Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Qiret Eeuoni Why Re Tbinki Father
Mnrphy Ehculd Be Ouatei
Secretary Davis of the State Board of
CkMllUi to Take a Hand la
Affairs of the Omaha Child
Sarin Institute.
(From a Elan Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 17.(8peclal.)-Blshop
Bonacum of tha diocese of Lineoln ha fiUd
his brief In tha supreme court In anawe.
to the one filed by Rev. W.lllam Murphy.
wh though excommunicated by the
bli-hop, still persists In being the Rev. Wil
liam Murphy and still holds on to the
church property at Seward. Bishop Bona
cum de-ires the supreme court to affirm his
own decree against the Rev. Murphy.
The brief la a lengthy one and It con
tained .the two former opinions of the sj
preme ;ourt In the case, which has be?n
pending' for the last fcur years, a history
of the whole litigation and most e.eiy.
thing else connected with the church. The
brief as.erts there In no question of per
sonal liberty or property rights, but It Is
merely a question a to whether the church
authorities have a right to run the church.
In the brief Is a history of the trial of
Rev. Mr. Murphy here In Lincoln, where he
Is alleged to have shown utter contempt
for the court and the case, too, frequently
Interrupting the proceedings to read a
statement of his own. lt was repeatedly
admonished to be still, the brief sal'J, but
he would not down the court was finally
adjourned. Later it waa found that Mur
phy wanted to file an appeal and ho was
given five days In which to do it
He failed to show up on the day ap
pointed, so he was excommunicated.
Bishop Bonacum ordered that he spend
three months in a monastery, one month of
which time should be devoted to tha ex
ercise of the holy retreat.
Charity Board Takes a Hand.
Secretary Davie of the State Board of
Charity and Correction was excited thlj
morning upon receipt of news from Omaha
to the effect that Superintendent Clark of
the Child's Saving institute had In his pos-
aeaalon a child that had been given him by
Its parent pending their divorce proceed-
ga and that he refur.erl to surrender It
to the mother, even thc.i she had an or
der from the child's fa. ner for its posses
sion. The result is that Mr. Davis wants to
start a vigorous investigation of the Institute-
Under the lswa of the state the chirity
board can do nothing but Investigate and
even in this they have no right to do more
than any other person, but It Is the inten
tion of the board to do all the Investigating
it can to the end that . the next legislature
. will have sufficient excuse to pass a law
placing all such Institutions under the con-
trol of the board. t
Mr. Clark Is a member of the board at
this time, and If Mr. Davis begins an in
vestigation it will mean a warm time for
these two are keeping a pretty close watch
on each other. Davis Is now the lecretary
of the board and Mr. Clark wants to be,
so if things at the Institute are not what
they should be Davis will find it out.
(Jowrssf Kept Basy.
, Governor Mickey Just now Is finding his
time occupied by Investigating the various
attaches of state Institutions. This morn
ing his attention was called to the alleged
misconduct of J. C. Herbart, a fireman at
the Kearney industrial school, whom the
governor was Informed had been arrested
at Bsatrlo last Sunday- charged with car-
rying a concealed weapon and drawing it
upon Mrs. Len Thomas, the mother of the
girl Harbart was with at the time. The
gavernor was Informed that Harbart had
been keeping company with the Thomas
girl and that her parents objected because
they understood ho had a wife at Kear
ney. Sunday evening. It was reported, he
went to the Thomas home and as, he and
the girl were leaving the mother stood !n
the gate and tried to prevent them going
out. The girl, it Is said, knocked her
mother down and as she got up Harbart
covered her with his revolver andt both
then (eft . the yard. They were later ar
rested. Governor Mickey was greatly Incensed
over the affair and this afternoon callod
up Superintendent Hayward to learn
whether there was any truth in the re
ports. It Is the Intention of the governor
to compel all of his appointees to walk In
the straight and narrow path and If the
charges against Harbart are true It Is
llkely'he will need other employment be
fore long.
Venae; la Persuasive.
Governor Mickey called an extra session
ovaie cwr vi rurcnuH ana eup-
. jjJtflUn at the Instance of a young man who
? had' a patent disinfectant to sell. The
i amount the young man thought the board
. would need was 2S cents worth. After
I duly considering the matter upon motion
of Mr. Mortensen the board adjourned
without making the purchase because there
were only three members present.
