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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1903)
TFIE OMAnA DAILY RKE: WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1003. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Ehowi Strength on Report of De crease North nd WeiU , 10CAL TRADERS ARE AFTER SOME Bslllah Peatlmeat fm to Pervade Whole ril and Qalte aa Ad. vance t Registered Before ( I the Close. CHICAGO, Nov. 17 Report of big re Auctions In the Manitoba wheat crop with decreasing receipts In the northwest caused strength In whent today, iind Pecember cloned with a iriiln of lc. Ierember corn was tip V4c, outs were higher, while provision cloned about unchanged. A btilllHh sentiment pervaded the whent pit, and there was an unusually good de mand throughout the session from local traders, which resulted In a big advance In prices. The early market was weak on selling by scalpers who were Influenced by the unfavorable weather' and lower cables, and December opened a shade higher to Vc lower at 7l4i7t'.-',c to 7c. but later a good demand developed from St. Louis houses and northwest traders and the market be came firmer. Moderate receipts In the northwest with higher prices In all outside markets were Instrumental In starting the buying movement which resulted In an ur gent demand during the latter half of the session. A report that the Manitoba crop had been reduced 3fi.000.0iO bushels Induced considerable buying by shorts later In the day, as well as buying by commission houses and closing prices were at the top, Jecember being lc higher at 77Vi77c, after touching 78Tc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to Ml, 3) bushels. Primary receipts were l.too ItiO bushels, against 1.2i2.1U bushels a yenr ago. The world's visible supply for the week as shown by Itradst reel's Increased 3,113. ft) bushels compared with an Increase last J ear of 4.740,000 bushels. Minneapolis and uluth reported receipts of 73 cars, which with local receipts of 27 cars none of con tract grade made total receipts for the three points of WO care, against 1,644 cars last week, and 939 cars a year ago. Corn was under selling pressure at the out aet, especlslly the December option and the market for a time showed weakness. A bear motive was had In the cold weather which prevailed throughout the western and central states. The strength In wheat, however, soon rtlaslnatcd the henrlsh feel ing and shorts became, active buyers. May wam in eood demand the entire day from professional traders, and the strength of this month h fined the December delivery. which was Inclined to an easier tone, due to lower cables and the unsatisfactory con dition of the cash situation. After selling between 41c and 41 "4c. December closed Vc higher at 41'n41,c. Local receipts were S;ui curs, with lis of contract grade. After some hesitation at tne start the oats market became strong. Oood. buying by commission houses freed the pit of surplus Offerings and local traders, finding thev hsd oversold th market, covered freely on the advance. Closing prices were strong with December half cent higher at 8:iVlv4C. afer ranging between and .".:. l.orl recelnta were 217 cars. Kxcept for m. fnodorata recovery from Its decline of yesterday there was little feature to the i,rnvll(in market. Helllnsr January and buy fng Miv lard for the account of a local tmcker was the feature in trading. Offer Insa were light which helped to create a steady tone. January pork closed un chartered at 811.4714. January lard was a shade higher at l"67Vii.70. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 110 ca-rs; corn, 13) cars; oats, 126 cars; hogs, 84.0UJ 'head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artleles.l Open. I High.l Low. I Close.l Yes'y. TliyfiTc; No. 3. rrgTftc; No. 4. Wtc: re jected, 5xii '!".'; No. 2 red, aiixlc; No. I, 78 j '.He. t'ORN-December, IfiHG-Wc; May, V.r; cash, No. 1 mixed, 37c; No. 2 white, 3:y.c; No. A, 87c. OATH No. a white, 3&8.T8c: No. t mixed, liAY-Cholce timothy, $9.50; choice prairie, HYK No. 2. 49HO. BUTTKR Creamery, lSV4330c; fancy dairy, lHc. KfMJR Higher; Missouri and Kansas stork, cases returned, Mc; new No. 2 white wood cases Included, 24Vfcc. Receipts. Bhlpments. Wheat, bu 329.iV 201,"0 Torn, bu 41.800 7.2U0 Oats, bu 15,000 6,0u0 OMAHA WHOLKJALB MARKET. Coaaltlon of Trad aad 4aotatlOBO tapir aad Faner Prodaee. EdOf Fresh stock. 24c. LlVli POI LTRY Hens, 7V4c: sprint chickens. tdfiaVic; roosters, according to age, 4-uOc; turkeys. 14e; ducks, 9c; 7d ic Dressed stock about 2c per lb. higher than live stock. . ... BUTTKR backing stock. 12Vc; choice W finv Hnirv In tulin. 104ilHc: separator, iia. j htBU FISH Uresri cium pickerel, 8c, pike, 10c; percii, 5u.4i,lc: hlueflah. lbc: whliensn, 11c; haddock, 10c; codfish, 12c 11c: lobsters. Donea. per iu. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS 6pculaton Seem Suspicion! How Rather Than Confident. TRADING DWINDLES TO LOW EBB Brisk Aavaare la Rallraads Doeso't Have Expected Resalt of Awakea Isi m Greater Activity, hat Qaltc Otherwise. pet per Wheat Pec. May July; Corn-4 Deo v Mayi' July! OatgJ I'" Msjrr Fors- Jan.t May Lard-j Jan., May Kit; WiGM, 77H 7 7Vt,fi 7t'm 73VI 74 41VW' 41 41. 41 Wsiv, Vi'sW 11 65- 11 67',, ere 72H a Ki :h e 10 s is 6 17 :8H?M 77iWTj,' 78 41 I '41M,i 41 74 41 S 76H'tf'-4, 73V ,(ffM 41V41VH 41l 4iv4 11 47! 11 65 6 i 10 I 17H! 11V47 11 60 70 I 85 10 ! 34'x.H 11 67 T2 17 Cash quotations .were as follows: WH EAfV-No. 8.-72fl1c: No:' ? Ted.' """He. I'fit)MNn 417ict Nn. 1 VelloW. 43C. OAT8 No. 2, 33V4(33c; No. 3 white, St !r'N' 1 R!Ac . ' " :; .. BARLEY-tloodnrerdlng, 36f(a7V4e; fair to choice malting, 421i53c. 8KKI No. 1 nx, c; No. 1 northwest rn, 11.00: prime timothy, 25; clover, con- . . m .nCA PHOV IblONS Mess pork, per bM.j t11.Sf A11.&0: lard, per tm ms., Lia ;i,a.l. dry salted .houldera (boxed). 16.00; short clear tildes ' Recelnts. Shipments, Flour., bbls M 18, Wheat, bu IfH.Wtt .V torn bu. 2ft0.7 . 26.200 Sirtv h,l... ...... ,11H.0. 5100 On the Produce Exchange 4oday the but ter marke was steady; oreamerles, 154T22c; 10o; 6c; buffalo. l&c; salmon. S0r: lubsters. - iv, '.v., . K..i lie: catnsh. 14c; black bass, 2o4c; nal.out. c: crapples. c; nerring, nc; wune i". OYHTlsiRd New York counU, per can, 4Sc, per gal., 32.03; extra selects, per can c, per gai., lio; bluhu.iu, v per gal,. kl.lB BKAin-rer ion, i ov. HAY Prices quoted Dy umana nirair - T1,lr' IsllAn Choice NO. 1 UD- unrl 1 Wl: No. Z. X.UU: metlllMll. coartie, t.U0. Rye straw, i.ou. j new pi iy are for hi of rood color ana auauix. w tnand fair ana receipts ligoi. CORN 4 k!. OAT8-37C. RY&-N0. Z. BOc. VEGETABLKo. POTATOES Colorado, Wo; Dakota, bu., 7C(i'5c; native, 66'aioc. basket, 8fc; Virginias, per 3-bu. DDI., maw I f A x. . v., nti . CELERY-Bmall, per doa.. 25ff3Bc; large 'pRt?rn 4fc ONIONB New home grown, dry. per lb., le; Himnlnh, per crnte. J do. CA H1IAOK Wisconsin rioiiana, iriv- TURNIPfr-Canada RUtaDagas, per id. lc; white, per bu , 80c. CARKO i n r-er du., b c. PARSNIPS Per bu., Brto. FRUITH PEARS Colorado and Utah Kelfers. $1.76, u(nl.i KJ..IHa t? T.tW"? APPLKb Mlcnigan siock,; wainoi- nia Bellflowers, per bex. Il.W New iora Greenings and Balawlns. 