Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Tiie Omaiia Daily Bee.
ii i ...
fall B (without Bandar). Oni Tsar. $4 W
lallf Bee and Sunday, One Yaur.
Illustrate bee. One Tear
Sunday Meo, One Year "
riaium? Bee, One Year i. ....... 1M
Twentieth Century Farmer. One Year.. 100
rally Ree' (wltnout Sunday), per ropy 2c
lally Bee (without Sunday), per week. .12c
lally Bee (Including Sunday), per week. 17c
Sunday 4?e, per copy
Kventntf Bee (without Sunday), per week 6c
Evening; De (including Sunday), per
week T. 10c
Complaint of Irregularities In delivery
should he addressed to City. Circulation De
partment , i
, OFFICK8. - i i
OmshaTh Bee Building
South Cmaha City Hall Building, Twenty-fifth
and M streets.
Council Mluffa 10 Pearl Street.
Chloaei-l4 Unity Building'.
New York 232 Park Row Building.
Washington 61 Fourteenth Street.
Commtoifratlons relating to newa' anS edi
torial mntter ahould be sddrassedi pmaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express' of postal order
payable to The Bee PuWtshtng Company.
Only (-cppt atampa aocepted In payment of
mall accounts Personal check, asoept on
Omaha or eaatern exchangea, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, as:
Ueorge B. Tzschuck, secretary of The Be
Publishing Company, being duty aworn.
aaya that the actual number of full and
omplete copies of Tlie Daily Morning,
Kvenlng and Sunday Be printed during
tha month; of October, 13, waa as follows:
1 atijHt n iwtao
2 ;.;,..2,UOO 18 BO.10O
t l...a.TB -19 UO, 20
4 ..87,400 20 8OJJT0
I .rk...US.71 21 8OJM0 22 30,7D
..).,.. a,MK a a,7i5
....S,TlO U 82.820
I i 21MKSO 26 2U.OHO
10 ,.'... 2ei.SlX 2 ai.lTO
11 ,..3i.B(H 27 ai.ioo
12 ,..2,4AS 28 81,10
13 ;..2M,s-o 29 ao.w-io
14 SH.OOO JO 4O.B50
IS ,....2tM.2flO 81 83,385
If ...VHJUiO
Total 133,020
Less unsold and returned copies.. ..
Net total sales.
Net average aalaa 3tu,7B3
Subscribed In my presence and aworn to
oeroro ma tnia 4 in day of October. A. JD,
M. B. Hb'NllATK.
That paving repair controversy will
now have to wait until it ia thawed out
Even yet most of us cling to "Uncle
Joe," ignoring "Speaker Cannon's" ar
Mr. Smoot ia taking tip the time of
the senate unnecessarily, but goodness
knows he isn't doing it a'nurpose.
Collector Cruzen at Porto Rico has
bad his indictment quashed. He is one
office-holding Nebraskan who is lucky.
The . king and' queen of Italy would
like to tour England Incognito but can
not King Edward has a patent on dis
guised royalty.
Both sides are evidently looking for
trouble in Chicago and unless condl-M
lions change quickly they are likely to
get it and more, too.
, If the congressional ."speak-easy" is
characterised by that vocal modulation
Iho name implies, It mfghfbe Well to
hold the sessions in ft.
That Wellesley girl who has broken
the woman's college record for the 100
yard dash will lead a husband a merry
chase when the time comes..
It seems that New Orleans will cele
brate tbe centennial of the Louisiana
purchase ahead of St. Louis. But, then,
New Orleans waa discovered first and
is entitled to precedence.
Omana's new market, house will
sLuttly celebrate its first Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving markets In other cities
re gala places of good things and it
ought to' e the game here.
. . Never mind tho extra through trans
continental passenger trains which are
now being discontinued will be promptly
restored early next spring as soon as
the tourist traffic starts the competition
again. - - .
' Members of tbe Omaha Board of Ed
ucation want more school teachers .who
can be started in at salaries above th(
novice class. . Haven't any more, ot
them sisters, eenslns or aunts willing to
go on the payroll?
The Papama commissioners who are
here as the representatives of the new
republic are. doubtless, simply return
ing the visits which our numerous canal
commissioners have paid to Panama on
quests of exploration and investigation
The democratic members of the United
states senate are enrouutering dlffl
culty about getting together a lerfsla
five, program. If Colonel Bryan were
ouly withju reach ho Would Quickly tell
them what to do without even waiting
for an luvitatlou.
