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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1903)
Till: OMAHA DAILf HKE: SATUKDAY. NOVKMNKK 21, .100.1. IS WE IlENT sewing mmhlrifD at Tnn par wk, It ir rriuiiih; w npalr sml Mil parts mr every imiculue nmnufact jrwi; second-hand machine' Ir, ra i to ! 1- Nel. Cyule Co., Jam ana 11mi1.'. U 6J "VI AVI" y to health. Jl Bee biiil.llnjt, U jii PRIVATE, Sanitarium for Indies before nl Outing- conlint-menl. Vr. and Mrs. ClerScU, nil taillumi au Terms reasonable. FIUVATK hospital during confinement; babies adOtu. lira. Uatiiel, &-M Uk 'L Hd-lkM. ' U to THK OMAHA Plating CO. ho a movod to 1M Harney at. L M440 PRIVATE home during confinement; bab Btiop.ed. The (Joo,t b-imailtan t-anltar.utn, ZK Ut rvc, Council Blurt, la. U lm I'fUVATK hnrpltal before and during con finement. Mra. L. Fisher, lid Vinton. Tel. 1SS. U 029 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURF.g. At diugglsts, 1. U 631 PR. PRIES trcMs successfully all diax-a and Irregularities or woman from any cause; tsporlrnced and rellubh-. 10U Dodgs at., Arlington block, Omatm. U-tti COSTCME8 for rent. MIS 9. 2-uh. Back. U MifcK Dec 1 WHAT'S nicer than accordion ploatlna-T W'a do nothing but the ttneM. Uoldrm0 Pleating Co.,, 200 Douglas block. U-M258 Win th dinner set anfth Baker Furnltur v i win aril )uu a, 4d.vj Sideboard For 18.0. V-MG63 2? PERONAL-An Kngllalimun. aged 32. would like to make the acquaintance of a young woman, view early marriage. Write, atatlng age, height, etc. All let tera Will be treated with atrlkt confidence: no genera delivery anawered. Address U I. (lee. , U-J1&S4 PERSONAL A gentleman of mean would like to make the acquaintance of a thor oughly refined and dlscreat lady. Addrps In conBdenc, W 8, Bee. U MS ItOND or policy holders In the Northweet ern Life tc Bavlnna Oo. of ties Molnea. Ia.. will hear of somi-thln to tbnlr ndvnntnico Dy aaareaaing w 9, He otuce, uvJi Zi GENTLEMAN of Urge means, matrimoni ally Inclined, desirea acutititiitanre of cul tured young lady. Musi be good-looking Address W 17. Bee. U MG45 2UX BACK COPIES of. THIS WEEK'S IBSUE9. containing -THE MIS-SPELLED WORDS, Can be obtained at the Bee business office. - : : JC PER COPT. ... -M6i8 a WANTED Party to tk care of child 3 weeks old. Stat terma and give address to w ja, tiee. u Mii zix MAN'S BEST FRIEND Dr. Mutter's quick cure jor iimi munnwiai hcib immeaiaiRiy ; "It does the business;" sample free. Kra'gco, Chemlat Dept. 71, Milwaukee, WIS. U Mti i-X ANTI-MONO POLT GARBAGE CO.. cleans ceasporla and vaults, removes gar bade ana aeaa animeie at reaucea prices. U1 in. istn. in. ins. v6Nt MONBT TO LOAH-RBAL EiTATK. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H Tiiomaa, First Nat'l BaxLk bldg. Tel. IMS. PRIVATB mouey. Sherwood, 037 N.: Y. Ufa, 4 TO I P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block, W-UJ PRIVATB money. F. D. Weed, 10 Douglas.' WANTED City loan and warranta. W. Farnam Bmith 4V Co., 130 Farnam st. : W 6M . WANTED Real estate loans and warrants, R. C. Patera 4c Co., Be bldg. w 63 FIVTD per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 104. Farnam. w 63 (1,000,000 to loan on Improved real estate In Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Loans for building purpoaee. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat'l Uank Rldg. W MSW 22x LOST. LOST, a heavy hickory cane; crook at the bottom and turned handle, one which would not be of much value, to anyone, but a, sort of a family relic. Return to Bee oflice and get reward. . Lost 617 20x LOST Between Farnam and Webster sts., a black cloth bag conulning muney, a plated ear drum and two photographs. A liberal reward will be' balJ for return and no quis.lona asked. M Wollsteln at Co., Inc., 5X1 8. 13tlt St., Omaha, Neb Lost M6tf 21 WILL party who- took black overcoat with "Brokaw Bros." in collar from One Min ute restaurant Monday evening plnso re. turn It and get his own. Lout MKL'4 tl MEDICAL. - WE CURB blood poison In 10 to ) days, pimples, sores, nervous debility In 10 to ail aays, nerve waste, Drain tag, bladder dis eases, no matter bow long standing. Cook Meuical Co., 110-11 S. 14th at., over Dally News, Omaha, Neb. Ottice hours, la. m. to I p. m.j Sundays, U a, m. to 13.30 p. m. sai Dlk LIQUOR HABIT CURED In I days-pay when cured; no hypodermics. .Write for booklet! Qathn Institute, ixi S. 14th St. ' :' K41-D14 DAKC1NO ACADEMT. MR. AND Mrs. Morand's lith ar.dHarny adults Tueeday and Frttiay, p. m ; aa aerabllea, Wednesday; children, Saturday, 1 a. to. and p. in.; all dances taugnt rapidly: private luawone our specially, dally. Call or telephone ltML ......... Mc tH CHAMHKK8' New Academy, 2424 Farnam. Adult beginners, Mondays and Saturdays, II p. m.; assemblies, Wednesdays,' :io p. in.; children beginners, Wednesdays, p. m., Saturdays, i p. m ; advanced, Satur days only, i p. ni. 'Phone, F-1S71; res., A-1S71. 7U6 WAXTKO-TO BUY. DON'T give your furniture and carpets away. J. ievine pa price. Telephone 77. Levine pays the highest cash WANTED, a limited number of white rats and mice, guinea pigs, ferrets, rabbit, fancy pigeons. In fail, pets and birds of kII kind. t'lena give d.Si 1 iilon of your siock. Addre&s E. I, Frederick, Kearney, Neb. N MitsT WANTED, to buy good milch cow; rive description and priie. Address W IB, He-". N Mt44 22x WILL pay cash for old upright square pianos and oigans at once. Address V lo. Bee. N a BOOKS bought and sold. Room 8'-'8 N. Y. Lite Uldg. . Shonfeld, the Autxiua'-Mti . n . ii; AOEKTt VYAKTUU. WANTED Canvassing agents In every rmiiitv In Mnlllt it ;.,iTi ,1 1, thi.1 TWIlNTIETH CENTCllV FAM EH. ,mi,lnvm.n( u-lh ,,.i,i,. ., . . , i. nine. A grills In the country with horse and buggy espt-cieliy desired. - Canvassers make easily to Huo per month. Ad uress Century farmer Solicitors' Bureau. Bee builulng, Omaha. J AGENTS WANTED by the Diamond Ex trait Co., irji Ave. C, Council fluffs. J-7U UX AtiKNTS m nalnry or commission: the g-ettet ageni' sel'er er. pn1ued; every uer of pan uud Ink bjy It on siirht; Jul to ho per c nt pn.ft ; one ageni'e hi!.