Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1903, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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    rnn omXyta : -daily kee; patitrday, "xovi.mi.ek' 21, mox
Enough Wi l Bt Dor.g Thii Yur t Protect
the Fr chin.
Bon da Hold to Construct and Eqnrn
Road Itorkport, ' Jlo., for
Both Krrlubt and Pa.
William J. Dobba, president of the Coun
cil Bluffs, Tabor & Southern Electric. Rail
way company, slated yesterday that work
would b begun on the construction of the
Una thla winter sufficient to protect grant
and other Interests of the company, but that
owing to the lateness of the season and
possible frost not much more than thla was
expected to be accomplished. The bonds,
be said, have been sold and are -now In the
hands of the engravers.
Mr. Dobba (aid that he and Mr. Green
xpected to remain In the city for a few
daya to determine the question of the route
by which the line would enter Council
Bluffs. When a-krd If the line would pans
by the State Bchool for the Deaf Mr. Dobba
was not prepared to give any assurance
that It would. The original survey brings
; time set for the sale In the morning J.
J. Rhea was the only bidder. Ills bid was
for the entire Issue at par with accrued
Interest contingent on the legality of the
ouiiuif. Lsier in nm aay Mr. nines aispoeea i
. . bin m rn.t . - I
I.. P. Nelson, of the 12,200 bonds which
mature In one yenr, they paying par for
them. Thla leaves $19,300 to be aold In the
event that Shea does not take therm The
bonds carry ( per cent and are payable In
from one to ten years, $2,2o0 etch for nine
years nnrt $1,3"!) for the tenth year.
the Presbyterian church. He Is the author
of the "Synthetic Study of the Bible" and
has occupied the position of lecturer at
different times In the Reformed Episcopal
Theological seminary, the Gordon Mission
ary Training school, the International
Toung Men's Christian Association Train
ing school, the New York Missionary In
stitute and the Moody Bible Institute.
Another Bis Candy Bale.
Saturday will be a big day at O. C.
Brown's candy kitchen. All fresh made
candy at 10 rents a pound.
West Kndera Have A Scheme.
Members of the West End Improvement
club, ever alive to take hold of anything
! that might tend to benefit and upbuild the
' western portion of the city, have a site In
1 view for'"tr,e Iowa School for the Deaf In
. - T"tI rpill the event of Its being moved from Its pres-
CmD MAY GET A LONG TERM cnt location, a contingency W at all un-
Forner Iowa Executive Boeive. Sadden
Call to Best
Had Beea 111 at His Hon la Ceater
Tllle for nm Time, hat Death
ot Considered Imminent.
Plui.ibiiig and heating. Blxby & Son.
Third Conviction of Felony Likely
- to Secnre Hlni a Twenty-Five- .
Year Sentence.
Graves' grocery store on High street one
night last summer.
Bird's defense was an alibi. He con
tended that on the night of the holdup he
was at the home of C. M. Coffin playing
cards. He said thnt on that day he went ,
to Omaha at 8 o'clock In the afternoon and j
returning about 5 o'clock went to the Coffin
home, whero lie remained the rest of the I
(From a- Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Nov. .- Special.) Ex
Qoveruor Francis Marlon Drnlre died at
his home In Centervlllo today. His death
was not wholly unexpected, as he waa
vestcrriiiv tAV-en with a severe attack nf
1:1 1 . . Ffu 1 . . 1. . I - . . . i ,inM j ,
I ' '"""' v.. .......... u .,- i(1,ut)rU.Si a ol(1 .oublo w)th him. Two
years ago General Drake had a fall, which
CRme near ending his life. He had gener
ally had good health In .recent yeara, and
waa Vi 1 1 m 1 1 Vi hla larv ln(Mtt arwl will.
Twenty-eighth street. The land l high p,an. fof M Drak- unlver.ltVi ,n thl.
and dry and by extending n-rth 4-H) to 600 c whc . d fmjn(, tw
years aro. It Is believed that his estate Is
m-nrf Vi at 1 it KVi iWl ihttt m1nr nnrt ltr
and Its bridge across the Missouri and c?n- of wh,ch hag been ac;,imuIat0 nc. h.
vcnienb lo me siree cur line, a Binuim )
dreesed to State Senator Saunders and the
two representatii e from Pottawattamie'
county, points out the desirability of the
site north of Avenue D In the vicinity of i .