According to the official exhibit of th
, V'hool board's secretary the board will
; gtart out the new year with the usual
deficit Our school board would not feel
, comfortable If it were not paying inter.
est regularly ou upwards of 150.000
- over-drawn warrants. And the fax
, payers foot tho bills.
A state which has,' produced such i
' plenitude of oratorical talent as Iowi
ought to be able to produce a few col
' lege orators of sufficient ability to com
pose their own oratious without literary
misappropriation. A few lessons
. ethics, interleaved ' with the elocution
' recitations, might be useful.
The information that King Leopold of
Belgium has definitely decided to visit
1 the United States, making the 8t Louie
- exposition his objective point, will be
hailed with great satisfaction. Ills
royal majesty, however, . should let us
know in advance whether he inteuds to
' bring his own soubrvtU with him or
rely upon the eutertslnment afforded by
' the American sts)tcoiuu.
Although the official raoTass of' the
vote cant at tbe recent Nebraska election
has not yet taken jlace, tiie returns to
the aecretary of state have been com
piled and footed, bo that we now have
the final figure.
The total vote Is in round numliera
2(fl,0oo, or about 23,0)0 leas than what
haa been cast In pTpatdentlnl yearn. It
Is a fair rote considering the weather
condition! and the apathy of an off
The vote for Barnes, the republican
candidate for supreme Judg Is 00,901
for SoUlvan, the fusion candidate, 87.0tM3,
the plurality for Jud(?e Barnes being
9,023. ft wlU be remeiuberedthjt The
Bee a figures the day after election In
dicated a republican plurality on the
head of the ticket between 9,000 and
While the vote for supreme Judge
shows an apparently closely contested
race,' the vote on university regent.
which represents more nearly the rela
tive, party strength, indicates a. repub
lican margin over the opposition of more
than'- double the plurality scored -for
Judge, Barnes, The average plurality
for the republican candidates for regent
is 81,483, while the difference between
the vote of 101,642 for the highest re
publican candidate and 77,298 for the
lowest fusion candidate Is nearly 25,000.
In the light of the figures on this
year's election, the man who set 25,000
as the , mark for Nebraska's plurality
for President Roosevelt next year could
not be guessing very wild.
Speaker Cannon is quoted as saying
that the chairmanship of the postofllce
committee Is the most Important one he
has to give' out "Its holder will find
an endless task," said the speaker. "The
man who rises in public life is the one
afforded an opportunity to accomplish
something and this opportunity the
chairmanship of the postoffice commit
tee offers." The . former chairman,
Mr. Loud of California, certainly found
the position or managed to make it d
laborious one and undoubtedly his suc
cessor, who it is thought probable will
be Representative Overstreet of Indi
ana, will find abundant Work to do.
It is pointed out that no small part
of tbe difficulties of a postoffice commit
tee chairman come in adjusting the re
lations of the government' to its em
ployes. These employes constitute a
large and ever increasing army, which
is ever asking better terms from the
government Besides the employes in
the department at Washington, there
are 80,000 postmasters, several thousand
railway mall ' clerks, the postoffice
clerks, the city letter carriers,
the. ..rural, letter carrier and the
star route men. It is stated that the
question of larger salaries is now more
acute than ever before and will of
course have -to be dealt.: with by the
committee on postofflces. Bills have al
ready been introduced providing for an
lncreasp,,intbe;. pay.ol. meal ' do
livery carriers and this will very'likely
be done. The extension and betterment
of the service is- another matter that
must receive consideration and of course
the question of reforms in the service,
which ' Investigation has shown to be
necessary, must receive careful atten
tion. It is evident that Speaker Caunon
does not in the least overestimate the
importance of the chairmanship of the
postoffice committee and he can lie re
lied upon to select for, that position a
thoroughly capable man.' ' '
In the debate In the house of repre
sentatives Monday a member of the mi
nority party declared that our foreign
commerce is threatened with perils by
the new tariffs of foreign countries in
retaliation for our tariff.. He urged that
unless concessions are made from the
present tariff all Europe will before
long be combined in commercial war
fare against the United States. He
thought the Chamberlain policy a mcu
ace to our trade- with the "United
Kingdom and her colonics, constituting
more than half of our foreign commerce.
