Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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' ! 1
'gation from the Lit flteck Exchange
' Starta for Tort Worth.
0 tj Surrounded by Oomparativly Lirge
Army and Oenarali 8eek Safety.
lortmtit on Foot to Cat Kineasea ay
Dispensing with Free Entertain
eat to Shippers an4 nllk
Traveling? Mea.
Lsist evening- a delegation from the South
Omaha Live Stork exchange started (or
Fort 'Worth, Tex., to attend tha annual
meeting of the National Uve Stock ex
change. The delegate from (hla exchange
were D. S. Parkhurst, J. A. Hake, Samuel
Mort, W. H. Reed, W. H. Wood, Jay Lnv
erty and D. B. Olney. J. M. Guild, secre
tary of the local exchange, accompanied
the delegation, aa did Bruce McCulloch,
the edkor of the local stock paper.
At thia meeting of stockmen It will be
proponed that there be a general rutting
down of expenses and that the rules
adopted Be obeyed by every member of
the national exchange. There la a plan on
foot, which is headed by the bigger con
cern, to put a atop to free meals, free pa
pers, etc., to shippers. It la asserted by
some of the big commission firms at thla
market that a large amount of the profits
of the business go to the entertaining of
shippers. Another thing that Is to be
taken up at the meeting at Fort Worth la
the calling In of traveling solicitors. These
solicitors cost money and It Is during the
busy season only that they pay expenses.
Those who are In a position to know say
that by cutting; oft free meals, free papers
and paid soIlcHors the commission Arms
could make money. -"
Of course It will take a mojority vote
of every exchange In the country to carry
uch a resolution through the national
exchange. v ,
The convention meets at Fort Worth on
Thursday and will conclude Its session
on Saturday. "
Excursions to Qalveiton and other points
have been planned and the delegates from
this point are not expected to arrive home
until Monday or Tuesday of next week.
. Ordinance Printed Today.
The ordinance vacating a number of stub
ends of streets In the northern portion of
the city and a portion of Railroad ave
nue has been signed by Mayor Koutsky
and will be published In the official paper
of the city today.
It is understood that wli the publication
of tha ordinance the railroads will com
mence work on the stub ends of streets
vacated and will hurry matters as much as
possible before severe cold weather sets In.
Attorneys say that the passage of the
ordinance was legal and that Injunctions
rannot now stop the work of grading the
bluffs and the laying of tracks between
Omaha and Bouth Omaha.
Machine Laid Off.
The city road machine has been laid oft
for the time being: City Engineer Beal
slated last night that there was four inches
of frost In the ground and that the road
machine would not be put to work rounding
up the unnaved atreeta until the ground
softened. He stated that If there was a
rise In temperature and the frost came
out the machine would continue work as
long as possible. Aa it is the unpaved
streets are In very good condition.
stent ins Newspapers.
. From all parts of the city coma com
plaints from subscribers of The Bee that
the papers are being stolen. This Is par
ticularly so on Sunday mornings.. A report
was made to the police some time ago
about the matter, but no arrests have
been made. The Bouth Omaha office of
The Bee will pay IS for tha arrest and con
viction of any person for stealing a Bee.
I.ookln for Ofllee. '
John Sheehy, sergeant major of the
Twenty-second United States infantry, now
retired after thirty years' service, is look
Ing for the position of postmaster at Crook
City. While Mr. Sheehy Is not in destitute
circumstances by any means he says ha
would like to have the position. He has
a number of oldtime friends In South
Omaha who are trying- to help him along,
as tha term of the present Incumbent, Mil
ter, is about to expire.
Macio City Goasin.
i. W. Murphy has returned from an ex
tended eastern trip.
7 A son haa been born to Mr. and Mrs.
' Frank Greer, Twenty-fifth and Z atreeta.
Nearly all of the stent trusses for the
library building nave Doen piacea in pom
Mr. and Mrs. George Karll have 'taken
the Wilcox house at 231S J street forthe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yost", Twenty-eev--
enth and W streets, announce the birth of
a daughter.