-' HinouuteJ to Ln In ,u days: another S J tn to h.iiir. Monroe Mfg. Co., x le. I'rnw. W in 1 C fx WAXTFO TO BO R BOW. WANTED to borrow, K.r-00 on sn Iowa . -jv a WANTED, to borrow J1.S50. home money, at per cnt. on Inside city re-idrnc property, ren'lng for lA tier annum Ad tlfrse W K Bra. -Mdii irti.n n ii.Kit ri.Tij. THE OMs HA Platlrg Co. hni .moved M;rnry wi. rin.Miinu packiu. Peterson A Lundlnrg, 115 S. 17tb. Tel. L.-Z'.bK H 610 lOtKSMITH. C. R. HEFL1N, 309 N. lfith it Tel. 774. . M-(Wi COsTLMES. Theatrical tnd masq. Lieben, 10H Far. 883 COSTUMES for rent. Sack, 3.11 F. 20th at. T.7-M1.- IM CAIll'EMtHli AM) JOISHfiRA. AT.L, k'.nds of carpenter work and repnlrlng promptly attended to. J. T. Oclil ire, jitn nnn i.c .ake et. DIlSICAt,. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Oavldge block. LETOVSIvY'B ORCHESTRA. Tat. L-2S4. -5SJ DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK, H7 Karbach block. Tel. A2832. tM ULECTH1CAU TRKATMBNT. MM B. SMITH, baths, US N. 15, 2d floor, r. 2. ' T MUl D STORAGE, OM. Van Stor. Co., 15111, Farn. Tela. 1659-Ml -67 Ft R URE8IIYQ. J. E. WALLACE. Taxidermist, (05 S. i:ith. ; 701 TOO lATB TO CLASSIFV. WANTED, one each clothing salesman and groceryman. Address W. D. Rumer, AUI a.nce, iseb. B M74 ii SALE8M KN Rubber footwear and speciality- shoo; Kansas and Nebraska; state experience and territory; old house; old Hnps. Address W 59, Bee. M745 D4 1 nil, POSTOFF1CE ROTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may Occur at any lime.) Foreign malls for the week ending No vember 2L1XJ3, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the General Postoftlce aa fol lows: PARCELH-PUBT MAILS close one hour curlier than cloning time shown be low. Parcels-Post Mails for Germany close at 6 p. m. Monday. Regular and supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half hour later than closing time shown below (except that Sup plementary Mails for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Traasatlantle Mails. SATURDAY At J:30 a. nf. for IRELAND, per s. s. Umhrla, via. Queenntown (mall tor other parts of Europe must be di rected "per b. n. Umbrla"5; at a. m. for EUROPE,- per s. a. New York, via South ampton; at 8:80 a. m. for BELGIUM di rect, per s, e. Kronland (mall mint be di rected "per a. s. Kronland"); at 8:30 a. m. for. ITALY llreot. per a. s. Hohensollern (mall must be directed "per a. s. Hohen sollern")) at 11 a. m. for DENMARK dl- rect, per s. Hekla. (mall, must be di rected "per a. a. Hekla"). After the closing of the Supplementary , Transatlantic Mails named above, addi tional Supplementary Mails are opened . on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamer, and re- - main open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mr-tla for Sooth aad Ceatral Americas, ' West Indies. Etc. bATTJRDAY-At 8 a. m.-for BERMUDA. per s. s. Pretoria; at 8:30 a. m. (supple mentary f 30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Zulla (mall for Hivanllla and Cartagena must be directed per s. s. Zulla"); at a. m. for PORTO RICO, per a. s. Coamo, via San Juan; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, SA VANILLA, CARTAGENA and GREY TOWN, per a. a. Alleghany (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per a. s. Alloghany"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per ti. r. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for PORT AU PRINCE. PETIT GOAVE, AUX CAYES and JACMEL, per s. s. Prins Wlllem IV. (mall for other parts of Haiti.. Curacao, Venesuola. Trinidad and Brltltih and Dutch Guiana must be di rected "per s. s.. Prlns Wlllem IV."); at 10:30 a. m.-(supplementary 11:30 a. m.) for INAGUA and HAITI, per s. s. Bolivia. Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., UxE. rept Transpacific. CUBA Via Florid, closes t this office dally, except Thursday, at 5:80 a, m. (the connecting malls close here on Wednes days and Saturdays via Tampa,, and pn Mondays via Miami). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, closes at this om-e dally, except Sunday, at 1:20 p. m. ana ii:w p. m. ounuuys at i;w p. m. and 11:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd ney, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting malls close here every Monday, Wednesday and Satvrday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at 'this office at (JO p. " m. every Tuesday. By rail to Philadelphia and thence by steamer, closes at this office at 11:30 p. m. everv Wednesday. MIQUEIX)N By rail to Boston, and thence bv ateamer, closes at this office dally at ' 6:30 p. m.' . BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATEMALA By rait to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, clones at this of fice daily, except Sunday, at 1 1:30 p. m. and and 111:80 p. m.. Sundays at 11:00 p. m. and fll:A0 p. m. (connecting mall - closee here Mondays at 111:30 p. m.). COSTA RfCA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes nt this omce dntlv, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and ' 111 :30 p. m., Sundays at 1:00 p. m. and JIl:3t p. m. (connecting mall closes here ' TueilHV at (11:30: p. IREGISTERED MAIL closes at I p. m. previous day. . ... Traaspiielae Malls. HAWAII.- JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco close here dally st 6:30 p. m. up to No vember Inclusive, for dispatch per s s. Gaelic. " HAWAII, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to November "3. inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Alameda CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here dally at 6 30 p m. up to November 24, Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s Empress of China. (Mer. chandlae foe United States Postal agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded vln Canada.) CHINA and IAPAV via Besttle close hers dally at 6:30 p. m. up to November lib Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Rioluii Mru. , PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran clactf, close here dtiilv at 6:30 p. m. up to November 1-6. Inclusive, for dispatch per IT. S. transport. TAHITI and MARQUESAS TSLAND9. via San Francisco, close here dllv at 6:30 p m. lip to November J:'8. Inclusive, for dlxpatch per a. s. Ma rip, ma. 1IAWAU JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco. cloe Jere ilally at H 30 p. m. up to November X. inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Hong Kong M'iru. NEW ZEALAND.,. AT'PTR ALI A (evcent Werft), NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI SAMOA and HAWAII. vU San Franel-co! clo--e here dilly at 6:30 p. in. up to De cember 13, Inclusive, for dlscatch per a a. Ventura. (If the Cunard steamer carry ing the P.rirlsh mail fur New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with till dlspttrh extra mail Hosing at 5:30 n. m. ntid :30 a. m. and 6:30 p ni ; Sun- , dxvs st 4:30 i. m.. V a. m. end p. m , will be made up and forwarded until the srrl"nl of the OunarJ. s'eainei.t AUSTRALIA teicceot Wean. FIJI 1ST.. AND 8 and NEW CALEDONIA (srecisllv adlrcaed on yl. via Vancouver and Vic toria. H. C, close hrre daily at 6 ;l p. rn. up to December 3, inclusive, for dispatch per s. e. Moana CitlNA and JAPAN, v'a Tacoma. cItss here daily at 6:3o p. in. up to December 1.3. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Shaw- ' pn'l. NOTE Unless otherwise sddressed. West Australia is forwinled via Euruue, snd New Zealand and Phlllpplnm vIh Pin Francisco tho quickest routes. Philip pines specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Kuiooe" must be fully prcpMl I nt Ihe foifis-n rates. Hawsil Is forwstded via 8a u Francisco excluaivelv. Xrsnspecff.c maiis are f.,rarded to port of sailing dal!y a. id the schedule of clo-tnf is arratigsj on the presumption nf hl nnln'erruoled overland transit. IRegts tered toe tl ch.res nt 6 t m. Previous day IX)Plil.!t'il VAN f'OTT, Pn!a-ter Potomce, New York, K. Y, Kot ember IS AFLROAD TIMS CARD. ISIO STATION 10TH ASD M ARC Y. Illlaels Central" Ieve. Arrive. Chicago Express a 7:3 am alO.Ji pm Cl lcaso, Minneapolis aY St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm S l:'4 am Mtnnenpolls & St. Paul Express b TJt am bI0:25 pm tnlcaga A Sort It western. "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago a :v am a 7.-00 nm Mall a 8:00 pm a :.,' am Ivoonl Sioux City a i:10 am a I:) pm Daylight St. Paul a 7.6o am al0:l) prn Dsyhgnt Chicago a t.W am all:l) pin Limited Chicago a 8:lo pm a :! am l"cal Carroll a 4:0" pm a 9:80 am Fast Chicago i pm a 3:46 pm Fast St. Paul 8:10 pro In am St. raul Express a 1:80 am Fast Mail a 2:40 pm Iyicnl aloiix City b 4:00 pm b 9:30 nm Norfolk &' Bonesteel....a 7 28 am al6J5 am Lincoln & Long Plne....b 7:25 am bl0:35 am Local Chicago 11:30 am talon Peelge. ' Overland U in I ted a 1:40 am, a 50 pm The Fast Mall a pm Cullfornla Express..., Pacific Express , Eastern Express The Atlantic Express, The Colorado Special. Chlcngo Special. .a 4:30 pm ,ui;w pm a 8:30 pm a 7 .30 am .a 7:10 am a 8:40 am a 8:40 am Lincoln. Beatrice ft Stromsburg Express. .b 4:00 pm b12:B0 pm North Platte Local a 8:00 am a 8:18 pm Grand Island Local b 8:80 pro b 8:38 am Chicago, Hock Islaad ex Paclfle. BAST Chicago Dsyltght L t d. a 8:65 am a 1:80 am Chicago Imvhght Locala 7:00 am a 8:36 pm Chicago Express bll:16 am a 6:36 pm Des Moines Express. ...a 4:30 pm bll:6u am Chicago Fast -Express, .a 8:80 pm a 1:26 pm WEST. ' r Rocky Mountain L't'd..a 7:10 am a 7:28 am Lincoln. Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 8:00 pm Texas, California and Oklahoma Flyer a 6::8 pm a 12: 10 pm Chlraco Great Western Ry. Co. 21 St. Paul & Minne apolis Limited.,..;... a 8:65 am 104 Ft. Dodge Express. .a 7:35 am 102 Ft. Dodge Express.. a 8:25 pm 20 St. Paul Minne apolis Limited., a 7:56 pm 7 Ft. Dodge Express.. M:10am 118 Ft. Dodge Exsress.. a 8:30 pm Misaoert rarinc. St. Louis Express al0:00 am a 6:25 pm K. C A St. L Express.. al0:5i) pm a 6:15 am Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Panl. Chicago Daylight a 7:45 am all :15 pm Chicago Fast .Express.. a :45 pm a 3:40 pm Chicago Limited a 8:c6 pm a 7:60 am Des Moines Express..., a 7:46 am a 2:40 pm Wabash. St. Louis "Cacnon Ball' ' 1 EXp. ess I l:U pm a 6:80 SIT St. Louis Local, Coun cil ttiuna., a 8:16 am al0:80 pm BtHLINOTO.-V STATION 10th A MASON. Chicago, Burlington A Qalney. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 3:56 am Chicago Vestlbuled eg. .a 4:0 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local .....a 8:18 am itll:00pm Chicago la ml ted a 8:03 pm a 7:45 pm Faxt Mall 2.40 pm Burlington A Mlssonrl Rlvor. Wymore, Beatrice and IJncom a 8:50 am bl2:05 pm Nebraska Express a 8.50 am a 7:43 pm Denver Limited a 4:10 pm a 6:45 um Black Hills and Puget Bound Express all:10 pra a 2:10 pm' Colorado Vestibule Flyer a 8:10 pra Lincoln Fust Mali... ...J 3:82 pm a 9:08 am Fort Crook and Platta- mouth b 3:15 pm bl0-35 am Beilevue A Paclfle Jot. .a 7:50 pm a 8:27 am Bellevue A Pacific Jet.. a 8:60 am Kansas City, St. Joseph A Connell - Bluffs. Kansas City Day Ex.... a 8:18 am a 6:05 pm St. Louis Flyer a 5:25 pm all. 06 am Kaunas City Night Ei..al0:46 pm 6.80 am WEBSTER DBPOT 1BTH A WEBSTER Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis A ' Omaha, Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... 6:80 am a 8:10 pra Sioux City Passenger. ..a 3.00 pm 11 20 am Oakland Local.: b 6:46 pm b 8:46 am Chicago A northwestern, Nebraska and Wyoming Division. Black Hills, Deadwood, Lead, Hot Springe a 1:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas ............. .d 3:00 pm 6:00 pm Hastings. York, David City, Superior, Geneva, - Exeter and Seward. ,.b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Missouri Paelfle. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:S8 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, a Dally except Monday. BASK STATEMENT. No. 2775. Report of the Condition of THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK, At Omaha. In the State of Nebraska, at the Close of Business, November 17. 1903. Loans and discounts ... Overdrafts, secured and unsecured U. S. bonds to secure circulation ' U. S. . bonds to secure U. 8. deposits Stocks, securities, etc... Banking house, furni ture and fixtures Due from national 12.269,542.13 . 2S.G03.4t 50.000.00 loo.onoo 1X0,208.27 200.000.00 banks (not reserve agents) 3166.814.78 Due from state banks and bankers 60,888.67 Due from approved re serve agents 653,878.65 Checks and other cash Items 8,834.75 Exchanges for clearing ' house 88,840.55 Notes of other national banks 9,808.00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents 1,084.04 Lawful Money Reserve v in Bank, vis. : ' Spocie ' 123,aiJ.OO Legal tender notes auo.uuo.uo I,2u8,0S2.34 Redemption fund with U. 8. treasurer (6 per cent of circulation).... 1,600.00 Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In.. Surplus fund ... Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid National bunk notes outstanding Due to other national banks $ 373.799.75 Due to state banks and bankers 602.S37.S8 Dividends unpaid 2,68. UK Individual deposits subject to check 1,443,862. 48 .34,'Jtt,37.16 X SKVO0O0 300,000.00 $0,748.87 60.000.00 Demand certlllcates of deposit Time certificates , of deposit Certitled cheoke Cashier's checks out standing U. S. deposits 1.213.31 662,418. CI 2 Wl 00 2'.4,730.23 100.000.00- 3.S66.1S8.29 Total . . 31.030,837 16 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss. : I. Luther Drake, cashier of the above named bank, do swear that the above statement la true to the best of my knowledge and bellpf. LUTHER DRAKE. Caahler. Correct Attest: FRANK MURPHY, ' HKN B. WOOD. FRANK J. HAMILTON, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this JOth day of November. 1H03. t tSeal.) F. P. HAMILTON. Notary Public. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Omaha, Neb., November 16, liu3 Sealed proposuia, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here and by the Quartermaster, Fort Kill, O. T., until 10 a. m.. central standard lime. December 10. 10. for the construction of a frame hay shed at Fort 811!, O, T. Full Information furnished m application to this office, where plan and apeiUticationa may be seen, or to the Qusrtermaster. Fort 81)1, O. T. Pruposulit tc be marked "Proposals for Hay Shed." .ind addresnsd to Captain WILLIAM E. HORTON. Acting Chief U Jartermaaier. NJu-21d4-5-l4-i; Tweatlelh Infantry Off for Manila. CHICAGO, Nov. 20. The Twentieth United Stales infantry, which has been stationed at Fort Sheridan, left today for San Fr nei o on the way to .the Philip, plio s. The regiment, will stay in the east ern Inlands la ars. Four soecial trains i"y the i n enl. which has l.toi'O me.i. who conks. Nurgeous. nurses and other at tendant. Tlie troops wiil sail from San Cr.ficsci December L Colonel William B. MrCeakey Is In command. R DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Labof OrgBBisaticoa At Accepting Wig Bidnc.tant Witlsont Costrorersr. TRADE KOT AS ACTIVE AS HOPED Building Trades Are Not as Active as Present Record Woald Indicate aad Baslnesa Walts for Cooler Weather. NEW YORK. Nov. 20.-R. G. Dun A Co.'i Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: Libor organizations' are 'accepting reduc tions In wages without controversy. ' which removes one threatening Industrial factor, and In sev ers I brandies of business orders are more numerous, but In the steel in dustry there is little expectation of liberal buying until 1!M. Construction work I decreasing despite optimistic reports of more building permits Issued last month than a year ago. Mild Weather still check distribution of merchandise usually In brltk demand at this season, which Is reflected In restricted activity at woolen and worried mills and clothing factories. There is not the complaint of traffic con- frestlon that was so frequent at this time ast year, railway earnings are 6.1 per cent higher than In November to date In 18, testifying to the Increase In facilities. A week has passed without anv further reduction In pi Ices fif Iron and steel and sentiment in the trade favors stability at the present position. Concessions are not readily