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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1903)
Tnr, OSTAUX DAILY HEE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1903. 1 Wonderful 1 n n? 4S""a'l- ' mm. mm Cuttomt r$ llvlnr at a distance should tend for our Illustrated woman's ca alor Out-of-town cus lomers can hav the advantages or our wsmant dep'l by tcsdinf fsr osr Illustrated catalof LLi3U10rimiirrM 1 I ft 1 I I Itt ssw .sSsssW TUU RKLIABLR STORK. NS" JP M BssT KmW I V Coupons with eyery purchase. The most liberal and valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other hous if SATURDAY SPECIAL SALES A GREAT SALE Of WINTER UNDERWEAR east or west can or will offer such values. atSBBwagaassias asa . . s - Vr-i UAL S ENTIRS SURPLUS STOCK AND SAnPLES FROM TH GREAT HOUSE OF A. W, PORTER A CO., NEW YORK. Ladles' Winter Und;rwear-flno and hoary ribbed, fleecy cotton and all wuot vests and pant, .t- 69C-49c-39c-25c Ladles' Union Suits in natural wool, fine Egyptian cotton, etc., at Q(JC"69C"49C ninses', Children's and Boys' Underwear plain and fancy ribbed, medium and heavy weights, at 39c-25c-19c-l5c Warm GOLF GLOVESat 29c tr. Splendid all wool golf gloves, in imported Scotch, camel' hairand fleecy lined plain and "V fancy mixedcolora, worth 75c a pair, CT fit" 4 . ALL WOOL MITTENS Winter mittens for ladies and children in all colors and sixes basement and mala floor, 10C15"19C 300 25C 1 SPECIAL SALE OF KID GLOVES AT 59C AT new shipment of the finest Kid Gloves ever offered V at special sale correct new colors for street and dress wear, juany are 01 well Known stand- ard makes and some are real kid leather C all sizes on bargain eq. worth 11 fl. 50, pr . TWO SPECIAL HOSIERY EVENTS Men's Winter Hosiery Fleece lined wool hosiery for men, just the weight you want for winter in all sines you would expect to pay 23c a pair, i 1 at, a pair 2t Children's Hosiery Heavy ribbed cotton fleece lined hosiery for children, all sizes, many styles, here fl fr is warm hosiery at big bargain prices, pair leLL Ladies' Lace Stock Collars at 25c ! The pretty lace stock collars in the correct styles for winter wear, in ecru and white,' worth 75c each, T e? A I a special for Saturday, at Watch Our JlOlTv Windows in EfC. Watch Our nfcSsTqN t.e Windows il Girls and Boys Shoe Headquarters ' There Is no other place you can so and find such a complete stock of blab trade. Ions wear Is lata style shoes (or girls and boya as you will And at tbia store School Shoes are a special feature wtth na. We hay them (or boys and girls ef any ace from $1.00 for small alses up to H.60 for large sixes W have others, up to the finest dress shoes, and low 1 prices on au -VI SUIT SALE If you are looking- for a c quins bargain In a suit take a look at the ones we now offer at tlO.00. They ccme In single and couble-breasted, are made of pure all wool wonted, a neat dark pattern with a little red and blue figure, lined through tout with serge. . Make to order tailors would not turn out a suit like it for less than $28.W. If you live out of town . will mall you a sample of cloth for the asking. We also offer exceptional good values In suits at $7.60 snd 15.00. For I7.W we offer, amongst other good things, heavy, double-breasted black Thibet -suits. For $5.00 ws sell extra strong and durabls suits that oan be bought nowhere for less than 17.50 . OVERCOATS Our Overcoat sale has proven a great success. For $3.98 we sell a sightly coat For $5.00 ws have fancy gray Cheviot coats that have a stylish look about them. For $7.60 we offer Overcoats in different lenghts that defy competition. We make a specialty of a $10.00 genuine Irish Friexe Ulster that's the warmest thing you ever saw In ths way of an Overcoat. Fur coata from $6.98 up. Also large Una of sheep-lined Coats, Reefers and Ulsters. WARM FURNISHINGS Fleece-Uned Undershirts, 26c. Jersey Gloves or Mitts, 15c. Ear Muffs. 