Charles E. Bird, alias "Stretch" Bird,
was found guilty yesterday afternoon by a
Jury In the district court of robbing George cent to the tracks of the Illinois Central
Cat tori In of a gold watch and chain and a
sum of money during a holdup at Samuel
to the bridge for the use of the institution
and the street rullway could be ext?ndei to
the school, thus placing the Institution In
ready access to the business portion of the
the line Into Council Hlufts in the western night. Mr. and Mm. Coffin testified to Bird
part of the city nearer to Omaha If any- j I clng at their home all that evening and
thing than to the business portion of the nlsht. Detective Murphy testillerl that a
city. This route has been opposed by the ' few hours' before the holdup he saw Bird
Commercial club, and It has been snld that . nt LaUo Manawa. and former .Detective
If the company expects to. secure a fran- J' Callaghaii testified to seeing him In the
chlse from tho flly it will have to change, afternoon In a BroRdway saloon,
the route so as to bring the entrance of the j Catterlln was certain of hi ldentinca
Jlne Into) the city nearer the business por- Hon of Bird as the man who robbed him.
t,on- ' j Bird while serving his last sentence in tho
It is understood that Mr. Dnbbs' company j Fort Madison penitentiary lost one of th
has made a proposition to the motor com- fingers cf his right hand, It'belnr a1d that
pany to use Its tracks near Manawa, .but . he purposely placed the finger In the mi
that no arrangement has been entered Into chlncry and cut It off In order that he
yet. A cirector or the motor company was , might be relieved from work. The absence
l.Ot.0 turkeys.
3. Zoller A- Co.
nranlatlnii ff Waterspoots.
retired from the office of governor. What
disposition was made of thla estate is not
known, but It Is known that In one will
, made by the general he divided it equally
between his five children and Drake unl-
vevalty, giving the unlverelty a sixth part
! of the estate. It Is regarded as possible,
i however, that he has made a later will,
J and may have changed the bequesU. but
; it is regarded as certain that he would
I leave a large sum .for tho college which
CKy Attorney Snyder Is drafting an or- :
I bea
rs his name, and Into which he has
dinance regulating water downspouts vrt
buildings in the business portion of the
' city. 8uch an ordinance was drawn a
i year or more ago end submitted to the
city . ronncIL but died a natural dputh !n
committee of the whole.
But few. If any, of the downrpouts on
the large buildings In this, city connect
wltiv the sewer and the is
that the water from them l ours over the
sidewalk, in winter this forms a sheet of
Ice, dangerous to the pedestrian, especially
cause, of complaint
comes from the fact t'i:it th"sc downspouts
become frozen in severe w"ntlicr and Im-
glven so much cf his life and money.
walk. Every winter the walks in front of
several of the larger buildings on the busi
ness streets have to be roped to guard
against accident from these overhanginK
Icicles. .
authority yesterday for the statement that ! of thla finger led to his po3itIve Identifies- after dark. Another
ir me new line rrom Bockport proved a tlon by Catterlln.
uccees tho Omaha & Council Bluffs Street ' Bird was convicted June 1, 1S9J, of break
Railway company might purchase It. but Ing and entering and was sentenced to the
lie admitted this was a more possibility In penitentiary at Fort Madison for thrtsc
the future. 1 years. Again on September 25, 190ft, he was
President Dohbs said that his company In- convicted of a. similar offense and again
tended to do both a passenger and freight snt to the penitentiary for three years,
business. The passenger motors would, he He had been but recent;. released from
aid, be capshle of a speed of sixty miles prison when he with two other men car
an hour, while the freight motors wouTd be ! rlcd out the holdup at Graves' rtore.
of sufficient power to pull fifteen or twenty t It Is a question whether Bird, new hav-
loenea cars.
The main power house Is in .o i,i,.atA,i ! rirtnv nan A un ..k i . i ....