obtained, especially on distant de liveries. Much discussion regarding prices of steel rails failed to produce anv altera tion and rsllronds have placed' orders for several thousand tons. Meanwhile foreign markets are sought with more persistence. Machinery and hardware have folt the re action less thus far than structural ma terial and other heavy shapes, while new shipbuilding plants and machinery for the Panama canal are sncouraglng features of the future Minor metals are quiet aside from some speculative fluctuations nt London. Orders for cotton goods Increase gradu ally, both for Immediate shipment and forward delivery and there is less dis position on the part of purchasers to se cure concessions In quotation. Trade Is by no Tneans active. Export inquiries are more numerous, but actual business Is small. Woolen goods await (he stimulus of lower temperature, meanwhile the tone Is not firm. Eastern shorshops have about completed Inventories and are starting on next sea son's business. JoMiera have large supplies of Measonable goods as a rule, but whole salers sre more inclined to keep near ar. tu-'l requirements. Failures this week were 248 In the United States, against 2 last year, nnd 17 In Can ada, compared with 24 a year ago. REPORTS OF THE CLEARING) IIOl'SK. Transaetlons of I lie Associated Banks Darin- (he Past Week. NEW YORK, Nov. 0.-Th following table, compiled by Rradstreet, shows the bank clearings at the" principal cities for the week ended November 19. with the per centage of Increase and decreate as com pared with th corresponding week last year: CITIES. Clearings.! Inc. I Deo, New York Chicago Boston , Philadelphia St. Louis .. Pittsburg ,. San Francisco, Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City Cleveland Minneapolis New Orleans Detroit Louisville OMAHA Milwaukee ., Provldenca ........... Buffalo St. Paul ........ Indianapolis I -os Angelea ,,. St. Joseph Denver Richmond Columbus ., Seattle Washington Savannah Memphis Albany Salt Lake City Portland, Ore Toledo FortWorth Peoria Hartford Rochester Atlanta Des Moines New Haven Nashville Spokane. Wash Grand Rapids ........ Sioux City Hpringflcld, Mass Norfolk Dayton Tacoma Worcester , .... Augusta. Gh Portland, Me.......... Scranton Topeka Syracuse Evansvllle Wilmington, Del...... Birmingham ..,..,;.. Davenport v... Fall River Little Rock Knoxvllle Macon ' Wllkesbarre A... Akron i". Unrlnirfleld. Ill tl,224.3i3.w'vl. 81.7 0.11 '.U.'i 7.6 11.5 4.8 178. 779.025 . 138.199.355 . 114.131,202;. Bl.44ti.4041 87,863.1171. M, 782. 4,18 . 21,942.106. 12,031.700 . - 22.697.U65! 15.0.5(il 20 593.9771. 23.71 II. 17 18.739.7291. S.995.09ti. 8.W5.721I 8.900.749! 6.91 8.81 1.4 0.8 SC. 8 3 1.5 3 0.1 . 7.6(W.7iW: 6.793,993 ti 3 7.SX3.f392l 6.431601 13.9 11 1.148.279 Sk 0 1.471.100 . 1.21 2,1 . 4..531 8.5 4.659.301) 4.438.W21 ' 3.2$3.S94 6.30.9t)3 1.9 4 5 . 1.9 -25!9I 10.1 ao.c 3 6 '9.0 i'.i o'i 'ii 7.443.117 4.3(14.75! 4.8:'4.(C5 3.838.127 I 8.1H1.W5I 4.900.4691 6.6 15.1 2.7 3,21.4491 2.3A7.234I. 2.629.1441 3.5O1.970 . 8.O0.2:'8l 1.627.9'!. 6;7 2.472.819 2.4K5.0SI' 2,647, 2M i 1,3HU73 1.474.123 2.014.810 1.7i7.1f 2.272,968 91.775 10.2 14.7 20.7 0.2 4.0 10.3 M.2 48.2 23 1 2 1 42! 6 8 1.6X9.7M 2,609. 8t ' 1.648.421! 1.449.0MO 1,299.551 1.SK2.8H3, 1,251.475 1,222.502 903,124' 1.M3.176 1,044. Lr9 955.8571 1,410. 001 l 9tfU80 748,300' 7.13.M8 H05.179 tfc'O.g-VI 678.4051 6H.4H f.S. 690 2.4 22.8 1, 4 c' S 8 "i'9 0 1 34.8 "i'.i 6.21 19.6 ' 7!c 08 "i!6 Wheeling, W. Va Wichita Youngstown Helena ..' Lexington Chattanooga Lowell New Bedford Kalamoxoo Fargo, N. D Canton, O Jacksonville, Fla Greensburg. Pa....... n 690.0791 11.7 711.027 li.6 J2.5I 1.61 lif').908 ','!. 756 1 j.OOu ' 763.544 442.67s 463. SOO1 21.1 99.6' 4.9 Jtockford. Ill 18. 21 Bpringfielg. G., Blnghamtoii Chester, Pa Bloomlngton, III...... Qulncy, III Sioux Falls. 8. D Mansfield, O Jacksonville. Ill Fremont, Neb Decatur, III.. Houston Klalveston Guthrie Charleston, 8. C 4i aio 469.7001 1.4, 21.01 21.1 18.8! i'i.'sl 3.8! ii ti 465.8C2 ST2.S17 W1.8K1). ilLti MM I17.94S! 22u.tiil ! 152.5'itll 15.8 20.4; 3KA.3.1I 3.1 2 4 68.3 14.22.0iJ!il 98.14' 1.368.939! Totals. IT. S Outside New York. .12. lit 872.1912 21.4 4 1 .! toJ.5o3.0j3 CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Halifax Ottawa Vancouver, B. C... Quebeo Hamilton St. John, N. R Victoria, B. C ILondon Totals 24,074,8"2 2 8 S.7 19.0 II. 6. 1 L.876. 6.8 13 0 88.9 9.9! 26.9 2, !,3M, 1 702. . 1. .7X8. 2.4 1 1 247. I.i9. M3. fl6, 7.0 ;$ 68,405,476 1.8 sRalancej paid In cash. 1Not included In totu'.s because contalnlnl Other Items than clearings. Nut included In totala because of no com paruton tor lust ysar. , (OLD WEATHER lCHKA8E TRADE. Karasers Art Prosperoas People of Coantry Now. NEW YORK, Nov. 80. IlradstreeU to morrow will .tay: Colder weaher over the greater part of the country has greatly stimulated retail trade and incidentally quickened jobbing demand In seasonable lin.