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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1903)
Till! OMAHA DAILY KKK: TIIl'llHDAY. NOVF.MllKK 10. ' U - WAnTfcO MALM HE LI. ATEN to learn barber triide: free railroad fur upon our l.iiiure to convince you ( Ihlg bring the Hj-hP, lrst )iihi only reliable, inoet lira Ileal brter coliese In thin nimn of the country; write lor catalogue today. U cittern .Barbers' lntl. lulw. Omaha, Neb. U- Mnto OOOD messengers wanted; firsc-ciass pnjr. ; A. I). T..CO., 0J 8. lath. B H WANTED, foi V. B. army, able-bodied, un married men, between age of 21 and Ho, citizens of United HI men, of Rood charac ter and ttmptriti habits, who can sueak, read and wrli fcngimn. Vvr information apply to recruiting otllcer, ltith and Dodge ' sts., Omaha, and Urand Island, Nab. 13-MlM WANTED, two agents at once; good sal ary; rlly work. C. F. Adams Co., 11 Howard st. B 416 . WANTEU, neat, might young man; willing to work and team optical grinding. The H. J. Tenfold Co.,"- 1VM Farnam Ht. B-M2U MANUFACTURER wants reliable man to deliver and collect; horse and wagon ami JIM depoalt neceessryj 1:1 a week and expenses; permanent. Franklin, bog 78, I'hlladelphla, pa. B M317 Sux MAN with reference for commercial trav eler, to call on merchants and agents; experience not required; salary L'4 per week with egpensea advanced. National, C'axton bldfl., Chicago. B M.'tl 2"x WANTED, a boy with a horae to deliver Tha Evening Hee In Mast Omaha. Call ut The Bee office, circulation department. 3 p. ra. B M'i-TI 1 SPLENDID chance for men to learn barber . trad by our method of free barriering and careful instructions; more actual practice In one month than by apprentice ship in yearn; little expense; wages 8at- urdaye: tools given; particulars mailed. Moler Bat bar College. lVtt Lioug'as at. B-M814 19X MAN Under V. fair education, to prepare for Gov't Position. Begin with m salary. , Box 179, Cedar Rapid-,. Is. B 445 Lkx WANTftD, an experienced clerk for fur bishing goods dept.; permanent position. Address 17 18, Bee. B M527 )x WANTETjBoy with bicycle, at ".chafer. cut price drug store. B M577 1!) .TOUN man wanted In office of manufac turing company i a week to start. Ad dress W 11. Bee office. B M40 19 abim man in every county to rep- resent - eastern corporation s general Manager; exclusive; very profitable; per manent. Address 'International. 231 - Broadway, New York w M602 Z2x ' 'ARB TOU SATISFIED with you preaent position or salary? If not. write us for plan and booklet. e hart) openings for nlsnugers. Secretaries Advertising Men and Salesmen. Also '"Technical; Clerical and Executive men of all kinds, iiikh grade exclusively, unices In twelv dlfferetit cltle. HAPttOOTiB (Incorporated) . Suite S29, Monadnock Building, Chicago. :. b WANTED. ffrst-claes tubular well man to '''operate Dimock machine: Will pay good wages, write or telegraph J. G. Winery Ijtcombe, Alberta Province.. Canadn. B-019 Kx. WANTED. Brandels delivery ft Hone. boys. i Applr J. T... n i2 n ' Back copies - ' .' '-' . ' 1 ", of ' ' r THIS WEEK S 'ISSUES, :.. , i . ' "';:. - containing '; ' '' THE MIS-SPELLEt WORDS. Can be obtained at the Bee business office. ' ' . SC PER COPT. WANTKD FKUALU HELP. 100 girls. Call Canadian office. 10th ft Dodge. . , . . - . ' .' C 4KM WANTED A good cook, era, 1120 Park ave. Mra. T. J. P.og. C ta SPLENDID chance' for ladles ' to -learn ' hairdrrastng, manlourlng or facial mas- sag Bv our method f--Jree-work and careful' IrintructionH! more actual prajtlee In, one week than by apprenticeship In "" months: visit our parlors and see for yourself. Moler College, 1302 Douglas St. ';.- c-M;iir. V9x THE SMITH PREMIER EMPLOYMENT t DEPARTMENT furnishes atenographoi'4 - - without charge.- Tel. ia4 or coll at office. . -corner J7th and Farnam Sts. .. e. C M1M in. A COMPETENT GIRL for general house i work. In family of three. H Mnnon X . . . " C MS33- Dining Chairs 1 Ms I iog n y or Golden Oak, well meld and strong, 11.10 to .7o, . BAKEB, FURNITURE CO. ; ...j; . , c-03O tq: ' WANTED Girl for general housework at . No. 701 Dodge st. C M TT9 -r WANTED, a girl to do vleari washing and ironing at the Crtclie, lath and Harney. .-. . . - . Cm 19x WANTED Woman os second Cook. W per month, board and lodging. Address Com ' merciul Hotel. M'Cook, Neb. C MtK4 19 ' EXPERIENCED lady hotikkeeper ' ' and stenographer. Apply Thursday morning. K. percupne. an b. mtn. uia is . ' When You Write- y v to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra trok or , two of tue pen to mention th fact that you aw tl ad In The Bse.t WANTED, caah-girls and boys, Must be . lft years or over, J. L. Brandela ft Sons. C-MA'13 22 MEDICAL. -W E ITRK blood polaon in to ) days. ' pimples, sores, nervous oebility In 30 to ft) "tiajs. nerve wasle, bi.iln tag. bladder dls . rurie, no matter how long siandlng. Cook Medical Co., 110-112 S. 14th st.. over ' Dally News. Omaha, Neb. Ottlce hours, la. m. to 8 p. m.; Sundays, lo A.- m. to 12:30 p. m. 81 DU LKjl'OR HABIT CURED In 8 daya-pay . ln'H curt:d: no hypodermics. Write for . lioklct. tiutlin lnstltuia, i B. 14th St. SU D14 LADIES: -Chichester's English Pennyroyal Fills axe I Lie begt. 8s fa. Tollable. Take no other. Send 4c. stamps, for particulars. . "Relief for Ladles," in letter by relura mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Phlladeluhia. Ps. DAKCIMQ ACADKMf. kR. AND Mrs. Morand s Uih and Harney, adults-Tuesday .and Friday, k p. m. as semblies, VelnasUay; cliildten, Saturday, , lu a. ni. and n p. ni ; all dances taustit rapidly; private lessons our -specially, dally. Call or telephone WU. Mk2 D4 CHAMBERS Adult beginners Tuesday ami PHiuruaa, s p. ni., t-onimeni tog nji urday. No 81. Private lessons any time. Office 'pltt'ne 171; Res. A 17 16. 