8c. Wool Bocks, from lOo up. Jersey Shirts, 45e. Men's Heavy Caps, from 26c up, and mostly everything a man wears st less pries than elsewhere. The Guarantee Clothing Co., 1619-1521 Douglas Street Agents in Omaha for Alfred Benjamin's Fine Clothing, Young's Celebrated Hats,' ' Carhartt's Famous Work Clothes. BURSTS 1318 FARNAM. THANKSGIVING ftVA C Rl I I mm mm w s Beautiful , Havlland Crown Derby China Meat Course Soup Set To this ! 14 Pieces $22.00 $9 00 oid Eie "cauldcn" Dinner. Sets , Koaet Set $7.00 j $6.50 llayden Bros'. Big Clothing Salo Slill Going On Here are some of the Greatest Values for You in Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats: I MEN'S OVERCOAT8-In Meltons. Kerseys, Beaver and Irish Frieze, in Oxford gray, blue, black and fancy mixtures, all well tailored and cut in the very latest styles) Bona worth less than $10.00 to $1160. Our price, only..' $7.50 For $10.00 wa have over 60 different patterna to select from. In this 11ns you will find the season's very latest and most up-to-date atyles and fabrics, In medium and long lengths; all ban! tailored throughout. Nona worth less than $16.00, fl rs n Our price, only tplUiUU BOT8' OVERCOATS-In sges from to 11 years. In short and medium long lengths. In Oxford grays, brown mixtures, plain colors and fancy mixtures; at $7.50, $6.60, $6.00, $4.76, $3.76 and, ..$3.50 BOYS' REEFERS Mads wtth the high storm collars, In Irish Frlese, Chlnchyias, Cheviots and Vicunas, In black, blue and fancy mixtures; Just the thing for school wear; at $3.60, $2.60, $3.25, $1.96 and Also a special sale on boys' two-piece knee pants suits at $3.60, $3.60, $1.96 and $1.75 ecs knee :$i.5o V JL OJ 0 L2)l!ti ISQ6 Farnnm- Painless Extraction without araa. Perfect bridge worlc at a discount work guar anteed lady attendant Dr. Bradbury -Telephone I7S6 US fill!. ., rilllll(a UUV Ul Sat of Teeth .... S5.00 Pivot Teeth S4.00 Gold Crowns ....$5.00 Porcelain fillings tbo newest. Dssilat DOUBLE ROASTER FREE ' . ' ' THE GRAND UNION TEA COM PANY MAKES TUB SPECIAL Thanksgiving Announcement THAT ON Saturday and Monday; Nov. 21 and 23 a Grand Union Double Roaster will be given fr to aacb purchaser of one pound of ' r.rirUin iiiiini.1 ouwa pniunFn uiiAiii) uniuii umtiuu i uiiuLii . A, turkey cooked In a Grand Union Double Roaster has an exceptionally fins flavor as all the juices are retained In the meat The demand for these roasters at the special sals on above dates will be large, and, therefore, ws urge that you coma early to take advantage of the offer. To stUl further Improve your Thanksgiving dinner you should serve our Java and Motha Coffee 3 Lbs. $1 It makes a clear cup with a flavor fit for a king. GRAND UNION TEA CO., 402 Broadway, Council Bluff I 111 S. Sixteenth Street. Omaha 409 T. 24th St.. South Omaha Phone B-177 .n r - it i .-it. -r ; Visitors iol Purcfc:.3rs Equally Welcome. ; m Practical Dentistry Is always satisfactory. We . psy apeolal attentlun to every patient, a thst your work will at all times "be done correct . ; KIUIbsTS ............ T5e mm .; 3.QO v Taft's Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas SUact. CARVERS... Your Thanksgiving Table siere Is lmcomplete unless tbe Cutlery Is Id keeping with the China and Linen. We have Just received the handsomest line of CARVERS for TURKEY, OAM13 and STEAK. Also the latest things In Table Knives that have ever been shown here. Jas. Morton & Son Co. The Cutlery People. 1511 Dodge Street BEST MEAT PRIciES Our would-be competitors are trying their utmost to compete, with us In prices, but the quality of their meats will not com- nafA with thnM WA hiLVS tO OffeT. Mutton Less of choice native file ..8c 25c ..5c ...4c ...3c .2ic cornfed sheep yearlings Sirloin Steak of choice native cornfed steers wa ana Round Steak four pounds for Prime Rib Roast 8o and Good Beef Koast 6c and Boiling Beef Short Klbs Morrell's Iowa Prids Bacon, Spiced Pigs' Feet 2Sc four pounds for A big cut In Iard. as we have bought re cently a carload of the best Ket- Ol C lie fiumiureu Jtru ft pounds tor.. - Compound t r Ij.r.1 - Ut Best Butter loe .' DRUG PRICES SLAUGHTERED 10c " ' CKT THB HABIT . V " I ir ar ef purchasing your wants la the jewelry line of us. You wnl never chauge It. , , 4 Skf 9 For Menstrual Supreision;7"-y- rr.r: pen-tan-got Hlbu;l UlH MM Is Oaiiks fcT Shcraaa lUwiMllintw. SUU Su4. limMMuwlMa CENTRAL MARKET A. M. LESSER. Proprietor. 16th and Harney ft reets. Telephone Zk9. 16tb and Capitol Avenue. Telephone 17M. mHmammmtmmmmmmmmammmmlmmmwmmmmmmmmmmm ' ' y(rsiiliry Thatiksgivitig TURKEY AND CARVING SETS. We have the carving sts sa eleKsnt line. . Ktag Horn handles, $2.50 up. Solid Silver tundlea, $10.00 up. ; l'earl handles, $10.00 up. BROWN & E0RSHOM, 123 Bout k ltia Street. An Inspection or prices given below will Show how to SAVB MONEY. ON YOUR DKIIO BILL. ttc Mennen's Tslcum Powder for 12o Ms (irsvn' Tootk Powder for ....ho 60o Paso Pile Ointment for 40o $1.00 Liquosona we sell for Soo OOe Plaaad's balk EittsU, per os t JiOe fl.OO riuid'i ' Qalatessenee, per oa... 90c 50c Colgate's Pansy Blossom Ext for.. 25c $1.00 Coke's Dandruff Cure for bio tbo Hubert's Mascot! Perfume, per os ........ ...20c $1.54 Vln Mariana for $1 00 $1.00 Pierce's Medicines for etc toe Soclete Hyglentque Soap for 29c $1.00 Penner's Kidney and Backache Cure for SOo $1.0v Wine of Cardui for 'bo S1.K Peruna ferns-Persss. . . . ie TIIKSK PKH'HJS HAVfi A LiX;iiEIL.Y CUT-PK1CK FLAVOR. - $1.00 Llsirine (Lambert for 75c 26o Porter's Antlaeptio Oil for JOc YOU GET THKHK PRUG PRICE8 AT OT'H ANU nOUGii. 50n Gossom's Kidney Cure for 40c 5lc Neat's DyHpepsla Cure for 40c $1.60 IM RHEl.'MATIC CURE for ....$1.35 EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK. ,12a (oc Mellln's Food, we sell for iuo I.S Isuperlal Utiian tor Baby for 8Se $1.00 Dr. Snoop's Medicines for hoc 1.7o 8. 8. 8. for $1.14 Dr. Westmal's Senna Pills the pill with out a pain, emll and easy to take...'c $1.50 Oriental Cream for $1.15 THESE ARE SHERMAN & M'CON NKLL'D PRICES. $l.uw Kirk's Daniiruff Cure (warranted to cure dandruff In 10 days) for 75o Bl.oo Utkcr'a Barley Malt Whisker for TSe 60c Mull's Grape Tonlo for 40c $1.00 Dr. Charles' Flesh Food c Soda Mint Tablets Hie toe. Packer's Tar Soap lac fcfte Ears aatd Olive Tar ' Soap far 10 J5c Carter's Little Liver Pills for 15c too Syrup of Figs we sell for 40c TlfO I-axatlve Bruno Quinine for lc bl.OU ftewbru's Herptride, we aril tor &o 5o Wright's Indian Veg. Pills for lOc $100 Plukhaui's Veg. Compound for.... ',5c $1 00 Moiiier's Friend, we sell for )c l ib. box Pure Borax for 14- 'Ac W hislow bo.nhina Syrup for ao MO PURE K-GRAIN UU1N1NB PILLS for 5c tl 00 Swa niton's FIVE Drops for 'Sua Huniplirey'a No. 77 for 2"e