K A. Cudahy la In Chicago looking after
business matters. He is expected home
V. J. C. Kenyon haa gone to Fort Worth,
Tex., to' attend the annual convention of
the National Lave Stock exchange.
In spite of the statements of an Omaha
sheet the city authorities say that a
laughter house will not be erected at
Thirtieth and L. streets.
Paul R. Bilge, whose home Is at Wt
North Twenty-eighth street, lias gone to
I.lmlen, Wyo., to aocrpt a position as
teacher in the public schools.
The local lodge of Kagles h.l I an interest
ing sesHlon lst night und initiated nine
Candidates. Visitors from Omaha and
Council Bluffs aeries were present.
It was reported on the sireels last night
that T. W. Taliaferro, general manager
of the Cuduhy , Packing company, waa to
' be made a general Inspector and that H.
!. Krider would take Mr. Taliaferro's
Recent Act ot Wisconsin l-egtslatare
Declared Inoperative by Se
lirtne Court.
MILWAUKEE, Nov. U.-The state su
preme court at Madison today rendered a
derision which prac'.ically rendera a death
blow to the civil service law In Wisconsin
as It now exists. The court decided thnt
the City Civil Service Board of Milwaukee
has no right to force an appointee upon a
city official who Is under bond for the
faithful performance of work by subordi
nates. The case In point was the appointment
by City Clerk Bchuengel of a second as
sistant, a prerogative which the City Civil ftN$TE R POWELL WILL COME
nervice noara conienaea was a usurpation
I'nlted .states Hefasea to Recognise
Blockade established at Ports
Held by Insurgent and
tenners to Be Cleared.
of Its power.
t'nltcd Mates, ftaecesafallr Competes
rrltn Great Britain In dosae
LONDON. Nov. 18,-The Board of Trade
today Issued an Interesting blue book, con
tinuing the report of Henry Blrchenough,
a writer on statistical and political sub
jects who was aent to Bouth Africa as a
special commissioner to Inquire Into tha
present condition and prospects of British
ttade in that country.' In his report Cora
n.lssloner Blrchenough lays stress on the
magnitude of the South African market,
which, he says, has inci eased ?50 per cent
In the last ten years, the greatest Increase,
however, having been shown in the lost
two years. The value of this trade now
exceeds 35,000,000 and the commissioner
says thst the rapidity with which South
Africa has come to the front as a gTeat
market for the exploitation of British man
ufactures Is almost startling.
Commissioner Blrchenough points out
that a decade ago British exports to South
Africa were under IVi.OOQ.OOO, while during
the last year they exceeded $130,0(10,000. In
193 South Africa stood sixth In the list
of Great Britain's customers, but last year
It was only beaten by India. The commis
sioner predicts that South Africa will this
year be the largest buyer In the world of
the products and manufactures of the
mother country. These facts, the commis
sioner says, will make South Africa one
of the greatest factors In commercial and
Industrial expansion. The present depres
sion in mining and In the general trade,
he considers to be only temporary.
While there Is a strong sentiment in favor
of British goods, ' British manufacturers,
especially those in the engineering trade,
show a decided lack of vigor and enter
prise. Their most serious competitors are
the manufacturers of the United States and
Germany. American rivalry Is concen
trated and In well defined branches of the
trade, but in the natural products such
as foodstuffs, timber and paraffin, which
form a lurge proportion of American Im
ports to South Africa the United States
competes with Australia and Canada, but
n?t with Breat Britain.
Commissioner Blrchenough points out
that competition from the United States Is
aided by the low freight rates at which
competing vessels carry American cargoes.