24J4 Farnam. . . . . . ai2 tj HAM BE tit) Children's c1.isp- Wednes. ao l tviturdays, commencing Nov. II. t riune 1171: He. A1745. 301 Ul-1 ML-4--- t -J-i. ! bfTKOFATUV. ' Johnson Institute, 616 N. Y. Life Bldg. T. liiut i The Hunt IuHrmary. McCecut Bldg. T. 22, Alien ft FarweU. Paglon Eik; CJt-K.. T. UsS. boi VR GRACE DEEOAN, tS S. T, Uf. Tel DR'l L.VIRD ft LAIRD. 33 Kerbs ch Men h lu7 Ni . Ik. M FOK ALE--lRlTlMh;. 6'DLL line of bard coal stoves now on sal. Vulcago urnaur Co.. 1410 Dodg st. . - 0-611 OAK aid aboard for a4. Cxit gpnoer- at. TICKkT BROKE8l. C'T RATE railroad ticliois . P. ii. I'liUOin, lio Faruatu. e erywber. 'l i.ous :m e-.T MVMRY TO t,OIM KRAL IC8T ATf-7. FARM and ity loan it Nxt l s, low rates. W . H. 'J homas. First Bank bldg. Tel. lt. W-3 PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. T, Ufe. 4 TO I P. C. money, Betnls, Paxton block. w aji1 PRIVATE money, F. D. Wesrt. 1&20 Douglus. WANTED City loans nnd warrants. W, Farnam Bmlllr Co., li-V t arnam st. . W-5J3 WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. K. c. peters ft c., Me bldg. w Hi FIVE per cent loans. Oarvin Bros., 10( W-t3 remain. $l,000.nne to loan on Improved real estste In omana. South Omaha and Council FlurTa. Loans for building purposes, V. H. Thomas, 1st Nat'l Bank BIcIr. W MM. 72 LOIT. LOST, a heavy hickory cane; crook at the bottom and turned handle, one which ' would not be of much value 1o anyone, but a sort of a family relic. Return to Bee office and get reward. Lost 1 20 x IST Between Farnam and Webster st.. a blmk cloth bHg containing money, a plated ear drum and two photograph. A liberal reward will be paid for return Anil no questions asked. M. Wollsteln ft Co.. Inc., 63 8. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. ' Lost-Mil:! 21 WILL party who took black overcoat with "llrokHW Bros. In collar from One Min ute restaurant Monday evening please re turn It and get his own. ' LostMii24 21 STRAYED, OR BTOLEN AOAIN, my black and tan Scotch collie dog, Towner, months old. Legs partly tan, tan fftreak over -each eye, black ba,ck and tall. A. Agnew, South Omaha. Lost M fit? lc FOR EXCHASGK. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, two small . fruit ..ranches, Los Angeles Co.. Cal. Want stock ranch or hotel. What have you. Address W 12, Bee. Z-MK17 22x AGENTS WASTED. WANTED Canvassing agents, in every county to subset iptlons to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FAMEK. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with iiors and bugiiy especially desired. Canvassers .make easily. 100 to $11X1 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J-21 3 WASTED SITUATI0X9. WANTED Situation by ' young man, 33 years of age, good address, lias had five , years' experience In clerical and office work; can furnish rlrst-class references. Address U 41. Bee. - A 278 lsx HELP WATbD. ADDRESSES of bookkeepers, stenogra phers, clerks, salesmen, window trim mers, pharmacists, civil engineers. Ross Kmp. Agency, 2U4 State St., Salt Lake Clt MJ,K Zlx FOR K.X( HAItiE. TRAVELING man desirous of going Into biixlni'-a will trade tils home, centrully looitied, verv desirable for home or rent ing, for stock of merchandise. F. 1). WE AD. K.24 HOUULAS ST. ' Z-fi7 in MAMTORIIM. OMAHA Florence Sanatorium. 'Plion Red ZJM; 1 blk. w. of car line. City 'phone, 1192. City bath and tnavsag parlors, 21-1 Lake. i ' 8R8 N SHORTHAND AID TYPEWRITIKG. A. C. VAN SANT'S mhool. 717 N. Y. DC. ... - -474 N'RIl. Rusiness & Shorthand College. Boyd's rneater. ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 16, 2d floor, r. 2, TT T-MS51 lix WANTF.U TO BORROW. ) WANTED To borrow $900 to 81.000 at 7 per ' cant on good South Omaha rental prop erty; security ampia. Aauress i zs. nee. WANTED to borrow, -eil.EOO on an Iowa farm state .rate required. Address W 14. nee. m: WASTED TO REST. WIDOW, with two small children, de sires suite of rooms with board; hone must be modern and rate reasonable, Address W Id. Bee. K M643 22. WANTED, two small connecting rooms for light liouseKeoping. mate price and locj tlon.- Address 13, Bee Otllce. ; K---M611 1)x LAW AM tOI.I.ECTION?. 8T1LLMAN ft PRICE. 410 at Nat. Bk. bldg. -66 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. T. Life bldg., attorney and collectors every where ' ttA DRESSSIAKIX). STANDARD Garment Cutting; College, 8231 Farnam. M4bi N8 FLORISTS. HESS, ft 6WOBODA. 141$ Farnam. 678 L. HENDERSON, florist, 1618 Farnam St. -878 j. ' '.l l OAl.Ei TIES. OMAHA Hay Bal Tie Co.,- 811 N. llh st. 467 COSTVME9. COSTUMES Tor rent. Back, 3318 S. 20th t. C M Decl FIRKITl'RIS PAC'KLU. Peterson ft Lundbsrg, 116 B. 17th. Tel. L-2368. H-i:U LOCUSMITH.. C. R. HE FUN. 308 N. 16th St. Tel. 1971 '-- J ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating, , quickest. Mrs. A. C. Douglas. cheepest, best. Mark, 17th and -M748 CO8TIME8. Theatrical end oissq. Lieben, 1016 Far. S8i CARPENTERS A Nil JOtNKRg. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing rrurapiiy aiienuea lo. J. 1. ucni.tieu. fO'h nnd Lake ste 3,0 MISICAL. THUS J. KELLY, voice. Davids block. tu LETOVSKY'S ORCHESTRA. Tel. It-mi. jo!! AND TINNERS. aAVAlllT I'X'11! It'll rni ill fiirnne mc. nice, ridgtroll gutters, skylights Tel. 2114. - -MV1 lx, tAPKilT At COl NT AST. U H. itATUUUN. ruom U, Cum I Natl bank, t'rirale leaaoiui la bvokkeeptug. elc. ;i TAMMERISia AkD STITTEHIX ti. Ct'RKO. JulU Vuhn- 30 Rsmne H-l. When You Write To Advertisers remember U only tk an eitra stroke ot i " v. m w "'."hwi. v net iui ywn MI lbs ail Is IM toaaa. UARBAOR, ANTI-MONOPOLY OA Kit AO 13 CO.. cleans ceaapods and vaults, r. 