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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1903)
TITE OMAITA DAILY. BEE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER- 21, 100.1. 11 CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Ssotmii in Volume ol Contract Stock Bench Wheat Prioei Up Bbarply. CORN FOLLOWS LUD OF WHEAT EASILY Oats, Atfeoted hy General Tone ol Market, Are Higher la Pries, Wail rrevlelene Art Also Advanced. CUICAOO, Nov. A big decrease In the uuuuaci auMia ui wuh mi Uuuin, Wim ouuuuueu iiuaU receiv. u tun uoiui V . b maw auwiu, ftuuLUM athtie WUaJ" ana tit ineir aujuakjr u uuvar iu utue t Mil a i y wivkuut in prices, AJeoember ouirtg 1-xo uiaunr. iuuui' cum wa 'up lmu, oi wtia iniijuo liiauar, wuiie ju uy iuviiuua cioewd iiuin 470 tower to iw .ueuKUid for December wheat from ahun uitmesta was etttiainely urgent, ow ing 10 Uia en ileal situation in tne nortn KMI auu. wiui out suiait oueiinaa ilia iuiu strong tliiouaiiout me enure, UujC 'ilia teuuuiOiu wit unman worn uo auut, tugiiui' cauies aim suiau receipts 111 tbe iioituweal being me incentives 11111 biouaut out a gooa ueinand wim tua open lug saies. Ijeceuioer Wan a Mhaue lower to a snaae mgoer, at V-aic, but witn active tuuig uy anuria ana local irouers tii a plica wivaiiued rapluiy. Uu tua advauoe thai wm soiling to wcuit pruiiui ami owe saies lor sirort account, wnlcn re sulted la ilia market easing oil giiguily at tunes, aJlnougo the tenuency was coq tauuy cewaru a higoer level. The report of a Dig aeoiease lu the stock at Duiuth for Uie ween u u auueo. cause ot anx iety to tbe snorts, who are beginning to fear Uisy wlu experience oonsiuorable dif ficulty in securing wneat to apply on De vcuioer contract. A private estimate ahow lag a greatly reduoou crop in the north weal Was also a buu factor. The strengtn In December helped May, but that month Old not snow aa much advance aa the nearby deliveries. Alter selling up to 80c December cloaca J Ho Higher, at suVdfeoVio. Clearances ot wheal anu Hour were eytutl to l,ao,juo bit Worlds exporu for tne week, ace or dins; to Bradsireet's, were 2,9,utM bu., the smallest weex i total for two months, .primary receipts were 1,046, iiuO bu., against l.ku.lou bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Dulutn and Chicago reported receipts of 7fcf cars, against be cars last week and $vt cars a year ago. Cora for Deoember delivery was espe cially strong, owing to a scarcity of of. feting, while at the same time there was a good demand from shorts throughout the day. Strength In wheal, small receipts snd an improvement In the cash dninand were factors In creatlngg a strong situation. De cember ranged between tao and 46 V 460, and olosea lWulo higher at tjiitvHvO. Local receipts were 109 cars, with 6 ot con C( I U tr i ei tract grade. Oata advanced sharply on buying by a lading bull, which was accompanied by large purchases for short account. The Strength In other grains and a belter cash demand helped In the advance. After sell ing between 844o and 3o'c December closed at IMnSOoA, a gain of lQlhko. Local receipts weie luo oars. Provisions were a shade easier at the start, owing to a decline of from 64f10o in the price- of hogs at the yards. There was some buying of lard for foreign account, but selling orders from packers were in larger volume than buying from all other souroea and prevented the marlut from re sponding to the advanoe in rtlne. The clime was about steady with January pork iii'lWi higher, at tn.57till.); lard and ribs were each 3Mfi lower, at 16.70 and 16.16. Katlmated recnlpts for tomorrow: Wheat. 100 cars; corn. 126 oars; oata, 180 oars; hogs. li,ont head. The leading futures ranged as follows! Arttcles.l Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close. Yesy. Wheat July f Corn Pea. May July fOata alay Jork- Jan. May lard Jan. May Ribs Jan. May TBVi , TIM 7- 79 78S)"i4 . 744 74V 74 WmiOm. 42H Al 2H ' 41 42 . . 41 MW4 ' 36 ! 4 do(afo 6H . 36 8M U CO 11 U E2 11 ) 11 B2H u amsuao unt, uj 67S to 4rr tn 72 70 4 70 tsTVs 72Vi tlTV. la' 6 12 1B 17H tt2 ny, 22 17H 26 No, 1 tNew. (.'ash quotations were aa follows! F1XUR Firm; winter patents, 14.00(3 4.2u; straights, U-txtxl.W; spring patents. t.(34.3u; straights, ta.00oa.U; bakers, (2.60 tj.1.30. WilEAT No. I spring, 79 1c; No. I red. "TfoKN No. t, 43c; No. S yellow, 44Hc. OATS No. a, 36c; No. J white, 4V( c. BTE No. J, Mo. BAKUKT Good feeding, WQWc; fair to Oholi-e malting. 47-58. BKKJDB No. 1 flax, fHo: No. 1 northwest ern, 7Vfcc; prime tjmothy, $1.92; olorer, contract grade, HO.fio. PROVISIONS Mess pork., per bbl., $11.60 Lard, per U0 Iha., JS.90.jjfl.S2H. Short libs, . aides (loose), W.7eQ7.UO; short clear ides (boxed), to.atxg&U. Kecelpts. Shipments. Flour, Mils.................. 23, WO x3,)0 Wheat, bu. J,V 7,o0 Corn, bu ,.U.10O m.OuO Oata, bu...... JuO.lOl) 1&2.S00 Bye, bu 8,7uO 6,1)00 Barley, bu 28,00 JS.JUO On the Produce) exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, KwjjUVic; dairies, 144ft. Ecgs, firm at mark; cases inciuoea. i(B'Jo. Lii steady, 10H. JfKW TpRK GURUS RA I. MARKET. 1&aotatlOBS of the Day mm Varloas Contmodl tlea. NEW YORK, Nov. . FLOUR Receipts. 18,17s bbU.; exports, 15,74 bbln.; tales, lu.700 bbis. ; market mmly active and held nlgher; winier patents, .ixu4.; winter trairfnts. 5! .i.wtH.uo; Minnesota patents, H kllnnesota bakers, t3.70taj.86: winter low arades. 2.80jiij5. Rye hour, steadvi fate to good, J.u3.40: choice to fancy, llioti 8.50. Buckwheat flour, dull at COKNMKAL Kteady; yellow western. 11.01; cltv. H.ol; kiln-dried, U-Oudtl.tb. ItVE KomuuU; No. H wester. i, uc, f. o, b., afloat ; mate and Jeney i&ij8o, BAHLJiiY gulet; feuding, fee, c. 1. f.. Uuf faln. WHEAT Receipts, 47,775 bu.; exports. 22. 664 bu. ; sales, l.STO.Ooo bu. futures. Spot, lirm; No. 2 red, JJV-', elevator; No. 1 red. tV3. f. o. b., afl si: No. 1 no them Du.uin. tua, t. o. b afloat; No. 1 haia Ma.ilioba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat, 'lliere was a strong bull movement in wheat aoday on light northweut lecelpiS, higher spring markets, general covering and bull support and reduced spring wheat crop estimates, with the Cioee SVo net higher. Hales in. eluded No. 1 red. Alay, hS l-ndusSc, cloned at Wc; July, 7al l-ltic, ciosed at bug; Iecemher, 87W7c-, cloned at 7"c. tX)KN Itccelpls, 14,700 bu.; exports, (,140 bu.; spot, firm. No. 2, blc elevator and tiSo f. o. b.. afloat No. 8 vellnw nJHc- No white, tac. The option market opened steady snd dull, but had a surprisingly ravild advance later on small rece.plM, mod erating weather ami a drive at hurts, c os Ing at Stolen net higher. May, 474jhc Closed at 4i',-c; December, 4S,!(niii;, ciosfd at f)i OA'l Re-elpt lM.OOO bu.; exports, 6,0ai r-i' V?"."V.": v4-c' 'iaru while. 