German competition is not as strong ex
cept in electrical machinery. The commis
sioner summarizes the causes of successful
competition, naming; among them the su
periority of some of the natural resources
of foreigners,, the greater exercise of In
genuity and Inventiveness, a closer study of
the requirements of those with whom they
deal, greater alertness and less conserv
atism, the sttperiorlty of some of their busl.
rjess methods, the closer adherence to con
tract dates of delivery, the adoption of
standardisation and the better finish and
makeup ot their goods, as well as the fact
that their products are dumped from pro
tected home markets. Other considerations
pointed out by the commissioner are tha
greater liberality In terms of sales and tha
presence at the mines of American en
glneers who are favorably disposed toward
American machinery. The commissioner
supplements his report by several recom
mendatlons, among them that Uia .British
manufacturers learn the weak 'points of
their organisation, study the methods of
their rivals, send direct representatives to
tha trading sone, establish their system of
credits on a more liberal acale, insure
mora prompt delivery, adopt standard
types of machinery, secure-J3rltlsh financial
contcpl of as many undertakings aa pos
sible andthe unification of British freights
and through rates and bills of lading to
SAN DOMINGO, Monday, Nov. 1.-The
political situation here Is serious. The in
surgents are bombarding the city. General
Wenceslao Flguero and Juan Francisco Ban
ches are refugees in the foreign legations.
The city is completely Invested by 4,000
men under Rlchardo and four other gen
erals. A general attack is expected within
the next few days. General Wos y Gil re
fuses to capitulate and it Is believed that
the fighting will be severe. The situation
Is desperate and fighting on the streets Is
likely to occur at any moment.
The cruiser Baltimore' has been compelled
to leave to secure coal. Minister Powell
Is endeavoring; to protect American Inter
ests with the limited means at his dis
posal. A German naval vessel Is ready to
land troops at a moment's notice. The in
surgents endeavored to have Minister Pow
ell recognise them, but this the minister re
fused to do.
The revolutionists fired on the Clyde line
steamer New York as it was entering the
port of Samana. The vessel was uninjured.
The Dominican government lias ap
pointed Minister of Foreign Relations Gal
van and Judge George Gray of Delaware
as commissioners to arbitrate the Ban Do
mingo Improvement company matter, as
the result of Minister Towell's determina
tion to carry out the terms of the protocol.
Minister Powell wi'l leave for the Unlfed
States tomorrow. It is possible that the
Insurgents may endeavor to capture him.
Blockade Is Ignored.
NEW TORK. Nov. 18.-The United States
government has refused to recognise the
blockade of Sun Dominican ports two
days ago and has protested against It. This
was confirmed by Nevada N. Btranahan,
collector of the port of New York, today.
The collector received telegraphic advice
from the Treasury department advising
him that the State department does not
consider the blockade effective and has
entered a vigorous protest against it.
The collector in conformity with his in
structions and the protest has notified mas
ters of vessels sal liner to San Dominican
porta that clearance papers will be Issued
for any ports in San Domingo, thus offi
cially refuting the effectiveness of the
blockade. At the offices of the Clyde
line it was said Cherokee would clear to
morrow for its usual trip, calling at the
ports which the local Dominican consul
says are "closed."
3 ?rfflnrv-.jj
M 9 i k
1 y?i'
Will Probably Accept Invitation of
American Society to Attend
For indigestion, Dys-pepsia.Belchlng.lIeart-burn,
Insomnia, Dizzi
ness and General
Debility we urge a trial of
Hostett.r'a Stomach Bit
ters, because we know it
will cure you. It haa a reo
ord of 60 years of such
cures back of it, and you
can therefore rely on it.
For Sals by Drujslsts.
(Copyright, 103. by Press Publishing Co.)
QUEENSTOWN, Nov. IB. (New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram.) W.
J. Bryan arrived this morning; looking well
after his voyage. He was up waiting for
tha mails as tha tender reached tha ship.
Among the letters for him was an invita
tion from the American society of Lon
don to attend a banquet at the Hotel Cecil,
which he proposes to accept. When asked
If he would see Richard Croker, he said:
My time In England Is short, so It Is un
likely that I will, but It is possible."
