Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1903, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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Today will be a special bargain day in our cloak and suit
department Some of our very sw el lest and highest grade modes
will be offered at splendid bargains. The varieties are greater
than ever in the history of the store.
Most Stunning Ideas in Cloaks, Suits
Long Kersey Coats at 8.98.
Long 42-inch kersey coati with good heavy
satin lining, storm collars ani half-fitted
backs, very swell and attractive coats in
every particular you
would expect to see them 5
priced at $15 Satur-
day at
Fine appearing
beaver tabs
at...... .,
5qulrrcl tabs, la
good style,
Rich blended
mink tabs,
Long; stylish
sable lox boa,
Fine Scarfs. Lonp and
rriedlum length in Isa
bella cable, lux, American
tone marten, etc many
of them with
cords, your
Sale of "Joseph" Pattern Hats at $10
We purchased from Charles Joseph, 30th and 5th Aye., New
York, about 400 hats. -Some original French models, others his
own creations. They embody the ideas of some of
the most renowned French designers on sale
Saturday at the phenomenal low price of.... . ..."
Trimmed Hats-In order to
bats, on Saturday we offer black turbans, draped with taffeta and
trimmed wittt feathers, velvot dress shapes, etc,
worth up to S. 50, at "
Trimmed Hats in the basement Very handsome- Cp
ly designed hats, worth up to $3. 60, at, ach .
$1.50 Dress. Shapes at 49a
Mohair satin edge dress A t
shapes and turbans, all colors 37
were fl.6U, at ,
loonies Gsner&l Wood of Violating Law
t and Regulations of Army.
Ala Charges Hlaa with Forcing- the
AaSltor of Cb to Violate Law
ia tb Treatment at
WASHINGTON. Nov. 20,-MaJor Estes
G. Rathbone. formerly director c-f posts
In Cuba,' was given a hearing by the sen
ate commute on military affairs, which
Is investigating the charges againtt Gen
eral Wood, In opposition to his confirma
tion as major general. The committee was
In session about -en hour. Nearly the
entire time was given to Major Rait bone,
who reiterated the charges made several
times before to he secretary of war, the
senate committee on relations with Cuba
and lit publlo statements, following his
trial la connection with Cuban pottal
frauds, i
Major Rathbone filed speclfio ' writ ten
chargeii with the committee, stating that
General: Wood, while military governor of
Cuba, had accepted money from tha Jalal il,
which was, he said, a gambling concern,
aascrted that he had made a personal
friend and boon companion of an ez-oonvlit.
He also charged him with giving Instructions-
of an entirely unconstitutional and
un-American character to- the courts. .
With reference to the charge that Gov
ernor General Wood had exceeded his Ju
niority In giving Instructions to the oourt.
Major Rathbone said that the general i ad
pursued this course In the CuCan pottal
rases when, he (Rathbone) was tin ier
prosecution. This waa, he said. In viola
tion of an article of the penal code of
Cuba and in a manner prejudlcal to the
rights and Interests of those under trial.
He also charged General Wood with aur
thorlslag the us of ex-parte depoat Ions
In the postal case, a proceeding vhlch
he asserted. Is contrary to the principles
of law and In this case, contrary to In
structions given by the secretary of war.
Charges Violation of Law.
Major Rathbone charged that in iccept
Ing gifts from the organization co nmonly
known as Jalalal, to which MJo; Rath
bou said. General Wood had granted a
ten years' exclusive concession. General
Wood violated the Koraker law, vhlch pro
hibited the arantina of franrhfaa
cessions during the occupancy o the Inland
by the American authorities. He also
charged that the acceptance of these gifts
constitutes a violation of an article of tha
penal cod of Cuba.
Other charges were mad against Gen
eral Wood as follows;
With complicity with another army offi
Many a woman
has found a hus
band in Ayer's
Hair Vigor, iztvxz
Double Cape Box Coat 4 98
Made of good kerney with Military
collar and eplendid wearing lining,
regular $8.50 value a special value
for Saturday shop-
pers at.
Special Box
Good kersey coat In box
jauntily fashioned, two
capes, new collar and
10 coat at
High-Grade Coats.