There has been much talk within the
last two or three years about a possible
EuropeanY ' combination ' to ' repel the
"American .invasion." A few. statesmen
and political economists abroad have
proposed that certain countries should
unite In a common effort to check
the tide of American comnicxelal prog
ress. But tbe more practical utatesineu
of Europe have pronounced this utterly
impracticable and a little familiarity
with conditions there will show this to
be the case. It is a mistake lo assume
that the countries of Europe have com
mon commercial interests. On' the con
trary they are as diverse as are the
commercial interests of the United States
and those of any European-couutry and
tbe competition between them Is as
eager and intense. A' combination be
tween Germany and France, for ex
ample, is manifestly out of the question
because of tho wide difference in their
commercial interests, and for a like
reason neither of those countries could
make a tariff combination against the
United States with Russia or Italy. Any
European nation that may desire to
enter into commercial warfare with this
country must do so alone and iu its own
way. , The combination proposition is
not practicable. . ,
This being recognized by the more
sagacious statesmen of Europe little Is
now being heard of it The idea seems to
have been 'pretty "generally abandoued.
Recently a member of the German
Reichstag declared that Germany can
not afford to enter into a tariff war
with the United States. He pointed
out that American exports to Germany
consist of raw materials and agricul
tural machinery, while those of Ger
many to this country are manufactured
goods. The United States, be said, could
get along without the German products
and never miss them, but that country
could not get along without the cotton
and other raw products she gets from
the United Stales without suffetUig
enormous loss. In some degree this ap
plies to other European countries. As
(o the menace of the Chamberlain policy
it need. not eause any serious anxiety,
since there Is no great promise of the
success of that policy.
Concessions in the interest of our for
eign trade was advocated by President
McKIuley. There are marry republicans
who believe that it Is expedient ' It-
will probably be done when the proper
time comes. At present .there- appears
to be very slight danger of a commercial
warfare against this country on the part
of any European nation and as our for
eign commerce has grown- immensely
since the existing tariff went into effect,
six years ago, there seems to' be ' no
urgent necessity for a change.
One of the most vigorous critics of the
action of our government in regard to
Panama is the New York Times, but
the new republic being established that
paper remarks that "we should be
guilty of tho basest ingratitude if we
did not protect it" There need be no
dbubt on this score. The government
that has b.ccn created on the isthmus
will receive the most careful protec
tion of the United States,' ample assur
ance of which is already given. V'
have now there a force of marines num
bering about 2,000, which it is be
lieved would be quite tmfflclent to repel
an attack from Colombia, should one
be made. It is most Improbable, bow
ever, and is so regarded at Washington,
that Colombia will, make any mlTitary
demonstration against Punama. As has
been pointed out in the dispatches
Panama is almost inaccessible by land
from Colombia and that country has
been notified that no troops will be al
lowed to disembark at the ports of
Colon and Panama. Moreover, the Co
lombian government is in no condition
to enter upon extensive military opera
tions, the treasury being bankrupt
The situation is an utterly hopeless
one for Colombia rum the sooner those
In authority there recognise this fact
the better' it will- be for the country.
There is , assurance that France will
soon recognize the new republic and it
1s safe' to say that its recognition gen
erally by foreign governments is only a
matter of a few weeks. But in any
event it will have the full protection of
the United States.
As was to have been expected, the
Lincoln Journal. makes a vicious jab at
Omaha's grain market project. The
Journal has always voiced the small-bore
jealousy of Omaha and never has a
good word for any Omaha enterprise.
It vents its spleen this time by charg
ing that the proposed grain market here
Is entirely unnecessary and will simply
mpose additional toll upon grain grow
ers for extra and unnecessary handling
at this point "The business of gather
ing and forwarding 'the grain of this
country," it declares, "ia now. so thor
6ughly syBtematisted that It. Is ,unnece
sary to break bulk between a receiving
station and the point of consumption, or
the place -where the grain must leave
the car to be loaded on boat to continue
the journey by water. Now the un
necessary middleman is being wiped out
in all lines of business and this is no
time to try to establish a new one to
take a handful of wheat or corn out of
every bushel produced by the Nebraska
farmer." -
The Lincoln Journal would rather
have the grain grown in Nebraska sent
to Kansas City, Minneapolis' or Chi
cago for rehandling than have it
graded and reshipped at Omaha. Of
course any one with a grain of sense
will readily see that the creation of a
grain market at Omaha will not add
another link to the chain of middlemen,
but simply remove the exchange from
a, point more distant to ' one nearer
home. If -the grain-growing industry
were at a standstill Omaha could not
secure a part of the grain market busi
ness except to tho loss of some other
market that now has it but with the ,
development of the country, the ex
pansion and shifting of the market and
the steadily Increasing consumption de
mand, Omaha can carve out a field for
Its proposed grain market without inter
fering seriously with other markets
already established. The Omaha market
would simply intercept the grain grown
in Nebraska, western Iowa and adjacent
territory naturally tributary to this
point, and the grain growers in this
section cannot fall to profit by having
a homo market instead of a foreign
market for their product
Intelligent farmers ot Nebraska need
have this stated to them but once. It
is useless to try to convince or convert
the hostile critic in Lincoln.