When questioned on Chamberlain's fiscal
policy, he said: "Now, don't ask me to
speak of politics while in England." Nor
would he express au opinion on Anglo
American marriages.
Mr. Bryan had a good time on his voy
age, being on deck every day but one, when
the weather was bad. He met many pleas
ant acquaintances among the passengers
and made many new friends.
Oonld-Rockefcllcr Campaign Against
Pennsylvania Worked on
Other Side.
(Copyright. 1WB, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Nov. 18. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) The news
ot the Gould-Rockefeller campaign against
the Pennsylvania stock, which Is quoted In
New York dispatches, was the subject of
keen discussion today on the London Stock
exchange. Inquiries among leading men In
tha American market established the fact
that the operation could safely have been
carried out here, as the American railroad,
being a foreign stock and not being regis
tered here, no record whatever Is kept or
Is obtainable of the number of shares sold.
It Is said that the Pennsylvania operation
waa affected so as to avoid the bear squeese
that occurred In tha case of the Northern
Pacific when tha hears had not the stock
to deliver.
Will Study American Methods of
Growing; Cotton for Introduc
tion 1st Africa.
BERLIN, Nov. 18. The German colonial
secretary contemplates the sending ot a
number of young men to. Texas agricul
tural and technical schools to study the
methods of growing and marketing cotton!
The young men will spend a year on a
cotton plantation and so acquire practical
experience which later they will employ in
the German colonies.
The students will sign a contract to hpend
a number of years In the service of the
German colonial secretary for the purpose
of introducing the growing of cotton after
the American system. The enterprise Is
the outgrowth of a suggestion by the Ger
man consul at Galveston who undertakes
to make the arrangements for the prepara
tion of the students.
The secretary has Just aent a Texan
named Brecker to Dar-Ec-8alaam. In Oar
man East Africa, who will be the first
American cotton expert to arrive there.
The latest reports from German East Af
rica indicate that Interest In cotton grow
ing Is spreading and that many new com
munities are engaging In the Industry.
The crop this year will be the largest
known there. Expert Brecker's work will
consist principally in finding- new localities
adapted for the growing of cotton.
The colonial secretary polnta to recent
speculation In the American market as a
reason for seeking to make Germany In
dependent of the American supply.
Man Who Killed Son of St. Joseph
Millionaire Is Released by
" Coroner.
8T. JOSEPH. Mo., Nov. 11 Joseph Fran
cis Furlong of St. Louis, the traveling; man
who shot to death Irving McDonald, tha
young St. Joseph .millionaire Sunday morn
ing at the Hotel Metropole, waa today ac
quitted by a coroner's Jury and , Furlong
was discharged from custody. Furlong. In
company with' W:lliam Lynch, another
traveling man, Mrs. Lester Myrick and
Miss Grace Holt of the Governor's Bon
Theatrical company, vUlted a cafe late
Saturday night and started for their hotel
Sunday morning. They were followed by
four young men, McDonald among them.
nd In a tight at the hotel McDonald was
shot through the stomach.
Theodore Hayes, aged 15, living in 2S24
South Sixteenth street. Is alleged to have
fired a bullet Into the brain of his 3-year-old
brother today because the Infant an
noyed him by crying, reparations were
made for the funeral be.'ore the coroner
was notified by neighbors of the death.
A bullet was removed front the brain of
the infant. '
Heavy Halaa Give Pennsylvania
Minora Chance for Cheap
Frelarht Rates.
PITTSBURG, Nov. 11 Tha heavy rains
of the past thirty-six hours have resulted
In a coal boating atage of water lnd it la
expected that 10.0u0.0u0 bushels of coal will
be shipped to tha south and west. At tha
present time there are 25.ou0.uu0 bushels of
coal lying In the Pittsburg- harbor and
the large shipment will be followed by
resumption ot work In many mines that
have been closed on account of a short
age of coal boats and barges. 1
When the limit of the rise ia reached the
steamers wll start south with their tows.