3Si; satins; varf- GRAPES California Tokays. i.o; new York, -r -lb. baket, Vki nv Catawba. 22c; Imported Maiapas, o-r B-g, liW-W. I'RANBKKnibs-lfr "d;.. won; per uoa. tXOO; Wlsconein Rell Rugle. 19.60. yUlNCE! :anrornia, per oox, TROPICAL, JfRUIlB. i ORANGES Florida brights and russets, 11 lfH t4.U0. r.KMoN'H California fancy. 100 to 340 sizes, 4.&0; choice 240 to 270 sixes, $4 0&4.2S. K I1H California, ner 10-1D. cartons, too: Imported Smyrna, 8-crown, 14c; 5-crown, 16c; 7-crown, 18c. COCOAN ut per aacit. ii.uo per aos. fine. DATES Persian, per box or TO packages, 19 ml- nor lh In 0-lh. oxes. Cc. BANANAS Per medium aired bunch, $3.0 62.50; Jumbo, 2.7jI&3.2S. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEERE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12c; Wisconsin Young Americas, 13c block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick. tfe Ul.rn.4 n ltmhrirer. 2a. VKNih'V NahruMka. oer Z4 rramea. 13.DU Utah and Colorado, per 24 lrames, W.SJ. m ipi.h. h (ia k nio. oer id., iuc. CIDER Per bbl., So. 76; per -bbl., tllS. POPCORN Per lb.. 2c: shelled, Mx3c IIORSU RADiBit fr case oi aos.. nui o w amuvs, oo. x puvn-ncn, Mo. soit-sneu, per lb.. 12c: . 1,1 1 Vl , llllc: almonds, tofl-ahell, per lb., lbc; hard-shell, per id., iuc; pecana, mrge, it lb., lOllc; small, per lb., 44)(c; peanuts, per lb., Vitc; roasiea peanuts, per io ic; Chill walnuts. iSilSc; large hickory nuts, rer bu., tl.75; shell-barks, per bu., $1.75 00; 'black walnuts, per bu., $1.26; eastern Chestnuts, per lb., 14c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6e: No. 1 green. 6c; No. 1 .salted, 7o; No. . 2 sattedT c: No. 1 veal cair, a to Ji ios., ic; jmo. i yeai rifciHj,1fi Rjs Vc; dry jalte hides. .ta I 'sheep peltf,-275cf hors hldas, U fc0a !60. NEW YORK. Nor. 17. Trading In stocks dwindled to a low ebb today and the dull ness was progressive. This was regarded as a slrnincant Indication following me bear pressure on stocks and was regarded as an Indication that there was little In clination to embark In speculative adven tures as yet. The awakening from a long dormant state of stocks of a number of lens Important railroad companies and their DiisK advance so rar irom navinK an en couraging effect on the buying of stocks seemed, to awaken suspicion, i ne notoriety of the existence of speculative pools in many of these stocks which have a con necting common interest causeu many ru mors of developments In their affairs to bo skeptically regarded. The small volume of capital issues of corporations of this class and the narrow limits of the circle within which they are held makes them specially available for manipulation. The rise In the call money rate to per cent late in tne aay wnicn was atiriDuiea to uui Incursion by stock speculation In minor pools showed the disfavor with whlcn me movement was regarded and turuvd the course or the market downwara. The result was to wipe out tna earner gains which had reached a point or over In many representative siocks. i-ennsyi- vanla especially was in demand, presunv b v from the Short interest ion uncov ered In the stock after its decline. The up ward movement of the morning waa aue to the renewed feeling of confidence over the money outlook. Announcement was made of engagement of gold in Ionlon for export. Half a million dollars was shipped to New Orleans. Part of the demand was 1n In mir,hfises of bills aaalnst the cold engaged for export. There was said to be lui-iff, huvlnir c,r Mterllns Tor investment nv bankers, the process being to purchsse sixty and ninety-day bills sterling to hold to maturity for the hlpher price likely to prevail at that time. This Is In effect a lending of New York resources abroad that nerlod and onerntes to check the inward movement of gold or to lighten the present gold requirements to pay for for eign debts In New York. This Is In Itself an avMonn. rtt t h. Mr mOnSV Conditions In New York. Rates for time loans even for ih ivtv-rinv teriod were ouotahlv easier today and the demand for longer period" was wholly nominal. United Slates Steel was held back by the London view that fnrfhr rots In steel nroducts are likely. Missouri Pacific's net Increase for Beptem- h nf over rjfln.oon was avoraoiy reaaroeo but Its' effect on the general list was offset by the cutting In two of the Lake Shore for September. The market closed dull The bond market was fairly steady, but rti.ll Total sales, rar value. 2.221.0"O. United States 4s declined I per cent on the lust call. Following are the closing quotations on the New iork biock exenange; Rales. Hlarh. Low Close ..12.700 61 63 6.1 .. 870 ..15,920 .. 350 NUTS walnuts, no. I snoit 15c; hard-shell, per lb., 14c; No per lb., 13c; No. J hard-shell, Brazils, per lb., UUc: Alb turn w Grata sol provisions. Nov. 17. WHEAT-Hlgher; 1-XlOS Irm; ar jnaric, easoa included. 2!ilC. CHEESE Easy it 10llc. HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. ob. Varloas ! St ST. LOUIS. No. 2 red. cash, elevator, nominal: track W67o; December, Wc; May, kO&S0c; No. 2 Hard, (r(iir, .-- , CORN iiiKher; -No. 2 cash, track. 4H42Hc: December, l'9Tfcc; May, 39c. UAlb-urm; ro. I casn, oc; iraca, aiw STVic; May, 3k.-. No. 2 white, KV4c. r LOUR uulet; red winter patents, hhhj 4.10; extra' fancy and straight, ei.iOt.06; clear, 3.Bo3.tO. CORNMKAl Steady, 12.30. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 74W7BC. HAY Steady; timothy, 7.5O13.o0; prairie, ss.aimuiio.ou. BKKD Tlmotoy, steady,, prim worth more. IRON COTTON TIES 11.06. B A OG I N I th U Via. HBMP TWINE 60. PROVISIONS Bacon, steady: boxed ex tra, shorts, 8.26; clear ribs, S&.IO; short, clear. 18.75. POl'LTRY Steady; chickens, (tc; sprli 10c: turkeys. 13c: ducks. 10c: geese. He, BUTTKR Steady; creamery. Z2tMtZ3e; dairy, 13'fllHc tUUS 2-lc, loss on. Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio..., do pfd Canuulan Pacitlo Cen. of N. J Chesa. & Ohio Chicago & Alton do ptd..., ChJ. G. W do pfd C. A N. W C, T. Trans do pfd.... C, C, C. & St. L.... Colorado Southern.. do 1st pfd do M pfd Delaware & Hudson Dcla.. L. W Denver & R. G do pfd ; Er.e . do 1st pfd do 2d Did Great Northern, pfd.. Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd - Louisville & Nash Manhattan L. Mot. St. Ry Mlnne. St. J Missouri Pacific M . K. Jk T do pfd N. R. R. of M., pfd.. Mew York central Ing the steel syndicate negotiations raised the price of Iron shines." PARIS. Nov. 17.