-s. in sdme sec tions inquiries for holiday goo s exceed last years, the feature being tho iilh grade of materials taken. Interior re la. I era. helped by propitious agricultural coo anions, are reported meeting ob.igatloo more promptly. Farming inteiests are ap- rarently in good financial as-mdlllon, an inert-noe that seems to be evidenced by the fact - that they display ui. willingness 10 part with their surplua holdings at any thing lees than whit they deem sa t facto. y prlcvs, although the movement of currency to the Interior continues, but on a smaller scale than for weeks. Railway earnings are still good, the In crease in groaa lece'pis for the first half of Novemger being 64 per cent. Wrlle the foregoing are the developments of the week, the fact must not bn ovsrl ok d tht labor troubles, the lomv outlook for building, the cios'ng down of Iron and steel Inll.s, blast furnaces and leather tanneries and the continued ho-ltxncv in the abuytng of practically all eomiaooities are the fae- ee ee-e-e - 4B THE ILLUSTRATED BEE GOOD READING FOR SlNDAY Is what The, Illustrated Dee afford. It content are. of the highest order, clean, accurate, inatructlve and entprtalniiiK. Its Illustrations re of the sort that is always valuable, for titer are lnr: and pnrcel of the text and not merely inserted for tho iurioe of embellishment although they fulfill that function aluo. No more care I exended 011 the preparation of the fluent magazine than In given to The Illustrated Bee, and each week It pi-esents nil the features of a high grade magazine, with the advantage of being, part of a great newspaper, bo that the render gets his Sunday reading and his dully news at the same time, nnd both In the most acceptable form, with tho further satisfaction of knowing he can absolutely , rely on both. This is another of the reasons for the great popularity of the greatest pair of publications In the west, The Sunday lice and The Illus trated Bee. 1 THANKSGIVING DAY IS ON THE TAPIS, 1 and the main feature of the next number of The Illustrated Bee have to do with this greut holi day for thanksgiving and feasting. But the number Is not entirely devoted to the holiday, for the list of Illustrated . articles Includes "Hepburn on the I'lnnucial Situa tion," on Interview with A. Barton Hepburn of New Tork. nn author ity on the topic;' "The Laud of the Centenarian," which deals with the long-lived people of northern Af rica; "How Cattle are Handled at (Jreat Markets," an interesting ac count of the way great herds nra disposed of when sent to be slaugh tered; "Omaha's New Public Mar ket," telling nbout the new market house and t?;e business that is car ried on there; "How the Kaiser Bears the White Man's Burden." in which Mr. Frank tJ. .Carpenter gives an account of Germany's great and growing colonial empire: and several others of Interest and timeliness. ADDITIONAL CONTENTS OF THE NUM BER include the second install ment of the Cyrus TnwiiKcnd Brady Serial, "A Little Traitor to the South," the Illustrated Wom an's Department; short stories of the stage, personal anecdotes of well known people, 6tories for and nbout children, carefully selected miscellany, crisp, (hatty comment, anil all the regular features of the raper. Nothing has been over looked or omitted that would make the number complete. If you are not now a HUbscrilier you should Ivnve your order' with your news dealer today. THE ILLUSTRATED BEE tors that mar the Industrial as woii as the commercial fabric. It Is a buyers' market in iron and sit el and kindreot products, with ihe general tendency toward a lower p. Ice. level, bat quotations have not exercised muph mnu ence on purchasers, who scorned ulsposod to look for further concessions. 1)1, lets a 0 being shaded by Indei-enucnl mllle. flutes and structural material are quiet. It ap pears that repot ts of large orders or iron and steel for export are more or less ex aggerated, the business being, In tact, of moderate volume. Demand tor anthracite coal U light and mining companies are re stricting production in order to maintain prices. 1 The output of bituminous coal is very heavy. Not much business la being don In wool. Clothing manuiactuiers have dune a fair volume of business this full and, while they are to a cinaln extent pretty well, stocked ud. the seasonable weather of tne Cast teveral days Is expected to have a eneflciul influence. Huff hides are firmer, but orders or leather In the leading market continue of a ha ltd-to mouth chaiacter. Many sho factories are taking inventories, but some have resumed operations, nnd these report orders of a satisfactory volume. wheat, - moiiKiing nour, exports lor tne m-eek endina- November lit asgrCKate 2.274.- 877 bUHhela. sgulnst 3,659,823 I, u hull last week. 3,177,672 bushels this week lust year, 5.B17.H3U bushels in 1001 and 3,8-'7,2v.i bushe s in 1IHW. For twenty weeka of the creal year thev aggregate 64,870,024 bushels, against 106.767.3:0 bushels in 19 12, ?K1, 1-0 bushels in I'.wl and 71,2i3.&5 bushels In li'Jo. Corn exports lor the week uggregute 1.391,633 bufhels, against 1,68)1,28; bushels last week, jtJ.M bushels a year ngo, 4i.:kl bushels in 19)1 and u,!X,r0s bushels In 1 sj. For twenty weeks of the present- cereal year thev aggregate 72,9X2, bushels, against S.DWUnu bushels In 1902 and ).2i6,2W biichels In 1!. Business failures In the United States for the week ending November 19 number 228, against 2.VJ lost week, 2J1 In the like week of i-j2, 223 In 19.1, 215 In 19;l and 2v2 In 189. In Canada failure were- 1 In number, compared with 11 last week and la In the corresponding week last year. - FORTY YEARS ON THE BENCH Jssge Joseph E. (iary nf Chicago Celebrates a Most Itenaarka ble Anniversary. CHICAGO.. Nov. HU.-rToday marked the fortieth year of conutfeitlve service on the bench tn Chicago of Judge Joseph K. Gary. Such a lengthy public career Is sa'd to be without parallel either In the United States or Great Britain among elected offlclils. Judge Gary has presided at many memora ble trials, notably that of the anarchists who were executed for the bomb-throwing In Hay market Square. Though 82 years of age, he retains the vigorous mind and firm ness of decisions which have been his pro nounced characteristics during his lung term as Jurist. Ills bar associates today gathered at his home in large numbers to pay their respects, in celebration of his anniversary. Mrs. Wlffgs Visit Pawnee City. . PAWNEE CITT, Nub.. Nov. SO. (Siieclal.j At th opera house th Senior class nf the High school presented a dramatisation of "Mr. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch." Th story was dramatised by Mis llary Cralg of Lincoln, wbo waa present and took the leading part In th play.. The stu dents did very creditably and the enter tainment was well patronised. Th Htgh school orchestra of thirteen pieces fur nished music- for the occasion. The play will be repeated Saturday night and a large audience Is assured. Ifoise covers made to fit your - horse. Omaha Tent and Awning Co.. lltb . and Harney street. H. Fatten, dentist. McCagua bulUing. WILL RESUME PAVING TODAY City in Conjunction with Bilnlithio Com I pny to He'-air Streets. MATTER PATCHED UP BY 10CAI OFFICIALS Mayor aad Coancll, After Tnn pr- rial Meetings lesterday, Bring; Abont , aa Adjustment. As the result of two conferences hel 1 yes terday between Mayor Moores an.l the members of tho council paving repnlt will be rceumed today by the city in conjunction with the Nebraska Wtullthlc company und John Grant ns paving superintendent. If the weather Is warm enough the holes will bo lllled with sheet asphaltutn. Provided the temperature is below 0 degrees the holes will be lllled with lock. Iu any event, strong efforts will bo made to havo the Impaired asphalt streets made passable and safe for the winter. 1 , On receipt of a communication from the Barber Asphalt company stating that It would sell asphalt to the city at a satis factory fgure, Mayor Moores called the councilmcn together In private, session yes terday morning. He had decided that vlg nrou action of gome kind should be taken to have the streets rep-ilred ond ho uigetl the council to drop personal prejudices and lesser grievances nnd work toward this end. The conference adjourned at noon, after a half hour's cession, without accomplish ing anything. In the nfternoon the officers got together pgtiln and '.ater the mayor made this statement: Work tiy Hay Labor. "Arrangements have been mad so that the city, in connection with John Grant, will resume the gpphalt streeta by duy labor. Mr. Grant was busy- this of er noon preparing to start work tomorrow morning. The intention Is to put In as, much asphalt a possible and to nil the re maining holes with rock. We may use crushed stone or granite blocks, as will be decided upon later, "Grant has one car of asphalt in the city nr.d says he has several others on the way to Omaha. I have' received assurances from tho Barber Asphalt company that tt will sell the city such material as it needs. Thl I regard ns very fair upon Its 'part. Should It be impossible to do any amount of asphalt repairing we will resort to the stone and In some way put tho streets In condition. No asphalt will be put down If th temperature Is not 40 degree or hlher. "Work will be started first on Cuming street and we wtjl try to make the surface level on at least hne side of the thorough fare. North Twenty-fourth streot will come next, and later lower Harney street. Lower Jackson street will be mended with crushed rock as soon as possible. Th holes here are'excepllonally deep. Chiefly Personal Matter. "Arrangements to finance repairs have been planned that I think will meet the ti midlines. I have found the reputed hoa tlllty "of the Barber Asphalt company to exist mainly In the personality of one of Its local representatives, and I do not think the antagonistic position taken by the coun cil Is well founded. " ' ' "The experience this year has convinced me firmly thut we need a municipal asphalt repair, plant., The streets can then bs taken care of on the principal that a stitch in time saves nine. The outlay for a plant sufficient for our needs will not be great and we should have one next spring. "Meanwhile I am determined, and I feel the council is disposed the lime way, to do everything we can to mend the streeta lemporar 'y for the winter. Unlass embar rassed by some unlooked for events, I think we shall succeed." . UHSTROV THE CAt SK,,. Vol Cannot Cure Dandruff Without Destroying the Canse of It. ' Many people wash their scalps Saturday bight or Sunday to try to keep the dandruff down for the week, but on Monday night the scalp has begun to Itch, and Tuesday morning will find a good supply of dandruff when the hair Is brushed. There Is but one real scientific way of curing dandruff; and that 'Is to kill the germ that causes It, and falling hair, and finally baldnesa. There ts only one preparation that will de stroy the germ, nnd that Is Newbro' Hsr plctde. It Is an entirely new discovery and the only hair preparation that Is based on the new scientific principle. In addition Herplclde Is a. very refreshing hair dressing for regular toilet -use. Sold by loading druggists. Bend 10c in stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sher man St McConnell Drug Co., special agents. Fonnri Gnllty of Forgery, PLATTSMOt'TIl, Neb.. Nov. 20.