Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1903, Page 2, Image 2
Till: OMAHA 1AI1.Y. DICK: ' FMDAY.. NOVEMHER 0. Tola., S1S-SM. WK CLOSE SATURDAYS AT P. M. - Pee. Nov. 19. ' "T'rf and labor r- -tno 1 wo , Imt physicians of man." I Friday 'morning at 8 o'clock all of , our $1.00and $1.25 mercerized Fall Waistings go at the special price of ! ; 59c Per Yard. iYM; G' A. i building, Corner DIEIKICU'S MAIL PILES UP It'sats ii Trying to Gleif "if Up Before TWiing Hii Daprtar for Nebraska. s, f. . CONGRESSMAN KINKAID IS MISQUOTED Iowa - Delesratloa Tikn feveuteen ' Aallots Wltkoat Result la Effort Ort Together oa Vacaat . . . Jadgeshlg. , (From a Stan Correspondent.). . WA8HINUTON, Nov. lt.-(flpeclsl Tele gram.) Senator Dietrich today was. en gaged In looking after tils mall, which had piled dp on him during the laat few days. The i senator 'waa preparing to leave for Nebraska, and desired to do as much as possible tn the way of meeting the demands of his constituents before going. . Judge KJnkald, speaking of the article in TJi. of .Sunday,, .wherein, It la . stated, that Mr.' Summers claimed that he, Kln kald, waa under obligations to the district attorney? foj pressing an Indictment against a postmaster in western Nebraska, whoso place KJnkald would thereby be permitted Jo fillT said that there foundation VhateVer In that statement. Judge Klii kald Mrther said that he had not tho least criticism to, make' of Mr. Summers, so far ,as the prosecution above referred to waa . . concerned. ', . Judge Kinkald, speaking of his bill for ' a public building at Kearney, stated he ' Uoped to paas the bill during the regular i session, although be had understood It would be tho policy of the public buildings and grounds committee to snake appropri ations far ; puhllo puddings' only wYiero sites had 'bef n purchased. - badlockrd Orer Jsdgr, 'The part of the Iowa delegation Interested rn selecting- tu soceessor to Judge'Crtlver H. r? Is Iras of the northern, district met today at I o'clock' fn fnator Allison's room, and .remained In conference till 4 o'clock. When ,'an adjournment was taken till tomorrow. Serenteen ballots were.aken, but without' accomplishing anything. Before leaving --rhe conference the flva representatives and fwo senators pledgsd t themselves' ' not : to .'make public the result of any one of the 'votes. It Is generally thought, however, ; lhat -Atlorney Milton Rowley, who. whlletrenldlng 1i trmj pmlthertl-dlatrltt.'- .tn,L candldat'e''"'i'6rtlio""r'va('aht' place on tha . northern dlitrlnt .benchy."was not voted far at , fhs conference today, the seven votes in the - conference being divided , be tween Healy of Fort Podge Wright . of Sioux Chjrr Reed of Cresoo, Dawley of Cedar Rapids and Longuevllle of Dubuque. Increase- tor Raral Carriers. . , Representative. Hull of the Des' Moines district bad an Interview with the post master' general today relative to an lu cre of salary for rural free delivery carriers. As a result of the Interview Congressmen Hull believes that the sal aries of rural free delivery carriers will be Increased to ItSO per annum, instead of SSOO,, a at present. - - - . , Colonel Lee Stover has been recommended for reappointment as register, at the Wstsrtown, (S. D.) land office. Rev. Jamea Chalmers, president of the State Agricultural college at Brookings, h. D., and Prof' Jamea W. Wilson, son of the secretary of agriculture, and connected with tha same college, are In Washington attending a meeting of the scientific agri culturists '. v Bill to Pauls Trespassers. Secretary Hitchcock today aent to con gress a draft of a bill to control grating In .forest reserves. It provides for the punishment' to the extent of 11,000 fine and Imprisonment of not longer than one year of persona : who - shall - be convicted nt knowingly pasturing or causing to be pas tured any live stork on public lands within the . forest reserves" without first having obtained- permission, to do so under the rules and regulations 'prescribed by the ' Interior department. Senator Millard today Introduced a bill lo fix the aalary of the' collector of cus- torn, ot Omaha at $1,000 P". .annum. Mr. . VI ll 1 at r.4 at 1 airt ral n t t-swl i , wsi ti I at 1,111 ttvv t H a rWlef of the' Omaha National bank. This bill la to reimburse the Omaha National bank In the aum of VX. which it paid to D. J. McCain,, kuvor'nment contractor, on a voucher which was subsequently repudi ated by the government on the ground that McCiim 'waa a' defaulter to the I' tilted btii.