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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1903)
12 THE OMAHA DAILY HEM: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER in. 1003. 1 UXrr- Thursdays Specials m Women's Wear Fashionable Long Coat at $6.98 Many styles of. the fashionable long kersey coats 42 in. long, of heavy materials, full guaran teed satin lining the' new half fi ted back, the vtw tlrtvtt and col am. T.itne splen did winter rtt coat are a tpeeial Tr M purrhmite and all vert "T ifV "" wrrrfe to tell at 910 and H II -lf.50 eacA, foday, ai $4 Golf Skirts at $1.98 npw golf skirt in heavy mannish 1.98 Sinn rt dihs, new color, the new but ton and strap trimming, worth H.w, at. New Box oats at $4.98 A prettily made kemey box coat with the new pouch sleeves and the flt Mil an tn.nv with fltirilA f i.on'n. ...n,. ...... . a regular $8.W box coat at. 4.98 5 Ladies' Suits at $12.50 Theaa suits are made In late effects, all the new cloths and colors. They are the kind that you will nnd generally priced at $20 and $25. We quota special bargains for tomorrow .4 r f your choice, llJaJUvf Six Fur Specials for Thursday I.srge cluster fur scarfs, four CQp full tails, at , OW Jxng double hare scarfs, f Cf eight tall, at ,'uu Single and double oppoaum, O QD brook mink and fox scarf, at "- Splendid fur scarfs In big A QQ assortment, at tCj Fine Astrakhan Jacket -4 A ft R or cape a.0f Near seal Jacket, 24 50 15c all silk Ribbon at 2Jc yard An Immense display of all colored strictly all Bllah ribbon, ranging from 1 ro a1 inches in width. This ribbon Is extra heavy satin groas grain quality. They hare been displayed for tha 1 past few days in our show window. Tomorrow as long as at. tiiey last Warm Underwear for Winter Ladlev'w Inter Underwear, fine and henry ribbed, fleeced RrwlQr cot ton and all wool vest and panu, at Jv OJV Ladle' Mlf h tirade Underwear, finest quality warm winter undergar ment, natural wool, camel's hair, fleecy lined, 49C"69C"98C Ladles' Union Suit, In natural wool, fine Egyp- J.QpfiQpQPkr tian cotton, In all correct oolors, at. TJl UjI jUI MUm', Children's and Boy' Underwear, plain and Ap Cp rC fancy ribbed medium and heavy weights, at IUl"IJU".Ju Man's Hlh Grade Winter Underwear, in Gent's Furnish. QQp Qp ing- department, at Jjt'UjV Wool Golf Gloves at 29c For ladles and misses, in imported Scotoh camel's hair and rtfj fleecy lined, worth 75o a pair, at aVC Winter Mittens All Wool Mittens for- ladiea and children In all colors and rtT"!?".?"."4!?... 10c, 15c, 19c and 25c ftS W w v. sv -v n...'si;: 11 'ir-m mm i1 Trsaap ROCK ISLAND CUTS THE RATE GU TJndei Btlokney Through Grain Tariff to Twin Cities. NEBRASKA SCHEDULE NOT REDUCED ekaaaa Is Said to Be te Clack Laas; Haal Baslaess, aadl Other Roa Mar Fallow ' Salt. Ths local offices of the Chicago, Rock Ialand tt Pacinc railway ax In receipt of a new tariff which applies on through grain shipment to Minneapolis, St. Paul and the ""Minnesota transfer. It cuts under that of the Great . Western. .When the through proportional rat of cent on wtieat and I cent on corn to Min neapolis and Bt. Paul was put into effect by the Chicago Great Western It was made to apply only on shipment which orlgl- ( nated in Nebraska which took a rat of It ' cent or over to Omaha on wheat and 10 ' cent or over on corn. .The new tariff o the Rock Island changes this to read 10 cents on wheat and C cent on corn, which would mak ths 'through rat to Minne apolis and St. Paul 19 cent on wheat and 11 cents on corn. - This rate doe not lower either the N eUraaka rat or the proportional eastern tat, but serve to bring in a number of Stations on that line In Nebraska which did not profit by the low proportional rate