The good peop'e of Council Bluffs are
alarmed lest they may lose the state
school for tho deaf, which has beeu lo
cated there for many years, and whoso
removal is said to be favored by meioi
bers of the State Board of Control. The
retention of the school at Council Bluffs
apparently depends upon an enlarge
ment of the site and the betterment of
facilities for easy access. We presume
that Omaha can have no influence on
otSclal action in Iowa, but it is to bo
hoped the school will not be moved, and
any moral support that we can give the
efforts of -our Council Bluffs neighbors
to retain the institution will surely be
Taj Commissioner Fleming expects
the grand total of the city assessment
roll for l'JOt to aggregate In-tween
f 105,000,000 and $110,000,000. For the
county assessment, on which the state
tax is imposed, tbe new law requires a
division by five, so that the figures
would bo in tbe neighborhood of $20,
000,000 to $22,000,000. Then, If Omaha
pays one-tenth of the state taxes, the
grand assessment roll ot the state on
the oue-flftu basis will approximate
$223,01 K),0O0. RtHluced to the actual
value basis by multiplying by Ave the
taxable wealth of Nebraska would flg-
ure out In tbe neighborhood of $1,123,
000.000. . - -
A protest has been entered by the
ministerial association down at Lincoln
against the running of Sunday excur
sion trains for the benefit of the univer
sity foot ball enthusiasts who Insist on
attending the Saturday games to en
courage their favorite players. Pre
sumably the university students who
make foot ball Junkets are expected to
camp out over Sunday and wait for the
Monday trains. The Lincoln ministers
must be ssdly in need of student at
tendance to fill tip empty' pews.
The run on the banking institution
In Reading suggests that some way
ought to be provided for inflicting the
proper penalty upon 'persons who ma
liciously circulate stories with a view
to precipitating a panic among bank
depositors. It may be difficult to locate
the real source of the trouble, but the
making of a few examples out of the
malcontents would be valuable object
lessons to deter repetition in the future.
If the new Nebraska revenue law is
such a puzzler to the courts that the su
preme court commission finds it neces
sary to ask for more time to study it
out Is it any Wonder that the average
taxpayer, uninitiated In the mysteries
of legal lore, gets confused occasionally
when making out his assessment re
turns? ., 'v
Get Buy. ,
Detroit Free Press. .
The corn crop Is not all It might have
been, but it leaves no excuse for lean tur
keys. I'Bcheckeit Flow of Worda.
Philadelphia Press.
Senator Manna will take.Senator Mor.
gan'a place on tha isthmian canal com
mittee, but that does not carry with it a
guaranty that Senator Morgan will not
keep on talking.
Peaalty for Crude Methods.
Brooklyn Eagle.
The Indiana girl who raised $1 bills to
flO, in order to pay her expenses at school,
naturally and rightly will get a sever
sentence, while the men who raise 81,000,000
Industries to 110,000,000 meet with nothing
severer than newspaper condemnation.
(Quarter Centary of Talk.
Indianapolis Journal.
On the eve of sailing for ' Europe Mr.
Bryan makes tha terrifying, announcement
that he expects to talk for twenty-flve
years yet. The only chance of escape is
that he. may follow Croker's example and
become enamored of English country life.
Tho Die la laat. ,
- New York Herald nd.).
The dia is cast. President Roqsevelt has
decided to virtually recognise ' the Inde
pendent existence of ,Ue new Republic of
Panama. Aa patriot)' as practical men,
Americana of evet? 'fcljada' of opinion should
accept the accomplished. fact. and support
th government. ,
Colombia's. Fatal .Blander. .
. Brooklyn (Eagle.
It a authoritative tstbliebd that', the
president of the United States did not plot
to aid Panama rebate. Even If he had done
ao, it could not be proved. But the country
called Ccombla' dM'Utd' them, by rejecting
the treaty sent on-fttn-3Vashlngton, and
on that account Jt .la'ntitled to the thanks
of the United States, which can be agree
ably and effectively felt if not rendered
lacle Sam's Faraa Area.