The swell Ions; coats and the, most xcluslv
effects In box coats for winter wear. In th
. newest cloths and most elaborate designs. Every
correct Idea that Is new and fashionable In the
'east, at
Smart Coat at $12.50
42 and 45 in. coats with large
military capes, big pouch
Sleeves, neautiruny
slltrhed, heavy satin
llneff, some among;
the lot worth $20
your choice today.
of these
close out a large line of these
Children's Trimmed Hats
High grade trimmed hats for children, In
ail the prettiest child
ish, effecs, from our
own workrooms, at
cer in the preparation and publication of 1
an article reflecting discreditably upon an
officer who ranked both of them. In viola
tion of an accepted canon of Jillltary serv
ice and constituting an effense commonly
known as "conduot unbecoming an officer
and a gentleman."
With directing and causing the auditor
of Cuba, by a military order, to violate the
law In the treatment of accounts, with
utilising the services of an ex-convict, with
whom he was on Intimate personal asso
ciation, In an effort to displace his su
perior officer, and by such means to se
cure to himself the vacancy thus created.
Incidental. , to these there were many
minor charges.
Major Rathbone also offered to produce
evidence and testimony In support of these
allegations. He submitted a number of
documents to the committee, and gave the
nhmes of several witnesses, whom he
baked the oommlttee to summon.
At the afternoon hesslon of the committee
Major Rathbone submitted a transcript ot
the records of the courts of Havana, show
ing that General Wood, as a military gov
ernor, gave orders to the courts as to what
they should do In the matter of giving
ball and the conduct of some other busi
ness. Committee Calls Witnesses.
Summons Issued by the senate military
affairs committee were served tonight on
Ernest Conant of the New York law firm
of Page A. Conant, citing him to appear
before the committee tomorrow In connec
tion with the investigations of charges
against General Wood made In an effort
to prevent his confirmation as major gen
eral. Mr. Conant has been In Washington
several days prosecuting Cuban cases be
fore the Spanish claims committee. It Is
understood the subpoena was Issued at the
request of Major Rathbone. ho learned
late today of Mr. Conant's presence In the
city. Mr. Conant will be expected to give
testimony as to the character of the Jal
Alai, tha alleed gambling establishment
which General Wood Is charged with hav
ing given a ten-year concession to operate
in Havana. Mf. Conant went to Cuba as an
attache of the evacuation commit t e and
while there he acted as legal adviser of
General L.udlow In command at the De
partment of Havana. Later he terved Gen
eral Wood In the same capacity, and It
Is declared he was competent to give him
4ntlda facts rela.Ing to the manner in w.ik-h
the comenaluu to the Jal Alal waa outained.
Another witness summoned toulght by the
nil.liary affairs committee is Herbert J.
Brown, a newspaper man who was In
Cuba during Amvr.can occupation and .s
said to have made an liu Ary InPs the char
acter of the Jal Alai ccmpany.
Hsjor RM?:cie( m.hi.. I'.rf ! H
vailu, has sent a cablegram to a member
of the committee stating that he will sail
from Havana tomorrow and will be In
Washington Tuesday. He will be examined
by the committee In reference to a state
ment of General Wood In an article In the
North American Review reflecting on the
administration uof -Major General John R,
Brooke, his predecessor as governor gen
Will Dlsenss Cafcaa BUI oa Merita
an Let Tariff &aetloa
WASHINGTON. Nov. JO.-The democratic
senators, at a caucus held today, decldsJ
to consider the Cuban bill on Its merits
and confine the discussion to the bill Itse'f.
without bringing in collateral questions.
This means that no tariff amendments will
be offered, and that the tariff question
will not be discussed.
The conclusion was reached at the end
of quite a long difference. The seselon was
I said to b quit harmonious, and the de
cision reached waa practically unanimous.
I It was stated tha conferees want It un
derstood that In reaching this agreement
they have not abandoned the nght on the
tariff, but that they belluve they can reach
the tariff In some other way.
Th attitude of the demcx-rata means
early action on the Cuban bill, and the
pruepecia ar for final adjournment vl the
t. ' -
Coat at 6.98.
extra session Wednesday, with an agree
ment to vote after a week of debate in
the regular session if the republicans make
the minority such a proposition. ',
The democratic caucus today agreed on
the following as the minority's representa
tion on the senate committees:
Agriculture and Forestry Bate, Money,
Simmons, Latimer.
Apprup.latluiu Cockrell, Teller, Berry,
'ill. man, Daniel.
