of rich land near Sloan, Wood bury county, IoVa, price $1,500; time on part If desired; worth ful'.y $.V) per acre; will trade for good little business. Ranch of 620 acres 6 mllea from south cen tral Nebraska town; 65 acres good corn, alfalfa, etc.; 60 head fine cattle. 9 good horses, buggy, wagon, farm Implements; this Is fully a $10,000 value; price for ev erything, $6,600; two-thirds cash, balance on time at 6 per cent. No trade consid ered. 153 acres 6 miles from center of Co. Bluffs: well Improved; i mile from P. O. nnd schoo'.; electric line will pass within one mile: very rich soil; this Is a snap for In vestor or party deelrlng home near good city; prico, $V per acre; time on $.'.000. Adjoining land held at higher prices up to $100 per acre. Hotel building, lots, cottage and furniture; only hotel In good' Iowa town; to trade for Omaha residence. 145 seres near Mo. Valley ; 7-room house and other improvements; all new within 8 years: will trade for Omaha residence. 9-room house. 2-story, mortem except fur nace; gas and electric llarhts; fine bath; new sidewalks; price, $2,tM. 7-room cottaee, lot 40x122. bath, gas, close to two car Mnee: very choice; price, $2,400. Time on part If desired. 6-room cottage, strictly modern. Just com pleted, never been occupied; small pay ment, balance like rent. US. LIST YOUR FARMS WITH US. LIST RESULTS. Y- BUSINESS BARGAINS. General mdse. bus., stock, flxt., Llthopolls, 160 a. valuable oil land, Otero co., Col., 8 ml. from La Junta; unlimited possibilities. Est. dental practice and outfit, Orlando, Fla. . General mdse. bus. and stock, Ansonla. O. Fine hotel property and lot, Tamaroa. III. Steam laundry plant, Jersey Shore, Pa., $3,000. Grain and feed bus., stock, warehouse and flxt., Gladwin, Mich.; est. trade. t'p-to-date stock of dry goods, shoes, fur nishings, bldg. and lot, Belt, Mont. Brick factory bldg. and mach.. Fort Plain, N. Y. Complete blacksmith and shoeing shop, bldg. and lot, Indianapolis, Ind.; est. trade. Pat. on impd. heater frame for lamps, $2,000. Drug bus. stock and flxt.. Winona. Minn. Durg bus., stock, flxt., Newport News, Va. Est. general mdse. bus., stock and store bldg., Pinkstaff, Hi.; fine location. Pat. on Impd. back rest and mfg. bus., Me- chanicscburg, O.; large possibilities; $2.0.0. Sawmill, cotton gin and 2.600.0U) ft. timber, Emllce. Tex., $5,000. Est. drug bus., stock and flxt.. Chicago. Complete hothouse plant, house, 20 lots, etc., Denver, Colo.; et. bus.; fine location. Blacksmith and repair shop, implement and buggy bus., bldga., land and dwel., Splvey, Kan. General mdse. bus., stock, store and dwel., and V, a., in good town. Chester co.. Pa. Dental practice furniture and laboratory eqpt., Lewisburg, Tenn. $000. Grocery stock and flxt.. dwel., H a., Nar- rowsburgh, N. .'i. Stock drugs, pnlnts, stationery. Piano. 111. Furnished hotel and lot. Princeton. Minn. Limited amt. of stock In prosperous motor snd pump co., Lansing, Mich.: paying 20 p. c. Store, dwel., cottage, blacksmith shop, tools, gin house, ground, etc., Lauderdale co.. Miss. Blacksmith and wagon mfg. bus. and com plete eqpt., Antloch. III.: est. trade; $M. Storeroom, stable nnd lot, Toronto, O. ; genl. mdse.; stock at Inv. Complete printing plant. Phlln.: est. bus. Grocery bus., stock, store, dwel.. lot, etc., Emporia. Kan.; est. trade; $6,000. Dairy bus. and complete outfit, Camden, Ark. Water power, electric plnnt nnd feed mill In Wisconsin, earning $2,200. $20,000. Confectionery. Ice cream and lunch parlor bus. and eqpt., Niagara Falls, N. Y .; est. trade. Furniture and upholstering bus. and stock. Upper Sandusky, O. Good tws. Complete shoe bus.. Port Angeles, Wash. Dental practice and outfit. Bessemer, Mich. Complete grocery bus., Hatboro. Pa. $600. Stock stoves, hrtwe.. etc.: good substantial brick store bldg., Audubon, Iowa. Good dwel., with creamery attached, barn snd 8 a.. Londonderry twp., Chester co.. Limited quuntltv of stock In brick plant and 10 a., r reiiericKtown, mo. Bus. and flat bldg.. cold storage plant, commission merehunt bus., Trenton. N. J. Fine hotel. 