4.1c; No. I. ilo; No. t white. 4aic; No. 1 white, 42Wc; track, white, weetei n. 4iv,tj fW-: track, whli, state, 41VJB45c. Optons, clrto coast. 19U2. lixilSc. VUC HIDi:b Steady ; Oalveaton, X"UJ& lbs. ISo raJlforiila.(21a:' ib... lc; Teitaa drT".' 24tf Vickled bflllcs ISOU'.rlO.OO: pickled ahouN ilers, h.uu: pickled hums. $10 v,ill.uo. Rlt-K-aieadyi domestic, fair to extra, lite: Japan, nomlnul. sJ5A,LLoWQutrt: tlly. .4c: country, bL"TTER Rece'is. J.761 nkn ,! toi Lini-iiv niurt; weatern chick. ?Tl3c; fowls. II.-; turkoi;''' firm; weetrrn cM.-kns, Lt-uU'c: foals llw tlllc; turkeys, i7lo. "wis, iit l.li4rtl brala Market. tJVlinX)U Nov. 20-WHKAT-Ki.t, iitaatljr; l-o. 1 re I wcaitin tium. Sd. I. KATHKR Steady; acid, 23fi35Wi PROVIrtlONS-Ueef. steady; famllv tlO Otill OOi mesa, IH.MnS 6i; beef ham." lJ.twtt22.; packet. ISo,.10 00; city extra snuiaii iiitrin- aia.inrri r i ii i hi nisst. ri,eJl. Heady; rontlnriit 17 40; tit tith Am -r-lc. : compound, 16.60.i 75. Fork Arm- i" irvau ' s i ate. uairy, lo Oo. ClIEKSh-Receli.u. 3.4i0 pkga; market Irregular; state full cream, fancy. ,maU ,lor,d- 8-ptembtr. 12c; l.te ,ade, lo.c small white. Ke ttomi.r l.o. .... i fcepiemher 12c; lute mae, 10c; large, col orei. tieptember. 1; ot-. rrade. Uc; laia . t'AiiE era.ber' M "neJe. iic. ' Futures quiet; tecember, tsSVtdi March, Is 4vi: My. Hd. CORN rpot, unlet; A merlon n mixed, t p.n. mitur, null; Decerabfr, Is lu-l; Jnnusry, In Kd. OMAHA WHOLKSALB MARK ST. Ceadltloai et Trade sad daetatleaa Btasle aad Faaey Proelaee. FllUrnh al,,rk ?ic L1VM POULTH1 hens, "Vific: "prlng chlcseiis, Mj1, j roosters, OA'cordlng to age, 41 w; turkeys, isc; aucKs, iii",c; gecee, k10c. lrensed mock: Turkeys, lit iic; uuckk, llfou'v; geese, lllJc; chickens, llWlllr: hens. Hi llm. Hoii'sH-fti'iini stocW, Uc; chmee to fsnt-y oalry, in tubs, lVlxc) stparator, Zao. KhKHH K1BH Trout, lc pick erel (C; pike, c; percn, rt; buitalo, 7HSc; blueflsh. 16c whllehsh, c; salmon, lie; .uauaucK, twe; codtliin, 2ci redsnspper, lie; lebstera, bulled, per lb., 80c; lobkters, green, per ib.,28c; bullheads, lie; cattish, 14c; black base, ual.out, c: oruppies. Lie; herring, Sc; white bass. 10c; blueiina. M. Of81h.Krt New Vora counis. per oan, 43c. per gal., 82.00; extra seiecta, per can Hue, per aai ku. stunuaru, per can. 27u, per gai, SI. 16 BHAh-Per ton, $14 60. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Leal, rs' association : Choloe No. 1 up- InH.I C... 1.1 .. ,1 M. . 1 1 .. . IH 111' wi.wi O. . f.V.r, tii-oi mil, cosrse, ttt.OO. Rye straw, fti.60. These prices are for hay of good color ana duality, isa manl talr and receipts light, CORN 44c. OATS-87& RYU No. I. ton. VKQETABLES. POTATOES (Joloi ado, 86c; Dakota, per bu.. 7a76c; native. 4S7c eWKEr POTA TOU.S Home grown, per banket, 80c; Virginias, per 8-bd. bbl., 83.00. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 82.26. CELERY Bmali, per dos., l693to large Calirornla, 4607&O. ONIONB New borne grown, dry, pet U Hci PpivnlBh, per crate, 61 60. CARBAOE Wisconsin Holland, 1HV TURNIPS-Canada Rutabagas, per th, lc: white, per bu., 60c. CARROTS Per bu., 60e. PARSN1FB Per bu., 600. BEKT8 Per bu., 60c FRUIT4 PEARS Colorado and Utah Kelfera, H.76, Winter Nellla, X26tf2.s. APPLES Michigan stock, 83.16; Callfor. nla Bellflowers, per bx. tl.W- New York Greenings and Baldwins, 83.26; eating vari eties. U.60. ORAPES-Callfornla Tokays. 81.76; New Tork, pr 8-lb. basket. SOc: eny Cats whan, 22c: imiMrted Maiasas. tx,r keg, IS 50. CRANBKRRiHH Jersey, per bbl.. MOO; per box, 83 00; Wisconsin Bell Bugle, 89.60. QUINCES California, per box. 81.76. TBOPICAL FRUITS. ORANUEfct t lorlda brlgnts and russeU, all slses 80.764.00. LEMoNb (..aUiurnla fancy. 800 to 300 Sizes, 84.60; choice 240 to 270 sixes, 84 0o4j4 2s. FIGS Cejltornia, per 10-lb, cartons, tec; Imported Smyrna, t-crown. 14c; 6-crown, 16c; 7-crown. 14c COCOAN UTSPer sack, 84.00; per dos., 60c DATES Persian, per box of 80 packages, $2.00; rnr lb., In Mb. boxaa, to. BANANAS Per medium alaed bunch, 83.08 2 60; Jumbo. 82.750129. MlSCJfcLLANEOUS. CHEESE Isconaln twins, full cream, 12Hc; Wisconsin Young Americas, 13c; block Swiss. lc; Wisconsin brick, U-ito; Wisconsin llmbarger. Uie. . HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames.' 83.60; Utah and Colorado, per M frames, 84.60. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb 10c. CIO ER Per bbl., 86.76; per Vs-bbl., 8326. POPCORN Per lb., 2Hc; shelled, 4li3Vo. HORSE RADISH Per case of 2 dos., pacKed, 80o. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 shoft-ahell. per lb., 16c; hard-shall, per lb., 14c; No. 2 sort-shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard-shell, per lb., 12c; Braslls, per lb., ligilMrc; filberts, per lb., HfeUHc; almonds, soft-shell, per lb., 16c; hard-shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, pr lb., lOllc; small, per lb., VitflOc; peanuts, per lb., 6 He; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7o; Chill walnuts. U13c; large hickory nuts, rer bu., 11.76; shell-barks, per bu., 81.754 00; black walnuts, per bu., 81-25; eastern chestnuts, per lb., 14c. HIDES No. 1 green. Co; No. 2 green, 6c; No 1 sslted, 7c; No. 2 salted, Co; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs RHc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6o ; dry salted hides, EM 12c; sheep pelts, ZH&lbci horse hides. 11.60$ 160. St. Loals Grata aad Frovlsieas. . BTT LOUIS, Nor. . WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cash elevator, nominal: Decem ber. 8Sc; May. 81Vg81Tc; track, SSt 9Hc: No. 2 hard. 787SHc. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 41tc; Dec em ber, 41 He; May, 40c; track, 42Hc. OATS Hlaher: No. 1 cash. 27c: traek. 7Hc; fay, 87Hc; No. i white, 40c. f'LOUR wulet; red winter patents. 24.109 4.20; extra fancy and straight. 82.80iM.06: clear, 23.60tl3.60. - tiED Timothy, steady, tz.Z6SB.S6; prime worth more. - CORNMEAL Steady, 82.80. BRAN Quiet; sacked, ast track, 74(ST7a HAY Steady; timothy, 27. W6 13.00; prairie, 86.004710.50. IRON COTTON TIES-I10G. BAOaiNO-6igi4io. . HEMP TWINE 6c. rKOVISIONS Fork. nCiiiinal, S12. Lard, nominal, 80.70. Baeon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, 88.12H; clear ribs, 88.87H; short clear, t.K2H. POULTRY Good demand; chickens, 7e; springs, 8Vc; turkeys, 134o; ducks, 10c; geese, go. BUTTF2R Steady; orearaery, 18 23c; dairy, 13r18c. EGOS Higher, 26c, loss off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7.000 U.Ooo Wheat, bu 62.0H0 60.000 Corn, bu 17,000 22.000 Oats, bu 61.000 17,000 Kansas City Grata aa Previsions. KANSAS CITT, Nov. 20.-WHBAT-De-cember. 64c; May, 684$8Hc; cash No. 2 hard, 72H73c: No. 8. 7ti70c;No. 4, C0r6c; rejected. feai0c; No. 2 red. 80081c; No. 2. 76a79c. CORN December, xrc; May, Wvtc: cash No. 2 mixed, 880; No. 2 white. 