o the east under the old schedule. ' i After Ltsg Hl. - The generally accepted theory seems to be that it I ths Rock Island's scheme to get the Hon' share of through business. The Great Western of course ha no line west of Omaha.' It Is argued that on ship ments which originate west of Omaha on the Rock Island for Minnesota point that road would naturally secure the haul through, to destination, that is. In case where the through proportional rates apply) but on local shipments coming Into this vlty, where the rate was too low to secure the through proportional rate, the Chicago Great Western would stand as goo4 a chance of securing tha bUHiness from here east a the road bringing It In, cone duently the more shipments which can be brought under .the proportional through rate, the more, shipments the originating line will be likely to secure to destination, which would be of cours Minneapolis and . Ht. Paul. 'Several local freight men . expressed the opinion that the Rock Inland Is only the leader in the movement ' and that other roads which have through lines from points In Nebraska to 'the east will follow suit without delay. J THE BENNETT COMPAHT. Special Tharsday. PEANUTS. PEANUTS, 1C FULL QUART-C. ANOTHER OF OUR POPULAR PEA NUT BALES COME EARLY. ,' CAR NEW TORK APPLES. BALD. WINS, GREENINGS AND RUSSETS, PER BARREL, 13.40. WANT MORE LETTER CARRIERS Gaverameat Holds Kxasalaatloa lor Addltleaa to Crews la Oaaaba -'aaa Seata Omaha. . About 100 applicant are nled for the civil service examination for the position of clerk and carrier In the Omaha and South Omaha poetoffWs, which began at the fed eral building yeaterday and continue over today. The examinations are conducted in the northwest corner rootfis of the build ing, on the fourth floor.- An examination will be held In this city m November 28. under the direction of the Vnltcd Htat Civil Service commission, for the pueiiion 'of - itremaa In the postofflce building. . Salary, J7X per year. . Age limit, 30 years or 'over. ; , '. ABaaaacesneat of the "heaters. Where 1 CobbT" I to Inquisitorial tltl of the play that open at the Krug tonight for the remainder of the week. It I a new fare comedy, constructed for laughing pur poses only, and Is said to be the equal to any of the popular Hoyt piece. A number of novel and bright specialties are Intro duced during tha action of the play. There will beKonly one matinee of "Cobb" and that will be Saturday. This evening the Boyd offer what ' I considered one of the strongest of Its book ing for the season, Mr. J. H. Stoddart In "The Bonnie Brier Bush." Thl play tell tha story of the love of an earl's son for a shepherd' daughter and the trouble that grew . out of It misunderstanding. Mr. Stoddart take the role of Lachlan Camp bell, the stubborn old shepherd, and Reuben Fax ha the part of Poaty, the Intermed dler, whose testimony finally right the course of true love. Ian MacLaren built the play up from one of hi short sketches. Thl la Its second season, and It ha been a tremendous success everywhere. The en gagement last the rest of the week with a matinee on Saturday. Tha midweek matinee will be given at the Orpheum thl afternoon. Among the feature calculated to elicit the admiration of the women 1 Mile. Dlka of the team of Paulo and Dlka, who are presenting a sing ing and comedy "stunt" they 'call "French Frappe." Mile. Dlka I a, tall, handsome brunette with the piquant and chlo accent and mannerisms of the Parisian actress. She wear a stunning costmns. There are seven other varied feature wi the program. In diamond A. B. Hubermana ha no competition. He Imports none but whits gems, and did It before the last raise of 10 per cent took place. Look at them. Horse covers mad to fit your horse. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., 11th and Harney streets. 8. R. Patten, dentist. McCague building. Anti-Pain Pills . (Dr. Miles') prevent ss well as core headache, the commonest sffllctloa of. mankind. Carry in your pocket. No opiates. Non-laxativ. There are no ub stltute. Bold and guaranteed by all drug, gists. 28 dose . cent. Never sold To bulk. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Klkhart. lad. Darlasj, Neveaaber. A handsome water color photograph of yourself lmludcd free with each order of $3 or over. Omaha's beat water color artUt doe the work, insuring the quality being the best. Slouecyphar, photographer, liij J'aiuam street. Thanksgiving TURKEY AND CARVING. SETS. We have the carving sets an Want line. Ktag Hon , handles, 12.50 up. Solid (Silver handle. $10.00 up. I'earl handles, $10.00 up. BROWN & BORSROM, ZS South 16 Lh Street. ill mm km mis Hauxa SM WJnnrJerful iCoupon Sale Coupons with everj purchase. The most liberal and valua ble tickets erer given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other house east or west can or will offer such values. Ilaydcn Bros' Cloak Dept. Tho Host Extraordinary Salo of Women's Suits and Coats Ever Known 776 women' high class Tailor Suits and 1,436 women's Coats, made for the retailers In the eastern states by three of the best manufacturers In New York. Our buyer In New York got these goods at about one half price and they will be on sale at 8 o'clock on Thursday. , Many of these will be sold for less than the cost of the material. BARGAIN NO. 1-Women'B Bulls, In plain colors and fancy mixtures lined through out with the bent grade of taffeta and satin made In blouse or plain front. Thee were manufactured to retail for $lf,UO, J0.00 and $25.00 our price I A AA Thursday only each IUUU BARGAIN NO. 2 Women's Suits, made of Lyman's wool cheviots in brown, bltitj and black In all the newest styles and lined throughout with satin and taffeta regular lo.UO values QQ BARGAIN NO. 8 And unquestionably the greatest value of all. These are a lot of fiults mnd'3 especially for the down ent trade and look like $50.00 OS 7C I l Cults -our price only.. Women's Coat s No greater diversity of style has ever been gathered under one roof. Coats of kersey, all colors; montagnac, broadcloth, slbellne, velour, covert, etc. In short, three quarter and full lengths loose, semi or tight-fitting and at popular price. Women's Zlbellne Coats trimmed with stitched bands of kersey and satin lined the best value In America C QC today for 0if9 Bemt-flttlng Kersey Coats wide stitched straps funcy yoke double shoulder cape, eff actively trimmed with braid and heavy silk cord and tassels satin If C ft lined for only each If3l Women's fancy velvet trimmed Kersey Coats black, tan, castor and brown col -larless stitched yoke tomorrow 14 IP special at I ID Kersey Coat 32 inches long two-fold mil itary cape new model sleeve fancy cutr -satin lined unapproach able value Half-fitted' three-quarter length Military coats or siik . luster, . stoelin rancy stitched broadcloth yoke and bands cir cular cape edged with silk cord A J jf" ft satin lined exception value ItQU Women's Yelist and -Silk Waists A new lot Just received In pink, blue, red, brown . and green in all the shades worth Up to $4.00 our prioa for A QA Thursday only ,. Civil ve fancy 10 GO Furs Furs .Women' Astrakhan Skinner' satin for Coats lined with .15.00 83 3M m&m Taii'?L-S )HJ;i azj z -xj ' - i Very Special Offerings in Women's Coats Thursday WOMEN'S COATS made of the very best quality of all wool kersey new collarlesa cape effects, loose or half fit ted backs, best satin lining, new sleeves. We guarantee them the best $10 jacket in the market Thursday . . .