Tabor, from where the power will be trims- a less term than twenty-five years. 4t is
tnltted to substations placed fourte'n miles I claimed that under the section of the Iowa
apart. The proposed line will touch Coun- statute he must be sentenced as an habit
efl Bluffs. Glenwood. Hlllrd ile. Sidney. . ual cr.mlnal. having been convicted twl.e
lUverton, Tabor and Rockonrt. There will , previously and sentenced to terms of three
be other stations between Tnbor and Rock- years on each conviction. The aeetlon of
porr. out tivey. have not yet been decided tho code reads as follows:
I General Francis Marlon Drake was born
! In Rushville, III., December 80, 1F30, his
; parents being natives of North Carolina.
When Francis was 7 years old his parents
. moved to southern Iowa, and the boy was i
! given a common school education. He
1 turned early In life . to business, and
croesed the plains twice to Sacromento
; with ox teams end droves of cattle. It
was on his first, expedition, when he was
. In command of twenty men going to the
, gold fields, that he hod a memorable en
; counter with a band of ZOO Pawnee Indians
at the troslng of Shell creek. In Ne
braska. He drove off tho Indians and
mense Icicles form and liiii'g over the side- ; went on nl. wav in 1sfi4 he wa, pa..
senger on the steamer Yankee Blade,
wrecked In ithe Pacific ocean, and he was
picked from the surf. He was commis
sioned captain of an independent company
in ISiil, and then became a major, serving
In Missouri. He was assigned by General
I'renllsh to the command of St. Joseph,
Mo. He was later made lieutenant colonel
Annls, 101 Pearl rtrcet
Sbrlff to Oeorre S. Wrleht and
0 rs-e H. Msyne. n 11 acres lot 3.
MHllett's snbdlv. excent rrw,?". s.d.$ 3.250
I eomrd rni Mrv ,. Fvorett. execu
tors, w 32 feet FW- rH r-7'.-:3 w.d
Anna Orme and bi'"brnd. in C. n
Schce'-el. lot J. blcck. 1, and lot 5.
block 9 Trevnor. w l
; K. A. Messmo'e nd wl'e to Edwin
Whoever has been twice convicted of
sentenced and committed to prison,
or any other state, or by the rnlteri
ha .!. -i .i . ... milieu, or unra 111 inn nuir ana once l
Tne P!t council relstlvs to applying for a ' least in anv other state, or hv the rnlted
Befof. leivlng the city Vr. Dobbs expects i t!"1. 1
haVe an Interview with the members of siut..
franchiso to enter the city.
Few Bidders for Bnndn.
County Auditor Innes wis . not ovr;;
crowded with bids yesterday for the $21,
00 Issue of drainage ditch bonds. At the
States, for terms of not , less than three
years each, shall, upon conviction of a
felony committed In this state, after the
taking effect of this act. be deemed to be
an habitual criminal and shall be punished
by Imprisonment In the penitentiary for
a term of not leas than twenty-five yeara.
N. T. Plumbing Co.. Tel. ISO. Night. T W.
n-krr. lots 5. . 7. 8. hlcrk 14. Mul-
I'n'a subdl". w. d ,.
Geors-e . Kellrfrar en " I'e et nl to
W. t Mau-e- v 50 fct lot 9, block
11. Bnyliss' 3d edd. w. d ,
J. P. Grecnshlelds end wife to Emms
F. Brodbeck, lot 2. block 8, Burns'
add. t. c. d
Totst alx transfers
Ileal Kstnte Transfers.
Tl-ee trat-rfers were filed vesterdav in
Ing been convicted for the third -ie of a the abstract, title and lo-.n office of Squire cf the Thirty-sixth Iowa, and sorvd with
the reglmont three years. After the war
he encaged In the practice of law at Cen
tervllle, then became Interested In coal
lands, banking, and railroad building. He
projected and built five separate railroads.
He sold the Albia A Centervtlle at a good
profit, and later sold the Keokuk & West
ern to the Burlington. His latest railroad
connection was with the Chicago ft Eastern
Illinois, on which he made large profits.
He was elected governor of Iowa in 185,
and served one term. He Is survived by
two sons and three daughters. He- was
one of the founders of Drake university
in 1F83. and his gifts to that Institution
have amounted to over $200,000. Only last
week he made a conditional gift of $26,000
to the college. -
, Governor Cummins thla evening Issued a
proclamation In which he calls the atten
tion of the people to the death of ex-Oov-ernor
Dnvke, and recites his great services
to the state.