Coast and insular Survey Morgan, Berry,
Clay, Cu.bersi.n.
Audit and Ctmtrol of Contingent Expenses
of tne benaie Money, Patterson.
Census M'SJnery, XaliaJerro, Black
burn, Bailey.
Civil bervlte and Retrenchment Bats,
Dubois, McLaurin, Clarke (Ark.).
Claims Marvin, Taliaferro, McLaurin,
Foster (La.), Overman.
Coast Defense CtlDeron, Tallferro, Clay,
Simmons, Foster (La.).
Commerce Berry, Martin. Clay, Mallory.
Foster (Ls.). Stone.
On CorjKratlorta Organised In the District
of Columbia Mart. n,; Latimer,
District of olinnbla Martin, Mallory.
Simmons, Dubois, Gorman.
KoucHilon and Labor Daniel, Gibson,
Newlanas, Stone.
Kngronjed Bills Cockrell, chairman.
Knrolled Bills Foster (La.).
To Kstabiish the University of the United
States Clay, Carmack, Blackburn, Foster
To Examine the Several Branches of the
Civil Iservlce Culberson, S.mmons, Mo
Finance Daniel, 'Teller, Money, Bailey.
Fuheries Mallory, McEnery, Hailey.
Overman. '
Foreign Relations Morgan, Bacon.
""jt v-1 tv latum., jwcireery.
Forest Reservations end the Protection
of Game Morgan, Tillman, Gibson, Over
man. -
Geological Survey Money, Cockrell, New-
immigration McLaurin. Patterson. Ijitl.
mer, Clarke (Ark.V McCrearv.
Improvement of t..e Mississippi River
Bate, McEnery, McLaurin.
Indian AffairsMorgan, Dubois, Clark
(Mont.), Teller, Stone, Overman.
Indian Depredations Bacon, Martin.
Berry, Pettus, McLaurin.
Intcroceanlc Canals Morgan, Carmack
TM'iaferro. Gorman.
Interstate Commerce Tl Iman. McLaurin.
CarniucK, Foster La.), Newlartds.
Irrigation Builey, Patterson, Gibson.
Gorman, Newlands.
Judiciary Hncon, Pottus, Culberson,
Blackburn, Patterson.
Library Clark (Mont.) Gorman.
.-uanuiaciure (.lav. Gibson, Latimer.
Military Affairs-Bate. Cockrell, Pettus.
Mines snd Minlng-TWriap, Clark (Mont.).
Clarke (Ark.), New-lands. v
Naval Affairs Ti.luian. Martin, McEnery.
I.l'icUburn. '
Organisation, Conduct and Expenditures
of the Executive Departments McLaurin.
Bltrkburn. Stone.
j Pacific Isiotids and Po-to l"r Cockrell
I Mallory, Blai-kburn, Clark (Mont.).
itaiirnans Aiorgan, Taliaferro,
raients Mallory. Foster (La.). Latimer.
P-nsi-'ii" Ta'iaferro, Pettus, Carmack,
Gibson, Overrnan.
Philippine" Culberson, Dubois, Carmack,
Mi-l'rearv, Stone.
Pn,.m-. -..-J Ps Road. T-U,. Cuiber
son. Ta iaferro, Flmmonx, Gorman.
Printing Gorman.
PrlVKlM l-ilivt I'lilmi Tll V f m
.. I...... ....... .......
Pv'leii (irH VlPoMon" Pett-n F'ifV.
burn. Dubois, Bal'ey. Overman. Clark (Ark),
I ,'ul)" But'dlnii" and Grounds Culbersou
Simmons Clav, Stone. Ijitlmer.
Public Health and National Quarantine
Bate, chairman; McEnery. Mallory. Cul
berson. PuMi.. Ind llerrv, McEnery, McLau
rin. Gibson and Dubois.
'J--dl3ucon, Pettus. Money- and
H.-iatlon with Cuba Teller, Money, Tall
afrro snd Simmons.
Relations with Canada Tillman, Bailey,
Clrk (Mont), Clarke (Ark).
Revision of th ltws Daniel,- Mallory.
Ballev and Patterson.
Hevnlutlonary Claims Tillman, Bat and
Puie Teller. Cockrell and Bacon.
Terltnet-p-,t w,aey, Patterson,
ClnrVe (Ark . Newlands.
TranarTtst'op u'.i'iw to he Board
Pettus. Daniel Dubois, Clark (Ark.).
