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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1903)
TUB OMAHA DAILY I1EE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 100.1. Teif., fl!-Kl WE CLOSE BATU hi friends ber ask no qaratlona. they ( no rrlll' rlmu." w 7 FOR CHILDREN. lions' hravj llet'ft'd cotton shirts ami drawers, Hat goods, color blue Kra3' U izes, at 20c each. ' ojh' heavy vool fleeced shirts and drawers, in natural gray, all sizes, 21 to 34, at Due each. JJoys' union suits, heavy cotton fleeced flit goods, natural gray, at 50c and GOc ier suit. Children's tine ribbed cotton fleeced vests and pants, in ecru color, 23e to 40c each Prices rise according to size. Children's line ribbed fleeced cotton union suits, extra heavy, made with drop seat, button down the front, ecru colors Prices 85c and $1.00 per suit. HOSIERY. Children's heavy or medium weight black cotton hose, double heels, toes and knees, 25c n pair. Children's Hhawkuit hose, fine black ribbed cotton, double knees, heels and toes, 35c or three pairs for $1.00. Children's black ribbed cot toil hose, two thread maco yarn, split soles, double knees, 35c or three pairs for $1.00. WHITE CHIFFON COLLAR FORMS We have all sizes, In stock, at 10c and 25c each. ' . TlHlInlI?Sl,lELlfi)EInI Y. M. C. A. Building. Corner Sixteenth and Douglas St9 please. The facts are that Mr. Darrow and myself agreed to got together and talk things over. I assume that Mr. Dar row haa the authority on hla side of the controversy.' "Have you authority to act fof the City Railway company?" he was asked. "My way Is to go ahead. When the company wants another attorney it probably will let me know." He gave It n his opinion that he and Mr. Darrow could reach an agreement and ao report to the aldermanlc committee be fore tomorrow noon. "I believe the next proposition that will go to the mayor will be from Mr. Darrow and myself," he said, "and I aee no reason why It should not lead to an amicable set tlement of the controversy.' "There will be no general strike of teamsters In Chicago, and reports that have been circulated to - that efTect are utterly false." This statement was made by Cornelius O'Shea, president of the national organization, at the close of the council of officers of twenty local unions today. President O'Shea Insisted that under the laws of the national brotherhojd the local union was entitled to no support In Its strike against the city railway strike, but on the contrary, should have Us charter revoked. Council Tries Previously. SOU clinging to the hope that a termina tion of the street car strike might be accomplished through efforts of ar bitration, Mayor Harrison and the alder men's committee gathered In the former'! office very early today Members of th executive board, of the, striking division cj car men had previously assemb eti with Present Mahon to discuss the counter Imposition made by the railway officials last -night. The peace board of elty offi cials waited as patiently as posUble lor tho strikers' representatives to make a de-' clslon which might mean an amicable set tlement of the strike or might mean knottier step toward a' general demoralization of the city's Industries. ' At the union headquarters the impres sion prevailed that the offer would be re jected. It was said that the company had 'offered no concessions with regard to the routing of cars, and this wag declared to be one of the essential points Involved from the standpoint of the' strikers. The, situation apparently was that the mayor and the mediation committee would have to try again if peace Is to be brought about through their efforts. Four Lines In Operation. Operation of four 1 nes, the Cottage Grove avenue, Indiana avenue, Wentworth ave r.ue and Halstead street lines, con tinued today on practically the same basis as heretofore. Consideration of the company's proposi tion, which was said to contain a condi tional 'acceptance of arbitration on the wage question, was found by the strikers' toinmlttea to domand legal advice, and the answer was not forthcoming promptly. The members of the committee held a for-, mal session and President Mahon went to the office of Clarence Darrow. the union's counsel, to confer with him. Finally the matter was left to Attorneys Darrow and Bliss. To Care a Cold In On Day " Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH drugglats refund the money If It fails to cure. K. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 23c. (Inlet Little Mill In Mew York. NEW YORK, Nor. 50. Despite the law, a flt'teeu-round prize flKht has been brought oft In liie he-art of the city between Wll lmm HohumHcher of New York and Kid Murphy, f wither weights. The former got dvuialim. A big crowd witnessed the bat'lo. which occurred In a Thirty-third street hall. It Is raid a police sergeant offi ciated as referee. Overcoats for v iitfi Bovs V fvKr.ti ' 'it '"''. : y ' v. Little Fellows Wo Have 'ess from 3.t3 np and sraarantee thfsi, too. We place great stress upon our 15 00 and lo.uu cot they re muita of thor oughly dependable materials, put up bv master workmen nnd arid on "MOKtV UAL'K IF YOU WANT IT" I lull. Our boys' Suits are worthy com . anions to thtnu overcoats. , UFADQl'ARTERS FOR T1ABV I'l.dl I1KJ and lioYS' and GIRLS' WEAK, to 17 years. WRITE FOR CATAl-OGl'E. , cuewsoN e THQRirrs nf m m . m m ASM 0UW-lA, MS ' fl 7 JlDAYB AT P. M. Be. Nov. t, iat. inter Underwear DIETRICH TO START TODAY Will Ask Judscs Manger to F z Data of Bis Trial ai Earl? ei Possible. I0WANS UNABLE JO AGREE ON A JUDGE Delegation Will Bemaln In Washing ton and Keep on Balloting; I'ntll All Are Vnlted I'pon On Man. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. (Special Tele gramsSenator Dietrich will leave tomor row morning for Nebraska. He will go di rectly to Omaha, where he will meet a number of his friends. It is Senator Dle- I trlch's determination to ask Judge Mutigcr for a speedy trial in view or tne fact tnai a a senator of. the United States the com monwealth which he represents needs his presence in the national capital at this time. The senator stated tonight that he had not yet selected his attorney. He would bo guided by conditions as be found them when he reaches Nebraska. Person ally he had in his mind one or two men whom ho had thorough confidence in, but that for reasons which were wholly per sonal he would not decide the attorneyship matter until ho reached Nebraska. The senator, In speaking of his deter mination to return to Nebraska, said he hoped It would not be thought that he was returning because publlo prints had an nounced that Mr. Bummers was coming to ' Washington. "Personally," said the sen ator, "I hare, no knowledge as to that I which brings Mr. Summers here at this i tlma. . I want to go to Nebraska for the purpose of finding out whether there are twelve men who believe me guilty of sell ing an office. I shall do everything in my power to advance the trial of my case and I will not bo satisfied until the Issues In volved are Joined." No Agreement on Judge. The Iowa delegation after eight ballots today adjourned without any determina tion for the Shlraa succession. The confer ence met at S o'clock and after two hours of fruitless balloting adjourned until. Mon day. Several of the members who had thought of going home during the interim decided to remain In Washington and if possible aid in agreeing upon a name to bi nominated for Judge of the northern dis trict of Iowa. So far as could be ascer tained there has been no change in those supporting the several candidates. The Iowa delegation Is a dose, corporation. Wh'le they may know who Is finally to be agreed upon for BUIras' successor they have not permitted the Impression to . become general. Wright and Healy still lead, unci it Is believed thot one of .these men will bo selected.. . . . .' Bills (or Benefit of Wyoming;. Representative Mondell today Introduced a bill granting to the atate of Wyoming 60.000 acres of land to aid in the continua tion, enlargement and maintenance of tho Wyoming State Soldiers' and Bailors' home, also a bill appropriating $100,000 for, the purchase of a site and the erection of a public building at Rawlins, Wyo. Changes la