8t38HSo; No. 8, 87o. OATS No. S white, 36c; No. I mixed, 84 (J36C. HAT Choice timothy. 8.60; ehoice prai rie. 88 26tf.60.x KTli no. z, c. BUTTER Creamery. 19 20 He; dairy, fancy, 18c. EGOS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, esses returned, 2fic; new No. 2 whltewood cases included, 26ftc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 87,200 1M.400 Corn, bu 24.0O 6,000 Oau. bu 16,000 6.000 Philadelphia Prodare Market. PIIILADELnilA, Nov. 20. BUTTER Firm and tec higher; extra western cream, err, 23c; extra nearby prints, 28c. ' EGGS Firm, good demand; fresh nearby, 8to loss off; fresh western. 31c loss off; fresh southwestern, 20i30c loss off; fresh southern, 21tf-'e loss off. CHEK8E Steady. moderate demnnd; New York full creams, fancy, lljrlic; New York full creams, choice, llVic; New York full creams, fair to good, lOVttUc. Mlaaeapolla Wheat, Floor and Bras. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 20. WHEAT December. tc: May, 80,c; on 'ratk. No. 1 hard. 83c; No. 1 northern, 82c; No. 2 northern, 94c; No. 2 northern, l'g7;V. KLOl.'R Kirst patents, t4.66fc-4.76; recond patents, 84 Kfffi.S5; first clear,, 83.4i; second clears. 83.3O&4.40. BRAN in Duia. u.n. Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. ' Nov. 20-WHEAT-p higher; No. 1 northern. Hl'MiMc; No. 2 northern. 8H,C8-:t4jc; May, 71o bid. RYE Firm; No, 1. 60ISC. H Rt.W.Y Mlearivr N. r'(t2c. ' ' ' CORN-No. 1. 4646c; May. 42HS4:Hc bid. Dalatk Grala Market. s DVLUTH, Nov. 20 WHEAT On traek. No. 1 northern, 81Vc; No. 2 northern, 78'c; liecember, 7t.Sc; May, 781,c. OATS To arrive and 011 track, 84,c Telede leed Market. TOLEIX). Nov. . SEED Clover, cash, 86.621; December. 86.66: January,; Feb ruary, 86 46; March, 86.70; prima alaike, 86. is; prima timothy, 31-37H- Paarla Market. PEORrA. 111., Nov. JO.-CORN-Higher; No. 2, 43c; No. 8, nominal, !yc; No. 4. Zac WHISKY-81.26. tagat aa Molaaaes. NEW YORK. Nov. 20. SUGAR-Raw. teady; fair refining, SVic; centrifugal, M test, 2o; molasses sugar, 8c. Refined uulet; crushed, 6.30c; powdered, 4.80c; gran tl.iteci, 4.70C. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 20.-UOAR-Quiet: open kettle, centrlfusal, 3 6-lbc; centrifugal whites. S ll-16a3Vc; yellows S'f3Sc: seoonds. S4u3Vic Ali1LASdi:S uulal; open -kettle. !4'933c; (, U;ic, syrup, quirt, 2M-:7c. Dry iioeda Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 20-DRY OOOD8 The murket remains in vary firm condition, with sellers showing no disposition to grant concessions and yet the effort Is being made to obtain such concessions and more or leas buxInsM is rvfuard, sellers and buyers being unable to ujrrte on prices Jobbers ars doing an Indifferent current business thousn a aught Xurwera dsiuand is i port J. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Flnrry in Call Ifontj Bats OItm Ectbaok to of Etockt GOLD IMPORTS IQUaL LOSS TO WEST Traneartloas in tatted States Steel Preferred oa Large Seals aaa ' Beads Reach a Pelats Higher Than Last Sight. NEW AORK. Nov. i!U.-Prlces of stocks leoeived a setuaca touay alter a further inoueiaie up wax a movement during I lie e-ny nours 01 the Sessiou. A piauslbie reason lor the reaction was a Hurry in can money rates, which ran up to per cent luie in tne day, causing an appre hension that tomorrow s nana statement ni.gnt reveal some untavoraole develop ments. t far as the currency movement of the week is concerneo mere is nothing 10 snow en Imponsnt loss 01 strength ij tne banks, tne apparent nec reuse 111 casn bemg iiiuiteu to a lew hunureu tliousanu aonars. ina 10ns by transiers inrougti tue suuireusui y anu on suoireusury opeiatlons propei' were annuel unset oy the receipts ot new goid, including foreign gum im poi teu anu a small gain on me uirect In terior movement, in tne last named was but a trace, but is regarded aa highly sig nincant in view of tne turn in tnei cur rency indicated. The dubious point ot to morrow s bank statement is the loan Item. 1 here was some large calling ol loans today by several of the great banks, which necessitated the shining of loans and caused the rise In the money rate to 8 per cent. The purpose of this call of loans was explained somewhat vaguely as due to aynuicate requirements, including the United States Steel Stock Conversion syndicate. The call loan rale ran oft to per cent again before the olose. The ex hilarating enect upon the stock speculation of yesterday's announcement that the syn dicate conversion of United states pre ferred Slock Into second IwinriM wnnlH It discontinued was still manifested this morn ing, out it spent lis force in the coarse of the day. Opening transactions In Ui.ited States Steel preierred and in bonds were on an enormous scale. The bonds were at one time 2 points above last night, but closed with only H point gain. United Stales Steel preferred fell as low as 1 under last nlaht and mads a net lnas of a point ine silence In the formal statement ot the closing of operations of the syndicate on certain points left a huav field for n- lecture, noiably as to the actual holdings of the bonds remaining In the hands of the syndicate to be marketed. The good effect of yesterday's concession in freight rates oy tne ranroaas was partly onset oy continued unfavorable forecasts for the trade. Southern Paclflo came Into the foremost filace In speculative attention and was Ifeted an extreme 24 points. There was no news to explain this movement beyond the general supposition that the present rate of extraordinary expenditures out of earnings will not be Indefinitely continued and that an extensive refunding of high rute bonds is an early possibility. The strength of this stock was taken advantage of to realise elsewhere and there was more or less suspicion that It was manipulated to help the profit takers. The market closed dull and rather heavy. The bond market became somewhat Ir regular in sympathy with the reaction in stocks. Total sales, par value, 84,182,000. unitea stales s declined on tne last can. Following are the cioalnc quotations oa the New lork Stock exchange: Bales, mgn. low. uioe. Atchison 21.3H0 46 643s 64 do pfd 900 o 0 69 Baltimore at Ohio.... 9M 76 76 76ft do pfd 100 67 87 87 Canadian Pacific 11,926 11 118. 118 Central of N. J 100 156 166 164 Chesapeake A Ohio.. 1,900 30 80 80 Lnicago Alton l,50 22 soft soft do pfd 800 68 69 66 Chicago Ot. Western 3,900 1& 15 16 do B nfd 100 27 S7i Chicago A Northw'n. L870 166 166 16 Chicago Ter. Tr 8ft do pfd 800 18ft 58ft 18 C, C., C. A St. U... 100 73ft 73 , 74 (joioraao southern... 310 13ft 13 i: do 1st pfd 820 63 . 62 62 do 2d Dfd iiu. Delaware A Hudson.. 