(av l'uatal Matters. AJunayt -Marshall and Lonldas N. Conn were appointed reMilasand R6se Marnhu!l an Amanda V. Conn substitute carrier attorning. la. I It Is expected that a representative dele- A-rural free d.livery rcute will be es- gation from Panama will arrive tomorrow rabliahed December ;15 at Edholm, Butler I to confer with the commission. The gen ciutty. Neb. Tlie route embraces an area . era Is were not permitted to land at Colon, or sii-ep square inues, containg a population of 360. . ' 1 : Poor ataadara Mast troaoalas. , CHICAGO, Nov. ). Three hundred man eiQuloyed in making steel tank cars at the An A CENU1NE GIFT it a ssauano pleasure. ;Dbrflinger Glassware ' a genuios whoa you can aaJ th trade , i. awk label oa each piece. i TTi . U Special Sale Sixteenth and Douglas Sty works of the Standsrd Oil company at Whiting, Intl., have been dSL-hnned. Cur tailment of, expenses la given aa the cause. ALL READY FOR WAR (Continued from First Pace.) the country by British and other bond holders, should assume a certain portion of the debt of the country to which It re cently belonged. . Panama Should Pay One-Third. When asked what he considered to be an equitable proportion, the secretary re plied: Probably about one-third, hut that should be lett to an arbitrator. The total Colom bian debt, with interest. Is about I15.0Uu.Oi0. We hope that from the canal money Panama will pay Colombia such share as the arbitrators decide and thus purge Itself of pecuniary obligations to foreign countries. So far as the British bondholders are conrerned, we would rather accept the bonds of the new republic, than anything issued by Colombia. So, if Panama does not wish to give up cash, an Issue of bonds on Its part, or the acceptance of responsi bility tor part of the present Colombian Issue, would be quite acceptable. Such ac tion would not only appear equitable, but Would insure the new republic, good credit In Kurope. We are Jtmt as anxious- as the Americans to see the Independence of Panama thoroughly established, and In stead of putting obstacles In the way, as seems to be Imagined, we are only endeav oring to make lis independence financially secure. Our council feels perfoctly assured that President Roosevelt and. Secretary Hay will not countenance any notion of Panama wr.lo.i would be construed by Eu rope as a repudiation of its debts. . The promptness of the American action toward Piinnma Is generally received with admiration by the prominent newspapers. "It Is In the deflniteness of the object," says the Evening Standard, "that political triumphs . axe secured. America knows ex'u.l.' what It wants, tind having aet about in the right way to get this, hag Suc ceeded." galatrs New Fla. PANAMA. Nov. M.-Two event of great magnitude to them cheered the hearts of the Isthmians yesterday. The junta, ac companied by Ministers Esprlella Morales and Rlcardo Arias, returned the official visit of Rear Admiral Gloss on board the llagshlp Marblehead. On bearding the cruiser "they were received by Admiral dines' and the Commanders bf the Uplred States warships Wyom'lng'and Boston. 'All the An erlcan vessels manned ship, the flag of the Republic of Panama waa- hoisted and solutes' of' twenty-one guns' mite fired by each ship. After being on board, the Marble head about half an -hour nnd listening to talks by representatives of the government and Admiral. Glass, the Panamanians re turned ' to the shore amidst the firing of salutes from the American warships. The second event of. great importance to the Panamanians was the receipt of news that France had recognised the republic, which added considerably to the joyous feeling of (he Inhabitants. Large crowds, with a band of music, went to the residence of the French consul, who very courteously received his numerous friends, amidst frenxied cheers for France. It Is announced that the French colony at Bogota has extended sympathy to the government and offers to give foon.OOf) for Its support. General Reyes Arrives. COLON, Nov. 19 Generals Reyes, Osplna and Holguln, appointed as commissioners by the Colombian government to come to the Isthmus to negotiate fur terms of peace looking "to the saving of the national honor," arrived here tonight on the French ateamer Canada. There was great excitement on the ar rival of the Canada. Hundreds of persona flocked to the neighborhood of the wharf, were prevented from reaching the ves sel by marines landed from tho United States warships as soon as the Canada was sighted.' The marines now guard the wharf. Captain Merrlum of the I'nlted States auxiliary . cruiser Dixie Immediately went aboard the Canada and conveyed to Gen I era I Reyes the result of the mission of the Hollvsrtans. He Invited Oeneral Reyes and the other members of the