Legislators Long. In the State..-
A large number of the legislators who are
it in the general assembly in this city
poon are natives of- the tate, there being
U? ',S
$1.50 School Shoes
That Will Wear
All solid t lie best oak soles
and box' calf uppers. The best
on earth for the price, at
wamm .... 1 . in
la:lf and U ntl -men's Clo.hli.g Clssn -d,
Dyod. Pressed and Kepalrrd; ulaj it.
Cleaning. No shrinkage or rubNtij o;T
guaranteed. Work done on thort nit'.c
Tel. 300. 101 1 Wrt tlroummj,
Talne of Siare Momenta.
'"What Spare Moment Will Do" was the
subject of an Interesting talk by County
Superintendent O. J. Manus to the teachers
and pupils of the high school yesterday
morning at assembly In the auditorium.
After paying a high compliment to the
faculty of the Mgh school and assuring
the pupils that he was not going to tell
them that all the youn? men were dest'ned
to become presidents pf the I'nlted Statos
or the young women all wives of million
aires, as he did not Intend to deceive
them with any such sophistry as he had
listened to when a young lad at school,
he said In part:
ICvery young man should have a hohhy
to occupy his leisure hours, something use
ful, to which he cm turn with delight
whenever he has a little leisure time. lrat
men and women havo been misers of mo
ments. Caesar wis shipwrecked and
had to swim ai;hnre, but he carried with
him tho manuscript of his ciminentarles,
upon which he was at work when the ship
went down: a great chancellor of France
wrote a valuable work In odd moments
while waiting for his meals; Longfellow
translated Dante's Inferno by snatches of
ten minutes a day while wilting for his
coffee to boll; Marlon Harland wrote most
of her novels and newapaper articles late
in the evening after the children hud been
put to eleep; Harriett Beecher Etowe wrote
her I famous masterpiece, "Vnele Tom's
Cublft" In the midst of pressing household
cares; Burns wrote many of his most
beautiful poems while working on a farm;
John Siewurt Mill wrote many of his
Nat woriis while a clerk in the (Cast In
ot i House; Dr. Johnson wrote "R'iKSelas '
In the evenings of a single week, to meet
the expenses of his mother's funeral.
Moxart. the Kreat muslclun, would not
allow it mo-nent to pass unimproved. He
would sometimes write two whole nights
and a day without Intermission. He would
not stop his work long enough to sleep
nnd he wrote bis famous "Ileiuiem" on
his deathbed. Let these examples Inspire
you to greater achievements by improv
ing there fragments of time, which most
people sweep into the great waste of life.
This done, and your continued knocking
at the door of success will rertal'.ily ylve
you an entrance. Improve your time.
Don't wait for leisure.
Hafer sells lumber. Caleb the idea?
J J Pearl IC Council LUfTt. 'Phaaa 17. 1
I Dr. firay Commences et l-"irr.
j Dr. James M. dray of Boston will com
I rr a series of Bible lectures at the
First Prcabytertan church Sunday, when
! wflj oeciny the pulpit st both the mowt.
ing and evening service and will hold
i services every afternoon and evening dur-
Ing the week. Dr. Gray Is a noted Bible
I teacher and his lectures are under the
auspices of the evangelistic committee of
Davis sella drugs.
Ieffert's glasses fit.
Stockert sells carpetu.
A store for men "Bono's."
.Celebrated Met beer on tap. Neumayer.
Diamond betrothal rings at Leffert's, 409
U-Ai and 18-K wedding rings at Leffert's,
4011 Broadway.
Picture framing. C. E. Alexander & Co., !