4O0 167 166ft 156 Del., Lack. A West. 1,100 240 ' 239 237 Denver A Rio Grande 600 19ft 18ft 9 do pfd.., H 68ft 68 67ft JTrle 16.675 27V. T 26 do 1st Pfd 76 fV.'j 66 do 2d cfd X.4UQ . aiZ ' 4irZ at Ot. Northern pfd 160 Hocking Valley... do pfd Illinois Central.... Iowa Central do ofd 1.700 72 70 72 800 84 l f:; 8,271 129 L9 V.i 20 ' ft 100 18 18V 18 Kansas City South., ao pia Loulsv. do pfd 800 34 81 83. oulsv. ft Nashville.. 6,400 102 101ft 101ft lanhattan L 8.010 iS9 !- 138 Manhatta Metropolitan Bt. ity. 6,500 lio lit li4 viinn. at Est. Li. ........ luu nl Bl bs Missouri Pacltlo 12.960 91 90 M.. K. A T 700 17 17 do pfd 100 96 86 90 '16 ?6 36ft 117 60 't. n. it. 01 ai. ;nu, New York Central.. v 1.2E0 117 11714 Norfolk ft Western.. 1,160 66 66ft uo pra.. 83 Ontario ft Western... 1,850 20 20 20 r-ennsyivania ....87.670.116 113 ',13 P.. C. C. ft St. L r. j 1 57 ..23,000 41 40ft 4, .. 100 76 76 75-A xteauing ......... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do nfd .. 100 I ..a.6jo . : 24 69 100 1 St. L. ft 8. F. 1st pfd. do 2d pfd 100 46 Bl. Lt. rjoulhw'n do pfd 100 31 St. Paul do nfd .21,000 139' Southern Pacific 107.350 ooumern rtanway o.sno uo pia Texas ft Pacific... T.. St. L. ft W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W. ft Lake Erie... Wisconsin Central. do pfd 900 .. 1.9H0 .. 110 .. 9A6 ..32.600 .. 100 .. 1.0110 .. 8 926 .. 600 .. 700 .. 1,100 Adams American United States Welis-Fargo Amal. Cooper 3.200 S9 Am. Cnr ft Foundry. 2,4o0 20 do pfd , 800 68ft Amer. Linseed OH do pfd Amer. Locomotive.... 1,626 14ft do pfd 100 79 Amer. Hm. ft Refng.. 2.400 44 do pfd 1.650 88 Amer. Sugnr Refng.. 4,750 119 Anaeenda Mih. Co....' Bklyn Rap. Transit. 11,120 39ft Colo. Fuel ft Iron 400 80 38 19ft 68 29 Col. ft Hock. Coal.... 2n0 10 ( onsol. .ins General Kleotrlo Internet. Paper do pfd , internet. Pump do nfd.x Nat. Plucult , Nat. Lead North American.... Paciflu Illail IVoule'a Gss Pressed Steel Car.. do pfd Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods i0 f Tenn. Coal ft Iron., V. S. Leather , do pfd V. 8. Rubber 1.600 178 177 i.soo lbTm 1&7 I.80O 11S4 U 200 pin too 1.6M) S6T, Ha sou 10 96 29 93H 93V 2x 2K iro 69V4 69U SU 2.X) 7T 74 7H 6,000 2U0 610 220 200 62 49 4V lf l4 . US' 2 7U, 7'A 77 77 do pfn V. 8. Steel 28 no do pfd 8.834 Western Union 200 Northern Securities 17 63S. 644 11 61 4W Ks-dMdend Total ssles for the day, 633.900 shares. Boaten Sterk Onetatlens. BOSTON, Nov. 20 Call loans. MM per cent; time loans. Mi per cent. Official closing prices on stocks and bends; Atchlaos 4a Allouaa 4 kt. 1. iasual 4a 4 Aoulsaauted n Atchlaoa 4tk Bls(baa iiu do pfd .-(!. a HacU 444 goatoa ft Albaar....:4 t'calaaalal js Bonoa t Maine 170 Coppor Raaaa 414 Boatoa Klevatad 144 Domtotoe Coal fiI N. T.. N. H. ft H..1M Kranbla itj ntrhbarf pfd 1M lata Karate i I'aiea FaclSc n Mukawk Mfc HI. Cantral . ' Old DoaUalas t Amer. Suiar ........ 11T OarMia u do p(d 11( Parrot i Amer. T. ft T 1)6 (lulacf a Deia. I. S PSIMaaia Pa Copper...., 1 Oaaaral EUx-trle .... U Taaurack fg Mb. Elactrlc U Tnnll t do pfd v. 74 t aitad Staua 11 I'nltad Pralt M t'tak . 7u II. g. Staal... 11 Victoria ,2 do pfd llW!noe 7 WaetlBg. comnvaa ...41 Wslraiiaa . (4 .rdiaatura 4 lialr a' est ,........16 Fere Ism Ftnaaetal. LONtMjN. Nov. JO Money was more atundur.t today and tbe demand slackened. Americans were easier. The easier rate of exchsngs In New York revived the ner vousness regarding American demand for gold and the buying of consols, conse quently, was checked. Prices on the stoat 5 Z Ii 101 165 V4 11 C2 80 68 36 It 71 exchange were steady arid business was quiet. Americans were firm and mostly above parity, but buelnexs was restricted and lhy eHSd during the Ixxt hour and clord dull. Kaffirs opened buoyant on he piibllcntlon of the Smith African commis sioner's report declaring the native supply to le InadequHte, but rnctcd on the minor ity's suggestion that unskilled whites be employed. PARIS, Nov. 20. Rulneis on the bourse today opened Arm, but subsequently there was an Inaction. Rio Tlntos lost 7 francs on the reports received, from New York. The private rate of discount wss 2 16-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, Hf 12jc tor the account. Exchange on London, 26f 19c for checks. BERLIN, Nov. 20. Trading on the bourse today was Irregulnr. Iron shares were weak on tts reduction of prices of Iron. Mevr York Money Market. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: V S. ret. ta. res.. ..! L. N. nl. 4s '4 4o coupon ..11MV4 M,nhatt,a c. (. 4a..iwt"t ..10(Sk Mei. rmtral 4a 114 ..ln7 to 1M Inc 14Vb U. rf 49 vousoa Co n,w 4a, 50 coupon So old 4s, res. ..lilt Mlua. 81. Lk 4... ..M4i IS., K. ft T. 4a.... .11IIS o to ... 4l 7b ij So naw 4a coupon. .llm, N. R. ft. of M. e. So 6n, rcf. intu N. T. C. s. tsa ao coupon Atr.falron jmn. 4a... do adj. 4i Atlantic C. L. 4. baltlmnr at . 4a do 3St Central of (la. im. do lit Inc Choi. St Ohio 4H. Chlcaao ft A. Sa O., B. ft O. a. 4a. . 10! W N. J. C s- a 1 '-'' .100 I No. Pacific 4a 1S . MS o 71 . KiNor. Weat. e. 4i.. 7 .ltw4j n. . U par... M . s Ptnn. conr. f .1011(1 Readlnc ten. 4a d1 . u iRt. L. V 1. M. r .11 1st. U. 8 r. f. 4a. . 7!Vi gt. L. S. W. la . tV seaboard A. L ai... n C. M. ft St. P. g. 4a. in So. Piclno 4a tt t. a N. W. c. 7a....nH c. . i. a p. ,... 71 da col. (a 71 CCO. ft St. U g. 4a. IT Lkloao Tar. 4a 74V. Cob. Tobacco 4a Colo, ft So. 4a U K ft R. O. 4a M Kris prior Ilea 4a.... M 60 (antral 4s (4 r. W. a D. C. la. ...104 Hocking VaL 4a...lMTa Offered. Bo. Railway ta llf Taxaa ft P. la Ill 8 , St. b. ft W. 4a.. Tl Union Paella 4a 102 do conv. 4a 44 V. S. Steal ti ta.... Wabaih la H' do dab. B 4 W ALK. 4a H4 W!a. Cantral 4a t Cola. Fuel a. 6a 4A London Stock Market. LONDON, Nov. 20.-Clostng: Conaola, nosej.... H -l N. Y. Central .... do accoant US Norfolk ft Weat.. Anaronda i do pfd Atchlaoa 47H Ontario Weat... do P'4 Pennarlranla Baltimore ft Ohio.... 7ft Rand Mtnea Canadian Pacific ....122 Rtadlns Cbaa. ft Ohio aiti do lit pfd Cklcaxo Ot. West.... l"4l do M ptd c. M. ft st.!so. rhi.., ..nut .. t8 .. ta ,. aiH .. us .. s .. !1H .. 89 ,. 90 ,. It ,. 7 ,. 4SVi ..1 ,. M ,. 11 .. 55 DcBeers ... tu do pfd ......... ... 4!8o. Parlflc ........ V. ft R. O Erie do 1M ft... do Id pfd... Illlnoll Central Louie. Nth. St.. K. ft T.... ... M "4, Union PaclDo t4 do pfd .... MVi ....194 ....lllt4 U. 8. 8teal. do ptd .. Wabaih .... Mt( MVi 11 H do pfd BAR SILVER Stead v at 27id ner ounce MONEY- -Zm per cent; the rate of dis count In lhe open market la S:6-i64Vb per cent: the rate of discount In -.he oen mar ket tor three months' bills is 8"A64 per cent KewYork Mining ttaotatlons. NEW TORK, Nov. 20. -The fallowing are the closing quotations on mining slocks: Adams Coa t Ontario ..ton ..Ut .. .. J .. It ..126 .. U ..too Alice Braece ... II ,. 1 ... a ... 7 ...100 ...175 ... I ... t Ophlr (Hboanli Pottxl SiiTaga I Sierra Nevada Bmall Hopea .. Standard CoaiKock Tunaal Cod. Cal. ft Vs.. Horn Shear Iron Stlrer Loadvllle Con ... Little Chief Offered. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Nov. SO TlnnV rlnirln.. fn. today are 81.241.848.19, an Increase of 8-4,- win mo turrcHitonaiDf aay last year. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Nov. .-COTTON-The market opened weak t-t a decline of ft&ll points vnder heavy rvaSjlng and bear pressure, which In the present instance vas oncouragsd by lower caoles than expected and warmer In the belt, while the forecast was for more or loss general ruins. On the decline, however, good buying developed, including aggressive operations by local bulls, further covering and outside buying orders, which were accompanied In many instances by further reports of crop dam ages from the recent freeze and predictions for an early fal'lng off In the movement. Soon after the call the market rallied to about last r.lght a prices. - The estimates for tomorrow's receipts at leading ports were full, but the Into-sight movement for the week fell ehlnd early tstimates and the exports were again very heavy. The market closed at a net loss of 74J10 points. Sales were estimated at 300.000 i-ales. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 20.--COTTON Easy; sales, 4,360 bales;, ordinary, l-16c; good ordinary, 9,c; low middling, 10o; middling, loc; good middling, 10 6-loc; middling fair. 111-16c; receipts, 18,708 halea; stock, 267,076 bales, futures, barely steady; November, 10.84c; Dectmbar, J.O 86fft10.87o ; January, jO. 93 10.91c; February.; March, ll.liyil.12c; April. U.13il.20c; May, U.26iS 11.27c; June, :i.3KoH.33o; July, 11.36 ll.S6c. ST. LOITI3. Nov. 20. COTTON Quiet; middling. 11c; sales, 4 bales; receipts, 800 bales; shipments, 136 bales; Mock, t.EW bales. LIVERPOOL. Nov. COTTON Spot Is in ilmlted demand; prices 2 points higher; American middling fair, 6.2Sd; good mid dling, ClOd; middling, 6.02d; low middling. 6.92d; good ordinary, 6.86d; ordinary, 6.66d. The sales of the Jay were 6,tK) bales, of which 600 were for speculation and export and Included 4,200 Amerit-an. Receipts, 16, 000 bales, including ll,7"o American. Fu tures opened unlet and closed steady. American middling, g. o. c, November 6.91 fh5.92d; November and December, 6.96d; De cember and January, 6.83d; January and February, 6.8i(tj.83d; January and Feb ruary, 6.82fa5.3d; February and March, 6.81d; March and April, 6.81d; April and May, 8.80Q6.81d; Mny and June, 6.806.81d; June arid July, 5.'i!Ku'5.80d; July and August, 6.7&4j5.7d. , Wool Mr.rket. BOSTON, Nov. 20. WOOL Tlie Commer cial Bulletin will say tomorrow: The wool market Is quiet, with the usual amount of bearish talk when such is the condition. Large holders, however, show no anxiety about the outcome. If the statistical posi tion was strong on July 1, It la still stronger now, with stocks moderate and In strong hands. The mills are some of thtm tatting stock and the policy of manufacturers is not to Increase .ndehlldness s near the close of the year. With colaer weather the goods market should improve, and it Is be lieved that this will bi followed by In creased sctlvity In raw material. There Is considerable bearish news from abroa i, due to the efforts of European consumers and dealers to buy the new clips of Australia and South America, on 'he best possible terms. The shipments of t-ool irom Bos ton to date frcrn December 81. 1902. are 219, 419.329 poumlt, against 'J4,260,529 pounds at the same dsto last yeer. The receipts to date are 39,380,182 pounds, against 293,138,371 pound for the, same period 'ant year. BOSTON. Nov. 20. WOOL--Current quo tations oil domestic wools may be sum marised as follows: Territory, Idaho, fine, 1415e; flue medium, '0(il7c; medium, is 19o; Wyoming, linf1, Mtttv.c; rtrm .nedlum, 16t(rl7c; medium, IHjt4t19c; T'Uh end Ne vada, fine, Koftltjc; line -nedlurn, l?i17Ho; iT-cdlum, 19tfK-; Dakota, tine, in-filtK-; tlno medium, 16-fil7c; medium, 19-&20e: Mon tana, fine choice, 19830c; staple, WtiWe; med'.uin cbolce, 20fJ21c. ST. LOl.US. Nov. CO. WOOL Steed y ; medl'im "! romldntr and rlnthlna. 17yi! 21Hc; light line. 15f'17Hc; heavy flue, U'flf HHc; tub wavhed, 20tU30c. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. . COFFE178pot Rio. easy: No. 7 Invoice, 4k! ; m(M, steady; Cordova. 744i12'ic. The mstrket for f.itnra opened Hteady at unchanged prices to a decline of 6 points, and ruled quiet so fttr aa freih business was concerned. The de clining tendency wns chiny due to the de el'nes in the Bras'llun markets and the ah. sence of aggressive aupimrt. whieh at tracted some realising. The market was finally steady at a net decline of 6 'a 10 points. Sales were 66.76) bags, including December st 6.4065 4ic; January. 6 60c; March. 6.7S(faS.K6c: May. 69;r6.00c; Julv. 6 0o610c; August, 6 lc; September, 6 16 12oc, and October, 1.26c. Evaporate Apples and Dried Frnlte. NEW TORK. Nov. 20. EVAPORATED APPLES The market continues rather easy, with prime fruit for future delivery offered around oVpfiSe. Common are quoted at 4.(i6c, prime at 6.it3ic, choice at fcitV and fancy at 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIKD FRUITS Prunes are rather more active and ruled about steady at a slightly lower range of value, with quotations running from 2c to 6c for all grades Apricot continue quiet. Chohe are quoted at SUttSVfcc, extra choice at MiliAo and fam-y at Llfllfk-. Peat hea also are quiet. Choice are quoted at 7V& 7c, extra choice at 7fec and fancy at 9&10c. Oil and lloatn. NEW YORK. Nov. 20. OIL Cottonseed, steadier; prime crude, nominal: prime yel low, 84c; turpentine, fcaay, tjtic. asked; petroleum, firm. HOS1N Quiet; strained, common to good, 82. ;!. 66. OIL CITT, Pa.. Nov. 20. OIL Credit bal ances. 8182; cartlftcates. no bid; shipments, tl t.l bbU.. averase f.u'7 bbla.; runa, .K.ixl bid., average lO.bin bbl ; shipmenit, Uma, 66.16 bbla., average t9.1X bbla.; ruru, 1 im. Ui 2 I bbla.. average U 44J bbls. HOBIN-Steadv; A. B, C. D, E, tlti; V. 11.25; O. 36; H. 8146; L tS-Iu; M, 6XA-; W G. 83 86; W W. ti.L ' OSIAnA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oornfed Etoera Blow, bat Cowi Aotifs an Cteadj to Btrong. HOG MARKET HELD .FULLY STEADY Fat Sheen and Lasabs Bold at Steady Prices,, bat Feeders Rased Off a Trigs, Owlag to Fact Few nay. re Pat la an Appearance. SOUTH OMA1IA. Nov. 20. Receipts were: , , , 2attle. Hogs. Sheep. 2 !aJ Mondy 6,4M o,.o9 i.. H2IC ! "'day s.430 7 668 9,L1 t nii lal Wednenday 4.0I6 10,o4 IH.Ooo i.?.c "5 Xu''la, 2-4 'w Official Wednesday 4,516 10,694 19.0i oFIveJ,davB tnl" eek... 19.850 36,946 40,344 Same days last week....ffl,394 30,786 7J.W6 Sams week before 27.380 21.938 71.92 same three weeks ago..3a.402 Zi.SiS 6.si5 game four weeks ago... 34,871 15,367 756 Berne days last year. .. .24,294 . 