It ail happened this way. The young
j man went to the Home of the Friendless
1 and there .exhibited his disinfectant to the
i matron In charge. She was greatly im
pressed, with It, she said, but, unfortu
nately, aha bad not the power to buy, as
the state board did that. The young man,
nothing . daunted, armed with the recom
mendation given him by the matron,
promptly 'sallied, forth to the governor's
office, wheere In a few minutes the execu
tive waa also duly Impressed. Next was
called the special meeting of tha board
with the result stated.
ftadeats Better Prepared.
From ' the reports received by State Su
perintendent Fowler from the heads of the
university and normal schools of the state
It Is clearly shown that the student enter
ing college Is better prepared to take up
the college work than at any time In tho
history of the state. For some time Mr.
Fowler had heard It generally rumored
that tha students were showing a better
preparation and to find If the rumors wsre
true he addressed a letter to a number
of the heads of schools, asking about the
matter. The conclusion drawn by moat of
those who answered was that the high
For Breakfast, Luncheon, or Supper
the Unequalled Beverage.
school work was better thsn In previous
years, naturally resulting in the pupils and
graduates being better prepared to enter
Cold Wave Comes Too Suddenly for
People to Get Their Affairs
v ta Shape.
FREJONT. Neb., Nov. 17.-(Speclal.)-The
mercury here this morning stood at
only 7 degrees above sera. A strong wind
has blown from the northwest all day
snd msde It very uncomfortable for those
obliged to be out. On account of the feed
being good later than usual con
siderable stock is still In the pastures.
j Farm work is well along and consider
able plowing already done.
HARVARD, Neb.. Nov. 17.Spcclal.)
The mercury last night made "a record of
4 derrees above sero, and being accom
panied by a strong, cold, north wind, was
a somewhat severe Introduction to coming
winter months.
LEIGH, Neb., Nov. 17. (Special.) A sud
den and disagreeable change occurred in
the weather here Sunday. A strong north
west wind began blowing and It grew
stendily colder. Monday morning the ther
mometer stood at 18 degrees above sero.
Monrtny evening at 12 above and this morn
ing at sero. A light snow sppeared Mon
day morning. This in the first real cold
snap of the season and It found many peo
ple unprepared for winter. Fully one
half of the corn crop Is still in the field
and prospects are that much . of It will
be In the field until late In the season.
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., Nov. 17. (Bp
clal.) A severe cold wave struck this city
yesterday and the thermometer went below
the freezing point last night. A slight
snow fell, but clear skies today make It
Johnson Teachers' Topics.
TECfMSEH. Neb.. Nov. IT. (Special.)
The Johnson County Teachers' association
will meet at the high school building In
Tecumseh Saturday morning at 10 o'clock.
The more -Important features of tho pro
gram Include papers on the following sub
jects by the parties Indicated: "How May
Children Be Taught More Respect for
Properly Constituted Authority?" Thomas
Barackaman; "How Should Spelling Bo
Taught that Pupils May Become Better
Spellers?" I. N. Clark; "The Use of Pic
tures In School Work In What Work
What Pictures and How Used," Miss
Idemna Swan; "How May Pupils Be
Taught to 8peak and to Write Better
English?" Miss Lucy Green; "Practical
Nature Study Work," Dr. Charles For
dyce of Wesleyan university. University
Plsce. Discussions will follow each sub
ject. May Cancel Bridge Contract.
FREMONT. Neb., Nov. 17. (Special.)
The County Board of Supervisors met this
morning and has considerable business
ahead. Some time ago the Standard Bridge
company of Omaha made a contract with
the county for the construction and repair
of bridges, but it has not made ihs repairs
ordered. Some of the bridges are In bad
shape. A resolution was Introduced to
forfeit the contract on account of the
failure to comply with it and if there are
no legal objections in the way It will un
doubtedly pass.
Not Gulltr of Itobbery.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Nov. -47. (Spe
cial.) The Jury In the district court brought
In a verdict of "not guilty" In the case
of the State against William Shepard, who
was charged with breaking Into the Mis
souri : Pacinc depot In Weeping
Water with Intent to steal. Court waa
'.hen adjourned until -Wednesday morning,
as County' Attorney Root and other attor
neys had business in the supreme court in
Lincoln today.
witch to Canning; Factory.