commission to Om Aboard thm rlTlt hut tha trmnov I a rwl h companlon, aecllned. Admiral Coghlan. wno nso. just arrivsa rrom i'anama. ex tended an invitation to the commissioners to come aboard the Mayflower, but the ad miral's .invitation was also declined. It la understood that Oeneral Reyes snd the other Colombian' officers will remain on the Canada until tomorrow evening, pos sibly uritll Saturday evening,- when they will leave for Post Union, for which desti nation all have tickets. The commissioners sent a telegram to the junta at Panama. anklng for a conference tomorrow, birt the government declined to grant the request i and It la regarded aa certain that their ImlBflon. like that of the Commissioner. i from the Department of Bollvsr will futile. I.eeratioa la to Be Protected. BOGOTA. Tuesday, Nov. 17.-Ths Colom biun government will protect the American legation and American citizens here. There Is no fear of a demonstration against them. Colorado goataora Meetlagr. DENVER, Nov. Is. The fifth annual meeting of the 'stockholder ,of the Colo rado & Eouthqrn railway waa held here to day. All the caultal ftock of the enmnanv was represented by proxy and Mr. Trum bull waa the only atnckholder present. Tho only change in the directorate was the election of Joseph P: Cotton, Jr.. ot New York. In plsoe of 'J. Kennedy Tod. The new board will meet In New York city December 10. and then Some Important matters will be brought up. Mr. Trumbull alstf presided at a meeting of the stock holders of the- Colorado Midland. Edwin Hawley waa added to the directorate which will ahto meet at New York Decern, ber 10. trawler Retaraa frosa f'hlaa. SAN FRANCIBCO. Nov. IS John twi.. I'nlted States consul at Cba Fun. Chin.' sou-e has arrrvvd hrre ihi thn ateuuier Uasltc. kir. Powlvr, who bus W-n In me consular servlie In China sinie !ai. pl;yJ an Important art In the trout K ttit t tended the Boer uprtsii.g. The Inrtueii.e li ssert-iBwd is miu to htte iti UiKiv Inf trumoltil in )rt-veiitlug itie allies limn gsthrttug at'OUl tne l-uo. CHICAGO STRIKE CONTINUES Efforts- of Git Official! to Bring- About Settlement Argil Nothing. COMPANY TEAMSTERS will NOT WORK Refuse to llaal Coal or Sapplles to Strike Breakers and Company Mast Devise Other .Means of (arrlaa-e, CHICAGO. Nov. 19. Despite the united efforts today of Mayor Harrison and tho aldermanlo mediation committee to bring about a peaceable adjustment of the Chl csgo city railway strike, there Is little change In the situation tonight. After an all day session of the board of directors of tho company, at which the proposal sub mitted by the strikers to Mayor Harrison etatlng the terms on, which -they would nettle, was considered, a counter proposal was prepared by the officers of the rail way .company and sent to the . mayor to liight. As soon as the document was re ceived at the city hall the executive com mittee of the Strikers' union was sent for, but as only half the members of the com mittee put In an appearance no action can be taken on the answer of the company until tomorrow. Mayor Harrison said that some slight modifications had been made by the company officials In their original answer to the demands of the men. What the modifications were the mayor declned to say. - When asked as to the prospects' of a set tlement of the strike Mayor Harrison said: "I am more hopeful than I was after our conference last night, when the outlook was decidedly gloomy. Both sides seem willing to continue negotiations, and while there la life there Is hope." , ' President Mahon of the Amalgamated Street Car men's union, after reading the communication from the officers of the railway company declined to make any statement, saying that the proposal would have to have the consideration of the en tire executive committee of the local union before anything could be made public. He expected to have a reply to the company's counter proposal tomorrow morning. Oae gerloas Riot. A serious riot occurred this evening at Thirty-eighth Btreet and Wentworth ave nue. It was quelled by the vigorous work of the police. .They were compelled to charge the mob and to use their clubs freely The trouble begun when a wrecking wagon, manned by a nonunion . crew and guarded by six special policemen, paaeed Thirty-seventh street and Wentworth ave nue. A crowd quickly gathered and fol lowed It. When Thirty-eighth street was reached, 200 men were around the wagon, which they threatened to destroy, and then offered violence to the men. Just In the nick of time two cars, carrying eighteen policemen, came up. The crowd drew back and allowed the wagon to pass. ' Soon after the wagon and