Army. Lieutenant Colonel George W. Adnir. deputy surgeon general, will proceed to St. Paul for duty as chief surgeon of tho Department of the Dakotas, relieving Colonel Charles D. Byrne, assistant Bur geon general, who lias been ordered to Omaha for duty as surgeon of the Depart ment of the Missouri, relieving Colonel Joseph B. . Girard, assistant surgeon gen eral. Colonel Girard has been ordered to San Antonio as surgeon of the Department of Texas, relieving Major Charles Mason, surgeon. roatal Matters. Kural carriers appoimou. I Bennet, regular, George A. Dlehl; substi tute, A. Vedder. Funk, regular, Fred V. Iforne; substitute, Wllbert Garrafciant. Prague, regular, Anton Kaspar; substitute, Adolph Kaspar. Iowa Keokuk, regular, Frank G. Rowland; substitute, liiiara Long. Lucas, regular, Harlan R. Knotts; substitute, Charles N,ckt!. Prescott, regu lar, Austin G. Stoner; substitute, -Jennie L Btoner. ' Postmasters appointed! Iowa Pekin, Keokuk county, G. 11. Carter, vice T. D. Cuddy, resigned. South Dakota Gale, Campbell county, Wenltli R. Murchlnson, vice H. Vanderpool, resigned. Spokane, Custer county, Henry B. Cox, vice John O. Tyler, resigned. PAPER MAY CRITICIZE ART May Give Its Opinion of Designs Without Becoming! Liable fur Damages. ( MlLWAl'KKU, Nov. SO.-Judge Halsey of the superior court today decided thata newspaper has the right to criticise the ork of an artist so long as it does not personally httack the artist himself. The dtlon ws la a case where a sculptor sued a newspaper for heavy damages be cause of a critical article published In reference to a model prepared in the com petition for (he making of a monument. Take Plso's Cure for Consumption. It will cure your cough. AU druggists. Sic BRINGS IN EIGHTEEN BILLS Grand Jury Indicts for Alleped Bootlegging tti Abuse of Mail'. MOST OF WITNESSES GO TO HOMES James T. Walker of Lincoln and F. J. Harrison of Kearney 4 barged with Violating Civil Service Lairs. The federal grand Jury submitted a re port to Judge Munger )as"t evening about S o'clock In which eighteen Indictments were returned. Three of these were for Improper use of the malls and fifteen for selling liquor to Indians. In the latter fifteen cases none of. the Indicted parties is yet-Under arrest and their names are withheld pur suant to the custom of the United States courts until the parties are either arrested or have given bonds 'for their appearance. James T. Walker of Lincoln Is one of the parties indicted for sending unmal'.able mat ter through the malls. Another is F. J. Harrison, now in custody at Kearney for using the malls for blackmailing purposes. The third party indicted is still at large and hence his name Is suppressed for ob vious reasons. The grand Jury will reassemble at 8 o'clock this morning for the further consid eration of bootlegging cases. No further indictments were returned In the postofflce scandals at Alma, Orleans, Arapahoe or Oxford, and no further in vestigation will be undertaken in these cases until the return of District Attorney Summers from Washington. Most of the witnesses in the postofflce cases have returned to their homes with instructions to return to Omaha by Tues day morning, at which time the Investiga tions will be resumed before the grand Jury. Source of Anlmns. A strong effort is being made to sweat a confession out of W. M. Erwln relative to his dealings with W. R. Blddeo regarding the Orleans pcatofflce deaf, wherein It is claimed that tOOO was the consideration in volved to secure the appointment. That the animus behind , these charges and counter charges goes back to the sena torial contest , of 1901 is developed in the fact that the most-active and garrulous witnesses belong to the defeated faction in that contest, and their pcmonRl grievances are distorted and elaborated- upon with the utmost virility. This fact Is easily discern ible to tho casual observer 'in the federal building corridors and ho secret is made of it. - REYES TALKS OF WAR (Continued from First Fage.) until 3 o'clock in t'he afternooti, when i document was drawn up and signed by all the commissioners, setting forth