$10 WOMEN'S MILITARY COATS made of the best Wash ington Mills kersey, in all shades, new military capes, trimmed wit buttons and braid, heavy satin lining, very swell garments worth $18 Thursday $12.75 WOMEN'S 3-4 LENGTH COATS in a fine quality of Mon tinack or zibeline, made with new shoulder capes, neatly trimmed, loose or half fitted backs, lined with the best quality of satin lining, garments in this lot worth $25 Thursday $14.75 .WOMEN'S SWELL MILITARY COATS made of the very finest quality of kerseys, coverts and imported zibelines new half-fitted backs with Watlin plait aud shoulder capes $30 and $33 values Thursday $22.50 .WOMEN'S niGII GRADE IMPORTED SAMPLE COATS Thursday morning we will place on sale several hand some imported sample garments, "one of a kind," that were brought over from Paris to be copied. We bought them at a great reduction and will sell them for a great deal less than the import price at $47.50, $49.75, $55. up to $85.00 Our Fur Department We are showing the largest and most complete line of women' reliable furs ever shown In Omaha. FEW OF OUR SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY. WOMEN'S LONG FUR BOA of the best black coney fur, with large tails, worth $6.50 ur price WOMEN'S ISABELLA FOX SCARFS--inches long with two large tails a mpeclal bargain worth $8.75 cur prlce ,, WOMEN'S EXTRA LONO FUR BOA Of the new Arabian Fox Fur Isabella or sable dyed two large talis . scarfs, positively worth $15.00 our price WOMEN'S HANDSOME ISABELLA FOX BOA Extra' long of very fine. selected skins, with two large very full and fluffy tails an $18.60 value our price WOMEN'S FUR JACKETS WOMEN'S ELECTRIC SEAL JACKET made of good full skins with neuura collar and revera Skinner Satin lined 23 inches long a special bargal.i price .12,75 24 75 WOMEN'S NEAR SEAL JACKET Made of the very best selected skins, 23 Inches long made and finished as well as any seal skin garment m m r flnetit satin lining will stand comparison with any $50 Jacket W "SI I in the market our price wsUV WOMEN'S NEW BLOUSE FUR JACKETS-we are showing a beautiful line of these garments in near seal Krimmer and Persian lamb, with beaver, m r r mink or chinchilla revera. at prices we guarantee to be lower than 11(1 unv ntnre In Omnhu tin Ut til tta nA nn s lllM'UU K " --- . . " f .......... .(,., .......... . 3-90 5.90 WW 8-75 M 1ML ; mxN-dw Wnm.n'l TtAvee CawtXm iiuiila f tK. ta finest ouaJltv 4 A A I for ou-uu Women' Electric Seal Coat lor each 1650 3 Specials for Thursday SPECIAL NO. 1 You can't beat It for Scarfs extra long. tw full skins with tails furriers would ask f nrt you $4.00 our price only each... IU UU SPECIAL NO. 2 Oppossura and Sable Scarfs and Isabella dyes regular C ftfl $9.W value Thursday only each.. 3UU SPECIAL NO. -75 Fur Scarfi variety worth up to $7.60 . Thursday only each mixed 290 Extra Specials for Thursday from 8 to II a. m. Something to Coax Yob from Your Hones Tiesi Cold Mornings. 59c Infants' Eiderdown Coats lined throughout for only Women's Rinnle Eiderdown Sacoues with applique collar regular $1 60 Ettfk quality for WB Women Waists a lot of samples of flan nels, mercerised sateen and heavy vest ingregular $1.26 value for 59C Women's Fur Scarfs with six tail for each Women's Wrapper regular $1.10 quality for Children' Coats In all colors a big lot tf them regular .( values for each , 59c 59c 298 nu lM)i)B Christmas Goods... ART STATIONERY, DAIRIES 1904, ENGRAVED CARDS, WEDDING INVITATIONS, BLANK BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. The Moyer Stationery Co. 220 and 222 So. 16th St. Our Cut Glass Room Is full of handaom pieces ranging from $2.00 up. It's a beautiful stock and will pay you to step in and spend a few minute. Tou ought to see our hundreds of Christmas suggestion. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician. 1 1 6 DautUs 5tret. (f) Certainly a Vinner- Is our South Omaha store. We are having ltcleaned, painted and papered from ceil ing to cellar . and restocking tha entire tore. South Omaha people have already sub stantially shown their appreciation of the fact that it is no longer necessary to go to Omaha to buy drug store things. Every Article sold in either store will be delivered any place iu either city, free of cnarga. Kemember Saturday, November 21st. we will sell all day long, 'the luc else Egyp tian lxtu Cream for 6c per bottle. $1.00 Coke's Dandruff Cure tJo $2-oi. HOTTLK KIRK'S DANDRUFF CURB 75o 'This is the kind some people are trying to sell on a guarantee, BUT they only ask 7io for ounies. ..'; Carter s Little Liver Pill 15o Jfic Latlve; bromo Quinine lSc $1.00 Peruna-r-all you want Sso Why Is It thnt so many Omaha drug gists are now cutting the price on patent medicines? BKE Ol'R SWELL LINE OF CHRIST MAS GIFTS. CUT PRICE DKUQ STOKE K. T. 'YATES. Prop. 16th and Chicago His., Omaha. 'Phones 74 and 7W. 24ih and N 8U couth Oraiha. i' No. 1. Ail guoda delivered say yiac in either wily. SCIIAEFER'S CARVEnS... Your Tbajiksglving Table Service Is Imcompleto unless the Cutlery is la keeplDg w ith the China aud Linen. We hare Juit received the handsomest line of CARVERS for .TURKEY, GAME and STEAK. Also the latest things In Table Knives that have ever been shown here. Jas. Morton & Son Co. Tbc Cutlery People. 1511 Dodje Slree 2 SOLES TO HEEL. A broad toe foot-form last with a low flat heel and broad shank Two soles to the heel with wide extension dge Ball cloth lined, and first qual ity Box Calf. This shoe is made particularly for comfort and wear only. No rubbers required with this shoe as the leather Is made a near water proof as leather can be mad. An ideal shoe for out door service for only $3.50. We guarantee every pair. DilEXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. Omaha's Up-to-Datt Shoe Houss J! Weill We Told You That September weather was not going to be with us always. Now tomorrow com and make your selection and leav your measure. We'll have the suit ready for the annual Ak-8ar-Ben meeting. It's so much satisfaction to wear a suit that you know ha been made for you and It's juBt as cheap a good ready-to-wear. Suits $20. $25. $30, $35 Overcoats, $20 to $50 Trousers, $5 to $12 All garments made in Omaha TAILOR 209-211 South I5tb St FRLD PAFFENRATH, Manager. Devey & Stone Furniture Go 1115-1117 Farnam Street. Mahogany Dining Room Furniture. We have just received a large ship ment of SOLID MAHOGANY Dining. Room Suites, Buffets, China Cases, Din ing Chairs qnd Extension Tables in Colonial and other designs, made ex pressly for us by one of the best fac tories in this country. Come and see them. " s" ' Solid Mahogany Buffets from $85 to ........... .$ 185.00 Solid Mahogany China Cases from $58 to ....... .$112.00 Solid Mahogany Dining Chairs, from $8.75 to $23.50 Solid Mahogany Extension Tables from $75 to. . .$110.00 Devey & Stone Furniture Go III5-1II7 Farnam Street. TURN Your Old Stove Into Cash! What is the use of letting it stand and rust. You might as well have the money. A Bee "Want Ad" will sell it for you. You can run 12 words two times for a quarter Telephone 238. Bee Want Ad Dept. COLLAR ft f Kt 1T NF?wua.a . smreu.!U umi 11 J W ft 1 fsUllui uautMM4., Iosmti ly JLafaft? A 1k Maimed u.a ud lieu tuifntluu . .... iik i iM)i: uliid i mil ug fcitjus to lu.r-T til List , iavr'41 tl hrti twrr r t 'i .. 1 ( a4 J -I Are Yea LaoLlas; for the best at the most reasonable price? If so let us show you our wares. .w X. 4 4 J