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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1903)
14 TITE 0!fAiTA DAILY BEE: BATTJKDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 100.1. i i ? ! SPECIAL NOTICES A4-ertlaenses for- these rolauM will be taken natll 13 nt. for th "lnf edltloa aad until 8i30 n. fop moralag aad Saaday edltlaa. Rate. 1 l-2c a rrerd flrst Insrrtl.ia. 1 a word thereafter. Natblaai takea for leaa tuaa lUtc far th flrat laaer tloa. Tbeaa adrertlaemeata anast raa eoaaecattvely. Advertlaera, by reqoeatlngr a hered rbeck, eaa bava aaawera aa. dreaaed ta a numbered letter la ear af The Bee. Aaawera ao addreaacd will be delirered aa preeaatatloa af the rbeck only. MISCELLANEOUS. A BUSINESS EDUCATION AND THE PLACE TO GET if. BOYLES COLLEGE New York Li Jo Building, Omaha. Neb. DAI AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Apply for catalogue. PHOTOGRAPHS?,' lllJ" price IS per doz. choice of 4 atylea of J iouiuIn, apecial tor uuhaay omy 16 for' PKUCTOK, 616 bouttl 16th bt ; . tiaA. . SPFPIAI For a limited time wa will lit you with a guarantee! fAa u Bru,xAOi for $1.00. Don i uium iiua cl.-uce. II. M lif i ii A Ma 301 NO. 1BTH Hi. R-M216 PERFIELD'S Cut-Frlca Piano Co.. Bee Bldg,, Room J. Tel. 7ul. Wuoer, ury Clark, Lodwlg ecnllor. t ill JIM la your "lucky number" In our win dow '.i hen coma miu get your fehoea ONLVtGD. Regent blioe Co., Sua S. loth. . It). KXPRESSMAN'S Del7very Co., moving and storage. 214 N. Mth. Tel. liuo. R adi HTATUARY direct from factory; special pr'cea until Xmaa. Gonnelta Bro., JU26 i-arnam MtWo 1 MONEY loaned on all valuable. 41 N. IOUl R-MU Chil'ODOdV Gt .relief; coma removed, vimuyuy Hoy r j. F(U.Ilarai Kii TRY JTIIB CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don t, we both lose. Good work: prompt attention, 214 N. 16th. Tel. 205. R-260 TOO BUSY making clothes to close. Open evenings. Coma any time. .Bui.s, $20 to 40. irowsers. $6 to $10. Drcslier, 1616 Farnam. R 2U-V-10 CO,VS"M'KAr COMPANY, UNDERTAK ERS, loi; Capitol ave., tel. 464. R M2-w Soles, 40c; with rubber heels 75c. 217 N. 16th. R-M267 DU DON'T STRAIN YOUR EYES with a poor ligiu wnen you can get the I beat lor the itmat money; me leader gaso ) line lamp luu-canai power sott and moi- ea"y ,on tna '' ou'y 1100 month; llgnted with one match; burning In lull ' lurce within 20 aecunaa; absolutely sate, guaranteed for one year; will repair tree of charge. LOUIS FLESCHER. 1622 Capitol ava. R MittS WE0' Gorman Employment Bureau, 1624 Dodge. K2l DU READ ! ) HAVE ROOT HEED! ) PRINT IT. SUCCEED 1 A- Hour, in- JU V-CCUl ) 414-16 B. uih. 'Fhu Phone 1604 R M294 OMAHA Mirror Mfg., 70S N. lth st. . . K-M293 D12 GOLD crown from $3; fillings Irora 26c; set of teeth i ; teeth extracted free. Union Dental Co.. 1623 Douglaa. room 4. R-M287 TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases; trunks repalre-1. . Om. Trunk Factory. 12d far nam.. R MJSu Henry He doesn t keep stationery. He sells ltal'iUi F-i nam s.. r an m: ACCORDION pleating, cheepest. best, quUkeat Mra. A. C. Mark, nth nti Douglas.. R-M74S IF' YOU WISH TO OUT ' a Holiday Sweater order it Early of Dll-Z the Knitter. 1 ' m S. 16lh. R-M3U D13 Dentist-Bailey- Present this "ad" before Jan. 1st and get 1-3 off on all f and bridge ' work, i 3d floor, Paxton Ulk . . R-M473 D14 TninkS awHS.IJ DEDUCTION, 1 1 uuiw Arei cornlsh, 1210 Farnam. K MJ11 D13 COLUMBIA RECORDS. , - . Ask 11. E. FrediiQltaoft. , irontc 15th and Capitol Ave. UAuha. 'ClIlD R 613.3 D13 JACKDAW WHISKEY PURE RYE. 12 YEARS OLJJ; WEST FOR MEDICINAL PLKOist-S. CACKLE i BROS., SOLE OWNERS, 161 H ANu CAPITOL AVE. R-M31S L31 A FULL Una of high grade meerschaum and briar pipes, nlbo a complete stock of Kay West and domestic cigars; largest assortment of tobaccos. oiOECKEK ClUArt CO.. 1404 Douglas R 'J7 Wlnthe dinner set and We will sell you Dining Table For 113 50. ' BAKER FURNITURE CO. R Mo 14 22 P. MELCUOIR, machinist, U.h & Howard - - - THE GRAND PAN1S CO:"" X thoroughly re. lube lul.orln oi.abla'i mtnt cairyinx a lull line of pure wou.rui Makes up any suit In the Iiuumo for Sli.w i iiy i,aui y nci to....;. nor , II i I-S.l, MR HORSES winterel. Black-U2S. 43d und Center. Tel. R Sii 29x KAGLl Ixian office, rtclliiblo. ruvomodu. Ing; all buxtiu'ss confld-Mil.u ..31. nag us R-"i6i ' il'VEA SMITH, Plumbing und Healing 118 N. 15th st. Tel. 3192. Prompt Httfii- un given an wura. tieiuiirin; eptiiring 1 R-.18 D17 specialty. liOLY SMOKE! Wt,shlnEton, man' a latl Farnam. 6e. Bmk- R Mu0 STRONGEST Ih the World." the Eqaitable Life Assurnce society. Its policies are sight drafts at inuturtty. II. I. Neely, manager. Merchants' National bank blcg., Omaha. Neb. R Mti-T CUT this ad out. bring with you; it Is good for 60c on 1 dos. $3 ovul cab. photos at Stutaman'a Studio, 119 N, Kith. opn. P. O., Crounao block. R M6.M 22 OMAHA FURNITURE REPAIR WORKS. 