the details of the conference. General Holguln of the Colombian commission 'asked finally if the Colombians could do anything whatever to regain the Isthmus and Senor Arias an swered that it was decidedly 'impossible. He, however, expressed the desire of the Isthmians for close and friendly relations with Colombia. The questions of Colmbla's recognition of the Republic of Panama and Colombia's possible equity In the canal, railroad nd other Interests on the isthmus were not broached. . General Reyes Is what Is termed locally "president in campaign of C'olornblu." Ths power with which he is vested was con ferred on him by President Marroquin. The reports emanating from Buena Ven tura of the conditions In the Departments of Ciuca arjd Antlquta r-ppear to have been exaggerated. Tho last reports from these departments no not bear out tho sen sational stories. Senor Buacamente is the liberal leader and Senor Osnlna is the con servative leader of Antioqula. There has been a limited discussion on the part of the liberal and other discontents In Anti oqula and Cauca of inaugurating a revo lutionary movement. Such talk may bo expected at any time in almost any de partment of Colombia.- The liberal revo lutionary party Is still strong and Puna ma's success was bound to stimulate such talk. General Reyes to Visit Wnablna-ton. General Reyes says he will proceed to Port Llmon and from there to Washington, But otherwise he is silent regarding his Intentions. The Colombian commissioners asked per mission to olpombark Jr a promenade through the streets of Colon. Governor Melendex r.ommunicsted this request to the members of the Junta .and it was promptly Granted. Then the Panamanian and Co lombian commissioners left the Canada to gether'.md arm In arm they walked to the end of the dock, where 10 soldiers of the new republic formed in two lines and presented arms. As the commissioners passed through the" lines drums were beaten and buglen sounded. The members of tVie party then seated themselves in oarrlages and drove through Colon un guarded, returning to the Canada after un hour. In every way the Colombian gen erals were treated as friend?. During the trip down the Magdalena tfOME TESTINQ ' A Stare and Ussy Test on Coffee. To doclde the all important question of coffee, whether or not it Is really the hid den cause of your physical alls and ap proaching fixed disease, one should make a test of 10 days by leaving off coffee en tirely and using well made Pofctura Coffee. If relief follows you may know to a S?rt!r.t tit cofTee hr ben votlr Vlclotn snd killing enemy. Of course, you can take it back to your heart again If you ilka to keep sick. A lady says: "I had suffered with stom ach trouble, nervousness and terrible sick II. 1 ..hit lit'auat for my people were always great coffee drinkers and let us children have all we wanted. I got so I thought I could not live without coffee, and I would not ac knowledge that? it was causing my suffer ing. "Then I read so many articles about Poaturo that I decided to give It a fair trial. I had. not used It two weeks iu place of coffee until I began to feel like a different person. The headaches' and nervousness disappeared, and where I used to be sick two or three days out of a week while drinking coffee, I am now well and strong and sturdy seven days a week, thanks to Postum. "I had been using Postum three months and had never been sick a day, when I thought I would experiment and see if it really was coffee that caused the trouble, so I began to drink coffee again, and in side of a week I had an awful sick spell. I a as so ill I was soon convinced that cof fee was the cause of all my misery, and I went back to Postum again In a hurry, with the result that I was soon again well and strong and determined to use Partem the rest of my days and to leave coffee alone in the future." Name given by Poetum Co.. Battle Cretk. Mich. Look la each package for a copy of the famous Utile book. "The Road to VI t vllie." GnEUCMISCj Tho Real ( ana of Tale Jolnt-Twlstlnc. Mnscle-Blndlng, . Nerve-IuBamlng Disease nnd How It Is Prevented nnd t