2 stores, livery stsble and lot. Blnrhamton. N. Y.; 75 r.; well, patronised. Cold stomre and Ice mfg. nlsnt, retail coal bus., Stillwater. Okla. f20,i0. Barber and bsth bus. th.. Peoria, 111. Tirusr bus. and stock. Oilman. 111. $l,orO. Drug bus., stock, flxt '"(1 bMg.. Bf Tim ber. Mont.: stock. W 900: b'ds-.. $9 mn Hotel nnd 1U a., Bloctop. Iowa. V. fyo. Controlling Int. In inc. co. hnd'lrg bicycles, snorting goods, etc., Walllngford, Conn., W.4 ,M.' OSTRANDER, N. A. Bldg,. PhMa. Our Next Quarterly Dividend, payable February 1. will double that of any February Dividend paid by us here tofore. Our Last Quarterly Dividend, paid November 2. reached the Immense figure of 27 per cent. All Our Quarterly Dividends have averaged 20 per cent, more than twice as much as any other company in existence. Our Quarterly Dividends are in addition to our Weekly Dividends of 4 Knt" paid regularly every Tuesday. Write for booklet and references In your own locality. THE METROPOLITAN AsSfRANrg ASSOCIATION. (IstorvorsoKl) 200 Broadway, New York. Y 81122 X CHANCE to Invest $3,000.00 In paying busi ness, making 5o per Cfiit. Investigate. Address W $9, Bee. Y M931 ;3x VALUABLE and salable patents secured; report as to patentability and commercial value free; write for Inventors' Hand Book. Hhepsrd & Parker, 111 Revenue bldg.. Washington. D. C. Y-833 2x A FINE opening for homeopathic physl- i'lan, established 25 years. Bee. Y 796 22x Ill SINES" CHASCRf. STOCKS OR A I N-COTTON. $20.00 margins, l.onu bushels of grain; $.10 00 to $50.00 msrglns 10 shares of stock. We execute grain orders of 1.000 bushels and upward; and stock orders of 10 shares and upward; send for our booklet on spec ulation snd market letter, mailed free. FLOWER CO.. Board Members, 2M 21 LaBalle St.. opp. Board of Trade, Chi cago, 111. Y-821 22 x WORLD'S FAIR HOTEIPreferred per cent stock. Shares, $10. Rooms reserved. Stock taken for rent. Write Obear In vestment Co.. St. I-ouls. . Y 7 2Ix FAKE financial Investment concerns are sgaln active. Caution beats losses. The time to Investigate Is before Investing. Our reports, tl each, protect Investors against dishonest brokers', facta you should know If your money Is at stake. Investors Service Bureau, Continental Na tional Bank Bldg., Chicago. Y 791 22x A HOTEL, clearing $160 monthly: only ho tel In division town of 610 people; com pletely furnished, nt a bargain. Lock Box 1K7, Orchard. Neb. Y MR77 28 FOR REST FIHXI8IIED ROOMS. LARGE, LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS. $12.50 and up per month. 75c and up a day. AT THE DELLONE. 14th a;, anu Cavitoi ave. Steam heated; elucirlc lighted; private and general baths; all convenience, first class service. Eat where you please. ROOM AT THE DKLLONE. K M12 NoviOx NICELY furnished room in private family; house new and modern. 2U9 Jones St. K-M910 ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16th A Chicago. E 606 FRONT room for two; modern. 218 N 17th. K M236 THREE nice rooms, light housekeeping. 1112 8. 11th St. E M261 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. E S04 NICELY furnished rojms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, 1760 Leavenworth. 