2-Vl Farnam St. Tel. 24hl. R M6i6 23 OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. $11 N. ' st. R-667 BAVAL.F. 22J Farnam. furnuc work cor nices, ridgeroll gutters, skylights Tel aiL R MdOJ D6 Pat .inrc t owirlll. No fee unless sueeess Cllli fui ilb S. 15th IIti T 1 R-6.16 FOR HK.Vr ll I liM.HEU ROOMS. FOH rent, modern .'10 Iruey.; ui. furnished. TWO rooms, $7. 1B)HI. jJ5 S 21 at ave Cill In tl -701 2Sx FLORISTS. tc B WO IX -DA. 1416 Farnam. L. HttNUi-hbo-S. nuist. Uu9 Far nam -$;$ BVS1KEAI CUAHCEI, YOUNG MEN WANTED Wa need flrty more young men at once to prepare for ' positions aa commercial teacher, bookkeepers, stnoarnphei-a, tele graph operators and pen-artists. PoKltlon are renrtv with SBlaripa ransrlng from $m0 to ll.Si-Ope'r year. We are unable to supply half the demand. Are you willing to Improve a golden opportunity T Answer today. Write us or phone 1-N8. Rohrbouifh Bros., Props., OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 17th and Douglas 8ts., Om.iha. Neb. Tel. 13S. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or business Quick, see J. H. Johnson, Mil N. Y. Ufa. Y 647 EXCHANGES of all kinds: to buy or sell a business of exchange merchandise for a land ot city property, call or write Sholes- Armstrong 14 f. Tel. 49. Y-M7J3 FOR BALE Coal and leed business In Omaha: fine location; good opening for soma man. Addreas U 42, Bee. Y M2S8 22x CASH for dry goods, clothing and general merchandise stocks, 10.0tX) to 50,0wU. Ad dress, with full particulars, XJl First Nat I Bank. Omaha, Neb. Y 333 DO YOI' want rush for your business or real estate. If so send for my (rre book let telling how to gib It. It don't matter where you live. Emerson DePuy. Des Moines, la. Y-M648-21. HOTEL BARGAINS. TWO hotels In western Iowa and one tn central Missouri for trade or sale. These hotels all have fine trade, two of them at railroad Junctions and 12 day houses. Write the undersigned for pirtlculars and terms. Bartholomew A Ballantyne Moor hoad, la. Y-M 663 K3x WATCH for our Sunday lmlletin of busi ness chances, farms arid ranches. It will be In The Bee every Sunday. The Abbott Cowan Company, S12-314-S16 Brown Block. Y-M57 FARMERS AND INVESTORS EXCURSION TO GALVESTON HOUSTON AND OTHER POINTS IN TEXAS, NOV. 24 to Investigate the growing of rice by Irri gation. Fare for round trip, IIS. So. Good lor 21 days. See me. C. R. GLOVER. First Floor N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. Y-l a FIRST-CLASS ment market for sale, in country town of 3,6) population; good reason for selling. Address VV . i9, Be. Y M 0 3x FIRST-CLASB meat market for sile in country town; population, 3 510; good rea son for selling. AddreBS W 2. or Bfe. Y-M737 25x FOR REST FURNISHED ROOMS. LARGE, LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS. 112.60 and up per month. 75c and up a day. AT THE DELLONE, 14tli at. and Capitol -ava. ' Steam heated; electric Unted; private and general baths; all conveniences; first viaiss service. - Eat where you please. ROOM AT TUB DULLONE. E Mia Kovldx NICELY furnished room in private family; houad new and modern. 2619 Jones St. E M910 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16trt & Chicago. , E iOB FRONT room for two! modern. 218 N 17th. E Mi3S THREE nice rooms, light housekeeping. 1113 H. ilth st. E Mm FOUR elegantly furnished roomj, near Omaha cLo; prleuily modern; heat fur nished; will rent to A-l tenant omy. ROBEHT H. MUNiMfcJi'r, Act., Cont.nental Block. ' E-684- DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farn&m. E-UB O. M. E. hauls trunks.' Telephone 61 L E V NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha bleam Laundry, litu Leavenworth. 'Phone A-17S3.- ' 'E607 DESIRABLE rooms at The Farnam, 19tti and Farnam sts. E M964 FOR RENT South room, for on or two gentlemen, with or w.thout board. Hull Calliormu. E Mtj'iS 22x TWtt ELEOANTLY 1909 Douglas. furnished rooms nt E M694 22. NICE cosy south room with alcove for light housekeeping. 2226 Dodge. E M693 23 FURNISHED room. 1913 Douglas. E-Mu92 23-. LARGE front room, 1916 Farnam. E M691 22 ONE large par.or front room and one nmall south roo.n. Ib23 Dodge. E M6S9 22 FURNISHED roMn for light housekeeping, first lloor. . 2js S. 2jUi. E M 23x NICE pleasant lurre south room and bath, tnojer.i. 2123 Dou'.Ias. E M6S7 22 Fl RNISHED roo.n, modern, In good brick Hat. m S. 2(!th. E-M6S4 22 j FRONT parlor neatly furnished, heat and I gas. Hlli Dodje St. B-M672 22 LARGE front room, modern, furntahed or unfurnished. 22)6 Farnam. E M6U 22 FURNISHED roorrisr, r, transients, day or St. . IC M670 22X week. Soi No. 16th NlCKLY furnished rooms, transients. Ad dress W 21. Bee. E M669 22 TWO double rooms, nicely f jrnlshed, light housekeeping; hoat and ens. 412 No. 16th St., 2d floor. . E MU6S 22 MODERN So. 16th. furnished room; transients. - E M668 712 A NICE, coiy, little room. 2221 N. 19th. E-707 22x FURNISHED rooms, modern. 