-mutness .on the bourse opened hesitatingly and there was little ac tivity during tne oay. jm tne cioee tow market was heavy. Private rate of dis count was ilH-lH per cent. IONDON. Nov. 17. Supplies or money were more abundant In the market today and rates were easb-r. Discounts were steadier on a better supply of bills, a strong Amerlran demand tor gom aio rumors 01 a rise In the Bank of England s rate on Thursday next. Business on the Stock exchange was dull and uninteresting. Consols hardened ft fraction. Home rails' were depressed on rumors of the Impending Issues of new capital. Americans opened steady and slightly aoove. parity, prices were orten nominal. They eased afterwards owing to the absence of support, but improved later and closed firm. The festure of foreigners was the firmness of Argentines on conti nental support. Rio Tlntos were firm. Consols advanced at -the close on the gen eral outlook and less likelihood of an ad vance In the bank rate. New York Money Market. NEW IORK. Nov. 17. MONEY On call. firm at 44i per cent; closing bid, 4 per cent; offered at 6' per cent; time loans, ensler; sixty days, 5,ffi6 per centr ninety days and six months, b'j'fjis per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 0 Per cent. ' STERLING EXCHANGE Strona". with actual business In bankers' bills at t4.837ix"(i 4.K1S5 for demand and ut 4.80(f4 S016 for sixty days' bills; posted rates, 4.t)l4.84tt; commercial Mils, It. -4.79. SILVER Bar sliver. 6hc: Mox can dol lars, 4t"y;c. bonds Governments Ponds easier: rail road bonds steady: The closing quotations on bonds are as touowe: 1041 I.. A J. unl. 4. ir Muntuutan r: f. 4a.. 101 rg. V. a. rf. ti, so eouDon 00 u, reg ..i"i do coupon lt7 do new 4a, nn 134H So ne 4a coupoa.-.lM1 So old 4a, rrs....llVt do saw 4a coupon.. llH'fc do Sa, nc 1H do &a, coupon IftlV At-hlann gon. 4a 100 do adj. 41.......... S3 Atlaatlo C. L, 4a.... l M ft O 41 HN'H do. IHa .... t44 Central of Oa. 6a....lSH do .lat Inc 2 rhra. 4t Ohio 44t...'.10l4 Cbii-aco A A. SHa... 74 ('., 11. g. n. 4a D4 C. M. A St. p. . 4a.. IK C ft N. W. con. 7i..l;iHA Mcb. On do 1st Inc Minn. St. U 4a at.-, K. A T. 4a... do la ., N. R. R. of M. . N. Y. C. I. ta... N. J. C. (. (a No. Pai.-lfio 4a do ta Nor. at Weat. e. 4a O. S. L. 4a A par.. C. R. f. A P. 4a. do col. - aa Cf'C. Ft. L. K. 4a t'hlcago Tar. 4a.... Con. Tobacco 4a.... Colo. A 80. 4a. D. A R. O. 4a 'l Erla prior llan 4a.... M do grn. 4a M(4 Kt. W. St I). O. la...l4;uelo.'Fsal Hocking Vallty 4H4.100 4,1 Offered. - t 71 7 J' . !MP , 1 11 .. 11 41 TK4 ,..12 ...initg ..70 7 rnn. conv. v-a a Heading gen. 4a K St. L. A I. M. e. in.. IK'S 91. U A 8. f. fx. 4a. mta at. l. s. w. la az-4, Seaboard A. L. 4a... IkU no. racmc -41 M So. Railway ia US' raa e. la 117 T . t. U A W. 4a.. 7ot, tnion facinc 4a in? do conv. 4a ia V. 8. Steel td (a. ... Wahaah la 11274, do deu. B 61.4 W. ic L. K. 41 Win. Central 4a x OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Beoeipti Terr Light and Priori ImproTed a Little. HOGS CONTINUED ON DOWNWARD COURSE Mdera( Raa af gheesi aatl Lambs aad ss Demand Was Liberal Prices Held rally Steady 1st Spite of Deellae at Other Points. SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 17. Cattle, llogs. Sheep Receipts wrre: cfflclal Monday 6.4t4 .Ta 1,7' Othclal Tuesday S.Out) 7,ou0 lu.OM Two davs this week ... R 4S4 1? 7M 2.7ui Kume days last week.. ..14.023 10,7iio ta,774 Same week before 16.7) H.S-3 M,r;4 Same three weeks ago..lU.MU 41.m Bums four weeks ago....l7,!W B.7f 44,026 Same days last year 10.U4 13,671 81.UU0 il-kiCKlPTS FOR THE TKAR TO PATK. The followlno- table shows the receipts of cattle, bogs and sheep at ttnuia Omaha for too year 10 gate ana comparisons wita uui year: , 1901 1901. Inc. Dec. cattle .79 R3.4o7 n.buJ Hogs l,9.i9.0W 1.941.610 X.U10 Sheep ...1,633,37 l.&01,133 132,24 Average prices p,iu lot hogs ai South Omaha for the last several days with comparisons: Beta 1 uag. iifaiijxu.iim.iim.iUM.usvi. Not, Not. Not. Nov. Nov. Not. Nov. Not. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. I... ... 4... .. t... 7... 8... 9... 10... 11... 12... 13.. 14. Nov. 15. Nov. 10... Nov. 17. 4 , 4 SOU 4 73' 4 72 ?f: 4 81 47 4 61' 4 62 8 51 49 6 61 62 I 66 41 a C 85 6 2&I S 71 6a?i ?4 11 6 71 t 68 i 67 174, a s 7: 10 6 63 4 HI 4 0 4 661 4 641 4 67 4 71 4 69 4 84 4 m 4 04J 4 04 4 03 a 401 4 02 4 03 4 03 4 03 4 02 s e&i a Zt 8 46 t 41 S 4o 43 4 64 6 21 & 69 4 74 S 94 t 61 8 62 8 66 8 62 3 47 8 47 8 43 8 44 4 66 4 64 4 46' 6 28! 6 68, 31 6 67 I 6 63 6 411 S 41 3 S! 4 67; 3 9-. 4 82 3 8 4 901 3 Ml 3 i6 I 4 82 3 87 3 3u 3 43 3 44 3 46 a 3 64 3 41 3 31 3 8: 8 38 3 34 3 32 8 31 8 33 ings. flaotatloaa et the) Day ' X Commodities NRW YORK. Nov. 17. FLOUR Receipts lout hhla.: exDorts. 24.056 bbls.: the mar ket was dull and easier; winter patents, umi:u wintHr stralahts. S3 96i4 Oo: Mln- r.eeif patents, f4.66wt.7p; winter "'ralitht-, UAntSi- . Mlnneaota bakers. I3.70fii3.86; winter' low grades. f2tv,i3.15. Rye flour. ,,..1.1- rir 1,1 mxiri t; 2 i3.40: choice wv. !345uS.65. Buckwheat flour, dull CoRNMKAli Steady; yellow western. aim- ltv tl! kiln dried. t3.00il3.06. ittli Nominal; No. 2 western, 62c, f. 0. b., slioat; stats and Jersey. 6t'58c. ttARLKY Steady; feeding, 40c c. I. f., Tifalo- maltlna. 4.V4i6kl r. 1. f.. Rutfa O, wiiKAT Recelnts. bu. ; exports, 49.- BH bu. Sot. firm; No. 3 red. 86c. elevator x- n.i kkU.o f o ti. afloat: No. 1 north .' rinhrth kuc. f.-o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard, Manitoba nominal., f. o. b. afloat. Options ' opened firm and higher and were later sus tained by fears of damage from freeslng weather west, smaller ni ui cmci mnit cov-erlim of December shorts. In the afternoon good support by Chicago bulls and exoort rumors added to tne scare of shorts, cl.wlng the market up firm at 7c net advance. May. MM2c; cjlosed at 2ac; July. 7SH794c; cloeed at (9c; x kAas "Ul. afs WtiVi i"lrUB 8k t Kfk'- I7t t fill t4 , lH' . ' . ak- tX)RN Receipts, 15.500 bu.; exports, 265. ,.1 .., o. rm- No. 2. 49c elevator, and r.;,"" Ko. 4 vellow. 60c: No. e i.wi.i iui.'.. Th notion market opened Steady, then broke under active unloading and weaker cables. on:y to recover with late upturn In other JTi.rketa close whs firm and a -nH higtoer; May. 4,4 i7w .-insert at 47Ac: December. 48 S-lfrtf OAT8-Recelpta, 93.000 bu : exports. 6.9K5 v.. rmr- No . 4'K"c: standard whit,, aiilc: No. 3. 6Mic: No. i white, 42c; No 3 white, 4i4jc; track, weateru white, HAT Quiet; shipping, HOPfl Hleodv; state, common to choice. lna 24(u32c: WS, tlti26c; olds. 912c; fa Clflc coast, m!. 12il!c. HIDKS gteadv; Galveston. IhftJS lbs., California. 2125 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, SO lbs., 14c. I K.ATHER Steady; acid, 231 2ic. PROVISIONS Beef. steadv; family tlfl it an 11 00: mess. 38 nofi 60; beef hams. 8.0 2fi22 75: packet. t (ti 10 00; city extra Indian Mess. 31 5a 17.00. Cut mald. Irrir ular: rb kled bellies. $9 0t( Hl.00: pickled Khmilrlers. 86-00: plrxled hams fl0.T5UM.6' liard. dull: western steamed, 37 60: refined. quiet: continent. 