23.1 HrondwHV. Tol SiM I
Mrs. 8. C. Key has gone to California. ' clhteen natives In the senate and thlrty
where she will spend the winter. , two in the house. A remarkable thing
Mrs.. W. N. Clifford and daughter have ' about it is the fact that the members have
BMr ndV uL"? X w"1. Uogan0Tt- nd' I mainly been long resident In the state.' In
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Watson and son have ,h !,. ,v, u . ...... .Z
gone to Waterville. ChI.. to spend the I tho hou,Q tnre8 ve been resident In the
winter. . j state more thun ten and leus than twenty
l.'uncan Dnrraufrh is home from Colo- I years, seven from twenty to thirty, thirty
"rthe 'ten? orhi,eehefairhBCVera' mt,nth' ve from thirty to forty years.' forty from
loriy lu ,u ly years ,anq tunc over fifty
Vets (Jervtl,
Vets piezvsarvtly,
Acts Bcreficia!lv
fcks truly as-a.Lxxaiive-.
Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the
well-informed and to the healthy, because its worn
ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be
cause it acts without disturbing the natural func
tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable or Miosiancei in the process of
manufacturing figs are used, as they are
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained
from, an excellent combination of plants
known to be medicinally laxative and to
act most beneficially.
To get its beneficial effects buy trut
genuine manufactured by the
F.r b druf. Price. f.SIu 5 'bottl.
town, Bloux City, Council Bluffs, Fort
Dodge and other cities, were present at the
The plan is to secure the passage of a
law providing for a standard of efficiency
among engineers and to have a state board
authorized to make examinations, with
representatives In tho different cities of
the state. The state now has no law on tho
subject and It is believed something can
be done at the next session.
Tlie last Saturday before Thanksgiving ynakeyour Thanks
giving purchases where selections are easily made 'jBeno's"
For rent, ofllce room around floor; onn
of the motit central locations in the busi
ness portion of the city. Apply to The Bee
office, city.
; The First Christian church I.h Instating
In the main auditorium the lattst !mproved
system of gas lights, and expects to have
the same icady for use Hunday.
Wort! ha been received here of the death
of Mrs. H. H. Sheldon at Oreat Falls. Mont.
Before - her marriage Mrs. Sheldon was
Miss Carrie Clark of this city.
A marrlnrte license was Issued yesterday
to A. K. Simmons, aged 13. and Miss J. I
Myers, aged 22. both of Oakdale. Neb.
Justice Cur son performed the martiage
The funeral of W. A. Brown will be held
at 1 o'clock ihls afternoon from the family
residence. 8:8 Eighth avenue, and burial
will be In Blackwood cemetery, northeast
of the city.
The fire department waa called at S
o'clock yesterday morning to the corner
of Fifteenth strett and Avenue C, where
a small shuck occupied by Frank Uumm
and family was destroyed.
Richard Devaney and Peter Nelson. th
lads Indicted by the grand Jury on cliartiej
of breaking Into Noithwestern freight c.r. 1
were released from the county Jail yester
day on lu0 bonds each, furnished by their '
parents. f
Judge Green of the district court, who
years In Iowa. In the senate the number
resident in the state from ten to twenty
years la one. with six from 'twenty to thirty
years, fifteen from thirty to orty years,
sixteen from forty to fifty years .and six
over fifty years. ' One ecnator has been resi
dent for sixty-four years.
Appeal Anll-Coinpart Case.
The stute executive council tndav In.
jatructed the attorney general to appeal from
the decision of Judge McPherson declar
ing the anti-compact law against Insurance
companies Invalid.
Conldn't Walt for Pardon.
John W. Booth, who committed rulelde at
Cresco on Wednesday, waa an applicant for
executive clemency at the hands of Gov
ernor Cummins, and ho could not wait for
the governor to get action. Booth was a
retired farmer, 54 years old. Five years
ago. following a '.ong feud, he met H. II.
Perklnr.. his fiither-in-lcw. In a road about
four miles from Crcaco, and an nltercatlon
ensued. Booth claimed that Perkins shot
recently underwent a third urgi al opeta- ' nlm ailJ otherwise assaulted him and he
lion In Chicago, has written irlends here
that ho Is rapidly recovering, and expecla
to be able to resume his position on the
bench after Thanksgiving.