2116 Chicago. E 727 22 ROOMS, with or without board; 1521 Chicago St. J3- modern. -724 22 3 ROOMS, upstairs; modern. lf:15 Webster. E-72! 22x N 19th st. B 722 22x NEAT, fw rushed room. 622 PLEASANT routli ro m; mo Jem. 3713 Cap itol ave. E 721 '.'2x FOR R K XT Too.n s. c ntia'.ly likited 25c, oi:; $1.00.'l Houk?, 2C4 S. 14th. E-714 I2x TW rlrtirtlv furnished runies. well hiite-t, gas and bath. . 4(9 N 19'h. E-7C6 22 KHTLY foorrlshed rooms for quiet nunel. Add es W 23, Bee. E 720 22 AN elc'unt ste ini-hated southeast cor. room, on flrat flcor; verr convenient; e- erytMnj new and a very desirable kuw. lion; vith "r wlthTU board. i"i4 Daven loit. Gentlemen preferred. . E 710 Z'lx NiCi large tr)t roim, ai d gus. 4 9 N. 19th. steim heat, bath K-708 U ELEGANTLY dirnisi-ed pirlor room, wl'h a 'ove, -mi nrt iath; verry desirable lo . 'loi. 4US N. 10th. E 7(9 !2x NICELY furnished rooma; 13th st. heated. 219 No. E M741 22 FtRMSHED ROOMS AXD BOARD. FRONT room and board. 626 8. 19th st. F-9S d6x ROOMS with board: modern, steam heat; also table board. The Dresner, iki-j S. Uih. F-M231 D10 NICE south room st 1919 Dodge. F M480 23 THE ROSE. 2020 Harney; warm rooms, good board. F M664 TWO furnished rooms, modern, $6 and $7 per inonin. ims Liojga. r Mb ZZ (JOOD table tioard, home cooking. Steady bourders, $3.0 i er week. 179 Iode. F M&6 22 NICKI.Y furnished rooms with good board; mcxWvii conveniences. Harney. F M66S 12 Nl'"El.Y furnished rooma. with board; iroderu; reufoiiable. '.'10 Harney. F-M6S8 22x STATE HOTEL. European, the moat en terly lixaRsi In the city: latea rrwm. able; uwly tuxnUUed. UA-Un Doilm L F-MiM 23 IT PAY9 mis"sPel'ec words II inl J To advertise where every word is read. Advertisement on another page with prize list and details- FinSISHED ROOM AND BOARD. ROOMS, with or without board; bath and heat. 207 N. 23d St. F 725 22 THE Rockawsv Restaurant, 1316 Douglas; best place In city; meals, 15c F 713 22x UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. F 729 MCTORIA HOTEL, steam heated; rates by day or week. 1308-10 Dodge. Tel. A 25S7. - . F-M742 22 DODGE HOTEL. European plan, steam . heated furnished rooms; restaurant In connection. 107 So. 13th St. Tel. 2971. F M743 22 FOR I ALE MISCELLANEOUS. A FURORE IN THE PIANO MARKET. - Clearing out of-100 new and slightly used grand, square and upiltrhts at prices that mean a subst.ntUI saving to the chrewdest buyer. It's the piano opportunity of a life vlme. Cost and profits are not considered. We need the room for holiday stock and to move about H.0 pianos qulckiy we offer the following unpreceuenieu ba. gains: 3 squares, odd sty. is. 116. if :, $1!5. Emerson square, wo. th double the money, 135. Voso square, round corners, 145. Knabe square, fine condition, 166. Stelnway squnre, good as new, So. Ebony upright, fully repaired, $.). Mahogany upright, almost new. 1105. Oak upright returned from rental, 1125. Walnut upright, used only at two con certs. $135. STORY AND CLARK, TAKEN IN EX CHANGE FOR ONE OF OUR HAND MADE MUELLER PIANOS, J147. Hullet A Davis, large size, Kranlch & Bach, parlor grand, 1276. Kimball Baby grand, golden oak case, $325. Knabe Concert grand, excellent condi tion, .C4:6. The above bargnlns will be sold on terms f 10 CASH AND 5 PER MONTH. Credit freely given to all and a child can buy from ua us chearly as an adult. SCHMOI.LER & MUELLER. THE GREATEST PIANO BARGAIN GIVERS IN THE WORLD. 1313 Farnam St., Omaha. 603 Broadway, Council Bluffs. 136 South 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. Q M565 21 Second-Hand Sewing .Machines We have the following second-hand box-top machines that have been thoroughly over hauled and are In condition to do good work, at the following prices, ana com plete with attachments: White $ 4 00 Household 5.00 Household 11.00 ' Slr.ger 6.00 Binder 10.00 Singer 12.00 . New Home 9.00 1 Standard (dressmaker', good as new) 10.09 - Wilcox & Gibbs (good as new) 25.00 Singer (tailoring; In good con- ., dltlon) 10.09 .Standard (taylorlng; almost new) 15.09 DROP-HEAD MACHINES That have been slightly used, but - are in perfect condition. The latest thing the different factories produce, from $17.60 to ' Itfi.OO. These are exceptional bargains. We rent machines tor 75c per week, and sell and repair parts of any machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co., r-ornnr lnih and Harney 'Phone 1663 H34 Broadway, Council Bluffs. ..'Phone Bols U2 N. 24th St., South Omaha.... 'Phone 4jw SECOND-HAND VEHICLES. 