The following on select committees:
To Invealirate the Condition of the Po
tomac River Front at Washington Mar
tin, Hat-on. Cark (Mont.).
Woman SuErage Bacon, chairman; and
On Additional Aovirnimndatlona for the
Library of Congress Herry, chairman; and
On the Five Civilised Tribes of Indians
Bate and Teller.
On Transportation and Sale of Meat
Pr Millet-Daniel, chairman; and Stone.
Indua'rial Esposttions Daniel, t'ockre!!,
CarniMi k. Gibson, M.H'ieary and Newlands.
National Banks Mi-Knery and Uibson
lnvei'Ka4 Trepers upon Indian
Laiivla Morgan.
Htandania. Weights -nd Measures Clark
(Maul.), Carmack, McCreary.
No i.ivuion la luai lor Sanatoc Mor
1. . ".' 1 A .'V ,M,rF - "V I . v
war "WMl?
fflR, tea iKgBSt
Exquisite Modes In Furs Coats
rtere are the highest grade and most elaborately fin
ished fur coats to be found In Omaha. These ere sealskin,
otters, krlmmer, near seal, astrakhan, etc., in the most
oharming designs at
$24.50, $49 and up to $150 and $198
Big Picture Sale
Here is another greatx picture
event which offers exceptional
bargains. A tremendous as
sortment of sample "frames and
pictures bought from Mueller
Bros. Art i and Mfg. Co., Chi
cago, at 50c on the dollar. Many
of -these framed pictures are
worth $1 and $1.50. Special
Saturday . . ; ;
gan as chairman of a minority committee,
but a place !a held open for him.
Bill In tha Senate.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 20. Blils were In
troduced in the senate as follows:)
By Mr. Lodge 1 (Mass.) Requiring that
very postmaster chall reside or have S
fr.nclpal place of business within the de
Ivery of the offlc to which he I appointed.
By Mr. Fairbanks (Ind.) Providing tor
th purchase of a site and the erection of
a public building to be used for a depart
ment of state, department of Justice and a
department of commerce and iabor, the
cost of the build ng, exclusive of cite, not
to exceed V5.CO0.000.
By Mr. Blackburn (Ky.) Providing that
the secretary of the treasury be authorised
to settle the claim of Qaeen LUloukalanl ia
full satisfaction.
Mra. Snsnn Whltted.
Burns caused by the Ignition cf her dress
from an explosion occurring while melting
lard to mix with turpentine were, responsi
ble for the death of Mrs. Susan Whltted
at her home. Thirteenth and V streets,
South Omaha, died Thursday. She was the
wife of George Whltted, an employe of
Swift's, and was 28 years old. Mrs. Whltted
was melting the lard Wednesday evening
In order to prepare a mixture to annoint
her children, who had ccftds. Without
warning there was an explosion and the
woman's gown burst Into flames. Her hus
band, who waa sitting In the room, was
handicapped by a broken arm, but did his
best to tear his wife's clothing from her
body. She ran out of doors, however,
where James Townsend, a neighbor, suc
ceeded in denuding her of the burning gar
ments. The burns were too severe to per
mit of recovery. Th funeral will be held
Saturday afternoon.
Henry Archer.
FREMONT, Neb., Nov. ,t0. (8peclal.)
Henry Archer of this city died at his home
on East Second rtreet yesterday afternoon
from paralysis, at the age of 61. He was
born In England. When t years of age h
cam to Iowa with his parents and In 1870
to Fremont. He started the first bottling
works In the city and was In that business
for many years. Since retiring from thut
business h had been Interested In Cripple
Creek, Colo., mining properties. He leaves
a widow and two children, Harry J. and
Mary Archer, both of this city. He was
a member of the Catholic church and a
very liberal contributor' to that organisa
tion. Edgar J. Kingsbury. (
, SIOl'X FALLS, 8. D., Nov. 2a (Special.)
Edgar J. Kingsbury, aged 72, a pioneer
of thia county and for many year one of
Its most highly respected citlsens. died
suddenly at his homo from paralysis. Mr.
Kingsbury received an Injury five years
ago from which he never fully recovered.
It developed a case of paralysis, which la
believed to have gone suddenly to his
heart and caused death. He leaves two
adult children. .