38.106 65,654 RECEIPTS FOR THK YEAR TO DATE. lhe tollowlng table shows the rectlpts of t-aitie, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for earVear l uate and comparisons with last r,0,,1 ' 1903. 1902. Inc. Dec. Vattle 976.646 900,063 76,582 l,tW,307 t973,Wl 11,714 Kh.eP ..1,664,(3 l,63i,U7 128,918 Average prices paid for bogs at South omaha for the last several days with com parisons: Dt- I 103. 1902.1901.19O0.1899.18S8.1897. Nov. . Nn ' a I I M, 6 781 t 72 4 tl 8 21 I 41 8 43 8 43 3 44 I 46 364 8 41 3 31 8 81 8 88 8 84 I 22 8 31 3 32 3 ii 81 8 32 3 84 3 84 4W 4 8, 4 8ttV 4 73$ 4 01 I Nov. 8. 4 DO 4 66 4 66 4 04 1 8 46 81 a 6 82 4 04 4 02 8 4b 8 61 2 62 a I 66 8 6- 6 49 Nov. Nov. Nov. 6. 6.. 61 6 62 I 66 6 41 a 36 t 71 5 71 6 68 6 67 V4 6 72l 4 64 4 01 t 02; 7.. Now s a lift 4 SIVt 4 67 Nov. 9. Nov. 10. Nov. 11. Nov. 12. Nov. 13. Nov. 14. Nov. 16. Nov. 16. Nov. 17. Nov. 18., Nov. 17. Nov. 18. Nov. 19. Nov. 20. 4 71 4 03 4 03 4 03 8 47 S 47 4 67-H 4 741 6 26 6 10 6 21 6 28 4 (U a 8 43 4 62S, 6 631 4 84' 8 44 a 8 41 3 4 64 6 691 4 74 2 94 a oti 6 68 4 bl 4 62 2 9a 6 81 a 6 41 6 31 6 29 6 311 6 29 28 6 67 8 8 64 4 46 ' 4 3K 6 Ci I 6 (S3 4 9j 4 821 a 4 78, a 4 78 3 641 3 36 3 87 8 86 3 8 3 25 -9 S 3n i 29 4 6 63 6 631 6 63 6 73 W-1 4 44' 4 40, 4 761 3 I Indicates Sunday. Tho official number of cars of brought in today by each road was: stock H'r's. p. C, M. ft St. P. Ry l 29 MO. Pacific Ry 14 U. P. system , aa C. ft N. W Ry ,. ., F.. E. ft M. V. R. R.... 1 B. ft M. Ry 29 C B. & Q. Ry 1 K. C. ft Bt. J 25 C. . R. I. A P. Ry., east. I Illinois Central 11 12 14 2 6 4 '8 S Chicago Ot. Western 2 Total receipts Ill 1 90 31 , 1 The dlSnoaltlon nf til rinv'a ,M.lnl.lwa as follows, each buyer purchasing tbe num- ut ucuu inuicateu: fattla Hnn Shun wuituiH, j-ucaing uo. ...... Zitii Swift and Company 68 Cudany Packing Co 269 Armour ft Co 217 Cudahy P. Co., K. C 1,061 Armour, loux City 389 12 7S6 241 1.258 210 663 361 1,584 667 ese see sae ee ee a e see 675 , 8,228 Armour, Nab. City.. Vannant ft Co W. I. Stephen H. F. Hamilton L. F. Hum - Wolf ft Murnan Hobblck & B bam Wertheimer .... Lee Rothschild Morton Jtr rirpe-aofi 67 60 70 164 67 17 6 14 Mike Haggerty 8 Other buyers 193 Totals i 3,024 6.773 7.07? CATTLE Thor was a fair Friday's run of cattle here this morning and no great change In the market was noticed. The demand was apparently equal to the sup- fily, so that everything was disposed of n good- season. There were several cars of common corn fed steers on sale this morning and the market could certainly lie quoted no more than steady with yesterday 011 that class. As lompared with a week ago prices show a decline of 2C30c and trading Is very alow at the decline. Peckers very evidently are not at all anxious for the r-hort-fed corn cattle and as a result they sell to verv Door advantage. ine cow market was active this morning and steady to strong. The tendency of prices. In fact, hits been upward all the week and an advance of 15i25 is notd. This advance anDllcs to all kinds, ihnmh cf course, tho better grades have shown the greatest Improvement. Bulla, veal calves and rtags sold In the same notches they did yesterday. There were not very many stockers and feeders on the market and as al the spec ulators were willing to ?ake a few, anything at all desirable, was easy to sell at Stemly prices. Common kluda. the same as usual, were dull. For the week prices on the hot ter grades are a "'.tile higher, the Advance amounting to .''( 1 60 and in some caees por hfns a little more. The jfew cars of - -"estrn grass beef steers on sale this mnrnlna; sold at about steady prices, though trading was not ns brisk as It might have been. Range cows sold steady to strons- and stnrkera and feeders showed no quotable change. . Repre sentative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ko. ' Ar. Pr. No. Ar. pr. J, 1W0 75 1 U70 4 (o X H4 i 75 0 HM 4 SO 14 1034 4 15 .; 1210 4 tn 34 H47 4 46 It i;U 4 (o COWS. 1 1240 3 in - NEBRASKA. 12 cows.. ...1048 2 85 1 cow 7R0 1 feeder... 960 2 60 10 feeders.. iW COLORADO. t 20 3 46 28 rows.:... RS5 S 45 4 cows R57 19 feeders,. 782 2 9J 2 feeders 865 26 feeders.. 10i5 3 15 23 feeders."l0S7 NEBRASKA. - 2 feeders.. 405 2 75 1 feeder... 780 1 feeder... 850 3 25 II cows... 6 cows 2 45 4 cows 807 5 cows S. 1 90 C. O. Morton Neb. 1 heifer.... Sift 3 10 2 calves. , "M B calves... 4S'! Sl 1 calf.... 660 6 cows 990 2 10 2 cows 940 1 cow 1540 2 00 heifers... 400 1 00 2 25 8 00 3 00 2 tr 2 25 4 10 8 60 2 40 2 25 u. u. neypoia - Mont IS feeders.. 6fi4 3 35 7 00 ws l.yto 2 cows 905 3 16 2 5a. 2 2a 3 OA 3 40 1 stag 14X0 5 13 6 cows 1000 2 25 6 cows 818 2 15 1 heifer.. ..1030 8 00 13 feeders.. 820 3 36 I heifer.... 6f0 1 heifer... .1030 6 heifers ., 740 HOOS An active and steady market was experienced here today In spite of tho fact that Chicago was o noted slow and 6ftluc lower. The demand trom local packers was brisk, and besides that there were several large shipping orders, so there were none too many hogs In tight to sup ply the demand., and'all the early arrivals were disposed of In good season. Heavy weights went mostly from 34.40 to 4.46, inruiuui rxcism 1 1 win 10', and lights from 34 50 to 34 60. There was no particular change In the market from start to finish, but at the same time the market aaa very uneven all day, so that some sales look considerably better than others. The reason for the K . 1 .L, 1 made local buyers their urgent orders. nervous about filling rtrpreseniaiive sales: No. 57.. 15... to.. ID.. 14... 54..! 51... tl.., 51... 44. . . 41... At. ...3S0 ..17t , ..nn ..nt . . Sll ..ti .nt ..nt ..tit ..UT .2X4 ..nt ..til ,.J7 ..til ..lilt ..11 ..111 .135 ..140 .10 Pr. 4 45 4 45 4 4i 4 45 4 45 4 r 4 4.1 4 43 4 46 4 45 4 45 4 47i 71 M 41. 71.,... tt M tt 14 tt 71 , 50 , 4t 44 Si 4 47IA 4 M 4 5 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 ta 4 52 4 51 i SHEEP There was a fair run of sheep here today for a Friday, but the market held up In good shape and a fairly good clearance aaa made. Killers were scarce the same s they have been all the fall' and, as all the puckers wanted a few, salesl men had do trouble In disposing of what they had at fully steady prices as com pared with yesterday. There were not vesT many feeder buyers on the market, snd. as nulie a few feeders were on stile, prices eased off a little. As compared srllh the close of Isst week there Is now very little change In ruling prices. The demand through the week has been In exceptionally K'ood shape, and each div a offering have met with ready sale. The weaker feeling today waa no more than would raturally be expected at the end of the week. Quotations tor grass stock: Choice west at 8. hr. No. At. Sb. .. 