Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1903, PART I, Image 1

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    Ihe Omaha Daily
PAGES I TO 8. jj
Colombian General to Come to Washington
to Avert Berioui Tronbls.
Will Aik United dates to Permit Republio
to Ooe'oe State.
General Eeei Cbance for Repetition of
Eolith African War.
Commission Goes to lilhmai
Jfot .4 war that Panama Has Al
ready Entered I'pon Carver
of Udpdct,
COLON, Nov. 10. After much difficulty,
th Associated Press correspondent suc
ceeded this afternoon In Interviewing Gen
eral Reyes, the distinguished Colombian
soldier, who name to the Isthmus on a
peace mission, representing his govern
ment. General Reyes said: .
The day I left Bogota, which wan on No
Ve.iiLer U. United mate Minister Beaupre
end Secretary of Legation Snyder wore
well, lliougn a Utile anxious. 1 assured
your minister that he wan In no danger
and today i am able to give the same as
surance to the Associated Plena. At the
ilnis 1 left, Mr. Keaupre wa preparing to
go down the river.
Thla morning Admiral Coghlan Informed
me offlclally tnar the United Htates would
prevent the lauding of Colombian troops
on any part of the Isthmus. 1 promised
Admiral Coghlan that Colombia would
noi tune sucn acUon until I reached Wash
ington, whither 1 am proceeding via Port
l.l.non and lN"ew Orleans. ,
I itieo told Coghlan that If my efforts at
Washington failed to .bring about some
.wrrariguinent concerning the present sltu
TMon on the isthmus satisfactory to Co
lombia, the United States would have to
light the entire Colombian people and that
It would be a second Hoer war.
I am going to Washington for the pur
pose of doing my utmost to arrange af
lalrs. Colombia Is Desperate,
Colombia is In desperation. I doubt If the
Washington government or President
Roosevelt, for whom I have the highest
respect, realize the seriousness of estab
lishing this precedent. The large German
oniony In Rio Urn ride del Bui, Brazil, Is
declared to be inclining to a revolutionary
movement for Independence which the suc
ces of Paimma will stimulate.
The government of Colombia is receiv
ing the sympathy of all South America,
which Is fearful of further American ter
ritorial aggrandizement in this direction.
I may propose when in Washington a
plan contemplating the re-entrance of Pan
ntna Into the Colombian union and the
moving of the Colombian capital to Pan
ama City, 1 am sure that this Idea will
receive the support of all Colombians.
I do not lust know what my course of
action will be, but I am going to Wash
ington In the Interest of Colombia and of
1 Asked whether Colombian troops could
reach the isthmus' by land, General Reyes
Tea, I ran get 100.000 men, build roads and
if it were nol for the Americans, could sub
due the Isthmus In a fortnight. I would
rather die for the honor and for the defense
if the integrity -of my. country than nit
Willi hauils folded and see lier lose the
Hfhmue. I will do all I can at Washing
ton to effect a diplomatic arrangement If
such be possible. I kuow the sentiment of
my countrymen.
Other Htates Are Loyal.
General Reyes today sent a cablegram to
Bogota advising his government that it
was Impossible to reach any agreement
with the government of Panama and hen -e
that Colombia's relations with that govern
ment were severed and that he, accom
panied by the other commissioners, were
proceeding to .Washington to fulfill his
Questioned aa to the rumor that the de
partments of CauoA and Antloquia were
anions to Join the Republic of Panama,
General Roye aaid:
The report of dissatisfaction In these de
partments Is not only untrue, but I -am
able to Bay to you that the entire republls
Is united In its determination to restore
the Isthmus to 'the union.
General Reyes, who was a candidate for
the presidency of Colombia, Issued a de
cree dated at Barranqullla, November 16,
addressed to the members of the electoral
college at Bogota, which .said:
Having accepted a military mission, em
powered with all presidential faculties In
almost all department of the republic, at
moment wnen my country is preparing
for a presidential election, I deem It my
duty to relinquish my candidacy. Hence,
1 renounce Irrevocably, offering mv serv
ices to my country in any other position.
General Reyes' attitude Thursday night,
aa Indicated by his remarks, wns more or
less bellicose. Though still bellloose, he
Is more hopeful today. Ue seems disturbed
however, by the rapid march of events in
the United States and la fearful that con
gress may ratify the canal treaty with the
new republic He appears despondent over
the general outlook of his, mission.
Celeaablaa Commission Co a fere. -
The Panamanian commission , conferred
At length today with the Colombian
commission, headed ; by General Reyes,
which arrived here yesterday from Bav
anllla on the French steamer Canada.
The Panamanian refused every overture,
declaring their position to be Irrevocable
and declared they would not receive any
further commissions from Colombia unless
that country recognised the Republic of
Panama. ;
The Panamanian commission, composed
of lienor Arias, a member of the Junta;
Henor Mendosi, the minister of justice;
Benur Constantluo Arosemena and Benor
Antonio Zumtota, came here from Panama
this morning and boarded the Canada
Imrr.eirat-'.y. The Colombians made
strong appeals to the Panamanians to re
enter the Colombian republic, promising
them concessions and protection. The Pan
amanians unanimously dccllnqd.everythlng.