Kansas' City Journal.
The total area "infed for farming pur
poses in tha United. Btatea is 841,000,000
acres an are larger than England, Scot
land, Ireland, Wales, France, Germany,
Austria, Bpain, Japan, and the Transvaal.
There are 10.438.C0) persons engtiged in agri
cultural pursulta, while all other industries
employ but 18,815,000,, One-third of the
people are, therefore, devoted to farming,
Where Theories Fall.
Indianapolis Journal.
Some "social scientist" with time to waste
has been pondering .over marriage, birth
and divorce statute, and reaches the
alarming conclusion that the male popula
tion of the country ia in a' fair way to
become wifeless and daughterless. Evi
dently this scientist has tailed to reflect
on the tendencies indicated by 10,000 women
trying to climb- over each vther in order
to get a glimpse of a bride. Did this look
like indifference to matrlmonyT
Wao tares t Mot Cleveland.
New York Tribune.
Bryan's opinion ot Cleveland long ago
lost the interest of novelty and acquired
the tedlousness of - t duration. Nobody
cares,, anyway Cleveland least of all, whom
autumnal hunts now cheerily absorb and
encompass. lie Is hot a dead duck, as
Bryan says he is, -though he makes dead
ducka to rain about Mm aa he goes, and
ha is not a "dead rabbit," though Tam
many would like to claim aim, but his
hunter's bag bulges with that innocent,
long-eared spoil. Nlmrod's Bold pouch waa
not mora overflowing. . Only a part of his
countrymen - throw up their cape for him
aa a politician, ' but aa a sportsman he
takes all captive, aa if they were a part of
the game he waa after.
Soaa of lae Vanities Bald to Con
sulate "Cnltnre."
Saturday Kvenlng Post.
Whenever we hear of the cultur clubs
and thought circles and reading rings that
make the winter less tedious for the more
highly educated in our small cities and
towns, they are bqsy with some auch thlnga
aa Ibsen's plays, or Maeterlinck's philoso
phy, or dramatic dialogues, or the obscurer
parts of Browning, cr tbe attempts ' of
Bwlnburn or Stephen Phillip to prove that
they can't writ ao well about classic Greek
subjects as Homer . and Euripides could.
All this indicates mental activity and aspi
ration, too. But ar not tha activity and
th aspiration, perhaps, misguided?
Tber is a certain satisfaction for a cer
tain sort 'of person tn dabbling in .that
which doe not Interest the ordinary run
of minds. But when that sort of intellec
tual anob aucceeds In. convincing, largely
by intellectual browbeating, a large num
ber of Intelligent person in hi town that
auch vanities constitute "culture," ought
there not to be a revolt, a declaration of in
tellectual Independence? There may be peo
ple who hav time for such, "culture," but
hav w time for It? Searching Ibsen for
queer psychological state to puasle one's
husband or sweetheart or parent with la
there nothing mor useful to think about?
Th reason th Greeks one knew Homer
by heart and packed th theater to hear
Euripides' tragedies was that Homer and
Euripides discoursed of thing of th most
intimate personal conoern to th Greeks of
those days. Why should not we dispense
with crude modern attempt to distract our
attentio from th thing that personally
cone era ua aa twentieth cVntury Americana
with th responalblUtle of our Urn and en
vironment luyoa us.
Minor seen and Incident Sketched
on tho Snot. 4
That veteran Washington correspondent
K. O. Durmoll, tell In Leslie's Weekly
of the plentiful . grafts which congress
men enjoy. Discussing the gruesome graft
which ha prospered with the death And
burial of members of th senate and hous,
he ay:
"No matter what his politico) import
ance or social position, every member of
congress may- expect to be luxuriously
buried and a long string of people benefit
by his taking off. Here, at least, big mon
and little men are on an equality. The
extravagance of congressional funerals is
th result, not of fan-.lly ambition, but of
professional greed and official reckless
ness. "For a New England senator, for In
stance, th senate mad, a funeral that
cost 13,785. and" for that of a Southern
senator 84.200 waa expended, both senators
being men of frugal tastes and habits.
For a distinguished member of th house
from an eaatern state a funeral was mad
costing 84.571. whUe the funeral of a west
ern representative, who had all his life
long been celebrated first of all for bis
strict economy, publlo and private, ap
propriately cost but about 8300.