ared BY WARNER'S SAFE CURE The foot In th picture Is no exaggeration. . To the pain-distorted vision of the owner II appears many times as large. The trouble Is rheumatism and gout. ' Tho cause, tirlo acid. The cure, Warner's Safe Cure. t rie acid Is a natural product of our bodies, the result of tissue changes and a ' meat diet. Like ths sewage of cities it is contaminating. I. v . Ir AY "VAU ' I I .itfMU,;.: MM It is the work of the kidneys to ellmin as formed. When,, however, the kidneys have beco cumulation of uric add that poisons the b In coursing through the body the uric tlcu'ar Joint rheumatism; it attacks the bago; It afreets the delicate membrane cov Sciatica thev are all rheumatism. Uric scld Is the father of all rheumatism name It may be called. Safe Cure cures rheumatism because It enables them to pass out of the system th the disease. MB. JOIIX S. WII.SOX, 43 Brhnyler St.. Albany, N. A. laid np for Weeks by Inflammatory Rheimslhrn, Is Permanently C tired by "nf Core. "About six years ago X was a martyr to frequent attacks of inflammatory rheu matism In my feet and hip joints. Often h ad to give up work for live or six weeks at a time. 1 tried prescriptions by the dosen, one after another, and some would-bo sure cures from different friends. None seemed to do me any pood. At last fortune caused me to visit an old friend of mine who I kne,w at one time Buffered as I did. He told me what Warner's Safe Cure had done for him. He had about half a bottle left over snd I took It home and began to tak It ns directed. Ry the time I had fin ished I found a little relief. I pot a bottle and continued taking the remedy until I had used up three bottles. I whs so encoureged that I kept on taking it for two months after, when I was entirely cured and have had absolutely no rheumatism since. I always keep a bottle in the house and recommend it to all I hear compluin ing as I did." JOHN 8. WILBON. YOU CAN TELL. IF YOU HAVE KIDNEY DISEASE. Rheumatism, pnln in the head and boe k. painful passing of urine, cloudy urine, a reddish-brown sediment In the urine afte r It stands 2i hours, swelling in the body, drowsiness, loss of appetite, indigestion, a llntless feeling, skin diseases, jaundice, torpid liver: if a woman, benring down sen Billion, pnlnfu! periods, fuintlng, So-called "female weakness;' these all tell you that your kidneys h:ive been out of oriitr for months and utterly unable to do their wo rk properly. The danicer point is near. fegin taking Bare Cure at once and taKe 1 rilhout any bad after-effects. Physicians of all i schools unite in nrals has made. It Is prescribed In all pRrts of t ror Kioney, uver ana maimer nisorners. a re fure Is purelv vegetable, contains no harmful drugs, is free from sediment and p lensant to take. It Is a most valuable and effective tonic'nnd a stimulant to digestion. It awakens the torpid liver; repairs the tissues: soothes Inflammation and irritation ; stimulates and heals the weakened and enfeebled organs; builds up the body, give s It health and strength and restores en ergy. Sold by all druggists or direct, 60 C ENTS AND $1 A BOTTLB. ANIIYI FDfF " yov nave ""y doubt as. to the development of the disease In JIJ I sils. your system, send a smnfiln of vmir nrlna tn hp mmllm! de. partment, Warner's Safe Cure Co., Rochester, N. Y., and our doctors will analyxe It and send you a report with advice and medical booklet free Beware of so-called Kidney tares Tvhleh are full of sediment and of bad oilor-they are positively harmful and do not cure. WARNER'S SAFE FILLS move the bowels gently and aid a speedy cure. river General Reyes was everywhere re ceived with enthusiasm. The people told him they were ready and willing ty enlist in a fight for the recovery of the Isthmian territory. General Reyes also discouraged this warlike attitude, declaring it better to act through diplomatic channels, which he told the people was the purpose of his mission to the Isthmus. It is heard on good authority that General Reyes coun termanded preparations which were being made In Buena Ventura and Barranqullla for a march on the isthmus. The