'Phone A-17S3. E 607 DESIRABLE rooms at The Farnam, 19th and Farnam sts. h M964 FOR RENT South room, for one or two gentlemen, with or without board. 2uj California. E--Mt7 22X TWO ELEGANTLY furnished rooms at lt0 Douglas. E MR94 22 NICE cosy south room with alcove for light housekeeping. 2226 Dodge. E M693 23 FURNISHED room. 1913 Douglas. E-M692 23 LARGE front room, 19U Farnam. E-M691 22 ONE large parlor front room and one nmall south room. 1U23 Dodge. E M6S9 22 FURNISHED room for light housekeeping, first floor. 2US 8. 2uth. E M6M 23x NICE pleasant large south room and bath, modern. 2123 Douglas. E M687 22 FURNISHED room, modern, In good brick flat. 209 S. 20th. E-M684 22 FRONT parlor neatly furnished, heat and gas. 1922 Dodge St. E M672 22 LARGE front room, modern, furnished or unfurnished. 22u Farnam. E M671 22 FURNISHED rooms, transients, day or week. 301 No. 16th at. E M670 22x NICELY furnished rooms, transients. Ad dress W 21, Bee. K M669 22 TWO double rooms, nicely furnished, light housekeeping; heat and gas. 412 No. 16th St., 2d floor. E M668 23 MODERN furnished room; transients. 712 So. 16th. E-M658 22 A NICE, coxy, little room. 2224 N. 19th. E 707 22x FURNISHED rooms, modern. 2116 Chicago. K 727 32 ROOMS, with or without board; modern. 1521 Chicago St. E 724 Ux 3 ROOMS, upstairs; modern. 1915 Webster. E 724 22x NEAT, furnished room. 622 N. 19th st. E 722 22x PLEASANT south room; modern. 1712 Cap itol ave. E 721 22x FOR RENT Rooms, centrally lokated. $5c, 60c. $1.00. Nebraska House, 204J3.14fh. E 714 22a TWO elegantly furnished rumes, well heated, gas and bath. 4(9 N. 19th. E-706 22 NICELY foornlshed rooms for quiet eounel. Address W 22, Bee. E 720 22 AN elegant stenm-hated southeast cor. room, on first floor; verry convenient; everything new and a very desirable loca tion; f.'lth or without board. '.704 Daven port. Gentlemen preferred. E 710 22x NICE large front room, steam heat, bath and gas. 409 N. 19th. E-708 22 ELEGANTLY furnished parlor loom, with alcove, gas nd bath; verry deslnhle lo cation. 403 N. 19th. E-719 22x NICELY furnished rooms; heated. 219 No. 13th St. E-M741 22 FURNISHED room; gentlemen preferred. 2113 Douglas It. K 758 22x FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. Steam heat. 310 S. 26th st. E 7bl 23 TWO elegantly furnished rooms, pear Omaha club; perfectly modern: heat fur nished: will rent to A-l tenant onlv. ROBERT H. BENNETT. Agt.. Continental Block. E 594 22 N'CE south room, modern; steam heat. Tel. A1979. E 280 23 TWO furnished and one unfurnished room for' housekeeping. 019 Leavenworth. E-779 28 TWO nice rooms, modern. Tel. 3i3. E 778 23 ifiMPnul'AKl.R room two heda for two gentlemen who appreciate a homelike 1 Ur,A' 1 mlmil.t from TP 11 9A71 ftt ' Mary's ave. E 777 23x DESIRABLE rooms. 2224 Farnam. E 775 23x FURNISHED rooms, modern, private fam ily. 406 No. 23d; references exchanged. E-Md"9 23x FRONT ROOMS, well heated. U12 CspUol ave. E-M958 22 I 4ROF front room frinltol ev E-M957 24 NICELY furnished front rooms st 1712 Capitol ave. E M956 24 FINELY furnished rooms. 224 N. 19th St.; rates reasonable; centrally lccMei'. E-M965 24 F.OOM9 with or without board: modern. 2118 Chicngo. B 966 ?7x r'l IIMKIILD ROOMS AND BOARD. Furnished Rooms, steam heat, with or with out board, Midland ho.ei, 16 at llucago. F Ui , THE ROSE, S020 Harney; warm rooms, good board. F M664 UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport F 128 ROOMS with board; modern, steam heat; also table board. The Dresher, fcrj S. l.tlt. F M231 D10 FRONT room and board. 626 B. 19th St. F o9 dig NICE south room at 1919 Dodge. F- Mm tl TWO furnished rooms, modern, $6 and $7 per month. lt16 Dodge. F M6l It GOOD (able board, home cooking. Steady boarders, $3.6U per week. 17(4 Dodge, F M05 22 NICELY furnished rooms with good board; modern conveniences. 