Some of the Columbiana showed ill-concealed
anger, but there was no outbreak.
General Reyes favored the most friendly ne
gotiation and the meeting passed ami
cably. At Its termination the Panamanians
and Colombians breakfasted together on
board the Canada
The Colombian appeared to be ignorant
of the true aute of affairs on the Isthmus,
particularly of the rapidity of the develop
ments and the friendliness of the protec
tion of the United States. They ware In
formed of the signing of the canal treaty
and this morning Governor Me'.endes com
municated to them a massage he had re
ceived from the Junta, to the effect that
the United States guaranteed the sov
ereignty and Independence of the Republic
of Panama, ".'he? facts opened the Co
lombians' eyes to, the truth and affected
their attitude toaard the Panamanians.
Last night some of the Colombians talked
In a warlike maimer, but General Reyes
dlrcouraged thern. He la said to be inclined
to peace and previous to sailing Issued a
ruonber of .decree In Colombia advocating
,CYece, tranquility and calmness.
The oonfereuce was continued informal!)
tCoutloueii on Second Page)
Porto Rica Sot Yet Pally Recovered,
According; to Report of ladlg
aat Commissioner.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.-A severe ar
raignment of the legacies of Spanish mal
administration of Pnrto Rico Is made In the
annual report of William II. Elliott, the
commissioner of the Interior for Porto
Rico, made public at the Interior depart
ment today.
Mr. Elliott says it is a pity and a shame
that during the four centuries preceding
American occupation of the Island little
effort was made to open up communication:
that so small a portion of the millions of
dollars wrung from the people In taxes
and Imposts should have been spent In the
betterment of roads, for education or any
other useful purpose. "Pompous officials
came, ruled with vigor, tarried a little while
and departed with a competence of Ill
gotten gains, leaving the unhappy natives
to labor and suffer."
There are yet a number of Interior towns
whose only outlet Is over ancient trails,
but they are now being approached as
rapidly aa possible. The economic value
of road extension work now in progress Is
demonstrated, he says, by a saving of
from 60 to 70 per cent in the cost of
transportation to and from the Interior.
The report says that the power of the
mayors to remove the officers of their towns
seriously Interferes with good sanitary
service and that consequently the people
and particularly the poor of many munici
palities Buffer and die for want of proper
attention. The next eesalon of the legisla
tive assembly is expected to remedy thla
evil. The report says that the advent of
civil government found a majority of the
municipalities In a bankrupt condition,
"from which none has fully recovered and
most of them remain miserable.
"The hospital acommodatlons," adds the
report, "even In the towns where pretense
Is made of providing them, are sadly de
ficient, so that the sick poor who have
not the means to employ medical attention
are left to die or recover as nature wills
or native remedies fall or avail. A great
field for philanthropy lies open to Porto
The report Bays that "coffee, one of the
leading exports and source of wealth, has
paased through many vicissitudes in the
past decade; there has been very little new
planting; there Is no profit to planters
with coffee at the present price, and
should prices go lower the situation will
be distressing. The only hope Is from
a possible demand from the United
An appropriation for Improving the har
bor of Ban Juan, to be Incorporated In
the river and harbor bill. Is asked.
Salt i Lake Mas Executed at State's
Prison for Mnrder Wales.
Ha Denies.
HALT LAKE CITT. Utah, Nor. 20. Peter
Mortensen, the convicted murderer of
Jamea R. Hay, vas shot to death In the
yard of the state prison at 10:31 this morn
ing., Maintaining . his Innocence to the last,
Mortensen walked to the chair placed
against the heavy atone wall of the prison
yard without weakening and bid the guards
and - deputy sheriffs good-bye with no
tremor In hta voice. Mortensen was killed
Instantly, four bullets from the rifles of
the executing aquad concealed behind a
thick curtain In the door of the blacksmith
shop' twelve yards distant piercing the
white target pinned over his heart. Mor
tensen refused to see ministers, either of
his own belief the Mormon or of any Other
denomination, and also refused stimulants,
saying he needed neither.
The penetentlary guards today executed
Peter Mortensen for the murder of James
R. Hay on the night of December 18,
1901. The day following a report
was circulated that Hay, who was
secretary of the Pacific Lumber company,
had absconded, taking with him S3.8O0 col
lected from Mortensen on a bill due the
company. Mortensen was Indebted to the
company for material used In hla con
tracting business and had been urged to
make a payment. December 16 he called
at the office of the company, said he had
the money In gold concealed In his eel
' and asked Hay to come around that
night and get It. The men were neighbors.
Hay left his house shortly after dinner
that evening, stating he was going to
Mortensen' to collect some money. That
was the last seen of him alive.
December IS Hay's body was found burled
In a shallow grave not far from Morten
sen's home. A bullet hole through the
head showed the manner of his death.