general no doubt recognised the futility of any such attempt In view of the protection given by the Vnlted States to the new republic. Commission at State Department. WASHINGTON. Nov. 20. The commis sioner from Panama, accompanied by the Panama com..i:ssIon, M. Philippe Bunau Varilla, was received at the State depart ment today by Secretary Hay. The ex changes, while Informal, were most cor dial and In Knglish. Dr. Amador Informed the secretary that the commissioners' Viad carefully Inspected the Huy-Bunau Varllla treaty, and desired to take this opportunity of expressing their entire satisfaction with tho arrangement. Dr. Amador assured tho secretary that no time would be las'; in its ratification by the Panama government. He then paid a tribute to the service which the Panama minister had performed In so promptly negotiating the convention. After these felicitations the secretary and commissioners discussed the future of the republic. It was pointed out by the minister that tho junta felt that it must first' accomplish the mission to which It was called by the entire people of Panama, namely, to ratify t!ie cunal treaty, and then i. would turn its attention to the equally Important though "ieea immediate" work of establishing a more usual form of government. The secretary expressed deep Interest in the future of the ni w state. This afternoon the president will receive the commission at the Whlto House. Small Ready o Grant Recognition. Ths State department received today a cablegram from United Btates Minister Thompson, dated at Petropolls yesterday, stating that the Brazilian minister of for eign affairs had Informed him that the Brazilian government was ready to recou rse the nevr Renubllo of Panama when ever application Is made In due form. Ambassador Tower, from Berlin, made a similar report as to the attitude of the German government toward Panama. It is now evident to the State department that there will be no withholding of recog nition by all of the powers, as their repre sentatives seem to be convinced of the sta bility of the new republic. The move imminent among the Euroj in holders of Colombian bonds to secure the assumption by the new republic of a por tion of the foreign Indebtedness of Col ombia has not failed to attract the atten tion of the commissioners and the subject was broached in ths talk at the State de partment today. The first Impulse of the State depart ment officials was to urge the new republic to assume some share of this debt, on the ground that such a oourse was usual in coses of national separation, but it has now been stated that there is really no equitabl standing for a claim of this kind. The bulk of the foreign Indebtedness on Col ombia is represented to have been- con tracted before the adhesion of the Isthmus to the United tSates of Colombia. The money was borrowed In the period between 110 and 1&21. before the forma tion of New Granada, and while what is known as "Greater Colombia." Included only the Colombia of todir Venesuels and Ecuador. The Isthmus was separated and was governed from Spain directly. It Is probable that this fact will be advanced as a reason for the denial of the request expected to be forthcoming from the for eign bondholders. . Merman Steamer Stopped. The Navy department received a cable mum s&rrnV ate this poison from the system as rapidly me weakened or diseased there Is an ac lood. acid settles In the Joints and causes ar Icwer part of the back and produces lurn ering the sciatic nerve and the result Is. no matter where located or by what restores the kidneys to healthy action and excess of urio acid that is the cause of t regulurly. It Will surely euro you and Ina- Rnf7 Cure for the wonderful cures it ho wor'd and used exclusively In hospitals gram from Admiral Coughlin at Colon re plying to an inquiry whether there was any '.ruth in the report that the German steam ers Markomania srul Scotia had been stopped at Co!on by American men-of-wur. Admiral Coughlin states that the Mar komahla stepped off Colon enro-jte to Car tagena to land passengers, but was not in terfered with. The