car, carrying Ihe officers had left Thirty-eighth street the two cars came up from the opposite direction. As they were crossing Thirty-eighth street the mob let fly a shower of etonos, demolish ing the car window and causing four pas sengers on the first car to flee. Tha mob then swarmed on the cars and had begun Lo beat the train crews when the two cars with the policemen and the crew of the wrecking wagon came hurrying back. The mob, which had greatly increased by thla time, waa in an ugly temper and refused to move. , Jha .pollca drew their revolvers and clubs and charged. The mob used stones and curses, while the poltco swung their clubs' with vigor. There was warm fight, which lasted about two minute's, and then the mob broke and fled In all direc tions. A number of those engaged in' the rioting were arrested. Teamsters ttalt Work. Renewal of hostilities between the Chi cago City Railway company and Ita em ployes began promptly today, following the failure of the attempts at arbitration. All efforts of the mayor to secure arbitra tion of the differences between the Chicago City railway and Its striking employes had failed. The announcement was made fol lowing a series of conferences between Mayor Harrison and his medlillon commit tee of aldermen and committees represent ing the company and the strikers. It was stated that the meeJngs developed no com mon meeting ground it the opposite sides and that for the present there is no s gn of an amicable settlement. A meeting of the executive councils of all teamsters' unions was called to meet this afternoon to take action, upon tha refusal -of Mayor Harrison to accede to a demand by the Chicago Federation of Lrfibor that the police he, recalled from the car lines pending negotiations for settle ment. The first development In the fight was a strike of all the teamsters in the employ of the company. In all sixty drivers Quit work. The strike of the teamsters waa In obedi ence to the teamsters' Joint oouncil. It Is tho Intention ot the Teamsters' Union, If possible, to prevent the delivery of coal and supplies to the railway company and the operating of its repair wagons. Thus far the company has been able to keep three day' supply of coal In Ita blna and no fear is admitted by the officials tht there Is danger of the power houses having to be shut down from, lack ot fuel. The action of the jo nt council waa taken, according to the official records, because Edward Dwyer, a member of tha Tram stern' union, refused to haul nonunion elec tric workers In hut wagon and waa there upon diechargad. . Dwyer la aecretary of the Street Car Teamstera'. union. Raises Question of Sapply. This Is said to mean that the company cannot get a pound of coal or supplies of any kind without employing nonunion drivers. The company, anticipating tho re fusal of the teamsters to haul supplies, is said (o be planning to obtain foodstuffs by means of the steam railroad. A shop at Thirty-ninth street, and Emerald avenue la connected with the Chicago & Eastern mi nors tracks and with the street railway companies by means of switch tracks, and mill be used, it Is said, 'as a base of sup plies. The stand taken by the street railway officials upon the "closed shop" contention of the strikers, which contention waa said to have been abandoned by the men, was made clearer' tjday when the substance of the letter sent by the directors to Mayor Harrison and the aldermanic mediation committee last night waa learned. The dl reo.ors said in effect that Attorney Darrow, counsel for the strikers, in drawing up the "closed shop" proposition modifications had only changed the wording and that what waa embraced in the clauae meant tho aame aa a closed ahop. Tho directors. It was said, would agree to nothing except an absolute waiver of that proposition. They would not, they said, allow the union to control the road. The letter further charged that union employes had committed thafts and mora serious crimes and that the directors of the company would not let men of that caliber have any voice, direct or indirect, in the management. Tha tirup on the Halsted street lino of the Chicago city lailway waa broken today by placing in commission Ave cars. This Is the fourth line to be opened. Limited service on Wentworth. Cottage Grove and Ii.uiua avenue vaa wiutalucd today wilt little tiouble. Police details accompanied each car and train stmt out. ' No Oae Had to Pay. Police dolalls accompanied each car and train sent out, but tha forco of patrolmen stationed a!ong the three lines 'previously opened was materially reduced to provide protection for the Halsted street line, which traverses