FREMONT. Neb., Nov. 17.-(Speclal.)
At a apeclal meeting of the city council
yesterday afternoon the Union Pacific com
pany was granted leave to put In a side
track to tho old creamery building,' soon
to be occupied as a canning factory by an
Iowa firm. Now that the permission for
the switch has been granted It is ex
pected that the deal for the property will
be closed and the work of remodelling It
begun at once.
Feeding; Mack Stock.
FREMONT, Neb., Nov. !T.(Speclal.)
From present Indications more stock will
be fed In this vicinity this season than last.
John Van Patten, a Wyoming stockman,
and R. Newman of this county have pur
chased a tract of land near the Sanberg
sidetrack west of this cltw and will put
in a quite extensive plant for feeding range
cattle for the market. About the usual
number of sheep will be fed.
Cine to Aushuts's Mnrderer.
RED CLOUD, Neb.. Nov. 17. (Special. )
John Anshuta, the farmer who was held
up and fatally shot by an unknown -person
south of here laat week, died at his
home Saturday night. No hopes were en
tertained for his recovery from the first.
No suspicion was held as to who waa the
guilty person In oorneetion with this af
fair until the last day or two. when an
Important event has disclosed what seems
to be a clue.
Btndeats Coming- to York.'
YORK. Neb.. Nov. 17.-(Speclal.) New
students from different parts of the state
and a few from outside states continue
to arrive at York, where they will attend
some one of the York educational Institu
tions. On yesterday's trains eighteen new
students arrived. York is becoming noted
for Its schools.
Fnneral of Nathan Cnrtls.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Nov. 17.-(Spe.
clal.)-The funeral of Nathan Curtia, an
old -sesldent of thlt city who died Sunday,
was held from the First Methodist Epis
copal church this afternoon. Rev. J. W.
Scott officiating. Interment was In Wyuka
Injnrlcs Are Fatal.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Nov. 17-(Bpe-oial.)
Gua Nelson, who waa struck by a
Burlington passenger train south of this
city several days sgo, died at the Nebraska
City hospital today.
Eecnra All the Money in the Sale, Steal ft
Team erd Escape.
Offices of Beak nnd Stat Bankers'
Association F.aeh Offer Five
Hundred Dollars Reward
for Their Captnre.
LYONS, Neb., Nov. 17. Robbers blew
open the safe In the First National bank
today. They secured 12,000 In cash and OS
es ped.
Messrs. J. Forest, vice president, and
J. A. Waehter. director, of the First Na
tional bank of Lyons, Neb., which bank
was robbed Monday night, were in the
city last evening, conferring with the po
lice. The bank officials offer a reward of
$500 for the capture and conviction of the
criminals and the State Bankers' associ
ation offers a like reward.
Vice president Forest said last evening:
"The robbers used seven charges of nltro
plyerlne to open the safe, from which they
took $830 In gold. 1626 In silver coins and
$TS in currency. We hnd a tip that some
suspicious characters were In the vicinity
and consequently reduced our cash on
hand to a minimum. Our records and pa
pers were not disturbed. The men stole a
two-seated, canopy top surrey and a team
of horses from E. H. Herendeen. One of
the horses was a black mare, '14 years of
age, 1,300 pounds weight and bearing no
distinguishing murks; the other horse was
brown, 7 years old, same weight, with
four white feet and a spot on the fore
head. The men are known to have driven
in a northeasterly direction about 4
o'clock Tuesday morning and could not
have gone very far before daylight. It
la supposed they headed for the Omaha
reservation and ore in hiding somewhere.
Our bank will be open for business again
as usual on Wednesday morning."
Breaking; of Safety Strap Resnlts
In Death of R. G.
LINCOLN, Nov. 17.-(Speclal Telegram.)
R. G. Buckley, aged 27, fell forty feet
from the top of a telephone pole this morn
ing to the pavement and was Instantly
killed. He struck on his head and his skuil
was crushed like an egg shell. Buckley
was an employe of the General Engineering
company, which Is putting In the new tele
phone system. Ha was at work on the
top of a pole at Thirteenth and J streets,
when his safety strap broke, letting him
He resides at DeWItt, la., where his
parents and a sister lives.