22 Harney. F-M659 22 NICELY furnished rooms, with board; modern; reasonable. 2210 Harney. F-Mu63 22x THE Rocks way Restaurant, 131 Douglas; beet placa in city; meali. 15c. F 713 tlx VICTORIA HOTEL Meant heated: rates bv day or week. 13Ub-W Dodre. Tel. A USI F-M742 a ri RKISllKT ROOM ASD BOARI. BTATE HOTEL, European, the most cen terlv located In the city; rates reason able; newly furnished. 1308-1.112 Douglas St. F-M744 22 NICELY furnished steam-heated room 1821 Iavenworth. . E 774 2.W ROOMS, with or without board; bath and heat. 207 N. 23d St. F 725 23 DODGE HOTEI European plan, steam heated furnished rooms; restaurant In connection. 107 SO. 13th St. Tel. 2971. F-M743 22 ROOM! and board: small room, $1 with rest; modern. 2234 Farnam. F 776 2-lx ROOM upstairs, steam heat and bnth, $'-' 50 week. 2217 Howard. F 773 23 ELEGANT, modern room, furnished or tin furnished, with board. In a private fnm) close In; bath. 118 S. 19th st. Reference required. F 962 2w BURLINGTON HOTEL 11th and Mason sts., neor Burlington station, rooms mod ern, special rates by week or month. F-M954 22 UNION HOTEL, rates $1 25 per dnv; special rates by week or month: corner 11th and Mason sts., opposite Burlington depot. F M9.V1 22 LANGE HOTEL 13th and Jackson sts.. special rates by week or month; rooms modern and steam heated. F M952 22 FRITZ WORTH'S CITY HOTEL 10th and Harney sts., 'phono 15f4, special rates by week or month. F M951 22 FOB HKST-lHKMSHEU ROOMS. FOR rent, modern room; unfurnished. 2210 Harney. Q MG63 22x TWO rooms. $7. 625 8. 21st ave. Call In basement. O 701 2fix . FOUR very nice rooms down stairs, mod ern. Call after 6. 2611 N. 2mh. G M TM V.X AGIiSn WASTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit siibscrlptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTl RY FAMER. Steady employment with assured good in come. Agents In the country with horse snd buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $J0 to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 213 AGENTS WANTED by the Diamond Ex tract Co., 2028 Ave. C, Council Bluffs. J-711 22X AGENTS on salary or commission; the greatest agents' sel'er ever produce'!; every user of pen and ink buy It on sight; 20 to SO) per c. nt profl ; one agent's siles amounted to $620 In six days; another S.'i2 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co.. X 16. Lt Crosse, Wis. J M73S 22x AGENTS or deputies to represent largest ' sick, accldrnt and death benefit associa tion In the west; up-to-date plan: choice territory; big contruct to men who can produce business. American Benevolent Association, St. Ixuls, Mo. J AGENTS 450 a weelt guaranteed; auto matic washers sell themselves; agent writes: "Exhibited sample to 10 women; ' took 10 orders." Time. 45 minutes; profit, over $60; guaranteed to do a washing in 30 minutes; furnishes Its own power; re quires no labor; costs less thnn any other machine: free sample and exclusive ter ritory furnished. Automatic Washer Co., Station V, Chicago. J 921 22x OUTFIT free, credit given; cut-price Xmns books, 60o book, 12ifcc; $1 book, 25c; $1.50 book, 50c. Ferguson, 6095 Fifth. Cincin nati. J-910 22x DOUBLE YOUR DOLLARS Sell Rnnd. McNally A Co.'s Pocket Atlas of tfie World. This handy volume contains maps of every state, territory and country on the globe; official 1900 census. A grand side line; sells everywhere. Send J.c (to cover postage) for sample outfit and start work at once. Rand, McNally & Co., Chi cago. J 912 22x AGENTS WANTED, new mnp Republic Panama and World Atlas: complete sam ples, with