. "At more than on of these funerals,
similar In most respects to all th others,
there were thousands of dollars spent for
special trains of sleeping cars, special din
ing cars and atendants, a plenty of "com
missary supplies" for th mourning com
mittees, and payments on a most liberal
seal for singers, organists to play a plain
tune ot two on a parlor organ, with un
regulated hack hire to defray, whenever
th chance arose.
"Ther is no law for these funeral, and
they are all paid for by the publlo on the
assumption that 'graft' Is all right If no
body objects' to It."
At another point In his article Mr. Dun.
r.ell writes:
"There ar some senators and repre
sentatives who conscientiously oppose the
aaklng for or taking of transportation
favors, and who pay their way. There arc
not many of them and all are pretty well
known. When transportation 'graft be
comes thoroughly absorbing It asserts Itself
in seeking even free carriage on the street
railways of th capital, and th uso of
this sort of free carriage is expected to be
reflected In legislation to affect the con
duct of the liberal managers."
Rhode Island is no larger than a thumb
mark on- the map, says the Washington
Post, but it counts at the north end ot
the United States capltol lu mor ways
than one. This incident demonstrates it
As fine a weather map as th experts,
who come and go at the word of Prof.
Willi Moore, could fashion is Installed in
the little corridor Just off the marble room
of the senate.. Its surface is of ground
glass and its framework of the finest
mahogany. Tha weather stations of the
country are noted in nice lettering. Each
day chalk marks of various colors tell
the direction of th winds, the tempera
ture of the air and a lot of other things.
On this map, under th magnificent glass,
the boundaries of th states are roughly
delineated. Rhode Island is so small that
the artist drew no separate Una therefore,
aimply classing It In with th larger state
of Connecticut. One day Senator Aldrtch
came to study th weather and noted thla
defect. He might be willing to takS his
weather for providence from the station
at Boston and Block island, bat he thought
It a little rough to have the state he in
part represent in'the senate gobbled up
by 'Connecticut. '
-Boon the splendid mahogany map came
down.'- Six strong laborers were: engaged
to handle the expensive fixture with care.
They stripped off the polished glass and
then tha- artist who paint boundary line
cams in. . He drew one wee little black
line, possibly half an Inch long. It
stretched from the Massachusetts boundary
to th sea, ' and thus put Rhode Island
back on . tine map. Then the six strong
men pnt In place tlie polished glass and
raised the great frame.
That was months ago, but the wee black
line and the state of Rhode Island are on
th chart for ,all who car to look closely
and Mr. Aldrlch now observes the weather
of his own state with Just as much satis
faction a senators who represent a much
larger domain. ' ,
The United States senate seems to be
growing more youthful. Thirteen year ag.)
a careful computation was made from
which it appeared that the average age ot
its members was SO years. There were
then but eight who were less than 10 years
old and one who waa less than 45. To
day th average I 68 year and 4 months,
and in a alightly larger senate there are
fourteen men, instead of eight, who ar
leas than 60, and of these eight are less
than 46. Th difference i doubtless due
to the new states which have copie Into the
union since that time whose political lead
ers were naturally younger men. The
Delaware overturn ha also given th sen
ate two youthful members. It is almost
a rule. that the oung states have young
. Only, one senator Is mor than 80, Mr.
Pettus, tha Junior senator from Alabama,
who waa born in 1SZ1. Fourteen are be
tween 70 and 80, twenty-nine ar between
60 and 70 and thirty-two between 60 and
60. The fifteen who have crossed the three
score and ten line include both senators
from Alabama and Connecticut, besides
Mesars. Teller, Allison, Frye, Hoar, Gibson.
Stewart, Piatt (N. Y.), Quay, Bate, Proc
tor and Cullom. Th constitution of the
United States specifies 80 aa the age re
quirement for the senate, but by a sat
margin of ten years all of tha states hav
made good thla condition. Only one mat,
In the senate doe not give hi age. Mi.
Burton of Kansas, and for th purpose.
of this computation he has been rate.l
at 60.
Senators Scott, Tillman, Dolllver and
Foster stood in a corner of th senate
chamber telling stories. Frequent bursts
of laughter arose and President Pro Tcm.