He was a member of the Knights of
Pythias and the local organization has
taken charge of the body, which will be
sent to DeWItt this afternoon.
Starts Election Contests.
WEST POINT Neb., Nov. 17.-(Speclal.
An election contest was begun In the
district court yesterday by the defeated
candidate for county Judge, S. Lant, of
Wlsner, against Louis Dewald of Beemer,
the newly elected democratic Judge. De
wald obtained a majority of 10 votes. The
petition alleges mistakes In counting the
votes In every voting preclpct In the
county, claiming an error In each one. The
summons Is returnable December 14. The
contest .brought by , August Llnntmann,
republican candidate for county clerk,
against Jos?ph F. Kaup, asking for a re
count of the vote cast at the last election,
wss withdrawn yesterday. Kaup Is a dem
ocrat and received a majority of 85 votes.
Charles Gruke, republican candidate for
county supervisor, is also dissatisfied with
the result of the election, he being defeated
by only 2 votes by his democratic opponent,
Herman Albers. He has also commenced
a contest In the county court. These sev
eral contests will complicate political mat
ters very much In Cuming county.
Schladler Has Strenuous Day.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov. 17. (Special Tel
egram,) Anton Schlndler, a prominent
German farmer living near this city had
a strenuou time of It today. He had been
drinking and started home by the wagon
route when the team ran away and he suf
fered severe bruises and a broken rib. He
was brought to the city and left In a room
for a few minutes without an attendant
and when his friends returned they found
him hanging by the neck. He had tied a
handkerchief around his neck and affixed
the other end to a bed post. He was cut
down and It is thought no serious result
will ensue. Some time last spring Suhfnd
ler'a son committed suicide by shooting
Klnck's Father Tries to Help.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov. 17.-(Speclal.)
The father of Albert Kluck, the man who
waa stopped here several days sgo as he
was enroute to Oklahoma with a car load
of mortgaged stock and Implements, and
taken back to ochuyler. was in the city
Saturday and Sunday to see If he could
not help his son out of the difficulty. The
elder Kluck lives In Oklahoma and has
gone to Seht-yler. The stock not taken by
replevin 1s still here and Is being cared for
by the Union Pacific people.
Coal Train is Wrecked.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov.' 17.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) A bad wreck occurred on the
Rock Inland road near Lewlston today
Nine coal cars Jumped the track and rolled
down a bank fifty feet high, completely
smashing the cars and distributing the
coal over a considerable territory. The
track waa also badly torn up and will
not be psssab'e for trains before some time
tomorrow. The coal was consigned to
Masons I.rstea to Lecture. t
HARVARD. Neb., Nov, 17. (Special.)
Harvard lodge No. 4. Ardent Free and
Accepted Masons, entertained themselvet
and many of Its friends at Stoke's opera
house last evening with a lecture by Cap
tain Albertl on conditions prevailing In
Russia and Siberia, scorrpanied by a re
view of hie personal experiences while a
prisoner there.
Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov. 17. (Special.)
Mr. .and Mrs. George F. Norton of this
city observed the sixtieth anniversary of
their marriage laat Sunday. This vener
able couple have lived a good share of their
wedded life st their home on East Grant
street and have many friends who will
congratulate them.
Beatrice to llrrr Sam Jones.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov. 17. (Special. )
The Chautaoua board of directors met last
night at hlch lm the president named
the at an din committees for the cycling
year. Rev. C. M. Shepherd of Hebron was
engaged to superintend the assembly of
1904. Rev. Sam Jones was secured for a
lecture ss were slso rumber of other
men of national reputation.
Court Krlw4laaT t Beatrice.
PFATRIOR. N-b.. Nov. 17 (SoecUl V
Juflw Stiill convened court here v-sterdv
snd will be here the entire week. There are
about seven criminal and twenty civil casea
to be tried during the remainder of the
term. Three divorces were granted yes
terdsy afternoon.
Trlee Maadamaa on Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb., Nor. 17.-(3pecial.)
Charles Wittmer of Lincoln, -has brought
mandamus proceedings In the district court
against the city of Beatrice to compel the
city council to levy a special tax to pay a
Judgment of (350. which he some time ago
obtained against the city.
Old Associate of Lincoln, Long fellow.
Holmes and Greeley Dies at
Glens Falls.