Mariell Kersten, aged tB years, died ves
teruny morning at bis home. 241i Firtt
avenue, from heart trouble. His wife, one
daughter.- Mrs. Jeasic Curtfr of this city,
and three eons. Martell Jr. of this cliv,
Carl of Oelwein. la., and Fred of Rock
Inland, III., survive him.
caused the arrest of Perkins, who was ac
quitted and who retaliated by having Booth
indicted for perjury. Tooth was convicted
and sentenced to two yeara In the peni
tentiary. He appealed and the court twice
affirmed the sentence, the last time being on
I October 31. There was nothing left for him
but an appeal to the governor, and this ap
Kdward W. Hart msnsf.-r nf .he -o,m. t Pe'" raa " weK. me povernor
cil Bluffs City Water Works company, who gave notice to his attorney on Wednesday
has been confined to hie apHrtnifnts In the I that he would hear the cate at an early
Orand hnl.l tor a.verol -eek with tv held , .- , , , ,, ... ,..1, ,.
fever Is convalescing. The fever haa mw Jul'3' Lul vl.ta Booth
disappeared, and 1 1 rapid and cump.ttd j he had hanged himself,
recovery la now look d for.
Miss Allen cf lmtrict No. 6, and Mls I Orlsg Mis ReleateA frost Frlus.
nay wood or Utmrlct wo. . Garner tovrn-
Why are people isatisiiel with the 3 per eent paid by
lll,!'v their Mivinjjs? The nionev is safe, hnt is it 'SmSS!
ns well invested as it would be ia a ;ooil niece of prop- v"dnsdryliishV.u wre'flncd? 'andh'iro
, ... . '"ith cos's, respectively, yesterday bv po-
en or will it increase ns rapidly? ' ',0 T,"i siott. They both eve notice of
evtnli.g at the F.dgewcod church for ft
benefit of the two school". A flrst-clsss
literary and musical program will for.n
part of the evening's entertainment.
The Danebo eocietv has started a mem
bership contest. H. F. Knudsen and O.
Chrtptenaen are the cuptHlni cf the e-om-petirg
Kama of twelve members each.
The lesm securing the fewest new mem
beta before February 1 will be called upon
to provide a supper for the entire lodve.
William Dolson. the bcrtinder, and
nrreit tdmond, the porter at the Quick
en 6outh Main street, who ere
f lAOO- North Eighth street. Cottage
S room, eojif, celtr, gt. ahtde, Uwn.
water In k teli.m Size V-xSZ feet. Ren's
for I'.tU pfr annum.
fl.M ilo North Eighth Street. CotUge,
roo.ns. c!oets, gas, ba h, furnace, hut
and cold water, iJiwn, corner lut. 8iie
UiM feet. Rents for per annum.
These two froperiies Join, ere n foid
eonditlon. woU iented. and have a
CronUfe on tin nth street of It feet.
rifilHLCS UO'T 1.113.
Rentcl Inco.Tie, one year
Taxes 45.ce
Wat-r tent K.Sti
Insurance and repairs 71.40
r.ttm nuo.iMMi m rear
' ' e-siiK he has a Keen, clear brain In a
S3M.00 ipcroiis body. Electric Bitters give both,
j 'ml catlsfy or no pay. Try them. 60c.
; r sale by Kuhn Co.
Total outlay
113. 3t
Net income (equal to T
rer cent
A -nk would pay I per cent on the
tt.'Oi . ..
Celebrate Ualdea V.'rtrtloB;.
CRESTON, la.. Nov. .-f 8;v-clal.V i.
rrd Mia O. U. Ryder of 0C Norli Cherry
rTtl, aeslsted by their nine living chil
dren and their families and a number of
fiends, celebrated their golden wedding
ni.nlv-rsary here yesterday. The couple
wera married '.n Fairfield, la., fifty yeirs
a-f ' rr.d have been residents of Crest on
since IH'.t. he being ngiged In the fur
Kliuie Luninras. Sociul amusemeuta mid
i' fit sli'venta ervil to p the time niost
j.'.hfkbantly and. as la Ike ( Malum, they were
r"rifd wlifc many costly and beautiful
Governor Cummins today gave an order
for the release of F. B. Richards from the
Fort Madlon penitentiary. Richards,
whose real name Is Conway, was tentenced
for three years from Cass county fur a
part In the theft of silks from a store at
Atlantic. One other man who was with
him has been released to return to bis
home In New Orleans. A few days ago
two brothers of Richards came from Ar
kansas to ask a parole for him. They
had not heard from him for six years
until he wrote that he was dying in priso.:.