2 six pass, rockaways, 1 coupe, 2 landaus, ( bus. wagons. A. J. Simpson, 1409 Dodge. , Q 438-D14 50 SQUARE PIANOS $60 EACH. W CENTSPER WEEK. SCHMOJuLErl MUELLEn, Largest Piano Dealers In the West, 1313 Farnam. Q M344 CIGAR store, fixtures; finest In city; must be so'.d; for particulars address j24J'I' INDIAN goods and re lice. U19 Farnam. Q-617 IRON & wire fences, tree guards, 'j-elUs-j. Western Anchor Fence Co., 206 N. 17th st CATELOGUE cut drug prices free. Bher man McC'onnell Drug Co., Omaha. W 620 .. . on i? ..u.Fti I in a first' class standard school in Omaha, comprls- I lllg complete couran in -""I band and typewriting. loiuiro at Bes ottice.. ... 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlgbt, 111 Farnam. Q -2 CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir Umbers. 8oi Douglas FOR SALE, Knabe concert grand piano; condition good. Address Lock Box 66, Glltner, No. TWO fin depot wagons, I rockaways, 1 coupe, 2 traps, 1 wagonette, 2 drays. Drummond Carriage Co.,- 18th and Har ney. -'"i CLOSING out hard coal stoves at less than V4 price iroin 90 up. iuuihui. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge, lei. 20! I. SECOND-HAND billiard snd pool tables: billiard tables repaired;' a large stock of cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc The Brunswick-Balke Collender Co.. 407-9 S. Wth st. Q-M292 China Cabinets Mahogany and Antwerp Oak for Christmas, H4 uS to $35 (0. BAKER FURNITURE CO. 2 M.16I 2'2 FOR SALE COW. let taey cow 6 veara o;d. giving milk: freh n tlxty days; have pedigiee. Call jlii 1 isicnoiaa ai FOR SALE White 313 N. 41at st. Wyandotte chlrkena. Q 692 23x 40 Square pianos. i4U eacn, cenia per week. erneia r-iano v.w., ura uiuk. Tel. 701. OM reliable house. Q 592 FOR KALE One new station wagon, on rockawav: great sacrillce. j I, k. Frederkkaon, 16th and Capitol ave. J 4 Jaiou cz j STAMP photoa. 25c per dot. The car, 626 Bo. 16th. Q-M667 22 FINE New York apples. Fruit store. N. E. 1 corner 10; n ana r arnam. vi aioov FURNITURE filx-room cottage. Including almost new basebumer and gas range; cottage for rent. 2629 Hamilton at. Q 700 20 WANTED TO RENT. WIDOW, with two small children, de sires suit of rooms with board; houaa muat be modern and rate reasonable. Addreas W 16, Bee. K M643 22x NICELY furnlahed, strictly modern flat or cottage by married couple without chil dren. Beat care tuken of everything; state price. Address W IS. Bee. K 651 21 x FOR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, two small fruit ranches. Lus Angeles Co., Cal. Want stock ranch or hotel. What have you. Address IV 12. Bee. Z M637 22 WILL exchange 240 acres clear South Da , kota land near railroad for Omaha or South Omaha property? will assume In cumbrance. A. U. Marriott, 615 Ben bldg., Omaha Z-MTSi 22x STAMMERING AAD STl'TTKHINU. CUR-D. Julia Vaughn. 44) Itawga Big. FOR RENT-HOUSES. FOR RENT. 7-room house, city water, gas, furnace, all modern, on Park sve, $30. 4-room house, city water, 8124 Mason at. C. M. Bachtnann, 436-87 Paxton Block. D M895 FOR RENT Seven-room yard, In good condition, rec, 303 Brown block. cot Uge, large Wm. K. Potter, D-MU4 HHI IPs n all parts of the city. Tot nUUOCO o. F. Davla Co.. 608 Bee Bid It- -!'. t-inilQPQ in all parts of the city. R. nUUOCO c. Vetera Co., Baa Bid D9; TO MOVE right ret Omaha Van Storags Co., office 1611 H Farnam, or Tela. 1659-S63. D-00 2608 DAVENPORT, 10 rooms, modern except furnace, barn, $36. 812 Parke Ave., 7 rooms, modern except furnace, $32.60. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1S20 Farnam St. D M343 l-ROOM modern house, nicely furnished, two blocks north of High School; lease till next June $45.00 per month. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St - D-MJ43 FOR RENT, 6-room house, 2663 Woolworth Ave., $20 per month; possession given Oc- :ober 17. Apply to Mel Uhl, care Dally iJews office. D-M997 "VALLACE, Brown Block. $352011 Sherman ave., 8 large rooms, all conveniences, laundry, barn, good repair, pleasant home. D 660 MODERN house, west part of city. In ex cellent condition. For good tenant at once an extra low rate will be made. William K. Potter, receiver, 308 Brown block. . . D 649 FOR HE NT 3012 Marcy St., 8 rooms, piod ern, $rR; 4101 Dodge sr., $ rooms, modern, new, $22.60. The O. F. Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg. D M583 23 132.60633 Park ave., 7 rooms, modern. $'J0 2533 Spencer, 6 rooms, modern. $03315 Myrtle, 8 rooms, modern. $74202 Hamilton, 6 rooms, modern. Inquire R. C, PETERS & CO. Ground Floor Bee Building. ; D 695 23 FURNISHED seven room house strictly modem, everything new. 3216 Cuming two car Mnea. D J4608 PAYNE-BOSTWICK & CO.. choice houses. 601-603 Now York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D-602. SEVERAL good houses, $10 to $18. Chris B?yer, 22d and Cuming.. 'Phone 2049. D MU0 FOR r.ENT, 7 roam house. 1827 N. 18th. D 695 WE MOVE pianos, age Co., Tel 1496. Mafgard Van 4V Btor Offlce. 1713 Webster st. D-603 HOUSES, Insurance. Ring-wait, Barker BIk. D 19S FOR RENT, 4-room cottage, 2804 Blondo St., $8. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. - D M627 28 533 Park ave.,- 8 room, modern $33.80. 