Fry looked over in their direction ence
or twice. Observing this, Senator Scott
stepped to the desk line and aald inno
cently: "Mr. President, ar we disturbing
the senate? "Oh, no-o-o," said Mr. Frye
with marked sarcasm. "All right." replied
Senator Scott, turning to the group. "As
I was saying," he began. But Just then
Mr, Fry rapped smartly for order and th
quartet of tory tellers separated.
Th latest congressional fad Is for Per
sian rugs, three of which, worth 82.0U0 each,
are In. the speaker's lobby ou the house
side. These are the finest rugs ever seen
in the capitol, being handsomer even than
anything on the senate side. Th rugs ar
so An that some of th new members
showed an unwillingness to walk on them
ualll they saw th pages and other house
employe throwing cigarette and cigar
butts on them. "We'd better take down
some of those picture on th walls and
hang up th rug.' declared Colonel "Ik"
Hill, th democratic whip of th house.
inel Mark ataowa.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Senator Hanna threatens to throw out
of a sixth-story window th next man who
talks to him about th presidential nomina
tion. Unci Mark knowa very well that the
men who ar coming to him now do not
carry delegate credential ia their Bid
Stanton Picket: Omaha Is to have a
grain market This la mighty cheerin"
news for Nebraska farmers.
Kearney Hub: A grain exchange has
been organised at Omaha, with th pros
pective membership placed at 6J0, and it I
proposed to have the exchange In operation
by th first of the coming year. The ob
ject Is to establish a grain market at
Omaha, with elevators and big flouring
Norfolk News: The establishment of a
grain market in Omaha, which appears to
hav been Inaugurated auspiciously, means
mor than th mere development of Omaha.
If that city Is successful in creating a grain
center ther it will be of value to th
grain grower and grain dealer not alono
in Nebraska, but throughout the west.
It Is to be desired that Omaha's grain
market shall be substantial and 1 rosperous.
Waterloo Gasette: Omaha's plan to
make a Greater Omaha by making the city
a strong competitor of Minneapolis and Chi
cago in th way of an enlarged grain mar
ket la most commendable, and we hop its
plans, now fairly under way, will fully
mature. It will not only help Omaha, but
every farmer and business man In the
state to have tha grain trade ot Nebraska
diverted from o.ther large cities to Omaha
In other words, to have the grain handled
at hom.
Gag County Democrat: Omaha hopes
to hav a grain exchange soon, and as a
result of Its successful organisation
Omaha business men are pointing with
pride. It'ls understood that the friendly at
titude of President Stickney ot the Chicago
Great Western railway ha been instru
mental In making the exchange poiwlble. It
th project I aa successful as Its promoters
hope for If will mak Omaha a strong
competitor of Kansas City for th grain
business of th west.
Papilllon Times: Th Omaha grain ex
change has ceased to be a matter of con
jecture and Is now a reality. It has about
125 members and has filed articles of In
corporation. People who are disposed to
be skeptical of the result of this under
taking should remember that when tha
stock yard were first mentioned the
project was discredited as is the grain ex
change now by a few. Omaha has a
greater territory to draw from than either
Kansas City or Minneapolis, and ther la
no reason but that In a few years it
should rank as on of th great grain
centers ot this country. South Omaha
ranks second as a live stock market, and It
Is not too much to expect that Omaha will,
as a grain market, do as well.
Central City Republican: Omaha busi
ness men have taken tha matter In hand
to establish a grain market. . Th under
taking is a stupendous on and it will
take a liberal supply of brains, capital and
grit to carry It through. We hav had
some experience with Omaha business men,
however, and we know that whatever els
Is said about Omaha, there is no discount
on Its business men, and that whatever
they undertake to do will b taken hold of
and carried out In a masterly and compre
hensive manner that insures against fail
ure. Tha people of Nebraska hav an
equal Interest In the success of tha enter
prise and stand ready to help It along In
every possible way.
The activity of Mr. Rockefeller In th
eastern stock market shows that there are
contingencies in which water and oil can
be made to mix.
The Austrian emperor the pther day gave
a golden chain to a widow at Braunau
whose twelve musical sons, after serving
- In the army, have forme'd a military
family band. -" ' ' ' " : v.
Rear Admiral Beardslee, U. 8. N,., re
tired, died in Augusta, Ga., this week.
The last command of the admiral in th
navy was the Pacific squadron and his
flagship was Philadelphia.
This is one of the favorite sayings of
President Dlas of Mexico: "A strong per
sonal government is necessary for a Latin
race." That is what he has always aimed
to give the people of Mexico. Another of
hi sayings is: "The strongest alliance I
know of 1 a commercial alliance."