terms, mabed prepaid for 15 cents. C. 8. Hammond a & Co., pa HroHti- way. New York. J MM 22 X AGENTS, street men, toy dealers handle Goldman's Rotascopc, latest self-winding, mystifying novelty; continuous motion, changing colors, fascinating and Instruc tive; sells Itself; large discounts: sample, postpaid, 10 cents. Scientific Specialty Co., 880 Canal street. New York. J-ss 22x WE PAY $32 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., D 54, Parsons. Kan. J WE INSURE UP TO 84. Good side line for Insurance agents. American Lift Ins. Co.. Box 24. Elkhart, Ind. J- WOMEN events to sell noveltDs which every woman will buy on sight. Sua ly Income of $16 to $2) per wevk. Toil rUk nothing. Write us todav. Norcrcss & Co., 441 Marquette Bldg., Chicago. J AGENTS Elegant 36c novelty; no chest nut: entirely new; attractive, ornnmvi ul. beautiful; hot se ier; cosls you Mc; write for particulars now. Artprlnt Company, Pekln, III. J BEGIN business for yourself; stop working for others. We start you In profitable mail order business at your home. Pleas ant work; Immense profits; unlimited pos sibilities. Full Information for stamp. Frunklln-Howard Co.. Denver, Colo. J- WANTED Circular . distributers. Cnsh paid. Send stamp. American Distributer, Denver, Colo. J AGENTS WANTED Sell our $1 bottle Sai sa part 11a for 35 cents; best seller; 200 per cent profit. Write today for terms and territory. Address F. R. Greene, C9 Dear born St., Chicago. J FOR RENT Desk room In office with vault. Apply 615 Bee Bldg. or Tel. 2M. J-M792 PORTRAIT men. Increase your income; protect yourself against lossns. Deal with the artist directly. Pay less; get better worn. iineiit: auHiiuiri inniuiii'i". AGENTS wanted. We have several me. chanlcal tools used by all trades and pro fessions; big money for hustlers: circu lars free. Watson & Ingve, 631X 5th Ave , Chicago. J-853 t2x STOP runaways: stantly; carry I agents wanted. Richmond, Ind. hitch horses solid In n pocket; sight seller; Pocket HitchinKpost Co., J 8' 2!x WANTED Agents In Iowa: $75.00 weekly and expenses easily made writing Health and Accident liiurnnc; expe-tence un necessary. Royal Fraternal 1"nbn. St. i1 Mo J-58 22x OUR men make $3 to 110 a day fitting glasses. Our 24-pge Free Eye Bonk tells nil about It. Write Jacksonlan optical College. 10 M street, Jackson, Mich. J 'Ml 24x OUR pocket outfit starts you selling natural diamonds; defy experts; drop everything; write for outfit. Address Natural Dia mond Co.. Byracuse. N. Y. J M7 22x WANTED, manager in every city, county to handle best paying business known; legiti mate: new: exclusive control. Phoenix t o., 15 W. 28th St., N. Y. J-K27 22 x WE PAY $33 a week and exienses to men with rigs to introduce poultry compound. International Mfg Co., Parson J,' EXPERIENCED men wanted In New De Luxe propose inn. Apply for choice of territory and par.lculari'. Address W Jo, jjeo J MM I DETECTIVES every locality; good salary. permanent position; eapeneiiew uiiiitvi sarv. American Detective Bureau, Clu- sary. clnnatl. O. J sol i.'X FOR lALG-FlHRITV'HC FULL Una of hard coal stoves now on sale. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge FOR SALE Furniture, carpets and cur tains at m! lal November tald prices; t a to k-reducii'g sale on a bioaU 11 Orchard & Wlllielm Carpet Co. 0-753 2: LAW Ail) COLLKC TIOS9. ST1LLMAN aV PRICE, 410 1st Nat. Bk. bldg NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st Door N. Y. Life bldg , attorney and collectors every where. -CM Give references from agents hand'ttig my I work. High grade Clayun. Hi'pla and Pastel Frames cheap. The Siegfried Studio, 432 New Era Building, Chicupo. 4 - 'I