123 8. 36th ave., 7-r., mod. $30. 1'221 Spruce, t rooms, bath $22.54. ' SS59 Franklin, 7 rooms $16. 3014 Ames ave., 6-room flat $10.' Choice ,o-room, modern house $45. . GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM 8T. D MOT 7-room flat, modern. 1428 N. 20th. , . D-M67S 23x. COTTAGE for rent, modern except furnas. 1541 N. 18th st. 1 D 719 22 $7. For 3 room v', new; water, sewer, gas, at 2103 N. 27th it SNAP. For rooms, good shape: corner house, city water, sewer, gas. . 27th and Patrick ave. SNAP. ERNEST SWEET. 813 N. T. L..' Tel. 1472. D M739 FOR RENT Eight-room modern house, No. 116 S. 29th st. Enquire a Karbach Block. D-M731 22 FOR RENT STORES AAD OFFICES. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at 916 Farnam, 22x90, four s tor lea and first-class cemented basement, levator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For prlca and particulars Inquire C. C. Roaewater. sec retary the Bee Building Co., room 100, Bee ouildlng. I M667 FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a jianufacturer with similar requirements; power furnished If required. R. C. Peters at Co., rental agents, ground floor Be building. I-M794 2-STORY and basement. 22x100; 1005 Farnam st. Inquire 814 First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. I oil . FOR RENT, three upper atorles In four, story building at 918 Farnam St., two stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose wuter. Sec y., Room 100, Bee bldg. I M988 For Rent At a Bargain. The large double store In 'Bee Building, formerly occupied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co. 46 feel plate glass front, the only one ot Its kind In ' Omaha. Present monthly rental. $175. Will rent to single tenant for $133 per month. Or wll! remodel Into two stores and rent each store for $76. Excellent location for mun's furnishing store, shoe store, jeweler, milliner, etc. Every tenant of the Immense Bee Build ing. City Hall, Court House and New York Ufa Building a. pos sible patron. For further particulars, sea MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 304-306 So. 16th St. OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, 61$ N. Y. Life Bldg. T. 1664 Ths Hunt Infirmary, McCaC Bldg. T. 2363. Ataea Farwall. Paxton BIk.. 604-7. T. 196S. -6i -I. DR. GRACE DEEGAN. 832 N. Y. lit: TaL 26)1. EXPERT ACCOIHTAXT. G. R. RATHBUN. room 16. Cora l Nat I bank. sTlvaia leaeuua ta buekkeeplng, aid. -. FOR 8 ALE REAL ESTATE. ENGLISH & CO. Paxton Bl'k . MUST GOAT ONCE 9 room modern residence in west Farnam district. $1,800.00 RE M840 21 $2,400 New six-room house at 3715 Leaven worth; modern except turnace; corner lot; 79 feet front; car line passes door; $100 cash, balance eaay payments at 9per cent. Telephone 2736. RE 060 On Easy Payments $660.0 Double house, lot 60xi28. 2017 Martha. $i75.00 7-room house, 8721 Ohio st. $760.00-4 rooms, lot 80x168, 2226 Pierce. $o0.00 4-room cottage, 3421 Mason, $850.004 rooms, lot 60x124, 301j Charles. J'.iuO 006-room cottage, 2424 Burdette. $1,260. 7 rooms, full lot, 3518 N. 27th at GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam St. RE M470 TEMPTATIONS FOR INVESTORS. Lot 65x120, east front, 10-room house, on 22d st. near Poppleton ave., close to where the elevator will be built, $2,6)0.00. Lot, 50x140, south front, paved st. and side walk, 8 or 9 room house, city water and bath, sewer, close to 31st and Mason sts., $2,300.00. $-room house, south front, on Capitol ave, and 25th St., $2,500.00. Five 2-story 8-room houses, east front, closa to schools and street cars; brings In in come) of $100.00 per month; a bargain at $8,500.00. J. A. LOVGREN, 436-7 Paxton Block, Omaha. RE M487 21 NORTH CF FLORENCE S acres on CalVoun road, well Improved; 2 acres In fruit, $1,000. t acres 8 miles north, In timber, only $200 for the piece. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 610r611 N. Y. Life. , RE 555 FIVE-ROOM cottage and east front lot; nice fence and lawn; barn and hennery; Ambler Place, west of Hanscom Park: prlca, $1,000. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE 551 22 - BARGAIN FOR $1,100. Owner going to Seittle. iirund new five room house with room for two more above. A very neat place, with good well and cistern. Young fruit trees Within half block of Fort street car lino. NO. 5317 No. 2th. Full lot. 1614 Farnam St. N. F. DODGE & CO. 1614 Farnam st RE M379 29 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell me tarmera ana hock raiserj about It 'il.a WBt way iu mcu mem ta inrougn THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, This agricultural weekly goes to 46 000 homes of farmers and stock raiders, so If guuu iwg ui ianu io sell at a ! reasonable price you will find a hv.r among them. The cost of an advertisement is small 3 cents per word in smuli time or $2.60 per inch if set In large type. VP THE TWbNTlETH CEN 1 UKY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. ' ' RE 329 FOR SALE, twelve acre fruit tarn at Ti."