a. district In which trouble lo be lieved to be more likely to occur. This Una Is one of the main feeders for a large ter ritory surrounding the Union stock yards and extends southward to West Seventy ninth street, traverslt.g the business center of the city by way of Clark street, which It enters at Twenty-second street. In spits of fear that violence would be encountered when the stock yards were reached there was no ttouble. . Starting at Seventy-ninth street the cars sped along at a good rate of speed and with but few stops. S'o attempts were made to collect fares, and only about a dozen persons, chiefly newspaper reporters, aside from police and .trainmen occupied tho cars, . , . . Alfred Or mils, a broker, 41 jeara of age, waa attacked and badly bealen today In a fight growing out of a dispute with two young men as to the street car strike. GranniH, wild sided with the steps taken in placing policemen on cars, received a blow In the face, which felled him. Before he could regain his feet the men set upon him, kicked and pummelcd him severely In the face and about ' the .body, rendering Mm unconscious. His assailants were pur sued by an angry crowd, which waa only prevented rrom wreaking vengeance upon the men by. a policeman, who arrested them. . .- . Mllltla Told to Be Ready. One point that wl'l be Insisted upon by the striker in the event of submission of the controversy to arbitration Is that the sessions shall be open to the public. The Chicago Federation of Labor has offl. dally and formally requested the mayor to withdraw the police from the street cars while negotiations for a settlement of the strike are pending.1 I MeanWhlli owing to the action of the police In keeping teamsters off Clark street and Wabash avenue to a largo extent, mere is talk of the drivers agreeing to re main away from all the downtown streets n entire day, with a view of retaliation. Following a custom when serious strikes are In progress, mllltla commanders have given orders In some instances that mem bers of mllltla companies be ready for service. . A Galesburg .company has re ceived specific orders to be ready for any emergency that may call for l!s services. President Mahon reports a telegram from San Francisco pledging ttl.OOO to support of the strikers. A Guaranteed Care for files. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Youf druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure you In to H days. tOo MAKE AN IMPORTANT ARREST Otrden Pollec Think They Hare se cured Head of Gang; of Desperadoes. OODEN. ftah, Nov. U.-By the arrest today of George 'Wells, the police claim to have secured one of the ringleaders of a gang of -highwaymen and murderers which haa been terrorising the country between Ogden and Reno tfh a series of crimes. Five men are ho awaiting trial here, five are In the Utah penitentiary, two are In jail In Salt Lake City gad four are under sen tence ot death at Winnemuooa, Nev. TWENTY-ONE.'; STILETTO STABS Minneapolis, Jtal'an with Money and Revolver Found Doad oa Frank v 11a Avenue Bridge. . MINNEAPOLIS. . Nov. ll.-The frozen body of Salvador Battalia, showing twenty one stiletto wounds, was found early today on the, Franklin avenue bridge. Robbery was not the motive, as tZ was found on his person, while a loaded revolver in his pocket showed that he had been struck down from behind. . FORECAST 0FTHE WEATHER Promise at Warmer, with Rain tot Eastern Jeraska, Friday and gatnrday. WASHINGTON, Not. 19. Forecast:' For Nebraska Warmer and partly cloudy Friday, with rain' In east portion; probably rain Saturday. For Iowa Faff Friday, with warmer In east portion" InVreasIng cloudiness and warmer Saturday. For Illinois Fair and warmer Friday; Saturday rain or snow, Winds shifting to fresh east. ' ' For Missouri Fair and warmer Friday; Saturday rain. For North and Bouth Dakota Partly cloudy and warmer Friday, rain or snow. For Kansas Rain and warmer Friday) Saturday partly -cloudy with rain In east portion. For Colorado and Wyoming Partly cloudy and warmer Friday and Saturday. For Montana Warmer and partly clqudy Friday, with rain or snow In west portion; Saturday rain or snow. . Ioeal Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Nov. 1. Official record of tem perature and precimtaiiou compared wttn the corresponding day of the last three years: 1H. 1902. 1901. WW. Maximum temperature... i 4 48 a.1 Minimum temperature.... ia J -i n Mean temperature W S D Precipitation W T M T Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for tills day and since March 1. 