'moves garbue and dead animals at reduced prices. 4 N. lth. Tel. 177. -BBJ rUH HEJIT tFlRIIIED BOOMS. THREE unfirnlnheJ rooms, first floor, water In kitchen. 3561 8L Mnrys ave. U-M STii lx PATEXT9. H. J. COWOILL No fee unless successful. S1 S. lMh St., Omaha. Tel. 17 ti STORAGE. OM. Vsn Stor. Co., 1511H Farn. TelS. 15G9-861 671 POSTOFF1CK JIOTICE. tShould be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur it any time. Foreign malls for the week ending No vember ZklMiJ, will close (l'KOMHTLY In all cases) at the General Poittofllce as fol lows: PARCELS-POST MAll-H close one hour earlier than closing time ahown be low. Parcels-Post Malls tor Oermany close at 4 p. m. Morula . Regular and supplementary malls close at horeign Station half hour later than closing time shown below (except thnt Sup plementary Malls fur Europe snd Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Tranaatlsatlv Malls. THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. (SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN, POR TUGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT, GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR QUES'., per t. s. La Pavoie, vlii Havre (mull in other parts of Eutope must he directed "pe s. s. Li Savoie"). FKIDA Y At S: p. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. Vancouver, from Boa- 8ATURDAY At S.30 a. m. Tor IRELAND, per s. a. Umbria, via yueenstown (mall ?or other parts, of Europe must be di rected "per s. s. Vmhrla'V, t.t 8 a. m. for EUROPE, per w Tork, via South ampton; at 8:S0 a. m. for BELGU1M di rect, per s s. Krnnland (mall must bo tll rectcif "per . s. Ivronland "); at 8:3) a. in. lor ITALY Hrect. per s. s. Hohenzollern tmnli must Ix- directed "per s. s. Honrn iollern"; at 11 a. m. for DENMARK di rect, per s. s llekla (mall must bu di rected "uer s. s. Hekla"). . ? After the closing of the Supplemcimn'y Transatlantic Malls iiameu auove, anui tlonul Supplementary Malls are opened on the jilers of the American, English, French unil German steamer, and re malir open until within Ton Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls forlnath and Central America a, West Indies, THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. E"peranr.B (mall for Mexico, via Progreso. Campeche ami Vera Crus must be directed "per s. s. Esperansa '); at 12 in, for MEXICO, per a. s. Saratogu. via Tamplco (mall must be directed ''Pr s. s. SiirBtoan"); at 7 p. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per s. s. Corean, ' from PlillndeU phln. FRIDAY At 12 m. for NORTHERN BRA ZIL, per a. a. Dunatan, via para Mnaos, SATl AY At S m. for BERMUDA. per s. f.. Pretoria: at (1:30 a. in. (supple mentary ?: a. tn.l for CtTRACAO and VENEZUELA.. x r s. a. Zulla (mall for FJaanli per a. lilla and Ciirtugena must be directed . s. Zullu '); nl 9 a. m. tor ruitiu per f. s. Coamo, via Shu Juan; ut Ill CO, 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:;0 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. .JAMAICA. HA VANILLA. CARTAGENA Hnd OS RET TOWN, per s. . Alleghany, (mall for O'ostn Rfca must be directed "per s. a. 'Alleghanv'; at 10 a. m. for CI BA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for PORT AU PRINCE. PETIT OOAVE. AUX CA YES and JACMEL. per s. s. Prhi's Wlllem IV. (mall for other parts of Ilnlll Curacao. Venezuela. Trinidad and British and Dutch Oulniin must be di rected "per s. a. Prlns Wlllem IV."); ut V':30 n. m. (supplementary 11:30 a. m.) for IN AQUA nd HAITI, per s. s. Bolivia. Malls Forwarded Overland. Etc., ElK rept 1'ranspncllle. CI'BA Via Florida, closes at this office dally, except Thursday, at 0:0 a. m. (th connecting malls close here on Wednes days and 8u tin days via Tampa, and on Mondays via Miami . MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, clones at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. inv ami -11:! rn. Sundays, at 1:00 p. m. and 11:30 p. m; ,- ' NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd ney; and thence by steamer, closes at this office dallv at 6:30 p. m. (connecting mails close here every Monday, Wednesduy and Saturday). JAMAICA By rail to. Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this office at 6:30 p. m. every Tuesday. Bv rail to Philadelphia snd thence by steamer, closes at this office at 11:30 p. m. every Wednesday. MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally at 8:80 p. m. . BELIZE. PUERTO , CORTEZ and CSUATEMALA By rail to New Orleans, and thence bv steamer, close at this of fice dallv. except Sunday, at 1:S0 p. m. rnd and 111:30 p. m Sundays at 11:00 p. m. und 111:50 p. m. (connecting mall -closes here Mondays at 11:30 p. m.). COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, snd thence by steamer, closes at mis omce cullv. except Sunday, at I1-.30 p. m. and in-'!) n m KnniUvi at 11:00 i). m. and V.: :30 p. m. (connecting mall closes her Tiietnisva at 111:30 p. m.). IRF.G1HTERED MA1I closes nt 6 p. m. prevlons day. v Trnnspneille Malls. ' HAWAII, JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Sun Francisco. lose here dally at 8:30 p. m. Up (o No-, vember 20, Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s. Oaellc. , HAWAII, vln San Francisco, close her dally at 6:30 p. m. up to November 123, inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Alumeda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria. H. C. close here dully at :) p. m. up to November 4, Inclusive, for dU .patoli per s. s Empress of China. (Mer chandise . for 1'nlted States Postal agency at Shanghai -cannot be forwarded via Canada.) CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here dallv at 6:3 p. in. up to November 25, inclusive, for dispatch per Rlojun i Muni. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, vln San Fran cisco, clone Here uhiiv ui s:ju p. m. up 10 November 128, inclusive, for dispatch per 1 H I in nttivn't. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via Han Francisco, nose nere oauy at s:jo p. m. up to November 26. Inclusive, for dlsnatch per s. s. Mariposa. HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via ran r rancisco. cio her dallv at 6:30 p. m. up to November J8. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Hong Kong Mam. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (exceot West!. NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI. SAMOA and HAWAII, via San Francl-co, close here dailv at 6:30 p. m. uu to De cember 5. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Ventura. (If the Cunard steamer carry ing the British mall for New Zeal) nil doea not arrive In time to connect wllh this dispatch, extra mails closing at O.SO a. m. and :S0 a. m. and 6 30 p. m ; Sun days at 4:80 a. m., f a. m. and 8:30 p. m will be made uo and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer.) AUSTRALIA (exceot WeeO. FIJI ISL ANDS and NEW CALEDONIA (specially addressed only), via Vancouver and Vic toria, B. C. close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to December 16, inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Moana. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma, cloee her dally at :90 p. m. up to December 1 22. inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Shaw mut. NOTE t'nless otherwise addressed, West Australia is forwarded via Kurone, end New Zealand and Philippines vln B-in Franclseothe quickest routes. Philip pines spet-iallv aldresed "via Canada" or "via Kurope" mut he fully prepaid at the foreian rates. HhwhII is forwarded via Ban Francisco excluslvelv. Trsnpxciric mails are forwarded In purl of siilllnc dully and tne vciiedule or cio-niic Is arranaed on the presumption of thHr uiiinlerruoted oveiiHnd traiiUI. Keals tared mxll closes st ( r. fn. revlous day. I'UHXEl.ira VAN OOTT, Postmaster. PoJt.iffloe, New Tork, N. V., November IS. i a GO YE UK MIC JIT JIOTIteCS. CH1K.F yl'A RTKRM AHTKR'S OFFICE oinans. rt.. Novemher b. ism. Healed proptttula. In trlpllcale. will be received here until 10 a. rn . central time. Novemlier 'a). 1903. for fiirnlshiua Anthiaclte. Bituminous and Bmlthlua; t'oal. Wood. Charcoal. Oats. Itisn, Hay and Ueddlny. at Fort lies Moines, la. I". 8. reset tes right to reject or accept any or all piopustla. or any part therenf. Information furnished on ap- r lliation here, nr to Quartermaster. Fort vs Moines, la. Knvelnpes containing propositls i-hoilid W muriied "Proposals for Fuel aud Forage." and addressed to under signed. WILLIAM K. ItuKTo.N. Acting Chief Uuarimabter. N-i; l!)M OFFICE CONSTRCCTlNrt QVAKTEr" master, Sheridan, Wvo.. OcL 1, lbui. Healed pruposuls In triplicate will he le ceived here until lit a. in . November 20, 11. fur coiiHtrucilon of a l!-bed 1'rt -k hos pital' si Fort issikenale. W'yu. Work on building shall commence not later than OOVEHHR.1t . March- 1. 19"4. Plans, specifications. In structions to bidders, proposal blnoks and other information may be obtained at of fices of depot quartermasters at Omaha. St. Paul. Denver and Chicago and at this office. U. S. reserves the right to accept or reject etiy or sll proposals or any part theteof. Envelopes containing proposals should le endorsed, "Proposals for hos pital." addressed Capt. Thos. Swobe. Q. M. OlS-jo-n-J.'-NIII-i'JM lAII.HOAD TIME CARD. l.MIO.1 STATION lOTH A!D HAIICV, lUlaols Central. a 7:3a am "Arrive." a S:1A pm :( am bl0;33 pm oil: 35 am Chicago Express Llilcatto, Alinneapous flt St. Paul Limited a, 7:60 pm Minneapolis ft St. Paul Express b T:2fi am Chicago J .oc-a 1 1U:,16 Sttl Chicago Express Chicago A Karthnestern. "The Northwestern Line." Fa at Mall Chicago .a 8:40 am a 7:00 am .a '") pro .a 6:10 am .a 7;. 'm am .a 8:ti am .a 8:1B pin . 4:00 pm S;wi pin .a :!0 pm a ara a IM pm al0;) pm all:io pm a 8:16 am a 9:30 am a 8:45 pin a 7:'ti nm a 9:90 am n 2:40 pm b 8:30 am a1b:.l6 am blQ:& am Local Sioux City Daylight Bt. Paul... Lyligtit Chicago.... limited Chicago Ixical Carroll Fast ChlCMgo Fast St. Paul St. Paul Express.... Fast Mall Ivichl Kinlix Cltv. .. ..b 4:00 pm Norfolk ft Bonesteel....a 7:tf am Lincoln Long ne....n i :;n am l.ocul Chicago..... 11:30 am Isles Pariae. Overland Limited .a 8:40 am ..a 4.20 pm ,.all:30 pm a o0 pin a 8.Z6 pm The Fast Mail California Express Pacillo Express Eastern Express The Atlantic Express.. The Colorado Special.. a 6:80 pm a 7:30 am a 3:40 am a 8:40 am M2:60 pm a 6 15 pm b 8:36 am 7:10 am Chicago Special.. Lincoln; Beatrice Stromebtirg Express.. b 4 On pm North Platte Local a R:tV am Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm Chicago, Reek Island & EAST. Parlflr, Chicago Daylight L'l'd tl K am Chicago Daylight Locala 7:0U am Chicago Express bll:16 am Des Moines Express.... a 4.30 pm Chicago Fast Exprs..u 6:80 pm WEST. Roekv Mountain L't'd. .a 7:20 am. Lincoln, COIo. Springs. Denver, Pueblo and , West ..' i 1:50 pm Texas, California and Oklahoma Flyer iM 5:U pm 4 hlcaao Great Western Ry, 21 St. Paul ft Minne apolis Limited li4Ft. Dodge Express.. a 7:33 im ICS Ft. DixlHe Express.. a 8tt5 pm 20 Ht. Piiul ft