NEW YORK. Nov. 17. James N. Gilmore,
better known In the field of letters under
his own name, and nom de plume, Edmund
Klrhe, Is dead at his home In Glens Falls,
N. Y. He was SO years of. age. Mr. Gil-
more was author of "The Last of the
Thorndlkes," "The Mountain White
Heroine" and "Personal Recollections of
Lincoln." He was an Intimate personal
friend of President Lincoln, Henry W.
Longfellow. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Ralph
Waldo Emerson and Horace Greeley.
Galveston's Suspicions Regarding
Passenger on Steamer Caban
Prove to Be Erroneous.
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 17.-A special from
Galveston, Tex., says that the three trav
lers on the steamship Cuban, In quarantine,
one of whom was thought to be President
Marroquln of Colombia, are merchants en
route to New York on business. The health
officers state that none of the passengers
on Cuban answers the description of Mar
roquln. The vessel will not come to wharf
until Thursday.
Listens to Her Appeal, but Declines
to Go on Record for Woman's
ROCHESTER, N. Y.. Nov. 17.-Mlss
Susan B. Anthony today addressed the Na
tional Grange and submitted resolutions
favoring recognition by the Grange of the
right of suffrage for women. Miss Anth
ony wes given a cordial greeting, but when
It came to taking a vote on the resolu
tions, the Grange Insisted on remaining In
open session, so that the vote tonight
might be complimentary to Miss Anthony,
and not binding upon the organisation. No
record or declaration of the vote was made.
Coldest Day for Several Years
So Early In tha
HURON, S. D Nov. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) The temperature dropped to 4 be
low sero this morning and stood within
ten degrees . of that mark all day. It Is
colder tonight and Indications point to the
coldest weather known in this section so
early In November In a number of years.
A stiff wind from the northwest prevailed
all day.
Former Mra. Motlnenx In Vaudeville.
SIOUX FALLS. S., D.. Nov. 17. (Special
Telegram.) Wallace D. Scott, the present
huaband of the former Mrs. Molineaux,
has returned here " alone. To Intimate
friends today he admitted the truth of the
New York re nor t that Mrs. Mnllnemiv will
appear In vaudeville In that city, next Mon-
oay. e turtner stated ner engagement
will last three weeks, for which she will re
ceive a salary of $1,000 per week.
Farmers In 'Phone Business.
YANKTON. 8. D., Nov. 17. (Special.)
The Farmers' Co-operative Telephone com
pany is the name of a new organisation
formed by the farmers of the northern part
of Yankton county. The company has pur
chased the lines now In operation between
Center Point and Viborg and expects to
lurther extend the lines until the farmers
of the entire north part of the county
are connected by 'phones.
No Snch Treaty.
BONE8TEEL. 8. D.. Nov. 17. To the
Editor of The Bee: Has any foreign power
or powers, by any treaty or written agree
ment, made It Incumbent upon lts!f or
themselves to uphold the Monroe doctrine,
or to assist the United States In so do
Ans. There la no such treaty or agree
ment with any foreign power.
South Dakota Bank Closed.
EGAN, 8. D.. Nov. 17. The Egan State
bank was closed today by the state ex
aminer. The deposits are $40,000. Slow col
lections Is given as the cause of the failure.
No statement was Issued.
Fair Today and Tomorrow, with
Warmer Thursday, la Ne
braska's Drawing.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.-Forecast:
' For Nebraska, North and South Dakota,
Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming and Montana
Fair Wednesday and Thursday; warmer
For Iowa Fair and colder Wednesday;
Thursday, fair and not so cold.
For Illinois Colder Wednesday; Thurs
day, fair and cold; brisk north winds.
For. , Missouri Fair; continued cold
Wednesday and Thursday.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Nov. 17. Official record of tem
perature and prtclnitstion co.nparetf lili
the corresponding day of the - last three
I9U 19. 19"'. 190A.
Maximum temperature... 1 43 St 44
Minimum temperature.... 8 27 23 SO
Mean temperature....... 12 SS 31 if
Precipitation 0 .CO .w) T
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature 33
Deficiency for the day 21
Total excess since March 1 110
Normal precipitation 01 inch
Deficiency for the day 03 Inch
ToihI rainfall aince March 1 31 Incnes
Excers since March 1 3.14 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1902.... 1.95 incline
Ueflclency ror cor. perioa, iwi.. s.u mcaes
He port from Stations at T P. 11.