4 o in rt 4 4 W 311 IM - 50 4 411 14 fit 120 40 4 4il 6! Jul 4 40 4 41) tt ill M 1HI 4.40 1 IrS .. im 4 4H 5& aim 140 4 44 50 2KI S 40 4 45 St 7I sao .. 4 45 41 314 tuO 1 4 45 tl...,....rtl to 120 4 46 M. .111 too IM 4 45 61 215 100 laa to 144 4 40 4 45 17 Wl SO aa 4 4714 70 no o .. 4 50 tl Ml 120 4 5 40 fJS BO 4 tlVa 54 107 4 55 Tl t aa .. 4 to 47 tl 140 .. 4 t5 5t :m 4 14- 5 tit UO IS 4 4t 77 !r.l 40 4 40 . H Ul .. 0 4 41'i ti Ul .. 4 4 45 72 JU .. SHIP YOUR HIDES, TALLOW AND WOOL 1 1 any quantity and pet highest market prices. Write for infor station, prices and shipping tag which are sent free by our b luse which is located nearest to you. J. S. SMITH & C WHOLESALE HIDE MERCHANTS IIIIHA. NEB. SIOUX CITY, IOWA. GRAND ISLAND, NEB. YOU ARE INVITED to Join Mr. C. R. Glover on nn excu rsion to HOUSTON, BEAUMONT and other points In Texns. The party starting from Omaha leaves over the Bur lington at 10:45 P. M., Tuesday, Not. 24th, arriving In Kansas City early Wednesdsy niornii g. Nov. 2ith, where they will be met by and Joined with a large party letvlng at 9:45 A. M. over the SuntA Fo direct for Houston. Bcmimont, etc. From Knnsits City the entire party will have the uso FREE OF CHARGE, cs a private buffet and sleeping car. The object of the trip Is to Inspect the wonderful RICE FIELDS OF TEXAS. Enormous profits can be made from the cultivation of rice. The man yith a small amount of money to Invest can become wealthy beyond the 0 -earns of avarice. I want you to take this trip with mn snd see what I have t. show you. DON'T MISS IT such a chance Is not offered every day. For the occasion, the extremely low rate of $18.86 has been made me for th round trip from Omaha to Beaumont and return. The tickets ore good foi 21 dnys. You don't have to como back with the party unless you want to, TT.'-n is the only xpenso outside of your sleeping car fare from Omaha' to KanRRS City, except your meals and whntever you desire to spend personally, Al other expenses are paid after you leave Kansas City. WRITE ME AT ONCE, signifying your desire to Join the party and X will make all arrangements for you. Address, C. R. GLOVER. Room 3 New York Life Bids:.. Omaha. Phone 133. em lambs, 14.504.76; fair to good lambs, 34.26164.50: choice yearlings. 33.40 63.76; fair to good yearlings, 33.lwau.4o; choice weth ers, 83.2o3.50; fair to good wethers, 83.00J 8.26; good to choice ewes, 32.75JiS.00; fair to good ewes, 8'..6tira2.76; choice feeder Inmrw. 33 9og4.10; fair to good feeder lambs 83.250 S 7r hlhv IninKa 41 raV..) A. au.M ...... -. lings. 33.10(83.80: feeder wethers, 83.OPftW.25; feeder ewes, 32.0uj2.25; culls, 3L00i2.00. Representatives sales: 375 Wyoming feeder ewes 89 2 00 - 193 Wyoming ewes 98 2 66 132 W yomlng ewes 92 2 75 173 Wyoming feeder lambs 40 8 00 178 Wyoming cull lambs 41 3 00 16I Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 75 3 35 800 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. Til 3 35 30 Wyoming feder lambs 49 .1 65 333 Wyoming feeder lambs 61 3 65 850 Wyoming feeder lambs 51 3 90 8.18 Wyoming feeder lambs 60 3 90 360 Wyoming feeder lambs 61 8 90 CHICAGO, Nov. 20.-CATTLE-ltecolpis, 4.000 head. Market steady; good to prime Steers, 36.16415.60; poor to medium, 33.60' 4.90; stockers and feeders, 31.76y4.30; cows, 81.60v4.26; heifers, 3.006.00; canners, 31.60DJ 2.60; bulls, $2.004.60; calves, J.o(Xy7.2u; Texas fed steers, 3J.753.50; western steers, 83.00S4.40. HOGS Receipts today, 28,000 head; esti mated tomorrow, 12,000 head. Market 61 0c lower; mixed and butchers, 366fj4.76; good to choice heavy, 34.6Oj4.70; ru-jght heavy, 84.354.65; light, 34.404.65; bulk of sales, 34.5ftr4.70. SHF.EP Receipts, 10,000 head. Sheep steady; god to choice wethers. 33.604.00; fair to choice mixed, 32.75u3.60; western sheep, 82.76fa'4.00; native lambs, 83.76&6.50; western lambs, $3.00'(u4.86. CHICAGO LIVE! STOCK MARKET. Light Fwelpts of Cattle and Sheep, rnt Fair of Moss. CHICAGO. Nov. 20. CATTLE Recelot 4,000 had. Including 400 head of westerns. The market was steady. Good to prime steers, t5.KrS6.60; poor to medium, 4.90; stockers and feeders, 32.00tb4.16; town, fl.Wi4.25; heifers, 32.00v4.60; canners, I1.5U (i2.4o; bulls, 32.00tY4.26; calves, 32.60ft 7.25; Texas fed steers, 2. 75a 3. 60; western steers, 33.00&4.60. H(GS Receipts today. 26,000 head; esti mated tomorrow, 12,000 head. The average was 60 lower. Mixed and butchers. 34.6& 4.77H: good to choice heavy, 34.60tip4.7it; rough heavy, 84 36 W4.55; light, 34.464.05; bulk of sales, $4,564(4.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, '10.000 head. The market for sheep and lambs was steady. Good to choice wethers, 83.60 64.25; ft-lr to choice mixed, 32.75tfi3.76; west ern sheep, 82.75&400; nutlve lambs, 33.75 6.60; western lambs, 83.0006.75. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 20 BEEVES Re ceipts. 8,328 head. The market for steers was firm and generally 10c higher; for bulls and good cows, steady; for thin cows, slow. Native steers, 83.7IW5.30; oxen, . 0066.00; bulls. 82.404.00; export bulls, 34.40; cows, 31.10i33.30. Cables quoted live cattle higher at SMrlilltte 'per pound, dressed weights; sheep, firm at U&12c; lambs. 13'313Vif, dressed weights; refriger ated peel, owub'V per pouna. CALVES Receipts, 67 Itesd; The market was steady; veals. 84.0Orn8.75; choice, $9.00; grussers, $2.75; fed calves, 33.25y3.50; city dressed veals, SraUMc per pound; country dresced, 64il2c. HOGS Receipts, 2,Wil head. The market was steady; state and Pennsylvania hogs, $5.18tt6.26. , SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,407 head. Tho market for good sheep was 10c higher; for others, steady; for lambs, opened firm; some enrly sales were higher, closed easy. Sheep. $.!.5ufa4.00; export, sheep, $4.25; lambs, $5.60(66.01; choice state lambs, $6.20; no Canada lambs. Exports today, 620 head of rattle snd 800 quarters of 4ieef: estimated tomorrow, 1,433 head of cattle, 686 head of sheep and 6,600 quarters cf beef. Kansne City Live Mock Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3.500 head of natives, 5W) head of Texans; calves, 400 head of natives, 100 head of Texans. The market for native steers was steady; for quarantine, steady to firm; for western feeders, firm; for na tive cows, steady; for ptock calves, dull. Choice export and dressed beef steers, 64.35 C6.10; fair to good, $3.26ii4.S5; stockers and Tieders. $1.51854.00; western fed steers. $2.40 (U4.30; Texas and Tntllan steers. $2.45413.40; Texas cows, $1.7GtS2.50; nutlve cows, $1.6t9 3.55; native heifers. $i.2T.'a 4.10, -.inners, $1.0J 42.30: bulls. $1. 7yi 3. 10; calves, ,.iVHt6.00. HOCS Receipts, 8,000 heHd. The market Tan 2H10c lower; top, 4.05; bulk or sales,' $4.6064. 65: mixed packers, f4.50-u4.65; heavy, $4 35v4.5i; llKht. $4 6534 65; yorrers, WMit 4.65 pigs. $4 4tKi4.bC. SHEKI AND LAMBS Receipts. 