17 tw; outn Am-nca. X7 t MmM,in4 i. Pork, steady: fsmllv 3imi0; short clear, 813 26JJ 16.00; mess, 313 CO'tf 13 75. RICE Steady: domestic, fair to extra, 4-iiic: Ja'ian. nominal. TALIXJW Dull; city, 4c; country, 4'i C4X-C BUTTFR Receipts, 7,177 pkgs.; market dairy, l.v.i'JOc. V CH EEs-K Receipts, 10.064 pkgs.; market oulet; state, full cream, stale, colored. September. llc; late made. 10c; small, Willie, fcirptember, 114c: late made, l4ac; Inrgc-, colored, B-pteuler, llc; lata made, loV'; Urae, white, BeptenUier, llc; late noe 10, c EtKtS Receipts. 8.818 pkgs.; market firm; western, 23430c. Dalai Uralai Market. Dl'Lt'TH. Nov. IT. WH RAT On tra.-k, .No. 1 northern. 7"Wc; No. 3 northern, 77c; lx-cemner. 7SSc; May, 7Hc. OATti S2c Flour, bbls.... Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu.. Oats, bu Recelnts. 10,000 ...,.53,000 ....32.000 60,000 Shipments 17.000 Si, 000 16.000 26,000 89V IW N 74 73-1 74 874 87 87' m 117 lis 11 153 I, 800 2S 2X 2K 8,200 32", 636 70 70 69 btiO )5 14 . 14 100 26 2-x bOO 1644 164 163 .' 200 17 17 ' 17 '3,010 ii' ii 1214 6u0 63 62 62 600 22- 81 21 153 100 238 238 238 64 II, 660 . 27 . 26 26Vi 1.200 66 6t4 8,700 ' 49 ' 47-) ' 48i 160 250 70 , 70 70 '...,. 81 4 129'4 128 128 -76) 2i ' 19, 20 400 3T 35 ... 35 . &I0 lft 17 , 18 Z.200 . M-j. II U London Stock Market. LONDON. Nov. TT.'-'ClosIng: Consols, mooajr... M -! 14, V. Cantral... X8 fi-ia Norfolk Sc Vint. OO pfd .. f Ontario a- W... .. K lr,nyl vanla ... .. tl Rand Mlnia .... ..IM'1, Rndlns .. M do lat ptd .. 1614 'do It pfd ..141 Bo. Railwar .... ,. 10 do ptd .. 1 Ho. Pacific ... 1 . Union Parlfle ... ... n . do ffi ... 4KS l 8. Stael ... 41 do' tfd Wbah ...ldlVa do pfd .lima do account Anaconda Atchtaon do pfd haitlmors A Ohio Canadian Paclflo rhea. A Ohio Chlrano Gt. Writ C. M. A St. P.. DoRaon benrar A R. O.. do etd Erla do lat pfd...... do td pfd Ililnola Central .. a n K. A T .14.850 41 60ff76c; good to Isc: NEW YORK, Nov. 17 -Ppeclal cables and telegraphic communication ret.-eived by Rradslreet s shows tne loiiowing cnangas In available supplies as oompsred with lust account: Wheat United States and Canada.! east of the Rocky mountains, increased 3,213,000 bu. Afloat for and in Europe, decreased 60O.COO bu. Total supply Increased 3,113,000 bu. Corn t nlted Htates and Canada, east of the Rocky mountains, decreased 444,000 bu. .. Oats United States and Canada, east of the Rocky mountains, 6M. 000 bu. Among the more Important increases re ported this week, are those of 700,000 bu. at northwestern Interior elevators, 600,000 bu. at Manitoba storage points and 12&.0U0 bu. at Chattanooga, Leading decreases are 48,000 on. at Chi- cngo private elevators and - 238,000 tu. at Bt. josepn. Philadelphia rrodace Market. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 17. BUTTER Firm, good demand: extra western cream ery, 2'-'V(T-Sc; nearby prints, 24:. EUUB-rlrm, good demand; I rein nearby, 90c loss off; western, 2c)29c; southwestern. 2Mj27c; southern. 24u25c. CH EES B Dull and easier; New Tork full creams, fancy, lli12c; choice, llc; fair to good, 10WHV.C Mlaaeapolls Wheat, rlosr aad Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 17. WHEAT-De- ceinlier. 79"mC; May, 791c; on track. No. 1 hard, 82c; No. J northern, 8lc: No. 3 north ern, 7c; No. 3 northern, 73'U7fc. FLOl'R r li st patents, 4.6i4.7S; second patents, 34.604,4.60; first clears, 33.20423.30; second clears, 32.3Wi'l 40. BRAN in bulk, l3.2o. 200 300 .12.750 . 1.100 . 3u0 Norfolk at Western... 1,100 do pfd Ontario 6 Western... 1,416 Pennsylvania 104,674 P., C. C. dr. St. L.... Reading do lat pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. A S. F do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. 8. W do pfd St. Paul do pfd Southern Pacific ... Southern Railway ., do pfd Texas & Pacific...., T.. St. L t W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd...... , Wabash do pfd Wheel. & L. E Wisconsin Central., do ptd , Adams Express .... American United States Wells-Fargo Amalgamated Cop. Amor. Car A Foun. do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil.. do pfd Amer. Locomotive, do nfd Amer. Smelt. 4V Refln. do pfd Amer. Sugar Refln. Anaconda Mln. Co. Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel A Iron.. Col. A Hock Coal Consolidated Gas ... General Electric International Paper . do pfd International Pump.. do ofd National Biscuit...... National Lead North American Pacific Mail People's Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do Dfd Pullman Pal. Car Republic Steel 40 do pfd 1.400 Rubber Goods do Dfd ' Tenn. Coal A Iron U. 8. leather do nfd U. 8. Rubber do rfd U. 8. Steel do Dfd Western Union .... Northern Securities... Total sale for the 4,315 11 100 l0o t.m 141 1H94 1394 9,100 ' MM 8,000 200 200 100 4.700 Lib lit 11 63 - 63 63 ' 89 88 88 16 16 ,16 34 84 V4 34 88 36 36 117 116 116 60 64 64 82 20 19 19 113 112 112 . 56 89 38 38 75; 120 66 65 S64 4.250 23 22 22 , 100 69 69 64 ' '.'.'.'. 60 , 450 44 43 43 , 820 . 12 12 12 , 410 80 30 29 .14,1.01 136 135 , 100 173 173 , 6,660 42 41 , 9o0 17 li . 360 73 73 . 420 23 224 .10,000 21 19 . 8.006 82 804 .21.200 71 70 . 626 86 86 . 400 19 19 . S.326 33 22 16 'ieii 34 84 a gV. BAR SILVER Steadv. 27V4d ner nonce MONEr-3fi3i4i uer cent: the rate' of din. count In the .open market for short bills Is 1 i-u4i4'4 per cent: the rate of discount In the open market for three months' bills la c5 per cent. - . ' ., Bank, Clearings. OMAHA. Nov. 17.-Bank rleArlnsrs fnr In. day, 81,898.926.18, an Increase of 361,815.13 over the corresponding day last year. Cotton Market. 8TV LOUIS. NOV. "17.4-COTTON Wlrm tint unchanged; middling, . llq; sales, 70 bales; receipt 900 . bales i Ehlpmenuj 163 bales; stock, 8,077 bales. ' C W 4J IN-B,'' rOV. .7. COTTON Flrnv; oales, 3,700 bales: ordinary. 8 3-lc: good ordinary, o; middilog, 10c; good middling. lll-16c; middling fair. llf-16c: receipts, 8,021 bales; stock, 245,460 bales. f utures, nrm uary March. 11.2a;iiit:Ut23o:ljaiPrll. ll.ioiill 37c: Mav 11411.44)-Jupts Wjj,lV62c; July, lLfcHf 11.66c..- ... ........ i NEW YORK,' Nov. 17.-COTTON-The market opened weak' at 1 a decline of 6fa points under-further-liquidation and selling for short account JhHt was encouraged by the lower cables And the prospect, for record-breaking receipts. After declining an - other point or two, however, huylng orders began to come (a and aoon after the call prices were back to the prices of the pre vious night. Entlmates -rfor tomorrow at leading points begun to come in. selling or ders increased-somewhat e-nd the market In the middle of LUe forenoon was 12fcl4 points net lower. Willi the tone feverish and excited.1 The weather reports from the northwestern belt, were-very bad end pre dictions of snow and aleet came drifting In, with the forecast still pointing lower. This rallied the market -m smite or the neavy movement,. and in tlje early afternoon trad- Decame active. - exports 38, 19 ' 66 200 37 100 . 