Today the governor received a report from
thu penitentiary phytdcinn to the effect
that Richards is In the last stages of tuber
culosis and 13 weak of mind and cannot
live long and the governor ordered his
rok'ine. lie will return to Arkansas.
Restore Trala service.
The mate rallroud commissioners today
received notice that the Chicago A North
western railroad haa decided upon restor
ing the passenger train service on the
Soldier river branch of the line from Wall
Lake to Mondamln. Cemplaint has been
before the coramiarlnn f.'or some time that
this train had been abandoned, but the
cn npany asserts that I. Is run at a
Stationery Engineers Meet.
About HO Htatlonary engineers of the
-tale met here -today to form en ansocla
Ion to push for legislation the comitu;
winter lu the interest of a laar for examina
tion and licensing of engineers. Representa
tives ef local associations at Marshall-
wa Farmers Wade Into Deep
Trouble When They Start Move
ment to Drnln It.
WEBSTER CITY, la.. Nov. 20. (Special.)
The Board of Supervisors of Hamilton
county spent two days this week In hear
ing both sides of the controversy over the
proposed drainage of the old Mud lake bed.
This drain, as estimated by the county sur
veyor, will cost about 163,000, In the remon
strance filed against the proceeding, how
ever. It Is stated that the work would cost
fully $iO),OJO. The hearing has been Con
cluded and the board will announce lis de
cision within a few days.
There are about 1.400 acree In this like
bed. In the drainage district which' It is
propoted to create fcr the purpose tf drain
ing It there are 13,000 acres. Piof. D. A.
Kon?, formerly of the Ames college faculty,
and the other owners of the hike are ask
ing that the ilralnage dlstrct be created,
while the other farm residents of the pro
posed district tfe bitterly opposed to it.
In the hearing before the board the ownrrs
of the lake bed were represented by two
attorneys, while the, remonstrants bad
three. The feeling between the two parties
Is to Intense that the farm owners in the
proposed district deem as inequitous the j
lrucceuinBa i'i eue luiee owners to cxiort
money from them to uid In the d.ainage
of this big lake bed.
At a mass meeting of farmers held a
short tlmo ago In Kamrar to decide on a
line of action In remonstrating with the
Board of Supervisors agalnu the creation
of a drainage distr.ct of Mud lake, feeling
ran so high that Prof. Knit and ice ui
other speakers who are desirous of ir ulnj
the lake dratncJ were hlsaed tr m he . oo
and- not al owed to p.ak. The ia .rers
fear that .he creation of a d.umago dis
trict of the Ia'e and the xurrouuding water I
shed will be of such an enormous cost to
them that they will have to roottgage their
farms in order to pay for the big drain
which It is proposed to build. The owners
of the lake bed, on the other hand, assert
that they cannot drain the lake bed other
wise, as they cinmt purchase an outlet for
a ditch should they attempt to make a pri
vate drain.
Expert an Immense Business !
Year, from Barllnaton to
St. Louis.
BURLINGTON, Ia., Nov. 20.--(Special. )-
This week finally clores the upper Mlasij
slppl river paaenger traffic. Lift week
the big through packets of the Dlamoo l Jo
company went to the shore for th w n'er
and to'prepare for the big bu. tnesj ant.c'.
pated for next season. Till i wek las seen
the least of the short-Une. passeny.-r and
freight rackets tla jp for the reason. Those
between Jutncy,and Keokuk, Keokuk and
Burlington and Burlington and Davenport,
ail of which have done a big business this
year, nave gone into temporary retirement.
It Is confidently predicted by river men
that the year W01 -'ill be a record breaker
for river traffic. Captain W. W. Kinnear,
head of the White Collar line In Burlington,
says there will be a d.,ily at nice
between Davenport and Burlington an!
Burlington and Keokuk. He says without
doubt the Diamond Jo Packet romiany w II
run a daily cervlc? between Bu.' ingtnn and
St. Louis on arciunt of .he world's fair.
The expo ltlon la lure to draw an er.ormo s
traffic on the and the packet c mp
nles are prcpait- g to put In a:i xc -lle-nt
e. W
- Thanksgiving. Furnishings are here a
in profusion and properly priced.