A. B. Hubermann, oldest and absolutely
reliable Jeweler In Omaha. Goods marked
in plain figures and lowest prices guaran
teed. 8. E. corner Thirteenth and Douglas.
War oa Street Signs.
CRESTON. Ia.. Nov. 30. (Special.) Th
city council and offUejs of Cxeston hav
given notice that they will begin a war
on the atret signs that do not comply with
th city ordinance. Th ordinance aaya no
sign post shall be set outside th curb and
no sign shall b suspended from the build
ing without both sides ar braced from th
building ana It Is high enough not to In'
terfer with foot passengers. Th order is
creating quits a commotion among th
business men, but th officers say th 11
legal signs must be removed whether or
no, and will begin action at one to com
pel that.
"I Can't Go
rvs such a terrible headachs." seed
oeveb be said again. Dr. Miles AnO
Paln Pills quickly care and positively
prevent headache and all bodily pain. N
opiaua. noa-iaxatlvs, never sold in bulk.
(ijurnlfr,l All crl.M(fUil. 2S Ooae 'Ik aruut
I'll M'LLd MJlL'IvJAL CO, A.4U. lah
69 c
and Furs, Specially Priced
New Model Suits al $14.85
These are a number of new suits just
received in the long skirt coat suits
with the Norfolk pleats, loose and
fitted effects, mixtures, English tweeds
and cheviots, silk and satin
lined jackets, regular 22.50
Exclusive Suits at $24.50
In street and dress styles. Many
sample suits have no duplicate
in the new browns, gray mixtures,
etc. Most fetching A SZf
ideas at -,iJJ
$15 Dress Skirts at 6.90
Uere are the highest grade dress
skirts that are worn this winter
made of broadcloths, cheviots, Ven
etians, with taffeta and peau de
soie fold trimming, all elegantly
made, worth as high Cf
as $15 each, at . .
Special Golf Skirt at 1.98
A jauntily made golf skirt of
the new mannish cloths, but
tou and strap i
trimmed, correct fall M
colors, a special for X
Saturday, at
Great new stock of books to be placed on sale Saturday
10 tables will be devoted to this extraordinary event. A
splendid opportunity for buyers to secure books for Chrlst
mas. This stock includes copyright novels, handsome trlft
books, books for boys and girls, etc Very best cloth
All the Dodd. lead & Co.. Street & Smith
and Sorlbners copyright novels, in one
lot, at
Devotional and poetical works handsomely bound,
tmbossed cushion covers, ricniy coiorea
pages, this is a gift book that always
sells for tl, during this big sale, each..
Uncle Sam's Trust) and Around the
Pan books, by John Kendrick Bangs,
worth 91.60, at....
' 8,000 Henty books, Anderson's Fairy
,Goose Rhymes, Pilgrim's Progress and
hundreds of other books, good
cloth covers, at, each . ...
President and Cabinet Will Take No
Chanoes with New Canal Tr.aty.
At Cablaet Meeting; Secretary Wilson
Presents Confrero with Date
' Grown from African Palms
In Artaonn.
WASHINGTON, Nov. JO.-Several sub
jects of Interest and Importance were con
sidered at today's meeting of the cabinet,
which was attended by every member.
Matters relating to th situation In Panama
were th most Important topics discussed.
The president and Secretary Hay have de
cided, and the decision meets the approval
of th cabinet, that th existing govern
ment of Panama must ratify the canal
treaty before action relating to ratification
by th senate Is taken. The administra
tion has determined there shall be no repe.
tition of the failure of Colombia to com
plete the ratification of the treaty after
flnal action had been taken by the t'nltsd
States senate. The treaty will be placed
In the hands of th Panama commissioners
now in Washington and by' them It will
be taken to Panama.
This government. It Is anticipated, will
ratify it j romptly. It ls expected that it
will be returned te Washington bearing
the seal ot the Panama government early
In Peoembr. President Roosevelt will
then transmit the treaty to the senate with
a request tor Its ratification.
Secretary Moody presented the cabinet
some Interesting details Just received by
him from Commander Hubuara or tne
erulssr Nashvll! at Panama concerning the
early phases of the revolution. They came
by mail and contain Important details not
heretofore known to the administration.
They will bo made publlo soon.
Portions ot th president's annual mes
sage to congress wer read, but nothing
concerning it was made public.