?in,'.v1?,'.und 1 uou" young . w, vxi.viier, i e o. RE 196 RANCH and farm lands for sale bv th Union Pacific Railroad company a j McAllaater, land commissioner. L'nl.m Pacltic headquarters, Omaha, Neb. uu ' iiE 651 REAL ESTATE bargains. Full lot nnd three houses In E. V. Smith s addiUon only, $2,200. Thomas Brennan, 309 So lith street. . RE-M606 BACK COPIES of THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing 1 THE MIS-SPELLED WORDS. Can be obtained at the Bee business ofiice. 2C PE44 COPY. M619 21 ALL about North Dakota and where to buy list sent free: reliable represents Uvea wanted. Whitney & Wheelock, 13 EroIS? way, Fargo, N. D. RE 981 HOUSES and lota In all parts of c!'y also acre property nnd farm lands. The b F Davis Co.. Room 608 Bee bldg. RE-iiO C"BA8-. Williamson Co., RE-649 A SNAP IF SOLD AT ftNCK l-room new modern house, east front, full lot, on grade; easy terms. 'Phone B-26)0 RE M661 22 Hastings & Heyden, 610 N. Y. Life Bldg . will build a new house for you in any part of the city and sell on exv terms. RE-611 a WALLACE Beautiful Suburban Home "fhe srtr "rfwm hoii ?t!t?!ii!d' nicely fenced, all In good repair, shade and fruit trees; a lovely place. $2.500$2.50O $2,600. Other Bargains. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. RE 704-21 HERE IT IS A splendid Investment and small home In one. The southwest corner of 26th and Binney. Eighty feet north front on Bin ney anJ 296 feet on 2th. Neat five-room coltaje on Rlnney and two small houses on 26th. Purchaser can sell three lots faslng east on 26th by 120 feet deep. Now rents for $18 00. N. P. DODGE tVO., 1614 Farnam St. RE-716-20 INVESTMENT $1,400.00 Two houses, 2813 and 2815 Dodge St. One small three-room house and other large two-story house. Rents $17.00. Should be $20.00. Always rented. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St. RE 718 20 1750.00 buys the northeast corner of &th and Blondo, with 4-room cottage, having good well water, cistern, barn, chicken house, large shade trees; lot 60x112 feet; only three blocks from Franklin school and 33d St. car line. A sightly location. This property Is a good bargan and will be sold on reasonable terms. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM. KG 72623 JUBT completed, a two story. 7-room, mod ern dwelling, east front, 4utb and Nich olas: muat be sold at once; a barcaln aomeone. K. M. Badgerow, City Havings bank. . iuz 21 THREE LOTS, nearly an acre of ground. on 4lst street near rarnam, lor ij.s. Hicks, 409 Board of Trada bldg KE-702 2?x CHATTEL sslary and Jewelry losua. Foley Lean o., R 8, Barker Blot. XM f OR SALE REAL F. STATIC. EVERYONE of the following BIG VALUE for the money An 8 room, modern house, oak Interior, x- cellent repair, east front, near 89th and Burt; choice location $4,250. In the West Farnnm location, new and modern, 8 rooms, oaklnterlor; can be bought at a bargain. ' On LocuHt near istrt, 7 rooms, good as new and a nice property $3,000. On 27 th near Parker, 7 rooms, gas and city water $1,650. On 10th near Hickory, cottage of 6 rooms, fine east front lot, nice trees; a cosy home $1,760. On 22d near Mason, nearly new cottage, rents for $14: price, $1.6ftn, 150 'ft Il-J,"1001''' mn hou' ,ot 50 y W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Street. RE-M674 A Handsome Home Facing Park Avenue Not built to rent, but one of thofl weP. built homes designed for comfort. Pieasant rooms, a big shady yard and a splendid neighborhood. Nine rooms, modern plumb ing and heating, porceialn bath. Just newly painted, easy to heat, cool and shady In summer. BEAUTIFUL SHADE TREES. A DELIGHTFUL NEIGHBORHOOD. 75 feet, east front, 011 Park Avenue, and west front on 80th st Lot 140 feet deep a splendid, shady play ground for children. EASY TERMS A BARGAIN AT THE PRICE This beautiful home will be sold for $6,500 on the following terms. Cash $2,600.60 and $48.00 per month until paid. As easy ns paying rent and you own your own home. It Is seldom that as attractive a home Is put on the market. The first offer gets It. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST. I RE-647-22 INVESTMENT 13,000 We have for sale the three houses, 18SS-1840-1842 North 22d St., between Clark and Grace. They are four, five and seven room houses and all In good repair. Slty water. Rents $432.00 per year and can be made HW.oo. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St RE-715 20 $2150.00 1000 CASH $14 per month For the 8-room modern house (except furnace). No. 1111 North 18th street. Good lot, shade trees, handy to U. P. shops and wlt'iln walking distance of business. RENTAL, $240.00 PER YEAR. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St. RE-646-22 $1,0002940 Arbor, 4 ims., new, sewer, crater, 60x140 lot. $100 down. Snap. $7508. E. cor. 41st and California, 6 rooms, full lot and barn. Snap. D. V. SIIOLES CO., N. Y. Life. TEL. 49.' RE-M634 CHOICE CORNER, f2.500.00 Present owner must sell the southeast corner of 17th and Vinton streets with two-story frnme store blldlng. This property has 644 feet on Vinton St. and 122 feet on 17th St. Palving all raid. N P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Fnrnam St. HE 717 20 HASTINGS & HEYDEN M0 N. Y. Life Blldlng Will bile a new house for you In any part of the City and Sel on ety terms. RE M683 22 SEE Chris Boyer before buying 22d and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. RE M464 DU WANTED For' cash customer who means business, STRICTLY MODERN 8 or 9-room house toward Hanscom park, for quick delivery" no run-down' property wanted; will pay $4,000 to $5,000; must buy before Thanks giving. Tel. I960. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK RK-M7S2 23 FOR SALE Irge house, 12 rooms, 3 lots: house cost $22,000; $1,800 barn; west part of city; wiil sell for $15,w0. Audress W 2S, Bee office. RE--M738 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WE TRUST THE PEOPLE. YOUR CRRDiT IS GOOD HERE. MONEY TO LOAN ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE. WITHOUT HECI'KITY. WITHOUT PUBLICITY. We also loan money on FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES, etc., without removal of goods. ' LOW RATES 3A8Y PAYMENTS. DON'T pay a high rate of Interest for money, but call und get our rates before going elsewhere. Our plan Is ihe CHEAPEST, BEST and MOST PRIVATE in the city. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Rooms 307-308 Paxton Block. X-M679 LARGEST BUSINCSS IN LOANS TO kAi. AIDED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc.. without se curity, easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. . Tolman, 440 Board of Trad Pldg. X-641 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. 511 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 613 EASY T8?-aT Best explains out mellious. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. Or if you nav a permanent position we can make you a SALARY LOAN without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our eervlc Is quick and confidential aud we always try to please. All that we aak la that you give us a call before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 5. (Established 1892. 306 S. 16th St. -V MONEY IOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK. SALARIES, ETC. Low rates and easy terras. Business confidential. Try us if you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 4 Paxton diock. loin ana 1'arnsm ars. X-40 MONEY lonnded on pianos, furniture. elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Roed, 319 8 ew- 13. X-643 CLAIRVOYANTS. GYLMER. palmist "IS N. 23d; 'phone B- 8623 y MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told, past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 8624 MME. GYLMER, Omaha's Favorite Palmist. 7 years in Omaha. Others come and go, but Mme. Gyimer re mainsthe most wonderful palmlat of tba age. She will tell you anyii-ug you want to know. Don't fail to consult her; she can benefit you. Parlors, 715 N. 23d st. S M620 MADAM MOYNIHAN, gradusie School of Occult Science, New York. Expert palm ist. Clairvoyant, physiognomist; traces and describes thieves or friends: Iocs Ins minerals. I will guarantee my readings and the charges wiil be nothing if I can not see your friends as they are or de scribe your home. I have read for the late 'resident McKlnley. Mrs. Potter Palmer, Mme. Pattl and many other prominent people. Will accept engagements to read and entertain In homes. 1615 DoiisIhs st. TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE rallrocd tickets everywhers. P. H. Phlibln, 1X4 I'Vruam. 'Phone 7i4. -477 DRESSMAKING. STANDARD Garment Cutting College. t231 Farnauk -aai Wi .WANTED MALM HELP. MEN to learn bsrber trsde; free railroad faro upon our falluro to convince you of thla being the BfcST, largest and nly reliable, most practical bsrber rnllrsa In thla aectlon of the country; write tor catalogue today. Western Barbers lnj"tl- GOOD messengers wanted; flrst-ciass pay. A. D. T. Co., 213 S. lSlh. B 494 WANTED, fot U. 8. army, able-bodied, un msrrled men, between ages of 21 ana J. cltitens of United Stales, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to recruiting officer. lth and Dodga eta., Omaha, and Orand Island, Nab. o niui ary; city work. C. F. Adams Co., 1K19 Howard St. B 4. WANTED, neat, bright young man; willing to work snd learn optical grinding. The H. J. Pen fold Co., 140H Farnam St. B Mil WANTED, a boy with a horse to deliver The Evening Bee In East Omaha. Call at The Bee office, circulation department. I p. m. i