'.lOur aim is to tee how good we can
give you these things, not how cheap.
A new line of the best
makes, in negligee and stiff
bosom styles, at
1. 0OI. 60-2.00
Thanksgiving display, of
Fine Neckwear in" "Keiser
Hasattea" make, at popular
25c-50c-l.00 ,
- The latest Fancy Hand
kerchiefs for men -new
25c each
In Moca and Dogskiq, lined
and ' uhlihed. from- 50c to
3.50 a pair.
Knit 'Crotch Gloves '
25c and 50c
On special sale, a big line, of Men's Fine Winter Daps,
good styles, at just one-half regular prices. " .
i.ii in.i i itm
Ottumwa Is Threatened trlth Kbnt
dowa of lis Industries In
OTTL'MWA Ia.. Nov. 2i. (Spclal Tele
f ram.) Ottumaa stands n fear of a hut
down of the greater porilu.i of :t fjctor'o.
lt-t street car, elect ic llgiulhj, city te tin
pork parking and manuf Hcfj' Iiib plant ac
a result of the stoppage tola) of thj aaler
supply owing to a dim across the Pit
Moines river, which has u' lowed the ilrnn
nel where the water supply wax olitalne-J
to fill with mud. Insurance roii'parilei
threatened to cancel policies unlecR re.
pairs are made. Public consternation le
sults, as the Xlly Is Just on the verge cf
Roast Beef.
per pound
Five pounda good steak,
xtound Steak,
three pounds
Sirloin Steak.
three pounds
Porterhouae Steak,
three pounds ,
I.'ib Koast,
Per pound
l.oll Be-ef,
per pound..
per pound.,
per pound..
. . 3ic and 4c
Spare Ribs, "r
three pounds .Jli
pp $rd 0c and !2jc
Mutton Stew, e.
per pound Jv
Legs of Mutton.
Best Lard.
per pound
Pressed Spring Chicken,
Good Butter,
per pound
Fresh Kggs,
per rtosen
Home Made Mince Meat,
two pniintla
Hulk Oysters, per quart .25c
'I'hone us your order and we will collect on delivery.
We appreciate your trade and will try at all times to
please you.
un e.ectlon to decide whether to give a 1 pervlsors is in special session on tho
New York firm a franchise. Many oppose Monona-Harriann ditch, with R. A. daw
It because they wunt munlclral ownership,
which la impossible because the city Is now
l.eyond the lepal limit of debt and cannot
yers of Sioux City appearing for the pe
titioners and Senator Hubbard of Sioux
City for the objector. Engineer l-'etwr:!-
gi t lejal authority to irsue bonds to finance den and Commiuluners Haabrook of M"
,i muuiclpul plant. ! eourt Valley and Elliott of Whiting are t i.:
j main witnesses today. There are fifty en
Ko Uank of tireeu Moantaln. mor wUne,e, to bo examined and tii
MAUSHAI.LTOWN. Is., Nov. 10. -C'jm- meeting will not be finished before nexr
pelled to remain In their horn -a under week. The estimated cott of the ditch l-i
thieat of being ihoi. the residents of the fcaa.OOfl, the estlmnte being made by (j,v.
village of Green Xioi nti l.i. ten ndles north
of here, heard three txposlons before day-
I tl t this morning. Hu explosions wrecks!
the tlreen Mount iln bur.k buildini. Three
robbers ran through the streets war ing thi
people to keep indoors and shooting wher
ever a ilgf.t uppe-jred. The lobbet-s secured
Jl.wio and escaped on a handiar. m nota on doorstep this reading:
( Wu pUt m tuilet through yi.jr brain
llearln Dlteh lalrecr. ,n(1 ,h.r wll t,a no moI, bonfire.
ON'AWA, la., Nov. . (Special Tele- j Knight sustained a loss of S.Ou0 hut win
gram.) The Mor.oim county Board of 8u- j ter, when Ms barn Waa bured.
ernmer.t Expert Elliott.
Threatens t'srmrr'. I.IO.
MARSH ALLTOWK, Ia., Nov. S. -(d;,,..
c'.al.) John Knight, a farmer ll'.lig aix.
miles north of Green Mountain art already
the victim of Intend ar three I re .ouivl ,