1902. . Normal temperature Deficiency for the day Total excees since March 1 Normal precipitation W Inch Deficiency for the day .OS Inch Totnl rainfall since March 1....M.SO nclies Excess since Mureh 1...... ....... nches pendency fur cor. period. ISX1 I. in Inches Pendency for cor. periou. iwix... u. muiu . Report from gtntlons at T P. M. , 32 i i H CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. s : Si - : a : S a Omaha, cloudy Valentine, cloudy North Platte, cloudy Cheyenne, cloudy-"." Hull Lake City, clear.... Kitpld City, clear Huron, cloudy.... Wllllston, clear Chicago, clear St. Ixiuls, dear 81. Paul, clvar r Davenport, cloudy Kansas City, dear Havre, part cloudy Helena, clear Hlimarck. clear Galveston, clear , 3.TJ Ml .00 3 .V; .) &! M .00 42l 441 .) SK 42' .00 82: ; .00 W; 2S .00 i 'M .0 "24! Ml .00 X!! Ul .00 IK .0I si .00 34! Sri! .00 to. lo: .00 14 It! .1.) lNi zd: .00 4i 4til .00 T inUlcalee trace ttt nrecinllation. L. A. WELSH. Forecaster. Mvry YWX box. 33 AJwy Rtnec tar tha full Nam I axktive Uromo ruintaa Cure CoM in On Day, CrUkl 3 Days HORN MARES CONFESSION Tslli CbejsiiDs Frescber tUt E Killed Willie NioXell m ConTioted. LIFE OF GOVERNOR IS' THREATENED Letters to gtate K.aeeutlve and to rmmlstsl Sheepman Say Roth W ill Re Killed If Horn la Kseeuted. DENVER. Nov. 19.-A special to the Post from Cheyenne, Wyo., saya that Tom Horn confessed today to Rev. Ira D. WCIlams that he Is guilty of the murder of Willie NIckell, the crime for which he Is to be hanged tomorrow. According to the Timea report Mr. Williams asked Horn: "Are you not sorry for your sins?" "Yes," replied Horn with an almost In audible voice. "And do you not repent the crime you have committed?'' "I do." I . "Did Horn at any time deny his guilt?" was asked of Mr. Williams. "Oh, no, he made no denial, but In fart several times admitted that he was guilty of the rrlme. There Is no doubt as to that point." "There Is only one thing which keeps Horn from collapse and offering up a full confession ot his misdoings," continued Rev. Mr. WT.IIams, "and that la the Arm belief which he holds that his cowboy friends will rescue him. This waa evident to me throughout the whole conversation." Threaten to Kill Two. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Nov. 19.-Governor Chatterton has received a letter written on stationery ot the Albany hotel. In Denver, threatening him with death unless he com mutes Ihe sentence of Tom Horn, who is to be hanged here tomorrow for the mur der of Willie NIckell. The letter declares In substance that If Horn is permitted to hang Governor Chatterton will not be per mitted to live twenty-four hours. Tho gov ernor does not regard the threat seriously. George Jackson, a wealthy sheepman from Rawlins, Is In Cheyenne and haa asked aid of the authorities in running down a written threat that he would be killed If Tom ' Horn hangs. "I believe I will And who wrotu the letter to me when it la compared with those received by the governor and by some friends of the con demned mm," said Mr. Jackson. George Hyatt, one of Horn's closest friends, came to tewn today, and it was at once reported that he would Join In a plot to rescue Horn. He laughs at the rumor. However, there are hundreds of cowboys in town, and one company of twenty-five and another of thirty-five arrived during the day. Bets of 30 and $100 . are being made at even money that Horn will not hang. The officials accept these bets as meaning there will be an attempt to rescue Horn and have doubled the guard. Horn Gives Ip Hope. Horn, realizing that all hope was gone, p.-ep&red tonight for death. Rev. Mr. Wat son of St. Mark's Episcopal church, as sisted by a choir of three, had a service In the cell of the condemned cattle detective tonight, nt which Hotn for the first time succumed-to religious influence. The serv ice was a dramatic one, and during the singing of the hymn, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," Horn first showed r. realisation- of his position. During Mr. Watson's, prayer Jim McCloud. who brol-o jail with Hon last summer, burst Into passionate weeping. Horn seemed slow -to melt, and finally knelt down and prayed .with the minister. After the service was over Horn declared to Mr,. .Watson, that he realized his position and that there was no hope for him. He then told the minister ho had been reading the Bible and he believed he would go straight to his Maker. Rev. Watson states that Hotn Is not an Infidel, although his knowldge of religion is most rudimentary. Horn was given ltters.from his two sis ters tonight, one tn CaJiada and one In MUiaeurl, and their heart-breaking fare wells failed lo destroy his marvelous com posure. Kxueet Xo Trouble. The authorities here do not expect