610 1,010 1,660 . 100 .24,89 . 10 . 100 . J.230 . 20.1 . 660 75 43 87 138 67 39 29 10 177 174 37' 19 66 27" 42 87 116 67 38 29 10 160 10 150 10 Market. Kaaaas City Urali aad rravtiloaa. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 17. WHEAT De- ctuiber, 6io; M, .;-c; cash, No. 3 hard. Liverpool Gi LIVERPOOL, Nov. 17. WHEAT Spot, steady; No. t red western, winter, 6s 2d; futures, steady; December, 6a 4d; March, 6s 31: June. 6s 2 VI. CORN Spot, easy; American mixed, 3s 10d; futures, steady; November, Sa im,d, December, 3a 10 -a. Mllwnnkee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. 17. WHEAT Mar ket firmer; No. 1 northern, 81o; No. 3 north ern. 7tr7o: May, 77o asked. KYR Firm: No. 1. fcotK";. BARLEY Firm: December, 65c; sample. CORN May. 46c. .Toledo Seed Market TOLEDO. Nov. 17. SEED Clover, cash, $6. 47 S; liecember, 36.60; January, 36.55; Feb ruary, to 60; March. 86.66; prime timothy, 31.85; prime alaike. leeo. . Feeria Market. PEORIA. Ill . Not. 17.-CORN Steady to lower; New No. 4. 37c; No. 3, 41,c; No. 4. 40c. Oil aad Holla. OIL CITY. Not. 17. OILS-Oedlt bal ances, 8177; certificates closed, 31 60 bid. Sales, t.t) barrels at 31 .80; shipments, 6.,,.jn bbls.: average. M 266 bbls.; runs. 27.- fnB I. his ; average, 67. 806 Shipments Lima, 6.rt3 bbls.: average. 69 si puis.; runs, Lima, 1H7M: avenue, w.14 Mill. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Nov. 17. till Tur pentine, firm: c Roeln firm: A. B. C. D, fc 13: E, F. 12S"r2; O. 2.4o2 4i: H. 82.45 1 t: K. U; M. fj.00; N, 83 20; W. O. fO J-, W. W. 8.60. 200 11 U' 3,115 380 3,100 .... 600 .... 6"0 .... 100 !!!!ii.'6i'i6 ....460 476 94 27 T 60 11 62 84 ivi 27 6 49V4 r 75 8 io 60 84 135 1724 41 17 73 22 19 SI 7u 86 18 83 . 14 15 33 219 1H 100 195 .87 18 66 25 12 74 42 tm 117 64 S8U ' 178 14X lOll 00 80 68 S4 11 70 23 93 27 6R 210 . 1 49 n 27 7 75 8 36 lo 83 , . . la . Wt4j . 4H . s .. WVa . H . r . 114 ... tM, ,. ,. 78 .. 14 .. 11 .. SSVt ,. 1 .. S4 26 1 " 'i 26 .. 19 , 18 12 19 . 14 6 1 t 'a 'i 8 1 123 39 2 f 2 Si t 15 t 85 3 S Swan Land 4k Cattle Company Wyo. 10 cows 9f 2 36 51 cows 72 1 70 t steers 930 3 75 Grace Creek lave Stock Co. Wyo. 86 feeders.. 797 3 60 13 feeders. .1006 3 28 O. 8. Moore Wyo. 17 feedem. ,Vi S IS rows 741 27 feeders.. f7 8 2S 13 heifers... 6."9 21 cows 79 2 10 R. Temple wyo. 11 cows 15 2 76 t cows 16.. 1 bulls 1490 190 s steers. ...iimi 28 steers. ...1139 8 35 1 Steer 1J10 6 feeden..iKio 2 S5 T. II. Mallry-cr-lo. 20 feeders.. 7S 2 95 la feeders.. S4 3 1 feeder... WO 2 85 1 steer ux J w 0 cows 870 2 30 X feeder. . .1130 3 80 . HOOS-Thcre was a fairly liberal run of hogs here this morning and prices con tinued their downward course at sn point". The decline here amounted to fully 6'iilfc. but trading was fairly active, so lhat all nn early arrivals were imposca 01 10 ''" season. Heavy hogs sold :srgciy irotti . o 14.45. with a few common loads lielow 34.40. Medium weight hogs sold from ft. 4 to 64.50 and lights from tnnt up to ii.o.t.. A good many of the trains were late In arrivlmr. so the market did not come to an early close. , When the late trains did srrlvo packers took hold vcrv freelr and brnight the nos at stronger prices than they paid early. All of thm seemed to want a few loads and us a result trading was active. As high as 84.65 and ft. 074 was paid ror ngnt hogs on the latter end of the market, rep resentative rales: butcher i teers, f? .SMI I 90 ; steers under 1vy lbs., f.t.0(i4.7S; and fte.lers, 32. V I 10; cows and heifers, ti. J.Vji 4 26 : canner-, tl 7.-1 J.1S; bulls. J O".,.1: cslve-a, t4 34 M ; Texas and Inillim "leers. i .SOI4S.6O; cows and heifers, f2 0"' HOGS Receipts, 5.M0 head. Market Heady to lower. Pigs and linhts. M 4o-t4 7"; pai krs. f4.3oi4.70; butchers and best heavy, f4.V-ti4.Mi. 811 KEP Receipts. 2,000 bend. Market steady. Native mutton. ,3.1 oyi:l 6; lambs, "'.of; culls and buck!?, S2.504J .; et.K-k-ers, 2.OO02.6O. Klani City Live Stork Market. BIOV'X CITT, Nov. 17 -(Ppeclnl THe gram )--CATTLE Receipts, !.'"; market steady ; beeves, fn.7S4i5.o0; cows, bulls nnd mixed, tlMNKMS SO; stork. -rs anil feeders, f2.5) 3.iif; calves and arllngs. f3.2itf 3.30. IK )(',.S -Receipts. 6.4.41; market loq lower at t5.2!4i5.50; bulk. 15 405.45. Kvaporntrd Apples aad Dried Frnlts. NEW .YORK. Nov. 17. EVAPORATED I'l'l.r.a-The market continues quiet, with undertone easv. Common are onoted choice at 6ti6f, is, firm. Dwqejnber, Jan ll.09ifll.10c; February, 11.14ra)ll. lttc; 488 66 628 1,242 479 1,679 691 1,472 94 1.814 167 180 124 74 211 71 90 14 68 668 3 304 ..... today were market was day. ii'iiioo shares!1 Boston stock ttnotatloaa. BOSTON. Not. 17-rall loans, fifi. re cent; time loans, 60f6 per cent. Official closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atrhlaoa 4l MS4 Allouaa Max. Coul.4s V lAiulaamatad . . l , ii:1. . aticmaun ...,...., ....toauMa do Sfd Roatos A Alkar---'9 boatos A Mama 171 Bostna Rla 144 N. T , N. H. A U..1 ritlhburt pfd IM taioa Pari 1" Max. Caatral inar. Huiar da l'a ... Amor. T. A T.. Ik.a. I. A S ... onral Elactrlo MM. Klactrtl do ptA taltad rrult .. 11. S. sta4 do pfd Wasting houaa Adraatur 'l. a lu antanalal Coppar kins .. uomlalon Coal rraaklln Ill Korala .... Mokawk - Old Oowlklos . llTSi Oacaola IK1 farrot myumscr Sa sanu Fa Ceapar... .141 . It . 1 . rr iTamaravk Trlullr IVtmed autas ln4 Victorta Km Wloooa ...... 4 Wolaarlae II, Pal Wait ... 4-4 rri, ji tto - 4 . ' . 11M n ' J , av : 1 , 17V . aa New York Mlalna tgnotallona. J NEW YORK. Not. 17.-The following art tna rniu quuiauuiia un mining stocks: Adans Cea A Hue t ..14 t-matock Tunnot.... T ca. ( al. A Va Hora SIlTar lu Irus 11 1 rar 144 Ladllla Cea I Luna t klaf f Offered. OnUrie phlr 'Pkoaals Poloal 1 Siaria Navadk Saaall Koan .. giaadara ..OS .. II .. Ja .. It ..toe Foreign FlnaaelaL BERLIN. Not 17. Stocks on the bourse continued dull. Favorable report legaid- ina- mailer and New York spot quiet and unchanged, IjIVJKKPOOU OV. 17. Cin-ITJJN epoi. troderate business done, prices 14 points lower; American middling fair, 6.24d; good .11-1 m iul.1 . I... !... H t.A Inn. I .1 dllng, 5.92d; good ordinary, 6.82d; ordinary,. 5.72d. The sales of the day were e.oou Da:es, of which 500 were for speculation and ex port and Included 4,700 American. Receipts, 17,000 bales. Including 16,800 American. Fu tures opened easier ana cionea easy; Amer ican middling, g. o. c, November. 5.84 I. sod; November and December, 6.7&45.79d: December and January. 6.7di; January ana February, 6.73t6.74d; February and March. 6.72d; March and April, 6.73d; April and May, S.72(g5.7Bd; May and June. 6.7:46.73d ; June and July. 6.7lua.72d; July and August, 6. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Not. 17.