It Is estimated that I.OUO.OOO bushels of coal
will be started tomorrow and as much
on Thursday.
Ends Headaeae'a 1'oriare.
Laxy livers and slugglah bowels cause
headarhca. Dr. King's New Ufa Pills re
move the raus or uo pay. Otily tic For
sale by KuUa pa
is i
fksK ,r
h rvu'i na
1 F
5r5"?T5r 1
L- H(,
WE will promptly pay the above reward for the, arrest and conviction
of the party or parties who originated or are circulating, the re
port that we are not permanently located in this city. We will, in due
time, take care of the conspiracy, on the part of certain persons,' to dis
courage those who are collecting our stamps. What we wish to do
NOW is, assure every one, desiring to collect the f amour "Sperry &
Hutchinson" Green Trading Stamps, that
"S & H" Green Trading Stamps collected here may be redeemed
in any of our stores, or stamps collected in any other city where we are
operating may be redeemed here.
They Are Good as Gold
and we urge you not to be deceived by persons who are making a profit
by buying your "S & H" Stamps at a small fraction of their actual value
Omaha Trading Stamp Co.
210 N. I6th Street.
Council Bluffs Branch, 35 South Main Street, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
THOMAS A. SPERRY, President.
PAID-UP CAPITAL, $1,000,000 SURPLUS, $250,000
we own and operate more stores than any other concern in the world.
1 1 w It
mm i
yHj pHa M W llli MIP mB& mmmmM
"A Texas Steer" nt the ltuyii,
Charles II. Iloyt's satirical plays will
live a long: time In America, for the reason
that the conditions lhat called them forth
chinge .slowly and roosequently their fls
Tor" is as- fresrr-now is at the time they
were written. This Is particularly true of
"A Texas Kieer," v.iilch deals with con
ditions at Washington. Mr. Hoyt himself
didn't Insist that the picture vas accurate,
but underneath all its ridicule exists an
Incentive to thought i.nd much of It Is
near enau&h to mature to awaken some'
thing mole than passing laughter. But
it is always good enough for Icughtcr and
that :s the chief object i f its presentation.
The company that resented Jjjjs play
at the Boyd last night la fairly well adapted
to it. James Devlin is fcood In the char
acter of the big hearted, honest minded
cattle king who goes to Washington to
complete his education and is ably sec
onded by William Marble, Jr.. as II.
Brassy Gall and Milt Burlow as Christo
pher Columbus Jr., Kishback, the minister
to Dahomey. Miss Bretonne is good In the
role of Bossy Brander and the rest of the
company is well qualified for the parts
Rock Island Pnts In Its Own System
of Telegrapu Lines with East
era Connections.
The Chicago, Rock Island it Paclflo rail
way has made a bi departure in private
telegraph service Lr connecting all the
larger offices of the system In the west by
direct private wires with their New York
The wires were connected up in the
Omaha offices early Monday morning, and
the first message was sent from tnc New
York end of the line. It was nied there
at 9:5? a. m. and reached here at 10 o'clock,
only requiring three minutes in the transmission.
The Rock Island la the first system to
Install this private service, all the other
western roads depending on the Weslern
Union Telegraph company for the trans
mission of their messages to eastern points
beyond Chicago. Owing to the increase In
the telegraph business of the company and
the deslr? for prompt dispatch It was de-
Vnlted fttntes Snnreme Conrt to Decide
Fata of James Lynehe.
INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. 11-Joseph B.
Healing. I'nlted Btatea district attorney,
has reoelved Instructions from Washington
to take an appeal to the I'nlted States su
preme court from the decision of Circuit
Judge Baker In upholding (he habeas cor
pus proceedings brought by James Lynche
haun to obtain his release from arrest un
der the warrant Issued by the commis
sioner for tha southern district of New
York. '
i.yncnenaun is me insnman who was
recently arrested and released In this rlty.
where he had taken refuge to escape pun
ishment fur an assault growing out of the
land troubles In Ireland.