Mortensen wa Immediately arrested. A
strong chain of circumstantial evidence
was woven around Mortensen.
The most sensational incident of the
trial waa the testimony of James Sharp,
Hay's father-in-law, who stated that he
knew on the night before the body wa
discovered that Hsy had been murdered
by Mortensen. because "God had revealed
It to him." This so-called revelation testi
mony was msde the basis of an appeal to
the supreme court for a new trial, which-,
however, wa denied, the Juror stating
that this had not Influenced their de-
i clslon. The choice of death by shooting or
j hanging Is given the condemned in Utah
gna Mortensen chose to meet hi death by
the bullet of the prison guard.
aitaatloa at Laredo Improve a ad
ftnarantlue Raised at San ,
LAREDO. Tex., Nov. JO-lold weather
has prevailed again today and there I
every probability that It will soon atamp
out the yellow fever. The official bulletin
issued tonight la as follows: New case.
It; death, none; total number of case to
date, 1.0U1; total number of death to
date, M.
The condition of Dr. R. D. Murray, the
dean of the marine hospital service, who
was Injured In a runaway accident on
Saturday last, remains unchanged today.
The omcial bulletin for Monterey reports
three death and eleven new oases for
Wednesday last.
SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. Nov. lO.-Dr.
Georgs T. Taber. state health officer, has
Issued the following statement to the
late yellow fever situation In San Antonio
and the sanitary condition of the city;
The quarantine against Han Antonio was
never nM-eseary, aa lhre were only twcniy.
two care reported after the quarantine
as declared.
t he slate quarantine was proclaimed to
protect traffic against local quarantines.
There in absolutely not the slightest
danger in coming to San Antonio, li c
inaie la iionmalarlal, and it I one of tie
cleanest and moat sanitary titles of KlM)
people In this country.
With the continuance of the present
weather, supported by modern methods of
preventing the disease, there is no reason
why there should be soother rase of yel
low fever In San Aatouio neat year or
auy year thweafiar.
Little Frinoen Elisabeth of Heua tha Only
Victim of tha Plot,
Cause of Death Given Oat a'
aaat Typhoid Fever, bat
ttoa Point itror
tha Poison- Stc
(Copyright, 1B0B. by Press Publishing Co.)
BERLIN, Nov. 20.-New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Sinister ru
mors come from Sklernewlce, Holland, ac
counting for the sudden death of litt.e
Princes Elizabeth of Hesse, neic of the
czarina of Russia, at the moment of a '
family reunion. The unfortunate little :
princess and her father were the guest I
at Sklernewlca of the czar and czarina, and j
It Is now said that an attempt wa made to !
poison the whole royal party. The princess j
waa the only victim, although the czarina
was made very sick and the czar waa more
or lea affected by th poi.on. There waa
some wonder that the czar and czarina did
not attend the funeral of their niece, but
It Is now explained that they were too 111
to be present.
The accounts given of the Illness of the
princess tally with the suggestion of
poison, but not with that of typhoid fever,
which was latterly announced as the cause
of death.
It had been said by the physician at first
that the trouble resembled cholera, and
later the official statement was amended to
appear that the princes had died of a par
ticularly malignant attack of typhoid fever.
The grand duchess of Coburg, mother of
the divorced grand duchess of Hesse and
of the czarina, Is using all her Influence
to utilise the present sad event to bring
about a reconciliation between her daugh.
ter and the grand duke of Hesse. Her ef
fort have availed nothing so far, since
the mother of the dead princess la said to
be too deeply In love with the Grand Duka
Cyril of Russia, her cousin, who may
sometime mount the throne of Russia, to
accept any possible overtures from her
former husband. This wa evident at the
funeral, when the divorced pair touched
hand across the coffin of their child and
then went apart A before the affliction
that had brought them face to face for
the first tlma la three years.
Hons ( Representative Adapt
Preferential Trad Bill and
enate Will.
WELLINGTON, New Zealand, Nor. .
The preferential trade bill adopted Novem
ber 18 by the . house of representatives
place duty of 20 per cent on the follow
ing goods, free from duty when from coun
tries outside the British empire:
Bicycle part, (hot, bolt, bar Iron, print
ing paper, railroad and tramway rails, sail
cloth, canvas snd duck and surgical and
Cental Instruments, gas engine, oil en
gines, gum boots, Iron and steal cordage.
' The bill doubles the present fluty on ce
ment and adds SO per cent, to the duties on
the following goods, when from non-British
territory: Basket ware, bicycles, boots, can
dles, carriages, chlnaware, clocks, cordage,
creant of tartar, stone, fancy goods, toys,
firearms, potted fish, furniture, cabinet
ware, glass and glassware, hardware, Iron
mongery. hoops, nails, lamps, pianos, pa
per hangings, paper, platedware and
The duty on tea grown within the British
dominions Is removed. The bill comes In
force Immediately after It has passed th
upper house, which. It Is expected, wll be
Besides providing for Increased duties on
foreign goods stated, the bill provides for
reclprocty with foregn countries making
concession to New Zealand product. It
Is estimated that the Increased eu'Iea will
yield 1300.000 to $400,000, against which I the
remission of the tea duty, amounting to
Witnesses Reception
Royalty. Attends Polltleal Meet
Ins svsld Dines Oat.