Write for our catalogue MAILED FREE. Srnan&McGoiinsIl Drug Co. Druggists and Perfumers. -. . tUtt. Uu, inii DvUgs tUk, Ouiaia, Sale of Women's Coats Saturday will be a. great d&jy irv ovir womarv's coat dep't. Wo will offer coats of Iho very latest style and correct shapes, at the lowest prices ever named for strictly high grade garments. Read every line of this ad carefully then if you're at all interested come and see how well these carmcnts back up these descriptions. $10 for Women's CoatsMade of the very best quality of all wool kersey new collarless cape effects, loose or half fitted backs, best satin lining, new sleeves. We guarantee them to be the 1 f best $10.00 Jacket on tbe market II S&tUnlfljr a sasssssses estaesssess aasoepaaaaa $12.75 for Women's Military Coats -Made of the best Washington Mills kersey, in all shades, new military capes trimmed with buttons and braid, heavy satin lining very swell f aw p-w garments worth S1S.00 I 1 Saturday $14.75 for Women's 3-4 Length Coats In a fine qual ity of Montlnack or slbellne, made with new shoulder capes, neatly trimmed, loose or half fitted backs, lined with the best quality of " A P7 LZZ satin lining, garments In this lot worth $25.00 I uL m Saturday - $22.50 for Women's Swell Military Coats Made of the very finest quality of kerseys, coverts and Imported albellnes new half fitted backs with Wnttan plait and shoulder capes f J"" f $30.00 and $35.00 valuea t'aturday Ladies' Waists, Worth $5,; $6.50 and $7 50. . ... .- On Sale Saturday ... . I $29.75 for Women's Handsome Zibellne Cottts In black, Kue, browns and gunmetal ehades, shoulder capes, new Wattan plait back, finest satin lining, one of tho most correct and handsome garments of this season. 1Q 77C $40 values Saturday V.X J Women's Imported Sample Coats-We have a few ol these high grade imported samples left, in zibelines, fine kerseys and velours they will be on sale Saturday at a great reduction in price. $45, 47.50, 4975, $55, $65 JSffJSSL WOMEN'S FURS AT GREAT SAVING IN PRICE, LISTEN! ' 3.90 BOA-Of thrnewAriblan 2 large tails, scarfs WOMEN'S LONG FUR BOA Of the best black Coney fur, with 6 large tails," worth $8.50 -our price. .... . WOMEN'S ISABELLA FOX SCARFS-60 Inches long, with two large tails., 'A special bargain, worth $8.75 our price . . . .- WOMEN'S EXTRA LONG FDR fox fur, Isabella or sable dyed. positively worth $15,' for i WOMEN'S HANDSOME ISABELLA FOX BOA Extra long, of very fine selected skins, with 2 large very full and fluffy tails an $18.50 value, our price WOMEN'S FUR JACKETS WOMEN'S ELECTRIC SEAL JACKET Made of food full skins, with neutra collar and revers Skinner's satin lined, 22-ln. long, a special bargain, prlc ". xvnvfRrf'H k'KAR SEAL. JACKET Mads of the very best selected Ions, made and finish) as well as any seal skin garment, finest satin llnina-. Will stand comparison with any W.Q0 4orl. t in th market our nrfce tvnMWMd mkw BIOUBB Pun JACKETS Ws are showing a beautiful Una of seal, iv.nranier ana ruii.n "i wim g r iiii .IUUiVU beaver, mink to bs lower than kny Persian lamb, with guarantee store In Omaha $37.60, U7.6U. (S6.00 up to. tis saa farmitnt In near or cninciaiia revers, m w 8.75 ML mC 24.75 skins, tl-ln. 37.50 L Specials in Children's Garments FOR SATURDAY. CHILD'S MONTE CARLO JACKET Made of good quality of melton, has new shoulder cape and small tabs, new sleeve and high storm collar, would be cheap at $5.00 . , O E0 Saturday A-Js-JV CHILD'S FULL LENGTH MONTE CARLO COAT Made of a very good quality of striped zibelines and dark fancy