3? : 3
Omaha, clear
Valentine, clear
North Piatie. clear
Cheyenne, clear
Salt Lake Cay. clear ...
Rapid City, clear
Huron, clear
WlllUton. cloudv
141 16 .00
"I H .00
li .IV
12 .0)
l 3o .0)
til 14! .00
1! .OA
101 ,T
2o .T
2l .00
11 .00
Chicago, part cloudy ....
oi. i.ouis. clear ,
Bu Paul, clear
Davenport, clear
Kansas City, clear
Havre, clear clear
1M j ?VI
I t' .w
10; Zi AV
bismarck. clear
Ittl .00
to Ui .00
Galveston, cloudy
T indicates rre of precipitation.
liMlt tales bolow sero.
L. A. W i-LSli. Forecaster.
Utah Senator is Being Opposed for Place en
Immigration Oopmittee.
lulen Mea Judge from a Pre vl sua
Ksperleuco that Ho Would Be
- Dangerous If Given a Ie
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17,-The American
Federation of JLabor la endeavoring to pre
vent the appointment of Senator Bmoot of
Utah to a position on the Immigration
committee. The opposition has not pro
tested against the senator holding his
seat, but Is opposing vigorously his ap
plication for a committee appointment
which they claim would give him an op
portunity to promote the Immigration of
Mormons from Europe. Albert Schulte, as
a member of the legislative committee of
the - American Federation of Labor, is
making a csnvsss of republican senators.
He asserts that Benator Bmoot, as a
Mormon apostle, was a member of a -committee
which years ngo visited Europe In
oider to enlist Europeans to come to
America and become members of the Mor
mon faith.
Actloa Rot Authorised by Federation.
BOSTON, Nov. 17. President Gompers of
the American Federation of Labor and
James Duncan, first' vice president, said
this afternoon relative to the dlapatch that
the federation waa endeavoring to pre
vent the appointment of Senator Bmoot of
Utah on the Immigration committee, that
If such an endeavor was being made, it
was without the official sanction of the
They could not undertake to prevent,
they said, any person affiliated with the
federation from canvassing on any ques
tion In which he had a personal interest.
Problems Confront Federation.
The first resolution to claim the atten
tion of the delegates to the convention
of the federation was one to strike
out of the constitution the clause confining
discussion "to such political subjects as
affect the Interests of the working classes."
The convention concurred In the adverse
report of the committee on resolutions.
Similar action was taken on the adverse
report of the committee on law on the
resolution that an expert accountant be
employed once every six months to audit
the books of the federation and report to
all affiliated organisations.
An Illinois delegate was refused permis
sion to Introduce a resolution calling for
the adoption of uniform text books In
public schools, the books to bear the union
label, on the ground that this was a mat
ter for each state to settle by Itself.
The question of whether the organisation
should commit Itself to the doctrine of so
cialism came squarely before the delegates
to the convention at Its session today. The
question waa not answered, as shortly be
fore 8 o'clock an adjournment was taken
until tomorrow, when the debate will be
Some nine resolutions favoring public
Ownership and the organisation Of a polit
ical party to bring about conditions the
socialists seek were all reported on unfav
orably by the committee on resolutions.
At once the long arranged plan of the
socialist delegates for the adoption of
their principles was put In operation by
Delegate Hayes of Cleveland. He offered a
substitute for the committee's report, but
was ruled out of order.
Has to Clear Galleries.
At this point, applause from the spectat
ors led President Gompers to announce
that he would order the galleries cleared
If the applause was continued. His remark
was received with hisses. Thereupon he
ordered the spectators to leave. There was
a great deal of confusion and at the end,
the ejected people numbering several hun
dred, assembled outside of Faneull hall and
adopted resolutions condemning President
Gompers for his action. Meantime the
debate waa resumed by the delegates.
Delegate Hayes and other socialists spoke
at length against the committee's recom
mendation while the proposition was sup
ported by Delegate Lennon, .the treasurer
of the federation. Just before adjournment,
the ejected -spectators were permitted to
At. the opening of the afternoon session
a question Involving the trade Jurisdiction
of the United Brewery Workers' union was
referred to the committee on grievances.