Scotia arrived about sjnset, three days overdue; was informed that r.o armed f rce would be permitted to land, but ha essel 'was not :nterfcr.d with, r.nd only darkness prevented its get ting alongside the dock ct once. Text of IntpirtKnt .slides. Although the Il.iy-B:innu-Vs.rilla treaty has in substance been published In their entirety, the Associated I'rens publishes herewith the text of tho flrBt five articles of the convention ' which have to do with sovereignty: Article 1 The United States guarantees and "will maintain the Independence of the Republic cf Panama. Art. ? The Republic of Panama grants to the United states In perpetuity the use, oc cupation and control of the rone of land nnd IhihI imdpr w.ili'i', for the construction, maintenance, operation, sanitation and pro tection of said canal of the width of ten milts, extending' to the distance of llvu miles on each side of the renter of the line of tho route of the cunal to be recon structed: the said sons beginning in the Caribbean sea three marine miles from mean low Water mark, and extending to and across tho isthmus of Panama Into the Pacific ocean to a distance of three marine milcM from mean low water mark, with the proviso that the cities of Panama nnd Colon, nnd the hfrhors adjacent to said cities, which fire imludcd within tho boun daries of the lone above de-scribed, shall not ha Included within this grant. The He ihiMIc of Panama further grants to the United States In perpetuity tiio use. occu pation and control of any other lauds and waters outside of the lone above described which may be necessary and convenient for the. construction, maintenaiee. operation, sanitation and protection of the said canal or any auxiliary canals or their works necessary and convenient for the construc tion, maintenance, operation, sanitation and protection of tile said enterprise. The P.e publlc of Panama further Brants to the United States in ierpetiilty the occupation and control of all islands within the limits of the zune above described, and in addi tion the group uf small Islands; in the bay of Panama named Perlco, Naos, Culebra and B'Wmoneo. Art. S The Republic of Panama grants to the United States all IhJ rights, power and authority within the seme mentioned and ileacribed in article 11 of trrls agreement and within the limits of ell auxiliary lands and waters mentioned and described in said article II, which the United States would possess and exercise if it were the sovereign of the territory within which said lands and wnlers r loent.i lo the entire exelusion of the exercise by. the Republic of Panama of any such sovereign jla!n. power and authority. Art. 4 As rlRhts subsidiary to the above grants the Republic of Panama grants In perpetuity to the United Stati's right to me the rivers, streams, lakes and other bodies . . . 1,1.1.- i.- ! l. ....... ... ..M.a v.. .(in, itiiiiia lui iiui,h.i iwii. the supply of water or water power or other purimses. to far us the ue of the sail rivers, stretuus, lakes and bodies Of water and the waters thereof may be necessary and convenient for the construction, main tenance, operntlon. sanitation and protec tion of the said canal. Art. 8 The Republic of Panama grants to the United States In perpetuity a monopoly for 'the construction, mainten ance and operation of sny system of com munication by means of c-inil across Its territory between the Caribbean sea snd the Pacific ocean. NERS VOTE TO - SETTLE (Continued from First Page.) affirm tho right to take in firemen,, engi neers and many others. Later the executive council offered a report in the case of the trouble between the brewery workers and the firemen and engineers, recommending that the Cincinnati agreement be reaffirmed and exonerating the Brewery Workers' In ternational union from any charges which have been made against )t. Tho question led to a general discussion. P-y a show of hands the committee report as adopted, 101 to II. 4 Mart sever Herts After Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil Is ap plied. Relieves pain instantly and heals at lbs same lime. 