an at tempt to rescue Horn tonight, but In spite of this they have taken most extraordinary precautions. The outside ot th Jail is heavily guarded by militiamen. '.it'.'Jc the sheriff, his deputies and half a tf ozen other Wyoming sheriffs, assembled here for the execution, stand reudy to resist any at tack. The vigilance of the authorities and their fenr of the desperation of Horn's friends Is. evidenced by the fact that Charley Irwin, a prominent cowboy and devoted friend of Horn's, this afternoon se cured a letter frcm Governor Chatterton asking Sheriff Smaller If the latter deemed It safe to permit Irwin to speak to Horn in his cell. This the sheriff refused to do. AH preparations for the ' execution are now complete and unless the unexpected happens, Horn will be hanged tomorrow noon. Govrernor Chatterton tonight re quested the Associated Press to positively deny, on his behalf, any statement that may be sent out from Cheyenne to the ef fect that he has isued orders to the mllltla to shoot Tom Horn in case of an attack on the Cheyenne Jail. ONE MINE IS NOW OPEN First Break Made In Ranks of Coal Mine Owners la Col orado. TRINIDAD, Colo., Nov. 1. It has re peatedly lieen charged that the guards maintained by the Victor Fuel company around Its property at Hastings and Del agua have prevented peaceable citizens passing through the towns along the pnblic highways. Sheriff Clnrk went to Hastings today and served injunction papers on the Victor Fuel company, 1 restraining them from preventing entrance to the town, and the case will be argued tomorrew. Eviction of the miners' ' families from rompsny houses at Hastings continue. Many tents and supplies were sent there today by the union. The exodus of min ers continues, 200 leaving tonight for points In Iowa, Missouri. Kansas and Texas. One hundred and fifty union miners went to work at the Broudhead mine today. This mine Is owned by the Las Animas Coal company, which granted the union demands throughout a few days ago. 80 far this Is the only company in this district which haa granted the union seal. TrylatT to Settle Strike. DENVER, Nov. 19 Again there Is a prospect that the miners In tho northern Colorado held, from avhlch the supply of coal for domestic use In Denver is prin cipally derived, will soon return to work. Joseph F. Ream, representing President Mitchell r.f the United Mine Workers, went north today for the purpose of advising with the various locul unions, with a visw to securing another referendum vote rext Saturday night. "I am hopeful of a aettlement this time," aid Mr. Renm. "The chief cause of the re jection of the proposition of the operators In the northern field was the belief among the men that a aettlement of their strike would work to the detriment of the fight In the southern field." Governor James H. Peabody tills evenlnv stated to a representative of the Asso ciated Press that troops will lie ordered to Tellurtde tomorrow to guard the mines and mills there so that the operators may maks an effort ro resume. The governor said he could not say just how many would be sent, but the number would be In the neighborhood of 4) or fjOO. It will 'be a mixed command. Including Infintry, cav alry and artillery.- and 111 be under the command of Major Zcph T. Hill. Governor Pea body suld that he hud re ceived advices late today to the effect that the few union miners who have been nt work timbering In the Smuggler-Union mine were called out today, and that they forced the nonunion men to come out with thorn. Otherwise the nltuatlon In the dis trict Is unchanged. There sre Ave mines, two mills, n largo power house, some long norlal tramways and several miles of electric feed wires ex tending over a section of country three Mniles aide and twenty miles long, and in altitude ranging from B.ono to l?,ouo fret above sea level. Work of the Federation. BOSTON. Nov. 19.-Tse American Federa tion of Labor today disposed summarily of the "open shop" Issue, ss raised In the case of William A. Miller, now employed In the government printing office at Washington and the Miller rase Itself by unanimously declaring. In favor of the union shop In government as well as In private enter prises, and by petitioning President Roose velt to re-examine the evidence offered against 'Miller, and If verified to remove Miller Irom the service. Although the resolution adopted presented the federa tion's view on both "open shop" and the Miller case, the Issues are kept entirely dis tinct; The re-examlnatton of the Miller rase Is not required because Miller Is a nonunloniHt, a. circumstance formerly urged as a resson for his removal, but because