5.O10 head. The market wufi nctlve to firm: na tive lambs, $.'1.3541 S 3o: western lambs, $'.,.9offt 5.20; fed ewes. $2.3otu30: Texas clipped yearllnrs, 32.6M3.S0; Texas clipped sheep, $2.4tifi3.75; stockers eud feeder. $2.0047 3.50. St. Loots Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS Nov. 30. CATTLE Receipts, 2.000 head. Including 300 head of Texuns.. The market was generally steady; native shipping and export steers. $4 50fq5.25; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.0tii5.00; (Iran uuuri l.Ow ILo., $2.11. fe5; 1 rJ''K -T3 and feeders. $2.3033 50: cows and heifers. $2 254i4.0O; canners. $l.iu$i2.2&; bulls, $2 25a 3 25; calves. $3 6o86.60; Texas and Indian steers, $2.35413.80; cows and heifers, 32 00o 2 60. HOGS Receipts, 4.000 head. The market w,n . t.. .to , n ) i . . it jnw.r fd lifTlita. iT.sfifr 4.70: packers. 34. 354.65;" butch ers snd best heavy. $44514.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Reeelnts.'SCO head. The market was strong; native muttons, $3 0"tfi3.60; lambs. $4.0uii6 25; culls and bucks, $2.00414.00; stockers. $.'.0O4j3.00. t. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 20. CATTLE Rec celpts. 1,093 head. The market was active and steady; natives, 33.6C&6.40; cows and heifers. $1,6044.76; stockers and feeders. $' fvi4 26. HOGS Receipts, 6.470 head. Prices were 5411 lie lower: liffht, $4.60414.70; medium and heavv, $4.354.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.021 head. The market was steady; lambs, to 36; yearlings, $410; wethers, $3.80; ewes, $3.36. Sloes City I. Its Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Nov. 20. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 2H0 head; mar ket unchanged: beeves, $3 7'4i5.tK.; cows and bulls and mixed. $J. 002.30, ttockeis end feeder. I2.5t4j3.60; calves and yeacilngs, $2 254i38a HOtiS Receipts. 4.600; market weak to 6c lower, s.-l lng at $4.3t 64.50; bulk, $1.40. Stock la tight. Following arc the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities yesterday; Cattle 1 1 ok. Sharp. Omaha 4.(715 10.6H lM Chicago 4 0k) i6.rti 10.WO Kansas City 4 Hi k.(J 6.0ii0 Si. Louis t.W") 4.ii0 3i 0 Bt. Joseph 1,093 3.40 1,021 Siuux City 2t 4.6UU Totals ....U.JuS U.064 36.376 Metal Market. NEW TORK. Nor. JO. METALS Tin ad vanced to Alls Us 6d for spot and 117 17s 44 tor futures. . Local tin was a UlUa firmer, CK1CAG0 MHNEAPOLTJ Hduards, Uood Mai a office fUnhftttan Bnlldlntj, ST. PAUU niNN. Dealeraln Stocks, Grain, Provisions Bought and sold for cash or oa reasooabkl Margins. Member Important 1TI 1 knngea, Private Wires. Write for our daily market letter and pr vate telegraph cipher mailed free. Ship Your Grain to Us. Prompt Returns. Best Facilities. Liberal Advances, Branch Offlcei 10t Boo Bids. 'Phosve SBld Omaha, IVehrsvska. fytTLlTTH. Wl HI I PICO, CO G3n?iission COUPAHY STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Wo have over 164 office. Reference': 171 State and Nat'l Banks, ;tR 8ERVICH IS THE) BEST. Out of Town Business Solicited. Omaha Branch I UlSPar an 5t TeL4o7 THOS. M. WADDICK. Correspondent H-EAL ESTATE THAHtFERa, Deeds filed for record yesterday as fur nished by the Midland guarantee and Trust company, bonded boeiracler, 1614 Farnam street: Convent of Mercy to Sarah J. James, lot (f, block 24, Florence $ 1 Sarah J, James to Caasel Realty com pany, north 44 lee I lot 8, block 24. Florence 1 Thomas J. Evans to Board of Regents of University of Michigan, wet 60, east 681 feet lot 1G, Borileli's auu 1 Somerset 'lrust company lo Klule M. Keyes, lot 2; block so loo Fred Kavan to Cecilia Whelnn, und. U west 124 feet lot 2, block 4, S. L. Rogers' add igoo Annie Wuerth and husband to Charles Yates, seft, ne. iw!4 sic. 6-10-13 600 Chimes S. Huntington tt 1., execu tors, to Hans Jepersen, r.iU, nv,Vi seo. 4-16-13 .1075 National Life Insurance company to ' ui1,v?r,i:ro?br' t 44 fott lot C, block 198, city ; j iqo Annie C. Rlech to Interstate Invest- ' ment trust (limited), lot -21, block 9, KounU ft Ruth's udd g 000 Fiank T. Mltlnuer and wife to some ' Month tl I'.t .n Kt..i o i.' ... - Ruth s dd 2 COO ,itta. Syanson to same, south V. 'lot ' lo, block 8. same 14,-0 KVr?? k.' fJeJn!?e nd wlfe to a"'. ' ot 13. block 8, KounUe ft Ruth's add. 6,000 Oliver Crosby to same, lot 6, block 19S,' Wakelny ' and wi'f'o" to" Oliver 4'7' city" ' We8t 'a ,e' IOt "' Dlock m- Ma r tin' R.' ' 'pru'ltle'r ' a nd "wl'f'e ' to Pall 1,668 rick F. Kelley, lot 6, Burdette Court annex ian Edward Richardson and wife io 'wa'r- falVft-io" Blttckweil- ec. Anna L. Pinlth' to Edward ThlelV north,vtaV.H k t Hoick's 2d add L000 Patrick W. Cavanaugh ajid wife to .rutrick Y. Cav.nauKli, 2V4 axirea neVi. ne4. sec. 4-15-13. g Same to same, lot 10. block 1. . '.' il Selby s m add. to 8 tuth Onisha..., Alice A. K lby et a! to Edward Mcl Plaoe"' "nd bluck 61 Kllby Edward Medurtn'aVid'w'ire'to 1 M. i:ml'on, same 1 tsn David M. Huvcrly and wife to Cl'o' lido lrnlPi iV" 10' U "na block i, Portland Place Zn int? !f A?'09- C"rr "'na jnsrti.Mi he-re and price are more or nominal: Ink is Quoted at $13' ySJu f 00" vl-ctrolytlc at tU.stf and cast l.ig at812 r Cfipper was 5s 7',,d lower In London, wlfh' spot quoted at a66 e and futures at 66 Ix-a.1 regarnod Is 3d of yestrda.v's loss ,i London, closing at 11 la Sd bf remain"! ouiet and unchanged here at $4.23. Spelt,., declined 2s 6-1 to i0 liis fid In London And ruled tay In tho local ni nket at $5 6"W I'on closed nt 4.SS 4d In Glasgow und'a 43 9d In MlddkatK.rough Locally iron wm quiet; No. 1 northern toundry Is quoted at 3.1. 00(7(6.00: No. 2 norihen. foonHi1 L. 416.00; No. 1 southern foundry and'No 1 toft southern foundry, $l3.ry!rl4 00 ST. LOUIS. Nov. 20. METALS Lead dul!. 34.00. Bpelter, dull. 36 ' Whisky Market. ..m'inPi;tnat.1' n?.v- -whisky-du- $! ,''" nnlsn'1 als steady on basis of PEORIA, Nov. 20 WHI8KY On the baton of $1 .25 for finished goods ST. LOUIS, Nov. 20WHIHKT-Steady. CIIICAGO Nov. 20.-VHISKT-Steady; on basis of high wines, $1.26. THIRTY NEW MEMBERS JOIN nbstaatlal Additions Made to brain Exchange aad More Lrtters Received. Thirty new members ''were reported tit the third weekly meeting of tbe directors of the Omaha Grain exchange in the Omaha club. In addition to compariLg lists cf names snd reporting on their work ot canvassing for new members the nieniberu read a large cumber of communications from various parts of the United States. These letters, according to O. W. Wattles, are from firms doing business ot one sort or another depending more or Uas directly on grain, and were all Inquiries Into lotjnl conditions, the purposes of tbe rxehange and the advantages offered by Omaha aa a place for locating branch houses er Dew enterprises. As yet none of these have made definite propositions. Go