Minne apolis Limited a 7:."m pm 7 Ft. Dodge Express,., i 8 Ft. Dodge Express.. . Chicago. Mllnaskee Jk 4t. I a 3-."K am a d:;t& pm a pm bll:fcu urn a l .A pm ft 7:26 am a 5:00 pm a 12:10 p-n Co. a 55 am nll:10 nm a 8:80 pm anl. all :IR pm u 3:40 pm a 7:50 nm a 3:40 pm Chicago: Dnyllsht a 7:45 am Chicago Fast Express., a 6:4S pm Chicago Limited a De Moines Express.... a I:' pm 7:46 am Weuaan. St. Lotils "Cannon Ball' Exp.ess a 1:20 am al0:30 pm n 0:25 pm a 6:'.o am St. Loula Local, Coun- til . Bluffs. a 8:15 am Missouri Paclfte. St. Louis Express al0:00 am K. C. ft St. L Express.. alo:i pm niHLIOTO TATIO tOlh St M.ttOX. ( hlcngo, Biirllnglon A nlne. lieuve. Arrive. Chicago Special ...a 7:K) am Chicago Vestlhuled ex. a 4:(0 pm t.'hloago Local a :1 am Chicago Limited a 8:05 pm a 8 .1.5 ii m a 7:46 am nil :() pm a 7:45 pm !:40 pm Fast Mnll BnrMngton St 84issnrl River, Wvmore. Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:20 am Nenraska Fxpre. ,.a 8:P0 ain Denver Llmlled a 4:10 pm bl2:05 pm a 7:45 pm a 6:43 am Black Hills and Ptlgel Sound Express ,...sll:)0 pin a 1:10 pm C o i-o r a a o vesiiouic- Flyer Lincoln Fust Mnh : l:Zt pm Fort Crook utid Pla'.ts- mouth b 3:15 pm T'.ellevue ft Pacific Jet. .a 1.80 pm ri,.ii...A A Tif-!H Jl a fl'Ka um a 8:10 pm a D:08 an, 1il0:33 am n 8:27 am V Kansas City,' St. Joseph aV Cuanoll , Minn's. Kansas City Day Ex... a 8:16 nm a 8:05 pm St' Louts Flyer a 6:25 pm ail.flo am Kanvas City Night Ex. .alO:46 pm a -6.30 am WEBSTER UEPOT-IBTH 4b WEBSTER hleaa. ft- Fnol, . Mlnneanolls A Ontalin. . Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... a 6.1W ant a 8:10 pm Sioux City Passenger. ,. a 8:00 pm all :) am Oakland Local ..b 8:4i pm b 8:45 am . Chicago ft Northwestern, Sehraska nnd Wyoming; Division. Blaok Hills, Deadwood. . Lead Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglua d 8:00 pm t 6:00 pun Hastings. York, David Cltv. Superior, Uenova, Exeter and Seward... b 3:00 pm b 5:08 pm Missouri PaclBc. Nebrat-ka Local, Via Weeplnu Water ...I) 4:10 pm J0:S6 km a Dally, b Dolly except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, e lijlly except Monday. COLORED YOUTHS GO FREE Acquitted In District Coart ot Charge ef Robbery Many Negro Defendants. After being out all night the jury in the case of the State of Nebraska Lgalnst Will lam Nettles nnd Charles Brown, two col ored youths who were charged with rob bery., 4 yesterday returned a verdict of acqultti'l. '. It la alleged that In September Nettles and Brown waylaid and robbed one Gustaf Nel son of ISO and a watch.. ,, Another rase against a colored lud was noted In the criminal division of the district court when the case of the Btate of Ne braska against Guy Stevens was called. Stevens Is chafged with having stolen $12 from Amos Dean on September 18. Four out of five of. the criminal cases which have been prosecuted In the district court dulrne; th present term have been against colored persons. There remains a number of cases against' bther colored per sons yet to be heard. NOT AMONG BAD . INDIANS N a, ui be r of Wlnnebngoes anal Omanaa Object to Being t'lnsseel with Thos Urnnk. A number of Winnebago and Omaha In diana now at the federal building . aa wit nesses In soma of the. bootlegging cases be fore the federal grand Jury take exception to being classed with the Santee Indians that got on the big drunk a day or two ago. paid one: "We are conscious of our own weaknesses, but we do not like to be charged with the sins of others." . lvl Trldell apd David Wells, fiantee In (1 Ian j charged with being drunk, buying llniior and furnishing Ihiuor to other In dians, were given a hearing lxfore United Btales Commissioner Anderson and were releuseii on their own recognisance In the sum of 5ui each to appear before the grand Jury. They were brought down to Omaha as witnesses In some of the Santee reser vation bootlegging cases. BOY GOES TO PENITENTIARY eveneen- ear-Old Vaath C.eta (er Stealing Forti-Mus Dallsrs. Year Before Judge Day ilorlus Larson pleaded guilty to the crime of grand larceny and was sentenced to one year in the state penitentiary. Irson was clurgcd with having stolen ftf from Auits ' Jensen October Ii. The money war found In his possession. At first he pleaded not guilty, but later changed his plea and Was Immediately sen tenced by the court. Omlng to thk fact that he Is but 1? years of age light sen. tmce waa lmpo4. ROYALTY AT BANOUET BOARD King god Qneea tf Ita1 GntB.6 of King tnd Quean of Eigland. ( FEAST IS SPREAD IN GEORGE'S HALL Occasion Brings Toaethes Peers anil Commoners ot Distinction Who Hear F.xpreaalons of nnd Will by Monarcns. LONDON, Nov. ). St. George s hall, of Windsor cistle. In which many sovereigns have been entertained, was the scene to night of a state banquet, the first elaborate function marking the welcome to King Vic tor Emmanuel and (Jut-en Helena of Italy. The function was In every way as brilliant as any witnessed In the viiat hall on past groat occasions. There were 160 guests, In cluding the royal hnsis and their royal guests, prominent stntesmen of Great Brit ain and Italy, ambassadors from thr con tinents and representatives of the army lind navy. The guests wer seated at a long table, on which the famous service of gold plate and. messes ot flowers formed a brilliant avenue of color and sparkling light reflected from an Incomparable display of Jewels. The guests were first received In the grand reception room by King Edward and Queen Alexandra, and King Victor Emmanuel and QUetn Helena. At 8:4S the guests entered the banquet hall in th fol lowing order: ' .High Honor for Choate. Klrlg Edward with Queen Ileleim, King Victor lCmuiHiiuel with Queen Alexandra, the prince of Wales With the princess Vic toria, the duke ' of Connaught with the duchess of Aigyle. Ambassador Chnule with Ihe duchess of Connaught, Slg. Tli lord, Italian minister of foreign affairs, with the princeis Margaret of Connaught; the Russian embassador. Count lienokon dorff, with Princess Victoria of Connaught; Prince Alexander of Btittenberg wllh the Princess Louise of Hchleswlg-Holsteln : the French nmlmeandor. Mi Cambon, with Prln cess Christian of SchleswJg-HoIatelh. .Prince Christian of Pch!eswlg-Holsleln xvBh the princess of Wales, Prince Alexander of Teck with the Prlncrs Alice; the Spanish ambassador, the Due de Mar.dns, with the duchess of Albany; the Turkish athhassa I dor, Stefanukl Musurus Bey, with Mrs. Choate; the Hermit n ambassador. Count Metternich. with Princess Victoria of Si'hteawlg-Ho'steln. The remaining guests followed In Ihe 'or der of their rnnk, inrlu1lnr other unilms sadora and their wives, Lord Londonderry, Lord Selborne, Lord Ijinsdowne, lud Royebery, Lord Mr.ncr, W. J. Brotlerlck, Sir Henry Campbell-Bunnermnn, Sir Will iam Vernon-Harcourt, Arnold Forster, Jn neph Chamliprlaln,. Austen Chamberlain and Admiral Kerr. The British premier, A. J. Balfjtir, was absent on account of InuisQosltlou, which It la reported is the remit of a slight cdl L Speech of King; Edward. IA J ro, a toast to their Italian majesties. King Edward sold: Sire: It has -given Queen Alexandra nnd myself great pleasure to receive you here fts our gucsta In this old and historic castle. History repeats Itself. I remember as If It were but yeslerduy that your Illustrious grandfather forty-eight eniH ago came here as the guest of mv beloved mother and -my lamented father. At that time we were at wnr, and our armies fought to gether. Thunk God, we are at pence, and t he aim of our countries is-to maintain it and work together lit the paths of prog less and enlightenment. I nave not for gotten the kind and cordial reception l en me. Some months ago In Home on the part of your majestlea and the Italian people, and I feel sure that tomorrow alien y..u pasa through the streets of 'London you I will meet with u leceptlon m&st gratifying to yourselves ana one wnicn will give ex pression to the hearty feeling of frTenilHlilfi which my people desire to evince toward you and your country. Let mo now drink lo the health of your .majesties. Again thanking you for staying with us, 1 wish your majesties, your families and your country all prosperity and happiness' . Reply of Italian King;. . King; Victor Emmanuel replied l,n English, saying: The memories to which your mujesty re fers live In my heart and In the hearts of all Italians since the historic and eventful Serlod which led to unity anil which1 ten i red to England, always greater and more powerful, the 'oellngM of sympathy anil friendship which now unite the two peo ples. For my people 'these feelings have continued to grow. The Important factors In Italian policy, like the policy of your majesty's government, is one of peace and civilization. I thank your majesty for your cordial welcome of me and of my mieen In this historic castle, where everything breathes of the glory of your ancestors and brings before me the I Mingo of the f treat .and regretted Victoria. . I drink the iculth of your majesty, your queen and the royal family. At the conclusion of the banquet the royal personages and their guests ad journed to the state drawing room, where a Viennese orchestra played selections. This morning King Victor Emmanuel find King Edward shot pheasants In the great park at Windsor, while Queen Helena and Queen Alexandra: Visited 'Queen Victoria's romb at Frogmore, chj which Queen Helena deposited a wreath. ' EVENTS. ON RUNNING TRACKS Dixie Stakes Disappoints Speeialnrs nl Washington Because of Withdrawals. WASHINGTON". Nov. lS.-The DKIe stakes, which waa to have been the feature today at Henntng proved a disappointment on account of withdrawals. "Father" Dalv had a "walkover." galloping Colonsay, with Odom in the saddle, over the course and re ceiving the prize. Results: First race. l ycar-olds and up. five fur longs, Columbia course: South Trimble won, Our Nuggut second, Dramatist third. Time: 1:08. Second race, five and a half furlongs, maidens: Fort Hunter won, Nlskayuna second. Oananogue third. 'Time: 1 Third race, steeplechase, g-year-old nnd up, two and a half miles: LUack Death won, Mnnlllan second. Perlon third. Time: 5:Ki. Sixth race, the Dixie stakes, 3-year-olds, one and three-fourths miles: "Walkover" forCoionsay. Time: . .1:414. Fifth race, 4-yenr-oldn. Columhia course: Runnells won, Masterman second, Wlrein third. Time: 1:4EV Sixth raoe, handicap, 3-year-olds, one and one-a xteenth in le: t arliuncle won. Kara Madge S'.cond, Stolen Moments third. Time: l:Ms. Seventh race, 1-year-olds and up. one mile. Columbia course: Wild Flrate won. April Shower second, Elsie third. Time: 1:4. - . SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. IS Results: First race, six furlongs? Loyal B won, Man of Honor second, Kgg Nugg third. Time: 1:14. Second race, one and one-sixteenth mile: Ananias won. Harbor second. Instrument third. Time: 1:. Third men. six furlongs, selling: M'jr hanus won, Hlue Miracle second. Tower of Candles third. Time: 1:14. Fourth race, five furlongs: John A. Scott won. Money Musk second, liugerdon third Time: 1:U. Fifth race, one and one-eighth mile. Hell ing: Dupont won, Erne second, Dodlc third. Time: 1 :R2- Sixth race, one