NEW TORK. Nor. 20. W. J. Bryan, who
Is visiting England for the first time, de
voted the opening day of his stay to sight
seeing, says a London dispatch to the
Herald. He called on the American am
bassador, to whom he had a letter from
Secretary Hay: went to Westminster
abbey, saw tha king and queen of Italy on
their way to the Guild hall, and beard
A. H. Asqulth deliver a speech. Tonight
he le going to hear Mr. Chamberlain. '
Mr. Bryan said the Asqulth meeting had
a strangely familiar atmosphere and that
the arguments had, a ring not at all foreign.
He was greatly surprised on entering the
hall to receive recognition by a round of
Ambassador Choate will entertain Mr.
Bryan next Wednesday at' dinner at Carl
ton House terrace, where he will be given
opportunity of meeting a large number of
men prominent in British public life. Sec
retary White also expects to entertain the
visitor at a dinner to be given In the near
future, at which it Is expected Premier
Balfour will be present.
Interest lag; Demonstration at Their
Workings Made Before Sclea
tine Society In Berlin.
BERLIN, Nov. 20. Naval Designer Zopke
reported exhaustively on the use of the
telephone at sea before th 8hlp Building
Technical society yesterday and exhibited
a new stentorian microphone, whereby a
commander 1 able to give audible com
mands to tha crewa of six gun simultane
ously. Th Instrument at the same Instant
Is susceptible to th faintest sounds, and
experiments are being made in the detec
tion of the approach of ships not yet visi
ble by placlrg the Instrument under water.
Designer Zopke also gave a demonatra
tlon of fortification Instruments, notably a
call apparatus, which Is a loud aa a
Tha audleno displayed interest In expla
nations of Ellsha Gray's telautograph and
in the wireless tee, hone experiments of
Prof. Simon of ( Gottlngen. .
Us Sailor la HI IJttl
Get On to Marseilles
GIBRALTAR. Nov. 20.-Tho .Columbia,
th sailing boat; nineteen feet long. In
which Captain EJsenbraun left Boston
August 11. alone, for Marseille, has ar
rived bar.
Jary Derides that Miller and Johns
Were .ot Guilty la Kyan
J. v
Nov. 20. D. V. Miller of
Haute, and Joseph M. Johns of
. itvllle, Ind., were tonight acquitted of
e charge of conspiracy to extort a bribe
from John J. Ryan, made by the rost
offlce department The verdict of - "not
guilty" wa received by the crowd 'with
demonstrations that could not be sup
pressed by the court officers.
As soon as court was adjourned and
Judge Albert C. Thompson had retired, pan
demonium broke loose among the Jollify
ing friends of the defendants from Indiana
and others and continued for some time.
Miller and Johns and Attorneys Hiram D.
Kull8n and Charles W. Baker and others
ZV overwhelmed lth congratulations,
The d"fidr.t finally broke away from
,h, crowd of friends to shake hands with
,uror8 Bnd wePl 111,0 lren as they
dld B' Mr"' ,ohn wa" the ""' woman
";"" overcome wun joy.
It was Saturday midnight when the
j ,ormer Jurjr "ported at the first trial last
'"""l ' u.wa" unab,e are- tlie
trial has continued since last Monday
morning and a verdict waa reached at a
much earlier hour in the evening. The
Jury retired shortly before 8 p. m, and
rendered the verdict after deliberating six
hours. It Is understood that a majority
this time was for acquittal from the start
and that It then took some time to go
over all the documents that had been
submitted In evidence' before n unanimous
verict waa reached. It is generally under
stood that there was doubt as to Miller's
connection with the transactions between
Johns and Ryan, The charge of Judge
Thompson during the afternoon occupied
an hour In Its delivery and was very
It was evident to all after the charge to
the Jury that a verdict was a surprise, as
the general prediction was that the Jury
would again be unable to arree on a ver
dict. The penalty for the offense of such
a conspiracy la two years or a fine of
85,000 or both. The federal officials ac
knowledged their disappointment in the
final outcome, but; express some satisfac
tion In a definite result. The government
officials state that this case waa not like
any of the other postal cases that are
pending, as this case practically dealt with
the action of Miller when he was an as
sistant attorney general in the Postofflce
Omaha Pioneer Woman Dead at Her
Saaghttr'a Homo 1st New
Jersey. I
LONG BRANCH. N. J., Nor. tl. (Special
Telegram.) Mrs. Caroline. Maxwell Esta
brook died at the residence of her son-in-law,
R C. Clowry, at Elberon, at 8:15 this
evening. In the eighty-first year of her age.