-(Spe-clal.) In district court In the case of th ftat against Harry Hlckaon, charged with forging the name of Mark White, a farmer residing south of Plattsmouth, to an order for $2, alleged to have been committed about August 5 of the present year, the Jury brought In a verdict of "guilty." Judg Jt-ssen released John A. Chambers from custody of the sheriff upon his own per. Honal recognisance In the sum of $500 for his appearance for trial at the next term of court. He I charged with breaking Into a dwelling In South Bend with intent to steal. He departed this afternoon for Lin coln. Do Not Dose the Stomach Cnre catarrh by Nature's Own Method Every Hrratlt of liyomel firings Relief. Nearly everyone who has catarrh knows how foolish It Is to try and cure It by drugging the stomach. Temporary relict may be given, but a cure seldom comes. Until recently your physician would have, said the only way to cure catarrh would 1st to have a change of climate; but now with Hyomel you can cairy a health giv ing climate In your vest pocket, and by breithlng It a few minute four times a day soon cur yourself. The complete Hyomel outfit costs but $1110 and consists of an inhaler that can o carried in the vest pocket, a medicine drop per and a boUl of liyomel. The Inhaler lasts a lifetime, and If on bottle doe not cura an estra bottle of Hyomel can be obtained f(r CO cents. It is . the most economical of all remedies advertised for th cur of catarrh, and Is the only one that follows nature In her method of treating disease of th respiratory organs. Th Sherman & MoConncll Drug Co., cor ner ICtli and Dodge streets, have sold a great many Hyomel outfits, and the moi they cell the more convinced are they that they are perfectly safe In guuranteolng to refund the money If Hyomel does not cure. MEM ANDWCMEFI. I s Hi 1 (or onnstura, bsrsss.lnflaaimstioas, ' irritstiuas ut-raUtMUI ( ib r oas msoibrsuss. PallLH,, SB Ci HUUI, snt et so MiuoMS- CMmiuaif" vl ' Dnmfkti, v a. . j r an iu Bists srp, I t r, Brs. rises'. 14 "'"JJf'ti ' .. t-lths.7. ,n , 1 CUti( SU ,MSii i sisiksXI f Jf UuruH-l u ffssjf im a Kll-UN. 177. ' Ml tVAHi Thisl : III P THAT CLEAN SPOT . Mm ' Hhe seen an Cvertistmeiit In a Wllllmantlo paper, Sayln', "HEADY HIT8 Is mad In Overs big e brick boosts, Sityeated In a facl'ry Thut, fer clean Hain't got no eksj 'Cleanest Spot in All Nw ba gUiud.' ' M:t, Her pride Some touched. I tell jc, An' her Uunder rlsln' raj, id. 'Claied to gracious "Advertisements.. Now-a-daya , Ain't no truth in 'cm;" 'Clnved to goodness Thst no ovens. This side of that place Made for liars. Ever was ct big ex houses. 'Clared to mercy Thut 110 iact'ry Was, and, what's mure. Ever would be Half es clean Ex her own kllchrn, Waal, I 'lowed Bhc wiir mistaken; .(T.iere I put my foot Plumb In it): One word led Up to another. Ma a-glttin' In The last one, Till we had A fust class, downright, Kough-an'-tumble Eambly rumpus. 1 Bill, ' Our Bill, . Says: "Flop that" Jawln-, Jist you go sn' see The, facfry." So wo went L)own to New Haven; Found the fact'ry , , . On the highlands ' Clean outside the Elum City. Saw th ovens, ' ; Ten time bigger , Than th advertisement ', Called fer; ' Saw a thousand Mighty grinders , , I Brighter than , t ' Now silver dollars; Saw the thousan' ' Jlos.i power engines ' Slilnln' like a boy's fust circus; Saw the fires they Use fer bakln' Hotter than the Shade of Sheolo! Saw the girls That packed the boxes, Dressed up fit s Fer graddyatlon (Tho' I didn't se Much of 'em. Ma she hinted me Right by 'em, ' Hlnttn' that ' I rubbered scand'lous). Ma, ' She kept 1 A huntln', huntln', Everywhere We wns agoln', Hopln' In her heavln' bosom Hopin', searchln' Sonrchln', hopln', Fer a little Dirt to show me She's an expert At dirt huntln' ' But, by Jinks, I She couldn't find none! Th Only Doubt Track Railway between the Missouri River and Chloago. hb, m m a 0 staaBB- M I ffftt DmiLt nrtlllO OMAHA TO 8.15 pm THE OVERLAND LIMITED MwnlilMiiO solid ilr train to Chissso. temps' nisul nai drswiss-riMjia Isi4b ears. Itbrsrr, tuss. bsrlw. bath, leUiphnns. dinlps can sad eseerraiieB nn, LlwUrlo UuhtsU throusboat. 8.00 am THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS pDllmsB drmwtns-room sb tourist sisspUg cars sad dinln cars, and frvs. raoliaiA cbbu- bub. 5.50 pm THE EASTERN EXPRESS Pallmsn 4 rs wins room and ria siesptns es. frM noitnlua oltsir esrs, bolst librair aad saetin Bars, llinlu cars. 2 OTHER DAILY TRAINS 3fl sis PTewtBS-rooasHMplsaasrs. UU AU ins ssdlibrsri ears and re plat. mra. buffr moh- am rrM riiaiBfj sUiaiDt cars, ll.30AM.JSa5 h wrriof Omaha to ( Mm-. Mirm fff anarn ar twin ,2 DAILY TRAINS ST. PAUL-MIHMEAPOLIS 7 50 am c,b""-'0 ' ii,r Mn 81 11 DU Pnllaisa tlBsptna asrs. bugs llbrsrr (U M BBrassdtnwreoUBiBsohBtrrsra. BLACK HILLS 3fl1 DU T rrenenl, I lBeo1s,Wsbo,r)BldOltr, .UU lM York. Haatiiiss, Hrd, Usneia, Supe rior, Norfolk, Jxing I'ins, Taspsr. Hot Sirisss. lw)ood and Lsad. Throagh rscliaUts bbbu csrsi t-allniaa slBsoin cu MrrioB. 7 Ok 111 To KrsiBOBX, MneolB. Wshoo, Brfo!k, AM Loos Piso, Vordlsra, BousstMl BBd Iks ' UtsMbad Isdisa ITeiurvstloti ouuatry. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1 40 1 and 1403 Farnam Street. rBS 0 ! MSB, at flsistaitaisk Ul. dUdllUSOUUIIU SPECIALISTS Car All Special . DISEASES OF k!EI 1 WEAK, KERVCUS MEN alDkEY AK9 BLADDER DISEASES Treatanemt an Medietas 5.00 PER UOUTEI Examinations and advice fro at ofllo r by mail. Written contract givaa la all curabl disease rr refund money paid for treatiuent. Treatment by mall. 14 year la Omaha.. Csr, ldta and Demclaa. O at AHA, MES. serleus, S BmooB ' ad tt I lort. and I DBiJm a i IU&1 dtMllll - SYMPTOMS sSSLi lug, tbaa asaia nsia, boibcb au biailBg. 1 a a or fo rm, uivrj4it Brctroda, aad 1 alna, vUikt, Uuiw . ?rry aertouad aalaia.L loui iuext 1 IHJECTI3M MALYCQ3. Instant roll. Oar 1 inweral days, i vrwis, tor Sl.oo Skcrmaa k McCtuincil, OasaAA, Ckb. MI1. MIc (k. '-- o CHICAGO