Ohio Snpreme Conrt Derides It Is Not
Manalaaghtev for Healer to
ruLLMBi a, J., JOY- !. The supreme
court today rendered a decision whioh Is
taken to mean that Christian Science may
be practiced in Ohio.
8m. time ago a family by th. name of
Bishop, in Hamilton, O., was tried and
acquitted on a charge of manslaughter for
having permitted a child to die without
giving It meditai aid. Tie state carried
the case up on exception and today the
supreme court ov.nuJtl lb. axcUvaai
elded some time ago by the management
to install the system. Almost nil the busi
ness which originates In the west is con
trolled by the conslgnco at the i.astcrn end
of the line, and as the western agents
usually find that chlpments are to be made,
before the fact Is known in the fast of
course it la necessary that the eastern
agents shall be promptly t.otilled o that
they can go after the business at their
end of the line. By the system now in
operation by the Rock Island the agents
in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and
other eastern cities can be reached almost
Instantly, and this gives the road a gieat
advantage over competing lines, which
have to await the delivery of their mes
sages to the office at the western end and
from the office at the eastern end.
The railroad employs Its own operators,
so that the message Is not handled by the
Western Union at any stage of Its trans
mission, but Is at all times In the hands
of the railroad employes. Severn 1 other
western lines have signified their Inten
tion of installing a similar system, but as
yet none of them has began work along
that line.
Mesdames P. I,. Perine. F. W. Clarke,
Chetwood Hamilton, Cudet Taylor, O. W.
Chirk, A. B. Homers, O. II. Pratt, John
Steel and W. B. Taylor, members of the
home committee, will receive donations
Ijoih morning and afternoon and show all
Interested about the home, serving light
refreshments to visitors from 2 to 5 o'clock.
The many Irlemls of the Institution have
rn'lled most fenerously to Its support in
remodeling and 'furnishing the new home,
and It is hoped the 1!W3 Thanksgiving dona
tion will be the most generous in Its his
tory and materially asHist in rneeting the
lurger demands attendant upon its enlarged
Annual Thaaksalvlnc Donatlou Party
Is I'nder Way nnd Should
Be Large.
Society Called American Protective
League, Formed to Hlp Solve
It ace Questions.
delegates representing a large number of
negroes in the Unltd States, organised aa
the American Protective League met in
convention here today. The president of
the league, J. W. Henderson, of Provi
dence, It. I., was in tha chair. The object
of the league is to promote the material
and educational status of the negro and to
"olve the race problem without creating
another, to lessen the 1'rlctlon between the
two races."
The address of President Henderson was
delivered at the afternoon session in which
Men Convicted of Naturalisation
Frauda Given Chance to File
Writs of Error.
The annual Thanksgiving party for the
benefit of tho Old Peoples Home will be
held tomorrow, Thursday, during the en-1 ho told of the persecution the negro race
tire day at the home, 22H Wirt street. One' In this country has to contend with. Other
thousand paper bags have been distributed ' addresses were delivered at the morning
about the city, on each of which is printed and evening cessions.
the appeal: "Kind friends, behold me lean
and empty. May I ask you to fill me and
thus do a good act In assisting to replenish
the stores of the OM People's Home?" A
list of articles la given which can be used.