Bhe will be burled at Omaha, at a time
not yet decided upon,
Caroline Augusta Maxwell, widow of the
late General Experience Estabrook, waa a
nattve of Tioga county, Pennsylvania. Her
father; COlonel ' James' Muxyell. was a
pioneer of Wisconsin, moving1 there when
his daughter was quite young. In April,
lMi she was married to Experience Esta
brook, at Geneva Lake, Wis., and eleven
yeara later she came with him to make
their home In the .new territory of Ne
braska, he having been appointed by Pres
ident Franklin Pierce to be the first at
torney general for the territory, Sha
made her home In Omaha until after' the
death of her husband, a few years ago,
since which time she had lived with her
daughter, Mrs. Robert C. Clowry, In Chi
cago and Elberon. During her long resi
dence in Omaha Mrs. Estabrook was a
leader In oclal and charitable works, al
though she had ceased to be an active
participant In the affairs about her for
some time prior to the death of her hus
band, after which event she . went. Into
retirement Two children, the only JYult
of her marriage, survive her. These are
Caroline Augusta, the wife of Colonel Rob
ert C. Clowry. president of the Western
Union Telegraph company, and Henry
Dodge Estabrook, the well known attorney,
now of New York.
Collins for Democrats and Swallow
for Repabllcans Are to
Lead th right.
BOSTON, Nor. 20. Complete returns to
day from th city primaries of yes.erday
show that Patrick A. Collins was renom
inated for mayor by the democrats by a
plurality of 19,474 over bis opponent, Fred
8. Gore, and that Gon Swallow was nom
inated for mayor by the republicans by a
plurality of 8,161 over Michael J. Murray
and by a plurality of 8,382 over Dr. E. H.
Gersey, his two contestants for the nomi
nation. The total vote of Mayor Collin
waa 80,684 and of Candidate Swallow 8,363.
Dr. George W. Galvln was nominated by
the socialists for mayor.
Unusual Interest was felt as to the re
sult of the vote for aldermanto candidates
of both parties, espeo ally concerning what
effect the endorsements by the Good Gov
ernment association would have. Of the
eight nominees one had the endorsement
of the association. Three others endorsed
by the association failed of nomination.
On of the democratic aldermanto nomi
nees, James M. curiey. is ai present serv
ing sentence for fraudulent Impersonation.
Two of the republican nominees for a der
men were endorsed by the Good Govern
ment association.
Man Wanted In Kansas for Helping
Prisoner Escape Released la
BAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 20. -David R.
Nelson, the Coffeyvllle, Kan., attorney who
I was taken In custody here for the sheriff
, of Montgomery county, Kansas, who sent
I Information that Nelson was wanted there
, on a charge of accessory to murder, waa
released today on a writ of habeas corpus.
! The papers from the governor of Kansas
j were pronounced Insufficient. Nelson rep
1 resented a Tennessee district In congress.
How York Man Charged with Poatal
Prand Stands Examination
at Blnghamtoa.
examination of State Senator George E.
Green on tha indictments found sgalnst
him at Washington, which charged bribery
and conspiracy In connection with th
ale of time recorders and stamp cancelling
machines to th government, waa com
menced today before United State Coin
aalsalouar II all.
Probable that Men Will Return to Work in
Horthern Fields.
Celorado Mllltla I Sent t Tellnrlde
District and One Company- Re
turned to Cripple Creek
DENVER, Nov! SO. Aa a result of action
taken by the miners In the northern coal
fields last night and today the strike Is
practically settled.
The local union of the ooal min
ers of Louisville, the principal camp
of the northern Colorado coal fields
voted last night on the revised prop
osition of the operators and accepted it
by u vote of 119 to 8. The only change
In the revised proposition Is that a new
distinction Is made between thick ant thin
coal In the Louisville district. Six feet Is
made the dividing lino between thin and
thick eon I, Instead of five and one-half
feet. Today the Northern Coal and Coke
company was offlclally notified. The other
locals will vote on the revised proposition
today. It Is believed that the proposition
will be generally accepted. The action of
the miners la largely due to the efforts of
John F. Ream, the representative of the
national organization, who advised the set
tlement in the northern field.
Troops for Tellnrlde.
Immediately upon the receipt of the
governor's Instructions Adjutant General
Sherman M. Bell Issued orders to three
troops of Cavalry, three companies of In
fantry and detachments of the signal and
medical corps, a total of 700 men, to pro
ceed to Telluride. These troops have but
recently been relieved from duty at Cripple
Creek, where the force guarding the mines
has been reduced to 250 men.
Soldiers Retnrn to Cripple Creek.
pany D, Second regiment, Colorado Na
tional Guard, which was relieved from duty
and returned home only two days ago,
waa today ordered baok to the Cripple
Creek district by Governor Peabody. The
company returned to camp on a special
train, late this afternoon.
Trackmen Qnlt Work.