-METAL8 There was an advance of 10s for spot tin In I -on-dun, where that position closed at 116 13s 6d and futures were finally quoted at 117 15s. Locally tin was quoted at 825.1025.50. Copper was . unchanged In London, spot closing at 56 16s -and futures at 66 10s. Locally copper waa rather unsettled, with lake and electrolytic, and casting all quoted t tin on Iead was unchanged "according to offi cial nimtstlona. at 84.25 In the local market. though the big rpoducers are quoting spot lead In lots or nny ions or over at a.i. London was unchanged at 11 Is 3d. Spelter was dull and more or less nomi nal locally at 36.62 and London was un- olianaxul t flUS 16d. Iron closed at 4m 9d In Glasgow and at 49. ftrl in Mlddleaborough. Locally iron was onlet. No. 1 foundry southern is n.w.tad st 11Vuil6.00: No. 3 foundry north m 114 ?.vitfi oo: No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft at 8X3.76 14.25. t ' Wool Market. bt fil'ia. Nov 17. WOOL Quiet: me dium grade, combing and clothing, 17 2Hc: light fine, 15il7c; heavy fine, ' 120 14... washed. XooiJOc. - BOSTON, Nov. 17. WOOL The market the past week has been dull, hut prices have held steady. The market for fleece wools has been firm with moderate buying, In territory wools me oemuno continue. quiet with a belter call for fine and tine medium grades. Foreign wools are quoted at unchanged figures, with a dull mar ket. Current quotations on aomestio woois may be sumniarixea as iuuows: territory, Idaho, mie, injur; "no nicuium nwnn, moriinm ixrl9c : Wyoming, line. 14ft15c; fine medium, ltniio: meoiiim, in'vtjit-; ITtah and Nevada, fine, lMilic; rlne me dium, 174t'17c! medium, ivryr; Dakota, fine, 154t 16c; line meaium, miv tiv-; me dium, iy;ac; Montana, nne cimice, iwqmc. staple, iudfilc; medium choice, 2otj21c. CoBee Market. - NEW YORK. NeVjlt COFFEE Steadv; No. 7 Rio. 6Vc The market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline OI S points. Uliot-r iiifuiunuun, ma absence of Dressing aemanu ana ruiea generally quiet during the entire session. Receipts at primary points wore man aim the primary market was firmer, but the European markets snowea lime lenaency and attempts to realise srter the opening essed ' prices off somewhat. To ward the close, however, there was some covering bv room shorts aud tha market was generally steady, net unchanged to I points lower, dales were so.iau una, in cluding December et 6.&aio 6oc; March, 6 8Mi6 9i)c; May. 4fi.10c; July, 64Hj25c; September, kU(&; October. .8u4i6.35c. agar Market, NEW ORLEANS. Not 17 8COAR Quiet, open kettle centrifugal, 3't41e; cen trifugal whites, J. fin 13-16c yellows. IW& 8 ll-16c: seconds. 2,t'lVc. MOLASSES Open kettle easier. 254128c: eentiifugal easier,' 104 25c; syrup quiet, 26 t36f. NEW YORK. Now. 17-81'fJAR Raw nominal: fair refining, 8c: centrifueal. 91 teeC Sr; intilasees lunar, Sc. Refined timet: crushed, i.'iuc; poderd, 4.80c; gran ulated, 4.7UC Indicates Sunday. . The offlcial number of cars of stock brought in tuoay by each road was: Road. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. t. ., m. et bi. f. Ky.... l Wabaah ... 8 Mo. P. Ry 7 Union Pacific system .... 2 C. A N. W. Ry 4' F., K. & M. V. R. R.... 24 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry... 2 B. & M. Ry 41 C. U. & Q. Ry K. C. & St. J C, R. I. A P., east 9 C, R. I. ft P., west .. 6 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Great Western 2 Total receipts 134 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Iluyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omuha Packing Co 488 66 670 Swift and Company .... 628 1,242 1.027 Cudaiiy Packing Co. .. 479 1.679 2,104 Armour ft Co 591 1,472 2.0&0 umana rug. Co., Bt. joe Armour ft Co., 8. C... Vansant ft Co Carey ft Benton ' Lobman ft Co W. I. Stephen Livingstone ft 8haller .. II. F. Hamilton 1 F. Huss Wolf ft Murnan Sam Wertheimer Morton ft Grvgson ' Mike HaKarerty Other buyers 304 ..... ' 7.799 Totals 3.506 7,630 13.60 CATTLE There waa a mucTt smaller run of cattle here this morning than was gen erally anticipated and aa a result the mar ket waa tusuve, with the tendency of prices .pwaxd on most lines. Both feeder buy ers and packers took - hold of desirable grades freely and all the early arrivals were soon out of first hands. There were ten or a doxen cars of corn fed ateers in the yards this morning, but moat of them were rather lnfqrior. Good stuff sold at steady prices a compared with yesterday's slumu. but tha warmed- up and unmonatuff was very -nurd to-dispose of at any price. Packers do not seem to want that class of 'cattle and a a result salesman have hard work tp dispose of IL ine cow market Was active and stronger this morning. Packers all wanted a tew, and the light receipts made them hustle to get their more urgent ordefs filled, gome sales were perhaps fcloc h gher, but the general market could best be described bv tailing t active aud strong. Bulls, veal calves and stags also sold to fully aa good advantage as they did yesterday.' There was a very fair demand for stock came rrom tne country yesterday, con sidering that It was Monday. Aa a result speculators were ail anxious for more cat ne mis morning and, as receipts were very light, they forced prices up consid erably. Some of the choicest grades sold ail or lie or 30c higher, but the general market was probably . around a dime higher. Common cattle, of course, did not Imnrove aa much. There were very few western arans ha. steers on sale, but it would be safe to quote the market steady on all desirable frradea. Range cows were strong and act ve, with feeders generally -a dime higher and In some cases sales were made aa much aa 16o or 20c higher. Representative aioai - . . BEEF STEERS. No. Ar. Pr. Nn. Av. t 10i I M II ......1Jt i I 4 1 ad 11 . in. to 41 I 14 ,...1 11 829 S an 11 ,-. 11 104 4 14 COWS. to 1 16 . 1 MM) l una t 40 t loot 14 174 I 44 ft 710 4 10 t 14 1 JJ10 t no j 7i i 8 TOT 1 IS ' HEIFERS, l tie t it - m an 11 414 t M 1 450 1 441 1 41 KM) 1 T40 3 10 i: 4M J3ULL8. 1...., 1"0 1 44 t ...15M 1 144(1 ill 1 7JO 8TOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 4 t ! II. .. 7- WYOMING. . " 47 ateers.. ..1079 3 20 103 steers No. in.... 14.... f.o.... s l... TS.... IT.... SO 1 . ... 4(1.... IT.... 47.... 11.... Si... M.... 41.... 44..., W..., H..., IT..., e..,, S... HI..., 4... 47... II... -..... M... ... ..., 60... 4... 14... "4... 14.... At. ..I'M ...SM , . .80 .. 4fT .'..? ,..t0 ...321 ...K4 ...74 ...til ...131 ...Sl ...s?o ...s ...IS! ,,.inj ...SCO ...too ...Sno ...His ....lie ...0 ...Jo . ..J.11 ....1X7 .... . ...R(.J ,.,.! ,...3r.4 ;...!74 ,...? ....rsj ,...rM ...,7 ,...111 ....g-J , ...m th. II 40 16l 1 art 170 0 1 "0 uo no 140 40 K0 10 an 1J0 l?o 100 in wo Ml JKO no ico T40 1(0 ISO no to 10 40 10 110 Pr. 4 ss 4 K 4 IK -4 4 4 40 t 4 4" ' 4 40 -4 40 . 4 40 4 40 4 o . 4 40 4 40 . : 4 40 4 40 4 40 I 424j 4 4 42a 4 41 4 4:s 4 4?v, 4 41 . 4 42'4 4 4(1 4 41 4 4.'. 4 4S 4 4 4 45 . 4 4 4 41 4 43 . 