Including flour, vegetables, fruits. Jellies,
canned goods, meats, table and bed linen,
blanketa and coal. Cacti donations are
equauy accepiBDie ana can De sent airectiy Br. LOUIS, Nor. Is. Sentence upon
to the noma or to Mrs. P. L. Perine, l&X: Thomas K. Barrett, John Dolan and Po
Dodge street. Donations of hard coal areiliceman Frank Garrett, convicted of par
Cbpeclally asked for. tlclpatlng In naturalization frauds, which
With the enlarged new home the amount ! was to have, been passed In the United
of coa! needed is greatly incrcaited. and ' Siatos district court today, was deferred
the women in charge of the work believe ! until tomorrow In order that a writ of
there are many who will contribute a half, errors may be presented by the defense,
ton or more of coal when the Increasing The non-enforcement of the law requiring
needs of the institution are brought to i saloons to be closed on Sunday is being
their attention. 'investigated by the grand Jury. All the
All receiving the Thanksgiving bags are members of the police board have been
asked to enclose their cards and send or summoned to appear before the grand
bring them to the home Thursday. Jury. President Harry B. Hswes was one
c f ;he first wltne.-ses examined today. Kx
clse Commissioner Sclbert find Chief of
Police Klely are among the others who re
sponded vo subpoenas.
Circuit Attorney Folk today received a
telegram fiom the 'tate e'epartment at
Washington saying that the papers for the
requisition of Charles KrnU wanted In St.'
Iiouls to stand trial on Indictment for al
leged bribery, had been translated und pro
nounced perfect by the Mexican govern
ment officials and In strict compliance with
Mexican law.
Two 1'oinpnnlea Patrol1 Wtrt-ets tit
Cheyenne to Frustrn) l'lnn
of Liberation.
DENVER, Nov. 18.-A special to the
News ' from Cheyenne, Wyo., snys: Two '
companies of militia have been patrolling
the streets tonight under arms and occu
pying the buildings In the vicinity of the
.'all In anticipation of an attempt to lib
erate Tom Horn. .
The sheriff today received information
that an- attempt would be made tonight
to storm the Jni. Ho at once communi
cated with Governo Chatterton, who Is
in Denver, and the latter ordered the local
militia companies to protect the Jail At
all hazards. Up to tonight i.othlng hns
been seen of the storming party.
Why Ue A
Genuine Wclsbach man'
tie? Because it burnt
brighter and lasts longer
and thus costs less. ' ' '
Five kinds
15,20.25, 30. 35c
' All Dealer.
5 -
y. TMSMIJIli--!hss5fcJ
J rr ft wti5scH
2 S
I 0 B jnif N
Completely Banished the Pains
Ko. 211 North Limestone Street, LMiNOToit, Kt.. April 2nd, 1903.
I suffered for nearly ten years with female trouble, bearing down paips and at times intense agony. The doctor
said 1 must have fallen or strained myself and I bad prolapsus uteri. It was a constant and chronic affection forbid
ding any considerable effort, and at times 1 was coiiuneU to my bed for days. 1 felt a heaviness and weight in the
lower abdomen, lameness in the back or across the loins. Wine of C'ardui changed all this within a short time, fif-
4. 1 . . I m . m . t L I lU . L I J-1 m...!,..!
teen ootues so rar resvorea mn vi periec m-n.u uii mn im uuaiuu yy
twinges of pain. 1 began to have a splendid appetite and new life, and t 1f P rMdi-?
after using eleven bottles more was entirely curod. This is nearly a year VKt. J'C- f- (
ago and 1 nave not had a sick day since.
Tbustbs, Hsxruro Hso Mrssios.
Doctors ire great benefactors of 'humanity and make thousands of cures but they admit that
female troubles are the most difficult cases they have to handle and statistics show that they make
comparatively few complete cures of these diseases. A doctor who has success in treating female
troubles becomes a specialist and dropping his general practice advances his charges so that very
few people of ordinary means have the money to avail themselves of his services. Wine of Cardui
treats female diseases in a correct and scientific manner. It is a great tonic but it always goes to
the root of the trouble and corrects the real cause. Wine of Cardui searched out the weakness
which kept Mrs. McNeal an invalid for ten yean. Isn't that the medicine for you? i you are
suffering, the same relief will be yours if you take Wine of Cardui. There is no mystery about it.
Just a plain, natural, simple vegetable mediane that has given hundreds of thousands ot
other women health. Will you take it? All druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui.
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