FORT SCOTT, Kan., Nov. 20. Reports
received here' today Indicate that between
2,000 and 3,000 miles oZ Missouri I Pacific
track In southeast Kansas and southwest
Missouri are without a single section la
borer except the foremen. At the head
quarters of the National Union of Rail
Way Trackmen here It Is denied that any
strike has been ordered. The officers of
ths union have received Information In
dicating that the men quit work volunarily
upon announcement of the cut In their
wages. J. I. Sheppard, secretary and gen
eral attorney for the union, has gone to
St. Louis to confer with the company In
regard to the situation, i
Iowa Miners Are Oat.
DES MOINES, Nov. 20. Three hundred
miners are on strike at the Smoky Hollow
mines in Monroe county, because the opera
tors refusedto buy the particular kind of
powder they desired to use.
Work of Federation.
BOSTON, Nov. 20. When the convention
of the American Federation of Labor re
assembled today there was some expecta
tion that final adjournment might be
reached tomorrow evening. This was the
eleventh day of the convention and the
great bulk of work given to the delegates
has been accomplished.
The first business of today was to adopt
some plan whereby the problems arising
from the relations of the building trades
affiliated with the Federation might be
easily and effectively settled, either by first
enlarging the executive council or by
creating a special committee which would
have extensive powers to deal with the
building trades difficulty. Action upon
this matter waa postponed from yester
day, when the convention was divided as
to the proper course to pursue.
Vice President Duncan stated that Prealt
dent Roosevelt responded to the appeal of
the federation, tepeatedly made to many
presidents, and had pardoned Ephralm W.
Clark, who has been serving a life sentence
for murder aa one of the schooner Jefferson
Borden mutineers. The announcement was
greeted with applause and a vote of thanks
waa ordered to be telegraphed to the presi
dent and ccngratulattona to Clark.
The committee on law reported favorably
on a resolution to name two members of
the executive council, who shall look sfter
all matters pertaining to the building
trades. ,
Socialists to Fight Gonipers,
It was announced formally this afternoon
that the socialist delegates had decided to
oppose the re-election of President Com-p-!rs.
placing a complete ticket before the
I convention, with Ernst Kreft of the Phlla
i delphla Central Labor union as the candi
date for president
' The recommendation of the committee on
executive council that all matters not set
tled by the convention in which Jurisdic
tion disputes haye occurred be left In abey
ance for one year in order that the resolu
tions may be more calmly considered was
laid on the table. The report of the law
i committee, relative to the addition of two
j members to the executive council was ac
Ths building trades' committee submitted
report, hich was soncurr?d In. nccm
mending that all corporations or companies
that may now or hereafter engage In build
ing or construction shall be required to have
local established conditions for the building
trades. Irrespective as to agreement made
wttii utlier .i iT". I i u. t , .1 cri7r.!ticrs 1 r, other
branches of Industry. The committee
thought the convention should go on record
In this matter and call the attention of con
gress te the fact that the federal govern
ment la guilty of noncompliance with
building and sanitary ordinances of dif
ferent cities.
During th afternoon a special committee
presented a gold watch to each of the
British' fraternal delegates, Mullen and
O'Orady, and a diamond ring to Fraternal
Delegate Simpson of Canada. Each made a
response, giving expression to many senti
ments of pleasure and appreciation at their
reception in America.
Reaffirm Cincinnati Rale.
With reference to two resolutions relating
to disputes between the brewery workers,
firemen and engineers, the committee gave
the matter to the convention without mak
ing any recommendations. One resolution
was that Inasmuch as th demand made by
th Denver Trades' assembly' upon the
Brewery Workera" union for the surrender
of the engineer and firemen to their re
spective craft organizations had been
treated with contempt by the brewery
workers, th assembly requested the con
vention to settle for all time the question
of craft autonomy. On the other hand, th
brewery workers wanted the convention to
(Continued a Second Page.)
I the bee bulletin. for Nchmska Fslr Saturday,
with Warmer In Eastern Portion; Sunday
1 Panama Activity Sarprlaes Karoys.
Attempt Made on Life of the Csnr.
Colorado Miners Vote to Settle.
Attorneys Confer Over Strike.
9 Dietrich Starts for Omaha Today.
Indictments by Grand Jnry.
5 Jlews from XebraaLa Towns.
Tom Horn Pays Penalty for Crime.
4 Rathbone Files His Charges.
Panama Most Act on Treaty First.
8 Affairs at Sooth Omaha.
In the Field of F.leetrlclty.
6 Council RlnnTs and Iowa Sews.
T Cohan Bill la the Sennte.
York Defeats Omaha High School.
8 Story, "A Ward In Chancery."
9 Brenk Power of Freeholders' Trnst
Diverting Traffic Throngh Omaha.
j Rates to Tarn Over Department.
10 Ip-to-Date Indian Wedding.
11 Financial and Commercial,
la Editorial.
IS Financial Review ef the Week.
May Get Paving Repairs After All.