4 45 4 41 4 44 Va. 48.. 17.. 41.. 17.. 1 IT M. 14... 74... M... 45... M... 14... C4... .... 4S... 4... 14. .. M. .. 67... 15. .. rji... M... 4.. .7J.. (.. ft . ... TO.. ' . 10.. IT. . 17.. .. .: 10.. A. .S30 .IM .911 171 T7T ?4 .151 ..?5 ..t4 ..80S . .310 ..Ml .,!55 .-.ns . .!5 ..:79 ...304 ..r.t ..m . ,2R4 ,..i;-s ..til ,.. ...14 ,..1I ...J57 ...2S7 ,..170 . . .1S5 ...M th. 10 ISO i40 0 0 180 no 140 Vl 41 180 )0 120 .m 0 rwi 40 180 in ;to 120 no 40 140 Kl 4 4J 4 41 4 45 , 4 45 4 41 4 4S 4 45 4 4". 4 i 4 41 . 4 45 4 45 4 474 4 474 4 47k, 4 474j 4 47a 4 47'i 4 47 4 47.4 4 47 4 471, 4 47, 4 47V. 4 50 4 r.o 4 50 4 50 4 52i 4 SS'i 4 51 4 65 4 Ml 4 51 4 C24 4 15 4 7'4 Al the at 4fi.V; prime at 4VTT6c: nnii inncv at 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED RTMTS Trune have met with some extrorl Inoulrv. but ) little business has resulted nnd the mnrk't remains unchanged, m-lth quotations rang ing from 2iri7c for all guides. Apricot are quirt. Choice nve quoted at 8"4f9Vtc; extra choice at liHflOHc, and fancy at H t12c. I'eaches are unlet, with choice held at 7Vif"IVc; extra choice at 71jS)4C, and fancy at V4tlcvc. Dry Uoada Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 17.-DRT OOODH- The market has been ctiuracfcrlsed hy hesitancy on the part of buyer and seller. not n shies are awaiting developments in the raw cotton market and are not pre pared to say what they will do. More con-i-ervatlsm by buyrvs has been remarked during the day, but a good 'many orders for future delivery have been refused. Whlaky Market. CINCINNATI. Nov. 17. WinSKT-Dls-tlllers' finished goods steady on basts of 31.25. - .!.-- PEORIA. Nov. 17-WHlSKY-On the basis of 31-26 for finished goods. REAL KST4.TH THAXSKEltS. SHEEP There was a moderate run of Cheep nnd lambs here this morning, and In spite of the fact that Chicago was quoted much lower- prices here held fully steady on all desirable grades. Puckers seemed to oe anxious ror rresn supplies, anil as int ra were not vcr many killers Included In the offerings trading was brisk and prices fully steady with yesterday. This vai true o both sheep and lambs. . I here was also a good Inquiry ror Teeners, nd In fact the demand waa fully as large ns the supply, and everything changed bands In good season at steady prices. Common kinds of course were more or less neglected the-same as usual, but still they sold to as good advantage ae they did yesterday. Quotations for grass stock: Choice west ern lambs, 64.604.76; fair to good lambs. 14.3)414.00: choice yearlings,'; iair to good yearlings, ;-8.1o3.40; choice weth ers, 3.zrcu3.60; fair to good wetners, sj.uuw 8.26; good to choice ewea, 82.75tt-3.on; fair to good ewes, 2.G04j2.76; ti oice feeder lambs. 309410: fair to good reeder lambs 73.26'9 3.76: baby lambs. K.mii.bO: teener year lings, 33.MKiT3.30; feeder wethers.; feeder . ewes. IZ.umiiz.zb; cuus, i.iaxo.w. Representatives, sales: Av. 1K9 native-fed ewes 102 1044 Wyoming wethers 1" 48 native-fed wethers t.t uu 13s native-fed wethers 92 9- Mexican lambs vi 1430 Mexican yearlings 64 601 Nebraska feeder lambs 69 269 Wyoming cull ewes M vs Wyoming ewes... fine Wyoming feeder ewes.: 93 222 Wyoming feeder ewes 0 201 Wyoming feeder 'ewes 7 861 Wyoming feeder ewes. V) 64 Wyoming ewes... no 211 Wyoming ewes 91 837 Wyoming ewes. .'. 92 4fiS Wyoming feeder lamb.. 60 i'(ft wvnminsr reeoeir vearunas.k.. vo SIS Wwomlng ftdt. lambs.. , 3 76, lWl.Wyonalng feeder lambs....... u ; 3 w . Pr. 3 00 3 40 3 45 8 90 t 00 3 85 4 00 1 36 .2 16 2 15 2 IS 15 t 60 1 60 1 65 2 70 t n 8 40 1034 Wyoming lamtis... 136 Wyoming cull ewe 269 Wyoming cull liimln...,.:.. .. SOLD YESTERDAY 868 tTtah feeder ewes 43 Wyoming feeder eweh 118 Utah ewes 201 Wyoming ewes 21 Wyoming ewes 26 Wyoming ewes 14 Wyoming cull yearlings lflO Wyoming feedor yearlings.. 370 Wyoming feeder .yearlings.., 173 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 106 ITtah yearlings....... 2il Wyoming feeder lambs 715 Wyoming feeder lambs 11 Wyoming yearlings S16 Wyoming cull lambs 342 Wyoming feeder larnns 68 , 61 69 33 83 m 91 101 90 100 73 80 K SI 70 63 50 93 68 67 4 00 4 76 1 2 t 30 f 06 ' t 15 I 70 I 80 I 90 1 90 8 00 3 40 8 40 8 40 2 40 I 60 3 65 3 75 3 75 3 70 800 100 100 Deeds filed for record yesterday aa fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street: William 8. Erlght nnd wire to TOdlth J. McCnv. lot 3. block 1 ' Haarlnr's ' 3d addition to Val'i-y I Helen Aub to Fred D. Wend: nH of rltt fet of lot 10, Mock 16, Improve ment association Jacob U. Heath, et nl, to Timothy T. Muntirr. lot 6. Freeman s addition.... Beni.miln Kolsom and wife to Kred u. w euu. part loi o, oiock city.... Benjnmtn Folsom and wife to I'red it. part Davenport ana aim slrici vacated ' 2 D. V. Bltliles Co.. et nl. to Fred Kavan, nH of wl24 feet of lot 2. block 4. 8. E. Rogers' addition 2.009 Saunders County Nntlonal bnnk to Charles G. Bird, lot 14. block 2. Mayne's addition to Omaha R. P. Brewster to Mary H. and Fran ces B. Brewster, part 34-16-u1 John L. Soil, et al. to Mary L. Noyce. lot 6. block 2. Irvlngton..... John L. Soil, et al. to Anna J. Noyce, lot 4, block 2, Irvlngton..., i5 Mattle L. Valentine to John Schunett gen, lot 25, block 2, Forest Hill ad- dltlon . 4.600 James H. Sherwood to Mary A. Push- lan, 24x132 feet, lot 7. Housere suo- dlvlslon, Capitol addition..... 1,260 Florence company to Aetna Trust company, lot 1. block 129 Florence.... J Frans Dargacxewskl ond wlfs to Lottie Dargacsewski, subdivision lot 2. of . lot 34. BWV4. nwVi. 27-1612 J Lottie Dargacrewskl- to Matilda- Dar- faciewskl, suDaivtsion lot i ot iui 4. sw, nwH. 27-15-12 Midway Investment company td Frank Benda. w434j feet of lots 11 and 12, block 1, Potter ft Cobb's addition.... John Tweedy and wife to OtistaT Pegnu, lot ?. block 19, Bedford Place 1 addition .' :i '. Hanna-M. Anderson and husband DnlHy JS. Bherboudy, part lots and 12, block t, Boggk ft Hlll'g addition 160 200 75 to 11 Id 3 C3 800. 2.4X0 1 1TOfmsPT UTTI " - - I I B8BW Kill A THE HYGICNI LOTION aVaasa - - ALaal I aMauajsMsstaBaTa BBaaWjasSb Ss4MASBfeafl NO AIN. NO. STAIN. NO STRICTURE. FRIE SYRtNOX. W A gaur) rwrallT aaf PI sa. Kent to aay address for H-60. IHERHAH MeCOJJMKIX. tatyear kt'S- Ce.. lanaaatar. O. 4 40 4 10 4 40 4 U I oe too I 15 i in I 1 U ' I 44 ' I 7 I J 4 oe 2 cows i 805 2 26 101 cows. 3 cows W6 2 25 T. B. Hill-Neb. ..1044 .. 901 8 20 8 66 S feeders., 29 feeders., 18 feeders. 1 cow 2 cows..... 1 cow , 18 cows.... 1 bull 12x0 heifers... 313 14 M5 976 6.10 , W.H WO H4 Sf8 ..10 .. 600 ., 750 .. 920 ..1115 ..1112 3 10 1 feeder... 960 S 10 I feeders.. 923 3 20 1 feeder... lnio 2 40 2 cows 95 3 40 Z7 cows... 1 10 2 cows. ,. 180 16 steers., 1 W . 1 feeder. I 60 D. T. Tailor Neb. 14 cows 10H 190 1 cow.... 1 cow. .....1070 1 90 1 cow..., 3 heifers.. 810 2 60 10 cows... 4 cows..... 910 2 25 14 rows.., O. Harris Neb. t6 cows 9M 3 36 10 cows 903 2 08 r lenien. a uo Frank Currie Neb. 1 bull 1200 2 10 1 bull 130 16 cows 848 1 90 2 feeders.. 