mile, handicap: Warte Nlcht won, Beau Ormonde second, Bragg third. Time: 1 :. CINCINNATI. Nov. 18. Results: First race, one mile and fifty yards: Rea li mit e won. Ilurnle Burke seoond, Dumage third. Time: l:47i. Second race Ave and a half furlonas Miss Mollis won. Miss Flelschmau second. fnnweau third. Time: 1 14 Third race, one mile: Chantrell won. An- tele second. Tancred third. TiBie: 1 1'4. Fourth race, steeplechase, short coun Sea Flrute won. V olaritlna second. Faraday I.,l..r ihlr.l Time: 1 11 Fifth race, seven furlongs: Ralnland won, Cunitnodore second, War Faint third. Time 1:2k. siith race, one mile and seventy ysrds: John Veikes won. Tufts second. Worlhing- toii third. Time: Waahham lie tents Tigers. COLUMBIA, Mo., Nov. IS Washburn college of Topekn defeated Ihe Miiteourl university by a score of i to today in ! I"? " F! 1 f1! " Anrl if No woman who uses ' Mother's Friend" need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, aud leaves her in f .a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is also healthy, strong and 1 good naturea. Our book "Motherhood," is worth nn km its weight in gold to every woman, and will be sent free in plain rp T? envelope by addressing application to 13 M Brari field Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga a game that waa devoid of special fea tures. The Mlssourlana were handicapped by the absence from the game of some of their strongest players, who are being saved for the Thanksgiving game with Kansas at Kansas City. WOULD PLAY BY BONFIRES Manager ot lotva. Foot Ball Team to Provide Heat nt Contest with Illinois. IOWA CITY, Nov. 18. (Special.) Manager 11. K. Spanglcr of the Iowa team has aualiged to have i two large bonllrea nl e h end ot the grar.d. tand on tne 1..W.1 Held during the Illinois game If the weather continues as cold as U is at presc-ui. mi will enable the spectators to warm them selves between halvea aud ili inatenuily affect the temperature uui'ln the game. The Iowa man has been tMuiig vci y good work in practice this we.-k. Tue praciuea have been snappier nnd more proinl-l:ig than previous work. Tne varsity nan be-n cuiiynig the It'll in something like (he old style and on uel'ensc Ihe men have been grltiijig tlclr teeth una help.nK one, an other. The wen (her has been co'.d anil the prac tices have bi en Ileal on tin- fcouth Held, where there is a sod Ueld, which 1 not so hard to fall on na Is the lna field. Roy Buckley hits hcn ulatiim lett end for Coullhard and Knapp nnd Stolietiuerg have been playing lit-right nm. Penwinn has been playing lift tnckl.1, Hoy Dink ey's regular position. Manuger H. E. Hpnnglei is buck from St. Louis, where he has been making ai'iiuige ments for th game wlih Wasnington iml verwlty Thanksgiving '"' Indlcatlnng point to a large crowd nt the game. The game will he piiiycd nt the National League piirk. It will be a society event, a luge number of boxes having bteu already Biken for by society pinple of St. Louis. The Iowa team will be the guests of the Missouri Athletic cliio iliirinn lluir stay In St. Louis. The team will leave Iowa City WnlmKdny morning, arriving In St. Louis Wedm-Mlny ni-ht. Returning the learn wll leave Si. Louis Thursday night. Members, off the team who wish will be allowed to remain In St. Loula as long aa (hey desire, up to the following Monday, when the uni versity classes begin after the Tnnnksglv Ing recess. The Illinois team will arrive In Iowa Cilv Friday morning. The game will be . hived st ;i o' lock Saturday afternoon. Kalph 1 1 oh g hi i nl will referee the game. WITH TUB IIUWI.Elt. On Clark's alleys Inst evening the Ar mours won two games from the National. Score: KMOl.TtS. Ixt. 2d. nd. i:is 1 To 1W 145 H m M. 171 liM ,' nit " UK 1M ' S44 Total tillchrlst Potter ... Hrunke .., Schneider Deiiinaii . Totals .' ....17:1 ...-.UIMI ...LNli ...1S7 ....214 1UI 175 177 5IM 574 94i 2.7K8 Totnl. r.14 trJi . . . 519 NATIONALS. 1st. (d. 'handler Hll. '10., n . Oj rde . : , Tmi V . . . .TolieSj ..... ....114 . .i.H'! ....ll'l ....127 ....15ft 1,'id 1.1:1. .Hi 7M 4." Jl'i Totals 2.4ti2 TotilHht tne Ht. Chr.rles nnd Colt3 llnish i ill, i-rnp-tii7 i.i.-i. iliiH 1I lur wcrn. r i iuh . nlKht the Oinuhas will howl a picked team for a ptirne und 8alurday night the efiohff team from IHinl.ip, la., will howl an Onmha team picked from the league. The Woodmen of the World won two out of three ganies f ixnn lhownlng. Kins; oi Co. on the (fate Ity alleys. Bcore: HHOWNINO. KINO & CO. 1st. Bryant 1W Kenton !'4 Miller li Mavens 11 McC'nbe 171" 2d. Hd Tot nl.' 124 IWi 3! 151 131 371! 172 l'.H ' v.'S 113 MH . Ill) 134 162 . 465 6!I4 "til 2,070 ' -2d. 3d Total. 122 1.-.K 424 IM ' ' 11 4!Ht 114 lo 4TH 177. 124 422 153 1D7' 41.1 754 7BI 2,233 Totals SIcfxelvey Foley Yates Tomlirink Smyth .... 'j'otals 613 . w. o. . 1st.. .......144 laii 1 r.u 121 lbi 74K w ' Well I'lnyed rlbbaae. OMAHA. Nov. IS. To the Kditor of The Hee: In a game of eribbiiKO witli my wife the following occurred: Her count waa k9 and mine 91 on the board (we were p.aying twice around) nnd it was mv deal. I held a deuce, two trnys and a four; she he a two aces, a deuce and a tlve spot. 8hn pegfred Ki )ints and 1 peaged 14 points en the hand. 1 claim the hund wna peifectly plaved for pegglnir purposes. Can anyont take the same cards and beat the count? J. C O. The Unedes lie feat Herman. OAKLAND, Neh., Nov. 10. ifipeciul.) The locals defeated the Herman foot bail team here yesterday In a clean, snappy game, the scoio being IK to 0. The ex tremal v cold weather did not affect the tennis In the least and some excellent pli were made. Tint ball waa in Herman's ler- I titory all the time and at no time did they ! have a chanc to score. STRENGTH VITALITY ERVA . TABLETS NERVAN TABLETS produce , restful sleep. Positively cure NERVOUSNESS, STOMACH, KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES. They produce plumpness, and give great strength aud vitality. JUST A FEW OF MANY KIND EXPRESS. . . IONS RECEIVKD. Nervsa Tsblet Co., Chicago. 