It I believed that Seth Low's term of
office a mayor of New York has cost him
somewhere in the neighborhood of 8150.000.
He provided out of hi pocket entertain
ment for numerous distinguished guests.
Including Prince Henry of Prussia, and
In order to be near the city in summer he
rented an erpensiv place at Rye. Th
salary is $15,000 per year.
Waltham Watches
12,000,000 in use. .
'?The Perfedti' Americm WakK' n illustrated book
of Meresting information about vtches, KviH be sent
free apon request.
Amer&in Wtltfum Witch Comptny, y .
Wilthim, Mass.
$3.50 and $5
If your feet are straight we fit you to a straight last . ,
If your feet require a swing last, we don't fit you to a straight on.
That a the secret of the comfort of the Decatur 8hoe-tt' tha- St as
well as the quality.
From Maker
A Silver Knife ; g
In our fifteen retail stores, all the way from Omaha, (6;
Boston, we are holding a painting competition fojr,'. th?.'
young artist!. '. ''"'
Our fall catalogue gives full particulars, ';;', ?
The solid silrer handled prize Unites may be Beeu to 'pur,.
We have selected Mr. Albert tfothery, the well known
Perhaps your boy may win one. . - i
R. S. Wilcox, Manager. . , , , ..
ink Wilcox riangrr
If yon want your
watch examiner, or to'
buy a new one. vou go
to a Jeweler wno b a
specialist in his line. .
If you want ladies'
shoes, you jo to the shoe
We make a specialty of
women's -and .children's
Sorosii are $150 ti
ways. -
The Monoiram Shoes
for women are equal to ,
the JJ.50 kind that we
don't sell With u$ they
are $2.50 always. ,
1 Aft ft I rtl Dtk
- ;i. - -
Rebecca Who. ar th "smart e?"
Isadore Why, those who are tn it and
those who keep out ot It. Detroit Free
Flanagan Phwst did yes do whin Mc
Garry hit sea wid the pIckT Flnnegan
Ot don Mo Garry- Philadelphia Ledger.
Lwson Blenklns . i slower than cold
mnlasse. Isn't he?
Dawaon Cold molasses! He's slower
than cold cream. gomervlll. Journal.
After much labor And many tedious ex
periments th eminent entomologist hud
succeeded In evolving a new specie of flea.
"Now," he said, "I must try to find a
dog to try it on.' Chicago Tribune.
"If a man," said Uncle Eben, "had been
wlllln' to work aa hahd befo' he put da
mortgage on de place a h worked nfter-
wards raslln' wif da mortg-age, dar would'
hav been no need of de mortgage in d
fust place." Washington Star. t
"How did you evr bring yourself to pose
In the nude?" .
"Oh, it wasn't e bad," returned th
model. "I'd previously worn - decollete
gowns, you know."-r-Chicago Post. r
Bl'TT ISI. . ..,
Jame Barton Adams, in Denver Post.
You can never gain distinction In this
modern day and ag
Less you always keep a sdrougln' to th
center of tha stage;
You must git a husUe on. you, an' a lively
one at that.
An' be ready for a scrimmAg at' the drop
pin" o' the hat! -
Fortune's game is alway open If you want
to take a hand.
An' the only limit in It q.ials your supply
o' sand, i ......
But you'll aiwaya play th loser, yon, can
never hope to win
If you luck tnn nerve for Muffin' an' you
. , buU . .
,".."... .. I".
Fortune never goes a huntin' for a plac
to dump a pile.
Never searches after fellers It can dassl
with Its smile.
Never forces lu attention on tho sort o'
, men that wait
In th Held o' sloth fur It to com a
;i knockln' a thOTgat. en. i..
But It alway Is a waiUu fur th man that
ha the vim
Fur to hit It trail an' Bos It till It stands
In front o' him. -Then
he's got to ketch an , hold it, an' as
ure as mortal sin
Ha will miss the chance to grab It If ho
You hav got the brain an' muscle, you
have -the grip o' hand.
But in order for to use 'em you must back
'em up with sand;
Never weaken at a failure, toes a laugh
at every care
That arises to confront you an' prevent
your glttin' there.
If your solar rlexua ketches now art' then
a Btunnln blow.
On that put your breath in trouble, fur
a minute lay you low,
Hold the ground an' puff a little, then g)ts
up an' come agin.
Fur the count '11 go agin you If yon
$5 and $3.50
to Wearer.