Temperatare at Omaha Yesterdayi
Hoar. Degr. Hoar. Dec
S n. m at 1 p. m 40
a. m si '2 y. in 4il
r a. m SI .' p. in .4U
8) a. m aa 4 p. an. 41
V n. m 8.1 ft p. m All
1 a. m as p. m 88
It a. ni 87 7 p. m 87
13 m. 88 H p. m ..... . 8(1
t p. an 85
Grand Jury Witness Exculpate
Dietrich, Whom Ha Say I Vic
tim of Corrupt Syateoa.
A witness before th present federal grand
Jury who hails from the southwestern part
of Nebraska said last evening:
"I am not In the least interested In these
persecutions of Senator Dietrich and do not
care to be quoted In relation to the matter.
However, I can say this, that I have been
more or less Identified with republican poll
tics In southwest ' Nebraska for nearly
thirty years. I am not surprised over the
turn that affairs have taken in these as
saults upon Senator Dietrich. Neither have
I the slightest confidence In them. If there
has been any 'graft' practiced In any of the
appointments In the district I do not be
lieve that the senator has been a beneficiary
of them. I know Charley Dietrich better
than that. You must consider that for a
number of years that western and south
western Nebraska has been represented In
congress by either a democrat or populist
It was only at the last congressional elec
tion that the southern and western con
gressional districts of the state succeeded
In throwing off the populist yoke. Many of
these postofflce appointment were made by
the single United States republican senator
whose home was distant from that part ot
the state. Consequently ha was but little
acquainted with the applicants for these
offices and had to depend upon the persua
sions of their friends.
-When. Mr. Inetrlch became governor and
aubsequsntly senator he waa confronted
with a tremendous task. " The Incumbents
wore clamorous for retention In office and
fwarlng the possibility of their being ousted
began a fight on Mr. Dietrich. Charley
Dietrich Is somewhat of a fighter timself.
He knew his friends snd waa fairly veil
acquainted with his political enemies, and
his loyalty to his friends is well known to
all that know him. Ho aaturally believed
In rewarding his friends. ' .
"The system of 'graft' had become so uni
versal by the professional office brokers in
that section that they sought to work It on
Mr. Dietrich. Mr. Dietrich had no sym
pathy with these professionals, hut chose
rather to deal through his known friends In
the matter of such appointments ss he
j could control. These were the men who had
been loyal to him In his gubernatorial cam
paign and In some instances bers o!
the legislature who corftrlbjted to his elec
tion as United States senator. The custom
Is as old as politics snd will prevail as long
as politics exist. This, then, Is tho extent
of Mr. Dietrich's offending.
"I am not Interested in the doing or un
doing of Mr. Dietrich; nor have I ever
sought any1 political favors of him, for the
reason that I have never been an aspirant
for any political office, nor do I expect to
be. I am pretty well acquainted with the
cut-throat system of politics that has pre
vailed In the Republican valley for a good
many yeara and this persecution of Mr.
Dietrich, I can call It b no milder term. Is
simply a continuation of a practice that has
always prevailed there, and which for years
kept the Republican valley In the populist
and democratic cam p."
nnsbnad-to-Be Borrows Her Money
and Then Skips Out Leaving
Her Stranded.
PITTSBURG, Pa.. Nov. 20. (Special Tel
egram.) Mrs. Lawrence Stephenson of
Beatrice, Neb., was to have been married
here November 18. Instead she was bun
coed out of all her available cash, about
$600, and waa left stranded by James
Rodgers. Mrs. Stephenson Is about 60 years
old and has a sou at O'Neill, Neb. She
was left an estate by her husband, who
died four years sgo. She was Introduced
to Mr. Rodgers by a Mrs. Jones. He waa
48, handsome and an alleged mine owner
of California. She accompanied him to
New Orleans, where he charmed her arid
she promised to marry him. He made a
trip to New York and wrote to her at
O'Neill to meet hlra at Pittsburg, where
he had to purchase mining machinery. Ho
arrived a day late.' Yesterday he told her
he had to have some ready rash to pay on
soins machinery and she gae hlra her
money. He disappeared. Mr. Stephenson
wa permitted to lodge with the matron
at Central police station, a Detective
Ellmore, to whom she told her story, was
too diffident to advise her to pawn her
gold watch.
Vote te Abolish Solicitors and to
Stop Paying (or Shippers'
FORT WORTH, Tex.. Nov. 20.-Th Na
tional Live Stock exchange today elected
George W. Shannon of Chicago president.
St. Louis was chosen for the convention
In 19C4.
The report of the committee, on retrench
ment, which was adopted, recommended
that local live stock exchanges composing
tho membership of the national body
adopt rulea abolishing solicitors for torn
mission men, and abolishing the paying
for shippers' telegrams. These changes
are regarded a the most radical la th
history ot the exchange,
8nch is reeling in Chicago Regarding
Tronbla on the Street Railway.