855 1 heifer... 610 1 16 cows K54 (... m in 3 calves... 8 feeders.. 9fO ( 90 8. F. Hunter Neb. Scows 1"8 2 26 6 cows.... 1 cow 940 2 00 8 feeders. Joseph Keith Neb. 8 steers.. ..W7 3 00 4 cows 3 cows 810 2 00 .19 feeders. A. T. Hodce Neb. steers.. ..ii.-i s an 6 feeders.. 83 2 75 - Schlll Bros Neb. 2 feeders.. lOfO 3 15 3 cows 166 93 ' ?7 872 3 10 2 60 2 00 2 40 2 40 1 SO 2 10 3 3 1 80 1 ) 2 25 3 65 2 10 tso. 2 SO 3 16 2 00 2 75 3 60 3 25 1 steer 1150 2 65 ...17S ...1210 ...106 1 cow 9M I ti 2 bulls. 1 bull llw 1-60 6 cows. 6 cowa ino z 40 J. Harrington 8. D. 14 eow4 loWl 2 75 1 cow logo 1 cow sf) 2 60 1 cow 940 2 steers.. ..136 8 60 27 s'eera.,..llu3 Maple Bros. 8. D. T steers.. ..1"!45 8 40 4 rows 9oT 1 steer 1120 2 60 1 steer 1310 1 steer 1230 8 40 Mowen Bro. 8. D. ,.10V 2 81 7 steers. ...1168 2 40 1 60 2 40 2 25 1 1 2 60 2 n 260 4 rows.. 70 steers. 4 cows.. 8 40 2 66 .! 2 60 I cows 1046 ..1177 2 26 M. Jackson 8. D. ..1127 3 06 3 cows 940 2 66 .. 3 l Ml J. Kammerer 8. D. to steers. ...KTO 8 25 1 cow 1360 2 65 1 steer ism I 40 E. W. Cole Wvn. 1 feeder... 10 M 1 fteder... 910 18 cows 48 1 90 4 cow 10"6 J. C. Schmidt Wyo. .lf 2 40 1 hull 14U) . 270 2 75 1 cow J-X"! ,. 91. t v 1 bull 1070 .. FM I1 2 cows..... (40 . 0 2 00 C J. TTyshsm Wyo. 10 steers 11 cows.. 1 cow 1 cair f cows. 6 heifers., 1 cow 3 n 3 40 1 60 40 3 Ii 2 41 CHICAGO iJVfO STOCK MARKET. Cattle Market Blow Hogs Go Lovrer Sheep Drop. CHICAGO. Nov. 17.-CATTLE Receipts. 10,000 head. Including 1.000 westerns; mar ket slow; good to prime steers, h.iktow; For to medium. $3.2."4j4.75; Blockers and reders, 32.60'Ii4.1.''.; cows and heifers. 31.2r.i9 4.66: canners. I1.2Mi2.40: bulls, 32.00ut.25; calves. 32 0047.25; Texa-fed steers. 32.70j 8.60: -western steers. - HOUBKecclnls . loflay. sj,i; eaumaiea for tomorrow, 26.000 head; market 10c lower, closed steady; mixed and butchers, 34. 600 4.90; good to choice henvy, 34 8W7H: rough, heavy. i so so; ;ignt, .4a v; bulk of sales. fl.66ft4'.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20,000 head; sheep and lambs 25o lower; good to choice wethers. 33 6413.75; fair to choice mixed, 32.o0CuS.25: western sheep, 33.0O(iTS.75; native lambs. k.7& western lamui, 84.0(X&.00. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Not. 17. CATTLE Re celnts. 14,900 ntives, 100 Texans; calves, l,4u6 natives, 60 Texans. Corn fed and west ern grass red cattle stesny to wets; wet ern canning cows active and steady; stork ers and feeders slow: choice export end I dressed beef steers, f4.25fi5 15; fair to good, Iii.miftl4.ia); stockers ana reeoars. n.isau-i.sui western fed steers. I2.75fi4 00; Texans ond Indian steers, Texas cows, l.a f2.75: nstlve cows, 31.6o'3.45: native heif ers, 82.oo-774.2S; cnn-rs. $1.00(2.15; bulls, $1.90 I eS (VI: calves. $2 GC&.i5. . ItOtiU Receipts 1 1,01x1 neao; mirKri w- 15c lower. Top. $l.5; bulk of sales. $4.4(W 4 SO; heavy, $4.?6fi4.7o: mixed packers. $.4 i4.S0; llaht. $1.70&4.6; yorkcrs, 1.a0i(4.&; rla t4 7.K.4 DO. Briiiir.f rieceipts. taar nrm; totrt ac tive and steady. Na'lvs lambs. $3.35(6 :V: western lambs. $2.9"630: fed ewes, J2.r3 8 90; Texas clipped yearlings. $2.fVu3.80; Texas clipped siien.; stocxers nd feeders, $2.00i3.M. . , New York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 17. BEEVES Re ceipts, 275 bead, all consigned direct; no sales reported? dresBed beef steady; city dressed native sides. 6tfi9c per lb.; cables nuoted American steers at l'4rli1c per lb., dresaed weight: refrigerator beef at S'Ci Hc per lb.: reported exports for today, kS0 peeves, l.suo sneep, ,.) nuarters or neet. CAl.VKS Recelnts. 77 nean: veais rateq about steady; sold at 6.5H'o.76 ixt 100 lbs. generally; city dressed veals, per !b. HOtio rteceipia, 1,01 nrau, an tuiiaiK.uu direct. ' . . , SHEEP AND IJM H tteceipia. i.4to head; both sheen and lambs about steady; sheep sold at $?l 25V3.70 per V His : one bunch. 83.80-. culls. $2; lambs. $5.0ijS 87M,; dresed mutton, 54(7o per lb.: dressed lambs, 7-4510!. t. JoaeaiU Live Stork Market. BT. JOSEPH. Nov. 17 -CATTLE-R- celots. 2,60' rr.a'ket steniy to '(c io"'-. Natives. ftfua-n: cow anu tn-nt-r-, .i.j i4 5ii- stockers and feeders, U.aHM ii. I HOGS Recelnt 7 500 head; market tfflf'c lower. Light, $4.j6?i4.&; medium and heavy, H"'?.4. '., ...u-. B 11 P k-r ttCCHIOts, l.l' lltrn.i . rm. tlve Iimbs '5 40; yeurutigs. 3.wi; wetners, 13 66; ewes, 83 35. Btoek 1st Sight. Following are rtcelots of live stork et the six leading points for the last twenty-four hours: t a'tie. 3.000 Cfasurtes Lost Tbcn A(li Other. DR tYIcGREW SPECIALIST. Treats all to rats el ' DISEA8ES OF MEN ONLY A Medical Expert ' 36 Years' Cxpwlsnee ' I Yiars la Otaaha leaf 16.606 Cues Csrse Yartaooala, HrOrowla, Sleo6 PalMn, , Stricture. Otwt, Karrou Dabllltj. Loaa ef stratifta as4 Vital. Hr an! all tonal ot raroji! Slaiana. Traaloiant br . stall. Call or writ. Bea 116. 6U B. 141 Bt eataaa, kal I sVm er CmCAGOlWNNEAPCLlS . EdvjQrds, Uood SGo . -f .lO.rtiO .14 1 . 4.6m . 3.tV . l.OuO I Ing. 7.1" (0 81 ("0 ) 1 o- I.VM f fv. 6.4U0 Sheen 1O..KI0 2) 0-10 4MI 2CX4) 2.1i0 Mela offlc lanbattan Bulldlnt;, ST. PAUL, niNN. . " Dealer In- Stocks, Grain, Provisions Bought and so'.d 'or ?ash or em ro4iabM . - argina. -Members Important Gicklsflt, , Private Wires. - Write for our dally market letter And pri vate telegraph cipher mailed free. Ship Your Grain to Us. Prompt ' Returns. ; Best Facilities. LiberAl Advances. Bra or h OtBco. " " 300 Bee Bldg. . 'Phono Mid Omaha, Nebraska. nrLrTH." - - wijuupkq. The Merchants -National Bank of Omaha, Neb. V. y Oipintirf 1 , Capital and Surpiu. $600,000 tAW MLtPHT, re. WX I. WOOD. V. Pra. U71r6 ItLAKt. Ci kkler. rl1K T. lAMILTON. kuX. Csiklaf. Ral Kcounta st banal, banian, orr stloua. Irai aa4 loaliiStuli n ta Tom 11 tar ma. Fuil(n girhans keaflit ss4 ao!4. Latlar. ot Cndtl tsausd, aallbl Is all fart of ta srorld. InUraat SI4 Tim OsrttSaaus .".a, It. rollaotlono ataoa aruaaptlr ao4 aooaomiuall. Mr HMft avrtaafeadaua. . 61 rows... 6 Steers. . 1 steer... 1 S'eer... 1 steer... ' steer... V7 l-'S .10l1 lo .17n I steers., ..luie 8 IS 3 H 8 IK ?. I u II cnw. 2 steers, 4 st-er. 1 steer.. 1 sfer.. 4 steers.. ..123T ." .100 .110 1 0 8 11 , 3 14 3 " I U Omaha Chicago .... Kajiaas City Rt. I.ouls ... Bt. Joseph . Bloux City . Totals ... Bt. I-oals Me Sleek Market. ST. I.OriB. Nov. IT CATTLK Receipts. i.Uf head including fit Texxns. Miik.-' active end an. Mil !. 1v Native sMnnlpe tsil axpMt stot-rs. 84 -'i6.-iO. with slrUlly taucy quoted up to K-w; dressed beef aud .3600 70 400 .!( CE C3c'oH!' STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN -AND PROVISIONS We have over 160 offices. References: 176 otate and Nat l Banks. OI K (EM VIC B It THK BEST. Out fit Town Buslaess Bollolted. Osssba Brsscbi UltFar ass (. TaL 844)7 TH0S. M. WADDICk'. Coffetpondent