mixtures, high storm collars and new shoulder capes, trimmed with T braid and velvet, new sleeve with cuffs, regular fj 4 IB $10.00 values; Saturday v v CHILDREN'S STYLISH LONG GARMENTS Made of fine ker- seys and zibelines in blue, red, green and brown, new cape col- lr.r, entirely new shapes, airrereni rrom anytmng yon can find elsewhere in Omaha, special good values; Saturday 10.00 Jilt TV? TUl JA ft 3 f 1 an ws U UTUZ 39 CENT STORE Saturday Sale Cracker Jars 10c Each Beautiful Decorated Vienna China .Cracker Jars, regular 60c quality, on sale Saturday only at 10c each. r. China for the Thanks gWing Table Turkey Platters, 40e awal mp Celery Trays, jeSe aad ap Spooa Trays, XSe a4 ap Cake Plates, SiAe a ad sip Carving- Sets, IMto aad op Open Saturday Evening Till 10 O'clock. GOLF HAT PINS STERLING SILVER in leather Caddy Bags, Omaha burned on. ths leather. An elegant prise or present. Price, $1.00. , We carry a complete slock of fine silver plated ware. Reed Sc Barton. iMawhinney Ryan Co., Jewelers, Diamond Merchants ana Art Stationers. 15 tn and Douglas Bts.. Omaha, Wilts for our catalogue. If Its Good Coffea You Want, You'll Come To Us : We buy our coffee green and do our own blending Rio Blond 11 o leader HI end has no equal for iBo Cucuta worth S6c for ZLe b os tun Java and Mocha, 1 lbs fl. per lb., ate Tti Special for Saturday Young Hyson English Breakfast Oolong Tea biftlngs .12'c Special (or Siturd.j Citron and Umon Peel 'sac Half pound Cocoa 17V)C Two-ounce Vanilla loc Two-ounce Lemon Ibo Due pound Raking Powder none batter.. 'Aa EIGHT (8) LANGUAGES are spoken among ths clerks who are em ployed In our two stores AMERICAN. 5iW.r;PI!,H'JDAN18H. NORWEGIAN bo: HBMIAN. POLISH. ITALIAN, (1KRMAN, rmu.',TNaLiBnH 10 p,nch wo ulk Our atock comprises everything in ths drug, patent medicine, rubber goods, chem ical, surgical Instrument, toilet, perfume, stationery or sundry line. We fill mall orders at advertised prices and deliver everything we sell any place In Omaha or Bouth Omaha, or the depot. If for out of town. Wo rail for and deliver prescriptions for less monev than anv competitor, and are glad of an opportunity to CONVINCE ANY BICEPTIC ON THIS POINT. Any person who has a prescription filled by us In welcome to the copy hack aautit, thus giving anyone the best opportunity to com pare our prices with others. Our motto to be remembered Is, "BCHAEFUJR'8 BELL IT FOR LKH8." IQWNKY'B CANDIES. O'BRIEN'S CHOCOLATES. SGIiAEFEIl'S E. T fATES, Prop. 16th and Chicago 8t., Omaha. 'Phones 747 and 77. 24th aud N Sta.. bouth Om.ha. Phone No.-1. Al( gooda dellvsrea any place In either city. CANDY TALKS There may bs other candy just as good as ours, but then you can't be sure of It, and hero you may 26 sticks of Candy Be Huarhound BUck Candy pound., Cocoanut Cushions pounds Broken Mixed pound ... Cream Mixed pound Crara Caramels pound Peanut Tanry pound , Jeily Beana pound Yankee Peanut pound ITALIAN CHOCOLATES FINEST IN THE CITY-POUND llaunu Chocolate half pound .a ps Cbswlng Gum all kinds .. 10a .. 10c .. 100 ..12o ..124o l&c ltKJ l&o ii uPlr i y u HIM 9 A Pair of Skates Will Ot our boys' tl.tO shoe and ths shoe is mads so well that skating won't wear them out they can't be pulled apart by skating. Good, heavy soles that keeo th feat dry and warm solid leather Uppers that outwear two pairs of soles. Bring ths boy In Saturday and ws will fit him to a pair, of these tM shoes and guarantee satisfaction. DREXEL SHOE CO., Ulf Farnam Street. Osaaha's Upto-Dat Shss House ".llii i iiii 'il' m. , il "" i" 71 n