Resolutions were adopted. Instructing the
executive council to Inquire into the cost
of a new office building for the Federation '
nf T bHa mt WAihinrtnn mnA Mill,, . . n I
the federation to request President Roose
velt to order the discontinuance of the un
fair competition which the musicians of
the country are subjected to from the rous
lolsns enlisted in the army and navy.
- BUTTE. Mont., Nov. 17. A delegation of
six representatives of Butte labor unions
left today for Washington, where they will
be the guests of President Roosevelt, din
ing with him in the White House.
William U Elklns Codicil Does Not
Insure the Proposed
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 17.-The bequest
of $240,000, or if necessary $260,000, for the
erection of a Mssonic orphanage made by
the late Wll'.lam Ij. Elklns has been de
clared Illegal by the register of wills of
Montgomery county. This decision is due
to the fact that the codicil providing for
the gift was made within thirty days of
the testator's death and Is therefore In
opueratlve. It will be necessary to make
provisions to pay out the sum to the Ma
sonic home of Pennsylvania if the wishes
of Mr. Elklns are to be executed.
One swallow doesn't
make a headache the
morning after. Nor doee
one turkey t in a k e a
Thanksgiving Day.
One other thing besides
the turkey that you'll need
on the Nation's day of
pratitude ia a MacCarthy
Dress 8ult or Tuxedo.
$50, $60 or $70.
Tailoring Company,
Originator, and Designers
of the MacCarthy (-Button
Double-breasted Back.
M4-JM 5 lets St.,
Next door to
Wabash Ticket Office.
Pbens leva.
Tou must stop that coughing at once, or before you know It
your lungs will be affected and your life endangered by pnexi
j monla or consumption. At this time of the year you must be
, particularly careful as throat and lung troubles are hovering
arouna, and
Statistics show that 75 iter cent of all
per cent of pneumonia, pleurisy and consumption begin with a slight cough allowed to
run on without treatment. Nearlv every case could have been quickly cured and pre
vented by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey.
"Caught Cold; Let It Run; Dying- of Consumption;
Duffy's Pure nalt Whiskey Cured M.M
This, briefly. Is the storv of a promising young man of Washington, D. C. He ssye:
"1 caught cold and let it run on. Thought It would get well, but It kept getting
worse. 1 had bronchitis, with pain In my lungs. Pneumonia set In, and ray doctor
said nothing would prevent my dying of consumption.
"Fortunately lor mo, a cousin came to see me when he heerd I was dying, and
urged me to try Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Told mo It had cured him of a bad esse
of pneumonia, and that he knew of lota of people It had cured of all kinds of throat,
lung and stomach ttoublea. I
' The change came before I hsd finished half a bottle. I felt stronger and more
hopeful. 1 whs so inuch better at the end of the second bottle that 1 could go out.
Five bottles completely cured me. I have gained 30 pounds, and am today, a strong,
husky man, able to do a hard day's work alongside of anyone. Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey saved my life, and I recommend It to everyone '
R. DORSEY. 134 Florida Are.. N.- W.
This Is but one of some 4.000.000 cures msde by Duffy's during the past 60 years. It Is
so much better than any other medicine or combination of medicines for coughs, colds.
catarrh, grip, bronchitis, pneumonia, con
sumption and all throat and lung troubles
that It Is prescribed by over 7,00- doctors
and used exclusively In more than 2,000
hospitals. It's an absolutely pure, gentle,
Invigorating tonic and stimulant, which
acta directly upon the tissues and quickly
kills the discaxe germs.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey enriches the
blood, stimulates the circulation,
strengthens the heart and brings Into
healthy action all the vital forces of body,
brain and muicle. It cures dyspepsls,
nervousness, malr:, rhllls and all low
fevers. Invaluable for all westing,
diseased conditions from whatever cause.
Is a promoter of lorg life makes the old
young and keeps the young strong.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey contains no
fusel oil, end Is the only whiskey recog
nized by the government as a medicine.
This Is a guarantee.