Darrow tod Bliss. Will Try to Fix Basis
of Compromise,
Will Maintain Right to Hire and Discharge
Its Em -lores,
Men te Cease Work Against Company,
While Latter Agree Not te Hire
Men In Place ef
CHICAGO, Nov. 20. But two points pre
vented a peaceable adjustment of the Chi
cago City railway strike, and the Indica
tions tonight are that these obstacles will
be Anally overcome, and that a settlement
will be reached tomorrow. A virtual ces
sation of hostilities has been declared by
both sides while th present peace negotia
tions are In progress, and as all the In
terested parties appear to be making every
effort to bring the struggl to an end.
there aeems a likelihood that alt differences
will be modified to such a degree that ar
bitration will follow. '
Mayor Carter H. Harrison and hla alder
manic peace commission, after laboring
for three days, succeeded todsy In getting
a representative of each of the contending
parties to meet In conference. All the con
ferences heretofore have been separate,
but at the suggestion of Mayor Harrison
the opposing sides agreed to meet
Colonel E. R. Bliss, general counsel for
the company, was authorized by President
Hamilton to act for tha company, and
Clarence S. Darrow, counsel for the strik
ers, wa given authority to act for tha
strikers. An hour later the two attorneys
held a conference In the office of Colonel
Ullss and discussed a basis of settlement.
The result of the conference will be sub
mitted to the director of the road tomor
row morning for final action. The de
cision of the board of directors will then
be sent to Mayor Harrison and the alder
manto committee, who will submit it to tha
executive board of the strikers' union.
Propositions of Company.
After the conference between Colonel
Bliss and Mr. Darrow, It waa learned that
the company had made two prorloaittons
to the union. Colonel Bliss submitting; them
to Mr. Darrow. The propositions were:
First That the company shall have th
right to discipline and discharge Its em
ployes as It shall choose, but this shall not
be construed to mean that any dlscrlmlna-'
tlon is made against union or nonunion,
Second That the company shall formu
late the methods by which grievances of
Its employes shall be adjusted In tha fu
ture. , . , .... ... , ..,,...
The -understanding Is that th company
laid down th two proposals as th basio
principle which must be granted by the
union before further negotiations could be
entered upon.
. Mr. Darrow submitted ths company's
proposition to the union, after which ha
said that tha strikers had accepted tha
proposition of the company, with imma
terial modification. v
In their turn, the men submtted a propo
sition on the routing of cars. This Is the
matter that will come before the board of
directors for their consideration.
Four of th company's trunk Jlnes were
kept open for trafflo today, the errs being
run under police protection. Since the In
ception of the strike last Thursday no at
tempt has been made to operate the cars
at night, nor have any of the cross-town
lines been opened up. 1
Attorneys Meet.
Attorney Clarence Darrow called upon
Colonel E. R. Bliss, general counsel for
the company. Mr Darrow said he was em
powered by the men to negotiate a settle
ment for them.
"Why can't you and I get together on
this?" asked Mr. Darrow of Colonel Bliss,
"I don't know any reason why we can
not," aaid Colonel Bits.
"What baal would you suggest?" Mr.
Darrow asked.
"The only point that we absolutely can
not modify Is the right of the company to
hire and discharge Its men," said Colonel
Bliss emphatically.
The attorneys then agreed upon a cessa
tion of strike hostilities pending an attempt
by them to settle the strike.
The i.ompany agrees not to hire any more
men to take the places of the strikers, In
return for which concession the union,
through Mr. Darrow, agreea to cease ac
tive strike measures for th present time.
Attorney Darrow and Colonel Bliss and
National President Mahon of th Street
Railway Employe' association proceeded
to Mayor Harrison' office, immediately
after which they were closeted with Mr.
Hai rlson for half an hour. Th two attor
ney then left with tha declared intention
of going over th detail of the situation
May Call Strike Off.
In the event of Attorneys Bliss and Dar.
row being able to reaoh an agreement, th
strike, it was stated, will be called off at
once. If they fall, the result of the con
ference. It waa said, would be glvsn to
ths aldermanlo committee, who will at
tempt to find a means for ovarcomlng the
point of disagreement. Both attorneys
appeared to have full authority from their
clients and their action waa expected to
be binding.
The chief difficulty to be overcome was
said to be the question of the routing of
cars. In th conference In th mayor's
office Colonel Bliss produced chart, time
tables and car schedules and they were
discussed at some length.
The bringing together of th opposing at
torney wa th result of diplomacy on th
part of Mayor Harrison. Meeting Colonel
Bliss on th street this morning, he ar
ranged wtlh him to be within call when
the reply from th strike committee should
be received. Incidentally he ascertained
that ths railroad attorney considered IC
possible that he and Mr. Darrow might
reach an agreement He then secured a
like admission from Attorney Darrow and
at the critical moment confronted one an
other with the reault, as stated. Aa to th
outcome of th settlement of th strike.
Mayor Harrison said:
"My hopes have been raised several
points. Of course It doesn't absolutely
mean a settlement, but It looks favorable
to me. I think it very likely that Colonel
Bliss and Mr. Durrow will work out a
settlement of the strike."
Bllaa I Hopeful.
Asked for a statement as to the result ef
tlie conference In th mayor's office, Mr,
Bliss said:
Tvu may call It a true, or aaythlug yon