BM630 MAN Under S5, fair education, to prepare for Gov't Position. Begin with StiOO salary. Box 670, Cedar Rapids. Ia B 445 Dlx RELIABLE man In every county to rep resent eastern corporation ns Reueral manager; exclusive; very profitable; pet manent. Address 'International " 231 Broadway, New York B M00 2x WANTED, first-class tubular well man to operate Dltnock machine; will pay rood wages. Write or telegraph J. G. HIlbM'y, Lacombe, Alberta Province, Canada. B 6.9 22x WANTED, delivery boys. Apply J. L Brandels Sons. B 4U2 il FOLIOWINO musicians are needed in the Fifth Cavalry Band at Fort Logan. Cplo rado: One flute and plcolo, two V, flat cornets, two E-flat clarinets, two altos, one bnss drummer, two trombones one larltone, two tubas, ono sivre drummer Apply to recruiting rfflcet Omha, Neb., who will give full Infonnatlon with refer ence to pay, etc B 666 23 WANTED, fl7rt-claa sr,URar:e maker and meat cutter One-hf If (nt reat In market for sale C. W Letchford, 607 S Main St., Council Bluffs. Ia. B M690 BACK COPIES of THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing THE MIS-SPELLED WORDS. Can bo obtained at th Bea business office. 2C PER COPY. -M619 21 WE NEED COMPETENT MEN to fill positions as Managers, Accountants, Advertising Men, Salesmen and Book keepers. Also Technical and Executive Men, high grade exclusively. We have offices In twelve cities. Write for plan and booklet. HAPGOOD8 (Incorporated) Suite 629. Monadnock Building, Chlcagtv WANTED Steady man to travel on salary and expenses; small cash security re quired, and good references. Address Co lumbia, room 8f Insurance Exchange Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. B M733 22x WANTED Men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.: no canvassing. r-'-Ulonnl Adv. Bureau. Chlongo. R-M730 2?x WANTED rEMALB HELP. 100 girls. Call Canadian office, 16th & Dodge. G 901 WANTED A good cook. Mr. T. J. F.og. ars, 1120 Park ave. C-26 THE SMITH PREMIER EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT furnishes stenographers without charge. Tel. 1284 or call at office, corner 17th and Farnim Sts. . . C M134 D7 A COMPETENT GIRL for general house work. In family of three. 2906 Mason. C MB33 - - "Dining' Chairs . Mahogany or Golden Oak, well made and strong, $L10 to $4.75. . . . . BAKER FURNITUnU CO. C M6C2 cZ WANTED Girl for general housework at No. 2701 Dodge St. C M 669 WANTED, cash girls and boys. Must be 15 years or over. J. L. Brandels & Sous, C-M&S3 22 WANTED, girl tor general housework. Mrs. A. P. Tukey, 2541 Chicago. C-655 WANTED, ladles for house to house ean vaaa. Salary paid. Apply Saturday aft ernoon., between 1 snd 3 o'clock, Melnrath Brokerage Co., 1010 Jackson st. . C 849 20x GOOD GIRL for general housework. 2123 Douglas. C M695 23x WANTED Competent lady stenographer; must operate Remington and ba able to do billing; one who haa had experience In wholesale house preferred. Apply W 27, Bee officii. C MTCfl 23 FOR SALB HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. MONROE tells pleasure vehicles at 811 N. 16ti st. P-U SECOND-HAND top buggy with rubber tires, fcio, runabouts, 812 and $15. Audar. aen-Millsi'U Co., liJ5-118 Capitol Ave. Tel. 92i. P-275D11 NEW and 2d hand vehicles for sale; re pairs. II. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P-924 l , . TOP buggy, almost new; a big snap. A. V.'. Johnson, with John Deere ! I'low cunipuny. P-M326 Dl i I FOR SALE Two fine trotting tire.t brool mares; ore lr fast, the other a known pro ducer. Both registered and In foal to RcJ Heart 3d. Z;l tsire ot inain cno. :., Colt), son of Red Wilkes. W. H. Dwigut, Le Mars, la. P M 6.3 HORSES bought and sold; also a good : of harness for s-ie. almost r.ew. Llf'.e Gem Stabler, 1718 Cjss. P-712 :x BACK COPIES of THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing THE MIS-SPELLED WORDS. Can be obtained at the Bee business office. 2 ftt t.O?T. -M619 21 FOR SALE FIR.1ITIRE. FULL Una of bard coal stoves now on sale. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge at. O 613 OAK sideboard for sle, 2209 Spencer st. O SW HELP WANTED. ADDRESSES of bookkcepera. atenogra phera, cleika, aaleamen. window trim mers, pharmaclsta, civil engineers. Roan Km p. Agency, 304 State St., Salt Lake fiiy M633 21X SANITORItM. OMAHA Florence Banatoilum. 'Phone Red 22s4; 1 blk. w. of car ilnu. i.'ity pnone, ixv-. City bath and massage parlors. 2121 Lake. 618 NL"J - When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the yen to mention ths fact that you saw the ad n The Baa. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN 8ANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 674 NEB. Buaineas & Shorthand College, noyd's LAW AND C OLLt TIOSs. ST1LLMAN PRICE, -0 Ul Nat. Bk. bldg NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. T. Llfebldj., atluiueya aad cullsvtois ?"