the federation believes Miller Is "totally un At to he In charge of working people." Resolutions were adopted favoring the construction of the Panama canal by citi zens of the United States, urging that the Chinese exclusion act be made to apply to the Philippine and Hawaiian Islands and ,favorlng women's suffrage and the election of the president and of United States sena tors by a direct vote. K.mployes to Share I'rnftts. CHICAGO, Nov. 19. Faithful employes of tho McCormlck Harvesting Machine com pany, which sold out to the International Harvester company In 1902, are to have a share In the profits of the new company, according to an official announcement made today. Employes who worked five years or more for the McCormlck company will re- ' celve certificates of stock, par values $100, to the extent of 6 per cent of the total salaries they have earned during their con nectlon with the company. ' INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 19. As a result of a conference between trainmen and officers of the Dig Four railroad it is announced that a general Increase in wages has been decided on. The amount Is not stated. 1 A Bora Never Dnrns After Porter's Antiseptic Healing Cll Is np- plied. Relieves pain Instantly and heals at the same time. For man orieaat. Price, 2bc. Kins Peter Favors St. I.onla. BELGRADE. Servia, Nov. 18. King Peter today received In audience Commissioner Crldler of the St. Louis exposition. The king said he would gladly see Servia rep resented at St. Louis and promised to rec ommend the ministers to favorably oonslder the matter. Those who wt-nr woolen uuder wettr are' very opt to catch cold; that is one of tha peculiarities of wool. Those who wear tho Dr. Delmel UnilorclothlnB are free from colds; that in one of the peculiarities of the Delmel. Take your choice. Booklet telling all about It and the garments may bt had At Leading Dealers Everywhere The Delmel Linen-Mesh Co. , (Originator of "Unsn-lissh''). 491 Breadway, New York. Si. A TRIUMPH OF TAILORING the princely Prince Albert bearing this Famous marK JJIJred Benjamin MAKERS NEWYORK A ready to wear frock coat that -you cannot distinguish from one made to your order. Thibefv vicunas, unfinished worsteds,, double-shrunk in the BENJAMIN establishment Fit individual and perfect. being measured on a model of your figure. Styles from New York and London fash ioners. Hand-shaped and hand-tailored by salaried specialists in sanitary shops. BENJAMIN WhlU and fancy Vuhabls Waiitaoats, too. Tha price U fight Your money back If anything got vront. We alone tell this lamou apparel. GUARANTEE CLO. CO. 151921 Douglas Street A cathartic of the highest merit. Wright's Indian Vegetable Fills Used for 70 years. Roman Eye Daleam For Weak or Sore Eyos i. ibv nil druaaisis. - i i m cJiwlqe Br tha . leather ot which It's made; Judge tha leather by the label (shown below)that Identi fies It as WallTe Ideal Lnllin, Tito leather taaa- keeps the feet cool In summer. warm in winter. Makes heavy shoes son), light shoes strong. Made In kid, naif, goat, colt or cow hide. Write for booklet 0 "How to Bny Shoes." WOLFF PROCESS UATHCR CO., Pklltsslphla. Inii iU0CX J4AitOi 7 &fe Bos of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago . ; i' ' , - I '' -' ' r ' ',.. ' . CHICAGO AND RETURN NOV. 28-29-30 Clty Offices: 1401-1403 FAR NAM ST. OMAHA TtL S9.aai ! fi I TO GALIFGRMA VIA union pacific EVERY DAY . UNTIL NOV. 30th, COLONIST RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA FROM MISSOURI RIVER TERMINALS Council Blurts to Kansas City inclusive 025.00 - THMIt THROUGH TRAINS DAILY SHORTEST ROUTK.FASTEST TIMC Tourist SliipiTS a Specialty For full IntnnnstloB call oa or sJrw, City Ticket Ofllea M24 VARNAM ST.' Phone IK. AMISEME.ITS. nnVn'O Woodward Burgess. Li J Y U O Managers. TONIGHT Btttudy Mili'"" J. II. 8TODDAHT Bad HUl BK FAX IN "THE BONNIE BRIER BUSH" Prices Matinee, 26c, sue, 7c; Ntglit, .2uc Doc, 7io, 11.00. - Sunday Matinee and Night and Monda) Night "THE GIRL FROM SWEDEN." PrioM Iiargatn Mutinifi, Any Seat c, Night, i.ic. 60c, 71c Telephone 15.H. Kvery Night, Matlne s Thursday,' Baturiiuy und bunj.ty. MODKHS At UKVIHK. Krsnclsi a ltedding & Co., I', & Hi -moii. Mines It. mlng'oi., Pur 'I rlx. 1 aulo Dlka, Ali-xjus, .ItouA !Lce 1'j l-r lind tlie Klnodrome. . , ' ' . "RIl'EtJ-l'ic, C- TOMOUT AT 4:15 WHERE IS Sunday Matinee "ROB HUT'-rMMET." An Illustrated lecture, by KKV. Ill KKHT . HKRK1NU, l l. . Friday evrnia. November 1W. at o i-lm k. J-'lit i.'un--. gi-egatlniial I'harcti. corner V'ttj and Duven IKirt streets. I'lirti-r the utieplces of ll.O l.udie' Sorlety of-tha church -ADMlHSlUN fcc. 25C Sat.1