'er wan or beast. Price, iSc. m - n. .un.. . i.i u ......I ii .. i i i " VULCAN OAKS Ilnnrlxomc Soft Coal JlPMtcrs HOT tins nml lli-ntd-M CARBON OAKS No. 1t I.nrKf. High Orntle RADIANT HOME Hose Humors, positively the bost, fuel navel's ami great heaters ) OPEN SATURDAY EVENINCS Stoves and Rangea Sold on Payments. ' Write for Circulars and Prices. ... . MILTON ROGERS & SONS GO. I4TH AN 3 FiRllll.l STREETS . ....,,.i. .....inn,,-.,. , imiSSTB - . .i. i i. ,.i ...iiisi. ,i ILL REGAIN HER LOST slrsngiii ana liality quickly by usinj "Storz Blue Ribbon Beer" This beverage has a wonderful effct In toning Op the human eye tern when rundown. It cures and prevents Indi- jr"" -VS gesiion, Insomnia and Nervouin3, f j" 1$P Doctors approva Storz Blue Ribbon for jfii, "1 home and family use. f&&)j2Ji?f,' Bottled at bra wery only. J'fetVeS? STORZ BREWING CO.. Ijhtfffil: Thanksgiving ion is simply a mutter of ingenuity in bringing together ' various articles of diet with thoughtful consideration and skillful select, lug to please the eye and gratify the palato ' , To reduce difficulties and nvold dlsnp polntmant purchase jour Meats and Gro ceries of us, with the assurance your order will be s-xecuted with the choicest and most wholesome eatables obtainable.' Head I-ettuco c 'nuliflower .Spinach Tomatoes Wax Beans Celary Cranberries KgK Plants t'ucui.ibcrs llmliva Radishes Wafer Cress Jersey Sweets J.vaf 1-jituce Tokny Giapes Malaga Grapes Concord Grapes Catawba Grupts Pcar. oranges Pineapple Grape l-'ruit Stuffpd Dates Smyrna Kigs Malaga Raisins C'nl. Pigs UriHTiolile Walnuts Candied Cherries Sweet Cider Candied Pineapple Imported Wafers Candled Citron Imperial Cheese Cund. Lemon Peel Dill Pickles Cand. Urn line Peel SOMMER BROS., Exponents of good living. ' 28th and Fariiam Sts. Grocery Tels. 1329-1331. Market Tel. ' Agent For Alton Flour. The Heidelberg 320 South 16th Street. German fnf vs a aaa Mil a Exquisitely Decorated o.. ... r? -! oiriviiy i iim'U4 Mr. Buthorn, proprietor of the Schllts Hotel, has added a novel feature to his hotel In ths way of a decidedly German cafe, fitted up in flemish oak, being the only one of the kind In Omaha. The decorations ars costly and will have to be seen to be appreciated. Open After the Theater. Cbarses Lege Tfasn All Other DR. IMcGREW SPECIALIST. Treats e4 ror bbs W DISEASES OF MEN ONLY A Mcdlcsl Espsrt M Years' Experience It V ars Is Osoabs ssf s se u CarcS TsftsooSMl, HrSroOTls, B!o4 PaiMil, tirlrtiira. IMS. rMM LMIHJ, Lom al ItnofUi bS VilsI llr U.4 sit fcr ul cnr.vlc sl TrMLmiU by Hull- CaiI r IM r OSVj ms tit a. lit SC. ti.a.S, SmS. Preparaf .1 5.75 BLASTS 7.75 Smoke Consuming II.50 28.50 ns Ard you are o;ie of the few Or.inbs iren who have not as yet lo: ked ever a portion cf our ),fjO . patterns ol Winter Suitings. ., Not too late now to have a stilt for next Sunday. Quality marks tt Nlcoll suit from the loom to the finished suit. Good clothes minus extravagant prices. Suits $20, $25, $30. $35 Overcoats, $2!) to $50 Trousers, $5 to $12 All garments made in Omaha rr-a nun rm 209-211 South 15th St FRED PAFFtiNRATH, AUnajer. . e.fcwearM ,4jyaM -EMJYRQYAL nifKi A. stars rJi4.uW) Lft4l, ssk UrusTflP fcr i ii ItU I SI KK'a KNtiaUlKjf la fcCi t.o4 JM ft. h! MaJ4 Wllk bin ribbon. laLsksss BtssBl I Iaaeraa af (l utioHa amd lmtta la). ij of jtr Jrtftti, r tsd c. 4a rra rar r titiNltft, J Miatuinia I "K.llafNr ruMcsa.wPi Uw. br r. If UritftfisLa. 'Llt'r?tsr ' raileaj 4 AMI SEMKiNT. BoVb",vv'"',r'8: . THIS Ai-TERMOOH TONIGHT ; ' J. II. IVOUO IH T nurt II K I UKN V K ..- "THE DONHIE DRIER BUS.I" I'rlces M:itinte, ffic, jOc, tic; Night, Siu, Wc, 76c, ll Otf. Bunday Matinee and Night and Monday Night 'THE GIRL FROM SWEDEN." , Prices Bargain Matlnoe, Any peat 23c; Night, 2rc. bbc, 7tc. ' Telephone 1631. Rvery Night, Matinees Thursday, .SaturJay and Sunday. MODKIt! VAt UK VILLI;. Kranclsca Bedding A. Co., Fa lk ft Be men. nines Kt-mlngton, Pa user Trio. Paulo 4V. Ulka, Alexius, Kosa Lee Tyler and the Kincdrome. "KICKS 10c.- IC. Vic. 1 . Thofitn- ml I3-25-50-75C TONIOHT AT ( :13- WHERE lb on MAT. SAT. COBB? Sunday Matinee "ROBERT EMMET.' : HoYembar 21st T SSI t.