Secretary Wilson presented to the presi
dent and members of the cabinet apecl
mens of fln dates grown in Arisona. Four
years ago on of the scientists of the De
partment of Agriculture was sent several
hundred miles into th Interior of Africa
ns uiacoverea ii ymutm ;'0Tiir.S luxur
iantly. A year ago the department had
several hundred of the trees brought out
to th coast, through th desert of Sahara,
ni hi.Mrv.4 m this country. They were
transnlanted In especially cultivated land
In Arizona. Secretary Wilson pronouned
th fruit from th transplanted trees th
finest of its kind ever grown.
Kleet to Lear Beyroot.
Rear Admiral Cotton, commanding the
European station, has been authorised to
leav Beyroot with the flagship Brooklyn
and the cruiser San Francisco, and is ex
pec ted to sail In a few days for a cruls
In th Mediterranean, preparatory to com
ins to th United Statea to take part In
th naval maneuvers In th Carrlbben sea
about th end of December. The with
drawal of the American fleet from Beyroot,
after a stay of several months. Is mad
with th consenrof th secretary of state
on tha general ground that ther Is no
longer any necessity for their retention ia
that quarter.
Maeaea Cas Delayed.
Th trial of th postal case of August
W. Machen, former general superintendent
of th free delivery system; Samuel A. and
Dlller Graft of this city, and Mr. and Mr.
Lorens of Toledo, O , arranged to begin In
the district criminal court her next Mon
day, has been postponed until January IL
Attorney Charles A. Douglas, counsel for
Machen. objected to th delay, hut th
court granted th request of District At
torney Beach on th ground that th lat
ter was not ready to proceed with th
Missionary Dies la China.
Consul General McWads, at Canton,
7-gore ityle, mat rial .te are ,
novtltg mixture and plain Ve
netians, worth rtgular tl5, spe
cial price
3-50 Children's Dresses at p
Cashmeres and
and browns
sailors and one-piece dresses.
Handsomely trimmed and silk em
broidered, ages 4 to 14, on bargain
square, mala floor
iely bound,
Our entire stock
Tales, Mother
in white, black
them made for
Waists in this lot worth from f2 50 to
$3.50 go in two lots in waist depart
ment, third floor, at
China, In a dispatch to the Btat depart
ment announcea th death at Takhlng of
Ella Torrenc Robb, a missionary of Dent
son, Kan.
Th comptroller of the currency has Is
sued a call for the condition of national
banks at the close of business November 17.
Senator Kewlaad Propose Inch
Action, hat Only with Con
sent of Islander.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20, Senator New
lands, author of'th resolution annexing
Hawaii, today introduced a joint resolu
tion inviting Cuba to become a state of
the United States upon terms of equality
of the states of tha union.
It provides that Porto Rico shall become
a county,' or province of Cuba; that all
present officers of Cuba shall retain their
positions until their terras expire; that the
$36,000,000 bonds of Cuba shall become the
bonda of the state of Cuba with Interest
reduced to 3 per cent and i per cent to
be applied to a sinking fund, that the
prevent rural guard of Cuba shall be In
corporated into the army Of the United
States; that the money In tha Cuban treas
ury shall become the money of the state
of Cuba.
The resolution closes with the 'following
That the foregoing resolution Is inspired
not by a desire to annex forcibly, or to
assert sovereignty over the Island of Cuba,
or to exercise any form of compulsion,
but solely by a regard for the interest of
the two countries and a tuivlctlon that
the interests of the stales composing the
federal union and Cuba are identified and
that the can be administered by union
under one form of government. In which
all shall be represented on equal terms
and to be governed - by equal and India
criminating laws ensuring freedom of trad
and equality of right and privileges.
Backlen's Arnica Salve.
Th best in the world for cuts, corns.
bolls, bruises, burns, scalds, sores, ulcers,
salt rheum. Cures piles or no pay. 2oo
For sal by Kuha A Co. i -
HAYES CENTER, Neb.. Nov. 20. (Spe
cial.) Last evening at 8 o'clock at th
home of th bride's parents In Hayes Cen
ter, Miss Georglana Potta and Mr. Loren
W. Enyeart were married by Rev. G. H.
Pickett, only a few of the most intimate
friends of the parties being present. A
supper was served and today the newly
wedded pair departed for Lincoln, Neb.,
and other points In the eastern part of
the state, 10 visit relatives and iriends
until about December 1, when they will
return and be at home to their friends In
Hayes Center.