111. Dear Kirs 1 am aaiog NKKVAN for general debility and '"' energy. At sa en erg builder they cannot bs beat, I feel like twenty-five yesrs old and 1 ant fifty. I . would not be wlthont tbera and 1 will try and ioduos others to take theia. . &.A.RBAD. Griswold. 111.. Oct. 3. 1903. Lanaiug, Mlcb.. Oct, 23. 1903. Nsrvaa Tablet Co., Chicago. 111. Gentlemen I sm very much pleased to state tbat NKKVAN TABLhTS maka tus feel like a new man. Two ntontlis ago I was io a bad cooilltloa. I am now very much stronger, have a good appetite and am gaining Aeah. My nerves are In tine condition. ItindKEKVAK TABLETS sre good lor kidney trouble. tVrutefully your. GEO. W.blUNK. Nervsa Tsblet Co., Chieefc-o, III. Drar Hira-I bsvetakea N Kk VAN TAB LB rs for NervousDess sod r.od that they do ail you claim lor theia. I shall recom nisad them to my friend. Verytiuly, MlcS V.M. DAKLY. Chicago. August 13. Ii3. BEVARE Of liguid preparalinn trat contain alcoitol. They, atiojulate tur a time, but in the end do you gieal harm. You take nnchaacca with K ERVAN'i AB LK Tsi, as cliey contain ne akohol or oilier imuriuua iugrcdieiits. Tak.a ilia -r of all Blood and hrvs remcdisa, KKKVAN - TABLE io. Tiiey will surety cute ou. NERVAN TABLET C04 Chiesge. IH. H.'ld and recommended by 8liernian McConnell lirug Co., luth und UlhIku 8ls viuana, or seui uy niuu um)ii iecrl.l or 1 m nnlnfnl nnd sprioiie. ailments from which xnost mother suffer, can be avoided by the use of "Malliar' Crisis " Tle'i m-oit -m .r1 i n nm IIIVIUII, A IIIO L 1-11 ivwvjj is a joa-sena to women, carrying them through tliein most critica ordeal with safctv nnd no pain. n if :i,r . iT Th Only Double Truck Railway betweof the Mioeourl River nnd Chlcego. AILY TRAINS OMAHA TO 01-110 8.15 pm THE OVERLAND LIMITED btlr. linlli, i'j.hni.e. .Iliilntf cur sail ol.riHt' rr. Flectrlo lightnl (hronshont. 8.00 AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS fttllman Smwinn-rnem sn.l .mri.t le"l'ln can suit dlnluaosni, snd tr m linins chlr cr. 5.50 pm THE EASTERN EXPRESS I'ulln.nn rirswlns room nl touriw les'ilns esr". fircili'liiciir tr. b iltel lihrr ssJ muin csra. llinlnu vnra. 2 OTHER DAILY TRAINS 0 fl 111 rTwlB.nmH(ilsscsrs.l!uniitsi.fc- .T ttll AM tUM sail lllirnrl rnr unit free rcllalii '"u nm vlilrrrts!bieiwo. Hialns ssis. II lrt HI Through nerrirs Oraahs lil.(ein'. 1 I .111 kfi orl-li-Wmarii utiiiKluil ' c.w;h IliWUnia ,,,1 (mrtur nil. Plains ri. O DAILY TRAINS OMAHA TO ... , ST, PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS 7.5D AM ObMrallaa rafe ran, imrlor ran aud cosvhBs. ' O I fl fill Palloi.n aleBMnc eaw; bnltst llbrsrr B :11a i Qi I U can anil fro rwllaiBscha r cara. BLACK HILLS Q (in fill To Fremont. l.lmMra.W. hoo.HiiildC'ltr. 0.UJ "M vork. Ilawilou-s 'ewsrd, l'ni. 80 1 rlor, Norfolk, ions Pine, t'i.r. Mm. Horlns, '-iMilio.od anil CaH. Through isrln ms cllalr osr.1 I'uliinaa alBapi'ig t urni,ice. ' 1 ")C III To FnmniV. Llneoltt, Wnhofi, Norfolk. . I till AM I.o J-Iiib. Verlisrs. rk..iaiel sod tue Hkmdu'I looiKn liMW-Mlloi foi'nln-. I CITY TICKET OFFICE, I 1401 and 1403 Farnam Strest. BECAUSE HOUSEWORK and steady sewing are hard rpn the hands is no reason why a houseworker shou d have hard, stained, unlovely ones, or why a seamstress should be disfigur ed by rougnened fingers.' (Hand Sapolio will gently remove the loosened . cuticle and impart j strength tq the new skin below. Quaker maid Rye Here a to "Ousker . Ms d" Rve! Gives sparkle and . lisht to the eye. We ouaff oi the glass sa long ss it fsata. And then lay it don with a sigh. J AT tCAOINQ BARS, CAf CS ANO DRUO. STORES. , 3. HIR30H A COMPANY, , A KANSAS CITY MO. OSCSSSSSSSSSSSSS5S999e& Dr. Searles&Scarles SPECItLISTS . Curs AU SpswUl DISEASES OF MEM BLOOD POISON WEAK, KERVOUS MEN KIDNEY km BLADDER DISEASES and Medicine Treatment anil $5.00 PER UOHTIi Examinations and advice free at office or by mail. Written contracts given la all curable diseases -ir refund money paid fur trsstmer.C Treatment by mail 1 yearg In Omaha. Cos. 14th nasi Donglas. Oil AHA. 1KB. Every Ycman S4tbI4lMiw simmI ias nsnaacraj MAtrVTL whirling hpry Tba wwlrt-l arru... in, ass m Meat iaf. aasMoal CobvsnlttiL j.-Hi4rw.i7ni "- A SU f i' V llic RY atl.. luscut iiu 'Z Silmr. t.nt mii4 lnio frr I I'lWl'IH WlJt MMH II T fall satleulan as4 iti-i' t., ''.ui'ii is l.-llaa. m ni : Benas 4 TUnsn Bldg., For sale m.lj by V f I U M f, fn litli and Douglas, EUilrl Ob tU., on.aha. . Nebraska. ys?ZZ?"n MEHAND-OMEffr T l U.4 1 t-aaHisOlorssnslsra. ' tm a. dai t (1 1( uaraas,inflamBUoaa .J Uaaiaal. g IrritMuiUS el ulcarslkuM -4,7 mi u iiiittari. v of mucosa Riambrsnas. S-Jj remlui Paiulaaa, sad sul satila. t'JiTllltllWMiCHlMiCAlCs. grut or po hiuhb. cmomsATi.o S Solal by itrwgglsla, I. B, . a. - 4 a" u r1' u w.pij tL I "l ra, rrasaid. -kj i an. in t 'ttlaa :. tucuUI aeul IMS or Hitl in BlAin mraatjas. IMak TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Write lor a Hnutulev t i. TWENTIETH CENTURY, FARMP. Write (or n Snuiple Tnp . TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Write far n kanivle ( i. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Addreaa Ouinkn, kck. - 50 AG.0 9 is 8 fki'iikjk 8 LiTOj, 1 Mm 11 K Hit