CAITIO. When yon nsk for DuCr's Pan Malt Whlskov bo a
get the a-eoulne. t'nacrupuloos dealers, sntadful of tho excellence of this
preparation, will try to sell yon cheap Imitations and aaalt whiskey
substitutes, which ure put on tho mnrlcet for prout only, and which, fur
from relieving the alek, are positively harmful. Demand "DaeTy's" and bo
sure you act It. It Is the only absolutely pure Malt Wblsl-ey which con
tains medicinal, health-giving: qualities. Duffy's Pure Malt Whisker a sold
In sculed bottles onlyi never la desk or bulk, lek for the Mode-mark,
the "Old Chemist." on the Inbel, and bo certain tho seal over tho cork Is
nnbroken. beware of refllled bottles.
Sold by al! druggists and grocers, or
Duffy s Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester,
"! AIL
Over 130,000.00 in salaries was paid In onfc tveek
to 'stenographers placed fn positions. by our Ent"
ployraent Department. We can place in n good
position every competent stenographer-undtype-writist
who will apply to us. The demand is.
greater than the supply, and is constantly increas
ing. We want more good operators. - Smlth
Premier operators are always in demand, and
command the best salaries.
Cor. 17th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb.1
I !
Come to our office and I will make a,
thorough and scientific KXAM1NA- '
TIUN of your ailments ftiEU Of
CHARGE. an examination that
will disclose your true physical
condition, without a knowledge of
which yon are groping In the dark,
, If you hays takan treatment without
success, i will show you why It faiiol.
1 want ail ailing men to feel that
they can oome to our office freely
for examination and explanation of
their condition without being bound by
any obligation to take treatment
unleno they ao desire. Every man,
whether taking treatment or oontem
plating same, should take advantage
of this opportunity to learn his true
condition, ss I will a J rise hlsa how to
best regain bia health and strength'
unto ripe old age.
fesMso it U not ao oraca of calamity that man costracU
1 1 23 dleaae or weakiicAaea, but that h f lect I bene
1 .. 0!f fU to aectiro the proper treatment lor their cure, or
he has experimented with too many free treatment
and quick cure scheme.
We MAKE NO MISLEADING STATEMENTS or deceptive propositions to
tha afflicted, neither do we premise to euro them IN A FEW DATA la order
to secure their patronage, but we guarantee a COMPLETE, &ATK and LAST
ING cure la the QUICKEST POSSIBLE TIME, without leaving Injurious
after effects In the .im. and at the lowest cost poaatbis for HON FIST
BKI1A.FVL AND SCCCEasrUL. services. We cure .
snd all diseases and weaknesses due to
the result of specific diseases.
COMSl I.TAT10A ylUCB Wrtto It
n. to p. ua-l Bundoura, It U t
Stato Electro-Medical Institute.
ISOS Farnam Street, Between lath and 14 rh Stroots, Omaha, Nob
PS. SsWiilaMM MS Tal
Ummm. Bug f Ui-.m m M. . M
rsiii-s. so
Write for a Sample Copy,
Address. Omaha, hen.
oftime nearer than you can polbly Imagine.' Only
a little while sgo s strong, robust voting nisn. In the
prime of life, who lived st Kllsabeth and did business
n Nw York City, had a slight cough. It wss so
slight that he paid no attention to it. and continued
his office work. In four days It went to his lungs,
and he died from nneumonl within a week.
Many such esses are happening every day,
and every one of them can be
The dose Is a teaspoonful In a half glass
of milk or water every two hours nntll the
cough Is relieved. It Is a SURE CURE. It
will cure any cough in 14 hours If the pa
tient will use It as directed.
deaths are from lung troubles, and that hi
direct, tl a bottle.
New Tork.
Medical booklet free.
November '4,. 1903..;. .
the powers mt manhood
Inherits nee, evil habits,
Tmm onunot etalL Ofneo k
C-aer wint to jonae-a"
molu.Mir tram Uxi. Ym ferk at our ttae
fad r K of . "sisal." Lhtisria
l.owera. Mt. fUo etc. Ti,l?
Krruy. M.1 .' ..4 Pur g-kwlMt fWur .r
soewt swi .4 kitmt m.. Writ. ta thrrkUl
ecu our Firm, ft. Atklmi, Wis.
mnmm Ua fin WJ V1
T'F. tiufrvF.i. boi . .tuf i. I.itur.i n.(i utu4
etwiiaie u.t4 la a u rtw, tLwtt m
ebenuaa at aUCoanoll Co., Oaaaaa,
ut K aPfe. uBsesf