FAIRMONT, Neb.. Nov. 20.-(Speclal.)
Dr. O. 6. Townsend ot Fairmont and M'.ss
Minnie L. Dixon were married at the horn
of th bride' parents, near Fairmont, by
William E. Schell, D. D., president of York
Health at Small Cost.'
A few dose ot Dr. King's New Life Pills
will cleanse, ton and Invigorate th whole
system. Try them. Only 25c. For sal by
Kuhu St Co.
Livery Barn at Falrbary.
FAIRBURY. Neb., Nov. 20 (Bpcil
About o'clock this morning a ftr origina
ting In th livery barn on Fifth street de
stroyed the barn and twelve horses and a
tenement house adjoining. The barn be
longed to D. B. Cropsey. president of th
First National bank, and was valued at
11,000, with 1800 insurance. Th dwelling be
longed to M. H. Weeks and was partially
Insured. Th barn was occupied by Ed Els
worth, who owned six of the horses burned
and a number of buggies, carriage and
harness. The balanc of th horst wer
owned by different parties who boarded
them at th barn. Els worth had tl.Oue In
uraac on hi property, ferry at s
Special Suit Bargain 9.98.
Collarless military styles with the new
skirted coals, blouse effect, ; full pouch
sUeves with fancy cuffs. Sl irt. is cut in
Specials in
Child's Ions coat at $2.98-Of
leay meltons with large em
broidered cape with inlaid vel
vet trimming reds,
blr-es, greens and
browns, at
Heavy kersey box Jacket -Satin
ivitchod strap trimmings all
: -Satin
it all
the correct .
Children's high trade
A manufacturer's entire
line, prettiest ideas,
many worth 10,
High trade coats For little
misses and child req, in the most
attractive ideas, at
7,50. 8.98 and 9 98
storm serges in blues, reds
dresses in Peter Thompsons,
of heavy mercerized waists
and white and colors, all of
colors, an or
this fall's wear.
lumber sheds wer slightly damaged, but
hard work on the part of the firedepart
ment saved their lumler yard as't.-ell as
adjacent fram buildings. r
f Park Theater at Bo tier, Pa.
BUTLER,' Pa.'r NoV. 20.-Th Park thea
ter building, the Central "hotet,-tit Butler
Business college and:, several, adjoining
buildings, wer destroyed by. Are early
today. Loss, (300,000. The falling walls
burled a number ot firemen under a mass
of bricks and burning timbers and Chif
Jacob Buckholder, Frank Zelgler, Charles
Douglass .and Albert Walters wars seriously
Injured. ,
Hew Freedom Wire Cloth Works.
NEW YORK, Nov. "O.-Th plant ofh
New Freedom Wire Cloth uupany, a short
distance from here, was t-.atroyed by Are
today. Lies, $75,000, psrtly Insured.
Farmers Coansel Together.
CRESTON, Ia., Nov. 20. (Spclal.)-efter
a vacation of one year, In which no meet-,
ing was held, th Union County Farmers
Institute resumed Its meetings, yesterduy
and th effort was vary successful. Prom
nent farmers from all over the county snd
northern Missouri were in attendance snd
gave Interesting and profitable talks on
very phase of agriculture and stock rais
ing. Profs. A. T. Irwin and J. W. Ken
nedy of the Iowa Stats' Agricultural col
lege at Ames were present and gave talks
on "Fruit Raising" snd "Weeds and Feed
ing." Much Interest was taken In the titvt
on fruit raising from the fact that farmers J
are beginning to take more to orchards In
this section than formerly.
Tramp ran Tramp Ne More.
TANKTON, 8. D., Nov; 20.-(Spclal.)-Robert
Stanton, a tramp, was. run over by
Great Northern train last night at Irene
while he was stealing a 'ride. He was
brought to Yankton and taken to lh
Bttcred Heart hospital, where It was found
necessary to amputate both legs. II has
chancs of recovery.
Cocoa and Chocolate
Because they yield THE
The Finest Cocoa in the World
Costs less than One Cent a Cup
Oa Cfcafcw BarVa Book, ana) fna, tll tan
h BMaa taog a4 a frost vafiow ar aalsty
Walter Daker 6. Co. LtdU
CatAsuaan, 17 M
40 NISHUT IWldtl I